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United States - Israel Educational Foundation ‫ ישראל‬- ‫קרן חינוך ארצות הברית‬ ‫ إسرائيل‬- ‫صندوق التعليم الولايات المتحدة‬ 1 THE FULBRIGHT ISRAEL ALUMNI NEWSLETTER A Semiannual Newsletter for theFulbright Alumni Community in Israel 12/15

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 A Word from the Executive Director 3 Note from the Alumni Coordinator 4 Social Commitment in Action 7 A Breath of Fresh Air 10 Duly Noted2 18 Facetime 22 From the Lab: Innovations and Discoveries 24 Humphrey Fellows Corner 26 Alumni Impact 28 Spotlight on an American Fulbrighter 30 One for the Books 34 Fulbright Awards 38 2015 American Fulbright Fellows

A WORD FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORDear Alumni,Happy Holidays from the Fulbright Commission!As we wrap up this eventful and interesting year, we look toward our sixtieth anniversary year withfresh focus on our new campaign, Migrating Knowledge: The Fulbright Network on Both Sides ofthe Atlantic.Our commission priority remains to aid the exchange of knowledge by contributing to the developmentof professional and academic ties between Israel and the United States. Your Fulbright years arebehind you, but the knowledge you brought back with you cannot be quantified or restricted by timeor place. Stay connected—we aim to engage alumni in our events more than ever before.Best wishes,[email protected] 3 NOTE FROM THE ALUMNI COORDINATORDear Fulbright Alumni,A new season has begun. We now have a Fulbright Alumni Association of Israel (FAAI), includinga Haifa-Northern Branch, a new website, social media platforms, and a reactivated Friends ofFulbright Association. On the horizon are more regional chapters, university-based Fulbright hubs,and a pilot mentoring program— all of which are under way. We are also organizing a network forour Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH) and other non-academia-based alumni professionals. In 2016 wewill also celebrate USIEF’s 60th anniversary.In short this coming year is an exciting, dynamic time to connect with fellow alumni and reach outthrough FAAI activities and events. Your participation is vital to our alumni community—I hope youwill join us!Sincerely,[email protected]

SOCIAL COMMITMENT INACTIONDr. Tally Kritzman-Amir Are you involved in a social(PhD research, ’06, law, Yale commitment project?University) is a senior lecturer Tell us about it. Send an emailat the Academic Center of to: [email protected] and Business in RamatGan. She can be contacted at:[email protected] GRANDDAUGHTER OFREFUGEES BECOMES THE found refuge in Israel. The vulnerable andLEADING RESEARCHER OF exposed state of the refugees made a strongREFUGEE LAW IN ISRAEL impression on her. Tally returned to Israel from Yale just one day before 9/11. As she watched the4 “All human beings are born free and equal international events unfold, includingin dignity and rights. They are endowed changes in US immigration law resultingwith reason and conscience and should from increasingly restrictive securityact towards one another in a spirit of considerations, a point crystalized: the needbrotherhood.” This first article of the 1948 to balance the international obligationsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights of the state—including the duty to allowsheds light on the values that influenced Tally refugees to stay within its borders—with itsas a young girl. Her grandfather Yosef, who legitimate desire to protect its citizens fromkept a copy of the Declaration in his wallet, potential dangers. Her experience in the USand the politically active environment in and the events at the time spurred Tally towhich she grew up, instilled in Tally a special launch a new course: investigating the legalcommitment to human rights. situation of refugee law in Israel.Finding herself drawn to law, Tally began She discovered that Israeli refugee law washer studies at Tel Aviv University, where in an embryonic stage: very few proceduralthe theory of law, human rights, and regulations overseeing the process law particularly interested her. At this point, graduating at the top of herTally excelled in her studies, which opened a LLB class at Tel Aviv University, Tally begandoor to volunteering at the Yale Law School to volunteer at the law school’s ClinicalLegal Assistance Clinic, where she worked Program. Working alongside one of theon asylum cases, preparing briefs and legal legal clinicians, Adv. Anat Ben Dor, shedocuments on behalf of refugees. Their researched international refugee law andsituations reminded her of the story of her the state of refugees and asylum seekers ingrandparents, who were forced to leave Israel. Together they monitored the Israelitheir country during the Holocaust and who procedure that was then being crafted for

requesting asylum and assisted dozens of whose immigration was driven byasylum seekers. Following their preparatory socioeconomic constraints, similar to thosework, the Tel Aviv Law School opened a clinic of refugees. Access to the resources at Yalefor asylum seekers, which today handles and the exchange of opinions with leadingdozens of cases per year and has led some scholars allowed her to shape responses toof the impact litigation in the field. critiques of her research.Committed to the protection of human rights and the promotionof a just asylum system in Israel, Tally founded The Clinic forMigrants’ Rights at the College of Law and Business in 2011.Tally’s next step was a clerkship with then After completing her PhD, Tally was 5Deputy President of the Israeli Supreme engaged as a postdoctoral Hauser researchCourt Justice Mishael Cheshin. A year of fellow at NYU Law School, and later as awriting draft opinions for Justice Cheshin Polonsky postdoctoral fellow at the Van Leerand exchanging legal views with him gave Jerusalem Institute. In 2009 she joined theTally extraordinary experience. Upon College of Law and Business in Ramat Gan,completing her clerkship, she became a where she now serves as a senior lecturer.member of the Israeli Bar Association. Shethen returned to Tel Aviv Law School for Committed to the protection of humanher PhD, following her passion for refugee rights and the promotion of a just asylumlaw. She wrote her thesis, “Socio-Economic system in Israel, Tally founded The ClinicRefugees,” under the supervision of one of for Migrants’ Rights at the College of LawIsrael’s leading international law scholars and Business in 2011, which she currentlyand Fulbright alumnus Professor Eyal supervises, working together with itsBenvenisti, recently appointed Whewell director, Adv. Osnat Cohen-Lifshitz, andProfessor of International Law at the its former director, Adv. Yonatan Berman.University of Cambridge. Tally then sought The work of the clinic keeps Tally’s researchto expand her knowledge of different relevant to current issues in refugee law andaspects of international law, human rights policy, reflecting up-to-date issues from thelaw theory, and refugee law, returning to clinic’s cases.Yale on a Fulbright grant as part of her PhDresearch. The clinic aims to provide legal assistance to the migrant and asylum-seeking populationYale became her “intellectual home.” She also in Israel, which is generally disempoweredtraveled within the US, meeting prominent and underrepresented. It cooperates withscholars in the fields of immigration, NGOs that promote migrants’ rights andinternational law, and distributive justice. enjoys the generous support of the UnitedThis exposure to American refugee law Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.led Tally to formulate an international legal It strives to promote the rights of migrantsframework for the protection of immigrants through impact litigation and advocacy.

Perhaps one of the most important struggles the clinic took part in was the constitutional challenge of the Prevention of Infiltration Law that allowed prolonged detention of asylum seekers. Over the course of three petitions to the High Court of Justice, it was struck down three times because the court found it violated the constitutional right to freedom. Hundreds of asylum seekers thus regained their freedom, owing to these court decisions. Working in the Clinic for Migrants’ Rights is also offered as a course to students at the College of Law and Business. Students learn through experience about substantive human rights and migration law as well as legal ethics and values of social responsibility. In addition international students from leading American and Canadian law schools visit the clinic every year for internships, immersing themselves in the subject of migrants’ rights, working with the clinic’s clients, and conducting comparative research to support the clinic’s6 ongoing casework. Each year some of the clinic’s graduates continue to pursue their interest in migrants’ rights in clinics at top law schools in the US. In the spring of 2015, Tally published a new book: Kritzman-Amir, Tally. Where Levinsky Meets Asmara: Social and Legal Aspects of Israeli Asylum Policy. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad and The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 2015. [In Hebrew]. Editing this work, Tally has compiled the most comprehensive collection of articles on asylum seekers in Israel. The book characterizes the communities of asylum seekers in Israel and describes, both critically and comparatively, the changing policy toward them on the part of the authorities and civil society. It provides a foundation for study of the topic and for future research and can also serve as an aid to policy makers and decision makers. The book has already been quoted by the High Court of Justice in several landmark cases.

A BREATH OF FRESH AIR:THE FULBRIGHT EXPERIENCEFROM A RECENTLY RETURNEDFELLOWIdo Sivan Sevilla (MA, ’12, public policy, Our increasing reliance on a resilient 7University of Minnesota–Twin Cities) is cyberspace requires individuals who will bea fully funded Ministry of Science PhD able to grasp interdisciplinary methods ofcandidate in public policy at the Hebrew thinking to create a democratic virtual spaceUniversity of Jerusalem. His research focuses that allows economic growth and prosperityon risk regulation of cyber regimes. He can along with the protection of our securitybe contacted at: [email protected]. and basic individual rights. I view this as one of the fundamental challenges of today’sLET IT BE information society. Thanks to the Fulbright experience, I’m better positioned to achieve“Good morning, Ido. The Foundation is this ambitious goal: I learned new researchvery pleased to offer you a fellowship to methods, analyzed policy theories, engagedpursue your MA degree at the Public Policy with policy makers, and was inspired by myDepartment at the University of Minnesota. professors. Specifically, I developed closeShould you accept this offer, it could prove to connections with an economics professorbe an experience of a lifetime!” (Judy Stavsky, from my university who, along with hisDeputy Director, US-Israel Educational great family, became our adopted family inFoundation, April 2012). Minnesota. They invited us to all the Jewish holidays and significantly enhanced ourMinnesota? The Twin Cities? I had never heard cultural experience.about this place beyond classic Beverly Hills,90210 episodes. After spending an incredibly “Our family took off to the Midwestinspiring two years in Minneapolis, I couldn’t to encounter new people, newbe any more grateful to Senator Fulbright and lifestyles, a freezing climate, andhis visionary idea. I was lucky to experience ourselves, developing and learningthis journey with my wife (Anat) and our dog about our country through the eyes(Lucy) as our family took off to the Midwest to of others.”encounter new people, new lifestyles, a freezingclimate, and ourselves, developing and learning My wife and I had a clear primary goal in mind:about our country through the eyes of others. professional development for both of us. TheProfessionally, the Fulbright Fellowship has first months were challenging. The differentsignificantly boosted my transition from being a work culture and recruitment style in the UScomputer scientist and cybersecurity expert to and the initial language barriers required usbecoming a social scientist who acknowledges to work hard, quickly create connections,that the world is much more complex than the and thoroughly prepare Anat to become a“black/white” paradigm I used to embrace.This transition goes along with my goal tobridge the enormous gap between technology-savvy folks and policy makers.

candidate for professional positions in the and former administrator of the Unitedgraphic design and makeup industries. After a States Agency for International Developmentfew months Anat became the leading graphic (USAID). He was writing a book on his policydesigner for a construction company (LDI) and experiences, and he shared his insightsthe head of a team of makeup artists in a new and conclusions from a career full of seniorbeauty salon in the city. These positions were positions in several US administrations. Buthighly rewarding and significantly boosted her the icing on the cake was the summer of 2013,current career as an independent designer. A when I was selected as a Rosenthal fellowlocal newspaper wrote about her work; seeing and placed in the office of Congressman Amiher on the cover of a local magazine was Bera (Democrat-California) on Capitol Hill.something we could only have dreamed aboutat the beginning of this journey. This fellowship provided an amazing networking opportunity with future US policyBut perhaps the most significant takeaway makers. I was one of only a few foreigners tofrom our journey was the amazing group participate in the program, and I was lucky toof friends who became our family in the be part of a small office that allowed me toUnited States. It took us a while to bridge hold key positions throughout the internship.the cultural gap and adjust to new friendship I staffed the Congressman in all of his Foreignstyles. Midwestern culture is much less Affairs and Science, Space, and Technologydirect and straightforward than our Middle Committee hearings, engaging on a daily basisEastern mentality, so the first months were with ambassadors, committee chairs, and keya struggle. However, we kept socializing and US government decision makers. I observedtook initiatives to break the ice. The neighbors how US policy works from within, learnedin our building were mostly young adults, and about the pros and cons of the legislativetogether we were able to build a community process, and experienced the political culturethat met for dinners every other month and of Washington, DC. Congress is culturally8 supported each other. Eventually, along with different from any organization I had workedmy fellow students at the university and my for, and the experience was eye opening andwife’s colleagues from work, we had a robust inspiring. How can an Israeli Air Force captainnetwork of friends who made the two-year be placed in the US Congress? I guess this isexperience too short. We are still in regular what the Fulbright program is all about.touch with most of them through mail andSkype. This is not something you can attach On top of all these once-in-a-lifetimea value to; these are relationships you cherish experiences, we were lucky to have our firstfor a lifetime. baby, a boy, in the Twin Cities. Having our baby within this cultural shift allowed us toBeyond our cultural and professional practice a different kind of parenthood. Wedevelopment as a family, I was lucky to have spent irreplaceable quality time with our sona few unique opportunities to learn about visiting US national parks, and we dedicatedthe US style of policy making. I worked as the last months of our Fulbright journey toa research assistant for John Brian Atwood, turning from a married couple into full-timethe former dean of the Humphrey School of parents. An experience of a lifetime? Oh boy,Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota Judy, you have no idea how right you were.“Professionally, the Fulbright Fellowship has significantly boosted mytransition from being a computer scientist and cybersecurity expert tobecoming a social scientist who acknowledges that the world is muchmore complex than the “black/white” paradigm I used to embrace.This transition goes along with my goal to bridge the enormous gapbetween technology-savvy folks and policy makers.”

9Ido, his wife Anat and their newborn son Tomer.

DULY NOTEDShare your publications and successes (from the past year)with the Fulbright alumni community. Please send yoursubmission to:[email protected]. ARTS, HUMANITIES, AND This year she won the international SOCIAL SCIENCES competition “Innovative University Practices in ICT in Education,” sponsored by UNESCO’s Dr. Ruwaida Abu Rass (Israeli-Arab Institute for Information Technologies in Scholarship Program, ’89, English as a second Education and the Higher Education Sector. language, University of Northern Iowa) is an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher Dr. Abu Rass also won the International House educator and holder of the UNESCO Chair in Training and Development Scholarship,10 Multicultural Education in Teacher Training presented by the International Association of at Beit Berl College in Kfar Saba. Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) for her efforts to develop autonomy and reflective thinking skills among her student teachers. Her recent publications include: Abu Rass, Ruwaida. “Integrating Human Values in Education for Promoting Tolerance.” In Agree to Differ, 112–114. Paris: UNESCO Publishing, 2015. The book was launched at the 2015 UNESCO 3rd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, held in Azerbaijan. Dr. Abu Rass displays her article published by UNESCO at its 3rd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue.

Dr. Uriel Abulof (postdoc, ’07, international relations, New York University) has published: Abulof, Uriel. “The People Want(s) to Bring Down the Regime: Rethinking Nationalism and Legitimacy in the Arab World.” Nations and Nationalism 21, no. 4 (2015): 658–680. Dr. Abulof is an assistant professor of political science at Tel Aviv University, a senior research fellow at Princeton University’s Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and a research fellow at the Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University.Dr. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov (JSD, ’11, law, Columbia University), an assistant professor in the Facultyof Law, Bar-Ilan University, was awarded the 2014/15 University Award for Excellence in Teachingin the category of law. He also received an Israel Science Foundation research grant for 2015–2018for studying “The Impact of Judicial Review of the Legislative Process on Legislative Behavior.”Dr. David M. Dror (undergraduate student, ’65, humanities, State University of New York- Buffalo)was honored with the prestigious Karmaveer Puraskaar Lifetime Achievement Award for 2014/15,presented by the International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO) in the category of social service,for his path-breaking work to empower India and its people. A global-level expert and innovator inthe field of micro insurance, Dr. Dror is the chairman and managing director of the Micro InsuranceAcademy (MIA) in New Delhi. 11Dr. Dror (center) flanked by awardpresenters from iCONGO, theInternational Confederation of NGOs. Professor Yuval Feldman (PhD, ’04, law and behavioral economics, University of California–Berkeley), of the Faculty of Law at Bar-Ilan University and a senior research fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, was awarded as PI, along with Francesca Gino and Maryam Karochaki, a Non-Residential Grant from the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University for 2013–2015 for research on “Expressive Effects of Ethical Codes: An Experimental Survey of U.S. Employees’ Interpretation, Understanding, and Implementation of Institutional Ethical Policies.”

Professor Emeritus Allon Gal (American Research Fellowship, ’84, American Jewish history, Harvard University) has published: Gal, Allon. “Different Types of Zionism: The Inclusion of ‘the Other’ in Zionist Historiography in Israel.” Democratic Culture 16 (2015): 45–79. Professor Gal is affiliated with the Department of Jewish History at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. He is also a senior fellow at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute and the founder and first director, now vice director, of the university’s Center for North American Jewry. Professor Ronny Geva (PhD, ’89, neuropsychology, City College of New York), of the Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University and head of the university’s Developmental Neuropsychology Lab at the Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, has published: Weisman, Omri, Ruth Feldman, Merav Burg-Malki, Miri Keren, Ronny Geva, Gil Diesendruck, and Doron Gothelf. “Mother-Child Interaction as a Window to a Unique Social Phenotype in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and in Williams Syndrome.” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 3 (2015). doi: 10.1007/ s10803-015-2425-6. Professor Geva is also the PI on a 2014–2017 Infrastructure Grant from the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Space for research on the social cognition of typical and at- risk children. Professor Dani Gimshi (Hubert H. Humphrey fellow, ’84, criminology, Columbia University), who heads the Criminology Department at the College of Management in Rishon LeZion, has recently published: Gimshi, Dani, and Vered Ne’eman-Haviv. “Environmental Aspects of Violence in Educational Institutions and Their Influence on Student Sense of Security.” Time for Education: A Journal of Thought and Studies in Education 1, no. 1 (2015): 71–88. [In Hebrew].12 Dr. Eliran Halali (Fulbright-ISEF postdoc, ’14, psychology, Stanford University) is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at Bar-Ilan University. In collaboration with his former host on his Fulbright Fellowship at Stanford and Fulbright alumnus, Nir Halevy, he has published: Halevy, Nir, and Eliran Halali. “Selfish Third Parties Act as Peacemakers by Transforming Conflicts and Promoting Cooperation.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 22 (2015): 6937–6942. Dr. Elaine Hoter (Distinguished Teachers Award Program, ’09, English, Vanderbilt University) has published: Walther, Joseph B., Elaine Hoter, Asmaa Ganayem, and Miri Shonfeld. “Computer- Mediated Communication and the Reduction of Prejudice: A Controlled Longitudinal Field Experiment among Jews and Arabs in Israel.” Computers in Human Behavior 52 (2015): 550–558. Dr. Hoter is the joint founder and joint director of the TEC Center—Center for Technology, Education and Cultural Diversity at the Mofet Institute in Tel Aviv. She is also a senior lecturer at the Ohalo College of Education in Katzrin and the Talpiot College of Education in Holon. Dr. Arnon Keren (PhD, ’01, philosophy and economics, Columbia University), of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Haifa, has been awarded, along with his fellow PI, Dr. Baruch Eitam, a 1,500,000 NIS grant by Yad Hanadiv and the Council for Higher Education of Israel for the creation of a new BA Honors Program in Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Haifa for 2015–2020. His recent publications include: Keren, Arnon. “Trust and Belief: A Preemptive Reasons Account.” Synthese 191 (2014): 2593–2615.

Professor Omer Moav (postdoc, ’99, economics, MIT), who teaches economics at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya and the University of Warwick, has won a 2011–2014 Israel Science Foundation grant of 269,000 NIS for his research, “Environment and Transparency: The Rise of the State and Property Rights from Ancient Egypt and Babylon to the 20th Century.” His recent publications include: Gould, Eric D., and Omer Moav. “Does High Inequality Attract High Skilled Immigrants?” The Economic Journal (2014). doi: 10.1111/ecoj.12185. Dr. Eyal Pe’er (postdoc, ’11, psychology, Carnegie Mellon University), senior lecturer and head of marketing at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Bar- Ilan University, was awarded three research grants in July 2015: an Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grant for research on how donations and prosocial behavior are influenced by guilt; a German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF) grant for the investigation of unethical behavior and the phenomenon of partial confession; and a National Science Foundation–United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (NSF-BSF) grant for a collaborativeresearch project with Dr. Serge Engelman of the University of California–Berkeley, investigatingthe use of behavioral economics lessons to improve users’ responsiveness to security messages. Dr. Gil Ribak (PhD, ’07, Jewish American history, University of Wisconsin–Madison), currently a Visiting Professor of Jewish Studies and History at Oberlin College (Ohio), has recently published: Ribak, Gil. “Between Germany and Russia: Images of Poles and the Ensuing Cultural Trajectories among Yiddish and Hebrew Writers between 1863 and World War I.” Polin: A Journal of Polish-Jewish Studies 28, (2015): 225–248. Professor Emeritus Avraham Sela (researcher, ’87, Near Eastern studies, Princeton University), the A. Ephraim and Shirley Diamond Family Professor of International Relations and a senior research fellow at the Truman Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has published: Sela, Avraham. “From Revolution to Political Participation: Institutionalization of Militant Islamic Movements.” Contemporary Review of the Middle East 2, no. 1 (2015): 31–54. doi: 10.1177/2347798915584033. Dr. Nitzan Shilon (JSD, ’05, law, Harvard University), assistant professor of law at the Peking University School of Transnational Law, has published: Shilon, Nitzan. “CEO Stock Ownership Policies—Rhetoric and Reality.” Indiana Law Journal 90, no. 1 (2015).

Dr. Noa Vaisman (PhD, ’01, anthropology, Cornell University), a research associate at the Palatine Centre at the Durham University Law School, has won a 2014 British Arts and Humanities Research Council Early Career Developmental Award, in the amount of £42,934, for her role as PI on the project “Children of Political Violence: Imagining the Past and the Future from the Present.” Dr. Vaisman is also an honorary research fellow in the Department of Anthropology at Durham University. EXACT AND LIFE SCIENCES Dr. Ohad Afik (PhD, ’08, agriculture, University of Georgia) has published: Afik, Ohad, Keith S. Delaplane, Sharoni Shafir, Humberto Moo-Valle, and J. Javier G. Quezada-Euan. “Nectar Minerals as Regulators of Flower Visitation in Stingless Bees and Nectar Hoarding Wasps.” Journal of Chemical Ecology 40, no. 5 (2014): 476–483. Professor Elisha Bartov (researcher, ’86, ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University), of the Ophthalmology Department at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, and the Chairman of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon, has published: Achiron, Asaf, Elad Moisseiev, Mirit Glick, Itamar Yeshurun, Elisha Bartov, and Zvia Burgansky. “Quantification of Metamorphopsia Using the MacuFlow Test before and after Vitreoretinal Surgery.” Ophthalmic Res. 54, no. 2 (2015): 74–77.14 Professor Guy Bloch (postdoc, ’97, zoology, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign), of the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior and a member of the Center for the Study of Rationality at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has recently published: Eban-Rothschild, Ada, and Guy Bloch. “The Colony Environment Modulates Sleep in Honey Bee Workers.” The Journal of Experimental Biology 218 (2015): 404–411. doi: 10.1242/jeb.110619. Professor Bloch’s former Fulbright postdoc adviser, Professor Gene E. Robinson, himself a Fulbright alumnus, was awarded an honorary PhD from the Hebrew University in May. Professor Robinson is the director of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology and the Swanlund Chair of Entomology at the University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign. Professor Ilan Chet (postdoc, ’68, microbiology, University of Wisconsin) was awarded the insignia of Chevalier of the French Legion of Honor in 2014 by Patrick Maisonnave, the French ambassador to Israel, for his outstanding contribution to a French initiative aiming to enable the connection between Europe and the Mediterranean countries on scientific and academic projects. Chet was also elected a member of the Academia Europea in 2014. He serves as the deputy secretary general for higher education and research for the secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. Dr. Ronny Dahan (PhD, ’09, biology, Oregon Health & Science University), currently a postdoc fellow at the Rockefeller University in New York, has published: Dahan, Ronny, Emanuela Sega, John Engelhardt, Mark Selby, Alan J. Korman, and Jeffrey V. Ravetch. “FcγRs Modulate the Anti- tumor Activity of Antibodies Targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 Axis.” Cancer Cell 28, no. 3 (2015): 285– 295. Dr. Dahan was also awarded an Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Cancer Research Institute (NY).

Dr. Hinanit Koltai (postdoc, ’98, biology/nematology, North Carolina State University)is a research scientist (full professor grade) in the Department of OrnamentalPlants and Agricultural Biotechnology at the Institute of Plant Sciences, AgriculturalResearch Organization (ARO)–Volcani Center in Bet-Dagan. She has published:Mayzlish-Gati, Einav, Dana Laufer, Christopher F. Grivas, Julia Shaknof, AmiramSananes, Ariel Bier, Shani Ben-Harosh, Eduard Belausov, Michael D. Johnson, EmmaArtuso, Oshrat Levi, Ola Genin, Cristina Prandi, Isam Khalaila, Mark Pines, Ronit I.Yarden, Yoram Kapulnik, and Hinanit Koltai. “Strigolactone Analogues Act as New Anti-Cancer Agents in Inhibition of Breast Cancer in Xenograft Model.” Cancer Biology andTherapy (2015): 1–7.Professor Abraham Nitzan (postdoc researcher, ’72, chemistry, MIT), of the Schoolof Chemistry at Tel Aviv University and the Department of Chemistry at the Universityof Pennsylvania, was inducted into the American National Academy of Sciences inApril 2015 as a foreign associate.Dr. Neta Zach (Fulbright-Schneider Yehuda Danon Post-Doctoral Fellowship, ’07, 15neuroscience, Rockefeller University) is the chief scientific officer at Prize4Life, anonprofit dedicated to accelerating the discovery of treatments and a cure for ALS(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) using powerful incentives to attract new peopleand drive innovation. Recently, Dr. Zach headed a project involving an internationalcompetition to develop algorithmic solutions for predicting ALS progression thatattracted over 1,000 participants from 63 countries with diverse quantitativeexpertise. Two winning algorithms were able to identify several novel predictors ofALS progression, outperform prediction by several ALS clinicians, and reduce thecosts of a clinical trial by 20 percent through reducing the number of patients neededto see an effect. The results of this project have been published: Küffner, Robert,Neta Zach, Raquel Norel, Johann Hawe, David Schoenfeld, Liuxia Wang, Guang Li,Lilly Fang, Lester Mackey, Orla Hardiman, Merit Cudkowicz, Alexander Sherman,Gokhan Ertaylan, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup, Torsten Hothorn, Jules van Ligtenberg,Jakob H. Macke, Timm Meyer, Bernhard Schölkopf, Linh Tran, Rubio Vaughan,Gustavo Stolovitzky, and Melanie L. Leitner. “Crowdsourced Analysis of Clinical TrialData to Predict Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Progression.” Nature Biotechnology 33,no. 1 (2015): 51–57.

HEALTH AND MEDICINE Dr. Dan Douer (lecturer/researcher, ’79, medicine, UCLA), a hematologic oncologist and leader of the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Program at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, has published: Douer, Dan, Ibrahim Aldoss, Matthew A. Lunning, Patrick W. Burke, Laleh Ramezani, Lisa Mark, Janice Vrona, Jae H. Park, Martin S. Tallman, Vassilios L. Avramis, Vinod Pullarkat, and Ann M. Mohrbacher. “Pharmacokinetics-Based Integration of Multiple Doses of Intravenous Pegaspargase in a Pediatric Regimen for Adults with Newly Diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.” Journal of Clinical Oncology 32, no. 9 (2014): 905–911. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2013.50.2708. Dr. Jacob Gindin (Camp David Fellowship, ’87, medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine), director of the Center for Standards in Health and Disability in the Research Authority of Haifa University and head of the Geriatric Services for the Assuta Medical Centers of Israel, has recently published an original study: Szczerbinska, Katarzyna, Eva Topinková, Piotr Brzyski, Henriëtte G. van der Roest, Tomás Richter, Harriet Finne-Soveri, Michael D. Denkinger, Jacob Gindin, Graziano Onder, and Roberto Bernabei. “The Characteristics of Diabetic Residents in European Nursing Homes: Results from the SHELTER Study.” The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine 16, no. 4 (2015): 334–340. ENGINEERING16 Professor Emeritus Moshe Narkis (postdoc, ’68, chemical engineering, Princeton University), of the faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Technion, was honored with the 2015 Polymers for Advanced Technologies—Menachem Lewin Life Time Achievement Award presented in Hangzhou, China, by the journal Polymers for Advanced Technologies (PAT) and the global publishing company, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.


FACETIME Dr. Wael Abu-‘Uksa, a Postdoctoral fellow in the region, and this is basically what I’m at the Polonsky Academy for Advanced doing today—blending my study of ideas and Studies, the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, political philosophy with an interest in the and author of the forthcoming book, Freedom Middle East and linguistics. in the Arab World: Concepts and Ideologies in Arabic Thought in the Nineteenth Century How did you find your way to a Fulbright? (Cambridge University Press), reflects on his postdoc at Harvard University’s Center for I did my first three degrees at the Hebrew Middle Eastern Studies in 2012/13. He can University. After my PhD, I felt it was time be contacted at: [email protected]. to experience a new institution, a new intellectual atmosphere with new people. My How did you get interested in the field of preference was for an American university, so Middle Eastern Studies? Fulbright was the natural option to consider. I also knew a few Fulbright alumni who When I was young, I had many questions encouraged me to apply. about social values and social conformity: What is the source of cultural values? How What were some highlights of your Fulbright do they become important, sometimes even experience? sacred, to society? From this basis, I started to think about the region, from which I Two experiences: one was my work at18 further extended my inquiry to the social and Harvard’s Widener Library, where each day political order. was like discovering new worlds and new sources that were little known to historians. In high school my major interests were This library is very rich in Arabic sources. history, philosophy, and music. When I got Without finding rare journals in Arabic from to the university, I applied for a double major the 1860s and 1870s, which we don’t have in European history and archaeology. What here, I doubt that I could have written my especially attracted my interest were the current book. courses offered by the history department that combined history with philosophy and The second highlight was the birth of my the study of ideas. I left the archaeology twins, Deema and Nasrat, which was a department after one year, having realized different kind of experience. I remember that that the major part of this subject was field my major lecture at the Center for Middle work, and applied to Middle Eastern studies. I Eastern Studies was the day after the twins’ combined the study of ideas with my interest birth. I barely spent a few hours with my newborn babies before I had to run to the“When I was young, I had many questions about social values andsocial conformity: What is the source of cultural values? How dothey become important, sometimes even sacred, to society? Fromthis basis, I started to think about the region, from which I furtherextended my inquiry to the social and political order.”

Dr. Wael Abu-‘Uksa 19lecture. It was something hard to forget. was outdated. I felt that someone had to doIt was a new stage in my career and my something because, of the published works inpersonal life. the field of intellectual history in the Middle East, a large part was based on the theoreticalWhat has been the impact of the Fulbright approach that this work presented. Myexperience on your life? postdoc was the opportunity to do that, especially with the resources at the WidenerIt was a new experience that I really needed. Library. I also felt that I had to make a hardIt was very important for my writing and my choice: either to publish my PhD, which mostprofessional development because I didn’t people at my stage do, or to invest morehave any academic experience outside my effort in research and to expand my inquiryuniversity before this. to new fields. Many friends advised me not to start new research, especially because IWhy did you write your forthcoming book, should publish a book as soon as possible toFreedom in the Arab World: Concepts and have a chance for tenure. Eventually, I tookIdeologies in Arabic Thought in the Nineteenth the risk and wrote a new book instead.Century? One of the major contributions of my bookIt began when I read one of the classic books is related to the methodological approachin my field and felt that its methodology of inquiring about ideas and addressing the

question of how to think about ideas, their What do you hope to achieve with this book? construction, and their development. Instead of approaching ideas as historians living in Besides the scientific contribution to different periods who use their own, current scholarship, I think this is the time to rethink concepts to capture these ideas, I proposed another way: looking at the language that ‫نهضه‬what we in the Middle East call the nahḍa the people used in the nineteenth century and trying to map the semantics of these ( ) period, which in Arabic means a concepts, during periods of time, and from cultural revival or renaissance. This is a these to learn about the history of ideas. central concept Arabs in the Middle East use to describe the historical context of the Establishing clear theoretical foundations modern revival of culture and thought in for the study of non-Western ideas was a Arabic. I wanted to reconsider this concept necessary requisite, especially in a field where and try to map its political orientations many experts use terms like “liberalism” to throughout the nineteenth century. What depict almost all political streams that evolved we have in the research in general equates in the nineteenth century. Scholarship thus the nahḍa with the “liberal age.” In my book I created a variety of narratives that address argue that it is much more complex. First, we the same idea but that did not necessarily can’t use the term “liberal” in certain periods, have the same ideational content. I assumed when neither the term nor the concept or that conceptual analysis could provide more meaning existed in Arabic. Second, freedom accurate results, and that is actually what the evolved in the Arab context in certain ways book shows. that require a more accurate and careful treatment. Essentially, I wanted to see how, in the20 formative period of modernity in the Arab Why did you hone in on the concept of freedom? world, people came to think what they think about ideas such as freedom, progress, These things begin from early personal justice, and secularism. What did these experiences. I grew up in a small village where concepts mean then? I traced the semantics of there was a strong sense of conformity. In my these words and their extreme politicization. youth, my questioning of social values was For example, freedom was not originally a part of getting in touch with my community political word in Arabic—it simply meant the and with the larger society. Questions about opposite of being a slave. It was not used in freedom, especially individual freedom, its a political context until the beginning of the limits, and social conformity attracted my nineteenth century. interest in high school. It seems to me that if I didn’t have an academic career, I would still My book addresses the following central have pursued these questions, but probably questions: When did the words that signified in a different way. the concept of freedom evolve from indicating nonpolitical to political spheres? When did You have an upcoming article? the concept of freedom change to indicate a consistent ideology? ‫ت َم ُّدن‬Yes, it will be on the concept of “civilization” (tamaddun, ) in Arabic, which was Exactly what did the words that indicated “freedom” mean in the altering contexts extremely politicized and repeatedly reused of the nineteenth century? How did the language of freedom influence and shape the in the beginning of the nineteenth century. realm of political ideas? What political and social ideas does “freedom” confront? I consider tamaddun (literally “being civilized”) a key concept for understanding the experience of modernity in Arabic because in the beginning of the nineteenth century, this term became comprehensive and depicted

“My book addresses the when the legacies of the Enlightenment in 21 the Arab world, which were constructed infollowing central questions: the nineteenth century, are collapsing. In light of the current situation in the ArabWhen did the words that world, how do you see your work?signified the concept of This is an important time to rethink the emergence of modern ideologies in Arabic.freedom evolve from indicating In that sense my book is a contribution to the critical discourse on the evolution of thesenonpolitical to political spheres? ideologies. Despite the sense of actuality that this book might leave, I think it shouldWhen did the concept of remain a historical work, or as an argument that is limited to issues that took place in thefreedom change to indicate a past.consistent ideology?” What’s on your horizon? an intellectual camp that advocated the idea Another two books. I will publish my PhD, of “progress.” It was employed to contest the which addresses the second half of the idea of “tradition.” twentieth century. I also have plans to write another book about the first half of The structure and history of this concept the twentieth century. These, together with give us an internal look at the evolution, my forthcoming book, which addresses the formation, and challenges that modern nineteenth century, will form a series of three ideas faced in Arabic. In my book I reveal books that explore the history of political and the medieval philosophical origins of the religious ideas in the Middle East. preoccupation with tamaddun and its relation to the modern concept. People of the nineteenth century used this concept in the context of rediscovering the relevance of these philosophical legacies in an attempt to create their own social and political values, which derived from their sense of a new time. The history of the concept tamaddun provides an innovative look at the approach to history in the context of the Middle East. Many contemporary historians approach the question of modernity by preserving colonial legacies that divided the world between East/ West, Islam/Modernity. Ironically, this legacy exists in both orientalism and postcolonial approaches. Conceptual history here offers a relook at the dynamics of language and suggests a more complex view, which I consider more accurate. The importance of looking critically at this formative period seems to me crucial, especially in our time,

FROM THE LAB: INNOVATIONS AND DISCOVERIES Professor Aaron Ciechanover (postdoc,'81, clinical biochemistry, MIT) and researchers at his lab at the Technion’s David and Janet Polak Cancer and Vascular Biology Research Center have discovered two proteins that dramatically inhibit tumor development. Their groundbreaking study was published in the April 9, 2015, edition of the journal Cell. Professor Ciechanover is a faculty member at the Technion’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and the president of the Israel Cancer Society. In 2004 he shared the Nobel Prize in biochemistry with Professor Avram Hershko and Irwin Rose for the discovery of the ubiquitin system, which is responsible for the degradation of defective proteins that can cause cell damage if not discharged. The research currently being conducted in his lab builds upon this discovery.22 A graphical abstract of Professor Ciechanover and his team’s discovery.

Professor Hossam Haick (postdoc, ’04, materials and interfaces, California Institute of Technology)has developed a new technology for early stage stomach cancer diagnosis. Professor Haick’sNaNose, nanotech “cancer sniffing” technology, was shown to be able to find elements indicatingthe onset of cancer in the breath of patients, according to an article published in the April 2015edition of the journal Gut. Professor Haick teaches at the Chemical Engineering Faculty and theRussell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) at the Technion. 23 Dr. Raoul Kopelman (PhD, ’57, chemistry, Columbia University) and his team at the University of Michigan have developed a new nanoparticle that could be essential to a targeted therapy for cardiac arrhythmia. The novel treatment, successfully trialed on rodents and sheep, uses nanotechnology to precisely target and destroy the cells within the heart that cause cardiac arrhythmia, while leaving the surrounding cells unharmed. The research was published: Avula, Uma Mahesh R., Hyung Ki Yoon, Chang H. Lee, Kuljeet Kaur, Rafael J. Ramirez, Yoshio Takemoto, Steven R. Ennis, Fred Morady, Todd Herron, Omer Berenfeld, Raoul Kopelman, and Jérôme Kalifa. “Cell-Selective Arrhythmia Ablation for Photomodulation of Heart Rhythm.” Science Translation Medicine 7, no. 311 (2015). Dr. Kopelman is the Richard Smalley Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Applied Physics at the Uni¬versity of Michigan—Ann Arbor, where he also heads the Kopelman Laboratory in the Chemistry Department. He is one of the first Israeli students to have received a Fulbright grant to study in the US.

HUMPHREY FELLOWSCORNER Dr. Rachel Tal (Hubert H. Humphrey fellow, implementation of a unique ’06, English and American literature, Boston program to bring together University) eleventh grade Jewish and Arab students to learn the principles of the art of negotiation I was a Hubert Humphrey fellow in 2006– and conflict resolution. The program is 2007 at Boston University. My Humphrey carried out in English, in mixed groups, with year was an incredible experience. It opened both Jewish and Arab coaches trained by my eyes to the endless possibilities for the Harvard Negotiation Project (HNP) at making the world a better place. The people the Program on Negotiation (PON). The I met, and the institutions I visited, have students learn and practice basic negotiation renewed my determination to dedicate skills in groups and pairs. my time to advancing co-existence and multiculturalism. Inspired by the abundance of book clubs in Boston, I have established book clubs for Since my return to Israel, I have continued Jewish and Arab students, in which groups to focus my efforts on promoting tolerance, of students read and discuss American peace education, and cross-cultural literature. We have also set up a book club awareness, including the establishment of for Amal’s English teachers from different24 a Jewish-Arab debating program for high sectors, with schools and teachers taking school students. In addition I led the turns in hosting the meetings.“My Humphrey year was an incredible experience. It opened my eyes tothe endless possibilities for making the world a better place. The peopleI met, and the institutions I visited, have renewed my determination todedicate my time to advancing co-existence and multiculturalism.”Dr. Tal (far left), with some of her fellow Hubert H. Humphreyprogram participants and coordinator.

“Humphrey alumni in Israel contribute to our society in a variety ofunique ways—in education, science, medicine, social work, and more.As a group we can positively impact Israel’s present and future.”Our English department has expanded the Humphrey alumni in Israel contribute toACCESS Microscholarship Program, which our society in a variety of unique ways—inenables weak students to compete in higher education, science, medicine, social work,level matriculation exams in English, thus and more. As a group we can positivelyopening the gates for an academic education. impact Israel’s present and future.This year marks our tenth year implementingthis program, which has revolutionized the Dr. Tal is the head of English Studies atteaching of English in Israel’s most needy the Amal Schools Network for Science,sectors. Technology and Arts and currently serves on the oversight committee of the Friends ofThe networking connections made during Fulbright Association. She can be reached at:my Humphrey year have proved invaluable in [email protected] support for various projects, fromboth the United States Embassy (Tel Aviv) 25and private donors. The encouragement ofthe American Embassy staff and their sinceredrive to improve the lives of students througheducation provide not only sustainability formany programs but also an ongoing catalystfor undertaking new initiatives in education.Dr. Tal (third from right) with Amal English teachers at ameeting of their book club.

ALUMNI IMPACT MY WONDERFUL AND civil society sectors. The MEANINGFUL FULBRIGHT– degree attracts officials and professionals MAXWELL SCHOOL EXPERIENCE from around the globe, thus contributing to an exciting and unique learning environment. Ruth Schwartz-Hanoh earned her MA in public administration at Syracuse University The Fulbright-Maxwell year provided me with in 2005. She can be contacted at: varied, interesting, and important experience [email protected]. on various levels—academic, This piece is dedicated to my previous boss, professional, and personal. On the academic Mr. Yigal Shahar, the former commissioner and professional levels, for example, I received of the Ministry of the Interior in Haifa, who a managerial tool kit designed to improve believed in me. my managerial skills. On the professional and personal levels, I had the opportunity Ten years ago I had the privilege of studying to exchange views and professional for a master’s degree in public administration experience with a diverse group of midcareer at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and government and NGO professionals from all Public Affairs, Syracuse University, New York. over the world (including the US, Romania, This unique opportunity was made possible the Philippines, Peru, South Korea, Pakistan,26 by the collaboration between Fulbright, the and China). United States-Israel Educational Foundation, the Maxwell School, and the State of Israel. This experience as a whole had a profound At the time, I was working for the Haifa impact on my thoughts and views, both as a Regional Planning and Building Committee person and as a professional. I came to better in the Ministry of the Interior, and I had understand the realm of public policy and its just finished an MS in Urban and Regional influence on the lives of us all. During that Planning at the Technion—Israel Institute of year I also developed a strong sense of public Technology. duty and a desire to influence and make a difference. The Maxwell School’s Executive Master of Public Administration program is an exclusive Upon my return to Israel, I continued working program designed to enhance knowledge for the Ministry of the Interior. In my last and develop skills essential for careers position, as the deputy regional planner in public service. It prepares managers for the challenges of heading dynamic organizations in the public, nonprofit, and“This experience as a whole had a profound impact on my thoughtsand views, both as a person and as a professional. I came to betterunderstand the realm of public policy and its influence on the livesof us all. During that year I also developed a strong sense of publicduty and a desire to influence and make a difference.”

of the Jerusalem Planning and Building “My vision for the future is toCommittee, I was in charge of the planning of continue to be active and influentialvarious regions and important infrastructure in the field of land use planningprojects. In 2012 I started working for Israel’s and public policy and to continuelargest and oldest environmental protection to strive for change for the better.NGO: the Society for the Protection of Nature The spirit of proactive citizenshipin Israel. There I headed the infrastructure and a passion for public service areand energy department. I was also the now deeply engrained in me.”environment movement’s representative onthe Committee for National Infrastructure. Today I am a member of a committee 27 established by the Ministry of the Interior toToday I head the “Harel” Local Planning investigate the boundary between Tel Avivand Building Committee, which provides and Bat Yam and to look into the possibilityservices to the 40,000 residents of three of uniting the cities. The committee is dealinglocal authorities: Mevasseret Zion, Abu with a complex and interesting matter that,Ghosh, and Kiryat Ye’arim. When I assumed of course, could affect the lives of people inoffice, I declared a vision for the committee: both cities.“a friendly and efficient service committee, My vision for the future is to continue to beindependent and professional, that will lead active and influential in the field of land usethe local authorities to an economically planning and public policy and to continue tosustainable future.” One of my main goals strive for change for the better. The spirit ofis to dramatically improve the service we proactive citizenship and a passion for publicprovide—specifically, by easing the planning service are now deeply engrained in me.and licensing processes, which are miredin bureaucracy and consequently take a Ruth Schwartz-Hanoh (left) stands alongsidegreat deal of time. This change is vital, first two colleagues from Peru at their graduation.because we, as a public system in charge ofplanning and licensing, are in fact a monopoly(for the residents of those three towns,who are obliged by law to receive servicesfrom us). And second, because the qualityand efficiency of the planning and licensingprocesses influence the economic activity ofany local authority.Apart from my paid work, for the past fewyears I have been engaged in various publicactivities. I am a board member of the city ofGivatayim’s Women’s Council, which aimsto make the city woman friendly. I have alsoserved as a board member of the HeschelSustainability Center, an organizationdedicated to building a sustainable futurefor Israeli society. And during the past year Ihave advised a committee headed by formerMaj. Gen. Yoav Segalovitz, as part of the EliHurvitz Conference on Economy and Society2014, on the subject of legal corruption inlocal planning committees.

SPOTLIGHT ON ANAMERICAN FULBRIGHTERProfessor Naomi Chesler teaches at theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, College ofEngineering. She is a Fulbright Senior Scholarat the University of Tel Aviv, researching“Novel Computational Models of the LungVasculature and Airways Validated withExperiments.” She can be contacted at:[email protected]. When I was a young girl growing up in Ann Professor Naomi Chesler Arbor, Michigan, I loved to climb trees. One sad day the city came and cut the lowest Madison (Vilas Distinguished Achievement branch of my favorite climbing tree because Professor, Harvey Spangler Award for it had become a hazard for cars in the street. Technology-Enhanced Instruction, and Late that evening, after several failed attempts Polygon Teaching Excellence Award), the to fashion a ladder that would provide safe, Biomedical Engineering Society (Diversity28 easy access to the higher branches of the Award winner), and the Anita Borg Institute tree, I realized I would enjoy and benefit from for Women and Computing (Denice D. technical training in mechanical engineering Denton Emerging Leader Award). and design. As I entered my teenage years, I became fascinated with the human body and, The hoped-for clinical outcome of much of in part inspired by the Six Million Dollar Man my research program is improved treatment TV show, I decided to merge my interests in for right-sided heart failure. Heart failure is engineering and medicine to pursue a degree the most common cause of death in people in biomedical engineering. with cardiovascular disease. My research group strives to better understand and Biomedical engineering has been a great prevent heart failure by focusing on three career for me. I am able to apply fundamental aspects of physiology and pathophysiology: principles of physics and mathematics to heart function, blood flow dynamics, and improving our understanding of clinical changes in the large and small arteries that disease states and, hopefully, alter the care alter blood flow dynamics and thus heart and treatment of patients. I am also passionate function. Our recent publications have about educating the next generation of answered questions related to sex differences leaders in biomedical engineering. My achievements in engineering and mentoring have earned me awards from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (fellow status), the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (fellow status), the University of Wisconsin–

“Biomedical engineering has been a great career for me. I am able toapply fundamental principles of physics and mathematics to improvingour understanding of clinical disease states and, hopefully, alter thecare and treatment of patients. I am also passionate about educatingthe next generation of leaders in biomedical engineering. ”in disease development and progression his ongoing studies in reproductive and(Liu et al., Hypertension and American respiratory engineering.Journal of Physiology; Golob et al., Journalof Biomechanics), the utility of noninvasive Since I will not be teaching this year, I hopemeasures of hemodynamics (Soydan et al., to visit the other major technical universitiesJournal of Veterinary Cardiology; Schreier in Israel to interact with other biomedicalet al., Journal of Applied Physiology), and engineering students and faculty. I’m lookingarterial mechanical changes with disease forward to an exciting year and would like toprogression (Tian et al., Journal of Mechanical express my sincere thanks to the FulbrightBehavior of Biomedical Materials; Bellofiore Commission for supporting my stay. I’m sureet al., Journal of Biomechanical Engineering). the experience will be life changing.That said, it is not my research program alone 29that has brought me to Israel supported bya Fulbright Scholar award. I also want toexpand the horizons of my three daughters,aged 11, 9, and 5.5, by exposing them to anew culture and language, a complex andhistorically fascinating part of the world, anda potentially key part of their future Jewishidentities. My husband and I also wish toexperience these things. We are all thrilled tobe spending this year abroad in Israel, and welook forward to traveling everywhere to seeall that Israel has to offer.I chose to base my work at TAU because ofmy longstanding friendship with ProfessorsDavid Elad and Shmuel Einav, both foundersof the Department of Biomedical Engineeringat TAU. My current project there seeks todevelop novel computational models ofthe right side of the heart and pulmonaryvasculature, building on the expertise of DavidElad, and validate these models with the richexperimental data collected by my researchgroup. In addition I hope to contribute to

ONE FOR THE BOOKS SOCIAL SCIENCES Professor Raphael Cohen Almagor (postdoctoral Rabin fellow, ’99, politics, UCLA) has published: Cohen-Almagor, Raphael. Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side: Moral and Social Responsibility on the Free Highway. New York: Woodrow Wilson Center Press with Cambridge University Press, 2015. The first book on social responsibility on the Internet, this work aims to strike a balance between the free speech principle and the responsibilities of the individual, corporation, state, and the international community. Cohen-Almagor is also a participating researcher in a 2013–2015 interdisciplinary Research Network grant funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council on the topic of “Crossing Over—New Narratives of Death.” Professor Cohen- Almagor chairs the Politics Department and heads the Middle East Study Group at the University of Hull (UK). Professor Jacques Patrick Barber (PhD, ’89, clinical psychology,30 University of Pennsylvania), dean and professor of psychology at the Derner Institute of Advanced Psychological Studies at Adelphi University, has published, along with Richard F. Summers: Summers, Richard F., and Jacques Patrick Barber, eds. Practicing Psychodynamic Therapy: A Casebook. New York: Guilford Press, 2015. Based on twelve case studies, the book presents the psychodynamic therapy model developed by Summers and Barber. Dr. Hagar Kotef (PhD, ’04, political philosophy/philosophy of law, UC Berkeley) has published: Kotef, Hagar. Movement and the Ordering of Freedom: On Liberal Governances of Mobility. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2015. Her book investigates the roles of mobility and immobility in the history of political thought and the structuring of political spaces. Ranging from the writings of Locke, Hobbes, and Mill to the sophisticated technologies of control that circumscribe the lives of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, it shows how concepts of freedom, security, and violence take form and find justification via different and differentiated regimes of movement. Dr. Kotef is a senior lecturer in political theory and comparative politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

Dr. Liav Orgad (postdoctoral ISEF fellow, ’12, law, New York University)is an assistant professor at IDC Radzyner School of Law, a Marie Curiefellow at the Freie Universität Berlin, and a faculty fellow at the EdmondJ. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. He has published:Orgad, Liav. The Cultural Defense of Nations: A Liberal Theory of MajorityRights. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. The first monograph toexamine the cultural rights of the majority and the policies that claimto protect them, the book offers a comprehensive analysis of a keyissue in constitutional theory, national identity, and human rights.Dr. Shakhar Rahav (PhD, ’98, East Asian studies, UC Berkeley),lecturer in Asian studies at the University of Haifa, has published:Rahav, Shakhar. The Rise of Political Intellectuals in Modern China: MayFourth Societies and the Roots of Mass-Party Politics. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 2015. The May Fourth Movement (1915–1923) iswidely considered a watershed in the history of modern China. Thisbook is the first in English to look at the movement, at this pivotaltime, in China’s most important hinterland city, Wuhan, and explainsits success in terms of social relations and social networks. 31Professor Arie Rimmerman (PhD, ’79, social work, Adelphi University/Brandeis University) has published: Rimmerman, Arie. Family Policyand Disability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Anexploration of the status and scope of family policies related tohouseholds of children with disabilities, the book provides an in-depth,evidence-based review of legal, programmatic issues. It identifies andcontinues the discussion regarding the critical role of family-centeredpolicies, as expressed in the United Nations Convention on theRights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), as well as the futureof family policy toward families of children with disabilities in a timeof economic crisis. Rimmerman is the Richard Crossman Professor ofSocial Welfare & Social Planning at the School of Social Work at theUniversity of Haifa.

Dr. Leah Shagrir (Distinguished Teachers Award Program, ’09, education, Vanderbilt University), head of the School of Continuing Education and Professional Development at the Levinsky College of Education in Tel Aviv, has published: Shagrir, Leah. Journey to an Ethnographic Research. Haifa: Pardes Publishing House, 2015. [In Hebrew]. This unique book extends an invitation to readers to participate in Shagrir’s four-month journey to the US on her Fulbright program at Vanderbilt University. Exploring the nature and tools of ethnographic research, the book presents a multidimensional perspective that emerged from Shagrir’s various roles as a researcher: teacher educator, faculty member, ethnographic researcher, and student. Dr. Liat Steir-Livny (doctoral dissertation award, ’01, Jewish history, Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, New York Public Library) has published: Steir-Livny, Liat. Let the Memorial Hill Remember: Holocaust Representation in Israeli Popular Culture. Tel Aviv: Resling, 2014. [In Hebrew]. Following in the alternative, revolutionary path of Holocaust remembrance that began taking32 shape in the 1980s, this book focuses on new representations of this cultural memory. Through the analysis of films, literature, journalism, theater, plastic art, and poetry from the ’80s onward, the book presents new aspects of representation: the politicization of the Holocaust, the melding of the Holocaust and humor, and new perspectives on the Holocaust by Jewish artists of Asian and North African descent. Dr. Steir-Livny is a senior lecturer in the Department of Culture, Creation, and Production, Sapir Academic College, and serves as academic coordinator of the master’s degree program in cultural studies at the Open University of Israel.

Dr. Mohammed Wattad (JSD, ’06, law,Columbia University) is an assistantprofessor at Zefat Academic College, Schoolof Law, and is currently a visiting associateprofessor at the University of California–Irvine for 2014–2016. He has published,along with Amnon Carmi: Carmi, Amnon,and Mohammed S. Wattad. Medical Law inIsrael. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands:Kluwer Law International, 2014. Dr. Wattadis also the recipient of the 2015 AIS-IsraelInstitute Young Scholar Award in IsraelStudies. The prize was presented by theAssociation of Israel Studies and the IsraelInstitute in recognition of Wattad’s exceptional contribution to Israel Studies in the field of law—specifically, his research in the areas of criminal law, constitutional law, international criminal law,international law, the laws of war, terrorism, torture, legal ethics, and medical law.Professor Eyal Zamir (postdoctoral Ilan Ramon fellow, ’90, law, Harvard 33University) has published: Zamir, Eyal. Law, Psychology, and Economics:The Role of Loss Aversion. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. Thebook provides an overview of the psychological studies of loss aversionto examine its effect on human behavior in contexts that are of particularinterest to the law, while discussing the impact of the law on people’sbehavior through the framing of the choices they encounter. Zamir hasalso coedited: Zamir, Eyal, and Doron Teichman, eds. The Oxford Handbookof Behavioral Economics and the Law. New York: Oxford University Press,2014. Professor Doron Teichman (LLM, ’01, law, University of Michigan),of the Hebrew University law school, is another Fulbright alumnus.Professor Zamir is the Augusto Levi Professor of Commercial Law atthe Center for Empirical Studies of DecisionMaking and the Law at the Hebrew University ofJerusalem, Faculty of Law.

FULBRIGHT AWARDS GRANTS FOR ISRAELIS FULBRIGHT POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS Sixteen grants are offered to postdoctoral scholars, in all fields of study, who are about to begin a program of research in the United States. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT-ISEF POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP The United States-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF) and ISEF Foundation plan to offer a joint grant to a postdoctoral scholar with a proven record in community service activities who is about to begin a program of research during the 2016/17 academic year at an accredited university or non-profit research institute in the United States. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT MASTER’S DEGREE FELLOWSHIPS Five grants will be awarded to outstanding students, in all fields except business administration, arts, film, architecture, and clinical fields of study, who plan to begin master’s degree studies at34 American universities. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT OUTREACH FELLOWSHIPS Five grants will be awarded to outstanding students, in all nonclinical fields of study, who plan to begin master’s degree studies at American universities. This program is open to Israeli Arab and Ethiopian students. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT INTERNATIONAL WRITING PROGRAM FELLOWSHIP One grant will be awarded to a writer, poet, playwright, or literary translator to participate in the International Writing Program (IWP) at the University of Iowa. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT HUBERT H. HUMPHREY FELLOWSHIPS One grant is offered to midcareer professionals committed to public service, for a period of studies and professional internship in the United States. Full Fellowship Announcement

FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ARABIC) TEACHING ASSISTANT 35FELLOWSHIPSThree grants are offered to teachers of English whose mother tongue is Arabic, in support ofparticipation in an academic-year program in which fellows teach Arabic and, in parallel, takecourses in US studies and/or English as a Second Language teaching methodology.Full Fellowship AnnouncementFULBRIGHT OUTREACH LECTURING FUNDHospitality grants are offered to US institutions that traditionally have been underrepresented in theFulbright Program (including minority-serving institutions, small liberal arts colleges, communitycolleges, and institutions in underrepresented geographic locations) in order to enable them tohost lectures by visiting Fulbright scholars. Full Fellowship AnnouncementFULBRIGHT SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE (SIR) GRANTSGrants are offered to US colleges and universities to enable them to host visiting Fulbright fellowsfor one semester or one academic year of teaching and curriculum development activities.Full Fellowship AnnouncementFULBRIGHT DISTINGUISHED AWARDS IN TEACHINGPROGRAMThis Program brings primary and secondary school teachers to the U.S. for a semester, from mid-August 2016 to mid-December 2016. Teachers pursue individual inquiry projects, take courses forprofessional development at a host university or institute, and observe and lead master classesand seminars for teachers and students at the host University or local primary and secondaryschools. Full Fellowship AnnouncementGRANTS FOR AMERICANSFULBRIGHT SENIOR SCHOLAR FELLOWSHIPSEight grants are offered for lecturing/research/combined lecturing and research in all disciplines orfor artists/writers-in-residence. Full Fellowship AnnouncementFULBRIGHT POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPSEight fellowships are offered for postdoctoral research in all academic disciplines.Full Fellowship Announcement

FULBRIGHT POST-GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS Seven grants are offered to students in all disciplines for predoctoral study and research. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGIONAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Three grants are offered to professionals who have a demonstrated record of research achievement for research in any academic or professional field, to be carried out in more than one country of the Middle East, North Africa, or South Asia. Full Fellowship Announcement FULBRIGHT SPECIALIST FELLOWSHIPS Ten grants are offered in support of short (two–six weeks), non-research visits by US scholars and professionals in twenty selected fields. Full Fellowship Announcement For further grant information or inquiries, please contact USIEF’s deputy director and Fulbright Program officer, Ms. Judy Stavsky, at 03-517-2392, [email protected]. For information or inquiries about the Fulbright Outreach Fellowship, the Foreign Language (Arabic)36 Teaching Assistant Fellowship, the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program and the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship, please contact the Fulbright Program coordinator, Ms. Sandy Mattar, at 03-517-2131, ext. 204, [email protected]. CONNECT WITH THE FULBRIGHT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF ISRAEL (FAAI): Check out our new website: Fulbright Alumni Association of Israel Join our Facebook group: Facebook Group and our LinkedIn group: LinkedIn Group Deborah Kaufman Fulbright Alumni Program Coordinator [email protected] 03-517-2131, ext. 208


2015 AMERICAN FULBRIGHTFELLOWSSENIOR SCHOLARS POST-DOCTORAL SCHOLARSScott Bucking (R) Darrell Britt DePaul University North Carolina State University Archaeology Mathematics Ben-Gurion University Tel Aviv UniversityNaomi Chesler (R) Alyssa Findlay University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Delaware Biomedical Engineering Oceanography Tel Aviv University Ben-Gurion UniversityDennis Coleman Jett (L/R) Lonia Friedlander Pennsylvania State University State University of New York, Stony BrookInternational Relations Geology Tel Aviv University Ben-Gurion UniversityAmber Gum (L/R) Kyle Knabb University of South Florida University of California, San Diego Psychology Anthropology Bar-Ilan University Ben-Gurion University38 Evan Morris (L/R) Andrew Pilecki Yale University University of California, Santa Cruz Biomedical Engineering Psychology Hebrew University The Interdisciplinary Center, HerzliyaLaurie Pearce (L/R) Nathan Walton University of California, Berkeley University of Utah Near Eastern Studies Chemistry Hebrew University TechnionRichard Robinson (R) Elizabeth Warburton Cornell University Western Michigan University Chemistry Ecology Hebrew University Ben-Gurion UniversityMarc Schlossberg (L/R) David Wernick University of Oregon University of California, Los Angeles Urban Studies Biology Technion Weizmann Institute of Science Anne Staples (R) Virginia Polytechnic Institute& State UniversityEngineering TechnionL – LecturerR - ResearcherL/R – Lecturer Researcher

POST-GRADUATE FELLOWS MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAM FELLOWElisheva Bellin* Nina Menkes At Large California Institute of the Arts Psychology Film Tel Aviv University Bezalel Academy of Arts & DesignJoshua Cofsky FULBRIGHTYale University DISTINGUISHED AWARDBiology IN TEACHING FELLOWUniversity of Haifa Margaret Stout Joseph Getzoff Antietam Elementary School (Virginia) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Special Education/AutismGeography Hebrew University 39Luna Goldberg Hampshire College Visual Art/Museum StudiesTel Aviv UniversityRachel Gur-Arie Arizona State University Public Health Ben-Gurion UniversityRichard Mapes* University of Colorado, Boulder Urban Development & Planning TechnionBrandon Ng University of Maryland, College Park Chemistry Tel Aviv UniversityKayla Nonn Claremont McKenna College Cultural & Intellectual History University of HaifaJeremy Pearson University of Tennessee, Knoxville Cultural & Intellectual History Ben-Gurion UniversityBenjamin Swartout Lafayette College Environmental Studies Arava Institute for Environmental Studies*Betz Fellow

United States-Israel Educational Foundation Office: 1 Ben Yehuda St., Tel Aviv, 6380101 Mail: P.O.B. 26160, Tel Aviv, 6126101 Phone: 03-517-2131 Visit our website:

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