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Home Explore Journey To Cultural Heritage Project Magazine

Journey To Cultural Heritage Project Magazine

Published by Özlem Yurtsever, 2021-05-12 02:09:47

Description: It is our magazine that was created as a result of the team work of 55 students and 11 teachers of the Journey to Cultural Heritage Project.We hope you read with pleasure our guide magazine that you will have information about the museums and their works in Turkey and Romania. We would like to thank everyone who contributed.

Keywords: etwinningproject,museums,artifacts,Turkey-Romania,JourneytoCulturalHeritage


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LEONARD A. LAUDER-CUBIZM Composition (The Typographer),\" by Fernand Leger, 1918–19, Oil canvas, Wall text: \"This painting depicts an anonymous worker standing with his back to the viewer, presumably typesetting the red-and-white letters in front of him. The colorful segmented oval at center is the man’s hat. His ear is represented by a curved, gray, tubelike shape, and his torso is depicted in red at lower center.

ROBERT DELAUNEY/RHTYMS ART PRINT Robert Delaunay's Rhythms was made n 1934 and the or g nal pa nt ng s n Musee Nat onal d’Art Moderne Par s. The or g nal s ze of the work s 145 x 113 cm and s made of o l on canvas. The Art st: Robert Delaunay (1885 – 1941) was a French art st who, w th h s w fe Son a Delaunay and others, co-founded the Orph sm art movement, noted for ts use of strong colours and geometr c shapes. H s later works were more abstract. H s key nfluence related to bold use of colour and a clear love of exper mentat on w th both depth and tone.

Sunflowers - Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers are one of Vincent van Gogh's most famous works. The sunflowers table was made in 1888 in London, the capital of England. It is oil paint on canvas.

Scream s an 1893 pa nt ng by the Norweg an express on st pa nter Edvard Munch. The German Norweg an name for Munch's work was Der Schre der Natur, wh le the Norweg an name for the work was Skr k. It s, accord ng to many cr t cs, Munch's most mportant work. The or g nal pa nt ng measures 84 cm x 66 cm.

Lunch on boat tr p by P erre Auguste Reno r,one of the f rst James that come to m ne when cons der ng mpress on st pa nters,was completed between 1880 and 1881.Reno r,for th s pa nt ng,one of the works of the late per od,lunch of h s fr ends on a cool summer he was a guest at h s d nner

The art st, who worked n the workshops of H kmet Onat and İbrah m Çallı at the pa nter Nurullah BERK Sanay - Nef se School, later cont nued h s stud es n Ernst Laurens workshop n France. When he returned home n 1928, he jo ned the Independent Pa nters and Sculptors Un on and later went back to Par s, th s t me cont nu ng the workshops of Andre Lhote and Fernand Léger. Bel ev ng that Turk sh pa nt ng art lags beh nd European art movements, he establ shed the D Group w th h s fr ends and real zed the most typ cal examples of the cub st-construct on st understand ng of art n th s per od w th the effects of Léger and Lhote. Th s work named Art st Sunflowers s dated 1978 and the or g nal s n the Pr vate Collect on. The or g nal s ze of the work s 55 x 44 cm and t was worked as an o l pa nt ng on canvas.

He was born in Vienna in 1939. He started his art education in Brazil. Cats, of his art integral part .. Venice and cat lover painter. as far as it is known, he lives in a house full of cats in Italy. In recent years, cat drawings have been seen in abundance on porcelain plates, cups, boxes and trinkets.

The \"Persistence 0f Memory\" painting, \"Melted Watches\", was made in 1931 using the oil on canvas technique. It is a well-known painting by painter Salvador Dali, through which the author condemns the ruthless passage of time.

Oil painting by the Dutch art impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. In his painting in June 1889, the painter painted the view of the village of Saint-Rémy-de- Provence just before sunrise, visible Through the east- facing window of his room in the sanatorium. The painting has been in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York since 1941. One of Van Gogh's most famous works, The Starry Night is also one of the most famous paintings in Western culture.

2.TEAM OUTDOOR MUSEUM TEAM 1.İlay G./Göbekl tepe 2.Yusuf Al S./Ephesus 3.Mehmet S raç İ. /Ahlat 4. Oğul Ayaz Ç./Perge 5.Mehmet.Eren.P./Pergamon 6.Berkay 7/H eropol s 7.Zeynep Serra Ş./Nemrut 8.Ayşenur A./Assos 9.Utku U./Göreme 10.Fanea A. 11.M.Haktan /Gord on ATTENDANT TEACHERS BİLAL YEYİN ŞULE ŞİMŞEK CANTEZ

GÖBEKLİTEPE Göbeklitepe is located 22 kilometres northeast of Şanlıurfa, near Örencik village. It’s the most ancient cultic structures ensemble of the world. These structures are formed in a T shape. It’s believed that these structures are from the pre-pottery neolithic age. So it means that the history of Göbeklitepe dates back to 11.600 years ago. All this information and the digs that have been made around the region show that Göbeklitepe is so unique in the world. Regarding that, Göbeklitepe was added to UNESCO Temporary World Heritage List in 2011 and in 2018 it was added to the World Heritage List.

The Anatol an cap tal of ant qu ty. Ephesus, Turkey's most famous and mpress ve anc ent c ty. The h story of the anc ent c ty of Ephesus, wh ch s also one of the most known anc ent c t es n the world, dates back to BC. It dates back to 6000 years. The anc ent c ty, the center of the Romans n the As an cont nent, s also home to the Temple of Artem s, the largest temple of the Artem s culture. Accord ng to the anc ent c ty legend, the amph theater, l brary, h lls de houses and gymnas um are the most str k ng ru ns n the anc ent c ty, where the V rg n Mary s sa d to have also come. You can reach the anc ent c ty, wh ch s 3 km from Selçuk, by m n buses from Selçuk and Kuşadası.

Perge Anc ent C ty s located n Aksu d str ct, 17 k lometers east of Antalya c ty center. Bel eved to ex st n the H tt te Per od and known as \"Parha\", the c ty became one of the most organ zed c t es of Anatol a n the Roman Per od. The sculptures unearthed n the excavat ons n the anc ent c ty, wh ch s famous for ts arch tecture and marble sculpture, have made Antalya Museum one of the most mportant sculpture museums.

Bergama, wh ch was on the World Cultural Her tage page n 2014, s one of the settlements that have never d sappeared from the stage of h story, desp te be ng subjected to nvas ons and destruct ons throughout ts h story. In the Bakırçay bas n where the anc ent c ty of Pergamon was establ shed, there are traces of settlements unt l preh stor c t mes, 7th-6th and 5th centur es BC on the h ll where Pergamon was founded. po nts out. \"Castle\" or \"fort f ed place\" forms the name \"Perg\" or Berg \"Pergamon, wh ch comes n summer.

2 km from Den zl . th s area s also known for ts heal ng waters, wh ch are bel eved to be good for a w de range of a lments. M. of the anc ent c tyHe. II. K ng of Pergamon n the Century II. It s bel eved that t was founded by Eumenes, and took ts name from He ra, the w fe of Telephos, the founder of Pergamon.

Extraord nar ly beaut ful monumental sculptures on the slopes of Mount Nemrut are located n Kahta D str ct of Adıyaman. These magn f cent ru ns of the Hellen st c Per od spread over the East, West and North terraces of Nemrut at an alt tude of 2206 meters, creat ng a magn f cent v ew. The well-preserved 8-10-meter sculptures made by the Commagene K ng Ant ochos I to show h s grat tude to the gods and the r ancestors were ncluded n the UNESCO World Her tage L st n 1987.

H story of the anc ent c ty of Assos m.He. 6. t goes all the way to the century. ... After the settlement of the Ottomans, the settlement developed n the oppos te d rect on and the v llage of Behramkale appeared. The c ty was bu lt on an ext nct volcan c h ll, between andes te cl ffs, at a he ght of 236 meters from the sea.

The most mportant feature of Göreme Nat onal Park and Rocky Cappadoc a Reg on has many fa ry ch mmeys formed by w nd and ra n water

Merry Cemetery is a cemetery in Săpânța, Maramureș, România, Famous for the crosses of brightly colored graves and naive paintings representing scenes from the life and occupation of the buried. On some crosses there are even verses in which the respective people are mentioned, often with humorous nuances. The novelty of this cemetery is the differentiation from popular culture, which considers death as a sad event. It was hypothesized that Stan Ioan Pătraș would have been inspired by the Dacian culture, which they considered death as a happy event.

The ancient city, the historical capital of Phrygia. The city, which is located above the confluence of Sakarya River and Porsuk Stream, is located in Yassıhüyük, which is located 29 kilometers northwest of Polatlı, 94 kilometers from Ankara. M. HAKTAN Y./SİNCAN ŞEHİT ZAFER İHO

3.TEAM TOY MUSEUM TEAM 1.Asel T. 2.Talha Fırat U. 3.El f Azra K. 4.Zübeyde Nur A. 5.Yas n rfan.Y. 6.N sasu 7.Azra Der n A. 8.Y ğ t T. 9.Mustafa T. 10.Iust n R. 11.El f Tuana ATTENDANT TEACHERS DANIELA CAMPEAN GÖKÇEN HUNAY TENEKECİ


4.TEAM ARCHEOLOGY MUSEUM TEAM 1.İlhan U. 2.Kerem Tuna T. 3.Çağrı Eymen S. 4. Çınar Yağız Ç. 5.Mustafa.sungur.D. 6.Y ğ t 7.Erkan K. 8.Merve K. 9.Zümra M. 10.Sel a P. 11.Süleyman D. ATTENDANT TEACHERS NERMİN SEKKİN GÜLSÜM GÖK

This is a cup.It belongs to 2000b.c. It is given to winners in competitions.

The oldest and pr m t ve type of flour m lls, the hand m lls are hand tools that gr nd wheat by plac ng two stones w th a 50 cm d ameter crusher gr nder feature placed on top of each other, w th the lower stone be ng f xed, wh ch takes the movement from human arm power.

Roman medical instrument from Dobrogea, România. Medical practices date back to the fortresses of Dobrogea since Hellenistic period.

When water receded from areas covered by the sea m ll ons of years ago, shellf sh were bur ed n mud, sand and mud. In th s way, they were preserved as foss ls for m ll ons of years.They are exh b ted n museums as a result of archaeolog cal excavat ons

4.TEAM ETNOGRAPHY MUSEUM TEAM 1.Mustafa B. 2.Görkem G. 3.El f Sena D. 4. Ayşecan E. 5.Ömer.Sa t.k. 6.S may 7.Ayşe Erva D. 8.Rüzgar Ö. 9.Ahmet S. 10.Lup sca D. 11.Esra K. ATTENDANT TEACHERS ÖZLEM YURTSEVER DİDEM YÜCE MARAL

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