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Home Explore Impact Report_2017

Impact Report_2017

Published by ian_3_mackenzie, 2018-04-10 09:20:36

Description: Impact Report_2017


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Annual Newsletter & Donor Report 2017 “I took about four steps and I remember my legs kind of just quit working.” -Hunter JohnsonHORIZ N YOUWe are thankful for Health Foundation who make it all possible!

Table of ContentsWelcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Horizon Health Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5Financials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Profiles of Giving Commitment to Women’s Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Employee Giving Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Gift of a Snuggle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tigers Step Up 2 Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Jans Family Investment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 11 Fundraising for Colonoscopies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Our Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 15Profiles of Care Hunter’s Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - 17 Warren’s Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 - 23Horizon Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 21Ways of Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Our Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2

We have much to be happy about today. Thank you for being a part of a successfulyear of care!We are proud to serve our communities and are extremely grateful to you for thesupport we continue to receive. Today, our health care is stronger thanks to generousindividuals, local organizations, and corporations.On behalf of the Horizon Health Foundation Board, thank you for your continuedconfidence in Horizon Health Care.John Mengenhausen Tracy F. PardyCEO, Horizon Health Care, Inc. DirectorBoard Chairman Horizon Health Foundation 3

Horizon Health FoundationHorizon Health Foundation supports HorizonHealth Care, Inc., which serves 22 ruralcommunities with local health care access.Founded in 1978,Horizon Health Care,Inc. has 32clinics, employs nearly 300 staff and serves over28,000 square miles of rural South Dakota. Weproudly serve all patients, no matter insurancestatus or payment ability. The Horizon HealthFoundation was founded in 2016 as a separate,non-profit 501(c)3 to provide a permanentfunding base for rural patients in need. Our Mission is to inspire and empower our patients by providing funding for accessible and affordable health care now and into the future. Our Visionis to establish a $25 million endowment ($2 million annually) to transform patients lives in rural communities by keeping health care locally based, where the need is greatest. We serve: 22 28K 27.5K 24 8 Rural Mile Patients Medical DentalCommunities Footprint Clinics Clinics We serve 22 We help those We serve We support 24 We support 8communities across in need across over 27,500 locally-based locally-based 28,000 miles. medical clinics. dental clinics. South Dakota. patients. 4

Horizon Health Foundation is Established Go to to watch our videos! 5

Financials: Thank You!CY17 Cash Gifts In 2017, with YOUR support, the Horizon Health Foundation raised a total of $183,544 in cash and pledges to assist patients.Behavioral $922.00 Health We are extremely grateful for the generosity of all our donors and the support of our volunteers and partners – our work isCancer $23,934.07 made possible thanks to YOU! Care You made it possible for Horizon to respond to the needsCharity $4,610.00 of our patients by providing gas cards so patients can have Care access to travel for care, cervical cancer screening equipment and training to help mothers, sisters and daughters, and life-Diabetes $1,108.00 saving colonoscopies for patients.Employee $7,768.00 How We Used Our FundsEmergencyAssistanceHorizon $64,722.94ImpactCommunity $8,025.00 Cancer CareClinic Funds $2,227.43 Charity CareCY17 Pledge Gifts $2,653.00 Horizon Employee IMPACTBehavioral $431.00 Emergency $40,923.50 Health $2,500.00Cancer $8,335.00 CareCharity $2,018.00 CareDiabetes $922.00Employee $6,020.00 2017 Total SupportEmergencyAssistance 4,559 - Gifts 300 - DonorsHorizon $53,192.20 228 - New DonorsImpact 53 - Donors who increased gifts 106 - Donors who renewed supportCommunity $1,536.00Clinic Funds $111,090.01 - Cash Donations $72,454.20 - Pledge Donations 6

Profiles of Giving Together we can reach those in need! Commitment to Women’s Health Horizon Health Care, Inc. is now able to improve women’s health services and cervical cancer screenings for our patients with the purchase of two colposcopy machines for our Huron and Mission clinics. A colposcopy is a more thorough diagnostic procedure that allows the provider to examine the cervix for abnormal cells and/or blood vessels directly by using specialized equipment known, as a colposcope. This equipment magnifies the cervix so that the provider is able to directly view a magnified image of the patient’s cervix. During that procedure, if abnormalities are visualized, the provider may decide to take a small biopsy or scraping of the cells to send to a pathologist. “Being able to offer this service within our clinics to our patients will greatly improve cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services for Horizon Health Care, Inc. patients,” said Tonya Koepsell, Operations Director. Horizon Health Foundation raised nearly $10,000 in July by raffling off a chance for one lucky winner to visit San Jose del Cabo, Mexico. The trip included a 4-night, all-inclusive stay at the Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos, with airfare for two. The winner of the raffle was Tanya Black, who bought her ticket after hearing about it from her sister. The vacation was valued at $9,605, with each ticket costing $75 to purchase. 7

Employee Giving Campaign October 2017, the Horizon Health Foundation kicked off their second Employee Giving Campaign, “Planting the Seed for Healthcare.” Through this campaign, Horizon Health Care employees across the state were challenged to raise $40,000 in 40 days with over 40% of staff participating. For the second year in a row, employees exceeded the campaign goals and raised over $41,000, with 43% participation within the 40 day period. In 2016, the employee campaign raised $31,000, with 35% participation within 40 days. All donations raised through the employee campaign, will be designated to the Horizon Health Foundation’s funds of behavioral health, cancer care, charity care, diabetes, employee emergency, service area clinics, and the Horizon Impact – our greatest needs fund. Donations raised will be used to benefit Horizon’s patients and local clinics in these fund areas. One example of how funds were used from the first campaign was the recent purchase of over 100 gas cards for patients at every Horizon clinic. Patients that need help with travel are now able to get to the care they need.Gift of a SnuggleThe Horizon Health Foundation waspresented with a Christmas-themed quiltthat was donated by Marilyn Eggert, localHoward resident. The quilt was made byMarilyn’s niece. After losing her husband,Buck, to cancer, Marilyn decided to donatethe quilt to the Foundation to give to theHoward Community Health Center, withthe request that the quilt be given to a localpatient undergoing cancer treatment thatmay need an extra “snuggle” during theholiday season. Horizon Health Care andthe Horizon Health Foundation appreciateMarilyn’s generosity and thoughtfulness totouch someone else’s life this Christmas. 8

Tigers Step Up 2 Cancer Each year the Howard High School Student Council chooses a service project. This year they were challenged to do something big. In September, the Student Council, along with their peers, partnered with the Horizon Health Foundation and took on a challenge to raise awareness and dollars for patients with cancer in Miner County. The Tigers Step Up 2 Cancer Campaign ran the month of October with students selling t-shirts. The goal was to raise $2,500 and Rivers Edge Bank, Member FDIC, agreed to match all gifts, dollar for dollar up to $2,500. The students exceeded their goal and raised $3,071.75. Rivers Edge Bank announced that they would go beyond their original pledge to match up to $2,500 and match all the money raised dollar for dollar.The Horizon Health Foundationreceived $6,143 for their cancer care fund, which they will useto make an impact for Horizon patients in Miner County. 9

Jans Family Makes Investment to Horizon Health FoundationAn investment was made by Dale and Diane across the state of South Dakota and notJans and Brian and Stacey Jans, all of Sioux our operational needs,” said Tracy Pardy,Falls, to provide an office building on main Director of the Horizon Health Foundation.street in Howard, SD for the growth andoperation of the Horizon Health Foundation. The Jans family has many ties to rural SouthThe new Horizon Health Foundation building Dakota. Dale and Diane, were both bornwill be a collaborating, accommodating, and raised in rural areas; Dale on a long-and inspiring space to interact with donors, time family ranch near White River, Southbusiness partners and the community. Dakota, and Diane in Claremont, a small town in northeastern South Dakota. They“The Foundation Board of Directors and understand how powerful the presencestaff are grateful to the Jans family for this of local health care is for our smallertremendous gift, which will allow us to communities.focus on the needs of our 26,000+ patientsLeft to Right: Dale & Diane Jans, Stacey & Brian Jans & daughter, Maddy. 10

“When you’re living in Sioux Falls, you Remodeling on the building has begun!tend to take our health facilities forgranted,” said Dale Jans. “With both of Join us for an Open House onus growing up in rural South Dakota,we understand the importance of July 10, 2018having health care present in oursmaller communities and rural areas. 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.These folks deserve the same access tocare that we have grown accustomedto here and by supporting Horizon,we can help maintain that access.”The Horizon Health Foundation kickedoff their fundraising efforts in 2016with an Employee Giving Campaign,raising over $33,000 in cash andpledges. Hearing of the philanthropicefforts by staff is what initiallydrew Brian towards supporting thefoundation. “I was impressed to hearof the employees’ involvement in theearly stages of the foundation andtheir commitment to their patients.Knowing how many of them havealready come forward to supportthe Horizon Health Foundation wasimpressive and something we wantedto be a part of. Philanthropy is howour communities and country are ableto move forward,” said Brian Jans. “Itis the mentality that we were raisedwith, as well as our parents.” Remodeling Progress: New walls have been built for office space! 11

Thankful: A celebration of our Partners We are thankful for YOU!Your gift to the Horizon Health Foundation supports Horizon Health Care’s work in your community and around the state of South Dakota.Corporations, Ambassadors Circle In honor of Laverne SattlerFoundations, & ($500 - $999) Lexy SattlerOrganizations FoxPrint Printing and Graphics Howard Physical Therapy Circle of FriendsMember Circle Lake Preston School District ($100 - $249)($1-$99) In honor of Ashley CalliesCorson News, LLC Inspiration Circle Greg and Kathy CalliesFarmers Union Oil Co - Bryant ($1,000 - $4,999)Fidelity Abstract & Title Co Creative Printing, Inc. In honor of Warren EggertHoward FCCLA Firesteel Creek Lodge Amber EggertKlinks Motel Howard Farmers Co-OpNails by Becky Howard School District In honor of Steve and EmmaPaulhamus Store #352 Randall Stanley Architects, Inc StankeyPhils Jack & Jill Rivers Edge Bank Joel HansenCircle of Friends Honor Gifts Partners Circle($100 - $249) ($250 - $499)Howard High School FFA Member Circle In honor of Warren EggertHoward High School Sophomore ($1-$99) Kim EggertClass In honor of Sonja BirkelandHoward High School Volleyball AnonymousTeamMSA Research LLC In honor of Warren EggertWelton Repair, Inc. Timothy and Karla NeisesPartners Circle In honor of Jerry Geyer($250 - $499) Arthur GeyerAnonymous (1)Corner Pantry In honor of Matthew GilbertsonGF Advertising Services In honor of Amy ZepedaGood Samaritan Society – Howard Joey KlinkhammerHoward Cold Storage and LockersHoward High School – National In honor of Leonard HinkerHonor Society Jeremy and Renee HinkerRusty’s Food Store 12

Thankful: A Celebration of our PartnersMemorial Gifts In memory of Terrence Schimke Partners Circle Donna Wagner ($250 - $499)Member Circle In memory of Leonard Teveldal($1-$99) In memory of Al and Molly Smith Luella TeveldalIn memory of Albert and Pearl Burg Demeris Marone James and Bernice Burg Individual Donors In memory of Patricia SpaderIn memory of Carol Campbell Leo and Charlotte Spader Member Circle Ronald Campbell ($1-$99) In memory of Dr. Steele Anonymous Donor (6)In memory of Mary Jo Ellis James and Mary Sandness Gary and Teryl Akkerman Larry Ellis Delores Arbach In memory of Wesley Villbrandt Holly ArendsIn memory of Verna Mae Erickson Alice Villbrandt Gail Arnott Archie and Donna Hallan Mandi Atkins In memory of Mary Jo Wittstruck Renee and Tim AughenbaughIn memory of Jakob Hohm Ted Gosmire Aye Aye Welton Repair, Inc. Neal and Verla Barber Circle of Friends Norley and Delphine BeckerIn memory of Frances Kinyon ($100 - $249) Shayla Beer Ali Haines In memory of Jack & Betty Carr Jenica and Patrick Bender Anonymous Scott and Lori BeslerIn memory of Margaret Lee Joan and Gary Biever Lennis and Margaret Fagerhaug In memory of Vernon Eggert Laura and Nicholas Bird Marilyn Eggert Jace and Kristi BirkelandIn memory of Norman Lee Tanya Black Kyle and Sally Lee In memory of Michael Miller Michele Block Kathye Miller Lexi BohlanderIn memory of Thomas Livingston Ralph and Kim Borkowski Gladys Livingston In memory of Arden and Berta Gary and Sue Bubbers Palmer Michael and Lois BuechlerIn memory of Marcie Locken Anonymous Lori Caffee Pamela and Steve Locken Dannica and Barry Callies In memory of Vincent Protsch Jack Case Greg and Chrysti Protsch Nancy Church Patrick and Bobbie Clark In memory of Edna Sand Devon Clubb Perry and Wendy Sand Irene and Larry Cohen Deborah Corkill In memory of Patricia Spader Justina and Kody Dawson Joseph and Ann Spader Kevin DeWald Donald and Judith Dezeeuw In memory of Elwood Wolkow Mel and Maria Dutton Gary and Judy Wolkow Ashley Edelburg Carla and Daniel Esser *Italicized indicates Horizon Employees 13

Thankful: A Celebration of our PartnersLisa Fox Jerry and Judy Koeck Brian and Lori SpaderJanet and Duane Fulk Kelsey Kotas Lynda SteichenLarry Gauger Joni SterkelJodie Gluhm Toby and Donna Koziolek Donna StewartKenneth and Mary Gohring Jim and Deanne Krantz Larry and Keri SwiftKarlo Gonzales Karen Kreitman Autumn TuckerTed Gosmire Elwood and Ruby VanscharrelJohn and Joyce Haak Michael Krempges Scott VaskeKarla and Gerald Haas Valerie VaughnEdward and Gloria Hawks Amy Kruse Rachele and Justin VietorMadison Hayes Dale and Mary Kvale Loren and Marlene VoeltzGary and Ann Heinert Carol Laible Eric and Tara WeemanLori and Eugene Heitland Sarah Larson Sandra WenzelLogan and Bob Hetland Nancy and Glen WienkAlyssa Hicks Randall Law Bob and Stacy Wingen Roger and Mary Lee Darrell and Diane WinterAlan and Laura Hildebrandt Dennis and Margaret Lindskov Gwyneth WitteLorraine Hodges Anita Linn John and Virginia WunderPeggy Jackson Brittany Lunstra Ellen YustenRobert and Marilyn Jensen Jim Lutter Joyce and Richard ZellMary Johnson Teresa and David MaierAnn and Perry Jost Larry and Emily Martian Circle of FriendsDonna and Lawrence Jost Maleny Martinez and Jose Morales ($100 - $249)Elton and Julie Kaus Stan and Lisa McDaniels Anonymous Donor (2)Jeffrey and Karen Kelsey Connie McLaughlin Kim AnnisLloyd and Audrey Kempf Vicki and Wayne Mees Robbie and Melissa BaruthAnn Moran Kenobbie Jennifer Metcalf Donna and Dale BeckmannRoxanne Kerkvliet Yolanda and Hector BeltranKeith and Alexa Kleppin Debra Meyers Mindy and Brian BerglundJames Knapp Thomas BielawskiBonnie Koch Marshall Miller Marvel and Clayton Buhler Matthew and Kayla Miller Quinten and Linda Burg Katee and Craig Olinger David Carmon Armond and Jo Ann Olson David Dick Justin and Kandy Palmquist David Duxbury Thom and Crystal Pardy Amber Eggert Katie Poppen Michael and Tara Eggleston Robert and Teresa Poppen Patrick Eggleston Carson Pringle Pamela Eichstadt Tom and Darla Reisch Kristie Escott Bonita Rowe Karley and Brian Fischer Nathan and Valerie Ruml Linda and Thomas Grohs Sara and Travis Rus Colleen and Jamie Hohm Gordon Schemm Lorinda and Randy Holland Layton Schimke Scott and Kim Jensen Dave Schmidt Lori Schrader Shawna Schwader Frank and Donna Seiler Shelly and Barry Selland Skylar Slavik *Italicized indicates Horizon Employees 14

Thankful: A Celebration of our PartnersJanet and Richard Kolousek Lori and Jon Feller Adam EggertKaren and Darcy Mickelson Lacey Finkbeiner Wade and Nancy EricksonRonald Miller Karen Gonsor Dr. Hilary HaleyAmy and Mark Neises Mary and Craig Hanson Brianna HansonLaura Neises Charity and Brady Hathaway Melissa and Randy HoferJudith Payne and Dennis Doerr Kristi Hine Tonya and Nick KoepsellMichael Pena Rosemary and Daryl Jensen Brett MayerCarla Poulson Lindsey Karlson Dr. Michelle and Benjamin ScholtzDawn and Joel Rassel Angela and Shane Kolb Ryan and Joleene SpaderDennis and Linda Riegert Alice and Earl Maier Russel and Kris Stocklin-JohnsonDavid and Frances Rollason Amy and Steve Noonan Virginia and Terry WingenShaneyl Rowe William and Lois PerrineMisty and Myron Rudebusch Greg and Chrysti Protsch Inspiration CircleConnie and Ken Ruml Cheri and Scott Pudwill ($1,000 - $4,999)Lexy Sattler Joan Rice Geralyn and William HahneBobbie and Jerry Schmidt Sally and Frederik Rosin Jodi JungCharlene and Richard Schmit Geertruida and Graham Schukking Christina and Martin KonechneMarcia and Doyle Simon Carla Schweitzer Drs. Lance and Ruth LimTiffany Spears Joseph and Ann Spader Pamela and Steve LockenAngela Steffensen Diane and Terry Stangohr John and Roslyn MengenhausenKris and Harvey Strohfus Katie and Nathan Stearns Clayton and Salina NelsonKimberly and Shane Sumpter Stephen and Dawn Stocklin Tracy and Pat PardyPaul and Holly Taylor Beverly and Lynn Stradinger Shelly Ten NapelKristen Thompson Dr. Nick Thome Scott and Jennifer WeatherillHeidi Tobin Alan and Karen VollerLisa Virchow Anna Waldner Impact CircleRollin and Barbara Walter Jessica and Greg Weber ($5,000 - $9,999)Priscilla and Jeffrey Werner Wes and Julie Wingen Les and Marcia LindskovBobbi and Jason WhiteMichelle and Curt Wiedman Ambassadors Circle Humanitarian CircleLeonard and Amanda Wonnenberg ($500 - $999) ($10,000 - $24,999) Amanda AdamsPartners Circle Robyn and Thane Brooks Visionaries Circle($250 - $499) Dr. Mark Butterbrodt ($25,000 - $49,999)Anonymous Donor (1) Dave and Lavon Callies Dale and Diane JansWendy and Arden BergeleenJoshua Bosma Innovator’s CircleJames and Bernice Burg ($50,000 - $99,999)Christine CristKatie Dailing Dream Builders CircleMelissa and Cordell Davis ($100,000+)Debra and Joe DouglasWarren and Kim Eggert *Italicized indicates Horizon EmployeesSharon and John EglestonBrenda and Reed Engle 15

Profiles of Care Ensuring health care for rural communities! Hunter’s Story Watch Hunter’s video at It started as a typical spring Sunday in Faith, SD for the Johnson family, watching their oldest son, Hunter, compete in the local high school rodeo on Mother’s Day 2016. Just days before his own high school graduation, Hunter saddled up his horse like he had hundreds of other times in his life. Hunter and his horse came out of the chute and made a few jumps, when he was knocked loose and kicked in the chest. “I took about four steps and I remember my legs kind of just quit working,” recalls Hunter. “I couldn’t figure out what was going on and everything went black.” As Hunter’s parents, Russel and Krissy, fearfully watched from the stands, they immediately knew something was wrong. As their son lay stretched out on the ground, Kris Escott, a local nurse with Horizon Health Care’s Faith Community Health Center, began CPR. When Hunter was kicked in the chest, it caused Commotio Cortis, which stopped his heart – meaning Kris needed to shock him multiple times to get his heart beating again. Commotio Cortis is a disruption in heart rhythm that occurs as a result of a blow to the area directly over the heart during the heart beat cycle, causing cardiac arrest.“It sunk into me that I was pretty sure I just watched my kid die.” -Russel, Hunter’s Father 16

Hunter’s StoryNow in his second year of college, Kris EscottHunter and his family can’t imagine & Hunterwhat the outcome could have beenif Kris Escott wasn’t at the rodeo thatfateful day.“Kris Escott is the lady thatsaved my life,” Hunter sayswith tears and gratitude. “IfHorizon Health Care wasn’t inFaith, SD… Kris Escott wouldn’thave been in Faith, SD.”Nearly 2.5 hours from the nearestcity, Faith is what Hunter describes asa small, tight-knit community where “I still to this day have noyour neighbors are always lookingout for you. Being that far away from words. There are no words toa city, means they also don’t have express having someone givelarge health care facilities nearby and your child back to you.”solely rely on their local clinic andmedical professionals to provide theurgent and day-to-day care when -Krissy, Hunter’s Motherthey need it. Being that far from ahospital means many of the medicalprofessionals in Faith, just like mostsmall communities, are not only thereto greet you at your appointment in the clinic, but also there in emergency situations likeHunter’s as an EMT. Kris Escott is one of those people; during the day she is a nurse at theFaith Clinic, but she is also a local EMT and the current Ambulance Director around the clockin the community. Kris began her career in health care by joining the ambulance crew as anEMT, which then led her to becoming a nurse.“I enjoy working in a small town because I feel that I am making a difference,” Kris says.“You are personally vested in your patients’ outcome. You know your patients in a criticaltime, thankfully Hunter’s situation turned out for the best.” 17

Horizon’s MISSIONBackground Horizon Health Care, Inc. provides rural communities with access to high-quality, affordable primary healthcare services.Established in 1978, VISIONHorizon Health Care, Inc.provides personalized, Horizon’s vision is to be the leading provider of patient-centeredaffordable, high quality healthcare, committed to improving the quality of life for those we serve.medical, dental andmental health care through a rural In 1998 the two organizations, Miner-community-based network across South Hamlin Health Care Project and Tri-CountyDakota. Horizon began when a group of Health Care merged and formed Horizonconcerned citizens from the communities Health Care, Inc. (Horizon) to better serveof Howard and Bryant (Miner-Hamlin Health their patients.Care Project) and Wessington Springs,Plankinton, and Woonsocket (Tri-County Today, Horizon serves the health, dental,Health Care) formed their respective and mental health care needs of SouthFederally Qualified Community Health Dakotans through 105,000 patient visitsCenters (FQHCs) to ensure healthcare annually throughout 32 medical andwould remain in their communities. dental clinics. In 2018, Horizon celebrates their 40th anniversary of quality patientEach organization received a grant from care. Over the past four decades, thethe Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) organization has gone through multipleto assist the communities in recruiting mergers, acquisitions, and New Accesshealthcare professionals and opening a Points. They have also expanded theirclinic to provide primary care. The Howard scope of practice to include dentalClinic began providing service in February services, telemedicine, behavioral1978 and the Bryant Clinic opened in health services, and embraced medicalMarch 1978. The Jerauld County Clinic technology to enhance Electronic Healthopened for service in August 1978 and Record capabilities. Throughout all ofthe Aurora and Whiting Memorial Clinics these changes, Horizon has remainedopened shortly after. dedicated to its mission of providing quality, affordable healthcare to those in need. Horizon currently employs nearly 300 employees, 71 of those being medical and dental providers. Horizon is governed by a volunteer community board of directors. The 13 board members are health center patients that represent the communities and populations served. 18

Horizon Health Care’s Service Area MCINTOSH BISON ISABEL ABERDEEN FAITH LA PLANT EAGLE BUTTE BRYANT HURON DE SMETLOCATIONS SERVICES LAKE PRESTON Administration Medical & Behavioral WESSINGTON HOWARD SPRINGS Clinic Dental FORT THOMPSON WOONSOCKET KEY Outreach Clinic PLANKINTON WHITE RIVER MARTIN MISSION YANKTON ALCESTER ELK POINT In rural communities, health centers support a community’sability to retain local health care options, supporting access to health care where rural Dakotans live and work. Who Do We Serve? Horizon Health Care serves over 27,500 patients. Over 1,100 veterans • Over 9,500 children Horizon accepts all patients: those on Medicare, Medicaid, or without insurance. Horizon also accepts all major private medical and dental insurances. 19

What is a Community health centers are non-profit, community-driven primary care clinics thatCommunity Health Center? provide high-quality primary and preventive care to all individuals, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay. Health centers are located in underserved and low-income urban and rural areas, providing access to affordable, quality health care for those who need it most. The centers serve as essential medical homes where patients find services that promote health, diagnose and treat disease, and manage chronic conditions and disabilities. Our ServicesMEDICAL Adult & Geriatric Care Newborn & Pediatric MedicineSERVICES Cardiac Rehab Prenatal & Postpartum Care DOT Exams Preventive & Acute Care Family Medicine Telemedicine Family Planning VA Outreach Services Immunization Updates Walk-ins Welcome Internal Medicine Well Child Exams Lab & X-ray Services Well Women Exams & Women’s HealthHorizon offers behavioral health services for individuals, groups and families at BEHAVIORALall of our community health centers through telemedicine and on-site contracted HEALTHservices. The goal of Horizon’s mental health services is to help people cope withcurrent stressors in order to minimize the impact on their daily lives. Horizon strivesto provide each of our communities a “Patient Centered Medical Home” and theinclusion of mental healthcare enhances our ability to improve care and reduce costs.DENTAL Dentures, Crowns, Bridges Participation in Medicaid &SERVICES Dental Exams CHIP Programs Digital X-rays Prophylaxis Electronic Dental Records Root Canal Treatments Emergencies Scaling & Root Planning Fillings Sealants Oral Hygiene Education Simple & Surgical Extractions Partials Space Maintainers 20

The key to our accomplishments is our commitment to tailoring Communityour comprehensive services to the unique cultural and healthneeds in each of our communities. Through our Sliding Fee FOCUSProgram, partnerships with providers in neighboring areas,and the latest in Telemedicine technology, we are able toremove persistent barriers to care such as transportation,case management, and interpretation. Horizon is dedicated to providing our communitieswith more than just quality care; we also provide the following array of unique services tohelp better our patients’ way of life.Sliding Fee ProgramHorizon’s Sliding Fee Program offers reduced prices on officevisits and services provided in the medical and dental clinics toall individuals and families who qualify. If you apply and qualify atone Horizon location, you receive the discount at all our medicaland dental locations.The Sliding Fee Program is based on family income and mayreduce your bill 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, or more. You may qualifywith or without insurance, and you may qualify even though youhave Medicare or Medicaid.340B ProgramHorizon participates in the 340B Program, which is a discountdrug program for people that do not have prescription insurancecoverage or for people whose insurance may not cover a particularmedication. Discounts can range from 35%-75% depending onthe medication prescribed.Health HomeA Health Home is a provider or a team of health care professionalsthat provide integrated health care. With Health Home, yourprimary care provider cares not just for your physical condition, butalso helps provide access to long-term community care services,social services and family services. The model aims to improveyour health care quality, clinical outcomes, and your overall careexperience, all while reducing your costs through more cost-effective care. 21

Profiles of Care Ensuring health care for rural communities!Warren’s Story Watch the video at www.horizonhealthfoundation.comWarren came into the Howard Community beginning at age 50). Warren hesitatedHealth Center in late 2012 for his regular about scheduling his next screening. Gettingcheck-up appointment. Warren is the another colonoscopy would mean going offhard-working, give you the shirt off his his seizure medication, which could affectback person that’s common in rural South his driving—and could mean losing his jobDakota. A husband and father of two, and income for his family!Warren works at the local co-op elevator—and in a small town, everyone knows him as Warren was scared, and while Ashleya quiet man who puts his family first. understood his concerns, she was still worried about his health. “Fine,” she said toDuring his check-up, Warren mentioned him, “take an at-home kit for testing, andhaving blood in his stool. “It’s not a big see if it comes back positive for blood.” Hedeal,” he told staff. However, his registered did, and the results came back—positive. Yetnurse, Ashley, disagreed, noticing it had he still balked at the colonoscopy. It couldbeen five years since his last colonoscopy be something small causing the bleeding,(which is recommended every five years he justified. Ashley pushed back. 22

Warren’s StoryWhat if it’s something more?Ashley sent a second at-home kit with him, Ashley adores Howard and the people whoand the tests came back positive again. She live there. A Midwest girl at heart, Ashley iscalled him up and tried to help him overcome married to her high school sweetheart, whohis fear. Since she was born and raised in is also a farmer—and they raise their childrenHoward herself, Ashley knows her patients in the same town she grew up in. “I practice(and their families) by first name—and her with the people who treated me when I grewpersonal relationships build trust with her up. Community health serves all patients, andpatients. “What would your wife want? What we don’t turn anyone away,” she explains.would your children say?” Ashley pleaded with Patients are neighbors and family—aunts andWarren. uncles, fathers and mothers, grandparents— living in her home state.With Ashley’s encouragement and his family’spersuasion, he finally agreed to the test.Warren was referred to a GI doctor in SiouxFalls in January 2013, and colon polyps werefound during his colonoscopy. Surgery wasrecommended to remove the possible cancer.In February, Warren went in to have a portionof his colon removed. Doctors ended uptaking both the right and transverse colon,an estimated two feet of colon length dueto polyps being malignant. Complicationsrequired a second surgery, but the cancer wascontained and hasn’t spread!Ashley & He has thanked me forWarren being stubborn. He told me he probably wouldn’t have followed throug h with the colonoscopy if I hadn’t called and reminded him. -Ashley 23

Profiles of Giving Together we can reach those in need! 7 Individuals IMPACTED Donors across South Dakota joined with Creative Printing of Huron, SD (who matched gifts dollar for dollar) to raise nearly $13,000 for Horizon Health Care patients unable to afford a colonoscopy. The Huron Regional Medical Center partnered with Horizon by offering a colonoscopy at a reduced rate to eligible participants. In 2017, we had 34 patients in need of a colonoscopy that are high risk and cannot afford to receive one. Because of the generosity of donors like you, the Horizon Health Foundation has earmarked $15,200 from the Cancer Care Fund to assist seven of these patients. We are grateful to you, but as you can read, that leaves 27 individuals (mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters) that are in need of our help. Each colonoscopy costs $2,000 with our partner agreement discount. Would you consider supporting a patient in need this year? YOU could be the hero that can help keep a mother or father here for their family this year. Howard Farmers Co-op has demonstrated the “neighbors helping neighbors” mentality by joining the Horizon Health Foundation’s efforts in providing life-saving care to South Dakotans. 24

Ways of Giving Charitable giving often carries significant tax benefits for donors. All gifts to the Horizon Health Foundation are tax-deductable to the extent allowed by law. If you have questions regarding the tax implications of your giving, consult your attorney or financial advisor.The type of gift that is best for you depends on many factors, including age, health, family, employment situation,assets and lifestyle choices. Many companies will match your gift, maximizing the impact of your personalphilanthropy. Cash Retirement PlansGifts of cash to the Foundation can maximize your You can name the Foundation as a beneficiary of your retirementcharitable deduction and deliver immediate benefits to plan or tax-sheltered annuity through your plan administrator orHorizon Health Foundation. Many donors choose to make explore taking advantage of IRA rollover legislation to save taxes.their cash gifts with a credit card, check or wire transfer.We invite donors to consider our secure online giving site: Trusts There are a variety of ways to create trusts that benefit you and your loved ones as well as the Foundation. Choosing the Payroll Deduction right trust or other planned giving vehicle depends on your age, assets and many other factors.Horizon Health Care employees can make a gift through payrolldeduction. Contact the Foundation for a payroll deduction form. Appreciated Securities Real Estate & Tangible Personal Property Charitable contributions of appreciated securities provide income-tax advantages in two ways: 1) through a charitableA residence, farm land, or other real estate may be given deduction – generally for the fair market value of the securitiesto the Foundation as an outright gift, or you may prefer to at the time of the contribution, subject to certain tax law limitsdonate your property to the Foundation and retain the right and, 2) through capital gains tax savings – you are not taxedto occupy the property for life. on the capital gain that would result if you sold the property. Charitable Gift Annuity Life InsuranceThrough a simple contract, you agree to donate cash, You may make a gift of life insurance in support of thestocks, or other assets to the Foundation. In return, you and Foundation by naming the Foundation as owner andsomeone else, if you choose, receive a fixed amount each irrevocable beneficiary of the paid up policy.year for the rest of your lives. The remainder is endowed tosupport the Foundation. BequestsA provision for the Horizon Health Foundation in your will allows for a substantial contribution without diminishing assetsduring your lifetime. Donors who let us know about plans for bequests or deferred gifts are eligible for membership in theFounder’s Society. We can work with you to prepare a fund description which will describe how the fund will be administeredand reflect special conditions you wish to be included. Sample bequest language- I bequeath $_____ or _____% of my estate to the Horizon Health Foundation. 25

Together we can make an impact!Donated resources are distributed to support patients in the following areas: Behavioral Diabetes Cancer Health Care CareFund assists with Fund assists with Fund assists with cancereducation, care education, prescriptions screening, treatment and education. and support. and supplies. Horizon Charity Employee Impact Care Emergency (Greatest Assistance Need) Fund assists with support for those unable Fund Fund assistsgreatest needs. to pay for medical and Fund assists dental care. with Employee Emergencies.Increasing the Impact of Your Gift to HorizonYou can make a gift to the Foundation supporting any area of Horizon in memory or honor of a relative, friend, or special care-giver. Honorary and memorial gifts are a special way to celebrate a birthday or anniversary. Memorial gifts are a thoughtfulway to recognize a person’s influence and accomplishments while advancing the mission of Horizon Health Care, Inc. andhelping the patients we serve. When you make an honorary or memorial gift, we will (if requested) notify the honoree or nextof kin and administer the gift as you direct.Corporate PartnershipsCompanies, large and small, are choosing to partner with the Horizon Health Foundation in ways that are mutually beneficial.The naming of facilities and other spaces brings visibility for the company, and also provides an important source of fundingfor equipment, scholarships, and other needs.Recurring GiftDonors may choose to make an automatic monthly gift to benefit the Foundation using their credit card or another type ofelectronic fund transfer. This is convenient for donors, and can help reduce printing and mailing costs.PledgeA commitment over time allows you to make a significant gift in multiple payments. This can be completed by contacting us. 26

HORIZ N Health Foundation • 605.772.5907 PO Box 728 • Howard, SD 57349 Horizon Health Foundation Staff Tracy Pardy, Foundation Director Adam Eggert, Foundation Database/Development Assistant Board of DirectorsJohn Mengenhausen, CEO, Horizon Health Care; Board Chairman Jodi Jung, CNP, Board Vice Chair/Treasurer Pam Locken, Board Secretary Rachele Vietor, PA-C; Board Member Dr. Ruth Lim, MD; Board Member Doug Kazmerzak, Board Member Krissy Stocklin-Johnson, Board Member 27

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