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Home Explore Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook

Published by hannelie.nieuwoudt, 2020-03-27 06:05:17

Description: Employee Handbook


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New Employee Handbook A Reference Guide to Right to Care's Policies and Procedures

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 3 1. Introduction 4 2. Right to Care Vision and Mission 5 3. Right to Care Organisational Structure 6 4. Corporate Governance 6 5. Office Locations 7 6. Right to Care Funders 10 7. Previous Programmes 11 8. Right to Care Subsidiaries & Associates 14 9. Donor Compliance 15 10. Duty of Care to Our Clients 16 11. Our Brands 16 12. Your Induction 27 13. Statement of Employment Terms & Conditions 36 14. Right to Care Group Policies 44 15. Health and Safety 49 16. Fleet Management 50 17. Training and Development 52 18. Finance 56 19. IT 60 20. Right to Care Systems 61 21. Risk 62 22. Leaving Right to Care 23. Office Housekeeping Rules

ANNEXURES Annexure A - ESS Manual Annexure B - Intranet Manual. Annexure C – Skype Manual Annexure D – Policy Passport Manual Annexure E - Training Portal Manual Annexure F – Performance Appraisal Manual Annexure G - IT Helpdesk Maniual Annexure H - Online Travel Booking Manual Annexure I - Incident reporting template Annexure J – Travel Request Form Annexure K – Grievance Form template Annexure L – Confirmation of Receipt of Handbook Form Annexure M – Fleet Management Forms Annexure N – Genesis Benefits

WELCOME A Message from our CEO In is our privilege to welcome OUR VALUES you to Right to Care. We wish you every success in your new Innovation job, and we hope that you Quality Care quickly feel at home. Responsiveness Our aim in producing this    |    1 document was to create a one- stop information point where you would be able to access all the information you are likely to need in relation to your employment with us. The Handbook and corresponding policy documents form part of your contract of employment with Right to Care. The document gives an overview of the terms and conditions of your employment, and outlines what you can expect from us as your employer. In return we ask you for a high degree of commitment, dedication and loyalty to help us achieve the aims and objectives of the Company. I hope you find this a useful guide during your employment with us. However, if you are unable to find the answer to your question here, please feel free to contact your line manager who will certainly be able to find an answer for you. PROFESSOR IAN SANNE Chief Executive Officer

ABOUTRight to Care Right to Care (RTC) is a South African organisation Given our large-scale programmes across South formed in 2001 under section 21 (revised Africa and other parts of the continent.. Right to companies act 2008) as a non-profit organization Care is a value-driven organisation with a Vision with public benefit status that supports and that every individual will have ready and delivers prevention, care and treatment services affordable access to quality evidence-based for HIV and tuberculosis in South Africa. Through medical services. Its Mission is therefore to technical assistance, RTC supports the private respond to public health needs by supporting sector, the SA National Department of Health, its and delivering innovative, quality healthcare provinces and districts as well as the Department solutions, based on the latest medical research of Correctional Services. In addition, through and established best practices, for the direct service delivery, RTC performs medical male prevention, treatment, and management of circumcisions as an HIV prevention strategy; test infectious and chronic diseases. and treats patients for HIV, TB and sexually transmitted infections. Through Right to Care Right to Care is founded on our commitment to International, we support governments in the highest ethical principles and standards. territories beyond SA’s borders Upholding these commitments is essential to our continued success and built into RTC’s policies. Since inception, RTC has been creating a hub of experience in all areas of technical assistance, All staff are bound to RTC policies, and its direct service delivery, public health innovative accountability measures in operations and solutions as well as medical and supply chain procurement. Relationship with service providers management within the public healthcare and clientele are therefore informed and formed sectors. RTC has extensive grant management by our policies. All staff should relate to these experience, policies within their given roles and responsibilities    |    2

RIGHT TO That every individual will have ready and affordable access CARE to quality evidence-based medical services Vision RIGHT TO To respond to public health needs by supporting and CARE delivering innovative, quality healthcare solutions, based on the latest medical research and established best practices, Mission for the prevention, treatment, and management of infectious and chronic diseases    |    3

3. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Various Operations Support Teams Right to Care has a hybrid operational model implying that although responsibility for program implementation might be decentralized to the district offices, most of the operations and finance controls are centralized. The Operations Departments for Right to Care includes HR, IT and Communications and Fleet management. Finance, Procurement and Risk/ Compliance fall within the Finance Department. They also have asset management responsibility. The various Operations Support Teams have set responsibilities all towards ensuring adherence to donor rules and regulations as well as RTC policies and procedures. This manual is essentially speaking to these issues throughout. The Operations Management is overall responsible to: Achieve 100% Burn-rate within the set parameters of the budget Ensure that all expenses are allowable, allocable and reasonable against donor standards Manage roll out of warehousing system and adherence to system Ensure appropriate security mechanisms are in place and risks are considered and mitigated Timely and appropriate procurement Ensure 100% recruitment rate according to RTC and Labour Law principles    |    4

4. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Sound Corporate Governance is Central to the Sustainability of Right to Care Right to Care’s (RTC) commitment to sound corporate governance is fundamental to the sustainability of the organisation. Every employee is expected to act in accordance with RTC’s comprehensive corporate governance practices requiring them to: Sustain an ethical corporate culture; Identify and mitigate risks to the business; Ensure informed and sound decision making at all levels; Support effective and efficient decision making; Take responsibility and be accountable; Enhance stakeholder perception of the organisation; Build the organisation’s brands and reputation; and Ensure legal and regulatory compliance. RTC’s approach to corporate governance is to apply the principles of King IV in a way that is appropriate for the organisation and the sector in which it operates. Our culture encourages professionalism in all our operations, which have formed the backbone of our corporate governance structures. Right to Care applies the King III principles where relevant in order to measure and achieve good governance. Our board and numerous medical and technical sub-committees guide us in sustainability, risk, and future growth. The RTC South Africa Board of Directors has nine highly skilled non-executive directors chaired by Dr Ali Bacher as an independent non-executive chairman. The Board is responsible for the oversight and compliance with King IV good governance principles. RTC has maintained a clean audit history with no major or significant findings on statutory or grant audits in the its 17-year history of multi-year grant awards. These same financial and governance controls are established in all RTC subsidiaries and locally established offices. Whistle blower policy Right to Care’s goal is to comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements relating to health care and business processes. We encourage anyone to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or violation of policies. Reporting is anonymous and done through a third party who will protect the individual from any retaliation. Report unethical behaviour to toll-free number 0800 55 53 16 or Refer to the Whistle Blower policy which can be located on the Group Intranet and Policy Passport.    |    5

5. OFFICE LOCATIONS Right to Care is active throughout South Africa. With direct service delivery funding, Right to Care operates clinical programmes. We treat patients for HIV, TB, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted infections at several government facilities across the country. Right to Care is not limited by borders, whenever there is a need and we have the skills and expertise we will not shy away from adversity. RTC has also established local partner offices in Lesotho, Malawi, and Zambia with leadership and staff positions filled by local citizens. The RTC offices in Lesotho, Zambia and Malawi also fully comply with PEPFAR’s localization criteria. RTC NPC also developed a partnership arrangement for the implementation of projects and programs in Ukraine 6. RIGHT TO CARE FUNDERS We are dedicated to collaborating with highly skilled and effective organisations. Our partners and funders include local and international agencies and teams committed to the prevention care and treatment of HIV, TB, cervical cancer, and associated diseases, in addition to addressing various other global healthcare issues. We are also spearheading developments to support the National Department of Health’s improved primary health care initiatives    |    6

7. PREVIOUS FUNDERS & PROGRAMMES PERFROM/Health Systems Strengthening In September 2012, Right to Care and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) endorsed a bilateral cooperative agreement, known as Performance for Health through Focused Outputs, Results, and Management (PERFORM). Also referred to as the Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) programme, it encompassed three overarching objectives: To improve HIV-related patient outcomes by strengthening health and patient management systems at facility, sub-district, and district levels through capacity building and support. To strengthen health systems in support of HIV-related services by working with provinces to build capacity of facility, sub- district, and district management; and To provide support for development and successful implementation of South African Government (SAG) policies for HIV-related interventions targeting governance, leadership and finance.    |    7 “Through USAID funding during Right to Care’s PERFORM years, feasibility of epidemic control has become a reality. Right to Care was at the forefront to ensure USAID and NDoH priorities were attained.” – Dr Pappie Majuba, Managing Director at Right to Care and HSS Programme Head.

PREVIOUS FUNDERS & PROGRAMMES Right to Care International / EQUIP EQUIP was the first African-led global The consortium was a powerful collaboration of consortium supported by the President’s leading African organisations with RTC as prime Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), through the United States Agency for The key areas of intervention were: International Development (USAID), to deliver technical assistance to twelve countries cross Rapid ‘test and start’ roll out support. sub-Saharan Africa (Burundi, Democratic Differentiated models of antiretroviral Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi,  therapy (ART) delivery with focus on Multi- Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Month Scripting and Dispensing (MMSD) at Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe), Eastern Europe both facility and community levels. (Ukraine), the Caribbean (Dominican Republic Centralised Chronic Medicines Dispensing and Haiti) and East Asia (Indonesia and and Distribution (CCMDD). Myanmar). Strategies to increase HIV testing yield, initiation onto ART, retention on ART and The mechanism works with USAID country viral suppression. missions, implementing partners, ministries of Treatment approaches that respond to the health, and relevant stakeholders in providing needs of key populations; innovative tailor-made solutions to achieve the Innovative approaches to support the rapid 90-90-90 targets in supported countries. scale-up of viral load monitoring; and Health economics activities. RTC International provided technical assistance ranging from policy review, strategy development and implementation capacity assessments to laboratory assessments, viral load technology provision, support and skills training. “Our focus has been on providing    |    8 innovative and tailor-made solutions to achieve HIV epidemic control and in turn, to reach the 90-90-90 targets in RTC International’s supported countries.” – Dr Thembi Xulu.

PREVIOUS FUNDERS & PROGRAMMES Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) One of SA's most successfull Public Health creation Programmes By September 2018, as a result of Right to Care’s (RTC) Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) programme, which first began in April 2012, over one million medical male circumcisions had been performed. This is arguably one of the most successful demand creation, social mobilisation and implementation strategies in South Africa’s public healthcare sector in recent years. It was made possible through a USAID-funded consortium led by RTC, working in conjunction with South Africa’s National Department of Health (NDoH) as well as with regional and district health departments. RTC was the Prime Recipient of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) grant until September 2016 and continued its VMMC implementation as a Prime Recipient of a Center for Disease Control (CDC) grant in September 2017. The USAID circumcision programme took place across the provinces of the Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and the North West and covered a total of 14 health districts, while the CDC VMMC programme is implemented in the Eastern Cape, the North West, the Free State and Mpumalanga and covers seven health districts. “Working together with our    |    9 partner organisations over one million circumcisions had been performed by September 2017. Peak performance took place in 2017.” – Dr Khumbulani Moyo, MMC Project Director at Right to Care.

8. RTC SUBSIDIARIES & ASSOCIATES Right to Care Subsidiaries The following are the subsidiaries of Right to Care: RTC Property RTC Health Services RTC Zambia RTC Malawi RTC Lesotho Right ePharmacy (Subsidiary) Right ePharmacy is an innovative, strategic solution provider for the dispensing, distribution and collection of medicine. Right ePharmacy is the centre of excellence for its parent company (Right to Care), spearheading disruptive innovation and enhancing differentiated models of pharmaceutical care in South Africa. We source, customise and implement the latest technology and systems to address key issues for better healthcare outcomes Right ePharmacy is the ideal partner for any form of key health initiatives such as treatment access scale up. Activities are aligned with the National Department of Health’s (NDoH) national adherence strategy and aim to facilitate the acceleration of momentum towards attainment of UNAIDS 90 90 90 treatment targets. The solutions provided by Right ePharmacy also helps to further address some of the structural issues in the public health sector e.g. inadequate skills and human resources. You can visit their website at Qode Health Solutions (Associate) Qode is a South African company that enables healthcare organisations to explore clinical, financial and operational data through visual analytics to discover insights which lead to improvements in care, reduced costs and delivering higher value to patients. Their strength lies in their deep-rooted understanding of developing countries healthcare challenges, which enables them to develop clinical technical systems that understand and respond to these challenges. You can visit their website at    |    10

9. DONOR COMPLIANCE Why focus on rules and regulations CDC: “Recipients must comply with all general terms and conditions above and specific terms and conditions detailed in the Notice of Award (NoA)”. USAID: “This Agreement is made to the Recipient on the condition that funds will be administered according to the terms and conditions as set forth in: Schedule (1) Program Description (4) Standard Provisions (2) Marking and branding plan (3)\" Key elements of Agreements Clauses within CDC and USAID agreements that affect program implementation: Substantial involvement: “Substantial involvement is in addition to all post-award monitoring, technical assistance, and performance reviews undertaken in the normal course of stewardship of federal funds”.   RTC should obtain the donor’s prior approval for the subaward, transfer, or contracting out of any work under an award.   Direction and Redirection:  The donor’s activity manager may direct or redirect activities hereunder because of inter-relationships with other PEPFAR programs/activities. Specific conditions (USAID) or Restrictions (CDC): Ringfences specific activities or requirements that usually needs to be met within a short window at onset of the program. All staff should be aware of these limitations Overall budget vs available budgets: Indicative budget is the budget that was accepted/ agreed upon at onset of grant but actual available funding for the specific period will indicated as obligated funds. USAID uses Modifications to inform about obligated funds, and CDC informs via Notification of Awards.    |    11

Mandatory Finance and Procurement Requirements by both USAID and CDC Finance and Procurement requirements that are contractually binding: Cost Principles (2 CFR 200): It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure that costs incurred are: reasonable: costs which are generally recognized as ordinary and necessary and would be incurred by a prudent person in the conduct of normal business. allocable: incurred specifically for this award; and allowable: conform to any limitations in this award. Procurement limitations: No employee or member of an employee's immediate family can receive an award or have a financial or other interest in firms selected for awards.  No employee is allowed to solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to sub-agreements.  The recipient must ensure that no potential contractor has unequal access to information that may provide that contractor an unfair competitive advantage. Restricted and unallowed commodities and services*: NOT ALLOWED   Abortion equipment and services, Luxury goods and gambling equipment(alcohol) RESTRICTED COMMODITIES Prior written approval is needed to procure: Motor vehicles Pharmaceuticals      *Not comprehensive list, look at each specific grant agreement.    |    12

Other mandatory requirements by both USAID and CDC Implementation limitations that are contractually binding: Protecting Life: Both donors expect adherence to their Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance protocol. “The recipient will not, while receiving assistance under this award, perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in foreign countries or provide financial support to other foreign non-governmental organizations that conduct such activities” Trafficking in Persons: The recipient, its sub-awardees, or contractors, or their employees, must not engage in: Trafficking in during the period of this award. Procurement of a commercial sex act during the period of this award. Use of forced labor in the performance of this award. Whistleblowing Whistleblowing is defined as making a disclosure \"that the employee reasonably believes\" is evidence of any of the following: Gross mismanagement of a Federal contract or grant. A gross waste of Federal funds. An abuse of authority relating to a Federal contract or grant. A substantial and specific danger to public health or safety; or A violation of law, rule, or regulation related to a Federal contract or grant (including the competition for, or negotiation of, a contract or grant).    |    13

10. DUTY OF CARE TO OUR CLIENTS What is our duty of care? Right to Care and all its representatives have a legal and moral responsibility to keep our clients safe from harm while they are using a service offered by RTC. This responsibility is known as 'duty of care’ Measures to protect children and adults from harm by the persons in power over them is known as ‘safeguarding’. Our duty of care standards We will keep our clients safe from harm, during or after working hours We will keep our clients safe from harm and violations, irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, religion, ability or culture We have established and will continue building an environment where safeguarding or human trafficking risks are identified, considered and minimized We have in place mechanisms for prevention, reporting and responding. We respond through our whistleblowing mechanism, an independent avenue for confidential reporting. We align with South African law that expects health workers to report suspicion of child abuse We expect our partners and all staff to adhere to these standards.    |    14

11. OUR BRANDS    |    15

12. YOUR INDUCTION Right to Care believes its employees are its greatest asset and recognises its responsibility to ensure they are afforded appropriate development throughout their employment.  This development begins at the Induction stage when a new employee joins RTC. Our aim is to support and develop employees in their role so that they feel confident to undertake the responsibilities placed upon them and ultimately are able to contribute to the success of the organisation. Induction and Orientation will be spread over your first few weeks. Copies of your induction checklist and evaluation sheets will be given to you during your first day of induction. For access to the electronic version of this handbook and copies of the Induction Presentation(s) go to Statement of Employment Terms and Conditions As an employee of Right to Care you will have received an employment contract setting out specific terms and conditions of service as they relate to your post (if you have not received this, please contact the Human Resources Department to obtain a copy) This includes details of: the names of the employer and the employee; the date when the employment began (and the period of employment if applicable); remuneration and the intervals at which it is to be paid; hours of work; leave entitlement; employee benefits (if applicable); the entitlement of employer and employee to notice of termination; job title (a Job Description will be given to you by your line manager); either the place of work or, if required to work in more than one location, an indication of this and of the employer's address.    |    16

Further detailed policies and procedures which may not be mentioned as part of this document, but which still form part of your conditions of employment with us can be accessed through your line manager, the Human Resources department or the Intranet. This handbook also summarises the main terms of your employment. Probation Period All new staff are subject to a probationary period of 3 months, unless otherwise stated in your contract. Your appointment will be confirmed on satisfactory completion of the probation period. During this probationary period, you will be given appropriate support and development opportunity to help you reach the required standards. Extension of the probationary period may be granted if mutually agreed to, to enable the required standards to be achieved, but failure to do so could result in termination of your employment. Your Attendance at Work Right to Care values good attendance at work and is committed to improving the general wellbeing of its employees to achieve this.  Although we aim to secure regular attendance, we do not expect employees to attend when they are genuinely unwell. Notification of Absence Your line manager should be notified as early as possible if absence from work is anticipated for hospitalisation, other medical treatment or due to incapacity. If you are unable to attend work due to sickness or injury, your line manager must be notified by telephone before your normal start time or as soon thereafter as possible on the first day of absence, if possible, indicating a date of return.  Notification should be made by you personally unless impossible due to the nature of the illness where you should arrange for someone else to call on your behalf.  During prolonged periods of absence, your manager should be kept informed of progress and an expected date of return. Any employee who has been absent due to sickness and is found not to have been genuinely ill will be subject to disciplinary action, which could include dismissal.    |    17

Hours of Work Adherence to office/clinic hours will be determined by your Line Manager.  The Company reserves the right, upon reasonable notice, to change your working hours if the need arises and you accept that your working hours may be changed. You will be entitled to a minimum of a ½ hour lunch break if you work continuously for more than 5 hours. The taking of such time should be at a convenient time and communicated to your Line Manager. The nature of the industry and the specific requirements of your job may result in you being required to work overtime, night shifts, public holidays and on Saturdays and Sundays in certain instances as may be necessary for the proper performance of your duties or as reasonably required by the Company.  The Company will give you reasonable notice of any requirements to work overtime and the particulars of the shift you will be required to work will be explained to you by the relevant department head.  By accepting this appointment, you have agreed to work such overtime as the Company may require. Notwithstanding the above, it is agreed that in the event of emergency work, it will be compulsory for you to work emergency overtime.  Should you be required to work overtime you will be entitled to time off in lieu of the overtime worked, if you however, earn above the prescribed earnings threshold, as amended from time to time, you will not be entitled to claim for overtime worked.  Employees who are based at a site where there is no Time and Attendance biometric device will be required to submit a monthly manual time sheet of all hours worked signed off by your Line Manager, to the Human Resources department by the 4th day of each month. Employees who are based at the sites where the biometric device is installed will be required to clock in and out as set out in the Time and Attendance policy. Employees who do not work the required monthly or contractual hours, will have these hours converted into their hourly rate, and the same will be deducted without prior communication from HR, should the shortfalls hour be less than 10 hours. Should the shortfall hours exceed 10 hours, the same will be deducted after notifying the employee of their shortfall amount in the following month and will be dealt with through the disciplinary procedures by their Line Manager Your Line Manager will certify your electronic web timesheet/manual timesheet by the 4th day of each month Background and Reference Checks Employees of Right to Care may be required to undergo a criminal records office check. Should this be the case, we will discuss the situation with you prior to confirming your appointment (or relevant change to your job).    |    18

Background checks conducted: MIE Checks (ID, Qualifications, Work Permits, Driver’s Licenses, Passports) amongst others. Reference Checks Company Premises You will be issued with an access card allowing access to your workplace. This remains the property of Right to Care. Loss of access card must be reported immediately to your line manager. You must not bring any unauthorised person on to Right to Care property without prior agreement from your line manager, unless you are authorised to do so as part of your job. In these circumstances you are responsible for ensuring that your visitors are appropriately monitored during their stay, and that they do not access areas or company property inappropriately. You must not remove Right to Care property from the organisation’s premises unless prior authority from your line manager has been given Personal Property Any personal property such as jewellery, cash, credit cards, clothes, cars, motorbikes or bicycles etc. left on Right to Care premises is done so entirely at your own risk. You are strongly advised not to leave any valuables unattended, either on our premises, our vehicles or in your own vehicle.  Right to Care does not accept liability for loss or damage to any personal property whatsoever. Telephones Company telephone / mobile phone are supplied for business use and staff are requested to refrain from using these items for personal use. Abuse of these facilities will be considered a potential disciplinary matter.    |    19

Computer, Email and Internet Use If you have access to the Company’s computers including email and access to the internet as part of your job, you must not abuse this by using these facilities for purposes unrelated to Company business. Limited personal use of the internet is permitted during your formal breaks. All internet use is monitored and accessing pornographic or other unsuitable material, including auction or certain social networking sites is strictly prohibited and would be considered a serious disciplinary offence which may result in dismissal. Only software packages properly authorised and installed by the Company may be used on Company equipment, you must therefore not load any unauthorised software onto Company computers. If you have a Company email address, this is provided for responsible use on Company business and should not be used in any other way whatsoever. You must not make reference to the Company or its services or represent yourself on behalf of the Company on social media without formal permission from the Company to do so. All staff must make themselves familiar with the Company’s Internet & Email Policy available from your line manager, the Human Resource Department or on the Intranet Smoking and Other Substances at Work Legislation now exist which makes it illegal to smoke in enclosed public spaces. Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is therefore strictly prohibited on all Right to Care premises (including entrances and exits) and vehicles. Outside areas have been identified for those who wish to smoke during their break-time. Bringing alcohol or any unlawful drugs to the workplace, and / or imbibing them there is strictly prohibited both during work time and during a period prior to work where the effects carry over to the workplace. Any such instances will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure and may lead to your summary dismissal.    |    20

Should the need arise, and where there is a suspicion that an employee has been using a substance that impacts on the workplace and performance, the company reserves the right to request that the individual undergoes an appropriate medical test. If found to be under the influence or intoxicated, the company reserves the right to take corrective action in line with the Disciplinary Code Confidentiality It is a condition of your employment that you have a duty of confidentiality with regards to Right to Care. During your employment you may find yourself in possession of sensitive information, the disclosure of which could be construed as a breach of confidentiality.  It is a condition of your employment that you have a duty of confidentiality to the Company, and you must not discuss any Company sensitive or confidential matter whatsoever with any outside organisation including the media. Any such breach of confidentiality would be deemed as gross misconduct and could lead to your dismissal. Receipt of Gifts Your working relationships may bring you into contact with outside organisations where it is normal business practice or social convention to offer hospitality, and sometimes gifts.  Offers of this kind to you or your family can place you in a difficult position.  Therefore, no employee or any member of his or her immediate family should accept from a supplier, customer or other person doing business with Right to Care, payments of money under any circumstances, or special considerations, such as discounts or gifts of materials, equipment, services, facilities or anything else of value unless: They are in each instance of a very minor nature usually associated with accepted business practice. They do not improperly interfere with your independence of judgement or action in the performance of your employment. In every circumstance where a gift is offered, the advice of your line manager must be sought. All gifts received are to be recorded on the gift register that is housed in the Human Resource Department    |    21

Bribery and other Corrupt Behaviour The Company has a strict anti-bribery and corruption stance. A bribe is defined as: giving someone a financial or other advantage to encourage that person to perform their functions or activities improperly or to reward that person for having already done so If you bribe (or attempt to bribe) another person, intending either to obtain or retain business for the company, or to obtain or retain an advantage in the conduct of the company's business this will be considered gross misconduct. Similarly accepting or allowing another person to accept a bribe will be considered gross misconduct. In these circumstances you will be subject to formal investigation under the Company’s disciplinary procedures, and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may be applied. Intellectual Property All discoveries, inventions, devices, improvements, machines, processes, designs or manufacturing and industrial trade secrets (hereinafter collectively referred to as “inventions”), whether patentable or not, which you, solely or jointly with others, may make, invent or discover, at any time whilst in the employ of the Company and which the Company may deem to involve or relate or apply to or be useful in connection with any product, article or thing now or hereafter used, dealt with or under development by the Company, together with all the rights, title and interest in and to such inventions, shall be the sole property of the Company and you hereby assign to the Company all your rights, title and interest in and to such inventions. Changes in Personal Information for Employment Purposes It is important that our records are correct, as inaccurate or out of date information may affect your salary or cause difficulties in situations where contact is required for emergencies. You must notify your Line Manager immediately of all changes in the following personal information:    |    22

Name Home address Telephone number Bank account details Examinations passed/qualifications gained Emergency contact Driving licence penalties (if you are required to drive on Company business) Criminal charge, caution or conviction Conflict or potential conflict of interest Should you wish to change any of the details on record, please note that appropriate forms obtained from the Human Resources Department must be completed. Supporting documentation may be requested. Salary Arrangements Your salary will be paid monthly in arrears by the end of each month by electronic transfer to your designated bank account. Your basic pay was outlined in your letter of appointment. Any subsequent amendments to your Cost to Company will be notified to you in writing by the Company. Part-time employees will be paid on a pro rata basis based on the hours they work. In all other aspects, their salaries will be paid in accordance with the pay arrangements for full- time employees of the Company. If any queries arise with regard to pay, or if it looks as if a mistake has been made, speak to the Human Resource department immediately so that they can take appropriate action. Unless agreed otherwise, any pay errors, whether of over or underpayment, will be rectified in the next salary payment. All statutory / agreed upon deductions will be actioned by the company prior to your salary being deposited into your designated account. Payroll Process Change of Banking details – Staff complete a change of banking details instruction form and submit to Payroll Petrol claims are submitted via ESS, the manager must approve the claim on the 3rd of the month in order for it to be processed in the current month payroll. Locums/Timesheets/Overtime/Commission are paid a month in arrears Commission earners do not pay UIF- excluded as per legislation Employee who works short hours in the previous month will be deducted in the following month Payslips are released a day before pay day.    |    23

Benefits & Incentives RTC is committed to attracting, retaining and motivating a competent and professional team that will ensure the long-term effectiveness of the organisation which will support a culture of high-quality service delivery to all its stakeholders Benefits Medical Aid Medical Aid Allowance Death and Disability Cover Pension Fund / Provident Fund Group Life GLA Group Life GIP Funeral Fund Refer to Annexure N for Genesis Benefits. Incentives Performance Bonus Incentive Paid Overtime (if authorized) Long Service Recognition Overtime The nature of the industry and the specific requirements of your job may result in you being required to work overtime, night shifts, public holidays and on Saturdays and Sundays in certain instances as may be necessary for the proper performance of your duties or as reasonably required by the Company.  The Company will give you reasonable notice of any requirements to work overtime and the particulars of the shift you will be required to work will be explained to you by the relevant department head.  Notwithstanding the above, it is agreed that in the event of emergency work, it will be compulsory for you to work emergency overtime. Should you be required to work overtime consult the overtime policy on Policy Passport or the Group Intranet for guidance Employee Wellness At Right to Care, we care about our employees and their wellbeing.  We also recognise that our employees have experienced tremendous changes and stressful events throughout the year. Right to Care aims to provide free, quick and confidential preventative health check-ups at our various sites.    |    24

Wellness screenings are important because they help you find out about your current health and lifestyle risks through our preventative screening, and a qualified medical practitioner will advise you accordingly based on your results.  You will have the opportunity to complete a number of screening assessments, including: Blood glucose Cholesterol Blood pressure Weight Height Body mass index HIV - A professional wellness specialist will provide HIV counselling before and after you take the test.  Your HIV test results will be kept completely confidential. A detailed schedule of our Traditional Wellness Day dates, times and venues for respective regions is communicated to the whole group.  Please be assured that your individual wellness results are strictly confidential – no one at Right to Care will have access to your personal health information.  We want you to be healthier, happier, and more productive – both at home and at work.  We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Discovery Traditional Wellness Day events Security Receiving of guests to RTC premises The proper handling of visitors, and the impression they have of Right to Care when received is an important aspect of the Administration function. The following should occur when receiving guests, whether by a member of the Administration team, or other staff. All visitors need to sign the registration ledger; indicating who they came to visit and which company they represent. On no account must any visitor be allowed to walk beyond Reception unless accompanied by a member of Right to Care staff If a stranger is found wandering around the office, offer to assist him/her and if necessary, escort him/her to reception for attention. Note any strange behaviour and report as appropriate. Once meetings, interviews and visits are finished, all visitors should be accompanied back to Reception so they can be seen from the office    |    25

Security of office equipment and assets Assets and equipment are often high value items and as such represent a financial value to the programs. Users of assets should ensure that assets are kept secure. Each desk has been allocated lockable drawers and it is the responsibility of individuals to ensure personal belongings are locked away. Staff are not allowed to leave their laptops overnight on their desks but must lock them away in the drawers provided. When traveling with laptop or other RTC assets, each employee needs to adhere to the highest standard of vigilance to secure items in your care. Should it be found that items were lost because of negligence on the part of the employee, RTC reserves the right to ask employee to replace the assets. Users of assets must report the loss or theft of an asset immediately to the Risk Manager and Program Administrator in Centurion. The person reporting the loss or theft of the equipment should complete a Loss/Theft Report form and submitted to the Operations Department. Refer to incident management in Risk section   New equipment will be brought as far as reception area, where the necessary staff member receiving items will come to either receive items or accompany delivery team to where equipment should be placed. All RTC assets will be tagged and recorded to RTC assets register within one week of delivery. This is the responsibility of Administration officer, or delegated staff. The Admin officer will keep a set of master keys for desks and offices and in this regard the principle of personal privacy will be respected at all times, unless security reflects otherwise. Under no circumstances is anyone allowed to remove Right to Care property from the organization’s premises unless prior written authority from the line manager.    |    26

14. RTC GROUP POLICIES Policy Passport The below list includes RTC’s Policies and Procedures. They and other guidelines can also be accessed on the Group Intranet via procedures. Right to Care also uses Policy Passport which is a simple, easy to use system in which staff will have access to all HR policies and must read and acknowledge them. All active employees have been automatically registered. You will receive an email from Policy passport providing you with instructions on how to register/login. Once logged in please click on my policies and continue to read and (after you have read), acknowledge the policy. To access Policy Passport, follow either the link provided in your registration email, or via the Group Intranet Enquiries can be submitted to [email protected] Refer to Annexure D for the Policy Passport manual.    |    27

Group Policies 14.1 Acting Allowance Policy This policy explains how acting appointments are affected in Right to Care. 14.2 Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline the governing framework on the prevention of and response to fraud, corruption, maladministration or any dishonest activities. 14.3 Anti-Fraud and Corruption Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) The purpose of this SOP is to outline the processes to be followed in implementing the Anti- Fraud & Corruption Policy to address the Policy statement on fraud and corruption prevention and response. 14.4 Conflict of Interest Policy The purpose of this policy is to protect the credibility and integrity of the Company and its staff so that public trust and confidence is ensured. 14.5 Death and Disability Policy The purpose of this Policy is to provide financial cover for employees of the Right to Care Group of Companies (“the Company”) should they die whilst employed by the Company or should they be declared unfit for work due to illness or injury. 14.6 Disciplinary Code The Disciplinary Code of Right to Care Group, refers to the general standards that employees must adhere to in their normal day to day conduct and performance at work. 14.7 Disciplinary Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure the maintenance of satisfactory work performance and/or acceptable standards of conduct of all employees. 14.8 Dress Code The purpose of this policy is to standardise the dress code and provide guidelines for acceptable employee work attire, grooming, hygiene, and appearance.    |    28

14.9 Emergency Evacuation SOP This policy is an emergency standard operating procedure, which sets out the broad obligations of Right to Care Group of Companies as outlined by the South African Occupational Health and Safety Act, no. 85 of 1993. 14.10 Employee Exit Policy This policy ensures that all matters between the Company and the employee are suitably finalised when the employee’s employment comes to an end. The procedures within this policy are to be followed whenever employees cease employment with the Company. 14.11 Employment Equity Policy The Company recognises the importance of diversity in the workplace, that Employment Equity is an imperative business driver and therefore supports the principles and intent of the South African Employment Equity Act, 55 of 1998. 14.12 Expatriate Home Leave The purpose of this Policy is to provide the guidelines on how the Right to Care Group of Companies (the “Company”) supports Home Leave for expatriate employees at a senior level (Grade P4 and higher) to reinforce the retention of critical skills. 14.13 Fringe Benefits Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a uniform framework for the determination of fringe benefit costs for all personnel employed by Right to Care. 14.14 Gifts Policy The policy is to address gifts which may be offered to staff members by service providers, or any other outside parties associated with the work of Right to Care Group of Companies. 14.15 Grievance Policy This policy aims to ensure official channels for consultation and is to be used where matters have developed into a grievance. Refer to Annexure K for a copy of the Grievance forms. 14.16 HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for RTC to meet its social responsibility and obligations raised by HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases towards its employees.    |    29

14.17 HR Service-Level Agreement This SLA aims to set out guidelines and to indicate the services offered by the Human Resources department. All the guidelines and services indicate an adherence to a set performance standard, as required by the business. 14.18 Internship Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework of guidelines, norms and standards, which will allow the Company to create opportunities for unemployed South Africans (including graduates) to receive in-service training and gain valuable practical work experience. 14.19 Leave Policy The purpose of this policy is to ensure that leave is properly managed, controlled and to ensure that employees understand their responsibility in applying for leave and what benefits they are entitled to.    The Company acknowledges that employees are entitled to receive leave for normal vacation requirements, to recover from illness and for other specified reasons.    This Policy seeks to provide clear guidelines to all employees when applying for leave and to regulate the granting of leave to employees. The scope of this Policy is applicable to all South African employees. 14.19 Long Service Recognition Policy The purpose of this policy is to recognize the contribution and commitment of long serving employees of Right to Care to encourage valuable staff to remain with the organisation, creating long term HR value and sustainability. 14.20 Medical Aid Policy for Employees with Employment Contracts Issued in Lesotho The purpose of this policy is to set out the Right to Care Group of Companies Policy in respect of medical aid subsidy benefits and membership of the company-selected medical aid scheme in Lesotho. The policy is to ensure that all employees have medical aid assistance. 14.21 Medical Aid Policy for Employees with Employment Contracts Issued in Malawi The purpose of this policy is to set out the Right to Care Group of Companies Policy in respect of medical aid subsidy benefits and membership of the company-selected medical aid scheme in Malawi. The policy is to ensure that all employees have medical aid assistance.    |    30

14.22 Medical Aid Policy for Employees with Employment Contracts Issued in South Africa The purpose of this policy is to set out the Right to Care Group of Companies Policy in respect of medical aid subsidy benefits and membership of the company-selected medical aid scheme in South Africa. The policy is to ensure that all employees have medical aid assistance. 14.23 Medical Aid Policy for Employees with Employment Contracts Issued in Zambia The purpose of this policy is to set out the Right to Care Group of Companies Policy in respect of medical aid subsidy benefits and membership of the company-selected medical aid scheme in Zambia. The policy is to ensure that all employees have medical aid assistance. 14.24 Occupational Health and Safety Policy The purpose of this policy is to provide and maintain a working environment that is both healthy and safe through management consultations, inspections, investigations, and meetings and to ensure that the rights of all Right to Care Group of Companies (the Company”) employees are protected with respect to safety, security and the prevention of injury. 14.25 Paid Overtime Policy ·        The Company does not encourage the working of overtime but is cognisant of the fact that the environment that we find ourselves in may require a staff member to work overtime. No employee may work overtime without such overtime being authorised in advance by the Line Manager. The Line manager should also confirm at time of authorisation if the overtime will be regarded as time off or paid. An employee must complete their minimum weekly normal hours as stipulated in their contract of employment, in order to make any claims for overtime. Overtime may not exceed ten (10) hours a week or more than three (3) hours per day. An employee may not be required to work more than eleven (11) hours on any day.  Management or those employees earning above the prescribed amount as gazetted from time to time are not entitled to claim overtime. Staff that fall within this group of employees are encouraged to take time off in lieu of any authorised overtime worked. A Director of Right to Care however has the power to authorise payment of such claims, dependent on the nature and necessity of working such overtime. 14.26 Payroll SLA To provide a defined working partnership between the Payroll department and the business, in order to ensure that a set performance standard is established and maintained, so that the Payroll and related System requirements of the business are met.    |    31

14.27 Pension Fund Policy Right to Care aims to provide a Pension Fund to all its permanent full time as well as permanent part time employees. 14.28 Performance Bonus Incentive Policy The policy aims to establish guidelines related to performance-based remuneration which will be used by the Company to reward employees who significantly contribute to the results and perform according to expectations. 14.29 Managing Performance Policy Performance management aims to motivate and empower employees to perform their work roles effectively, to provide performance feedback, acknowledge achievements and to support ongoing personal and professional development. 14.30 Phone Policy This policy sets standards and procedures for Company employees with regards to: Reimbursement of business-related telephone calls made from an employee’s private mobile phone and the rates to be applied for calculating the reimbursement cost because of calls made for business purposes. International roaming applicability and rates. Making personal calls on Company phones/lines. 14.31 Probation Policy The purpose of the probationary period is to ensure that the employee is suitably qualified and capable of performing the duties of the position and that the fit into the organization is a good one. The policy applies to all new appointments, transferred (into a new position) and promoted employees. 14.32 Promotion Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline the procedure to be followed in promoting an employee. 14.33 Recognition Awards Policy The recognition awards program was established to recognise outstanding performance by individual employees of Right to Care. The programme aims at identifying employees who have exemplified exceptional levels of work performance and displayed high regard and loyalty towards the Company and their job responsibilities during a twelve (12) month period.    |    32

14.34 Recruitment Policy The recruitment and selection policy apply to all recruitment processes and staff involved in these processes. 14.35 Relocation Subsidy Policy The purpose of this policy is to outline the allocation of relocation subsidies for existing and new employees and the application thereof. 14.36 Remuneration Policy The policy aims to be a key component of the human capital management strategy of the organisation and will be directed at confirming RTC as an organisation that cares for its people and creates an environment that allows all employees to grow and develop. The following aspects are critical issues for consideration: Rational basis for determining salaries Objective and consistent performance measurement tools within the organisation Equity and fairness in remuneration Attraction and retention of scarce skills The remuneration policy within the organisation will address: The role of remuneration The principles that guide remuneration The components of remuneration How the remuneration offering is managed within the organisation 14.37 Retrenchment Policy & Procedure In terms of the law, retrenchments and redundancies are termed dismissals for operational requirements.   Dismissals for operational requirements are categorized as “no fault” dismissals as the employee is not responsible for the termination of employment. Because retrenchment is a “no fault” dismissal and because of its human cost, the Labour Relations Act No. 66 of 1995 (LRA) places particular obligations on an employer, most of which are directed toward ensuring that all possible alternatives to retrenchment are explored and that the employees to be retrenched are treated fairly and that the proper procedures are followed. Dismissals for operational requirements within Right to Care often arise out of changes in funding but may arise from other operational requirements.    |    33

14.38 Sexual and Other Harassment Policy Right to Care is committed to maintaining an environment within the workplace that is free from sexual and other harassment. Although this policy applies to the working environment it is also intended to regulate the conduct of all employer stakeholders, Directors, Managers, Supervisors, employees in respect of third parties that may include job applicants, clients, suppliers, contractors and others having dealings with the employer’s business. 14.39 Substance Abuse Policy Right to Care is committed to providing a drug-free environment, since our employees are our most valuable resource. We have developed this policy to help contribute to the solution of this very difficult health and social problem. Our policy is to detect and deter the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, while respecting the privacy and dignity of all our employees. 14.40 Succession Planning Policy The purpose of the succession planning policy is: To enable the Company to identify and prepare the right people for the right positions at the times when they are needed. To ensure continuation of specifically identified management, leadership, and technical competencies. 14.41 Time and Attendance Policy The policy and procedure establish the process by which time and attendance of all Right to Care employees will be managed in accordance with stipulations of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. 14.42 Training & Development Policy The purpose of this policy is to promote a strategic approach in addressing organisational and employee skills development needs. 14.43 Travel Policy The purpose of this policy is to describe the process to be followed in terms of the booking of travel, accommodation, and reimbursement of travel claims.    |    34

14.44 Vehicle and Driver Policy The objective of the vehicle and driving policy is to ensure that employee drivers who drive Company vehicles (including company rented vehicles), in the course and scope of their employment always demonstrate safe, efficient driving skills and other good road safety habits. Employee drivers must preserve all Company vehicles in a safe, clean and roadworthy condition ensuring that maximum safety of the driver, occupants and other road users is upheld at all times. 14.45 Whistle Blower Policy The policy covers the responsibility to report wrongful acts committed by employees of the Company.    |    35

14. HEALTH AND SAFETY Purpose The purpose of workplace inductions and site orientations are to familiarise and provide workers with an understanding about the following, prior to commencing work with RTC: Company requirements Health and safety duties and obligations Your working environment Definitions –Safety, Health and Environment (SHE): Safety: is the state of being \"safe\", freedom from danger, risk, or injury Health: is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity Environment: the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates    |    36

Introduction Right to Care recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer to maintain, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and health of its employees, and of other persons who may affected by its’ activities. It is your duty as an employee not to put at risk either yourself or others by your acts or omissions. You should also ensure that you are familiar with the Company health and safety arrangements. Should you feel concern over any health and safety aspects of your work, this should be brought to the attention of your line manager immediately. The purpose of workplace inductions and site orientations are to familiarise and provide workers with an understanding about the following, prior to commencing work with RTC: Company requirements Health and safety duties and obligations Your working environment   Legislation Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) - Section 19 - Primary duty of care The Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) requires that a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable: the provision of any information, training, instruction or supervision that is necessary to protect all persons from risks to their health and safety arising from work carried out.   Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) - Regulation 39 - Provision of information, training and instruction The person must ensure that information, training and instruction provided to a worker is suitable and adequate having regard to: the nature and associated risks with their work; and the risk control measures implemented; and can be understood by any person who reads it.    |    37

Why SHE at Work •       Moral Obligation. •       Legal Requirement: •       The Constitution of the Republic of SA. •       Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and its Regulations. •       Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA). •       SANS and other relevant acts and regulations. Employer Duties 1The OHSA 85 of 1993, states that it’s the duty of the employer to provide and maintain a working environment that’s safe and without risk to the occupational health and safety of employees Employee Duties Take care of your own safety and of your fellow employees. If you see something that could cause an injury or damage, report it, or correct it, immediately. Co-operate with RTC’s Health and Safety Policy and procedures •Obey any legal or RTC instruction regarding safety. The rules are there to protect you. Follow any reasonable instructions designed to protect your health and safety and adhere to while at work. Don’t abuse or misuse personal protective equipment; always wear your PPE where required. Not endanger yourself or others through the consumption of drugs or alcohol while at work. Report all unsafe working conditions to your manager immediately, report unsafe acts performed by your colleagues to your OSHE representative or your manager immediately. Ensure you arrive fit for work. Don’t party the night before work, as late nights and    |    38

Evacuation Standard Operating Procedure The Company is committed to responding to emergency or evacuation situations, the safety and wellbeing of all staff, patients, Clients and visitors to identifying risks and hazards of emergency and evacuation situations, and planning for their reduction or minimization, and ongoing review of planned actions around handling these situation. Where there is an emergency and an evacuation is required, you will hear an alarm to evacuate the area. Follow these steps: Don’t use the lift during an evacuation. The lift should go to the ground floor automatically when the evacuation alarm sounds. If you’re not in your department when there’s an emergency evacuation, ensure that you go to the nearest assembly point. Walk out of the building quickly but calmly. Panic and running cause unnecessary accidents and injuries. Assist any injured people without placing yourself in danger. Don’t go anywhere else, don’t look for your friends or go into another area. Go directly to the assembly point. Give your name to the person in charge to ensure nobody goes back into the danger area to look for you. Remain in the emergency assembly point until you are told it is safe to leave or return to work. Do not re-enter the workplace until the all clear is given by the Health and Safety Representative(s) Emergency Exits Exit doors and exit routes should be clearly marked with the appropriate signage and clear at all times. Two (2) exit doors are required for any building or office block. Break glass boxes, manual override buttons or manual push bars are located next to emergency doors for easy exit out of the building.    |    39

Procedure in the event of an incident It is the responsibility of each individual employee to report and record any incident involving personal injury. Any accident or near miss occurrence (i.e. no one was injured but the incident had the potential to injure or kill) at work should be reported immediately to your line manager or the Human Resource Department. All incidents are to be reported to the Health and Safety Committee and all workman compensation forms are to be completed timeously with the Human Resource Department. Fire Emergency When fire is discovered: Medical Emergency Call medical emergency services such as: Paramedics Ambulance Fire Department Health & Safety Rep Other   Provide the following information: Nature of medical emergency Location of the emergency Your name and phone number from which you are calling from    |    40

Do the following: Do not move the victim unless absolutely necessary Call the personnel trained in CPR and First Aid to provide the required assistance prior to the arrival of professional medical help If personnel trained in First Aid are not available, as a minimum, attempt to provide the following assistance Stop the bleeding with firm pressure on the wounds (note: avoid contact with blood or other bodily fluids, always use surgical gloves provided in the First Aid Boxes. Accident & Injury on Duty (IOD) Reporting Process Classification of Incident/Accident Near Miss Incident – a near miss is a incident where there is no loss, be it injury or property damage Minor Incident – it\\s an incident that can be dealt with immediately e.g. First Aid Incident Serious Incident – it’s when the injured person is booked off from work, containable fire, vehicle damage Severe Incident – it’s when damage to property is R200 000.00 or more, injured person booked off work for more than 14 days, permanent disabled, death.   Incident Reporting An “incident is any event that results or could have possibly resulted in injury, illness, disease or damage to property, this includes near misses. Reporting Steps IOD or Incident/accident occurs The employee has to report the incident/accident to the line manager as soon as possible after such incident/accident has occurred, less than 24 hours Line manager will report to SHE Officer or HR Manager Line manager/SHE Rep will complete Employers Report of an Accident form, applicable sections only Line manager/SHE Rep will then send completed forms to SHE Officer/HR Manager for authentication and completion of Employers Section    |    41

Line manager/SHE Rep will issue completed forms to the employee who must take the forms to a treating medical doctor/hospital together with his/her certified ID Treating doctor will complete and issue first medical report to injured employee who must then submit it back to the line manager Line manager will submit these medical reports to SHE Officer/HR Manager SHE Officer/HR Manager will submit completed forms and first medical report to Department of Labour Employee must ensure that he/she submit medical progress reports to the employer until final medical report is issued by the treating doctor Resumption Report must be issued by the treating doctor if the employee was booked off for prolonged period Once all is cleared, employee can resume with his/her duties. First Aid The Company believes that best practice is to ensure staff have access to a trained First Aider. Details of these trained staff will be displayed on your local notice board or from your line manager and you should familiarize yourself with names and contact details. Fire Safety Employees should follow these steps to help prevent fires: Before you use any electrical appliances carry out a quick check to make sure that the cables, plugs etc. are not damaged. Do not use any electrical equipment that shows signs of damage, even if you think it is only minor.  Report any faults you find to your line manager and find an alternative appliance. Ensure that you place your rubbish in the proper waste bins. Do not overfill the bins and ensure that your waste bin is accessible to the cleaners at the end of each day. Action to take when the fire alarm goes off: Immediately stop what you are doing and walk (do not run) to the nearest available safe fire exit. If your nearest exit/route is obstructed, choose another route.  Make sure that you are aware of the fire exits and routes in your area. Follow the instructions of your designated Fire Marshall. Direction signs should indicate the route to your fire exit. These comprise a white arrow on a green background sometimes accompanied by the words 'FIRE EXIT' and also a pictogram of a running man. The arrows indicate the direction of the nearest fire exit. Do not use a lift to leave the building - always use designated stairs. Make your way to the appropriate assembly point. Once you are at the assembly point you should report to the Fire Marshall, so that they can account for the people in their designated area. Do not leave the designated assembly point, or attempt to re-enter the building, until you have been instructed to do so by the Fire Warden.    |    42

Action to take if you discover a fire: RAISE THE ALARM! This can be achieved by breaking the glass on the call points or by shouting the instruction “Fire – call the fire brigade”. Raise the alarm even if your building is fitted with an automatic fire alarm system, which has not yet activated - you must not wait for it to do so of its own accord. The alarm must be raised for every occurrence of a fire, no matter how small it appears to be. This will ensure that people in the building have adequate notice to evacuate should it begin to spread quickly. In addition, modern furnishings may allow the fire to develop unnoticed, so time is of the essence if everyone is to get out safely. Call the fire brigade at the earliest available, and safe, opportunity and do not attempt to tackle the fire unless you have been appropriately trained and can safely do so e.g. a small fire in a wastepaper basket. Unless you have been trained you could be putting yourself or somebody else at risk. Personal Safety Generally, you should try to avoid working alone whenever this is possible. However, if you have to work alone, then you need to develop an awareness of the risks and how to minimize them. Prior to making an appointment with someone you do not know, obtain as much information as possible about the person you are meeting and arrange to meet the person on the Company premises.  Always ring back the telephone number you have been given to confirm that it is legitimate.  If a mobile number is given you should always ask for an alternative fixed line number. If leaving the company premises during office hours, let your colleagues know where you are going, with whom and what time you are expecting to return.  If you think that you are going to run over your original timescales, let your colleagues know.      If you are at all concerned that you are being placed in a dangerous situation through your employment, you must discuss this with your line manager. Safety Signs Safety Signage that is photo luminescent (glows in the event of power failure) indicates emergency exits, escape routes, and the location of fire safety equipment. You must follow the requirements of all safety signs; these apply to all persons on site and office based. Safety signs alert you to hazards or conditions where a person’s health and safety may be placed at risk. If you’re unsure or do not know the meaning of a sign, speak to your Health and Safety representative, who will explain it to you. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) RTC shall provide personal protective equipment for your protection where there is no other alternative in managing the risks to health and safety associated with exposure to hazards while performing your duties. It is your responsibility to wear any personal protective equipment provided and to ensure that it is maintained and kept clean.    |    43

16. FLEET MANAGEMENT Why do we need a Fleet Manual? We need vehicles to do our programmes No vehicle – No Programme No Programme – No Job No Job – No Money Your vehicle is crucial to your life at Right to Care. It has to be: Safe Smart Secure Golden Rules that apply to ALL RTC Vehicles RTC employees may never: Drink alcohol or be under the influence of drugs when driving. Transport alcohol or prohibited drugs. Drive when you are disqualified and or incorrectly licensed. Drive recklessly or dangerously - you are not the blue light brigade! Speeding - not following the rules of the road and or causing accidents. Transport unauthorized passengers. Refer to Annexure M to the Transport authorization. Receive traffic fines more than twice in twelve-month period. Driving with road unworthy vehicle    |    44

Driver Responsibilities Right to Care staff as well as RTC Consultants as well as NDOH staff who are provided vehicles by RTC are covered under the vehicle policy as well as fleet management guidance once they have signed the vehicle policy. Have passed and hold a valid license for that vehicle. Have signed and submitted the vehicle policy with the driver’s license. When your license is renewed you as a driver are obliged to re-sign the vehicle policy. Drivers: What are your Responsibilities A Driver is any RTC employee or consultant using a RTC car or a vehicle rented by RTC. All drivers are accountable to the vehicle policy. All drivers must do daily complete checks before driving as well as at the end of the trip. Drivers should ensure that maintenance deadlines are kept. Drivers must keep the vehicle clean inside and out. Drivers may not speed, even if your passengers or managers insist. Drivers must insist that passengers wear seat belts, correctly. Drivers must never overload the vehicle; this applies to weight as well as passengers. Drivers are responsible for placing handbags and lap tops out of sight in the boot or behind the seat in a 4x4. Valuables must not be visible. Insurance does not cover assets that are not correctly stored. NB: RTC does not cover your personal effects!!!! Drivers must not allow RTC personnel to bring any unauthorised passengers (non-clients, underage passengers) Drivers must not use the vehicle for private use. Drivers are responsible to have non RTC passengers (patients) sign the Authorization form - Responsible for filing this weekly, with the fleet controller. When the vehicle is transferred to another driver during the day, the new driver must complete the daily inspection sheet, to acknowledge, documents tools fleet card as well as the status of the vehicle. This is important as your vehicles are monitored by trackers and the driver that is recorded in the logbook at the time of an offence will be held responsible. It is the driver’s responsibility, in the case of an accident to follow process. If the driver is injured, this will be the responsibility of RTC passengers.    |    45

Keys of Vehicles Speeding Fines RTC is currently changing how speeding fines are being managed. As per the 2019 Vehicle policy, the responsibilities of the speeding fines is going to be updated, all fines that are incurred by RTC drivers will be redirected directly to the drivers recorded as being responsible at the time of the infringement. It is the responsibility of the driver to cover the payment of the fine as well as losing points under the AARTO system. NB: If you incur over 12 points on the AARTO system, your license is revoked for 3 months.    |    46

Incidents and Accidents Immediately stop the vehicle, at the scene or as close to the scene as safely possible. Ensure the safety of yourself and your passengers. Call for medical assistance if needed, do NOT move injured passengers, await medical assistance. Remain as calm as possible, do not argue with or converse with anyone about what happened. Exchange accurate information. Where possible take photographs of all vehicles involved. Take photographs of license plates and discs of all vehicles involved. Take details of the insurer(s) if there are any. Give accurate details of your name and address as well as the company details. If the police are present and request a report, comply as clearly and as simply as possible, avoid arguing and blaming other parties. If the RTC vehicle needs to be towed, call 086 143 6277. Dot not allow the vehilce to be towed until you have spoken to the insurance. In the case of driver injury, please call your line manager and inform them of what has happened. If the driver is taken away by ambulance, or is unable to respond, please inform the line manager of the accident and that the vehicle has been towed. If you damage a vehicle that is unattended, do not drive off! Leave a note on the vehicle, with your name and number as well as the office number. NB: If you are driving a rental car PLEASE remember you as the signed driver are responsible for any insurance excess. Always report any incident that has happened to the vehicle however slight to your fleet manager as soon as possible.    |    47

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