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Occupational Expansion Skills OP21002

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1 The Essence of Occupational Performance Textbook Occupational Expansion Skills (OP21002) Lower Secondary Level Non-Formal Education Basic Curriculum of B.E. 2551 (Revised Edition B.E. 2554) Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education Office of the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education Not for sale This textbook is published with a national budget allocated for the purpose of people’s lifelong learning.

2 Copyright owned by the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education. Academic document no. 28/2555 The Essence of Occupational Performance Textbook Occupational Expansion Skills (OP21002) Lower Secondary Level Revised Edition B.E. 2554 Copyright owned by the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education. Academic document no. 28/2555

3 Preface The Ministry of Education has proclaimed the use of Non-Formal Basic Education Curriculum of B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) on the 18th September, 2008 with an aim to replace the former principles and practices of the Non-Formal Basic Education Curriculum of B.E 2544 (A.D.2001) which was developed in accordance with the philosophical principles and basic beliefs pertaining the conduct of the out-of-school learning programs for adult target learners whose learning practices are to accumulate their knowledge and learning experiences continuously. In the 2001 fiscal year, the Ministry of Education had set a strategic plan for mobilizing the educational policy in order to raise the capability and potentiality of the people in terms of their competitiveness in job performances that enable them to earn an affluent living, to perform well with discipline, to have good morality and ethical behavior, to be aware of self-performance and responsibility as well as to assist others. In order to respond to the above-mentioned policy of the Ministry of Education, the Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education (ONIE) came to reconsider the former Curriculum of B.E. 2551 in terms of its principles and aims, its standards and expected outcomes as well as particular substances of 5 groups of the learning essences to make them more compliant with and be responding to the new policies of the Ministry of Education. The reconsideration has contributed to the revision of non- formal educational text books by adding more content and essences of occupation, morality and virtue as well as integrating the issues concerning readiness and preparation for Thailand to join with the ASEAN community. In terms of development of the subject essences, the revision remained to keep the principles and procedures of the former text in which the learners are to do self-study, conduct the learning activities, undertake the tests to evaluate their own understanding, conduct group discussions to share knowledge and experiences among groups’ members and to acquire additional knowledge from the local wisdom and from other sources of information. The revision of this text book has received the generous support and collaboration from various experts and resource persons as well as other concerned personnel who kindly provided useful information and data collection from various sources of knowledge to make the revisions more meaningful. Their helpful information has made the new content more relevant and appropriate to the learning standard and

4 indicators of the expected outcomes of each subject essence. The Office of the Non-Formal and Informal Education (ONIE) wishes to express its sincere appreciation for their considerate concern and helpful cooperation. ONIE hopes that these new revised learning essences will be useful to the learners, the teachers or facilitators as well as other concerned staff personnel at all levels. The ONIE will be pleased to invite any advice and recommendations for the improvement of future issues. (Mr. Prasert Boonrueng) Secretary-General November 2011

Table of Contents 5 Preface Page Instruction on the use of textbook Course structures 6 Chapter 1 Skills in occupational development 7 8 Topic 1 Necessity in training production and marketing skills that use innovation / technology to develop occupation 9 23 Topic 2 Meaning and importance of occupational management 24 Topic 3 Source of learning and place for career training 27 Topic 4 Planning occupational skill training 30 Topic 5 Occupational skill training 32 Chapter 2 Creating business plan for occupational development 33 Topic 1 Meaning and importance of managing occupational development 34 Topic 2 Analyzing Community for Occupational Development Topic 3 Determining Vision, Mission, and Strategy in Community 43 47 Business Development 50 Topic 4 Principle of sufficiency economy 52 Topic 5 Planning an operational plan 53 Chapter 3 Risk management 54 Topic 1 Meaning of risk and risk management 60 Topic 2 Analyzing potential and risk management 62 Topic 3 Solving problem from risk 66 Topic 4 Planning risk management operation plan 67 Chapter 4 Managing production or service 69 Topic 1 Managing product or service quality control 73 Topic 2 Using innovation and technology in production 76 Topic 3 Production and service cost reduction 77 Chapter 5 Marketing management 86 Topic 1 Marketing Management Topic 2 Arranging an Operation Plan

Chapter 6 Driving the Business Development 6 Topic 1 Analyzing the Possibility of Occupational Development Plan Topic 2 Developing occupational development plan 90 Topic 3 Process in driving occupational development plan 91 Topic 4 Problem, obstacle, and solution from driving business plan 93 95 Chapter 7 Occupational development project 98 Topic 1 Importance of occupational development project 101 Topic 2 Process in creating occupational development project 102 Topic 3 Developing operation plan 106 Topic 4 Inspecting occupational development project 113 114

7 Instruction on the use of textbook The Essence of Life Skills Textbook on Occupational Expansion Skills (Lower Secondary level) is designed for the use of non-formal education learners. In using this textbook, the learner should proceed as follows: 1. Study the course structure and try to understand the main topics, the scope of the contents and the expected learning outcomes. 2. Study the content details of each chapter carefully and do the activities as assigned. If the leaner does not understand the content, he is recommended to review it 3. Do the activities at the end of each chapter to summarize an understanding in each topic. The leaner may also check the answer with teachers and colleges studying in the same subject. 4. This textbook consists of 9 chapters as follows. Chapter 1 Skill in occupational development Chapter 2 Readiness in occupational development Chapter 3 Occupational development skill training Chapter 4 Developing an occupational development plan Chapter 5 Risk management Chapter 6 Managing output and service Chapter 7 Marketing Management Chapter 8 Driving to develop business Chapter 9 Occupational development project

8 Course Structure for Occupational Expansion Skill (OP21002) Lower Secondary Level Essence Occupational development is a crucial part in taking up an occupation to catch up with changes. This can be achieved by learning and considering the production and marketing process skills to see if they have any strengths or weaknesses, in order to improve them. Learning Standard The leaner is able to understand skills to develop the selected occupation based on knowledge of production and marketing processes, utilizing suitable innovations / technologies while being able to apply intellects. The learner has the knowledge, understand, and is able to develop the work and business plan to develop his selected occupation, according to the principle of sufficiency economy, and makes the business competes in the market. Expected Learning Outcome 1. The learner is able to explain the related skills in production and marketing processes using innovation / technology and is able to use them to develop his chosen career. 2. The learner is able to understand the relationship between preparing up and occupational development. 3. The leaner is able to conduct an analysis of skills used in occupational development. 4. The learner is able to explain the importance and meaning of occupational management in order to develop it. 5. The leaner is able to improve the production / service and marketing business plan, using the principle of sufficiency economy. 6. The learner is able to explain the relationship between business development system and driving the business ethically. 7. The learner is able to develop the occupational development plan and project. Scope of Content Chapter 1 Skills in occupational development Chapter 2 Readiness in occupational development Chapter 3 Training the occupational development skill Chapter 4 Developing business plan to develop occupation Chapter 5 Risk management

9 Chapter 6 Output and service management Chapter 7 Marketing management Chapter 8 Driving to develop business Chapter 9 Occupational development project

10 Chapter 1 Skills in Occupational Development Essence The continuous development in both production and marketing processes is a crucial part in any occupations, in order to let the product remain competitive in the market. This is achievable by suitably adapting technological innovations to knowledge. Apart from the knowledge and capabilities in production and marketing processes, it is necessary for an entrepreneur to possess other aspects of capability in order to enhance his occupation. Such capabilities include an ability to access the source of occupational development, an understanding of the philosophy of sufficiency economy, and a self development attitude. Before learning the skills in occupational development, one must know what kind of skill is needed and plan other aspects such as how, where, and when to train such skills. Making summary notes during the study is also necessary. Indicator 1. The learner is able to explain the necessities in training the production and marketing process that utilize technological innovations 2. The learner is able to identify the meaning and importance of occupational management and the occupational development system that applies knowledge 3. The learner is able to explain the source of learning that supports occupational development 4. The learner is able to conduct a self analysis relating to occupational development 5. The learner is able to explain how to plan the occupational development skill training 6. The learner possesses the skill to make notes of information on skill training and other sources of learning to develop his own career. Scope of Content Topic 1 The necessities in learning the skills in production and marketing process that utilize technological innovations to develop occupations Topic 2 The meaning and importance of occupational management Topic 3 Sources of learning and training the career Topic 4 Planning from determination Topic 5 Training occupational skills

11 Topic 1 The necessities in learning the skills in production and marketing process that utilize technological innovations to develop occupations 1.1 Necessity in training the skill to develop occupation In order to catch up with changes in the market, the necessities and importance to develop occupational skills, which are the knowledge and capability in production and marketing processes, are highlighted below. 1. Economic aspect: since business competitions often bring along high level of marketing competitions, trading association such ASEAN Free Trade Area and European Economic Area can be seen. Therefore, occupational development consists of product development in order to compete with and be accepted by foreign markets. 2. Social aspect: a country with good economy is more likely to have a good social condition such as no crimes. 3. Educational aspect: wealthy families are able to pay for their children’s education and these children will be capable of taking up careers which will positively affect economics and society in the future. 1.2 Necessity in production process improvement A dynamic change in the state of society is the cause of diversity in consumer’s need in terms of quality and quantity, so occupational development takes a vital role in coping with such a change. This involves techniques and methodologies in improving production and marketing processes by applying knowledge, innovations, and technologies. Production Process involves the management of capital, labor, land or place to generate products or merchandizes that are continuously developed, in order to meet the market’s need. Each element of the production process can be illustrated in the figure below. Production process Element Study and analyze Capital Labor Place Management Summary things to improve

12 Production Process Figure 1. Capital refers to factors that relate to money, material, equipment, raw material, tool, and machine. One must take into consideration what kind of capital should be involved, to what extent such capitals are needed, the possibility to reduce the quantity of them or utilize cheaper substitutes, or focus on using local capitals since those from some other places may incur higher cost of production such as transportation fee and labor cost. In case of the investment loan with high rates of interest, one might consider how to reduce such rates which affect the investment. 2. Labor means the labor of man, animal, and machine used in production. The learner will have to study and analyze the use of such labors to see if they are worth money and time invested or not, whether such types of labor are suitable for the characteristics of work or the size of the area or not; for example, it is better to use workforces in a small production area than large machines. Moreover, one might consider the quality of the labor used and whether the morale encouragement exists or not. 3. Place refers to properties or places such as department stores and shops that are the places for businesses. Agriculturists might consider whether the utilization of land is worthwhile or not, to what extent the land should be used, whether the land is suitable for planting or animal rising, and whether such agricultural land is nourished by; for example, growing peanuts and then plough them up or not. For service occupations such as food merchandising, beauty salon, shoemaker and traditional massage which rely on locations, they should consider the urbanized place that is convenient to travel to, as well as a car park. 4. Management is an administration of capitals, labors, and lands or places to produce worthwhile outputs with the most benefit, so the factor becomes a vital part in running a business. The management system that is orderly and carefully thought, analyzed, and planned based on facts and situation at the specific time will create competitiveness over those who ignore it and stays within the same method which results in the lack of continuous improvement and makes the business remain unchanged or falls behind. In order to carry on the career and gain income for family, one might consider saving for his family as insurance for the living and education of the descendants. In addition, applications of innovation and technology in production are also a crucial part in taking up a career in order to generate the product that is able to meet the market need, in terms of both quality and quantity. 1.3 Necessity in improving the marketing process involves an administration of marketing aspects, starting from studying customer’s need, determining target, arranging a marketing plan, promoting sales, setting a selling price, selling a product, and delivering a product to customer. The producer must study

13 and analyze strengths and weaknesses of each step of the marketing process and apply that information in occupational development. Marketing seems to be a difficult part for those who have just taken up a job, as well as those who have already worked. Learning and trying to understand marketing methodologies, one will be able to improve his own marketing process. The marketing process is shown in the figure below. Marketing process Element Study and analyze Product Price Distribution channel Promotion Summary things to improve Marketing Process Figure 1. Product means outputs / products / services such as agricultural and processed products, or services such as food merchandizing, beauty salon and traditional massage. The entrepreneur must at all time take into consideration the customer’s need whether such demand tends to increase or decrease. If the demand towards the product decreases, the entrepreneur will have to study and analyze product characteristics such as appearance, aesthetic, excitement, and utility and adjust these factors based on the needs of group of targeted customers. The service provider will have to place an important on the service aspect such as service manner, responsibility, and interpersonal relation. 2. Price means the product pricing which relates to the cost of production such as tool and equipment cost, interest, rental fee, labor cost, public relation cost, transportation fee and gasoline cost. Exporting product will incur higher cost than selling domestically. The seller is, however, recommended to set the selling price according to the product quality and is comparable to the competitor. In case there are not many competitors in the market, the seller should fairly set the selling price against the consumer. Therefore, the entrepreneur should study and analyze whether the price of production factor decreases or increases and how, is it practical to find a cheaper material to substitute an expensive one to reduce cost, or is it possible to reduce loan interest, rental fee, transportation fee, or public relation activity which will lower the cost of production. All of which will affect the price setting of the product. If the

14 selling price is set lower than that of the competitor and results in the good sales volume, the total profitability will be better in this way. 3. Distribution Channel is the process to safely distribute the products to the consumer and there are various ways to do so such as distributing via a middleman and retailing. The entrepreneur will have to consider his own knowledge and capability in selecting a distribution channel which may not be a single but multiple channels as appropriate; for example, a fruit seller who previously utilizes a middleman as the only distribution channel may also consider a retailer to increase channels of distribution. 4. Promotion is any technique or method that let the customer knows and demands for the product. Promotion may include certain methods such as sweepstakes, discounts and buy 1 get 1 promotion. A promotional campaign may be announced by certain methods such as distributing leaflet, announcing via newspaper, radio, and television. Apart from these promotional campaigns, the after sales service is also a crucial part since the customer may not only purchase the product one time. A good after sales service will bring back the customer for repurchasing or even recommend the product to other customers. In conclusion, the entrepreneur will have to study and analyze both advantage and disadvantage of the current promotions and consider whether there should be any improvement or not.

15 Activity 1 Analysis Form for Occupational Development Each of the learners is assigned to interview a profession that he or she is interested in, or makes note of his or her current job with respect to the place of business and things that should be improved in both production and marketing aspects. Write down the information in the form. Form Analysis form for occupational development Name of the interviewee................................................. Job.................................................................. Address...................................................................................................................................................... Topic Existing Process Thing to improve 1. Production process 1.1 Using of capital What kind of capital currently utilized, how to improve such utilization, what are problems and difficulties found, and how to improve them? 1.2 Using of labor What kind of labor used, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve them? 1.3 Place of business To what extent the place of business is developed, is the place owned by the entrepreneur or rental, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve them? 1.4 Management Does the marketing management exist, in terms of planning and execution, is there a record of existing process, is there

Topic Existing Process 16 an income statement, is the investment Thing to improve worthwhile, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve them? 2. Marketing process 2.1 Output/product/service Is the product and the development of product meet the customer need, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve? 2.2 Price Is the price and price adjustment appropriate and why, is the selling price makes the investment worthwhile, what is the competitor selling price, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve them? 2.3 Distribution channel What is the channel utilized, is the development for such channel exists, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve them? 2.4 Promotion Do the promotion and the development of promotion exist and how, what are problems and difficulties found and how to improve them?

17 Activity 2 Memo form for occupational development method The learner is assigned to group up and discuss about the information acquired from activity 1 and summarizes his or her own methods of occupational development and conditions (if any) in order to develop the career, then notes down in the form below. Form Occupational development method Occupation................................................................................................................. Topic Development Method Condition (if any) 1 Developing the production 1.1 Using of capital 1.2 Using of labor 1.3 Place of business 1.4 Management

18 Topic Development Method Condition (if any) 2. Marketing process 2.1 Output/product/service 2.2 Price 2.3 Distribution channel 2.4 Sales promotion

19 1.4 Further developing career and applying intellect Further developing the career is an important part for the producer nowadays. Although a large number of manufacturers producing similar products, which create choices of consuming, will benefit consumers, this negatively affects the manufacturers due to competitions. The manufacturer, therefore, has to be innovative and creative in further developing the product to make it distinctive and attractive in the view of consumers. Intellect means knowledge, capability, smartness, skill and technique that are initiated from fundamental knowledge which has passed through the processes of succession, selection, improvement, development, and creation, utilizing long accumulated experiences. Developing a career by applying intellects is a process to link intellectual knowhow and align it with the career. It is, therefore, necessary to study and analyze career’s strengths and weaknesses. The strengths should be analyzed to find rooms to further strengthen them while the weaknesses should be carefully considered to improve them; for example, the retrospective trend becomes popular nowadays and this can be applied to develop occupations. A coffeemaker may apply a retrospective style of coffee making as a gimmick while conserving the style.

20 Activity 3 Intellect used in Occupational Development The learner is assigned to analyze how to apply intellects with his or her career of interested and write it down into the form below, with a recommendation from an expert on the possibility to apply such intellect with occupational development. Form Intellect in used Career ....................................................................................................................... Name of the expert ........................................................................................................................ Intellect in used ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… How can such intellect be applied in occupational development ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

21 1.5 Skills in using innovation/technology in occupational development Innovation means thinking, methods, or inventions that have never been used before. It also includes the development and modification of existing things. Technology refers to the use of knowledge, tool, idea, principle, technique, procedure, as well as other methods developed to help in working or solving problems. Some examples of technology include tool, machine, or even other intangible belongings. To determine whether to accept or reject innovation / technology, one may have to consider the efficiencies of such innovation / technology, which consist of 4 elements: 1. Working capability 2. Cost saving 3. Speed of work performing 4. Harmless to environmental Working Capability: to what extent the innovation / technology is able to achieve its purpose. In this regards, an indicator is required to determine the acceptable standard compared to the previous working capability of such innovation / technology, under a condition that there must be an improvement after the implementation. The indicator might be determined as a percentage; for example, the new threshing machine is able to separate more rice by 20% which is acceptable. Cost Saving: the cost saving element is a comparison between the newly replaced innovation / technology and the old one, in terms of the price that will be needed to pay for such innovation / technology and the cost that will be reduced from it. Speed of Work Performed: the factor relates to an evaluation of the time consumed in working. This will be compared between the new and the old innovation / technology. Harmless to Environmental: the entrepreneur must always realize that the new innovation / technology will be environmentally friendly and creates no harm against neighborhoods.

22 Evaluation of the Work Performed by Innovation / technology To evaluate the work performed by innovation / technology according to the 4 elements and to decide whether to accept or reject the use of innovation / technology, the learner will need to determine the key performance indicator and criteria for such indicator according to the example below. Example: Evaluation of the work performed by innovation / technology according to the 4 elements Element of Evaluation Key Performance Indicator Acceptable Criteria 1. Working capability 2. Cost saving 1. Things that such innovation / 1. The acceptable minimum 3. Speed of work performed technology could achieve working capability is 90% of 4. Harmless to environmental work performed 2. Able to save cost after 2. The acceptable target cost implementation by 25%; for saving is 25% from the example, the rice seeding process previous cost; for example, in formerly requires 10 workforces using a seed scattering working for 10 days. The labor cost machine, the total cost which per day is 150 baht; therefore, total includes labor, gasoline, and money spent is 15,000 baht. wear and tear is 11,250 baht. The reduction of such cost by 25% is acceptable. 3. Able to work faster than the 3. The acceptable minimum previous technology in use by 25%; time spent is at least 25% for example, the rice seeding process reduced compared to the usually takes 12 days for 10 rai of previous technology. area but with the new innovation / technology, it will only take 9 days. 4. The innovation / technology do 4. Using tools to examine or not harm the environment. observe ecosystem in the area.

23 Activity 4 Evaluation Criteria for Innovation / Technology efficiency The learner is assigned to determine evaluation criteria for innovation / technology efficiency in order to develop occupation according to designated elements of evaluation. Form Acceptable Criteria Job ............................................................................................. Element of Evaluation Key Performance Indicator Working capability Cost saving Speed of work performed Harmless to environmental

24 Activity 5 A Decision to Accept Innovation / Technology The learner is assigned to analyze and determine which innovation / technology to use in order to develop occupation. Then, evaluate innovation / technology efficiency according to the evaluation criteria and write it down in the form. After that, the learner is asked to consider whether the innovation / technology should be utilized or not, as well as to provide supporting reasons. Form A decision to accept innovation / technology Job ........................................................................................ Innovation / Pass the Does not pass the Supporting technology reason evaluation criteria evaluation criteria Decision (element) (element)

25 Topic 2 Meaning and Importance of Occupational Management Occupational management refers to a process to arrange occupational activities, starting from planning the organization, making a decision, directing an order, controlling and monitoring results in order to receive the expected output or service that is required by the customer and is acceptable by the society. The definition of occupational management also indicates the importance of occupational management since it let the manager efficiently manage and direct the business to achieve the business purpose, to say, the business is able to provide the good quality product or service on a timely manner according to the customer need. The business, as a result, gains maximum profits and is able to expand or increase its capacity. The research shows that the factors for a successful occupational management include: 1. Effective management refers to an experienced executive who is able to effectively achieve the work target. 2. Quality product refers to producing quality products which may be achievable by applying certain techniques in raw material selection process, production process, and quality examination before delivering the product to the customer. 3. Modern product that is created from using innovation 4. The business valuably invests in long term 5. The business has stable financial status 6. The business is able to attract customers to be interested in the product 7. The business takes the social and environmental responsibilities into consideration 8. The business worthily utilizes its asset

26 Topic 3 Source of Learning and Place for Career Training In the previous topics, the learner has studied how to develop production and marketing processes, how to apply intellect and innovation / technology to the business, and which aspect of the career that should be improved. In improving the occupational knowledge, it is necessary for the entrepreneur to look for information from specific sources of learning to be ready in supporting occupational development; for example, if the entrepreneur wants some capitals to purchase machines, he or she will have to look for the information from sources of fund, or the business sill have to prepare sufficient workforces in a required period. To effectively manage a business, one will have to be able to look for the information on: 1. Source of Learning and Place for Career Training The source of learning and place for career training means the source that contains information, news, experience, multimedia, and technology necessary for the learner to search for knowledge and train his or her occupational skills. This might include both natural and man-made sources in the forms of document, individual and expert. Some examples of natural source of learning include sea, forest, and mountain while man-made sources may include library, museum, internet, and website. The source of learning and place for career training takes an important role in arranging a learning activity for the learner, particularly for the learners who study in an informal education system and need to study mostly by themselves. As a result, they will have to rely on the nearby sources of learning such as district library, community learning center, and other intellects and natural sources in which they can study utilize. Such sources of learning are the intellectual treasures that could provide endless knowledge. At present there is a number of institutes in both government and private sectors that provide career training; for examples, the Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education, the Ministry of Labor, the Office of Vocational Education Commission, the Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperatives, and other private schools that teach short-term vocational programs. 2. Source of Fund The source of fund refers to any sources in both government and private sectors that could provide loan for business; for examples, commercial banks, cooperatives, and funds. To raise a loan, one will need a plan of how the loan will be spent in order to let the fund lender consider the possibility of getting the repayment. 3. Source of Material, Tool, and Machine The source of material, tool, and machine refers to the place selling or providing materials, tools, and machines that relate to the occupation. Agriculturists, for example, require certain materials, tools, and machines such as plant seed, fertilizer, and tractor.

27 4. Source of Labor The source of labor refers to any place that could supply labors such as workforces, working animals and machines. -Workforces may include labors from both the business owner and externally hired workforces. -Working animals are labors from animals used in occupations such as labors from cows, buffaloes, elephants, and horses. -Machines: certain occupations utilize machines in daily tasks; for example, a farmer may need a tractor, a welder of door and window curved steel may need a welding machine. Therefore, one has to consider what type of machine is needed in the job, whether the currently owned machines are out of date or not, and whether such machines are sufficient, in terms of size and quantity. 5. Market The market is a place consisting of both buyers and sellers of various products which are transferred from manufacturers to consumers. The market also acts as a place for service providers to satisfy users. The occupational development concept aims to expand the market by considering whether the current market is able to accept the newly developed product or not. If not, the new market will be needed for such product.

28 Activity 6 Exploring Source Supporting Occupational Development The learner is assigned to explore the source, in the local community, that supports his own occupational development. The information required includes name of the source, its location, and its conditions in providing services. Exercise Source Supporting Occupational Development Explored by ..................................................................... Source Name-Location Service Provided 1. Source of learning 2. Place for career training 3. Source of fund 4. Source of material, tool, and machine 5. Source of labor 6. Market

29 Topic 4 Planning Occupational Skill Training Planning is a process to make a decision for the future of the organization in advance. It involves an arrangement of alternatives to answer the questions of what, where, how to do things, and by whom, as a working procedure. It also relates to utilization of resources, to achieve the organization’s purpose and desired target. A skill refers to proficiency in a specific area which can be built by learning from surroundings. Training an occupational skill refers to a training of specific occupational skill until becoming an expert and able to transfer that specific knowledge and experience to others. The Benefit of Planning the Occupational Skill Training can be stated below: 1. It creates an opportunity to consider the necessary skills that need to be trained 2. It lets the planner see an overall image of the occupational development system which covers the skills needed to be trained 3. It lets the planner plan and select the training place and method with the agency who is directly in charge of or the planner might consider to train himself The Process of Planning the Occupational Skill Training includes: 1. Summarizing the skill that is needed to be trained 2. Studying and looking for the information relating to the source of skill training. Contact them and indicate what the topic is and when to train 3. Indicating date, time, and place to train 4. The trainee is recommended to study the topic of training in advance, in order to partly gain an understanding of the topic. Then it is recommended to note down the unclear topic and bring it to session

30 Activity 7 Analyzing the Skill Needed for Occupational Development The learner is assigned to review the contents in the knowledge sheet and activity to summarize the skill needed in occupational development and write down in the memo. Memo Summary of skill needed in occupational development training Job ............................................................. No. Topic Skill Needed I for Training 1. Required knowledge Examples 1. Market research 2. ....................................... 2. Skill needed in occupational Examples development training 1. Improving the quality of soil using green manures 2. ....................................... 3. Production process Examples 1. Fund raising 2. ....................................... 4. Marketing process Examples 1. Preparing an income statement 2. ....................................... 5. Applying knowledge Examples 1. Technique in making bio fertilizers 2. ....................................... 6. Using innovation / technology Examples 1. Using threshing machines effectively 2. .......................................

31 Activity 8 Occupational Development Training Plan The learner is assigned to summarize the skill that is needed to be trained after contacting the source of training and then write down the training plan in the memo. Memo Occupational development training plan Job .................................................... No. Topic Place of training / Date Method On the job training triner Example 1. Improving the quality Land Development 10 September 2009 of soil using green Center of……………. manures

32 Topic 5 Occupational Skill Training After planning the occupational skill training, it is recommended to manage occupational skill training according to the plan and record any knowledge obtained to further review if needed. Things that should be recorded including knowledge itself, training procedure, problem and solution. One might also add his own comments during the process. It is always good to realize that “Whenever the plan is managed, the knowledge must be attained and the more execution will result in the more knowledge gained”. Knowledge / skill can be obtained from various ways such as: 1. From reading books, texts, and newspapers. It is also recommended to record and summarize the knowledge obtained as a mind map for a better understanding. 2. From job training. The learner is suggested to record the process step by step indicating where such process begins and ends; for examples, the process may start from material, tool, and equipment preparation. 3. From interviewing an expert. The learner has to prepare the list of question in advance and prioritize them according to the learning process. 4. From lecturers or seminars. The leaner will have to listen carefully and try to summarize key issues. One may also summarize his own understanding as a mind map. 5. From making a note of the source of information such as reading from which book and when, being trained from which place and when, and who the expert and lecturer are. While being trained for occupational development, the trainee will have to look for occupational knowledge and techniques as much as possible so that it will help improve training efficiency. This is achieved by: 1. Making an observation from certain sources such as images, relocation of things, and inventions. Observation will be a foundation of innovative and rational thinking. 2. Practicing imaginative ideas. Imagination is an ability to creatively think about objects, places, or situations. It may include anything that never happens before, both possible and impossible. Imagination helps create curiosity and motivate us to seek for and conduct an experiment for an answer which leads to an invention. 3. Learning to creatively mix things up such as designing an accessory that combines diamond and gold. 4. Learning to systematically memorize things. This is a process to categorize or to find a method to memorize things such as memorizing English vocabularies or using a mind map to link information with sub information.

33 5. Learning to relate things logically; for example, able to identify a relationship between things or identify what is reasonable.

34 Activity 9 Memorizing the Knowledge in Occupational Development Skill The learner is assigned to learn the occupational development skill that he is interested in from appropriate source; for examples, by reading from textbooks, interviewing experts, listening to lectures, or learning; one way or another or any of them. The learner is then recommended to write down into the memo form. Memo Form Subject........................................................................ Source/expert........................................................... Learning method................................................................. Date ....................................................... Content ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... Problem and Solution ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................... Suggestion ...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................

35 Chapter 2 Creating Business Plan for Occupational Development Essence Creating a business plan involves determining a guideline in carrying on and occupation in advance to let every member in an organization, family, or unit of production understand in the same direction. This can be done by brainstorming and analyzing different communities and situations, in order to determine vision, mission, and strategy in business, according to the principle of sufficient economy, to achieve the business goal. Key Indicator 1. The learner is able to analyze the community, using a brainstorming method, and determine vision, mission, income, value, target, and strategy according to the principle of sufficient economy. 2. The learner is able to develop an operation plan Scope of Content Topic 1 Meaning and importance of managing occupational development Topic 2 Analyzing community for occupational development Topic 3 Determining vision, mission, target, and strategy in determining a business development plan for community Topic 4 The principle of sufficient economy Topic 5 Developing an operation plan

36 Topic 1 Meaning and Importance of Managing Occupational Development Developing an occupation is a systematically arrangement of career developing, in terms of both quantity and quality, in an alignment with market needs. The importance of an occupational development can be summarized as follows. 1. It is a utilization of community’s resources for the benefits of the community by generating incomes 2. It is an expansion of a market 3. It helps transform or develop products to the market 4. Consumers are able to purchase the products they need 5. Product development helps increase the number of product in the market, creates a better utilization of fund, and increases more marketing operation 6. It develops community economy 7. It improves the quality of life for people in the community and promotes self dependence The success of occupational development will depend on self development. Since the advance of information technology can be witnessed nowadays, entrepreneurs will have to always develop themselves to catch up with such changes. To do so, one will have to learn to be keen, thoughtful, sharp, creative, through, cautious, and reasonable, as well as being diligent, putting efforts in work, being tough, always looking for experience, and devoting himself for the career, all of which will contribute to a career success. Self development refers to a determination of personal objectives or goal in life in advance and finds a way to achieve such goal; for example, one might set the target in planting rice for 100 units per rai. He will then have to find a method of operation to meet the target such as using a high-grade seed of rice as well as taking a good care of it. The benefits of self development towards occupational development include: 1. Enhancing knowledge and capability 2. Increasing self-confident 3. Improving working efficiency 4. Creating working happiness 5. Initiating creativity to create things

37 Topic 2 Analyzing Community for Occupational Development Occupational development involves taking up a career to make it develop and progress, in terms of both quantity and quality, by systematically aligning it with the market needs. The success in occupational development depends on analyzing information of community and surrounding situation, both internally and externally, according to the changing facts in order to create confidence in occupation and to set a clear target of occupational development. Therefore, a successful occupational development will depend on an analysis of the feasibility and information of relating elements. In occupational development, it is essential to analyze the information on community situation according to the context of each area which includes natural resource, climate, geography, art, culture, tradition, custom, way of life, and human resources. In order to create confidence and to suitably determine a target in occupational development, it is necessary to analyze the community according to the context of each area and the job that is aimed to develop. A community analysis can be done by using SWOT technique since it relates to an analysis of environment that negatively or positively affects things. The detail of SWOT is outlined below. S (Strength) means positive abilities or situation in the community which can be utilized to make the work achieved or those that benefit and strengthen the work. W (Weakness) means negative situation in the community that does not benefit the work and is useless, or even conducts a failure. O (Opportunity) refers to external factors and situation of the community that benefit in achieving working objectives or any other external factors that benefit operation. T (Treat) means external factors and situation of the community that obstruct or do not support in achieving working objectives or any other external factors that may create operational problems.

38 The process to analyze community according to its context which includes natural resource, climate, geography, art, culture, custom, way of life, and human resource by using the SWOT technique can be described as follows. 1. Identify the contextual issue of the area that relates to the determined occupation that will be developed in order to analyze it; for examples, 1.1 Agricultural job group: the contextual issues that should be analyzed include natural resource, climate, geography, and human resource. 1.2 Industrial job group: the contextual issues that should be analyzed include natural resource, geography, climate, art, culture, custom, and way of life. 1.3 Commercial job group: the contextual issues that should be analyzed include natural resource, climate, geography, and location. 1.4 Creative job group: the contextual issues that should be analyzed include natural and human resource. 1.5 Administrative and specific job group: the contextual issues that should be analyzed include natural resource, climate, geography, art, culture, custom, ways of life, and human resources. 2. Determine the details that would be analyzed for each of the contextual aspects for the job that would be developed; for examples, Issue of Context Detail of Issue 1. Natural resource 1.1 Suitability and quality of natural resource 1.2 Natural resource in the community and/or neighborhoods that support the job 1.3 Quantity and cost in buying natural resource 1.4 Source/quantity of water that will be used in the job 1.5 Details of other related issues

39 2. Climate 2.1 Climate condition 2.2 Climate condition in relation with occupational support 2.3 Relationship between climate and geographical condition 2.4 Relationship between climate and natural resource 2.5 Details of other related issues 3. Geography 3.1 Geographical condition 3.2 Geographical condition in relation with occupational support 3.3 Relationship between geography and occupation 3.4 Relationship between geography and natural resource 3.5 Details of other related issues 4. Art, culture, custom, and way 4.1 Occupation aligns with community’s art of life 4.2 Occupation relates to community’s culture 4.3 Occupation is related to community’s custom 4.4 Occupation is related to community’s way of life 4.5 Details of other related issues 5. Human resource 5.1 Knowledge of oneself in taking up occupation 5.2 Occupational expert in the community 5.3 Labor that will be required in occupation 5.4 Human resource/labor management 5.5 Relationship between community members and entrepreneurs 5.6 Details of other related issues

40 3. After identifying details of each contextual issue, it is recommended to analyze it by using the SWOT technique as shown in the table below. Selected Occupation ................................................. Internal Situation of Community Strength Weakness 1. Natural resource 1. Natural resource 2. Climate 2. Climate 3. Geography 3. Geography 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 5. Human resource 5. Human resource External Situation of Community Opportunity Threat 1. Natural resource 1. Natural resource 2. Climate 2. Climate 3. Geography 3. Geography 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 5. Human resource 5. Human resource 4. Start analyzing the fact according to the topic of each community contextual issue to find out to what extent such detail is related to the occupation that will be developed. This stage of analysis will be performed by those who wish to develop their occupation. One will also have to analyze this based on fact.

41 An analysis of internal situation of the community is an analysis of details of each issue by classifying internal positive factors or any information that can support an achievement in occupation as strength and identifying negative or any information that may obstruct the work as weaknesses. An analysis of external situation of the community is an analysis of details of each issue by classifying external positive factor or any information that can support an achievement in occupation as opportunities and identifying negative or any information that may obstruct the work as threats. Example of detailed analysis Job: A developer of freeze distilled coconut oil package Internal Situation of Community Strength Weakness 1. Natural resource: Strength is not available 1. Natural resource: no natural resource that 2. Climate: the climate at Koh Kood District is can be applied as suitable package. suitable for tourism, so there are a lot of 2. Climate: a problem can be witnessed in a domestic and foreign travelers who will monsoon season since the cargo ship carrying support the occupation. the product may not be able to depart. 3. Geography: Koh Kood District is an island 3. Geography: Koh Kood District locates 80 with beautiful natural resources, so there are a kilometers far from the shore. This may cause lot of domestic and foreign travelers which will transportation and distribution problems. support the occupation. 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life: no 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life: information identified as a weakness. coconut oil is a popular product. Improving the 5. Human resource: no information identified package quality will prolong the product life as a weakness. time, remove musty smell, and make it more

42 convenient to use. 5. Human resource: no labor is required since the activity can be performed by family members. External Situation of Community Opportunity Threat 1. Natural resource: no information identified 1. Natural resource: no information identified as an opportunity. as a threat. 2. Climate: many domestic and foreign 2. Climate: a problem can be witnessed in a travelers love to travel here due to the climate monsoon season since the cargo ship carrying that is suitable for tourism. This supports the the product may not be able to depart. occupation. 3. Geography: Koh Kood District locates 80 3. Geography: the geographical terrain of Koh kilometers far from the shore. This may cause Kood District consists of countless coconut transportation and distribution problems. trees and other beautiful natural resources. This 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life: no supports the occupation. information identified as a threat. 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life: those 5. Human resource: there are other producers who use freeze distilled coconut oil prefer a of the product in other regions. This may affect convenient package. sales. 5. Human resource: no information identified as an opportunity. 5. After conducting an analysis according to the topic of each contextual issue, it is recommended to summarize all the relevant information to see an overview picture and prepare to use it to determine target and direction of the occupational development. This should be done in a categorized manner.

43 An Example on How to Summarize Information The analysis of information can be summarized as follows. 1. From internal information provided, it can be concluded that it is necessary to develop the freeze distilled coconut package because the product is popular, so developing its package will prolong its life, remove musty smell, and make it more convenient to use. Moreover, Koh Kood District, which is a tourist attraction, has coconut trees and other beautiful natural resources and has a climate that is suitable for tourism. As a result, there are a lot of Thai and foreign travelers. These factors support the occupation. Furthermore, freeze distilled coconut oil package can be developed by utilizing family members. It is important to note that the materials used in such package development process should be considered since there is no suitable natural resource in the area that could be utilized as a product package. Moreover, one should also take into consideration the distance between Koh Kood District and the shore is 80 kilometers including the climate in monsoon seasons since the ship that sill transport the product may not depart. 2. From external information provided, it can be concluded that although the product is popular, most people place an importance on the convenient package. Moreover, natural tourism at Koh Kood District of Thai and foreign travelers is a factor that supports the occupation. 3. In overview, it can be concluded that: 1. The development of freeze distilled package is appropriate and possible since the customer places an important on convenient package. 2. The occupational development can be managed by family members. 6. After an analysis to determine target and direction of occupational development, in order to achieve such target on the development, the entrepreneur should make a community business development plan, to systematically manage the occupation and to set a clear target.

44 Activity 1 Community Analysis The learner is assigned to conduct a community analysis according to the context of the area which includes natural resource, climate, geography, art, culture, custom, way of life, and human resource, together with the occupation that is planned to be developed by using the SWOT technique. The chosen job ................................................. Internal Situation of Community Strength Weakness 1. Natural resource 1. Natural resource 2. Climate 2. Climate 3. Geography 3. Geography 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 5. Human resource 5. Human resource External Situation of Community Opportunity Threat 1. Natural resource 1. Natural resource 2. Climate 2. Climate 3. Geography 3. Geography 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 4. Art, culture, custom, and way of life 5. Human resource 5. Human resource

45 Topic 3 Determining Vision, Mission, and Strategy in Community Business Development Vision is a determination of occupational image and the expected outcome in the future. In other words, it involves foreseeing the business target in the future with certain boundary and timeframe; for example, a bakery in Chonburi set its vision as “To be the top bread seller in eastern region within 3 years”. Determining a vision carefully needs taking the result of community and occupation analysis into consideration in order to increase the possibility of business success. Mission is the task that the entrepreneur has to achieve according to the specific vision. The entrepreneur will have to develop a team and clearly determine business mission that covers both production and marketing aspects. Analyzing the Mission is the process to examine which mission should be achieved before or after, or which mission should be remained or changed. The entrepreneur and team should mutually set the business missions and prioritize them. Target and Goal the target of occupational development is to identify what business can do and how long it will take. This can be set as a short-term or long-term goal of 3 or 5 years. Target of occupational development should be clearly set and measurable. It is better to set the target as a number since it helps improve the planning quality which will result in a better operation. Strategy in Occupational Development Planning. This relates to a strategic planning to develop the occupation or business in order to achieve the target. Such planning requires a clear vision, target, and timeframe, needs an analysis of events that are expected to occur in the future, and requires a high systematic work to create flexibility against a changing situation, all of which aims to let the entrepreneur and team be able to effectively develop the business in the future.

46 Importance of Planning The importance of community business planning is outlined below. 1. It reduces the risk from uncertainty in carrying a job since the plan is already involved all the preparation matters. 2. It makes the business operation achieve according to the target from the beginning to the end. 3. It is the acceptance of new idea and method in business since the change can always be witnessed. 4. It reduces the time used in operation since planning shows the overall working procedure. 5. Using the plan as a working tool, it let the member of the business understand and see an overview of coordination. 6. It enhances good coordination in the business since members are able to know the direction beforehand. 7. It is a good working motivation for members in the business. Planning Process The procedure of community business planning can be outlined as follows. 1. The objective must clearly be determined to be the direction for business operation or activity. 2. The objective must clearly be indentified in terms of purpose, possibility, and must be measurable. 3. Target setting is a process to determine how many targets are needed. It must be measurable in a short timeframe. 4. Determining the working procedure is the process to consider what activity should be done immediately or afterward. Such process will effectively help operation achieves the business objective. 5. Operating activity according to the plan, which must be done consecutively to achieve the expected outcome. 6. Adjusting the action plan: sometimes an execution of the plan may change the situation, so the entrepreneur will have to adjust the plan according to the fact. Then such execution will be more effective. There are various forms of action plan. The planner can choose any of them depending on the objective and the characteristic of work.

47 Strategic planning will create good corporation or business image and will increase leadership image since the process involves an illustration of business strengths and its plan in the future. The importance of a strategic plan is outlined below. 1. It helps the business in developing itself to catch up with economic and social changes since the strategic planning is related to an analysis of business conditions and its environment. 2. It helps the business to operate freely and account for its own success or failure since the business is operated according to the determined plan; not by the need of person in authority. 3. Planning must be in line with the distribution of authority which will help in determining the practical standard for the executor. Such standard is, therefore, a tool of executing the plan. 4. Strategic planning is one of the conditions in budgeting that emphasizes on the result. 5. Strategic plan is a plan that challenges the executor in the sense that it helps initiate creativities and alternated options for business, so a strategic plan is also considered as a development plan.

48 Activity 2 Determining Vision, Mission, and Strategy in Occupational Development Planning for Community 1. The learner is assigned to coordinate with teacher and the community leader to determine the target and direction of the community which is called “Vision”. 2. The learner is assigned to determine “Mission” that will lead the community to achieve its vision. 3. The learner is assigned to determine “Target” that will act as a working direction and an achievement indicator. 4. The learner is assigned to determine “Strategic plan” which is a key to success.

49 Topic 4 The Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy The philosophy of sufficiency economy is the philosophy that guides the way of living for people in every social level, starting from family, community, to nation level. It involves national development and administration according to the middle way practice and focuses on economic development in order to catch up with globalization. Sufficiency means moderation, reasonableness, as well as immunity to both external and internal changes in which wisdom, prudence, and carefulness will be required in using knowhow for planning and executing in every step. Meanwhile, it is necessary to enhance the mental health foundation of national population, especially for government officers, theorists, and businessmen in every level, in order to let them become aware of moral principle and honesty with suitable knowledge possession, as well as living with tolerance, diligence, wisdom, and carefulness to be balanced and ready to deal with the swift changes in material, social, environmental, and cultural aspects occurring from external environment (quoted and abstracted from the royal words of King Bhumibol Adulyadej with respect to sufficiency economy, according to the letter number 0003/18888, dated 29 November B.E. 2542, the Office of His Majesty Principal Private Secretary, the Grand Palace, Bangkok). The structure and component of the philosophy of sufficiency economy can be presented in the figure below. Moderation Reasonablen Social ess Immunity Knowledge Condition Integrity Condition (Know, Prudence, Care) (Honesty, Patience, Sharing)

50 Figure: The Middle Way Practice According to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy The sufficiency economy employs 5 principles which are: 1. The middle way of living can be applied to family, community, and national level, as well as to every economic system. 2. The balance among individual, society, environment, and economic system. It includes the balance of production and effective utilization of existing resources. 3. The sufficiency in production and consumption based on reasonable sufficiency, not too difficult, and not extravagant in using natural resources and technologies. 4. The immunity in living, being healthy, being potent, possessing problem solving skills, and suitable knowledge, as well as being able to deal with internal and external changes. 5. Being modernized, knowledgeable, cautious, patient, diligent, and having consciousnesses in virtue and honesty. The philosophy of sufficiency economy can be applied in various aspects such as in living in family, community, society, and in occupation. It will reduce the risk that may occur. In occupation, it is necessary to study and apply the philosophy as follows. 1. Moderation: this can be applied by considering whether one’s knowledge, capability, fund, labor, ability to find material, tool, and equipment are moderately sufficient or not; for example, farming a 30 Rai rice alone might not be considered as moderately sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary for one who takes up an occupation to consider the appropriateness by himself. 2. Reasonableness: occupational development requires reasonableness. The task involves a process of careful thinking based on reliable source of information; for example, in expanding the cultivating area for dry season rice, a confirmation from related parties is required whether there is sufficient amount of water to do so or not, or some unnecessary expenses might be found after analyzing the income statement. 3. Immunity: self immunity will help solve problems that may occur in the future such as crop guaranteeing, finding market for the product, and recruiting labors in advance. 4. Knowledge Condition: the entrepreneur must analyze himself to see whether he possesses sufficient skills in the issue that he wants to develop or not; for example, if one wants to turn himself to an organic agriculturist because not only it is safer towards oneself, consumer, and environment but it also has a better price, he will have to learn how to grow crops without using chemical fertilizer and learn how to make different types of organic fertilizer such as composed fertilizer, biofertilizer, and green manure to replace chemical fertilizer.

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