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Malaysian Indian Business Magazine Nov 2014

Published by Malaysian Indian Business Magazine, 2015-05-12 10:35:31

Description: Malaysian Indian Business Magazine Nov 2014

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Publisher EDITOR’S NOTEINDIANTODAY.NET SDN BHD (858997-V) If you're going to be successful, you've got to love your business- love needs(Wholly-owned by Charu Holding Sdn Bhd) selflessness and passion to deliver promises beyond monetary values. Our editorial team explores “YourPetaling Jaya Office Customer Your Wife” on how building a customer relationship is similarSuite 3A52, Level 3A, Block A2, as building a marriage where the business is the husband while theLeisure Commerce Square, Jalan PJS 8/9, customer is the wife . Readers are encouraged to turn into MIB Forum46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor checking feedback given by professionals globally on the same subject.Tel/Fax: 03 7865 7320 As we step into the final month of 2014, we continue our path of bringingJohor Bahru Office more write up on Eastern Management and its application to currentNo. 6-01, Jalan Bestari 4/2,Taman Nusa Bestari, time. Our writer Ganesh Murugan explores ancient Indian Wisdom of81300 Johor Bahru, Johor Thirukural while Dr. Bala a researcher on Eastern Management shareTel/Fax: 07 358 2320 with us Kautilya’s Aphorisms in Management. Our regular Business News from Malaysia, Singapore and India joins our analysis of stunning Facts & Figures and Did you Know sections. (e-Directory) The year 2014 has been very challenging for Malaysian Indian Business Magazine as we try to evolve meeting customers’ requirement. The [email protected] year saw lots of changes, including setting our prime focus into Eastern Management a pride great step forward. Changes in editorial team were natural and unavoidable with support from Malaysia, India and Singapore MalaysianIndianBusinessMagazine readers climb north. Kindly accept our sincere appreciation for all the support given to us and made us to be what we are now since ourCHAIRMAN & MANAGING EDITOR inception 5 years ago. Join us Celebrating the success on January 10,Rasa Rasik 2015 at Midlands Convention Centre, Shah [email protected] 711 4236 You’re the boss. We want your feedback. Send it through our Facebook Page, Linkedin or send us an e-mail.MANAGING DIRECTORR Surangi It's that time to spend with loved. Take Malaysian Indian [email protected] Magazine along with you and share with others during your holiday. We wish all our readers A Merry Christmas and Best wishes for the comingSALES & MARKETING year.Jayasree [email protected] ASK AND LEARN FROM DOMAIN016 213 4236 Chairman & Managing EditorADMINISTRATION & CIRCULATIONPetaling Jaya Office: Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles published are those of the authors and do not necesarilyPungkodi reflect the views of MIB. While every reasonable care is taken in compiling this publication, MIB does not accept any [email protected] whatsoever for possible errors, inaccuracies or omissions or the consequences thereof. The Publisher also accepts no liability in respect of the content of any advertisement in the magazine. All rights reserved. The reproduction, duplication, orJohor Bahru Office: republication of this magazine or any part thereof in any form whatsoever without the expressed written permission of theShila publisher is [email protected] [email protected] PalaniandyPrasath KanagarasAnand NaiduPalani MurugappanGanesh MuruganThevi SinnaduraiCONCEPT & GRAPHIC DESIGNKugan [email protected] Stop Book EnterprisePRINTINGSampoorna Printers Sdn BhdNo.1, Jalan TIB-1/19Taman Industri Bolton68100 Batu CavesSelangorSOURCE OF NEWS & ARTICLESBERNAMA / PTI / IHRB

CONTENT05 Did You Know? 34 LIFESTYLE06 COVER STORY Starting A Business: What Are The Best Questions To Ask? Neuroset (ME) Sdn Bhd 37 Today I Learned 38 Singapore Business News 40 LEADERSHIP Leadership Lessons From The Bhagavad-Gita: Part 4 44 ENTREPRENEUR Foremost Quality Management Consultancy: QS Certification Sdn Bhd 0614 EXCLUSIVE Billionaire Barber 14 441920 World's Youngest Rag To Riches Billionaires 48 ONLINE BUSINESS22 Calendar Of Events 50 7 Strategies To Make Money With YouTube:24 54 Part 225 BRAND 5629 58 Malaysia Business News30 Components That Comprise A32 Comprehensive Brand Strategy 60 India Business News QUOTES 64 EMERGING TECHNOLOGY Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi Neuromorphic Computing Forum EVENT COVERAGE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Commercial Radio Malaysia [CRM] Get Together Data Analysis Utilizing Microsot Excel ANCIENT MEDICINE INFOGRAPHIC Prehistorical Omnipotent Medicinal Plant: Choice Of Business Neem FACTS AND FIGURES EVENT COVERAGE Business News In Figure Youths Aims To Eliminate Poverty - MCEO EVENT COVERAGE Deepavali Carnival 2014 - Agenda Suria

DID YOU KNOW? DID YOU KNOW? 05Albern Murty is the Chief Sasitharan Krishnan is the General Manager, TuneOperating Officer [COO] of DiGi Ins Holdings Bhd overseeing life and generalTelecommunications Sdn Bhd reinsurance business as well as partnershipssince January 2014. The with AirAsia and the Tune Companies. HePortland State University, graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons)Oregon, USA joined Digi in from University of London and is a Chartered2002 and was appointed as Financial Consultant (ChFC), CharteredChief Marketing Officer in April Life Underwriter (CLU) and Certified2012. He holds a Bachelor Financial Partner (CFP). He has 17 years ofof Science in Marketing, experience in the financial services industry,and Bachelor of Science in including bancassurance distribution andAdvertising Management. financed reinsurance, with companies such asSreedhar Subramaniam is the President and Chief Mayban Life Assurance, Am Bank and HSBC.Executive Officer of Asian Broadcasting Network (M) Hitendra Joshi serves as ManagementSdn Bhd, Malaysia’s First Digital Cable pay Consultant B Braun Medical IndustriesTelevision company. The former Chief Sdn Bhd after having served asOperating Officer of NTV7 and founder General Manager since 1986of The Malaysian Insider online news until 2011. He holds Bachelor inportal also served as Director and Science (Zoology) and a MastersCTO of Efficient E-Solutions Bhd, in Business Administrationa public listed business process (Marketing) has been with theoutsourcing company from 2002 to Medical Devices industry for2006. He graduated from university more than 25 years is currentlyof Toronto with BSc. Specializing in the Chairman of the Association ofComputer Science and pursued his Malaysian Medical Industries (AMMI).MBA at Schulich School of Business, Sundra Moorthi s/o V.M. Krishnasamy, 70,York University, Canada. a lawyer by profession is the Director ofRAMESH KUMAR SINGAM is the Unisem (M) Bhd since 13 June 1991.managing director of FedEx Express He graduated with a Bachelor of ArtsMalaysia and Brunei. managing degree from University Malaya. He ismore than 790 employees. He a Barrister at Law and a Member of thegraduated with B App Sc (Hons), Grays Inn, United Kingdom.Mineral and Material Technologyfrom University Sains Malaysia. NOVEMBER 2014 |He also served as managingdirector of FedEx Expressoperations in Singapore from2003 to 2009 where he led thecompany to best employer status.

06 COVER STORY Renowned Incubator of Medical Practitioners & Professionals Thayananthen President/CEO Neuroset (ME) Sdn Bhd To the Malaysian at large, I would like to say that any endurance or anything that you would undertake, do it with full commitment and understand what you’re doing. Basic requirement to achievement is to have interest and understanding on what you like to do; anything you do without understanding or interest will fail.| NOVEMBER 2014

Learning is a wealth that none could destroy; nothing else gives genuine joy. Thirukural :400The above thirukural resonates with Thayananthen’s way of life, an endeavour commenced to assist his late brother to become a medical doctor. The strugglein getting a medical seat at a prestigious university led tothe formation of Magaram Enterprise in 1997 jointly withhis late father Dato' M. Varatharaju and late brother Dr.V Sathiananthen. “ At that point of time not many localuniversities offering medical degree course to Malaysian.The management of Magaram led by myself took lots ofeffort to get the Kursk State Medical University, Russia tobe recognized by the Government of Malaysia, comprisingthe Malaysian Medical Council [MMC] and Public ServiceDepartment. The university was officially granted recognitionon the 7th of August 2001. With that we could provideopportunities for thousand of Malaysian students andstudents abroad to obtain their medical degree or achievetheir dream as medical practitioner in a prestigious universitywith lowest possible cost or fee structure,” Thayananthentold Malaysian Indian Business Magazine. RIGHT Thayananthen delivering his maiden speech after being installed as 26th President of Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur West

08 COVER STORYHe further explained “ During this time period, we hadhelped the government of Malaysia, particularly the Ministryof Health to achieve its motion in reducing the ratio betweenthe doctor-patient in Malaysia from 1:800 to 1: 400. Thiswas our major contribution to solve the problem of acuteshortage of doctors in Malaysia during 2004/2005. In 2005we assisted the government by offering medical seats to all123 STPM straight A students who could not secure medicalseats in the local universities to pursue their medical degreeat Kursk State Medical Univesity, Russia.” The Ipoh born,University of London Law graduate also played a vital roleduring the crisis of the recognition issue of a few medicaluniversities from Ukraine. While leading Magaram, heoffered assistance to qualified students getting transfer fromUkraine to Kursk State Medical University with the blessingof MMC. “As the CEO of the business establishment,I have also provided input to the Ministry of HigherEducation[MOHE] in observing practice to ensure studentsgoing abroad for medical degree studies by obtaining a NonObjection Certificate[NOC] from the Ministry concerned.” To date I am proud to say that I have played a major role in the graduation of nearly 1500 Malaysians as Medical doctors who are practicing at various part of Malaysia and I am proud of these doctors whom I believe to be smart, diligent, intelligent and ethical. - ThayananthenINTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF EDUCATIONALEXCELLENCEOur mission currently is to promote Malaysia as AnInternational Centre of Educational Excellence, hencewe have been promoting tertiary education provided byMalaysian universities, particularly in Central Asia, EasternEurope, Indian Subcontinent and other countries. Wealso encourage Malaysians to study medical and dentaldegree studies offered by Russian, Indian and BangladeshUniversities while United Kingdom as destination to pursue TOP Donating RM25,000 for Charity Education Fund CENTRE Donating RM10,000 for Rotary Kasih, a joint project with MY KASIH BOTTOM Thayananthen received Rotary International District 3300 Governor's Major Donor Recognition Award | NOVEMBER 2014

COVER STORY 09TOP LEFTMr Thayananthen withHRH Princess of Cambodiaduring “Gift of Sight” AnInternational HumanitarianMissionBOTTOMThayananthen along withother volunteers at KampungCham, Cambodia providingsupport to 68 patientsreceiving their eye cataractsurgeries operation. NOVEMBER 2014 |

10 COVER STORYBusiness, Law, Engineering and IT degrees. Since 2009, we IRRESPONSIBLE COMPETITORS SUPPORTEDhave moved to widen the scope of our business by forming OUR GROWTHa new company known as Neuroset (ME) Sdn Bhd withThayananthen as President/CEO of the company, assisted The competition in this industry arose during the year 2004by Dr S.R. Sen Gupta as Chairman and Former Deputy at high level where by many irresponsible recruiting agentsForeign Minister Dato’ A. Kohilan Pillay as advisor and a mushroomed throughout the country and recruited studentsteam of 23 Malaysians staff force. whom are not qualified within the specifications or academicThe core reason for me to get into ''I would like to be a qualifications imposed by MOHE.the Education Industry was to seek pathway for those The implications had been that suchan opportunity for my late brother in students in obtaining students not being able to cope withpursuing medical degree studies at a tertiary education their studies while some of them uponprestigious medical university during opportunity in Malaysia graduation not been able to cope with1993 as there were a limited number of with the intention to rigors of medical practices. However,universities providing medical studies in promote Malaysian I am so glad that the Ministry ofMalaysia then. As time passes I realize Culture, Tourism and Education and Ministry of Health hasit is a noble service to the community Way of Life to the now decided to introduce and enforce aand I have personally funded up to minimum level of academic qualification10 needy students' degree studies at others.'' for students intending to study medicineKursk State Medical Universities. or dentistry abroad. This is a very difficult task between the two ministries,Beside that I gained lots of personal however, to achieve this I am sure bothsatisfaction in many occasions when I ministries had done a lot of research inreceived compliments from the parents harmonizing the situation and possiblyof students who get an admission bring it as a rule in the future. I take thisinto medical university. All this made opportunity to congratulate both thepossible as to date I have managed observe the requirement to select “As far as my involvement in the business, I wish that I hadstudents who are qualified within the embed of academic known about Russian, Russian language and culture priorrequirement set by the Ministry of Higher Education for to my engagement with this business,” he responded to thethose who intend to pursue medical degree studies abroad. Malaysian Indian Business question of what do you wishFormer Dean, Professor Dr Ludmila Antonia says during their you knew about your business before you started it? TheUniversity Senate Board meeting that Russian Universities challenges among others if off course the lack of financialhighly prefer Malaysian Students due to their enthusiasm and support for well qualified students to study medicine ordedication towards their study. dentistry abroad.| NOVEMBER 2014

COVER STORY 11It is my vision is to develop the company ''My humble wisdom to individual I feel charity begins at home,to an Intercontinental operational level those seeking to enter therefore I made all the effort to educatewhere am proud to say that currently into Education Industry my siblings, nephews and nieces. ForNeuroset (ME) Sdn Bhd have initiated is to put the future of the past 1 ½ decade, I’m privileged toits new university venture program in the country as the main provide financial contribution to SpasticsMauritius as a joint project with one of matter before recruiting Children Association of Selangor anda local university to cater students from Federal Territory, Malacca IndianAfrican region. any student to any Association (MIA) and Association of specific discipline for the Deaf. In the past I also contribute toBLESSED TO CONTRIBUTE TO that kindly observe the Maju Institute Education DevelopmentCOMMUNITY minimum requirement [MIED] beside my personal scholarship set by the authority. '' to some needy students in completingAs an Indian I observe Hinduism as my their medical degree.way of life and I’m blessed to contributeto consecration or “kumbhabhishekam“ The first born son of Dato M Varatbarajuof few temples in Malaysia. While as an and Datin Ponnamah, currently assumes a noble responsibility as NOVEMBER 2014 |

12 COVER STORYPresident of Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur West and initiated“Charity Education Fund” project to raise RM 250,000 withina year to which he has contributed 10%. Also showered withblessing to contribute to Rotary International District 3300project known as ‘Rotary Kasih’. Last year he participated atInternational humanity services Gift of Sight by donating andpersonally attending to Cambodian Eye Cataract operation andSri Lanka war victim’s Leg for Legless. Our Affiliates | NOVEMBER 2014

14 EXCLUSIVE RWOARLGD’sTYOOURNGIECSTHES BILLIONAIRESThe business world can be extremely cut throat for many More or less half of the world’s billionaires made their riches entrepreneurial minds, great power-driven and hard from scratch that relies on will power and determination. to break into it. In such a competitive entrepreneurial Many of these self-made business people are college or highenvironment, where do you flinch with your idea or competency school dropouts. The most famous example of the billionaireif you have a vision, a dream of being dropout is Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Buta successful businessman? For all this what makes them the rag to rich wasyou need to have one clear thing in your the long time they spent becomingmind, goal and vision for a successful ''More or less half of someone who people recognize. But noentry. One should be extremely focused the competition is fast and time is less.and motivated to create its place in the the world’s billionaires Entrepreneurs work hard, but somebusiness world. All this seems to be made their riches lucky one gets the place, here they aremore difficult than it sounds. But people recognized by general public. For younghave done it several times and created from scratch that relies minds and energetic entrepreneurs thehistory. So why to consider such on will power and competition is tough but there are manypeople and business minds? To inspire determination.'' opportunities they can work on. Stevepeople, stories of daring skirmish and Jobs one of the youngest entrepreneursheroic businessmen against the odds, of that time and whenever we talkendurance and ultimate victory have about him only one thing comes to ouralways been discussed not only to give mind, Apple. He was in those youngestthem hope but also the courage to fight entrepreneurs who were not just only aand kind of strategy that can create a difference in the present maker of a company but also an innovator. Grabbed ideasbusiness world. and combined with such effectiveness that made him one of the youngest entrepreneur billionaire. | NOVEMBER 2014

EXCLUSIVE 15 Mark Zuckerberg These people belong to such developed nation where technology has taken its part. Like one of the most tremendous names of young billionaire history, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook social media and currently has the net worth of around $13.5 billion. Mark is one of the idols for the young minds to evolve as a multi-millionaire or a billionaire Mark Zuckerberg tycoon through new upcoming technology. Like lived most part of his life Jan Koum, the owner of Watsapp and currently in poverty but the land of a part of joint venture of Facebook. He lived opportunities gave him most part of his life in poverty, but the land of the path of technology opportunities gave him the path of technology to make its way into a billionaire list. to make its way in a billionaire listRamesh BabuBut there are still some developing countries The Billionairewhere billionaire makes their way through Barber, Ramesh Babuthings that hardly matter in any othercountry like the story of Ramesh. Ramesh has 154 luxury cars including Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz, BMW and VolkswagenBabu a 40 year old young entrepreneur,billionaire from India, whose father died whenhe was only 7 years old. All he left to Ramesh wasa barber shop. Ramesh remembers that their family livedon one meal a day due to poverty. Ramesh earned adiploma course in the field of electronics with his mothersupport and after that he decided to run the barber shop.Ramesh decided to buy a Maruti Car for his personal use in 1994. He then later on decided to lease the car because ofless usage. After that he bought six cars and rented all of them. Luck and hard work were with him and the business ofcar rental started attracting customers from the travel and tourism business. Later he acquired more cars from a bankloan during 1994 and 2004 and officially started a company known as Ramesh Tours and Travels. As more cars camein, more rentals and eventually more cash came in. Ramesh now has possession of a more or less 154 luxury cars ofpopular brands like Toyota, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz, BMW and a Rolls Royce. NOVEMBER 2014 |

16 EXCLUSIVE Dennis Ng Competing in such a developing country is not easy as it may seem but in some it is like Dennis Ng who did not have to look much further. He used to live with his family consisting of six members in a flat and was “Though I’m young, too poor to even think about a job he actually wanted to do for I don’t really do things the way most youngsters do. Perhaps most a living. He stays put and remained hopeful and studied hard youngsters will consider many factors, do a lot of research, do a lot of talking, a lot apart from the hardship he countered with a life of poverty. of surfing on the web, before they really start doing something. For me, I only think for a short He obtained a diploma from a Polytechnic Institute and during while. Of course, we must still take calculated risks. But I’ve always felt the only way to attain this he worked as a part time teller at Cold Storage. But today the desired outcome is to do it!” Dennis Ng, Dennis Ng is the creator of Einsoon Pets Supply which is a Founder of Einsoon Pet Supply distributor of pet food, spruce products and cat litter in Singapore and its profits rising by the year, all this at the age of 23.Yoshikazu TanakaLike many other young entrepreneurs the name of 36 year oldbillionaire Yoshikazu Tanaka from Japan and also in Asia cannotbe forgotten. He is the founder of one of the greatest socialnetworking website, GREE. The net worth of his company is$1.9 billion. Tanaka started the company GREE to look after hisgrowing internet business which is administered in Tokyo, Japan.This is a media company which develops apps and games forcell phones and Smartphones. It has subjugated the Japaneseinternet system. But lately it has activated getting durableopposition from Google Play and Apple Store. And according toForbes Tanaka is likewise one of the richest individuals in Japan. Yusaku Maezawa Looking at many people around us, any one of them can be the next billionaire. Most of us are broke and have nothing. But on the other hand, there are many who handfuls are. So what makes someone out of the blue into a billionaire? The idea, which unique sense of thing that other doesn’t have or just didn’t click in to his or her mind. Yoshikazu Tanaka, That idea or creative thinking doesn’t need boundaries or limitations. It an avid video gamer as just needs a push, a strategy like the one with a Yusaku Maezawa a child and launched the business strategy. He is a former Japanese rock performer who company in 2004 and was underway selling CDs and band named and designed garments named as Asia’s youngest online at the start of 90’s. Later he underway a business called Start self-made billionaire at Today. Not only had this he started an eagerly fruitful e-commerce site the age of 32 by the named Zozotown. This site is set up like a mall. This mall kind of site Forbes magazine in 2010 has diverse shops for diverse categories of fashion and other goods that areall vended on the shipment. The business has doubled over its value every day. Zozotown currently has over 3million subscribers from the date it was first established. Maezawa is a 35 year old billionaire with a net worth of $1.0 billion andhis business is still thriving regardless of inflexible trade and industry times stroked elsewhere in the world. | NOVEMBER 2014

EXCLUSIVE 17 not even converse with her profession with the company and focuses only business that makes her the most sensual and mysterious characterized billionaire in china. Started her private perfumes and flavour company in Beijing in 1990 and soon after marriage, she, with her husband, moved to Hong Kong, where she started Huabao International Holdings and later took the company public in Hong Kong in the year 2006. It is considered to be one of the major companies in China concentrating on the manufacture and supply of tobacco flavorings and perfumes and food flavorings. The company's main source of income is from Tobacco flavourings which have been since it was created. For this Chu shaped an accommodating Robin Li the only model with tobacco companies all around china by boy of five children born creating cooperative firms and division the stake. to factory workers parent is the co-founder of For many companies it is the only tobacco flavoring Baidu is the largest Chinese search engine globally supplier in china. Not only this had she diversified and the second largest at the sector of food flavorings in 2004. Companies independent search like Peacock Flavors and Flagrance Technology is in engine in theRobin Li world co-founding with her company. In the year 2005 she developed a 20% investment in medicine company Weihai Maifu and renamed it to Weihai Huayuan. TheBusinessmen like Robin shares of her company went up from $0.31 per shareLi are one of the ideal for the people of China in thecyber world as he is the co-founder of Chinese online in June 2006 to $1.06 per share in November 2007giant Baidu as a company was originated making her the 7th billionaire womenin 2000 and as per now the major Chinese web in engine and gets the majority share of nativesearch inquiries. Li is one of China’s richest men Chu Lam Yiu is and according to Forbes estimations; his net wealth chairperson of Huabaois $11.1 billion as of October 2013. As profession International, which makes Chu Lam-Yiuis concerned, he has had knowledge working on tobacco flavorings fornumerous US websites like Infoseek and China's top cigarette makers, fragrances for detergents and cosmetics and flavorings for beverages and dairy products.The technology based businesses have a majorshare of male entrepreneurs to make its way to thebillionaire chart as compared to female entrepreneurs.But they are not that far behind the road, but madetheir own. Competing in such a saturated marketin maximum of the places and with immensely holdbusiness by men, women doesn’t have ahard time competing. It’s just the senseof motivation and inspiration for themlike Chu Lam-Yiu from China who is a self-made tycoonwith a net worth of $2.2 billion from buyer productperfumes and food flavors and is one of the sevenplushest women. Chu was born in 1970 in SichuanState in China's southwest and is the CEO of HuabaoInternational Holdings. She is known for declininginterviews. Moreover conferring to her staffs does NOVEMBER 2014 |

18 EXCLUSIVEAnnie GanIn contrast to women like Chu Lam-Yiu, many other names havemade history from going up the billionaire chart in a very young age.The young woman mind can think much greater than expected. Theinspiration of such women is their families and also the developmentin the business sector. Annie Gan a multi billionaire went toSingapore more than 18 years ago for a good jobto help pays for her part-time studies there. In1992 and started labor as an assistant at a Kampung Girl,sub-contracting company. She could barely Annie Gan left her sleeplyhave imagined of by what means she would village in Negeri Sembilancome this far and today she is at the wheelof Jian Huang Construction a billion dollar to Singapore in 1991.building well funded company with a fast She founded Jian Huang Construction at age of 26stirring global process. Irfan Khairi Irfan Khairi designed an internet learning system called ‘Learning Grid’ for 5000 schools all around United Kingdom. Due to his passion and background in e-commerce and the internet, he started his own part time business in the year of 1999. With barely one year of operation, Irfan decided to put his full commitment in the business. This is much due to the fact that his income generated was multiplied even in that first year itself working from the comfort of his home, equipped with nothing more than a laptop and the internet. Irfan Khairi was honoured with “Young Innovation Award 2006” by the Oxford Association of Management, United Kingdom on behalf of his inspirational deeds and success. It is also As a millionaire an award to recognize his efforts in educating and at the age of 25 though inspiring young Malaysian in his area of specialty. internet business, Irfan is a firm believer that ‘mind- set’ is the key to building wealth and has helped many to be free of their financial problemsMany of the people around us have given the whole thing on a silver platter because someone abovethem is on them is on the top. But just as somebody is at the top doesn’t mean it was constantly of that manner.Many of the richest people in the world underway their expeditions in purlieus and orphanages. Most of them even praise theirpoverty and the hardship they faced that gives them the motivation level to go beyond what holds for them and understandingwhat truly confidence in one’s power means. Personality and inspiration are essential to make it to the top so that when you seethe world from there, you see the success you achieved. | NOVEMBER 2014

MIB CALENDAR 19 Malaysia Event INTERNATIONAL EVENT1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS, 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CIVIL MARKETING, MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL AND MEDICAL ENGINEERING 03 - 04 Jan 2015 04 Jan 2015 Grand Seasons Hotel, Quality Hotel Marlow, Singapore Kuala Lumpur 2 VIBRANT GUJARAT 20152 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS 11 - 13 Jan 2015 Mahatma Mandir, Gandhinagar AND MECHATRONICS Gujarat, India 03 - 04 Jan 2015 Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur3 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 03 - 04 Jan 2015 Grand Seasons Hotel, Kuala Lumpur4 MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY FAIR 09 - 12 Jan 2015 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre5 ASIAN MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND 3 CASE CONFERENCE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION SYSTEMS 10 - 12 Jan 2015 13 - 15 Jan 2015 Venue to be announced Penang Singapore Management University, Singapore6 PETROLEUM ASIA EXPO 4 ART STAGE SINGAPORE 27 - 29 Jan 2015 22 - 25 Jan 2015 Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Kuching Marina Bay Sands Singapore, Singapore7 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY WEEK 5 BEAUTY ASIA - SINGAPORE 27 - 29 Jan 2015 28 - 30 Jan 2015 Borneo Convention Centre, Kuching Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition8 ELECTROPOWER ASIA EXPO 6 NATURAL ASIA - SINGAPORE 27 - 29 Jan 2015 Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Kuching 28 - 30 Jan 2015 Suntec, Singapore9 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - SEMINAR ON TAMIL STUDIES 29 Jan - 01 Feb 2015 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur NOVEMBER 2014 |

20 BRAND • by Prasath Kanagaras Components That Comprise a Comprehensive Brand StrategyFirstly, your brand strategies should be based on your to your brand's message, you will have trouble differentiating company's goals. Brand strategy is the how, what, yourself from competitors. when, and to whom you plan on communicating yourproduct or service. Having a clear and concise brand strategy You might be thinking, “Volvo doesn’t say safety, safety,leads to stronger overall brand equity as on how people feel safety all the time, though.” But listen to how Volvo describesabout or perceive your product, and how much they are willing its cars and how long they last, as well as how it describesto pay for it. features. It all ties back to Volvo's underlying brand theme of safety, and customers know what they will get when they buyLet's clear up the biggest misconception about brand strategy that product.right now. Your brand is not your product, your logo, yourwebsite, or your name. It’s what your customers perceive Find a way to connect to your customers on a deeper level.about you, and how you make them feel. Chances are you're Do you give them peace of mind? Make them feel like partnot the only company out there selling your product or service. of the family? Do you make life easier? Connect with yourFigure out what your company does best beyond what you customers on this point before and after a sale. Answer theirsell, and make it a part of your brand strategy. For example, questions and concerns on social media. A little goes a longApple doesn’t just sell computers and music equipment; it way.sells well-designed products that are easy to use. Are theythe best computers on the market? No. (Well, I guess that If you already have people that love you, yourdepends on what side of the Mac-PC debate you're on.) But company, and your brand, don’t justApple sells a lot of them at twice the price because of the way sit there! Reward them forApple positions its brand in the market. This goes beyond your that love. These customersproduct itself -- it's about selling the problem you are solving. have gone out their way to write about you, to tell theirNow that you have decided your key brand attributes, make friends about you, and to actsure it is clear and understood through all your communications as your brand ambassadors.-- especially inside your own company. Don’t talk about things Cultivating loyalty from thesethat don’t relate to or enhance your brand. Added a new photo people early on will yieldto Facebook ? What does it mean for your company? Does it more returning customers,align with your message, or was it just something funny that and more profit for yourwould, frankly, confuse your audience? If it doesn’t tie back business. | NOVEMBER 2014

BRAND 21Sometimes, just a thank you is all that's needed, but great So if your old tactics aren’t working anymore, don’t be afraidbrands also tend to give more than that. Write them a to change them just because it worked in the past. Take thepersonalized letter. Do you have some extra special funds? opportunity to engage your followers in fresh, new ways.Sent it to them. Ask them to write a review, and feature them Are there some out-of-the-box partnerships your brand canprominently on your website. For example, Porsche reached make? Are there attributes about your product you never1 million Facebook fans quicker than any other automotive highlighted? Use those to connect with new customers andbrand, so to thank its fans, Porsche made a wraparound for remind your old ones why they love you.its GT3 Hybrid that included all 1 million names. No doubtthe car company also received an extra bit of buzz for it. And Take the competition as a challenge to improve your ownshowing how happy your current customers are with your strategy and create greater value in your overall brand.product certainly helps your sales organization, too, because You are in the same business and going after the sameit shows the positive end result of becoming a customer. customers, right? So watch what they do. Do some of their tactics succeed? Do some fail? Tailor your tactics based onJust because you come up with a campaign to reinforce your their experience to better your brand and company. For toobrand strategy, doesn’t mean it will work. Best thing is to watch many years, American car companies ignored their foreignyour return on investment as you implement new campaigns competitors. But they finally realized they needed to changeto strengthen your brand. If your brand isn’t resonating with their model for the changing times and tout a more fuel-enough people through the campaign, you have not given efficient agenda to keep pace with foreign competitors.them a good enough reason to love you. That being said, don't let your competitors dictate eachMore importantly, check your marketing analytics for branded and every move. I started this blog post talking about whyand organic search. If it goes up when you launch your you're in business. Sure, you probably sell a similar productcampaign, it means people are hearing about your campaign or service as many other companies. But you're in businessand becoming interested in your brand. They are searching for because your brand is unique. By harping on every moveyou -- often by name -- because you have provided them with your competitor makes, you lose that differentiation. And soonenough compelling content that they want to know more. Just your customers won't be able to tell you apart, making it evendon't get stuck on one tactic or campaign. By staying agile, easier for them to leave can better measure whether your tactics are aligning wellwith your overall brand strategy, and if they don't, you haven't Keep your eye on your competitors when experimenting withinvested so much that you can't re-evaluate. your brand strategy, just not a hawk's eye!Speaking of agile inbound marketing, in this fast-changing world, Prasath Kanagarasmarketers must remain flexible to stay relevant. On the plus Brand Strategistside, this frees you to be creative with your campaigns. If you Point Blank Mediaworksremember one of the world famous brand, Old Spice generated [email protected] the buzz over the last few years because it took its oldbrand and made it relatable to a new generation. Old Spice stillheld true to its brand; they just did it in a different, buzz-worthyway that opened them to a new customer market. I’m still talkingabout them, and that horse left the barn over a year ago. NOVEMBER 2014 |

22 QUOTES Performance with Purpose fuels Business our growth and allows does not operate in us to stay ahead a vacuum-it operates of trends under a license from society Throw MRS INDRA KRISHNAMURTHY NOOYIyour head, hands,heart into whatever >>> you do it I don’t A modernthink women company cann’t can have it sees itself just as an engine for short term all gain. There is always a bigger problem | NOVEMBER 2014

QUOTES 23 The test of Leadership a great company is is hard to define and whether it has the good leadership evenability to constantly manage harder. But if you can getfor both the level of returns, people to follow you to and the duration over the ends of the earth, which those returns you are a great will be realized leaderMRS. INDRA KRISHNAMURTHY NOOYI isthe Chairman and Chief Executive Officerof PepsiCo a global food and beveragecompany with annual revenue of more thanUS$66 Billion per annum. Remain a The basic All of us inLife Long Students of business is to position of power stay as close as possible have an obligation (keep asking) from our customers, to pull others up. understand their behaviour, their preference, Help others their purchasing raise patterns, etc. NOVEMBER 2014 |

24 MIB FORUMQuestion: What are the Major Hindrances of the people of India origin doing Business Each Other?Most of us only talk saying that we Indians should Friends, from the observation of this discussion,help each others, but in reality when you approach I do agree color and creed not necessarily thean Indian Company to support your business they prime measure for business transactions providedwill give 1001 reasons and excuses to avoid you, environmental factors are at optimum. Here inbut they will be supporting other race business Malaysia it's more towards whom you know.communities and how do you expect our Indian S. Arikrishnan, Editor MIBcommunities to win the business from others. Iagree at one time there were less Indian business, Good discussion and am following them with muchbut now it's different. 1st we have to be united and interest. We will never get to the point of havingrespect our community's business learn to help an optimal environment outside. The best is weand support ourselves. learn to survive in this climate as it would make usSubra Dason, Operation Manager more determined to succeed. What we really need and you have identified is \"networking\". Guess, weIf the basics are right, the product or service, the need to think deeper on how we can refine and getvalue that is offered,after sales, maintenance then the benefits realized as a group. Any thoughts onI see no issue. Expecting to do business based on \"crowdfunding\"?our origin and not the above has no meaning. Mohan Manthiry, CEOCletus De Rozario, Director Why Indian? - Short answer - because I am IndianMy view is that we need to work triply hard and & proud of it. The views so far seem to indicatequadruple smart to hone our skills and reputations 'Malaysian Indian' - why limit to Malaysia only?so we are perceived as being Number 1 in our Start, build, grow in Malaysia [the Entreprenuershiprespective fields. Then business will flow in from climate is good & conducive], then go global -all quadrants of society with no reference to creed many Malaysian Indians have achieved in theor colour. global arena - get in touch with them.Rajen Devadason, Retirement Specialist, R. Navaneetha Krishnan, Executive DirectorSpeaker, Author | NOVEMBER 2014

MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE 25 • by Palani Murugappan Data AnalysisUtilizing MS Excel Part 1 SELECTING LOWEST TWO QUOTATIONS FROM VARIOUS VENDORS Let us look at a scenario as below. You are given raw data of various Vendors who had quoted their prices on a weekly basis from 5 Sept onwards.UNDERSTANDING DATA ANALYSIS How will you determine the two lowest quotations from above? By looking at the data, the lowest quotation for eachData analysis is a process of seeking meaningful week is highlighted in red. This process is automated using a information from raw data and suggesting feature of Excel called Conditional Formatting. conclusions from the analysis done by usingsome tools such as Microsoft Excel. Next, how do you determine the second lowest quote from above and how do you automate the process such that ifWhy use Microsoft Excel? It has been shown to be same Vendor decides to have a change of heart and reducewidely popular and one of the more commonly used the quote?spreadsheet software that has a tremendous varietyof built-in functions and features that can be tapped NOVEMBER 2014 |into the areas of informed decision making.

26 MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREUsing functions of Excel, one can automate the whole The second lowest quotation is also plotted beside the aboveselection process of the lowest and second lowest quotation column chart to show a similar scenario. Note that it is quiteautomatically where if the user updates the figures from possible for the same Vendor to quote the lowest and secondVendors, the listing below will scan and select the lowest two lowest prices on a weekly basis.figures automatically all the time. Selection of Vendor is then based on criteria set by the purchasing department. ANALYZING SALES DATA In the next scenario, one is given the following sales data as below.The plot of the above data with the lowest quotation isdisplayed below and again, this plot of column chart willupdate itself automatically when the above figures changes. What information can we gather from the data above? In a real world situation, there are softwares to perform some simple analysis. However, if one is familiar with Excel’s functions and features, one can extract very specific information from the sales data above. Let us look at what information can be gathered. For a start, the data above can be summarized on different cells to display a specific customer and the sales per quarter as displayed below. We can gather the maximum, minimum, and average value of the 4 quarters. In the screen capture| NOVEMBER 2014

27MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREbelow, one can see that the maximum sales from Cust01 is in Upon selecting Cust04, the maximum, minimum, and averagethe 3rd quarter with a figure of 336 while the minimum figure value updates automatically as in the screen capture belowfrom Cust01 is 215 which took place in the 2nd quarter. As can be seen, Excel is a fantastic tool to perform “what-if” analysis by choosing different customers from the drop down list of options. Again, the chart updates itself when a new customer is selected from the drop down list.The above data is linked to a pie chart that changesautomatically based on selection of customer too. What other analysis can we gather from the sales data above? We can specify different criteria in different cells within the spreadsheet as follows.Now, let us change the selection of customer to Cust04 formthe drop down list of options. In the above example, if the user selected the North Region with the criteria of sales greater than 200 for Quarter 1, the database functions of Excel can summarize and inform us that there is only one sales of value above 200. However, if we change the region to West from the drop down list option, the figures are totally different as below. NOVEMBER 2014 |

28 MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREFor the above West region, one can see that there are two Going a step further, one has the option of changing theinstances when sales had exceeded 200 in Quarter 1 with quarter to another. In the illustration below, Quarter 1 hasthe maximum value of 394 and minimum value of 242. If one been changed to 4 and the figures within the criteria updatesis not familiar with Excel functions, the above analysis has automatically as can be seen done manually by sorting the data and grouping the samecategories of data together. This can be very cumbersome! Finally, just like the Region and Quarters, the use also can specify different values for the quarters. In the above illustration, we had selected values greater than 200. By clicking on the drop down list option of this cell, the user has other option to choose from to (the options listed here are all user defined). If the user changes the option from “>200” to “<150”, the figures updates automatically yet once again as follows. As can be seen, there is only one occurrence of values less than 150 for the 4th quarter of the West region. The above was a simple illustration of the type of analysis one can do to gather meaningful information from raw data using tools such as Microsoft Excel. Stay tuned for the second part of data analysis…..Palani MurugappanH a v i n g b e e n a corporate trainer for the last 14 years, Palani specializes in training participants how best to performdata analysis from company’s raw data and concluding from the information gathered by harnessing Excel’s built-infunctions and features. A HRDF certified trainer and author of 51 books to-date on various software applications,Palani is passionate on what Excel can do, and how best to present data in different formats.More information iscovered in his website. He can be reached at:[email protected]| NOVEMBER 2014

INFOGRAPHIC 29SERVICES THE PRIME CHOICE OF BUSINESS BY MALAYSIAN INDIANDo you involve in Business? Do you operate any bank account(Business refers to act of generation registered under business name?incoming either by exchanging products orproviding services) 100% 80% 77.78%Thinking to startone soon 60%11.11% (1) 40%Yes, Part Time(partial income 22.22%generated through 20%business)11.11% (1) 0% No Not requiredYes, Full Time Yes(100% income generatedthrough business)55.6%of Malaysian Indian prefersservice orientated business rather 55.56 Type Ofinvolving in capital incentive Businessmanufacturing. While another22.22% respondents pickedother businesses as their maintype of business denoting mainlyto ecommerce platform. Almost78% of 90 online respondents’make full time living by throughtheir own business and operating 22.22 22.22own banking account under theirbusiness entity name. The surveyresults demonstrates:1. Higher percentage of Malaysian 0 0Indian earns living through business Insuranceactivities Manufacturing Services Direct Selling Others2. Malaysian Indian moving awayfrom traditionally favoured businessto service sectors NOVEMBER 2014 |

30 FACTS AND FIGURES US$892 MILLION  RM722 MILLIONTotal sales at Malaysian International Furniture Fair [MIFF 2014] The Incoming Buying Mission (IBM) held in conjunction with thehit an all-time high of US$892 million. The Southeast Asia’s largest recent Malaysia Oil & Gas Services Exhibition and Conferenceand most important international furniture business platform, (MOGSEC) 2014, recorded sales of RM722 million. \"The generatedexpected to showcase new collections and an extensive selection sale reflects the confidence of the foreign buyers towards Malaysia’sof new products from 500 manufacturers during next year's event. expertise and capabilities in the oil and gas sector,\" says Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation's Deputy Chief Executive  RM6.6 Officer Datuk Dzulkifli Mahmud. BILLION  US$2. 56 TRILLION Perak state investment entity Boeing will increase production on the 737 programme to 52 Menteri Besar Incorporated airplanes per month in 2018 in response to strong market demand (Menteri Besar Inc) is in talks from customers worldwide. Boeing is expected to build more than with more than 10 local and 620 airplanes per year, the highest rate ever for the world’s best- international firms to develop its selling commercial airplane. Boeing projected a need for more than Bandar Tasik Amanjaya township 25,000 single-aisle airplanes over the next 20 years worth US$2. located along the Ipoh-Lumut 56 trillion. highway. Bandar Tasik Amanjaya comprises five main components,  168,000 ROBOTS including residential units and infrastructure, with a total gross International Federation of Robotics' (IFR) latest report showed that development value (GDV) of the global demand for industrial robots reached an all-time high of RM6.6 billion. about 168,000 units in 2013, an increase of five per cent over 2012. The IFR has projected the industrial robotics market to grow by  7,364 about six per cent annually through 2017, with the size of the market robotic hardware alone estimated to be about RM40.61 billion. MyIPO received 11,376 applications of intellectual property between January and August this year and registered 7,364 intellectual property duringthe same period. Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and ConsumerismMinister Datuk Seri Hasan Malek said when opening the NationalIntellectual Property Council recently.| NOVEMBER 2014

FACTS AND FIGURES 31 RM6 BILLION POWER PLANTMalaysia and Bangladesh signed a government-to-governmentMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Tenaga Nasional Bhd(TNB) and Powertek Bhd to implement a RM6 billion power plantproject. Malaysia’s Special Envoy for Infrastructure to India andSouth Asia, Datuk Seri Utama S. Samy Vellu, who signed behalfof the Malaysian government, said the MoU paves the way for theTNB-Powertek consortium to finance and build a 1,320-megawattcoal-fired power plant in Maheshkhali, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladeshwith the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB). RM20 MILLION JEWELSHabib Jewels Sdn Bhd is investing RM20 million to set up sevennew stores by year-end, as part of strategic plans to strengthenits brand positioning in the domestic market. Managing DirectorDatuk Meer Sadik Habib said the opening of the outlets as well asthe locations is still in the planning stage. RM235.5 BILLION CLOUD BUSINESSA recent research conducted by the International Data Corp (IDC),worldwide revenue from public IT cloud services exceeded RM69.4billion in 2010 and was expected to reach RM235.5 billion nextyear. \"The rapid growth is positively affecting the Malaysian cloudbusiness which is poised to generate a revenue of RM1.5 billion by2015. It is predicted that by 2017, most Malaysian organizationswill be using cloud services from different suppliers to meet variousbusiness needs and this will change the way business goals canbe achieved,\" Multimedia Development Corp [MDeC] said in astatement today. NOVEMBER 2014 |

32 EVENT COVERAGEDEEPAVALI CARNIVALBOOST LOCAL BUSINESSES Deepavali carnival organized by Agenda Suria Communication Sdn Bhd provides tremendous business opportunity, especially for those targeting Malaysian Indian market. According to the organizer this year some 65% of 340 booths were taken by local entrepreneurs taking the opportunity to showcase their products during the 12 day carnival. The carnival a ttra cte d so me 4 8 0 ,0 0 0 v i s i to rs w as officially opened by YB Dato Sri Ahmad Shaery Cheek, Minister of Communication and Multimedia. This year Agenda Suria Communication Sdn Bhd entered a smart partnership collaboration with Pasarnita assisting women entrepreneurs to start their business. | NOVEMBER 2014


34 LIFESTYLE • by Thevi Sinnadurai STARTING A BUSINESS WHAT ARE THE BEST QUESTIONS TO ASK? Entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes and personality types. Some are full of big ideas while others are better at execution. Some take big risks while others play it safer. How long have you wanted to start your own business? A few months, a few years or more than a decade? The starting point of a business model is asking some great questions. Some of these questions are based on the book, Business Model Generation by Alexander and Yves Pigneur, will give you some key questions to ask. These aren't easy questions to answer and at first may not seem to make any sense, in addition your answers are likely to develop and change throughout the evolution of your business. However, any attempt to answer them will give you a head start.| NOVEMBER 2014

LIFESTYLE 35KEY QUESTIONS TO ASK? • Launch a PR campaign: Advertising is great and can lead to new customers for sure. Who specifically are your Have someone else hype your business for you. That is where public relations come in. By customers and how do getting a TV or a radio station, or a newspaper you segment them? or magazine, to do a story on your business creates immediate third-party, trustworthy,Segmenting customers into groups according validation of your their needs has a number of advantages. Itcan help you to focus your marketing on the • Ask for referrals: A carpet businesscustomers who will be most likely to buy your products or owner had a huge sign that said, “Our word of mouthservices. advertising starts with you!” He then gave all referrers a $100 discount on future purchases. What value do we deliver? • Smile and dial: Sometimes new business is simply aThis means that whatever you are delivering to your customer matter of prospecting. Whether it is making cold calls orit has fit the needs and purpose your customer will give to it. sending out proposals, ever so often you just got to do it. Do some search engine research, get a list of potentialExamples: leads, and get to it.• If it is a car wash, the car has to end up clean. • Get (social) networking: More and more, people are• If it is a cell phone, the phone must be able to receive a going online to check out and chat about business choices. Most businesses and organizations dive into signal, the customer must be able to dial a number and social media, hoping to increase brand awareness connect to someone on the other end of the call. and acquire more customers. With millions of users on Facebook and Twitter, these platforms are a great way How do we reach our customers? What of raising your profile. Firstly, it's important to channel your efforts into social networking sites most suited to channels do we use? your company.Different things work. A retail store will do things differently  How do we relate to our customers?than an accountant. How I got clients back when I was a full-time lawyer is different than what I do as a business speaker. • Customer service: Good customer service is theThere is no shortage of clever, inexpensive ways to drum up lifeblood of any business. Good customer service is allnew business. Here are some ways to get new customers. about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy - happy enough to pass positive feedbackExamples: about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in• Print a flyer. Create a coupon. Have a sale. Start a their turn become repeat customers. direct-marketing campaign. Launch or offer a new product. Get different people to check out your wares. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest Offering a different product or product line, and letting source of learning”. – Bill Gates people know about it, does that. • Customer skills: If you're a good salesperson, you• Get more clicks: While you can’t man the business can sell anything to anyone once. But it will be your 24/7, your URL can. Whether yours is a fully-empowered approach to customer service that determines whether e-commerce site or simply an e-brochure for your or not you’ll ever be able to sell that person anything business, the secret to converting that Web site into else. The essence of good customer service is forming money is all in the numbers. The more people who visit, a relationship with customers – a relationship that the more purchases may occur. individual customer feels that he would like to pursue. NOVEMBER 2014 |

36 LIFESTYLE If your only goal is to make as much money off other people as fast as you can, eventually you will make How do you go about forming such a relationship? By business decisions for the wrong reasons and ultimately remembering the one true secret of good customer service and acting accordingly; \"You will be judged by hurt your reputation and growth potential. what you do, not what you say.\" RIGHT MOTIVATION FOR STARTING A• Answer your phone, BUSINESS Make sure that someone is picking up the phone when someone calls your business. (Notice I say \"someone\". More entrepreneurs say they are driven to become successful People who call want to talk to a live person, not a fake business owners because of the sense of personal \"recorded robot\".) achievement it provides than for financial stability, according to a new survey by online small-business community Manta• Don't make promises unless you will keep them. (the largest online community dedicated to small business) Reliability is one of the keys to any good relationship, and and tech giant Dell (a worldwide provider of innovative good customer service is no exception. If you say, “Your technology and business solutions). new bedroom furniture will be delivered on Tuesday”, make sure it is delivered on Tuesday. Otherwise, don't say Business owners who are exclusively motivated by money it. The same rule applies to client appointments, deadlines, often have unreasonable expectations of getting rich quick. etc. Think before you give any promise - because nothing When monetary goals are your only important goals, you will annoys customers more than a broken one. miss out on the many other rewards of being self-employed including sense of accomplishment, purpose, and the rewards• Listen to your customers. of knowing you are doing something worthwhile with your life. Is there anything more exasperating than telling If your motivation is to start a business doing something you someone what you want or what your problem is and are passionate about with the goal of turning into a full-time then discovering that that person hasn't been paying living, you are likely to suffer from fewer emotional setbacks attention and needs to have it explained again? Let your and entrepreneur burnout when you find out it takes time customer talk and show him that you are listening by to build independent wealth. You will be more patient with making the appropriate responses. yourself and your business as it grows, and, will make better business decisions. The golden rule for every business man is this: “Put yourself in your customer’s place.” – Having a true sense of pride and belief in your own company Orison Swett Marden and products will convey in everything you do. Your passion and confidence will get other people, customers andMORE QUESTIONS TO ASK….. investors excited about the business and you will have an easier time establishing your business' credibility. If your onlyn What are our key activities? What do we goal is to make as much money off other people as fast as you can, eventually you will make business decisions for have to do to make the business work? the wrong reasons and ultimately hurt your reputation and growth potential.These might include production, problem solving, keepingour skills updates, networking. Good luck, keep the faith and, as long as you have your head above water, remember the famous words ofo Who are our key partners? Winston Churchill; “Never, never, never give in.”Who do we need to develop our business? What relationshipdo we want with them? Thevi Sinnadurai is a Practitioner in Clinical Hypnosis, Practitioner in Cognitivep What is our cost structure? Behaviour Hypnotherapy, NS-NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Law Of AttractionAre we cost or value driven when it comes to purchases? Trainer and Emotional Freedom TechniqueWhat happens to our costs if we expand or contract? Practitioner (EFT). She can be reached at: | NOVEMBER 2014 [email protected]

TODAY I LEARNED 37TODAY I LEARNED: CORRUPTION BROUGHT MUGHAL EMPIRE DOWNCorruption was a hallmark of the high places in the medieval age. ABOVE It was pretty widespread during the Indian Sultanate period. Picture Source: Even the regimes of the great Mughals, which are praised forseveral nice things, were badly mired in it. Corruption can be definedas a deviant human behaviour, associated with the motivation ofprivate gain at public expense that persisted for centuries. Corruptionpromotes illegality, unethicalism, subjectivity, inequity, injustice,waste, inefficiency and inconsistency in administrative conduct andbehaviour. It destroys the moral fabric of society and erodes the faithof the common man in the legitimacy of the politico-administrative setup. Sher Shah (1486-1545), Emperor of North India that organized along-lived bureaucracy responsible to the ruler and created a carefullycalculated revenue system once said “'Whoever has money, whetherloyal or disloyal, can get his business settled as he likes by paying forit,” about the Mughal Government during the reign of Babur. Besidewars of Succession, corruption was one of the reasons for the fall ofthe great empire of the Mughals, say the knowledgeable.JOIN US at Midlands Convention Centre, Shah Alam on10th January 2015....Thank you for being with us. NOVEMBER 2014 |

39SINGAPORE BUSINESS NEWS 4InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), whose brands include Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza. Keong Hong Holdings, one of the joint venturepartners that successfully bid for the site, said the new complex will have a gross floor area of 25,000 square metres and will comprise the 131-room Hotel Indigo Singapore Katong, the 451-room Holiday Inn Express Singapore Katong, food and beverage outlets and retail shops. Thetwo hotels are scheduled to open in 2016. Under the hotel management agreement with IHG, the hospitality giant will provide the full spectrumof hotel management services, including consultancy on the design and construction of the two new hotels. Keong Hong - which is listed on theSingapore Exchange's Catalist board - and its partners won the tender for the former Joo Chiat Police station site earlier this year with a top bidof S$352.8 million. One of the conditions in the tender was that the \"historically and architecturally significant\" former Joo Chiat Police Stationbe restored as part of the future hotel development.VISA TO INCREASE TECH R&D POSITIONS IN 5SINGAPORE News Source : Channel News AsiaPayments service provider Visa announced) its plans to create approximately 185 technology research and development (R&D) jobs in Singapore. In many cases,the new contract positions will be converted to permanentroles, said Visa in its press release, adding this would helpmaintain the company's momentum around new IT initiativesunderway at the company. “With growing financial servicesand IT sectors, Singapore is fast establishing itself as thefinancial and high-tech hub for the region,\" said Mr ChrisClark, Group Executive for Visa in Asia Pacific. \"We are proudto be expanding our presence here and we aim to tap intothe world-class innovation resources as we accelerate theshift to electronic payments and drive innovation in mobileand digital platforms.” Visa will partner with the SingaporeEconomic Development Board (EDB) to recruit the IT talentit is looking out for, according to the press release. The jobcreation drive is part of the company's global initiative toexpand its tech resources by about 2,000 roles. It wouldalso be opening a new global technology centre in India, thepayments company stated. NOVEMBER 2014 |

40 LEADERSHIP • by Anand NaiduVedantic Management:Leadership Lessons from theBhagavad-GitaPart 4 - The Art of Anchoring‘Anchors hold in spite of storms’ - KautilyaAnchoring  Cultivation  MajestyAncient Indians were accomplished mariners. They Indriyaanaam hi charataam were also first-rate observers of natural phenomena. yanmano’nuvidheeyate; In recording their observations, they frequently drewcomparisons between nature and people. One lives in the Tadasya harati prajnaam vaayur naavamother after all. In particular, as mariners, they noted the ivaambhasi.unpredictable and volatile nature of the wind and the sea.They concluded that neither could be controlled, but each Even as the wind carries away a oating barge thecould be harnessed. They also declared that the senses were senses carry away the mind that always followsvery much like the wind and sea; equally erratic: the senses. Yatato hyapi kaunteya purushasya vipashchitah; Bhagavad-Gita 2:67 Indriyaani pramaatheeni haranti prasabham manah. There’s that analogy; wind and water. And, as any mariner will tell you, the way to stabilise your vessel in storm and Turbulent by nature, the senses seize the mind of a tempest is to anchor it. Handbrakes achieve the same result man carrying it away even as he strives in cars. Values achieve the same result in people. to control it. So values anchor the mind. The object of that is to - having Bhagavad-Gita 2:60 achieved equanimity of some kind - then be able to properly perform our functions. So in order to anchor Arjuna’s mind,The Gita goes further. It declares that once we lose control of Krishna lays down a firm foundation, drawing on Arjuna’sour senses, our mind goes wayward too: memory, understanding and emotion.| NOVEMBER 2014

LEADERSHIP 41Knowing the person you’re training is very important. Of Everyday and in every classroom, change-room, office, placecourse, Krishna knew Arjuna very well and we have already of worship and home in the world there is heard a speech ofseen how Krishna anchors Arjuna in previous articles. exhortation to instil morale and motivate the listener. Positive, encouraging and enabling words are – in addition to what weBut what if you don’t know the person? How do you anchor have already seen – able to anchor a person so strongly sosomeone whose past or motivations are unknown to you? It as to make them unshakeable and extremely purpose done by referring to general standards of expectation. The In the above coronation hymn from the Rig-Veda, noteBhagavad-Gita does it in this way: the author uses the metaphor of a ‘mountain’ and draws a similarity between the King-elect and Indra (the Vedic King Yam hi na vyathayantyete purusham of the Devas) in the same way that Krishna uses the terms purusharshabha; ‘intelligent man’ and ‘immortality’. These designations will hold in difficult times. This kind of anchoring is deep-seated Samaduhkha sukham dheeram so’mritatwaaya and works on a cellular level. kalpate. Forgetting where one comes from is a grave stupidity. The e intelligent man is not a icted (by the objects of ancients knew this and tried very hard to feed the spirit by the senses) and he remains the same in pleasure and reminding it of its origin (divine) and doing this as often as possible. At every step in the Gita, Krishna does this again and pain. He is t for immortality! again, reinforcing the special nature that Arjuna possesses. He does not let up, he does not avoid any opportunity to Bhagavad-Gita 2:15 buttress the knowledge he is imparting.Here Krishna refers to terms like ‘the intelligent man’ and SAMSKARSbeing ‘fit for immortality’; terms that are familiar and desirableto every person. By referring to a ‘gold standard' as it were, Ancient Indians developed a lifestyle around this ability towe are able to appeal to anyone. Who doesn’t, after all, want constantly anchor their people. They did so by propagatingto be intelligent or fit for immortality? rituals that were spread across once lifetime, from birth to death. Each ritual served as a reminder of where one cameThere’s an interesting section of the Rig-Veda (the ancient from and where one was going; each was an anchor point atIndian collection of hymns first composed from about 1500 the most important points of one’s life as one lives it.BCE) that relates to the coronation of Kings. The hymn orprayer directed at ‘making’ a King is directed at the King- In this way, ancient Indians came up with the concept ofelect, the future King. The priest conducting the coronation ‘Samskars’ (refinements) that mark the gradual progress ofspeaks these words to King-elect: one’s life. There are 16 Samskars:‘I bring you here. Stay. Remain strong and steadfast. Let your Garbhadana (Conception), Punswan (Fertilisation),people want you for them and hold fast to your kingship.’ Seemantonnayan (Prosperity), Jatkarma (Birth), Namkaran (Naming), Niskraman (First Outing), Annaprashana‘Don’t slip away from this moment. Stand as a mountain does. (Giving of the First Cereal Food), Chudakarma (Cutting ofHold your ground, like Indra; here protect your kingdom.’ the Hair), Karnabheda (Piercing of Earlobes), UpanayanRig-Veda 10.173 (Investiture), Vedarambha (Initiation into Study), Samavartan (Convocation), Vivah (Marriage), Awasthyadhana (SacredThese are powerful words. Well, the annals of philosophy Fire), Tretagnisangrah (Preservation of Fire) and Antyeshtiare replete with powerful words, but I mean, these are (Funeral).POWERFUL WORDS. If you weren’t a king before thesewords were spoken at you, you’ll certainly be a king after. These 16 refinements, whether or not performed, act asThink about it, why have a coronation? Besides the legal and signposts and pivotal moments in the life of every ancientsocial recording of making a King, it ‘transforms’ the King- Indian. The practices are still current to this day with many Hinduelect. It infuses him with the power (both legal and spiritual) Indians. When a parent speaks of the relevant Samskar to his orto begin his rule. It tells him who he is. her child, feelings of filial loyalty and pride are inculcated. NOVEMBER 2014 |

42 LEADERSHIPIn the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna makes reference to the The risk of shame is the risk of a deep and personal injury.Samskars when he is chastising Arjuna: It is far more disturbing that any physical ailment because it works its destruction invisibly. Akeertim chaapi bhootaani kathayishyanti te’vyayaam; Sambhaavitasya Shame can be fleeting or everlasting. In this verse, Krishna is referring to a humiliation that is lasting; eternal. Of course, chaakeertir maranaad atirichyate this technique is effective, but should be used sparingly. People will recall your everlasting shame (for abandoning In Arjuna’s case, he had the mental strength to suffer this criticism from Krishna. You would not threaten an employee your duty). Dishonour is worse than death. with shame. But supposing you were able to loyalise a colleague or employee to a company or brand (or cause), Bhagavad-Gita 2:34 then the thought of losing, of failing, will immediately raise the risk of humiliation in them, ensuring they perform optimallyDishonour is worse than death! Here Krishna makes reference or lose everything trying. I’ve left this technique to the end ofto how Arjuna will be remembered. That in abandoning his the anchoring lecture because it must be used with caution.duties, he courts a kind of infamy that is dishonourable, a Humiliation is not always an effective motivator. In fact, itfate worse than that which the final refinement is meant to nearly never is.impart. Dishonour is not a Samskar. It does not figure in therefinements a person is intended to undergo. This is the final instalment of the first part of the ancient Indian art of training, namely anchoring. In the next editionSHAME of Malaysian Indian Business magazine, we will venture into the art of cultivation, where we learn how of this ancient artOne of the strongest strategies Krishna employs in the is practised.Bhagavad-Gita to anchor Arjuna involves the clever use ofthe notion of shame: Anand Naidu is a Malaysian-born barrister and law lecturer based in Melbourne. He is also Avaachyavaadaamshcha bahoon the Deputy President of LawHelp Australia, vadishyanti tavaahitaah; Nindantastava a not-for-profit legal advice bureau based in saamarthyam tato duhkhataram nu kim. Melbourne. Anand has had a long association Your enemies will speaks words of infamy, scorning with the teachings of Hinduism and is currently your courage. What shame is worse than that? preparing a series of seminars based on drawing leadership and management principles Bhagavad-Gita 2:36 from Hindu teachings. [email protected] +61 425 627 116| NOVEMBER 2014

EVENT COVERAGE 43National Conferenceon Growth & Inclusiveness : Transformation of Malaysian Indian Economy beyond 2020The National Conference on Growth and Inclusiveness was held on Oct 15 at Marriott Putrajaya. Jointly organized by Economic Planning Unit (EPU), Prime Minister’s Department with Faculty of Economics, University Malaya the conference assessed the current Indian community’s socioeconomic situation and engaged with participants to identify ways toaddress challenges faced, says organizing chairman Manokaran Mottain in a statement.It features speakers from the EPU, Ministry of Finance (MOF),Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), KhazanahNasional Bhd and professionals from the private sector. It was supported Global Organization of People of Indian Origin(GOPIO)Malaysian Chapter, Yayasan Abadi, Iskandar Investment Bhd and Magazine.The conference was official opened by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Wahid Omar whom anticipatinga through working paper to be submitted by the conference organizer. NOVEMBER 2014 |

44 ENTREPRENEURForemostQualityManagementConsultanTAssisting business to continuously sustain by RAJA SEGAR responding to ever demanding quality output is THANNIMALAI the core competency of QS CERTIFICATIONSDN BHD. Malaysian Indian Business interviewed Mr Director,Raja Segar, a talented representative of QS Zurich AG, QS CERTIFICATION SDN BHDan accredited organization by the Swiss AccreditationService in Malaysia to get his insight on qualitymanagement system.What advantage a business gets with QualityCertification?The foundation of quality certification is a series ofinternational standards which sets out requirementsand recommendations for the design and assessmentof management systems. The standards specify howmanagement operations shall be conducted in a moreefficient and effective manner.The most important benefit sought by companies fromquality certification such as ISO 9000 is profit increment.New customer acquisition, retaining existing customers,increased market share and improvement of customersatisfaction are the marketing benefits customers gain.Process improvement enhances company image asresults of high employees’ morale, reduce wastage andsystematic documentation. | NOVEMBER 2014

ENTREPRENEUR 45 As lead consultant we offer worldwide recognized certifications as below:Tell us about your career and Prior founding my own quality • ISO 9001business? management company, I worked as – Quality Management System lead ISO Auditor with another local • ISO 14001My business still on growth trajectory with company for about three years. Much – Environmental Management great emphasis given to food Industries of my quality experience came from my Systemwhich requires our consultation on ISO 15 years’ working experience as quality • OHSAS 1800122000, Good Manufacturing Practices control and assurance [QA / QC] since – Occupation Health And Safety [GMP] , Hazard analysis and critical 1990. Assessment Seriescontrol points [HACCP] and Medical • ISO 13485 – Quality Management Industries for their ISO 13485 & CE How do you foresee the market System For Medical DevicesMedical Devices Directive [MDD] need in Malaysia or regional for • ISO 22000 – Food Safety certifications. next 5 years and beyond? Management System • ISO 3834 – Quality Requirements QS Certification Sdn. Bhd. was founded Malaysian businesses in general need For Fusion Welding Of Metallic in the year of 2011 to represent QS to look quality management beyond MaterialsZurich AG, Switzerland. Our parent ISO 9001 certification and the benefits • ISO 50001 – Energy Management QS Zurich was accredited by SWISS reaped by organizations on long term. SystemACCREDITATION SERVICE [SAS] and A lots of SMEs especially Malaysian • CE MDD – Conformity is a Notified Body CE 1254 for conformity Indian owned yet to understand the Assessment Medical Devicesassessment according to the Medical basic necessity of getting recognized • CE ATEX 95 – Conformity Device and ATEX for Equipment and by ISO 9001 mainly due to lack of Assessment ATEX Productssafety devices in explosive atmosphere. awareness. The demand for ISO 13485, • GMP – Good Manufacturing While in Malaysia, we are still in process CE MARKING, GDP, ISO 22000 and Practiceof getting through our registration with HACCP certification for medical and • HACCP – Hazard Analysis And Ministry of Health [MOH] and Standards food industries are expanding. Critical Control PointsMalaysia. • GDP – Good Distribution Practice • FDA QSR 21 CFR 820 – Quality System Regulation Requirement For Medical Devices • ISO 26000, ISO 27001, ISO 28000, ISO/TS 29001 Our other services include: • HALAL consultancy & certification • Training and consultancy • MIDA – Government Grant documentation Service for SME’s NOVEMBER 2014 |

46 ENTREPRENEUR How receptive and the awareness of Malaysian Indian business people towards services offered by you?Kindly share how important render their fullest support and As I said earlier, lots of Indian SMEfamily members support for tolerate since my journey of ignores the importance of having qualityEntrepreneur like yourself? self employment commenced. management system as they rather prefer not to learn the importance ofAs an emerging entrepreneur the Did you have any such certifications. Some of them havesupport from family is paramount, my mentor(s) and how very negative perception of high cost,wife Mrs. Janthie Nadarajan handles you able to assist our lengthy process, need additional staffand manages all household issues. community? or failure of meeting the requirements.Our still schooling sons Tamilvaanan, Those in food industries need to have20, Ariharan, 17 and Tasarathan, 7 Frankly speaking as at now ISO 22000, GMP and HACCP shouldsacrifices their growing age needs and I’m not able to find suitable they intend to explore overseas marketlifestyle in order to accommodate my mentor. Rather, we required such as China, Australia and needs. My aging mother Mdm. highly qualified auditors and Despite of the odds, we have theS.Simanchalam requires attention once recognized accredited body to following clients on our stable:a while that I manage wisely. Being issue certificates. My strong selfborn as youngest my siblings too confident drives and navigate • Embun Karisma Resources (M) through most obstacles. Sdn. Bhd Currently I’m providing free guidance to • G&G Dessert Products Sdn Bhd SMEs that looking to have themselves • Wireforms A.N. Sdn. Bhd certified with quality management • Karl-Mueller Scientific Sdn Bhd system. As way of encouraging • BS Tech Pte Ltd more Indian SMEs has the minimum • Rjeh Resources (M) Sdn Bhd requirements we offer very special • Universal Pearl Flex Engineering pricing for Malaysian Indian Business Magazine readers. Business members (M) Sdn Bhd of our community must understand gone • Maslow Trainers & Consultants are the days we manage our business the conventional way as our ancestors Sdn Bhd did. In terms of quality management system our businesses are competing What contribute to your success? with PET shops or even temples that already been certified. I would says it’s the industry knowledge and how well you are connected with business persons as the more people you know the easier transactions concluded. Solid family backing are necessary to overcome any adversity coupled with self discipline. Interested person may contact myself on 012- 745 9731 to discuss further on how we can assist your organisation to be ISO certified or any other services offered by QS CERTIFICATION SDN BHD.| NOVEMBER 2014

48 ONLINE BUSINESS STRATEGIES TO MAKE MONEY with Part 2 No. 1 Channel on YouTubeNow you already created a google account to access YouTube platform that enables us to watch, like, and subscribe video. We can also upload videosupon signing in. However, a Google account don't comewith a YouTube channel by default; without a channel, youhave no public presence on YouTube. We had discussedchannel creation methods in our previous issue, but it canonly be done through a computer as currently this can't bedone in the Android or iOS YouTube apps.CREATE COMPELLING CHANNEL TRAILER PewDiePie is the number ONE channel on Youtube withVIDEO 31,300,102 subscribers. Forbes estimated the 24 years old college drop out Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, creator of PewDiePie makesBear in mind, we need to attract very niche and targeted US$4.0million per annum out of his Youtube Channel created 5viewers to our channel. Your inaugural video plays a years ago.very vital role in attracting the potential subscribers tothe channel. Viewers who are yet to subscribe to your STEPS TO CREATE A GREAT YOUTUBE CHANNELYouTube channel and visit your channel page, can now TRAILERbe greeted by a video telling them why they should hit thesubscribe button. This is an opportunity to show these A trailer video is an advertisement for your channel andpotential subscribers what you do, and why they should first contact point to your potential subscribers. Creatingsign up. a compelling channel trailer is the most engaging way of introducing your channel, and encouraging your viewersYouTube started rolling out in March 2013 this new feature to subscribe, so they’ll make you part of their YouTubeas part of the new “One Channel’ design. The core benefit habit.of this new design is that your channel will have a uniformlook across devices. Other useful features include the Always keep in mind a poorly produced trailer will forceability to create playlists and the ability to link to associated your viewers to click and run away from your pagechannels straight from your channel homepage. The most immediately. If you are going to use a trailer it is thereforeexciting feature, as far as creativity goes, is definitely essential that you make the most of it. Here are some 5the trailer feature. Here’s one nice example of a channel tips for producing a compelling trailer.featuring it:| NOVEMBER 2014

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