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Home Explore Malaysian Indian Business Magazine Sept 2014

Malaysian Indian Business Magazine Sept 2014

Published by Malaysian Indian Business Magazine, 2015-05-12 10:38:18

Description: Malaysian Indian Business Magazine Sept 2014

Keywords: Malaysian Indian Business Magazine Sept 2014


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Publisher EDITOR’S NOTEINDIANTODAY.NET SDN BHD (858997-V) During an online conversation with some professionals, we noticed more than 70% of newly established companies(Wholly-owned by Charu Holding Sdn Bhd) failed to sustain for more than 3 years in business. The desire to venture into business is getting stronger amongPetaling Jaya Office Malaysian Indians as a way of earning money rather than providingSuite 3A52, Level 3A, Block A2, solutions. Such misguided eagerness leads to stiff competition,Leisure Commerce Square, Jalan PJS 8/9, hasty banking facility applications and lack of business knowledge.46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Business strategy experts urged companies to carve out a nicheTel/Fax: 03 7865 7320 and outshine the rest. Malaysian Indian Business has put in lot of efforts the lastJohor Bahru Office three months to identify means to assist our businessmen andNo. 6-01, Jalan Bestari 4/2,Taman Nusa Bestari, professionals to position themselves uniquely. We explain in this81300 Johor Bahru, Johor issue the Oneness business model identified during the courseTel/Fax: 07 358 2320 of our search. Pursuant to the Oneness business model, we reposition ourselves as the specialist in Ancient Indian Business & Entrepreneurial and Management. This issue showcases an example of how Oneness business model (e-Directory) been practiced by a Malaysian education institution. Our cover personality, Mr. R. Sitaraman Founder and Director of Classic [email protected] Croowne (M) Sdn Bhd shares with us how perform oneness model and focus oneness model guided him in developing his business. Interesting to note is how spiritual master blesses and guides him MalaysianIndianBusinessMagazine to remain focused and be persistent in succeeding. There is a saying, Power is Gained by Sharing Knowledge, NotCHAIRMAN & MANAGING EDITOR by Hoarding it; let Malaysian Indian Business Magazine beRasa Rasik the platform to share. We encourage article contributions [email protected] professional development and business ethics, just email them to016 711 4236 us. Enjoy reading…meanwhile be in touch through our social mediaMANAGING DIRECTOR platforms.R Surangi Wishing All Malaysians \"Selamat Menyambut [email protected] Malaysia.\"SALES & MARKETING ai ma & Managing EditoJayasree [email protected] Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the articles published are those of the authors016 213 4236 and do not necesarily reflect the views of MIB. While every reasonable care is taken in compiling this publication, MIB does not accept any liability whatsoever for possible errors, inaccuracies or omissionsADMINISTRATION & CIRCULATION or the consequences thereof. The Publisher also accepts no liability in respect of the content of anyPetaling Jaya Office: advertisement in the magazine.Pungkodi All rights reserved. The reproduction, duplication, or republication of this magazine or any part thereof [email protected] any form whatsoever without the expressed written permission of the publisher is prohibited.Johor Bahru Office:[email protected] [email protected] PalaniandyPrasath KanagarasAndy NaiduPalani MurugappanGanesh MuruganCONCEPT & GRAPHIC DESIGNKugan [email protected] Stop Book EnterprisePRINTINGSampoorna Printers Sdn BhdNo.1, Jalan TIB-1/19Taman Industri Bolton68100 Batu CavesSelangorSOURCE OF NEWS & ARTICLESBERNAMA / PTI / IHRB

CONTENT04 BUSINESS MODEL 34 LEADERSHIP1012 Oneness Business Model Leadership Lessons from14 the Bhagavad-Gita Part-216 UPCOMING EVENT 38 Facts And Figure18 National Conference on Growth COVER STORY EDUCATION R. Sitaraman Saito's Human Resource Program Director, India Business News Classic Croowne (M) Sdn Bhd EVENT COVERAGE 40 Lets Meetup Get Connected Business Session TECHNOLOGY Quantum Computing18 24 48 BRAND MANAGEMENT21 BUSINESS IDEA 50 Fundamental Understandings: 52 Brand Loyalty Malaysian Advisory Services [MAS] 54 Singapore Business News 56 Calendar of Events22 Business Tips: Little Things Matter 6024 QUOTES BUSINESS STRATEGY Wisdom Words By Ratan Tata Jollibee26 Malaysia Business News MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE28 Did You Know? Inventory System In Excel29 MIB Forum ANCIENT MEDICINE 5430 Today I Learned Indian Gooseberry32 ENTERPRENEURSHIP Commercial Practices Lesson from Arthashastra

ONENESS BUSINESS MODEL forSUSTAINABILITY AND PROFITABILITYIn searching for sustainable model for businesses lead PURPOSE OF BUSINESS EXISTENCE us to the notion of integrating the fundamental belief of “ONENESS”. It is not a concept refer to any faith based Any businesses that exist must already have their purpose.institutions or politics rather scientific facts purely to guide Those planning to venture into any business should startbusiness developing sustainable and thriving community. with defining their purpose. The only valid reason of anyThe Oneness model stays away from advising immediate gain business to exist or continue to sustain is to create tapping into inherent value of organization’s founder or its Customers are the foundation of any business and they keepleader. the business in existence. They are the one that provides employment.The tendencies of commercial banks to provide financingsupports only for businesses that grow beyond their infancy A well-defined business purpose statement remains relativelydemonstrate inadequate understanding of Oneness Business unchanging and for many firms endures for decades or evenModel by some 70% of new businesses. Malaysian Indian centuries. Researcher from Harvard Business School foundBusiness examine further elements of Oneness Model hence businesses with well written purpose have outperformedenable business to remain competitive, think of bigger picture the general stock market since 1925. This purpose sets thewhere everyone wins in a sustainable environment. business entity apart in its industry and sets the direction towards creating “Oneness” in which the firm will proceed and For those who think BUSINESS exists remain sustainable. to make a profit, I suggest they think again. In view of the prime purpose of any business is to create Business makes a profit to exist. Oneness, any enterprise be it profit making or not for profit Surely it must exist for some higher, nobler has only there basic functions: purpose than that. a) To perform b) To remain focus Ray Anderson, founder of Interface. c) To continuously Innovate| SEPTEMBER 2014

BUSINESS MODEL 05perform focus innovatePERFORM Simplified Oneness Business Model: The prime purpose of any businessNow that you had a defined purpose to achieve regardlesswhat capacity of vehicle you drive. It’s how you steer the is to create ONENESSvehicle such as to reach your destination. Your resourcesto reach destination might be abundant should you own Collatehigh powered luxury vehicle such as Mercedes Benz. While Resourcesfor business owners driving Perodua Myvi might require Togetheradditional assistance right from financing, connections andmanagement knowledge. perform Tell The WorldLet’s imagine that Martin Luther King would have said “I havea dream… to build a supermarket in Atlanta”. Do you really Servethink that there would be so many people supporting him and Yourfollowing him and willing to risk their lives for such a dream? CustomerNo way Boss? As long as your purpose doesn’t create acompelling reason, people with necessary resources will not Oneness Performthrow their assistance for you to perform. ModelThe trouble with Malaysian Indians is that most businessowners think small and do not look beyond coming year ornext decade. They do not create business purpose which isbigger than them so more people with resources can comeand join them. Your business can only perform when peoplewhom at most instances might be it’s prospect customer,aware the purpose.Business needs to disseminate information to their marketworld using various platforms. Some may choose to advertise,while others might consider reaching their customers onlythrough referrals. In order to perform effectively, the OnenessPerform Model requires businesses to Collate resourcestogether, tell the world and serve your customers. The trouble with Malaysian Indians is that most business owners think small. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

06 BUSINESS MODEL Change Your Focus, From Making Money To Serving More People. Serving More People Makes The Money Come In ~ Robert KiyosakiREMAIN FOCUS The low cost Improved Enhance Oneness focus customers service efficiencyThe key for business to remain sustain for strategy provideslong term and success is not just to make following & satisfactionprofit, it’s to remain Focus. The Oneness advantages:model suggest business to focus on their FOCUScustomers need and take action to serve Able to servesatisfactorily by energizing on the tasks ignored Better profitthat will explode their business and ignore margindistractions. niche marketRemaining focus is part of marketing strategythat brings together organization resourcesto serve their customers. The focus strategyworks well once organization created wellspecified Oneness model where majorresources used to serve customers whilecompetition is no longer key element of theirstrategic plan.| SEPTEMBER 2014

BUSINESS MODEL 07We understand by now Malaysian Indian Business readers, What Does Innovation Means?may wanted to compare with billionaire Sir Richard Bransonwhom oversees some 400 different companies. Would you The Organization for Economic Co-operation andtell him to focus? The Oneness model applies to all level of Development (OECD) clarified that Innovation goes farbusiness, the Virgin Group founder demonstrated well how beyond the confines of research labs to users, suppliershe collate all resources in winning customers and remain and consumers everywhere – in government, business andloyal with them. As investor, he empowered others to take on non-profit organizations, across borders, across sectors, andresponsibilities of creating Oneness within the newly founded across institutions.organization. Most successful people are so strong-willed andsingle-minded that they keep going until they succeed.INNOVATEThe buzz word Innovation today widely regarded as thesingle most important ingredient in current turbulent businessenvironment. However, innovation along shall not takesbusiness to it’s destination.innovation The OECDdefines four types of innovation: Adapted from: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) website. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

08 BUSINESS MODELThe 1965, Gordon Moore’s law explained that number of When your purpose of business to existence is strong, Thetransistors doubling in microchips about every two year. The Oneness model leads business into untapped market bylaw was well capitalized by Intel to continuously innovate their create durable competitive advantages. Malaysian Indianprocessors. The Oneness Innovation strategy take same Business explored further how an education institution inprinciple into all aspect of business in doubling output every Malaysia created Oneness to remain sustainable.two months. It literally means:i. Double your customer base within 60 days (2 months)ii. Double up your performance within 60 days (2 months)iii. Innovate your product, process, marketing and organization every two monthsThe OnenessBusiness Model focus Collate Resources Together PURPOSE: Get into perform Tell The Action WorldCreate Strong AndAttractive Purpose Beyond Your Current Needs innovate Serve Your Customer| SEPTEMBER 2014


12 EDUCATION INDUSTRY AS CLASSROOM DISTINGUISH SAITO’s HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAM Some industries or organization are driven by people not by system – with that in mind we added organizational behaviours into our HR curriculum. It is either learning organization or sleeping organization. Learning organization adapt the chances and the emerging trends. These are some of the features that differentiate Saito HR Diploma program. - Dr. R. KulandasamyAdifferentiation strategy with Malaysian Indian Business Magazine offering gratuity and part share to the clearly defined purpose [MIB] talks to Dr. R. Kulandasamy, employees as staff retention strategy. distinguishes Saito College Academic Director of Saito College To do all this we need people that canDiploma in Human Resources program. in Petaling Jaya, Selangor recently to really understand cash flow statementThe college adapted ONENESS model find out what makes them to consider including company profit and loss asby introducing Industry as Classroom offering Diploma in Human Resources they need to calculate percentage ofwith flexible classroom teaching and on as a career option for our youngsters. bonus or other perks, the inflation ratejob training that equip graduates with 2 since its one of the factor in deciding on½ years of working experiences. “The assumption that even graduates pay rate and bonus. Human Resources from other discipline able to carried personnel also required to harmonizeNamed after its founder Tetsuo Saito, out Human Resources task no longer the management workers industrialthe college has established itself as one relevant nowadays. The Human relationship and balance them,” Dr. Rof most reputed art and design colleges Resource management is taking a Kulandasamy explained the importancein Malaysia by uniquely distinguishing big shift then golden era. Gone are of Human Resource Management.itself from the crowded Malaysian those days’ where employers dedicateEducation Industry. Having been in terms, now employees dedicating and MIB further explore to what makeseducation industry for more than 25 putting their demand. That means Saito’s Diploma in Human Resourcesyears and upon collating industries we need people who can understand as one of much sought after by notneed Saito designed and introduced the compensation, minimum wages, only young Malaysian Indians butinnovative Diploma in Human changes occurred in retiring ages, also others from East Malaysia. Dr.Resources program two years ago. demand for more benefits by R Kulandasamy elaborated how the workers. There are companies even subsidiary of publicly listed Safeguards| SEPTEMBER 2014

Corporation Bhd boldly incorporated much needed EDUCATION 13soft skills such communication skills, thinking skills,inter personal skills, business communications, SEPTEMBER 2014 |social and professionalism and work ethics into theircurriculum. “We even taught our students aboutteam work and professional grooming. This soft skillsknowledge enables our graduates present their viewsand opinions without any fear to their superiors. Ourstudents know, understand and able to operate muchneeded latest Human Resources software HR8000that take cares all aspect of HR. We had includedthe software training as part of our curriculum. Apartfrom that we also offer free of charge extra computerclasses for students from rural areas and during theweekend we run 3 hours extra English classes.”INDUSTRY AS CLASSROOMAt Saito College, we practice flexible time table byhaving classes in morning and evening as our studentsare allowed to work at selected company immediatelyafter their orientation. Our counselors shall ensurestudents placed at well-established organization suchas CIMB Bank, Safeguard Corporation and trainedwith jobs related to human resource management bythem. The concept of Industry as classroom alsointegrated with Industrial visits on need of Humanresource management during each semester togive them real life experience. Our such approachof moulding students with industrial experiences hasgained the recognition some corporate companiessince job offers starts pouring in while students still attheir fifth semester, Dr. R. Kulandasamy added. CAREER OPTIONS FOR HUMAN RESOURCE GRADUATES: • Human Resources Executives / Managers • Domestic Enquiry Officer • Public Relation Officer • Occupation, Safety and Health Officer • Recruitment and placement Consultant /Officer • Industrial Relationship Officer/ Manager • Development and Training Specialists • Compensation specialists

14 INDIA BUSINESS NEWS1 2 3 #1 INDIA NO LONGER A PROBLEM #2 BOI Q1 NET DOWN 16.4% AT ECONOMY: RAGHURAM RAJAN RS 805 CROREReserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan said India has Public sector lender Bank of India (BoI) has posted a 16.4 per emerged from the perception of being in crisis and has placed cent drop in net profit at Rs 805 crore for the first quarter itself as a better place to remain invested. \"I keep telling the ended June 2014 on mostly fall in treasury income. It hadinternational fora that India is not a problem anymore. I think there declared a net profit of Rs 964 crore in the corresponding period lastwas a perception problem (last year), but I think today that perception year. The total income for the reporting quarter rose to Rs 11,328also doesn't exist,\" Rajan said during the customary post-policy crore from Rs 9,722 crore in the year-ago period. The net interestinteraction with mediapersons at RBI headquarters. The central bank income rose by 5.87 per cent to Rs 2, 686 crore from 2,537 crore lastchose to keep all the key policy rates unchanged, except cutting SLR year. However, net interest margin (NIM) declined to 2.16 per cent inby 50 basis points to infuse liquidity. Rajan also said formation of the reporting quarter from 2.50 per cent in Q1 of FY14. V R Iyer, itsa stable government at the Centre has strengthened the country's chairperson and managing director, said margins were down due toposition among overseas investors. \"Political stability to my mind is muted growth and lending at base rate to “AAA” rated public sectorworth a tremendous amount, as far as the external situation goes and companies in the first quarter. These accounts provide us good feethat is a big change,\" the Governor said, adding both the government income and business for treasury in competitive market conditions.and RBI have together tried and improved the macro fundamentals. The non-interest income fell by 13.3 per cent from Rs 1,181 croreThe Governor said one of the major concerns that investors have is to Rs 1,024 crore. The profit from sale of investments, an importantthat whether RBI will take away the benefits from the Indian growth component of non-interest income, declined sharply by 53.6 per centstory from them by inflating and thereby depreciating the rupee. \"No, to Rs 243 crore from Rs 524 crore. Profit from foreign exchangewe have no intent of doing that. We want to bring inflation under transactions also declined by 21.3 per cent to Rs 162 crore. Its totalcontrol and more like the inflation in other countries so that the rupee advances rose by 23.31 per cent to Rs 3,81,566 crore. Its depositsis not seen on a continuously weakening path,\" said the Governor. rose by 20.7 per cent Rs 5,00,875 crore. Its gross non-performing assets stood at 3.28 per cent, up from 3.04 per cent a year ago. Bank sold NPAs of Rs 1,764 crore in the April-June 2014. The provision coverage ratio declined to 58.1 per cent from 60.9 per cent.| SEPTEMBER 2014

#3 MICROMAX APPOINTS FORMER AIRTEL CEO SANJAY KAPOOR AS CHAIRMANSoon after hiring Samsung India's mobile chief, handset maker Micromax has appointed former Bharti Airtel CEO Sanjay Kapoor as Chairman, gearing up to become the country's topsmartphone player. Kapoor, who resigned from India's largest privatetelecom operator in May last year, also joined the promoter group ofthe nation's second-largest smartphone maker. \"Sanjay brings withhim a global experience, something which we at Micromax are lookingforward to as we see the new age of high data usage and bettertechnically equipped smart devices explode around us,\" Micromaxco-founder Rahul Sharma says. Sharma added that it reflects thecompany's vision of stepping up to the next phase of growth asMicromax continues the journey to become India's number onesmartphone player and the first Indian mobile brand to be successfulglobally. Recently Micromax roped in Samsung India's mobile and ITbusiness chief Vineet Taneja as Chief Executive Officer. In May, itappointed senior Bharti Airtel executive Badal Bagri as Chief FinancialOfficer. According to International Data Corporation, smartphonesales in the country grew almost three-fold to over 44 million in 2013,buoyed by affordable devices made by local firms such as Micromaxand Karbonn. In the first quarter of 2014, 17.59 million smartphoneswere shipped in India compared with 6.14 million in the same periodof 2013. Samsung maintained its leadership in the smartphone marketwith a 35% market share in Q1, followed by Micromax (15%), Karbonn(10%), LAVA (6%) and Nokia (4%), according to IDC. 4 #4 MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA SALES UP 25% IN H1 2014Mercedes-Benz India has reported a 25 per cent growth in its sales for the first half of 2014 at 4,717 units. Significant contributor to this growth has been the flagship S-Classsedan and the ML-Class SUV and the NGC (new generation cars)portfolio comprising the A-Class and B-Class, the company said in astatement. Commenting on the sales performance, Mercedes-BenzIndia Managing Director & CEO Eberhard Kern said: \"The first sixmonths of sales growth reaffirms Mercedes-Benz India's strong brandpremium and competitive edge in terms of offering continuous productinnovations a benchmark production facility, extending an enrichingafter-sales experience and strengthening its qualitative networkpresence.\" He said the company has been able to achieve the salesgrowth despite the challenging market conditions. With some of themost fascinating products lined up in the remaining two quarters,including the much awaited GLA-Class, Mercedes-Benz is all set foranother year of strong growth, Kern added. The company said whilethe C-Class and the E-Class luxury sedans remain top sellers, theAMGs range continue to grow in the performance segment it created.

16 EVENT COVERAGELET’S MEET UP GET Media Partner:CONNECTED BUSINESS SESSIONABusiness meet up session with Malaysian Khazanah Nasional, SCOMI n High Commissioner of India in Malaysia objective to create a platform of and IJM doing excellence business in His Excellency Shri T.S Tirumurti networking between Malaysian India. He called upon Malaysian SME’sand Indian Industries was held at to joint up with such bigger MalaysianKlang Executive Club recently. The companies that already doing businessevent jointly organized by Klang Indian in Malaysia. This shall enable them toChamber of Commerce and Consortium create cost competitive and qualityof Indian Industry in Malaysia [CIIM] products the market demanded.managed to bridge interaction amongsixty (60) business participants. Participant of the first round of business meetup session has shared theirThe High Commissioner of India in business while get introduced to variousMalaysia His Excellency Shri T.S level of opportunities made available.Tirumurti graced first of such kind of Also present Dr. Acquino Vimal, Deputybusiness meetup session particularly High Commissioner of India and Mr. Aniltargeting Malaysian SMEs. Speaking at Manocha, Consortium of Indian Industrythe event, the High Commissioner said in Malaysia Chairman.| SEPTEMBER 2014


Quantum Computing: An Introduction This article will give you a gentle introduction about an emerging awesome technology called Quantum Computing, as the world is still experimenting its infant stages of this technology and few commercial workouts, let’s have a glimpse of this technology before we have it.What will scientist and researchers do when they QUANTUM COMPUTERS: WHAT IS SO SPECIAL? get bored with the classical style of computing? Sure they will start to revolutionize with a high-end A quantum computer is a machine that performs calculationscomputing technology. based on the laws of quantum mechanics, which is the behaviour of particles at the sub-atomic level.Researchers have they already started working on an excitingcombination of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science A classical computer has bits which can be either 0 or 1, itcalled Quantum Computing. cannot have more that one state at the same time. But, the power of quantum computers is due to the fact that a systemThe primary intension is to improve the efficiency of the can be in many states at the same time.computational processing into many folds, so they need tocombine Quantum Mechanics to soar up from the classical A Quantum computer have quantum bits (qubits) and theseway of computing. qubits are particles which can be in many states at the same time, so the big advantage is they can check millions of probabilities faster than a normal PC.| SEPTEMBER 2014

TECHNOLOGY 19 • by Arikrishnan Subramanian We can stimulate 20 years of evolution within10 nanoseconds, then we could evolve or engineering system to be much more successful. “It’s a game change for Corporation, game change for our customers and ultimately it’s game change for humanity” says D-Wave TeamThe particles which scientists are going use can be any QUANTUM COMPUTERS: PROBLEM SOLVINGfundamental particle like photons, electrons etc. But the musthave the tendency to stay in multiple states at the same time So far as concerned quantum computers has a highlyin multiple places. The major challenge for the researchers problem solving capacity. As they are using Qubitscomes while managing these particles without combining with instead of bits, the system can give approximately 10,000other particles which could possibly result in unpredictable answers in one second. See what D-wave research teammanner. says...So researchers say, there is lot of risk factors involved in The D-Wave processor considers all the possibilitiesmanaging the qubits. simultaneously to determine the lowest energy required to form those relationships. The computer returns many verySUPERPOSITION AND ENTANGLEMENT: good answers in a short amount of time - 10,000 answers inPILLARS OF QUANTUM COMPUTING one second. This gives the user not only the optimal solution or a single answer, but also other alternatives to choose from.One of the key concepts of quantum computing isSuperposition. D-Wave systems use \"quantum annealing\" to solve problems. Quantum annealing “tunes” qubits from their superpositionEntanglement is a term used in Quantum theory to describe state to a classical state to return the set of answers scored tothe way that particles of energy/matter can become correlated show the best predictably interact with each other regardless of how farapart they are. 512-qubit D-Wave Two quantum computer is considered as the most advanced quantum computer on earth as I write this article.Entanglement is a real phenomenon (Einstein called it QUANTUM DOTS\"spooky action at a distance\"), which has been demonstratedrepeatedly through experimentation. A Quantum Dot is a Semi-Conductor which can be measured in Nanometers, the size of a quantum dot is ranged betweenSo in quantum computing superposition and entanglement a normal semi-conductor and of a discrete molecule. Thesework in unison, to derive solutions to complex problems in quantum dots are considered so versatile that they can bereal-time. used from light bulbs and laptops. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

20 TECHNOLOGYResearcher tells that these dots which were made from silicon INTERESTING FACTScan be tuned to emit a range of different colours in differentsituations, for example, instead of having to use a range of ABOUT QUANTUM COMPUTERSmaterials with different chemical compositions.g Photograph: Science Photo Library • D-Wave is the first company to offer Quantum Computers commercially in the market • In D-Wave quantum , quantum computer is kept at a .02 degrees Kelvin. That's about -460 degrees Fahrenheit. This kind of coldest place is only found 5000 light years available from Earth called Boomerang Nebula. • Google Inc and NASA are funding up D-Wave to continue more research on Quantum Computers • A quantum computer can examine 1 Trillion chess position in a second. The only possible way to win it is just by shutting it down! • A quantum computer consumes very less power compared to classical computers • Its price range starts from USD 10 Million g Photograph: D-wave Hope this article gives you an overview about Quantum Computing and its base concepts. The whole world is waitingQuantum dots gives us a great advantage that instead of for an affordable price workable model of quantum computersbuilding multiple devices, quantum dots gives us a possibility in the coming years to solve highly complex problems, whereto build single type of semiconductor which can produce today’s computer cannot solve.different range of characteristics. Let’s wait and see the Quantum Computers in action!The first commercial release of a Written by Ganesh Murugan, MBA,IIT (PMP), PhD (Perusing)product utilizing “quantum dots” Business Analyst, Solution Architect and CEO of eSolutionswas the Sony XBR X900A series of Webbers Sdn Bhdflat panel televisions released in : [email protected]. Skype : esolutions_ganesh : ganesh murugan| SEPTEMBER 2014

BUSINESS IDEA 21START UP IDEA COULD BE THE NEXT THING:MALAYSIAN ADVISORY SERVICES [MAS] HOW TO EARN RM120,000 AND ABOVE PER ANNUM Government statistics indicates Malaysian services sectors continue to spur our economy. The sector contributed estimated 55% of total gross domestics products [GDP] in 2012. Professional services subsector alone contributed RM21.3 Billion to the economy with some 170,000 employees drawing an average of RM37, 000.00 per annum.Graph: Output Value Of Professional Services Veterinary 0.93 6.28Subsector In Ringgit Malaysia Advertisement 3.53Professionals in this sector do require referrals and supportive Surveyor 1.1services including outsourcing their needs. Malaysian Indian Architect 1.86Business [MIB] research team found that there isn’t any Consultancy 1.76online portal either as directory, advertisement, review site or Accounting 2.67appointment site. The potential of earning through such portal is Engineeringtremendous. All it requires just to establish the portal with proper 4.02online marketing strategy while solving the end user’s needs. LegalA online portal connecting or promoting this niche serviceproviders could be the next THING. Assuming some 10000professionals members paid just RM1.00 per month the Startup could easily make RM120,000 per annum. The earningpotential could leapfrog should they able enhance the site as anappointment and review site for just RM50 per month. By addingmore innovative solutions, the earning potential for the start upare enormous. Source : Department of Statistics Malaysia Registration FREE User Appointment Networks The Malaysian Advisory ServicesPlatform [MAS] Proposed Business Model Appointment Advertisement Subscribe Professionals SEPTEMBER 2014 |

22 BUSINESS TIPS \"Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.\" – Mahatma GandhiLITTLE THINGS MATTER - JUST APPRECIATE: RING THE BELLLiving in modern world with things moving fast, As way for people to be thankful and appreciate the we Malaysian tend to forget small and simple services provided, restaurants or food outlets are things frequently. Scrolling a tab or smartphone encouraged to place Bell with distinctive and not easilyto check how many friends on social media liked your confused sound. As bells that ring to remind to openpost seems to be very concern of current generation. the door, pick up the phone, take out the toast of theHowever, we failed to appreciate real human being that toaster. So, if someone rings the bell placed either atkind enough in following our command preparing and your entrance or at cashier counter shall remind allserving food to keep us energized for rest of the day. the restaurant personnel and guests that someone appreciated the food served or service provided.Researcher from University of California found thatgrateful people have reported higher levels of the Let’s join together with Malaysian Indian Businesspositive states of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, Magazine to inspire the cultural and tradition ofattentiveness and energy. When you are grateful, appreciating each others.other things will fall by the wayside. For example, youprobably won’t be able to feel jealous and grateful at A SIMPLE WAY TO APPRECIATEthe same time. - RING THE BELL| SEPTEMBER 2014

24 QUOTESWISDOM WORDS I have been constantly OF RATAN TATA telling people to encourage people, to question the unquestioned and not to be ashamed to bring up new ideas, new processes to get things done BUSINESSES Each of you as I Work on NEED TO GO have said should look leading and not BEYOND THE into yourselves as being COMPANIES TO the leaders of tomorrow followingTHE COMMUNITIES INTERESTS OF or potentially the THE THEY SERVE leaders of tomorrow

Apart from values and NONE CANethics which I have tried to live DESTROY IRON, BUT ITS OWN RUST CAN! by, the legacy I would like to leave behind is a very simple LIKEWISE,one – that I have always stood NONE CAN DESTROY up for what I consider to bethe right thing, and i have tried A PERSON, BUTto be as fair and equitable as I ITS OWN MINDSET could be CAN I DON’T BELIEVE I kept saying, Ups and downs in life IN TAKING RIGHT please question the are very important toDECISIONS. I TAKE unquestionable. I tried to tell our keep us going, becauseDECISIONS & THEN younger managers just don’t accept a straight line even in something that was done in the an E.C.G. means we MAKE THEM past, don’t accept something RIGHT as a holy cow. . . go question it. are not alive That was less of a problem than getting our senior managers not to tell the younger managers, ‘look young man, don’t question me’ There are solutions for What worries most problems. The barriers and me is that the thresholdroadblocks that we face are usually of of acceptability or the lineour own making and these can only be between acceptability and non-acceptability in demolished by having the determination to find a solution, terms of values, even contrary to the conventional business ethics, etc, wisdom that prevails around us, is blurring by breaking tradition You got to be It is easy to become a I felt a bit defeated.careful of the eroding number one player, but it is But i think you never fabric of values and difficult to remain numberethics which I think is quit under those one. So, we will have to circumstance. You happening all fight with a view to remain around us feel like quitting, number one but you don’t

26 MALAYSIA BUSINESS NEWS PETRONAS WIN MALAYSIAN HALAL ASIA'S BEST EXPORTS CAN BE EMPLOYER S I G N I F I C A N T LY BRAND AWARDS INCREASED BY STRENGTHENING PETRONAS won the fifth TRADE HUB Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards 2014 Malaysia's halal exports of between RM30 billion and RM32 at the Pan Pacific Hotel, billion a year can be significantly enhanced by strengthening Singapore, cementing the the country’s position as a halal trading centre and be less oil and gas multinational’s dependence on domestic production. Managing Director/Chief position as one of the most Executive Officer of Halal Industry Development Corp (HDC), Datukreputable employers in the industry and region. On hand to receive Seri Jamil Bidin, said the industry was still not crowded and firmsthe award on behalf of PETRONAS Senior Vice President of Group must grab the opportunities not only as manufacturers but also asHuman Resource Management, Puan Raiha Azni Abdul Rahman trading companies. He said the country was already the world’swas PETRONAS Head of Human Resource Transformation, Puan leading exporter of halal ingredients required in various industries,Bernadine Sammy. “It came as a pleasant surprise to PETRONAS such as food and beverages (F&B), cosmetics, emulsifier andthat we were granted the Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards for medical and wellness. Jamil said to kick-start the drive, HDC has2014,” said Puan Raiha Azni. The prestigious award recognised enlisted 10 anchor companies, out of 801 exporting companiesPETRONAS for its relentless efforts and investment in enhancing its registered with the agency, to lead the initiative with the corporation'shuman capital development, as well as human resource practices, guide and assistance. \"These companies are encouraged to focuspolicies and strategies towards offering appealing value proposition on growth market such as China and West Asia with huge Muslimto increasingly diverse talent segments. “PETRONAS has always population,\" he told Bernama in an interview. Jamil said non-believed in ‘building own timber’ to ensure we have a sustainable traditional halal markets, among them Japan, were quickly catchingpool of talent to support the future growth and expansion of our up. He said Japan was aggressively developing its own halal industrybusinesses,” said Puan Raiha Azni. “We are currently working on due to increasing demand for halal products and the expanding halala number of initiatives to encourage educational foundations and market. \"Recognising Malaysia's experience and expertise in halalcapability development of our talent, as well as extending this to products, Japan, China and Latin America countries seek HDC'sour local community as part of our corporate social responsibility in assistance to increase halal awareness and develop their ownbuilding pipeline of educated citizens. Asia’s Best Employer Brand halal industry. \"This is a healthy progress. We need connectivityAwards were jointly hosted by Employer Branding Institute, World and network. We cannot be alone in this industry,\" he said. TheHRD Congress and Stars of the Industry Group, supported by CHRO global halal market is currently estimated at US$2.3 trillion coveringAsia as strategic partner and endorsed by Asian Confederation both food and non-food sectors. The estimated Muslim populationof Businesses. The awards were designed, owned and executed worldwide is over 1.8 Employer Branding Institute, an organisation managed byprofessionals from various countries and geographies who shared CONSTRUCTION COSTS TO BE STABLEthe same passion in human resources. The awards acknowledged NEXT YEAR DESPITE GST INTRODUCTIONmore than 100 organisations across Asia that demonstrated - MAYBANK IBexcellence in building their brands and identities as employers ofchoice visible through their human resource practices, polices and Ma y b a n k IBstrategies, honouring exemplary work in employer banding in more Research expectsthan 20 Asian countries. construction costs to be stable next year whileMOTOR INSURANCE CLAIMS UP 5 PCT TO the Goods and ServicesRM1.384 BLN IN Q1 Tax impact to be muted. The research house saidNet claims incurred by general insurers and takaful operators in a statement that several for bodily injury and property damages due to road accidents developments from the in the first quarter of this year increased by five per cent to country's mega projectsRM1.38 billion from RM1.32 billion in the same quarter of 2013. had added confidencePIAM said in a statement the general insurance and takaful industry that news would remainwas committed to promoting safe driving habits and road safety positive into 2015. \"The first half of 2014 was eventful with positiveamong motorists. Its chairman, Chua Seck Guan, said it was indeed progress on several mega projects that will boost constructiona worrying trend with the escalating number of fatal road accidents activities. \"In near term, key construction job flows are expected frominvolving road users due largely to some users' lackadaisical attitude Refinery And Petrochemical Integrated Development and severaland plain recklessness in many cases. \"Each individual can make a new highways in Greater KualaLumpur/ Klang Valley,\" it said.difference. The road users must adopt a positive and defensive roadsafety attitude in order to ensure their own safety and the safety ofother users,\" he said.| SEPTEMBER 2014

27MALAYSIA BUSINESS NEWSADOPT E-BUSINESS TO ENHANCE AIRASIA INDIA APPOINTS CARGO AGENT,REVENUE, SMES URGED ADDS TWO DESTINATIONS Small and medium enterprises AirAsia India has appointed Globe Air Cargo India, part of the (SMEs) need to adopt to ECS Group, as its cargo general sales and services agent. e-business to enhance \"AirAsia India is immensely happy to associate with Globe revenue growth, says the Multimedia Air Cargo India of the ECS Group is known for its expertise in air Development Corporation (MDeC). cargo,\" Press Trust of India quoted its Chief Executive Officer, Mittu In a statement , it said SMEs in Chandilya as saying in Chennai today. Stating that Air Asia flights Malaysia constitute 99.2 per cent have a belly capacity of 3 to 3.5 tonnes to handle cargo, he said the of the total establishments, but only company had growth plans to achieve significant revenue from cargo contribute 33 per cent of revenue to sales, the report said. Mittu also announced two more destinations, Malaysia’s gross domestic product. namely Chandigarh and Jaipur. Booking for the destination starts\"As we move forward to achieve a high income nation status by tomorrow and flights to these destinations from Bangalore are likely2020, SME owners need to be empowered, so that their contribution to start on Sept 5. AirAsia India, which started operations on Junetowards the economy can be increased,\" it added. As the agency 12, to date has services to Goa, Chennai and Kochi from Bangalore.responsible for overseeing MSC Malaysia's implementation, MDeCsaid the government has been relentless in pushing for the Internet TNB SIGNS INVESTMENT AGREEMENTand e-business adoption in SMEs, to accelerate their growth and OVER RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT INproductivity. Through a study commissioned by the agency, \"The SRI LANKAInternet and e-business adoption in SMEs\", it found that currently,more than 70 per cent of local SMEs do not have an online presence. Tenaga Nasional BhdMDeC has called on them to collaborate with SME Corp Malaysia (TNB) has signed anto drive the adoption of e-commerce solutions alongside micro investment agreemententerprises. By providing SMEs with easier access to affordable with KLS Energy Sdn Bhd,terminals and readers, more of them in Malaysia will be encouraged KLS Energy Sri Lanka Sdnto offer e-Payment services and join the e-commerce bandwagon, Bhd and KLS Energy Lankait said. (Private) Ltd over the 35 megawatt renewable energyUTM SET TO PRODUCE MORE BIOHEALTH hybrid wind and solar powerENTREPRENEURS project in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. TNB in a filing to BursaUn i v e r s i t i is Malaysia said it had been Teknologi invited by KLS Energy to Malaysia acquire a stake in its wholly-(UTM) owned unit, KLS Energyconfident of Sri Lanka, which in turnproducing more was the holding companynew biohealth of KLS Energy Lanka, an entity that had been granted a 20-yearentrepreneurs concession to develop the project by the Ceylon Electricity Board. Itthrough said the investment agreement allowed for the completion of TNB'scollaborative due diligence exercise and continuation of exclusive negotiations toefforts and finalise the terms and conditions of its proposed investment in thesharing of project. TNB's entry into the definitive agreements for the projectexpertise with is subject to it being satisfied with the results of the due diligenceGeron Biomed exercise and fulfilment of conditions precedent, it added.Sdn Bhd. UTM Vice-Chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Wahid Omar said thepartnership would enable more research and development activitiesand entrepreneurship programmes to be pursued. \"We could tap thecompany's expertise in nutrigenomics and nutraceuticals to producemore entrepreneurs in the field of biohealth,\" he told reporters aftersigning a memorandum of understanding on the collaboration heretoday. On the other hand, he said UTM would capitalise on itsTechnology Entrepreneurship Centre (UTMTEC) to explore widerareas of biohealth research in line with UTM status as a researchuniversity and nurture entrepreneurship. \"UTMTEC will continueto foster entrepreneurial thinking in the community and become aconduit among biohealth small and medium enterprises, particularlyin southern region,\" he added. Present were Geron Biomed ChiefExecutive Officer Ramlee Jaafar and Johor Iskandar MalaysiaChamber of Commerce and Industry President Md Salikon Sarpin. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

28 DID YOU KNOW?DID YOU KNOW? Tan Sri Dato' Hari Narayanan Professor Dato’ Dr. Sothi Rachagan A/L Govindasamy registered was appointed as Vice Chancellor, professional engineer with the Board Perdana University, Malaysia on 2 of Engineers, Malaysia serves as May 2013. He was an academician Independent Non-Executive Director at University Malaya from 1972 of S P Setia Bhd since November 14, to 2000, first at the Faculty of Arts 1996. Tan Sri Dato' Hari Narayanan and Social Science and then at the is the Deputy Chairman of Emrail Faculty of Law where he served Sdn. Bhd and Non-Executive as Professor and Dean. In 2000,Director Puncak Niaga Holdings Berhad. He is also also a he became Consumers International’s Regional Directormember of the Institute of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) with vast for Asia and the Pacific. In 2005, he returned to academiaexperience in electrical and electronic engineering and has and became the Vice President (Academic Affairs) of Nilaiheld various key positions with some established companies University. Professor Rachagan has over the years servedas an engineer and entrepreneur. He is the Chairman of IEV in many national and international bodies. He has publishedHoldings Limited with businesses span across Asian. He had widely and presented papers and keynote addresses atserved on the Board of Tenaga Nasional Berhad from 1995 numerous national and international conferences on a varietyuntil 2014 and holds non-executive directorships on the board of topics including on consumer, competition, environmental,of several private companies. human rights and election law.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dato' Danapalan A/L T. P. Vinggrasalam Dato’ Dr. R. Palananiappan is the has been board member of Telekom Chairman and Chief Executive Malaysia Berhad since April 2008. Officer of SMR Technologies He also serves on the board of Berhad, a company listed on the Uni.Asia Life Assurance Berhad Bursa Malaysia with operations and SIRIM QAS International Sdn. in Singapore, India and Bahrain. Bhd, Pension Fund Inc. Bank He has worked in more than 30 Simpanan Nasional and Universiti countries though his focus is very Telekom Sdn Bhd. Dato' Danapalan much Asian. An author, speaker,served as the Secretary-General for the Ministry of Science, trainer, consultant and an entrepreneur with very muchTechnology, and Environment from December 1991 to March committed to develop best practices in the Human Resources1998 and as Chairman of the Malaysian Communications field. Dato Dr. R Palan has served as a Director of the Humanand Multimedia Commission (MCMC) from February 2004 to Resources Development Corporation, Malaysia.March 2006. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms. Renuka Indrarajah serves as Major General Dato' Pahlawan Dr. Corporate Relations and Legal R. Mohanadas (Rtd.) is the Vice Director of Guinness Anchor Bhd. Chairman of the Board of Governors Renuka began her career as a of the Cyberjaya University College solicitor in Queensland, Australia of Science (CUCMS) and Chairman until 1993 when she returned to of David Health Solutions (Asia) Malaysia. Renuka currently serves Sdn. Bhd. and Eximius Medical as Governing Council Member of Administration Systems (eMAS). the Confederation of Malaysian Prior to this appointment he servedBrewers Berhad and as Director of the GAB Foundation as Vice Chancellor of Perdana University, Malaysia. HeManagement Committee. She has Bachelor of Laws from received the second highest military award “PanglimaUniversity of Queensland), Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Setia Angkatan Tentera” from Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPractice (QUT) and has been Solicitor of the Supreme Court Pertuan Agong and the United Nations Peacekeeping Medal.of Queensland and High Court of Australia.| SEPTEMBER 2014

MIB FORUM 29Question: • I think demanding equal opportunities or based onWhat kind of supports and allocations merit will not happen in Malaysia so soon. Based onshould the government provide in next my understanding Government itself doesn't havebudget to uplift Micro & Small Indian enough and concrete documentation on how to upliftBusinesses to Medium size? this community other than political ploy or simply greedy demand. Can we suggest 5% business opportunitiesAnswers: allocated to Malaysian Indian businesses by Khazanah Nasional owned GLCs and 5% financial assistance• First the system must be transparent and the criteria must for Malaysian Indian business guarantee 100% by be made know to all. If rejected reason must be known Governement. - S. Arikrishnan, Executive Secretary and most importantly it must be for all Malaysian - race must be disregarded. - Arumugam Alagan, Production • Indians should learn to stand on their own feet and not Executive be dependent on others. As it is many perceive Indians as 'beggars' who cannot stand on their own. There• Equal opportunities with transparency on government are many Indian entrepreneurs, business leaders and policies and system should be available. - Prabakaran professionals who can provide the necessary avenues Nandakumar, Engineering Manager for the Indians to come up in life either as businessmen or as professionals. There are even some Indian• I will agree that equal opportunity is just a rhetoric billionaires and several Indians with hundreds of millions irrespective of which party governs Malaysia. It easier in wealth. Many of these very rich Indians prefer to said in words than action and implementation. Before spend large sums on celebrations such as weddings, we delve too deep into this matter, let us ask a basic anniversaries, birthdays where there are luxurious styles question: Would we Indians help another Indian to and feeding the unappreciative over fed rich most of move up the ladder and be successful economically and whom may be dieting but still cause high cost on their socially? If half here can say YES, then there is hope. meals in multi-star hotels. Another wasteful expenditure Anything otherwise will just be another rhetoric and go that does not benefit the community or any one in need down the museum for the lost souls! Sorry for the break, is giving of congratulatory messages in the media to but reality bites at times. Adding on to my point above, those who get titles or condolences messages on the asking for allocations is one thing. But who is going death of elected/corporate members and royalties. They to manage and disburse the allocation? Politicians, can get the blessings and thanks of the needy who will businessmen, professionals? You have seen the past benefit if these very rich were to use part of their massive and present. Before we go further, let's fix the present wealth for those in need. - Gursharan Singh, Trainer - before asking for allocations. - V. Jananandh, Training Knowledge Sharer - Auditor Manager • All that is needed from Government programs is equal opportunities to studies, businesses in the form of licenses and special funding arrangement. - R. Navaa, Entrepreneur. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

30 TODAY I LEARNED“Your time is limited, so don't waste it livingsomeone else's life. Don't be trapped bydogma – which is living with the results ofother people's thinking. Don't let the noiseof other's opinions drown out your owninner voice. And most important, have thecourage to follow your heart and intuition.They somehow already know what youtruly want to become. Everything else issecondary.”- Steve Jobs The “inner voice” which Steve Jobs talks about is the Atman or Self and the “heart or intuition” symbolizes the Brahman (Universal Self or God consciousness). When you follow your heart and intuition and listen to your inner voice, you actually link your “Atman” with the “Brahman” and hence can unleash the infinite power to succeed. No doubt, Steve Jobs above quote is in tune with the Advaita philosophy of “Aham Brahmasmi” which means “I am the Brahman or God.” To really manage ourselves and connect with our Atman, we need to first gain complete control over our senses. | SEPTEMBER 2014

ARTHASHASTRACOMMERCIAL PRACTICES LESSON FROm THE GOVERNMENT THE BUSINESS• Centralized Administration in the interest of the • Commodities and products sold only at state designated markets or brought into the city after payment of a duty for sales• Departments for Accounts, Revenue, Mines, Arsenals, Taxation, Agriculture, Trade, and • Chief Controller of State trading authorized to Navigation sell commodities in the marketplace at fixed prices. When commodities existed in excess• Responsible for promoting trade and commerce supply, The Controller have the authority to by setting up market towns, ports, and trade build up buffer stock by paying a price higher routes, building storage reservoirs than the market price• Revenues earned by sale of resources owned • State provides incentives for traders dealing in by the state would be directed to the Treasury the sale of imported goods in form exemption from taxes and higher profit margins, and• Producers, Merchants and Traders allowed immunity from lawsuits (so as to make profits) to organize themselves into economic corporations known as GUILDS, which often • Profits be shared equally among workmen who served the purpose of modern banks labored together toward a common goal

INTEGRITY WHOLESALE TRADE AND RETAILING• Private Traders were taxed and fined severely by the state if indicted with malpractice • There were wholesalers, retailers, and direct marketers in trade channel• Honesty and Justice Emphasized in all commercial trading. Heavy fines recommended • Agents played the role of retailers selling goods for traders who would collude and fleece buyers in the market without assuming title of the goods by conspiring together to hold back wares and later sell them at higher prices INTERNATIONAL TRADE• Trust and confidence in the measurement • State officers traveled to foreign lands as its system i.e., the weights and measures, and dignitaries to the buying and selling activities also protection against counterfeiting of coinage and consumption patterns of merchants and customers in foreign markets and recognized• State ensure integrity of commerce potential markets for sale of indigenous goods WAREHOUSING AND • Commerce relations were built with diplomats TRANSPORTATION from overseas for exchanges of commodities• Chief Superintendent of Warehouses • Government built ships and let them out on hire empowered to store basic items and amenities for transport of merchandise necessary for survival of the population • Goods traded classified into three• Own grain reserves serve as buffers during i) produced in the countryside, famine ii) produced in the city, iii) Imported from other countries• Kings also maintained their own emergency stocks • Customs duty imposed on whenever they were imported (into the city) and/or exported• Development of roadways for inter-regional exchange activities of commodities emerged • Exemption from duties given to mostly religious ceremonies or goods meant as wedding gifts • All dutiable goods would be weighed, measured or counted, and the duty payable on them would be collected at the ports of entry • Penalties would be levied on violators who tried to cheat or escape payment

Vedantic Management:Leadership Lessons from the Bhagavad-Gita Part 2 - The Art of Anchoring 'Exhaust your resources and life will respond’ - Gary JacobsANCHORING THE MIND knowledge system we gather along our lifecycle. Miserably, we forget this fact. We pander to our socialisation and stallThe art of management has to aim to achieve the ideals decisions because we purport to wait for more information, of human relationships. While the index of progress has more facts. This is what Arjuna was doing at the beginning of erstwhile been material prosperity, it has in the words the war in the Mahabharata:of Dr G P Gupta - a renowned writer on management andthe spirit - also kept apart ‘the consciousness aspect of men Na kaangkshe vijayamand materials’, tending to split man’s spiritual abilities from his krishna na cha raajyam sukhaani cha;secular productivity. Kim no raajyena govinda kimVedantic management therefore aims to bond the two, bhogair jeevitena vaa.integrating man’s ability to labour with his very spirit. The finalresult - as in the case of many successful executives - is the I don’t want victory Krishna,ability to decide instinctively on the best course open to us. I don’t want pleasures or kingdoms.Every leader hopes to traverse the entire decision-making What use is domination over othersspectrum from the art of doing something to the science(implying a little more precision for our purposes) to instinct to us, or pleasures, or even life?(implying a purer class of aptitude). That’s what it means whenyou say ‘It feels right…’ Of course you haven’t abandoned Bhagavad-Gita 1:32the complex network of facts you ought to rely on to makedecisions, but you can act fluidly when making the necessarydecisions, stilling your doubts, forcing down the fear.You know this feeling. We’re trained to ignore, even disrespect Procrastinating…asking questions, waiting for someone (inour intuitive capacity, regarding it with a suspicion and distrust this case Krishna) to - perhaps - tell him how right he was.conventionally reserved for the immature. But our instincts are Suppressing your subconscious genius will only mean thatnot unreliable or juvenile; they are primordial and elder to any| SEPTEMBER 2014

LEADERSHIP 35 • by Arikrishnan Subramanian Anchoring taps into the subconscious simply because that is where our inner wisdom resides. It is an ancient device that distils the sum of your experience. But ancient knowledge, howsoever old, is only priceless if it works for us today. And so in the hopes that this ageless management technique will newly energise your faculties, or at least allow you to experiment with a new way of thinking, we resume our study of some of the lessons coded in the Bhagavad-Gita. ANCHORING • CULTIVATION • MAJESTYyou’re well-trained. It will eventually lead you to frustration Anchoring is the first part of an ancient method of leadersince the failure to anchor your initial impressions properly will breeding. It involves the recalling of pleasant memoriescause friction between your conscious mind and that of your associated with the goal, ascribing deep meaning to acts andsubconscious. Arjuna is in fact, the perfect example. concepts, and localising your subject to the core business.He is meant to be the consummate warrior. He is fearless and Because man is essentially imperfect, material incentives inan expert marksman (even in the dark we’re told) though all of management programs are inadequate, that is, they are unablehis operational excellence left him at the most vital moment. to achieve the intended result. The intended result is alwaysHis conscious mind filled up with shadows, doubts and assumed to be the growth of the most precious resourcerisk-management issues. He was psychologically crippled; of any business venture; it’s people. Human developmentsuffering from what is nowadays unsympathetically referred therefore, is the true goal of the Gita, and it is the true goalto as a ‘choke’: of secular management. Things do not sell themselves; they require the careful arrangement and creative design exclusive to humankind. People need to be cultivated. In order to begin that auspicious work, they must first be ‘anchored’ or ‘integrated’. Gaandeevam sramsate As long as we remain unintegrated, we can only chance upon hastaat twak chaiva paridahyate; success:Na cha shaknomyavasthaatum bhramateeva Swadharmam api chaavekshya cha me manah. na vikampitum arhasi;My bow (the Gandiva) slips from my hand. Dharmyaaddhi yuddhaacchreyo’nyat My skin is burning. I cannot even stand kshatriyasya na vidyate. and my mind is reeling. Having regard to your own duty, you should Bhagavad-Gita 1:30 not depart from it; For there is no higher duty for a warrior than war.What then is the point of being an expert marksman, if you Bhagavad-Gita 2:31cannot identify the target? (or worse, if you refuse to hit it).That equates precisely to the illustration of a trader whodoesn’t want to trade. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

36 LEADERSHIPThe belief that we are instruments fit for a purpose is central to WHEN? As soon as I’ve got my money in order (same oldthe art of anchoring. There is no price or exchange worth the same old really)true understanding of one’s own purpose. Arjuna respondsto this implication because it corresponds to man’s higher WHERE? Down the road from here, found a sweet spot withnecessities, dharma and moksha (as opposed to his lower plenty of safe parking, well-lit etc.necessities, artha and kama). And that’s simply the point.People only want to do something if it’s connected to their By this stage I’ve picked myself off the floor and found myvalue system. seat again. I decide not to ask you HOW you’re going to do it, as you might feel less inclined to give me details of your‘PURPOSE’, ‘ONENESS’ AND THE 5W1H operation. Fair enough. So…QUESTIONS WHY? Guess what you might say? I want to start a small business? I want to make some money (this rates as the lamest excuse of course)? I saw a ‘gap in the market’? ‘There’s no gym around here for miles’ (this is a less impressive variation of the question preceding it) etc. None of those answers truly answer the question because they don’t share ‘oneness’ with the true incentive, which is the point of difference you want to reach in order to achieve success. The ‘Why’ is the most important of the 5W1H questions. Why is WHY so important?To understand the connection of purpose to one’s value Excepting the ‘WHY’, the other questions in the 5W1H poolsystem in practical terms, consider the Five W’s and the One are merely coordinates relevant to you and your enterprise.H questions (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How). Then ‘WHY’ is the only incentive that you actually share with yourtry and ascribe a value to each question, and try to indentify customer. That’s the commonality that brings a business andthe question that is most valuable to an entrepreneur. its customers together, otherwise referrable to as ‘Oneness’. It’s the only reason (why) people want to be associated withAssume you want to start a business. You’ve come to a business and brand. You might fleetingly give a thought tome hoping (not unlike Arjuna) that I might have something HOW a product is made, or WHAT it’s made from or (of course)worthwhile to say about your idea. You’re ready to run the WHO it’s made by, even WHERE it’s produced, but when yougauntlet of the 5W1H questions and so I ask you: ask a customer WHY they like something, they usually think of some emotional benefit alongside the factual stuff.WHO? Ummm, me of course, I want to start a business. Oh,you mean ‘Who’ as in who’s my target market? I’ve got it all If you think the functional benefit of a product or service isfigured out; it’s men aged 18 to 65. vital, you’re right, but it’s not the most important. Knowing who your customer is, and what he or she is doing, where, whenWHAT? Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. What, besides and how is not nearly as valuable as why they’re doing it. Sounderwear, would appeal to men aged between 18 and 65 purpose, or the finding of it, is the most important luminaryright? I’ve got this great idea in fact, for a GYM! in the constellation of human rationale. If your WHY meets the customer’s WHY you’ve achieved ‘Oneness’ with your target market. The urge to share and unify is a powerful, instinctive and very commercially viable impulse to tap into. There is more about ‘Oneness’ from a marketing point of view| SEPTEMBER 2014

LEADERSHIP 37of differentiation in this edition of Malaysian Indian Business. Karmanyevaadhikaaraste maaIf we identify the value system of our workers, colleagues, phaleshu kadaachana;managers and clients, we are able to train, motivate, ingratiateor persuade toward our primary objective. Once a person Maa karmaphalahetur bhoor maa teidentifies a task with their values, there is no stopping their sango’stwakarmani.progress, material or spiritual. Yaavaanartha udapaane sarvatah You are entitled only to samplutodake; Taavaan sarveshu vedeshu the work but not to the results thereof. The fruits of your action should not compel braahmanasya vijaanatah. you to act, but to inaction you must To the person who knows the Self, never be swayed either.knowledge of the Vedas is as much use as a Bhagavad-Gita 2:47 tank of water in a flood. Bhagavad-Gita 2:46 This is arguably one of the most oft-quoted and complicated verses of the Gita. From the point of view of business itYou must understand that, even for Krishna, this is a appears to make very little sense, implying that one shoulddangerous criticism of the establishment of the time. Taking not be concerned with profit (being the result) and be moreon the Vedas was either a high moral aspiration, or a low blow, concerned with the work, a concept that is counterintuitive todepending on who was looking. But this is the truth, bitter as it business. Right?is to swallow. In any event it is meant as an illustration of thetrue goal. What is it we mean when we say we study to better Wrong. This verse draws a vital distinction highly relevant toourselves? the way we do things in the modern age, perhaps the way we’ve always done things. We will consider it’s true import inAn understanding of one’s true nature is superior to all the next article.organized religion. We waste significant amounts of time andmoney developing the wage-earner inside us, failing to realizethat were are men and women before we are anything else.That single misdirection will repeatedly scuttle all our efforts ofa lifetime, unless we change. Ideas come from people, so whydo we spend so much time developing ideas, and not enoughtime developing people?Andy Naidu is a Malaysian-born barrister and lecturer based in Melbourne. He is also the co-founder of an NGO startupin Australia and is Lateral Counsel to 4 law firms in based in Victoria, helping to grow their business outcomes throughstrategic [email protected] +61 425 627 116 SEPTEMBER 2014 |

38 FACTS & FIGURESUSD820BILLION 10%GLOBAL ECONOMY LOST REGISTERED FOR GST APPLIED FOR SOFTWARE VOUCHERThe failure to ink the WTO's trade facilitation agreement Only 10 per cent of some(TFA) may cost the global economy USD 820 billion 7,000 companies whichand 16 million in terms of new jobs. have registered for the coming goods and services46% tax (GST) scheme, have applied for the RM1,000MORE PASSENGERS WAS subsidy to upgrade theirFLOWN BY AIRASIA X BHD accounting software to be GST-compliant, says the Royal Malaysian AirAsia X Bhd the Customs Department. \"Many small-and medium-sized long haul , low cost enterprises (SMEs) that are eligible for the RM1,000 airline subsidiary e-voucher are not aware of such a benefit,\" said GST of AirAsia. The director Datuk Subromaniam Tholasy. airline carried 1.02 million passenger RM13 BILLIONin second quarter of 2014 up from 700,000 for sameperiod last year. The long-haul, low-cost airline said the LEFT MALAYSIANpositive figures helped AirAsia X to maintain its position EQUITY MARKETas the market leader in passengers carried to each ofits core markets in Australia and North Asia. The Malaysian equities market recorded a whopping RM13bil in net outflows of foreign portfolio funds over a 15-month period, and industry experts remain divided as to whether this negative trend will continue. According to data released by Bursa Malaysia, the highest outflow in the May 2013 to July 2014 period was in August 2013, when RM6.8bil left the market. 1RM BILLION 1,000,000 ASSET TO BE BMW CARS SOLD IN 1ST HALF OWNED BY 2014 MARA China's love of luxury Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara) cars continues unabated, has set a target of owning helping drive BMW groupRM1 billion worth of real estate overseas in the next sales to a record onetwo to three years. Mara was optimistic of achieving the million vehicles in thegoal as it had already invested RM600 million in real first half of 2014. Globalestate overseas. sales of the group's three brands: BMW, Rolls-Royce and Mini rose by 7% over the same period last year. China sales were up 23%. The world's second biggest economy and largest car market accounted for more than one in five of all cars the German company sold in the six months to June.| SEPTEMBER 2014

FACTS & FIGURES 395,000 17,000%NEW WORDS ADDED INTO ANNUAL INTERESTSCRABBLE DICTIONARY Even the smallest debit card purchases are leading to big For the first fees for customers who overdraw their bank accounts. time in nearly While the majority of purchases that trigger overdraft a decade, protection are less than $24, the fees customers are Scrabble hit with average $34, a new report from the Consumer players are Financial Protection Bureau shows. Because most going to have consumers repay the money within three days, that feesome new words on their boards. The fifth edition of translates to an annual percentage rate of 17,000%.the game's official dictionary includes 5,000 new words, Unsurprisingly, the costs can really add up,especiallyaccording to publisher Merriam-Webster. The dictionary for the one in five people with overdraft protection whogoes on sale with new words such as \"Hashtag\" and overdraw their account more than ten times per year.\"selfie\" that weren't around when the dictionary waslast updated in 2005. Also joining the dictionary: \"emo\", US$700,000\"bling\", \"mixtape\", \"beatbox\" and a handful of two letterwords, like \"po\". AMOUNT SPEND BY VIRTUAL GAME PLAYERUSD6.6Billion Kim Kardashian got a COST OF BANCO game that's pulling in ESPIRITO SANTO, $700,000 a day where PORTUGAL players have to do, RESCUE well, nothing. \"Kim Kardashian: Hollywood\" Portugal's central bank has from Glu Mobile lets split the troubled Banco you create an avatarEspirito Santo into \"good\" and \"bad\" banks in a rescue that can work to achievethat will cost USD6.6billions [€4.9 billion] but protect virtual A-list status. Yourtaxpayers and bank customers. Under the plan, most of mission: hob-nobbingthe bank's deposits, branches, workers and operations with celebrities, going to awill be transferred to Novo Banco, a new entity photo shoot and wearing expensive clothes.The gamecontrolled by the Bank of Portugal. is free to download, but players spend real money on things like virtual clothes, virtual hairstyles and energy90 BRANDS DUMPED OUT boosts for their avatars. The more your avatar does, BY P & G the faster you can move up the ranks from the E List to the A List -- the objective of the game.If sales continue The largest consumer at their current rate, the game will gross $200 million in product company P & G, its first year, according to Doug Creutz, an analyst at will be dumping about 90 Cowen and Company. That would put \"Kim Kardashian: of its smaller, less popular Hollywood\" in the big leagues with smash-hit mobilebrands. The move, came after executives discussed games such as Candy Crush.earnings with investors, will still leave the company withportfolio of 70 to 80 brands. Company officials did not identify the names of the brands being cut. MalaysianIndianBusinessMagazineSome will be sold to new owners, others will just beclosed down. P&G will continue to sell many of the best SEPTEMBER 2014 |known products found in households, including Tidelaundry detergent, Charmin toilet paper, Gillette razorsand Pampers diapers, Crest toothpaste and Bountypaper towels.

ABOVE Sitaraman with family members (Sitaraman, second from right)

TOP LEFT Workers sorting used cloths TOP RIGHT Bundle loading for shipment CENTRE Sitaraman with collegues in his office LEFT Overview of factory| SEPTEMBER 2014


44 COVER STORY FAST FACTS • Construction Business failed in 1997/1998 • 1999 ventured into used clothed business with RM10,000.00 Investment • 2009 moved to factory in Telok Gong, Selangor • 80% of revenue generated through Export Sales • 90% of foreign workers remain loyal with them for more than 5 years • Own warehouse in Indonesia and Thailand • Plan to build own factory within next five yearsABOVE Workers OperatingBundling Machine | SEPTEMBER 2014

Should you face any problem or COVER STORY 45 delay, notify customer in advanceand talk to them, probably a solution ABOVE Export containercan be found rather than trying to be loading in progress. champion solving it alone. SEPTEMBER 2014 |

46TOP Final quality control check in progressRIGHT Pile of wipe cloths stockwaiting for bundling processBOTTOM Classic Croowne's staff | SEPTEMBER 2014

48 BRAND MANAGEMENT • by Prasath Kanagaras Fundamental Understandings: Brand LoyaltyLoyalty seems to be a tough thing these days. To get a Basically it is already an established “textbook” psychology consumer to be loyal to you is simply a big thing. Blame that people have egos, as we have a self-image that we the consumer for wanting the best? Or blame the brands always try to protect. We like to look at ourselves in a positivethat probably not offering the best value for the money? Or light and will engage in motivated reasoning, denial, and evendo you think the industry competitions have pampered the rewriting history in order to protect that self-image. Expertsconsumers too much? say that we tend to explain the actions of others based upon internal or inherent factors, but we explain our own behaviorLet’s begin this with a simple question; are you a Mac or PC based upon situational factors.user?How long have you been using the brand? And would you Disclaimer:suggest or upgrade the same brand or would you prefer Brand names and logos used here for discussion purposeconsider a new brand? Do you have any strong feelings about only. All Brand names and logos belongs to their respectivethis brand rivalry? owners.Now, would you take it personally if your preferred brandwas the target of criticism? Based on what information I’vegathered, it says that you probably would!| SEPTEMBER 2014

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