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Home Explore 3Ds Magazine - February 2021

3Ds Magazine - February 2021

Published by srcook, 2021-01-27 11:38:10

Description: 3Ds Magazine for Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford - February 2021


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Parish Magazine Dunsford Doddiscombsleigh Dunchideock February 2021

CHURCH OFFICERS Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Churches Tel no: 01647 Priest-in-Charge Rev’d Ruth Frampton, The Rectory, Dry Lane, Christow EX6 7PE [email protected] 253164 Reader Brian Inwood, Teign Cottage, Teign Terrace, Christow EX6 7PN 252519 Administrator Steve Cook, Webberton Meadows, Dunchideock, EX2 9TX [email protected] 01392 832332 ST MARY, DUNSFORD Church 270061 270077 Warden Mrs Susie Ursell, Windout Farm, Tedburn St Mary Secretary Mr Keith Bishop, Hillcroft, Tedburn St Mary 252924 24311 Treasurer Mrs Janet Beech, Townsend Farmhouse, Dunsford Electoral Roll Mrs Ros Tripp, Upperton Farm, Dunsford ST MICHAEL, DODDISCOMBSLEIGH Church Warden Mr Hugo Tillotson, Town Barton, Doddiscombsleigh 253165 Secretary Mrs Tricia Mitchell, Perry Barton, Doddiscombsleigh 252252 Treasurer Mr Victor Brook, Middle Hills, Doddiscombsleigh 252311 Electoral Roll Mrs Rosy Haywood, 10 New Buildings, Doddiscombsleigh 253677 Organist Mrs Liz Hogg, Prestercot, Butts Lane, Christow 252595 Church ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS, DUNCHIDEOCK Wardens Mr Steve Cook, Webberton Meadows, Dunchideock Secretary 01392 832332 Treasurer Mr Robin Caley, 42 Fairfield Road, Alphington, Exeter 01392 430844

FROM THE RECTORY Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord; and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. A familiar prayer for many of us in the evenings, but a prayer I have found myself repeating at all times of the day and night in these Covid times. But February brings its own light. On 2nd February we celebrate Candlemas, the commemoration of the Presentation of our Lord in the Temple: the baby Jesus was brought to the Temple to be dedicated to God and was recognised by the elderly Simeon and Anna as the ‘light of the Gentiles’. Traditionally on this day people would bring their candles, together with all the church candles, to be blessed in the name of Jesus, Light of the World. We will celebrate this feast in St Mary’s, Dunsford at our 10.30am service on Sunday 31st January - why not bring a candle with you for a blessing? This has been a dark winter indeed, but we have seen so many glimpses of light in our communities: of kindness and sharing, of care and conversation, of hospitality and warmth. Now the days are noticeably longer, flowers are beginning to bloom, the promise of Spring is closer - just listen to the birdsong! On Wednesday 17th February we start our annual six week pilgrimage towards Easter. Let us use the days of Lent to discern with God how best to build on these signs of light and hope, to live in harmony with our community and with all creation. -1-

Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community The Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community includes the parishes of Ashton, Bridford, Christow, Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford. Rev’d Ruth Frampton (Priest-in-Charge) can be contacted on 01647 253164 or [email protected]. Pastoral Care If you would like, or know someone who would be glad of, a call or ‘virtual’ visit from Rev’d Ruth Frampton, or another member of the church community, please contact the rectory (contact details above), or the Churches’ Administrator (see Getting in touch below). Coronavirus As a result of the current lockdown, services of worship are only being held at St Mary’s Dunsford, and other churches are closed. The situation is, however, constantly changing - please check the ‘A Church Near You’ website for your parish for updates. Please do not come if you are suffering any symptoms of coronavirus, but contact NHS 111 Please ensure that you clean your hands on entering and leaving the church building Please observe social distancing and follow all the safety guidance inside the church Private Prayer - Days and Times of Opening: With the exception of Ashton, all our churches remain open for private prayer, as follows: Private Prayer - Days and Times of Opening: Monday Dunsford 10am - 12 noon Tuesday Bridford 12 noon - 2pm by appointment* Wednesday Christow 12 noon - 3pm Thursday Dunsford 2pm - 5pm Friday Dunchideock 10am - 12 noon Saturday Bridford 10am - 12 noon by appointment* Sunday Christow 12 noon - 3pm Doddiscombsleigh 12 noon - 6pm * for Bridford ring 01647 252180 / 252515 / 253239 for appointment Sunday Services The 9am telephone service continues (see details below for how to join). For details of services at Dunsford, please see the separate schedule - check the ‘A Church Near You’ website for any changes. -2-

In line with national requirements, church services have strict measures in place to ensure people’s safety eg the wearing of face coverings, increased cleaning, hand sanitisers, social distancing of 2 metres, no singing, communion in one kind only, no refreshments or meeting afterward. You will be asked to give your name and contact details in order to comply with ‘track and trace’ requirements. This information is covered by GDPR and will be destroyed after 21 days. Alternatively you can use the NHS app to scan the ‘track and trace’ QR code. Wednesday Evening Prayer There is a regular, short service of evening prayer each Wednesday at 6pm by telephone. For telephone services, you do not need internet access, but simply a landline or mobile telephone. Between 5 and 10 minutes before the service begins, please dial 0333 011 0616 and enter the code 334 7721, followed by the # key, when asked. You will also be asked to give your name. The cost of the call is the standard cost for any 01, 02 or 03 number, but will vary according to your telephone contract. It may well be covered by your ‘inclusive’ minutes, or by free evening or weekend calls, but you are advised to check. Giving It is now possible to make a donation towards the general mission and running costs of each of our six churches by online giving on your church’s page of ‘A Church Near You’ website. The ‘Give Now’ button will enable you to make an online donation, which can also be Gift Aided. Resources During this time, you may find the following online and telephone resources helpful: Daily Prayer: service-daily-prayer General prayer resources: guidance-parishes/coronavirus-covid-19-liturgy-and-prayer Daily Hope - a free phone line of hymns, reflections and prayers - 0800 804 8044 Recording of Rev’d Ruth Frampton’s ‘Reflection’ from the previous Sunday - 01647 407047 -3-

If you are anxious about the current situation, or would like prayer or pastoral support (eg because of illness or bereavement), please do not hesitate to contact Rev’d Ruth Frampton or the Churches’ Administrator. From the registers Funeral: 26 January Colin Bond (Dunchideock) Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who have died. Getting in touch If you wish to discuss plans for a postponed or future baptism/christening, banns of marriage, wedding, funeral, interment of ashes or memorial service, or have any other enquiry, please contact Steve Cook, the Churches’ Administrator, on 01392 832332 or email [email protected] CHURCH JOTTINGS Dunsford Lent starts 17th February and it is unlikely that we will be able to hold Lent Lunches this year. However we would like to continue our support and connection with the Conservation Farming Project in our linked Diocese of Thika in Kenya. Any donations towards this project may be given to Janet Beech, Susie Ursell or Jane Inwood and there will be a collecting pot available at services. To all the people in Doddiscombsleigh If you would like to be on the Electoral Roll, which would enable you to vote at the Church AGM then please contact Rosy Haywood, 253677. ST BASIL’S CHURCH NEIGHBOUR FUND St Basil’s Church - a new Anglican church based on a farm between Dunsford and Tedburn St Mary which is led by Rev Pete James - has started a ‘Neighbour Fund’ to support local people who, as a result of covid- 19, find themselves in financial hardship. The community fund-raised pot of money is there to enable emergency grants (up to £300) to help if someone is unable to buy groceries, pay bills or prescriptions, fix a car, replace a household appliance, purchase children’s winter clothes and devices for home learning or other similar needs arising from financial hardship. All applications to the fund remain confidential. If you want to find out more please visit or email [email protected]. -4-

CORONAVIRUS Help For Those ‘Self-Isolating’ Who Need Shopping and/or Medications Collected - Still Available! The situation with Coronavirus continues to change, so these arrangements may well have to be reviewed. We plan to keep this scheme running as long as it is required. Government and NHS advice is available as follows: NHS: Government information: plan/coronavirus-action-plan-a-guide-to-what-you-can-expect-across-the-uk Teignbridge District Council: advice/coronavirus-updates/ How to get help: Significant numbers of people in the Valley are having to ‘self-isolate’ or not leave their homes. The churches and other groups are working together to try and ensure that those who may need practical help with shopping, collecting medication, etc, in this situation can receive help if needed. Details are available at the following: A Church Near You website: - search for your church Village websites: Doddiscombsleigh website - Dunchideock website - Dunsford website - Each village has a local co-ordinator to link up those offering to help with shopping and/or collecting medication with those who need some assistance. Arrangements are currently as follows: Doddiscombsleigh: or Elliott Fairs - T: 01647 253169 or E: [email protected] and Toby Berry - T: 07764 547556 or E: [email protected] Dunchideock: Steve Cook - T: 01392 832332 or E:[email protected] Dunsford: Karen Morris at The Shop - T: 01647 252330 E: [email protected]

TEIGN VALLEY HISTORY GROUP On Tuesday 12th January, Derek Gore took us on a fascinating journey in the footsteps of the Vikings in the West Country. We learned that the first Viking raiders were almost certainly Norwegian though the term ‘Danes’ later came to describe both Norwegian and Danish invaders. The Norsemen would have had a fairly easy journey from their homeland to the Isles of Orkney and Shetland and from there would have travelled round the East and West coast of the mainland to eventually reach our shores. As their ships improved, becoming faster and more lightweight, they could be sailed or rowed to land on beaches or mudflats without the need of harbours. People in nearby villages who saw the Viking ships land would have been shocked and horrified with good reason. The attacks were savage. Churches, monasteries and rich or royal estates were mercilessly plundered and people slaughtered. Three kingdoms of what was to become England had been taken by the Vikings when King Alfred defeated them in Wessex but by the second Viking age, c980 - c1069, Ethelred of England was toppled by the Danish Knut who became king. In 1001 a Viking force penetrated the Teign and burned Teignton. The population sued for peace, in other words, paid the Vikings to go away, which they did, sailing off to attack Exeter. Stirring tales indeed. Next meeting of the history group is on 9th March at 7.30pm. BRIDFORD & TEIGN VALLEY GARDEN CLUB Committee members have been working remotely to put together a 2021 programme. This will be very similar to that not followed in 2020 due to the pandemic. There will be no lunch gathering nor meeting in February. We will wait before deciding what to do about March (watch this space) and the hope is that we can restart outdoor visits from April, following the Covid restrictions at that time. Newsletters will continue going to members, who will be offered a one-off, reduced membership fee in 2021. New members are welcome at £6 per head for the year. ***** Q: My child will not eat fish. What can I replace it with? A: A cat. Cats love fish. -6-

NEWS FROM CHRISTOW WI It is time to look forward to spring, so browse the catalogues, order your seeds, plan your garden makeover, dust off your spring/summer glad rags and have hope for a brighter future. The dictionary describes the word HOPE as ‘a feeling of expectation or desire for a particular thing to happen’. The ability to be hopeful is, I believe, an inherent part of being human, a means of making the current situation more bearable and looking to a brighter future. Easier said than done when the press is constantly bombarding us with news of the R rate rising and worries of the NHS being overwhelmed. We have come this far, and we are very nearly there, so let’s all do the right things and protect ourselves and others and remember that change is on the horizon. The vaccines are being rolled out and as I write this, they are on the way to a surgery near you. In fact, some of you reading this may have already had it. At this time of year all WI members get the chance to vote on a resolution which could change Government policy when debated by National Federation of WI and potentially improve the lives of women everywhere. This year’s contenders are: 1 A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of early ovarian cancer meaning women seek early treatment leading to a better survival rate. 2 To stop women dying prematurely from coronary heart disease. Women often do not have the textbook signs of heart disease and therefore can be misdiagnosed or not come forward for early treatment leading to a worse prognosis. 3 Stamp out systematic racism and discrimination. We should all be ashamed that 71% of people from ethnic minorities surveyed in 2019 still reported racial discrimination. 4 Stop the decline of UK wildlife by creating wildlife friendly communities. This is something we can all do in our own back gardens. 5 Stop the destruction of peat bogs to tackle climate change. When peat bogs are damaged, they release Carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. You can help by buying peat free compost. Each member votes for the resolution they believe in and the one with the most votes is taken forward to lobby the government for change. If you would like to make a difference the Christow WI are waiting to welcome, you as a member. Friendship, camaraderie, laughter and sharing skills are all part of the deal. We also make particularly good tea and cake which we look forward to sharing with you in 2021. Stay alert, safe and well. Protect yourself and others by washing your hands, covering your face and making space. See you all soon. Anne Rice For more information on WI membership contact Lyn our secretary 01647 253295

BUSINESS AS USUAL AT ACORN Acorn Community Support continues to be available to anyone who needs a helping hand. If you personally, or a friend or neighbour you know, needs some help, please do not hesitate to contact us. Over the last 10 months we have been able to flex and adapt and help everyone who has come to us, regardless of what help has been required. Some examples of the support provided are: Provision of shopping buddies and telephone buddies Access to Acorn’s Cashpoint machine Transport to medical appointments Transport to Vaccination Clinic appointments A regular befriending service A listening ear Prescription deliveries Financial support Particularly over the coming weeks, if people need transport to get to the vaccination clinics, please do not hesitate to ring. We have plenty of lovely drivers who are happy to help and will transport you to your appointment in a Covid secure way. Financial Hardship For any individuals or families who are feeling financial pressures as a result of the pandemic, we have been alerted to a hardship fund that is accessible through St Basil’s Church Neighbour fund. The community fundraised pot of money is there to enable emergency grants (up to £300) to help if someone is unable to buy groceries, pay bills, fix a car, replace household appliances, etc. All applications will be confidential and for more information you can visit or email [email protected]. In the meantime, please keep yourselves safe and healthy and we very much look forward to getting some of our more usual services up and running as soon as possible. Best wishes, The A(corn) Team ***** Teacher: Give me a sentence which includes the words Defence, Defeat, Detail. Charlie: When a horse jumps over Defence, Defeat go first and then Detail. -8-

TEIGN GREENS Signs of a spring awakening have been around for a couple of weeks already, as dusk creeps later and later each afternoon. I notice the crisp white snowdrops at the end of the garden, heralding the warmer times to come. Each day the postman brings another bulky parcel of seeds. Packets of potential that will be transformed into tonnes of beautiful vegetables over the next 12 months. Many of our organic wholesale seed suppliers have had to temporarily close after being inundated with orders this year - a good sign that lots of people are turning to growing vegetables in our Covid-19 times. Some of the seeds have such romantic names; Chioggia, Robushka, Cylindra and Burpees will all be beetroots of different crimson shades. Cabbages have mysterious names like Dowinda, Rodynda, Fildekraut and Langedijk while the onions - Red Baron, Jet Set and Sturon - make me think of aerial fighters of one sort or another. All the seed we use here is organic and most varieties are open-pollinated. This means we can save the seeds for next year from many of the crops - creating resilient races of plants that are best suited to our warm, wet Devon climes. This year we’ll be saving seed from as many different plants as we can. February is also the month to start sowing our very first seeds of the year. Chillis and aubergines will be first, seed trays balanced on all the south- facing windowsills in the house. In the polytunnel we’ll sow radish, spring onions and spinach to top up the veg bags during the lean months of April and May. It’s always easy to get carried away in February, excited about Spring to come. But beware! It’s still too early to sow most things - and plants like tomatoes will grow leggy and weak with lack of light, if they germinate at all. So my advice would be to wait until mid-March if you can bear it. Another good February job you can do at home is planting broad beans in deep module trays inside and, if the ground is dry enough, start preparing beds for summer. Some of ours will get a generous spreading of compost or manure this month ready for the good times ahead. In the Teign Greens veg bags at this time of year are the last cabbages and sprouts, delicious carrots, parsnips and beets from the store as well as swede, celeriac and turnips. Also from our stores will be onions, garlic, squash and spuds. Outside the kale and chard are still going strong and most weeks we’ll have our fresh salad mix too. We’re chuffed that we’ve reached capacity of 50 weekly veg bag members, so from now we’ll have a waiting list for people to sign up. Contact us if you’d like to know more. Tim Dickens is a grower at Teign Greens @ Oxen Park Farm, Ashton Email: [email protected] Facebook @TeignGreens

TEIGN VALLEY LARDER A new year, a new home? The Holy Grail for the Teign Valley Larder is a permanent site in Christow, which would not only provide the largest selection of items of our five larder sites but would also serve as a home for the store cupboard, where we would store restock items not out on display. We have been very fortunate so far in that kind residents have donated space in garages and sheds, and St James’s Church in Christow has allowed us to use the church porch right from day one. A substantial trailer has always been at the top of our list for a more permanent home, and has always trumped other options in terms of versatility. Its only major drawback has been an available site upon which to place it, even on a temporary basis, and (as we recently discovered) the need for planning permission. Needless to say, this has left us feeling frustrated, especially since we have the funding to buy one and to kit it out according to our needs. Thankfully, we are very pleased to report that the Parochial Church Council has stepped in and allowed the Teign Valley Larder to use space within St James’s church for a trial period, subject to review later in the year. If all goes to plan, then we will use the funds raised to fit out the new home, and maybe buy a smaller trailer for spare stock storage, which could be kept elsewhere. Talking of churches, the church hall in Ashton has become the new home for the village’s collection box. The donation box is still in Lower Ashton just down from the Manor Inn. Finally, the Christmas Dinner service was successful, with the joint enterprise of Acorn Community Support, the Teign Valley & Haldon Hill Mission Community, and Teign Valley Larder providing Christmas Dinners to 35 local residents - most of them single. We would like to thank all of them who responded by making a donation, as well as the volunteer team of drivers who made the deliveries. As always, thank you to everyone who has donated money and/or food - and you can always check for items that are in short supply (supplies of UHT milk are currently running low!). ***** A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks - 10 -

MUSINGS FROM JOE Take a cup of kindness The title for this article makes up part of a verse from Robert Burns’ poem Auld Lang Syne and, whilst singing these words on New Year’s Eve, I realised that probably what we all need right now is to ‘take a cup of kindness’. When we think of ourselves as being kind, it’s usually when we’ve acted with genuine compassion and thoughtfulness towards someone or something else. How often are we truly kind to ourselves? Kind in the same way that we would be towards someone we love? I think it’s safe to say that the majority of us spend more time, care and energy looking after our house, car and garden than we do ourselves! We could all benefit from more self-care. A good place to start is to think about what you would do for a friend in a moment of need, so that they felt loved, peaceful, joyful and content. Then think of ways that you could begin to weave that same level of care into your life for yourself. When do you feel loved, peaceful, joyful and content? Buddha said: ‘You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.’ So take a cup of kindness for yourself; you are certainly worthy of it. With love and appreciation! Joe Arnold (Doctor of Chiropractic, MChiro) & Jess Gordon Dartmoor Chiropractic, Strawberry Hill, Dunsford 07308148159 [email protected] DODDI 100 CLUB The winners of the Doddi 100 Club Christmas Superdraw were: 1st Malcolm Crow 2nd Patricia Mitchell 3rd Ali Porter 4th Maggie Turney To join in and support Doddi School, Pre-School and Church please contact Kate Berry - 01647 253232 / [email protected] TREASURER WANTED! Christow Church is looking for a volunteer treasurer to supervise its money and prepare the accounts. Phil Trotter, our valued treasurer has retired after many years' service. We are very sorry to see him go and wish him well. He is happy to help whoever is willing to take over and to lead them through the systems. Full training is available! - 11 -

CHILDREN AT RISK News from Tearfund (from before the pandemic) At 12 years old, Emma* may be a little bit shy but she knows exactly what she wants to be when she grows up. ‘I want to be a doctor,’ she declares with a big smile. ‘Yes, she can!’ affirms her mother, Diane. ‘She is a survivor and I believe that God has a great plan for her.’ When she was only four, Emma almost died. Burundi, where she lives, is one of the world’s poorest countries. More than two-thirds of the population live in poverty and the number of children with chronic malnutrition is the highest in the world. ‘She was very weak, we didn’t know what was wrong,’ says Diane. ‘At the hospital, she was diagnosed: severely malnourished.’ There were 200 other children in her village who were dangerously ill too. Fortunately, thanks to the giving of people like you, a support and feeding programme run by Tearfund’s partner, Anglican Diocese of Matana, was able to treat Emma. After two months she was fully recovered. Mothers, like Diane, also received training on the importance of good hygiene and how to prepare a nutrient and protein-rich porridge to feed their children. They also learned to make the best use of their land through improved farming methods - helping to address the lack of food at the root of malnutrition. These things give them the tools to help treat malnourishment and prevent the disease in the future. Diane is now part of a self-help group. The members make sure that their children are clean and eat properly, they check for signs of malnutrition, and exchange tips, advice and cooking ideas. They meet regularly, save money together, and discuss business activities which can help them earn an income - helping end the cycle of poverty for them and their children. ‘Our mentality and behaviour have changed!’ says Diane. ‘Who could have thought that the people who didn’t have enough food for their children could be doing so well today? We are grateful to God!’ * To keep Emma safe we are not using her real name Dunsford Church supports Tearfund’s ‘Children at Risk’ programme. ***** Why do elephants have big ears? Because Noddy won’t pay the ransom - 12 -

DODDISCOMBSLEIGH PARISH COUNCIL Council Tax The Parish Council discussed the Budget and the Precept for 2021/22. The Council considered the level of reserves and the increasing costs. One of the consequences of the pandemic is that grant funding for several types of project is likely to be less available as every level of the government is under huge financial pressure. The Parish Council decided to increase the precept to cover the expected operational costs. This will mean an increase in the council tax next year by £4.97. Information about Census 2021 There will be a census on 21st March 2021. The 2021 Census is a ‘digital first’, meaning that the Office for National Statistics are aiming for in excess of 75% of surveys to be completed online. The census is an important event occurring every 10 years, which informs policy and decision makers on where money in the community is needed most, such as on roads and infrastructure, schools or hospitals. By making sure our communities are counted, we can ensure that local public services are properly supported over the coming decade. So, please look out for the information that you will receive closer to the date and fill in the census form online or on paper. How to Carry Out CPR During Covid? The UK Resuscitation Council has changed its advice about how to do CPR in order to reduce the risk of Covid infection to the rescuer. They do not recommend rescue breaths, only using hands to do continuous chest compressions. Obviously if it is family or a child you are bubbled with and rescuing, this recommendation is not at all relevant. You would do everything you can as normal: rescue breaths are very important in the successful resuscitation of children especially. Councillor Vacancy Currently there is a vacancy on the Parish Council. If you are over 18, live within 3 miles of Doddiscombsleigh and are interested in working for the community, you can be co-opted for a parish councillor position. Please contact the clerk at [email protected]. Next Meeting Please keep an eye on the website and on the notice board to learn about the location and the time of the next ordinary or extraordinary meeting. Parish Clerk: Agnes Miller, 07713 918178. [email protected] - 13 -

DUNCHIDEOCK PARISH COUNCIL Vacancy Dunchideock Parish Council still has a vacancy for one councillor. If you are interested or you know of someone who might be interested and you or they would like further information, please contact the current Chairman, Cllr Stephen Moor, 01392 832697, [email protected] or the Parish Clerk, [email protected] or any other councillor. An application form should be obtained from the Parish Clerk and returned by Wednesday 24 February 2021. Candidates will be invited to speak in support of their application at the virtual parish council meeting on Tuesday 9 March 2021. The official notice is published on our notice boards and on our website: Road Works Devon County Council has given notice that their contractors will be undertaking drainage works on the road between Haldon Gate & Haldon Plain starting Monday 1 February until Friday 5 February 2021. The road will be closed and diversions will be signposted. Further details will be publicised on our notice boards and on our website once they are available. Bus Shelter Project In response to a request from a resident for a bus shelter at Webberton Cross we have been considering various options and obtaining prices. Progress has been made insofar as we have prices from various national suppliers and now have a bespoke design and quotation from a local business. We now need to make an application for grant funding and also for planning and highways permissions. We also need to agree terms with the landowner. COPY FOR MARCH TO THE EDITOR, JANE INWOOD, 252519, email: [email protected] OR TO ANN BROWNING, 22 BROWNINGS MEAD, DUNSFORD, 253135 (IN WRITING PLEASE) BY 13 FEBRUARY Dunsford Website: Doddiscombsleigh Website: Dunchideock Website: - 14 -

DUNSFORD PARISH COUNCIL Planning Applications: Teignbridge 20/02269/HOU and 20/02270/LBC - both for Sowton Barton, Dunsford - New outdoor private swimming pool and associated landscaping DNPA 0591/20 - Clevedale, Collabridge, Rd Dunsford - Alterations to demolish the existing conservatory and form single storey ground floor extension to rear of kitchen and utility room and 0592/20 for same residence - as above but with bedroom over utility room. Lengthsman News The Council hopes you have noticed the work that has been carried out in the Village over the last eight months. Drains have been unblocked, culverts cleared and pathways tidied up. The Lengthsman has been working hard each month and will continue to do so but please do contact the Clerk if you are aware of any areas that still require attention and it can be added to the list. Photobook for Dunsford Cllr Hayes reported that the group has completed the task of taking photos and now has the hard job of deciding which ones to use. They are also getting quotes for the book to be printed which will be considered at the February Council Meeting. Budget and Precept for 2021-2022 The Council has agreed their budget and precept for the coming year. The Council had a final discussion and, as it is unprecedented times, resolved to maintain the Precept at its current rate. However, as Teignbridge has lowered the tax base, there will be a slight increase to maintain this. The Precept payment will remain at £10,747 which requires an increase of 60 pence a year (1.7%) making a Band D council tax of £35.17. District Cllr Stephen Purser reported that Teignbridge were working through what they need to do in tier 4. Business grants are available on their website. The budget shows several millions of pounds in losses but the books will be balanced by using reserves. There will still be a deficit in the coming year so they are adding £5 a year on to Band D Council Tax and Rural Aid is suspended next year. Teignbridge are saying that 760 new houses should be built each year and are currently in consultation with Devon Homes Choice. - 15 -

County Cllr Jerry Brook reported that Devon is about to start a full round of Budget Scrutiny. The Government has resolved to up the budget on Young Adults and Children which is welcome, but most probably not enough. There continues to be a rise in cases of children in care, especially teenagers. The weather has been a challenge for Highways with the road surfaces being damaged by water and frost and he asked for any problems to be forwarded to him. Bonfire in Village In December someone had a large bonfire which smoked out the Village. Please could residents be more considerate and think about wind direction when choosing to have bonfires. Date of Next Parish Council Meeting - Tuesday 2nd February at 7.45pm via Zoom. Remember members of the public are still welcome - the link will be on the agenda but can be sent to individuals if they contact the Clerk. Lynne Ogden Parish Clerk and RFO 01392 811236, [email protected] POWER FAILURES Fed up with power cuts in Dunsford? We certainly get a lot. Western Power are very good at apologising for the disruption but not very clear when I challenge them on taking action to reduce power cuts in the future. They say our power comes in via overhead cables which are susceptible to problems in high wind, or from so called ‘bird strikes’ which can cause a fuse to trip out. They do not seem unduly concerned as most power cuts are of a short duration ie they will not be subject to claims for compensation. I tell them it does not really matter if it is 30 seconds or 10 minutes; everyone still has to reset all their appliances when the power comes back. I fear this may become a bigger issue as we move to greater reliance on electricity eg charging electric cars, running electric heat pumps (that will have replaced oil boilers) and we get more storms resulting from Climate Change, so next time it happens I urge you to call Western Power and complain. Tel 0800 6783 105 (it is on the back page of the Parish Mag). Of course if you have a phone that is plugged into a power socket, you will need to use a mobile or direct wired phone (that do not need electricity) to call them during the power outage. Perhaps if more of us complain they just might try to find a solution! Thanks, Paul French - 16 -

GEOGRAPHICAL - QUIZ 1) What is the capital of Chile? 2) What is the highest mountain in Britain? 3) What is the smallest country in the world? 4) Alberta is a province of which country? 5) How many countries still have the shilling as currency? 6) Which is the only vowel not used as the first letter in a US State? 7) What is the largest country in the world? 8) Where would you find the River Thames? 9) What is the hottest continent on Earth? 10) What is the longest river in the world? (Answers on page 19) PRONUNCIATION POEM I take it you already know of tough and bough and cough and dough? Others may stumble, but not you, on hiccough, thorough, laugh and through. Well done! And now you wish, perhaps, to learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word, that looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead - it’s said like bed, not bead - and for goodness’ sake don’t call it deed! Watch out for meat and great and threat (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt) A moth is not the moth in mother, nor both in bother, broth in brother. And here is not a match for there, not dear and fear for bear and pear. And then there’s dose and rose and lose - just look them up - and goose and choose, and cork and work and card and ward, and font and front and word and sword, and do and go and thwart and cart - come, come I’ve hardly made a start. A dreadful language? Man alive. I’d mastered it when I was five. - 17 -

SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS B&B Doddiscombsleigh 15th Century Devon Longhouse. Secluded setting near Nobody Inn. 01647 252316 --- Drum Magic Drum lessons on drum kit, congas, djembe, bongos, bodhran, percussion. Any style, level, age. Many years’ experience. Workshops also available. Steve Crossen 07828 194509 --- B Lamacraft - Logs, Firewood Processing & Forestry Have your wood logged and split ready on your own land. Also Compact 4wd Alpine Tractor work. 01647 252107 / 07864 079945 --- Smatter: Dunsford’s Self Help Community Upkeep Group If you’d like to meet with like minded people every couple of months or so, and help keep Dunsford tidy, then please get in contact. We’d love to hear from you - [email protected] or 01647 252443 --- Housesitter Available I can walk dogs, feed cats, turn out and muck out horses and do other animals, etc. Fully insured. References available. Reasonable rates. Contact Helen 07528 959287 or [email protected] --- Looking for a hard working gardener? Experienced in plant-specific pruning, planting, hedge cutting, small tree work, mowing, clearance and other gardening work. Please ring Rory 01647 252881 --- Moorhouse’s Dexter Beef Mixed boxes 2.5Kg - 10Kg available @ £11/Kg or single packs or joints, delivered. Home bred and grass fed. 01647 252757 / 07979 774885 --- Pet Supplies & Animal Feeds Feed for domestic pets, poultry, horses and wild birds. Small bale hay and straw. Competitive prices and easy parking. Free local delivery (orders over £20). Teign Valley Nursery. Place your order on 01647 252654 --- NJB Chimney Sweeps NACS member, fully insured, Checkatrade & HETAS registered. Polite, friendly and clean chimney sweep and solid fuel maintenance service. Please contact Noah on 07527 041733 or [email protected] for questions or free quote. --- Free Range, Oven Ready Chicken from Little Leigh Farm, Doddiscombsleigh. Free range & slow grown for great flavour. Processed on farm - zero food miles. Whole chicken or portions. Free weekly local delivery or find us at the Farmers’ Market. John & Rachel [email protected] 07947 032731 or 07877 200356 - 18 - Specialising in new, old & historic buildings, for work or home. Expert in EcoBuilding, ‘Passive House’, Planning Permission, Building Regs, build-contract admin; or just some can-do advice. Ring 01647 24436 to bring your vision closer --- Weekly Organic Veg Box from Teign Greens Join our local food revolution with community-powered vegetables. Three sizes available for collection on Tuesdays. [email protected] 07939 575364 --- Winter Fuel Hot Max Clean Burning Fuel Logs, Local Kindling and Logs, Smokeless Ovals and Anthracite, House Coal and Paraffin. Teign Valley Nursery, Bridford 01647 252654 --- Teign Valley Nursery Thank you to everyone who has supported us during this troubling year. We are open as usual (Mon-Sat 9-5) at the moment. We are always happy to take pre-orders over the phone (01647 252654) or by email [email protected] and have everything ready for easy collection from the shop or from our gate. We are still running our local delivery service with priority given to those needing to shield. --- Need help looking after your feet? Contact Ruby Bowden, Foot Health Practitioner on 01392 949030 to book a home visit --- Lisa Martin-Peters mobile hairdresser in the Teign Valley. Ladies, Gentlemen and children. Call 07388 443640 --- ACA Gardening Services A local hard working reliable gardening service based in Dunsford. General Gardening Work; Grass Cutting; Hedge Cutting; Digging, Planting and Weeding; Fence Painting; Patio Cleaning; Autumn and Winter Care; Small Handyman Jobs. Please call Tony 01647 252633 / 07552 800320 [email protected] --- Groundworks Services All aspects of digger work - footings, driveways, drainage, trenchwork, septic tanks. Fully qualified. Free quotes. Call Will 07918 868084 --- Fencing Services All aspects of agricultural, domestic and commercial fencing. Tractor and driver hire. Call Matt 07419 752673 ANSWERS TO QUIZ 1) Santiago 2) Ben Nevis 3) Vatican City 4) Canada 5) Four - Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Somalia 6) E 7) Russia 8) London, UK 9) Africa 10) River Nile - 19 -

FROM THE EDITOR We are sad that the magazine is only on-line for February but hope to be back in print as soon as we are allowed. The decision was based on keeping everyone safe. We hope that most of our readers are able to access this version and, where possible, we have posted to those we thought might not have the technology to do so. - 20 -

ORGANISATIONS Tel no: 01647 Acorn Community Support Mandy Vellacott, Christow Surgery 252701 Dunsford Bellringers Mr M Sharland, Sunnyside, Dunsford 252122 Conservative Assoc'n Mr F Fulford, Great Fulford, Dunsford 24205 Cricket Club Charlie Sheen, Jervis Cottage, Dunsford 252082 Doddiscombsleigh Agnes Miller, 6 Ilex Close Parish Clerk Shillingford St George 07713 918178 Friends of Doddi School Sarah Ponti, Dreamwood, Hr Ashton 253623 253695 Doddi Pre School Charlotte Drew, Leader 252253 Doddiscombsleigh Community Primary School, EX6 7PR DADS Bev English, Sunny Bank, Dunsford 252795 Babies & Toddlers Frances Laugharne 07779 298883 Dunchideock Parish Clerk Norman Harvey [email protected] Dunsford Parish Clerk Lynne Ogden [email protected] 01392 811236 Dunsford Nursery, at Dunsford Community Academy 01626 248797 Dunsford Community Academy, Dunsford EX6 7DD 01626 248797 01626 248797 Dunsford PTFA Alexandra Topliss (via school) Dunsford Singers Jan Middleton, Duckspool Cottage, Doddiscombsleigh 252368 Hall Bookings Dunsford Janet Beech, Townsend Farmhouse, Dunsford 252924 Teign Valley Barbara [email protected] 08453 883607 Ashton Philippa May, Blatchford Farm, Ashton 252212 Labour Party 01626 888378 Tedburn/Cheriton Scouts Teign Tennis Trust Lyn Sewell, Crantock, Bridford Rd, Christow 252891 Teignbridge District Councillors Stephen Purser 07765 714397, Terry Tume 07484 731653 T V History Group Graham Thompson, Broomhill Cottage, Christow 253145 Teign Valley Scouts Paul French, Southwood House, Dunsford 252721 Central Devon MP Mr Mel Stride, 2a Manaton Court, Exeter 01392 823306 Twinning Association Tony Griffin, Lockhouse, Dunsford 252348 Belvedere Group of Women’s Institutes Alexis Swain, The Croft, Dunchideock 01392 833353

GENERAL INFORMATION PARISH MAGAZINE Treasurer: Mrs Ann Browning, 22 Brownings Mead, Dunsford EX6 7JJ Tel: 253135 (Please make cheques payable to: D&D Publications Committee) Annual subscription: £4.00 Small adverts (20 words) £1.00 per month Distribution: Dunsford Mrs Ann Browning Tel: 253135 Doddiscombsleigh Mr Hugo Tillotson Tel: 253165 Dunchideock Mr Ray Mallett Tel: 01392 833351 DEVON COUNTY LIBRARY Thursday Service suspended Dunsford The Orchard 9.50-10.30am; Doddiscombsleigh NoBody Inn 11.30-11.50am Monday Service suspended Dunchideock Sideling Close 11.55am-12.15pm (new timing) TEIGNBRIDGE LANDFILL (BLACK) BIN COLLECTIONS Weeks beginning: February 8 & 22 USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS: Police (non-urgent) 101 Western Power 0800 6783 105 SW Water 0800 378937 Care Direct 0345 1551 007 NHS Direct 111 Out of hours Doctors 111 DOCTORS’ SURGERY TIMES (As at 1.9.20) 01647 24272 Prescription requests: [email protected] Open Surgery Cheriton Bishop Mon to Fri 8-9.30am No appointment necessary Appointments only Cheriton Bishop Christow Doctor Practice Nurse Doctor Nurse Mon 8.30-11.00am 9.00-12.30 8.20-11.30am Tues 2.40-5.10pm 2.00-4.30pm 8.30-10.30am 8.30-11.30 Weds 9.30-11.00am 2.00-6.50pm 2.30-4.30pm 2.00-4.30pm Thurs 1.30-5.00pm Friday Evenings 9.00-12.30 2.50-5.30pm 2.00-5.00pm 3.00-4.30pm 2.00-5.00pm 10.00-10.50am 2.00-5.30pm 2.30-4.30pm 9.00-12.00 8.30-11.00am 8.30-11am 3.00-4.30pm

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