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Home Explore Country News April 2020

Country News April 2020

Published by srcook, 2020-03-23 06:40:12

Description: Country News April 2020 - magazine for Dunchideock and Shillingford


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From the Rectory, Alphington Love your neighbour! The Greatest Command Jesus was asked “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” In the discussion which followed he, and the questioner agreed: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Elsewhere in the New Testament, Jesus tells us that these two commands are the greatest ones of all. However, the story continues with the question: “Who is my neighbour?” Jesus re- sponds by telling the story of the Good Samaritan. In a lovely twist, Jesus doesn’t ac- tually answer the man’s question. Instead, he says “Go and be a neighbour… to everyone”. He challenges not just to think about the question, but to go and do some- thing. In these unprecedented days, being a good neighbour is our highest priority. Jesus’ parable drives home that it’s not good enough to know “Who is my neighbour?” What’s important is to find every possible way to show care to all people. To be a good neighbour to everyone. I suspect that the biggest and easiest thing we can do for our neighbour is to was our hands regularly with warm soapy water! After that, it’s not just a case of helping the fallen who are lying by the side of the road, visible for every passer-by to see, as in Jesus’ parable. It’s about going out of our way to keep in contact with every single person who lives near us. The telephone lines should be buzzing in a way they never have before, as we make daily calls to people who otherwise might see no-one. We should be waving across the road from our windows, assuring one another that we’re alright, helping each other provide for our basic daily needs. The list could go on. We find ourselves stepping into a completely unknown future. It may be very differ- ent as you read this article from what I envisage now, here in the middle of March. Regardless of how much we struggle, I do think it’s an opportunity to show what real strong passionate love genuinely looks like. Rev Mike Partridge From the Editors Updates to the content of the April issue of Country News have taken place between the copy date of 15 Mar 2020 and the printing date of 23 Mar 2020. These have been accommodated in collaboration with the contributors where possible. Please contact the contributors/event organisers for any clarification.

Shillingford St. George Church Calendar – April 2020 Services are suspended until further notice. Shillingford church will be open for private prayer each Sunday morning, 9:30-10:30, and at the same times on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. 5 Apr Palm Sunday Readings: Philippians 2:5-11 and Matthew 21:1-11 Prayers: Barrack Lane & Barton Lane 10 Apr Good Friday 11 Apr Holy Saturday 12 Apr Easter Day Readings: Colossians 3:1-4 & Matthew 28:1-10 Prayers: Oak Close & Waybrook Lane 19 Apr Easter 2 Readings: I Peter 1:3-9 and John 20:19-31 Prayers: Road through Shillingford Abbot 26 Apr Easter 3 (Patronal Festival of St. George) Readings: I Peter 1:17-23 & Luke 24:13-35 Prayers: Ash Court & St George's Terrace 3 May Easter 4 Readings: I Peter 2:19-25 & John 10:1-10 Prayers: The Willows & Ilex Close Each week in Shillingford church, we pray for the residents of the different areas of our villages (see the Shillingford church calendar above). Please know that you are remembered. Flower Rota: Church Cleaning: 12 and 19 Apr: Daphne Crockford 12 Apr: Diana Trout 26 Apr and 3 May: Gwen Tompkins 26 Apr: Liz Wareham and Clare Sheldon From the Registers Funeral: 19 February – Gerald Keith Parfitt We offer our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of those who have recently died. Lent Lunches had to be cut short this year, because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Although everyone was feeling well at the second lunch, advice from the Government led us to cancel the third lunch. Thanks to Rod & Ben’s for their delicious soups, Lesley for her catering, and Wendy & Daphne for waiting, all had a good time and raised £175 for church funds. Nick Mansell Forthcoming Dates Open Door Café is cancelled until further notice. Holy Saturday, 11 April – Open Church from 9.30 am – 10.30 am St George's Supper is cancelled.

By Air and Sea – MAF and Mercy Ships Seventy-five years ago, two recently de-mobbed RAF pilots were wondering how they could use their wartime skills in the cause of peace. As active Christians they sensed that God was calling them to serve inaccessible and remote communities around the world. They shared their vision with friends and managed to purchase a second-hand Miles Gemini four-seater aircraft and gradually, through the prayers and generosity of people around the world, the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) took off. They now operate 130 aircraft which fly passengers and cargo to some 1,400 isolated destinations mainly in third world countries. MAF aims to provide practical help, spiritual hope and physical healing. In Shillingford we not only support MAF but also Mercy Ships, an organisation which operates a fully equipped floating hospital. One of my great friends is a senior nurse and administrator on the ship. She has recently been preparing the way for the ship to visit Liberia – a journey undertaken by MAF. It is good to know how closely two overseas missions are working together. Sad to relate, the latest news is that the Liberian period of service has had to be postponed due to – yes, you guessed it, the Coronavirus Emergency. Do pray for wisdom as revised plans are made. Christopher Pidsley Summer Sketching Course at Shillingford Village Hall It's still quite hard to imagine, but early Summer is just around the corner, and Devon will look splendid in her springtime finery. What better time to get out your sketching kit, and try to do justice to the loveliness before you? The Art Class at Shillingford Village Hall will be focussing on preparing for just that this term. Classes begin on Friday May 1st at 2pm. Artists of all abilities are very welcome to join us. 5 week term £48 (or £45 for over-60s). Details from Mike McDonald on 01626 891245 or visit SHILLINGFORD LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY We were amazed to welcome an audience of 65 members and guests for Christopher Pidsley’s talk on Haldon House and the Palk Family. A real ‘rags to riches story’, finally plummeting back into rags. The audience were entertained to a wealth of information and slides Christopher had amassed. After becoming Chairman of the Local History Society at its inaugural meeting on 25 February 1999, Christopher originally presented this talk very early in the society’s existence, and revisited the topic for the launch of his book *“The Tower on the Hill: Haldon Belvedere and the Palks of Haldon House” in 2008. We would like to thank him for a wonderful evening which was followed by a light supper enjoyed by all. Our next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting on the 13 May when Debbie Melhuish from the National Trust will talk on ‘The Acland Family at Killerton and

Holnicote’. Membership renewal fees will also be collected at this meeting and we look forward to welcoming you in May. Diana Trout Secretary *Christopher tells me that the Devon Heritage Building Trust are currently reprinting his book “The Tower on the Hill: Haldon Belvedere and the Palks of Haldon House” and should be available around Easter time. I will keep you all posted. Diana Developing ideas for the Shillingford Villages Since questionnaires were returned and the open consultation meeting in November, we have begun to develop some of the ideas and are making some progress. We held a further meeting on Feb 28 inviting all those who had offered their help. Unfortunately, attendance was poor which is likely to mean we cannot take some of the ideas forward. But here are some of the developments that are underway: Neighbourhood Watch: Please see Gina’s article in this issue. New Footpath: plans for a path between Shillingford Abbot and Shillingford St George are developing steadily. If you would like to know more, please ring Anne on 833958. Speeding Traffic: we are continuing to explore possible options to deal with traffic through the villages. Any progress will be publicised and everyone’s views will be welcomed at this time. Improving the appearance of our villages: one idea for this, linked to the traffic-calming issues, is to mark the entrances and exits of the villages with troughs for flowers etc. This will help show people that we are caring for our environment – as well as looking nice! Again, more about this at a later date. We would all like to see more happening in our villages with improvements in their appearances. This can only happen if more people get involved, so do get in touch if you are prepared to help - however much, or little, you are able to offer. It will all help towards making our ideas a reality. Anne Barwell Children’s Movies, planned to begin with Peter Rabbit on Wednesday, 8th April, and the Skittles Evening on Saturday, 11th April, have both been postponed.

SHILLINGFORD SUMMER FÊTE – Saturday 15 August GThe village is hoping to hold a Fête on Saturday 15th August, but it cannot happen INwithout you! We are holding a meeting on Friday 3rd April at 7.30pm in the Village THall, for people who are willing to help put this on. We need an Organiser, EEsomeone to put everything together, to make sure everyone has what they need, G M Detc., together with lots and lots of helpers (many have already put their name Edown). Do come along and bring ideas/thoughts and anything else that might help NIN LLwith the running of a successful Fête. PLEASE NOTE without your help, support N Eand manpower there cannot be a Fête, as the Village Hall Committee cannot take PLA NCthis on themselves SO WE NEED YOU!!!! CA Sally Lebatteux WORKING PARTY – SHILLINGFORD VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY 25TH APRIL – 10 AM DThere will be a working party at the Village Hall on Saturday 25th April, starting at LE10am. PLEASE COME ALONG and help with tree planting, painting and cleaning. ELThe more of us, the less to do!!!! Please bring paintbrushes and jam jars (we have Call the paint). Refreshments will be served, so please come along and burn off all Nthose Easter eggs!!! Thankyou CA Sally Lebatteux SHILLINGFORD LITTER-PICK Thank you litter pickers! A big thank you to all that turned out to support the annual Shillingford litter pick on Saturday 7th March 2020. The litter pick is a great opportunity for communities to come together and show that they care about their local environment and make a real difference. This year's litter pick was a great success and we aim to do it again next year. Juliette Thompson Parish Clerk, Shillingford Parish Council On Saturday 7th March, 15 villagers gathered at St George's Church for the annual litter-pick. With their high-viz jackets, pickers and bin-bags they set out in pairs to scour the highways and byways for all the litter that had been carelessly discarded over the last 12 months. And there was a lot. When the work had been done, the 15 gathered back at the church where cakes and hot drinks were provided. Many thanks to all who gave up their Saturday morning in order to keep our villages clean and tidy. Peter Barwell Chair, Shillingford Parish Council What do you call a cow on a trampoline? A milkshake! I got a note left on my car today complimenting me on my driving – it said 'Parking Fine'. Who's the new heifer? Never seen herbivore!

Shillingford Wild! Not a great deal to report on at the quiet time of year, apart from the mud! On the bright side there are plenty of wild flowers appearing with the promise of Spring. There has already been at least one hedgehog sighting and several of a barn owl, which we hope will take up residence in the village. Shillingford will be celebrating International Dawn Chorus Day on Sunday 3rd May at 4.30 AM (yes, AM). There will be a speaker to identify the bird calls and interpret the sounds of dawn. A magical experience watching and hearing the world awake. Numbers are limited so booking will be essential. Please contact Ian for more details. 01392 833183 or email: [email protected] We would love to hear from you, especially if you have any wildlife observations to share, or if you are interested in joining in with the art show, here are some more de- tails: Update: 19 March 2020 – Hedgehog Survey Shillingford Wildlife Group became inspired by Emily Stallworthy's (Devon Wildlife Trust) January talk about hedgehogs. Perhaps you are already aware that their numbers have decreased dramatically over the last ten years or so, in our towns as well as the countryside? In order to find ways to encourage hedgehogs to live and move around our two villages, we also want to see if there are some hedgehogs already living here. Have any emerged from their hibernation hide-outs and if so, where are they? Now is the perfect time to try and discover where they might be actively trekking through the undergrowth in search of food and maybe a mate. To this end, we have purchased two survey tunnels. These each have suitable food inside and 'ink' pads to take impressions of their footprints. To begin with, these tunnels were placed near Sampsons Hill where Trevor Ridgers set them up, ready for action.

He is seen here after the first 24 hours, when it was discovered that something had visited the tunnel, but with feet too tiny to be identified as hedgehog, more likely it was a mouse or shrew. Better luck next time? These tunnels will be moved every five days or so, to sites across our two villages. The mission continues .... We will report back when we have more news! Alison Price

The Exeter Growers Co-Operative, who are based in Shillingford, will be taking part in the Good to Grow Day on Saturday 25th April. This is a national campaign to encourage people to grow their own food and join local community gardens. The EGC site will be open to the good folk of Shillingford between 11 am and 3 pm. Do come along and just have a look around or join in with some digging! The site will be well marked on the Shillingford Abbot to Shillingford St George road. There is the possibility this event will be cancelled so please contact Ian on 07780 622311 before visiting. Coronavirus If you need to self-isolate because of coronavirus and require help with shopping etc, we have volunteers willing to help you. Please contact the clerk. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact the clerk and say what you are able to do. [email protected] Mobile: 07427 145320 Shillingford Parish Clerk – Mrs Juliette Thompson

Dear Neighbourhood Watch supporters, You will all be aware of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Neighbourhood Watch exists to look out for communities across England and Wales and at a time like this we encourage you to consider ways to keep yourself, your loved ones and those in your community safe, particularly the isolated and vulnerable. We are following the advice from the government and encourage you to do the same: 10 ways you, as a Neighbourhood Watch supporter, can protect yourself, your loved ones and your community: 1. Meet with household members, other relatives, friends and neighbours to discuss what to do if a COVID-19 outbreak occurs in your community and what the needs of each person will be. 2. If your neighbourhood has a website or social media page, consider joining it to maintain access to neighbours, information, and resources. Alternatively, share phone numbers and email addresses particularly with those who are isolated or vulnerable. 3. Consider establishing a ‘buddy’ system within your community to ensure everyone stays connected to COVID-19 related news, services and can receive support safely, such as essentials deliveries. 4. Plan ways to care for those who might be at greater risk for serious complications. 5. Choose a room in your home that can be used to separate sick household members from those who are healthy. 6. Learn how to self-isolate. Guidance can be found on the NHS website: 7. Create a list of local organisations that you and your neighbours can contact in the event that one of you need access to information, healthcare services, support, or resources. Consider including organisations that provide mental health or counselling services, food, and other supplies. 8. Create an emergency contact list of family, friends, neighbours, healthcare providers, teachers, employers, the local public health department, and other community resources. 9. Learn about the emergency operations plan at your child’s school or childcare facility, and your employer’s emergency operations plan. 10. Practice everyday preventive actions including regular hand washing. The NHS provides guidance on how to wash hands: well/healthy-body/best-way-to-wash-your-hands/. The World Health Organisation provides guidance on basic protective measures: 2019/advice-for-public The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention provides guidance on handwashing for families: family.html Regards and keep well – Central Support Team at Neighbourhood Watch Gina Saunders

Teignbridge District Council funds a Home Improvement Loan Scheme for homeowners and landlords (subject to eligibility). We understand the expense of maintaining your home. We want to help you to take the stress out of funding repairs, improvements or adaptations to your home. We see you as an individual, not a credit score. For a free, no obligation home visit or more information: Contact Wessex Resolutions CIC on 01823 461099 or visit:

Emergency Numbers: Dunchideock The following is a list of those numbers that are important (or should be important) for you. If there are any mistakes or omissions here, please do let us know. Police/Ambulance/Fire Brigade/Coastguard Emergencies only: 999 Medical Situations: Accident & Emergency: the nearest A&E department is at the RD&E Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW Minor Injuries Unit: at the RD&E as above Doctors urgent out of hours service: call 111 Dental: The NHS dental helpline gives advice on surgeries and emergency dental care: 03330 063 300 Police Non-emergency: call 101 To report fraud or attempted fraud or cyber crime: call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 (Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm for individuals, 24 hr 7 days a week for businesses or charities). Crimestoppers: to report a crime or give details anonymously ring 0800 555 111 Neighbourhood Watch: Dunchideock currently has no Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Utilities Gas: if you think you have a gas leak or can smell gas, ring the National Gas Emergencies Number: 0800 111 999 Electricity: if you have a power cut, ring 105 (though be aware that most phones will not work in a power cut) or 0800 6783 105. Western Power deals with distribution in Devon and has a website map with live outages here. Electrical hazard or emergency with power lines: ring 0800 40 40 90 South West Water: for leaks ring the Services Helpline 0800 230 0561 Weather Flood warning: the Environment Agency issues flood warnings and you can sign up for alerts, or you can ring 0345 988 1188 to hear about current flood warnings Weather warning: the Met Office issues warnings for rain, snow, ice, fog and wind and these are communicated via their website, apps, social media, TV and radio.

Teign Valley and Haldon Hill Mission Community The Teign Valley and Haldon Hill Mission Community includes the parishes of Ashton, Bridford, Christow, Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford. Rev’d Ruth Frampton (Priest-in-Charge) can be contacted on 01647 253164 or [email protected]. Her day off is Thursday. Getting in touch… If you wish to arrange for a baptism/christening, banns of marriage, wedding, or interment of ashes, or have any other enquiry, please contact Steve Cook, the Churches’ Administrator, on 01392 832332 or email [email protected] Scattered Church – Friday 17 April Ruth Frampton will be taking Holy Communion to the people scattered throughout the Mission Community who are unable to come to church. Please contact Rev’d Frampton or the Churches’ Administrator if you would like to be included. Annual Parochial Church Meetings have been cancelled – future dates to be announced. Dunchideock Church Rotas – April 2020 Flower Arranging Church Cleaning Sat 11 Apr: 2.30 pm - Church 3-4 Apr: Shirley & Andrew Phillips Decorating for Easter 17-18 Apr: Ann Mallett & Elizabeth Jenne 18 & 25 Apr: Ann Asplin 1-2 May: Tina Cook & Liz Thompson 2 May: Anne Taylor Coronavirus has come among us and is testing the resilience of our community. Church services in person are indeed suspended, but worship is not! We are challenged to think outside the box and worship differently. We shall continue to worship corporately as a Mission Community in ways which are accessible to the majority of people. As many people are sensibly self-isolating we shall use the humble telephone – to which everyone has access. Regular Sunday worship for the Mission Community will take place by telephone conference call at 10am. Please ring the dialling code 0333 113 0100 (this is a non-geographical national-rate number). You will then be asked to key in the access code 334 7721. Instructions will follow asking you to say your name so that you can be announced as joining the group. I shall be resending these joining instructions, with a special order of service for those with access to a computer screen, in due course. If you will not be able to use a computer, don’t worry! Please let me know if you want to receive details and haven’t heard!

Please spread the word so that as many people as possible have an opportunity to reach out from their isolation. Physical isolation is difficult enough; let’s try to prevent anyone in our community from feeling spiritually or emotionally isolated too! If anyone feels in need of a chat or spiritual guidance in these difficult times, please do not hesitate to contact Rev Ruth Frampton on 01647 253164 or [email protected] or Rev Francis Miles on 01647 252750 or [email protected]

CORONAVIRUS – HELP FOR THOSE “SELF-ISOLATING” WHO NEED HELP WITH SHOPPING AND/OR COLLECTING MEDICATION The situation with Coronavirus is changing rapidly so these arrangements may well have to be reviewed. Government and NHS advice is available as follows: NHS: Government information: events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response It is now likely that significant numbers of people in the valley will have to “self- isolate”. The churches and other groups are working together to try and ensure that those who may need practical help with shopping, medication etc. in this situation can receive help if needed. Details will be made updated locally on noticeboards, village websites etc. where possible – see the following: A Church Near You websites: Ashton – Bridford – Christow – Doddiscombsleigh – Dunchideock – Dunsford – Christow website – Doddiscombsleigh website – Dunchideock website – Dunsford website – Mission Community Facebook page – Each village has a local co-ordinator to link up those offering to help with shopping and/or collecting medication with those who need some assistance. Arrangements are currently as follows: Ashton: John May – T: 01647 252212 or E: [email protected] Bridford: Kathy Fitzjohn – T: 01647 252515 or E: [email protected] Christow: Phil Trotter – T: 01647 252874 or E: [email protected] Dunchideock: Steve Cook – T: 01392 832332 or E:[email protected] Dunsford: Karen Morris at The Shop – T: 01647 252330 or E: [email protected] Until further details are available, please contact the Churches’ Administrator (Steve Cook) on 01392 832332 or [email protected] if you live in Doddiscombsleigh and either need assistance, or are willing to help with shopping.

HOME SUPPORT GUIDANCE This guidance contains important advice for those offering and those receiving help with the delivery of shopping and medication in the six parishes of the Teign Valley and Haldon Hill Mission Community (Ashton, Bridford, Christow, Doddiscombsleigh, Dunchideock and Dunsford) during the present Coronavirus crisis. IMPORTANT ADVICE General Both those offering support and those receiving it should maintain the highest level of hygiene by washing hands or using hand sanitiser both before and after contact Do not shake hands or make other personal contact Maintain a safe distance of at least 2 metres Communication If you need support, please contact their local co-ordinator, (details below) by telephone or email, with a list of shopping required, and/or details of medication (e.g. number of items, address of pharmacy) by email or over the telephone Please state clearly if alternatives are acceptable if the requested shop items are not available Shopping Shopping should be collected in shop-supplied weather-proof bags or the shopper’s own bags – do not use bags from the person needing support After shopping or collecting medication, volunteer helpers will contact the local co-ordinator to confirm the cost and proposed delivery time. The local co- ordinator will then contact the person receiving help with details of the cost and will liaise about the delivery time. Items should be left at the front door or another pre-arranged covered place, in a weather-proof bag. The receipt will be left with the shopping. Payment No charge should be accepted for the collection and delivery of items – it is a free and voluntary service Payment for shopping or prescription charges can be made by - BACS transfer (where this is possible/available) - cheque or cash left in an envelope on the doorstep – both parties should wash/sanitise hands before handling cash or a cheque


uCnatnilcnefoulltreitcdheer Janet would like to thank everyone for their birthday wishes, and all who came to her 80th party at the Langstone Cli Hotel. She, along with everyone else had a wonderful me! She also thanks all who have donated to their favourite charity - some of the (remembered, there are more!) named ones have been Cancer Research, FORCE, Sports Relief, PSP Research and The Lake District Air Ambulance, all wonderful causes. Now for the months of self isola on… Judith Travell I own the world's worst thesaurus. Not only is it awful, it's awful. Velcro? What a rip-off! I've just written a song about tortillas – actually, it's more of a rap.

Dunchideock Parish Council NEWSLETTER March 2020 Election The local election held on 6 February resulted in Gervaise Cerio being overwhelmingly elected as our seventh councillor. Bus Shelter Project Progress is being made in obtaining cost estimates and we are still seeking funding. Noticeboard at Kings Bridge (Belvedere Park corner) We thank our local councillors for making funds available for this project. The District Councillors: Alison Foden, Charles Nuttall & Andrew Swain have granted us £300 from their Community Fund and Alan Connett, County Councillor has granted us £500 from his Locality Fund, for which we are most grateful. As a result, we can now place an order with the craftsman who will be making it. The Parish Council will only need to find about £50 from current funds. Litter Pick – 14 March Seven local residents met at 10am and tidied up roads and verges in the Parish. Refreshments were provided by the Village Hall Committee. We are most grateful to all. Easter Egg Hunt – 5 April This has been cancelled. Parish Website ( All councils in the country are tasked with assessing whether their websites are accessible and meet the government’s WCAG regulations by September this year. The assessment needs to show, that it meets standards that will benefit users or, whether and what changes need to be made. We have a contingency sum of up to £1,000 within the 2020-21 budget which will be used for this purpose, if it is needed. Footpaths An assessment of the four footpaths in the parish has been completed and it is hoped that funds will be made available by Devon County Council for improvements. Drainage on Blacksmiths Hill DCC Highways has confirmed that the works to resolve the problems is still in their budget for 2020-21 and may include additional work further down the hill.

Your Church Needs You! The Parochial Church Council of St Michael & All Angels Church Dunchideock is in need of a new Secretary and Churchwarden(s). After many years of service, Ann and Ray Mallett together with Jamie Cumming have for various reasons reached a position where they feel the need to stand down from their respective roles. The tasks of Secretary and Churchwarden are not too onerous, and the incumbents would be happy to support during the handover. If there is anyone who feels that they could find time to undertake these important roles, please contact Ann on 833351 for more information. FILM NIGHT Friday April 17th at 7.45pm. Dunchideock Village Hall. Cancelled until further notice Judy. “Renee Zellweger is phenomenally good in this captivating account of Judy Garland’s final London concert run.” Says The Guardian. The Daily Mail compares Zellweger’s performance with other recent music biographies such as Bohemian Rhapsody and Rocketman and declares that “she leaves them standing.” It is a performance that has already won her the Best Actress Award at three of this year’s major awards, the Golden Globes, the Oscars, and the BAFTAs and there are several others pending where she has been nominated. The film is set in the 1960s, a time of personal turmoil when Judy Garland was having personal and career problems in the US and came to London to see if she could restart her singing career. It has been awarded a very respectable 82% by Rotten Tomatoes and we found it thoroughly absorbing and the performance outstanding. Peter Goodchild

Shillingford St George Rector Rev Mike Partridge The Rectory, Alphington, EX2 8XJ (day off Monday) Parishes of Alphington 01392 491476; 07751 725306 Ide and Shillingford [email protected] Church Wardens Mrs Wendy Nelmes Mr Nick Mansell [email protected] Dunchideock Priest in Charge Rev Ruth Frampton The Rectory, Dry Lane, Christow, EX6 7PE (day off Thursday) 01647 253164 [email protected] Administrator Mr Steve Cook 01392 832332; [email protected] Church Wardens Mr Ray Mallett [email protected] Mr Jamie Cumming Country News For details of this month and next month’s editors, please see the paper version. Advertising Editor Michelle Saunders [email protected] Front Cover Miss Judith Travell [email protected] Treasurer Mrs Elizabeth Jenne [email protected] Main Distributors Mrs Wendy Nelmes (Shillingford) Mrs Elizabeth Jenne (Dunchideock) Articles for the next issue must reach the editor by 15th of the preceding month Advertising Rates Classified: £1 for up to 3 lines, per issue Box advertisements (10 issues per year): Full page: £16 per month/£120 per year Half page: £8 per issue/£60 per year) Quarter page: £4 per issue/£30 per year

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