2 0 21 COMMUNITY SPRING EDUCATION tci.miracosta.edu ITTTIH’SMRYEOIVTUOEREnrichment • Children&Teens • OnlineClasses Career & Professional Development • Workforce Training
A new career at your fingertips CAMTC JOIN OUR MASSAGE THERAPY PROGRAM APPROVED A 22% projected job increase from 2018 to 2028 See page 43 Brew your own happy hour ATTEND OUR BREWTECH PROGRAM See page 37 Train in less than 6 months | Employment rate 82% For more information call 760.795.6820
ENRICHMENT CONTENTS Workshops, Classes & Excursions In this bulletin you will find a variety of enrichment and workforce training. All of these courses are affordable, fee-based, not-for-credit offerings that are not supported by any state or local taxes. Your enrollment fees keep this program going. 5 REGISTRATION & PARKING 30–31 WORKFORCE TRAINING ONLINE INFORMATION 30 Certified Paralegal 6 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 30 Pharmacy Technician REGISTRATION FORM 31 Home Inspection Certificate 31 Solar PV 7–25 ENRICHMENT 32–47 WORKFORCE TRAINING 7–8 Art See detail content list on page 32 8–10 Crafts 32 Registration and Refund policy 10–11 Computer Online 33 Free Information Sessions 12 Children & Teens 34–35 Certificate Programs 13 Driver Education & Training 36 Biomedical Equipment Technician Program 14 Fitness & Health 37 BrewTech Program 14–16 Food & Wine 39 Engineering Technician Program 16–17 Home & Garden 40 Machinist Technology Program 18–20 Language & Literature 42 Unmanned Systems (ROV/Drone) Operator 20 Performing Arts 21 Personal Finance & Workshops Technician Program 22 Photography 42 Welding Program 23–25 Recreation 43 Massage Therapy 43 Phlebotomy Technician Program 44 Veterinary Assistant Program 26–29 CAREER & PROFESSIONAL 44 Child Visitation Monitor DEVELOPMENT 45 Scuba Diving Instructor Program 45 Financial Planning Analyst 26 Notary 46 Real Estate License Program 26 Loan Signing Agent 47 Online Electronics/Robotics–George Brown 27 Teaching Unique Learners 27 Start Your Profitable Home-Based Business 48–49 LOCATIONS AND MAPS 27 Essential Documents in a Time Crisis 50 INDEX 27 Become a Sales Rep 28 Introduction Voiceovers Live Video Chat 28 DMV Auto Wholesale 28 Human Resources Certificate 29 Start Your Own Home-Based Food Business Catering and More–Online 29 Be a ScheduleMaster 29 Managing Virtual Employee and Leading Remote Team Note from the Executive Director: As you can see from the robust selection of Livestream, interactive and even in-person programs offered in this Spring Catalog, we are committed to your growth, enrichment and personal development. It is our sincere hope that you can take advantage of our many spring classes to uplift your spirit and/or upskill your resume. We will keep your safety and comfort foremost as we provide web-based, livestream, in-person and hybrid courses for your pleasure. Sincerely, Linda Kurokawa MiraCosta College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western 3 Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, 415.506.0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at: accjc.org. The college is also approved by the California Department of Education for the training of veterans under the provisions of the GI Bill® of Regulations. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU
Your learning options Live online • S essions meet online at specific days and times • Interact live with instructor and classmates in virtual environment • Online assignments with due dates to be done outside of class session • C ontinue class experiences like lectures and small group work Online • All coursework done online • No schedules class meetings, allowing you to learn at your convenience • Interact with instructor and classmates on our own time • Learning activities and assignments are all due by due dates Hybrid • Part online without a set time to attend, part scheduled class time • S cheduled class time will be face-to-face on campus • P rimarily for Lab Science, Physical Education and Occupational classes Face-to-face • Schedules class time on campus • Limited; primarily for performance classes • Smaller class sizes 4 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
REGISTRATION HOW TO REGISTER 1 Internet Registration — Go to miracosta.augusoft.net to register online. 2 By Phone: 760.795.6820— Please have your Visa, MasterCard or Discover card in hand and your registration information ready when you call. 3 In Person— Community Education & Workforce Development Office, MiraCosta College Technology Career Institute, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Hours: 9 AM–5 PM, Monday –Friday. 4 By Mail — Complete the registration form on the next page using a separate form for each person (forms may be duplicated). Visa, MasterCard, Discover card or check (payable to MiraCosta College) can be used to pay registration fees. Mail checks and completed registration form(s) to: Community Education & Workforce Development, MiraCosta College Technology Career Institute, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Remember to mark your calendar with class date, time and location. Please include your email address on your registration form to receive an email confirmation of your enrollment. PARKING INFORMATION Parking permits are required at the Oceanside, San Elijo and Community Learning Center (CLC) campuses of MiraCosta College Monday–Saturday. Students may park in any lot marked Student or spaces marked Student on all campuses. Please avoid any spaces or lots marked Staff. Parking permits may be purchased from the parking permit vending machines as follows: • Oceanside Campus: A day pass may be purchased for $1. There are four parking permit vending machines located on the Oceanside Campus in Parking Lots 1A, 3C, 4C and 5A. In Parking Lot 3C and 4C, students may use debit and credit cards, a one dollar bill or exact change (no pennies). In Parking Lots 1A and 5A, students may use a one dollar bill or exact change (no pennies). • Community Learning Center: A day pass may be purchased for 50 cents. There is one parking permit vending machine located at the front of the parking lot across from the main building entrance. This machine takes exact change (no pennies). • Technology Career Institute: A parking permit is not required. Parking is free. REFUND AND TRANSFER POLICY Check refunds may take 4–6 weeks to process. Class/Workshop Refund Policy: Refunds will be made up to three business days prior to the class start date. No refunds will be given once a class has started. A $15 cancellation fee will be retained for each refund. A full refund will be given if a class is cancelled due to low enrollment. Unused attendance is not transferable to another class session. Excursion Refund Policy: Refunds will be made up to five business days before the excursion only if the excursion is full and someone on the waiting list is available to take your place. There will be a $25 cancellation fee if a replacement can be found. Workforce Training Refund Policy: Refunds will be made up to five business days, depending on course, prior to the class start date. A $25 cancellation fee for work skills programs will be retained for each refund. A full refund will be given if a class is cancelled due to low enrollment. Unused attendance is not transferable to another class session. Class/Workshop Transfer Policy: Transfers will be approved up to three business days prior to the class start date. Students must receive a verbal approval from Community Education before a transfer can be made. For more information, email us at: [email protected] PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 5
Job Training, Workshops, Classes and Excursions All of these offerings are affordable, fee-based and not-for-credit offerings. 20LIFORNIA REGISTRATION FORM SPRING 20 SUMMER 20 FALL CA MAIL TO: YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL Community Education CONFIRMING YOUR ENROLLMENT. & Workforce Development MiraCosta College Have questions? Call 760.795.6820. Technology Career Institute Parking permits are required on 2075 Las Palmas Drive some campuses—see page 4. Carlsbad, CA 92011 __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Initial _____(_______)______________________________________________(_______)_________________________________ Phone: Day Evening __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City Zip Code __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address Date of Birth Please list the courses you wish to attend: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Class Start Date Location Fee __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Class Start Date Location Fee __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Total $ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Register by phone or online at miracosta.augusoft.net 24 hours a day with your credit card (or complete this registration form if you prefer): VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER CARD __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Cardholder Expiration Date MiraCosta College reserves the right to change class location, schedules, fees and instructors when necessary. Please, no tape recording during classes without prior permission from the instructor. MiraCosta is pleased to welcome and admit students 18 years of age and over of any race, color, religion or national and ethnic origin to all classes. Students under 18 will be permitted to attend classes only with prior consent of the instructor and staff member. 6 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
ART ENRICHMENT Drawing Animals Livestream Premier instruction now offered Online A All experience levels are welcome, especially the enthusiastic beginner! Let's draw animals—from decoratively filled silhouettes to realistic head studies and expressive gesture drawings. Learn to render eyes, fur and feathers using pencil media, watercolor pencils, pen and ink. Working from photos, lessons will include Drew Bandish freehand methods and the realistic artist's use of tools, such as grids and Watercolor–An Elemental proportional dividers. Approach Livestream Supplies: A supplies list will be sent prior to the start Premier instruction now offered Online of class. Students are expected to supply any and All experience levels are welcome, all physical materials related to their art education. especially the enthusiastic beginner! Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before Do you find inspiration in representational class begins. subjects (trees, rocks, water, sky, people, Drew Bandish / $129 Early Bird Special $115 animals, buildings, flowers, shadows (Register BEFORE 2/6 for this rate) / Online and colors) but are confused about 6 Sat, 2/6–3/20, 9 AM–11 AM. No class on 2/13. how to paint them? Learn a logical, elemental approach to artfully depict representational subjects in watercolor while developing control of shape, color, value and texture in a watercolor medium. Cathy Philips Supplies: A supplies list will be sent prior to the start of class. Students are expected to supply any and all physical materials related to their art education. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Drew Bandish / $149 Early Bird Special $139 (Register BEFORE 3/20 for this rate) / Online 8 Sat, 3/27–5/29, 9 AM–11 AM. No class on 4/3. Watercolor and Mixed Watercolor Journaling–a Page a Media Techniques Livestream Day at Fletcher Cove All skill levels are welcome Create All experience levels welcome. Limited lasting works of art from home. We will enrollment for in-person class. Register be combining traditional watercolor Quick! In this class, you will be creating concepts and techniques with the a small journal to preserve your insights, innovative use of various multi medias, memories, inspirations and interesting most are household supplies used thoughts. You will learn skills focusing on in unique ways. Learn fun and easy proper picture placement, hand lettering, techniques to create lasting sketching, painting and color mixing works of art from simple materials with techniques designed to produce the most beautiful results. The Zoom format allows interesting, unique and eye catching for excellent interaction between you journal pages. In a short time, you will and the instructor. have a record of your personal moments to either pass on to a loved one or keep Supplies: A supplies list will be included with your for yourself. student confirmation upon registration. Supplies are kept to a minimum. Supplies: A $3 material fee will be collected in class for handouts. A supplies list will be emailed by the Denise McMurtrie / $99 / Online instructor prior to the start of class. Bring a mask. Safety protocol will be emailed to students. 7 Tues, 2/2–3/23, 1:30–3:30 PM Barbara Roth / $129 Early Bird Special $99 7 Tues, 4/6–5/18, 1:30–3:30 PM (Register BEFORE 3/26 for this rate) 4 Thurs, 4/1–4/22, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 7
S P R I N G 2 021 ART | CRAFTS Painting at the Beach at Oil Painting for Pleasure at Fletcher Cove Fletcher Cove All experience levels welcome. This is a class for new or experienced students with SAVE!Limited enrollment for in-person established drawing skills. The class. Register Quick! vnsTpcCdTmvcaothaioruadeeuliiapixltrmmsivwudintisqianucceesstpouegnrsslnaiaonien,nrc,ctssnssspcbgedotisdftrleardrivuaeaiuoosrre.pdstsetsnmiPfirmpaohegoe.apeisnsEnrbdonitrcnsaadeorsetoittpcnadlgoigilskvihhcnnurclieeteneelodtuucvonsstarsedesilehiiedaslnnicl.enerisoesdsohEglsttrocpnonrinfeauofi,jineyoqnccloovydtuarairuyoetsllfhiun,rlcwiiek.ae.ietntohe!dcahleyoToa,CafAwhnpktehpSefoclecpikraeoepEesudcraratvisioccraaehilwfpytisnsnnloyhoescg.rotduelol..Bauearenucigskcrwtspdsdedlaieaollylsntfhsidodavlhwgcsaaoeineresaloovitnaaphlnm.lelywausraltaboanslleesyrtueiiyomos,.pesntmsBanimrgetunoohoyeresnmpja,oyeteebishofhpfocidioexntneuaeuthtietortstssaeoehaeiwhfhspnnmernpcoecddasrudradmektheinoonwiicaanlipedlstfosoctitn!aent.iecrlnrhBgoikrgTeonsgiugihersa.nttn,iareislTwcgtneatdehrnieongaientedtauhustdhcraetsohle, Supplies: A supplies list will be emailed by the instructor prior to the start of class. Bring a mask. Supplies: A $5 material fee will be collected in class. Safety protocol will be emailed to students. A supplies list will be sent by the instructor prior to Amanda Para-Settles / $139 Early Bird Special $129 the start of class. (Register BEFORE 2/18 for this rate) Anne von Benckendorff / $139 Fletcher Cove Community Center 6 Wed, 2/24–3/31, 9 AM–12 PM 5 Thurs, 2/25-3/25, 9 AM–12 PM 5 Thurs, 4/8-5/6, 9 AM–12 PM CRAFTS Stained Glass for Beginners Pattern Making and Grading Livestream Create your own beautiful stained glass art pieces Make perfect fitting patterns for bodice, and windows! Learn the sleeves, skirt and pants! Learn the art of art of stained glass from taking measurements, pattern drafting a master cutter, right in a (using templates in your size provided stained glass studio. In this by the instructor), fitting, grading, and comprehensive workshop, you will learn sewing of the test garment. Grade the the basics of design and assembly, as well pattern to fit your shape and also to as the use of the tools needed to develop increase or decrease the size correctly. beautiful stained glass artwork. By the end of the workshop, you will have created Supplies: A supplies list will be included with your as many as three projects suitable for student confirmation upon registration. Instructor will display or sale (depending on your speed send an email with Zoom link before class begins. and ability). Angela Fesi-Pouliot / $99 Early Bird Special $89 Supplies: A $45 per-project materials fee for glass, (Register BEFORE 1/30 for this rate) / Online solder, lead and copper will be collected in class. On-site sales of tools available. Please bring mask. 4 Wed, 2/3-2/24, 10 AM–1 PM Note: Studio has been rearranged so that students can safely learn while physical distancing. There will be hand sanitizer provided on each table and in the bathroom. Due to physical distancing, the class enrollment is very limited. Enroll soon before class gets filled. Don Myers / $129 Don Myers Stained Glass 1025 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside 3 Sat, 3/6–3/20, 11 AM–2 PM 8 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
CRAFTS Draping, Drafting and Fitting for Dressmaking Livestream Garment Design Livestream All experience levels are welcome. All experience levels are welcome. Learn the art of dressmaking from an The art of fashion draping is the Italian dressmaker with over 40 years manipulation of fabric on a three of experience. Use your talents for the dimensional form to obtain perfect fit and construction of garments that are easy to harmony between the fabric, design of make and fun to wear. The instructor will the garment and the silhouette of the teach you how to take measurements, use model. It allows for more inspiration as you commercial patterns, choose the right size, learn the draping method and watch the adjust the pattern, cut, mark, sew, press proportion, balance and style lines of a and finish the garments. Join the instructor design emerge. online and build skills that you can use for years to come and pass on to the next Supplies: Sewing machines are not required. A supplies generation. list will be included with your student confirmation upon registration. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link Supplies: A supplies list will be included with your before class begins. student confirmation upon registration. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Angela Fesi-Pouliot / $99 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 2/24 for this rate) / Online Angela Fesi-Pouliot / $99 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 3/24 for this rate) / Online 4 Wed, 3/3–3/24, 10 AM–1 PM 4 Wed, 3/31–4/21, 10 AM–1 PM Beginning Upholstery Upholstery–All Levels Learn the craft of upholstery in this This class is suitable for beginner students, interesting and informative hands- the DIYer, advanced students and those on class. This class will focus on the already in the field. Classes will focus basic fundamentals, techniques and on styling, identifying different types of terminology of upholstery and how to fabrics and furniture styles and furniture properly plan and execute a project. This building techniques and construction. class is suitable for students new to the Beginner students will learn basic field as well as the DIYer. Bring your own fundamentals, techniques, terminology projects to class to work on. First time and how to plan and executive a project. project suggestions are: wing, side and Advanced students will build on their dining chairs, stools, benches, ottomans, intermediate knowledge while learning cushions and upholstered accessories additional, more difficult techniques. are recommended. Those students Both beginner and advanced students entering the field will begin to prepare a will gain a working knowledge of wood professional portfolio. Upholstery of sofas finishes and minor wood restoration. Those and large items (no recliners) are reserved students already in the field will be adding for advanced students. Topics include: to their current portfolio, as well as editing its content as skills improve. Upholstery of • Tools, terms and supplies sofas and large items are scheduled one- item-at-a-time on a proven skills basis • Overview of sewing machines (no recliners). • Measuring and estimating Note: Please bring binder and paper for notes. • Pattern layout (charting) Shopping resources for supplies will be given. Classes will be held outdoors and limited indoors. • Selecting fabrics Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected in Note: Please bring binder and paper for notes. class. Limited supplies included. Shopping resources for supplies will be given. Mary Cortmyer / $189 Early Bird Special $179 Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected in (Register BEFORE 2/25 for this rate) class. Limited supplies included. Landes Recreation Center, 2855 Cedar Road Oceanside Landes Recreation Center, 2855 Cedar Road Oceanside 8 Tues, 2/4–3/25, 5–9 PM Mary Cortmyer / $189 Early Bird Special $179 (Register BEFORE 1/27 for this rate) 8 Tues, 2/2–3/23, 12–4 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 9
S P R I N G 2 021 CRAFTS | COMPUTER ONLINE Upholstery and Wood Restoration–Furniture Re-Imagined All experience levels are welcome. Inspired by a popular DIY show, Furniture Re-Imagined is a class that explores different finishes, upholstery fabrics and the repurposing of traditional furniture. Bring your chairs, small dressers, side tables and headboards. Topics include: • How to prep wood • Re-styling • Painting furniture • Fabrics • Antiquing and distressing Note: Please bring binder and paper for notes. Resources for your supplies will be given (no sofas or large items please). Classes will be held outdoors and limited indoors. Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected in class. Mary Cortmyer / $239 Early Bird Special $229 (Register BEFORE 1/30 for this rate) Landes Recreation Center, 2855 Cedar Road Oceanside 8 Sat, 2/6–3/27, 9 AM–3 PM COMPUTER ONLINE Online MiraCosta Ed2Go Computer Classes 6 Weeks Access / 24 course hours / ed2go.com/miracosta Visit our digital class schedule to directly click into these classes for more information. Introduction to QuickBooks 2019 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 Gain control of your business as you learn to use this powerful accounting software Learn to quickly and efficiently use to create and print invoices, track your Microsoft Excel 2019/Office 365 as you payables and receivables, and more. discover dozens of shortcuts and tricks Note: This course must be taken on a PC. Macs for setting up fully formatted worksheets. are not compatible. Desktop QuickBooks Pro 2019 This course, taught by an experience or Desktop QuickBooks Premier Edition 2019 (not Microsoft Excel instructor, provides in- included in enrollment). The Enterprise version of the depth knowledge for beginners that will software can also be used for this course; however have you using Excel like a pro. this course is not suitable for users of QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks SimpleStart. Note: This course must be taken on a PC. It is not $129 Click here for details suitable for Mac users. Introduction to QuickBooks $129 Click here for details Online Introduction to Photoshop CS6 Use this cloud-based accounting program to record income and expenses; Learn to use enter checks and credit card payments; the world's best track your payables, inventory, and graphics program, receivables; and much more. Adobe Photoshop CS6, to edit and Note: This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac. process photos $115 Click here for details and create original images. This course provides detailed, step-by-step instructions that will teach you how to use Photoshop CS6 with confidence. Note: This course can be taken on either a PC or Mac. $129 Click here for details 10 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
COMPUTER ONLINE Website Development for Social Media Starter Beginners–Using Wix Livestream Livestream Learn how to create a stunning website Master the basics of top social networks; with Wix, one of the world's most popular Facebook, Tweeter, LinkedIn, YouTube, website building platforms. No need Instagram and Pinterest. Learn how to to know how to code–just bring your tell your story, and write interesting and imagination. This course will focus on the compelling captions. This course provides process of making a website step-by-step powerful techniques that will help your from getting started with Wix, planning social media presence stand-out from all your site and publish your website. the others. Note: Students must know how to navigate the Note: Students must know how to navigate the internet and use a computer. A Wix Premium Plan internet and use a computer. maybe purchased by students for a custom domain and additional features. Supplies: Students will need laptop, or tablet, or desktop computer with a built-in camera and Supplies: Students will need laptop, or tablet, microphone, that supports browsers like Chrome, or desktop computer with a built-in camera and Safari or Firefox. This course can be taken on either a microphone, that supports browsers like Chrome, PC or Mac. Instructor will send an email with Zoom Safari or Firefox. This course can be taken on either a link before class begins. PC or Mac. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Marggie Castellano / $69 Early Bird Special $59 (Register BEFORE 3/27 for this rate) / Online Marggie Castellano / $125 Early Bird Special $99 (Register BEFORE 2/27 for this rate) / Online 4 Sat, 4/3–4/24, 10 AM–12 PM 4 Sat, 3/6–3/27, 2–4 PM INSTRUCTOR BIO: Marggie Castellano has been managing numerous television shows and film locations for the last 25 years in South America. She holds a Master of Science degree in Business Journalism, and a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree with concentrations in Small Business and Political Science from Arizona State University. She has handled marketing, advertising, website and social media accounts for several big business and corporations including the Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Procter and Gamble and 20th Century Fox, and many more. CAFCdvgsrCouBioaDohaBelvdonagaomiomenwendolucunoypeekabsaekiseatoranlfdhtensooddocuploide2f$uwarlaaoneia56osnnanlsas.run,nk–8edpnDtanesfoSont9dohohinstiew9sgnaers,iRdclpegtap-eanrittcovooputruhdeteene,aovhmscexSm$eiehtwpnspobi1knnCricpeg0inbebglitrrde0aeePeglhreoeoie-adunepesrfsi$rnpeeracnpi37nvmnnr-bap,icd,ea3tfeparrioett2ci9yiers-coiatsclr9u0sueispcinyfTpa!n2oeproooaaraFnp1ntuRtfaonaai!nlmodrtt|boiossinmcndtetet9rskhhaoaoa,iaoyreDemfe.tuvsVaCbietin.cooayyfrnoonsntkraimce|gcdoath1.tuu2itosvtnMrea,atrce,i7on6ban0jotloas.7acu9trrd5un.s6e.V8yRI.2Ae0qRRu.eePalsaicitlkx’fsouirTnphaltoefhlcyeeartioonr (s) IRACOSTA COLLMEGE PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 11
S P R I N G 2 021 CHILDREN & TEENS Live Virtual STEM Classes with Black Rocket Ages 7–14 Code Your Own Roblox Makers Adventure eSports Apprentice Virtual Reality– Streamers and The Future is Now Gamers Minecraft Modders You Tube FX Register your favorite classes at Masters https://blackrocket.com/online/mir Young Authors 2 0 21 Save the Date! You won’t want to miss it! We are busy planning some exciting new classes and bringing back your favorites. Stay tuned and check our website in spring www.miracosta.edu/college4kids Call 760.795.6820 for more information 12 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
DRIVERS EDUCATION & TRAINING The Best Program in North County There are two requirements in order to get a driver’s license in the state of California before the age of 18. 1) Driver Education and 2) Behind-the-Wheel Driver Training. MiraCosta College offers both! Students must be at least 15 to take drivers education classes and 15 ½ to take behind-the-wheel training. CALIFORNIA DMV-APPROVED ONLINE DRIVER EDUCATION $30 You must register online: www.miracosta.edu/driversed Behind-The-Wheel Training Adult Driver Training $330 $353 / 18 years of age and older Six hours of one-on-one training Lessons consist of three days of training, two hours per day. The instructor will Students receive six hours of one-on-one pick you up at your home. You must instruction in our Behind-the-Wheel Driver have a valid California learner’s permit Training Program. Convenient times to sign up. after school, evenings, and weekends are available. Behind-the-Wheel Driver Call 760.231.1221 to register. Training pickup locations: Carlsbad High, El Camino High, Rancho Buena Vista High, La Costa Canyon High, Sage Creek High, MiraCosta College Oceanside Campus and MiraCosta College in Cardiff. All licensed instructors are professional and reliable. Our courses satisfy all DMV requirements. To register for Behind-the-Wheel Training, please call 760.231.1221. For general questions about our Driving programs please call 760.795.6825. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 13
S P R I N G 2 021 FITNESS & HEALTH | FOOD & WINE Fitness for Active Older Adults Combine fun with fitness as you workout with energetic, active adults. The exercises presented in this class are specifically designed to prevent injuries and improve and maintain quality of life. All participants are encouraged to challenge their individual fitness level to maintain and improve overall health. This class is geared to the senior exerciser seeking improved strength, vitality and an active lifestyle. Note: This class is a mixture of pre-recorded and livestream. If indoor or outdoors restrictions are lifted and the community center reopens, MW classes will be held at La Colonia Community Center. Location will be emailed to students. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link and/or pre-recorded videos. Supplies: Students are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and supportive exercise shoes. You will need hand-held weights, towel, thick exercise mat and drinking water to use during class. Most yoga mats are too thin for the floor work. Colleen Soto / Online, Location TBA if allowed $135 / 27 sessions. Mon, Wed & Fri, 1/11–3/19, 7:45–8:45 AM OR 9–10 AM. No class on 1/18, 2/12 & 2/15. $140 / 28 sessions. Mon, Wed & Fri, 3/22–5/28, 7:45–8:45 AM OR 9–10. No class on 3/26 & 4/23. FOOD & WINE Beginning Sushi for the The Chemistry of Cooking Whole Family Livestream Livestream “Maki” Rolls and Hand Rolls Are you finding yourself at home more Join us in a lively and fun-for-the-whole- often and looking for a fun and engaging family, livestream class that will teach you activity? Get the family together and the basics of sushi making including: how join this fun and interactive livestream to cook and season perfect sushi rice; class. This class will introduce you to the rolling and cutting methods; preparation underlying principles of chemistry as it and presentation of sushi “maki” rolls and relates to cooking food. We will investigate hand rolls. We will explore how to create a the chemical and physical properties sushi party with tips on making it fun, easy of foods and how different preparation and beautiful!. Students will also be given methods affect the outcome of how food an explanation of basic ingredients and appears and tastes. At the end of the equipment for sushi making. This is a course, you will be a scientist and a chef! great class to do as a parent and child/ spouse experience. Supplies: Instructor will provide PDF materials and send suggested supply list. Required materials in the Supplies: Instructor will provide a list of ingredients kitchen are measuring cups, spoons, basic utensils, to purchase prior to the start of the class so that you a timer, a pot, a pan, and access to a stove and can participate in creating sushi right along with an oven. Suggested items include a kitchen scale, the instructor! thermometer, and a grill/skillet. Instructor will email Zoom link. We will send a FREE sushi mat and chopsticks to the first 20 people registered!! Sarah Dunn / $79 / Online Family members in same household are welcome to Linda Kurokawa / $49 / Online join in at no additional cost. 1 Sat, 3/6, 10 AM–1 PM 4 Sessions. Tues & Thurs, 3/16–3/25, 4–6 PM 14 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
FOOD & WINE Calling All Pasta Lovers– Pie Making 101 Livestream Advanced Pasta Making Livestream Get rid of your pie making phobia for good! This class will walk you through the For students who have conquered step-by-step process of making pie dough basic pasta dough making, this is the and how to assemble and bake a pie class for you! Learn the fundamental with ease! Discover the secrets of baking skills of making and filling ravioli pasta from a Professional Pastry Chef and Food from scratch. In this interactive online Network Champ, Patsy Bentivegna. As an cooking class with Professional Chef & added bonus, the class menu will include Food Network Champ, Patsy Bentivegna, the pie filling recipe from Chef Patsy’s win students will learn the secrets of creating on Bakers vs. Fakers. classic egg pasta by hand as well as the knife skills to prepare a delicious sauce, all Supplies: Prior to class, instructor will provide a list in the comfort of their own home without of ingredients and equipment/utensils needed for the needing a pasta machine. class. Instructor will email Zoom link. Note: Instructor will email Zoom link. Students Patsy Bentivegna / $59 Early Bird Special $49 must already have knowledge of basic pasta (Register BEFORE 4/10 for this rate) / Online dough making. 1 Sat, 4/17, 11 AM–1:30 PM Supplies: Prior to class, instructor will provide a list of ingredients and equipment/utensils needed for the class. Patsy Bentivegna / $59 Early Bird Special $49 (Register BEFORE 4/2 for this rate) / Online 1 Thur, 4/8, 5–7:30 PM INSTRUCTOR BIO: A Family Suppertime Favorite Livestream Chef Patsy Bentivegna, a winner on Bakers vs. Faker Food Network Learn the fundamental skills and show has worked at some of San techniques of breading and sautéing Diego and LA’s top restaurants, chicken, along with a side salad, that the hotels, catering companies and whole family will love! In this interactive cooking schools, such as Sur La online cooking class with Professional Table. Her 30 years of experience Chef & Food Network Champ, Patsy has created an expertise that is Bentivegna, students will also learn exhibited in her classes along with basic knife skills and cooking methods a passion for cooking. Teaching to prepare a delicious meal all in the cooking classes and sharing her comfort of their own home. toolbox of cooking techniques is her way of “giving back!” Chef Supplies: Prior to class, instructor will provide a list Patsy’s mission is to inspire people of ingredients and equipment/utensils needed for the to cook for career advancement class. Instructor will email Zoom link. or for enjoyment in their own home! Nothing gives her more Patsy Bentivegna / $59 Early Bird Special $49 gratification than to boost her (Register BEFORE 3/5 for this rate) / Online student's confidence while further instilling a passion for food. 1 Thurs, 3/11, 5–7:30 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 15
S P R I N G 2 021 FOOD & WINE Let’s Talk Wines From Around the Discovering Gems of the World Livestream Wine World Enjoy your own wine from the Discover gems of the wine comfort of your own home as SAVE! world from the comfort of your a Certified Sommelier talks own home in this brand new about wines from around the Take advantage class with Certified Sommelier world. Each session will focus of the Early Bird Dane Kuta. We’ll taste wines on a particular renowned wine from little-known and hidden region, including Germany, Specials. wine-producing regions such as Spain, Bordeaux and Oregon/ Applies to select Colorado, Texas, Greece and Washington. Learn the history, courses. England. Unusual wine varietals style, and varietals produced in from these unique areas are these classic areas for growing Check each class sure to surprise and enrich both for pricing. wine. A list of suggested wines to your palate and your knowledge purchase will be provided prior to each of wine. If you are a wine connoisseur, class session, along with suggested you won't want to miss this class! Home delivery of four (4) wines and a textbook retail outlets. You can savor whatever you like, or just listen/watch the is included. engaging presentation. Note: Must be 21 years or older to register. Instructor Note: Must be 21 years or older to register. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Limited to 92007, 92009, and 92024 zip codes. Outside zip codes will need to schedule pickup with Dane Kuta / $49 Early Bird Special $39 the instructor prior to class. (Register BEFORE 3/17 for this rate) / Online Supplies: A $55 materials fee will be collected prior 4 Wed, 3/24–4/21, 7–8:30 PM. No class on 4/7. to the start of class. Please leave four wine glasses, outside your front door or porch at least 90 minutes prior to the start of class. The instructor and his team will safely deliver the wine pours, adhering to mandated hygiene and social distancing guidelines. Dane Kuta / $69 / Online 4 Wed, 2/24–3/17, 7–8:30 PM HOME & GARDEN Floral Design: Spring Splendor Livestream It’s spring and flowers are blooming. Join this hands on livestream class as you learn the basics of floral design including color palettes, introduction to different styles, how to pick the freshest flowers, and how to put together arrangements to suit a variety of needs and special events. Build the confidence to create beautiful arrangement in the comfort of your home from a knowledgeable and inspired instructor. Supplies: A supplies list will be sent prior to the start of class. Students are expected to supply materials related to this art education. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. J.R. Hawley / $59 Early Bird Special $49 (Register BEFORE 3/13 for this rate) 2 Sat, 3/20 & 3/27, 9 AM–12 PM 16 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
HOME & GARDEN Be Your Own Handyman Organic Edible Gardening Series Livestream Livestream This interactive course will teach you Grow your own organic produce! Whether the basics of carpentry, plumbing, and you want to provide your family with electrical projects. You will learn how to nutritious food, save money, get some replace toilets, install faucets and deal exercise or just be more self-sufficient, with those pesky leaks. You will also this course will give you the skills and learn how to replace electrical outlets, knowledge you need to be on your way install light fixtures and troubleshoot your to a successful harvest. If you have a few electrical wiring. By the end of all four hours a week, you can grow the best sessions, you will be doing most of the organic vegetables for you table. You do handyman work yourself! Whether you not need a large yard. Growing in raised are thinking of becoming a professional beds and containers makes gardening handyman or just want to save money so much easier. We will discuss building by “doing it yourself,” you will find what raised beds and where to buy pre-made you need in these livestream interactive ones. All aspects of gardening will be workshops. Save time and money by covered: design and care, preparation, completing your own home repairs. planting, harvesting and more. You will learn everything you need to know about Supplies: A supplies list will be sent prior to the start our favorite vegetables, fruits, herbs and of class. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link edible flowers. Join us in the dirt to make before class begins. great, healthy food! Ed Samsen / $79 Supplies: Gardening tools and a supplies list will be suggested and emailed to students before the start of DIY Rough Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical class. Instructor will send a Zoom link before class begins. 3 Sat, 3/27–4/17, 9 AM–12 PM. No class on 4/3. Debbi Dubbs / $69 Early Bird Special $59 $49 / Or take BOTH classes for only $119 (Register BEFORE 3/6 for this rate) DIY All Things Outdoors: Sprinklers, Pavers, 3 Sat, 3/13–3/27, 10 AM–12 PM Ponds, Patio Cover, Planter beds, Retaining walls 1 Sat, 4/24, 9 AM–12 PM MIR TS9LrrcteiuuaeCnobDbocpbmszpecBrarpDaehaBia$iertopetnmoraupbioeoor2aserndyafisofpraodruo,tolclmivsocdi8oaikiglltrnkabnrnililrhtnood9mhriapnd|iyleegbsbigtceec9t.ne,oeoyasasiiafolle1CspG$wgwseoottpvstkenois4ao…r5Cpin.oporouiiaantnan,trn.nEa2ao0ltnteMhnCtatcoo,nwxtgsa5(9nsdunyuscapnoecieeg9toos)–dmrdoshbrtna.nee;xseaOdatunauttntoeY$saoracsaevtatlrsitwtoac2oietasepthaelhugicisca,cuoteRianu4a$Rs.snstmhothnni19vtctlLucp7wnagtkeoidbe0y9utsus6ceraolin,0iio.oaenobxalc0cpalkauRdbtnourgirpnp.ehnfhstn7peeio,eartnt3edPe9qhiokawsoSrmpsand,eu5leneiwprafafafntdepi2.oinodeecne6anagy.nnstt0arerurel8xlateseeeaedt!hms2frhofo2rooasF.sltf$s1ani0ibatoyscrAlrad4!a.oeCnralei,lnPOiutr9rmsgssafSio…d9loecyTioftn9kAeyfirn;egrCgO L L E GE Landscaping with California Native Plants Livestream Create a sense of place and habitat using California’s own heritage, which will ultimately benefit your purse, home and the planet. We will focus on 20 native California plant species, their uses, care and maintenance without chemicals or additives. Students will design a landscape and supplemental irrigation system through lecture and hands-on design sessions. Supplies: Please bring notebook, colored pencils, pen and eraser to use during livestream class. Susan Krzywicki / $59 Early Bird Special $49 (Register BEFORE 1/30 for this rate) 2 Sat, 2/6 & 2/13, 9 AM–12 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 17
S P R I N G 2 021 LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Spanish 1B for Mature Adults Spanish 1A for Mature Adults Livestream Livestream This is the next step after 1A. This is a beginning Spanish class. Designed for those with some knowledge Spanish 1A is designed for students of Spanish or have taken Spanish 1A. with limited or no knowledge of Spanish Conversation will be promoted by doing or for those who have previously taken dialogs that deal with daily life. Your a Spanish language class and want to vocabulary will improve and you will refresh what they once learned. This is also feel more confident speaking Spanish. a great class for students who would like to Guaranteed to be lots of fun! learn the basics of the Spanish language for traveling purposes. Class will include Supplies: Students must purchase Spanish is Fun instruction in grammar, vocabulary, Book 1–5th edition by Heywood Wald (ISBN: 978- pronunciation through reading, writing 1634199285). Available at amazon.com. Instructor and conversation. will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Supplies: Students must purchase Spanish is Fun Gerda Snell / $129 Early Bird Special $119 Book 1–5th edition by Heywood Wald (ISBN: (Register BEFORE 1/27 for this rate) 978-1634199285). Available at amazon.com. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before 8 Wed, 2/3-3/24, 9:30 –11:15 AM class begins. Spanish 1C for Mature Adults Gerda Snell / $129 Early Bird Special $119 Livestream (Register BEFORE 3/21 for this rate) / Online This is the next step after Spanish 1B. 8 Wed, 4/7–5/26, 1–2:45 PM This course is designed for those students with some knowledge of Spanish. During this class, we will review grammar, increase vocabulary, improve pronunciation and study culture through writing and conversation exercises using dialogs, stories and role playing. Supplies: Students must purchase Spanish is Fun Book 4th or 5th edition by Heywood Wald (ISBN:978- 1634199285). Available at amazon.com. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Gerda Snell / $129 Early Bird Special $119 (Register BEFORE 3/31 for this rate) / Online 8 Wed, 4/7–5/26, 9:30–11:15 AM Spanish 2 for Mature Adults Beginning Spanish Livestream Livestream This course is designed for those with This is the next step after Spanish 1C. little to no knowledge of Spanish. It is also Students will broaden their skills and a great start for those wanting to learn proficiency by engaging in conversations, basic Spanish for traveling or refresh what learning new vocabulary and practicing you learned. Class will include grammar, grammar in a relaxed, informal vocabulary, pronunciation and culture, as atmosphere. It will be lots of fun. well as reading, writing, and conversation. Supplies: Students must purchase Spanish is Fun Supplies: Students must purchase Spanish Made Book 2 by Heywood Wald (ISBN: 978-1634199285). Simple by Eugene Jackson and Antonio Rubio, ISBN Available at amazon.com. Instructor will send an 978-0-7679-1541-0. Available at amazon.com. Please email with Zoom link before class begins. have a notebook or binder-paper with pen or pencil ready for class. Instructor will send an email with Gerda Snell / $129 Early Bird Special $119 Zoom link before class begins. (Register BEFORE 1/27 for this rate) / Online Alicia Flores Meneses / $129 Early Bird Special $119 8 Wed, 2/3–3/24, 1–2:45 PM (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) / Online 8 Thur, 2/18–4/15, 10–12 PM. No class on 4/1. 18 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
LANGUAGE & LITERATURE Spanish 3B for Mature Adults Learn Spanish with a Virtual Livestream Fun Game of Loteria Livestream This is the next step after Spanish 3A. Learn Spanish and have fun with the This course is designed for those students traditional virtual Mexican game of with at least two years of Spanish Loteria. This course is open for all levels of language instruction. During this class, Spanish. Come and learn the traditional we will review grammar, increase Mexican game while you learn new vocabulary, improve pronunciation vocabulary, cultural traditions and and study culture through writing and improve your pronunciation and interact conversation exercises using dialogs, to other native Spanish speakers. stories and role playing. Note: Instructor will send the reading materials in PDF Supplies: Students must purchase Practice Makes copies by email for each class. Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses by Dorothy Richmond Supplies: Please have a notebook or binder-paper (ISBN-13: 978-0071841856), Practice makes Perfect with pen or pencil ready for class. Instructor will send Pronouns and Prepositions by Dorothy Richmond, an email with Zoom link before class begins. Third Edition (ISBN: 978-1259586323). Available at Rocio Flores / $119 Early Bird Special $99 amazon.com. Please have a notebook or binder- (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) / Online paper with pen or pencil ready for class. Instructor 6 Sat, 2/20–3/27 10–11:30 AM will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. The Power of Storytelling Alicia Flores Meneses / $129 Early Bird Special $119 Livestream (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) / Online In this art of oral storytelling class, students 8 Fri, 2/19–4/16, 1–3 PM. No class on 4/2. will explore tales from traditional folk and fairy traditions, personal stories, and world Spanish Short Stories and Culture mythologies. You will learn to know your Livestream audience. Discover your own personal power and creativity. Through storytelling, Designed for those with at least three we learn about our connection to our years of Spanish or have taken Spanish world, past, and present as well as how to 3D. During class, we will be improving connect to and influence our future. This our conversational skills, increasing fun and interactive class will give you the vocabulary, learning idiomatic opportunity to share your stories. expressions, reading short stories and cultural articles. Join us in this fun Supplies: Students will need a digital device, conversational class. preferably a home computer, or laptop with adequate bandwidth to attend virtual classes. Note: Instructor will send the reading materials in PDF Li-Anne Rowswell / $79 Early Bird Special $69 copies by email for each class. (Register BEFORE 3/26 for this rate) / Online Supplies: Students must purchase Practice Makes 12 Mon & Wed, 4/5–5/12, 5–6:30 PM Perfect Spanish Pronouns and Prepositions by Dorothy Richmond (ISBN 978-1-259-58632-3) and Practice Getting Started–American Sign Makes Perfect Spanish Conversation by Jean Yates Language (ASL) Livestream (ISBN 978-1-259-58636-1). Practice makes Perfect Spanish Verb Tenses by Dorothy Richmond, Third Have you always wanted to learn ASL in Edition, (ISBN 978-0-07-184185-6). Available at a fun and interactive environment? Now amazon.com. Please have a notebook or binder- is your chance! This six-week interactive paper with pen or pencil ready for class. Instructor course will introduce you to basic will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. conversational signs and skills that will enable you to communicate with the Alicia Flores Meneses / $115 / Online Deaf community. 8 Fri, 2/19–04/16, 10 AM–12 PM. No class on 4/2. Supplies: Students must purchase Learn to Sign the Fun Way by Penny Warner (ISBN: 978-0761532637) prior to the start of class. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Lisa Alcantara / $119 Early Bird Special $99 (Register BEFORE 3/6 for this rate) / Online 6 Sat, 3/13–4/17, 10 AM–12 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 19
S P R I N G 2 021 LANGUAGE & LITERATURE | PERFORMING ARTS How to Develop the French Conversation Livestream Creative Writer Within You Through Blogging Parlez-vous francias? Oui, Oui! Come experience this fun and dynamic class Everyone has a story to tell. This five-week guaranteed to provide you with the class focuses on finding, writing, creating opportunity to gain confidence, learn and sharing your own personal story vocabulary, perfect pronunciation and through writing practices that lead to increase fluency in the French language. building self-resilience and renewal. Topics will change weekly and cover a You will also learn how to create a blog, wide variety of subjects. Come enjoy this so you can publish your story today and unique experience. your future stories for tomorrow. Note: Previous knowledge of French is preferred. Supplies: Students will need a digital device, Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before preferably a home computer, or laptop with adequate class begins. bandwidth to attend virtual classes, and log into various Google applications. Supplies: Please have a notebook with pen or pencil ready for class. Kelly Hathaway / $69 Early Bird Special $59 (Register BEFORE 2/27 for this rate) / Online Lisa Porfirio / $119 / Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 3/6 for for this rate) / Online 6 Sat, 3/6–4/10, 10 AM–12 PM 6 Mon, 3/15–4/26, 6–8 PM. No class on 4/5. PERFORMING ARTS Beginning Ukulele Beginning Guitar Hybrid Livestream No experience necessary. If you Do you have a ukulele sitting in SAVE! know a minimal amount about a closet gathering dust and the guitar, this is the class for want to learn how to play it? Take advantage you. This class covers guitar Jam on the beach with friends of the Early Bird techniques, chords, strumming and show off what you have and some notation/theory. learned. This course is open to Specials. By the end of this class, you those students who would like will have an understanding of to learn to play the ukulele. Applies to select chord structure and beginning courses. strumming techniques. Most of Supplies: Please use your own ukulele, the songs learned will be by The tuner, 3-ring binder, notebook and pencil Check each class Beatles. No book required. with eraser during online class. Instructor for pricing. will send an email with Zoom link before Note: First day of class will be livestream. Class will be a mixture of livestream and pre-recorded video class begins. lessons. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before the first class begins. Zenia Panao / $99 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 1/26 for this rate) / Online Supplies: Please use your own guitar, notebook and pen or pencil during online class. Instructor will send 8 Tue, 2/2–3/23, 6:30–8 PM Virtual Ukulele–Next Level emails with video links before each class. Tony Lasley / $95 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 1/29 for for this rate) Advance your ukulele skills to the next level.You will learn more chords, finger- 8 Mon, 2/1–3/29, 6:30–7:30. No class on 2/15. style picking and transposing of chords. This virtual class will be full of challenging songs and a lot of fun. Supplies: Please use your own ukulele, tuner, 3-ring binder, notebook and pencil with eraser during online class. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Zenia Panao / $99 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 3/24 for this rate) / Online 8 Tue, 3/30–5/18, 6:30–8 PM 20 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
PERSONAL FINANCE & WORKSHOPS Financial Planning for Women Money 101 Financial Livestream Independence for Young Adults Livestream Statistics tell us that eight out of ten women will end up handling their own Students today often lack a knowledge finances. This may be due to longevity, of basic money management and divorce or other reasons. This class will investment skills or even the ability to prepare you to handle your finances and write a check and manage a checking give you a deep knowledge of financial account. This class will help provide young markets. We will cover budgeting and give people with the tools to effectively budget, you tools to create and run a budget. You save and invest money, understand debt will learn how to properly allocate assets. and obtain and manage credit. Topics We will spend a lot of time breaking down discussed in class will include insurance stocks/equities vs. bonds/fixed income. coverage issues, differences in retirement You will learn how to evaluate your plans and how to develop long and short- portfolio against proper benchmarks and term investment strategies and goals. how to interpret your financial statements. Taking the guesswork out of managing Each class includes a packet of color money leads to a long and healthy worksheets. This class will give you peace financial life. of mind and knowledge that will last a lifetime. This is a fun, hands-on, interactive Note: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link class where questions are welcomed. before class begins. Michael Graney / $49 Early Bird Special $39 Nikki Simpson / $49 Early Bird Special $39 (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) (Register BEFORE 4/3 for this rate) 2 Mon, 2/22–3/1, 6–9 PM 2 Sat, 4/10–4/17, 10 AM–12 PM Retirement Planning Today A, B, C, Ds of Medicare Livestream Livestream It takes more than money to live a This class covers the essentials of the “rich life.” This course blends financial Medicare Health System, its structure, education with life planning to help existing restrictions, cost and coverage you build wealth, align your money with details, as well as who can become your values and achieve your retirement a beneficiary. Other topics include: lifestyle goals. In just two entertaining supplemental plans, Part C and drug and informative sessions, you’ll learn plans, how they are structured, timelines, what they didn’t teach you in school. limitations and missing coverage areas. Supplies: This course includes 235-page illustrated Supplies: Please bring pen and paper to take notes. books. Books can be picked it up at MiraCosta TCI, Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before 2075 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad 92011. Instructor will class begins. send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Joseph Pospichal / $49 Early Bird Special $35 Brad Lineberger / $60–bring your spouse livestream (Register BEFORE 3/17 for this rate) with you for free! 1 Tues, 3/23, 6–8 PM 2 Wed, 2/3 & 2/10, 6–8 PM 2 Thur, 2/11 & 2/18, 6–8 PM 2 Tues, 5/4 & 5/11, 6–8 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 21
S P R I N G 2 021 PHOTOGRAPHY Getting Started with Your dSLR Making Shooting Perfect Pictures Livestream Easy Livestream In this workshop, you will learn how to set up After this class you will be well equipped your camera to optimize the quality of your with ideas on how to approach your photographs. We will cover important topics picture taking. The most important of white balance and ISO, allowing you to aspects of making great photos are how shoot under difficult conditions. Additionally, you arrange things in your frame and how you will learn about the little icons on your it is lit. Learn compositional and lighting shooting dial. After you have completed techniques to try the next time you go out this class, you’ll be able to take pictures to take pictures. We will also learn what right away! kind of effects different lenses have on your photos. Level up your creativity! Supplies: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link Supplies: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Please have your camera and before class begins. Please have your camera and manual ready for class. manual ready for class. Terry Matsuoka / $49 / Online Terry Matsuoka / $49 / Online 1 Wed, 3/10, 6:30–8:30 PM 1 Wed, 2/24, 6:30–8:30 PM Digital SLR Photography Series From Good to Great Photos: Introductory digital SLR photography series Understanding Aperture and can be taken as individual courses for $49, Shutter Speed Livestream or together for only $139! The photography topics are interrelated and Even if you didn’t realize it, this is probably affect one another, so we recommend you why you bought your dSLR in the first take all three (Getting Started with Your dSLR, place. Aperture and shutter speed can Aperture and Shutter Speed and Making be daunting concepts to understand on Shooting Perfect Pictures Easy) to get a your own. Once you master these aspects of complete understanding of the camera photography, it’s what is going to separate and picture-taking. your pictures from the rest. We will also take a look at some of the pictures you took after your first session for constructive evaluation. After this class, you’ll be able to practice depth-of-field and capture motion and time. Supplies: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Please have your camera and manual ready for class. Terry Matsuoka / $49 / Online 1 Wed, 3/3, 6:30–8:30 PM Discover Scotland M EGE June 7–16, 2021 | 10 Days | 14 Meals BTPrtCaForowrariwoeloclinkisnnametsNtg:ifortoeeRsitnwg.rs’ossLrS&,ureefucGaneaSgordanrrmogtnvtTHeuie-srhtiip$dhopgo2-hTcsw0tAraelu0aairabtinopnsfl-ireesdsnoprppesrmploea,readfrsyrrStytsuiaaeatoehrtnnuindineo!drgaDinbslynilaeaafrts.ongnghEmodpeixnseipIptnCeptleootradlasrAireotclassigrttbnpsihvstadoe,aedarterctee,nntoloAgydjoo/iacrfsykrlmaToindcasmogiixttnleyoecnSstsoalehaalfrnasSEnasycdDd.etoiiDntreFthecibegsedhcueoNoisrwngI/nvaShhehttuli.irisosArPkactnoiuyrha.plrtaayIloan,nrPrcgSdmitp.cleuoioosndf,dtgleHaedonrntdienl Double $4,549; $4,349 pp, Single $5,249; $5,049 pp. PfBlyioceokrkuosprovlooidnceatootiopgnree(tss)tehdnisetapgteiroonnudptoopnbritechese!enFnuot mrtombyeoorrueotfinopfdaoarrymti.caCiptoiaonnntat,sccttohunasttaahctat7vu6es0.b.Ro7eo9qk5ue.ed6s.8t2fo0r. a IRACOSTA COLL 22 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
RECREATION Introduction to Chess Livestream It is widely known that playing chess improves mental acuity, cognitive ability and enhances creativity. Chess is one of the oldest games in human history and since its inception, has charged drastically into the game we know today. Join us in this interactive virtual class where you will learn the history and development of the game of chess, modern chess theory, the rules of the game and chess strategies that will enable you to play at a beginner or intermediate level by the end of class. This class is ideal for people who have little or no experience with chess. Supplies: Practice problems, lectures, and worksheets will be emailed to students but owning an actual chess board with pieces will be extremely helpful. Students can purchase the chess board at any game store or retail chain for under $20. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Micael Maya-Peinl / $59 Early Bird Special $49 (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) 5 Fri, 2/19–3/19, 5–6 PM Natural History Hikes in San Diego County This course combines hiking and observation of northern San Diego County’s geology, natural history, climate and ecological/ wildlife resources. Students will learn about the formation of local landscapes, coastal and stream erosion, water resources and habitats. In order to fully enjoy this class, students must be physically capable of hiking long distances on potentially rugged trails with several hundred feet of elevation gains. Note: Please wear a mask upon arrival to class and the instructor will provide further instructions. Supplies: Students will need good footwear for hiking 3–4 miles on beaches and mountain trails. Students will need a backpack and a notebook (for taking notes), water, sunscreen, snacks, etc. Everyone should have a cell phone. Students will need to provide their own transportation and pay parking fees if necessary. The link to print out field trip packeets will be emailed to students. Phil Stoffer / $49 Early Bird Special $39 Calavera Hills Volcano: Calavera Lake, 3825 Tamarack Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92010, USA Sat, 3/13, 9 AM–1 PM Activity Level: Easy to Moderate Lake Hodges (Piedras Pintadas Preserve and shoreline walk) 20102 Lake Drive Escondido, CA 92101 Sat, 4/17, 9 AM–1 PM Activity Level: Moderate INSTRUCTOR BIO: Phil Stoffer has been leading student field trips in different parts of the county for several decades. He has prepared field guides for the National Park Service, the US Geological Survey and a number of California colleges including National Hispanic University, San Jose State University, Salinas College, Gavilan College, and recently, Miracosta College where he teaches courses in Earth Science and Oceanography. For additional information, go to: https://gotbooks.miracosta.edu and http://geologycafe.com PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 23
S P R I N G 2 021 RECREATION Adult Horsemanship English or Western style. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn about horses, grooming, horsemanship and to begin riding in a safe and beautiful environment. Horseback riding helps build confidence and responsibility, soothes and releases stress, provides exercise, and develops a strong bond between you and horses. All levels welcome, including the experienced rider who wants to get back in the saddle. Note: Students must weigh under 200 lbs, be healthy and in good physical condition and able to mount and dismount a horse by themselves. Students will need to sign a waiver supplied by the instructor at the first class. Students between the ages of 15–17 must be accompanied by an adult and will need to have a parent or guardian sign a waiver. Please wear a face mask upon your arrival at the farm and your instructor will give you further instructions. Supplies: Bring water and sunscreen. Wear closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothes that can get dirty. Teri Cagle / $210 Hoof Haven Farms, 4777 S. Mission Road, Fallbrook 6 Sat, 2/6–3/13, 12–1:30 PM Golf–Women’s Beginner Golf–Women’s Level 2 This class is for ladies who are interested This class is designed for the lady golfer in learning about the game of golf in looking to improve her existing golf skills a relaxed group atmosphere. We will and achieve more consistency in all cover all the basics including the swing, areas of the game. Through drills and etiquette and rules so you will feel simple training aids, classes will focus on comfortable going to the driving range or putting, chipping, pitching and the full course to play with friends or colleagues. swing with a driver and irons. Enjoy the outdoors, fresh air, make new friends and learn a game that can be Note: Please wear a mask upon arrival to class and enjoyed for a lifetime. Everything will be the instructor will provide further instructions. provided; just bring yourself and be ready Supplies: A $55 materials fee will be collected in to have some fun. class for weekly range balls and golf course fee. Scott Newman / $165 Note: Please wear a mask upon arrival to class and Encinitas Ranch Golf Course the instructor will provide further instructions. 8 Tues, 2/2–3/23, 12–1 PM Supplies: A $55 materials fee will be collected in 8 Tues, 4/6–5/25, 12–1 PM class for weekly range balls and golf course fee. Scott Newman / $165 Encinitas Ranch Golf Course 8 Sun, 1/31–3/21, 11:30 AM–12:30 PM 8 Sun, 4/4–5/23, 11:30 AM–12:30 PM 15$ LUNCH BAG Get yours. Call 760.795.6820 or order online at https://miracosta.augusoft.net Limited quantity. 24 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
RECREATION Golf–Full Swing FUNdamentals Golf–Short Game FUNdamentals Are you interested in learning the golf Have you heard the golf adage, “drive swing? Have you been playing a while for show, putt for dough?” It’s the truth. and just can’t find the consistency you Although it’s fun to step up to a golf ball are looking for? Come join the Full Swing and hit it as hard and as far as you can, Fundamental class. This class will focus to shoot good scores, you have to have on the full swing only. We will go over the a good short game. This class will focus fundamentals of the golf swing, posture, on all aspects of the short game, such as grip, aim, swing plane and swing path. putting, chipping, pitching and the sand We will break the swing down and cover a shot. Each week we will work on new shots different part every week including set up, to hit to help you lower your scores. back swing, transition, down swing and follow through. By the end of this class you Note: Please wear a mask upon arrival to class and will have a very good understanding of the instructor will provide further instructions. the golf swing and how to practice. Supplies: A $55 materials fee will be collected in Note: Please wear a mask upon arrival to class and class for weekly range balls and golf course fee. the instructor will provide further instructions. Scott Newman / $165 Supplies: A $55 materials fee will be collected in class for weekly range balls and golf course fee. Encinitas Ranch Golf Course Scott Newman / $165 8 Fri, 1/31–3/21, 10:15–11:15 AM Encinitas Ranch Golf Course 8 Tues, 1/31–3/21, 9–10 AM 8 Tues, 4/4–5/23, 9–10 AM Golf FUNdamentals–Beginner HAVE A PASSION FOR TEACHING? Golf is a game that can be enjoyed for a lifetime and learned at any age. Do you have an idea for a class that you would like to propose? It’s great for your social, business and Please visit the website below personal life. This class will introduce you to access a course proposal to all aspects of the game in a relaxed form or contact our office for group atmosphere. We will cover the full additional information! swing, putting, chipping, pitching and the sand bunker shot, as well as basic rules For more information go to and etiquette. miracosta.augusoft.net and Note: Please wear a mask upon arrival to class and to submit a course proposal the instructor will provide further instructions. Supplies: A $55 materials fee will be collected in Classes and excursions class for weekly range balls and golf course fee. sell out quickly! Scott Newman / $165 / Encinitas Ranch Golf Course 8 Fri, 1/29–3/19, 9–10 AM Call or register online to reserve your space — bring a friend or relative More Golf classes will be added. to make it more fun: 760.795.6820 Please contact us at 760.795.6820 or miracosta.augusoft.net. { {or visit miracosta.augusoft.net PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 25
S P R I N G 2 021 CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Become a Notary Public Become a Loan-Signing Agent Livestream Livestream Establish yourself as a Notary Public, Make the most out of your notary earn additional income and provide a commission by becoming a certified service to your community. Successful Loan Signing Agent. Our livestream notaries provide a valuable service to seminar will teach you how to notarize their company, friends and private clients. loan documents and give you a simple Notary skills are valuable in almost any strategy to launch your new business. industry: real estate, legal, medical and Learn the information and tools you banking to name just a few. Livestream need to succeed as a Signing Agent with a notary expert for three sessions from the comfort of your home. Our and you will be ready to take the official expert teachers are seasoned in the notary exam and practice as a safe and business; they'll teach you the process of effective notary. Next, consider becoming completing a signing, best practices in a Loan Signing Agent and make $200 to the industry, and how to get loan signing $300 per signing. Students are eligible to assignments. Students are eligible to access our private Facebook page to ask access our private Facebook page to ask questions, watch webinars and receive questions, watch webinars and receive updates. All you need is a smartphone updates All you need is your smartphone to join. Must be at least 18 years of age. to join. A certificate is awarded upon A serious conviction may disqualify an completion of the course. applicant. You’ll receive a Completion Certificate and a Secretary of State- Topics include: Notary Public Application from your notary training class that you must bring with • Notarize a loan package from any you to your chosen testing center. The bank successfully every time notary test must be taken at a physical location. Register for the official notary • The dos and don'ts of the profession exam 15 days in advance or be a walk- in candidate. Use this link to view testing • What to discuss with your clients schedule and register: https://www.cpshr. us/notary/exam_registration.php • How to develop your own business Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected upon • Getting signed up with busy signing registration for workbook. The book and materials will agencies be emailed to students from Notary Public Seminars. Prerequisite: Must be a notary public or have Notary Public Seminars, Inc. / $99 / Livestream taken a notary class. Tues, Wed & Thurs, 4/6, 4/7, & 4/8, 6–8:15 PM Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected upon registration for workbook. The book and materials will be emailed to students from Notary Public Seminars. Notary Public Seminars, Inc. / $119 / Livestream Tues, Wed & Thurs, 5/11, 5/12 & 5/13, 6–8 PM Renewing Notaries Livestream When you are ready to take the walk- in exam, please bring the following: Need to renew your notary commission? 1) Completed Secretary of State-Notary We’ll feature the new state laws and give you a brush-up on general law to make Public Application sure you haven’t fallen into any bad 2) Proper ID habits. Your commission must be current to be eligible for the three-hour seminar. • State-issued driver’s license or ID card Renewing notaries must take the exam and submit Live Scan fingerprints • U .S. passport or a passport issued by a again. Option: the six-hour notary foreign government public education course satisfies the requirement for a three-hour • U.S. military ID card refresher course. 3) 2 x 2 color passport of yourself (Can be Note: You are automatically registered for the official obtained at Costco, Walgreens, CVS) state exam directly following the seminar. See box to 4) Two #2 pencils the right regarding the notary test. 5) Completion Certificate from notary Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected upon public training registration for workbook. The book and materials will 6) Payment for the exam, check or money be emailed to students from Notary Public Seminars. order $40. Notary Public Seminars, Inc / $50 / Livestream 7) $ 40 check made payable to “Secretary Tues, 4/6, 6–8:15 PM & Wed, 4/7, 6–7 PM of State” 26 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Teaching Unique Learners Essential Documents in a in the General Education Setting Time Crisis Livestream Livestream This pandemic has a lot of us thinking Those wishing to enter the field of about how unprepared we are for the education need to be adept at future. It's time to get essential documents educating a variety of learners, including in order, and the good news is that students with special needs. This course protecting your family's finances is easy will aid future educators to become with a little expert advice. Creating a will knowledgeable, comfortable and or revocable trust guarantees your wishes confident in the many areas of special will be abided by and avoids probate for education within the general education your family, a time consuming expensive setting. In this six week course, students will process. A legal expert will discuss gain an in-depth understanding of a wide relevant medical documents including array of disabilities, the basic components durable power of an Individualized Education Pan (IEP) of attorney and and an understanding of how IEP Team medical release Meetings are conducted. Future teachers forms that could will learn to differentiate instruction for all make treatment students, utilize various methods of co- easier, quicker, and teaching models in the classroom and use less confusing for assessments to drive classroom instruction all concerned. for unique learners. Supplies: Students must purchase Including Students Supplies: A $20 materials fee will be collected upon with Special Needs: A Practical Guide for Classroom registration for PDF workbook. Teachers” 8th Edition by Marilyn Friend (ISBN-13: 978- 0134801674). Available at amazon.com. Please bring Notary Public Seminars, Inc. $99 / Online notebook and pen or pencil to take notes. Instructor Mon, Tues & Thurs, 2/22, 2/23 & 2/25, 6–PM will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. Kristin McCarthy / $129 / Online Becoming a Sales Rep 6 Thurs, 2/4–3/11, 4–6 PM Ever wondered what it takes to be Starting a Profitable Home- a successful sales rep? What skills Based Business Livestream do you need? What is the earning potential? Many companies in San Many successful businesses start as home Diego are looking for sales reps. Sales based businesses, such a Google and representatives build relationships Microsoft! Whether you want to start the with potential buyers to sell goods and next multi-billion business or create your services. They contact customers, pitch own source of income, this class will teach and explain products for sale, and you the foundation to get started and be negotiate the sale price. Students will successful. Home-based business can gain knowledge of the industry, necessary thrive even in desperate times. Topics skills and the next steps to become a include: 1) Establishing a foundation successful sales rep. 2) Legal etities and licenses 3) Business Planning 4) Marketing 5) Franchising 6) Note: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link Resources available. before class begins. View a short video about the Note: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link class on miracosta.augusoft.net. before class begins. Supplies: Please have a notebook and pen or pencil Supplies: A $15 material fee for resource list will be ready to take notes. collected by the instructor. A list of book suggestions Cheryl Brown / $49 Early Bird Special $39 will be emailed to students. Please have a notebook (Register BEFORE 3/13 for this rate) and pen or pencil ready to take notes. 4 Mon, 3/22–4/12, 7–8:30 PM Diana Barbiani / $110 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 2/1 for this rate) 8 Mon, 2/8 & 4/5, 5–6 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 27
S P R I N G 2 021 CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Introduction to Voiceovers Live Make Extra Income. DMV Auto Video Chat Wholesale Business from Home Livestream Open enrollment Through All of Spring 2021 Semester Learn how to make extra income Explore the voiceover industry! Discover current trends, SAVE! buying and selling wholesale opportunities and tools you cars as a home-based business. need to find success. Read Take advantage You will learn six techniques that a real script and receive of the Early Bird can earn you $3,000 selling just coaching from your instructor, one to three cars a month. Learn a professional voice actor, to Specials. how to get your auto dealer improve your delivery. This is license and how to operate a a onetime 90 minute, one-on- Applies to select profitable used car business. one, live video-chat class! Learn courses. You’ll get a FREE list of the 300+ more: http://www.voicesforall. dealer-only auctions in the USA com/ooo Check each class for pricing. where automobiles are sold below wholesale prices. This class is DMV Note: This is a Live Video Chat class taken remotely approved and you will receive a DMV by students, scheduled at a day and time of the certificate of completion at the end of student’s preference within the current semester. the class. Voice for All will contact students to schedule a Note: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link class time. before class begins. Supplies: Students need the ability to video chat Supplies: Your instructor will send you a PayPal using a computer, laptop, or smart device. Any of Invoice to pay the $25 material fees for this class. the following platform will be used–Zoom, Skype Please have a notebook and pen or pencil when you or FaceTime. sign in to take this class. Voices for All / $59 Early Bird special $49 Wayne Williams / $110 Early Bird Special $89 (Register BEFORE 10/2 for this rate) / Online (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) / Online Between 2/1–5/21. Voice for All will contact students Mon & Thur, 2/22 & 2/23, 6–9:30 PM to schedule a class time. R® •SPHR ®•G PH TUTE PHR® HR CE Human Resources Certificate Program–3 Mondays! PRE-APPROVED Our HR Certificate Program is appropriate for individuals who are not RTIFICATION INSTI yet HR professionals and for HR veterans who wish to update their skills. This program was developed to enable participants to complete their studies in just three days and has been approved for 23 general recertification credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPRH recertification through the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). This program provides an essential skill set that leads to jobs in Human Resources. All content is designed to address core HR competencies: • History and role of human resources in today’s workplace • Creating and administering an effective HR department • Compensation, benefits and retirement programs • Staffing (recruiting and retention) strategies • Employment law and compliance hot topics • Effective employee relations and termination Note: A face mask is required. Other safety and social distancing guidelines will be announced. Nadia Ardebili / $98 per class or $530 for all six sessions Technology Career Institute, SBDC Classroom 3 Mon, 2/22–3/8, 8:30 AM–12:30 PM & 1:30–5:30 PM 28 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
CAREER & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Start Your Own Home-Based Food Business, Catering and More Livestream Have you ever wanted to be your own INSTRUCTOR BIO: boss? Do you enjoy cooking and thought you could have your own food business Steve Gostin has been a director, or catering company? It's easier than vice president and manager of you may think. This introductory online numerous gaming, nightclub, and workshop will get you learning the in's and restaurant operations. As a business out's of a home-based food business and consultant, he opened over 20 how to fulfill your dreams. You will learn the restaurants. He is the founder of licensing requirements to create, build, Intelliserve Responsible Beverage plan and operate a successful home- Service and owns the Orange based food business. Coast Hospitality Group, which is an Supplies: Please bring notebook and pen or pencil education training to take notes. Instructor will send an email with Zoom and consulting group link before class begins. focusing on helping businesses grow. Steve Gostin / $69 Early Bird Special $59 (Register BEFORE 4/3 for this rate) / Online 2 Sat, 4/10–4/17, 10–11:30 AM Be a Schedulemaster Effectively Managing Virtual Livestream Employees and Leading Remote Teams Livestream Have you ever said, “there just isn't enough time” or “if only I had more time?” We’ve made an accelerated move If so, this is the class for you! In just four from a brick-and-mortar workplace--to short weeks, you will learn where you time remote and virtual home offices--shifting goes, how to be more useful with your everything we thought we knew and time, how to prioritize, and how to be a understood about conducting business, schedulemaster! This is a great class for and leaving workers in a quandary. How busy people. do I set a schedule for myself and my family to balance space constraints? Note: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link What can I do to set up a professional before class begins. home office? How can I present my best Supplies: Please have a notebook and pen or pencil self on a videoconference platform? ready to take notes. How do I stay connected with employees Cheryl Brown / $59 Early Bird Special $49 I can't see? How do I keep the day (Register BEFORE 4/17 for this rate) “fun” and energized? How do I take 6 Sun, 4/25–5/30, 7–8:30 PM care of myself in all of this? This course helps you balance the changes you’re INSTRUCTOR BIO: experiencing attending to the needs of, and connecting with, your co-workers, Cheryl Brown is a small business family and, most of all, yourself in a remote owner and a business advisor with home-to-work environment. the North San Diego SBDC. She has counseled over 2,500 Note: Students will need laptop, or tablet, or desktop small businesses resulting in over computer and access to internet for the duration of $600,000,000 awarded contracts the class. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link with local, state, and federal before class begins. agencies. She has been awarded the 2012 ASBDC State Star for the San Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before Deigo SBDC network, 2010 SBA class begins. Women in Business Champion, as well as certificates of recognition Supplies: Please have a notebook and pen or pencil from Members of Congress and San ready to take notes. Diego County Supervisors for her success and dedication to the small Deborah West / $59 Early Bird Special $49 business community. (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) 6 Tue, 2/23–3/30, 6–8 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 29
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING ONLINE Certified Paralegal–Online at Your Own Pace Paralegals play a vital role in the legal profession. These qualified professionals take on a variety of tasks ranging from legal research to drafting legal documents in traditional law office settings and in the corporate, government, and public arenas. Formal training is a critical part of preparing for a career as a paralegal. The Paralegal course will help you gain the skills you need to enter the paralegal workforce. You will learn how to conduct legal research and legal interviews, how to perform legal analyses, and more. As you prepare for your paralegal career, you will also receive soft skills training to increase workplace effectiveness. The course concludes with a capstone project and a portfolio review. You will first create a complete litigation file that includes: a legal analysis brief, an investigative report, client interview checklist, intake memo, complaint, legal research, and interoffice memorandum of law. Then, you will learn how to create a strong resume that encompasses your specialized skill set and showcases the impact you would make for your next employer. Through a partnership with National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA), you will also receive membership and access to NALA's Certified Paralegal (CP) Exam Review courses should you choose to take the NALA CP exam at a future time. • Paralegal Employment • Tort Law, Product Liability and Consumer Law • Regulation of Paralegals • Contracts, Insurance and • Attorney and Paralegal Ethics Property Law • Introduction to the Legal System • Estates and Family Law and Analysis • Laws Affecting Business • Legal Interviewing and Research • Criminal Law • Litigation Management Note: Twelve months to complete. The instructional materials required for this course are included • Legal Writing in enrollment. • Introduction to Law Office $2,495 / 225 hours Click here to register Administration Pharmacy Technician–Online Pharmacy technicians have become indispensable to the healthcare industry, and it's a great time to join this growing field. Pharmacy technician classes can get you started on this fulfilling career path. You'll gain the skills and knowledge to qualify for entry-level positions in pharmacies and be prepared for national certification. Upon completion of this course, you will be prepared to sit for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), offered by Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB). This course also includes a voucher which covers the fee of the exam. Pharmacy technician certification is an important issue for many industry employers and state legislatures, some of which now require national certification. You will also have the opportunity to apply for a 100+ hour externship. • Orientation to Pharmacy • Pharmacy Law and Ethics • Pharmaceutical Calculations • Pharmacology I: Basics and Specific Populations • Pharmacology II: Body Systems– Neurological • Pharmacology III: Body Systems– Muscles, Heart, Lungs • Pharmacology IV: Multi-body Systems • Communication Skills and Billing • Lab Practice I: Retail • Lab Practice II: Hospital • Fin Comprehensive Exam Note: Twelve months to complete. The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment. $2,495 / 400 hours Click here to register 30 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
ED2GO WORKFORCE TRAINING ONLINE Home Inspection Certificate–Online at Your Own Pace The Home Inspection Certificate Course covers the principal components, procedures, and processes of home inspection. This course has also been approved by the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and various home inspector organizations and regulatory boards for membership renewal credits or continuing education credits. It is also one component of the steps required to obtain a NIBI Certified Inspector credential. • Introduction • Roof Systems • Exterior Elements • Structural Systems • Insulation and Ventilation • Interior Elements • Electric Systems Lesson • Plumbing Systems • Heating Systems • Cooling Systems • Hot-water Supply Systems Note: Twelve months to complete course. The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment. This also includes external references which you are encouraged to study. $2,295 / 200 course hours Click here to register { {https://careertraining.ed2go.com/MiraCosta/training-programs for registration MIRACOSTA TECHNOLOGY CAREER INSTITUTE Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Associate NABCEP Training MiraCosta College is excited to announce our new online NABCEP PV Associate training program. This 40-hour training program is comprehensive, and students who complete the program will be eligible to sit for the NABCEP PV Associate exam, an industry credential that is a common starting point for anyone seeking employment of all kinds within the solar industry. This program is 100% online, at your own pace, hosted in Discord-a chat room which allows for real time interaction with the course instructor. The program can be customized for your area of interest, with classes on residential and commercial solar, national electric code, lithium batteries, drone site surveying, and smart home electric load control. Our training package includes instructor-led exam preparation. After you pass the exam, you will be a certified NABCEP PV Associate. John Cromer–a mechanical engineer with 12 years solar contracting experience $600 Exam Fee: $150 (collected at time of enrollment, although you do not need to take the NABCEP exam to take this class.) Link to class will be sent upon registration and full payment PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 31
C O N T E N T S WORKFORCE TRAINING 33 Free Information Sessions 42 ◊ Welding I Program 42 ◊ Welding and Metal Fabrication 34 Certificate Programs 43 ◊ Massage Therapy Program 36 ◊ Biomedical Equipment Technician Program 43 ◊ Phlebotomy Technician Program 36 ◊ Blueprint Reading with GD&T 44 ◊ Veterinary Assistant Program 37 ◊ BrewTech Program 44 Child Visitation Monitor 37 ◊ Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Operation 37 ◊ CNC Programming—Introduction and Intermediate 45 ◊ Scuba Diving Instructor Program 38 ◊ Digital Precision Measuring 38 ◊ Electronic Assembly 45 Financial Planning Analyst 38 ◊ Electronic Assembly Re-certification 46 ◊ Real Estate License Program 39 ◊ Engineering Technician Program 47 Online Electronics/Robotics–George Brown 39 ◊ IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Soldering Specialist Automation Technician Electronics Technician Certification and Re-Certification Electromechanical Technician Robotics Technician 40 LEAN Six Sigma Programmable Logic Controllers 40 ◊ Machinist Technology Program (PLC) Technician Programmable Logic Controllers II 41 OSHA-10 and 30 (PLC) Technician 41 ◊ Quality Assurance Basics for Manufacturing 41 ◊ Q uality Assurance Basics 2—Root Cause/Problem Solving Analysis 42 ◊ Unmanned Systems (ROV/Drone) Operator Technician Program HOW TO APPLY FOR WORKFORCE TRAINING The majority of our Workforce training classes (identified by a ◊) require that a Student Interest Form and Student Application are completed in our online database “Apricot” prior to enrolling. A Medical Form is also required for Machinist, CNC Operations and Welding classes. Start here www.tinyurl.com/TCIinterest by creating a Student Interest form (profile). Keep your password handy as you will need to log back into the system. Then follow the steps below: 1. Sign on using your username (email) and password at ctk.apricot.info 2. Click “MENU” in upper left corner of form 3. Click “Search Records” 4. Click “Student Interest Form” 5. Your name should appear in the middle of the page 6. Click your name 7. An All box will appear 8. Drag your mouse to the right of the Application and click “+” 9. Don’t forget to “Save Record” on the right side of page 10. R epeat steps for the Medical Form ONLY if you are taking Welding, Machinist Technology, or CNC Operations 11. Lastly, submit a photo ID in person or via email to [email protected]. Note: For our longer workforce training programs and/or outside funding sources, there may be additional forms and documents that are required. Our programs under 50 hours will typically accept students ages 15 years or older. Please contact our office at 760.795.6820 prior to applying. CERTIFICATE INFORMATION For any program over 50 hours, students will have the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Accomplishment. If you are enrolled and successfully complete a program under 50 hours, we can issue a certificate for $20. REFUND POLICY Refunds will be made up to five working days prior to your class start date. A $25 cancellation fee will be retained for each refund. There are no refunds given once the class has begun, unless special permission has been granted by the program supervisor. Email us at [email protected] 32 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
WORKFORCE TRAINING FREE INFORMATION SESSIONS Child Visitation Monitor • Wed, 2/3 at 6 PM at 3:30–4:30 PM. Online Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before the information session begins. Biomedical Equipment Technician • Tues, 6/22 at 6 PM (information session with testing) • Tues, 7/6 at 2–5 PM (interviews by invite only) Technology Career Institute • 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad Online: Fri, 6/25 at 10 AM BrewTech • Thurs, 7/8 at 6 PM (information session with testing) • Thurs, 7/22 at 2–5 PM (interviews by invite only) Landes Recreation Center • 2855 Cedar Road, Oceanside Online: Fri, 7/8 at 10 AM E ngineering Technician • Thurs, 2/18 at 6 PM • T ues, 3/16 at 9 AM (information session with testing and interviews following) • Thurs, 4/15 at 4 PM (testing and interviews only) Technology Career Institute • 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad Online: Fri, 3/20 at 10 AM M achinist Technology • Tues, 4/27 at 6 PM • T hurs, 5/27 at 9 AM (information session with testing and interviews following) • Thurs, 6/24 at 4 PM (testing and interviews only) Technology Career Institute • 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad Online: Fri, 5/28 at 10 AM Massage Therapy • Wed, 1/20 at 5:30 PM. Oceanside Campus, Room T510 P hlebotomy Technician • T ues, 2/2 at 5:30 PM Livestream. A Zoom link will be emailed to students prior to the information session. Note: Mandatory math and reading comprehension assessment is scheduled on 2/9 at 1 PM at Technology Career Institute, Room 100. Students must register for the assessment and have a passing score prior to enrollment. U nmanned Systems (ROV/Drone) Operator Technician • Tues, 6/15 at 6 PM (information session with testing) • Tues, 6/29 at 2–5 PM (interviews by invite only) Technology Career Institute • 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad Online: Fri, 6/18 at 10 AM V eterinary Assistant • Wed, 2/3 at 5:30 PM Livestream Note: Mandatory math and reading comprehension assessment is scheduled on 2/10 at 2 PM. Tuition free courses received $3,600,000 (60% of total) awarded under the America’s Promise Grant program as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor. This project is an equal opportunity employer/program with auxiliary aids and services that are available upon request for individuals with disabilities. MiraCosta College's Technology Career Institute is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Note: If you have a verifiable disability, you will need to call 760.795.6820 at least one week prior to the assessment so to ensure proper accommodations can be made. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 33
S P R I N G 2 021 CERTIFICATE Advanced Manufacturing CNC Programming Certificate Leadership Certificate Bundle these classes for $1,680 Bundle these classes for $1,265 GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available • 3 D CAD for Manufacturing— • Blueprint Reading with GD&T Resume Fall 2021 • LEAN Six Sigma • OSHA-30 • Blueprint Reading with GD&T • Quality Assurance Basics for • D igital Precision Measuring • CNC Programming—Introduction Manufacturing and Intermediate Biomedical Equipment Child Visitation Monitor Technician Certificate Certificate GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available • Fundamental Electronics Make a difference in the lives of • Human Anatomy children’s and families. • Advanced Troubleshooting • Satisfies the State Requirements • BMET Career Readiness • Covers State Policies and • OSHA-10 • 486-hour course Procedures • Safety and Responsibilities • 24-hour course BrewTech Certificate Electronics Certificate GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available Bundle these classes for $2,950 • Techniques and Technology GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available of Brewing • Basic Electronics—Resume in • Equipment Troubleshooting Summer 2021 and Repair • Introduction to Electromechanics— • Brewing Formulas Resume in Summer 2021 • History and Nature of Brewing • OSHA-10 and LEAN Training • Electronic Assembly • 280-hour course • OSHA-10 • Q uality Assurance Basics for CNC Operator Certificate Manufacturing Bundle these classes for $1,645 Engineering Technician GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available Certificate • 3 D CAD for Manufacturing— GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available Resume Fall 2021 • Electrical • Blueprint Reading with GD&T • Mechanical • C omputer Numerical Control • Robotics • Automation (CNC) Operation • OSHA-10 and LEAN Training • OSHA-10 • 600-hour course For individual course details, please see pages 36–46. 34 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
PROGRAMS Machinist Technology Unmanned Systems (ROV/Drone) Certificate Operator Technician Certificate GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available with FAA Licensing Test Prep • Blueprint Reading with GD&T GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available • OSHA-10 • M anual Lathe, Mill and • Introduction to ROV/Drone Operation and Piloting CNC training • CNC Programming • FAA Licensing Requirements • LEAN Six Sigma • Electrical and Mechanical Repair • 487-hour course • OSHA-10 • 462-hour course Massage Therapy Certificate Scuba Diving Instructor Certificate CAMTC Approved GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available Sallie Mae funding available Offering the only GI Bill® Approved • Anatomy and Physiology Program in California • B ody Mechanics and Chair • PADI Instructor Certification Massage • Self-Paced • Advanced Massage Theory • Includes coursework, boat dives and Methods and gear • Shiatsu, Tai Chi and Acupressure • 1033-hour course • Massage for Athletes Call 760.795.6820 for details Phlebotomy Technician Veterinary Assistant Certificate Certificate GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available Entry-level training for the veterinary • CPT1 Phlebotomy Technician assistant profession. Certificate • Basic Animal Care • Basic Phlebotomy • Safety Procedures • Advanced Phlebotomy • State/federal guidelines • H ands-on and Post Course • Veterinary Medical Terminology • 65-hour course Externship • 80-hour course Real Estate License Certificate Welding I Certificate GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available GI Bill®, WIOA and Sallie Mae funding available • R eal Estate Principles Explore basic welding processes • Real Estate Practice and procedures. • Real Estate Finance and Economics • Shielding Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) • 150-hour course • Interpretations of Blueprints/ shop Drawings • Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) • Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) For individual course details, please see pages 36–46. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 35
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Biomedical Equipment Technician Program (BMET) Biomedical Instrument Technology is constantly expanding in healthcare, playing an increasing role in patient monitoring and treatment. Therefore, there is an ever increasing need for Biomedical Equipment Technicians (BMETs) to provide user training, inspection, calibration, maintenance and repair of medical devices. MiraCosta’s 486-hour BMET Program will train students to use, troubleshoot, repair monitor and maintain biomedical instruments to prepare you for a career in this expanding field. The BMET program was developed as a result of increasing demand for biomedical equipment technicians in San Diego County and around the country. Courses build on lecture topics through extensive hands-on application in the areas of: • Science • Human Anatomy and Physiology • Fundamentals of electronics • Fundamentals of mechanics • Introduction to computers, networks and cybersecurity • Survey of instruments used in healthcare • Documentation • Advanced maintenance, troubleshooting and repair • Career Readiness $6,000 GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available. Technology Career Institute Mon–Fri, 8/16–12/10, 8 AM–2:30 PM, No class on 9/6, 11/11 & 11/25–11/26. 6 hours each day. Register for the FREE information session (details on page 33). ◊Blueprint Reading with GD&T { {“I liked the instructor’s knowledge and the flexibility/customization In this 30-hour hands-on class students to match individual level.” learn to read and correctly interpret blueprints used in the manufacturing – Blueprint Reading with GD&T class – trades. They will get an opportunity to draw and edit simple blueprints through step-by-step development of multi-view drawings. In addition, students will learn the basics of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T). This course is the perfect introduction to GD&T, symbols, applications and methods of inspection. $315 Technology Career Institute 5 Sat, 2/6–3/13, 9 AM–3:30 PM. No class on 2/13. 36 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊BrewTech Program San Diego is well known as the craft beer brewing capital of the United States with over 150 active brewhouses and more scheduled to open soon. MiraCosta’s 280-hour BrewTech Program is designed to train students to become productive brewers while gaining confidence in the brewhouse, cellar or packaging line. As one of the premiere craft beer programs in the San Diego area with an on-site brewery, this class will focus on ‘grain-to-glass’ hands-on experience. The curriculum, including recipe development, wort production, cellar practices and packaging, is designed to train students to become a turnkey brewery technician. Classroom material covers the chemistry and biology of beer production and will introduce students to brewery equipment. Industry tours around San Diego will expose students to multiple brewing applications that will serve to enhance their knowledge of craft beer production. Students will also gain workplace skills training that will further add to their employability. $4,000 GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available. Landes Recreation Center, 2855 Cedar Road, Oceanside Tues–Thurs, 8/24–12/4, 4–10 PM, 7 Saturdays, 9/11, 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20 & 12/4, 8 AM–2:30 PM No class on 11/23–11/25. 280 hours. Register for the FREE information session (details on page 33). *Tuition is FREE through the DOL funded America’s Promise Grant. ◊Computer Numerical Control ◊CNC Programming–Introduction (CNC) Operation Using MasterCam Mill Computer numerical control (CNC) is In this 30-hour introductory course, the automated control of manufacturing students learn how to design basic CNC machining tools (drills, boring tools, programs for a three-axis CNC milling lathes) by means of a computer. In this machine. Students will be instructed on 56-hour course, students will learn safety, G&M codes, Boolean logic and machine terminology, and basic blueprint reading, and control definitions. In addition, as well as interpretation of G&M codes, and the class will cover basic aspects of operation of both a HAAS CNC mill and post configuration, variable definitions, lathe. Students will also get exposure to formatting, post lines, post text, modality CAD/CAM software. Course material and and control definitions. activities are provided via demonstrations and hands-on instruction. $400 Sallie Mae funding available. $850 Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available. Technology Career Institute Technology Career Institute 6 Sun, 2/21–3/28, 9 AM–2:30 PM 7 Saturdays, 2/27–4/17, 8 AM–4:30 PM ◊CNC Programming–Intermediate No class on 4/3. Using MasterCam Mill MasterCam is the most widely used CAM software in the industry and this intermediate, 30-hour course will provide students with trade-specific tips and tricks, whether they are in the production or the programming. This course also teaches additional topics for more intricate programs and designs. HAAS simulators will be used to test run the programs. $400 Sallie Mae funding available. Technology Career Institute 6 Sun, 4/11–5/16, 9 AM–2:30 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 37
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Digital Precision Measuring UPCOMING CLASSES • Basic Electronics–Summer 2021 Using a Portable CMM An introduction to metrology using a • PLC Design Logic–Summer 2021 portable CMM and Verisurf CAD software. In this 30-hour course students will learn • Introduction to Electromechanics– the basics of inspection, measurement, Summer 2021 analysis and reverse engineering. This course is for individuals working within the • Introduction to the Internet of Things IoT– advanced manufacturing environment. Summer 2021 $315 Technology Career Institute • 3D CAD for Manufacturing–Fall 2021 5 Sat, 3/20–4/24, 9 AM–3:30 PM, No class on 4/3. • Introduction to Python-xy–Fall 2021 ◊Electronic Assembly ◊Electronic Assembly Re-certification Learn the necessary training to become IPC professionals are required to renew their an electronic assembler at an advanced certifications every two years. In this 24-hour manufacturing company: course students will be updated on IPC requirements and given the opportunity • Soldering through-hole and surface to demonstrate their workmanship skill to mount single-lead/multi-lead renew their IPC certification. components Demonstrate the skills necessary training to • Soldering multi-pin IC chips re-certify as an electronic assembler at an advanced manufacturing company: • Measuring and cutting wire • Soldering through-hole and surface • Trimming insulation, tinning wires and mount single-lead/multi-lead mounting to terminals components • Inspecting workmanship for • Soldering multi-pin IC chips acceptability to industry standards • Measuring and cutting wire • Familiarization with printed circuit board (PCB) cleanliness, coating and • Trimming insulation, tinning wires and suitability for assembly requirements mounting to terminals • Understanding of product assurance, • Inspecting workmanship for rework and repair processes and acceptability to industry standards methodologies • Familiarization with printed circuit In this 80-hour course students will work board (PCB) cleanliness, coating and toward IPC certification. In addition, suitability for assembly requirements students will learn the role of production in the manufacturing system and how • Understanding of product assurance, certain skill sets, such as reading and rework and repair processes and analyzing acceptance criteria, testing, methodologies documentation and soldering are integral to the job. Prerequisites: Current or expired IPC J-STD-001 (any revision) certification. $1,200 A $100 certification fee will be collected. WIOA funding available. $500 A $100 certification & material fee will be collected. Technology Career Institute Technology Career Institute 10 Sun, 2/21–5/2, 8:30 AM–5 PM. No class on 4/4. 3 Mon & Wed, 3/1–3/18, 5:30–9:30 PM 38 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Engineering Technician Program Whether you want to work in electronics, aerospace, biotechnology or breweries, this program can provide you with the necessary training. Engineering technology integrates theory and application in mechanical, electrical and electronic systems, fluid power, automation, robotics and computer software. Our 600-hour program is 75% hands-on, gets students in front of industry leaders and trains students in the areas that companies have requested. Students will receive: • OSHA certification { • National Career Readiness certification • 2 days of job shadow experience • Industry tours and guest speakers • Career Readiness Bootcamp Students will experience an accelerated program designed to prepare them with the skill sets to qualify for immediate entry into positions with local industry. Or, if a student has a college degree in this subject area or is interested in pursuing one in the future, this is the perfect supplement to enhance their current or future education. $7,000 GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding { {“This is an awesome course and available. it helped me to develop a deeper Technology Career Institute understanding of electronics 5/3–8/17, 8 AM–4:30 PM. No class on 5/31 & 7/5. and soldering.” Register for the FREE information session – Engineering Technician Program – (details on page 33). ◊The IPC-A-610 Certified IPC ADVANCED MANUFACTURING Soldering Specialist Training and AND ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN Certification APPRENTICESHIPS AVAILABLE The IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Soldering For more information please Specialist Training and Certification call 760.757.2121, x6528 Course presents the acceptance criteria for quality of soldered electronic assemblies This 32 hour course uses the IPC-A-610 document to present visual accept/reject criteria examples for the three classes of assembly. You’ll learn the reject/accept criteria of soldered connections most types of solder connections being used today’s market. Who should attend–Solder operators, quality inspectors, technicians, supervisors, engineering supervisors and manufacturing supervisors. $900 A $65 certification fee will be collected. Technology Career Institute 4 Sat, 3/27–4/24, 8:30 AM–5 PM. No class on 4/3. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 39
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING LEAN Six Sigma LEAN Six Sigma improves business performance by removing waste through Lean manufacturing methods and reducing variation in processes that cause defects by applying Six Sigma Statistical Process Control tools. In this 14-hour LEAN Six Sigma Yellow Belt course you will learn how to minimize waste with A3 Problem Solving, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen and 5S Organization. You will also learn practical Six Sigma tools including DMAIC (Design, Measure, Analyze, Implement and Control), Project Charters, Statistical Process Control with Performance Boards and Pareto Charts, and Failure Modes Effects Analysis. This LEAN Six Sigma Yellow Belt course will provide you with an understanding of LEAN Six Sigma methodology so that you can perform LEAN process improvement to minimize waste and participate in Six Sigma projects to reduce variation in processes. $250 Technology Career Institute Sat, 5/22 & Sun, 5/23, 9 AM–4 PM ◊Machinist Technology Program Want to work in the aerospace industry, make medical device parts and accessories or design a new golf club? Gone are the days of the grease-covered, conventional machinist. Today’s machinist must be highly trained with specific skills, working in high-tech manufacturing plants that are clean and innovative. Our nation has a huge shortage of skilled workers. As 77% of skilled Baby Boomers leave the workforce, San Diego County will need to fill thousands of positions over the next 15 years. To meet this need, we offer a fast-paced, high-level training program. Students will be able to complete this program in 21-weeks (487 hours), with training in shop math, metal properties, reading blueprints, precision measuring, tooling, G&M codes, and manual and CNC machining. In addition, students will receive: • OSHA certification • National Career Readiness certification • Opportunities to attend local industry meetings • 2 days of job shadow experience • Industry tours and guest speakers • Career Readiness Bootcamp • Apprenticeship pipeline available $6,500 GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available. Technology Career Institute Mon–Thurs, 7/19–12/13, 3–9:30 PM. No class on 9/6, 11/11 & 11/24–25. 6 hours each day. R egister for the FREE information session (details on page 33). *Tuition is FREE through the DOL funded America’s Promise Grant. { {“The hands on experience and the application of theories is real time with real equipment is what made this course the best” – Machinist Technology Program – 40 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
WORKFORCE TRAINING OSHA-10 OSHA-30 This OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Safety The 30-hour general industry outreach Card does not expire and is recognized training course is a comprehensive safety in all 50 states as evidence of knowledge training program designed for anyone of OSHA regulations. This course will involved in general industry. The course also include current Covid19 mitigation provides extensive information on OSHA techniques, Covid19 recording and compliance, safety and health hazards in reporting guidelines, and information on the workplace, employer responsibilities, Covid19 contingency planning in addition workers’ rights, hazard recognition, to essential safety topics that are relevant avoidance, abatement and prevention. to any business such as Ergonomics, Successful completion of this course Material Handling, Machine Guarding, results in a Department of Labor 30-hour Electrical Safety, Emergency Action Plans, OSHA General Industry safety card that is Walking Working Surfaces, Fall Protection, federally recognized in all 50 states and Personal Protective Equipment and Hazard never expires. Communication. $425 Technology Career Institute $230 Technology Career Institute 2 Sat & Sun, 5/8–5/9 & 5/15–5/16, 9 AM–5 PM Sat, 5/8, 9 AM–5 PM & Sun, 5/9, 9 AM–1 PM ◊Quality Assurance Basics for ◊Quality Assurance Basics 2 Manufacturing Root—Cause/Problem Solving Analysis Manufacturing companies are thriving in San Diego County. That means thousands Root cause is fundamental to problem of products must be inspected to ensure solving. This 20-course presents the that quality meets or exceeds customer process and tools to identify the cause expectations. Whether it’s a screw that of a problem, solve it, and prevent it goes into your body or a solar array on from occurring again. We focus on a satellite, it’s critical that the part is understanding root cause analysis as made or assembled correctly. This 15- a procedure. The format of the course hour workshop provides students with an consists of lecture, practice, and role- overview of quality assurance concepts playing. Whether your company is within the manufacturing industry. Course Manufacturing, Financial or Service topics include: oriented this course is needed. • Day-to-day job functions Who should attend—Quality, risk, process engineers and managers, technicians, • Inspection and testing topics operations, process owners, those who want to improve their ability to solve • Material certificates, MIL standards recurring problems. and verification $315 Technology Career Institute • AS9100 overview 4 Tues & Thurs, 4/6–4/29, 5:30–8 PM • Auditing overview • Manufacturing processes • Documentation $275 Technology Career Institute 3 Tues & Thurs, 3/2–3/18, 5:30–8 PM PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 41
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Unmanned Systems (ROV/Drone) Operator Technician Program with FAA Licensing Test Prep San Diego is a center for innovation and remote operated vehicles (ROV) are becoming the technology of choice for overwater, underwater, aerospace, retail delivery and agriculture industries. Our 420-hour program will employ hands-on training using state-of-the-art technology. Upon course completion, students will be ready to take the FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Drone Knowledge Test—the required exam needed to pass to get a Remote Pilot Certificate. Course includes: $6,000 GI Bill® andav Sallie Mae funding available. Technology Career Institute • Industrial safety Mon–Thurs, 7/19–12/15, 3:00–8:30 PM. No class on • Electrical and specialty wiring 9/7, 11/11 & 11/25. 5 hours each day. • Programmable controllers • Machine design Register for the FREE information session • PC base data acquisition and control (details on page 33). • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) • Electrical and mechanical repair • Introduction to submersible robotics • Introduction to ROV/drone careers • ROV piloting • Introduction to drones (UAVs) • Drone piloting • FAA licensing requirements and regulations • FAA exam prep *Tuition is FREE through the DOL funded America’s Promise Grant. ◊Welding I Program ◊Welding and Metal Fabrication Designed to train students to qualify for Interested in expanding upon your newly an American Welding Society (AWS) acquired skills from our Welding I class by code, this 132-hour course will explore getting some hands-on experience? If so, basic welding processes and procedures, this 60-hour class is a great opportunity to safety, interpretations of blueprints/shop practice and expand upon existing skills. drawings, metallurgy, fabrication tools, Topics will include class projects, which welding qualifications and procedure include: qualification. In addition, students will receive a significant amount of hands-on • SMAW, GMAW & FCAW welding training in: processes • Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) • Plasma arc cutting • Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) • Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) • Blueprint Reading $2,400 GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available. • Basic tool safety & “tools of the trade” Landes Recreation Center suggested checklist for Welders/ 2855 Cedar Road, Oceanside fabricators. 11 Tues, Wed & Thurs, 1/26–4/8 & 4/13–6/17, 5–9 PM • Hands-on experience with the 19 Sat, 1/23–6/19, 9 AM–4:30 PM ironworker, cold saw & band saw. No class on 1/16, 2/13, 4/3 & 5/29. Students will also learn math fabrication 19 Sun, 1/31–6/27, 9 AM–4:30 PM skills, job steps from start to finish, tacking, No class on 2/14, 4/4, 5/30 . squaring and order of welding and basic critical thinking. $985 Landes Recreation Center 2855 Cedar Road, Oceanside 15 Mon, 1/11–5/3. No class on 1/18 & 2/15. 15 Mon, 5/10–8/23. No class on 5/31. 42 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Massage Therapy Program|CAMTC Approved 500 hours completed in just ONE semester Whether you are a beginner looking for a first- rate training and professional qualification or a qualified therapist wishing to further your knowledge and skills, MiraCosta College’s Massage Therapy training program is just right for you. Our newly revised Massage Therapy program is held, Tuesday–Friday and some Saturdays. This 500 hour program has a maximum student number, ensuring close supervision for each learner. Massage therapists can specialize in many different types of massage or modalities. Swedish, deep-tissue and sports massages are just a few of the many modalities of massage therapy. This program is designed for anyone who meets the prerequisites and is interested in becoming a massage therapist, sports massage or starting their own massage business. Kevin Whitfield, Keoni Salgado, Tania Yager / $6,500 due at time of registration. Sallie Mae funding available. Students are required to purchase and wear white or black short/cap sleeve shirt (polo/athletic style), dark/khaki knee/ankle length pants and closed toed shoes while working with the public. Students will also bring personal sanitizer, a clean sheet and massage lotions. Classes will begin online. Once we are able to meet in-person, as health regulations allow, classes will resume at the Oceanside campus in room T520. Textbooks: Course requires you to purchase three textbooks for an approximate cost of $200 total. List will be sent prior to class. Tues–Fri, 2/23–8/05/2021, 1–7 PM & Sat, 7/17, 7/24 & 7/31, 9 AM–3 PM. No class on 3/23–3/26/2021. Register for the FREE online information session: Wed, 1/20 at 5:30 PM (details on page 33). ◊Phlebotomy Technician Program with NCCT Exam MiraCosta College Community Education & Workforce Development, in partnership with PhlebotomyU, is proud to offer this excellent opportunity for those seeking to enter the medical field as a CPT1 phlebotomy technician. Students are required to complete: • A minimum of 20-hours in basic phlebotomy • A minimum of 20-hours in advanced phlebotomy • A minimum of 40-hours in a laboratory course in applied phlebotomy • 40–120 hours of clinical externship in a healthcare setting Students who pass the course will also be eligible to take the certification examination offered by the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) in class at the conclusion of the course. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be issued a state-approved training certificate. Note: A $100 California CPT 1 License Application fee, BLS Certification and all immunization are not included in the tuition fee and must be paid by the student. High school diploma or GED required. $2,750 GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available. Additional Fees: A $90 National Examination Fee and a $100 Background Check and Drug Screen Fee will be collected at the time of registration with the tuition fee. Technology Career Institute, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, Room 100 Mon, Wed & Fri, 3/15–5/14, 5–8:30 PM Externship: Clinical externships will be provided and supervised by our phlebotomy program staff. Register for the FREE online information session: Tues, 2/2 at 5:30 PM Livestream (details on page 33). PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 43
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Veterinary Assistant Program Become a veterinary assistant in just a few months! This 65-hour program will provide students with an overview and entry-level training. Learn basic animal care principles and techniques, safety procedures and state/federal guidelines. Topics include: $1,090 GI Bill®, Sallie Mae and WIOA funding available. Additional Fees: A $15 lab fee will be collected at the • Basic anatomy and physiology time of registration with the tuition fee. Technology Career Institute • Basic radiology 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, Room 100 10 Sat, 3/6–5/22, 9 AM–4:30 PM • Small animal breeds No class on 4/3 & 5/15. Externship: We strongly recommended a minimum of • Animal nutrition 80 externship hours at the conclusion of the training (this is required for anyone receiving funding from an • Parasite control outside organization). • Record-keeping and veterinary Register for the FREE information session now: office procedures Wed, 2/3, at 5:30 PM Livestream (details on page 33). • Client relations and communications • Veterinary medical terminology, hospital patient care and reception skills Students will learn lab skills and surgical assisting appropriate to the veterinary assistant level. This class is entry level and specifically NOT veterinary technician training, which requires a two-year degree program. Supplies: Students will need to purchase the book, Veterinary Assisting Fundamentals & Applications by Beth Vanhorn & Robert Clark and Animal Restraint for Veterinary Professionals by C.C. Sheldon, James Topel and Teresa Sonstagen (available on amazon. com) prior to the first class session. Child Visitation Monitor Livestream Are you looking for a career opportunity in which you can work within the community, gain valuable experience and make a difference in the lives of children and families? Consider becoming a Professional Child Visitation Monitor; a position that is always in demand. Average pay for monitors is $30–$60 per hour, depending on the case. Sometimes, based on issues of protection and safety, a judge will order that a child only have contact with a parent when a neutral third person is present during the visit. The monitor's responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of the children involved. This comprehensive course satisfies the state’s 24-hour training requirement. You will learn California policies and procedures, as well as your role as a monitor. Upon completion, you will also receive a Certificate of Accomplishment and forms necessary to register with San Diego Superior Court. Note: Must be at least 21 years old and have a clean record. A small business license is required if you want to work independently as a child visitation monitor. Participants will eventually get fingerprinted upon registering name with the superior court and apply for a business license. This comprehensive course satisfies the state’s 24-hour training requirement. Instructor will send an email with Zoom link before class begins. This is an accelerated online course, with only 4 sessions. There will be several breaks in between class time. Supplies: A $65 material fee to be paid directly to instructor. Instructor (Jazmin Mundo) will send a link prior to the start of class to pay material fee. Material (handbook) will be shipped to students by instructor. Jazmin Mundo / $329 Early Bird Special $315 (Register BEFORE 2/12 for this rate) WIOA funding available. 6 Tues, 2/23–3/30 9 AM–1 PM Register for the FREE Online information session now: Wed, 9/16 at 3:30–4:30 PM (details on page 33). 44 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Scuba Diving Instructor Program MiraCosta College Community Education & Workforce Development now offers a rigorous GI Bill® funded Professional Scuba Diving Instructor Program. We have created a 1033-hour course that prepares students for Professional Association of Diving Instructor (PADI) membership and certification. The program includes the following courses: • Open water This program is self-paced. To receive • Advanced open water certificates, students must complete all • Emergency first response classes and dives. • Rescue diver • Dive master $21,594.30 (includes all coursework, boat dives, • Assistant instructor materials and scuba gear) GI Bill® funding available. • Emergency first response instructor • Cylinder inspector and technician Additional fees for PADI application, membership • HAS instructor and certification will be required. These fees are the • Open water SCUBA responsibility of the student and are to be paid directly to PADI or the certifying agency. instructor and MSDT prep Start Dates: Ongoing Various diving locations For VA funding, payments and enrollment questions, call MiraCosta College Community Education & Workforce Development at TCI: 760.795.6820. Financial Planning Analyst Livestream Financial planning is a growth industry as more consumers become concerned with retirement income planning and other financial goals. There are new positions opening and there are many retiring planners, which create hiring opportunities. A Financial Planning Analyst works side-by-side with experienced planning professionals creating financial plans. You will help gather and organize the data for the plan. You then will use specialized planning software to model scenarios to test the limits of the financial plan. Your importance to the planning firm is creating planning reports that the professional uses to coach clients in their finances. Jobs exist in two-person offices up to mega-firms such as Merrill Lynch and UBS. This entry-level position is foundational to a career path leading to Certified Financial Planner® status. This is a 58-hour livestream instruction course and will require at least 50% more of self-study and computer practice. Note: Students will need to have access to a computer during and away from class-time. Access to a computer is required both during class time and for homework purposes. An internet connection with the ability to upload and download is the minimum requirement as much of the class will be interactive work needing a sustainable connection. A working webcam and microphone are also required as these will be Zoom (Webex, etc...) sessions needing personal interaction with the instructor and in groups. There may be short breaks during classes. David Smith / $1,100 Early Bird Special $770 (Register BEFORE 9/15 for this rate) / Online Tues, Wed & Thurs, 2/23–3/23, 5–9 PM, 3/24 & 3/25, 5–8 PM INSTRUCTOR BIO: David F. Smith, PhD, CFP®, holds a doctorate in Business Administration, master’s degrees in both Financial Planning and Management and an undergraduate degree in Economics from Harvard University. During his forty year career in financial planning, Dr. Smith has trained beginning planners in the fundamentals of financial planning and guided experienced professionals in complex planning concepts. Additionally, he is a board member of the Financial Planning Association, which provides insight into the industry, as well as job opportunities for those taking his courses. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 45
S P R I N G 2 021 WORKFORCE TRAINING ◊Real Estate License Program An accelerated 4-month program that includes licensing exam preparation. The Real Estate License Program provides the perfect training for those students planning to enter the real estate profession, as well as opportunities for those currently working in real estate and related areas to increase knowledge in this field. MiraCosta’s Real Estate Program has moved to Community Education & Workforce Development and will no longer offer college credit. However, the duration of the course has been shortened to four months/150-hours and includes testing preparation and the opportunity to take the real estate exam at the end of class. Course includes: Real Estate Principles, Real Estate Practice, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, Mastering Real Estate Math and Exam Preparation. CERTIFICATIONS: If students attend all classes, complete the necessary coursework and pass the required tests, students will receive a MiraCosta College Certificate of Accomplishment. Licensing to become a real estate salesperson is conducted by the California Department of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Real Estate (BRE). To obtain a California Real Estate Salesperson license, candidates must first qualify for and pass a written examination. For information about state licensing, go to bre.ca.gov. Note: Instructor will send an email with Zoom link for online portion of the class. Online class will be recorded for students that cannot participate in the designated online time. $350 per course, or save and sign up for all three courses for $900 GI Bill® and Sallie Mae funding available. Required Textbooks: California Real Estate Principles by Walt Huber 15th edition ISBN-10: 1626842175, California Real Estate Practice by Walt Huber, Arlette Lyons, 8th edition ISBN-10: 1626842523 and Essentials of Real Estate Economics by Mckenzie, Betts & Jensen, 6th edition ISBN-10: 053873969X (available on amazon.com) Real Estate Principles: Tues & Thurs, 1/28–3/4, 6:30–9:30 PM. 1 Wed, 2/10, 6:30–9:30 PM Sat, 2/20 & 2/27, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Real Estate Practice: Tues & Thurs, 3/9–4/8, 6:30–9:30 PM. 2 Wed, 3/10 & 3/24, 6:30–9:30 PM 2 Sat, 3/20 & 4/10, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM Real Estate Finance & Economics: Tues & Thurs, 4/13–5/13, 6:30–9:30 PM. 2 Wed, 4/21 & 5/12, 6:30–9:30 PM 2 Sat, 4/24 & 5/1, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM MEETS ALL OF YOUR EDUCATION NEEDS START YOUR CONTINUING EDUCATION EARN A COLLEGE A DEGREE miracosta.edu/noncredit miracosta.edu/credit Begin your journey In our credit program, with us through adult you can earn a degree or high school, short-term certificate, complete your vocational, noncredit first two years of college courses and English as and transfer to a four-year a second language. university, or take classes to advance your career. Scholarships and financial aid are available! With MiraCosta Promise, all first time, full-time students receive tuition free for two years. 46 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
GEORGE BROWN ONLINE WORKFORCE TRAINING Online Electronics/Robotics MiraCosta Community Education & Workforce Development, in partnership with George Brown College, is proud to offer six interactive and highly innovative distance education programs that combine state-of-the-art lab simulation with award-winning curriculum. The program content is delivered on CD, DVD or USB drive and is supported through the online virtual campus. Automation Technician Robotics Technician The AT program provides an introduction An introduction to industrial robotics, to industrial automation, including digital this course explains how they are used electronics, process control, in plants or manufacturing systems. and programming of PLCs, robotic and SCADA systems. Fee: $1,650 WIOA funding approved. Or pay as you go: initial registration $570 and Fee: $1,850 WIOA funding approved. $90 for each of the remaining 12 modules. Or pay as you go (cost per module available at miracosta-gbc.com). Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) Technician Electronics Technician The basic introduction to PLCs, this The ET program covers the fundamentals program is designed for people of electronics and prepares students for with little or no background in the further on-the-job training as a consumer, area. Visit the website listed below commercial or industrial electronics for more information. service technician. Fee: $1,800 Fee: $1,750 WIOA funding approved. Or pay as you go: initial registration $450 and Or pay as you go: initial registration $430 and $75 for each of the remaining 18 modules. $60 for each of the remaining 22 modules. Programmable Logic Controllers Electromechanical Technician II (PLC) Technician The ET program is designed to The PLC Technician II Certificate provides provide students with a foundation a more advanced study of PLCs, in electromechanical technology, such as introducing tag-based addressing, DCS industrial maintenance, design and SCADA systems. and installation, technical services, technical sales and industrial research. Fee: $1,800 Or pay as you go: initial registration $450 and Fee: $1,800 WIOA funding approved. $75 for each of the remaining 18 modules. Or pay as you go: initial registration $430 and $60 for each of the remaining 23 modules. In partnership with George Brown College, MiraCosta Community Education & Workforce Development provides more information at miracosta-gbc.com or call 866.277.0881. PHONE 760.795.6820 | TCI.MIRACOSTA.EDU 47
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BA N A 1100 Writing Center .......................................... 1200 BA To College Boulevard 1100 NOT TO SCALE tor) Disabled Students Services ................. 3000 President, Of ce of the .......................... 1000 Police & Safety To CDoilrleecgetoBryoulevard Bldg. # NOT TO SCALE Rev. 0820 Bldg. # MPairrkainCg IonfosrtmaatCionollege Locations Bldg. # Admissions & Records........................... 3300 Drivers Education....................................T510 Printing Services ..................................... 3400 Art..........................................2100, 2200, 2300 English Language Institute........ T510, T520 Proctoring Center.................................... 3300 To Los Angeles To Riverside Art Gallery ................................................. 3400 Enrollment Information .......................... 3300 Purchasing................................................T600 DirectoryCAMP PENDLETON TEMECULA Associate Faculty Of ce ....................... 4606 EOPS ........................................................... 3000 School Relations/Diversity Outreach.... 3400 5 COMMUNITY ations 76 Bldg. # Associated Students .............................. 3542B0000ldg.FF#iancailnitcieiasl Department ............................. 4200 SSheripvpicinegL/eRBaerclndeinigvgi.n.#.g.................................................................... 3300 Athletics..................................................... Aid/Scholarships ................... 3000 6100 LA EDnrigvleisrhsBBAELouioaotdtoeknumscgcthooutnarievoatel.io.go.Tg..een.y.c....I..h...n...n........so.....l.t..o...i...g..t...u...y.........t....e...................................................................T............5...........1....443.0.040.,.005.000TT5512GHH00eoymratlintchausPPSltieuurrrmriovenic..ct....eit..n..os.......gr......i......nS.........g...e.........r...C...v......e...i......cn.........e...t...e...s.........r.....................................................735....030....000..000............SSS....ttt..uuu....ddd....eee..nnn....ttt....LCA..i..ecf..e..nc..to&33eur34Ln.e.00t.s.a.00/.d.C..ea..r.s.s.h.h.i.ie.p..r.............................................................. 3200 AdmissionLsEA&RNINRGeCcENoTErRds........................1.5.. 3300 3400 NDIDO Art.......................M..IS.S.I.O.N..A.V.E..........2100, 2200, 2300 3400 Art Gallery ......O..C.E.A.N.S.I.D.E.B..L.V.D........................E.S..C.O..N3DI4DO00COLLEGE BLVD. 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T420, 4400 Development & Foundation .................. 1000 Parking Permits........................................ 1100 Disabled Students Services ................. 3000 President, Of ce of the .......................... 1000 Rev. 0820 48 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
TECHNOLOGY CAREER INSTITUTE & TCI-3 LO CAT I O N S | M A P S NORTH SAN DIEGO SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE | CARLSBAD CA 9201T1CI-2| 760.795.6820 Technology Career Institute TCI.MIRACOSTAB.aEckDEUntrance Located off Palomar Airport & SmallRoa&CdoWmomruknfoitryceEdDuecvaetlioopnment Business Developme espstismtuOeteunttribCeneaeCtcwnahterelesCrnbeaEndl Ctearm&TineoSTSceRmmcheaahnlalnl&ooBllulIlo-o5sBginguyTCeeaysCcsrehsiaennCroDrlIeeoneagsevtsyiretrsuIetlneoD2sep0tim7ert5uveILtenanestsPlCtoaieltmpunamttseeDreriven, tCaCrlsebandt, eCAr 92011 2075S20oL7a5CLsaaPsalPalVmlmeaatsseDDSNrramriovivreante,lhlsC,SBaCBaurnlasusbiDrnsalseiidebnsg,saeCodAs,s9C2O0A11u9t2r0e1a1 ch Center CA 92011 TCI-1 chnology Career InstituteDevelopment Center SoCal Veterans Business Outreach Center Small Business Development CenterMain TCI- 5 Las Palmas DErnivtrean,ceCarlsbad, CA 92011 TCI-3 TCI-3 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CAMINO VIDA ROBLE TCI-3 TCI-3 TCI-2 Back Entrance TCI-2 Back Entrance Community Education NOT TO SCALE & Workforce Development Community Education & Workforce Development Technology LegendTCI-2 Technology Communit Back Entrance Career Institute & Workfor ationCsareer InstDituitreectory North San DCioegmomunity Education Parking Lot North San Diego Technolog SDmevaellloBpumsei7&nne6ts0WCse.7no9tre5kr.f6o8r2c0e Development Career Ins CULA TCI-1 Disabled PRaersktirnoDSgomemvaellloBpum&CseoinWnmetsComserunktnfeoirtryceEdDuecvaetlioopnment Inclusive SoCal VeteTmrCaI-ni2rsaBcuosisnteass.edu/community Outreach Center Back Entrance AED LoTcCaI-t1ion (ASOutouomCtraaeteladVcEehxTtteeeCrnrecaanlhnDtseenrBobruillloastiognr)yess North San Technology Career Institute Main Emergency Call Box Career Institute Small Bus 15 760.795.6820 Entrance Developm CONDIDO tci.miracosta.edu CAMINO VIDA ROBLE Community Education Main North San DiegoTCIS-1mall TECHNOLOGY Development Center NoErntthranScaen Diego AREER INSTITUTE, 760.795.8740 Busin&esWs orkforce LDMeAvS eDlRoI VpEment Small Business CAMINO VIDA ROBLE MALL BUSINESS sandiegosmallbiz.com TechnoloL AgSyP A ELOPMENT CENTER CarMeaeirn Institute DevMeliorapCmoesnttaCCeonltleerge is a Tobacco / Smoke / OCAL VETERANS Entrance E INESS OUTREACH CENTER ER SoCal Veterans BusinessNOTTOSCALE Vapor-Free LcMaAmSpDuRsI.V LAS PA Outreach Center North San Diego NOT TO SCALE Small Business Lege7n6d0.795.8739 DDCeoivrmeemlcoutpnoimtLryyAeESndtuPCcAaeLtnMiotnAeSr D R I V E CAMINO VIDA ROBLE MirEanMtCraaPsinoanocrksecitnaag lLvCobt oolcle.ogreg Locations Legend & Workforce Development nt Parking Lot Rev. 0820 Disabled Parking To Los Angeles To Riverside Disabled Parking y Inclusive Restroom TEMECULA 760.795.6820 ute CAMP PENDLETON miracosta.edu/community AED Location (Automated External De brillator) Inclusive Restroom usiness 5 EmerCgOeMnMcUNyITCY all Box 76 Technology Career Institute CAMINO VIDA ROBLE AED Location (Automated External De brillator) 760.795.6820 tci.miracosta.edu LEARNING CENTER MiraCosta College LocationsL A S PA L M A SMISSIONAVE. OCEANSIDE BLVD. COLLEGE BLVD. D R I V15E Emergency Call Box Lege PORT RD. ESCONDIDO Directory NOT TO SCALE OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE Community EducationCAMPUS 78 North San Diego Small Business TECHNOLOGY 7D6e0v.e79lo5p.8m74e0nt CenterDiMs&ECVSASiaEMrORLaAOECELTPALRCMLoBIEVNUoNbESSTTTIsENICaTRtETUEASaNocTSNETLS,EcCoRsooA/nllSgeemlgeseoke / sandiegosmallbiz.comVBUaSINpECSoSENCOrT-AUEFRTMRrEPAeCPeHENcDaLEmTONpus. & Workforce DevelopmentCARLSBAD PALOMAR AIR To Riverside MiraCosta College TEMECULA is a Tobacco / Smoke / MiraCosta College Locations Directory 760L.7e9g5.6e8n20dP A C I F I C Vapor-Free campus. ENCINITAS CARDIFF OCEAN MANCHESTER SAN ELIJO Community Education miracosta.edu/communityTo Los Angeles NOTTOSCALECAMPUS &760W.7o9r5k.f6o8r2c0e Development T7e60c.h7n9o5.l6o8g2y0Career InstituteCAMP PENDLETON 5 SoCal Veterans B7u6siness SOLANA BEACH OutreachCOMMUNITY Center To RiversidDeEL MAR NOT TO SCALE Parking Lot LEARNING CENTER SAN DIEGO Rev. 087s2o60 0McI.aS7SlI9OvN5bA.Vo8E7.c3.o9rg 15 TEMECULA Disabled Parking OCEANSIDE BLVD. COLLEGE BLVD. Inclusive Restroom Rev. 0820 ons Directory miraLceogstea.neddu/community tci.miracosta.edu5 COMMUNITY76 LEARNING CENTER 15 Community Education Technology Career Institute North San Diego Small BusinessMISSIONAVE. & Workforce Development 760.795.6820 Development CenterOCEANSIDEBLVD. OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE 78 ESCONDIDO AED Location (Automated External De brillator) CAMPUS RD. PPALaOMrAkRiAnIRPgORT Emergency Call Box CARLSBAD Lot TECHNOLOGY ENCINITAS CAREER INSTITUTE & SMALL BUSINESS COLLEGE BLVD. Disabled PDaEVrEkLOinPMgENT CENTER 760.795.6820 tci.miracosta.edu 760.795.8740OCEANSIDE OCEANSIDE CAMPUS miracosta.edu/community North San Diego Small Business sandiegosmallbiz.comCARLSBAD Technology Career Institute Development CenterENCINITAS PACIFIC CARDISFAFNIEnLIcJOlusivMAeNCRHEeSTsERtroom 78PALOMAR AIRPORT RD. ESCONDIDO OCEAN CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY SOLAANEADBEALCoH cation (Automated External De brillator) MiraCosta Co CAREER INSTITUTE is a Tobacco EmeDrEgL MeAnRcy Call Box Vapor-Free c & SMALL BUSINESS NOT TO SCALE SAN DIEGO DEVELOPMENT CENTER 760.795.6820 760.795.8740O C E A N PACIFIC CARDIFF MANCHESTER tci.miracosta.edu sandiegosmallbiz.comCAMPUS SAN ELIJO O SOLANA BEACH NOT TO SCALE North San DDSiEALeNMgDAIREoGOSmall Business PHONE 760.795.6820Mi|raCToCsIt.aMCIRoAllCegOeSTA.EDU 49 OGY Development Center STITUTE 760.795.8740 is a Tobacco / Smoke / SINESS Vapor-Free campus. T CENTER
ENRICHMENT Recreation Adult Horsemanship................................... 24 Arts Drawing......................................................... 7 Golf...................................................... 24, 25 Oil Painting................................................... 8 Introduction to Chess.................................. 23 Watercolor..................................................... 7 Natural History Hikes................................ 23 Crafts CAREER &PROFESSIONAL Sewing....................................................... 8, 9 DEVELOPMENT Stained Glass........................................... 9, 10 Upholstery...................................................... 9 Be a Schedulemaster.................................... 29 Upholstery and Wood Restoration................ 9 Become a Sales Rep..................................... 27 DMV Auto Wholesale................................ 28 Computer Online Ed2Go......................................................... 10 Essential Documents in a Time Crisis........ 27 Human Resources....................................... 28 Social Media Starter....................................11 Loan-Signing.............................................. 26 Web Development........................................11 Manage Virtual Employee and Leading Remote Teams.......................................... 29 Children & Teens Notary.......................................................... 26 Virtual Courses with Black Rocket............. 12 Start Your Own Home-Based Food Driver Education & Training Business, Catering and More................... 29 Adult Driver Training................................. 13 Behind-The-Wheel...................................... 13 Start a Profitable Home-Based Business..... 27 Driver Education Online............................ 13 Teaching Unique Learner............................ 27 Fitness & Health Voiceovers.................................................... 28 Fitness–Active Older Adults....................... 14 WORKFORCE TRAINING ONLINE Food & Wine A Family Supertime Favorite...................... 15 Certified Paralegal....................................... 30 Home Inspection..........................................31 Beginning Sushi.......................................... 14 Pharmacy Technician.................................. 30 Calling All Pasta Lovers............................. 15 Solar PV........................................................31 Discovering Gems of the Wine World....... 16 WORKFORCE TRAINING Let’s Talk Wines from Around the World. 16 Pie Making 101........................................... 15 Apprenticeships........................................... 39 The Chemistry of Cooking.......................... 14 Biomedical Equipment Technician............. 36 Blueprint Reading with GD&T.................. 36 Home & Garden BrewTech......................................................37 Be Your Own Handyman.............................17 Child Visitation Monitor ............................ 44 Certificate Programs............................. 34, 35 Floral Design............................................... 16 CNC Operation and Programming.............37 Landscaping with California Native Plants.17 Digital Precision Measuring....................... 38 Organic Edible Garden................................17 Electronic Assembly.................................... 38 Electronic Assembly Re-Certification........ 38 International Tours Engineering Technician.............................. 39 Canadian Rockies by Trains.........................11 Financial Planning Analyst......................... 45 Information Sessions................................... 33 Discover Scotland........................................ 22 IPC-A-610 Certified IPC Soldering Tropical Costa Rica......................................17 Specialist Certification and Language & Literature Re-Certification....................................... 39 Beginning Spanish...................................... 18 LEAN Six Sigma........................................ 40 Machinist Technology................................. 40 French Conversation................................... 20 Massage Therapy......................................... 43 How to Develop the Creative Writer Online Electronics/Robotics........................47 OSHA 10, 30................................................41 Within You Through Blogging................. 20 Phlebotomy Technician............................... 43 Learn Spanish with a Virtual Fun Quality Assurance Basics for Manufacturing.....................................41 Game of Loteria....................................... 19 Quality Assurance Basics 2—Root Cause/ Sign Language............................................. 19 Problem Solving Analysis..........................41 Spanish 1B, 1C, 2, 1A................................. 18 Real Estate................................................... 46 Spanish 3B................................................... 19 Scuba Diving Instructor.............................. 45 Spanish Short Story and Culture................ 19 Unmanned Systems (ROV/Drone) The Power of Storytelling............................ 19 Operator Technician................................. 42 Veterinary Assistant.................................... 44 Performing Arts Welding I..................................................... 42 Guitar........................................................... 20 Welding and Metal Fabrication.................. 42 Ukulele......................................................... 20 Personal Finance & Workshops A, B, C, Ds of Medicare..............................21 Financial Planning for Women....................21 Retirement Planning Today.........................21 Money 101....................................................21 Photography................................................... 22 50 COMMUNITY EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT