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Home Explore ISTD module file

ISTD module file

Published by maria2.windsor, 2021-01-11 13:02:42

Description: Module file


Read the Text Version

101 ISTD

102 ISTD


ISTD BRIEF REVIEW Looking back at this the work I’ve done on the ISTD brief, I feel like I have presented a good collection of ideas, which shows an understanding of the Biophilia topic. I have some evidence of my early design experiments and the process I used to develop these into a usable font. Throughout the development of the font I have identified ways in could be improved, and it most cases have worked to action these. The font outcome has its identity based in natural forms, I recognise that it still has flaws, the lack of punctuation proved annoying, and the kerning was something I had to re-edit manually. I find the overall look of the font pleasing; someone looking at it might not be able to identity that it was based on seedpods, but it could be recognised as being based on organic forms. As for its usability, the font is only suitable as a header or display font, given the right environment it could work well, but it’s overall appeal might be minimal. 104 ISTD

My publication focuses on a topic which links to my understanding of what Biophilia is. The topic of Shinrin Yoku is deeply connection with a love of nature, which is the essence of Biophilia. In the publication I have tried to give an overview of what Shinrin Yoku is and the ways in can be used, with the idea that the reader could learn about the topic and follow some of the ideas in their own Shinrin Yoku experience. I think the publication has interesting information, ideally, I would have liked to include more activities, I feel that would increase the usability of the publication, rather than just being a coffee table book. I struggled with the layout of the book and went through different versions before focusing on the final layout. I tend to lean toward layouts with lots of white space, focusing more on the topic than fancy detailing, also I am not great at making elaborate layouts and despite my efforts to improve, fancy detailing is lost on me. I admit that there are formatting details that could be improved in the book, the flow on some of the papers isn’t fluid, the paragraph layout is a bit awkward. I tried repositioning the text, but the outcome didn’t improve the flow. 105 ISTD

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