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t,r..t l -l tC fi iY..idy :aF -.e.- ffi 5 RING YOUR ENGLISH TO THE NEXT LEVEL {./ A. List

NEW CON}TECTION L byCreated LiveABC lnteractive Corporation and A-List Written by Andrey Dubinsky, David Edward Keane Edited by Diane Kwak, Jenny Shin, Amy Yoon byCover Designed |CGROUP lnterior Designed by Africa Design Published and distributed by A-List Mokdongseo-ro 2 1 1, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea kr First Published 2015 Copyright O 2015 by LiveABC lnteractive Corporation First Edition: Ninth Print on Feb.10, 2020 No authorized photocopying All rights reserved by A-List and LiveABC lnteractive Corporation. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission from the publisher. Korean edition arranged through Sogang Educational Group lnc., South Korea. tsBN 979-11-5509-446-4 trfill is an imprint of E*PUBLIC.

sh ste n o Speaking, Reading & Writing E)t f *H q - ,i ,d NF$ffie BRING YOUR ENGLISH TO THE NEXT LEVEL LSTUDENT BOOK

INTRODUCTION FiY Welcome to NEW CONNECITON- BR/NG YOUR ENCLISH TO THE NEXT LEVEL. This is the first book of a series created to propel learners as they take the next step toward fluency. Outstanding English skills will open doors for anyone in today's world. No matter how ambitious a student's learning goals are, the NEW CONNECITON series will provide the boost he or she needs. -Each unit of NEW CONNECTTON BR/NC YOUR ENCLISH TO THE NEXT LEVEL follows a set structure designed to encourage students to both expand their skills and put what they have learned into practice. The unit begins with the Expressions and Small Talk sections, in which common topic-related expressions are introduced and practiced. This is followed by Words, a section put together to expand vocabulary and provide a context for its use. The heart of each unit is the central Conversation, which is supported by video. This component uses natural language to introduce certain grammar points, review vocabulary, and provide handy everyday English tips. The Grammar segment explains and consolidates the understanding of these new grammar points. The following Reading section provides an opportunity for students to really test their comprehension of the material covered while the Writing section ensures they can express that understanding. Each section is designed to build on the last and incorporates both audio support and practical testing. The book structure has a similar, progressive pattern. Each unit develops the lessons of the previous one, preparing the groundwork for the next. As students progress through the levels, they are constantly encouraged to put what they have learned to use. At the same time, they are presented new challenges. ln rising to meet them, students are able to reach the next benchmark in the learning process. By promoting an interest in this process of advancement, NEW -CONNECITON 8R/NC YOUR ENGLISH TO THE NEXT IEVEL helps learners to realize that the sky is the limit. 2

t-t CONTENTS 4 6 V Content Chart 8 TJ It Learning Overview I zo-I 1UNIT Just for Fun ',6 I 2UNIT Crocery Shopping ) 3UNIT Blue Skies 24 4UNIT The World of Computers 32 5UNIT Man's Best Friends 40 6UNIT At the Department Store 48 56 UNIT 7 Daily Life 64 72 8UNIT Out in Nature 80 9UNIT On Campus 88 96 UNIT 10 Happy Times UNIT 11 Food to Co 105 - 1r7 UNIT 12 On the Road Writing 3 fifr { e<

CONTENT CHART Unit Title Subiect Conversation Grammar I fust for Fun Hobbies Let's Go Swimming Simple Present Tense 2 Grocery Shopping Groceries At the Supermorket Count Nouns vs. Non-Count Nouns 3 Blue Skies Weother Hoppy in the Roin Comporotives ond 4 The World of Computers Computer Sove My Computer! Superlotives 5 Mon's Best Friends Pets The Perfect Pet Coordinoting Coniunctions Sensing Verbs Gerunds qnd Infinitives 6 At the Deportment Store Shopping Shopping for Clothes Imperatives 7 Doily Life PIqces Help! Present Continuous 8 out in Noture Noture Wqlk 9 on Compus Noture Test Trouble Subordinoting School Conjunctions The Simple Post 1 0 Hoppy Times Speciol Doy The Big Porty Expressing Time 11 Food to Go Food Breokfqst Sqndwich Adiectives 12 On the Road Trovel Summer Work ond Ploy Future: Be going to 4

I Stotements Reading Writing I Third Person Singular Hobbies for Your Heqlth I Yes / No Questions Fruit Tolks Schedules I Wh- Questions Crozy Weother Coupons Locol Weother I Stotements I Plurol Count Nouns I Regulor Adjectives I Irregulor Adjectives I Functions The Internet in Your Pocket Computer Use I Form Wont o Bigger Pet? Animol Profiles I Usage I Verbs with Gerunds / Infinitives I Forms A New World of Shopping Directions I Functions I The Imperotive with lef 's Everydoy Troining of on Astronout Blogs I Stotements I Yes / No Questions I Wh- Questions ! Be + Verb + -ing Wonders of the World Trqvel Websites Be Verbs Bedroom Clqssroom Find q Tutor Verbs Invitqtion Letters Eating Hobits Prepositions The World's Biggest Porty Trovel Plons Expressions I Positions Your Size qnd French Fries ! Types The First Hotel in Outer Spoce I Stotements I Yes / No Questions I Wh- Questions I Other Tenses for the Future 5

LEARNING OVERVIEW 1I'NIT \\ Just for Fun Words I ExF6b! r eadffikd @ I provides a list of words with Md*bffitub&& photos and audio support to build students' vocabulary knowledge or.b ohrF ohh- stffiffie mmn to understand upcoming activities. obrh.*d oqry obrlbd r Act lt Out d helps students understand the rAdltfrt key expressions and words by practicing short dialogues. e.ryMetuoFa Listen Up l&eB&sl#, checks students' understanding s.qrLqffiq. of the words they have learned through listening comprehension wde@6dfrnthMt questions. M;:-\" m'-**;*' Key Words @ rrdMa.... rc Il&ffi... && i introduces additional words to expand students' vocabulary. I Un€n Up E tud#hffid&dpk Listening Key dd aBbs checks students' understanding tl.nswfi*h of the passage through listening comprehension questions. Expressions Language Tips provides useful expressions with audio support to further students' understanding of the topic. provides everyday English usage and sentence structure. Conversation includes a video clip helping students understand the content. r.! c-***- ArcrW r r€ @d B@B or FIrr Let's Go Swimming ei&' !dtud!.rybr@!Rns@ &r [k5 n, $$ ts. rh Bn ro rh. @ ,tu'. uMl ry, NLd.r r pl.n b q0 don,& Ia*' co B $re? &thiaE(ry @ LwAq b&. !.{n tdldp.trrqtu*@r, W.egl!&? obdbFrq@. Ni,,r I [bb@ ddqkld., rrhddd rlAr6,Fuk@eFB@? ahFdo ____ __. it|ffi ry&r \\ior Y6r& rhFyrn9ffil 6,Onw@turd Lri, eb l&tu cry*d. c b{u.6.IlB Nri. Ye'tr6r&pdrrol'e itdhh@? ffi n& ;I':Y6hheb&NFryd t: I hon Paw das .wry sdutuy. - 6

@ Gffihtc Grammar Practice Simple Present Tense a. (dqtE tu ttlCogE enables students to practice grammar in context to enhance accuracy and fluency. ,MM*6uh a#bffi &Hrr -b,qbaBnM Mdtubffi@@pk!4pl14, @ X*[xm:* f,mxx** @b*6fi&W. [email protected]@tu&b, r.k&p6*d .,&ry&.bhBl - thbhh, _aes@Ed7 tshklNcr:I@. aw&leq@(*t lbhhdErd atud6p&tu,!d ,.!h&ld@bd? rbh@BhF? rrbb@ddd* $.beepM? !idnobt0hdrb@@- wh6btdbtad Grammar presents essential grammar to build overall accuracy. Reading After You Read enables students to broaden their knowledge through confi rms students' understanding interesting articles. ofthe passage. [email protected] ,.r. -lv Wbffid&6tufr&. ht r.hBht {' ' &fd€ You Red z^&qr Pdddpbl [flry'rp;*i,' 1turydtrl&dl* &&tu s.'@affiMbbEFq. .lfr&-llqqb. #- t.+6*l MEhffil rr@c* orry- frdttuwd,:tuW,pt ktu, @@ 16& I ]k hl& esd rdrhh Hffi lib.r&d@d Gt& &g ffiry rB b hc M lFdffi. Yo@kef hindir.rid !ffi dpUr& *i&liimie ilt&ul. ffi G &. h W 6M F gle drrq* *6 rft M a hltu- ]kN@ ffiy.e kqetu tElxfr tMtEaB&yhBfriE .olle'-'**, cBodF,eil'@. !.8*BF4St let f Writing l***\"*' j/.qr.taU, ,.o, q ,_ r provides an opportunity for students to practice acquired language in authentic discourse using personalized content. 7

UNIT Just for Fun 1. What do you do in your free time? 2. Which sports do you like? 3. What interests do you share with your friends? I Expressions lr* ro @JListen and write the correct letters in the blonks. @ tt is fun @ in the park @ in the sea @ Yes. I love to play football @ every Sunday O No. I like to read I Interests d When? ,t A: When do you go fishing? B: I go fishing 2. I A: Do you hove ony hobbies? B:1 I -l Places Reasons A: Where do you ride your bicycle? A: Why do you like to climb? B: 4. B: I usuolly ride my bicycle 3 '+ Practice the dialogues obove using these expressions. Interests When? I like to ploy tennis. every week I enjoy swimming. on weekends I go to the movies with my friends. on Thursdoys Ploces Reosons on the street I like being outside. neor my house My friends oll like to climb. by the river It's good exercise. 8

I Words rt Ne t,l @Listen ond repeot the words. ^>--l L \\ ! 1 3 Lz 4 \"*, l ploy chess phr. ploy video gomes phr. ploY the guitor pht. 7 exercise v Qt* reqd comic books phe 5 lF..lp: 6 r fl swirn y. cook see PloYs Phr' EiEa--- 3 Act lt Out Proctice talking about hobbies with o portner. Question Response Whot ore your hobbies? I like + Verb + -ing / to... I enjoy + Verb + -ing. Verb + -ing + is my fovorite hobby. Look at the pictures ond fill in the blonks 2._ 1. Liz enjoys is Noncy ond her brother's with her hob,by. boyfriend. I Question Response Doyou...? Iolwoys... lOOo/o I seldory. 2Oo/o Ioften... 8Oo/o I never. . . Oo/o 5Oo/o I sometimes. . . i Listen Up EilListen ond complete the sentences with the words you heor. 1. Ken often goes to the theoter. His fovorite is Hamlet. 2.limmy likes to ond reod 3. Koren feels hoppy when she ploys the She misses proctice. Unit 1 9

Conversation t: I ri-t @Ernest ond Nicole talk outside closs. /' ) Ernest: Hey, Nicole! I plon to go swimming loter. Con you swim? Nicole: No, I con't. I wont to leorn. ? Ernest: I con teoch you. It's my fovorite hobby.'Whot ore your hobbies? Nicole: I like to point'ond reod comic books. I olso enjoy ploying sports.' a Ernest: Oh, you like sports! Do you ploy bosketboll? Nicole: Yes, I do. I love ploying bqsketboll. Ernest: Me too. I ploy olmost' every weekend. Nicole: I seldom'ploy on weekends, but I often ploy on Tuesdoys. Ernest: Todoy is Tuesdoy. Nicole: You're right! Do you wont to proctice\" with me in the gym?' Ernest: Yes. I'd love to. I'm free\" now. After thot, we con go swimming! Nicole: Greot! Role Play Use the words to moke your own conversotions. ploy boseboll go to the movies ploy the guitor every Fridoy on Wednesdays every night my friend Ivan my brother Som ond Dove A: I like to B: Who do you with? B: Oh!When do you ? A:I (hobby) with (who) A:I (hobby) (when) 10

A. KeyWords @ ReVieW ,:.. IOO hobby n. .1. point v. Her hobbies are hiking ond swimming. He points pictures of people. 3. sport n. ,&. olmost cdv. Boseboll ond bosketboll ore my fovorite I om olmost 20. My birthdoy is next Sundoy. teom sports. seldom adv. proctice v. I live for oway from my porents, so I seldom You con become o good piono ployer if you see them. proctice every doy. 7.gym n. adi. often.Ben likes to exercise. He goes to the gym I'm not free to tolk right now. I'm very busy. I@B. Listening Key Listen and complete the sentences with the words you heor, 1. We ploy every 2. I am not to ploy, 3. I'm not good ot 4. You just need to 5. I proctice every doy. 6. Con we proctice when I om ? C. Language Tips 1. Talking about Ability Question Response (+) Response (-) Con you + Verb? Yes,Icon+Verb. No, Iconnot+Verb. Are you oble to + Yes, I om oble to + Verb. No, Icon't+Verb. No, I om not oble to + Verb. A: Con you speok French? A: Is he qble to donce? B: No, I can't speok French. B: Yes, he is oble to donce very well. 2. Expressing Time weekdoys on Mondoys Mondoy on Tuesdoys Tuesdoy on Wednesdoys Wednesdoy on Thursdoys Thursdoy on Fridoys Fridoy weekends on Soturdoys every Soturdoy on Sundoys every Sundoy A: Whot do you do on Soturdoys? B: I hove piono closs every Saturday 1Unit 11

Grommor Simple Present Tense I Statements Affirmotive Negotive Subiect Verb Subiect Do,/ Does Not Bose Form of \\1erb ploy sports. I/You/We/They ploy bosketboll. I / You lWe lThey don't run very fost. He/She/lt swims. He/She/lt doesn't I Third Person Singular Verb Ending Form Exomple odd -es -s, -2, -ch, -sh, -X, -o cotches pushes consonant + -y chonge -y to -ies odd -s CTTES tries others wonts e0ts fi Check for Pronunciution @Listen ond write the third person ending you heor: [\"], kl, [rr]. L fay ploys video gomes every night. 2 She likes to eat pizza 3 The dog wonts to go out. 4 |ohnny wotches TV before bedtime I Yes / No Questions Question Answer do. No, Do I need to go? Yes, you you don't. Does you Yes, doesn't. we I lwe I/we they you you he they does. No, they she eot meot? he he it she she it it I Wh - Questions Answer I like to point ond reod comic books. Question She often ploys on Tuesdoys Whot do you do in your free time? They love to sing When does Nicole ploy bosketboll? Why do they wont to be singers? 12

Grammar praCtiCe ,, rD O O A. Complete the Dialogues He A: (you, wont) to climb the stoirs? Complete the diologues. B: A: I (be) tired. (Mike, Iive) in thot house? L B: Yes, (live) there A: often A: (they, cook) ot home? (you, go) swimming? B: No, 3 B: No, usuolly eot ot restouronts They We ore not oble to swim A: A: (Sondro, have) o cor? (cots, eot) meot? 5 B: B: Yes, My sister She (drive) to work. (give) fish to her cot, B. Match o. No, they don't. They're full. b. She hos o lot of money. Motch the question with the response. c. Blue is my fovorite color. L. How do you open this door? d. Of course. He comes from Osoko. 2. Where does Evon live? e. Yes, they do. They love you! 3. Do your porents like me? f. She leoves her house ot 7:30 o.m. 4. Why does fessico buy expensive clothes? g. You need to push it first. 5. Do the boys wont more food? h. He lives in New York. 6. Whot color do you like the most? 7. When does foon go to work? 8. Does the mon speok foponese? C. Complete the Passage Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the possoge. You 1. (not need) money to hove fun. \"Geocoching\" 2. (be) o greot new hobby, ond it 3._ (not cost) o lot. People 4. (hide) boxes in their fovorite ploces outside. You con flnd o pen, o notebook, ond o smoll gift inside eoch box. Then, the person 5. _ (write) obout it on the Internet. Other people 6. _ (try) to find it. They 7. (use) their GPS or phone for help. There 8._ (be) 5,000,000 fons in the world todoy. 9. _you _ (wont) to try it? You con go to Unit 1 13

'tI Reoding \\ Y Before You Read ,.t Look at the pictures. Do yclu lil<e these activitiesl What do you think the reading is about? 5%,e f,:r,ll ( , Bh \\,D -)t ,!r r-;;\" / re F, tlobbies tar Your Health mW ,? eople have hobbies to have fun. Hobbies make people's lives P interesting and keep people happy. Furthermore, hobbies may .t-/ improve people's health as well. With hobbies, people are healthier, says Dr. Peter Lichtenberg. For hobbies like chess or puzzleq you need to think. These hobbies are good for your brain. Hobbies like exercise and sports can keep the body healthy. It's best to have both types of hobbies. You can keep your brain active with games and your body active with swimming or basketball. Hobbies are also a fun way to meet people, and people with more friends are healthier. l;i,: There are many hobby clubs. People often become friends because they have similar )r .* -interests. Are you afraid of getting sick? Start a hobby it's 7 i) good for you! 1 \"*11 m IYourCountry (r-5) ? 1r ( Reading L8o/o Wotching TV l4o/o Spending time with fomily 7o/o Wotching movies 7o/o Fishing Source: Horris Interoctive 14 ,[,,ffi L-r

After You Read * o o A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the orticle. 1. Most people hove h for f 2. A hobby con r your heolth ond moke your life 3. Doctors soy people with hobbies ore h 4. You need to t to ploy chess. 5. Swimming or ploying bosketboll helps to keep your body o 6. Hobbies ore on interesting woy to m people. 7. People con moke f becouse they hove common i 8. 29 percent of people in the United Stotes like r os o hobby. B. Word Search Fill in the blonks with the words on the left. Change the word form if necessary. Find these words: healthy, puzzle, similor, interest, ond ofraid. I .t, \\ t w I e n m 1. Venus ond Eorth ore in size, moss ond density. n h\\ \\ r I C e CI 2.1have lost my in ploying online gomes 1.e 3. Crossword ore the best woy to spend time Yt S ) yo bSe f with friends. e I I z\\ \\t { o I r tr e u m v\\ \\t\\ 4.My boby brother is of dogs. He cries when he sees them. no i vIe p pI .^' I 5. Regulor exercise is essentiol for o lifestyle ,iS o o h e I ..r )d t S r p d C cl o V mt t t e r e r t C. Multiple Choice 2. Which of the following is good exercise for your broin? Circle the onswers, o. Doncing 1. Whot is true obout hobbies? b. Ploying chess o. They con keep you hoppy. c. Swimming b. They ore fun. d. Ploying toble tennis c. They con moke your life more interesting d. All of the obove 4. Whot is onother good thing obout hobbies? 3. Which hobby keeps your body heolthy? a. You con keep old friends. o. Wotching TV b. A hobby is o good friend. b. Reoding c. You con moke new friends. c. Doing puzzles d. Friends join clubs together. d. Ploying sports Unit 1 15

UNIT l. Where do you shop for groceries? n 2. What do you buy every week? 3. ls it cheap to buy food in convenience stores? I Expressions @[Listen ond write the correct letters in the blonks. I @ Do we need eggs @ nre there any candles @ Oo we have an apple i @ We need some cream @ ruo. We need to get some O Yes. We have two -g Moking o List 12- -iJ A: Whot do we need from the store? A:2 ? B: 1. B: No. We hove some. ----< - Its*- F T ? A: Is there ony breod? A:4 ? B: 3. B: Yes, there ore. Look in the drower. Practice the diologues above using these expressions. Whot do we need from the store? We need some creom. Whot do we need to buy? We don't need onything. Whot is on our shopping list? We need some opples. We need to buy some woter Do we need eggs? No. We hove some. Do we need ony opples? Yes. We should buy some. Do we need to buy soup? No. We don't need to buy eggs. Should we get some milk? Is there ony breod? Look in the drqwer. Are there ony noodles? They ore in the drqwer. Do we hove ony rice? Check the drower. 16

I IE\\ t I\\ I Words 3 4 I @DListen ond repeot the words. toothbrush n. n. t -i- rI 7 doughnut I 2 T' sqndwich n. meot n' i o* i-i i\\ \\ - , iir^ )r ,: mop n. Unit 1 17 soqp n' ,,q\"-,T+ 6 - ffi;'- toilet poper n' I Act lt Out Proctice tolking about shopping with o portner, Question Response Where do you buy . . . ? I like to buy . . . ot the supermorket. I usuolly go to the convenience store I go to the morket. How much does the . It costs $2.50. It's $1.80. How much do the They cost $6.40. They're $3.10 eoch. I Listen Up Task II Listen ond fillin the blanks. @ ITask Put the letters in the right order. 1. fosh wonts to moke o Shopping List 2. He needs some leitot ropep > 3. Molly wonts o .They olso need soop, and poper, 5. The ot the supermorket $2.40 o pock.

/'? Conversotion ? I 7 ,.4 )' e t ermorket I t* EICJoanne and Esther ore o-t the supermorket. ; |oonne: Do you hove the shopping list,'Esther? Esther: Yes. We hove o lot of things to buy. JJ.f ]oanne: Whot's the first thing? Esther: The first thing is toilet poper. Here it is! |oonne: We need some iom'too. I like to eot toost'and jom for breakfost Esther: The next thing is cheese.'The cheese is over there. foonne: I olreody hove it. Whot else'do we need? Esther: We need o big bottle of woter and some onions. foonne: Here's the woter. I con conyu it. Where are the onions? Esther: The vegetoble section'is over here. I con get the onions. |oonne: I olso wont o bor of chocolate. Esther: Itb not on the list, but I wont some chocolote too. Get two bors. |oonne: OK. Let's poy'now! ;ru II I Role Motch the food to the group. Use the words to make your own conversotion Play some breod two opples o bog of onions A: I wont to buy B: It's / They're in the aa a A: \\,1y'here is thot? section B: It's beside the seclion. HM@ A: Thonk you. B: You're welcome. o popoyo o pumpkin some corrots o coke 18

A. KeyWords @ Review woao ' list n. r jom n. Write o list of your fovorite books. |am tostes good on breod. 3. toost n. 4. cheese n. You need breod, milk, qnd eggs to moke Some cheese smell bod. French toost. corry v. The mother olwoys corries her child in her else adv. I don't like homburgers. Is there onything else orms. to eot? 8. poy v. 7. section n. This section of the city is very rich. You need to poy $76 to enter Disneylond. @B. Listening Key Listen and put the words in the right order. C. Language Tips First, we need to buy . . . Next, we should get . . . 1. Lists Lost, The first thing on the list is . . . next Iost Proctice the sentence potterns with the items below. tomotoes T -- butter e9gs €r{ cookies 2. Where ls lt? Response Question Near Far Where is the breod? Where ore the bononos? Here it is. There it is. Here is the breod. There is the breod. Here they ore. There they ore. Here ore the bonanos. There ore the bononos. 2Unit 19

Grommor Count Nouns vs. Non-Count Nouns I Statements Count Nouns Singulor Plurol I need cl bosket. You con buy two sondwiches Affirmotive on e99 o few condles. some m(lny o lot of I don't hove o toothbrush I don't wont tvvo oronges. on onion. doughnuts. Negotive ony mony o lot of Non-Count Nouns Give me o little iom. Affirmotive some cheese. Usoge Note Negotive a Iot of milk. For non-count nouns and singular count nouns, use there is. For plural count nouns, She doesn't drink ony teo use there are. much a lot of f*r E\"xarnyslt: There is water on the table. There are 40 students in my class. I Plural Count Nouns Regulor Plurols Noun Ending Form Exomple Irregulor Plurols -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z odd -es buses foxes consonont + -y cities lodies -o chonge -y to -ies odd -es or -s pototoes photos others odd -s mops doughnuts tooth - teeth mon + men child - children Q Check for Pronunciation [v]. @Listen ond write the ending of the plurol noun you heor: [s], [z], I Bob hos mony friends. 2 I don't hove ony closses todoy. 3 There ore 12 months in o yeor. 4 The islond hos beoutiful beoches. 20

GrammarPractice ffioaO A. Fill in the Blanks Use the word choices given to complete the sentences. For some questions, more thon one onswer is correct. ]'.Thereis-monoverthere.He,sournewneighbor. a 2. I need an more minutes. Pleose woit for me. the 3. Horrison hos _ news for you. a few 4. I hove to go to librory this ofternoon. X 5. We sow _ old lody doncing on the street. many 6. I don't like sweet things. I only wont sugor in my coffee. much a lot of 7. Soro doesn't reod books. She only reods one or two every yeor any a little 8. We don't hove money. We fust hove ten dollors. 9. There ore _ people in the pork. There ore more thon 2,000. 10. Do you hove questions? I con onswer them now. B. Match o. Yes. You con put your comero in. b. OK. I con put them bock. Motch the question / stotement with the response. c. I wotch obout three hours o week. 1. Do you need some help? d. I hove on hour. 2. How much time do you hove? e. No. I con do it. 3. Is there ony spoce in your bog? f. Yes. Here it is. 4. We need to bring o lot of worm clothes g.We don't need worm clothes. It's reolly hot there. 5. Do we hove o picture of her? h. No. You con tell me tomorrow. 6. We don't need ony oronges. 7. Do you need on onswer todoy? 8. How much TV do you wotch? C. Complete the Passage Look ot the picture ond use the word choices given to complete the possoge. For some questiont more than one answer is correct. some a little the any many a lot of a much This is 1._ pointing by Henri Motisse. 2. _pointing is from 1897. On 3. _ toble, there ore 4. types of fruit ond 5. flowers. There ore olso three bottles of wine ond 6. woter. There is one choir, but there oren't 7. guests. There is 8. fruit but not 9. food for _dinner. The womon hos o lot of things to do before 10. guests come! 2Unit 21

L 1 'k:.n't*Lt:\" { :!$ ,ruReoding 1t . l -* t \\. ) -/ / T T.,,, U,-I to Before You Read , Look at the pictures. Which is your favorite? What do you think the reading is about? I fi,\\.{ tI a ;ii!I / tI \\ r I I|\\ I I @ White you. FruitTalks ..ff;yu-'\"*,,,ReoA meonings F ruit is delicious and healthy, but sometimes it can be more 2. than just food. Cultures around the world give meanings to different fruits tn.llhGoreteicsea? h.kyrturr To the Greeks, apples are a symbol of love and beauty. For the Norse and the Celts, they bring long life. To the Chinese, apples are a sign of peace. Cherries also have many meanings. In England, they are lucky for farmers. Cherry blossoms represent beauty to the Japanese. Pomegranates are another important fruit. People bring them to weddings in Greece. \\' L. They're good luck. In China, they suggest lots of children because they have so many ix- seeds. Many fruits have interesting meanings. Next time you enjoy a natural snack, think about its meaning. \"$ What dothese fruits mean? fr. Fruit Meaning Culture t* Strowberry Spring ond new life Nqtive Americqn Pineopple Welcome Americon ond Europeon \\ Tongerine Good luck Chinese r 22 \\ l- Jr l.T rl

Read IAfter You o&:,,:. A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the orticle. 1. Fruit is o noturol s . It is d ond heolthy. 2. Fruit is more thon just f It hos different m in different cultures. 3. Apples meon p in Chinese culture. 4. Cherries ore I for f in Englond. 5. People bring pomegronotes tow in Greece. 6. Pomegronates hove lots of s They ore o sign of mony C in Chino B. Classification Motch the fruit with the culture and the meoning. ,t o. opple b. cherry c. pomegronote d. pineopple e. strowberry 1 Culture Meoning ? good luck for formers English new life 3._ Notive Americon long life Norse ond Celtic 5. Americon welcome Greek good luck C. Multiple Choice 2. Which fruit hos the most seeds? Circle the onswers. a. Oronges b. Pomegronotes 1. Which of these is NOT true of fruit? c. Peors o. It tostes greot. d. Apples b. It is heolthy. c. Some fruits hove interesting meonings. d. It is Greek. 3. Whot do cherry blossoms meon to the 4. Whot is onother oppropriote title for the orticle? Joponese? o. Fruit Is Good for You b. Chino Hos o Lot of Fruit a. Luck c. Fruits Hove Mony Meonings b. Beouty d. Pomegronotes Hove o Lot of Seeds c. Love d. Peoce 2Unit 23

UNIT 1. Do you watch the weather report? 3 D 2. What kind of weather do you like the most? ED 3. What is the worst kind of weather? I Expressions rlr I $r t\\ @Listen ond write the correct letters in the blonks. @ wfrat is it like outside UE$t- i rain@ t tit<e the @ ts it snowy L, e@ lt's a windy season @ My favorite season is spring yes. lt's a beautiful day I rEb Weother \\ A: 1. L B: It's roiny. Seosons \"a A: Whot seoson do you like the most? B: 2. tt t 't \\ Types Good or Bod? '\\, a A: Whot's your fovorite weother? A: Is it nice outside? s B: 3. B: 4. \\r'.\\ !'r I ll Talk Proctice the diologues obove using these expressions. Weother Seosons Whot's the weother like? I like summer best. How is the weother? Foll is my fovorite seoson. My fovorite seoson is winter. Types Good or Bad? I love sunny doys. It's o lovely doy. My fovorite weother is sunny. The skies ore cleor ond blue. Cloudy doys ore the best. The weother is terrible. 24

I I Words \\ v @Listen ond repeot the words. 4 I f, \\ cloudY odi' 7 72 8 / Unit 3 25 4 snow n. wind n. 5 storm n' 7E 6 ^4,$n sunny adi. degree n' typhoon n. temPeroture n. I Act lt Out Practice tolking about weather with a portner. Question Response Is it hot in your country? Yes. It's reolly hot in summer. Yes. It's very sunny too. Yes. The temperoture is obove 40 degrees sometimes. No. We hove o lot of snow. Whot is the weother like in We hove typhoons from |une to October. It is often cloudy. your country? There ore a lot of storms. The wind is very strong. I Listen Up @Listen ond fill in the chart. sunny 19 24 windy cloudy 32 City t^Gl 4.- Temperoture , Weother 6 I

Conversation tt :\\ , \\, aI 1 ) t! .J:oW I \\ \\\\ \\ { .a @Lizzy and Henry meet on the street. a -a Lizzy: Hi, Henry! It's cold todoy. Henry: I ogree,' Lizzy. Luckily,'there is no roin. I don't like the roin. L- Lizzy: Reolly? I love roiny'doys. I like to corry o nice umbrello. You con see roinbowsu sometimes too. Henry: Hmm. I still hote the rain. I preferu dryu weother. I'm from Colifornio. Lizzy: Oh? Is it wormer in Colifornio thon it is here? Henry: The winter is wormer. In summer, it's obout the some'temperoture. Lizzy: Thot's nice. It's still worm enough for me here in winter. Whot's the wqrmest place on eorth?' Henry: There's a ploce in Ethiopio. It's 35 degrees oll yeor round.' Lizzy: Wow! Thot's too hot for me. I don't wont to live there. t s t 6> N.12l Use the words to moke your own conversations, rainy lsunny / snowy / cleor I windy A: Do you like (weother) doys? spring / summer I tall lwinter worm / cold I dry lwet B: or _ (seoson)? A: Do you prefer B: I like A: Whot is the weother in your city like? B: Itt in my city. 26

A. KeyWords @ Review ,tiSlO 1 ogree v. luckily adv. I don't ogree with you. You're wrong. Luckily, our house is sofe from the typhoon. 3. roiny adj. 4. roinbow n. On roiny doys, I stoy 0t There ore seven prefer v. dry adj. I prefer London to New York. London is more It's very dry in Los Vegos. It seldom roins. fun. 8. eorth n. 7. adi. My bog is the some color os Penny's. Russio is the biggest country on eorth. ,, all year round phr. The restouront is open oll yeor round. @B. Listening Key Listen and complete the sentences with the words you heor. 1. Helen is from the 2. Helen doesn't like the in Conoda. It is cold for her. with him. 3. Hector worrner climotes. Helen enough. 4. It is too in Singopore. It's not 5. It's dry ond in Libyo C. Language Tips 1. Enough vs. Too enough It's worm eni;r-rrih for me here. (I om not cold.) (positive) I om full enough. (l om not hungrY.) too Thot is loo complicoted for me. (Thot is not eosy enough.) (negotive) My shoes ore too smoll. (They're not big enough.) I Usage Note We use the sentence pattern too + adjective/adverb + to... to mean undesirable excess. I am too tired to run. (l am tired. I cannot run.) The box is too heavy to carry. (The box is very heavy. I can't carry it.) 2. Your Home Country Question Response Where ore you from? {'rn ll'orn + (country). I'm from Germony. I come from the U.S. where do you come from? I ci.,rne ironr + (country). I om French. { nm + (country adjective). 3Unit 27

Grommor Com pa ratives a nd Su perlatives I Regular Adiectives Sylloble Adiective Ending Comporative Superlotive Exomple { odd -r odd -st close-closer-closest one one vowel ond repeot the repeot the hot-hotter-hottest one consonont consonont, add -er consonont, odd -est others odd -er odd -est cold-colder-coldest two -v chonge -y to -ier chonge -y to -iest lozy-lazier-laziest three oll forms odd more odd most beoutiful- more beoutiful- or more most beoutiful # Usage Note Some two-syllable adjectives can be used with -er / -est or more / most. Adiective Comporotive Superlotive Adiective Comporotive Superlotive quiet quieter quietest friendly friendlier friendliest more quiet most quiet more friendly most friendly I lrregular Adiectives Adiective Comporotive Superlotive Adiective Comparotive Superlntive good better best Iittle less leost mony / much bod worse worst more most I Functions Function Example compore two things Comporotive I om toller thon my younger brother. (use thon) compore things in o group A Ferrori is more expensive thon o BMW The country is quieter thon the city. Superlotive (use the) Ben is the smortest student in the closs. This is the most beoutiful pork in town. Who is the best ployer on the team? 28

GrammarPractice sooo A. Fill in the Blanks Write the correct form of the odjectives to complete the sentences. 1. Tokyo is the (big) city in fopon. 2. John's work is (good) thon Neil's. 3. Which is (fresh), this solod or thot one? 4. Kevin is rich. He hos the (much) money in this town. 5. These ore the (comfortoble) seots in the house 6.My dod hos (little) hoir thon my mother. 7. Will is the (hoppy) person on the teom. B. Match Look at the chort ond put the words in the correct order. Lond Areo Chino The United Stotes Iopan People 9,147,42O sq km 364,500 sq km I 298,000,000 L27,OOO,OOO 9,327 ,48O sq km 1,300,000,000 Internet Users 31,.50/o 78.1o/o 78.2o/o Height (mole) 168 cm 1.76 cm 777 cm Sources:, World Bonk 1. are lMoles / tollest. / the U.S. I the I from 2. most lhas lpeople. I the lChino 3. thon / people / in Chino. / the Internet / in the U.S. / More / use 4. thon I lapan. lbigger / is / Chino C. Complete the Passage Use the correct form of the words in porentheses to complete the possage Hi! I'm Alex ond I'm 15. I om the 1.. (young) child in my fomily. I hove two 2. (old) brothers. Alon is 18 ond Dovid is 21. I'm 3. (short) thon both of them. At 77 5 centimeters, Dovid is the 4. (toll) of the three of us. He weighs 64 kilogroms. Alon is olmost os toll os Dovid, but he is much 5. (thin) He's'1.72 centimeters, but he's only 58 kilogroms. I'm the 6. (light) ot 49 kilogroms. 3Unit 29

.t- -\\ fI Reoding I Before You Read Look at the pictures. Where are these places? What do you think the reading is aboutl iA- . 'f r l ;$ . ll' Y tuI rt \\L$ L -..e , I @,it. Crazv Weather ,r;;;.-:::;:\". T\\ sunniesto you like sunny weather? Yuma, Aizona,is the 2' L) That'splu\"\"on earth. It's sunny for 4,050 hours each year. c?;;-;iLP'/othce'e? t over 11 hours a day! The temperature can go up to 50 degrees Celsius too. It's hot, but it's very dry. If you like rain, you can go to Llor6, Colombia. It's the wettest place in the world. It gets 13,290 millimeters of rain every year. Llor6 might be the wettest place, but the coldest is Antarctica. The lowest temperature there is minus 89 degrees Celsius. It is also the driest and windiest place too. There are winds over 300 kilometers per hour all year round. That's about the same speed as a typhoon. Unlike the cold, dry wind of Antarctica, typhoons need warrn water and wet air. You can find them in the Philippines. It gets seven or eight on land every year! \"t$ City Yumo, Arizono Llo16 Monilo { Country The United Stqtes Colombio r( Temperature (July) 34.3\"C 22.5\"C The Philippines +. -A Temperature (January) 13.6\"C 22.2\"C I { Rain (yearly) 80 mm L3,29Omm Wind 13.5 km/h 28.5\"C 4i t, 16 km/h 26.5\"C I i.f ,.Y illi i. 2,201 mm ru 30 19 km/h , vf,\\'). \"C = degrees Celsius mm = millimeter km/h = kilometers per hour ,/ Sources: U.S. Notionol Climotic Doto Center, World Meteorologicol Orgonizotion . r,,'tr \" ^rl , ''d* I

Read IAfter yOu &,::::., O A. Weather Adiectives Write the odjectives from the article below the pictures. Use the hints to help you 1l a 2 a a ( '\"w\"w|w* I (has the lowest (is a little hot) (hos the most sun) 4 6 r (hos the leost rain) (hos the most wind) (hos the most roin) B. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the article L. The s ploce on eorth is in Arizono 2.Lloro, Colombio, hos 1.3,290 millimeters of r every yeor, Celsius. 3. The lowest t in Antorctico is minus 89 d 4. Antorctico is the w ploce in the world. The wind is reolly strong 5. The winds go otos of 300 kilometers per hour in Antorctico. 6. The Philippines gets seven or eight t on lond every yeor, C. Multiple Choice 2. Which is the driest ploce in the world? Circle the onswers. o. Yumo, Arizono b. Antorctico 1. How much sun does Yumo get every doy? c. The Philippines o. 4,050 hours d. AII of them b. 50 hours c. 11 hours d. It's sunny oll the time. 3. Where do typhoons form? 4. Whot is similor between Antorctico ond Yumo? q. Ploces with worm woter ond dry oir o. They ore both very dry. b. Ploces with cold woter ond wet oir b. They ore both reolly wet. c. Ploces with lots of oir ond no woter c. They both hove typhoons. d. Ploces with worm woter ond wet oir d. They ore both in the United Stotes. 3Unit 31

UNIT I Expressions EEDListen ond write the correct letters in the blonks. aI @ Yes. I use my computer three hours @ Yes, I have my own computer every day \\M \\ @ My computer is fine @ Yes, I use my computer ;T @ Yes, I do. lt's quicker @ lt doesn't work I I,r Owning o Computer A: Do you hove your own Problems computer? A: Is your computer OK? B: No.2. B: 1. I Hobits School Use ..< A: Do you use your computer A: Do you type up homework on your computer? often? B:4. B: 3. s** Small Practice the diologues above using these expressions. Talk Owning o Computer Problems No. I shore o computer with my sister. No. It's very slow. No. I use my roommote's computer. Not reolly. I need o new one. Hobits School Use Yes. I use my computer every doy. No. I write my homework by hond. No. I don't often use it. Yes. I type up some of my homework. 32

I r,J!F rn fi \"l 1. What do you usually do on the computer? :;I;0'fi+E T,J lr I 2. How much time do you spend on the computer I 1r*,,<; il every day? 3. ls your computer important to you? ln what way? tr I Words @Listen ond repeot the phrases. I , wotch videos 4 listen to music t send e-moils 3 look for I I 6 informotion look qt pictures I ) 5 surf the Internet 7 reqd the news tolk to friends L I Act lt Out Practice tolking about functions of computers with o partner, Question Response Whot do you use your computer for? I use it for homework. Whot do you do on your computer? I use it for gomes. I often send e-moils. I use my computer to wotch videos. I listen to music on my computer. I seldom use it. I Listen Up I @!fTask Listen to the three speokers. Whot do they use computers for? Ioe Abby Abby's Sister 't. L 1.. 2 2. 3 IITask Listen ogain ond fill in the blonks with the words you heor, 1. foe hos o computer I Unit 2. He spends every doy on the computer. 3. Abby uses the computer for per doy . Abby's sister spends time on it

Conversotion I Sove My Computer .1 L T EEilSora ond Ken are in the living room. Soro: Hi, Ken. Are you busy?' Ken: Hi, Soro. Whot's up? You look nervous.' Soro: There's o problem with my computer. I con't turn it on,'ond I need to send on e-moil. Ken: Thot doesn't sound good. You con olwoys send your e-moil from my computer or my iPhone. Saro: I olso hove to type up' my homework. I need my computer! Ken: Well, I'm good with computers. I con toke o look. Soro: Thonks o lot! (after ten minutes . . .) l'I Ken: Sorry it still doesn't work.' I'm not oble to fix\" it. You should toke it i to o computer store. Soro: Thot's o good ideo.u Con you come with me? I don't know o lot obout computers. \\ Ken: No problem. t Snro: You ore o nice person\" qnd a greot friend! ) \\ ) I I I Role Use the words to make your own conversations Play wotch my sister's son / write o A: You look nervous. letter / do my moth homework B: Yes, I om. Con you help me? bobies/words/numbers A: Whot's up? love children / om o greot writer / om good ot moth B: I need to I'm not good with A: No problem. I B: Thonks o lot! 34

A. KeyWords @ Review =oaa busy adl. r' nervous odf. I om very busy. I hove o lot of homework. fesse is nervous. He storts his new iob todoy. 3. turn on phr. 4.type up phr. Kothy, con you turn on the TV? I wont to I like to write my notes by hond first ond wotch the news. then type them up. work v. fix v. I hove to toke o toxi. My cor doesn't work. This choir is broken. I need to fix it. 7. store n. B\" ideo n. This book is cheoper ot the other store. It's o bod ideo to go out during the typhoon. person n. |ock is the tollest person here. He's olmost 200 centimeters toll. @B. Listening Key Listen and complete the sentences with the words you hear. 1. foe looks 2. foe doesn't hove time to relox. He's reolly 3. |oe hos to o report. 4. foe doesn't wont o beer. He hos work to do. 5. Bryon con't the TV. 6. They need to the TV. C. Language Tips a lot of + Noun 1. A Lot vs. A Lot Of There ore o lot of (crs on the rood. I hove a lot of lrit'ndr. Verb + a lot foson doesn't moke o lot of money. I don't know o lot obout computers. Thanks o lot for your help. I love my fomily o lot. 2. Talking about Problems There is o problem with my + Noun. Noun + is broken. Noun + doesn't work. I need to fix my + Noun. Look ot the pictures ond fill in the blanks. 1. There is o with Eric's phone. It I doesn't He con't moke ony colls. 2. Pom's comero is The pictures ore if$,:t-i:.'2' /1i ; it. tonot cleor. She needs TI Unit 4 35

Grommor Coord i nati ng Conju nctions Coordinating coniunctions join two ideas. Both parts need to be the same (noun and noun, adjective and adjective). Coniunction Usoge Example ond join similor ideos I con't turn it on, ond I need to send on e-moil. (loin two clouses) You ore o nice person ond o greot friendl (join two phroses) He is short but strong. (loin two odjectives) but show different ideos Olive is very smort, but her sister isn't. (join two clouses) or give choices You con olwoys send your e-moil from my computer or my iPhone. (ioin two nouns) We con go to the movies or hove some dinner. (ioin two phrases) Sensing Verbs We usually use sensing verbs in the following two ways. sensing verb + odjective + like + noun Verb Exomple a I'l look feel Whott up? You look nervous. f; t\\ toste 'l smell This city looks like Poris. f; sound Do you feel tired? -! It is very hot todoy. It feels like summer, I often go to the coffee shop. The cokes there toste delicious. This tofu tostes like chicken. Dovid's shoes smell bod. The inside of the cor smells like smoke. Thot mochine sounds loud. Does it sound like foponese to you? 36

GrammarPractice *.ao A. Fill in the Blanks Use the words ond, but, or to complete the sentences. 1. At 4 p.m., I finish work go home 2.lwant o con ofCoke, I don't hove ony money. 3. Would you like to toke o bus toke o toxi? 4. I don't see him often, I tolk to him on the phone every doy, 5. I wont to listen to some music relox. 6. Is the post office on Pornell Street, is it on O'Connell Street? 7. I like my brother, I like my sister more 8. Con you sing ploy the piono ot the some time? B. Match Motch the two ports. like1.. He doesn't look . . ond the service is good too. 2. This tostes like o pototo, . . but he is octuolly from Englond 3. The speoker sounds Austrolion, . . ond flowers in the gorden. o but I'm not reody for it. 4. The cheese smells like dirly socks, . . or I con go to yours. . o student or o teocher. 5. Thot restouront's food tostes delicious, . o but it tostes greot. o but it's reolly o pumpkin. 6. You con come to my house, . 7. There ore a lot of trees . 8. The exqm is todoy, . C. Complete the Passage Use the word choices given to complete the passage. and looks tastes and smells or but and or wonderful The pie is eosy to moke! You need cheese, bocon, 1. e99s. { ct First, mix six eggs in one bowl. Then, you put the bocon 2. t cheese in onother bowl. Next, you odd the eggs, onions, 3. some creom. You con olso use o little solt 4. pepper. Bake it in the oven for 40 5. 50 minutes. It's reody when it g 6. golden and 7. delicious. A cold pie is good, 8. o hot one 9 even better. They both sound 10. when you ore hungryl Unit 4 37

a ,- o oo a ;lI Reoding I ( o a ^ a Before You Read Look at the pictures. What are these tools for? What do you think the reading is about? oo a w\\ GI 4 a ?L \"i3 c o( r- ao The hternetin Your Pocket II a White You Reod o you prefer to surf the Internet on your PC or on your 1. IlZat I is rhe tl,fobile Inkrnet? lT-/) phone? Almost everybody has a smartphone, and today 2. llhq 3'Eo* ccttt we use itfor? more and more people use their phones to access the Internet. beter for fie This is called the Mobile Internet. Most people use it to check e-mails, play games, or use Facebook. They do not need to be at home or at work to use the Mobile Internet. People can surf the Intemet from a bus or a train. According to the eMarketer, more than 1.76 billion people worldwide have a smartphone. A Common Sense Media found that3So/o of children under two have used smartphones before they could speak in fulI sentences. \"$ Look at the use of the Mobile lnternet I Country Mobile lnternet Users r The U.S. 136,600,000 L Iopon 1 06,300,000 \\ \\ Koreo 38,800,000 a Itoly 34,300,000 tq The U.K. :il Sources: Google Stotistics, Morgon Stanley Reseorch ./ h

AfterYouRead '&.o A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the article. 1. Almost everyone owns ct s 2.Ioday, mony people prefer to use their phones to surf the 3. You con use the Mobile Internet for Focebook, e-moils, ond g 4. Mobile Internet users don't need to be ot h or ot w 5. You con use the Mobile Internet from o bus or o 6. Some c con use o smortphone, but they connot speok in full sentences. B. True or False True Folse Check (/) True or False. Stotement 1 The Mobile Internet is very populor now. 2 People only use Focebook on their PC. 3 Mobile Internet users keep decreosing. 4 Children get o smortphone ofter they speok in sentences. 5 You con use the Mobile Internet on public tronsportotion. 6 Smortphones ore useful for surfing the Internet. C. Multiple Choice 2. Where can people use the Mobile Internet? o. At home Circle the onswers. b. In the office c. On the bus 1. Todoy more ond more people prefer to surf d. All of the obove the Internet with o(n) o. personol computer 4. Whot con't you do with the Mobile Internet? b. Internet cof6 a. Ploy gomes c. smortphone b. Post on Focebook d. home phone c. Send e-moils d. Surf in the oceon 3. Why do people use the Mobile Internet? a. They con bring their phones everywhere b. They don't hove comercls. c. They don't stoy ot home. d. They con't use computers. Unit 4 39

UNIT 5 Man's Best Friends I Expressions EilListen ond write the correct letters in the blanks. t 'fr. @ Yeah. lt takes a lot of work @ People really like dogs @ No. l'm scared of animals @ I leave it outside W* @ Yes. I keep fish t O Cats usually live 12 years &l Liking Animols A: Do you like onimols? Keeping Pets *, B: 1. A: Do you hove ony pets? t L B:2. I Making on Effort F) A: Is it difficult to keep o dog? E B: 3. A: Where do you keep your pet? B: 4. rq tr H Practice the diologues obove using these expressions. Liking Animols Keeping Pets Yes. I love onimols. Yes.lhoveodog. No. I don't like onimols. Sure. We hove o cot ot home. No. I hote onimols. No. I don't hove ony pets. Moking on Effort Where? Yeoh. It's hord work. It lives inside. Yes. It's not eosy. I keep it in o coge. My pet lives in the yord. No. Itt eosy. Not reolly. It's no problem. 40

\\. ,, b'..'ffit#- \"*\" f ':: L pets? a :L whv? $ti\\ h. .,, la I Words ElDListen ond repeot the words. 1 2 3 -Mffi 4 ) L{ snoke n' kitten n. [t$ robbit n. 6 7 cot n' 5 puppy n. fish n. bird n. dog n' I Act lt Out Practice tolking about pets with a portner, Question Response Whot con your pet do? My puppy con jump. My bird con sing. Whot do you like doing with your pet? I like wolking my dog. Whot is your pet like? I like to ploy with my kitten. I like wotching my flsh. My robbit is very cute. $ Listen Up I @Task Listen ond fill in the blonks with the words you heor. 1. Lydio loves It mokes him feel 2. Chorles likes to wotch his 3. His pets ore to 4. It's hord keeping cots ond dogs, but it con be Task II Listen ogain ond fill in the right nome (Charles or Lydio) ,- 1. My puppy opens the door sometimes. qt -.- 2. I hove very quiet pets. 3. My pets ore smort. Chorles 4.My cots jump reolly high. 5Unit 41

Conversation / ; II eI rr\\ \\ ) 7f, L I I) Y l' I ^l { ftlfHugh and Penelope ore at o pet store. Hugh: I need to buy o toy' for my puppy. Penelope: Oh, I love puppies. Is it mole'or femole?' I Hugh: It's femole. She's eight weeks old. Penelope: Is she smort?'You should troin-'her. Hugh: Troining o puppy is not on eosy job. I enjoy wolking her, but she runs owoy too much. Penelope: I wont to get o pet, but my oportment\" is very smoll, ond I don't have o yord. Hugh: So you con't get on elephont or o pondo.' I Penelope: Ho-ho! No, I con't. Moybe I could keep o snoke or some fish I,/ 7 Hugh: How qbout o bird? Some birds ore reolly beoutiful. I r Penelope: I don't like to see birds in coges.\" They con't fly. Hugh: Then we should look ot cots. Penelope: Good ideo. I Role Play Use the words to make your own conversotions Animol dog cot monkey A: I wont o _ (+ odi.) pet + odj friendly cleon cute B: You should get o (- odj.). smart quiet funny A: They're too Whqt's it Iike? B: Then you con get o (+ odi.) A: Good ideo! They're - odi. noisy unfriendly noughty 42

A. KeyWords @ Review ,,.'SOO toy n. male adj. Mole onimals ore usuolly bigger. My boby sister loves this doll. It's her fovorite 4. smart odl. toy. fohn is o smort guy. He gets good grodes in school. hove opartment n. I live in o big oportment with three troin v. roommates. You con troin o cot to use the toilet. ore 7.yard n. In summer, I often sit in the yord ond reod o in book. cage n. The monkeys ot the zoo ore in o coge. @B. Listening Key Listen ond complete the sentences with the words you heor. 1. Uncle Bobt job is to onimols. 2. He hos o elephont ond two lions. 3. He keeps the elephont in o big 4. The lions _ hurt people, so they should stoy in o 5. Her uncle pichrres of onimols to her every month. C. Language Tips They give o gift to Jenny every yeor. They give Jenny o gift every yeor. 1. Direct and lndirect Objects ><I need to buy o toy for rypuppy. I need to buy my puppy o toy. Rewrite the sentences. >I , pleose 1. I buy food for my fomily. 2. Poss me the solt, pleose. ) Poss 2. Should vs. Could Modol Usoge Example Something is o good ideo. You should troin her. Moybe I could keep o snoke or some fish. could Something is o choice. Fill in the blanks with should or could. 1. You stop smoking. It's bod for you. 2.We go out or stoy ot home 3. Horry come home for Christmos. Mom reolly wonts to see him. Unit 5 43

Gerunds and lnfinitives I Form Gerund Verb + -ing working listening seeing reoding going Infinitive to... to work to listen to see to reod to go I Usage Gerund Function Exomple Infinitive subject Troining o puppy is not on eosy job My fovorite hobby is reading. complement I enjoy wolking my dog obiect To run often is good for your heolth. subject His dreom is to become on octor. I prefer to keep onimols outside. complement obiect d;t Usoge Note 1. lnfinitives as subjects sound formal. Most people use gerunds. To learn a language is difficult. (less common) Learning a language is difficult. (more common) 2. Only gerunds can be the object of a preposition He knows a lot about cooking. ffi I Verbs with Gerunds / lnfinitives Gerund / Infinitive ovoid Verb Example keep Gerund mind enjoy finish Why do you keep tolking? I miss seeing my fomily. miss suggest quit He hopes to go to Europe next yeor. Infinitive leorn plon prefer They con leorn to ploy the guitor. Gerund or Infinitive promise wont need Do you like ploying sports? begin stort hote Iike (Do you like to ploy sports?) love 44

GrammarPractice #aoo A. Fill in the Blanks Write the correct form of the words to complete the sentences. For some questions, more thon one onswer is correct. 1. I hote (see) thot guy. 2. When do you plon (eot) dinner? 3. We olwoys finish (proctice) ot 6 o'clock. 4. Morsho loves (be) the best ot everything 5. (Go) to the movies on weekends is fun. 6. You con begin (write) now, closs! 7.The most importont thing is (fincl) o good doctor. 8. |une is reolly good ot (plont) flowers. B. Correct the Mistakes Fix the errors in the sentences. 1. I need to finishing o report todoy. 2. Moke breod is not o difficult thing to do. 3. I don't wont eoting too much food ot the porty. 4. |ustine liking to listen to loud music. 5. I'm sorry for to be lote. 6. Andrew enjoys run in the morning. 7. Annie is o hord worker. She doesn't mind to work lote. 8. My plon is buy o big house this yeor. C. Complete the Passage Use the correct form of the words in parentheses fo complete the passoge, Do you like 1. (wotch) stors ot night? Since it is not easy 2 (see) stors in the city, mclny people enjoy 3. (go) to rurol oreos. People eosily con see o bright \"stor\" ot night. It is not o stor. It is Mors. 4. (Fly) to Mors is difficult, but some people dreom obout 5. (move) there. Mors is o cold ond dry plonet, but some scientists found out some lorge oreos of woter there. Mors is the fourth plonet from the Sun. Therefore, Mors is o lot colder thon eorth. The overoge temperoture on Mors is minus 63 degrees Celsius. If we wont 6. (live) there, we need 7. (worm) the plonet up. Do you wont 8. (fiy) ,*rl living there, or do you prefer 9 (live) on eorth? rlr ;ei#lt-t 'l mffinilffiilt#lG Unit 5 45

Reoding I /r{ t t. f;I !I ti Before You Read f Look at the picture. What do you think the story is :-{* r 3 LrLr- -'rdf | - -.rit t?@Want a Bigger Pe' you rp onie and Shirley Joubert have a special pet, Jessica. Jessica is r. %r,r kind ^, Reod I a nine-year-old hippo. That's a teenager in human years. The '^;*.^;r,io\"t\"h*r..,v*ik,ii..p!rl?tu,r\" family pet weighs 1,000 kilograms. Tonie and Shirley Joubert 3. Wor can the treat her like a daughter. Jessica can understand a few words of animal do2 English. She loves to drink coffee. She can drink 20 liters of coffee a day. She enjoys playing with the family's dog. She even eats his food sometimes. After breakfast, Jessica goes to swim with wild hippos in the river. She can leave the Joubert family any time, but she always comes back for dinner. Jessica spends the night in the yard. Tonie tries to keep her out of the house, but Jessica can open the door. She often breaks furniture in the house. Jessica is usually gentle. But hippos are very dangerous animals. Don't try to keep one in your apartment! \"S-: Take a look at other strange pets: A couple from Kenya keeps eight giraffes. a,I The giraffes run around their big house. They often come to the house for breakfast. Leszek Bielenda is a rich man from Poland He keeps a pet lion in his yard. Sometimes, they sleep in the same bed. .i, IL. !a

After You Read ffi o O A. Fill in the Missing Letters Complete the sentences with the words from the orticle. 1. fessico is the foubert fomily's pet h 2. She's like o d to Tonie ond Shirley foubert. They t her like fomily. 3. She u some English words. 4. She enjoys d coffee. She drinks it every doy. 5. She swims with w hippos in the river ofter she hos b 6. She con leove o but she is olwoys bock for dinner. 7. Tonie leoves fessico in the y ot night. 8. Sometimes, |essico enters the house ond breoks B. Words in Context Choose the answers. L. Dylon is o teenoger. He is young / old. 2. About holf of oll humons live in cities. Animols / People like to live together. 3. I understond o little French. I know / osk the meonings of o few words. 4. These wild flowers grow in noture / the bosement. 5.My son breaks things o lot. We often / seldom need to fix them. 6. The store sells furniture. You con find some nice T-shirts ond ponts / tnbles ond choirs there. 7. He's o very gentle boy. He olwoys / never fights. 8. Thot river is dangerous. It runs very fost / slow. C. Find the Facts Check (/) the correct box. Nome: fessico Nome: fessico Age: nine Type: hippo Weight: one hundred kilogroms Fqvorite drink: coffee Fovorite drink: woter (20liters o doy) Fovorite sport: swimming Sleeps in: the fouberts'house Loves: ploying with the dog, swimming in the river She can: swim, open the door, speok English She con: understond o little English Sleeps in: the fouberts'yord Unit 5 47

UNIT At the Department Store I Expressions @ lt's on the left side of the road EEtListen ond write the correct letters in the blonks. @ I don't know @ tt is down the street I' -t t|ry{ @ lt's under the road @ Where is the post office @ We can take a bus Where Is It? ? Not Knowing A: Excuse me. 1. A: How do I get to the pork? B: It's just ocross the rood. B: Sorry. 2. On the Some Street Directions 1 A: Where con I find the police A: Is the bonk on the right? 1 stotion? b;al, '! B: No.L-. B: 3. A: Greot! Thonk you. Practice the diologues obove using these expressions. Where Is It? Not Knowing How con I get to the school? I hove no ideo. Sorry. Which direction is the post office in? I'm sorry. I'm not from oround here. How do I get to the supermqrket? On the Some Street Directions Go stroight. It's on your left. Keep wolking. It's on the right. It's two doors down. It's on the left-hond side. 48

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