FJM_DCI Souvenir Yearbook ad.indd 4 5/17/13 8:54 AM
• A Drum Corps at the Movies Event • Only One Night: Live from the World Championship Prelims Experience the world’s most elite marching music ensembles from the air-conditioned comfort of a movie theater near you! Live and larger-than-life from the 50-yard line of Indianapolis’ Lucas Oil Stadium. Thursday, August 8 For participating theaters and tickets visit FathomEvents.com. For event information visit DCI.org/cinema.
Welcome A word from one of Drum Corps International’s marching members On behalf of the marching members of all of this summer’s competing drum corps, I would like to welcome you to the 2013 Drum Corps InternationalTour! What you’re see- ing today is the culmination of an amazing adventure for thousands of the most talent- ed and hard working individuals under the age of 22.You, the audience members, are very special to us.You’re the reason we’ve worked hard for almost an entire year, given up our summers, and said goodbye to our families to tour the U.S.We are here to per- form for you. The sun’s rays peak over the horizon as gym lights flicker on and sing their familiar buzz to a sea of corps members, signaling a new day at yet another unknown location. The scent of sunscreen fills the air as rehearsal begins. Quickly, gentle rays of sun have transformed into harsh beams upon the shoulders of the corps members. Minutes turn to hours as keen minds push sweat-drenched bodies over limits previously thought unattainable. The sun casts coppery hues against the sky as rehearsal ends, and then the real work begins. Luggage is packed, trucks are loaded, floors are scrubbed, and the school where the corps lived for less than a day is left better than we found it. Finally, everyone piles onto a fleet of buses.We’re off to the stadium, ready and excited to perform for you. Nothing can describe the feeling of standing on the field, flooded by the glow of stadi- um lights with the stars winking against the black sky above.The audience suddenly bursts into a roar of applause as the name of our corps is announced with a boom from the speakers. At that moment, it all washes over us like a tidal wave, and we forget about any strife that was faced in rehearsal. As you watch us perform tonight, don’t sit back, don’t relax, and don’t just let the music wash over you. Feel it, be a part of it, and love it.We wouldn’t be here without you—friends, families, and fans alike. As the announcer says, “Stand up, cheer, and applaud for these musical athletes.They are here to perform for you!” Sincerely, JennaWojdula Legends Drum Major 3
Welcome Drum Corps International Office of the Executive Director 110 W. Washington St., Suite C Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Drum Corps International celebrated its 40th anniversary last season, but as we turn 41 in 2013, DCI is anything but “middle aged.” Just as when the organization was founded in 1972, DCI continues to build upon longstanding drum corps traditions while looking ahead to and helping shape the activity’s future. Our goal for this season, our next four decades, and beyond, is to make the excellence that defines drum corps more accessible to a greater number of performers and to a larg- er audience than ever before.To that end, we launched two international initiatives this year—DrumLine Battle™ and SoundSport®. Both are designed to lower the barriers to participation while bringing the excitement of musical competition to more fans in more places, both in person and online. Like DCI shows, these events will entertain; but they’ll also educate and inspire participants and fans alike.You can bet that many in attendance will walk away saying “I’ve gotta try that myself!”—just as they have at DCI events for decades. As exciting as these new projects are, however, the heart of DCI remains the competi- tion on our grand stage, the football field. As you take in the 2013 Drum Corps InternationalTour andWorld Championships, I encourage you to savor every performance.Whether you’ve been a fan since 1972 (or before) or are attending your first show, I invite you to take a moment to introduce your- self to the fans sitting around you.You’re about to make a life-long connection that we all share as members of the DCI family. And on behalf of the countless volunteers and staff of DCI, the participating drum corps—and our most precious group, the performers—we thank you for being here with us. Sincerely, Daniel E. Acheson Executive Director/CEO Drum Corps International 4 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
official uniform sponsor
Contents Features The Corps 34 WHERE THE RHYTHM HITS THE ROAD The programs, repertoires, and staff Every summer, drum corps members, staff, and volunteers drive thou- members of corps competing on the sands of miles to bring DCI excitement to stadiums across the country. 2013 DCI Tour. Getting there takes a coordinated effort that’s almost as artful as the per- Index ................................................... 55 formances on the field. World Class ........................................ 56 Open Class ........................................ 101 40 A MOUNTAIN OF A MILESTONE International..................................... 125 All-Age .............................................. 125 We look back on the history of Drums Along the Rockies as Denver celebrates 50 years of high-flying action. We’ll also hear from Mandarins and Colts as they commemorate golden anniversaries of their own. 44 HEAD TO HEAD! Drum Corps International’s new DrumLine Battle and SoundSport pro- grams are offering players and fans more ways to experience the excite- ment of musical competition, at home, online, and around the world. 50 CINEMA SHOWDOWN Scheduled to be broadcast in high definition to more than 600 movie theaters nationwide, this summer Drum Corps International celebrates the 10th anniversary of its Big, Loud & Live Cinecast of the DCI World Championship Prelims. 6 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
2013 SOUVENIR YEARBOOK Departments CHAMPIONSHIP AWARDS Dan Acheson Executive Director/CEO WELCOME World and Open Class winners from the 2012 season................... 133 Bob Jacobs From the performers ............................3 Director, Marketing From DCI’s Executive Director.............4 HALL OF FAME John DeNovi ABOUT 2013 Inductees .................................. 135 Director, Sales & Business Development Past Honorees ................................... 136 Drum Corps International .................. 10 Chris Weber FRIENDS OF DCI Sr. Manager, Communications 2013 DCI TOUR SCHEDULE The Inner Circle of DCI’s Custom Published By: Complete Events Listing .................... 13 most committed fans .................... 138 In Tune Partners, LLC Premier Events Score Sheet .............. 15 Irwin Kornfeld Tour of Champions .............................26 VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR CEO Open Class World Championship Will Edwards 2013 winners and past recipients .... 140 President Events and Score Sheet..................28 Angelo Biasi Individual & Ensemble THANK YOU! Publisher Emile Menasché Championship .................................. 29 Recognizing all those who helped Editorial Director Indianapolis World Championship make the 2013 season happen..... 142 Jackie Jordan Creative Director Events and Score Sheet...................30 2014 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Robin Garber PAST CHAMPIONS Next year’s World Championships Production Director/Designer schedule and Super 3 ticket info, along Barbara Boughton Commemorating more than four with photos from all the Business Manager decades of World Champion corps in previous Indy Finals ........................ 144 Photography all of DCI’s competitive divisions .... 126 Drum Corps World Archives, Johnny Gilbert, Jolesch Photography, Jessica Skogh, Sid and Linda Unser COVER: iStockphoto/Thinkstock Contributors Danny Miles, Adam Perlmutter, Mac Randall, Michael R. Vella Assistant Editor Susan Kornfeld Editorial Intern Will Kussmaul Drum Corps International is the leader in producing events for the world’s most elite and exclusive marching ensembles for student musicians and performers. Business contact: 110 West Washington St. Suite C Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317.275.1212 Web: www.DCI.org Editorial contact: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] ©2013 Drum Corps International. All rights reserved. 7
Ad Index DeMoulin Bros. & Co..................... 5 Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic................. Director’s Showcase ............................................ 23, 25, 27 King Marching Brass................... 39 International. ............................. 9 Marching.com. ............................137 Drum Corps Associates. ........... 124 Music For All. ..............................112 Drum Corps International............... NAfME. .........................................118 ....................... 1, 53, 54 108, 132, 141 NAMM. ............................................ 2 Drum Corps World......................131 National Association of Fred J. Miller, Inc. ............................. inside front cover Music Parents. ....................... 122 Halftime Magazine. ....................... 8 Pearl .............................................. 37 Innovative Percussion............... 104 Percussive Arts Society.............114 Remo, Inc. ................................... 100 Stanbury Uniforms.......................11 WeScanFiles.com ........................ 49 StylePLUS................................... 108 WGI Sport of the Arts ................110 System Blue ............................... 102 Xtreme Brass & Percussion ..... 106 The Crown Store.................... 20, 21 Yamaha................inside back cover The Instrumentalist....................116 Zildjian ............................back cover The Woodwind & Brasswind ......47 Tournament of Bands................ 134 U.S. Marine Drum & Bugle Corps...............................12 USBands ..................................... 120 Vic Firth..........................................17 Visit Indy....................................... 33 BECAUSE EVERY CORPS HAS A STORY We know that drum corps is much more than daily rehearsals on a football field during summer. It’s about connecting to the music. About sharing a story with the audience. After Drum Corps International championships though, all of the action ends. Or does it? Halftime Magazine provides some of the best stories and interviews in the marching world, providing you with inspiration—even during the off-season. ® SUBSCRIBE NOW www.halftimemag.com Scan this Find us on Follow us on QR code source code: CCNDCI
About For more than 40 years, Drum Corps Professional Staff International has been the leader in producing events for the world’s Dan Acheson Jen Geinosky Connie Leide Chris Weber most elite and exclusive marching Executive Director/ Customer Service Accounting Sr. Manager, ensembles for student musicians CEO Kathy Harcourt Associate Communications and performers.Thirteen original Michael Cesario Customer Service Wayne Leide Event Managers founding member corps formed Artistic Director Jeff Hartowicz Chief Financial Dale Antoine, Patrick Drum Corps International in 1971 to Jeff Cox Manager, Video Officer Flynn, Rennee Flynn, organize and unify leadership. Manager, Corps Services Whitney Medworth Scott Litzenberg, Directors of those competing groups Housing Kara Haughey Manager, Event Christina Mavroudis, sought to unite corps by providing John DeNovi Manager, Office Operations Jill Moyer, Rene opportunities to perform together— Director, Sales Services Rita O’Donohue Perez in the end building a foundation for & Business Tom Hope Manager, Travel and Interns future success.The non-profit entity Development Pacific Division Meetings Trina Bui, Kacy was officially established in 1972, and Tony DiCarlo Representative Ric Oberlin Burns, Hannah today supports nearly 50 actively Contest Director Eric Hjellming Director, Operations Cholewinski, Casey participating drum corps, which per- Lynda DiMaggio SoundSport Events John Phillips Follen, Cecilia form in more than 100 competitive Sr. Accountant and Promotions Judge Administrator Hollenhorst, Matt events that make up the annual Drum Dave Eddleman Coordinator Jessica Ruckman Malabonga, Mallory Corps InternationalTour. Some Open Class Bob Jacobs Manager, McCrady, Andrea 400,000 fans will attend these events Coordinator Director, Marketing Merchandising Raymer, Eddie in 2013. Susie Ferreira-Bolla Hannah Jenkins Richard Trotman Richet, Jessica Group Experience Ticketing Coordinator Manager, Technology Skogh, Abbey Drum Corps International is dedi- Specialist Grant Johnston John Turner Springer, Sydney cated to the growth, well-being, pro- Allison Focht Manager, Warehouse Judge Administrator, Young motion and support of the entire orga- Manager, Ticketing Susan Kuehnhold Open Class nization by providing each drum Director, Events and corps with services enabling them to Corps Relations perform and create a positive experi- ence for members and fans. With a vast reach online at DCI.org, through corporate sponsorship, annual broadcast initiatives, and out- reach to high school music programs, Drum Corps International delivers the message of “excellence in perfor- mance and in life” to more than 7.2 million young people, ages 13-22 involved in the performing arts across the U.S. Drum Corps International thrives largely from funding received through ticket and merchandise sales (apparel, CDs, DVDs), and a percent- age of all proceeds is distributed back to the individual corps to assist in operations.The success of Drum Corps International depends greatly on the amazing dedication of hun- dreds of volunteers, as well as the remarkable hard work of each corps’ staff and performing members. 10 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
“ e Com andant’s Own” The United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps USMC.Drumcorps
2013 SCHEDULE & SCORECARD A rundown of every show on this year’s Drum Corps International Tour. Use the following pages to find events near you and record the scores as a keepsake! INSIDE Tour Schedule ..............14 Premier Events.............15 Tour of Champions ...... 26 Michigan City.............. 28 Indianapolis................ 30 1
Tour Schedule With more than 100 events in 38 states, the 2013 Drum Corps International Tour brings the finest marching musicians in the world to America’s back yard. Learn how to be part of the action this summer at DCI.org/schedule and DCI.org/tickets. ALABAMA 7/14 DeKalb MINNESOTA OREGON 7/15 Lebanon 7/25 Opelika 7/31 Spring Valley 6/30 Rochester 6/27 Medford 7/27 Huntsville 6/28 Tualatin INDIANA 7/1 Mankato ARIZONA PENNSYLVANIA 6/22 Merrillville 7/13 Minneapolis 6/19 Mesa 6/26 Evansville 6/26 Pittsburgh 6/28 Muncie MISSISSIPPI 7/6 Chester ARKANSAS 7/6 Michigan City 7/7 Chambersburg 8/5-6 Michigan City 7/23 Ocean Springs 7/31 Erie 7/16 Bentonville 8/8-10 Indianapolis 7/31 West Chester 7/24 Little Rock 7/24 Hattiesburg 8/2 Allentown 8/2 Johnsonburg CALIFORNIA MISSOURI 8/3 Allentown 8/4 Allentown 6/21 Clovis 7/11 Warrensburg 8/4 Pittsburgh 6/22 Stanford 6/23 Sacramento IOWA Waukee NEBRASKA RHODE ISLAND 6/24 Santa Clara Muscatine 6/28 Oceanside 7/10 Dubuque 7/8 Omaha 7/3 Bristol 6/29 Walnut Mason City 6/30 Riverside 7/11 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOUTH DAKOTA 7/6 Sacramento 7/7 Pleasant Hill 7/12 7/20 Manchester 7/9 Sioux Falls 7/13 Laguna Hills 7/14 Bellflower 7/30 NEW JERSEY TENNESSEE COLORADO KANSAS 6/28 Jackson 7/26 Murfreesboro 7/06 Denver 7/15 Olathe NEW YORK TEXAS CONNECTICUT 7/16 Wichita 8/1 Rome 7/18 Denton 7/19 Houston 6/30 New Haven KENTUCKY 8/5 Buffalo 7/20 San Antonio 7/21 Round Rock GEORGIA 6/21 Lexington NORTH CAROLINA 7/23 Dallas 7/28 Atlanta LOUISIANA 7/27 Charlotte UTAH IDAHO 7/22 Lafayette OHIO 7/3 Ogden 7/2 Boise MASSACHUSETTS 6/22 Akron VIRGINIA 6/23 Bowling Green ILLINOIS 6/29 Quincy 6/25 Fairfield 7/30 Salem 7/30 Dublin 7/31 Warrenton 6/21 Rockford 7/5 Lynn 8/3 Avon Lake 7/7 Lisle 8/5 Centerville WASHINGTON 7/9 Metamora 8/1 Lawrence 8/6 Massillon 6/29 Renton MICHIGAN OKLAHOMA 7/1 Tri Cities 6/25 Kalamazoo 7/17 Broken Arrow WEST VIRGINIA 7/27 Kalamazoo 7/23 Mustang 7/30 Charleston 8/1 Niles WISCONSIN 6/29 Madison 6/30 Salem 7/3 Cedarburg 7/5 Whitewater 7/12 La Crosse 7/29 Rice Lake WYOMING 7/5 Casper SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. 14 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
Premier Events GLASSMEN ALL STAR REVIEW SUNDAY, JUNE 23 Doyt L. Perry Stadium @ Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH Ten Wold Class groups take the field to support one of Ohio’s finest drum corps. NEW Blue Stars La Crosse, WI SCORE EVENT Boston Crusaders Boston, MA The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ DRUMS IN THE BLUEGRASS The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ FRIDAY, JUNE 21 Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ Montgomery County High School Stadium, Pioneer Milwaukee, WI __________ Mount Sterling, KY Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ __________ __________ A new locale to the 2013 Tour, five World Class groups get Troopers Casper, WY __________ DCI’s schedule of Premier Events underway. SCORE DCI CENTRAL INDIANA Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ FRIDAY, JUNE 28 The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Scheumann Stadium @ Ball State University Cincinnati Tradition Cincinnati, OH __________ Muncie, IN Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ World Class groups from six states give Indiana fans some early season excitement and entertainment. Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ SCORE DCI WEST Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ SATURDAY, JUNE 22 The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Stanford Stadium, Stanford, CA Colts Dubuque, IA __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Carolina Crown travels cross country to compete with Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ powers from California and Colorado. Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ SCORE Troopers Casper, WY __________ Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Devils B Concord, CA __________ Blue Devils C Concord, CA __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Mandarins Sacramento, CA __________ Pacific Crest Diamond Bar, CA __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ Vanguard Cadets Santa Clara, CA __________ 3
Premier Events DCI MINNESOTA PRESENTED BY DEMOULIN BROS. & CO. DRUMS ALONG THE ROCKIES SATURDAY, JULY 13 SATURDAY, JULY 6 TCF Bank Stadium @ University of Minnesota Sports Authority Field at Mile High Minneapolis, MN Denver, CO A huge lineup of World Class, Open Class and All Age groups One of the most popular events on the DCI calendar will have Minneapolis rocking. celebrates its 50th anniversary (see page 40 for more). SCORE The Academy Tempe, AZ __________ Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ SCORE Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ The Academy Tempe, AZ __________ Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Cascades Seattle, WA __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ Thunder Spokane, WA __________ Cascades Seattle, WA __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Colts Dubuque, IA __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Govenaires St. Peter, MN __________ Legends Kalamazoo, MI __________ Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ Minnesota Brass St. Paul, MN __________ Music City Nashville,TN __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ DCI ST. LOUIS MONDAY, JULY 15 Leemon Field @ McKendree University Lebanon, IL Always a sellout event, the DCI Tour returns to the St. Louis area for a third straight year. SCORE The AcademyTempe, AZ __________ Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Music City Nashville,TN __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ Pioneer Milwaukee, WI __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ 16 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
Premier Events DCI NORTH DALLAS PRESENTED BY COSERV ELECTRIC FOR RED RIVER THUNDER THURSDAY, JULY 18 CH Collins Athletic Complex, Denton, TX Eleven World Class groups kick off DCI’s “Texas Tour” in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. SCORE Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Colts Dubuque, IA __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Mandarins Sacramento, CA __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ DCI HOUSTON PRESENTED BY THE EXSIGHTMENT OF SOUND FRIDAY, JULY 19 Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District‘s Berry Center, Cypress, TX Houston won’t have a problem feeling the sound as eight World Class groups join local favorites Genesis on the field. SCORE The Academy Tempe, AZ __________ Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Genesis Edinburg,TX __________ Jersey Surf Camden County, NJ __________ Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ Pacific Crest Diamond Bar, CA __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ 18 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
DCI SOUTHWESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP SATURDAY, JULY 20 Alamodome, San Antonio, TX Fans will remember the Alamadome for hosting the first 2013 event to include all 22 World Class groups. The Academy Tempe, AZ SCORE __________ Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ DCI DALLAS PRESENTED BY NORTH TEXAS FESTIVAL Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ OF DRUMS AND BUGLES Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ TUESDAY, JULY 23 The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ Wildcat-Ram Stadium @ Lake Highlands H.S. Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Dallas, TX Cascades Seattle, WA __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Colts - Dubuque, IA __________ Dallas gets a second dose of drum corps energy marking the final 2013 tour stop in Texas. Crossmen - San Antonio,TX __________ Genesis - Edinburg,TX __________ SCORE Jersey Surf - Camden County, NJ __________ The AcademyTempe, AZ __________ Madison Scouts - Madison, WI __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Mandarins - Sacramento, CA __________ Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ Oregon Crusaders - Portland, OR __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Pacific Crest - Diamond Bar, CA __________ Jersey Surf Camden County, NJ __________ Phantom Regiment - Rockford, IL __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ Pioneer - Milwaukee, WI __________ DCI ARKANSAS Santa Clara Vanguard - Santa Clara, CA __________ WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 Spirit of Atlanta - Atlanta, GA __________ War Memorial Stadium, Little Rock, AR Troopers - Casper, WY __________ DCI heads back to Little Rock for the third year in a row as corps start their final push toward the World Championship Finals. SCORE The Academy Tempe, AZ __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Genesis Edinburg,TX __________ Pacific Crest Diamond Bar, CA __________ 19
Premier Events DCI SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 M.M. Roberts Stadium @ The University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS Eight World Class corps will be on hand to heat up the night at the home of Southern Miss.’s Golden Eagles. SCORE Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ Colts Dubuque, IA __________ Mandarins Sacramento, CA __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ Pioneer Milwaukee, WI __________ Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ NEW EVENT DCI NORTH ALABAMA SATURDAY, JULY 27 Louis Crews Stadium @ Alabama A&M University, Huntsville, AL A brand new stop on the DCI Tour will march 15 DCI corps straight into the “Heart of Dixie.” SCORE The AcademyTempe, AZ __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ Cascades Seattle, WA __________ Colts Dubuque, IA __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Jersey Surf Camden County, NJ __________ Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ Music City Nashville,TN __________ Oregon Crusaders Portland, OR __________ Pacific Crest Diamond Bar, CA __________ Pioneer Milwaukee, WI __________ Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ 22 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
You play in football stadiums? During what game? We know it’s hard to explain. Maybe it’s better that way... WWW.Q UA N T U M M A R C H I N G .CO M
Premier Events DCI ATLANTA NEW SOUTHEASTERN DAY CHAMPIONSHIP SUNDAY, JULY 28 Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA Although it’s happening a day later than usual, the DCI Southeastern Championship continues its tradition as one of the season’s signature events, as the entire World Class marches for glory under the roof of the Georgia Dome. The Academy Tempe, AZ SCORE DCI EASTERN CLASSIC __________ J. Birney Crum Stadium, Allentown, PA Atlanta CV Atlanta, GA __________ Come for both nights, and you’ll see the entire World Class Blue Devils Concord, CA __________ perform. Stay an extra day, and you can catch a Tour of Champions event as well! (See page 26) Blue Knights Denver, CO __________ Blue Stars La Crosse, WI __________ Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ The Academy Tempe, AZ SCORE Blue Stars La Crosse, WI The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ Bluecoats Canton, OH __________ The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Colts Dubuque, IA __________ Carolina Gold Greensboro, NC __________ Mandarins Sacramento, CA __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ Cascades Seattle, WA __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ Colts Dubuque, IA __________ __________ SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Blue Devils Concord, CA SCORE Jersey Surf Camden County, NJ __________ Blue Knights Denver, CO Boston Crusaders Boston, MA __________ Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ Bridgemen Alumni Bayone, NJ __________ Mandarins Sacramento, CA __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ Cascades Seattle, WA __________ Oregon Crusaders Portland, OR __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ Crossmen San Antonio,TX __________ Pacific Crest Diamond Bar, CA __________ Jersey Surf Camden County, NJ __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ Madison Scouts Madison, WI __________ Oregon Crusaders Portland, OR __________ Pioneer Milwaukee, WI __________ Pacific Crest Diamond Bar, CA __________ Pioneer Milwaukee, WI __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ __________ __________ Spirit of Atlanta Atlanta, GA __________ Troopers Casper, WY __________ 24
Where have you been all summer? We know it’s hard to explain. Maybe it’s better that way... WWW.Q UA N T U M M A R C H I N G .CO M
Premier Events The Tour of Champions series is an exciting live entertainment format 1) CENTRAL MISSOURI featuring seven Finalist corps from last summer. In addition to the corps’ traditional competitive productions, fans get an exclusive look inside THURSDAY, JULY 11 the drum corps experience, including a chance to interact with members, Walton Stadium @ University special pre-show and intermission entertainment, and a finale by the of Central Missouri combined forces of all seven groups. DCI.org/tour-of-champions Warrensburg, MO 2) NORTHERN ILLINOIS SUNDAY, JULY 14 NIU Huskie Stadium DeKalb, IL 3) AUSTIN SUNDAY, JULY 21 Round Rock ISD Stadium Austin, TX 4) THE MASTERS OF THE SUMMER MUSIC GAMES PRESENTED BY JUPITER, MAPEX & MAJESTIC FRIDAY, JULY 26 Johnny “Red” Floyd Stadium Murfreesboro, TN 5) NIGHTBEAT SATURDAY, JULY 27 American Legion Memorial Stadium Charlotte, NC 6) ALLENTOWN SUNDAY, AUGUST4 J. Birney Crum Stadium Allentown, PA 7) DRUMS ALONG THE WATERFRONT MONDAY, AUGUST5 Ralph Wilson Stadium Buffalo, NY Blue Devils Concord, CA (1) SCORE (2) SCORE (3) SCORE (4) SCORE (5) SCORE (6) SCORE (7) SCORE Bluecoats Canton, OH The Cadets Allentown, PA __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Carolina Crown Ft. Mill, SC __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ The Cavaliers Rosemont, IL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Phantom Regiment Rockford, IL __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ Santa Clara Vanguard Santa Clara, CA __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 26 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
How did you guys become such close friends? We know it’s hard to explain. Maybe it’s better that way... WWW.Q UA N T U M M A R C H I N G .CO M
Michigan City The 2013 Open Class World OPEN CLASS FINALS SCORE Championship begins on Aug. 5 with a two-day format TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 __________ introduced in 2011. Open Class corps __________ will also be eligible to compete in Ames Field Michigan City, IN __________ Indianapolis beginning with the World __________ Championship Prelims on Aug. 8. 1. _______________________________________ __________ 2. _______________________________________ __________ OPEN CLASS PRELIMS 3. _______________________________________ __________ 4. _______________________________________ __________ MONDAY, AUGUST 5 5. _______________________________________ __________ 6. _______________________________________ __________ Ames Field Michigan City, IN 7. _______________________________________ __________ 8. _______________________________________ __________ SCORE 9. _______________________________________ 10. _______________________________________ 1. _______________________________________ __________ 11. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ __________ 12. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ __________ 4. _______________________________________ __________ OPEN CLASS 5. _______________________________________ __________ CAPTION AWARDS 6. _______________________________________ __________ 7. _______________________________________ __________ Best Brass Performance 8. _______________________________________ __________ 9. _______________________________________ __________ ______________________________________________________________________ 10. _______________________________________ __________ 11. _______________________________________ __________ 12. _______________________________________ __________ 13. _______________________________________ __________ Best General Effect ______________________________________________________________________ Best Visual Performance ______________________________________________________________________ Best Percussion Performance ______________________________________________________________________ Best Color Guard Performance ______________________________________________________________________ 28 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
Indianapolis DCI INDIVIDUAL & ENSEMBLE CHAMPIONSHIP PRESENTED BY SYSTEM BLUE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 Georgia Street Indianapolis, IN GEORGIA STREET PHOTO COURTESY OF LAVENGOOD PHOTOGRAPHY After three years of splitting the INDIVIDUAL & ENSEMBLE competition by division, Drum COMPETITION CATEGORIES Corps International’s Individual & Ensemble (I&E) Championship INDIVIDUALS Woodwind: Clarinet/ will return to its original unified Brass: Trumpet, Double Reed, format when members from the Mellophone, Baritone/ Saxophone, Flute World and Open Classes take Euphonium, French Visual: Flag, Auxiliary, each other on in Indianapolis on Horn, Tuba, Trombone Dance, Brass Wednesday, Aug. 7. Percussion: Snare, ENSEMBLES Multi-Tenor, Timpani, Auxiliary, Bass Drum, Each year, I&E gives corps Keyboard, Multi- Cymbal, Brass, members the opportunity to show Percussion Dance, Flag, Mixed, off their individual and group tal- Vocal Percussion, Vocal ents, performing solo and ensem- ble pieces perfected outside of their normal corps rehearsal schedules. In addition, I&E’s vocal and woodwind categories give members a chance to showcase their talents beyond the brass and percussion instruments eligible for drum corps competition. Presented by the Blue Devils organization’s educational arm System Blue, 2013’s Individual & Ensemble Championship will fea- ture some new rules and a new home outdoors on Indianapolis’ Georgia Street. The vibrant atmo- sphere should make this year’s I&E the most exciting to date. Georgia Street 29
Indianapolis WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP PRELIMS DCI WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 The 2013 World Championships beginning Aug. 8 marks Drum Corps Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, IN International’s fifth consecutive year at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. The SCORE state-of-the-art facility in the heart of downtown features a retractable roof, 1. _______________________________________ __________ multiple seating levels, incredible sight 2. _______________________________________ __________ lines, and family-friendly amenities. 3. _______________________________________ __________ 4. _______________________________________ __________ 5. _______________________________________ __________ 6. _______________________________________ __________ 7. _______________________________________ __________ 8. _______________________________________ __________ 9. _______________________________________ __________ 10. _______________________________________ __________ 11. _______________________________________ __________ 12. _______________________________________ __________ 13. _______________________________________ __________ 14. _______________________________________ __________ 15. _______________________________________ __________ 16. _______________________________________ __________ Entrance: Championship attendees should use the east side entrance of Lucas Oil Stadium. Tickets: For the general public, the box office on the south- east corner of Lucas Oil Stadium will be utilized for ticket sales and will call pickup. Parking: There are more than 72,500 parking spaces in downtown Indianapolis, including surface lots that accom- modate oversized vehicles. For more details, check out the Downtown Indianapolis Parking Database at indydt.com/ parking.cfm. The Warmup Zone: Come to historic Military Park (601 West New York St.) to see all your favorite drum corps as they prepare to take the field each day during the World Championships. Corps generally start to warm up about an hour before show time. Festival Marketplace: Immediately upon entering Lucas Oil Stadium, fans will find themselves immersed in the Festival Marketplace. Check out the Drum Corps International Team Store, featuring DCI and Championship merchandise and apparel. All of the individual corps and DCI sponsors will also have their own booths lining the concourse leading to all of the seating areas. 30 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
17. _______________________________________ __________ WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 18. _______________________________________ __________ SEMIFINALS 19. _______________________________________ __________ 20. _______________________________________ __________ FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 21. _______________________________________ __________ 22. _______________________________________ __________ Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, IN 23. _______________________________________ __________ 24. _______________________________________ __________ SCORE 25. _______________________________________ __________ 26. _______________________________________ __________ 1. _______________________________________ __________ 27. _______________________________________ __________ 2. _______________________________________ __________ 28. _______________________________________ __________ 3. _______________________________________ __________ 29. _______________________________________ __________ 4. _______________________________________ __________ 30. _______________________________________ __________ 5. _______________________________________ __________ 31. _______________________________________ __________ 6. _______________________________________ __________ 32. _______________________________________ __________ 7. _______________________________________ __________ 33. _______________________________________ __________ 8. _______________________________________ __________ 34. _______________________________________ __________ 9. _______________________________________ __________ 35. _______________________________________ __________ 10. _______________________________________ __________ 11. _______________________________________ __________ 12. _______________________________________ __________ 13. _______________________________________ __________ 14. _______________________________________ __________ 15. _______________________________________ __________ 16. _______________________________________ __________ 17. _______________________________________ __________ 18. _______________________________________ __________ 19. _______________________________________ __________ 20. _______________________________________ __________ 21. _______________________________________ __________ 22. _______________________________________ __________ 23. _______________________________________ __________ 24. _______________________________________ __________ 25. _______________________________________ __________ 31
Indianapolis WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, IN SCORE 1. _______________________________________ __________ 2. _______________________________________ __________ 3. _______________________________________ __________ 4. _______________________________________ __________ 5. _______________________________________ __________ 6. _______________________________________ __________ 7. _______________________________________ __________ 8. _______________________________________ __________ 9. _______________________________________ __________ 10. _______________________________________ __________ 11. _______________________________________ __________ 12. _______________________________________ __________ WORLD CLASS CAPTION AWARDS George Zingali Award for Best Color Guard ______________________________________________________________________ John Brazale Award for Best Visual Performance ______________________________________________________________________ Don Angelica Award for Best Overall General Effect ______________________________________________________________________ Jim Ott Award for Best Brass Performance ______________________________________________________________________ Fred Sanford Award for Best Percussion Performance ______________________________________________________________________ 32 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
By Danny Miles Drum corps drive thousands of miles to spread excitement across the country.whopping 35 corps performed at the 2012 Drum Corps International World Championship Prelims in Indianapolis. Taken together, that A means thousands of World and be turning the odometer a few thousand times this sum- mer, too. For many staff and members, those long night- time drives between shows are as essential to the drum corps experience as performing.“There is nothing great- er than 200 people rolling down the road together over Open Class members took the field the course of 60 days for a common goal,”says Crossmen at Lucas Oil Stadium that day.This season’s Prelims in executive director Fred Morrison, whose corps’ first DCI Indy should produce just as much foot traffic. But before event this summer will be about 1,200 a drum corps can march on the field, it has to get to the field. miles from home. By Finals Week, a typical World Class group will log between 10,000 and 16,000 miles, playing close to 30 shows in less than two months. (For perspective, the Earth’s circumference is just under 25,000 miles.) Open Class groups generally have more limited touring schedules, but some will 34 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
Clockwise from top left: Trailers display souve- nirs in the DCI Marketplace. Crossmen members and staff pack one of the corps’ tractor trailers. Members of Pacific Crest march from the bus to the stadium.The parking lot swells with trucks, buses, and smaller vehicles in sig- nature DCI fashion. 35
The Convoy Morrison says. “We use four Trailways motor coach- es for members and most staff, two 18-wheel Though the specifics vary among corps, here are some of semi-tractor trailers, a 15-foot box truck (pulling a the essential vehicles in a typical DCI group’s fleet. 20-foot souvenir trailer), a 15-foot passenger van, and a 34-foot Chevrolet Kodiak Chassis RV known as Tractor trailers ‘The Mobile Command Center,’ which pulls a 20-foot enclosed trailer stuffed with a Yamaha Rhino carry equipment and four-wheeler, scaffolding, and other equipment.” serve as food trucks. Vanguard employs a similarly massive rolling arma- Passenger buses da.“We own 53- and 45-foot semi trailers for equipment, a 45-foot semi trailer kitchen, two condo tractors, a become a home away from passenger tour bus, an entertainer coach, a 14-foot box home for members and some truck, a 16-foot souvenir trailer, a full-sized diesel pick- staff. Modern buses may have up, an electric utility cart with trailer, and two Chevy Suburbans,” Bennet says. “We lease two tractors, five amenities like WiFi. passenger buses, an entertainer coach, two or three 26-foot box trucks, and a mobile kitchen.” RVs and campers Open Class groups don’t exactly travel light, either. can serve as additional sleeping “Much of the process is the same for both classes,” quarters, rolling offices, mobile kitchens, says Legends executive director Ibe Sodawalla. “There’s tour planning, fleet management, daily and more. logistics, medical attention, and food preparation. We’ll have seven vehicles on the road this summer, Trailers and expect to do about 8,000 miles.” are also used to haul supplies Like the show on the field, travel plans don’t come and equipment, including together overnight. “Our assistant director Joe Banegas and tour director Rico Gomez start planning the four-wheel “mules” that bring shortly after we know the final schedule in late instruments onto the field. November,” Morrison explains. “We travel as a car- avan each night.The RV leads, followed by the motor Box trucks coaches, van, box truck, and 18-wheelers.We sched- ule fuel and restroom stops to occur every two-and- carry additional equipment and supplies, from a-half to three hours. After the last stop, the van goes props to scaffolding to souvenirs. ahead of the convoy to meet the housing-site contact and set up the school [where the corps will sleep and Passenger vans, pickup trucks, SUVs, rehearse] with signs marking each of the section’s sleeping quarters. The convoy is then greeted and and other smaller vehicles carry volunteers guided to the parking area. The 18-wheelers are parked and set and staff, and are used for daily errands up for the morning. It takes about 30 minutes to set up and when the corps is stopped. unload every day.We allow 90 minutes at the end of each rehears- al or show day for everyone to eat, shower, pack, and load.” Fleets of Feet While it can take weeks to get the whole routine running smoothly, some preseason practice can help get the entire corps Once the tour starts, a drum corps literally lives on the road. up to speed. “Our performers and staff ‘move in’ and live as a It becomes a rolling village populated by up to 150 members, team 24/7 at a couple of fairly remote locations—thankfully along with staff, volunteers, equipment, and supplies. And within California,” Bennet says. “It gives us an opportunity to it must all move nearly every day. “The challenge every year give our equipment a ‘shake down’ while allowing a little time is to fit the show—which is always evolving—into a defined to repair or tweak for the real tour.” amount of space and get it from place to place,” says David Bennet, Jr., transportation manager for Santa ClaraVanguard. “But somehow...it always fits.” Fortunately, they’re not exactly cramming everything in the back of mom’s minivan. “We have a fleet of nine vehicles,” 36 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
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Food, Fuel and Fun Napoleon famously said, “An army marches on its stomach.” So does a drum corps—which is why tractor-trailers are the food carts of choice forWorld Class groups. “The food service trailer carries a supply of dry, canned, and paper and plastic goods,” Morrison says. “The front of the trailer is refrigerat- ed and has all of the perishables. Weekly deliveries from the local U.S. Food Service bolster supplies we get through DCI’s combined purchasing program like cereal, peanut butter, Gatorade, biscuit mix, and pancake mix. We buy milk and bread two to three times per week at Wal-Mart or a local sChaorowliinnaACllreonwtonwmne,mPAb.ers unload and set up equipment before a 2012 supermarket. It’s not unusual for us to purchase 16 gallons of milk and 50 loaves of bread each time!” On the whole, a drum corps’ life on the “We buy milk and Penske tractors. Our [hired] drivers Janet road today isn’t all that different from past and Neil are spending their second season generations.They still travel at night, sleep bread two to three with us—drum corps gets in their blood on the buses, and “camp out” on gym times per week: It’s too! In 2012 we were fortunate to be offered floors. But some logistics are changing. not unusual for us to a fuel fleet discount for all participating DCI “Many corps still own and operate their purchase 16 gallons corps with Pilot Flying J.The contact for Pilot own equipment,” Sodawalla says. “But was given to us by a Crossmen parent.” more professional drivers are being of milk and 50 used.” loaves of bread Crossmen’s link with Trailways has helped other groups forge similar deals. Instrument and uniform companies each time!” “Trailways went from hauling no DCI corps have long sought to associate themselves to eight last summer,” Morrison adds. with drum corps. Being connected to a “Dependable equipment takes a big bur- touring DCI group can also be appealing to transportation com- den off the corps’ shoulders. I’ve heard a lot of alumni war panies that may lend support through sponsorships and dis- stories about multiple breakdowns and having to push our counts. “Fort Worth-based Gotta GoTrailways is a Crossmen buses back in the day—not to mention the lack of amenities strategic partner and sponsor, and provides us with four motor like air conditioning. Heck, our staff bus has WiFi!They have coaches,” says Morrison. “The 18-wheelers are pulled by two a network of 4,000 motor coaches at their disposal, so if you have a hiccup, a replacement is close by.” Whether they hire out or drive themselves, established groups can draw on experience when facing the inevitable challenges of the road. But what about South Carolina’s Coastal Surge, which is taking part in its first Open Class tour this season? Luckily for them, drum corps groups have always balanced competitive spirit on the field with cooperative spirit off it.“We’ve been working very closely with DCI to [have other] organizations serve as mentors while we’re on the road,” says executive direc- tor Matthew M. Shrewsbury. “This will let our members inter- act with established, well-run corps while giving our volunteers a chance to work side-by-side with veterans and learn the ways of the road.” “The biggest challenge is getting everyone to pull in the same direction as a team,” Morrison says. “The hours are long Tphaortuogfhdtrhuemvceohripcslelsifheathverobuegchoomuet DmCoId’sehrnisitzoerdy,.life on the bus has been and grueling.This is the hardest challenge most of the members will face in their lifetimes.The bonds developed here will last them forever.” 38 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
MOUNTA This July in Denver, Colorado, eight top drum corps will converge on Sports Authority Field at Mile High to show their skills for an enthusiastic crowd.They’ll also be celebrating a spe- cial moment in history: Drums Along the Rockies (DATR), one of the United States’ premier marching music events, turns 50 this year. Over five decades in three different locations, this key regional competition has hosted dozens of talented ensem- bles—although it’s most closely associat- ed with its sponsoring corps, the Blue Knights—and has always maintained its appeal with the Centennial State faithful. “It’s the oldest drum corps show west of the Mississippi River,” DATR executive director Lynn Lindstrom notes, “and the first drum corps show to have been held in an NFL stadium.” Not only that, but its overwhelming local popularity attracted DCI’s attention early on, leading the organi- zation to bring itsWorld Championships to Denver three times (in 1977, 1978, and 2004) to experience some of that DATR magic. “I have attended every Drums Along the Rockies since 1978,” says Blue Knights director Mark Arnold, “and—no bias here—I’ve always felt that it’s the premier show in the activity. It’s the first big show of the season, and you can count on one 40 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook 27th Lancers perform at the1976 Drums Along the Rockies at Mile High Stadium.
AIN OF A It’s the GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY of a Mile High marching music institution: Drums Along the Rockies. BY MAC RANDALL 41
of the biggest crowds of the season to be in attendance. From the time it was in the old Mile High Stadium to the new Sports Authority Field, there has never been a better drum corps sta- dium.The acoustics are incredible, and the grass surface is close to the stands and always pristine!The warm-up zone is nearby and fan-friendly. In addition, the stadium comes with mountain vistas and is within walking distance of a very dynamic downtown. It truly has the entire package.” As is the case with so many great things, Drums Along the Rockies’ origins were humble.When Blue Knights director James Routt andTroopers director Jim Jones start- Mile High Stadium, Drums Along the Rockies home from 1975-2000 ed the contest in 1964, it was just one of sev- eral regional competitions within a relative- show, there was a block-long line in front of each one of those ly new circuit. Both corps had recently booths.There were so many people that they filled up both joined the Great Plains Drum and Bugle sides of the stadium.The corps had to take turns performing Corps Association, founded in 1955. Along for different sides, and the judges had to travel from side to with various other member groups from side in a convertible to judge each show!” Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado,Wyoming and The next phase of DATR began in 1974, when Blue Knights “Denver wasn’tNebraska, they competed director DickWentland and his wife Doris joined the crew. Doris would every summer in towns like Hutchinson, Great Bend, soon become an integral part of the event’s organizational team, a drum corpsWichita, Newton, Casper, Enid—and at Lakewood, eventually taking the helm after DonWhiteley’s departure. “Denver town when weColo.’s Jefferson County started this.”Stadium, the first venue wasn’t a drum corps town when we started this,” she says, “so our for DATR. In 1970, DonWhiteley, public relations big push was to make drum corps a familiar sight and sound director for KBTV in Denver, joined forces in Denver, and I think we succeeded in that. It just got bigger with Jim Jones in organizing Drums Along and better every year.” the Rockies.Whiteley’s creative, ambitious So big, in fact, that by 1975Whiteley had reached a deal efforts to promote the event were similar to with the Denver Broncos to hold Drums Along the Rockies at what he would later do for DCI as a whole: running ads in the the team’s Mile High Stadium. “A lot of NFL teams didn’t want local edition ofTV Guide, making sponsorship deals with newspapers and radio stations, and founding a new publication called Drum Corps World. SteveVickers, now that maga- zine’s publisher, singles out 1971 as a turning point. (At the time,Vickers was a staffer for the Sky Ryders.) “I remember standing that year at the top of JeffCo Stadium with Don a couple of hours before the show, looking down at the four little ticket booths in each corner of the field,” Vickers says. “He was very nervous about how many people were going to show up.Well, an hour before the DATR’s success led DCI to bring theWorld Championships to Denver in 1977, 1978 and 2004. The Broncos’ Pony Express cheerleading squad gathers around 1977 champs, Blue Devils. 42 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
50 AND COUNTING... Like DATR, Mandarins and Colts look back on a half-century of history with an eye to the future. MANDARINSFORMED BY Sacramento’s Chinese-American community, theYe Wah Drum & Lyre Corps debuted at a 1963 Fourth of July parade and set the tone for 50 years of blendingAsian andAmerican institutions.Adding color guard in ’64, the corps adopted its current name in 1967 and soon expand- ed its range in California and overseas. The group emerged as a thriving force under the leadership of In 2001, DATR moved into the brand new Invesco Field at Mile High. 2013 Hall-of-Fame inductee Raymond Mar (83-) win- drum corps in their stadiums because they were afraid of ning seven Div. III titles along with the ’01 Div. II what would happen to the grass,”Vickers says. “But the Broncos have been very tolerant, and the relationship with crown, before joining the them continues to be strong.” As a result, the Broncos became the first NFL team with its own drum line.That line, Stampede World Class in 2003. But Percussion, overseen by the Blue Knights organization, has been performing at all Broncos home games for the past four as the corps’ 2013 show years; it will also be a special guest at this year’s DATR. reflects, its heritage The Great Plains Drum and Bugle Corps Association dis- solved in the late ’70s, but Drums Along the Rockies kept on extends far beyond the going, becoming the Blue Knights’ signature event for each season. (For a time, it even spawned a series of drum corps field. “Destination competitions throughout theWest, all called Drums Along the Rockies.) “All the work Don had done really raised our visibili- America: Journey of the 1965 ty,” DorisWentland says, “and it attracted a lot more corps, Paper Sons allows us to who began to realize we made a good stopping-off point for them when they were heading east or west.” reflect on ourAsian heritage by telling the story of Lynn Lindstrom took over the reins from DorisWentland in the unique emigration process from China to 1983, and continues to be in charge of Drums Along the Rockies today. After Mile High Stadium’s demolition in 2000, America,”said the Mandarins’ Luis D. Sosa.“It paral- DATR moved along with the Broncos to a new location, origi- nally Invesco Field, now Sports Authority Field. lels how the Mandarins has morphed into the multi- So what exactly sets this event apart from other drum cultural DCI corps it is today.” corps competitions? “The altitude adds an extra challenge,” SteveVickers acknowledges, “but the corps can handle that COLTS “THE LEGACY of the Colts is fine as long as they have adequate preparation time.The big- gest factor, though, is how many people from the Denver area grounded in its Midwestern roots,” says come to the show year in, year out.To have a local following executive director Jeff MacFarlane, who that’s so fervent and so faithful is still really unusual.” began marching as a Colt Cadet at age 11. Formed in 1963 as the Junior Dukes, the group Looking back on the history of Drums Along the Rockies became the Legionnaires after the senior Dukes of and her place in it, DorisWentland says, “It’s hard for me to be Dubuque folded in ’65. The Legionnaires went coed too profound about this.You just do your job, you do it the and added a “B” corps (today’s Colt Cadets) before best way you can, you try to build the activity, build the aware- taking theWestern-inspired name Colt .45 in ’68. ness, build the profitability for the corps, and make it a great Over the next few years, the group won Mid- time for everybody, not only the spectators but the people American and the IowaVFW Junior State titles, working the show and the corps themselves. And we did that. took part in its first nationals, and debuted at the It’s always been a very positive experience.” 1976 DCIWorld Championship (‘73) before finally settling on Colts in ‘76.“Our anniversary likely means different things to different gener- ations,” MacFarlane says.“Being able to connect all our genera- tions of alumni and current group makes the milestone that much more meaningful.” 43
to PREDSCEINTS 44 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
Of the many things that RDGUREMTURBMEALDELYIWTNOITEH make Drum Corps BATTLE: International shows so spectacular, perhaps AN INTENSE none stands out more than the sheer size of the stage.With close to 150 per- NEW FORM OF formers swallowing up an entire foot- ball field, you’ve really got to step back INTEMRNUASTIOICNAALL a bit to get the full effect. COMBAT. But sometimes it’s nice to zoom in on the action. That’s the idea behind two new DCI programs launched in a BattleZone that’s a little like a tennis court: Each this year—DrumLine Battle and SoundSport—which competitor occupies a 12 x 12-meter (a little over 39 ft. x are giving fans a chance to experience the competition 39 ft.) area, with a two-meter “Neutral Zone” separat- and artistry they love in new close-up formats.With ing them.The groups are allowed to play any instru- flexible rules for instrumentation and ensembles, both ments in the realm of percussion, provided that they programs will bring the excitement of musical compe- can be carried—no drum kits or timpani. tition to a wider range of venues than ever before. In live competition, groups face off head-to-head for Just as important, these fan-friendly formats are two minutes. (Virtual battles conducted over the also welcoming to the participants themselves. By Internet have 90-second rounds.) Each event will have design, they make it easy for almost anyone to take a minimum of three judges, one focused on presenta- part—from experienced corps members to total new- tion, one on drumming, and the third looking at the comers—in a global series of in-person and online overall battle. events, allowing groups from across the street to com- pete with others from across oceans. “We’ve simplified the rules and designed the judg- ing to be immediate and understandable to both the “These new initiatives are designed to provide fun participants and the fans, which should make the over- new performance opportunities for instrumental all experience very entertaining,” explains Robert music students around the world,” says DCI executive Jacobs, DCI’s director of marketing and executive director and CEO Dan Acheson. “We’re drawing on director of theWorld Class DCI group Jersey Surf. more than 40 years of experience producing events “When the round is over, the judges huddle and deter- showcasing the best of the best in marching music.” mine the winner almost immediately.” But what exactly are DrumLine Battle and SoundSport? Here’s a brief rundown of everything fans and potential performers need to know… DrumLine Battle As its name suggests, DrumLine Battle is a high-octane competition for marching percussion groups, which will initially be divided into two main categories:Youth and All-Age. The competition is direct, and the audience plays a big role in who wins. In each round, two groups face off BY ADAM PERLMUTTER 425
Instead of evaluating performances based on a “There will be about 20 or more drum lines featured pre-established “tick list,” judges will rely on crowd on two separate stages on Indianapolis’ Georgia reaction and their own assessment of each group’s Street doing DrumLine Battles,” DeNovi says. “Those musical ability, creativity, and entertainment value. will be made up of independent groups, schools, and “The goal is to get the fans THE BATTLE ZONE drum corps. A group called fired up,” says John E-Sarn is coming all the way DeNovi, DCI Director of DrumLine Battle competitions use a compact arena to make fromThailand to take part.” Business Development. events easier to stage anywhere from a mall to a gym, “Showmanship is very while keeping the audience focused on the performers. As we went to press, there was still time for inter- important. Technique isn’t 12m 2m 12m ested groups to book a judged for the kind of accu- BATTLE12m BATTLE 12m place in the competition. racy we look for in tradition- Go to DrumLineBattle.com al DCI competitions. But AZONE NEUTRAL ZONE BZONE for details. that said, fans respond to great playing. DrumLine SoundSport Battles encourage players While DrumLine Battle to ‘go for it’ and focus more focuses on the core of on passion in their pursuit of perfection.” drum corps—percussion—SoundSport is much Groups will face off in brackets (NCAA Basketball broader. Inspired by today’s popularTV talent Tournament style) and advance to a final showdown shows, it’s open to all instruments and ages. for each event. SoundSport may be especially appealing to those Demonstrating DrumLine Battle’s global reach, who don’t play DCI-eligible brass or percussion instru- the series opened in Shanghai, China on May 31 ments, while also allowing DCI members to showcase before coming to the U.S. for mid-June events in talents normally reserved for DCI’s Individual & San Antonio, Dallas, and Nashua, NH. DCI fans will Ensemble competitions. “Millions of people want to get a chance to see the action first-hand at select make music, have fun, and enjoy some teamwork and Premier events, including a return to San Antonio competition but don’t fit within existing programs,” (7/20), Murfreesboro,TN (7/26), Huntsville, AL (7/27), Jacobs says. “That’s why SoundSport is open to all Atlanta, GA (7/28), and Allentown, PA (8/3), culminat- instruments.You can have a bucket band and you’re ing in an expanded exhibition in Indianapolis on in! Handbell choirs, woodwind ensembles, brass August 10th. ensembles, brass and woodwind ensembles, sax or 46 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook
INSPIRING STUDENTS IN trombone or tuba or flute choirs, mariachi groups, CHINA AND BEYOND string players who can move, accordions, harmoni- One of the key goals of both SoundSport and cas, kazoos—they’re all welcome, as are small march- DrumLine Battle is to be a tool for education that goes beyond musical technique.Through online events, ing bands and drum corps–style groups.” students can get to know others from around the world who share their musical interests, and learn But like DrumLine Battle, SoundSport is designed about their cultures in the process.“It’s an amazing teaching opportunity for both music classes and to adapt to both formal and informal arenas.The maxi- cross-curricular programs,” Jacobs says,“especially social studies and language classes.” mum performance area is 50 ft. deep and 70 ft. wide— In May, DCI added yet another dimension to this but this can vary depending on the location. growing cultural exchange by announcing a partner- ship with Motif Music, an education firm in Shanghai, That brings us back to Georgia Street, which, in China.The two will join forces to establish programs in marching music pedagogy (including SoundSport addition to the DrumLine Battles mentioned above, and DrumLine Battle) throughout China.“We’re very pleased with the exceptional interest in creating will also feature a SoundSport opportunities for Chinese students to experience the marching arts,”Acheson says.“We are looking for- exhibition. Some of the con- WITH DRUMLINE ward to working with Motif Music to engage many firmed performers will include BATTLE AND young people in these exciting activities.” drum corps groups like Star SOUNDSPORT, United (winners of seven WE HAVE THE This summer, DCI’s “Marching MusicAcademy for straight Drum Corps OPPORTUNITY Teachers and Instructors” will begin a training pro- Associates Mini Corps titles) TO ENGAGE gram in Shanghai, hosted by DCI designers, educa- and Minne Brass (a small MUSICIANS tors, and strategic partners—sessions that will pro- ensemble of the all-age YOUNG AND vide an immersive experience for the educators who Minnesota Brass Drum OLD IN EXCITING will then develop drum corps programs in China. Corps). Groups from as far as NEW WAYS. Thailand and possibly even “Through the cultural exchange created by this part- nership, Drum Corps International and Motif Music Guatemala are expected to will have a unique opportunity to bring a wealth of experience and best practices to a vast new group of take part in the festivities, which will also feature local students and those who instruct them,”Acheson adds.“The SoundSport and DrumLine Battle pro- acts and more. “It’s going to be an incredible party,” grams will help new groups to get up and running quickly by providing outlets for their performances, as says DCI’s John DeNovi. “DCI corps members will be well as an introduction to the life-enriching attributes of engagement in the performing arts.” on hand to take part too.” 48 2013 DCI Souvenir Yearbook Overall, DrumLine Battle and SoundSport are part of DCI’s larger mission to promote the pursuit of per- formance excellence in many forms. “With these two programs, we have the opportunity to engage musi- cians young and old in exciting new ways,” Acheson says. “The goal is to make it very easy for ensembles of all types to be a part of a fun and creative perfor- mance outlet, while also encouraging the levels of achievement that have made DCI such a strong force over the last four decades.” And because DrumLine Battle and SoundSport are both global and adaptable, they’re likely to have a long-term impact on millions of young musicians. “We expect that many will start developing their skills as budding composers, arrangers, and choreog- raphers,” Jacobs concludes. “We really hope to empower the members of the community—the young musicians and their teachers from all over the world— to shape these programs.They’re designed to evolve along with their interests.” Learn more at DCI.org, DrumLineBattle.com, and facebook.com/SoundSport1
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