["145 NUMBERS all that is made for them - so shall they by their fathers' house, serve. 39 from thirty years old and above, 27 \\\"Aharon and his sons are to even to fifty years old, all who entered command all the service of the sons of the service for work in the Tent of the Gereshonites, all their burden and Appointment, all their service. And you shall appoint 40 the registered ones, by their clans, to them all the duty of all their burden. by their fathers' house, were two 28 \\\"This is the service of the clans of thousand six hundred and thirty. the sons of Gereshon in the Tent of 41 These were the registered ones Appointment. And let their duties be of the clans of the sons of Gereshon, under the hand of Ithamar, son of of all who serve in the Tent of Aharon the kohen. Appointment, whom Mosheh and 29 \\\"As for the sons of Merari, register Aharon registered according to the them by their clans and by their command of \u2022 fathers' house. 42 And those of the clans of the sons of 30 \\\"Register them, from thirty years old Merari who were registered, by their and above, even to fifty years old, all clans, by their fathers' house, \u2022 who enter the service to do the work of 43 from thirty years old and above, the Tent of Appointment. even to fifty years old, all who entered 31 \\\"And this is the duty of their burden, the service for work in the Tent of according to all their service for the Appointment, ' <, Tent of Appointment: the boards of the 44 the registered ones, by their clans Mishkan, and its bars, and its columns, were three thousand two hundred. and its sockets, 45 These were the registered ones 32 and the columns around the of the clans of the sons of courtyard with their sockets, and their Merari, whom Mosheh and Aharon pegs, and their cords, with all their registered according to the command equipment and all their service. And of WW by the hand of Mosheh. assign by name the equipment of the 46 All the registered ones of the duty of their burden. Lewites, whom Mosheh and Aharon 33 \\\"This is the service of the clans of and the leaders of Yisra'el registered, the sons of Merari, as all their service by their clans and by their, fathers' for the Tent of Appointment, under the houses, 1 hand of Ithamar, son of Aharon the 47 from thirty years old and above, kohen.\\\" ' .... . even to fifty years old, all who came 34 So Mosheh and Aharon and the to do the work of service and the work leaders of the congregation registered of bearing burdens in the Tent of the sons of the Qehathites by their Appointment, 7 \u25a0 \u2022\u2022 \u25a0 clans and by their fathers' house, 48 their registered ones were eight 35 from thirty years old and above, thousand five hundred and eighty. even to fifty years old, all who entered 49 According to the command of the service for work in the Tent of they were registered by the hand of Appointment. Mosheh, each according to his service 36 And their registered ones, by their and according to his burden, thus were clans, were two thousand seven they registered by him, as hundred and fifty. commanded Mosheh. \u25a0 37 These were the registered ones C And spoke to Mosheh, of the clans of the Qehathites, all those saying,. serving in the Tent of Appointment, 2 \\\"Command the children of Yisra'el to whom Mosheh and Aharon registered send out of the camp every leper, and according to the command of by everyone who has a discharge, and the hand of Mosheh. whoever becomes defiled for a being. 38 And those registered ones of the 3 \\\"Send out both male and female, sons of Gereshon, by their clans and send them outside the camp, so that","BEMIDBAR 146 they do not defile their camps in the and shall make her stand before midst of which I dwell.\\\" 17 'And the kohen shall take qodesh 4 And the children of Yisra'el did so, to water in an earthen vessel, and take send them outside the camp. As some of the dust that is on the floor of had spoken to Mosheh, so the children the Mishkan and put it into the water. of Yisra'el did. 18 'And the kohen shall make the 5 And KW spoke to Mosheh, saying, woman stand before and shall 6 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, uncover the woman's head, and put 'When a man or woman commits any the offering for remembering in her sin that men commit in trespass hands, which is the grain offering of against and that being is guilty, jealousy, while the kohen holds in his 7 then they shall confess their sin hand the bitter water that brings a which they have done. And he shall curse. restore his guilt in its principal, plus 19 'And the kohen shall make her one-fifth of it, and give it to whom he swear, and say to the woman, \\\"If no has been guilty. man has lain with you, and if you have 8 'But if the man has no relative to not turned aside to uncleanness under restore the guilt to, the guilt which is your husband, be free from this bitter restored goes to for the kohen, water that brings a curse. \u2022 >- in addition to the ram of the atonement 20 \\\"But if you have turned aside under with which atonement is made for him. your husband, and if you have defiled 9 'And every contribution of all the yourself and some man other than qodesh gifts of the children of Yisra'el, your husband has lain with you\\\"- which they bring to ' the kohen, 21 then the kohen shall make the becomes his. woman swear with the oath of the 10 'And every man's qodesh gifts curse, and he shall say to the woman - becomes his, whatever any man gives make you a curse and an oath the kohen becomes his.'\\\" among your people, when \u2022 11 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, makes your thigh waste away and your 12 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, abdomen swell, and say to them, 'When any man's 22 and this water that causes the curse wife turns aside and has committed a shall go into your inward parts, and trespass against him, make your abdomen swell and your 13 and a man has intercourse with her, thigh waste away.\\\" And the woman and it is hidden from the eyes of her shall say, \\\"Amen, amen.\\\" husband, and it is concealed that she 23 'And the kohen shall write these has defiled herself, and there was no curses in a book, and shall wipe them witness against her, nor was she off into the bitter water, caught, ,\u25a0 \u2022 \u2019 \u2022 .... 24 and shall make the woman drink the 14 and a spirit of jealousy comes upon bitter water that brings the curse, and him and he becomes jealous of his the water that brings the curse shall wife who has defiled herself, or a spirit enter her to become bitter. of jealousy comes upon him and he 25 'And the kohen shall take the grain becomes jealous of his wife although offering of jealousy from the woman's she has not defiled herself, hand, and shall wave the offering 15 then the man shall bring his wife to before and bring it to the altar. the kohen. And he shall bring the 26 'And the kohen shall take a hand offering for her, one-tenth of an ephah filled with the offering, as its of barley flour. He is not to pour oil on remembrance offering, and burn it on it or put frankincense on it, because the altar, and afterward make the it is a grain offering of jealousy, an woman drink the water. offering for remembering, for bringing 27 'And when he has made her drink wickedness to remembrance. the water, then it shall be, if she has 16 'And the kohen shall bring her near, defiled herself and has committed a","147 NUMBERS trespass against her husband, that the he shall shave his head on the day of water that brings the curse shall enter his cleansing r on the seventh day he her and become bitter, and her shaves it. abdomen shall swell, and her thigh 10 'And on the eighth day he brings two shall waste away, and the woman shall turtledoves or two young pigeons to become a curse among her people. the kohen, to the door of the Tent of 28 'But if the woman has not defiled Appointment, herself, and is clean, then she shall be 11 and the kohen shall prepare one as clear and shall conceive children. a sin offering and the other as a burnt 29 'This is the Torah of jealousy, when offering, and shall make atonement for a wife turns aside under her husband him, because he sinned by reason of and defiles herself, the dead body. And he shall qadosh 30 or when a spirit of jealousy comes his head on that day, > .\u00bb< \u2022, upon a man, and he becomes jealous 12 and shall separate to ^ft^the days of his wife. Then he shall make the of his separation, and shall bring a woman stand before and the male lamb a year old, as a guilt kohen shall do to her all this Torah. offering. But the former days are not 31 'And the man shall be clear from counted, because his separation was wickedness, but the woman bear her defiled. wickedness.'\\\" 13 'And this is the Torah of the Nazirite: CL And spoke to Mosheh, When the days of his separation are O saying, .\u2022 < completed, he is brought to the door of 2 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, and the Tent of Appointment, . say to them, When a man or woman u and he shall bring his offering to separates, by making a vow of a one male lamb a year old, a Nazirite, to be separate to 'WAY, perfect one, as a burnt offering, and 3 he separates from wine and strong one ewe lamb a year old, a perfect drink - he drinks neither vinegar of one, as a sin offering, and one ram, a wine nor vinegar of strong drink, perfect one, as a peace offering, neither does he drink any grape juice, 15 and a basket of unleavened bread, nor eat grapes or raisins. cakes of fine flour mixed with oil, and 4 'All the days of his separation he unleavened thin cakes anointed with does not eat whatever is made of the oil, and their grain offering with their grapevine, from seed to skin. drink offerings. 5 'All the days of the vow of his 16 'And the kohen shall bring them separation a razor does not come before MW and prepare his sin upon his head. Until the days are offering and his burnt offering. completed for which he separates 17 'And he shall prepare the ram as a himself to he is qodesh. He peace offering to together with shall let the locks of the hair of his the basket of unleavened bread. And head grow long. the kohen shall prepare its grain 6 'All the days of his separation to offering and its drink offering. he does not go near a dead 18 'And the Nazirite shall shave the body. head of his separation at the door of 7 'He does not make himself unclean the Tent of Appointment, and shall take for his father, or for his mother, for his the,- hair from the head of his brother or his sister, when they die, separation and shall put it on the fire because his separation to Elohim is on which is under the slaughtering of the his head. peace offering. 8 'All the days of his separation he is 19 'And the kohen shall take the qodesh to boiled shoulder of the ram, and one 9 'And when anyone dies beside him unleavened cake from the basket, and in an instant, suddenly, and he has one unleavened thin cake, and put defiled the head of his separation, then them upon the hands of the Nazirite","BEMIDBAR 148 after he has shaved his dedicated hair. their service. 20 'Then the kohen shall wave them, 8 And he gave four wagons and eight a wave offering before WW. It is cattle to the sons of Merari, according qodesh for the kohen, besides the to their service, under the hand of breast of the wave offering . and Ithamar, son of Aharon the kohen. besides the thigh of the contribution. 9 But to the sons of Qehath he gave And afterwards the Nazirite shall drink none, because theirs was the service wine.' of the qodesh objects, which they bore 21 \\\"This is the Torah of the Nazirite on their shoulders. who vows to the offering for his 10 And the leaders brought\u2019 the separation, and besides that, whatever dedication of the altar in the day it was else his hand is able to provide. anointed. So the leaders brought their According to the vow which he takes, offering before the altar. so he shall do according to the Torah 11 And said to' Mosheh, \\\"Let of his separation.\\\" them bring their offering, one leader 22 And MWspoke to Mosheh, saying, each day, for the dedication of the 23 \\\"Speak to Aharon and his sons, altar.\\\" saying, 'This is how you barak the 12 And the one who brought his children of Yisra'el. Say to them: offering on the first day was Nahshon, 24 barak you and guard you; son of Amminadab, from the tribe of 25 make His face shine upon Yahudah. you, and show favour to you; 13 And his offering was one silver dish, 26 lift up His face upon you, and the weight of which was one hundred give you peace.'\\\" and thirty, one silver bowl of seventy 27 \\\"Thus they shall put My Name on sheqels, according to the sheqel of the the children of Yisra'el, and I Myself qodesh place, both of them filled with shall barak them.\\\" . -\u25a0 ~ fine flour mixed with oil as a grain And it came to be, when Mosheh offering; f finished putting up the Mishkan, 14 one gold ladle of ten, filled with that he anointed it and qadosh it and incense; . \u2019 - - \u2022< all its furnishings, as well as the altar 15 one young bull, one ram, one male and all its utensils. Thus he anointed lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; them and qadosh them. 16 one male goat as a sin offering; -\u25a0 \u2022 2 And the leaders of Yisra'el, heads of 17 and as a peace offering: two cattle, their fathers' houses who were the five rams, five male goats, five male leaders of the tribes and over the ones lambs a year old. This was the offering registered, drew near, of Nahshon, son of Amminadab. 3 and they brought their offering before 18 On the second day Nethan'el, son of six covered wagons and twelve Tsu'ar, leader of Yissaskar, brought cattle, a wagon for every two of the near. \u2019 \\\\ - - \\\"\u25a0'> leaders, and for each one a bull. And 19 He brought his offering, one silver they brought them near before the dish, the weight of which was one Mishkan. hundred and thirty, one silver bowl of 4 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, seventy sheqels, according to the 5 \\\"Accept from them, and they shall be sheqel of the qodesh place, both of used in doing the service of the Tent of them filled with fine flour mixed with oil Appointment. And you shall give them as a grain offering; to the Lewites, each one according to 20 one gold ladle of ten, filled with his service.\\\" incense; 6 And Mosheh took the wagons and 21 one young bull, one ram, one male the cattle, and gave them to the lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; Lewites. . \u2022 . . 22 one male goat as a sin offering; 7 He gave two wagons and four cattle 23 and as a peace offering: two cattle, to the sons of Gereshon, according to five rams, five male goats, five male","149 NUMBERS lambs a year old. This was the offering 40 one male goat as a sin offering; of Nethan'el, son of Tsu'ar. 41 and as a peace offering: two cattle, 24 On the third day Eliyab, son of five rams, five male goats, five male Helon, leader of the children of lambs a year old. This was the offering Zebulun: of Shelumi'el, son of Tsurishaddai. 25 his offering was one silver dish, the 42 On the sixth day Elyasaph, son of weight of which was one hundred and Deu'el, leader of the children of Gad: thirty, one silverJ bowl of seventy 43 his offering was one silver dish, the sheqels, according to the sheqel of the weight of which was one hundred and qodesh place, both of them filled with thirty, one silver bowl of seventy fine flour mixed with oil as a grain sheqels, according to the sheqel of the offering; \u2022 qodesh place, both of them filled with 26 one gold ladle of ten, filled with fine flour mixed with oil as a grain incense; offering; - \u25a0> . \u2022\u2022\u2022\u00ab .. 27 one young bull, one ram, one male 44 one gold ladle of ten, filled with lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; incense; 28 one male goat as a sin offering; 45 one young bull, one ram, one male 29 and as a peace offering: two cattle, lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; ; five rams, five male goats, five male 46 one male goat as a sin offering; lambs a year old. This was the offering 47 and as a peace offering: two cattle, of Eliyab, son of Helon. five rams, five male goats, five male 30 On the fourth day Elitsur, son of lambs a year old. This was the offering Shedey'ur, leader of the children of of Elyasaph, son of Deu'el. Re'uben: 48 On the seventh day Elishama, son 31 his offering was one silver dish, the of Ammihud, leader of the children of weight of which was one hundred and Ephrayim: thirty, one silver bowl of seventy 49 his offering was one silver dish, the sheqels, according to the sheqel of the weight of which was one hundred and qodesh place, both of them filled with thirty, one silver bowl of seventy fine flour mixed with oil as a grain sheqels, according to the sheqel of the offering; qodesh place, both of them filled with 32 one gold ladle of ten, filled with fine flour mixed with oil as a grain incense; offering;. 33 one young bull, one ram, one male 50 one gold ladle of ten, filled with lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; incense; .. * \u2019\u25a0 \\\"\u2022 34 one male goat as a sin offering; 51 one young bull, one ram, one male 35 and as a peace offering: two cattle, lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; five rams, five male goats, five male 52 one male goat as a sin offering; lambs a year old. This was the offering 53 and as a peace offering: two cattle, of Elitsur, son of Shedey'ur. five rams, five male goats, five male 36 On the fifth day Shelumi'el, son of lambs a year old. This was the offering Tsurishaddai, leader of the children of of Elishama, son of Ammihud. Shim'on: 54 On the eighth day Gamli'el, son of 37 his offering was one silver dish, the Pedahtsur, leader of the children of weight of which was one hundred and Menashsheh: \u25a0 thirty, one silver bowl of seventy 55 his offering was one silver dish, the sheqels, according to the sheqel of the weight of which was one hundred and qodesh place, both of them filled with thirty, one silver bowl of seventy fine flour mixed with oil as a grain sheqels, according to the sheqel of the offering; . \u25a0\u25a0 \u2022 , 4 qodesh place, both of them filled with 38 one gold ladle of ten, filled with fine flour mixed with oil as a grain incense; \u2022 > \u2022 offering; 39 one young bull, one ram, one male 56 one gold ladle of ten, filled with lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; incense;","BEMIDBAR 150 57 one young bull, one ram, one male 74 one gold ladle of ten, filled with lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; incense; :: 58 one male goat as a sin offering; \u00bb 75 one young bull, one ram, one male 59 and as a peace offering: two cattle, lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; five rams, five male goats, five male 76 one male goat as a sin offering; lambs a year old. This was the offering 77 and as a peace offering: two cattle, of Gamli\u2019el, son of Pedahtsur. five rams, five male goats, five male 60 On the ninth day Abidan, son lambs a year old. This was the offering of Gid'oni, leader of the children of of PagTel, son of Okran. . \u2022 Binyamin: 78 On the twelfth day Ahira, son of 61 his offering was one silver dish, the Eynan, leader of the children of weight of which was one hundred and Naphtali: thirty, one silver bowl of seventy 79 his offering was one silver dish, the sheqels, according to the sheqel of the weight of which was one hundred and qodesh place, both of them filled with thirty, one silver bowl of seventy fine flour mixed with oil as a grain sheqels, according to the sheqel of the offering; \u2022 . qodesh place, both of them filled with 62 one gold ladle of ten, filled with fine flour mixed with oil as a grain incense; - \u25a0 - offering; 63 one young bull, one ram, one male 80 one gold ladle of ten, filled with lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; incense; 64 one male goat as a sin offering; 81 one young bull, one ram, one male 65 and as a peace offering: two cattle, lamb a year old, as a burnt offering; five rams, five male goats, five male 82 one male goat as a sin offering; lambs a year old. This was the offering 83 and as a peace offering: two cattle, of Abidan, son of Gid'oni. five rams, five male goats, five male 66 On the tenth day Ahi'ezer, son of lambs a year old. This was the offering Ammishaddai, leader of the children of of Ahira, son of Eynan. Dan: ?\u2022 84 This was the dedication of the altar 67 his offering was one silver dish, the from the leaders of Yisra\u2019el, when it weight of which was one hundred and was anointed: twelve silver dishes, thirty, one silver bowl of seventy twelve silver bowls, twelve gold ladles. sheqels, according to the sheqel of the 85 Each silver dish was one hundred qodesh place, both of them filled with and thirty and each bowl seventy. All fine flour mixed with oil as a grain the silver of the vessels was two offering; thousand four hundred according to 68 one gold ladle of ten, filled with the sheqel of the qodesh place.. incense; . 86 The twelve gold ladles filled with 69 one young bull, one ram, one male incense was ten each, according to the lamb a year old, as a burnt offering\/.\u25a0? sheqel of the qodesh place. All the 70 one male goat as a sin offering; : gold of the ladles was one hundred 71 and as a peace offering: two cattle, and twenty. .. five rams, five male goats, five male 87 All the cattle for the burnt offering lambs a year old. This was the offering were twelve young bulls, the rams of Ahi'ezer, son of Ammishaddai. twelve, the male lambs a year old 72 On the eleventh day PagTel, son of twelve, with their grain offering, and Okran, leader of the children of Asher: the male goats as a sin offering twelve. 73 his offering was one silver dish, the 88 And all the cattle for the peace weight of which was one hundred and offerings were twenty-four bulls, the thirty, one silver bowl of seventy rams sixty, the male goats sixty, the sheqels, according to the sheqel of the lambs a year old sixty. This was the qodesh place, both of them filled with dedication of the altar after it was fine flour mixed with oil as a grain anointed. offering; 89 And when Mosheh went into the","151 NUMBERS Tent of Appointment to speak with Him, stand before Aharon and his sons, and he heard the voice of One speaking to then wave them, a wave offering to him from above the lid of atonement w. that was on the ark of the Witness, 14 \\\"Thus you shall separate the from between the two kerubim. Thus Lewites from among the children of He spoke to him. Yisra'el, and the Lewites shall be Mine. O And MW spoke to Mosheh, 15 \\\"Then after that the Lewites shall O saying, go in to do service in the Tent of 2 \\\"Speak to Aharon, and say to him, Appointment, when you have cleansed When you put up the lamps, let the them and waved them as a wave seven lamps give light in front of the offering. < lampstand.'\\\" 16 \\\"For they are given ones, given to 3 And Aharon did so. He put up the Me from among the children of Yisra'el. lamps to face toward the front of I have taken them for Myself instead of the lampstand, as commanded all who open the womb, the first-born Mosheh. of all the children of Yisra'el. 4 And this is the work of the lampstand: 17 \\\"For all the first-born among the beaten work of gold, from its base children of Yisra'el are Mine, both man to its blossoms it is beaten work. and beast. On the day that I smote all According to the pattern which WW the first-born in the land of Mitsrayim I had shown Mosheh, so he made the qadosh them unto Myself. lampstand. * \u25a0 18 \\\"And I have taken the Lewites 5 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, instead of all the first-born of the 6 \\\"Take the Lewites from among the children of Yisra'el. \u2022 \u2022 children of Yisra'el, and you shall 19 \\\"And I have given the Lewites as a cleanse them, gift to Aharon and his sons from 7 and do this to them to cleanse them: among the children of Yisra'el, to do Sprinkle water of sin offering on them, the service of the children of Yisra'el in and they shall shave all their body, and the Tent of Appointment, and to make shall wash their garments, and cleanse atonement for the children of Yisra'el, themselves, that there be no plague among the 8 and shall take a young bull with its children of Yisra'el when the children of grain offering of fine flour mixed with Yisra'el come near the qodesh place.\\\" oil, while you take another young bull 20 Thus Mosheh and Aharon and all as a sin offering. the congregation of the children of 9 \\\"And you shall bring the Lewites Yisra'el did to the Lewites according to before the Tent of Appointment, all that WW commanded Mosheh and you shall assemble all the concerning the Lewites, so the children congregation of the children of Yisra'el. of Yisra'el did to them. 10 \\\"And you shall bring the Lewites 21 ;\u2022 And - .the Lewites cleansed before WW, and the children of themselves and washed their Yisra'el shall lay their hands on the garments, and Aharon waved them, a Lewites, wave offering before and 11 and Aharon shall wave the Lewites Aharon made atonement for them to before a wave offering from the cleanse them. children of Yisra'el - so shall they be 22 Then after that the Lewites went for doing the service of in to do their service in the Tent of 12 \\\"And the Lewites shall lay their Appointment before Aharon and his hands on the heads of the young bulls. sons as WW commanded Mosheh And one shall be prepared as a sin concerning the Lewites, so they did to offering and the other as a burnt them.. offering to W; to make atonement 23 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, for the Lewites. 24 \\\"This applies to the Lewites: From 13 \\\"And you shall have the Lewites twenty-five years old and above let him","BEMIDBAR 152 come into active service in the service 12 'They do not leave of it until of the Tent of Appointment, morning, and they do not break a bone 25 and at the age of fifty years they of it. According to all the Laws of the retire from active service of the Pesah they perform it.. service, and serve no more, 13 'But the man who is clean and is not 26 but they shall attend with their on a journey, and has failed to perform brothers in the Tent of Appointment, to the Pesah, that same being shall be guard the duty, but shall do no service. cut off from among his people, Thus you shall do to the Lewites because he did not bring the offering of regarding their duties.\\\" at its Appointed Time - that man Q And KM spoke to Mosheh in bears his sin. \u2022; \u25a0 r \u2022 . Zz the Wilderness of Sinai, in the first 14 'And when a stranger sojourns month of the second year after they among you, then he shall perform the had come out of the land of Mitsrayim, Pesah of WW. He shall do so saying, according to the Law of the Pesah and 2 \\\"Now, let the children of Yisra'el according to its Right-Ruling. You have perform the Pesah at its Appointed one Law, both for the stranger and the Time. native of the land.'.\\\" 3 \\\"On the fourteenth day of this month, 15 And on the day that the Mishkan between the evenings, perform it at its was raised up, the cloud covered the Appointed Time. According to all its Mishkan, the Tent of the Witness. From Laws and Right-Rulings you perform evening until morning it was above the it.\\\" Mishkan like the appearance of fire. 4 And Mosheh spoke to the children of 16 Thus it was continually: the cloud Yisra'el to perform the Pesah. covered it by day, and the appearance 5 So they performed the Pesah on the of fire by night. fourteenth day of the first month, 17 And whenever the cloud was taken between the evenings, in the up from above the Tent, after that the Wilderness of Sinai. According to all children of Yisra'el would depart. And that commanded Mosheh, so the in the place where the cloud dwelt, children of Yisra'el did. there the children of Yisra'el would 6 But there were men who were defiled camp. for a being of a man, so that they were 18 At the command of the not able to perform the Pesah on that children of Yisra'el departed, and at the day. So they came before Mosheh and command of they camped. They Aharon that day, remained camped as long as the cloud 7 and those men said to him, \\\"We are dwelt above the Mishkan. defiled for the being of a man. Why are 19 Even when the cloud lingered many we withheld from bringing near the days above the Mishkan, the children offering of KW at its Appointed Time of Yisra'el guarded the Charge of among the children of Yisra'el?\\\" and did not depart. 8 And Mosheh said to them, \\\"Wait, 20 And so it was, when the cloud let me hear what KM commands was above the Mishkan a few days: concerning you.\\\" according to the command of 9 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, they camped, and according to the w \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, command of 'XW they would depart. saying, When any male of you or your 21 And so it was, when the cloud dwelt generations is unclean for a being, or only from evening until morning: when is far away on a journey, he shall still the cloud was taken up in the morning, perform the Pesah of then they departed. Whether by day or 11 'On the fourteenth day of the second by night, whenever the cloud was month, between the evenings, they taken up, they departed. perform it - with unleavened bread and 22 Whether two days, or a month, or a bitter herbs they eat it. year that the cloud lingered above the","153 NUMBERS Mishkan to dwell upon it, the children Witness. of Yisra'el camped, and did not depart. 12 And the children of Yisra'el But when it was taken up, they departed, journeying from the departed. Wilderness of Sinai. And the cloud 23 At the command of they dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran. camped, and at the command of WW 13 Thus they departed the first time, they departed. They guarded the according to the command of WW by Charge of at the command of the hand of Mosheh. by the hand of Mosheh. 14 And the banner of the camp of the d And spoke to Mosheh, children of Yahudah departed first I w saying, according to their divisions. And over 2 \\\"Make two silver trumpets for their army was Nahshon, son of yourself, make them of beaten work. Amminadab. .\u2022 ' ; \u2019 And you shall use them for calling the 15 And over the army of the tribe of the congregation and for breaking camp. children of Yissaskar was Nethan'el, 3 \\\"And when they blow both of son of Tsu'ar. . them, all the congregation shall meet 16 And over the army of the tribe of the before you at the door of the Tent of children of Zebulun was Eliyab, son of Appointment. Helon. - , j\u25a0 4 \\\"And if they blow one, then the 17 And the Mishkan was taken down. leaders, the heads of the thousands of And the sons of Gereshon and the Yisra'el, shall gather to you. sons of Merari departed, bearing the 5 \\\"And when you blow a shout, the Mishkan. *> . ! camps that lie on the east side shall 18 And the banner of the camp of depart. Re'uben departed according to their 6 \\\"And when you blow a shout the divisions. And over their army was second time, then the camps that lie Elitsur, son of Shedey'ur. on the south side shall depart - they 19 And over the army of the tribe of the blow a shout for them to depart. children of Shim'on was Shelumi'el, 7 \\\"And when the assembly is to be son of Tsurishaddai. ' assembled, you blow, but do not shout. 20 And over the army of the tribe of the 8 \\\"And the sons of Aharon, the children of Gad was Elyasaph, the son kohenim, blow with the trumpets. And of Deu'el. it shall be to you for a Law forever 21 And the Qehathites departed, throughout your generations. \u2018 \u2022 bearing the Miqdash, while the 9 \\\"And when you go into battle in Mishkan was put up before they came. your land against the enemy that 22 And the banner of the camp of distresses you, then you shall shout the children of Ephrayim departed with the trumpets, and you shall according to their divisions. And over be remembered before your their army was Elishama, son of Elohim, and you shall be saved from Ammihud. your enemies. \u2022 .\u2019~ 23 And over the army of the tribe of the 10 \\\"And in the day of your gladness, children of Menashsheh was Gamli'el, and in your Appointed Times, and at son of Pedahtsur. the beginning of your months, you 24 And over the army of the tribe of the shall blow the trumpets over your children of Binyamin was Abidan, son burnt offerings and over your peace of Gid'oni. offerings. And they shall be a 25 Then the banner of the camp of the remembrance for you before your children of Dan, which formed the Elohim. I am 3*13^ your Elohim.\\\" rear guard of all the camps, departed 11 And it came to be on the twentieth according to their divisions. And over day of the second month, in the their army was Ahi'ezer, son of second year, that the cloud was taken Ammishaddai. up from above the Mishkan of the 26 And over the army of the tribe of the","BEMIDBAR 154 children of Asher was Pag'i'el, the son Tab'erah, because the fire of of Okran. had burned among them. 27 And over the army of the tribe of the 4 And the mixed multitude who were in children of Naphtali was Ahira, the son their midst lusted greatly, so the of Eynan. children of Yisra'el also wept again and 28 Such was the order of departure of said, \\\"Who is giving us meat to eat? the children of Yisra'el, according to 5 \\\"We remember the fish which we their divisions, when they departed. ate without cost in Mitsrayim, the 29 And Mosheh said to Hobab, the son cucumbers, and the melons, and the of Re'uw'el the Midyanite, Mosheh's leeks, and the onions, and the garlic, father-in-law, 'We are departing for the 6 but now our life is dried up. There is place of which WW said, 'I give it to naught to look at but this manna!\\\" you.' Come with us, and we shall do 7 Now the manna was like coriander good to you, for has spoken seed, and its appearance like the good concerning Yisra'el.\\\" appearance of bdellium. 30 And he replied to him, \\\"I am not 8 The people went about and gathered going, but I am going to my own land it, ground it on millstones or beat it in and to my relatives.\\\" the mortar, and cooked it in a pot, and 31 Then he said, \\\"Please do not leave made cakes of it. And its taste was as us, because you know how we are to the taste of cakes baked with oil. camp in the wilderness, and you shall 9 And when the dew fell on the camp at be our eyes. night, the manna fell on it. 32 \\\"And it shall be, when you go with 10 And Mosheh heard the people us, then it shall be that whatever good weeping throughout their clans, each ^W^does to us, the same we shall do man at the door of his tent. And to you.\\\" the displeasure of burned 33 So they departed from the mountain exceedingly. And in the eyes of of WW on a journey of three days. Mosheh it was evil, \u2022' And the ark of the Covenant of WW 11 so Mosheh said to \\\"Why have went before them for the three days' You done evil to Your servant? And journey, to seek out a resting place for why have I not found favour in Your them. - . . eyes, to put the burden of all these 34 And the cloud of WW was above people on me? them by day when they went out from 12 \\\"Was it I who conceived all the camp.. these people? Was it I who brought 35 And it came to be, whenever the ark them forth, that You should say to me, departed, that Mosheh said, \\\"Rise up, 'Carry them in your bosom, as the O And let Your enemies be foster father carries a nursing child,' to scattered, and let those who hate You the land which You swore to their flee before You.\\\" fathers? 36 And when it rested, he said, 13 \\\"Where am I to get meat to give to \\\"Return, O to the countless all these people? For they weep before thousands of Yisra'el.\\\" me, saying, 'Give us meat to eat.' 4 4 And it came to be, when the 14 \\\"I am unable to bear all these I I people were as complainers, it people alone, because the burden is was evil in the ears of WW. And too heavy for me. WW heard it, and His displeasure 15 \\\"And if You are doing this to me, burned. And the fire of WW burned please slay me altogether, if I have among them, and consumed those in found favour in Your eyes, and let me the outskirts of the camp. not see my evil!\\\" 2 And the people cried out to Mosheh, 16 Then said to Mosheh, \\\"Gather and Mosheh prayed to and the to Me seventy men of the elders of fire died down. Yisra'el, whom you know to be the 3 Then he called the name of the place elders of the people and officers over","155 NUMBERS them. And bring them to the Tent of Meydad. And the Ruah rested upon Appointment, and let them stand there them. Now they were among those with you. listed, but did not go out to the Tent. 17 \\\"And I shall come down and speak And they nabu in the camp. with you there, and shall take of the 27 And a young man ran and informed Ruah that is on you, and put on them. Mosheh, and said, \\\"Eldad and Meydad And they shall bear the burden of the naba in the camp.\\\" \u2018 people with you, so that you do not 28 And Yahoshua son of Nun, bear it yourself alone. Mosheh's assistant from his youth, 18 \\\"And say to the people, 'Qadosh answered and said, \\\"Mosheh my yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall master, forbid them!\\\" . eat meat, because you have wept in 29 Then Mosheh said to him, \\\"Are you the hearing of saying, \\\"Who is jealous for my sake? Oh, that all giving us meat to eat? For it was well the people of were nebi'im, that with us in Mitsrayim.\\\" And shall WWwould put His Ruah upon them!\\\" give you meat, and you shall eat. 30 And Mosheh returned to the camp, 19 'You are going to eat, not one day, both he and the elders of Yisra'eL nor two days, nor five days, nor ten 31 And a wind went forth from IVW, days, nor twenty days, and it brought quail from the sea and 20 but for a month of days, until let them fall beside the camp, about a it comes out of your nostrils and day's journey on this side and about becomes an abomination to you, a day's journey on the other side, all because you have rejected who around the camp, and about two is among you, and have wept before ammah above the surface \u2022 of the Him, saying, 'Why did we come up out ground. \u2022 .\u25a0 , of Mitsrayim?\\\"'\\\" 32 And the people were up all that day, 21 And Mosheh said, \\\"The people in and all that night, and all the next day, whose midst I am are six hundred and gathered the quail. He who had thousand men on foot, and You, You least gathered ten homers. And they have said, 'I give them meat to eat for spread\u00bb them out for themselves all a month of days.' around the camp. 22 \\\"Could flocks and herds be 33 The meat was still between their slaughtered for them, to be sufficient teeth, before it was chewed, and the for them? Or could all the fish of the wrath of WW burned against the sea be gathered together for them, to people, and smote the people be sufficient for them?\\\" with an exceeding great plague. 23 And WW said to Mosheh, \\\"Is the 34 Then he called the name of that arm of too short? Now see place Qibroth ha'Tta'awah, because whether My word meets you or not!\\\" there they buried the people who had 24 And Mosheh went out and spoke to lusted. the people the words of \u2018WW, and he 35 From Qibroth ha'Tta'awah the gathered the seventy men of the people departed for Hatseroth \u25a0 - and elders of the people and stood them they were at Hatseroth. around the Tent. 4 O Now Miryam and Aharon 25 And came down in the cloud, I spoke against Mosheh and spoke to him, and took of the because of the Kushite wife whom he Ruah that was upon him, and placed had taken, for he had taken a Kushite the same upon the seventy elders. wife. And it came to be, when the Ruah 2 And they said, \\\"Has spoken rested upon them, that they nabu, but only through Mosheh? Has He not also did not continue. spoken through us?\\\" And WW heard 26 However, two men had remained in it. . \u2022' the camp. The name of one was 3 And the man Mosheh was very Eldad, and the name of the other humble, more than all men who were","BEMIDBAR 156 on the face of the earth. from each tribe of their fathers, every 4 And suddenly WW said to Mosheh, one a leader among them.\\\" and Aharon, and Miryam, \\\"You three, 3 And by the command of come out to the Tent of Appointment!\\\" Mosheh sent them from the So the three came out. Wilderness of Paran, all of them men 5 And came down in the column who were heads of the children of of cloud and stood in the door of the Yisra'el. Tent, and called Aharon and Miryam. 4 And these were their names. From And they both went forward. the tribe of Re'uben: Shammua, son of 6 And He said, \\\"Hear now My words: If Zakkur. your nabi is of I make Myself 5 From the tribe of Shim'on: Shaphat, known to him in a vision, and I speak son of Hori. ' ; . . . \u25a0, to him in a dream. 6 From the tribe of Yahudah: Kaleb, 7 \\\"Not so with My servant Mosheh, he son ofYephunneh. v is trustworthy in all My house. 7 From the tribe of Yissaskar: Yig'al, 8 \\\"I speak with him mouth to mouth* sonofYoseph. and plainly, and not in riddles. And he 8 From the tribe of Ephrayim: Hoshea, sees the form of 'XW. So why were son of Nun. ... - you not afraid to speak against My 9 From the tribe of Binyamin: Palti, son servant Mosheh?\\\" ofRaphu. 9 And the displeasure of burned 10 From the tribe of Zebulun: Gaddi'el, against them, and He left. son of Sodi. 10 And the cloud turned away from 11 From the tribe of Yoseph, from the above the Tent, and look: Miryam was tribe of Menashsheh: Gaddi, son of leprous, as white as snow! And Aharon Susi. \u2019.. \u2022 : turned toward Miryam, and look: a 12 From the tribe of Dan: Ammi'el, son leper! ofGemalli. -A 11 And Aharon said to Mosheh, \\\"Oh, 13 From the tribe of Asher: Shethur, my master! Please do not hold against son of Mika'el. us the sin in which we have done 14 From the tribe of Naphtali: Nahbi, foolishly and in which we have sinned. son of Wophsi. 12 \\\"Please do not let her be as one 15 From the tribe of Gad: Geu'el, son of dead when coming out of its mother's Maki. womb, with our flesh half consumed!\\\" 16 These are the names of the men 13 And Mosheh cried out to whom Mosheh sent to spy out the saying, \\\"O El, please heal her, please!\\\" land. And Mosheh called Hoshea the 14 And said to Mosheh, \\\"If her son of Nun, Yahoshua. father had but spit in her face, would 17 And Mosheh sent them to spy out she not be ashamed seven days? the land of Kena'an, and said to them, Let her be shut out of the camp \\\"Go up here into the Negeb, and go up seven days, and after that let her be to the mountains, re-admitted.\\\" \u2022< 1 18 and see what the land is like, and 15 And Miryam was shut out of the people who dwell in it, whether the camp seven days, and the people strong or weak, whether few or many, did not depart until Miryam was 19 and whether the land they dwell in is re-admitted. . \u2019 good or evil, whether the cities they 16 And afterward the people departed inhabit are in camps or strongholds, from Hatseroth, and they camped in 20 and whether the land is rich or poor, the Wilderness of Paran. and whether there are forests there or 4 Q And WW spoke to Mosheh, not. And you shall be strong, and bring I O saying, . some of the fruit of the land.\\\" Now the 2 \\\"Send men to spy out the land of time was the season of the first-fruits Kena'an, which I am giving to the of grapes. children of Yisra'el. Send one man 21 So they went up and spied out the","157 NUMBERS land from the Wilderness of Tsin as far all the people whom we saw in it are as Rehob, near the entrance of men of great size. Hamath. 33 \\\"And we saw there the Nephilim, 22 And they went up through the sons of Anaq, of the Nephilim. And we Negeb and came to Hebron. And were like grasshoppers in our own Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, the eyes, and so we were in their eyes.\\\" descendants of Anaq, were there. Now d \/! Then all the congregation Hebron had been built seven years I lifted up their voices and cried, before Tso'an in Mitsrayim. and the people wept that night.. 23 And they came to the wadi Eshkol, 2 And all the children of Yisra'el and cut down from there a branch with grumbled against Mosheh and against one cluster of grapes. And they bore it Aharon, and all the congregation said between two of them on a pole, also of to them, \\\"If only we had died in the the pomegranates and of the figs. land of Mitsrayim! Or if only we had 24 That place was called the wadi died in this wilderness! > Eshkol, because of the cluster which 3 \\\"And why is bringing us to this the men of Yisra'el cut down from land to fall by the sword, that our wives there. and children should become a prey? 25 And they returned from spying out Would it not be better for us to turn the land after forty days. \u2022\u2022 \u2022 . back to Mitsrayim?\\\" < 26 And they went and came to Mosheh 4 And they said to each other, \\\"Let us and Aharon and all the congregation appoint a leader, and let us turn back of the children of Yisra'el in the to Mitsrayim.\\\" .' \u25a0 Wilderness of Paran, at Qadesh. And 5 Then Mosheh and Aharon fell on they brought back word to them and to their faces before all the assembly of all the congregation, and showed them the congregation of the children of the fruit of the land. ' Yisra'el. 27 And they reported to him, and said, 6 And Yahoshua son of Nun, and \\\"We went to the land where you sent Kaleb son of Yephunneh, who were us. And truly, it flows with milk and among those who had spied out the honey, and this is its fruit. \u25a0 land, tore their garments, 28 \\\"But the people who dwell in the 7 and they spoke to all the land are strong, and the cities are congregation of the children of Yisra'el, walled, very great. And we saw the saying, \\\"The land we passed through descendants of Anaq there too. < to spy out is an exceedingly good land. 29 \\\"The Amaleqites dwell in the land of 8 \\\"If has delighted in us, then He the Negeb, while the Hittites and the shall bring us into this land and give it Yebusites and the Amorites dwell in to us, 'a land which is flowing with milk the mountains. And the Kena'anites and honey.' dwell by the sea and along the banks 9 \\\"Only, do not rebel against nor of the Yarden.\\\" fear the people of the land, for they are 30 And Kaleb silenced the people our bread. Their defence has turned before Mosheh, and said, \\\"Let us go away from them, and is with us. up at once and take possession, for Do not fear them.\\\" we are certainly able to overcome it.\\\" 10 But all the congregation said to 31 But the men who had gone up with stone them with stones. Then the him said, \\\"We are not able to go up esteem of appeared in the Tent against the people, for they are of Appointment before all the children stronger than we.\\\" of Yisra'el. 32 And they gave the children of 11 And said to Mosheh, \\\"How Yisra'el an evil report of the land which long shall I be scorned \u2022 by these they had spied out, saying, \\\"The land people? And how long shall I not be through which we have gone as spies trusted by them, with all the signs is a land eating up its inhabitants, and which I have done in their midst?","BEMIDBAR 158 12 \\\"Let Me smite them with the into the land where he went, and his pestilence and disinherit them, and seed shall inherit it. make of you a nation greater and 25 \\\"Since the Amaleqites and the mightier than they.\\\" Kena'anites are dwelling in the valley, 13 And Mosheh said to \\\"WW, \\\"Then turn back tomorrow and depart into the the Mitsrites shall hear it, for by Your wilderness by the Way of the Sea of power You brought these people up Reeds.\\\" \/ -r from their midst, 26 And 'XW spoke to Mosheh, and to 14 and they shall say to the inhabitants Aharon, saying, \u2022 i of this land they have heard that You, 27 \\\"How long shall this evil 'WW, are in the midst of these people, congregation have \u25a0 this grumbling that You, are seen eye to eye against Me? I have heard the and that Your cloud stands above grumblings which- the children of them, and You go before them in a Yisra'el are grumbling against Me\/.' > column of cloud by day and in a 28 \\\"Say to them, 'As I live,' declares column of fire by night. ' \/ WW, 'as you have spoken . in My 15 \\\"Now if You shall kill these people hearing, so I do to you: as one man, then the nations which 29 'The carcasses of you who have have heard of Your report shall speak, grumbled against Me are going to fall saying, in this wilderness, all of you who were 16 'Because was not able to registered, according to your entire bring this people to the land which He number, from twenty years old and swore to give them, therefore He killed above. them in the wilderness.' 30 'None of you except Kaleb son of 17 \\\"And now, I pray, let the power of Yephunneh, and Yahoshua son of Nun, be great, as You have spoken, shall enter the land which I swore I saying, would make you dwell in. 18 is patient and of great 31 'But your little ones, whom you said kindness, forgiving wickedness and would become a prey, I shall bring in, transgression, but by no means and they shall know the land which leaving unpunished; visiting the you have rejected. wickedness of the fathers on the 32 'But as for you, your carcasses are children to the third and fourth going to fall in this wilderness. \u2022 generation.' \u25a0\u25a0 33 'And your sons shall be wanderers 19 \\\"Please forgive the wickedness of in the wilderness forty years,- and this people, according to the greatness shall bear your whorings, until your of Your kindness, as You have forgiven carcasses are consumed in the this people, from Mitsrayim even until wilderness. .\\\" now.\\\" 34 'According to the number of the 20 And WW said, \\\"I shall forgive, days in which you spied out the land, according to your word, forty days - a day for a year, a day for 21 but truly, as I live and all the earth is a year - you are to bear your filled with the esteem of wickednesses forty years, and you 22 for none of these men who have shall know My breaking off. seen My esteem and the signs which I 35 'I am I have spoken, I shall do did in Mitsrayim and in the wilderness, this to all this evil congregation who and have tried Me now these ten are meeting against Me: In this times, and have disobeyed My voice, wilderness they are consumed, and 23 shall see the land of which I swore there they die.'\\\" to their fathers, nor any of those who 36 And the men whom Mosheh sent to scorned Me see it. spy out the land, who returned and 24 \\\"But My servant Kaleb, because he made all the congregation grumble has a different spirit in him and has against him by bringing an evil report followed Me completely, I shall bring of the land,","159 NUMBERS 37 even those men who brought the each lamb. evil report about the land, died by the 6 'Or for a ram you prepare as a grain plague before offering two-tenth parts of fine flour 38 Of those men who went to spy mixed with one-third of a hin of oil, out the land, only Yahoshua son-of 7 and as a drink offering you bring one- Nun, and Kaleb son of Yephunneh third of a hin of wine as a sweet remained alive. fragrance to 39 And when Mosheh spoke these 8 'And when you prepare a young words to all the children of Yisra'el, the bull as a burnt offering, or as a people mourned greatly. slaughtering to accomplish a vow, or 40 And they rose up early in the as a peace offering to ' morning and went up to the top of the 9 then shall be brought with the young mountain, saying, \\\"See, we have bull a grain offering of three-tenth parts indeed sinned, but we shall go up to of fine flour mixed with half a hin of oil, the place which 3*fa<Khad spoken of!\\\" 10 and bring as the drink offering half a 41 But Mosheh said, \\\"Why do you now hin of wine as an offering made by fire, transgress the command of a sweet fragrance to WW. since it does not prosper? 11 'This is what is done for each young 42 \\\"Do not go up, lest you be smitten bull, for each ram, or for each lamb or by your enemies, for is not in young goat. \u25a0\/, \u20221 your midst. 12 'According to the number that you 43 \\\"Because the Amaleqites and the prepare, so you do for each one Kena'anites are there before you, and according to their number.\/ \u25a0 you shall fall by the sword. Because 13 'Let all who are native do so with you have turned away from them, in bringing near an offering is not with you.\\\" ' ' made by fire, a sweet fragrance to 44 But they presumed to go up to. the mountaintop, but neither the ark of the 14 'And when a stranger sojourns Covenant of nor Mosheh left the with you, or whoever is among you camp. ;' .\u2022 \u2022 throughout \u2022 your generations, and 45 So the Amaleqites and the would make an offering made by fire, a Kena'anites who dwelt in that mountain sweet fragrance to WW, as you do, came down and smote them, and beat so he does. \u2022 them down, even to Hormah. 15 'One Law is for you of the assembly d And 'XVW spoke to Mosheh, and for the stranger who sojourns with I O saying, you a Law forever throughout your 2 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, and generations. As you are, so is the say to them, 'When you have come stranger before into the land of your dwellings, which I 16 'One Torah and one Right-Ruling is am giving you, for you and for the stranger who 3 and you make an offering by fire sojourns with you.'\\\" to a burnt offering or a 17 And WW spoke to Mosheh, saying, slaughtering, to accomplish a vow or 18 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, as a voluntary offering or in your and say to them, 'When you come into Appointed Times, to make a sweet the land to which I bring you, fragrance to from the herd or 19 then it shall be, when you eat of the the flock, bread of the land, that you present a 4 then he who brings near his offering contribution to WM. to 'XW shall bring near a grain 20 'Present a cake of the first of offering of one-tenth part of fine flour your dough as a contribution - as a mixed with one-fourth of a hin of oil, contribution of the threshing-floor you 5 and one-fourth of a hin of wine as a present it. drink offering you prepare with the 21 'Of the first of your dough you are to burnt offering or the slaughtering, for give to WW a contribution throughout","BEMIDBAR 160 your generations. 33 And those who found him gathering 22 'And when you sin by mistake, and sticks brought him to Mosheh and to do not do all these Commands which Aharon, and to all the congregation. '^3<Khas spoken to Mosheh, 34 And they put him in under guard, 23 all that 'WW has commanded you because it had not been declared what by the hand of Mosheh, from the day should be done to him. WW gave command and onward 35 And WW said to Mosheh, \\\"The throughout your generations, man shall certainly be put to death, all 24 then it shall be, if it is done by the congregation stoning him with mistake, without the knowledge of the stones outside the camp.\\\" congregation, that all the congregation 36 And all the congregation brought shall prepare one young bull as a burnt him outside the camp and stoned him offering, as a sweet fragrance to with stones, as commanded with its grain offering and its drink Mosheh, and he died. offering, according to the Right-Ruling, 37 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, and one male goat as a sin offering. 38 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, 25 'Then the kohen shall make and you shall say to them to make atonement for all the congregation of tsitsit on the corners of their garments the children of Yisra'el, and it shall be throughout their generations, and to forgiven them, for it was by mistake. put a blue cord in the tsitsit of the And they shall bring their offering, an corners. offering made by fire to and 39 \\\"And it shall be to you for a tsitsit, their sin offering before for their and you , shall see it, and shall mistake. a remember all the Commands of 26 'And it shall be forgiven all the and shall do them, and not search congregation of the children of Yisra'el after your own heart and your own and the stranger who sojourns in their eyes after which you went whoring, midst, because all the people did it by 40 so that you remember, and shall do mistake. . , . all My Commands, and be qodesh 27 'And if a being sins by mistake, then unto your Elohim. he shall bring a female goat a year old 41 \\\"I am your Elohim, who as a sin offering. brought* you out of the land of 28 'And the kohen shall \u2022 make Mitsrayim, to be your Elohim. I am atonement for the being who strays by your Elohim.\\\" mistake, when he sins by mistake d And Qorah, son of Yitshar, son to make atonement for I O of Qehath, son of Lewi, took before him, and it shall be forgiven him. both Dathan and Abiram the sons of 29 'For him who makes a mistake there Eliyab, and On, son of Peleth, sons of is one Torah, both for him who is native Re'uben, .. among the children of Yisra'el and for 2 and they rose up before Mosheh the stranger who sojourns in their with some of the children of Yisra'el, midst. two hundred and fifty leaders of the 30 'But the being who acts defiantly, congregation, called ones of the whether he is native or a stranger, he meeting, men of name. reviles and that being shall be 3 And they assembled against Mosheh cut off from among his people. and against Aharon, and said to 31 'Because he has despised the them, \\\"Enough of you! For all the Word of and has broken His congregation is qodesh, all of them, Command, that being shall certainly be and WW is in their midst. Why then cut off, his wickedness is upon him.'\\\" do you lift up yourselves above the 32 And while the children of Yisra'el assembly of were in the wilderness, they found a 4 And when Mosheh heard, he fell on man gathering sticks on the Shabbath his face, day. 5 and spoke to Qorah and all his","161 NUMBERS company, saying, \\\"Tomorrow morning two hundred and fifty fire shall make known who is His holders, and you and Aharon, each and who is qodesh, and come near to one with his fire holder.\\\" Him. And let Him bring near to Him the 18 So each one took his fire holder, one whom He chooses. and put fire in it, and laid incense on it, 6 \\\"Do this: Take fire holders, Qorah and stood at the door of the Tent of and all your company, > \u2018 * Appointment with Mosheh and Aharon. 7 and put fire in them and put incense 19 And Qorah assembled all the in them before tomorrow. And it congregation against them at the door shall be that the one whom of the Tent of Appointment. Then the chooses is the qadosh one. Enough of esteem of WW appeared to all the you, sons of Lewi!\\\" congregation. .' 8 And Mosheh said to Qorah, \\\"Hear 20 And spoke to Mosheh, and to now, you sons of Lewi: Aharon( saying, \u2022 r \u25a0 9 \\\"Is it little to you that the Elohim of 21 \\\"Separate yourselves from the midst Yisra'el has separated you from the of this congregation, and let Me congregation of Yisra'el, to bring you consume them in a moment.\\\" - near to Himself, to perform the service 22 But they fell on their faces, and said, of the Mishkan of and to stand \\\"O El, Elohim of the spirits of all flesh! before the congregation to serve them, When one man sins, are You wroth 10 and that He has brought you near to with, all the congregation?\\\" Himself, you and all your brothers, the 23 And KW spoke to Mosheh, saying, sons of Lewi, with you? Yet you seek 24.\\\"Speak to the congregation, saying, the kehunnah as well? \u2019Move away from around the tents of 11 \\\"Therefore you and all your Qorah, Dathan, and Abiram.'\\\" company are assembled against 25 So Mosheh rose up and went to And Aharon, what is he that you Dathan and Abiram, and the elders of grumble against him?\\\" - Yisra'el followed him. 12 And Mosheh sent to call Dathan and 26 And he spoke to the congregation, Abiram the sons of Eliyab, but they saying, \\\"Please turn away from the said, \\\"We are not coming up! tents of these wicked men! Do not 13 \\\"Is it little that you have brought us touch whatever belongs to them, lest up out of a land flowing with milk and you be consumed in all their sins.\\\" \/ honey, to kill us in the wilderness, that 27 Then they moved away from around you would also seize total rule over the tents of Qorah, Dathan, and us? Abiram. And Dathan and Abiram came 14 \\\"Also, you have not brought us into out and stood at the door of their tents, a land flowing with milk and honey, nor with their wives, and their sons,- and given us inheritance of fields and their little children. \u25a0 -\u2019 vineyards. Would you bore out the 28 And Mosheh said, \\\"By this you know eyes of these men? We are \u25a0 not that WW has sent me to do all these coming up!\\\" ' \u2022 works, not because of my own heart. 15 And Mosheh became very 29 \\\"If these die as all men do, or if they displeased, and said to \\\"Do not are visited as all men are visited, then respect their offering. I have not taken WW has not sent me. one donkey from them, nor have I 30 \\\"But if MW creates what is done harm to any of them.\\\" unheard of, and the earth opens its 16 Then Mosheh said to Qorah, mouth and swallows them up with all \\\"Tomorrow, you and all your company that belongs to them, and they go shall be there before you and down alive into the grave, then you they and Aharon. i shall know that these men have 17 \\\"And take each one his fire holder, scorned and you shall put incense in it. And let 31 And it came to be, as he ended each one bring his fire holder before speaking all these words, that the","BEMIDBAR 162 ground under them split apart, congregation, and let Me consume 32 and the earth opened its mouth them in a moment.\\\" And they fell on and swallowed them up, with their their faces. households and all the men with 46 So Mosheh said to Aharon, \\\"Take Qorah, with all their goods. the fire holder and put fire in it from the 33 So they and all those with them altar, and lay incense on, and go, went down alive into the grave, and hurry to the congregation and make the earth closed over them, and they atonement for them, for wrath has perished from the midst of the gone out from the plague has assembly. begun.\\\" .\u25a0 34 And all Yisra'el who were round 47 And Aharon took it as Mosheh about them fled at their cry, for they commanded, and ran into the midst of said, \\\"Lest the earth swallow us up!\\\" the assembly, and saw that the plague 35 And a fire came out from and had begun among the people. And consumed the two hundred and fifty he laid on the incense and . made men who were offering incense. atonement for the people, \u25a0 36 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, 48 and stood between the dead and 37 \\\"Say to El'azar, son of Aharon the the living. And the plague was kohen, to pick up the fire holders out of stopped. ? < .'.. r \u2022\u25a0 the blaze, for they are qodesh, and 49 And those who died \u25a0 in the scatter the fire some distance away. plague were fourteen thousand seven 38 \\\"The fire holders of these men who hundred, besides those who died on sinned against their own lives, let them account of Qorah. be made into beaten plates as a so Then Aharon returned to Mosheh at covering for the altar. Because they the door of the Tent of Appointment, for brought them before therefore the plague had stopped. .. they are qodesh. And let them become d And MW spoke to Mosheh, a sign to the children of Yisra'el.\\\" I f saying, 39 And El'azar the kohen took the 2 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, and bronze fire holders, which those who take from them a rod from each were burned up had brought, and they father's house, all their leaders were beaten out as a covering on the according to their' fathers' houses, altar - - '\u25a0 ... \u25a0 twelve rods..Write each one's name on 40 a remembrance to the children of his rod, Yisra'el that no stranger who is not of 3 and write Aharon's name on the rod the seed of Aharon, should come near of Lewi, for there is one rod for the to offer incense before \u2018XW, and not head of each father's house. be like Qorah and his company - as 4 \\\"You shall then place them in \u25a0^M^had said to him through Mosheh. the Tent of Appointment before the 41 But all the congregation of the Witness, where I meet with you. children of Yisra'el grumbled against 5 \\\"And it shall be that the rod of the Mosheh and against Aharon on the man whom I choose buds, and I shall next day, saying, \\\"You, you have killed rid Myself of the grumblings of the the people of \u2019 children of Yisra'el, which they grumble 42 And it came to be, when against you.\\\" the congregation assembled against 6 And Mosheh spoke to the children of Mosheh and against Aharon, that they Yisra'el, and all their leaders gave him turned toward the Tent of Appointment. a rod each, for each leader according And see, the cloud covered it, and the to their fathers' houses, twelve rods. esteem of WW appeared. And the rod of Aharon was among 43 And Mosheh and Aharon came their rods. before the Tent of Appointment. 7. So Mosheh placed the rods before 44 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, MW in the Tent of the Witness. 45 \\\"Arise \u2022 from amidst this 8 And it came to be on the next day","163 NUMBERS that Mosheh went into the Tent of the to guard your kehunnah for all matters Witness and saw that the rod of at the altar and behind the veil, and Aharon, of the house of Lewi, had you shall serve. I have given you the budded, and brought forth buds, and kehunnah as a gift for service, but the blossomed and bore ripe almonds. stranger who comes near is put to 9 And Mosheh brought out all the rods death.\\\" from before ^fi^to all the children of 8 And spoke to Aharon, \\\"And Yisra'el. And they looked, and each see, I Myself have also given you the man took his rod. charge of My contributions, all the 10 And said to Mosheh, \\\"Bring qodesh gifts of the children of Yisra'el. Aharon's rod back before the Witness, I have given them to you for the to be kept as a sign against the rebels, anointing, and to your sons, as a Law so that you put an end to their forever. > grumblings against Me, lest they die.\\\" 9 \\\"This is yours of the most qodesh 11 And Mosheh did as WW had gifts, from the fire: all their offerings, all commanded him, so he did. their grain offerings and all their sin 12 And the children of Yisra'el spoke to offerings and all their guilt offerings Mosheh, saying, \\\"See, we shall die, which they render to Me, are most we shall perish, we shall all perish! qodesh for you and your sons. 13 \\\"Anyone who comes near the 10 \\\"Eat it in the most qodesh place - Mishkan of dies. Shall we be every male eats it. It is qodesh to you. consumed - to die?\\\" \u2022. r 11 \\\"This also is yours: the contribution d O And said to Aharon, of their gift, with all the wave offerings I O \\\"You and your sons and your of the children of Yisra'el. I have given father's house with you are to bear the them to you, and your sons and wickedness against the Miqdash, and daughters with you, as a Law forever. you and your sons with you are to Everyone who is clean in your house bear the wickedness against your eats it. . \u25a0\u2018 . \u2022. kehunnah. < \u2019 12 \\\"All the best of the oil, and all the 2 \\\"But bring with you your brothers of best of the new wine and the grain - the tribe of Lewi too, the tribe of your their first-fruits which they give to father to join you and serve you while -1 have given them to you. \u2022 ' \u2022' you and your sons are with you before 13 \\\"The first-fruits of all that is in their the Tent of the Witness. \u2022 land, which they bring to W; are 3 \\\"And they shall guard your charge, yours. Everyone who is clean in your and the duty of all the Tent, but they do house eats it. \u2022\u25a0 \u2022 \u25a0 >' not come near the furnishings of the 14 \\\"All that is dedicated in Yisra'el is qodesh place and the altar, lest they yours. die, both they and you. r . 1 \u2019 15 \\\"Everyone opening a womb of all 4 \\\"And they shall be joined with you flesh, which they bring to and guard the duty to the Tent of whether man or beast, is yours. But Appointment, for all the service of the the first-born of man you shall certainly Tent, but a stranger does not come ransom, and the first-born of the near you. unclean beast you ransom. 5 \\\"And you shall guard the duty of the 16 \\\"And ransom their ransomed ones qodesh place and the duty of the altar, when one month old,' according to so that there be no more wrath on the your valuation, five sheqels of silver, children of Yisra'el. . ' \u25a0 according to the sheqel of the qodesh 6 \\\"And see, I Myself have taken your place, which is twenty gerahs. brothers the Lewites from the midst of 17 \\\"But the first-born of a cow, or the the children of Yisra'el - a gift to you, first-born of a sheep, or the first-born given by to do the service of the of a goat you do not ransom, they are Tent of Appointment.. qodesh. Sprinkle their blood on the 7 \\\"But you and your sons with you are altar, and burn their fat as an offering","BEMIDBAR 164 made by fire for a sweet fragrance to tithes which you receive from the w. > . children of Yisra'el. And you shall give 18 \\\"And their flesh is yours, as the from it the contribution to to wave breast and as the right thigh, it is Aharon the kohen. yours. 29 'From all your gifts you present 19 \\\"All the contributions of the qodesh every contribution due to WW, from gifts, which the children of Yisra'el all the best of them, the qodesh part of present to WW, I have given to you them.' \u2022 -- and your sons and daughters with you 30 \\\"And you shall say to them, 'When as a Law forever. It is a covenant of you have presented the best of it, then salt forever before with you and the rest shall be reckoned to the your seed with you.\\\" Lewites as the yield of the threshing- 20 And WW said to Aharon, \\\"You are floor and as the yield of the winepress. not to have an inheritance in their land, 31 'And you shall eat it in any place, nor have any portion in their midst. I you and your households, for it is your am your portion and your inheritance reward for your service in the Tent of among the children of Yisra'el. Appointment, r- 21 \\\"And see, I have given the children 32 and bear no sin because of it, when of Lewi all the tithes in Yisra'el as an you have presented the best of it, and inheritance in return for the service do not profane the qodesh gifts of the which they are serving, the service of children of Yisra'el, lest you die.'\\\" the Tent of Appointment. d Q And spoke to Mosheh 22 \\\"And let the children of Yisra'el I and to Aharon, saying, no more come near the Tent of 2 \\\"This is a law of the Torah which Appointment, lest they bear sin and 3^4\\\" has commanded, saying, 'Speak die, . \u2022 -- - ; to the children of Yisra'el, that they 23 because the Lewites shall do the bring you a red heifer, a perfect one, in service of the Tent of Appointment, which there is no blemish and on so they themselves bear their which a yoke has never come. wickedness. A Law forever, throughout 3 'And you shall give it to El'azar the your generations: that among the kohen, and he shall bring it outside the children of Yisra'el they are to have no camp, and shall slaughter it before inheritance, , \/- ' < ' him. .. .. \u2022' 24 but the tithes of the children of 4 'And El'azar the kohen shall take Yisra'el, which they present as a some of its blood with his finger, and contribution to I have given to sprinkle some of its blood seven the Lewites as an inheritance. That is times toward the front of the Tent of why I have said to them, 'Among the Appointment. * . children of Yisra'el they have! no 5 'And the heifer shall be burned inheritance.'\\\" before his eyes - he burns its hide, and 25 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, its flesh, and its blood, and its dung. 26 \\\"Speak to the Lewites and say to 6 'And the kohen shall take cedar wood them, When you take from the and hyssop and scarlet, and throw children of Yisra'el the tithes which I them into the midst of the fire burning have given you from them as your the heifer. inheritance, then you shall present a 7 'The kohen shall then wash his contribution of it to a tenth of the garments, and shall bathe his body in tithe. water, and afterward come into the 27 'And your contribution shall be camp, but the kohen is unclean until reckoned to you as grain from the evening. threshing-floor and as filling from the 8 'And he who is burning it washes his winepress. garments in water, and shall bathe his 28 'Thus you also present a body in water, and is unclean until contribution unto from all your evening.","165i NUMBERS 9 'And a clean man shall gather up the he shall cleanse himself, and shall ashes of the heifer, and shall place wash his garments and bathe in water, them outside the camp in a clean and shall be clean in the evening. place. And they shall be kept for the 20 'But the man who is unclean and congregation of the children of Yisra'el does not cleanse himself, that being for the water for uncleanness, it is for shall be cut off from among the cleansing from sin. assembly, because he has defiled 10 'And he who gathers the ashes of the Miqdash of WW - water for the heifer shall wash his garments, uncleanness has not been sprinkled and is unclean until evening. And it on him, he is unclean. shall be a Law forever to the children 21 'And it shall be a Law for them of Yisra'el and to the stranger who forever. And the one who sprinkles the sojourns in their midst. water for uncleanness washes his 11 'He who touches the dead of any garments. And the one who touches human being is unclean for seven the water for uncleanness is unclean days. until evening. 12 'He is to cleanse himself with the 22 'And whatever the unclean being water on the third day, and on the touches is unclean. And the being who seventh day he is clean. But if he does touches it is unclean until evening.' \\\" - not cleanse himself on the third day, OP) And the children of Yisra'el, all then on the seventh day he is not the congregation,, came into clean. . the Wilderness of Tsin in the first 13 'Anyone who touches the dead of a month, and the people stayed\u2022> in human being, and does not cleanse Qadesh. And Miryam died there and himself, defiles the Mishkan of was buried there. \u2022 And that being shall be cut off from 2 Now there was no water for the Yisra'el. He is unclean, for the water congregation and they assembled for uncleanness was not sprinkled on against Mosheh and against Aharon. him, his uncleanness is still upon him. 3 And the people contended with 14 'This is the Torah when a man dies Mosheh and spoke, saying, \\\"If only we in a tent: All who come into the tent had died when our brothers died and all who are in the tent are unclean before r. . for seven days, 4 \\\"Why., have you brought up the 15 and every open vessel which has no assembly of into this wilderness, cover fastened on it, is unclean. that we and our livestock should die 16 'Anyone in the open field who here? >. : \u25a0 \u25a0 touches someone slain by a sword or 5 \\\"And why have you brought us up out who has died, or a bone of a man, or a of Mitsrayim, to bring us to this evil grave, is unclean for seven days. place? - not a place of grain or figs or 17 'And for the unclean being they shall vines or pomegranates, and there is take some of the ashes of the heifer no water to drink.\\\"' . burnt for cleansing from sin, and 6 Then Mosheh and Aharon went from running water shall be put on them in a the presence of the assembly to the vessel. \u25a0 door of the Tent of Appointment, and 18 'And a clean man shall take hyssop they fell on their faces. And the esteem and dip it in the water, and shall of ItW appeared to them. sprinkle it on the tent, and on all the 7 And WWspoke to Mosheh, saying, vessels, and on the beings who were 8 \\\"Take the rod and assemble the there, or on the one who touched a congregation, you and your brother bone, or the slain, or the dead, or a Aharon. And you shall speak to the grave. \u25a0 rock before their eyes, and it shall give 19 'And the clean one shall sprinkle the its water. And you shall bring water for unclean on the third day and on the them out of the rock and give drink to seventh day. And on the seventh day the congregation and their livestock.\\\"","BEMIDBAR 166 9 And Mosheh took the rod from before 21 So when Edom refused to let \u2022A^<Kas He commanded him. Yisra'el pass over through his border, 10 And Mosheh and Aharon assembled Yisra'el turned away from him. the assembly before the rock. And he 22 And the children of Yisra'el, all the said to them, \\\"Hear now, you rebels, company, departed from Qadesh and shall we bring water for you out of this came to Mount Hor. rock?\\\" 23 And spoke to Mosheh and to 11 Then Mosheh lifted his hand and Aharon in Mount Hor near the border struck the rock twice with his rod. And of the land of Edom, saying, J. much water came out, and the 24 \\\"Aharon is to be gathered to his congregation and their livestock drank. people, for he is not to enter the land 12 But spoke to Mosheh and to which I have given to the children of Aharon, \\\"Because you did not believe Yisra'el, because you rebelled against Me, to qadosh Me in the eyes of the My mouth at the water of Meribah. . children of Yisra'el, therefore you do 25 \\\"Take Aharon and El'azar his son, not bring this assembly into the land and bring them up to Mount Hor, z: which I have given them.\\\" : 26 and strip Aharon of his garments 13 These were the waters of Meribah, and put them on El'azar his son, for because the children of Yisra'el Aharon is to be gathered to his people contended with 'WW, and He was and die there.\\\" * qadosh among them. 27 And Mosheh did as WW 14 And Mosheh sent messengers from commanded, and theywent up to Qadesh to the sovereign of Edom. Mount Hor before the eyes of all the \\\"This is what your brother Yisra'el said, congregation. 'You know all the hardship that has 28 And Mosheh stripped Aharon of his befallen us, garments and put them on El'azar his 15 that our fathers went down to son. And Aharon died there on the top Mitsrayim, and we dwelt in Mitsrayim a of the mountain. And Mosheh and long time, and the Mitsrites did evil to El'azar came down from the mountain. us and our fathers. .< - 29 And when all the congregation saw 16 'And we cried out to and that Aharon was dead, all the house of He heard our voice and sent the Yisra'el wept for Aharon, thirty days. Messenger and brought us up out of O 4 And the sovereign of Arad, the Mitsrayim. And see, we are in Qadesh, Z. I Kena'anite, who dwelt in the a city on the edge of your border. Negeb, heard that Yisra'el was coming 17 'Please let us pass over, through on the way to Atharim, and he fought your land. We shall not pass over against Yisra'el and took some of them through fields or vineyards, nor drink captive. \u25a0 water from wells, we shall go along the 2 Then Yisra'el made a vow to WW, sovereign's highway. We shall not turn and said, \\\"If You deliver this people aside, right or left, until we have into my hand indeed, then I shall put passed over your border.'\\\" their cities under the ban.\\\" .; 1 18 But Edom said to him, \\\"You do not 3 And listened to the voice of pass over through me, lest I come out Yisra'el and gave up the Kena'anites, against you with the sword.\\\" and they^ put them and their cities 19 And the children of Yisra'el said to under the ban. So the name of that him, \\\"We shall go by the highway, and place was called Hormah. if I or my livestock drink any of your 4 And they departed from Mount Hor water, then I shall pay for it. Let me by the way of the Sea of Reeds, to go only pass over on foot, without a around the land of Edom. But the word.\\\" being of the people grew impatient 20 But he said, \\\"You do not pass over.\\\" because of the way.. And Edom came out against them with 5 And the people spoke against Elohim many men and with a strong hand. and against Mosheh, \\\"Why have you","167 NUMBERS brought us up out of Mitsrayim to die in 19 from Mattanah to Nahali'el, from the wilderness? For there is no food Nahali'el to Bamoth, and no water, and our being loathes 20 and from Bamoth, in the valley that this light bread.\\\" is in the country of Mo'ab, to the top 6 And WW sent fiery serpents among of Pisgah which looks down on the the people, and they bit the people. wasteland. . And many of the people of Yisra'el 21 And Yisra'el sent messengers to died. Sihon sovereign of the Amorites, 7 Then the people came to Mosheh, saying, and said, \\\"We have sinned, for we 22 \\\"Let me pass through your land. We have spoken against and shall not turn off into fields . or against you. Pray to to take vineyards, we shall not drink water away the serpents from us.\\\" So from wells, but go by the sovereign's Mosheh prayed on behalf of the highway until we have passed over people. \u2022\u2022 your border.\\\" 8 And said to Mosheh, \\\"Make a 23 But Sihon would not allow Yisra'el to fiery serpent, and put it on a pole. And pass through his border. So Sihon it shall be that everyone who is bitten, gathered all his people together and when he looks at it, shall live.\\\" went out against Yisra'el in - the 9 So Mosheh made a bronze serpent, wilderness, and he came to Yahats and put it on a pole. And it came to be, and fought against Yisra'el. if a serpent had bitten anyone, when 24 And Yisra'el smote him with he looked at the bronze serpent, he the edge of the sword, and took lived. possession of his land from the Arnon 10 And the children of Yisra'el departed to the Yabboq, as far as the children of and camped in Oboth. Ammon, for the border of the children 11 And they departed.from Oboth and of Ammon was strong. camped at lye ha'Abarim, in the 25 And Yisra'el took all these cities, wilderness which is east of Mo'ab, and Yisra'el dwelt in all the cities of the toward sunrise. Amorites - in Heshbon and in all its 12 From there they departed and villages, ? 7. camped at the wadi Zered. 26 for Heshbon was the city of Sihon 13 From there they departed and the sovereign of the Amorites, who camped on the other side of the Arnon, had fought against the former which is in the wilderness that extends sovereign of Mo'ab, and had taken all from the border of the Amorites, for the his land from his hand as far as the Arnon is the border of Mo'ab, between Arnon. Mo'ab and the Amorites. 27 That is why those who speak in 14 Therefore it is said in the Book proverbs say, \\\"Come to Heshbon, let of the Battles of \\\"Waheb in the city of Sihon - be built and Suphah, the wadi Arnon, established. 15 and the slope of the wadi that turns 28 \\\"For fire went out from Heshbon, aside to the dwelling of Ar, and lies on a flame from the city of Sihon. It the border of Mo'ab.\\\" consumed Ar of Mo'ab, the masters of 16 And from there on to Be'er, which is the heights of the Arnon. the well where said to Mosheh, 29 \\\"Woe to you, Mo'ab! You have \\\"Gather the people, and let Me give perished, O people of Kemosh! He has them water.\\\" given his sons as fugitives, and his 17 Yisra'el then sang this song: \\\"Spring daughters into captivity, to Sihon the up, O well! Sing to it, sovereign of the Amorites. 18 a well the leaders sank, which the 30 \\\"Then we shot them - Heshbon has nobles of the people dug by hacking perished as far as Dibon. And we laid with their staves.\\\" Then from the waste as far as Nophah, which wilderness on to Mattanah, reaches to Meydeba.\\\"","BEMIDBAR 168 31 So Yisra'el dwelt in the land of the night here, and I shall bring back word Amorites. \u25a0 to you, as speaks to me.\\\" So the 32 And Mosheh sent to spy out Ya'zer. heads of Mo'ab stayed with Bil'am. And they took its villages and drove 9 And Elohim came to Bil'am and said, out the Amorites who were there, \\\"Who are these men with you?\\\" 33 and turned and went up by the 10 And Bil'am said to Elohim, \\\"Balaq, way to Bashan. And Og sovereign of son of Tsippor, sovereign of Mo'ab, Bashan went out against them, he and has sent to me, saying, all his people, to battle at Edre'i. 11 'See, a people has come out of 34 And said to Mosheh, \\\"Do not Mitsrayim and cover the surface of the fear him, for I have given him into your land. Come now, curse them for me. It hand, with all his people and his land. might be that I am able to fight against And you shall do to him as you did to them and drive them out.'\\\" Sihon sovereign of the Amorites, who 12 And Elohim said to Bil'am, \\\"Do not dwelt at Heshbon.\\\" go with them. You do not curse the 35 And they smote him, and his sons, people, for they are baruk.\\\" and all his people, until no remnant 13 And Bil'am rose in the morning and was left to him. And they took said to the heads of Balaq, \\\"Go back possession of his land. \u25a0 \u2022 to your land, for has refused to QQ And the children of Yisra'el allow me to go with you.\\\" departed and camped in the u And the heads of Mo'ab arose desert plains of Mo'ab beyond the and went to Balaq, and said, \\\"Bil'am Yarden of Yeriho. refuses to come with us.\\\" 2 And Balaq son of Tsippor saw all that 15 Then Balaq again sent heads, more Yisra'el had done to the Amorites. numerous and more esteemed than 3 And Mo'ab was exceedingly afraid of they. \u2022 '\u25a0 \u2022 . the people because they were many, 16 And they came to Bil'am and said to and Mo'ab was in dread because of him, \\\"This is what Balaq son of Tsippor the children of Yisra'el. \u2022, \u2018 said: 'Do not be withheld from coming 4 And Mo'ab said to the elders of to me, please, Midyan, \\\"Now this company is licking 17 for I esteem you very greatly, and up all that is around us, as an ox licks whatever you say \u2019 to me, I do. up the grass of the field.\\\" Now Balaq Therefore please come, curse this son of Tsippor was sovereign of the people for me.'\\\" Mo'abites at that time, 18 And Bil'am answered and said to the 5 and he sent messengers to Bil'am servants of Balaq, \\\"Though Balaq son of Be'or at Pethor, which is near were to give me his house filled with the River in the land of the sons of his silver and gold, I am unable to go people, to call him, saying, \\\"See, a beyond the word of my Elohim, people has come from Mitsrayim. See, to do less or more. >\u2022 they have covered the surface of the 19 \\\"And now, please, you also stay land, and are settling next to me! here tonight, and let me find out what 6 \\\"And now, please come at once, more \u25a0^W'says to me.\\\" curse this people for me, for they are 20 And Elohim came to Bil'am at night too strong for me. It might be that I and said to him, \\\"If the men come to smite them and drive them out of the call you, rise and go with them, but land, for I know that he whom you only the word which I speak to you that barak is baruk, and he whom you you do.\\\" curse is cursed.\\\" \/\u2022 : 21 And BiTam rose in the morning and 7 And the elders of Mo'ab and the saddled his donkey, and went with the elders of Midyan left with divination fee heads of Mo'ab. in their hand, and they came to Bil'am 22 But the displeasure of Elohim and spoke the words of Balaq to him. burned because he went, and the 8 And he said to them, \\\"Spend the Messenger of stationed Himself","169 NUMBERS in the way as an adversary against had not turned aside from Me, I him. And he was riding on his donkey, certainly would have killed you by now, and his two servants were with him. and let her live.\\\" .. 23 And the donkey saw the Messenger 34 And Bil'am said to the Messenger of of standing in the way with His \\\"I have sinned, for I did not drawn sword in His hand, and the know You stood in the way against me. donkey turned aside out of the way And now, if evil is in Your eyes, let me and went into the field; So Bil'am beat turn back.\\\" \u2022 ' \u25a0 the donkey to turn her back onto the 35 And the Messenger of said to way. Bil'am, \\\"Go with the men, but only the 24 Then the Messenger of stood word that I speak to you, that you in a narrow passage between the speak.\\\" Bil'am then went with the vineyards, with a wall on this side and heads of Balaq. a wall on that side. 36 And when Balaq heard that Bil'am 25 And when the donkey saw the was coming, he went out to meet him Messenger of she pushed at the city of Mo'ab, which is on the herself against the wall and crushed border at the Amon, which was in the Bil'am's foot against the wall, so he extremity of the border. \u2022 j. beat her again. 37 And Balaq said to Bil'am, \\\"Did I not 26 And the Messenger of WW went urgently send to you, calling for you? further, and stood in a narrow place Why did you not come to me? Am I not where there was no way to turn aside, able to esteem you?\\\" \u2022 right or left. 38 And Bil'am said to Balaq, \\\"See, I 27 And when the donkey saw the have come to you! Now, am I at all Messenger of she lay down able to say somewhat? The word that under Bil'am. So Bil'am's displeasure Elohim puts. in my mouth, that I burned, and he beat the donkey with speak.\\\" \u2019 r. his staff. 39 And Bil'am went with Balaq, and 28 Then WW opened the mouth of the they came to Qiryath Hutsoth. donkey, and she said to Bil'am, \\\"What 40 And Balaq slaughtered cattle and have I done to you, that you have sheep, and he sent some to Bil'am and beaten me these three times?\\\" to the heads who were with him. 29 And Bil'am said to the donkey, 41 And it came to be in the morning, \\\"Because you have mocked me. If that Balaq took Bil'am and brought him there were a sword in my hand, for I up to the high places of Ba'al, and from would have killed you by now!\\\" there he saw the extremity of the 30 And the donkey said to Bil'am, \\\"Am I camp. \u25a0 :\u2022 not your donkey on which you have And Bil'am said to Balaq, Z-O \\\"Build seven altars for me ridden, ever since I became yours, to this day? Was I ever known to do so to here, and prepare seven bulls and you?\\\" And he said, \\\"No.\\\" seven rams for me here.\\\" 31 Then 'ttW opened Bil'am's eyes, 2 And Balaq did as Bil'am had spoken, and he saw the Messenger of and Balaq and Bil'am offered a bull standing in the way with His drawn and a ram on each altar. sword in His hand. And he bowed his 3 Bil'am then said to Balaq, \\\"Stand by head and fell on his face. your burnt offering, and let me go on. It 32 And the Messenger of said to might be that comes to meet me, him, 'Why have \u2022 you beaten your and whatever He shows me I shall donkey these three times? See, I have declare to you.\\\" And he went to a bare come out to stand against you, height. 4 And Elohim came to Bil'am, and he because your way is reckless before said to Him, \\\"I have prepared the Me. 33 \\\"And the donkey saw Me and turned seven altars, and I have offered on aside from Me these three times. If she each altar a bull and a ram.\\\"","BEMIDBAR 170 5 And put a word in the mouth of would He' not do it; or spoken, and Bil'am, and said, \\\"Return to Balaq, and would not confirm it? this is what you say.\\\" 20 \\\"See, I have received, to barak. And 6 And he returned to him and saw him He has barak, and I do not reverse it. standing by his burnt offering, he and 21 \\\"He has not looked upon all the heads of Mo'ab. wickedness in Ya'aqob, nor has He 7 And he took up his proverb and said, seen trouble in Yisra'el. his \\\"Balaq the sovereign of Mo'ab has Elohim is with him, and the shout of a brought me from Aram, from the Sovereign is in him. mountains of the east. 'Come, curse 22 \\\"El who brought them out of Ya'aqob for me, and come, rage at Mitsrayim, is for them like the horns of Yisra'el!' a wild ox. 8 \\\"How do I curse whom El has not 23 \\\"For there is no sorcery against cursed? And how do I rage at whom Ya'aqob, nor is there any divination 3*f3<rhas not raged? against Yisra'el. Now it is said to 9 \\\"For from the top of the rocks I see Ya'aqob and to Yisra'el, 'What has El him, and from the hills I observe him. done!' < - b - Look, a people dwelling alone, not 24 \\\"Look, a people rises like a lioness, reckoning itself among the nations. and lifts itself up like a lion; it lies not 10 \\\"Who shall count the dust of down until it devours the prey, and Ya'aqob, and the number of one-fourth drinks the blood of the slain.\\\" of Yisra'el? Let me die the death of the 25 And Balaq said to Bil'am, \\\"Do not upright, and let my end be like his!\\\" curse them at all, nor barak them at 11 And Balaq said to Bil'am, \\\"What all!\\\" . have you done to me? I took you to 26 And Bil'am answered and said to curse my enemies, and look, you have Balaq, \\\"Have I not spoken to you, kept on berakah!\\\" saying, 'All that WW speaks, that I 12 And he answered and said, \\\"Should . do'?\\\" \u25a0\u2022 . . I not take heed to speak what 27 And Balaq said to Bil'am, \\\"Please has put in my mouth?\\\" come, let me take you to another 13 And Balaq said to him, \\\"Please place. It might be right in the eyes of come with me to another place from Elohim that you curse them for me where you see them. You only see the from there.\\\" extremity but not all of them. Curse 28 And Balaq took Bil'am to the top of them for me from there.\\\" Pe'or, that overlooks the wasteland. 14 And he took him to the field of 29 And Bil'am said to Balaq, \\\"Build Tsophim, to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars for me here, and prepare seven altars, and offered a bull and a seven bulls and seven rams for me ram on each altar. here.\\\" 15 And he said to Balaq, \\\"Stand here 30 And Balaq did as Bil'am had said, by your burnt offering while I meet over and offered a bull and a ram on each there.\\\" altar. \u2022 . 16 And ^^Kcame to Bil'am, and put a O\/J And when Bil'am saw that word in his mouth, and said, \\\"Go back a\\\" it pleased WW to barak to Balaq, and say this.\\\" Yisra'el, he did not go as at other 17 So he went to him and saw him times, to seek to use sorcery, but he standing by his burnt offering, and the put his face toward the wilderness. heads of Mo'ab with him. And Balaq 2 And Bil'am lifted up his eyes and saw asked him, \\\"What did ^W^say?\\\" Yisra'el encamped according to their 18 And he took up his proverb and tribes. And the Ruah of Elohim came said, \\\"Rise up, Balaq, and hear! Listen upon him. - to me, son of Tsippor! 3 And he took up his proverb and said, 19 \\\"El is not a man, to lie; nor a son of \\\"The saying of Bil'am, son of Be'or, man, to repent! Has He said, and and the saying of the man whose eyes","171 NUMBERS are opened, Him, but not near. A Star shall come 4 the saying of him who hears the out of Ya'aqob, and a Sceptre shall words of El, who sees the vision of El rise out of Yisra'el, and shall smite the Shaddai, who falls down, with eyes corners of Mo'ab, and shall destroy all opened wide: the sons of Sheth. \u2022 ' 5 \\\"How good are your tents, O 18 \\\"And Edom shall be a possession; Ya'aqob, your dwellings, O Yisra'el! and Se'ir shall be a possession - 6 \\\"Like wadis that stretch out, like enemies. - and Yisra'el is doing gardens by a river, like aloes planted mightily. by like cedars beside waters. 19 \\\"And a Ruler shall come from 7 \\\"He makes water flow from his Ya'aqob and destroy the remnant from buckets, and his seed is in many Ar.\\\"- ' . ... \u2022 <\u2019 > < - waters. His sovereign is higher than 20 He then looked on Amaleq, and he Agag, and his reign is exalted. took up his proverb and said, \\\"Amaleq 8 \\\"El who brought him out of Mitsrayim was first among the nations, but his is for them like the horns of a wild ox; latter end is to perish forever.\\\" he devours nations, his enemies; and 21 He then looked on the Qeynites, he breaks their bones, and he strikes and he took up his proverb and said, through with his arrows. \\\"Firm is your dwelling place, and your 9 \\\"He bowed down, he lay down like a nest is placed in the rock, lion. And, like a lion, who would rouse 22 but Qayin is to be burned. Till when him? Baruk is he who barak you, and does Asshur keep you captive?\\\" cursed is he who curses you.\\\" 23 And he took up his proverb and 10 Then the displeasure of Balaq said, \\\"Oh, who lives when El does burned against Bil'am, and he struck this? ~- his hands together. Balaq then said to 24 And ships shall come from the coast Bil'am, \\\"I summoned you to curse my of Kittim, and they shall afflict Asshur enemies, and see, you have kept on and afflict Eber, and so shall Amaleq, berakah, these three times! and he also perishes.\\\" 11 \\\"And now flee to your place. I said I 25 And Bil'am arose and left, and would greatly esteem you, and see, returned to his place. And Balaq also ^3<rhas kept you back from esteem.\\\" went his way. \u2022- 12 And Bil'am said to Balaq, \\\"Did I not And Yisra'el dwelt in Shittim, also speak to your messengers whom Z-O and the people began to you sent to me, saying, whore with the daughters of Mo'ab, 13 'If Balaq should give me his house 2 and they invited the people to the filled with silver and gold, I am unable slaughterings of their mighty ones, and to go beyond the word of to do the people ate and bowed down to either good or evil of my own heart. their mighty ones. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 What speaks, that I speak'? 3 Thus Yisra'el was joined to Ba'al 14 \\\"And now, see, I am going to my Pe'or, and the displeasure of 'WW people. Come, let me advise you what burned against Yisra'el. this people is going to do to your 4 And said to Mosheh, \\\"Take all people in the latter days.\\\" the leaders of the people and hang 15 And he took up his proverb and them up before before the sun, said, \\\"The saying of Bil'am, son of so that the burning displeasure of Be'or, and the saying of the man turns away from Yisra'el.\\\" whose eyes are opened, 5 And Mosheh said to the judges of 16 the saying of him who hears the Yisra'el, \\\"Each one of you slay his men words of El, and knows the knowledge who were joined to Ba'al Pe'or.\\\" of the Most High, who sees the vision 6 And see, one of the children of of El Shaddai, who falls down, with Yisra'el came and brought to his eyes opened wide: brothers a Midyanite woman \u2019 before 17 \\\"I see Him, but not now; I observe the eyes of Mosheh and before the","BEMIDBAR 172 eyes of all the congregation of the 2 \\\"Take a census of \u2022 all the children of Yisra'el, who were weeping congregation of the children of Yisra'el at the door of the Tent of Appointment. from twenty years old and above, by 7 And when Pinehas, son of El'azar, their fathers' houses, everyone going son of Aharon the kohen, saw it, he out to the army in Yisra'el.\\\" rose up from among the congregation 3 So Mosheh and El'azar the kohen and took a spear in his hand, spoke with them in the desert plains of 8 and he went after the man of Yisra'el Mo'ab by the Yarden of Yeriho, saying, into the tent and thrust both of them 4 \\\"From twenty years old and above, through, the man of Yisra'el, and the as WW commanded Mosheh and the woman through her abdomen. Thus children of Yisra'el who came out of the plague among the children of the land of Mitsrayim.\\\" .. \u2022 \\\\ Yisra'el came to a stop. \u2022 \u25a0 5 Re'uben, first-born of Yisra'el, sons of 9 And those who died in the plague Re'uben: of Hanok, the clan of the were twenty-four thousand. Hanokites; of Pallu, the clan of the 10 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, Palluites; '. 11 \\\"Pinehas, son of El'azar, son of 6 of Hetsron, the clan of the Aharon the kohen, has turned back My Hetsronites; of Karmi, the clan of the wrath from the children of Yisra'el, Karmites. because he was ardent with My ardour 7 These are the clans of the in their midst, so that I did not Re'ubenites, and their registered ones consume the children of Yisra'el in My were forty-three- thousand seven ardour. > . _ j- hundred and thirty. 12 \\\"Therefore say, 'See, I am giving 8 And the son of Pallu: Eliyab. him My covenant of peace, 9 And the sons of Eliyab: Nemu'el, and 13 and it shall be to him and to his Dathan, and Abiram. This Dathan and seed after him a covenant of an Abiram, were the called ones of the everlasting kehunnah, because \u2022 he congregation, who contended against was ardent for his Elohim, and Mosheh and against Aharon in the made atonement for the children of company > of Qorah, when they Yisra'el.'\\\" . contended against 14 And the name of the Yisra'elite who 10 and the earth opened its mouth and was killed, who was killed with the swallowed them up together with Midyanite woman, was Zimri, son of Qorah when that company died, when Salu, a leader of a father's house the fire consumed two hundred and among the Shim'onites. fifty men. And they became a sign, 15 And the name of the Midyanite 11 but the sons of Qorah did not die. woman who was killed was Kozbi the 12 Sons of Shim'on according to their daughter of Tsur. He was head of the clans: of Nemu'el, the clan of the people of a father's house in Midyan. Nemu'elites; of Yamin, the clan of the 16 And WW spoke to Mosheh, saying, Yaminites; of Yakin, the clan of the 17 \\\"Distress the Midyanites! And you Yakinites; \u25a0 \u25a0 shall smite them, 13 of Zerah, the clan of the Zarhites; of 18 for they distressed you with their Sha'ul, the clan of the Sha'ulites. tricks with which they deceived you in 14 These are the clans of the the matter of Pe'or and in the matter of Shim'onites: twenty-two thousand two Kozbi, the daughter of a leader of hundred. Midyan, their sister, who was killed in 15 Sons of Gad according to their the day of the plague because of clans: of Tsephon, the clan of the Pe'or.\\\" \u2022\\\". \u2019 \u2022 Tsephonites; of Haggi, the clan of the And it came to be, after the Haggites; of Shuni, the clan of the plague, that spoke to Shunites; Mosheh and El'azar, son of Aharon the 16 of Ozni, the clan of the Oznites; of kohen, saying, Eri, the clan of the Erites;","173 NUMBERS 17 of Arod, the clan of the Arodites; of the names of the daughters of Areli, the clan of the Arelites. 18 These are the clans of the sons of Tselaphehad: Mahlah, - and No'ah, Gad according to their registered ones: forty thousand five hundred. Hoglah, Milkah, and Tirtsah. 19 Sons of Yahudah: Er and Onan. And Er and Onan died in the land of 34 These are the clans of Menashsheh, Kena'an. 20 And sons of Yahudah according to and their registered ones: fifty-two their clans: of Shelah, the clan of the Shelanites; of Perets, the clan of the thousand seven hundred. Partsites; of Zerah, the clan of the Zarhites. 35 These are the sons of Ephrayim 21 And sons of Perets: of Hetsron, the clan of the Hetsronites; of Hamul, the according to their clans: of Shuthelah, clan of the Hamulites. 22 These are the clans of Yahudah the clan of the Shuthalhites; of Beker, according to their registered ones: seventy-six thousand five hundred. the clan of the Bakrites; of Tahan, the 23 Sons of Yissaskar according to their clans: of Tola, the clan of the Tolaites; clan of the Tahanites. of Puwwah, the clan of the Punites; 24 of Yashub, the clan of the 36 And these are sons of Shuthelah: of Yashubites; of Shimron, the clan of the Shimronites. Eran, the clan of the Eranites. 25 These are the clans of Yissaskar according to their registered ones: 37 These are the clans of the sons of sixty-four thousand three hundred. 26 Sons of Zebulun according to their Ephrayim according to their registered clans: of Sered, the clan of . the Sardites; of Elon, the clan\u2019 of the ones: thirty-two thousand five hundred. Elonites; of Yahle'el, the clan of the Yahle\u2018elites. These are the sons of Yoseph 27 These are the clans of the Zebulunites according to their according to their clans. registered ones: sixty thousand five 38 Sons of Binyamin according to their hundred. 28 Sons of Yoseph according to their clans: of Bela, the clan of the Belaites; clans, by Menashsheh and Ephrayim: 29 Sons of Menashsheh: of Makir, the of Ashbel, the clan of the Ashbelites; of clan of the Makirites. And Makir brought forth Gil'ad; of Gil'ad, the clan Ahiram, the clan of the Ahiramites; . of the GiTadites. 39 of Shephupham, the clan of the 30 These are sons of Gil'ad: of lyezer, Shephuphamites; of Hupham, the clan the clan of the lyezerites; of Heleq, the of the Huphamites. clan of the Heleqites; 31 of Asri'el, the clan of the Asri'elites; 40 And sons of Bela were Ard and of Shekem, the clan of the Na'aman: of Ard, the clan of the Shekemites; Ardites; of Na'aman, the clan of the 32 of Shemida, the clan of the Na'amites. Shemidaites; of Hepher, the clan of the 41 These are r sons of .Binyamin Hepherites. 33 And Tselaphehad son of Hepher according to their clans, and their had no sons, but daughters. And registered ones: forty-five thousand six hundred. - \u25a0* 42 These are sons of Dan according to their clans: of Shuham, the clan of the Shuhamites. These are the clans of Dan according to their clans. '.\u2019 43 All the clans , of the Shuhamites, according to their registered ones: sixty-four thousand four hundred. 44 Sons of Asher according to their clans: of Yimna, the clan of the Yimnahites; of Yishwi, the clan of the Yishwites; of Beri'ah, the clan of the Beri'ites. i 45 Of the sons of Beri'ah: of Heber, the clan of the Heberites; of Malki'el, the clan of the Malki'elites... 46 And the name of the daughter of Asher was Serah. < \u2022 47 These are the clans of the sons of Asher according to their registered ones: fifty-three \u2022_ thousand four hundred. f \u25a0","BEMIDBAR 174 48 Sons of Naphtali according to their children of Yisra'el, because there was clans: of Yahtse'el, the clan of the no inheritance given to them among Yahtse'elites; of Giini, the clan of the the children of Yisra'el. Gunites; 63 These are the ones registered by 49 of Yetser, the clan of the Yetserites; Mosheh and El'azar the kohen, who of Shillem, the clan of the Shillemites. registered the sons of Yisra'el in the 50 These are the clans of Naphtali desert plains of Mo'ab by the Yarden according to their clans, and their ofYeriho. .. . registered ones: forty-five thousand 64 But among these there was not a four hundred. man of those registered by Mosheh 51 These are the registered ones of the and Aharon the kohen when they children of Yisra'el: six hundred and registered the sons of Yisra'el in the one thousand seven hundred and Wilderness of Sinai. thirty. \u2022.-;x 65 For had said of them, \\\"They 52 And 'WW spoke to Mosheh, saying, shall certainly die in the wilderness.\\\" 53 \\\"The land is to be divided to these And not a man was left of them, except as an inheritance, according to the Kaleb son of Yephunneh, and number of names. Yahoshua son of Nun. 54 \\\"To the large one you give a larger Then came the daughters inheritance, and to the small one you f of Tselaphehad, son - of give a smaller inheritance. Each shall Hepher, son of Gil'ad, son of Makir, be given its inheritance according to son of Menashsheh, from the clans their registered ones. < . of Menashsheh, son of Yoseph. 55 \\\"But the land is divided by lot, they And these were the names of his inherit according to the names of the daughters: Mahlah, No'ah, and Hoglah, tribes of their fathers. and Milkah, and Tirtsah. 56 \\\"According to the lot their 2 And they stood before Mosheh, inheritance is divided between the and before El'azar the kohen, and larger and the smaller.\\\" before the r leaders and all the 57 And these are the registered ones of congregation, by the doorway of the the Lewites according to their clans: Tent of Appointment, saying, -c >' of Gereshon, the clan of the 3 \\\"Our father died in the wilderness, Gereshonites; of Qehath, the clan of yet he was not in the company of the Qehathites; of Merari, the clan of those who were met together against the Merarites. in company with Qorah, but he 58 These are the clans of the Lewites: died in his own sin. And he had no the clan of the Libnites, the clan of the sons. Hebronites, the clan of the Mahlites, 4 \\\"Why should the name of our father the clan of the Mushites, and the clan be removed from among his clan of the Qorhites. And Qehath brought because he had no son? Give us a forth Amram. possession among the brothers of our 59 And the name of Amram's wife was father.\\\" . \u2022 * ... Yokebed the daughter of Lewi, who 5 Mosheh then brought their case was born to Lewi in Mitsrayim. And to before Amram she bore Aharon and Mosheh 6 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, and their sister Miryam. 7 \\\"The daughters of Tselaphehad 60 And to Aharon were born Nadab speak what is right. You should and Abihu, El'azar and Ithamar. certainly give them a possession of 61 And Nadab and Abihu died when inheritance among their father's they brought strange fire before WW. brothers, and cause the inheritance of 62 And their registered ones were their father to pass to them. twenty-three thousand, every male 8 \\\"And speak to the children of Yisra'el, from a month old and above. For they saying, 'When a man dies and has were not registered among the other no son, then you shall cause his","175 NUMBERS inheritance to pass to his daughter. commanded him, and took Yahoshua 9 'And if he has no daughter, then you and stood him before El'azar the shall give his inheritance to his kohen and before all the congregation, brothers. 23 and laid his hands on him 10 'And if he has no brothers, then you and commissioned him, as 'XYW shall give his inheritance to his father's commanded by the hand of Mosheh.. brothers. QO And spoke to Mosheh, ^-O saying, 11 'And if his father has no brothers, then you shall give his inheritance to 2 \\\"Command the children of Yisra'el, the nearest relative in his clan, and he and you shall say to them, 'Take heed shall possess it.'\\\" And it shall be to the to bring My offering, My food for My children of Yisra'el a Law of Right- offerings made by fire as a sweet Ruling, as WW commanded Mosheh. fragrance to Me, at their Appointed 12 And WW said to Mosheh, \\\"Go up Time.' \u2022. \u2022 . . \u2022\u2022\u2022 into this Mount Abarim, and see the 3 \\\"And you shall say to them, 'This is land which I have given to the children the offering made by fire which you of Yisra'el. * . . bring to two male lambs a year 13 \\\"And when you have seen it, you old, perfect ones, daily, a continual also shall be gathered to your people burnt offering. ? -\u25a0 > as Aharon your brother was gathered, 4 'The one lamb you prepare in the 14 because you rebelled against My morning, and the other lamb you mouth in the Wilderness of Tsin, in the prepare between the evenings, . strife of the congregation, to qadosh 5 with one-tenth of an ephah of fine Me at the waters before their eyes.\\\" flour as a grain offering mixed with These were the waters of Meribah, at one-fourth of a hin of pressed oil, Qadesh in the Wilderness of Tsin. 6 a continual burnt offering which was 15 And Mosheh spoke to saying, offered at Mount Sinai for a sweet 16 \\\"Let the Elohim of the spirits fragrance, an offering made by fire to of all flesh, appoint a man over the nt ' . congregation, \u2022! .\u25a0 \u25a0 7 and its drink offering, one-fourth of a hin for each lamb. Pour out the drink to 17 who goes out before them and \u201cWW as an offering in the qodesh comes in before them, who leads them out and brings them in, so that the place. : . \u25a0' congregation of be not like 8 'And the other lamb you prepare sheep without a shepherd.\\\" between the evenings. As the morning 18 And WW said to Mosheh, \\\"Take grain offering and its drink offering, you Yahoshua son of Nun with you, a man prepare it as an offering made by fire, in whom is the Ruah. And you shall lay a sweet fragrance to 'XWY'. your hand on him, . .. \u2022 9 'And on the Shabbath day two lambs 19 and shall stand him before El'azar a year old, perfect ones, and two-tenth the kohen and before all the parts of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with oil, with its drink offering, congregation, and give him charge 10 the burnt offering for. every Shabbath, besides the continual burnt before their eyes, 20 and shall put some of your esteem upon him, so that all the congregation offering with its drink offering. 11 'And on the beginnings of your of the children of Yisra'el obey. 21 \\\"And he is to stand before El'azar months you bring near a burnt offering the kohen, who shall inquire before to WW. two young bulls and one ram, and seven lambs a year old, perfect for him by the right-ruling of the Urim. At his word they go out, and at ones; 12 three-tenth parts of fine flour as a his word they come in, both he and all the children of Yisra'el with him, all the grain offering, mixed with oil, for each congregation.\\\" bull; two-tenth parts of fine flour as a w22 And Mosheh did as grain offering, mixed with oil, for the","BEMIDBAR 176 one ram; offering as a sweet fragrance to 13 and one-tenth part of fine flour, two young bulls, one ram, and seven mixed with oil, as a grain offering for lambs a year old, 28 with their grain offering of fine flour each lamb, as a burnt offering of sweet fragrance, an offering made by fire to mixed with oil: three-tenth parts for w. each bull, two-tenth parts for the one 14 'And their drink offering is half a hin ram, of wine for a bull, and one-third of a hin 29 one-tenth part for each of the seven for a ram, and one-fourth of a hin for a lambs, . '\u25a0 \u2018 ' lamb. This is the burnt offering for each 30 one male goat to make atonement month throughout the months of the for you, \u2022 - year, 31 perfect ones they are for you. 15 and one male goat as a sin offering Prepare them with their drink offerings, to MW is prepared, besides the besides the continual burnt offering continual burnt offering and its drink with its grain offering. offering. \u2022\u2022\u2022 \u25a0 ' QQ 'And in the seventh month, 16 'And in the first month, on the Zz on the first of the month, you fourteenth day, is the Pesah of have a qodesh gathering, you do 17 and on the fifteenth day of this no servile work, it is a Yom Teruah for month is a Festival. For seven days you. < \u25a0 ' unleavened bread is eaten. \u2019 .. \u25a0 2 'And you shall prepare a burnt 18 'On the first day is a qodesh offering as a sweet fragrance to gathering, you do no servile work. one young bull, one ram, seven lambs 19 'And you shall bring near an offering a year old, perfect ones, made by fire as a burnt offering to 3 and their grain offering: fine flour two young bulls and one ram, mixed with oil, three-tenth parts for the and seven lambs a year old, perfect bull, two-tenth parts for the ram, ones they are for you, 4 and one-tenth part for each of the 20 and their grain offering, fine flour seven lambs, . mixed with oil. Prepare three-tenth 5 and one male goat as a sin offering, parts for a bull, and two-tenth parts for to make atonement for you, a ram. 6 besides the burnt offering with its 21 'Prepare one-tenth part for each of grain offering for the New Moon, the the seven lambs, continual burnt offering with its grain 22 and one goat as a sin offering, to offering, and their drink offerings, make atonement for you. . r- \u00ab according to their Right-Ruling, as a 23 'Prepare these besides the burnt sweet fragrance, an offering made by offering of the morning, which is for a fire to \u25a0\u2022 continual burnt offering. 7 'And on the tenth of this seventh 24 'According to these you are to month you have a qodesh gathering, prepare the food of the offering made and you shall afflict your beings, you by fire daily for seven days, as a sweet do no work. . \u25a0 \u2022 . fragrance to It is prepared 8 'And you shall bring near a burnt besides the continual burnt offering offering to a sweet fragrance: and its drink offering. one young bull, one ram, seven lambs 25 'And on the seventh day you have a a year old, perfect ones they are for qodesh gathering, you do no servile you, work. 9 and their grain offering:, fine flour 26 'And on the day of the first-fruits, mixed with oil, three-tenth parts for the when you bring a new grain offering to bull, two-tenth parts for the one ram, MW at your Festival of Shabuoth, 10 one-tenth part for each of the seven you have a qodesh gathering, you do lambs, no servile work. 11 one male goat as a sin offering, 27 'And you shall bring near a burnt besides the sin offering for atonement,","177 NUMBERS the continual burnt offering with its perfect ones, grain offering, and their drink offerings. 27 and their grain offering and their 12 'And on the fifteenth day of the drink offerings for the bulls, for the seventh month you have a qodesh rams, and for the lambs, by their gathering, you do no servile work. And number, according to the Right-Ruling, you shall celebrate a Festival to 28 and one goat as a sin offering, seven days, - . besides the continual burnt offering, its 13 and you shall bring near a burnt grain offering, and its drink offering. offering, an offering made by fire, a 29 'Then on the sixth day: eight bulls, sweet fragrance to thirteen two rams, fourteen lambs a year old, young bulls, two rams, fourteen lambs perfect ones, ... \u25a0\/ a year old, perfect ones they are, 30 and their grain offering and their 14 and their grain offering: fine flour drink offerings for the bulls, for the mixed with oil, three-tenth parts for rams, and for the lambs, by their each of the thirteen bulls, two-tenth number, according to the Right-Ruling, parts for each of the two rams, 31 and one goat as a sin offering, 15 and one-tenth part for each of the besides the continual burnt offering, its fourteen lambs, grain offering, and its drink offering. 16 and one male goat as a sin offering, 32 'Then on the seventh day: seven besides the continual burnt offering, its bulls, two rams, fourteen lambs a year grain offering, and its drink offering. old, perfect ones, 17 'Then on the second day: twelve 33 and their grain offering and their young bulls, two rams, fourteen lambs drink offerings for the bulls, for the a year old, perfect ones, rams, and for the. lambs, by their 18 and their grain offering and their number, according to the Right-Ruling, drink offerings for the bulls, for the 34 and one goat as a sin offering, rams, and for the lambs,1 by their besides the continual burnt offering, its number, according to the Right-Ruling, grain offering, and its drink offering. 19 and one male goat as a sin offering, 35 'On the eighth day you have an besides the continual burnt offering assembly, you do no servile work, with its grain offering, and their drink 36 and you shall bring near a burnt offerings. offering, an offering made by fire, a 20 'And on the third day eleven bulls, sweet fragrance to KW. one bull, one two rams, fourteen lambs a year old, ram, seven lambs a year old, perfect perfect ones, . .... ones, \u25a0I 21 and their grain offering and their 37 their grain offering and their drink offerings for the bulls, for the drink offerings for the bull, for the ram, rams, and for the lambs, by their and for the lambs, by their number, number, according to the Right-Ruling, according to the Right-Ruling, 22 and one goat as a sin offering, 38 and one goat as a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, its besides the continual burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink offering. grain offering, and its drink offering. 23 'Then on the fourth day: ten bulls, 39 'These you prepare to MW at your two rams, fourteen lambs a year old, Appointed Times, besides your vowed perfect ones, > offerings and your voluntary offerings, 24 and their grain offering and their as your burnt offerings and your grain drink offerings for the bulls, for the offerings, as your drink offerings and rams, and for the lambs, by their your peace offerings.'\\\" a . number, according to the Right-Ruling, 40 And Mosheh spoke to the children of 25 and one male goat as a sin offering, Yisra'el according to all 'XW had besides the continual burnt offering, its commanded Mosheh. grain offering, and its drink offering. And Mosheh spoke to the 26 'Then on the fifth day: nine bulls, two OU heads of the tribes concerning rams, fourteen lambs a year old, the children of Yisra'el, saying, \\\"This","BEMIDBAR 178 is the word which has stand - her husband has nullified them, commanded: and pardons her. 2 \\\"When a man vows a vow to 13 \\\"Every vow and every binding oath or swears an oath to bind himself by to afflict her being, let her husband some agreement, he does not break confirm it, or let her husband nullify it his word, he does according to all that 14 \\\"But if her husband is altogether comes out of his mouth. silent at her from day to day, then 3 \\\"Or if a woman vows a vow to he confirms all her vows' or all the and binds herself by some agreement agreements that bind her - he confirms while in her father's house in her them, because he kept silent towards youth, her on the day that he heard. \u2022 4 and her father hears her vow and the 15 \\\"But if he nullifies them after he agreement by which she has bound has heard, then he shall bear her herself, and her father has kept silent wickedness.\\\" towards her, then all her vows shall 16 These are the Laws which stand, and every agreement with commanded Mosheh, between a man which she has bound herself stands. and his wife, and between a father and 5 \\\"But if her father forbids her on the his daughter in her youth in her father's day that he hears, then none of her house. vows nor her agreements by which Q 4 And KW spoke to Mosheh, she has bound herself stand. And O I saying, ^XY pardons her, because her father 2 \\\"Take vengeance for the children of has forbidden her. Yisra'el on the Midyanites. After that 6 \\\"But if she at all belongs to a you are to be gathered to your husband, while bound by her vows or people.\\\". * by a rash utterance from her lips by 3 And Mosheh spoke to the people, which she bound herself, saying, \\\"Arm some of yourselves for 7 and her husband hears it, and he has the campaign, and let them go against kept silent towards her on the day that the Midyanites to take vengeance for he hears, then her vows shall stand, 'WW'\\\"on Midyan. and her agreements by which she 4 \\\"Send a thousand from each tribe of bound herself do stand. all the tribes of Yisra'el for' the 8 \\\"But if her husband forbids her on the campaign.\\\"-'. \u25a0 \\\\ day that he hears it, then he has 5 So there were supplied from the nullified her vow which she vowed, and tribes of Yisra'el one thousand from the rash utterance of her lips by which each tribe, twelve thousand armed she bound herself, and 'XX'X'Y pardons ones for the campaign. her. . \u2019 \u2022 \u2022\u2022 \u2018 6 And Mosheh sent them on the 9 \\\"But any vow of a widow or a campaign, one thousand from each divorced woman, by which she has tribe, them and Pinehas son of El'azar bound herself, stands against her. \u25a0 1 the kohen on the campaign, with the 10 \\\"And if she vowed in her husband's qodesh utensils and the trumpets for house, or bound herself by an sounding in his hand. > agreement with an oath, 7 And < they fought against the 11 and her husband heard it, and has Midyanites, as 'XVW commanded kept silent towards her and did not Mosheh, and slew all the males. forbid her, then all her vows shall 8 And they slew the sovereigns of stand, and every agreement by which Midyan with the rest of those who she bound herself stands. were pierced: Ewi, and Reqem, and 12 \\\"But if her husband clearly nullified Tsur, and Hur, and Reba, the five them on the day he heard them, sovereigns of Midyan. And they slew then whatever came from her lips Bil'am son of Be'or with the sword. concerning her vows or concerning the 9 And the sons of Yisra'el took all the agreement binding her, it does not women of Midyan captive, with their","179 NUMBERS little ones, and took as spoil all their shall be clean; only, let it be cleansed livestock, and all their possessions. with the water for uncleanness. And 10 And they burned with fire all the whatever does not pass through fire cities where they dwelt, and all their you pass through water. settlements. 24 \\\"And you shall wash your garments 11 And they took all the spoil and all the on the seventh day and be clean, and booty, both of man and beast. afterwards come into the camp.\\\" 12 And they brought the captives, and 25 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, the booty, and the spoil to Mosheh, 26 \\\"Count up the plunder that was and to El'azar the kohen, and to the taken, of man and of beast, you and congregation of the children of Yisra'el, El'azar the kohen and the heads of the to the camp in the desert plains of fathers of the congregation. Mo'ab by the Yarden of Yeriho. 27 \\\"And you shall divide the plunder 13 And Mosheh, and El'azar the kohen, into two parts, between those who took and all the leaders of the congregation, part in the battle, who went out on the went to meet them outside the camp. campaign, and all the congregation. 14 But Mosheh was wroth with 28 \\\"And put aside a levy for the officers of the army, with the on the men of battle who went out on commanders of thousands and the campaign: one out of every five commanders of hundreds, who had hundred, of man, and of the cattle, and come from the campaign. of the donkeys, and of the sheep. . 15 And Mosheh said to them, \\\"Have 29 \\\"Take it from their half, and give you kept all the women alive? it to El'azar the kohen as a contribution 16 \\\"Look, they are the ones who to w. caused the children of Yisra'el, through 30 \\\"And from the children of Yisra'el's the word of BiTam, to trespass against half you shall take one of every fifty, of in the matter of Pe'or, and there man, of the cattle, of the donkeys, and was a plague among the congregation of the sheep, of all the livestock, and ofW. \u25a0 !. give them to the Lewites guarding the 17 \\\"And now, slay every male among duty of the Mishkan of \u25a0 \u2022. the little ones. And every woman who 31 And Mosheh and El'azar the kohen has known a man by lying with a man did as WW commanded Mosheh\/ you shall slay. 32 And the booty remaining from the 18 \\\"But keep alive for yourselves all the plunder, which the people of the female children who have not known a campaign had taken, was six hundred man by lying with a man. and seventy-five thousand sheep, \u2019 19 \\\"And you, camp outside the camp 33 and seventy-two thousand cattle, seven days. Whoever has slain any 34 and sixty-one thousand donkeys, being, and whoever has touched any 35 and thirty-two thousand human slain, cleanse yourselves and your beings in all, of women who had not captives on the third day and on the known a man by lying with a man. seventh day. \u2666 36 And the half, the portion for those 20 \\\"And cleanse every garment, and who went out on the campaign, was in every object of leather and whatever is number three hundred and thirty-seven made of goats' hair, and every object thousand five hundred sheep, of wood.\\\" 37 and the levy unto of the sheep 21 And El'azar the kohen said to the was six hundred and seventy-five.. men of the campaign who went to the 38 And the cattle were thirty-six battle, \\\"This is the Law of the Torah thousand, of which the levy unto which commanded Mosheh: was seventy-two. 22 \\\"Only the gold, and the silver, the 39 And the donkeys were thirty bronze, the iron, the tin, and the lead, thousand five hundred, of which the 23 every object that passes through levy unto 3*t^Kwas sixty-one. fire, you put through the fire, and it 40 And the human beings were sixteen","BEMIDBAR 180 thousand, of which the levy unto of Appointment as a remembrance for was thirty-two beings. the children of Yisra'el before 41 So Mosheh gave the levy which was *2'J And the children of Re'uben the contribution unto WW to El'azar vZ- and the children of Gad had the kohen, as commanded much livestock, a large number. And Mosheh. they saw the land of Ya'zer and the 42 And from the children of Yisra'el's land of Gil'ad and saw that the place half, which Mosheh divided from the was a place for livestock. men who campaigned: 2 So the children of Gad and the 43 now the half belonging to the children of Re'uben came and spoke to congregation was three hundred and Mosheh, and to El'azar the kohen, and thirty-seven thousand five hundred to the leaders of the congregation, sheep, saying, > 44 and thirty-six thousand cattle, 3 \\\"Ataroth, and Dibon, and Ya'zer, and 45 and thirty thousand five hundred Nimrah, and Heshbon, and El'aleh, donkeys, - \u2022 \u2022 \u25a0 and Sebam, and Nebo, and Be'on,. 46 and sixteen thousand human 4 the land which WW had smitten beings. before the congregation of Yisra'el, is a 47 Then Mosheh took from the children land for livestock, and your servants of Yisra'el's half: one out of every fifty, have livestock.\\\" - drawn from man and beast, and gave 5 And they said, \\\"If we have found them to the Lewites, who guarded the favour in your eyes, let this - land duty of the Mishkan of as be given to your servants as a commanded Mosheh. . possession, and do not let us pass 48 And - the officers who were over the Yarden.\\\" 1 over thousands of \u2713 the campaign, 6 And Mosheh said to the children of the commanders of thousands and Gad and to the children of Re'uben, commanders of hundreds, came near \\\"Are your brothers to go into the battle to Mosheh, while you yourselves sit here? r 49 and they said to Mosheh, \u2022 \\\"Your 7 \\\"Now why do you discourage the servants have taken a count of the heart of the children of Yisra'el from fighting men under our command, and passing over into the land which not a man of us is missing. has given them? >' so \\\"So we have brought an offering for 8 \\\"Thus your fathers did when I sent what every man found of them away from Qadesh Barnea to ornaments of gold: armlets and see the land. bracelets and signet rings and earrings 9 \\\"For when they went up to the wadi and necklaces, to make atonement for Eshkol and saw the land, they ourselves before discouraged the heart of the children 51 And Mosheh and El'azar the kohen of Yisra'el, so that they did not go into received the gold from them, all the the land which ^^<Khad given them. fashioned ornaments. 10 \\\"Then the displeasure of WW 52 And all the gold of the offering burned on that day, and He swore an that they presented to from oath, saying, 1 the commanders of thousands and 11 'Not one of the men who came up commanders of hundreds, was sixteen from Mitsrayim, from twenty years old thousand seven hundred and fifty and above, is to see the land of which sheqels. I swore to Abraham,- Yitshaq, and 53 The men of the campaign had taken Ya'aqob, because they did not follow spoil, every man for himself. Me completely, . 54 And Mosheh and El'azar the 12 except Kaleb son of Yephunneh, the kohen received the gold from the Qenizzite, and :-Yahoshua son of commanders of thousands and of Nun, for they have followed hundreds, and brought it into the Tent completely.'","181 NUMBERS 13 \\\"So the displeasure of 'WW burned 26 \\\"Our little ones, our wives, our against Yisra'el, and He made them flocks, and all our livestock are going wander in the wilderness forty years, to be there in the cities of Gil'ad, until all the generation that had 27 but your servants are passing over, done evil in the eyes of was every armed one of the army, before destroyed. to battle, as my master says.\\\" 14 \\\"And see, you have risen in your 28 And Mosheh gave command father's place, an increase of men, concerning them to El'azar the kohen, sinners, to add still more the burning to Yahoshua son of Nun, and to the displeasure of against Yisra'el. heads of the fathers of the tribes of the 15 \\\"For if you turn away from following children of Yisra'el. ;\u2018 Him, He shall once again leave them 29 And Mosheh said to them, \\\"If the in the wilderness, and you shall children of Gad and the children of destroy all these people.\\\" Re'uben pass over the Yarden with 16 Then they came near to him and you, every man armed for battle before said, \\\"Let us build sheep-enclosures and the land has been subdued here for our livestock, and cities for our before you, then you shall give them little ones, the land of Gil'ad as a possession. 17 but let us ourselves be armed, 30 \\\"But if they do not pass over armed hastening before the children of with you, they shall have possessions Yisra'el until we have brought them to among you in the land of Kena'an.\\\" their place. And our little ones shall 31 Then the children of Gad and the dwell in the walled cities because of children of Re'uben answered, saying, the inhabitants of the land. \\\"As ^^Khas said to your servants, so 18 \\\"We shall not return to our homes we do. ' until every one of the children of 32 \\\"We ourselves are passing over Yisra'el has received his inheritance. ... armed before MW into the land of 19 \\\"For we shall not inherit with them Kena'an, but the possession of our on the other side of the Yarden and inheritance remains with us beyond beyond, because our inheritance has the Yarden.\\\" \u2022 \u2014 : s . \u25a0 \u2022 ,\u25a0 fallen to us on this eastern side of the 33 So Mosheh gave to the children of Yarden.\\\" ' \u2022 . Gad, to the children of Re'uben, and to 20 And Mosheh said to them, \\\"If you half the tribe of Menashsheh, son of make this promise: if you arm Yoseph, the reign of Sihon sovereign yourselves before 3*faWor battle, of the Amorites and the reign of Og 21 and all your armed ones pass over sovereign of Bashan, the land with its the Yarden before until He has cities within the borders, the cities of driven out His enemies from before the land round about. Him, \u2022 ;; 34 And the children of Gad built Dibon 22 and the land 'has been subdued and Ataroth and Aro'er, before then afterward you shall 35 and Atroth, Shophan and Ya'zer and return, and be guiltless before MW Yogbehah, >\u2022 and before Yisra'el. And this land shall 36 and Beyth Nimrah and Beyth Haran, be your possession before walled cities, and enclosures for 23 \\\"But if you do not do so, then see, sheep. :\u2022 you shall sin against and know: 37 And the children of Re'uben your sin is going to find you out. built Heshbon and El'aleh and 24 \\\"Build cities for your little ones and Qiryathayim, enclosures for your sheep, and do 38 Nebo and Ba'al Me'on - the names what you have promised.\\\" , \u2022 \u25a0 being changed - and Shibmah. And 25 And the children of Gad and the they gave other names to the cities children of Re'uben spoke to Mosheh, which they built. saying, \\\"Your servants are going to do 39 And the sons of Makir son of as my master commands. \u2022 Menashsheh went to Gil'ad and took it,","BEMIDBAR 182 and dispossessed the Amorites who 11 And they departed from the Sea of were in it. r- Reeds and camped in the Wilderness 40 So Mosheh gave Gil'ad to Makir, of Sin. \u2022. . son of Menashsheh, and he dwelt 12 'And they departed from the in it. Wilderness of Sin and camped at 41 And Ya'ir son of Menashsheh went Dophqah. and took its small towns, and called 13 And they departed from Dophqah them Hawoth Ya'ir. and camped at Alush. ' 42 And Nobah went and took Qenath 14 And they departed from Alush and and its villages, and he called it camped at Rephidim, and there was Nobah, after his own name. . \u2022. no water for the people to drink. .\u2022 QQ These are the departures of 15 And they departed from Rephidim vO the children of Yisra'el, who and camped in the Wilderness of went out of the land of Mitsrayim by Sinai. - t \u25a0 '\u2018-i' their divisions under the hand -of 16 And they departed from the Mosheh and Aharon. Wilderness of Sinai and camped at 2 And Mosheh wrote down the starting Qibroth ha'Tta'awah. \u25a0 points of their departures at the 17 And they departed from Qibroth command of and these are their ha'Tta'awah and camped at Hatseroth. departures according to their starting 18 And they departed from Hatseroth points: \u2022 ': and camped at Rithmah. 3 So they departed from Ra'meses in 19 And they departed from Rithmah the first month, on the fifteenth day of and camped at Rimmon Perets. the first month, on the morrow of the 20 And they departed from Rimmon Pesah the children of Yisra'el went out Perets and camped at Libnah. with a high hand before the eyes of all 21 And they departed from Libnah and the Mitsrites, \u2018: camped at Rissah. 4 and the Mitsrites were burying all 22 And they departed from Rissah and their first-born, whom WW had camped at Qehelathah. smitten among them. Also on their 23 And they departed from Qehelathah mighty ones 'XW had executed and camped at Mount Shapher. judgments. * 24 And they departed from Mount 5 Then the children of Yisra'el departed Shapher and camped at Haradah. from Ra'meses and camped at 25 And they departed, from Haradah Sukkoth. and camped at Maqheloth. \u2022 e And they departed from Sukkoth and 26 And they departed from Maqheloth camped at Etham, which is on the and camped at Tahath. edge of the wilderness. 27 And they departed from Tahath and 7 And they departed from Etham and camped at Terah. turned back to Pi ha'Hiroth, which is 28 And they departed from Terah and before Ba'al Tsephon. And . they camped at Mithqah. camped near Migdol. ? 29 And they departed from Mithqah 8 And they departed from before and camped at Hashmonah. ha'Hiroth and passed over through the 30 And they departed from Hashmonah midst of the sea into the wilderness, and camped at Moseroth. went three days' journey ' in the 31 And they departed from Moseroth Wilderness of Etham, and camped at and camped at Beney Ya'aqan. Marah. \u25a0 \/ 32 And they departed from Beney 9 And they departed from Marah and Ya'aqan and camped at Hor came to Elim. And at Elim were twelve ha'Gidgad. ' \u25a0\u2022 springs of water and seventy palm 33 And they departed from Hor trees, so they camped there. ha'Gidgad and camped at Yotbathah. 10 And they departed from Elim and 34 And they departed from Yotbathah camped by the Sea of Reeds. \u25a0\u25a0 * and camped at Abronah.","183 NUMBERS 35 And they departed from Abronah you, and shall destroy all their and camped at Etsyon Geber. engraved stones, and shall destroy all 36 And they departed from Etsyon their moulded images, and lay waste Geber and camped in the Wilderness all their high places, .\u25a0 of Tsin, which is Qadesh. 53 and you shall possess the land and 37 And they departed from Qadesh dwell in it, for I have given you the land and camped at Mount Hor, on the to possess. ?. \u2018 boundary of the land of Edom. 54 'And you shall divide the land by 38 Then Aharon the kohen went up to lot as an inheritance- among \u25a0 your Mount Hor at the command of clans. To the larger you give a larger and died there in the fortieth year after inheritance\/ and to the smaller you the children of Yisra'el had come out of give a smaller inheritance. Wherever the land of Mitsrayim, on the first day the lot falls to anyone, that is his. You of the fifth month. inherit according to the tribes of your 39 Now Aharon was one hundred and fathers. . . \u2022\\\" twenty-three years old when he died 55 'And if you do not drive out the on Mount Hor. inhabitants of the land from before 40 And the sovereign of Arad, the you, then it shall be that those whom Kena'anite, who dwelt in the Negeb in you let remain shall be pricks in your the land of Kena'an, heard of the eyes ;and thorns in your sides, and coming of the children of Yisra'el. they shall trouble you in the land 41 So they departed from Mount Hor where you dwell. and camped at Tsalmonah. 56 'And it shall be that I do to you as I 42 And they departed from Tsalmonah thought to do to them.'\\\" and camped at Punon. And 'XVW spoke to Mosheh, 43 And they departed from Punon and O^T saying, camped at Oboth. 2 \\\"Command the children of Yisra'el, 44 And they departed from Oboth and and say to them, When you come into camped at lye ha'Abarim, at the border the land of Kena'an, this is the land of Mo'ab. which falls to you as an inheritance, 45 And they departed from lyim and the land of Kena'an to its boundaries: \u25a0 camped at Dibon Gad. 3 'Then your southern border shall be 46 And they departed from Dibon Gad from the Wilderness of Tsin along the and camped at Almon Diblathayemah. border of Edom, and your southern 47 And they departed from Almon border shall be eastward from the end Diblathayemah and camped in the of the Salt Sea. 1 mountains of Abarim, before Nebo. 4 'Then your border shall turn from the 48 And they departed from the southern side of the Ascent of mountains of Abarim and camped in Aqrabbim, continue to Tsin, and be on the desert plains of Mo'ab by the the south of Qadesh Barnea, and Yarden of Yeriho. it shall go on to Hatsar Addar, and 49 And they camped by the Yarden, continue to Atsmon. from Beyth Yeshimoth as far as Abel 5 'And the border shall turn from ha'Shittim t in the desert plains of Atsmon to the wadi of Mitsrayim, and it Mo'ab. shall end at the Sea. 50 And WW spoke to Mosheh in the 6 'As for the western border, you shall desert plains of Mo'ab by the Yarden have the Great Sea for a border, this is of Yeriho, saying, your western border. 51 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, 7 'And this is your northern border: and say to them, 'When you have From the Great Sea you mark out your passed over the Yarden into the land borderline to Mount Hor, . \u25a0 > of Kena'an, 8 from Mount Hor you mark out your 52 then you shall drive out all the border to the entrance of Hamath, and inhabitants of the land from before the edge of the border shall be toward","BEMIDBAR 184 Tsedad, Shiphtan. 9 and the border shall proceed to 25 \\\"And a leader from the tribe of the Ziphron, and it shall end at Hatsar children of Zebulun: Elitsaphan son of Eynan. This is your northern border. Parnak. 10 'And you shall mark out your 26 \\\"And a leader from the tribe of the eastern border from Hatsar Eynan to children of Yissaskar: Palti'el son of Shepham, Azzan. 11 and the border shall go down from 27 \\\"And a leader from the tribe of the Shepham to Riblah on the east side of children of Asher: . Ahihud son of Ayin, and the border shall go down and Shelomi. reach to the eastern side of the Sea of 28 \\\"And a leader from the tribe of the Kinnereth. \u2022 \u25a0 children of Naphtali: Pedah'el son of 12 'And the border shall go down along Ammihud.\\\" the Yarden, and it shall end at the 29 These are the ones \u2018IRW Salt Sea. This is your land with its commanded to divide the inheritance surrounding boundaries.'\\\" among the children of Yisra'el in the 13 And Mosheh commanded the land of Kena'an. j children of Yisra'el, saying, \\\"This is the O And spoke to Mosheh in land which you inherit by lot, which the desert plains of Mo'ab by has commanded to give to the the Yarden of Yeriho, saying, nine tribes and to the half-tribe. 2 \\\"Command the children of Yisra'el 14 \\\"For the tribe of the children of that they shall give the Lewites cities Re'uben according to the house of to dwell in from the inheritance of their fathers, and the tribe of the their possession. Also give the Lewites children of Gad according to the open land around the cities. house of their fathers, have received 3 \\\"And they shall have the cities to their inheritance. And the half-tribe dwell in, and their open land for their of Menashsheh has \u2022 received its cattle, and for their herds, and for all inheritance. their livestock. * ........ 15 \\\"The two tribes and the half-tribe 4 \\\"And the open land of the cities have received their inheritance beyond which you give the Lewites are from the Yarden of Yeriho eastward, toward the wall of the city outward a thousand the sunrise.\\\" ammah all around. 16 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, 5 \\\"And you shall measure outside the 17 \\\"These are the names of the men city on the east side two thousand who divide the land among you as an ammah, and on the south side two inheritance: El'azar the kohen, and thousand ammah, and on the west Yahoshua son of Nun. \u2022 . side two thousand ammah, and on the 18 \\\"And take one leader of every tribe north side two thousand ammah. And to divide the land for the inheritance. the city is in the middle. This is to them 19 \\\"And these are the names of the the open land for the cities. < men. From the tribe of Yahudah: Kaleb 6 \\\"And the cities which you give to the son of Yephunneh. Lewites are the six cities of refuge, 20 \\\"And from the tribe of the children of which you give to him who killed Shim'on: Shemu'el son of Ammihud. someone to flee to, and to these you 21 \\\"From the tribe of Binyamin: Elidad add forty-two cities. son of Kislon. 7 \\\"All the cities which you give to the 22 \\\"And a leader from the tribe of the Lewites are forty-eight, these with their children of Dan: Buqqi son of Yogli. open land. 23 \\\"From the sons of Yoseph: a leader 8 \\\"And the cities which you give are from the tribe of the children of from the possession of the children of Menashsheh, Hanni'el son of Ephod. Yisra'el. From the larger you give 24 \\\"And a leader from the tribe of the many, from the smaller you give few, children of Ephrayim: Qemu'el son of each one gives some of its cities","185 NUMBERS to the Lewites, in proportion to the 23 or uses a stone, by which a man inheritance that each inherits.\\\" could die, throwing it at him without 9 And spoke to Mosheh, saying, seeing him, so that he dies, while he 10 \\\"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, was not his enemy or seeking his and say to them, When you pass over harm, the Yarden into the land of Kena'an, 24 then the congregation shall judge 11 then you shall choose cities to be between him who killed someone and cities of refuge for you, that the one the revenger of blood, according to who accidentally killed someone shall these Right-Rulings. flee there. 25 'And the congregation shall rescue 12 'And they shall be cities of refuge the one who killed someone from the for you from the revenger, and the one hand of the revenger of blood, and the who killed someone is not to die until congregation shall return him to the he stands before the congregation in city of refuge where he had fled, and right-ruling. he shall remain there until the death of 13 'And of the cities which you give, six the kohen ha'gadol who was anointed are to be cities of refuge. with the qodesh oil. 14 'Give three cities beyond the 26 'But if the one who killed someone Yarden, and give three cities in the at any time goes outside the limits of land of Kena'an, as cities of refuge. the city of refuge where he fled, 15 'These six cities are for refuge for 27 and the revenger of blood finds him the children of Yisra'el, and for the outside the limits of his city of refuge, sojourner, and for the settler in their and the revenger of\u2019 blood kills him midst, for anyone who accidentally kills who killed someone, he is not guilty of someone to flee there. \u2022 blood, \u2022 ' i' \u25a0' \u25a0 . \u2022 16 'But if he has smitten him with an 28 because he should have remained instrument of iron, so that he dies, he in his city of refuge until the death of is a murderer. The murderer shall the kohen ha'gadol. But after the death certainly be put to death. of the kohen ha'gadol he who killed 17 'And if he has smitten him with a someone is to return to the land of his stone in the hand, by which one could possession. \u2022 die, and he dies, he is a murderer. The 29 'And these shall be for a Law of murderer shall certainly be put to Right-Ruling to you throughout your death. generations in all your dwellings. 18 'Or if he has smitten him with a 30 'Whoever kills someone has to be wooden instrument that could kill, put to death as a murderer by the and he dies, he is a murderer. The mouth of witnesses, but one witness murderer shall certainly be put to does not bear witness against death. someone to die. 19 'The revenger of blood himself puts 31 'And take no ransom for the life of a the murderer to death. When he meets murderer who is guilty of death, but he him, he puts him to death. shall certainly be put to death. 20 'And if he thrusts him through in 32 'And take no ransom for him who hatred, or throws at him while lying in has fled to his city of refuge to return to wait, so that he dies, dwell in the land before the death of 21 or in enmity he smites him with his the kohen. hand so that he dies, the one who 33 'And do not profane the land where smote him shall certainly be put you are, for blood profanes the land, to death, for he is a murderer. The and the land is not pardoned for the revenger of blood puts the murderer to blood that is shed on it, except by the death when he meets him. blood of him who shed it. 22 'But if he pushes him suddenly 34 'And do not defile the land which without enmity, or throws at him you inhabit, in the midst of which I without lying in wait, dwell, for I, am dwelling in the","BEMIDBAR 186 midst of the children of Yisra'el.'\\\" Tselaphehad, saying, 'Let them marry Q ZT And the heads of the fathers who is good in their eyes, but let them OO of the clans of the children marry only within the clan of their of Gil'ad, son of Makir, son of father's tribe.' Menashsheh, of the clans of the sons 7 \\\"And the inheritance of the children of Yoseph, came near and spoke of Yisra'el is not to change hands from before Mosheh and before the leaders, tribe to tribe, for every one of the the heads of the fathers of the children children of Yisra'el is to cling to the of Yisra'el, inheritance of the tribe of his fathers. 2 and said, commanded my 8 \\\"And every daughter possessing an ' master to give the land as an inheritance in any tribe of the children inheritance by lot to the children of Yisra'el is to be the wife of one of of Yisra'el, and my master was the clan of her father's tribe, so that the commanded by to give the children of Yisra'el possess each the inheritance of our brother Tselaphehad inheritance of his fathers. to his daughters. 9 \\\"Thus the inheritance is not to 3 \\\"Now if they are married to any change hands from one tribe to of the sons of the other tribes of another, but every tribe of the children the children of Yisra'el, then their of Yisra'el is to cling to its own inheritance shall be taken from the inheritance.\\\" inheritance of our fathers, and shall be w As commanded Mosheh, so added to the inheritance of the tribe did the daughters of Tselaphehad. into which they marry, and taken from 11 For Mahlah, Tirtsah, and Hoglah, the lot of our inheritance. and Milkah, and No'ah, the daughters 4 \\\"And if the Yobel of the children of of Tselaphehad, were married to the Yisra'el takes place, then their sons of their father's brothers. inheritance shall be added to the 12 And they were married into the clans inheritance of the tribe into which they of the children of Menashsheh, the marry, and their inheritance taken son of Yoseph, and their inheritance away from the inheritance of the tribe remained in the tribe of their father's of our fathers.\\\" clan. . , 5 And Mosheh commanded the 13 These are the Commands children of Yisra'el according to the and the Right-Rulings which word of fflW, saying, \\\"What the tribe commanded the children of Yisra'el by of the sons of Yoseph speaks is right. the hand of Mosheh in the desert 6 \\\"This is the word which ItW plains of Mo'ab by the Yarden of has commanded, for the daughters of Yeriho. ... 'l J\u2022 I i?","187 DEUTERONOMY DEBARI M your burden and your strife, by myself? \u25a1,-m vvntiA 13 'Choose men, wise and under\u00ad standing, and known to your tribes, and let me appoint them as your <4 These are the words which heads.' I Mosheh spoke to all Yisra'el 14 \\\"And you answered me and said, beyond the Yarden in the wilderness, 'The word which you- have spoken to in the desert plain opposite Suph, us to do is good.' between Paran and Tophel, and 15 \\\"And I took the heads of your tribes, Laban, and Hatseroth, and Di Zahab, wise men and known, and made them 2 eleven days from Horeb by way of heads over you, leaders of thousands, Mount Se'ir to Qadesh Barnea. and leaders of hundreds, and leaders 3 And it came to be in the fortieth year, of fifties, and leaders of tens, and in the eleventh month, on the first of officers for your tribes. the month, that Mosheh spoke to the 16 \\\"And I commanded your judges at children of Yisra'el according to all that that time, saying, When hearing had commanded him concerning between your brothers, judge them, righteously between a man and his 4 after he had smitten Sihon sovereign brother or the stranger who is with him. of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, 17 'Do not show partiality in right-ruling, and Og sovereign of Bashan, who hear the small as well as the great. Do dwelt at Ashtaroth in Edre'i. not be afraid of anyone's face, for the 5 Beyond the Yarden, in the land of right-ruling belongs to Elohim. And the Mo'ab, Mosheh undertook to declare case which is too hard for you, bring it this Torah, saying, i to me, and I shall hear it.' '. 6 \\\"'XVW our Elohim spoke to us in 18 \\\"And I commanded you at that time Horeb, saying, 'You have dwelt long all the words which you should do.-- enough at this mountain. 19 \\\"Then we departed from Horeb, 7 'Turn and depart on your way, and go and went through all that great and into the mountains of the Amorites, awesome wilderness which you saw and to all the neighbouring places in on the way to the mountains of the the desert plain, in the mountains and Amorites, as our Elohim had in the low country, and in the Negeb commanded .us\/. And we came to and on the seacoast, to the land of the Qadesh Barnea. Kena'anites and to Lebanon, as far as 20 \\\"And I said to you, 'You have come the great river, the River Perath. to the mountains of the Amorites, 8 'See, I have put the land before which ^W^our Elohim is giving us. you. Go in and possess the land 21 'See, WW your Elohim has put the which WW swore to your fathers, to land before you. Go up and possess it, Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to Ya'aqob, as KW Elohim of your fathers has to give to them and their seed after spoken to you. Do not fear, nor be them.' discouraged.' 9 \\\"And I spoke to you at that time, 22 \\\"And all of you came near to me and saying, 'I am unable to bear you by said, 'Let us send men before us, and myself. let them search out the land for us, 10 ''XW your Elohim has increased and bring back word to us of the way you, and see, you are today as by which we should go up, and of the numerous as the stars of the cities into which we would come.' shamayim. 23 \\\"And the matter was good in my 11 Elohim of your fathers is eyes, so I took twelve of your men, going to add to you a thousand times one man from each tribe. more than you are, and barak you as 24 \\\"And they turned and went up into He has spoken to you! the mountains, and came to the wadi 12 'How do I bear your pressure and Eshkol, and spied it out.","DEBARIM 188 25 \\\"And they took some of the fruit of Strengthen him, for he shall cause the land in their hands and brought it Yisra'el to inherit. down to us. And they brought back 39 'And your little ones and your word to us, saying, 'The land which children, who you say are for a prey, ^<Tour Elohim is giving us is good.' who today have no knowledge of good 26 \\\"But you would not go up and and evil, they are going in there. And rebelled against the word of your to them I give it, and they are to Elohim, possess it. 27 and grumbled in your tents, and 40 'But you, turn and take your journey said, 'Because was hating us, into the wilderness by the Way of the He has brought us out of the land of Sea of Reeds.' Mitsrayim to give us into the hand of 41 \\\"Then you answered and said to the Amorites, to destroy us. me, 'We have sinned against KW. 28 'Where are we going to? Our \\\\Ne ourselves are going up, and we brothers have made our hearts melt, shall fight, as our Elohim saying, \\\"The people are greater and commanded us.' And when each one taller than we, the cities are great of you had girded on his battle gear, and walled up to the shamayim, and you were ready to go up into the we saw the sons of the Anaqim there mountain. too.\\\"' 42 \\\"And \u2022^tA^said to me, 'Say to them, 29 \\\"Then I said to you, 'Have no dread \\\"Do not go up nor fight, for I am not in or fear of them. your midst, lest you be smitten before 30 'IfW your Elohim, who is going your enemies.\\\"' \u2018 \u2022\u2022 before you, He fights for you, 43 \\\"So I spoke to you, but you would according to all He did for you in not listen and rebelled against the Mitsrayim before your eyes, word of and acted proudly, and 31 and in the wilderness, where you went up into the mountain. saw how 'XW your Elohim has borne 44 \\\"Then the Amorites who dwelt in you, as a man bears his son, in all the that mountain came out against you way that you went until you came to and chased you as bees do, and beat this place.' you back from Se'ir to Hormah. 32 \\\"Yet in this matter you are putting no 45 \\\"And you returned and wept before trust in ^^your Elohim, WW, but would not listen to 33 who is going before you in the way your voice nor give ear to you. to seek out a place for you to pitch 46 \\\"So you dwelt in Qadesh many your tents, to show you the way you days, according to the days that you should go, in fire by night and in a dwelt. cloud by day. O \\\"Then we turned and departed 34 \\\"And 'XVW heard the voice of your ^2 into the wilderness, the way of words, and was wroth, and took an the Sea of Reeds, as A'A\u2019AF spoke to oath, saying, me, and we went round Mount Se\u2019ir, 35 'Not one of these men of this evil many days. generation shall see that good land of 2 \\\"And spoke to me, saying, which I swore to give to your fathers, 3 'You have gone around this mountain 36 except Kaleb son of Yephunneh. long enough, turn northward. He shall see it, and to him and his 4 'And command the people, saying, children I give the land on which he \\\"You are about to pass over into walked, because he followed WW the border of your brothers, the completely.' descendants of \u00a3saw, who live in Se'ir, 37 \\\"And ^^<Kwas enraged with me for and they are afraid of you. So be on your sakes, saying, 'You do not go in your guard. there, either. 5 \\\"Do not strive with them, for I do not 38 'Yahoshua the son of Nun, who give you any of their land, no, not so stands before you, he shall go in there. much as one footstep, because I have","189 DEUTERONOMY given Mount Se'ir to Esaw as a 17 that 'XVW spoke to me, saying, possession. 18 'This day you are to pass over at Ar, 6 \\\"What food you buy from them with the boundary of Mo'ab. silver you shall eat And also, what 19 'And when you come near the water you buy from them with silver children of Ammon, do not distress you shall drink. them nor stir yourself up against them, 7 \\\"For your Elohim has barak for I do not give you any of the land you in all the work of your hand. He of the children of Ammon as a has known your wandering through possession, because I have given this great wilderness. These forty it to the descendants of Lot as a years 'sft'^your Elohim has been with possession.' you, you have not lacked any matter.\\\"' 20 That was also reckoned as a land of 8 \\\"And when we passed beyond our Repha'ites. Repha'ites formerly dwelt brothers, the descendants of Esaw there. But the Ammonites call them who dwell in Se'ir, away from the way Zamzummim, of the desert plain, away from Eylath 21 a people as great and numerous and Etsyon Geber, we turned and and tall as the Anaqim. But WW passed over by way of the Wilderness destroyed them before them, and they of Mo'ab. dispossessed them and dwelt in their 9 \\\"And WW said to me, 'Do not place, distress Mo'ab, nor stir yourself up 22 as He had done for the descendants against them in battle, for I do not give of Esaw, who dwelt in Se'ir, when He you any of their land as a possession, destroyed the Horites from before because I have given Ar to the them. They dispossessed them and descendants of Lot as a possession.'\\\" dwelt in their place, even to this day. 10 The Eymites had dwelt there 23 And the Awwim who dwelt in villages formerly, a people as great and as far as Azzah, the Kaphtorim who numerous and tall as the Anaqim. came from Kaphtor, destroyed them 11 They were also reckoned as and dwelt in their place. Repha'ites, like the~ Anaqim, but the 24 'Arise, depart and pass over the Mo'abites call them Eymites. wadi Arnon. See, I have given into 12 And the Horites formerly dwelt in your hand Sihon the Amorite, Se'ir, but the descendants of Esaw sovereign of Heshbon, and his land. dispossessed them and destroyed Begin to possess it, and stir up them from before them, and dwelt in yourself against him in battle. their place, as Yisra'el did to the land 25 'This day I begin to put the dread of their possession which gave and fear of you upon the peoples them. under all the shamayim, who, when 13 \\\" 'Now rise up, and pass over the they hear the report of you, shall wadi Zered.' So we passed over the tremble and shake because of you.' wadi Zered. 26 \\\"Then I sent messengers from the 14 \\\"And the time we took to come from Wilderness of Qedemoth to Sihon Qadesh Barnea until we passed over sovereign of Heshbon, with words of the wadi Zered was thirty-eight years, peace, saying, until all the generation of the men of 27 'Let me pass over through your land battle was consumed from the midst of on the highway. I shall go on the the camp, as 'WW had sworn to them. highway and turn neither to the right 15 \\\"And also, the hand of WW was nor to the left. against them, to destroy them from the 28 What food you sell me for silver I midst of the camp until they were shall eat, and what water you give me consumed. for silver I shall drink. Only let me pass 16 \\\"And it came to be, when all the over on foot, men of battle had finally perished from 29 as the descendants of Esaw who among the people, dwell in Se'ir and the Mo'abites who","DEBARIM 190 dwell in Ar did for me - until I pass over 5 \\\"All these cities were fenced with the Yarden to the land KW our high walls, gates and bars, besides a Elohim is giving us.' great many unwalled towns. 30 \\\"But Sihon sovereign of Heshbon 6 \\\"And we put them under the ban, as would not let us pass over, for \\\"WW we did to Sihon sovereign of Heshbon, your Elohim hardened his spirit and putting the men, the women, and the strengthened his heart, to give him into children of every city under the ban. your hand, as it is this day. 7 \\\"But all the livestock and the spoil 31 \\\"And WW said to me, 'See, I have of the cities we took as booty for begun to give Sihon and his land over ourselves. to you. Begin to possess - in order to 8 \\\"And at that time we took the land, possess his land.' from the hand of the two sovereigns of 32 \\\"And Sihon and all his people came the Amorites, that was beyond the out against us to fight at Yahats, Yarden, from the wadi Arnon to Mount 33 and ^^our Elohim gave him over Hermon - to us, so we smote him, and his sons, 9 Tsidonians call Hermon, Siryon and and all his people. the Amorites call it Senir - 34 \\\"And we took all his cities at that 10 all the cities of the plain, all Gil'ad, time, and we put the men, women, and and all Bashan, as far as Salkah and little ones of every city under the ban, Edre'i, cities of the reign of Og in we left none remaining. Bashan. . . \u2022: ... . \u2022\u00bb' \u25a0' _ 35 \\\"Only the livestock we took as 11 \\\"For only Og sovereign of Bashan plunder for ourselves, and the spoil of was left of the remnant of the the cities which we captured. Repha'ites. See, his bedstead was an 36 \\\"From Aro'er, which is on the edge iron bedstead. Is it not in Rabbah of of the wadi Arnon, and the city that is the children of Ammon? Nine ammah by the wadi, as far as GiTad, there was is its length and four ammah its width, not one city too high for us. WW our according to the ammah of a man. Elohim gave all to us. 12 \\\"And this land, which we possessed 37 \\\"Only you did not go near the land at that time, from Aro'er, which is by of the children of Ammon - anywhere the wadi Arnon, and half the along the wadi Yabboq, or to the cities mountains of Gil'ad and its cities, I of the mountains, or wherever gave to the Re'ubenites and the our Elohim had commanded us. Gadites. Q \\\"Then we turned and went up 13 \\\"And the rest of Gil'ad, and all O the way to Bashan. And Og Bashan, the reign of Og, I gave to half sovereign of Bashan came out against the tribe of Menashsheh - all the us, he and all his people, to battle at district of Argob, with all Bashan, Edre'i. called the land of the Repha'ites. 2 \\\"And said to me, 'Do not fear 14 \\\"Ya'ir son of Menashsheh had taken him, for I have given him and all his all the district of Argob, as far as the people and his land into your hand. border of the Geshurites and the And you shall do to him as you did to Ma'akathites, and called them after his Sihon sovereign of the Amorites, who own name: ha'Bashan Hawoth Ya'ir, to dwelt at Heshbon.' this day. 3 \\\"So 'XWY' our Elohim also gave into 15 \\\"And to Makir I gave Gil'ad. our hands Og sovereign of Bashan, 16 \\\"And to the Re'ubenites and the with all his people, and we smote him Gadites I gave from GiTad as far as the until he had no survivors remaining. wadi Arnon, the middle of the wadi as 4 \\\"And we captured all his cities at that the border, as far as the wadi Yabboq, time. There was not a city which we the border of the children of Ammon, did not take from them: sixty cities, all 17 and the desert plain, with the the district of Argob, the reign of Og in Yarden as the border, from Kinnereth Bashan. . as far as the Sea of the Arabah, the","191 DEUTERONOMY Salt Sea, below the slopes of Pisgah \\\"And now, O Yisra'el, listen to the on the east. r Laws and the Right-Rulings 18 \\\"And I commanded you at that time, which I am teaching you to do, so that saying, ''XW your Elohim has given you live, and shall go in and possess you this land to possess. All you sons the land which WAY Elohim of your of might, pass over armed before your fathers is giving you. brothers, the children of Yisra'el. 2 \\\"Do not add to the Word which 19 'But let your wives and your little I command you, and do not take away ones, and your livestock - I know that from it, so as to guard the Commands you have much livestock - stay in your of WAY your Elohim which I am cities which I have given you, commanding you. 20 until has given rest to your 3 \\\"Your eyes have seen what did brothers as to you, and they also at Ba'al Pe'or, for your Elohim possess the land which 'WAY your has destroyed from your midst all the Elohim is giving them beyond the men who followed Ba'al Pe'or. Yarden. Then you shall return, each 4 \\\"But you who are clinging to WAY man to his possession which I have your Elohim are alive today, every one given you.' j of you. 21 \\\"And I commanded Yahoshua at 5 \\\"See, I have taught you Laws and that time, saying, 'Your eyes have Right-Rulings, as WAY my Elohim seen all that your Elohim has commanded me, to do thus in the land done to these two sovereigns. which you go to possess. does the same to all the reigns which 6 \\\"And you shall guard and do them, you are passing over. for this is your wisdom and your 22 'Do not fear them, for your understanding before the eyes of the Elohim Himself fights for you.' peoples who hear all these Laws, and 23 \\\"And I pleaded with WAY at that they shall say, 'Only a wise and time, saying, understanding people is this great 24 'O Adonai You have begun to nation!' show Your servant Your greatness and 7 \\\"For what great nation is there which Your strong hand, for who is a mighty has Elohim so near to it, as WAY our one in the shamayim or on earth who Elohim is to us, whenever we call on does according to Your works and Him? according to Your might? 8 \\\"And what great nation is there that 25 'I pray, let me pass over and see the has such Laws and righteous Right- good land beyond the Yarden, this Rulings like all this Torah which I put good hill country, and Lebanon.' before you this day? 26 \\\"But enraged with me, for 9 \\\"Only, guard yourself, and guard your your sake, and would not listen to me, hai diligently, lest you forget the Words and WAY said to me, 'Enough of that! your eyes have seen, and lest they Speak no more to Me about this turn aside from your heart all the days matter. of your life. And you shall make them 27 'Go up to the top of Pisgah, and lift known to your children and your up your eyes westward, and north\u00ad grandchildren. ward, and southward, and eastward, 10 \\\"The day when you stood before and look with your eyes, for you do not \u2022^^VTyour Elohim in Horeb, 'WVKsaid pass over this Yarden. to me, 'Assemble the people to Me and 28 'But command Yahoshua, and I make them hear My Words, so that strengthen him and make him brave, they learn to revere Me all the days for he shall pass over before this they live on the earth and teach their people and causes them to inherit the children.' land which you see.' 11 \\\"And you came near and stood at 29 \\\"And we dwelt in the valley opposite the foot of the mountain, and the Beyth Pe'or. mountain burned with fire to the heart","DEBARIM 192 of the shamayim - darkness and cloud, make for yourselves a carved image dense cloud. in any likeness WAY your Elohim has 12 \\\"And WAY spoke to you out of the commanded you. midst of the fire. You heard a voice of 24 \\\"For WW your EJohim is a words, but saw no form, you only consuming fire, a jealous El. heard a voice. 25 \\\"When you bring forth children and 13 \\\"And He made known to you His grandchildren, and shall grow old in Covenant which He commanded you the land, and shall do corruptly and to do, the Ten Words, and He wrote make a carved image in any likeness, them on two tablets of stone. and shall do what is evil in the eyes of 14 \\\"And WAY commanded me at that \u2022^W^your Elohim to provoke Him, time to teach you Laws and Right- 26 \\\"I shall call the shamayim and earth Rulings, for you to do them in the land to witness against you on that day, that which you pass over to possess. you soon completely perish from the 15 \\\"Therefore, diligently guard land which you pass over the Yarden yourselves, for you saw no form when to possess - you do not prolong WAY spoke to you at Horeb out of the your days in it but are completely midst of the fire, destroyed. 16 lest you should do corruptly and 27 \\\"And WAY shall scatter you among shall make for yourselves a carved the peoples, and you shall be left few image in the form of any figure - the in number among the gentiles where likeness of male or female, WAY drives you. 17 the likeness of any beast that is on 28 \\\"And there you shall serve mighty the earth or the likeness of any winged ones, the work of men's hands, wood bird that flies in the shamayim, and stone, which neither see nor hear 18 the likeness of any creature that nor eat nor smell. creeps on the ground or the likeness of 29 \\\"But from there you shall seek W^Y any fish that is in the water under the your Elohim, and shall find, when you earth; search for Him with all your heart and 19 and lest you lift up your eyes to the with all your being. shamayim, and shall see the sun, and 30 \\\"In your distress, when all these the moon, and the stars - all the host words shall come upon you in the of the shamayim - and you be drawn latter days, then you shall return to away into bowing down to them and WYY your Elohim and shall obey His serving them, which WYY your Elohim voice. has allotted to all the peoples under all 31 \\\"For WYY your Elohim is a the shamayim. compassionate El, He does not 20 \\\"But WAY has taken you and forsake you, nor destroy you, nor brought you out of the iron furnace, out forget the Covenant of your fathers of Mitsrayim, to be His people, an which He swore to them. inheritance, as it is today. 32 \\\"For ask now of the days that are 21 \\\"And WAY was enraged with me past, which were before you, since the because of your words, and swore that day that Elohim created man on the I would not pass over the Yarden, and earth, and ask from one end of the that I would not enter the good land shamayim to the other end of the which WAY your Elohim is giving you shamayim, whether there has been a as an inheritance. Word as great as this, or has been 22 \\\"For I am to die in this land, I am not heard like it. passing over the Yarden, but you are 33 \\\"Has a people heard the voice of passing over, and shall possess that Elohim speaking out of the midst of the good land. fire, as you have heard, and live? 23 \\\"Guard yourselves, lest you forget 34 \\\"Or has Elohim tried to go and take the Covenant of WAY your Elohim for Himself a nation from the midst of a which He made with you, and shall nation by trials, and by signs, and by","193 DEUTERONOMY wonders, and by battle, and by a 46 beyond the Yarden, in the valley strong hand and an outstretched arm, opposite Beyth Pe'or, in the land of and by great fearsome deeds, Sihon sovereign of the Amorites, who according to all that your Elohim dwelt at Heshbon, whom Mosheh and did for you in Mitsrayim before your the children of Yisra'el had smitten eyes? after they came out of Mitsrayim. 35 \\\"You have been shown it, to know 47 And they took possession of his that WW Himself is Elohim; there is land and the land of Og sovereign no one beside Him. of Bashan, two sovereigns of the 36 \\\"From the shamayim He let you Amorites, who were beyond the hear His voice, to instruct you, and on Yarden, toward the rising of the sun, earth He showed you His great fire, 48 from Aro'er, which is on the bank of and you heard His words out of the the wadi Arnon, even to Mount Siyon, midst of the fire. which is Hermon, 37 \\\"And because He loved your 49 and all the desert plain beyond the fathers, therefore He chose their seed Yarden as far as the Sea of the after them, and brought you out of Arabah, below the slopes of Pisgah. Mitsrayim with His Presence, with His And Mosheh called all Yisra'el, great power, O and said to them, < \\\"Hear, O 38 to drive out from before you nations Yisra'el, the Laws and Right-Rulings greater and stronger than you, to bring which I speak in your hearing today. you in, to give you their land as an And you shall learn them, and guard to inheritance, as it is today. do them. 39 \\\"And you shall know today, and shall 2 our Elohim made a Covenant recall to your heart that WW Himself with us in Horeb. is Elohim in the shamayim above and 3 \\\"'XW did not make this Covenant on the earth beneath; there is none with our fathers, but with us, those who else. are here today, all of us who are alive. 40 \\\"And you shall guard His Laws and 4 \\\"WW spoke with you face to face on His Commands which I command you the mountain from the midst of the fire. today, so that it is well with you and 5 \\\"I stood between WW and you at with your children after you, and so that time, to declare to you the Word of that you prolong your days on the land WW - for you were afraid because of which WW your Elohim is giving you the fire, and you did not go up the for all time.\\\" mountain - saying: 41 Then Mosheh separated three cities 6 'I am 3^4''your Elohim who brought beyond the Yarden, toward the rising you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of of the sun, the house of bondage. 42 for him who killed someone to flee 7 'You have no other mighty ones there, he who kills his neighbour against My face. unintentionally, without having hated 8 'You do not make for yourself a him in time past, and might flee to one carved image, any likeness of which is of these cities and live: in the shamayim above, or which is in 43 Betser in the wilderness in the level the earth beneath, or which is in the land for the Re'ubenites, and Ramoth waters under the earth, in GiTad for the Gadites, and Golan in 9 you do not bow down to them Bashan for the Menashshites. nor serve them. For I, VT your 44 And this is the Torah which Mosheh Elohim, am a jealous El, visiting the put before the children of Yisra'el. wickedness of the fathers upon the 45 These are the Witnesses, and the children to the third and fourth Laws, and the Right-Rulings which generations of those who hate Me, Mosheh spoke to the children of 10 but showing kindness to thousands, Yisra'el after they came out of to those who love Me and guard My Mitsrayim, Commands.","DEBARIM 194 11 'You do not bring the Name of your elders, 24 and said, 'See, W our Elohim your Elohim to naught, for does has shown us His esteem and His greatness, and we have heard His not leave him unpunished who brings voice from the midst of the fire. Today we have seen that Elohim speaks with His Name to naught. man - and he lives! 25 'And now why should we die? For 12 'Guard the Shabbath day, to qadosh this great fire is consuming us. If we hear the voice of 'XVW our Elohim any it, as 'XVW your Elohim commanded more, then we shall die. ; 26 'For who is there of all flesh who has you. heard the voice of the living Elohim speaking from the midst of the fire, as 13 'Six days you labour, and shall do all your work, u but the seventh day is a Shabbath of your Elohim. You do not do any work - you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle, nor we have, and lived? your stranger who is within your gates, 27 'You go near and hear all that WW so that your male servant and your our Elohim says, and speak to us all female servant rest as you do. that '2VW our Elohim says to you, and 15 'And you shall remember that you we shall hear and do it.' were a slave in the land of Mitsrayim, 28 \\\"And heard the voice of your and that WW your Elohim brought words when you spoke to me, and you out from there by a strong hand WW said to me, 'I have heard the and by an outstretched arm. Therefore voice of the words of this people which your Elohim commanded you to they have spoken to you. They have perform the Shabbath day. done well in all that they have spoken. 16 'Respect your father and your 29 'Oh, that they had such a heart in mother, as WW your Elohim has them, to revere Me and to guard all My commanded you, so that your days are Commands always, so that it might be prolonged, and so that it is well with well with them and with their children you on the land which your forever! Elohim is giving you. ~ 30 'Go, say to them, \\\"Return to your 17 'You do not murder. tents.\\\" . 18 'You do not commit adultery. 31 'But you, stand here by Me, and let Me speak to you all the Commands, 19'You do not steal. and the Laws, and the Right-Rulings which you are to teach them. And they 20 'You do not bear false witness against your neighbour. 21 'You do not covet your neighbour's shall do them in the land which I am giving them to possess.' wife, nor do you desire your 32 \\\"And you shall guard to do as neighbour's house, his field, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, your Elohim has commanded you - do his ox, nor his donkey, or whatever not turn aside, to the right or to the left. 33 \\\"Walk in all the Way which belongs to your neighbour.' 22 \\\"These Words spoke to all your Elohim has commanded you, so that you live and it be well with you. your assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and And you shall prolong your days in the of the dense cloud, with a loud voice, land which you possess. ^2 \\\"And this is the Command, and He added no more. And He wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave w the Laws and Right-Rulings which -WW your Elohim has them to me.. ,v 23 \\\"And it came to be, when you heard commanded, to teach you to do in the land which you are passing over to the voice from the midst of the possess, darkness, while ' the mountain was burning with fire, that you came near to 2 so that you revere your me, all the heads of your tribes and Elohim, to guard all His Laws and His"]
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