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Home Explore HalleluYAH Scriptures - The Tanak

HalleluYAH Scriptures - The Tanak

Published by Jason Boss, 2022-10-15 19:18:33

Description: Bereshith (Genesis)
Shemoth (Exodus)
Wayyiqra (Leviticus)
Bemidbar (Numbers)
Debarim (Deuteronomy)


Read the Text Version

["195 DEUTERONOMY Commands which I command you, you you tried Him in Massah. and your son and your grandson, all 17 \\\"Diligently guard the Commands the days of your life, and that your of your Elohim, and His days be prolonged. Witnesses, and His Laws which He 3 \\\"And you shall hear, O Yisra'el, and has commanded you. shall guard to do, that it might be well 18 \\\"And you shall do what is right and with you, and that you increase greatly good in the eyes of WW, that it might as Elohim of your fathers has be well with you, and you shall go in spoken to you, a land flowing with milk and possess the good land of which and honey. WW swore to your fathers, 4 \\\"Hear, O Yisra'el: 'XW our Elohim, 19 to drive out all your enemies from \u25a0^WTisone! , before you, as ^^<Thas spoken. 5 \\\"And you shall love your 20 \\\"When your son asks you in time to Elohim with all your heart, and with all come, saying, What is the meaning of your being, and with all your might. the Witnesses, and the Laws, and the 6 \\\"And these Words which I am Right-Rulings which WW our Elohim commanding you today shall be in has commanded you?' your heart, .; . 21 then you shall say to your son, 'We 7 and you shall impress them upon were slaves of Pharaoh in Mitsrayim, your children, and shall speak of them and ^XY brought us out of Mitsrayim when you sit in your house, and when with a strong hand, you walk by the way, and when you lie 22 and 'XVW sent signs and wonders, down, and when you rise up, great and grievous, upon Mitsrayim, 8 and shall bind them as a sign on your upon Pharaoh, and upon all his hand, and they shall be as frontlets household, before our eyes. between your eyes. . 23 'And He brought us out from there, 9 \\\"And you shall write them on the to bring us in, to give us the land of doorposts of your house and on your which He swore to our fathers. gates. \u2022 \u2022 \u2022\u2022. .\u2022 24 'And commanded us to do 10 \\\"And it shall be, when your all these Laws, to revere our Elohim brings you into the land of Elohim, for our good always, to keep which He swore to your< fathers, to us alive, as it is today. Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to Ya'aqob, 25 'And it is righteousness for us when to give you great and good cities which we guard to do all this Command you did not build, before our Elohim, as He has 11 and houses filled with all kinds of commanded us.' goods, which you did not fill, and wells \\\"V \\\"When ^XY your Elohim brings dug which you did not dig, vineyards f you into the land which you go and olive trees which you did not plant, to possess, He shall also clear away and you shall eat and be satisfied - many nations before you: the Hittites 12 be on guard, lest you forget and the Girgashites and the Amorites who brought you out of the land of and the Kena'anites and the Perizzites Mitsrayim, from the house of bondage. and the Hiwwites and the Yebusites, 13 \\\"Revere your Elohim and seven nations greater and mightier serve Him, and swear by His Name. than you. 14 \\\"Do not go after other mighty ones, 2 \\\"And when \u2018X^'X'V your Elohim gives the mighty ones of the peoples who them over to you, you shall smite are all around you, them and put them under the ban, 15 for \u2018A*tA<Kyour Elohim is a jealous El completely. Make no covenant with in your midst, lest the displeasure of them, and show them no favour. your Elohim burn against you, 3 \\\"And do not intermarry with them - then He shall destroy you from the you do not give your daughter to his face of the earth. , son, and you do not take his daughter 16 \\\"Do not try WW your Elohim as for your son,","DEBARIM 196 4 for he turns your sons away from 14 \\\"Baruk are you above all peoples - following Me, to serve other mighty there is not going to be a barren man ones. Then the displeasure of or a barren woman among you or shall burn against you and promptly among your livestock. destroy you. 15 \\\"And shall turn away from you 5 \\\"But this is what you do to them: all sickness and put on you none of the Break down their altars, and destroy evil diseases of Mitsrayim which you their pillars, and cut down their have known, but He shall put them on Asherim, and burn their carved images all those who hate you. with fire. ' .. 16 \\\"And you shall consume all the 6 \\\"For you are a qodesh people to peoples whom your Elohim is 3W your Elohim. W your Elohim delivering over to you - your eye shall has chosen you to be a people for not pardon them. And do not serve Himself, a treasured possession above their mighty ones, for that is a snare to all the peoples on the face of the earth. you. 7 did not place His love on you 17 \\\"When you say in your heart, 'These nor choose you because you were nations are greater than I, I am unable more numerous than any other people, to drive them out,' for you were the least of all peoples, 18 do not be afraid of them. Remember 8 but because of loving you, and well what W* your Elohim did to because of Him guarding the oath Pharaoh and to all Mitsrayim, which He swore to your fathers, 19 the great trials which your eyes saw, has brought you out with a strong and the signs and the wonders, the hand, and redeemed you from the strong hand and the outstretched arm, house of bondage, from the hand of by which your Elohim brought Pharaoh sovereign of Mitsrayim. you out. <Y\\\\'XY your Elohim does so to 9 \\\"And you shall know that your all the peoples of whose presence you Elohim, He is Elohim, the trustworthy are afraid. El guarding Covenant and kindness for 20 \\\"And your Elohim also sends a thousand generations with those the hornet among them until those who who love Him, and those who guard are left, who hide themselves from His Commands, you, are destroyed. 10 but repaying those who hate Him to 21 \\\"Do not be afraid of them, for their face, to destroy them. He does your Elohim, the great and awesome not delay with him who hates Him, He El, is in your midst. repays him to his face. \u2022 22 \\\"And 'WftY your Elohim shall drive 11 \\\"And you shall guard the Command, out those nations before you, little by and the Laws, and the Right-Rulings little. You are not allowed to destroy which I command you today, to do them at once, lest the beasts of the them. field become too numerous for you. 12 \\\"And it shall be, because you hear 23 \\\"But WW your Elohim shall deliver these Right-Rulings, and shall guard them over to you and destroy them and do them, that your Elohim with a great destruction until they are shall guard with you the Covenant and consumed. the kindness which He swore to your 24 \\\"And He shall give their sovereigns fathers, < into your hand, and you shall destroy 13 and shall love you and barak you their name from under the shamayim. and increase you, and shall barak the No one is going to be able to stand fruit of your womb and the fruit of your against you until you have destroyed land, your grain and your new wine them. and your oil, the increase of your cattle 25 \\\"The carved images of their mighty and the offspring of your flock, in the ones you are to burn with fire. Do not land of which He swore to your fathers covet the silver or gold that is on them, to give you. nor take it for yourselves, lest you be","197 DEUTERONOMY snared by it, for it is an abomination to in them, ^^your Elohim. 13 and your herds and your flocks 26 \\\"And do not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be accursed increase, and your silver and your gold like it. Utterly loathe it and utterly hate are increased, and all that you have is increased, it, for it is accursed. 14 that your heart then becomes lifted O \\\"Guard to do every Command O which I command you today, that up, and you forget your Elohim who brought you out of the land of you might live, and shall increase, and Mitsrayim, from the house of bondage, go in, and shall possess the land of 15 who led you through that great and which swore to your fathers. awesome wilderness - fiery serpents 2 \\\"A, nd you shall remember that WW and scorpions and thirst - where there your Elohim led you all the way these was no water, who brought water for forty years in the wilderness, to you out of the flinty rock, humble you, prove you, to know what is in your heart, whether you guard His 16 who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not Commands or not. know, in order to humble you and to try 3 \\\"And He humbled you, and let you suffer hunger, and fed you with manna you, to do you good in the end, which you did not know nor did your 17 you then shall say in your heart, 'My power and the strength of my hand fathers know, to make you know that have made for me this wealth!' man does not live by bread alone, but by all that comes from the mouth of 18 \\\"But you shall remember ^tA-Fyour w. Elohim, for it is He who gives you 4\\\"Your garments did not wear out on power to get wealth, in order to you, nor did your foot swell these forty establish His Covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is today. years. 19 \\\"And it shall be, if you by any means 5 \\\"Thus you shall know in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so forget your Elohim, and follow ^^your Elohim disciplines you, other mighty ones, and serve them and bow yourself to them, I have 6 therefore you shall guard the warned you this day that you shall Commands of your Elohim, to certainly perish. walk in His Ways and to revere Him. 20 \\\"Like the nations which is 7 \\\"For 'X&W your Elohim is bringing destroying before you, so you are to you into a good land, a land of streams perish, because you did not obey the of water, of fountains and springs, that voice of ^Pt^your Elohim. flow out of valleys and hills, Q \\\"Hear, O Yisra'el: You are passing 8 a land of wheat and barley, of vines -z over the Yarden today, to go in and fig trees and pomegranates, a to dispossess nations greater and land of olive oil and honey, stronger than yourself, cities great and 9 a land in which you eat bread without walled up to the shamayim, scarcity, in which you do not lack at all, 2 a people great and tall, the a land whose stones are iron and out descendants of the Anaqim, whom you of whose hills you dig copper. know, and of whom you heard it said, 10 \\\"And you shall eat and be satisfied, Who stands before the descendants of and shall barak your Elohim for Anaq?' the good land which He has given you. 3 \\\"And you shall know today that 11 \\\"Be on guard, lest you forget 'XW your Elohim is He who is passing over your Elohim by not guarding His before you as a consuming fire - He Commands, and His Right-Rulings, destroys them and subdues them and His Laws which I command you before you. So you shall dispossess today, them and destroy them quickly, as 12 lest you eat and shall be satisfied, has said to you. and build lovely houses and shall dwell 4 \\\"Do not think in your heart, after","DEBARIM 198 ^t^your Elohim has driven them out image.' before you, saying, 'Because of my righteousness WW has brought me in 13 \\\"And WW spoke to me, saying, 'I have seen this people, and look, they to possess this land.' But it is because are a stiff-necked people. of the wickedness of these nations that 14 'Leave Me alone, so that I destroy is driving them out from before them and blot out their name from you. \u2022 r -\u25a0 . under the shamayim, and make of you 5 \\\"It is not because of your a nation stronger and greater than righteousness or the uprightness of they.' your heart that you go in to possess 15 \\\"So I turned and came down from their land, but because of the the mountain, and the mountain wickedness of these nations that 'WW burned with fire. And the two tablets of your Elohim drives them out from the Covenant were in my two hands. before you, in order to establish the 16 \\\"And I looked and saw that you had word which swore to your sinned against your Elohim, and fathers, to Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to had made for yourselves a moulded Ya'aqob. calf! You had quickly turned aside from 6 \\\"And you shall know that the Way which 'WW had commanded your Elohim is not giving you this you. good land to possess because of your 17 \\\"And I took the two tablets and righteousness, for you are a stiff\u00ad threw them out of my two hands and necked people. \u2019 ' \u25a0 broke them before your eyes, 7 \\\"Remember, do not forget how you 18 \\\"and I fell down before as at provoked to wrath ^^<Tyour Elohim in the first, forty days and forty nights. I the wilderness. From the day that you did not eat bread and I did not drink came out of the land of Mitsrayim until water, because of all your sins which you came to this place, you have been you committed in doing evil in the eyes rebellious against ofto provoke Him. 8 \\\"Even in Horeb you made 19 \\\"For I was afraid of the displeasure wroth, so that was enraged with and rage with which \u201cWW was wroth you, to destroy you. \u2022 with you, to destroy you. But WW 9 \\\"When I went up into the mountain to listened to me that time once more. receive the tablets of stone, the tablets 20 \\\"And was very enraged with of the Covenant which made Aharon, to destroy him, so I prayed for with you, then I stayed on the Aharon at that time also. mountain forty days and forty nights. I 21 \\\"And I took your sin, the calf which did not eat bread nor did I drink water. you had made; and burned it with fire 10 \\\"Then gave me the two and crushed it and ground it very tablets of stone written with the finger small, until it was as fine as dust. And I of Elohim, and on them were all the threw its dust into the stream that Words which had spoken to you came down from the mountain. on the mountain from the midst of the 22 \\\"And at Tab'erah and at Massah fire in the day of the assembly. and at Qibroth ha'Tta'awah you made 11 \\\"And it came to be, at the end of wroth. forty days and forty nights, that 23 \\\"And when sent you from gave me the two tablets of stone, the Qadesh Barnea, saying, 'Go up and tablets of the Covenant. ' \u2022 possess the land which I have given 12 \\\"Then said to me, 'Arise, go you,' then you rebelled against the down quickly from here, for your word of your Elohim, and you people whom you brought out of neither trusted Him nor listened to His Mitsrayim have acted corruptly. They voice. have \u25a0 quickly turned aside from the 24 \\\"You have been rebellious against Way which I commanded them, they from the day that I knew you. have made themselves a moulded 25 \\\"So I fell down before WW the forty","199 DEUTERONOMY days and forty nights, for I fell down Yotbathah, a land of rivers of water. because had said He would 8 At that time 'XVW separated the tribe destroy you. of Lewi to bear the ark of the Covenant 26 \\\"And I prayed to W, and said, of to stand before to \u2019O Adonai W, do not destroy Your serve Him, and to barak in His Name, people and Your inheritance whom You to this day. - have redeemed in Your greatness, 9 Therefore Lewi has no portion nor whom You have brought out of inheritance with his brothers. is Mitsrayim with a strong hand. his inheritance, as your Elohim 27 \u2019Remember Your servants, promised him. Abraham, Yitshaq, and Ya\u2019aqob. Do 10 \\\"And I stayed in the mountain for not look on the stubbornness of this forty days and forty nights. And W people, or on their wickedness or on heard me at that time also, and 'W&Y their sin,\u2019. chose not to destroy you. 28 lest the land from which You brought 11 \\\"And 'XVW said to me, \u2019Arise, go us should say, \\\"Because was not before the people, to depart, and let able to bring them to the land which them go in and possess the land which He promised them, and because He I swore to their fathers to give them.\u2019 hated them, He has brought them out 12 \\\"And now, Yisra\u2019el, what is 'XW'Y to kill them in the wilderness.\\\" your Elohim asking of you, but to 29 \u2019And they are Your people and Your revere 3*fa<Kyour Elohim, to walk in all inheritance, whom You brought out His Ways and to love Him, and to by Your great power and by Your serve your Elohim with all your outstretched arm.\u2019 heart and with all your being, *1 O \\\"At\u2019 ^at t'me sa\u2018d to me\u2019 13 to guard the Commands of I kJ \u2019Hew for yourself two tablets and His Laws which I command you of stone like the first, and come up to today for your good? Me on the mountain. And you shall 14 \\\"See, the shamayim and the make yourself an ark of wood, shamayim of shamayim belong to 2 then I write on the tablets the Words 'XWY your Elohim, also the earth with that were on the first tablets, which you all that is in it. broke. And you shall put them in the 15 delighted only in your fathers, ark.\u2019 .. . ' \u2022\u2022 . to love them. And He chose their seed 3 \\\"So I made an ark of acacia wood, after them, you above all peoples, as it hewed two tablets of stone like the is today. \u25a0 >. first, and went up the mountain, with 16 \\\"And you shall circumcise the the two tablets in my hand. foreskin of your heart, and harden your 4 \\\"And He wrote on the tablets neck no more. according to the first writing, the Ten 17 \\\"For your Elohim is Elohim of Words, which had spoken to you mighty ones and Adon of masters, the in the mountain from the midst of the great El, mighty and awesome, who fire in the day of the assembly. Then shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. gave them to me, 18 \\\"He executes right-ruling for the 5 and I turned and came down from the fatherless and the widow, and loves mountain, and put the tablets in the ark the stranger, giving him food and a which I had made. And they are there, garment. as commanded me.\\\" 19 \\\"And you shall love the stranger, for 6 Now the children of Yisra\u2019el departed you were strangers in the land of from the wells of Beney Ya\u2019aqan to Mitsrayim. Moserah. Aharon died there, and he 20 \\\"Revere your Elohim. Serve was buried there. And El\u2019azar his son Him, and cling to Him, and swear by became kohen in his place. His Name. 7 From; there they* departed to 21 \\\"He is your praise, and He is your Gudgodah, and from Gudgodah to Elohim, who has done for you these","DEBARIM 200 great and awesome deeds which your garden, eyes have seen. 11 but the land which you are passing 22 \\\"Your fathers went down to over to possess is a land of hills and Mitsrayim with seventy beings, and valleys, which drinks water from the now your Elohim has made you rain of the shamayim, as numerous as the stars of the 12 a land which your Elohim shamayim. looks after. The eyes of your *4 *4 \\\"And you shall love 'WW your Elohim are always on it, from the I I Elohim and guard His Charge: beginning of the year to the latter end even His Laws, and His Right-Rulings, of the year. and His Commands, always. 13 'And it shall be that if you diligently 2 \\\"And you shall know today - for it is obey My Commands which I command not your children who have not known you today, to love WW your Elohim and who have not seen the discipline and to serve Him with all your heart of your Elohim, His greatness. and with all your being, His strong hand and His outstretched 14 then I shall give you the rain for your arm, land in its season, the early rain and 3 and His signs, and His works which the latter rain, and you shall gather in He had done in the midst of Mitsrayim, your grain, and your new wine, and to Pharaoh sovereign of Mitsrayim, your oil. and to all his land; 15 'And I shall give grass in your fields 4 and that which He had done to the for your livestock, and you shall eat army of Mitsrayim, to their horses and and be satisfied. their chariots, when He made the 16 'Guard yourselves, lest your heart waters of the Sea of Reeds overflow be deceived, and you turn aside and them as they pursued you, and how serve other mighty ones and bow A^^has destroyed them to this day; down to them. 5 and what He had done for you in the 17 'Then the displeasure of shall wilderness till you came to this place; burn against you, and He shall shut up 6 and what He had done to Dathan and the shamayim, and there be no rain, Abiram the sons of Eliyab, son of and the land not give its increase. And Re'uben, when the earth opened its you shall perish quickly from the good mouth and swallowed them up, and land which 3^3^ is giving you. their households, and their tents, and 18 'And you shall lay up these Words of all the living creatures that were in Mine in your heart and in your being, their possession, in the midst of all and shall bind them as a sign on your Yisra\u2019el. hand, and they shall be as frontlets 7 \\\"For yours are the eyes that saw all between your eyes. the great work of which He did. 19 'And you shall teach them to your 8 \\\"And you shall guard every children, speaking of them when you Command which I command you sit in your house, and when you walk today, so that you are strong, and shall by the way, and when you lie down, go in, and shall possess the land and when you rise up, \u25a0 .. v\/hich you are passing over to 20 and shall write them on the possess, doorposts of your house and on your 9 and to prolong your days in the land gates, which swore to give your fathers, 21 so that your days and the days of to them and their descendants, a land your children are increased on the land flowing with milk and honey. of which swore to your fathers 10 \\\"For the land which you are going in to give them, as the days of the to possess is not like the land of shamayim on the earth. Mitsrayim from which you have come, 22 'For if you diligently guard all these where you sowed your seed and Commands which I command you, to watered it by foot, as a vegetable do it, to love KW your Elohim, to","201 DEUTERONOMY walk in all His Ways, and to cling to ones, on the high mountains and on Him. the hills and under every green tree. 23 then WAY shall drive out all these 3 \\\"And you shall break down their nations before you, and you shall altars, and destroy their pillars, and dispossess greater and stronger burn their Asherim with fire. And you nations than you. shall cut down the carved images of 24 'Every place on which the sole of their mighty ones and shall destroy your foot treads is yours: from the their name out of that place. wilderness, and Lebanon, from the 4 \\\"Do not do so to iVWzyour Elohim, river, the River Perath, even to the 5 but seek the place which your Western Sea is your border. Elohim chooses, out of all your tribes, 25 'No man shall stand against you. to put His Name there, for His Dwelling your Elohim shall put the dread Place, and there you shall enter. of you and the fear of you upon all the 6 \\\"And there you shall take your burnt land where you tread, as He has offerings, and your offerings, and your spoken to you. tithes, and the contributions of your 26 'See, I am putting before you today hand, and your vowed offerings, and a berakah and a curse: your voluntary offerings, and the 27 the berakah, when you obey the firstlings of your herd and of your flock. Commands of WAY your Elohim 7 \\\"And there you shall eat before 'XYYY which I command you today; your Elohim, and shall rejoice in all 25 and the curse, if you do not obey the that you put your hand to, you and Commands of WAY your Elohim, but your households, in which 'WAY your turn aside from the Way which I Elohim has barak you. command you today, to go after other 8 \\\"Do not do all that we do here today - mighty ones which you have not each one whatever is right in his own known. eyes. 29 'And it shall be, when A*\\\\AY your 9 \\\"Because you have not yet entered Elohim has brought you into the land the rest and the inheritance which which you go to possess, that you ^Wyour Elohim is giving you. \u25a0 shall put the berakah on Mount 10 \\\"But you shall pass over the Yarden, Gerizim and the curse on Mount EybaL and shall dwell in the land which WAY 30 'Are they not beyond the Yarden, your Elohim is giving you to inherit, following the way of the sun westward, and He shall give you rest from all your in the land of the Kena'anites who enemies round about, and you shall dwell in the desert plain opposite dwell in safety. Gilgal, beside the terebinth trees of 11 \\\"And it shall be, that unto the Moreh? place which WAY your Elohim 31 'For you are passing over the chooses to make His Name dwell Yarden to go in to possess the land there, there you are to bring all that which WAY your Elohim is giving you, I command you: your burnt offerings, and you shall possess it and dwell in it, and your offerings, and your tithes, and 32 and shall guard to do all the Laws the contributions of your hand, and all and Right-Rulings which I am putting your choice offerings which you vow to w. before you today.' 4 O \\\"These are the Laws and 12 \\\"And you shall rejoice before WAY I Right-Rulings which you your Elohim, you and your sons guard to do in the land which and your daughters, and your male Elohim of your fathers is giving you to servants and your female servants, possess, all the days that you live on and the Lewite who is within your the land. gates, since he has no portion nor 2 \\\"Completely destroy all the places inheritance with you. where the nations which you are 13 \\\"Guard yourself that you do not offer dispossessing served their mighty your burnt offerings in every place that","DEBARIM 202 you see. earth like water. 14 except in the place which WiY 25 \\\"Do not eat it, that it might be well chooses, in one of your tnbes, there with you and your children after you, you are to offer your burnt offerings, when you do what is right in the eyes and there you are to do all that I of command you. 26 \\\"Only, the qodesh gifts which you 15 \\\"Only, whatever your being desires have, and your vowed offerings, you you shall slaughter and eat. according are to take up and go to the place to the berakah of 'XxW your Elohim which \\\"AWr chooses. which He has given you, within all your 27 \\\"And you shall make your burnt gates. The unclean and the clean do offerings, the meat and the blood, on eat of it. of the gazelle and the deer the altar of 'TWV'your Elohim. And the alike. blood of your offerings is poured out on 16 \\\"Only, the blood you do not eat, pour the altar of \u2018A^iF'your Elohim, and you it on the earth like water. eat the meat. 17 \\\"You are not allowed to eat within 28 \\\"Guard, and obey all these Words your gates the tithe of your grain, or of which I command you, that it might be your new wine, or of your oil. or of the well with you and your children after firstlings of your herd or your flock, or you forever, when you do what is good of any of your offerings which you vow, and right in the eyes of your or of your voluntary offerings, or of the Elohim. contribution of your hand. 29 \\\"When your Elohim cuts off is \\\"But eat them before your from before you the nations which you Elohim, in the place which \u2018XXW your go to dispossess, and you dispossess Elohim chooses, you and your son and them and dwell in their land, your daughter, and your male servant 30 guard yourself that you are not and your female servant, and the ensnared to follow them, after they are Lewite who is within your gates. And destroyed from before you, and that you shall rejoice before your you do not inquire about their mighty Elohim in all that you put your hands ones, saying, 'How did these nations to. serve their mighty ones? And let me do 19 \\\"Guard yourself that you do not so too.' forsake the Lewite as long as you live 31 \\\"Do not do so to ^^your Elohim, in your land. for every abomination which 20 \\\"When your Elohim enlarges hates they have done to their mighty your border as He has promised you, ones, for they even burn their sons and you say, 'Let me eat meat,' and daughters in the fire to their because you long to eat meat, you eat mighty ones. as much meat as your being desires. 32 \\\"All the Words I am commanding 21 \\\"When the place where your you, guard to do it - do not add to it nor Elohim chooses to put His Name is too take away from it. \u25a0- far from you, then you shall slaughter A Q 'When there arises among from your herd and from your flock I O you a nabi or a dreamer of which has given you, as I have dreams, and he shall give you a sign commanded you, and you shall eat or a wonder, within your gates as much as your 2 and the sign or the wonder shall being desires. come true, of which he has spoken to 22 \\\"Only, as the gazelle and the deer you, saying, 'Let us go after other are eaten, so you are to eat of it The mighty ones - which you have not unclean and the clean alike eat of it. known - and serve them,' 23 \\\"Only, be firm not to eat the blood, 3 do not listen to the words of that nabi for the blood is the life, do not eat the or that dreamer of dreams, for MW life with the meat. your Elohim is trying you to know 24 \\\"Do not eat it, you pour it on the whether you love your Elohim","203 DEUTERONOMY with all your heart and with all your is true and established that this being. abomination was done in your midst, 4 \\\"Walk after W' your Elohim and 15 you shall certainly smite the revere Him, and guard His Commands inhabitants of that city with the edge of and obey His voice, and serve Him the sword, putting it under the ban, and cling to Him. and all that is in it and its livestock, 5 \\\"And that nabi or that dreamer of with the edge of the sword. dreams is put to death, because he 16 \\\"And gather all its plunder into the has spoken apostasy against -XW middle of the street, and completely your Elohim - who brought you out of burn with fire the city and all its the land of Mitsrayim and redeemed plunder, before iWVTyour Elohim. And you from the house of bondage - to it shall be a heap forever, never to be make you stray from the Way in which built again. your Elohim commanded you to 17 \\\"And none of that which is put under walk. Thus you shall purge the evil the ban is to cling to your hand, so that from your midst. turns from the fierceness of His 6 \\\"When your brother, the son of your displeasure and shall show you mother, or your son or your daughter, compassion, love you and increase or the wife of your bosom, or your you. as He swore to your fathers, friend who is as your own being, is when you obey the voice of entices you secretly, saying, 'Let us go your Elohim, to guard all His and serve other mighty ones'- which Commands which I command you you have not known, neither you nor today, to do what is right in the eyes of your fathers, 'WA'V'your Elohim. 7 of the mighty ones of the people d A \\\"You are the children of -X^XY which are ail around you, near to you I your Elohim. Do not cut or far eft from you, from one end of the yourselves nor shave the front of your earth to the ether end of the earth - head for the dead, 8 do not agree with him or listen to him, 2 for you are a qodesh people to nor shall your eye pardon him, nor your Elohim, and -X*W has chosen spare him or conceal him, you to be a people for Himself, a 9 but you shall certainly kill him. Your treasured possession above all the - hand is first against him to put him to peoples who are on the face of the death, and afterward the hand of all earth. \u2022\u25a0 the people, 3 \\\"Do not eat whatever is abominable. 10 and you shall stone him with stones 4 \\\"These are the living creatures which until he dies, because he sought to you do eat: ox, sheep, and goat, entice you away from 'X^XY your 5 deer, and gazelle, and roebuck, and Elohim, who brought you out of the wild goat, and mountain goat, and land of Mitsrayim, from the house of antelope, and mountain sheep. bondage. 6 \\\"And every beast that has a split hoof 11 \\\"And let all Yisra\u2019el hear and revere, divided in two, chewing the cud, and not again do any such evil matter among the beasts, you do eat. as this in your midst. 7 \\\"But of those chewing the cud or 12 \\\"When you hear someone in one of those having a split hoof completely your cities, which 'X^X'Y' your Elohim divided, you do not eat, such as these: gives you to dwell in, saying, the camel, and the hare, and the 13 'Some men, sons of Beliya\u2019al, have rabbit, for they chew the cud but do not gone out of your midst and led the have a split hoof, they are unclean for inhabitants of their city astray, saying, you. \\\"Let us go and serve other mighty 8 \\\"And the pig is unclean for you, ones\\\"' - which you have not known - because it has a split hoof, but does 14 then you shall inquire, search out, not chew the cud. You do not eat their and ask diligently. And see if the matter flesh or touch their dead carcasses.","DEBARIM :204 9 \\\"These you do eat of all that are in whatever your being desires. And you the waters: all that have fins and shall eat there before your scales you do eat. Elohim, and you shall rejoice, you and 10 \\\"And whatever does not have fins your household. and scales you do not eat, it is unclean 27 \\\"And do not forsake the Lewite who for you. is within your gates, for he has no part 11 \\\"Any clean bird you do eat, nor inheritance with you. 12 but these you do not eat: the eagle, 28 \\\"At the end of every third year you and the vulture, and the black vulture, bring out all the tithe of your increase 13 and the red kite, and the falcon, and of that year and store it up within your the buzzard after their kinds, gates. i-i and every' raven after its kind, 29 \\\"And the Lewite, because he has no is and the ostrich, and the nighthawk, portion nor inheritance with you, and and the seagull, and the hawk after the sojourner and the fatherless and their kinds, the widow who are within your gates, 16 the little owl, and the great owl, and shall come and eat and be satisfied, so the white owl, that ^^your Elohim barak you in all 17 and the pelican, and the carrion the work of your hand which you do. vulture, and the fisher owl, d \\\"At the end of every seven 18 and the stork, and the heron after its I vJ years you make a release of kind, and the hoopoe and the bat. debts. is \\\"And every creeping creature that 2 \\\"And this is the word of the release: flies is unclean for you, they are not Every creditor is to release what he eaten. has loaned to his neighbour, he does 20 \\\"Any clean bird you do eat. not require it of his neighbour or his 21 \\\"Do not eat whatever dies of itself. brother, because it is called the Give it to the stranger who is within release of 'XVW. your gates, to eat it, or sell it to a 3 \\\"Of a foreigner you could require it, foreigner. For you are a qodesh people but your hand is to release whatever is to your Elohim. Do not cook a owed by your brother. . ? young goat in its mother's milk. 4 \\\"Only, there should be no poor 22 \\\"You shall tithe without fail all the among you. For greatly barak yield of your grain that the field brings you in the land which your forth year by year. Elohim is giving you to possess as an 23 \\\"And you shall eat before \u2018A^'Tyour inheritance, :\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022\u2022'! *\u2022 *\u2022.- Elohim, in the place where He chooses 5 only if you diligently obey the voice to make His Name dwell, the tithe of of 'XW your Elohim, to guard to your grain and your new wine and your do all these Commands which I am oil, and of the firstlings of your herds commanding you today. and your sheep, so that you leam to 6 \\\"For your Elohim shall barak revere 3*13^ your Elohim always. you as He promised you. And you shall 24 \\\"But when the way is too long for lend to many nations, but you shall not you, so that you are not able to bring borrow. And you shall rule over many the tithe, or when the place where nations, but they do not rule over you. your Elohim chooses to put His 7 \\\"When there is a poor man with you, Name is too far from you, when one of your brothers, within any of the your Elohim is berakah you, gates in your land which 'WAY your 25 then you shall give it in silver, and Elohim is giving you, do not harden shall take the silver in your hand and your heart nor shut your hand from go to the place which Wtf your your poor brother, \u2019 Elohim chooses. 8 for you shall certainly open your hand 26 \\\"And you shall use the silver for to him and certainly lend him enough whatever your being desires: for cattle for his need, whatever he needs. \u2019 or sheep, for wine or strong drink, for 9 \\\"Be on guard lest there be a thought","205 DEUTERONOMY of Beliya'al in your heart, saying, 'The 20 \\\"You and your household are to eat seventh year, the year of release, is it before MW your Elohim year by near,' and your eye is evil against your year in the place which chooses. poor brother and you give him naught. 21 \\\"But when there is any defect in it, And he shall cry out to against lame or blind, or has any evil defect, you. and it shall be a sin in you. do not slaughter it to your 10 \\\"You shall certainly give to him, and Elohim. your heart should not be grieved when 22 \\\"Eat it within your gates - the you give to him, because for this unclean and the clean alike - as the reason your Elohim barak you in gazelle, and as the deer. all your works and in all to which you 23 \\\"Only, do not eat its blood, pour it on put your hand. the ground like water. 11 \\\"Because the poor one does not \u20224 Z2 \\\"Guard the month of Abib, and cease from the land, therefore I am I O perform the Pesah to commanding you, saying, 'You shall your Elohim, for in the month of Abib certainly open your hand to your your Elohim brought you out of brother, to your poor and to your needy Mitsrayim by night. one. in your land.' 2 \\\"And you shall slaughter the Pesah 12 \\\"When your brother is sold to you, to MW your Elohim, from the flock an Ibri man or an Ibri woman, and shall and the herd, in the place where serve you six years, then let him go chooses to put His Name. free from you in the seventh year. 3 \\\"Eat no leavened bread with it. For 13 \\\"And when you send him away free seven days you eat unleavened bread from you, let him not go away empty- with it, bread of affliction, because you handed. came out of the land of Mitsrayim in 14 \\\"You shall richly supply him from haste - so that you remember the day your flock, and from your threshing- in which you came out of the land of floor, and from your winepress. With Mitsrayim, all the days of your life. that which has barak you with, 4 \\\"And no leaven should be seen with give to him. you in all your border for seven days, 15 \\\"And you shall remember that you neither should the meat which you were a slave in the land of Mitsrayim, slaughter in the evening on the first and your Elohim redeemed you. day stay all night until morning. Therefore I am commanding you this 5 \\\"You are not allowed to slaughter the Word today. Pesah within any of your gates which 16 \\\"And it shall be, when he says to A5W\/'your Elohim gives you, you, 'I do not go away from you,' 6 but at the place where your because he loves you and your house, Elohim chooses to make His Name because it is good for him with you, dwell, there you slaughter the Pesah in 17 then you shall take an awl and the evening, at the going down of the thrust it through his ear to the door, sun, at the Appointed Time you came and he shall be your servant forever. out of Mitsrayim. \u25a0 < \u2022 ; \u2022 \u2022?. <\u25a0 Do the same to your female servant. 7 \\\"And you shall roast and eat it in is \\\"Let it not be hard in your eyes the place which your Elohim when you send him away free from chooses, and in the morning you shall you, for he has been worth a double turn and go to your tents. hired servant in serving you six years. 8 \\\"Six days you eat unleavened bread; And your Elohim shall barak you and on the seventh day there is a in all that you do. closing Festival to MW your Elohim - 19 \\\"Qadosh to WW your Elohim all you do no work. \u25a0r the first-born males that come from 9 \\\"Count seven weeks for yourself. your herd and your flock. Do no work Begin to count seven weeks from the with the first-born of your herd, nor time you begin to put the sickle to the shear the first-born of your flock. . \u25a0 grain. \u2022\u2022","DEBARIM 206 10 \\\"And you shall perform the Festival ness so that you live and inherit the of Shabuoth to 'WW your Elohim, land which your Elohim is giving according to the voluntary offering from you. your hand, which you give as 'XX'W 21 \\\"Do not plant for yourself any tree your Elohim barak you. as an Asherah near the altar of 'ATA'F 11 \\\"And you shall rejoice before your Elohim that you make for your Elohim, you and your son and yourself. your daughter, and your male servant 22 \\\"',And do not put up a pillar, which and your female servant, and the rVWT your Elohim hates. Lewite who is within your gates, and the stranger and the fatherless and 17 \\\"Do not slaughter to WW your Elohim a bull or sheep the widow who is in your midst, at which has any blemish, any evil the place where your Elohim matter, for that is an abomination to chooses to make His Name dwell. TTTK your Elohim. 12 \\\"And you shall remember that you 2 \\\"When there is found in your midst, in were a slave in Mitsrayim, and you any of your cities which your shall guard and do these Laws. Elohim is giving you, a man or a 13 \\\"Perform the Festival of Sukkoth for woman who does what is evil in seven days after the ingathering from the eyes of your Elohim, in your threshing-floor and from your transgressing His Covenant, winepress, 3 and has gone and served other 14 and you shall rejoice in your mighty ones and bowed down to them, Festival, you and your son and your or to the sun or to the moon or to any daughter, and your male servant and of the host of the shamayim, which I your female servant, and the Lewite, have not commanded, and the stranger and the fatherless 4 and it has been made known to and the widow who are within your you and you have heard, and have gates. searched diligently. Then see, if true: 15 \\\"For seven days you shall celebrate the matter is confirmed that such an a Festival to your Elohim in the abomination has been done in Yisra\u2019el, place which chooses, because 5 then you shall bring out to your \u2022^W^your Elohim barak you in all your gates that man or woman who has increase and in all the work of your done this evil matter, and you shall hands, and you shall be only rejoicing! stone to death that man or woman with 16 \u2019Three times a year all your males stones. appear before 'A^'T'your Elohim in the 6 \\\"At the mouth of two or - three place which He chooses: at the witnesses shall he that is to die be put Festival of Matstsoth, and at the to death. He is not put to death by the Festival of Shabuoth, and at the mouth of one witness. \u2022 \u25a0 \u25a0- Festival of Sukkoth. And none should 7 \\\"The hand of the witnesses shall be appear before 'WW empty-handed, first against him to put him to death, 17 each one with the gift of his hand, and the hand of all the people last. So according to the berakah of 3*fa<Kyour you shall purge the evil from your Elohim which He has given you. midst. \u2019 18 \\\"Appoint judges and officers 8 \\\"When any matter arises which is too within all your gates, which WW your hard for you to judge, between blood Elohim is giving you, according to your and blood, between plea and plea, or tribes. And they shall judge the people between stroke and stroke - matters of with righteous right-ruling. strife within your gates - then you shall 19 \\\"Do not distort right-ruling. Do not rise and go up to the place which show partiality, nor take a bribe, for a 3*t^your Elohim chooses, bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and 9 and shall come to the kohenim, the twists the words of the righteous. Lewites, and to the judge who is in 20 \\\"Follow righteousness, righteous- those days, and shall inquire. And they","207 DEUTERONOMY shall declare to you the word of Right- turn aside from the Command, right or Ruling. left, so that he prolongs his days in his 10 and you shall do according to the reign, he and his children, in the midst word which they declare to you from of Yisra'el. that place which W chooses. And 1 R \\\"The kohenim, the Lewites, all you shall guard to do according to all I O the tribe of Lewi, have no part that they instruct you. nor inheritance with Yisra'el. They are 11 \\\"Do according to the Torah in which to eat the offerings of ftW made by they teach you, according to the Right- fire, and His inheritance. Ruling which they say to you. You do 2 \\\"But among his brothers, no not turn to the right or to the left from inheritance. 'VfA<Kis his inheritance, as the word which they declare to you. He has spoken to him. 12 \\\"And the man who acts arrogantly, 3 \\\"And this is the kohen's right from so as not to listen to the kohen who the people, from those who bring an stands to serve there before 'XWV offering, whether it is bull or sheep: your Elohim, or to the judge, that man they shall give to the kohen the shall die. So you shall purge the evil shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the from Yisra'el. stomach; 13 \\\"And let all the people hear and 4 the first-fruits of your grain and your revere, and no longer do arrogantly. new wine and your oil, and the first of 14 \\\"When you come to the land which the fleece of your sheep, you give to your Elohim is giving you, and him. shall possess it and shall dwell in it. 5 \\\"For your Elohim has chosen and you shall say, 'Let me appoint a him out of all your tribes to stand to sovereign over me like all the gentiles serve in the Name of him and that are around me,' his sons forever. 15 you shall certainly appoint a 6 \\\"And when the Lewite comes from sovereign over youwhom your one of your gates, from where he has Elohim shall choose. Appoint a sojourned among all Yisra'el, and shall sovereign over youfrom among your come with all the desire of his being to brothers, you are not allowed to the place which chooses, appoint a foreigner over you, who is 7 then he shall serve in the Name of not your brother. 'W&y his Elohim, like all his brothers 16 \\\"Only, he is not to increase horses the Lewites, who are standing there for himself, nor cause the people to before 'ZW. return to Mitsrayim to increase horses, 8 \\\"They are to have portion for portion for has said to you, 'Do not to eat, besides what comes from the return that way again.\u2019 sale of his inheritance. 17 \\\"And he is not to increase wives for 9 \\\"When you come into the land which himself, lest his heart turn away, nor is your Elohim is giving you, do he to greatly increase silver and gold not learn to do according to the for himself. abominations of those gentiles. >: 18 \\\"And it shall be, when he sits on 10 \\\"Let no one be . found among you the throne of his reign, that he shall who maKes his son or his daughter write for himself a copy of this Torah pass through the fire, or one who in a book, from the one before the practises divination, or a user of kohenim, the Lewites. magic, or one who interprets omens or 19 \\\"And it shall be with him, and he a sorcerer, r shall read it all the days of his life, so 11 or one who conjures spells, or a that he learns to revere his medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls Elohim and guard all the Words of this up the dead. Torah and these Laws, to do them, 12 \\\"For whoever does these are an 20 so that his heart is not lifted up abomination to and because of above his brothers, and so as not to these abominations ItW your Elohim","DEBARIM 208 drives them out from before you. 4 \\\"And this is the matter of the one who 13 \\\"Be perfect before WW your killed someone who flees there and Elohim. live: He who smites his neighbour 14 for these nations whom you are unintentionally, not having hated him in dispossessing listen to those using time past, \u2022 magic and to diviners. But as for you, 5 even he who goes to the forest with \\\"XWY your Elohim has not appointed his neighbour to cut timber, and his such for you. hand swings a stroke with the axe to 15 \\\"3*t34zyour Elohim shall raise up for cut down the tree, and the head slips you a Nabi like me from your midst, from the handle and strikes his from your brothers. Listen to Him, neighbour so that he dies - let him flee 16 according to all you asked of 'WW to one of these cities and live, your Elohim in Horeb in the day of the 6 lest the revenger of blood, while his assembly, saying. 'Let me not hear displeasure is hot, pursue the one who again the voice of my Elohim, killed someone and overtake him, nor let me see this great fire any more, because the way is long, and shall lest I die.' smite him, though he was not worthy 17 \\\"And 'XXXV said to me, What they of death, since he had not hated him have spoken is good. before. 18 'I shall raise up for them a Nabi like 7 \\\"Therefore I am commanding you, you out of the midst of their brothers. saying, 'Separate three cities for And I shall put My Words in His mouth, yourself.' and He shall speak to them all that I 8 \\\"And if W your Elohim enlarges command Him. your border, as He swore to your 19 'And it shall be, the man who does fathers, and has given you the land not listen to My Words which He which He promised to give to your speaks in My Name, I require it of him. fathers - > '\u2022 > , \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0. 20 'But the nabi who presumes to 9 when you guard all this Command to speak a word in My Name, which I do it, which I am commanding you have not commanded him to speak, or today, to love ^W^your Elohim and to who speaks in the name of other walk in His Ways all the days then mighty ones, even that nabi shall die.' you shall add .three more cities for 21 \\\"And when you say in your heart, yourself besides these three, 'How do we know the word which w so that innocent blood is not shed has not spoken?' - ' in the midst of your land which 22 when the nabi speaks in the Name your Elohim is giving you as an of ^XY and the word is not, or comes inheritance, or blood-guilt shall be not, that is the word which -X^XY has upon you. >: not spoken. The nabi has spoken it 11 \\\"But when anyone hates his presumptuously. Do not be afraid of neighbour, and shall lie in wait for him him. . \u2022* and rise against him and smite the life d Q 'When \u2018XftX'Y your Elohim cuts from him so that he dies, then he shall I -\/ off the nations whose land flee to one of these cities,. your Elohim is giving you, and 12 and the elders of his city shall send you dispossess them and dwell in their and bring him from there, and give him cities and in their houses, into the hand of the revenger of blood, 2 separate three cities for yourself in and he shall die. . the midst of your land which WW 13 \\\"Your eye shall not pardon him, but your Elohim is giving you to possess. you shall purge the blood of the 3 \\\"Prepare a way for yourself, and innocent from Yisra'el, so that it might divide into three parts the border of be well with you.* . * \u2022 your land which WW your Elohim is 14 \\\"Do not remove your neighbour's giving you to inherit, that anyone who boundary, which those in the past have killed someone shall flee there. bound, in your inheritance which you","209 DEUTERONOMY inherit in the land that your a vineyard and has not begun to use Elohim is giving you to possess. it? Let him also go and return to his is \\\"One witness does not rise up house, lest he die in the battle and against a man concerning any another man should begin to use it. wickedness or any sin that he 7 'And who is the man who is engaged commits. At the mouth of two to a woman and has not taken her? witnesses or at the mouth of three Let him go and return to his house, lest witnesses a matter is established. he die in the battle and another man 16 \\\"When a malicious witness rises up take her.' against any man to accuse him of 8 \\\"And the officers shall speak further turning aside, to the people, and say, Who is the 17 then both men who have the dispute man who is afraid and tender of heart? shall stand before before the Let him go and return to his house, lest kohenim and the judges who serve in the heart of his brothers faint like his those days. heart.' 18 \\\"And the judges shall diligently 9 \\\"And it shall be, when the officers search and see if the witness is a false have finished speaking to the people, witness, who has falsely accused his that they shall appoint commanders of brother, the divisions to lead the people. 19 then you shall do to him as he 10 \\\"When you draw near to a city to thought to have done to his brother. fight against it, then you shall make a Thus you shall purge the evil from your call for peace to it. midst. 11 \\\"And it shall be that if it accepts 20 \\\"And let the rest hear and revere, your call for peace, and shall open to and never again do this evil matter in you, then all the people found in it are your midst. to be your compulsory labour, and 21 \\\"And let your eye not pardon, life for serve you. life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand 12 \\\"But if it does not make peace with for hand, foot for foot. you, and shall fight against you, then QA 'When you go out to battle you shall besiege it, against your enemies, and 13 and your Elohim shall give it shall see horses and chariots and into your hands, and you shall smite people more numerous than you, do every male in it with the edge of the not be afraid of them, for your sword. .\u2022 Elohim, who brought you up from the 14 \\\"Only the women, and the little land of Mitsrayim, is with you. ones, and the livestock, and all that is 2 \\\"And it shall be, when you draw near in the city, all its spoil, you take as to the battle, that the kohen shall come plunder for yourself. And you shall eat and speak to the people, the enemies' plunder which ^W^your 3 and shall say to them, 'Hear, O Elohim gives you. Yisra'el: You are drawing near today to 15 \\\"Do so to all the cities which are battle with your enemies. Do not let very far from you, which are not of the your heart faint, do not fear, or tremble, cities of these nations. or be afraid before them, 16 \\\"Only, of the cities of these peoples 4 for ^^<Kyour Elohim is He who goes which your Elohim gives you as with you, to fight for you against your an inheritance, you do not keep alive enemies, to save you.' any that breathe, <\u25a0' . . 5 \\\"And the officers shall speak to the 17 but you shall certainly put them people, saying, Who is the man who under the ban: the Hittite and the has built a new house and has not Amorite and the Kena'anite and the dedicated it? Let him go and return to Perizzite and the Hiwwite and the his house, lest he die in the battle and Yebusite, as your Elohim has another man dedicate it. commanded you, >\u2022 ' 6 'And who is the man who has planted 18 lest they teach you to do according","DEBARIM 210 to all their abominations which they 10 \\\"When you go out to fight against have done for their mighty ones, and your enemies, and 'WW' your Elohim you sin against \\\"WAI'your Elohim. shall give them into your hand, and 19 'When you besiege a city for a long you shall take them captive, time by fighting against it to take it, you 11 and shall see among the captives a do not destroy its trees by wielding an woman lovely of form, and shall delight axe against them. If you do eat of in her and take her for your wife, them, do not cut them down. For is the 12 then you shall bring her home to tree of the field a man to be besieged your house, and she shall shave her by ycu? head and trim her nails, 20 \\\"Only the trees which you know are 13 and put aside the mantle of her not trees for food you do destroy and captivity, and shall dwell in your house, cut down, to build siege-works against and mourn her father and her mother a the city that is fighting against you, month of days. And after that you shall until it falls. go in to her and be her husband, and O d 'When anyone is found slain, she shall be your wife. Z. I lying in the field in the land 14 \\\"And it shall be, if you are not which \u25a0A\u2019TA'T your Elohim is giving you pleased with her, then you shall let her to possess, and it is not known who go at her desire, but you do not sell smote him, her at all for silver. Do not treat her 2 then your elders and your judges harshly, since you have humbled her. shall go out, and they shall measure 15 'When a man has two wives, one the distance from the slain man to the loved and the other unloved, and they cities round about. have borne him children, both the 3 \\\"And it shall be that the elders of the loved and the unloved, and the first\u00ad city nearest to the slain man shall take born son is of her who is unloved, a heifer which has not been worked 16 then it shall be, on the day he and which has not pulled with a yoke, makes his sons to inherit his 4 and the elders of that city shall bring possessions, he is not allowed to treat the heifer down to a wadi with flowing the son of the beloved wife as first\u00ad water, which is neither ploughed nor born in the face of the son of the sown, and they shall break the heifer's unloved, who is the first-born. \u25a0* neck there in the wadi. 17 \\\"But he is to acknowledge the son of 5 \\\"And the kohenim, the sons of Lewi, the unloved wife as the first-born by shall come near, for ^W^your Elohim giving him a double portion of all that has chosen them to serve Him and to he has, for he is the beginning of his barak in the Name of and by strength - the right of the first-born is their command every strife and every his. \u2019 \u2022. , stroke. 18 'When a man has a wayward and 6 \\\"And let all the elders of that city rebellious son who is not listening to nearest to the slain man wash their the voice of his father or the voice of hands over the heifer whose neck was his mother, and who, when they have broken in the wadi. disciplined him, does not listen to 7 \\\"And they shall answer and say, 'Our them, *, \u25a0 hands have not shed this blood, nor 19 then his father and his mother shall have our eyes seen it. take hold of him and bring him out to 8 'O 'A*tA<r, forgive Your people Yisra'el, the elders of his city, to the gate of his whom You have redeemed, and do not city, allow innocent blood in the midst of 20 and shall say to the elders of his Your people Yisra'el.' And the blood\u00ad city, 'This son of ours is wayward and guilt shall be pardoned to them. rebellious. He is not listening to our 9 \\\"Thus you purge the guilt of innocent voice, he is a glutton and a drunkard.' blood from your midst when you do 21 \\\"Then all the men of his city shall what is right in the eyes of stone him to death with stones. Thus","211 DEUTERONOMY you shall purge the evil from your different kinds of seed, lest the yield of midst. And let all Yisra'el hear, and the seed which you have sown and the revere. fruit of your vineyard be defiled. 22 \\\"And when a man has committed a 10 \\\"Do not plough with an ox and a sin worthy of death, then he shall be donkey together. put to death and you shall hang him on 11 \\\"Do not put on a garment of different a tree. kinds, of wool and linen together. 23 \\\"Let his body not remain overnight 12 \\\"Make tassels on the four corners of on the tree, for you shall certainly bury the garment with which you cover him the same day - for he who is yourself. hanged is accursed of Elohim - so 13 \\\"When any man takes a wife, and that you do not defile the land which shall go in to her, and shall hate her, your Elohim is giving you as an 14 and shall make abusive charges inheritance. against her and bring an evil name on O O 'When you see your brother's her and say, 'I took this woman, and Z\u2014.Z\u2014 ox or his sheep going astray, when I came to her I did not find her a you shall not hide yourself from them. maiden,' Return them to your brother without 15 then the father and mother of the fail. young woman shall take and bring out 2 \\\"And if your brother is not near you, the proof of the girl's maidenhood to or if you do not know him, then you the elders of the city at the gate. shall bring it to your own house, and it 16 \\\"And the girl's father shall say to the shall be with you until your brother elders, 'I gave my daughter to this man seeks it, then you shall return it to him. as wife, and he hates her. 3 \\\"And so you do with his donkey, and 17 'And see, he has made abusive so you do with his garment, and so charges against her, saying, \\\"I did not you do with whatever your brother find your daughter a maiden,\\\" and yet loses, which he has lost and you have these are the proofs of my daughter's found. You are not allowed to hide maidenhood.' And they shall spread yourself. the garment before the elders of the 4 'When you see your brother's city. donkey or his ox fall down on the way, 18 \\\"And the elders of that city shall take you shall not hide yourself from them. that man and punish him, c I Help him raise them without fail. 19 and fine him one hundred pieces of 5 \\\"A woman does not wear that which silver and give them to the father of pertains to a man, nor does a man put the young woman, because he has on a woman's garment, for whoever brought an evil name on a maiden of does this is an abomination to WW Yisra'el. And she is to be his wife, he is your Elohim. not allowed to put her away all his 6 'When you come upon a bird's nest days. \u2019\u201d \u25a0 along the way, in any tree or on the 20 \\\"But if the matter is true, that the girl ground, with young ones or eggs, with was not found a maiden, the mother sitting on the young or on 21 then they shall bring out the girl to the eggs, do not take the mother with the door of her father's house, and the the young - men of her city shall stone her to death 7 let the mother go without fail, and with stones, because she has done take the young for yourself, so that it wickedness in Yisra'el, to whore in her might be well with you, and that you father's house. Thus you shall purge have prolonged days. the evil from your midst. 8 'When you build a new house, then 22 \\\"When a man is found lying with a you shall make a parapet for your roof, woman married to a husband, then so that you do not bring blood-guilt on both of them shall die, both the man your house when one falls from it. that lay with the woman, and the 9 \\\"Do not sow your vineyard with woman. Thus you shall purge the evil","DEBARIM 212 from Yisra'el. you, because 'WW your Elohim loves 23 \\\"When a girl who is a maiden is you. engaged to a husband, and a man 6 \\\"Do not seek their peace nor their finds her in the city and lies with her, good, all your days, forever. 24 then you shall bring them both out to 7 \\\"Do not loathe an Edomite, for he is the gate of that city, and shall stone your brother. Do not loathe a Mitsrite, them to death with stones, the girl because you were a stranger in his because she did not cry out in the city, land. and the man because he has humbled 8 \\\"The children of the third generation his neighbour\u2019s wife. Thus you shall born to them do enter the assembly of purge the evil from your midst. MW 25 \\\"But if a man finds the girl who is 9 \\\"When the army goes out against engaged in the field, and the man your enemies, then you shall guard seizes her and lies with her, then only yourself from every evil matter. the man who lay with her shall die. 10 \\\"When there is any man among you 26 \\\"But you shall do no matter to the who is not clean because of an girl. The girl has no sin worthy of death emission in the night, then he shall go - for the matter is like a man who rises outside the camp. Let him not come against his neighbour and kills him - into the midst of the camp. 27 for he found her in the field, and she 11 \\\"And it shall be, toward evening, that cried out. the engaged girl, but without he bathes with water. And when the anyone to save her. sun goes let him come into the midst 28 \\\"When a man finds a girl who is a of the camp. maiden, who is not engaged, and he 12 \\\"And you shall have a place outside seizes her and lies with her, and they the camp, where you shall go out, are found out, 13 and you shall have a sharp 29 then the man who lay with her shall implement among your equipment, give to the girl's father fifty pieces of and when you sit down outside, you silver, and she is to be his wife shall dig with it and turn and cover because he has humbled her. He is your excrement. - i- not allowed to put her away all his 14 \\\"For 3*^4'' your Elohim walks in days. the midst of your camp, to deliver you 30 \\\"A man does not take his father's and give your enemies over to you. wife, nor uncover his father's skirt Therefore your camp shall be qodesh, '3'2 \\\"One of wounded, mutilated so that He does not see. unclean or genitalia cut off, does not matter among you, and shall turn away enter the assembly ofWW. from you. . . \u2022 .* \u2022 2 \\\"One of incestuous birth does not 15 \\\"You do not hand over to his master enter the assembly of even a the slave who has escaped from his tenth generation of his does not enter master to you. the assembly of 16 \\\"Let him dwell with you in your 3 \\\"An Ammonite or Mo'abite does not midst, in the place which he chooses enter the assembly of even a within one of your gates, where it is tenth generation of them does not ever pleasing to him. Do not oppress him. enter the assembly of 17 \\\"None of the daughters of Yisra'el is 4 because they did not meet you with to be a cult prostitute, nor any of the bread and water on the way when you sons of Yisra'el be a cult prostitute. \u2022 came out of Mitsrayim, and because 18 \\\"Do not bring the hire of a whore or they hired against you BiTam son of the pay of a dog to the House of MW Be'or from Pethor of Aram Naharayim, your Elohim for any vowed offering, for to curse you. both of these are an abomination to 5 \\\"But your Elohim refused to your Elohim. listen to Bil'am, and your Elohim 19 \\\"Do not lend at interest to your turned the curse into a berakah for brother, interest of silver, interest of","213 DEUTERONOMY food, or interest of whatever is lent at shall be exempt one year for the sake interest. of his home, to rejoice with his wife 20 \\\"To a foreigner you lend at interest, whom he has taken. but to your brother you do not lend at 6 \\\"No one takes in pledge the lower or interest, so that WW your Elohim the upper millstone, for he would be might barak you in all that you put your taking a life in pledge. hand to in the land which you are 7 \\\"When a man is found kidnapping entering to possess. any of his brothers of the children of 21 \\\"When you make a vow to Yisra'el, and treats him harshly or sells your Elohim, do not delay to pay it, for him, then that kidnapper shall die. i\u2019W'your Elohim is certainly requiring Thus you shall purge the evil from your it of you. and it shall be sin in you. midst. 22 \\\"But when you abstain from vowing, 8 \\\"Take heed, in an outbreak of it is not sin in you. leprosy, to diligently guard and do 23 \\\"That which has gone from your lips according to all that the kohenim, the you shall guard and do, for you Lewites, teach you. As I have voluntarily vowed to \\\"XW your Elohim commanded them, so you shall guard what you have promised with your to do. . mouth. 9 \\\"Remember what your Elohim 24 \\\"When you come into your did to Miryam on the way when you neighbour's vineyard, you shall eat to came out of Mitsrayim. the satisfaction of your desire, but do w \\\"When you lend your brother a loan, not put any in a receptacle of yours. do not go into his house to get his 25 \\\"When you come into your pledge. neighbour's standing grain, you shall 11 \\\"Stand outside, and let the man to pluck the heads with your hand, but do whom you lend bring the pledge out to not use a sickle on your neighbour's you. standing grain. 12 \\\"And if the man is poor, do not sleep 0\/4 \\\"When a man takes a wife with his pledge. - Z\u2014and shall marry her, then it 13 \\\"By all means return the pledge to shall be, if she finds no favour in his him at sundown, and he shall sleep in eyes because he has found a matter of his own garment, and shall barak you. shamefulness in her, and he shall write And it shall be righteousness to you I her a certificate of divorce, and put it in before ^^your Elohim. I her hand, and send her out of his 14 \\\"Do not oppress a hired servant who house, is poor and needy, of your brothers or 2 and if she left his house and went of the strangers who is in your land and became another man's wife, within your gates. \u2022 3 and the latter husband shall hate her 15 \\\"Give him his wages on the same and write her a certificate of divorce, day, and do not let the sun go down on and put it in her hand, and send her it, for he is poor and lifts up his being out of his house, or when the latter to it, so that he does not cry out husband dies who took her to be his against you to W, and it shall be sin wife, in you. ' 4 then her former husband who sent 16 \\\"Fathers are not put to death for her away is not allowed to take her their children, and children are not put back to be his wife after she has to death for their fathers, each is to die been defiled, for that would be an for his own sin. abomination before KW. And do not 17 \\\"Do not twist the right-ruling of a bring sin on the land which WW your stranger or the fatherless, nor take the Elohim is giving you as an inheritance. garment of a widow. 5 'When a man has taken a new wife, 18 \\\"But you shall remember that you let him not go out into the army nor let were a slave in Mitsrayim, and that any matter be imposed upon him. He WW your Elohim redeemed you from","DEBARIM 214 there. Therefore I am commanding you brother in Yisra'el, he does not agree to do this Word. to perform the duty of my husband's 19 \\\"When you reap your harvest in brother.' your field, and have forgotten a sheaf 8 \\\"The elders of his city shall then call in the field, do not go back to get it. Let him and speak to him, and he shall it be for the stranger, for the fatherless, stand and say, 'I have no desire to take and for the widow, so that KW your her,' Elohim might barak you in all the work 9 then his brother's wife shall come to of your hands. him in the presence of the elders, and 20 \\\"When you beat your olive trees, do remove his sandal from his foot, and not examine the branch behind you. shall spit in his face, and answer and Let it be for the stranger, for the say, 'Thus it is done to the man who fatherless, and for the widow. does not build up his brother's house.' 21 \\\"When you gather the grapes of 10 \\\"And in Yisra'el his name shall be your vineyard, do not glean behind called, 'The house of him who had his you. Let it be for the stranger, for the sandal removed.' fatherless, and for the widow. 11 \\\"When men fight together, a man 22 \\\"And you shall remember that you with another, and the wife of one shall were a slave in the land of Mitsrayim. draw near to rescue her husband from Therefore I am commanding you to do the hand of the one attacking him, and this Word. shall put out her hand and seize him O \/Z \\\"When there is a dispute by the genitals, Z-vJ between men, then they shall 12 then you shall cut off her hand - your come unto judgment, and they shall be eye does not pardon. judged, and the righteous declared 13 \\\"You shall not have in your bag righteous and the wicked declared differing weights, a heavy and a light. wicked. 14 \\\"You shall not have in your house 2 \\\"And it shall be, if the wicked is to differing measures, a large and a be beaten, that the judge shall cause small. him to lie down and be beaten in his 15 \\\"You shall have a perfect and right presence with the number of blows weight, a perfect and right measure, so according to his wickedness. that they prolong your days on the land 3 \\\"Forty blows he gives him but no which your Elohim is giving you. more, lest he beat him with many more 16 \\\"For all who do these, and all who blows than these, and your brother be do unrighteously, are an abomination degraded before your eyes. to your Elohim. -f 4 \\\"Do not muzzle an ox while it is 17 \\\"Remember what Amaleq did to you threshing. on the way as you were coming out of 5 \\\"When brothers dwell together, and Mitsrayim, . . one of them has died, and has no son, 18 how he met you on the way and the widow of the dead man shall attacked your back, all the feeble ones not become a stranger's outside. Her in your rear, when you were tired and husband\u2019s brother goes in to her, and weary. And he did not revere Elohim. shall take her as his wife, and perform 19 \\\"Therefore it shall be, when the duty of a husband's brother to her. your Elohim has given you rest from 6 \\\"And it shall be that the first-born son your enemies all around, in the land which she bears rises up for the name which your Elohim is giving you of his dead brother, so that his name is to possess as an inheritance, that you not blotted out of Yisra'el. blot out the remembrance of Amaleq 7 \\\"But if the man does not desire to from under the shamayim. Do not take his brother's wife, then let his forget! \u25a0' brother's wife go up to the gate to the ** shall be, when you elders, and say, 'My husband's brother O come into the land which refuses to raise up a name to his your Elohim is giving you as an","215 DEUTERONOMY inheritance, and you possess it and widow, and they have eaten within dwell in it. your gates and have been satisfied, 2 that you shall take some of the first of 13 then you shall say before ItVW all the fruits of the land which you bring your Elohim, 'I have put away the from your land that 'WW your Elohim qodesh portion from my house, and is giving you, and shall put it in a also have given it to the Lewite, basket and go to the place where and to the stranger, and to the your Elohim chooses to make fatherless, and to the widow, according His Name dwell there. to all Your Command which You 3 \\\"And you shall come to the one who have commanded me. I have not is kohen in those days, and say to him, transgressed Your Commands, nor 'I shall declare today to TYVT your have I forgotten. Elohim that I have come to the land 14 'I have not eaten any of it when in which ViW swore to our fathers to mourning, nor have I removed any of it give us.' for any unclean use, nor given any of it 4 \\\"And the kohen shall take the basket for the dead. I have obeyed the voice from your hand and place it before the of WW my Elohim, I have done altar of 'A\u2019raKyour Elohim. according to all that You have 5 \\\"And you shall answer and say commanded me. before \\\"ATA^ your Elohim, 'My father 15 'Look from Your qodesh dwelling was a perishing Aramean, and he went place, from the shamayim, and barak down to Mitsrayim and sojourned there Your people Yisra'el and the land with few men. And there he became a which You have given us, as You nation, great, mighty, and numerous. swore to our fathers, \\\"a land flowing 6 'But the Mitsrites did evil to us, and with milk and honey.\\\"' afflicted us, and imposed hard labour 16 \\\"Today your Elohim is on us. commanding you to do these Laws 7 Then we cried out to \u25a0ATA<r Elohim of and Right-Rulings. And you shall guard our fathers, and TA'AT\\\" heard our voice and do them with all your heart and and saw our affliction and our toil and with all your being. . our oppression. 17 \\\"You have today caused 8 'And brought us out of to proclaim to be your Elohim, and Mitsrayim with a strong hand and to walk in His Ways and guard with an outstretched arm, with great His Laws, and His Commands,-and reverence and with signs and His Right-Rulings, and to obey His wonders. voice. r\u2022 9 'And He brought us to this place and 18 \\\"And WW has caused you to has given us this land, \\\"a land flowing proclaim today to be His people, a with milk and honey.\\\" treasured possession, as He has 10 'And now, see, I have brought the spoken to you, and to guard all His first-fruits of the land which You, O Commands, . : \u2022. ; have given me.' Then you shall 19 so as to make you high above all place it before your Elohim, and nations which He has made, for a bow down before \u2022ATA^your Elohim, praise, and for a name, and for 11 and shall rejoice in all the good esteem, and for you to be a qodesh which *A^<K your Elohim has given to people to your Elohim, as He you and your house, you and the Lewite and the stranger who is among has spoken.\\\" \u25a0 -j -\\\\ O \\\"7 And Mosheh, with the elders you. i f of .Yisra'el, commanded the 12 \\\"When you have completed tithing all the tithe of your increase in the third people, saying, \\\"Guard all the year, which is the year of tithing, and have given it to the Lewite, to the Commands which I am commanding stranger, to the fatherless, and to the you today. \u25a0 2 \\\"And it shall be, on the day when you pass over the Yarden to the land which","DEBARIM 216 'XWY your Elohim is giving you, that hands of the craftsman, and puts it up you shall put up for yourselves large in secret.' And all the people shall stones, and plaster them with plaster, answer and say, 'Amen!' 3 and write on them all the Words of 16 'Cursed is he who makes light of his this Torah, when you have passed father or his mother.' And all the people over, so that you go into the land which shall say, 'Amen!' your Elohim is giving you, \u2019a land 17 'Cursed is he who moves his flowing with milk and honey,' as ffW neighbour's boundary.' And all the Elohim of your fathers has spoken to people shall say, 'Amen!' you. is 'Cursed is he who misleads the blind 4 \\\"And it shall be, when you have in the way.' And all the people shall passed over the Yarden, that on Mount say, 'Amen!' .\u00bb '\u2022 . \u00a3ybal you put up these stones, which I 19 'Cursed is he who twists the right\u00ad command you today, and you shall ruling of the stranger, the fatherless, plaster them with plaster, and widow.' And all the people shall 5 and build an altar to 3^4' your say, 'Amen!' Elohim there, an altar of stones - do 20 'Cursed is he who lies with not use an iron tool on them. his father's wife, because he has 6 \\\"Build the altar of 'XWY your Elohim uncovered his father's bed.' And all the with complete stones, and you shall people shall say, 'Amen!' offer burnt offerings on it to your 21 'Cursed is he who lies with any Elohim, beast.' And all the people shall say, 7 and shall offer peace offerings, and 'Amen!' \u25a0\u2019 eat there, and rejoice before 22 'Cursed is he who lies with his sister, your Elohim. the daughter of his father or the 8 \\\"And you shall write all the Words of daughter of his mother.' And all the this Torah on the stones - plainly and people shall say, 'Amen!' well.\\\" 23 'Cursed is he who lies with his 9 And Mosheh and the kohenim, the mother-in-law.' And all the people shall Lewites, spoke to all Yisra'el, saying, say, 'Amen!' \\\"Be silent and hear, O Yisra'el: This 24 'Cursed is he who smites his day you have become the people of neighbour secretly.' And all the people 3*^4zyour Elohim, shall say, 'Amen!' 10 and you shall obey the voice 25 'Cursed is he who takes a bribe to of your Elohim, and do His slay an innocent being.' And all the Commands and His Laws which I people shall say, 'Amen!' command you today.\\\" 26 'Cursed is \u2019 he who does not 11 And Mosheh commanded the establish the Words of this Torah.' And people on that day, saying, all the people shall say, 'Amen!' 12 \\\"These are to stand on Mount O O -\\\"And \u2022 it shall be, if you Gerizim to barak the people, when you Z.O diligently obey the voice of have passed over the Yarden: 'XW your Elohim, to guard to do all Shim'on, and Lewi, and Yahudah, and His Commands which I command you Yissaskar, and Yoseph, and Binyamin. today, that 3*^4\\\" your Elohim shall 13 \\\"And these are to stand on Mount make you high above all nations of the Eybal to curse: Re'uben, Gad, and earth. \u25a0' Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, \u25a0 and 2 \\\"And all these birekoth shall come Naphtali. upon you and overtake you, if you 14 \\\"And the Lewites shall speak with a obey the voice of 3*^4''your Elohim: loud voice and say to all the men of 3 \\\"Baruk are you in the city, and baruk Yisra'el: are you in the field. 15 'Cursed is the man who makes 4 \\\"Baruk is the fruit of your body, and . a carved or moulded image, an the fruit of your ground and the fruit of abomination to W, the work of the your livestock - the increase of your","217 DEUTERONOMY cattle and the offspring of your flocks. kneading bowl. 5 \u2019\u2019Baruk is your basket and your 18 \\\"Cursed is the fruit of your body and kneading bowl. the fruit of your land, the increase of 6 \u2019\u2019Baruk are you when you come in, your cattle and the offspring of your and baruk are you when you go out. flocks. 7 causes your enemies who rise 19 \\\"Cursed are you when you come in, against you to be smitten before your and cursed are you when you go out. face - they come out against you one 20 sends on you the curse, the way and flee before you seven ways. confusion, and the rebuke in all that s \\\"WA-r commands the berakah on you put your hand to do, until you are you in your storehouses and in all to destroyed and until you perish quickly, which you put your hand, and shall because of the evil of your doings by barak you in the land which iVYVryour which you have forsaken Me. Elohim is giving you. 21 makes the plague cling to 9 establishes you as a qodesh you until He has consumed you from people to Himself, as He has sworn to the land which you are going to you. if you guard the Commands of possess. : your Elohim and walk in His 22 smites you with wasting Ways. disease, and with inflammation, and w \\\"And all peoples of the earth shall with burning, and with extreme heat, see that the Name of iTO-K is called and with the sword, and with blight, upon you, and they shall be afraid of and with mildew. And they shall pursue you. you until you perish. 11 \\\"And 'Att'A-K shall make you to have 23 \\\"And your shamayim which are over plenty of what is good, in the fruit of your head shall be bronze, and the your body, in the fruit of your livestock, earth which is under you iron. and in the fruit of your ground, in the 24 makes the rain of your land land of which swore to your powder and dust; from the shamayim it fathers to give you. comes down on you until you are 12 \\\"^'A'K opens to you His good destroyed.- . treasure, the shamayim, to give the 25 causes you to be defeated rain to your land in its season, and to before your enemies - you go out one barak all the work of your hand. And way against them and flee seven ways you shall lend to many nations, but you before them? And you shall become a do not borrow. horror to all the reigns of the earth. 13 \\\"And 'A*tA4\/'shall make you the head 26 \\\"And your carcasses shall be food and not the tail. And you shall be only for all the birds of the shamayim and on top, and not be beneath, if you the beasts of the earth, with no one to obey the Commands of your frighten them away. v ... Elohim, which I command you today, to 27 shall smite you with the boils guard and do. of Mitsrayim, with tumours, with the 14 \\\"And do not turn aside from any of scab, and with the itch, from which you the Words which I am commanding are unable to be healed. . . < \u2022 \u25a0 \\\\ you today, right or left, to go after other 28 shall smite you with madness mighty ones to serve them. and blindness and bewilderment of 15 \\\"And it shall be, if you do not obey heart. 5 the voice of 'A*tA<r your Elohim, to 29 \\\"And you shall be groping at noon, guard to do all His Commands and His as a blind man gropes in darkness, Laws which I command you today, that and not prosper in your ways. And you all these curses shall come upon you shall be only oppressed and plundered and overtake you: all the days, with no one to save you. 16 \\\"Cursed are you in the city, and 30 \\\"You become engaged to a wife, but cursed are you in the field. another man lies with her. You build a 17 \\\"Cursed is your basket and your house, but do not dwell in it. You plant","DEBARIM 218 a vineyard, but do not use its fruit. overtake you, until you are destroyed, 31 \\\"Your ox is slaughtered before your because you did not obey the voice eyes, but you do not eat of it. Your of your Elohim, to guard His donkey is violently taken from before Commands and His Laws which He you. and it is not given back to you. commanded you. Your sheep are given to your enemies, 46 \\\"And they shall be upon you for a with no one to save them. sign and for a wonder, and on your 32 \\\"Your sons and your daughters are seed, forever, given to another people, and your eyes 47 'because you did not serve look and fail for them all day long, and your hand powerless. your Elohim with joy and gladness of 33 \\\"A people whom you have not known eat the fruit of your land and all heart for all the plenty. your labours. And you shall be only oppressed and crushed all the days. 48 \u201cYou shall serve your enemies 34 \\\"And you shall be maddened because of the sight which your eyes whom sends against you, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in need of all. And he shall put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you. see. 49 brings a nation against you 35 smites you in the knees and from afar, from the end of the earth, as on the legs with evil boils of which you swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose are unable to be healed, and from the language you shall not understand, sole of your foot to the top of your so a fierce-looking nation, which shows head. no regard for the elderly nor show 36 brings you and the sovereign favour to the young, whom you appoint over you to a nation 51 and they shall eat the fruit of your which neither you nor your fathers livestock and the fruit of your land, until have known, and there you shall serve you are destroyed. They leave you no other mighty ones, wood and stone. grain, nor new wine, nor oil, nor the 37 \\\"Thus you shall become an increase of your cattle or the offspring astonishment, a proverb, and a of your flocks, until they have mockery among all the peoples to destroyed you. which drives you. 52 \\\"And they shall besiege you at all 38 \\\"You take much seed out into the your gates till your high and fenced field but gather little in, for the locust walls, in which you are trusting, come consumes it. down in all your land. And they shall 39 \\\"You plant vineyards, and shall besiege you at all your gates in all your labour, but you neither drink of the land which your Elohim has wine nor gather, for the worm eats it. given you. - . no 40 \\\"You have olive trees in all your 53 \\\"And you shall eat the fruit of your border, but do not anoint with oil, for own body, the flesh of your sons and your olives drop off. your daughters whom your 41 \\\"You bring forth sons and daughters, Elohim has given you, in the siege and but they are not with you, for they go distress in which your enemies into captivity. distress you. -1 ' 42 \\\"Locusts possess all your trees and 54 \\\"The man among you who is tender, the fruit of your ground. and who is very delicate, his eye is evil 43 \\\"The sojourner who is among you against his brother, against the wife of rises higher and higher above you, but his bosom, and against the rest of his you come down lower and lower. children whom he leaves behind, 44 \\\"He lends to you, but you do not 55 against giving any of them the flesh lend to him. He is the head, and you of his children that he eats, because it are the tail. is all that has been left to him in the 45 \\\"And all these curses shall come siege and distress with which your upon you, and they shall pursue and enemy distresses you in all your gates. J","219 DEUTERONOMY 56 \\\"The tender and the delicate woman of your life. among you, who have not tried to put 67 \\\"In the morning you say, 'Oh, that it the sole of her foot on the ground were evening!'And at evening you say, because of her delicateness and 'Oh, that it were morning!' because of tenderness, her eye is evil against the the fear of your heart, with which you husband of her bosom, and against fear, and because of the sight which her son. and against her daughter, your eyes see. 57 and against her seed which comes 68 \\\"And shall bring you back to out from between her legs, and her Mitsrayim in ships, by a way of which I children whom she bears, for she eats said to you, 'You are never to see it them in secret for lack of all, in the again,' And there you shall be sold siege and distress with which your to your enemies as male and female enemy distresses you in all your gates. slaves, but no one to buy.\\\" 58 \\\"if you do not guard to do all the Q Q These are the words of Words of this Torah that are written in Z\/ the Covenant which this Bock, to revere this esteemed and commanded Mosheh to make with the awesome Name, WVTyour Elohim, children of Yisra'el in the land of 59 then -Vt'VK shall bring upon you Mo'ab, besides the Covenant which He and your descendants extraordinary made with them in Horeb. plagues, great and lasting plagues, 2 And Mosheh called all Yisra'el and and grievous and lasting sicknesses. said to them, \\\"You yourselves saw all 60 \\\"And He shall bring back on you all that WW did before your eyes in the the diseases of Mitsrayim, of which land of Mitsrayim, to Pharaoh and to you were afraid, and they shall cling to all his servants and to all his land. you, 3 \\\"Your eyes saw the great trials, the 61 also every sickness and every signs, and those great wonders. plague, which is not written in the Book 4 \\\"But has not given you a heart of this Torah, 'XVW brings upon you to know and eyes to see and ears to until you are destroyed. hear, till this day. 62 \\\"And you shall be left with few 5 \\\"And I have led you forty years in the men, although you had become as wilderness.. Your garments have not numerous as the stars of the worn out on you, and your sandals shamayim, because you did not obey have not worn out on your feet. the voice of ^34^ your Elohim. 6 \\\"You ate no bread and drank no wine 63 \\\"And it shall be, that as 4W nor strong drink, so that you might rejoiced over you to do you good and know that I am ^^<Kyour Elohim. increase you, so rejoices over 7 \\\"And when you came to this place, you to destroy you and lay you waste. Sihon sovereign of Heshbon and Og And you shall be plucked from off the sovereign of Bashan came out against land which you go to possess. us to battle, and we smote them, 64 \\\"And shall scatter you among 8 and took their land and gave it as an all peoples, from one end of the earth inheritance to the Re'ubenites, and to to the other, and there you shall serve the Gadites, and to half the tribe of other mighty ones, which neither you Menashsheh. nor your fathers have known, wood 9 \\\"Therefore you shall guard the words and stone. of this Covenant, and do them, so that 65 \\\"And among those nations you are you prosper in all that you do. to find no rest, nor have a resting place w \\\"All of you are standing today before for the sole of your foot. But there WW your Elohim: your leaders, your shall give you a trembling heart, tribes, your elders and your officers, all and failing eyes, and sorrow of being. the men of Yisra'el, 66 \\\"And your life shall be hanging in 11 your little ones, your wives, and your suspense before you, and you shall sojourner who is in the midst of your fear day and night, and not be certain camp, from the one who cuts your","DEBARIM 220 wood to the one who draws your that land and the sicknesses which water, \u2018 . \u25a0 ?. 'A\u2019^Khas sent into it: 12 so that you should enter into 23 'All its land is sulphur, salt, and Covenant with your Elohim, and burning; it is not sown, nor does it into His oath, which ^^your Elohim bear, nor does any grass grow there, makes with you today, like the overthrow of Sedom and 13 in order to establish you today as a Amorah, Admah and Tseboyim, which people for Himself, and He Himself be 'XVW overthrew in His displeasure and your Elohim, as He has spoken to you, His wrath.' and as He has sworn to your fathers, 24 \\\"And all nations shall say, Why has to Abraham, to Yitshaq, and to 'XW done so to this land? What does Ya'aqob. the heat of this great displeasure u \\\"And not with you alone I am mean?' * making this Covenant and this oath, 25 \\\"And it shall be said, 'Because they 15 but with him who stands here with have forsaken the Covenant of W* us today before our Elohim, as Elohim of their fathers, which He made well as with him who is not here with with them when He brought them out us today. of the land of Mitsrayim. 16 \\\"For you know how we dwelt in the 26 'And they went and served other land of Mitsrayim and how we passed mighty ones and bowed themselves to through the nations which you passed them, mighty ones that they did not through, : \u2022 s\u2019 \u2022 know and that He had not given to 17 and you saw their abominations and them, their idols, wood and stone, silver and 27 therefore the displeasure of 'XVW gold, which were with them, \u2022*. burned against this land, to bring on it 18 lest there should be among you a every curse that is written in this Book. man or woman or clan or tribe, whose 28 'And WW uprooted them from their heart turns away today from WW our land in displeasure, and in wrath, and Elohim, to go and serve the mighty in great rage, and cast them into ones of these nations, lest there another land, as it is today.' should be among you a root bearing 29 \\\"The hidden belongs to 'XVW our bitterness or wormwood. < Elohim, but what is revealed belongs 19 \\\"And it shall be, when he hears the to us and to our children forever, to do words of this curse, that he should all the Words of this Torah. barak himself in his heart, saying, 'I QfA \\\"And it shall be, when all have peace though I walk in the these words come upon you, stubbornness of my heart,' in order to the berakah and the curse which I add drunkenness to thirst. > . have put before you, and you shall 20 would not forgive him, but bring them back to your heart among rather, the displeasure of WW and all the gentiles where WW your His jealousy shall burn against that Elohim drives you, man, and every curse that is written in 2 and shall turn back to WW your this Book shall settle on him, and Elohim and obey His voice, according WW shall blot out his name from to all that I command you today, with under the shamayim. all your heart and with all your being, 21 \\\"And shall separate him for you and your children, evil, out of all the tribes of Yisra'el, 3 then WW your Elohim shall turn according to all the curses of the back your captivity, and shall have Covenant that are written in this Book compassion on you, and He shall turn of the Torah. back and gather you from all the 22 \\\"And the generation to come of your peoples where your Elohim has children who rise up after you, and the scattered you. foreigner who comes from a far land, 4 \\\"If any of you are driven out to the shall say when they see the plagues of farthest parts under the shamayim,","221 DEUTERONOMY from there W your Elohim gathers barak you in the land which you go to you, and from there He takes you. possess. 5 \\\"And your Elohim shall bring 17 \\\"But if your heart turns away, and you to the land which your fathers you do not obey, and shall be drawn possessed, and you shall possess it. away, and shall bow down to other And He shall do good to you, and mighty ones and serve them, increase you more than your fathers. 18 \\\"I have declared to you today that 6 \\\"And 3W* your Elohim shall you shall certainly perish, you shall not circumcise your heart and the heart of prolong your days in the land which your seed, to love 'XWV your Elohim you are passing over the Yarden to with all your heart and with all your enter and possess. being, so that you might live, 19 \\\"I have called the shamayim and the 7 and 'FAY your Elohim shall put all earth as witnesses today against you: I these curses on your enemies and on have put before you hai and death, the those who hate you, who persecuted berakah and the curse. Therefore you you. . shall choose hai, so that you live, both s \\\"And you shall turn back and obey you and your seed, the voice of FAY and do all His 20 to love FAY your Elohim, to obey Commands which I command you His voice, and to cling to Him - for He today. is your hai and the length of your days 9 \\\"And FAY your Elohim shall make - to dwell in the land which you have excess in all the work of your swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to hand, in the fruit of your body, and in Yitshaq, and to Ya\u2019aqob, to give them.\\\" the fruit of your livestock, and in the Q d And Mosheh went and spoke fruit of your ground for good. For F^Y O I these words to all Yisra'el, turns back to rejoice over you for good 2 and he said to them, \\\"I am one as He rejoiced over your fathers, hundred and twenty years old today. I w if you obey the voice of your am no longer able to go out and come Elohim, to guard His Commands and in. And has said to me, 'You do His Laws which are written in this Book not pass over this Yarden.' of the Torah, if you turn back to 3 your Elohim Himself is your Elohim with all your heart and passing over before you. He shall with all your being. destroy these nations from before you 11 \\\"For this Command which I am and you possess them. Yahoshua commanding you today, it is not too himself is passing over before you, as hard for you, nor is it far off. has spoken. 12 \\\"It is not in the shamayim, to say, 4 -\\\"And shall do to them as He Who shall ascend into the shamayim did to Sihon and to Og, the sovereigns for us, and bring it to us, and cause us of the Amorites and their land, when to hear it, so that we do it?' He destroyed them. 13 \\\"Nor is it beyond the sea, to say, 5 \\\"And shall give them over Who shall go over the sea for us, and to you, and you shall do to them bring it to us, and cause us to hear it, according to all the Command which I so that we do it?' have commanded you. 14 \\\"For the Word is very near you, in 6 \\\"Be strong and courageous, do not your mouth and in your heart - to do it. fear nor be afraid of them. For it is 15 \\\"See, I have put before you today your Elohim who is going with hai and good, and death and evil, you. He does not fail you nor forsake 16 in that I am commanding you today you.\\\" ' to love FAY your Elohim, to walk 7 And Mosheh called Yahoshua and in His Ways, and to guard His said to him before the eyes of all Commands, and His Laws, and His Yisra'el, \\\"Be strong and courageous, Right-Rulings. And you shall live and for you are going with this people to increase, and FAY your Elohim shall the land which ^W^has sworn to their","DEBARIM 222 fathers to give them, and you are to let And many evils and distresses shall them inherit it. come upon them, and it shall be said 8 \\\"And it is who is going before in that day, 'Is it not because our you. He Himself is with you. He does Elohim is not in our midst that these not fail you nor forsake you. Do not evils have come upon us?' fear nor be discouraged.\\\" 18 \\\"And I shall certainly hide My face in 9 And Mosheh wrote this Torah and that day. because of all the evil which gave it to the kohenim, the sons of they have done, for they shall turn to Lewi, who bore the ark of the other mighty ones. Covenant of and to all the 19 \\\"And now write down this song for elders of Yisra\u2019el. yourselves, and teach it to the children w And Mosheh commanded them, of Yisra\u2019el. Put it in their mouths, so saying, \\\"At the end of seven years, at that this song is to Me for a witness the Appointed Time, the year of against the children of Yisra\u2019el. release, at the Festival of Sukkoth, 20 \\\"And I shall bring them to the land 11 when ail Yisra\u2019el comes to appear flowing with milk and honey, of which I before your Elohim in the place swore to their fathers, and they shall which He chooses, read this Torah eat and be satisfied and be fat, then before all Yisra\u2019el in their hearing. they shall turn to other mighty ones, 12 \\\"Assemble the people, the men and and they shall serve them, and scorn the women and the little ones, and Me and break My Covenant. your sojourner who is within your 21 \\\"And it shall be, when many evils gates, so that they hear, and so that and distresses come upon them, they learn to revere *^31' your Elohim that this song shall answer before and guard to do all the Words of this them as a witness. For it is not to be Tcrah. forgotten in the mouths of their seed, 13 \\\"And their children, who have not for I know their thoughts which they known it, should hear and learn to are forming today, even before I bring revere your Elohim as long as them to the land of which I swore to you live in the land you are passing give them.\\\" \u2022 > \u25a0 . over the Yarden to possess.\\\" 22 And Mosheh wrote this song the 14 And said to Mosheh, \\\"See, same day, and taught it to the children the days have drawn near for you of Yisra\u2019el. -- to die. Call Yahoshua, and present 23 And He commanded Yahoshua son yourselves in the Tent of Appointment, of Nun, and said, \\\"Be strong and so that I command him.\\\" And Mosheh courageous, for you are to bring the and Yahoshua went and presented children of Yisra\u2019el into the land of themselves in the Tent of Appointment. which I swore to them, and I Myself am 15 And appeared at the Tent in with you.\\\" ...<\u2022\u2022 a column of a cloud, and the column of 24 And it came to be, when Mosheh a cloud stood above the door of the had completed writing the Words of Tent \u2022 \u2022 '\u2022 this Torah in a Book, until their 16 And said to Mosheh, \\\"See, completion, .\u2018 you are about to sleep with your 25 that Mosheh commanded the fathers. And this people shall rise and Lewites, who bore the ark of the whore after the mighty ones of the Covenant of saying, strangers of the land into the midst of 26 \\\"Take this Book of the Torah, and which they shall enter, and forsake Me you shall place it beside the ark of the and break My Covenant which I have Covenant of WW your Elohim, and it made with them. shall be there as a witness against 17 \\\"Then My displeasure shall burn you, against them in that day, and I shall 27 for I myself know your rebellion and forsake them and hide My face from your stiff neck. See, while I am still them, and they shall be consumed. alive with you today, you have been \u2022","223 DEUTERONOMY rebellious against then how Ya'aqob His allotted inheritance. much more after my death? 10 \\\"He found him in a wilderness, 28 \\\"Assemble unto me all the elders of And in a wasted, howling desert. your tribes, and your officers, so that I He encompassed him, He made him speak these words in their hearing and understand, call the shamayim and the earth to He watched over him as the apple of witness against them. His eye. 29 \\\"For I know that after my death 11 \\\"As an eagle stirs up its nest, you shall do very corruptly and turn Flutters over its young, aside from the Way which I have Spreading out its wings, taking them commanded you. And evil shall come up, to you in the latter days, because you Bearing them on its wings. do what is evil in the eyes of 'WW, to 12 alone led him, provoke Him through the work of your And there was no strange mighty one hands.\\\" >\u2022 with him. 30 So Mosheh spoke in the hearing of 13 \\\"He made him ride in the heights of all the assembly of Yisra'el the words the earth, of this song till their completion: . And he ate the fruit of the fields, Q O \\\"Give ear, O shamayim, and And He made him to draw honey from \\\\J let me speak; the rock, And hear, O earth, ; \u25a0 And oil from the flinty rock, The words of my mouth. 14 \\\"Curds from the cattle, 2 \\\"Let my instruction fall as rain, And milk of the flock, My speech drop down as dew, With fatness of lambs, As fine rain on the tender plants, And rams of the breed of Bashan, And as showers on the grass. And goats, with the choicest wheat; 3 \\\"For I proclaim the Name of And you drank wine, the blood of Ascribe greatness to our Elohim. grapes. 4 \\\"The Rock! His work is perfect, 15 \\\"But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked; For all His Ways are right-ruling, \u2022. You grew fat, you grew thick, An El of truth and without You are covered with fat; unrighteousness, So he forsook Eloah who made him, Righteous and straight is He. And scorned the Rock of his 5 \\\"A twisted and wicked generation has deliverance. corrupteditself, *\u2022 16 \\\"They moved Him to jealousy with Their blemish, not His children. the foreign, 6 \\\"Do you do this to With abominations they provoked Him. O foolish and unwise people? 17 \\\"They slaughtered to demons - not Is He not your Father, who bought you, Eloah - Who created you and established you? Mighty ones they did not know, 7 \\\"Remember the days of old, New ones who came lately, Consider the years of many Which your fathers did not reverence. generations. 18 \\\"You neglected the Rock who Ask your father and let him show you, brought you forth, Your elders, and let them say to you: And forgot the El who fathered you. 8 \\\"When the Most High gave the 19 \\\"And WW saw, and despised, nations their inheritance, Because of the provocation of His When He separated the sons of Adam, sons and His daughters. He established the boundaries of the 20 \\\"And He said, 'Let Me hide My face peoples from them, ,\u2022 \u2019 According to the number of the Let Me see what their end is, children of Elohim. \u2022\u2022 For they are a perverse generation, 9 \\\"For the portion of WW is His Children in whom there is no trusting. people, 21 \\\"They made Me jealous by what is","DEBARIM 224 not \u00a3l. 34 'Is it not stored up with Me, They provoked Me with their Sealed up among My treasures? worthlessness. But I make them jealous by those who 35 'Vengeance is Mine, and repayment, are no people. At the time their foot slips; I provoke them with a foolish nation. 22 \\\"For a fire was kindled in My wrath For near is the day of their calamity, And burns to the bottom of She'ol, And consumes the earth and its And the preparations are hastening to increase. them.' And lights on fire the foundations of 36 \\\"For rightly rules His people mountains. 23 \\\"I gather evils upon them, And has compassion on His servants, I use up My arrows upon them - 24 \\\"Wasted by scarcity of food, When He sees that their power is And consumed by heat and bitter gone, destruction, And the teeth of beasts I send upon And there is no one remaining, them. Shut up or at large. With the poison of serpents of the 37 \\\"And He shall say, Where are their dust 25 \\\"The sword bereaves from the mighty ones, outside, The rock in whom they sought refuge? And fear from within, Both young man and maiden, 38 Who ate the fat of their Nursing child with the man of grey slaughterings, hairs. 26 \\\"I said, *1 should blow them away, And drank the wine of their drink I should make the remembrance of offering? .\u25a0 them To cease from among men, Let them arise and help you, 27 \\\"If I did not fear the enemy's taunt, Lest their adversaries misunderstand, Let it be a hiding-place for you! Lest they say, \\\"Our hand is high, And ^^has not done all this.\\\"' 39 'See now that I, I am He, 28 \\\"For they are a nation lost to And there is no Elohim besides Me. counsel, And there is no understanding in them. I put to death and I make alive. 29 \\\"If they were wise, They would understand this, I have wounded, and I heal. They would consider their latter end! 30 \\\"How would one chase a thousand, And from My hand no one delivers! And two put ten thousand to flight, 40 'For I lift My hand to the shamayim, . Unless their Rock had sold them, And had given them up? And shall say: As I live forever, 3i\\\"For their rock is not like our Rock - Even our enemies are judges. 41 'If I have sharpened My flashing 32 \\\"Their vine is of the vine of Sedom And of the fields of Amorah; sword, .- Their grapes are grapes of gall, And My hand takes hold on judgment, Their clusters are bitter. 33 \\\"Their wine is the poison of I shall return vengeance to My serpents, enemies, And the fierce venom of cobras. And repay those who hate Me. 42 'I make My arrows drunk with blood, And My sword devours flesh, With the blood of the slain and the captives, . \u2019 \u2018r From the long-haired enemy chiefs.' 43 \\\"O nations, acclaim His people! ' \u2022 For He avenges the blood of His servants, -si *' And returns vengeance to His adversaries, \u201d - -- And shall pardon His land, His people.\\\" 44 Then Mosheh came, with Yahoshua son of Nun, and spoke all the words of this song in the hearing of the people.- 45 And when Mosheh ended speaking all these words to all Yisra'el, 46 he said to them, \\\"Lay your heart on all the words with which I warn you today, so that you command your","225 DEUTERONOMY children to guard to do all the Words of shall fight for him, and You be a help this Torah. against his enemies.\\\" 47 \\\"For it is not a worthless Word for 8 And of Lewi he said, \\\"Your Tummim you, because it is your hai, and by this and Your Urim belong to Your kind Word you prolong your days on the one, whom You tried at Massah, with land which you pass over the Yarden whom You contended at the waters of Meribah, to possess.\\\" 9 who said of his father and mother, 'I 48 And 'WAY spoke to Mosheh that same day, saying, have not seen them.\u2019 And he did not 49 \\\"Go up this mountain of the Abarim, acknowledge his brothers, or know his Mount Nebo, which is in the land of own children, for they have guarded Mo'ab, which is opposite Yeriho, and Your Word and watched over Your look at the land of Kena'an, which I Covenant. give to the children of Yisra'el as a 10 \\\"They teach Your Right-Rulings to possession, Ya'aqob, and Your Torah to Yisra'el. so and die on the mountain which you They put incense before You, and a ascend, and be gathered to your complete burnt offering on Your altar. people, as Aharon your brother died on 11 \\\"O barak his strength, and Mount Hor and was gathered to his accept the work of his hands. Strike people, through the loins of those who rise 51 because you trespassed against Me against him, and of those who hate in the midst of the children of Yisra'el him, that they rise no more.\\\" at the waters of Meribah Qadesh, in 12 Of Binyamin he said, \\\"Let the the Wilderness of Tsin, because you beloved of WAY dwell in safety by did not qadosh Me in the midst of the Him, shielding him all the day, as he children of Yisra'el. dwells between His shoulders.\\\" 52 \\\"For you are to look at the land 13 And of Yoseph he said, \\\"Baruk of before you, but not enter there, into the is his land, with the choicest land which I am giving to the children from the shamayim, with the dew, and of Yisra\u2019el.\\\" the deep lying beneath, OO And this is the berakah with 14 with the choice fruits of the sun, with O O which Mosheh the man of the choice yield of the months, Elohim barak the children of Yisra'el 15 with the finest of the ancient before his death. mountains, with the choicest of the 2 And he said, \\\"'VtVKcame from Sinai, everlasting hills, and rose from Se'ir for them. He shone 16 with the choicest of the earth and all forth from Mount Paran, and came with that fills it, and the good pleasure of ten thousands of qodeshim - at His Him who dwelt in the bush. Let it come right hand a law of fire for them. on the head of Yoseph, and on the 3 Indeed, He loves the peoples, all His crown of the head of him who was qodeshim are in Your hand. And they, separate from his brothers. they sat down at Your feet, receiving 17 \\\"His splendour is like a first-born Your Words. bull, and his horns are like the horns of 4 Mosheh commanded us a Torah, the wild ox. With them he pushes the an inheritance of the assembly of peoples to the ends of the earth. And Ya'aqob. they are the ten thousands of 5 And He was Sovereign in Yeshurun, Ephrayim, and they are the thousands when the heads of the people were of Menashsheh.\\\" gathered, the tribes of Yisra'el. 18 And of Zebulun he said, \\\"Rejoice. O 6 \\\"Let Re'uben live, and not die, and let Zebulun, in your going out, and his men be numbered.\\\" Yissaskar in your tents! 7 And this of Yahudah, and he said, 19 \\\"They call peoples to the mountain, \\\"Hear, \u2018A\u2019tA'T, the voice of Yahudah, there they bring offerings of and bring him to his people. His hands righteousness, for they draw from the","DEBARIM 226 riches of the seas, and treasures as Dan. hidden in the sand.\\\" 2 and all Naphtali and the land of 20 And of Gad he said. \\\"Baruk is he Ephrayim and Menashsheh, all the who enlarges Gad. He dwells as a lion, land of Yahudah as far as the Western and shall tear off the arm, also the Sea, crown. 3 and the Negeb, and the plain of the 21 \\\"And he chose the best for himself, Valley of Yeriho, the city of palm trees, for there the portion of the lawgiver as far as Tso'ar. was hidden. And he came with 4 And said to him, \\\"This is the the heads of the people. The land of which I swore to Abraham, to righteousness of W he did, and His Yitshaq, and to Ya'aqob, saying, 'To Right-Rulings with Yisra'el.\\\" your seed I give it.' I have let you look 22 And of Dan he said. \\\"Dan is a lion's at it with your eyes, but you do not cub. that leaps from Bashan.\\\" pass over there.\\\" 23 And of Naphtali he said, \\\"O 5 And Mosheh the servant of Naphtali. satisfied with pleasure, and died there in the land of Mo'ab, filled with the berakah of according to the word of WW. possess the west and the south.\\\" 6 And He buried him in a valley in the 24 And of Asher he said, \\\"Asher is land of Mo'ab, opposite Beyth Pe'or, most baruk of sons. Let him be and no one knows his burial place to accepted by his brothers, and dip his this day. foot in oil. 7 And Mosheh was one hundred and 25 \\\"Your sandais are iron and bronze, twenty years old when he died. His and your strength as your days. eyes were not dim nor his freshness 26 \\\"O Yeshurun, there is no one like El, gone. riding the shamayim to help you, and s And the children of Yisra'el wept for on the clouds, in His excellency. Mosheh in the desert plains of Mo'ab 27 \\\"The Elohim of old is a refuge, and thirty days. And the days of weeping beneath are everlasting arms. And He and mourning for Mosheh were drives out the enemy from before you completed. and says. 'Destroy!\u2019 9 And Yahoshua son of Nun was filled 28 'Thus Yisra'el dwells in safety, the with the spirit of wisdom, for Mosheh fountain of Ya'aqob alone, in a land of had laid his hands on him. And the grain and new wine. His shamayim children of Yisra'el listened to him, and also drop down dew. did as 3*ra<rhad commanded Mosheh. 29 \\\"Baruk are you, O Yisra'el! Who is 10 And since then no nabi has arisen in like you? A people saved by 'XX'W, the Yisra'el like Mosheh, whom shield of your help, and He who is the knew face to face, sword of your excellency! And your 11 for all the signs and wonders which enemies are subdued for you, and you sent him to do in the land of tread down their high places.\\\" Mitsrayim, before Pharaoh, and before And Mosheh went up from all his servants, and in all his land, . \u25a0 1 Or1 the desert plains of Mo'ab to 12 and for all that strong. hand and Mount Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, all the great fearsome deeds which which is opposite Yeriho. And Mosheh did before the eyes of all showed him all the land of Gil'ad as far Yisra'el. .y"]

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