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Home Explore LFWZH Volume 子

LFWZH Volume 子

Published by Wang Zihao Global Union, 2023-07-16 16:38:44

Description: Volume 子 is the third of the four (4) book volumes of our #LetterForWANGZIHAO message book set, an ambitious project under 《from X to Z》 fan support for Wang Zihao from all participating Xiàngrìkuí worldwide.

Keywords: wang zihao, levi wang, zihao, chromosome, chromosome entertainment group, ceg, boys planet


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ABOUT THE COVER Meeting Wang Zihao in this life is as iconic as his ‘W’ crown handsign. Our starting points are scattered to several reasons including coincidence, spark of interest, hype, curiosity, or just entertainment. However, along the way, the krump specialist of Henan has become more than just an inspiration to all of us. 向 日 葵 王Indeed, real stars shine bright and real talents capture hearts. Each will continue to be the ’s support system for a 加油very long time. May our dream to let the world know his name one day manifest. Till then, ! Cover design by: @zaes_61 and @LStudio1007 Words and concept by: @dohtilevisoo and @zaes_61 从向日葵对子浩

#LetterForWANGZIHAO from X to Z

From a tiny sapling to a thriving tree, fearless of strong winds and relentless rain, growth is always on the journey. Zihao, keep going! FOUR HOLY BEASTS / CHROMOSOME

FOREWORD It was in 2016 when the Sun built its first base in China and recognized his Sunflowers’ love. Seven years later, his abilities and pure heart urged multiple fanbases to rise from different parts of the world; all are dedicated only for the future brightest 向日葵Star, Wang Zihao. This message book is a gift made out of the growing love of all . As one of the many individuals behind this project, a lot of what ifs crossed our minds but with the help and contribution of everyone, this project turned into reality. We hope our Wang Zihao could feel all the love from his fans all over the world thru this message book project. —SUNFLOWERVILLE (@sunflowerville_) Along with the Chinese voting team (@LeviVoting) and other voting groups created across social media, we surged the waves and conquered several challenges during the Planet journey. Now on the next journey with our Sun and only Star, we all worked together again for this project. Every second spent was bliss. May our love be delivered well. —WANG ZIHAO Global Voting Team (@WANGZIHAO_VT) Being on this project is really fun, expressing the thoughts of everyone, putting different ideas in a creative way, the cooperation of all the people involve to make this completeis a challenge.Zihao we do really hope that this whole book could be fun for you to read and enjoy every pages containing the hearts of all the people who loved you. Hoping that this book will give you more inspiration to walk towards your dreams. —Wang Zihao Social 50 (WZH_S50) PRESS PLAY! We, the WZH Stream Team, are grateful to be a part of this project. We hope that our Zihao will enjoy reading all the messages written with love and sincerity. Wang Zihao, we hope you that you can feel how much everybody loves you through this message book. —WANG ZIHAO STREAM (WZH_Stream0306) 青十如而这本年涩你果能留我鲜少年言人,成簿聚,问为沙从,少,一成凝籍年籍聚朝塔前天、无、进名手代路下上出捧知表鲜着发的,大一花初丝、家目最露力珍量风光华皆,贵向的意义心他便意足够重大 —WANGZIHAO CHINA FANBASE (@WZH_CHN_fanbase)

FOREWORD This is the first time in our life to take part in such a big project. We are very happy and honored to be involved in this project, I hope Zihao can enjoy the message book project we’ve put together, and be as happy as we were when making this. —Wang Zi Hao Indonesia (@WANGZIHAOINA) We are really looking forward to seeing you, Wang Zihao, and there are a lot of things that I want to tell! So we would like you to know our messages through this project! —WANG ZIHAO JAPAN FANBASE (@wzh_jp_fanbase) Hello Wang Zao! We sincerely hope that this book will help you experience the love ou receive from people all over the world. Countless letters written to you are filled with love. Your admirers, who adore art as much as they adore you, have contributed their time and skills to the stunning fan art in this book. Because of our affection, we wish you caan smile, be joyful, be healthy, and shine on stage. —Chromosome Myanmar (@chromosome_MM) Hello Zihao! We hope this book, which is like a small flower in the vast forest (nemus) of our admiration for you, will make your days as light as the breeze in spring and wish each of its sections will give you as great time as we had creating them.—NEMUS (wzh_nemus) Turning simple ideas into reality is a collective work and we’re so glad to be involved in this project. This project worked out well because of the participation of everyone and with the hope of Zihao reading our messages for him. We hope we could bring smiles and laughter to our Dance King while reading this project. —WANG ZIHAO PHILIPPINES (@wzh_ph) We had the opportunity to introduce our country while conveying our feelings to you, so it was a pleasure for us to contribute to this message book. Hope you will feel our adventures on every page and our support will reach you. Wishing you a good time throughout the book. —WANG ZIHAO TURKIYE (@WangZihaoTR) What we can convey albeit limited and what you may feel after flipping all the pages, we will leave it to fate, the heavens, and every deity. May this four- volume message book be able to make you feel better when you are sad, and always make you smile or laugh. Cry if you must, though. ^_^ Sincerely thankful to your light, WANG ZIHAO Global Union of Fanbases

TABLE OF 04 Foreword Introduction about the Book Notes from fanbases Greetings from Xiangrei 09 子What to expect from Volume 10 AFRICA Presenting Africa mails from Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco 21 Jujube Time with X & Z Trivia EAST ASIA 22 Rediscover East Asia mails from China, Japan, South Korea 181 Jujube Time with X and Z Fantastic fate and amazing feat in East Asia

CONTENTS 182 SOUTH ASIA Introducing South Asia mails from India and Pakistan 191 Jujube Time with X & Z Is it good bye? 192 AUSTRALIA Hello there, Australia Jujube Time With X and Z 198 Nooks & Crannies #AnywhereWithZihao Art Features Wang Zihao Crown concept 241 Credits, Dropbox, Disclaimer 246 Afterword Message from fanbases This is not goodbye

Yaho~ I'm glad you arrived here! Welcome to Volume III of #LetterForWANGZIHAO book set. Have you checked Volume I and II, yet? Are you in for another adventure? Be ready because we will have a big, big, BIG trip! We are having a world tour! Let's go~ I'm XHiia!ngrei. 9

CONTINENT AFRICA OF Algeria Egypt Libya Morocco AFRICA 10

PreseAnFRItCiAng 15 BGLUOBNALION ----------------------------- BOARDING PASSGLUONBAILON FLIGHT: GATE: NAME : WANG ZIHAO FLIGHT: GATE: 1017O 14 YOUR DESTINATION 1017O 14 15 JUL 2023 EA AF 02.00 16 JUL 2023 02.00 EA AF 15 B SEAT FIRST CLASS Sahara is the World’s largest and most extensive hot desert located in North Africa.This gigantic desert is spread out in 11 countries: Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Western Sahara, Sudan, and Tunisia. 11

亲爱的王子浩, 我想对你一直以来给我带来的不可思议的影响表示衷心的感谢。你迷人的舞台,富有 感染力的微笑,坚定不移的信念让我十分敬佩。你用你很强的适应能力迅速克服了这 段旅程中的障碍,向 !崇我拜们”“展你就示的像粉了星丝你星拥的之梦有火的想可。无以限燎潜原力,:你“从在星舞星台点上点的的出小现火让花人到们漫心天中烟充花: 点燃心灵,照亮梦想 满惊喜,点燃了无数 你迅速成长为明星向我们展示了你身上十分巨大的潜力,用你的热情培育它们,用你 坚定不移的精神驾驭它们,直到看着它们绽放成为吸引整个世界的惊人景象。 当你继续走在这条光荣的道路上时,要知道你的粉丝会永远在你身边,支持你走过每 一次胜利,在你有疑虑的时候为你加油。你的旅程才刚刚开始,我很期待即将展开的 精彩篇章。愿你的未来充满无限的机会、珍贵的回忆和实现你珍视的每一个梦想。 SABRINA,来自阿尔及利亚的枣妹,我会一直为你的幸福、健康和平安祈祷 12

亲爱的王子浩.. 一开始看到张艺兴身边有个善良勤奋的人,但是我不知道他的名字。 但是有一 天,公司宣布他要参加选秀节目《BOYS PLANET》。我很高兴见到他,因为他我 才看的节目。 事实上,我一直在密切的关注你,越来越执着于你的细节❤除了 你惊人的唱跳天赋,你迷人的笑容也让我念念不忘❤ 你知道我会爱着你,我会在今天、明天、永远鼓励你,直到我看到你像你的老 板张艺兴一样成功。子浩我会一直在你身边的❤我爱你。 来自阿尔及利亚的MARIA 13

嗨,王子浩, 我们的小帅哥 很高兴看到你如此闪耀。你很努力,我很喜欢你在 BOYS PLANET 的表演和舞蹈。 希望以后能看到你更加闪耀。。。我们是你的粉丝,会永远支持你。 注意安全和保持健康。 来自:ZAHRA,阿尔及利亚 14

亲爱的王子浩, 到你紧我何每这一让感你愿有可我面次光一的事有都你你谢。永不很B个情明看你,们能A一的会长做远像到用让在LA说你过未是起的你幸你出NC一了路福笑去轻的你来你E很第快样要笑堪一拥,和轻好快一有帅段容我走乐踏称,也出枯乐美楷,时,气次编、出做模会每的间有萎丽舞的。很一不自现的的有时也步辛才光多笑后己表自很现喜容。收、。觉要勤好工到我欢经。,聪地,历笑的很因的明作嗓为事起乐、我的,音的意暖你来。感事也,,与心谢第已祝很、一你在你也经你好笑的知有分封过在,努去道信享起很朋真的这,力多这来友的经这所工些很一、让。美验作点段以家我要实的,,我时人很但以际学间有孩和期上里点习后请子忠待也并,,确困,实你惑不我你所保一粉还保是样和以展,丝能现每证兴。请现的做奋天不了在会陪什都要一很。和伴么首直能好让未下。的先抓任来遇拥 来自埃及的ZAY 15

待办事项清单!!(用爱书 你好,我希望你过得很好,可以照顾好自己!首先,我 写) 想告诉你,在过去的几个月里,你始终都在尽自己最大 -睡个好觉 的努力,你努力练习,一直都是最好的,我希望你在那 -多吃,保持健康 里度过了美好的时光,结交了新朋友,挑战了自己,积 -把幸福放在首位 累了更多的经验!!! -我们知道你是一个游戏玩 家,所以在你的空闲时间 现在,这是真正旅程的开始,我很高兴能在这里和你在 好好享受吧!! 一起,我会永远等着你,支持你,一直走下去!!(^O 一^) -我们很想多听你唱歌!! 定要照顾好自己,睡好,吃好,不要给自己压力,你的 -保持快乐! ! 快乐才是最重要的!!把你的幸福放在第一位,请像你 -保重身体 之前说的那样继续做你喜欢的事情,快乐地书写你的人 我爱你 生之书,实现你的梦想,我们会一直支持你!!我爱 你!~♡ 16 你的粉丝:托卡(TOKA) 来自埃及

拥有最美笑容和最纯洁内心的王子浩。 我希望你身体健康,过的快乐。 谢谢你让我的生活变得更加美好。 我想给你世 界上所有的爱和鼓励,你是一个真正了不起的人。 我希望你成功地走你的梦想 之路,看到你的光芒和彼此的成长,我们一直和你在一起,我们会继续等你。 我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,永远永远。 我闪亮的星星,我希望你一切都好,永 远保持活力和乐观。再说一次我爱你,让我们尽快在舞台上见面。 致我的心上人王子浩 来自 WJDAN WAJDI 来自 利比亚 17

嗨王子浩,我是来自摩洛哥的IMANE 只想说谢谢你的努力和付出。 请记住无论如何我们都会永远支持你。 我们只希望你快乐,对自己满意..我们也希望你与我们分享你的任何感受,无论 是快乐,悲伤还是紧张...... 因为我们的耳朵会永远倾听你的声音,无论如何我们都会支持你。 就像你是我们的阳光一样,我们也会是永远对着你微笑的向日葵。 最后,我想说你有很多阿拉伯粉丝,每次看你的视频,粉丝的数量都会增加。 18

嗨王子浩, 我是来自摩洛哥的 HOUDA 感 谢您通过施展你的魔法让这 么多人的生活变得更美好。 好好照顾自己,放下那些伤 害你的东西。 我希望你的日 子充满可爱和美丽的事物。 谢谢你的出现。我会永远支 持你。 要快乐♡♡ 19

JU JUBE TIME WITH X & Z Oh. Now that you Their desert is really huge, right? mention it... it’s Did you notice that all the eight letter senders from Africa live in a cute. country covered by the Sahara Desert? 21

EAST EAST ASIA ASIA China Japan South Korea 22

RediEsAcSoT AvSeIAr 22 AGLUOBNALION ----------------------------- BOARDING PASSGLUONBAILON FLIGHT: GATE: NAME : WANG ZIHAO FLIGHT: GATE: 1018B 12 YOUR DESTINATION 1018B 12 15 JUL 2023 AF EA 02.00 16 JUL 2023 02.00 AF EA 22 A SEAT FIRST CLASS East Asia is a fascinating place with a rich history and culture: being a home to some of the world's oldest civilizations (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Korean civilizations) and some of the world's most iconic landmarks 23



小 亲爱的小枣: 你好!很开心能成为你的粉丝被你的开心快乐治愈(开心的转 圈)!!现在回想起来,真的很庆幸自己在无聊的那一天打开B站然后看到 你跳的主题曲,发现你并“一见钟情”(心空晕倒~)!!然后去了解你,发 现你真的好美好啊~世界上怎么会有这么可爱帅气的你呢~~然后很幸运与 你一起度过了打投的那段时期,很累但很美好^_^虽然每次看到发表顺位和 镜头量的都会很崩溃……觉得你的努力为什么总是被埋没…但是幸好还是有 我们有更多的人看到你了吖~又会觉得很开心^_^然后擦擦泪继续为你投票 ~~崩溃过哭过开心过但都不如你的心情重要,你真的很好很好很好特别特 别特别棒,会继续一直爱你,大胆的往前走和做你喜欢的事情吧,会一直支 持陪伴你的!!也希望你每天快乐平安,注重身体!!爱你,宝贝!!^O^ (爱心发射~) 爱你的yeeeahhhh to 王子浩 感谢子浩在 舞Boysplanet 台上给我带来的快乐,从Here I 到Am Supercharger,子浩的舞台在我心中是无可置疑的第一名!只要子浩在舞台 上,我的视线就只能看到你,你一定是天生idol吧!因为子浩,我也开始了 跳舞,工作之后第一次开始了规律的锻炼,感谢子浩,你是我的健康使者! 很想更多地看到帅气的子浩,看到子浩的舞蹈和舞台,希望子浩以后可以幸 福地走花路! 28












展信悦 嗨~现在是5月13号晚上九点五十分,感觉自己有很多话想说,但现 在又不知道要从何说起。 认识你,我感觉是一个很奇妙的经历。怎么说呢? 可能我们之间真的有很多相似的地方吧!12月底无意间点开了你的直拍,那 时候心里感叹道:哇塞!怎么跳的那么好啊!又去考古了你的物料,不得不说 啊!直到现在我还能看到我没看过的物料哈哈哈!然后特别巧的是,我的20岁 生日居然和你22岁生日是同一天(虽然我过的是农历生日嘿嘿!)双鱼是那种 刚开始给人一种生人勿近的感觉,然后慢慢熟了之后就变得话很多,我觉得 你一定有一个有趣的灵魂,私下一定很逗。虽然不是特别了解你,但是以后 时间有足够的时间了解。到现在我还特别好奇就是你电脑怎么丢的哈哈哈哈 哈!希望有机会你亲口讲出这个故事。 认识你的这几个月,我真的特别特别 开心!真的很佩服你的追梦之路!有时间真的很丧,然后去看你的视频,我心情 又变得好起来了!这可能就是偶像的力量吧!自己真的不喜欢那种单向的爱,感 觉很累,但在宝宝你这里我感受到了满满双向的爱。我特别特别幸福!啊啊啊 感觉说了好多又感觉也什么都没说一堆子碎碎念!最后呢!爱信等你!!!王子浩加 油加油加油!期待着为你举灯牌的那一天! 来一份from levi 40




写给王子浩的一封信 王子浩: 你好呦! 我真的很幸运,能在同学给我的舞台安利里一眼就看见你,没有错过你。 临近三顺的时候,我总做梦,梦见你发练习室练舞视频、发录歌视频、发自 己精心准备的小舞台视频,实在是太喜欢舞台上热情四溢的你了。 还有我特别喜欢你的笑容,真的好像太阳一样点亮了我的世界,赶走所有的 乌云。 虽然节目已经结束一段时间了,但还是很想和你说,维系着我们之间的,是 我的那一颗想要看见你站在闪耀舞台的心,是你的那一颗想要站在舞台上暴风 成长的心;所以能见证你的成长是我莫大的荣幸,你在舞台上暴风成长,我们 也在舞台下陪伴见证,舞台上光芒万丈的你,是我们心目中最好的你! 所以,约定好噢! always keep going!绝不止步!我会一直陪着你!一直等 着你!见证你在舞台上发光发热的每一刻! 我也期待越来越多、更大更广的专属于你的闪耀舞台! 希望你在日本见面会玩的开心~等你未来出道的好消息! 一株会陪你走下去的向日葵 虽然节目已经结束一段时间了,但还是很想和你说,维系着我们之间的,是 我的那一颗想要看见你站在闪耀舞台的心,是你的那一颗想要站在舞台上暴风 成长的心;所以能见证你的成长是我莫大的荣幸,你在舞台上暴风成长,我们 也在舞台下陪伴见证,舞台上光芒万丈的你,是我们心目中最好的你! 所以,约定好噢! always keep going!绝不止步!我会一直陪着你!一直等 着你!见证你在舞台上发光发热的每一刻! 我也期待越来越多、更大更广的专属于你的闪耀舞台! 希望你在日本见面会玩的开心~等你未来出道的好消息! 一株会陪你走下去的向日葵 44





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