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Dhrishti 21-22-compressed 1

Published by Dhiraj Pawar, 2022-11-03 05:46:28

Description: Dhrishti 21-22-compressed 1


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• Digital personal assistants: Smartphones use AI to provide services that are as relevant and personalized as possible. Virtual assistants answering questions, providing recommendations and helping organize daily routines have become ubiquitous. • Machine translations: Language translation software, either based on written or spoken text, relies on artificial intelligence to provide and improve translations. This also applies to functions such as automated subtitling. • Smart homes, cities and infrastructure: Smart thermostats learn from our behavior to save energy, while developers of smart cities hope to regulate traffic to improve connectivity and reduce traffic jams. • Cars: While self-driving vehicles are not yet standard, cars already use AI-powered safety functions. The EU has for example helped to fund VI-DAS, automated sensors that detect possible dangerous situations and accidents. Navi- gation is largely AI-powered. • Cybersecurity: AI systems can help recognize and fight cyberattacks and other cyber threats based on the continuous input of data, recognizing patterns and backtracking the attacks. • Artificial intelligence against Covid-19 : In the case of Covid-19, AI has been used in thermal imaging in airports and elsewhere. In medicine it can help recog- nize infection from computerized tomography lung scans. It has also been used to provide data to track the spread of the disease. • Fighting disinformation: Certain AI applications can detect fake news and disinformation by mining social media information, looking for words that are sensational or alarming and identifying which online sources are deemed authori- tative. With the above in mind, AI proves to have the potential to make life easier for human beings. There were many instances of artificial intelligence being seem- ingly ‘better’ than human intelligence. It was however clear that if we define the human soul as having intellect, then there is no way artificial intelligence can equate to human intelligence. This is because robots, machines and algorithms have no soul. In this regard, artificial intelligence mimics human intelligence but can never be equated to human intelligence. Nayana Sasidharan Computer Science Dept. DHRISHTI 2021-22 151

The Power of art to change the world One of the great challenges today is that we often feel untouched by the problems of others and by global issues like climate change, even when we could easily do something to help. We do not feel strongly enough that we are part of a global community, part of a larger we. Giving people access to data most often leaves them feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, not empowered and poised for action. This is where art can make a difference. Art does not show people what to do, yet engaging with a good work of art can connect you to your senses, body, and mind. It can make the world felt. And this felt feeling may spur thinking, engagement, and even action. Most of us know the feeling of being moved by a work of art, whether it is a song, a play, a poem, a novel, a painting, or a spatio-temporal experiment. When we are touched, we are moved; we are transported to a new place that is, nevertheless, strongly rooted in a physical experience, in our bodies. We become aware of a feeling that may not be unfamiliar to us but which we did not actively focus on before. This transformative experience is what art is constantly seeking. It is to believe that one of the major responsibilities of artists – and the idea that artists have respon- sibilities may come as a surprise to some – is to help people not only get to know and understand something with their minds but also to feel it emotionally and physically. By doing this, art can miti- gate the numbing effect created by the glut of information we are faced with today, and motivate people to turn thinking into doing. Engaging with art is not simply a solitary event. The arts and culture represent one of the few areas in our society where people can come together to share an experience even if they see the world in radically different ways. The important thing is not that we agree about the experience that we share, but that we consider it worthwhile sharing an experience at all. In art and other forms of cultural expression, disagreement is accepted and embraced as an essential ingredient. In this sense, the community created by arts and culture is potentially a great source of inspiration for politicians and activists who work to transcend the polarising populism and stigmatisation of other people, posi- tions, and worldviews that is sadly so endemic in public discourse today. Art also encourages us to cherish intuition, uncertainty, and creativity and to search constantly for new ideas; artists aim to break rules and find unorthodox ways of approaching contemporary issues. By bringing us together to share and discuss, a work of art can make us more tolerant of difference and of one another. The encounter with art – and with others over art – can help us identify with one another, expand our notions of we, and show us that individual engagement in the world has actual consequences. That’s why in the future, art will be invited to take part in discussions of social, politi- cal, and ecological issues even more than it is currently and that artists will be included when leaders at all levels, from the local to the global, consider solutions to the challenges that face us in the world today. Vishal Arun Ram 152 Music teacher DHRISHTI 2021-22

A teaching artist is a practicing professional artist with the complementary skills and sensibilities of an educator, who engages people in learning experiences in, through and about the arts What is the purpose of art article? Art provides a means to express the imagination (things, places, ideas that are unreal or unknowable) in nondramatic ways. Unlike words, which come in sequences, each of which has a definite meaning, art provides a range of forms, symbols and ideas with meanings that can be determined by the artist. What is importance of art? It promotes expression and creativity In fact, participation in the arts may even assist kids with language, motor skills, and visual learning development. Research indicates that young people who regularly participate in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement later on WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO STUDY ART? Anyone who’s passionate about the arts recalls formative moments of experiencing a work of art pushing through a creative challenge. When we’re exposed to remarkable artworks or have opportunities to create, we find that art is crucial to individual growth and development and can even impact our health. Learning through and about the arts enriches the experience of studying while at school as well as preparing students for life after school. Arts subjects encourage self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity. Creativity can also help with wellbeing and improving health and happiness. Studying arts subjects also help to develop critical thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us. Conclusion of Art The Arts are an important cultural tool for expressing concerns and love for the world we occupy. Be it the natural world, keeping awareness, war, peace, disasters, taboo’s, social and cultural awareness. Ashok Kumar Art Teacher DHRISHTI 2021-22 153

Reasons why Physical Education is so important in schools. Students who play sports are better able to concentrate and maintain focus, which has a positive impact on their academic life. This can lead to improved attainment in all other academic subjects. Regular exercise is vital in the fight against child obesity. We all know the many health problems that are associated with obesity and how important it is to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Positive exercise habits that are implemented in childhood and adolescence will likely continue into adulthood. Students who exercise regularly have a better quality of sleep. They are therefore more alert at school and have higher levels of concentration. Physical exercise helps children relieve stress and anxiety. Young people today are arguably under more pressure than ever, so it is vital for them to have an outlet for this stress. Playing sports in groups help young people to improve their teamwork and leader- ship skills. It also helps to form stronger bonds between peers and promotes a healthy class dynamics. Physical activity promotes positive body image in teenagers, especially amongst women and girls. In this age of social media and societal pressure to look a certain way, this is of utmost importance. Sports teaches children to have improved self-discipline. They can implement this self-control in all aspects of their life, from better controlling their emotions to being more self-motivated with their studies. DHRISHTI 2021-22 154

A teaching artist is a practicing professional artist with the complementary skills and sensibilities of an educator, who engages people in learning experiences in, through and about the arts PE helps children to develop their confidence. This can have a positive aspect on all areas of their life, such as their personal relationships and ability to integrate quickly and make friends, to thinking about their future goals. Sport helps children develop their motor skills and strengthen their muscles. When fine motor skills are developed, children will be more adept at handwriting or playing a musical instrument. Children who play regular sports have improved behaviour in school.Parents support is very important for students. This picture is showing an online competition student vs parent. Sajithran Physical Education Dept. DHRISHTI 2021-22 155

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A teaching artist is a practicing professional artist with the complementary skills and sensibilities of an educator, who engages people in learning experiences in, through and about the arts DHRISHTI 2021-22 157

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Jiji Parakkal Ouseph 160 Malayalam Dept. DHRISHTI 2021-22

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Our Proud Leaders Standing (L-R) : Augustin, Manuel, Kumar Akshat, Mannis, Mario, Adithya Sitting (L-R) : Manav, Yadhu, Akshada Standing R1 (L-R) : Hannah, Sarah, Malarani, Tanya, Adhil, Jaden, Bhaumik, Adithya,Juzer, Mannis, Mario Standing R2 (L-R) : Gopika, Christina, Pavika, Ayansh, Ruhi, Dhairya, Ankit, Rudra, Saikrishna DHRISHTI 2021-22 178

Our Proud Winners DHRISHTI 2021-22 179



2021- 2022 Dhrishti The Creative Eye Bhavans Pearl Wisdom School - Al Ain MANAGED BY BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN MIDDLE EAST CBSE AFFILIATED SECONDARY SCHOOL -AFFILIATION NUMBER- 6630208 BPWS Sector16, Magr Al Dhabi Plot No:12 182 Falaj Hazza PB No:85327 Al-Ain,UAE PH:037220905 Mob:0563582268 [email protected] DHRISHTI 2021-22

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