18 IDE- AS
1 WHAT DO YOU SEE IN THE SHADOWS? Make photos and drawings What the shapes remind you of? How others see it?
2 Black cats - bad luck White cats - ? Black absorbe visible light white reflects all the colours
3 People’s nightmares surrealistic art
4 How you see things when you half-close your eyes
5 Make one animal look like other Mimicery (evolutionary biology) fox look like a rabbit human look like a bird
6 Sarcastic posters with famous songs lyrics
7 Life is beautiful sketches, photos, videos, zine show the positive side of COVID-19; nature, family
8 Change the road signs illustrations connected with ones to the news
9 Use random words to create something
10 Make photography catalog of earth materials, texture
shap11pes s hapes Illustrates unusual sounds with colours es sha images
12 s vid song Make a lyric eo fo r a favourite
13 Advertise about women deodorant it’s smells almost so good that’s like a perfume
14 Design metters- visualize deep meaningful quotes with colours, lillutrations fun and typography
15 fear, scare people with typography, shapes provoke their imagination Brother Grimm’s book
16 Mix different disciplines with art like ilg fashion bo o y phy sics
17 Simple drawing/ sketches african masks minimalism
18 Philosophical art Platonism (Platon’s lrealism)
18 eval- ua- tions
Practice For Every Day Life (APFEL) https://apracticeforeverydaylife.com Intro A graphic design studio, type foundery and shop based in London. Our work includes art direction, identities, publications, exhibitions, type design, signage, packaging, and digital. We work with a conceptual rigour that ensures meaningful and original.
Evaluation The first thing that grabbed my attention was the well structed website–simple and effective design which can be said for all their work. Atthe end of each project, you have a short summary about it, and you can see related projects after it, this is an easy way for advertise. I am amazed that their style is something which I enjoyed as it’s the opposite of mine. They really succeed to combine the style of the client with their personal one. APFEL try to do and show various of design approaches as making moving images, using their own typefaces, websites for their clients. To summarize their style I would say functional, minimalistic, professional, elegant. The Gestalten Veldt project was the one that stand out to me. It’s multidisciplinary artwork-poems, photography, presented in digital way. I’ve never seen such a combination so I was impressed. It was a whole journey and all the elements fits perfectly together creating this beautiful story.
Lineto https://lineto.com/#trial-fonts Intro Today, Lineto connects an illustruous group of designers from the US to Ukraine, with the youngest being 20 and the oldest 83 years old. Lineto is dedicated to the research, design, development and production of original typefaces.
Evaluation Lineto has modern and clean style with mainly black and white colours. The viewer is engaged from the moment he opens the website page. They try to involve more than one senses–seeing which came with the movement since the beginning and sound which makes the pages different and attractive. It’s impressive how many designers are behind all the fonts which is probably the reason for the variety. All fonts are interesting presented with a typographic chat-bots where you can try out a words/sentences with a chosen font. This is a clever idea with which the clients can get better idea of what the font will look with their chosen text. Also, there is a colour wheel at the bottom of each web page where you can change the background colour and see the fonts in different colour. A lot of interactive buttons are included. Everything is well thought regarding what the needs of the viewer are and how he perceives things. All this little details show that they care about their clients. There is a lot of research about history and each font has their unique story. They All the pages are good structured, but the main page is a lot colourful and dynamic which makes you feel a bit lost at the beginning. The positive is that it makes you curious, you want to see more but is also confusing and stressful.
KesselsKramer https://www.kesselskramer.com Intro KesselsKramer is an independent, communications agency in Amsterdam, London and Los Angeles with about 50 people of 10 different nationalities. From film to digital, we make every piece of work social, in the very origins of the word (society). We produce communications across all media.
Evaluation You can see that the agency loves experiment, play big, have fun, since from their biography. As we begin from their workplace–a church transformed into a gigantic playground, to their even weider work. They work for people all around the world which for sure give them a wider and unusual prespective. Their website is easy for view, it’s well structured and the use of blank space gives you clarity. When you go to their ‘Work’ page their projects looks like a GIFs. The presentation of their work looks fun, strange, frivolous in a way but is responsible. Each project starts with a problem and solution which is the core of the design. It gives a feeling that they can slove your problems. The curious thing for me was the work catagory by emotion. For me the idea of this section is to see if they can convey a certain feeling through a project which actualy makes their task harder. It was useful for me to see their ‘Beliefs’ page where you can read the agency values. It sounds like advices for other designers and the client itself. The agency has a separate web page for ‘Publishing’ which help to seperate the projects because of the amount of work and keeps the design simple.
Studio EMMI https://www.emmi.co.uk Intro Studio EMMI is a London based graphic design practice. Internationally awarded Studio EMMI works with clients and collaborators on local and global projects; identities, marketing campaigns, digital media, exhibitions, environments, events and publishing projects. Emmi teaches at various universities based in the UK, and regularly lectures across the country. One of the main stage speakers at AIGA’s Design Conference in , USA.
Evaluation From first sight you can tell the design looks elegant, playful, and simple, refined to the last detail. The website is minimalistic and professional. Everything is well ordered and it’s almost imposible to get lost or not to find what you’re searching for. After each project explanation you can read the client feedback which is like reading a review for a product and is useful for future clients.A range of projects are presented from 3D elements to app logo design, motion, and publishing. You can see the use of graphic design in all its forms. The studio has some big socially engaged projects for foundation, University Collage Hospital, graphic arts festival. You can see how design brings a life into a space which is the most impressive part. The studio shows not only the aesthetic part of the graphic design work but the practical and how multidisciplinary work has a greater impact. The combiniation of colors is well thought keeps the design simple and clean instead of kitschy.
FUEL http://fuel-design.com/about/ Intro FUEL is a graphic design and publishing company based in London. With a focus on contemporary art and photography, specialising in the design and production of catalogues and monographs. FUEL Publishing produces books in close collaboration with artists and authors. FUEL also own the Russian Criminal Tattoo Archive. This unique collection comprises over 750 original sheets of pen and ink drawings, sketchbooks and posters by Danzig Baldaev, to over 500 photographs of Russian prisoners by Sergei Vasiliev, and over 900 photographs from the Arkady Bronnikov collection of Soviet Police Files.teaches at various universities
Evaluation The company has a weakness for the past clearly but is combined with the modern feeling. Their unusual choice for the Soviet culture is what makes them interesting. You can get the nostalgic feeling from the illustration to the design, even you haven’t experienced this time. The archives they made and the connection between histo- ry and art is impressive, you can say this is a lot of work and research. The website is simple and well-structured the only thing that doesn’t appeal to me was that not every image/project has a description and may lead to misunderstanding and luck of interest. The range and variety of work is big from TV commercials, videos to mu- sic, logos, posters. The more work you see the more you get to know their style which is grotesque and ironic. The ‘Russian criminal tattoos’ is an interesting self-developed project where you can see the ideology of the time. Their unusual ideas bring unusual clients as well and a lot of the projects are for things you haven’t heard or see pre- sented this way.
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