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Home Explore English Plus 1 (Year 5)workbook

English Plus 1 (Year 5)workbook

Published by beehwatan, 2021-01-16 09:15:21

Description: English Plus 1 (Year 5)workbook


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I Q{ \\t*-r?. , t-rl , ffi& %ffi Lu

(ndorxoSStrUd AJIS}ISAINrI rrro4 ]uatuo) qll A i'!MzNAg** uolupl puocas Iooq{roaa 4 {e wat?; y,etattta)t?)I.:./1?.ry&?/na 1e w:; 4tql@,4, wi)ii:iilii,iifl.wfill b!gE ,& 9a9a ?/,:.i.i;: |;ti :!Ii)t: l.:a)'rt:,it; t .t. ix ,E -l IA 7g ,4 qa ffi sfi sa @9 -@*ds PlnoD-r(preH teuer

ISBN 978-967-18342-2-0 Eve's Food Photography), 60 (fanily,Tetra Images), 72 (hike/Zero Creatives), 78 (volleyba11/Kate Mirchell); press Association Inages pp57 (Missy Franklin/ First published 2021 Michael Sohn/AP), 57 (Claudia Fragapane/At Widak/Demotix); Rex Features p24 (walking to school/HAp/euirky China News); Shutrerstock pp14 (smiling English PIus 1 2nd Edition Year 5 (Workbooh) was originally published in woman/MJTH), 23 (family dinner/RonTech3000), 30 (short eared owl/Mark English in 2016. This edition is published by arrangement with Oxford Bridger), 30 (springbok/Johan Swanepoel), 71 (Sydney Opera House/Nadezda Universiry Press. My Bookstore Sdn Bhd is solely responsible for this adaptation fi'orn the original work and Oxford University press shall have Zavitaeva); South West News Service pp64 (Chris Hesford/S\\,\\T{, 64 no liability for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies or ambiguities in such (Chris Hesford/S\\ adaptations or for any losses caused by reliance thereon. 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Illustrationsby: I,]an Rowe pp.4, 10, 31, 45; Clive Goodyer pp .g,12,22,37,53, 68; David Oakley pp.70, 74; Joanna KerI p.7 (teacher, bag, pen, book, table); KJA Artists pp.17, 106; Mark Draisey pp.15, ZO, 29, 38, 46, s4, 6Oi Mark Ruffle pp.6, 7(Mobile, house), 21, 44, SZ, 1.07,102,103, 104, 105; Martina Farrow pp.100; Paul Daviz pp.8, T 4,26, 50, SS; Stephanie Stdckland p.39. Tlrc publisher wouldlike to thankthe forlotuitrgfor permission to reproduce photographs: 123RF pp6 (coat/Arina Zaiachin), 13 (Natural History Museum/Sung Kuk Kin), 14 (teensnhdim Guzhva), 16 (building blocks/\\4adrmir Nenov), 18 (school/ Hongqi Zhang), 22 (giving flowersAr'y'avebreak Media Ltrl), 28 (panda/Christian Musat), 30 (bluebird/Steve Byland), 30 (brom bear/Jan-ren percy), 30 (hippo and cub/Eric Isselee), 30 (bears/Michal Kadleaek), 33 (serval wild cat/Duncan Noakes), 48 (washing salad/petro Feketa), 49 (fruit salarl/margouillat); Alamy Images ppS (girl smiling/itanistock), 5 (friendsfietra Images), 16 (Miniland/ Greg Balfour Evans), 20 (having breakfast/Juice Images), 25 (costume/Veryan Dale), 25 (World Book Day costumes,Veryan Dale), 27 (marching band/ CIaIence Holmes Events), 76 (Chester/eye3s.pix); Corbis pp5 (boy/peter Griffith/Masterfile), 14 (young man/Leland Bobbe/lmage Source), 19 (market/ Eurasia Press/Photononstop), 32 (butterfly group/Ingo Arndt/Minden pictures), 41 (clirrbers/Robeft Niedring), 56 (wheelchair basketball/Zak Hussein), 57 (Brazil v Croatia 2014/Chris Bmnskill), 62 (World,s smallest and tallest nan/ Facunda Arrizabalaga/epa), 65 (J.K. Rowling/Alessia pierdomenico/Reuters), 73 (rock pool/Alex Robinson/Robert Harding World Irragery), 75 (pleasure boats/Kim Kirby/LOOP IMAGES); Getty Inages pp4 (smiling girl[^/estend61), 40 (sailing/Michael Blann), 59 (Andy Murray/Dan Istitene), 6Z (Johanna Pauline Musters/Sean Sexton), 67 (Taylor- Swift/Bruce Glikas/FilmMagic), 77 (giraffe/kali9), 79 (Scouts/Andreas Rentz); OUp pp6 (dictionary/Mark Mason), 6 (pen/Prapann), 6 (bag/Dennis Kitchen Studio, Inc), 6 (book/Juclith Coliins), 6 (laptop/Yulia Nikulyasha Nikitina), 7 (boy/hage Source), 8 (boy with laptop/ BananaStock), 14 (student/michaeljung), 14 lrnature wonan/photodisc), 30 (large crocodile,A,/olodymy,r Burdiak), 30 (rabbit/BradleyvdW), 30 (cheetah/ Photodisc), 32 (butredy/photodisc), 42 (student looking through microscope/ Lisa F. Young), 42 (r'ed notebook/cooperr),42 (teacher and students/STEEx), 42 (maths equipment/Sergio Stakhnyk), 42 (Ancient Greek helmet/A,/artanov Anatoly), 42 (computer/Dems Rozhnovsky), 49 (fast food/Mindscape Studio), s0 (smiling boy/Ed1ta Pawlowska), 50 (smiling girl/KidStock), 51 (tndian food/

zLt lsrl sqto^ reln6a.u; OLL saserqd fey 001 IsrlproM 08 o)rl)eJd pue o)uora+al sn)o; a6en6uel 9L A ArnoJ a^rlelnun) 89 (enne 6u;o9 8 llun 09 dn 6urnno,r9 Z llun z9 1tod5 9llun nn tlrleeq pue pool I l!un 9E ptJom 6uru,rea1 7llun 8Z aJ!l pl!M E llun 0z sle6 z l!un ZL sarlr) pue su^ oI [ ]!un i llun rouels 7A iii&,:il

**,,i,rthe pictures. Complete the crossword with hobbies and interests. Find the extra word. I The extra word is: A Complete the text with the words. & withComplete the:::: .jt,:, \".;:;::t:::;..i:::: the wOrds. \",;;;,,,,:,,,i;,,,',',;;ii;:ii!i Sentences cycling friends games internet at don't favourite g€od in into not photography reading shopping Ellen is at sport. 3v p4 animals and music. Hi. I'nr l(aty, I'm eleven and I'm 1 l'm interested . . films and shopping. . cooking. from Melbourne in Australia. 2 James is .. interested in reading. I'm into shrpptltg , and sport 3 My dad is good sport is basketball. like chatting on the internet. I- I really lil<e basl<eLballand 4 l'm with my friends. 5Mv I'm interested in 2 6l my.:p.!i.0t!S.::0f ,::an |m Ai$'.,ai;d:,'gn'Od'].,:,:My l:,b'tOth er WWrite sentences about the interests of your Ro bqr.t:.,],s,,ii nto, rn.u s,i e-,1 .J :':,,,t:,!:l'.',:,::,:,1't,,,::::,1,:,,,'.,.',,:,:l:1,,.b,o6ksand friends and family. Use the words on this page and the phrases to help you. ryeati,nE, hi i, *,,,,,,1;,,.,,,,t.:,rrt,t, . He isn't interested in video s my brother my dad my friend(s) or chatting on the my mum my sister my parents ;:',1,a:..:,::;,:1.,.,':::i;iii:;;:i:;,Completethedialogue. atis / are good is / are interested in Archie Hil l'm Archie. is / are into Harry Hello, l'm Harry. !14y m*ex i* in?cre*f*d in art, yxu*s* exd animsle. Archie What are your hobbies? Harry l'mintop& s t CIgiAgh-rand 1a- and llike2w-- --TVand 3fi----., My sisters are into ash but l'm not. And you? - --, Archie 6I'mmin-t-o s ch - - online, and - 7foso-tb-all and I'm-frinietenrdesst.eAdnidnllAikmeerican basketball. Harry Greatl l'm into basketball. 8c--And I like Archie but l'm not very -,good. ltalian food is my favourite ... and Turkish food. Harry Yes, Turkish food is really good. lI's my favou rite. 4 Starter unit

s llun ralrels (7117 no() 11 s.]l g I'asnoq lno ur aJ(aM (poo} / all) 'pooJ (dolde17 (aql) 'doldel s.ll I s.]l , '6eq(asnoq/a^ )'asnoq s.]l € 'puapJ (r.u 1 (otoqd (6eq 7 '1o) loqd s.]t Z 'erPluv r.xorj ar(no^ 9 7 aqs) 'uaaull ru(l s s.]l t ()ooq / no^) '1ooq \",t**,{ s,}l 'sanl1>e[pe .anlssessod qll/vr sa)ualuas aqt a1aldtuo3 ;i;itiili: q '{qderboioqd o}ur are sraqlorq {61 y 'uerle]l ar( 'uelrw ulor} arP olrPW pue no^ 9 'poo6 fuan s. 'LUllJ aurno^er ftu sr srql g 'poo6 fuen srlooq oql E 'lauralul aq] uo 6urueq: olur ar( 'spuap1 are I puP fuey1 y 'lleqlalsPq 1e poo6 ar(ag Z aIIl'llpqlooJ 'ltods olut alp utl pue pl € s(')rsnu le poob r.u(('lolsrJg r,rto4 'aAlaMI sr uaqou Z '6urpear ur palsaralur s(aqs I 'euul s(aureu (W ilH, t \"sri,{,r,l,?^rAh? h\",,, +s# H.l s&1,rr laq)ea] P s. ?r{t 'vsn aq} utol} st unu (61 '6ut1:{: o}ut tu<l no aM {aql eq5 }t I aH 'turo; anrle6au l n l :al ale q 6 u r s s a ) u u a s a q UU M a :;:,;1;iii!i!;.',;,1;11;l;'.\",'.;.;, \" \".'sprom aq) ql!/vr sa)uoluos aqt ata;duo> ,'\",\"1 S 'srall)ea] tretlt g sar- gpxaflpB &ns $s&ssmd p*x e s eE m eueid gxa$q rx 5 'ua^ala I L 'qbrnqurp3 urorl aM 9 eleue6 oaprn poo6 IE ]l S 'ourluo 6ur11eqr olur aqs t 'Ourpreoqaiels le poob uprnN L 'uerlell no1 E aH z 'ah#v\"td ii,r$Jj $.sf, '*r,teet& st utUeW 'sleurue ur palsaralur I L ')rsnu pue sulry olur a*, (aq1 'at,)o s,'u. qllM salualuas aql a1a;duo)::i!:}::t,,. 'ue Ie poo6 ,{aq1/no /aA /no (qder6oloqd olur tIlaqs/aH 'ua] :l '6ur>1oo:1e poob 1 ,AaqI/no / aA / noi 'p;o srea{ ua^ela ', ,}l / aqs / aH 'f tsnLu olut H .l 'ag Jo ruJo,l)aJlol s( 01. ]ou tu( @. ],usl ](uale eq1 6ursn aldoad aql lnoqe sa)uoluas alp11 W 'sprom aqt qlyv\\ alqel aqt a1a1duo1G) I atae!&e6au p!.!e a^llPrury[P

3 '{rffiW Find twelve more words in the wordsearch. 3 Wlookatthepictures.Completethe bag clock coat desk drawer laptop sentences with the prepositions. mobile phone notebook pen between in on fte*r next to poster shelf speaker table opposite under W XD UZ LGNHN .:.-w;r--.=,iMft ffi, _ I. .;t,I\\},,. ffi,l ffi Ka P DH CoA To F K S U D E s K L M P K T KW P K F H L S oaTa E X U oE P S Z E G C K DBN A K H C F ) KWP R o ) E M\"\"-.-.,.2 oK G E ) X P G A P L 1L1i .ff|ia*&;, Ia) w3l 'w',.& .J J iI '1:*.\"4 q)t1;:: E I L H T A B L EWKMN ,i oR H F W P D K C EHNB 16j111:i1i!|*q:ili'/1\"f X DM E Z B I U X R RH isThe coat B AG F G Po S T E R T ) near the notebook. the shelf. o oM B I L E P H N E F K 1 The clock is the chair. 2 The bag is ...... . ...... the drawer. 3 The dictionary is. .. the table. .. . the laptop and X:i'.iiiti;:1lititriicorrectthesentences. 4 The desk is . the board. 5 The mobile phone is the speaker. 6 The poster is .. It's a laptop. &\":,'r',.,',\\ri:,',,,\"iir;lt,ri:i;:writesentencesaboutthepicture. Use prepositions. tf fs*'t a i*pt*p\" {t'* * di*fi*ltary- 1 It's a notebook. 2 lt's a dictionary. 3 lt's a coat. Tfu* tapt*p is *n tfu* daxk\" 4 lt's a pen. fWfi 6 Starter unit 5 lt's a bag.

9 s b E Z t '{004 S U?qoU pr.rB u,{?pv dt|?h?l? rlaA 3)v *luopnls aq) g 'ag qll,v\\ suorlsanb alrJM 'ssef ) rno^ u! sr luapnls /v\\au e aurbeul t*il,;{i.i,,,.;i, g Z/ oqr / auoq rnol 9 spuau,rno, !ooL{)s l€au ./)lsnuTrepoo6TnoI 9 e/ 6pq ull uad rno{ 7 lnort a 7 saue6 oapr^ ur palsaJalur 7 spual4lnor( g i/ uopuot Luol}/raqrealrnol z i/ uaagry/ no( 1 sraq)Pa} aLll t 'tilv l 'rrA ruods a,ru! ro,t tiv ]raqou pue uepv a / uods 7 otu;7 nor( i iaqleel elqel ued 'no{ rol anrl auoqd alrqou asnoq l1eeq 6eq ffiffikare teql srernsue elp/\\ 'ag qlr/v\\ suollsanb afum I ! t I Zlaqlealaqt 'no{ dlaq o} xoq aLll u! sprorv\\ eql esn'spefqo aq] pue q anlssassod aql ,(aqr7no,( I lno( | elrsoddo,(aqr7no,( I |1 am lno( 'oN / ann^7enqol ('sa1 ffiql!/v\\ ssueu aql atu/vl uaql'saurl aql /v\\ollol 1 am1 no( 9 ' sl! I ' ,]! I ePreoqaLllreau /eqs/eq'oN I laqs/aq'sa1 | rtlaUs/aU € 'looq slLll ur s,oloqd 7 soloqd aql olll | 9 '' ''.2I 'oN .puau, 'lPua) puP anlle6eN I, | 'saA Iu ol lxau I HV IJauef ale sauJPu s(puauJ / (spualrl oanl r(61 tluad senl /s(PAf s<araLlM e^!te]ur!#v '6ur;:fu sr sr aJe l(ust alv lou r,ll( {l*v sl r,lrP }(uarP yods elgrnone; s(ue6 pue pl / s(ue6 pue s(pl € )sap aql uo sr looq s(raqleal / sreq)Pal aql z W#'spro/yr aql qly'^ alqel aql a1a;duol g l '6eq suods ,s(uo17 s.(uo1sl slql ! laMerp aq] ul slrlooq6F@/ (sp!^eo 'splo/rAl)arro) eql esootl)m:) suollsanb:ag 5r AAISSaSSOd

3 'i:':|,i;;,i1t:'i:1,;:ii:'Look at the pictures. Complete the words. \\ 3 ex -n-i-e %ffi1\" .a- 7 h-r-i-l- \"f, \"M r\\l4&WwffL.iwwWY#iiYfl n6 w 1o 2 sm--l 4 i-t-r-s-i-g MW%ffiMY 6 b-r-n- 5 p-p-l-r ti,,'.',!:;'.:!;!;;:;ji: co m p I ete t h e d i a I o g u e s w i t h t h e ru i'.,,;;:i.,;;','i1i1:.i:r, Complete the text with the words. words. big fast good €{d new popular small bad boring cheap interestiftg [,lift6,,this,'e001, lapt'op;.,but,,,, nice old slow small unpopular -it isn't my laptop it's my dad's! My 'Photography is a good hobby.' Pld 'Yes, it's very int*,r**ti*g computer is slow, but my 1 'This bag is a present for you, Mum.' dad's I laptop 'l really like it! lt's very !S vefltl:z1,.;;,,,. ... .::.:::.,..',.-;.,,,,'-,,,::,., 1. ThiS 2 'ls your book interesting?' itls only:20,cm x 30,em;,,but:, , 'No, t sn't lt's rellly slow and my computer is very 3 'ls that camera expensive?' This laptop is 5 for games but my 'No, it's quite 4 'l like basketball - it's really fast.' 'Yes, l'm not into sports - they're boring.' 5 'That video game is very popular with students.' ffir ,,;;:.,';.',,,ii:' Complete the sentences with nof ye ry, quite, very ,',:,:;i;',;t;:;y,:, 'Yes, but it's with teachers or really, and adjectives from this page. and parents!' My sister is v*{v ni**\". 6 'Your brother's mobile phone is very good.' 1 My friend is 2 My cousin is 'No, it isn't! lt's really l' 3 Our school is 4 Shopping is 'Are your speakers new?' 5 Sport on TV is 6 My favourite film is 'No, they're 7 London is 8 New computers are 'l really like this bag.' 'lt's 0K, but it isn't very big. it's quite 8 Starter unit

6 llun ralrels aM'asnoq lno ul L l! / aqs / aLl 'oN 1! / aqs / aq 'sa 1'6eq {uu u; 9 aqs / all ')sap s,raqlea] {u ug g IaqtT no,( 1 ervr 1 no( 1 1'satr a^!leur#v | ')sap ILu ug 7 2euoqd elrqou e ro6 ll / alls / aq e zprel cl ue u;1 '1a>1rod (uu b t ,(aql 7 noX 1 artrt 1 noAl I a^eH agttruwvr Y +u\\t 'sued,o relsod e E ].usPrl ]l / aLls / aH 'Iooq e **+ aakeq g 4nq sso4*a*$ *-e.r 4c# 1 'uuoor (uu u1 to6 z 'sleurue alpl'pb aaoq lo srurol anlle6au (aq17 no17 aM/ no / | pue allleuJr;;e 6ursn sa)ualuas .: . lnoqe cnc e Lll/eqs/aH iuopuol ur puau, e euew '6eq anau e irad e qore; pue (uo1 ;1ad e Puew sdordel e qo:ei pue (uo1 s. ].uaneq aneq seH ]ob ,I A,l;,ffv\\ieq# \"#fs adoldele g*S eupW spf.f l.uaneq aABg 1.useq seq to6 , r' x uopuol ur pueu, e 'sproM aql ql!/v\\ alqpl aql a1alduo1 ,1::1;l),;11i:,1:,1:,|11:1;,t,' Z lr ]ed e x x ##S seeq do1del e /l Puew 'xaly'ursnor {u sr s qo:e; pue Iuol 'anrsuadxa alrnb sr eratupf b 'staAAsue 'ue6ay1 'alqel aql le puP elaplllrW 'spuarrl mau Iu ale alu1 IoolUoqs pue suorlsanb W,;,;,;',1;,,;1,,,ii.,:,;..:;::it:,',,.::, E ';oor I;;ear srauue6 oaprn Z x'pieoq Mau P ]t 'ssep {Lu ur are sloq L y''s)sap Mau r.uoolssel) lno 9 ffi wtr.+1'arru I;lear sr oloqd \"# ,/r ')n aq] ul sulsno) x 'erlerlsnv ur sursno) aM gu ffiw* x ralllorq e a/\\s y''raisrs e aH a^als t x'Plauel p no l')awup rnol ur prel Cl uP nol t y'')sap lleLus e aqs G X 'tt.toor raq ur alqe] 6tq e trllow z w-'cwuu w(ffi =*{^ &ff\\ il-f,lf w .s:. y'')ooqatou e I w--5 We e *zh wN: &J -l.t;l#$ ./ X'6Pq {u ur uad e It Y WVffi eX'sleulrue ]noqp )ooq 4*S 43iiie*q aM 'asoql )o asaql'ptll ?r# t{Urvr safua}uir eql ale;duo1 'sarnlrd aql le lool GS y' 'auoq ]e uods Inoqe )ooq e A*S aa, ann t 'p6 aaoq p suu;o; anrlebau .lo a^lletuJl}le 6utsn so)ualuas aql a1a;dtuo) ..

,.,.;i,:lll, Choose the correct country. 1ttffi;,W lF-\";g}r$ffi@ffi: !1@ ffiffi o lioly c Jopon d Spoin * lntroduce the their nationality.::'::,..,,..:::;,.,.,'.',:,:,:i:i.;.ii;',: people and lo the UK c Austrolio d the USA My name's Naomi.l'm from Japan. 2a Tu rkey c Spoin d Chino c the UK d Austrolio This is Naomi. She's txpam*** 3o B rozi I n,gffi c Chinq d Brozil 'l My name's Juan. I'm from Mexico. c the UK d Spoin 4o Ihe USA b-,,Tilii't< c Mexico d the USA This is Juan. He's 5o Itoly U.,.J.u.dtl c Austrolio d Mexico 2 My name's Mahmoud.l'm from Egypt. This is Mahmoud. He's 3 My name's Melisa. l'm from Turkey. 6s Chino!f- This is Melisa. She's 7s ,E;:i;lfuly 4 My name's Raj.l'm from lndia. d\" withComplete the sentences:l:\",,,::ltrr,,;:,':;:l,t:::;::;it:t: the country or This is Raj. He's My name's Rebecca. l'm from China. This is Rebecca. She's My name's Felipe.l'm from Brazil. This is Felipe. He's nationality. Spain / Spanish the UK/ British &'a:,,;1,,,\",,:ri;1,,,,':iii:,'.,''.',?i,;iWritesentenceswithcountriesand the USA / American nationalities. Use the words to help you. 'Where's your mum from?\"5he's from Naples. lt's cousin currency flag film star food a place in {t;*iy .' sports star friend school friend teacher 'l 'Are you from Neylr York?' 'Yes, that's right. l'm My **l'roof frt*,nd, &,hr**d, is frcr* f,gypt\" ?fte Tsrkfsh ttars ix r*& and wkiile,. 2 Seville, Granada and Barcelona are my favourite places. They're cities. 3 'Where is the city of Brasilia?' 'lt's in !' 4 'Are your cous nsfrom Sydney?' 'Yes, they're 5 Sushi is a popular food - it's from 6 My favourite sports star is from London. He's 10 Starter unit

t, lrun ralrels IC!N T b 2rt 3c 4l:1 5i: 'uoos au lrEtre I atrl eoESSelA i;3ulp 3 rcliOp q ua^ * alloBs>,]Elqtlr.|l1oM'llIeisUqlE]oeoqpi o[;o;Le6lrlce{erqadlonsoe1]o'uyusoul du,us,o;ds ourno^B,t rno^ *Ut Srl iHSr) e 'lleq}o}seq srQr*.,,*o ^fu:ajin)- oLlI e Ue o]ul rl,l f6u!r3^3 rr,q+axr.:Jr.:l;:; reqoeel syods e sr pep {u {eq1 {6n roqcee] qsruedg E sr LUnLU ';ooqcs {uu 1e sreqceal 1,uere e 'srolloea} e;e sluered Iy1 Jp[s rolndod 0 s,aqs 'nno6se;g ur ioor..los uollrN le sluepnls ere aOnod0Jolis orJpw I |sr aLueu a{puy 'relsts e 1oG l,ueneq ur , - ApuV srr..l - roLllorq e 1oO en,1 'puelloos mobse;g tlorl tu,l 'p;o sree{ anlom} [rt,1 prav >1crp s,eLueu {y1 vs{-t oLi+ 3 o3lxow q 0rpul () . u1 s,ll a^+req!l +o an+o+s eq+ 'lnq to n'puD rllr/v\\ lxal aqi alalduo) 3 ,:;;\",,;,;,,: .,.,,,,,' q () 'e)rssaf ro / pup uarp) are saueu ,spuau;,(y1 uo6o)a JnoA u!a4 ol MoH 'dotdel e lob .:,., :::.. ...:....,.,.......:t:..,,,,::::..;.,;.,,:,,,. .'.uQZ.-qJ.J. ],uspq aqs ro / lnq 'auoqd airqour e 1o6 seq pu,r.ul ,, rUtl!} eUl +O,rSJ,o+s aq+,eJ.AAqA ,iorrdelr6 opreuoal lnq / ro o)uarmel aouuv puo osl= raluua[ ]! sl irp]s ulq a]unolp; rnol s,oq6, -*,1;; I!or..l6uoqs f, 6u!!!a8 q 'uad aou!qf +o l0lrd0) aLl+ e 1o6 l,uaneq I lnq / ro 'alu qlrm )ooqalou e 1o6 an.1 g pllor+snv 3 )n aq+ q vsn aql p .'tuool {ru ur s.1r lo 7 W xy? 6q+ LUorJ s.oH j pue 6eq {tu ur s,}; 'arns }ou LU,l, ,Zleo) rno{ s,araqn1, 7 aLUorJ uo+l!LUoH s!^ a-l J I'6urpear pue / lnq (qder6oloqd a>1r1 Illear 1 JP+S l- olnLuJol aL{+ $.'#J?tiid '6ur;r{r ur pa}sara}ur ]ou r.r,l to ffilutpreoqalpls olurur,l 'sploM l)allo) aql asool.l) .,\" .: . -dud9f*Aras isA -reFr\"rp6{d{r *;Fs*c{,ee,q**.}\"rE*f&\"*\"B** u LsJEE g {\"e 'sJaMs u e f lrarJo) aql osooq) uaql'a/D ro s, puP otllA )o lDLl,,ttt 'ilalll1 ql!/v\\ suollsanb zrnb atll alalduo3 , a{r1uno: }eq}}o I:ualtn> aq} s,}eqM / oqAl i6eq looq)s ftu s,oqry17 araqA\\ \"{,{!'p$i s,+! d?e$8e{ i*sa $.}#q&4 Zralllea] qsr16u3 rno{ s,oq6 7 1eq41 i,;;76;;;I',,;;;E;;; 1aupu rno{ s,yeq1111 7 oq41 rels suods / rels LUIU alunone; rno{ ZLUor, puau, rno{ s,ataq6 / }eqA\\ zsspl) rno ur ]uapnls A au aq] s(leq^ / oqM aureu:no( euoqrno{ puau;rno( lsaplno{ 'no( ro; anrl arP leql 2uorlsanb srr.l] o].raMsue aqt s.{riQry1, oq41 'spJoA ])arJo) oql asoorl) sroMsue alul 'xoq eql ur spJoM aql pue oqlyl W'x W&qllro tD tlItA' aD 6u1sn s uorls enb aw 111 W: ;(;i\":::wwWMrffiYYWWWffiYf,WWffiWW WtrWT. ffi\"WWWW- ;' %,ffi&; 1

ft Wlookatthe pictures. Correct the words. *ffi& wtwl o-<sffil /u\\ |Jr,]l li ll u-J W:Mffi-#u uf.,;tiW1WX1DWWsiWq #\"\";wt i' ::. iri:\"\":l :\"ffi | :; \"c\":\";:? ffifr;r! phr,rirv^y^s *t'st*ls*em* 1 market 2 cinema 3 park 'l l.::li-'l-J LI _I:r\":\"::,::h- I 4 train station 5 monument 6 library 7 bus station #, the clugs and write the places.Read,::,,..,;,:,1..,,,,,1L;1,;:,:.;;;;,rt;,i.:, Look at the map. Writg five more.,:,:tlt:1,: ,,\".i.:l:::i,,,t11;',, sentences about things you can see. iI, t+W shopping centre 1 ^ fJfiI#f-S7-JAt .LI ^ sports centre street theatre ) FlalF:&loll -1 hj I ,tf y,ernlie,,inter€sted.,in.',ncw,,d'othes;'.4i1,,is,a,good,,,,,,,,,,, i,. ,:,iheii.,aie'aeslis; rbo;iai, anu, il,,toi,'or'itudentl tn-e-.r.e- , 2 .' Thi,s,,place'''h1s,got teryes; chrai rs, a,nd. good, coffee, too. .. .. ..:.:...:..: :. Thara's a eate. {r',,,These are',peopleis homes There are a lot af :,:: :. 1 :,,,. 2 these in one building 3 4 i . .in,is,,ii,,i,road,in, x 161\"n. ?here, aie cars and, b uses 5 .here, and houses, too. . WWrite sentences about the capital city of o,,'.T,his,,isa,soodplaiCfoiipaorle,,liierested,in your country or a big city near you. T&aral* a brg ttgw Sff[ee hletldimg. {t]q pp_p1rg{ta t$rg etatiqlE\" l ', : ' :7. , Ihere ire, diff.erent thopi. here, : ,'. 8 People work here. There are a lot of computers and desks. 12 Towns and cities

EL sarlr) pue suMol puaul zeare slq] ur aroq] ,,. nol sloor..lls {u e\"Lru\"\"m)o;-.1 'aarLll are (aqt / aJaLlIs puaul !,.\" (t o w +:1?I;::liI\"\"o 5*?/!rlsUV no 'aJe / l.ueJe e araqr 'oN 'l.usr /srEaraq]'oN l re;nEu;5 pualu lernld noA :'.l::.,'.:'.:.,::r.';;:.'.'.'.Jx ;.'.-..i;,:.::i'.:'.::..':i.'...:..'..''.\"a'.,',.:..-.:'.:\":..\";.';\"':::. . : . : ;; anlle6aN :sra^ sue uorls puaru ...;.;'': '(rerqr; aq] a]lsoddo s<ll 'erp / srz araLll'soA \"BJ+*{ar $*rddr:qs }&6u ?E+ xr sd*tgs .1red aql teau l re;n6u15 \"5@Ap;*ql#latrg**;a*4*aa 6e,*e$ 6JF no sale) a)ru auos / r(ue o ale : fi;s Elaqt oreqf 'aJP / sr € er3ql'sa^ A*l,te{}4 r'qe $ds4$ p**S A*,tr e.4,614& *,a\\d pualU 'r, i lernld eare rno{ ur looqls rnol a}tsoddo asnoq rnol ol lxau } a^rlPrur!]lv :sra^ sue uoqs { araq reau uMo] s!q] u.!!--],a-a-rt-ls.-r*n\"o-(/uut t : zPete slq] zareq I reau la}oll e araq} oJV ,' sl ) ur sole) {ue araq} arv / sl r re1n6u r5 \"' 2 \"' araQ} IeInld {\\,,**_ arv slL\" {ueu mog Z araq} } , \"__..--- --_-.****_\"_\"\"-/ 'nor( d;aq o1 splo/v\\ aql asn 'sra^ sue aql pue suollsanb aql alu^ .sproMl)orro)aqlasooq) W t lumol rno{ }noqp suol}sanb }o }ol e 1o6 seq aqs / aH {r e.\"'&www es# tg.\"' aaea.g& exw ud,.\" #Ja{rI s V ..'nor( slrsrn ul ol luaJalJrp e tuorJ puau, ou / sleu 9 , aq] ul laloq lels_a^l e s:alaql s sa(/arieeqt g _uMo] aarq] lsaP) I tX .tenbs eV.l u1 slueunuou auos ale otaql ,r,lled aq] ul saer &1a1d Iue ]:uare alaql € y''vare Iu u1 a:lue: suods a:!u e t:usl areql Z ou / laloq E x'araq reau allPaql e s.aJaLlI L oM]/salerq!l z :+??\"|$$ Ae*i st sdsq$ du8 +.r{ate o};aq! x ']aaJls (ut ut sdoqs auos ale alaql W8'anrlebeu ro o^llprurUJe sa)uotuas oqt aIeW 'uorlPls snq eqI reau slaloLl '6urp;rnq er;;;o seI T etuaut: t L e araLll ,l l- \"6**t4I e)* fr-4#vl lernld reln6- Aalptlt a.,re sdr:qs,q#e${ }asiJ i{14{?r*:{};j5i,il{,I{. j.s5{:,;:;i:';:;H::::!:*}} a,rrle6aqq aarqi 7 sdoqs '5l b.agq& -##l\\ *#ffii#s;l#sffi *\"-,f i;iFii]i*'#i:s.r{ 'araq reau -: 'sdoqs a:tu gl+{$65}?# E z 3r3LI1 t- ?Ei *e1 iq*txlvlsai ? slsu* si sa{ 7 luerne}sat lErnld rPlnl - 'uopuol ur unasnu :i ::{:f;S8.}!r\"i.',.ei-:#*j:-'!1.:S;f ;:.s$fi ffi fr }i:diSj tsA!|eu.i.I$ri,5 ],ua.r E suso!rqlsl alnnobqae lsulolM.sue pue ffi are ue ,a Iue ].ust e 'spJo^ aqt ql!/v\\ alqel aql agalduol W dasw pw* &wffi# uww'w * ffi&ffi #aea;}

|;ffii** Find eight more adjectives in the 3 :,',i itffiWlisten again.Correctthe sentences. old.The Heron Tower building is wordsearch. Write the adjectives under positive @ or .. mEd.e!:m negative@. 1 The HeronTower building is in NewYork. clean dangerous dirty friendlY 2 The cafe is ltalian. noisy pretty qu+et safe ugly 3 The cafe is opposite the station. 4 York station is modern. aU I E T UNZ L P L 5 The sports centre is opposite the school. KA S C oo PFF D I RT oI E R R The new cinema is a very pretty building. oH C ) E B W S H E I il G L NX oT E F D F Ao S K P Z TNT #:!il#Complete the sentences with be and one of WC L f T the adjectives from this page. l$i I C DA townThe shopping centre in my is m*d*rffi. E XMF U ) T L L K 1 My house I flat DANG E aoU S Z 2 Our school 3 My area of town Positive @ Negative @ 4 The streets near my school *lsan 5 The nearest train station 6 The cafes in our area 7 The library in my school B The office buildings in our capital X \"l;.lli::ii#Wi t' Listen to the street interviews and tick (/) the correct box. What is the person's favourli-t*e-'bu*ilding? students at Kingston School - What's Your I Sr*\"Y bY wa T%W ,4 - '1t--1, 't s 2 IH :i:;n t ,:., ;,..1.1: ='\"'\"r ! ts :: ,'.:.:. .:.:. .:. .. .. , i ',' :a :: .t. a r:\" il\".?.t ia:., Vli'.;;,t\"' c,d 14 Towns and cities \" .twffit.t:w.sw,,w):')') -&\"\"\"' \"j;')\"\"\" ,:..::, 1.. ..). ) .. .. ).. . ..: .

s t so!l!) pue suMol slood 6u LULUI^^s/slle^ 6ulOtutt: 9 lool{)s }e sasspl) lall}o aq} / ssPl) ino s {a1in1 (1oq) '(a1rnl uPq] laplo) sr ulellrB Z iXrerqrl uMo] aql / looq)s (s le (rerqrl aql arluat sltods aq1 {uuoorpaq (u.r 7 uoorpaq .sluared g (ueal)) {uumol Iuu ul slooLl)s raqlo aq] / looq:s 7 arluar suods aq] ueq] ralulp s lood 6ultutut^ s oqI 9 uopuol / uMo] rno t sasnoq asoL{I 'dr:qs gearg (ppq) 'sosnoll asoq] ueq] rollaq arP sleg asall1 S @L6& Wrq+ \"ts&&Bq St wale *w* uN &B4wW*#*i$s &{?U ?{43 uorlels ulpli aql doqs ;e:o; aq] / pole lno ut ]a)ileuradns mau aq] t(rpl) 'uorlels urpr] aq] ueLl] Jareau st euaul) aqI 'no(.ro; 4ed reql anJ}ale}eq}sa)ua}uasan1}ereduo)a}lJffi;j|, (6rq) 'ryed ]eq] upt.l] ralleus sl atenbs slql € ({1puau;) g arlua) 6urddoqs aqg I(antsuadxa) ((srou) (deaq:) 9 arlua) 6u ddoqs aq] ueqt ralalnb s1 ItetOlt aql z ({16n) g sdoq5 (alPs) , (anrsuadxa) 'sdoqs ueq] radeaq) arp slalreW L (snoraOuep) g \"atv at iv44 iisqi lpfe*f$ 5i snq slLll &*#**'{d*41\"*sq &rq; J*rsler* s, (ueal)) Z (nnols) 'snq srq] ueq] ralseJ st urer] ]Pql (]alnb) L 'sanr1:efpe aqt Jo tuloJ ({slou) anllereduor aql asn 'a)ualuas lslU aql se aues aql suporu ll ]eql os olualuas qrea aya;duo) r: '. {* . ' ,' 'tglnbeul 'sanrpefpe aqllo tutoJ aruleteduor aq1 g sanit>afpe:6uo1 6ursn tueql lnoqp so)ualuos alUA uaql'uoll.te6 pue '\"*t:-' ffi(a;rng 'sul ol oml ]o sarnlrld oqt le lool (16n gq plo a)ru butlsalalu; poo6 te; 6urlr:xa ,trlp alqeuoluor 6tq peq 'sen1lrafpe orfl Jo sruroJ anlle;pduor a\\latUMW L

3 ;,;,,.;',li!1i;tliti;:\\,: Read the text. Tick(r') the correct box. Miniland is ... London. a: in b near Ic lfar from A lmagine you're a tourist and it's your first time in : LO ndbn.i Y,bul r:e, intefested,l n all the f aniou 5 . placds,1 iko ;:'' '' B :.., Theiers an, ahswei' visit,Minirland l lt: iSn lt. in C Miniland has got some,nlee,buildings frorn Edinburgfi, the middle of London, it's at the Legoland park Amsterdam and Paris;,but theie:arO hundr6ds of ..#tqw:t*l*,;h1f,r,;&r;-.{r':.',.'W:li::t::iN in Windsor. This is only half an hour by train inter,estlng, ptaCes ffqm, Londonl,,rhe1e ar:e Pqettv parks like St Jam esls Faikr,oi shO 0.s, 1ike, l-lamlqys ; Al I of , th ese,plaoes ,!il.,ifum.i@ff''\"',.ffi r^*-. from London's Paddington Station and it's are very small and theylre all in, Legd bricks; ffi':,P fr.f*.*,, open March to November from 1o a.m. D . There aferabout,4O million'br:icks,ih,Minlland. One X. ,1;,,',,1ti1,'.,,.';,;iri;i1i:,;; Read the text again. Match sentences 1-4 bu ildlng, has ig'ot 20O;O00 rblicks:,- thatl$: the,Canary Wh arf office building. with paragraphs A-E. i.,,,'Visit,the,.,ptaoAi_,in,, Mi,niland,,.ano,take,,photos of Parks and buildings - all in Lego bricks. 1 There are a lot of bricks here. -l,Londonlrr foi,:yoUr farni ly; it,'s not,r:eal, London,r but re lax 2 Where is Miniland? you're a good tourist! 3 Don't worry!You're a great visitor. 4 Only one day in London! ', : a,'',:.,::': : : l,:' 5 ls there a place like Miniland in your country? Where is it? :11;',;,7,,',;';;ii;i:i:;, Read the text again. Write true or false. 6 Are places like Miniland interesting for you? Why / Miniland is a good place for tourists with Why not? only one day in London. ff#* 1 lt's thirty minutes by train from London to windsor. RY S eVO A A1;;:;,111t1',,;;,;:;l;i1:1:t C BUL PL U Co m p Iet t he 2 Legoland is open all year. 3 There's a shop in Miniland called sentences with the words. Hamleys. cabins chefs climbing wall eonafurtabk 4 The buildings in Miniland are very big. exciting fantastic horrible 5 Miniland has got millions of bricks. passengers swimmingpool 6 Tower Bridge in Miniland has got 200,000 bricks. The beds on the new ship are very **txt*rtablen . 1 My brother and father work in a restaurant. They're & 1ii';i1!#i;i::; Answer the questions. Write complete 2 'The food in this new cafe is very good.\"Yes, it's sentences. ! But the food in that old 1 What's the name of the London train station for cafe is visitors to Windsor? 3 There are nine hundred on this ship and they've all got nice 2 What time is Miniland open in the morning? 4 The sports centre has got a modern 3 Which London park is there in Miniland? 4 How many bricks are there in Miniland? . lt's very tall and very s ri;, . r,,\",;.y,;; ;;;;;;.; rot or peopre in the 16 Towns and cities

LL Sorlr) pue su^/\\ol 'nor( dlaq o] € ast)Jaxa ut lxal aql asn '{}r: rnol }noqe puau} p o} lreua ue a}u1 ,/i,\"., {lloH ut 'uoos no{ ea5 / Illpar / umo] I e I s,tl / lleLUS Zasnoq rno( sr araLIM sPoal )ulL.l] I ]nq sarlD o1s6orull ra1)rrl:|x'a zL Sl fuan 7'o11 7 a;.{aqt 7 ales rL ZUMo] ]eql ur spare snorabuep Iue araq] arv S ].uare {aqt - oL o] surerl are alaq] spaal LUorl UI t7 e 71a!nb7ar,{aqlTtaar}s zsla}oll asoq} are araqM af,ru are aldoad aL11 'e:e1d fuan e s.1r asnef,eq speol a1rl I isue+ raq] 'sa1/ e / arlua) 6urddoqs +o auo LU,l 'polrun sPoal L I Mau l1o6 7 {1;ear / s,}r 1urapoLu fin rno{ s1 g e 1o6 seq spaol i , ro1 a:e1d ]eorD e s.]r - olel.l slaalls pue s aLuos / alaq / {uard / serenbs / araLl} I 'sa^ lore Zeare a)tu e stq} sl Z , ale aloql 'aldoed € qtlnn {1o 6rq fuan e s,}l 'uopuol LUor} z (ran Aluo s.Ir pue I eLl] ut 7 6rq 71.uare /'oN / 2poo6 sdoqs asaql ary t s,ll' ,5W##3 sr {1o auoq {p1 'en6er4 - {1rr rno{ ^a\"oll*]a1d i\"trpuauS As*n * s.i! 'sEA 1o uorldu:sop aLl] pue lreLUa.rno{ ro1 nol >1ueq1 e)ruolA rH 'sa)ualuas aleu ol spJo^ aql laplo \" . ,':)ai|lr2:irllt,;tN!1/1wqrytl?Etwwwffiblg/Wr747w,ffi *#@WAyr& 16ur1rcxe erou sr {rc (rltselLreJ r(llea;) {rerq1; e 1o6 seq looq:s {61 rno lnq - uror{ r(q rol {.uero plolJJeqs puo relseqcuow I{.'an) 'lood 6ulturutms e i:usl}eqt 'e;doed ,(;pueu1 Llllrt 6urlrcxe ,(re,r o sr spool iales ^{lc 'oo1 'ruool llpq+ooJ rtueal: i(11ear) allua: butddoqs e stsllt pollun spool snouoi oL{t s.ereq{ /lloq{ooj e1t; nox (,{1nue141 Z}aai}S uol}ers ula}e) e alaqr sl s 11 (urapotu) bulpllnq e sl preqs oql z i6urddoqs lo1 poo6 X;;oe: s,lr - sdoLls uropou q+l/v\\ :#*ffi;(,tra; o;'ara q I ea u :,#r\".t sleo4s eq+ puo 'sluolnolsel ct+soluoJ eq+ ro1 speel lls!A (snoueJ) '(1r> e sr an6e.r6 OO0,Ogl 1o uorlo;ndod o L1ll,n 'ere;d parror aql 4tc 6tq o 'uopuol ';olrdoc eql Wur anllrefpe aql qtl/vlsa)ualuos aql allriv\\au l -Luor1 LU) g71A1uo s.1r puo;6u3 Jo Lluou oL1+ ul sPaol ol aLUo) WWWWMW w@ww@@&ewaEE 'lrPua eq1 a1a;duo) uaql'spaal lnoqe uollPulJoJul aqt peau ':\"\".....:i. .\":\". .'.i F fsseg&}B$ps ge exeg&gsed ;&ugsd affienSurg n

t.1t !.': .,. . ::': l:.\".;,: ,.;i;: i e**!d e{{:} t$:is better\" ;;i,i;:t; '1: '..-1... ,:'u.,, tr *an dx t?:is v*ry we{9. WffiX%WWL&WW W&aq*s&m mtwwwa ww x&Kg *&WffiW&ffiW\" W*ffiW% 8s *#zsr* ... ?u &Y# *&x*rw ... ?, *#ww svxffixsy ,-, ? ru Write questions and short answers. 1 a big cinema in your areaT / no 2 any interesting monuments in this town? / yes a quiet park near the station? / Yes any small shops in that street? / no how many cafes near here? / three 6 how many students in Anna's class? / thirty I can talk about places in a town or city. I can ask and answer questions about places. ffi#ffie ... MY IVALUATTOhT ;i*; ri:.:,]'\"@;' &nYEil&'-r.,Ar'0!q @ W\"W\"tuffi*\\Lffi ffi^&**xr&pY&*m *€ m xrua\\ru* sfuap W ffi X &ffikb&* turuV #arum L&%T W{,'&*Y&ffi {)*rvzp*vzrzg Wi,*rcru k\" Choose the correct answers. ffi, ffi::-.a,t Lucy is a new student at a a1 The new ship has got with a lot of books. school. Listen to Lucy talking to her teacher. Match the places in A with a cabin b library c swimming Pool the adjectives in B. The2 on the ship prepare very good food. a chefs b passengers c tourists A 3 The sports centre has got a big climbing wall. lt's 1 [-] school a quiet z [] library b pretty very -llikeit! c dangerous ll3 shops d clean a comfortable b horrible c exciting e noisy 4 The passengers have all got rooms called . [4 square f modern 5 i j climbingwall a cabins b shops c swimming Pools [6 swimming pool lt's5 The people on the ship like the food. ! a horrible b comfortable c fantastic 6 'ls there a sports centre?' 'No, but there are five nice I can understand people comparing places. a swimming pools b cabins c passenqers , .,;;'.,,, r&\"{ xw&Lwwg*w ?;il;',:.: j 'yir I can predict the content ofa text from photos. ;il, ffiffi*MIY EIrALU&rB&rE W 18 Towns and cities

....:: I 'a;e sete;d a.reqrn des pue lse ue) | 'laarls lsel ur sr fuq1q1| aqt,pue ataq I ff ar,ol 'Iool 'sa1 ideu e ]o6 nod arrpH ruol a r *: :[a]aQ] ]t st rP] MoH UPW p 'auro)lal aj.no1 uol i t\"lj :,t: l ia.raq it;e.rqr| alll Jeau aA alv 'au asn)xl uew I 9. ,) ?**iLWfi3rV&# k\\f.d snq i{q sa}nuttu oM} q : ]noqe puP loo, uo salnuru ua] ]noqe s,ll ruol p 'l(1r: ro umol e Jo uolldrJ)sap e alp^ up) | 'd;aq rno{ roJ sIUeLll'1ear6 s,1eq1 ue6 uP / a)eld I s,tt l6u13xa a .sa)ualuas aql laqunN 'lapJo l)olJo) aql ut en6o;erp aql lnd B3g SA)e e\"ee&{ffi ffiaagd;ws W*,aw ffiw:W?ew S&*EXV3{ aq] / eas l.:,',{i,}, NOllVtllVA3 AlAi l\"'\"' / sarlaluolrl / uldlT enr;-{yrql 1 s,1t 1 Aluo 7 ;,;;;, ---,;;;;\";,;:; :::::Tl::::t:* s.araq]/oot/ e / poo6 / ta),reu 9 6rq arou 6tq 6uruee;: 9 auos 7 sdoqs / arall]/ are / )llseiupJ 9 ra66rq g aiotu iol e ttt /aq] / ILU / a)e1d I ale: I a]1no^e, I;puau;un larlpuau, (ueu p ]noqe / s,ll / 000'002 / e I lo /lo1 /uor1e;ndod g a)!l llaM {;puau; }ou € ra]]aq z u1 7 pue16u3 / aq] / s.]! / yo l$ea Z lo ueql o][ Ann 1 e I Atp /burlsaragul / q)t^ roN / st L ioo] 'sa)ualuas alptu ol sploM aLll JapJo {. s(]r pue u,rltol ur a;luel spods aql ]e looc : . &,aae ** elkT{bz * 3* a**eg$xaTTeft \\g r}f4g.,e\"ih3&& uPql s - oo1 lood 6uru,-,, f llseluej e s.alAql'UlapoLLr ere s6urplrnq eq] pue arP loor1ls {uu 1e s}uopn}s aill i sr looqf,s Xuu lurqt I ]nq umo] lxeu :-- IooqJS orl] r ralleLUS sr looL:: 'sa ! aL{l uo uaq} a}u/v\\ pue sprol })ojlo) aq} asoo-: .\"-,*t..r.,..\"{Nrr*.}.\\.?\"64.-4. !X: tt',11':.N?.\"fi\"er&.alt\";;^Jt,1-.o,^.'3 ,t };;\"\",\"}_r-.;A, \"l lr\" ', :

W 3& t!). ,..t....:,.:4, ...:3 :.. 3 Choose the corlect answers. .;,' ,'ii:,i;:tir Complete the table with the words. We usuallY brbeawkfaasttacth7.15{q*\"nI'l.::-} do my homework ge+up go to bed a so d get up go to school have classes sleeP 1 I always mY face in the morning. d help have breakfast have dinner relax on the sofa a watch b wash c brush We lunch at school at 1 P.m. ffi4ffi a help b go c relax d have IAfter school, d get uP f fii th6m6'rii'thg : in the librarY. a study b brush c do I ;Y;? %,.1_f I video games with mY friends. tLd\".,* gat uP a get b wash c PlaY d go and5 We often sit on the sofa d watch videos. a relax b helP c wash I6 my teeth before bed. a wash b brush c have d go X\" ll..'iii.,,' i; Look at the pictures and complete the & ;;'?,;.;;;;\":;;complete the text with the words' sentences with the words. There are five extra words. chat with friends do mY homework bed breakfast day face foot football get home getttp go to school home housework la+e minutes have classes help with the housework next Park sister teeth TV videos 'lgetup {sf* * usuaily at about 8 a.m. I brush my 1 for five minutes and I wash my2 I have a big 3 ,,1 ,.\", then.t, a,t:witri - we talk about a lot of different things. Next, I helP mY mum with the 5 6After that, I sit on mY and relax for ten 7 . Tlren I. 96,to's,ihoofon tx: ebecause I live . Am I late? No, never!Thatlsrr,: to mY school' MY .. is onlY two minutes from mY I g*t t4p at 7 a.m. 1l on foot with mY W--'.8 1. friends. allday. %:.!u after school. W. -tr3\"4 2l at about 3.30 P.m. 3l in my bedroom. .;l..\".,i:rk\"'\"' :kWvwkry# l 4l before dinner. 5l 6l 20 Days

LZ s[e6 ; saue6 oapr^ / Ield 7 untu Itu 9 y' )roMasnoq aql qltm / dlaq 7 noI S '*.;*lx#c $*i*d$ *{dt s$ s66S ie+$,$ \"4W ; {;rea / paq o} o6 7 sraqlorq rap;o ILu y raqtelpuerO raqioupuerb sluared {uy' pua)aam aq] ]p / ]spllearq aIeLil / pep g pPp LUnu spuaul looLl)s I Islepuo111 uo / atel dn 1eb 7 7 puau} lsaq ralsrs raqiorq y' pl e A1/ tl)]e^ 7 talsts ILu t I \"il;va ;a*,.ttp Bh€q &.:,t*W -d{,1 'no[ dleq o] sprom aq] asn 'sa)ualuos engle6au pue allleur#e alu/l1 ipualoam I I;rea / rauurp a^eq / aM teqMWaql le op i(;;ue1 pue spuau1 rno{ op 'aldurs ]uasard eql 6ursn sa)uoluos arr11e6au lo alrleutUJp alu;1 :ili:ii;ilii:,: : 'uooulaue all] ur ]e loollls Pur.ul pue fiey 6 'uoouraue aq] ur ]e looLl)s r{so[ 8 '6uruana aql u1(pnls ,treql/no /a A 'pua)aaM aqi te ,(pn1s pue qsr;6u3 'looq)s le eruurl pue Ale\\ t 'looq)s ]e pue qsr;6u3 qso[ 9 {q gooq:s or euul pue &eX s Iq ;ooq:s o1 rlsol t 'spuaul qllm 4ed aql ul s{e;d (e1d 4ed }.uop }.uop }.usaop l'spro^ oql qllM alqe] aql atalduo) Pultill pup Ae) € 411ii1!1i,:,:1;,,t,:;:;;;, 'spuaul e&X&ffiffiBas pe.sffi' e&A&ffiae.siX#g# ;#ffdL&*$$ S&,cssar 6 LlllM )red aq] u! qsor z '6ururou aq] ur i / uauo / ]arnb 1 s1 1 noll ssep 9 ]e '6ururou aq] ur euul pue lley t **'i ]e dn slr$ Llsoi aM/ a^Pq 7 (1;ensn / rauulp S tare / ale!/ ellnr pue pulrPw / uauo op /l lliomauoq 7(;;erurou I Aw t ere / s{em1e 7 {eq17 Ilpua1r1 7 la^au / uaqou 1 s(ep / lleqloo; I {pn1s {e1d o6 dn le6 qstug 'Fsspirl trs+grlt $rva\\awas eSS t 'sqran oql Jo ruJoJ eldtu;s luesotd eq1 6ugsn aM/ soapr^/ qrle^ / saurlauos \\oo1Wsa)uoluas olllpru,t!#e aly11 'sornl)ld eql te Wfi'so)ualuos alpru ol spro^ oql raprg Smax*x'chmx6 gm

1;!- ld \"! wt IEL.- ''*{l;ii.:# Look at the pictures. Complete the SXJ Complete the words in the text. A Special Day - ?/l,il., o - - -My father ah,rrays 3 i his mother to the theatre or cinema in the afternoon, llren she comes to our house. She ---always 4 w - nice clothes on l''4other s Day. llany peopie go by train or car and -- h5 v --tlreir mothers,Then &xr*sw they alr 6 e sPeciar trteat 2 ... presents iil a nice i'eslau,anl 6 ... costumes 3 ',:i;:;:,,',)*t;: WAg: What does Andrew do on a very ffimwE'? important day of the year in Scotland? Look at the 1 ... a special day phrases. Then listen and tick (/) the boxes. 5 ... friends and family t ffi have a big meal 5l 'srngasong :2 l-f play music 7... friends to 6 L-_l watch fireworks your house lldance 7 l jvisitfriends + llwear a costume 2 ... with your family [8 give big presents & €\"ftWffffi'W Listen again and write true ar folse. A very important day for Andrew is trae 31', Decembel 1 Andrew has a meal at B P.m. 2 The dances are usually slow. 3 Andrew watches the fireworks in the street. 4 There are a lot of fireworks. 5 Andrew visits his brother's house. 6 Andrew goes to bed at 2 a.m. % 'ffi{,{{ff\"Fr}{;write the name of a special day. Then write sentences about what you do on that day. is a sPecial daY in mY countrY. Wa frgs* #r*xant* t* {ae*il:f Aw& fnia*tds. ... with friends 4 ... a song 22 Days

ii €Z sle6 .loi1}o:q ;nod aq'oN, ,asoaprA ,tt.,tt ,le1doad o] sluasard sluared rno( .9 all 'sa^, paq o] raqtert tnol ,ialel ,s I,SAA, .i;aqloupuer6 rno( noI '8p &sqi\"6s1 ea$et dn 466' et&{V pur q?lu5 0Q aLl'oN, x r' raqle;puer6 rnol ..)!snu , aM'sa^, ,a x soaprA LlfleM ,isau nlso) ralsrs rnol pue noI x ,1 a1e; dn 1a6 ,z t{- i uuv ,2s6uos no( l'oN, t ,i\"w I prn qrrn5 $*:ew aqs's41, 'sra^ sue uoqs pue suoltsanb a1u;y1;s(eprloq looq)s ,ZasnoLI rno( o] a;doad aql u! op no( pue a;doed asoql op leqm::;;i W 84!ee{! raLl}ou rno[ $psQ ilooJ;(epuoy11 uo ryed aq] ol oLUo) atpparl ..:,\" i... : .2fr e6: .: i oI. : i ...,:: qo; op:h op:p.q.4'4 egA,rvra6l, 'fi1oat s,aqpuy 1poo6 ))el reo^ qllpM ]!sl^-.--^----- -.-\\ e aq 'sa1 , (;leqtool alrl / aq) Zooi ::: 1''1 :ry :: \"^,: _ s arpparl 'sqJaA aql pue l,usaop )o saop'J,uop'op q]!M sJaA sue pue suorlsanb eql a1a;duo1 ,:ili.,,:,..:.,..,.\".... 7 zLuol ]noqP leqg'uu'd 7 }y aler (lre1s 7 no( 7 auu11 leqm) arpparl j'>1red aqt ur {ep {rana Xelo a6 ilear , raql 2d1aq Xaq: aler 1 no( 1aM 'sa1 ']r a^ol | ' e | 'so^ noX 7 ann . arpparl b i(lteqlooJ (e1d 7 noI) aI er 2dlaq r17 a-' 1! / aqs / aq 'sa^ z'unu Iur q]!/v\\ le) r(q o6 I /aq : t 'rxol'raqlorq Iu qr;m snq (q ob id;aq nc ' I nor( 7 1 'se1 /l *Q (looqrs o17 o6 7 no( 7 nnoql e^!lelur!#v '8 reo ur .u.l lnB ilooq)s X* ,.lnqj 0rpparl aI ei 'Ltea^ ur loor.{ls peou uolqsv ]p ru.l (looqrs oi 7 o6 1 nol 1 areqnn) Al*eqss rS cS yls,{ arpparl op saop l.uop oc ].rop ],usoop saoc op rp$p a\"*?tdnA 'arpparl s.aureu 161 ;a1e; 'araq punorp Mau r!,1 'a)ef LU,l 'ollaH aler I ,oa i 'slaMsue uoqs aql alu^ a!/ : .spro^ aq] qll/v\\ alqel aqt a1a;duo3 ;;:li:itll:\\ii,l;i,\"\"',. t

3 t,',,',,,'!,:iili*,i::r Read the text. Choose the correct words. The children go to school 1 on foot / on foot and by minibus. The journey is 2 easy / difficult. The children of Genguan vi[age in the south of China get up The children walk behjnd,,Mi Xu for an hos!', Ih.ey go::throUgh early every day and have breakfast. AfLer breakfast, they start tu nnets an d :thev rwelk' on, a, ve,ry.,dan0erotls pa rL' of .,the,p ath their l\"ong journey to school. But these boys and girls don't There. js a qaferr rpeth ts the schooli,rbut it takes two.hqUrs.,,fhe go with their parents - they atways go with thejr head teacher, ichoot is ,cn[ed Banpo,Sc]roorl 36{ it?5 in]a nice,place:in thel Mr Xu. m'odntainSt,:rlt :snl't:ve,rrv,rbig,and',th.ere ,ar:e on.[y,foity;11,inrgr'stud Mr Xu doesn't take the students by coach or minibus. He goes 'uvith the chjldren on foot and they watk on a path to their At school, the ch.iLdren a[ have ctasses with their teachers anC scnooL in the mountajns. The mountains are very quiet and pretty. But the journey is dangerous because the path is otd in the break, the boys and girLs pl.ay or chat with friends. Wher and small. iahoot fi nishes; itli rtime: to. go ho mi;::and, th€ stttdehts ita rt tonq and difficultj,6.u]rney, agaj,n; X t::i \"li,!:';,iii;r:i:,iii; Read the text again. Write frue or false next 3 What is the name of the school? 4 What do the children do when school finishes? to the sentences about the school. 5 How long is your journey to school? It is in china. tra* Do you like the journey to Banpo School? Why / 1 lt is near Genguan village. Why not? 2 lt has got a head teacher called Mr Xu. 3 lt is in the mountains. 4 lt has got a lot of students. W Read the text again. Complete VOCABULARY,;,1.';',',r:,;,:,.,;';:;:i;;!1;:, PLUS Complete the sentences with the words. the sentences with one word from the text. aunt brother daughter father ln the morning the children get up g-flr1Y.. . granddaughter grandfather grandmother 1 The children start their journey after grandson mother sister son uncle 2 The students don't walk to school with their The mountains are pretty and they are too..',..-,,,,.. vY iltidI i! walkOn the path, the children .. .. .. *3*-*la{-n*e******rw*YM*i\"c-ha{el Sall'vt **,-*- Ceonce Mr Xu. ..i@*Mkry{;r?*r*-- 'fir 5 The school is small. lt's got h{arry Torm iivr -r,-aL rK setty students. 1 Sally is Betty's w#tkp\"r and George is Betty's 6 When the children have a break, they with their friends or PlaY. 2 Jane is Mark's and Michael is Mark's t:ii:,i::'.,j;j,;;i;,,Answerthequestions.Writecomplete Mark is William's and Betty is sentences. William's and Sally is Who do the children go to school with? Michael is Sally's and Mark is Sally's Tfu*V ** ti: c*&**{wit& Mt Kcd\" Michael's and William is Betty is Sally's 1 Why is the journey slow and dangerous? Helen is Harry's i2 How long is tf',u quicker *rf f. i\" t.f,r\"\"f Harry's 24 Days

'no{ dlaq o} g aslltoxa u! lxal aql asn 'loor{)s rnod }e (ep ;er:ads e;o uorldrr>sap e alu1 # i wPrvrycw *:l , ,o +ol e osle s,ll 'iuerol]rp puE W ,,,,,.,, ',.i^o s(]r esnecaq {ep ;erceds slr.{} alll s}uopn}S \"#, ,,r1ila^ol pue pl^ec f{:; I ;,{eq qoog plro L a{H s}uapnls op,(q11 s osle {eqi pue seue6 {e;d {eq1- sosseto lensn Jror..ll o^eL.{ },uop uolpltr.{c aqf 'epcue )o )ea1 uo76wppe4')allod Iaeg arc Iaql 'epdLuexo roJ - loollcs o] e sluopnls ]o ]ol v ;z(eg 4oog plro l uo op uarpllrlr Iooqrs op lraqll b PUe e .',;;;;;;;:;:.#.,,..,,..,,-',,. . oleiqoloc uoiplrLlc looqss {e6 yoog plroM uO .apered aql u1 s6u;s en3 t \"6urgi$Na 43peal s$EB s,+5 '6tq st le^rure) aql ;i(uq 4oog plro,1t sI lBUAt zeuo aM'soaprn )rsnlu alrl \"z {1;eLurou s,}r pue t slaaMs anr6 {aq1 'ar}eaq} e s.araql ur s{enn;e sr Iep lerceds srql 'sa)uep oqs 6{4+pxa4J+ai*}l t &w4. q{:}*& Wtr}#W pollec uor}erqole3 I e s,orol{} yn oLl} ur lee{ fuen3 : fi:Yf1:::r 1ryTit1llr:t1ll! I ;,teq 4oog pIJo,{& sr uarl l 'oslD deg lfoofl pIiaffia-rq%{ * : .M{k,,,,.wn%..;lil:r;,fu\"sl1,*,a1: qlrm e>e;d l)aJJo) aql u! so)ualuas aql a4tp11;1i7ltiiii;\",',\";li;1:;',\",;;1t: ? #!e\" t. , 'anlsuadxa l(tan 3q u uill 'Fln(.rl)lut ;u;ndod st li \\r{11 , i ale osle Iaql'atru alp saulnlsol aqt 9 p , ,. JAI sa:zrnb ,-lp '1ted aql lrsln oslP no^'ooz aq] o1o6 no1 g o ,i:-3LLil1-lSOf ,iEJA\\ oP sluaPnls ]sli^t oc 'zrnb e osle s(aJaqj'an)aqleq e s,atoql , . )i( )ilLl u l .\",,1, r 'spuarJJ ql!/!r oslP aitkrad sll()rup,l 's{(rt-)g :lerqalar s}uapn}s le{i,&\\ t| \\w 1,.,I,W, sleq) aqs 'le^turel aq] saq)lem aqs E (u1...rrrq1 'rlll:l\\ uJrl.\\.\\ ')rsnru (e;d osle (aq1 ?1W .\\|L] )1()t)U l\\I.r,)a\\ ^lep 1er:ods ,o rt-r.rEN 'apered aql ur o6 LUol pue uaB Z ?, 'lxal aq} alalduor uaqi'salou orll ppa,U i:tiii;i],:i: '&lard (1;ear sr osle ll 'p1o sr unnol (y11 L , 'sbuos osle 6urs aM')rsnur Ield anli i(X)])arro)ut )o (y') l)atJo) so)uoluos aq] alv ,:.,\";:-,,1,.. L &59#:&esg*d affiwms*xe1 C

, j, .'. * @W) ffi I coutc do this bener. :,., ,, a -,.) 1.,.,;, .,.,r:i|l ! can do this very wel!. \" Xf&e&BUL&&Y BaitrY roartirxe* L&f!&G&j&&e FSeeiS Presemt sir*lpEe: aff irm'tatEve amd msgatBve 3 Complete the sentences with the words' 3 Make the negative sentences affirmative and the brush chat get go have helP affirmative sentences negative. relax studY wash watch 1 I don't like cooking. y' 1 I uP at 6.15 everY morning' 2 football every , y' I2 breakfast at 7'00. We don't play afternoon' 3 After breakfast, I alwaYs mY , ;;\" ;;;;,;;;;;,;;.;., ; teeth and mY face. I4 My sister and to school bY bus' 4 They helP with the housework. X 5 After school I -with mY friends ';;;;il.;;;;;;;';;;; ; we sometimes talk for hours! 6 You plaY video games. X 6 I always mY Parents with the housework. at mY desk 7 ln my bedroom, I with all my school books. on the sofa { I can use the present simple to talk about facts 8 Before bed, I usuallY 1... and lsometimes TV. and routines. I can talk about my dailY routine. *,\"r, )I t'l MY trV&LUAYIO'{ 1\\o' I *vt''*\"o*,' u*'' -na:.,--\",., ,. -.\" -\".*. ,.-.. W#fl&ffie\"$L&ffiY &Pdffi Lg$\"fffiruEruffi %p*x&m6 dmys ffiffi&ffi?ru& & heasY dmy & ffi.\":ffi Listen and draw lines from names 1-6 to ffi- Complete the words in the text. people a-f in the Picture. 1 Dad 2 Emma 3 Grace 1b-------!My name is David and l'm from a big family - l've got three sisters and five But my parents are from small families - my 2m has cnly - - - - -got one younger sister called Mary * she's my favourite - - -- -3a_ _ _ ! And my 4f has got an older sister - Jane. My grandparents are American, but they live in London' My ,g - - is from Boston - she's - - - -really nice. And mY ug - -is from New York - he's a lot of fun. Holly I can understand the general idea oftext. ;l I can understand an interview about a celebration' :, l:,4\"Y'{:.e;kL*WWru t\"' ' : 26 Days

'6ururor\"u aLll ur uor]rladLuot 6ur>loot aq] ur s'llaM uag zop o] z l)er 'sr.l] ]e 1oo1 's6urql tuara#rp,'sJao {sqlo6l uag teq 'Iepun5 uo l)ef '(ep lerreds ro uollerqalar e;o uorldr.r)sap e altJM ue) | I umo] ur (ep un; {11rue; e s,araql uaB .uo S.]PLIM ]uerrn no( op lPqM VSn aq] ur {ep 1er:ads y ]noqe ieq^ ob s.1a1 palsaralur I;;ear lou Lu.; punos oLll a)tl I ,; vsn aq] ut suorlerqalar (epqtrlg 'seselqd aql qll/vl an6olptp eq1a1alduro3 9 sLxeg&geffiffim5 p€iffi ssiffiHd ffiexgryepxr ffiruEHw3ds I * vsn aqi ul looq)s }e uollerqala) v 'xoq auo (l)>t>lt']xal oqt roJ allll lsaq aql asooq) 'sbuos aq] pue lrsnu aql -eM fl: '. W*\\LV*iWl\\3;\\tr| asne)aq a)uep osle aM']r q)IeA s{enn1e a^ ]nq 'apered aql u! 06 {11ensn }.uop a A 'arull aeJ, pue saurlnoJ lnoqe suollsenb raansuB pue )se up) I '6ur1r:xa {lan u s,i! ]nQ Isrou s.1; ')rsnLu , pue a:uep '6urs os;e Iaql'sapered aq] lo, saLUnlsol a)tu aleul puea;doa6 'oo] pooJ lear6 s.araql z ,{- 'uoos no{ e;- aq] ur saperpd 6rq a,le araq]'sarln {ueLu u; iMou ro] suorlsenb {uu 11e ore osot{I 'aneq laqt {a isLUltjl. uetlloLUV o^ol pep pue LUnu ]pq^ ro, sruelr] anrb a;doad ue)raurv (;7 6uyuo^a aLl} ul / Al_ Llf,}em 7 slue;ed rno,{; ;errads srq] uO '{e6 6urnr6s>lueql pallp) uor}elqola) s 'Ot'g 1e er-uoq 1e6 6rq e s.areqt VSn aql ur raquanop {ren3 sluared An Q t )rom LUor+ allou{ 1e6 7 {aq+ / uoli^ i slaorls Ie;d aI!l )romasnoq anrsuadxa l s lslue;ed rno{ lnoqe }eLlM puv {ep }pq) }nq ]se,)earq osle rall LjlrM fue\"rqr; aq] ur sr{e,trle st la}sts {61 (;7 to1 : 'spJoI eJlxa 7 {pnrs 7 euuy) aAU are araql'spJon aql qlll/\\ lxal aq] a1a;druo1 A. puv i)roMosnoLl all] qtuvr sdlaq ,rn\", ,\"*r . deffi g*t>*c$s w slHw$g$H*& Q teLuor1 re 7 dlaq / oLls) 14i /14_? . Jti.; ltU',i ^VX € 4euuV ';a1srs tno{ }noqe }eLl/r,, 'a:rnl e6uero pue pealq aneq {1uo | (4 / }se})ee,c 'suog1sa66ns pue sue;d alptu uel I 6,q\"/aneqTnoI) ']ear9')o puy i{;;ee fuen s.1eq} - 'ule 9 }e dn 1e6 {11ensn '6uruana aq] ur l)er Q t dn 1a6 7 no{ 7 aLu!} }eqM) s)ron^arU aqt ot o6 up) aA uaql'an)aqJeq aq] ua8 , ino{ rorL suorlsanb }o }ol e }o6 e,' o] s')O 'saA llsI euel I a'Lu'd 9 ]P anraqrPq aq] Ir spue'lq6rg b*- -q\"-,'*_.&-;r--{*}*dgb-{f':-1L 'uooula4p aql ur zrnb sllods :egeeeiE$ &€se$e.{d sffi3{3d xswf'E*ruY'r 3Ll] Jo , ]nB ioN

F 3 Which,i:;.\"::i:!il;i;::;::i.:,::,' animal is the odd one out? '3 :;:;;i:i;.'fiii;: Read the clues and write the animals. camel,ffffiq i raffe, e I e p h a nt camel elephant giraffe octopus 1 fish, whale, gorilla, octopus panda scorpion spider 2 girafle, cat, rat, rabbit ANtlilfrty! 3 dog, elephant, camel, fish 4 eagle, frog, butterfly, bat ,[t lives in,China. l1:5,'51;l][ uni'*t it*. fi ea*1fot more tha.n 5 scorpion, crocodile, rabbit, snake 6 giraffe, panda, bear, ostrich twelve hours every day! j?-.$td,e ;;'.;,;i;.;.:;i|y1;l;:: How many animals can you see? Write sentences with the words. butterfly crocodile eagle elephant frog giraffe @swr.h scorpion snake r,rdater for. six monthsl 1. ,.' A Itb smaH and it,usually lives in hot'p.136s5: [1-liilgot a] dangerous tail. a It has got very big ears and a long nose. lt sometimes for seV€hty,Vearsl 1\"'.r, I i hts: g ot eiEht.'leg!: lt oftex, e515, ql or-,'of ih iects i n one day.6 *r il::l::::*write the animals in the correct place. Then use your dictionary to write ten more animals. bat bear eagle g+ra{fe gorilla octopus whale -big E*and *mia*afs T her-g aW tw a ostric-hag. 1 2 ... 3 4 5 6 7 I 28 Wild life

6Z alil ptlM ir,r and now ... the amrwerri 1b 2c 3a 4c 5b -.wy suPd (l 1q\"'' 'ur1,rbg anbui;. wMw uoll llur aerLll lnoq€ eje eJeql' ,',''.,,'',\"..,,.,,. J.l3u'lT.*:li: |',:,,:-,,,.:7:::'.;:,:,:,;i,;t,.,:t;:.:,t,,:;:tl:i,t:,l..i,;.,i:.t,1.,r:,.,,;',rf.,..,i\"ll\"'j,,.,.,\"- ur sg ado;n1 u1 ooz 1[snq1 Etsv +sEaqlnos (l :,:: ,:,:.,:..:,,.:,-:,:.,-: L::l': ::ra::::.:1,.. ta:i::: ::r::j:r:ll:rt l i:r i::iil l:li:.::r: irtlr:l':.,tr:';.ts.lpr'i:,,t,i,qr.rli:,i.llgl.lltrv plrom aql ur saleus (6uol) - \"at r )'tti_.ts (,-) ;?-rCi l! tiqqE.r piri'n (Lrci.uLuo-1) eli:i si >i il alii ur siELu , all rro ai. 'q?8a4 r}asq8es $l e,sss4 *$6.trelmh s&{J cqz (j r,lsl (q 00r 'r{rds+ ix?e{ aq+ u! ru a\"rtupt 6slddsrys +ssq Ac{3 'p;o s\"te:I rels suods arlual 6urddoqs apered iearls upql aJou.J sr 1l'plrlsnv'puuar,1 Lrr sr pIJCA\\ 3i. uea] lleqloo} /tl) euaur) Iluqa;a: alise) :, ]: Ui coz(pio) 3t. Ll)eaq eore ro])e (l.iEa,q u/v\\Orq alEli/v\\ anlq (o gLreqde;a uElL.r+V r: talnb Iuerd plo aru pi.rc,^ aql Lil lpLLirup (brq) 0q1: 3ll *iu:r'a:pTou 6urlsaralu! poob snotueJ l ()I.a++Y.ttb'': Li-1r;lso (q iueqd;; . ;eA ?:,iil: r::l ?i: _llliii::: :L - : (r 'no( dlaq iJi-lcM OLii Lil ieLUlul? (itzll )ii iiry4 alr- ol spro/v\\ aql asn 'sse1r rno( ur luopnls /uau e o] fulunor pup umol rno( lnoqe uolleuroJur ffiffiffim ffiffiffiElrv enl6 ol so)ualuos anlle;.redns a1:')MffiW' w9,4* ieare aql ur aJel 'znj puttuv or.ll op ueql'en;}re[pe s.]l 'peq 111ear sr aJe) ]eLlI g anllelradns e qllm suorlsanb aql alalduo) WW& Waffi# '6ururoru aq] Jo uossal s.]l '6urlsaralur (ren sr uossal srqf la 'abe;;rn rno ur Ioq I*I ': , ::..,' ': ,,.:ti,prn6eill '{oq (1puar.r1 e sr ue^l raqtorq 161 U '{}o rno ur }uaunuour i s,ll 'plo,(;;ear sr ]uaunuour srLll Ix 'rea( aqt;o ,(ep I s.]l 'Iepog Iep 1oq {ran e s.11 'doqs aqt ur auoqd lw sanll:afpe 6uo'1 \\rt s.11 'auoqd anrsuadxa ue sr ]eLlI I ]uPuosuo) + la^ oA + luPuosuo) spul 'l 'looLl)s aq] u! ]uapnls I l- + lueuosuor spuj s,aqs']uapnls poo6 e sr e6;g I a- qllM spul ,.+' 'ryed aqt ur{praunq , I s.]l 1{gra11nq ln}rnolo) slrl} }e Iool I .re;n6ap '{r}unor aLl} u! u!e}unotu 1stqffitrt4 t:rffi pq+ s,]l 'q6lq (ran st utelunou ]eLlI a6uerls {srou 'anrlrafpe ]oll poo6 Jpl snouPj 6urlr:xa enrle;ladns e tll!/v\\ sa)utsluas aqt ala;duo) t1;;:;,;i;;;1;t;'.;.|1i,..'',:t1:: ffi uor! pl@) ln,!]neaq peq 'sanrlrafpe r-r LE *h.- --l

theLook at:1i:;,'.1;,t,;11;ii2',;11it.i;;::: photos. Complete the words. ffiWru,,ii'.,',:,;ii',':,',ri,iij.i;,i, L i st e n a n d co m p l e te t h e s e n te n ce s. American Crocodiles Where do they live? They live in 1 How many? There are crocodi les. 2 How big? They can grow to metres long. 3 How heavyT They can be kilogra ms. s&& 4 How fast? They can at sixteen kilometres an hour and they can rdt,.thirrtv kiiometres an hour. 5 Food? Thev eat or small & theagain. Then completeffi$',#$}l Listenr;;';,;:..,.';1,:1i;l',,',iii:1t;:ii::. sentences with the words. (- are are aren't can can't is isn't 4 )___ The national park is big. 6r 7k 1 There many interesting animals \"A te e h e woo m pt:.,.,t,.,;ttt'..,'::,:.1,i;,::,ti;,,,, C in the national park. survive in flv 9row 2 American crocodiles cold in the park. lswim fast in the water. cold places. dangerous to peopl. jump out of 3 The water le t h d ia lo g u es w it t h r d s. 4 The crocodiles 5 The crocodiles 6 The crocodiles the water. on page. one the animals thisChoose;i,,,'...'.:r;,;;,,';',1;;:,;;'r,',,1;'of 'How often do giraffes dri** Write sentences with some of the verbs. 'Usually every two or three days.' ?, I climb communicate drink fly grow I hear jump kill move run see survive 1 'How high can some birds 'Up to around 10,000 metres in the sky!' Smak** s*rtr*f[$*as ki{{ smaf $ fuirds\" 'How do blue whales ?' 'They sing songs.' ?' 'How fast can some snakes 'At around twenty-two kilometres an hour.' 4 'How big can a spider 'Some spiders are thirty centimetres across.' 'How fast can a whale ?' 'At around sixty-five kilometres an hour.' 'How long can a scorpion without food?''For twelve monthsl' 30 Wild life

r€ aM pll^ ,\"wWW ']se] (rqr L 'q****g qs*** 4\"ww* s14s &wq rt**ttas*g qw*&* aw* u.*r:** Ary 'qsr16u3 9 ',I(uD) pue up, tllr/v\\ r(11ue; #WW:i# aqs s pue spuarJJ lnor( lnoqe salualuas aluA .,:...,:\".,,..:..,,..:, Y. taH iou qo ':@\"ff\"*;\"''n\": ; dli :;7 'luaunrlsur le)]snu e i / ue I r*o16 1 q)ulso / MoLl /lle] / uel S W aMt ./)n aq] I w I deloraL{} / MoLl la;doad 1 Auew y I idtaH z i I e I st7 epued r*oU rn^nn, WW 'saqloll aqs t i / Moq / st / alod quoN aq] / plo) z *A*es E;edsb tl ']seJ L I uD I ue / uH / lueqdala / Moq / ]seJ L rulr s unl ,(e;d 'pg* sxraA CISl ;!?sqy o @u IU a)uep d;6w{}i l?}JI] ?idt 5r B}# *46}J i / st / aqtlra^ oIla#!l /^ oq / plo )oiE- pp+lea{O*+neqe leads t9 0t6>t OOt uorllrrrr JnoLl ue ull saJlaul l'Z aleu 'sraMsuP aql q)leu uaql 'qJaA e pue LUD) to uD) tlll^ sa)ualuos 'suoglsanb aleu ol sprom aql rapl6 . . . W eq1e1e;duo) uaql'selnlld aql le lool W d ... $4#$d q&Bdlj! sus*&s#*?& s (aql 7 no,( / aM i , / no{ 7 ar,,, ^alll iltlaqs7aq7noI7l'o11 / L I ftlt7 sndopo ue y €XaLll/ no{7 onn/ }l / aqs 1 aq 1 no( 1 1 i / sleluluP q]!/v\\ ale)lunuulol7 noI g 'LUTMS ,Iaq17 no1 'LUIMS {,,8s {aq17 nol ' /aM/11/aLls /eH / no / | a / q)uo4 leads 7 sluared no( 7 / eM/\\ / a\\s /\"t-t z nolz I L I $e! unr / Pualrl lsaq rnol t sr.lll^ ue) l.uef ue] l.ue) u€9 '4,xv* X '#Fj dAicd{A?X$wg tvg* x*rt *up 'spro^ aql ql!/v\\ alqel aql ale1dtuo1 ilriti1L1l;7lfrr|,,,','., L SAEggq*.!s$ sin, i / llpqlalspq (e1d 7 noI 'suollsanb aql JaA sue uaql'uD) LlllM suollsanb a1u;y1 ,:,,i:,,,iil;,1,\"r'..,,,

3 1 CI Read the text. Choose the correct answer' 3 WTinhethbuettesrRfelieeansdthtehaevnetecgxoett vaseg.+aFins.mCatotrrwectinthge sin'formatioG3nG t\"I1 Tl',';T:[:Hies fly from south America and canada \"Ihe butterflies are famous because they . a ffytoverycold Places. b go on a long journeY. c always move south on the same daY. 2 Th;ronrr.hrmakethefastestjourneyofallthe E I, iJ:l':'l]::ll.[\"#\"1];, ;;;;;o,.ir,un roo kilometres. f die'4 When it is very hot, a lot of the butterflies I knagine lho Lls.0nds:,i' : '' ::::;.:':rr::;;,,::ee!!::,i:|lrzzaaxX i..ii;;ii::iit.,..;.;:..i'it'iti ::..;;,,'r'r')')::11 ....::::rr :' 1@ I5 You can't find a lot of information about monarch ond,1,1$ousondS of : ;:. : Monarch butterf lles In the sl<Y &*ffi\"m\"\";'**\"\" I coloitif uir butterfi ies', :inthe''sky.Ther7, ore', oronger,cndrblo0k1'., :, withrpnffimolls{ing!; These ore ihe fomous monorch bulterflies ond they sky?How many butterflies are there in the I tllg{rsa!!d$\".Tftsr-a are,thq$s-ahds ahd I 0re 0n o ver'y specioi journey. Every yeor, they fly 1 What colour are the butterflies? more thon 4,500 kilometres from Conodo ond Norih I Americo down to 0n 0reo rn the mountoins of Mexico' , H\"*i*;\"rtt\"vt I It is the longest journey of ony butterfiy in the world' Their journey usuolly siorts rn September or October # 3 il;;;il.ffi*ril;;;il;i;j\";;\";;, t ond it tokes oboul two months.These beouliful ttit': 4 How high in the sky do the butterflies 3 butterflies con sometimes fly more fhon 100 9o?sometimes kilometres in one cloy ond they often fly very high loo - perhops ot 1.6 kilometres in the sky\" But not oll the butterflies gel to the mountoins of t' il,f#5,ll,,.r'ffi*i!t.ri;J^ itiii,i,,i,n, t Mexico, Mony don'i survive the long ond dongerous journey becouse they become very cold. t,,, minorrO nilorei itoit f.omo us :b u lie$e5ri n svo c A B u L A RY P LU co m p I ete t h e N6rth :Arn er,ieo.Thele, \"d{;i;ai{{l,o;fgf,rufile,ts with the words. org,l.b0o[p,;'.1!!.' :,,.,rr.':, r:,. i U**t+ol common dull rare colourful pi.,6gi,s'fi$e$o nd., 1,':.: 'Those small birds are very pretty'' .' websitdsubout ihem.' T,tgi,0,lrc*l0rno2ffi 3D...,* 'Yes. They're reailY **a;;tif al nmtoo,.i,,i$ AiEAi :O|t*f,fu,:B,utfgi#:{es;N,latc}t*fi ond you con go on their long ,,,, 1 'My favourite type of butterfly is red, green and wt'- \"'' yellow.\"lt's very .\"Yes.' WW2\" Read the text again. Match sentences 1-4 2 'How many of these animals are there in the world? with ParagraPhs A-E. 0 'Only twentY! TheY're verY skY.A long journeY high in the 3 'What colour are wild rabbits?' 'They're a 1 See the monarchs at the cinema' brown colour - theY aren't verY 2 A verY long journeY for a butterfY colourful animals.' 3 Lots of beautiful butterflies! 4 'Are there a lot of bats in your area?' 'No, they 4 No butterfly is safe on this difficult journey' aren't very .' 32 Wild life l-

E€ alll pl!A 'noI dlaq ol € as!)raxa u!Ixa] aql asn 'lptulue p;rm 6ullsalalu! ue lnoqp allll)e} E allrrlA ,:,1',';';i;r',,,,,:i.:,,,r'.,)i,: W t{:;;:t!#,,ffi#.t\"rji' i zt. ., (a;duexa ro;) selltrob a1r1 rilLnrl:e upunq sr r.r:alqotd 1saE61q aq1 :a6uep pue slueqdala T re6uep ul/ aq / sleLuf ue alr.ros --r'* illou i0ur 6eq1 pue slellas 1se qxs)11elt .f,, \"err.e sarroaLul+l eEJlutrtrvV r1w0 sr+treLqd auos ut zwww&ffiw&& pue {a4n17 sau}uno) }uara#tp o17 o6 7 a1:un Iu ,i lntl{; ot iaoonl sprrq u [a (aldruexe lo;)11o1 1 se qlns salnJ pue ^ aN pue uopuol 7 61q,ta i aq / salll) ulapou aLuos E raLllo puP 'slEi a)tl slPtxtue lPa slP^ri (se Lllns) 1e unl uEi [aq1 'sleurLue ]se] alp sle^tas ?.WWT tlsnu pue (qderOoloqd Tslsarotul/]06eneq 7i0e61 7 ;,fi:I.;, , q6lant uerl srleen^ias aa uo: (o)tl) rouod hrcg 1s1ooq 6ut1r:xa/a^ol/aqs L q/\\l1ru*.nlE1j r+;E,J dq+ ;u;r ) lcurug , \"lpE+s6sr pe,rp ,!Bq&6q$Bq sB q*m$ $+ieds sa)itl I?Bf '6uo1alitr Jo auo aie [aq1 pue sbal 6uo1 aneq daql (se qlns) .c.,^- e ag uel sle^ras ruwq%, lleqloo, pue lleqla)seq 7 suods / alll/IrPf 'slal)uq ,FPUuPP I ur seselqd oql asn 'sa)ualuos aqt ollIM WWfr sP qlns elulv ut saulunol luaia+]tp ut (a>11' antl faqf ir*\"\" \"$t.i'\"e a1'tta;+r' a]E sle^las 'n prl pup e!lerlsnV sareld loq tlsl^ uauo laq- -: -.... . . t,|.,.:,t.)..:,-::.);::. :. (se q:ns) 'sepued pu: i:sreaq )lelq sipaq ]uaJaJJ p oos uel no['ooz slq] ; sle^Fs'ff v;ffiwwwwffiwm',wwww*wffi:w (a)ill)'sa#Prr: r^oro slaLue) sleu up 6gq rnoqe sauilprOord nl : Eullunq - wolqord'aroqwnu u! slelres elv ..til;:l (a;duuexa ro;)'e11lro6 e ldopa )ellevus -oeceydowooul'eo^ ira6uep ilil'. up) no1's{em }uara# p u! sleul!ue dlaU uet nO : e4lqlll>,pue dwnluec ,,,i: so\\euq'aEot7'a1w alee slenJos op leqn #ii$t oHrnoque sor+owo111R1qbp 2unl Ieql ue) lsPJ ^ (se q)ns ij*:{ ao114uae1q0ye ileql are {neaq nno;1 .,f\".* is]lqqer sarnleall lleus ui palsaralul noi( alr 'x*gff#p Waw #%Witli6* s;v Ei*q4 \"#ldw*d: ,: - s+velaowueq+railex ere 6lq mog iffi Euoletleweuo 2(aqt \"xp*aq #w41*kp 8.&w #*#E& \"'4.*wd pca*ry*#. G4i , eyezuel *W.\"# (alduuexa .rort) 'sa;6ea pup saq)ulso arP a.r: -- / eeu+vq1no9o\\\\eaplunoc lanrl (aqt op eraq^ -il;;l;;\" 'sprrq 6ut1t:xa are araq]'4ed leuotleu aq- - 'Slol)Pr: slw ?llMuecu+v isleilas aIP leqM *f# ur saserqd aql qllm sa)ualuas aql atltmeg ,;;r 'lxal oqtl agegduor ,uraqqgl.'ts\"a1loou, aql peau i-**v*E,rwrs{#r6r#r**v6 ffiUgngr} :ec;E#d ASCn 6_ /: .,.j tl,4.. E

3 pffiffiffiffiffiss ffiffivsffiqff I r:eed to try this again\" I arn happy with this. {\"c*tid, d{?this,,hettefl , W**&ffiWLffi.WY &m*rwm6x Le&e&e} e&W W *XW% %aap*w&ak.iwe adje*r ive s 3 Complete the words in the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences with a superlative adjective. 1 'What do you think this animal is? lt's got long ears of1 This village isn't noisy. lt's one . and a white tail.\"lt's a r*____.' (quiet) places in our country. 2 'This small creature Iives in and out of the water. lt can jump.''lt's a f - - -!' 2 I like that ltalian restaurant - they have . 3 'The animal has got eight arms and it lives in the (big) pizzas in town! water.''ls it an o - -----?' 3 The museum in our capital city is fantastic. 4 'What is this animal? lt lives in a hot place and it can It's one of (interesting) walk far without water.' 'lt's a c museums in the world. 5 'We think this creature is beautiful. lt can fly.' 'ls it a b 4 They never go to that swimming pool. lt's --_-----?, . (bad) swimming pool in the area. 6 'These creatures live only in the water. They can swim 5 This office building is horrible. It's. fast.\"They'ref---.' (ugly) building in the ciry. of6 'Do you like this park?''Yes, it's one ..... I I can talk about animals. ... (beautiful) parks in the country.' l:...::.::: ] 7 There are a lot of rats in the world - they are one WV XW&Lz,Jp\"31*?1.1 : U (common) animals. 8 We like that American actor. He is (good) actor in Hollywood. ffi &&ffi eruffi Yhe ug36e *k amr,mw\\s? t I can use superlative adjectives to talk about my country, 2 Choose the correct words and complete the text. ' p,*Lwn*b4 :' :i: ftuYer.,Iv Ltr?\\,Rf r-Uft{ tUlS ',.:.::.: i.!\".'.', i Flountain gorillas %..........\"...: WThere are only about 900 gorillas now in thJ,v.voqld aii4,they,,afg',ope.,OJ'the,ll',.',...,,::-,.:-.: ariir!iiffi$ +..+ WX\"W W ffi{. &WWL, &W-'1{ &?'effi '*e%'T ffiW&.Wffi &mmN&rvg ew&E{tt -Foi:many:peop,1ei'the gor,illas arenlt preifii**#;;;:1il,_ .. &\" ffiti#,,,,Listen to the radio programme about polar be: some peoplq say they have s faces. It's true, they Write frue or false. Ne aa ., .., . colour - black or grey :11:4eg1fffrj:$9ti,j{ Polar bears can ... creatures like butterfl ies. 1 grow ro 290 kilos. 2 see colours. But they are some of the most interesting animals in the 3 jump two or more metres out of the water. 4 run up to fourteen kilometres an hour. rr'orlJ. ll rve prolee I these amazing creatures, they carr 5 swim for days. 6 survive a year without food. become 6 again. I can understand a programme about animal skills. 1 a rarest b most common c most colourful MV WW&LWWg*tr4 2acommon bdull cbeautiful 3acolourful bugly crare 4abeautiful brare cdull 5adull bcolourful cugly 6 a more common b rarer c uglier I can read for specific information. f\\4Y W\\f &L\\LWA*W 34 Wild Iife

sE aM pll^ N*rLW{\\iW&m }\\W I @' fiaz.ff\",Gi NO!IVft]VA3 'Ja6upp ur sleurup lnoqe alu/V\\ ue) I I 's^elrAu,lrqe lnoqe Ilel uP) no .'^ ou pUoM aqt ur {gr; {;uo iopuDd aql a^0s I q)ns alP alaql, ,isleurue asaq] ale ,'oA I, .iooz all] u! alaq] are sepued ,g I se I wor:} lsa]lsqaM / ]a6 / uolleu )olul /no^ / up) g ,s aql 6ururel srueq] arow, .zq)ulso ue .'soll) 001 I a>il /trllnll:e ueurnLl / aqi / ]sro^ 7 Lua;qord 7 sr g ,n s.]l uplsailaurolr) {1xr5, ,;unl }lom e .'lnoq up aq]/ plroM / lo / ul I aLfi / ]sarpr /s(u /auo/ sarnlear) v aqr t aq]/sl Tra6uep I Mou I epued 7 ur E al]ar.u auo, (iraqlorq replo lnol sr ,'anr1-{1q6ra sepued 1;npy .Z uerTdn 7 ot7 q6ram7 sepued ]lnpe/so;: 09L Z ue)Jo spuesnoLll, .ir.ur^ s alPqM e ,'sallauolr) sPpued t eulLll / ul I ]o lsurplunour aqt 7 sepued 7 anrl t { ttet arer Iupr.u Ineaq ]seJ rpJ eaq 'so)ualuas aleu ol splo^ aql laplo w 'sproAl tl, hX i.#**€*\"\"s\"c*F*} elT egwLffieb$W *wfi k\"*ffi {*t aql Jo auo pue rAoH ql!^ suo!]sanb aq1 a1a;duo; , i / lleqla)sPq ,(e|d 7 aley pue puuV 9 .1t. , ) i,no,r,,rnq {e1d T rrpprt s NSUVr}IVA; AK' ,:.,.,:,.,;11;fi.1!)ilFt1@u ...,:....:.,.:: 3 tZ / q)uarl >1eads 7 ale) pue euuV ,:,&. 's6u;ql op ol uolsslr.urad ro;1se ue: I rJ ',nw 'sas')eal9 ualaH i / Ll)uarl leads 7 atpparl € , no( asrno) ro un11t1 uo qoZUarl] esnoq raq o1 ob n^uepPr)n')leos ualaH i / LUrMs / oie) pue euuv z 'A Orotuo] ;ooq:s 1o6 s'(uos an,no{ pue a}el s.}r tu,; un6 'le; l(usr osnoq iaH 21ou (qan 'LunW ]nB ualaH . / r.urMs / arpparj L '],uer nol . LU.l 'oN un6 irnoLl up loJ , ]! sl ualaH asnoq s,qere5 o1 o6 I 1r aa x 1;eqtalseq Xe - i ualaH'sa unw x /f q)uarl I ea. : 'unw ualaH aa x LUI'. , pualaa^ quPql oqs ro )o ele) pue euuv erpperl I l.ue) uPl op lnq p!e4e l '.:...rr,tt,'..,....... .,: r. i.',..., . :5pJO/v\\gJIXO 'uD) ql!/vl sJoA sup uoqs pue suorlsanb elrr6 q a !l a*e araq1 'sploffr arll ,q{an sn6o[p]p aq] a]a1druo1 f_ :j &,,. $w$f.diqllit u#3s$1r.8.8.{#d xo$ 6e* gqsry sru!Hv3d5 f,,;:wteg;,Wegei&y,e,,&q,gpgq,w,aw;6;:W:Ws:,\",,$ffi*ffil&i,,.,**W{A*gUtl-I

1 ::i:-;i:*{titi:, Find seven more school subjects in ru ',' :::,,'.':,.:,:;::t::,; Read the definitions and write the words. the wordsearch. class eNare genius homework notebook teacher textbook I a{t English geography history ICT maths PSHE science You need to study a lot before you do this. ft ) H X R B U C g.Y,aw Z E K 5 WM o U FF 1 You learn about your school subject from this special P N ) C F AM I a R book. Thls person helps you to learn new things. 0S G H I S T R HE H L B E UH F KB BC This is school work, but you don't do it in class. E I Z NM5 T H E F B Thi; ;;rt;; ir r.,y, very good at a subject! KSACXB I CT DH oR H E C E N KWA P You write information in this at home and in class. G EoG RA PH oS 6 The time when you learn something at school with a X Complete the sentences with the words. teacher. ;;;il;-h;*v [i *rta En g lish & ffiffiffiWrite sentences about the school subjects maths Spanish PE PSHE that you like and that you don't like. Say why. Use ) phrases from exercise 2 to help you. E. Ilike S#s$rep&iy because w*'l ar&t in?aree?ietg f$limgs ahcext i*s$t!faiffi e, E the most interesting subject for me is My favourite subject is 1 because'ffi 3il;;\";.i;;;';;;;,u,.l..r\",,,\"'' I'm very interested in computers. I'm also good ut Wr because 'M;M ffi. My friends call mel' because , -tw|r&. l'm interested in W&eeffi lm interesLed in 3 because I love because numbers! And I like 4 too because we I 6 I don't like lndia.learn about different countries like Mexico or f W : , .' \\X/e can say'hello' in ten different Ianguages :'from because around the worldl At school, into' ;:\"\"'1r'.;1.r. \" ... , ,,,,,,, , and 6, t'.-\"1:- -;t\":2::;:,.-/.i' :i J\".. a\" t:./ 7:!lt: \"\" I \" EBi.,,,,',::.Edgri*iwfii::Wr:,ld

LE plrom 6uru;ea1 lllM I IIddod pue elw txEPV 9 Lulpe1 pue ro61 g a as ,,,.,,,.'',.',. |} '$p&€?,J* *?{d r+ SNlAie$ +\"e{$i ,.,, ,(qnu g 3r _]:Y3 f:Y : ,qY:r?:i :;iYq tYiT' :Yt yi :l ia+s';s';tH lernw puP qelLul z raburs alrrnone; ILU ralleqloo, alrrnone; {Lu (iu Iuro1:e alunonerr qeres I {u tl{rupep ILU uunu '5ruua{ Fxr.{rgd s1 lane6 puau; ]saq (uu ialsrs spuau} ;ooq:s Itu raqlorq (uu 'snonu!luo) ]uasard aql6ulsn sa)ualuas a1u6 26urop (aql wwr,f, 1utql no{ op Ieq11 2aldoed oql are aJalll .,;,,,,,,:;.. *%- cx,.,:iffsiffpi uayJt h/'-1q -!2@=;g:.: .. _\"'..'\"\" fueuol:tp alt] ul loot U Usyl6u: leads 1ou 7 am 9 )ooqalou str{ i nt,]rrn^ snq aqr uo ]rs 6uos e 6urs EU ul atliv\\ iou / relndLuo) aq] uo )lio n I rt|ruu s lrno aq] u! uni qtrua#W saqlol) a)ielu !I qrunlaleq IioMaLUoq op a)uep ]uapnls Mau 'sqraA e dlaq 7 suorlsanb aq] ra^ sue tou (1:ln pue {rey1 y aqlJo ruJo; snonulluo) luasatd eql 6ursn sa)uoluas 7 \"olrr1 'sarnl);d aqt pue saueu aql q)le6 ..i,:_,,,;,',.. T umop ]ls ]ou / raq)ea] oLll o])le] 1 nol g -*-,'{aql/nob1l/talaAqs//naoHl preq)lu 911,u atue6 e I7 uars1l tou / z W 9t W sl i ,Aat11/nol/aA /nol I rltlaqs/aH ^eld e*B I lP! pear ]ou 7 uorlsanb e )se / paLUqV L I a^ueuJltllv leq:7Ipn1s ]ou / arel) pue (ruy 'b-tuDuep i,:rlrl':,l:,l.,:.l: ;{Sno:{.}.an:lit,:.s,}.ei: i n O 'snonulluor luesald eql 6u1sn I so)uoluas anrlebau pue aAIleuJUJe alul .:;'.')' ;.;.,,: # |t'*:--'-b'-u^'r-'uunt ].us! s, ],uale ]ou ul, ol, r\"r.L ': ) 'splo/v\\ aql qllM olqel aq] e1alduo3 ,,,,,,.:....

3 {;\":WW;Complete the words. 'l:\"::j:,.iilir,;,ffiW, Match the people with how they check concentrate know learn listen learning languages. make notes practise read repeat 1 I c. Sam a listen to songs revise understand 2 I ,Yusuf b read books jacobalwaysr s v i s * s forhisexams. ,3 : Layla c practise on the bus |4 Rebecca and Kim d revise with friends 1 Doyouusuallym---n- inlessons? e make notes 2 She always c----- SI-ntex her answers. f learn at evening ;6 .sylvie 3 We often r----- new words in class. 4 Mehmet usually k----the answer. &. .::.' ,:iifuffiffi Listen again. Write the names of 5 ll----six newwords everY daY. people. 6 THehreyu-----a different book everY week. 7 theexercise. ryaAlex Layla Rebecca and Kim 8 Doyouc----- 9 He p -inclass? Sylvie Sam Yusuf his Pronunciation at home. Who... I10 Katya often - to English songs. .has got an exam? L-aYia \"e ' Look at the picture of a language class. 1 is learning a language for work? Write sentences using the present continuous form of 2 is studying with his phone? . the verbs. 3 is learning grammar in the library? 4 has got a plan for a visit to China? 5 is studying French at school? 6 is learning English in the car? :i:::\",:::;,'::iti,.,,:', Write sentences about how you learn different subjects at school. Say why. I concentrate in *ti**** because lf 's #itfiuslt f *r r** a:rtd 1 d**'t 'alvtay* a*d*r*t**d'. inI make notes fti*f*ry because t*a*r*'* a lot of imfor*,lation. 1 I concentrate in because I make notes in because I revise for my ;;,; ;.;;,,. ask listen rna\"ke-notes not concentrate r ,\"r.ii*\"r ;;k;r;;ii\".s in read spell write because . homework because I check my Hannah i* wa?.i*g**t*x in her notebook. Ialways listen in because . 1 Mr Brown . on the board. 2l a question. 3 Tony 4 Ella and Lily a book. They're chatting. 5 Max and Joseph 6 Arjun 38 Learning world

6€ plrom 6urureal L/\\pM/yadng 9 {;;ensn raqlea} rnO S z / q)unlteo / uelew pue !1ow s spuauJ looL{ls {u anop y i/aorlaqlrapun /\\s /e^l I uauo puap; isaq {y1 g Z / sruua] Ie;d T ranrqg pue sauef E lu lVuunu 'luaLUoLU aLl] Z si(em1e I 'rauurp raryy t i / )lsnLu 01 ual:l! / ]]ew z 4*#\"gt\"& 4s $frE ?s*r{*$ *9,4 ann '6ururoru fuan3 z / laq)ea] aq] o] llel / uel{}l I 'ruJo, snonurluo> luasatd aql lo agdurs '$l otis \"S;,oA ;6uzcu*p 4v4 s1 elelduo)luasald aqt 6utsn sa)ualuas eql w,,,\":),,\",.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,, i/aluep/led W\\{l,tt ueoorru g:;:i:; iuoos -roMSUV :ffi:;: .sqleLu ]e E poo0 no{ ary ;auu dlaq ue: no{ sdeqred lnnou (op $ no,{;z oL }e9M lsuorlsanb € 1o {ue (raMSUe }ou) $ ^, puau} str.l rj}lM 6 eq pue lualuour aL{} }e ralndLror e (,iegd) aule6 eL.{ }nB 'eu (dlaq) ,& I &',,;; t ffii;::il:i {1;ensn roLl}o.rq {61 innou uorlsanb t.lnr#rp W,i: u{1;ear e uo (}om) sI 'sra^ sue uoqs uaaPuUoo/)o-orMaLoL1l]t]ree)oro1MorLnuoor{..){+o }ol e no{ 1anr6 lpue suorlsanb a1u/y1 'atnlrrd aql lp Iool ,iili1.!i,i.ii',,., \"Wffiri;|;:!,|i/ s ipua)aam aq] ]e )roMaurorl (aneq {;lensn ]ou) 8, roM-6urq+ (aql 7 no{ L 26ursrnar Iaql ' pooO euo seraL.i] 1ng '{epsrnql {q }l (qsluti) 7am7noI'o5 j Iaqt 7 no{ 1 artrt 1 noA ,,,(;;eurou 1 pue s{epuo111 7ann7no{'sa1 lr26urpear = - uo )roMaLLroq sn (anl6) z sl b /aq s{ennle reqtreo} sr-{}eur rno ')roMou-roq {Ll (op) !]t / aqs / eq 'oN rt / aqs / eq 'sa1 26ur1er1uaruo) | +; L I PUe ]uaLUoLU OLI] ]e .l'oN : (f1s)uroorpoq {ru ur S**i&+ts rq. I Ll'saA ;no{ ate nno;1 angte6ep I \"nlrr*rUlV so: 'oolLl) !H 'sqJa aql Jo luto, e;duls luasald eql to snonulluol sl ale l.ust alv lou r,u( u*v st ue l(uale Wlueserd aq1 6u1sn lreua oql a1a1druo1 f 'spro^ aqt qlrm alqel aLll e1a;duol ,til!,:;iiiii,i:til:,, alduls luasaJd pue sn&mu!*$e) a&iasts,rd $LEeg&sea3 h ;sffi ffi s? as t&##3 ee6esat a elduils luasoJd pue snonu luosard . suollsonb:snonulluo) luasaJd . sn)oJ

ft ,:1;i',;i.:ji:N!:,!;i1!1i;, Read the text. Choose the correct answer. gX- Read the text again. Match the information The school is different because the students ... with paragraphs A-F. a learn to make boats. The time of lunch at the school. .b b have all their lessons on boats. c go out on boats in the school day. 1 The location of the school in the UK. 2 The name of the lake next to the school. 3 The name of a girl at the school. 4 The time of breakfast. 5 Some of the subjects at the school. 6 Where the students climb. students in Year 7 at M Windermere boarding school are having Wffiffiffi Answerthe questions. Write complete breakfast. They're all wearing school uniform, sentences. ready for their first iesson at 8.45. What are the students doing at B a.m.? Y3teylrs &lavin$ bna-akf-qst. W Pernaps you're thinking: :lThat soi'Lnds: l.ike,thre, l 1 What are the students wearing? start o.f the .daYI al:':,' t,' :' 2 Why is Lake Windermere special? 3 wi;; ;; r.rronrr'; ;;;iloayi , : .: 5.irou1 in the,no-rth of En$and isn't a,normaLschool. 4 What do the students use when they go on ffi,,whiii *,ese eiqv,qa,,and twetve'yea.r:-otc :ttudents ar,e in class the lake? r:.r.r r and-they. lookiout:of the wind0w; theli:,0a$'seg$Om€thinfl , ,,,r Do you think boarding schools are a good idea? Why / Why not? , ,,:',:,,amazing,,ltlS Lakerwindermgre gng gf the mOSt:beautifUt I lakes in England. ffi: Mss1 $,;ys,,the,s,1q!gpts,:itudy,,subjects''i;1ug mslti{: a(,,, \",,: Do you like the sound of this school? Why / Why not? ,,. ,, .,: i:E:fl 6! iS h::0i,,SCignCe f.rOm, 8, 45,t0,,4:00,: W-i{h: lulReh :at 12 ;45., r.r, .:r\":But every,.&,Q.,weekS;,a1[ the,,bojs ,and, $rlsrgo, o,ut,:of,, rr , ' : , ,: ,,:,,:,,',school fOr:a, molninB,of:,-an:afterno0h:,r. :'::.:;'.:,,;1,::. :ffi.1n :,,i*,tlnrC.,foi'a:$$-6eial:,visit]to,lhar :neiionrl: rBark,,a1oUnrd',' .ti...l;!l:.,.::i:.i:l::iii::,vocABULARYPLUSCompletethe ,,r 'r,:r.{lp 5gfi66l::,students:clim,b,.ia::t}io,:mountain$ h:ere:oi:sQ,,0n:, , sentences with the words. ,,,;,',':,:;;;,:.'' 1et.:.lAik€.in,,,b4.',1n* school has got a lot of bnatsr'aho',,ihe boat boading primary private secondary '@,:,,1li )fineiltp,iimi,rOi.the.lakell,sayS,twetve;year:=old'Ellie;'1ilS aOur project is about bc*rdii'tg school. Stude , ,,:...,rr,0'he,of,the:lbesfthinfs, a,b00t.[ife,,hdte,:.qt,:thg,5-chooli live at the school and sleep there. . school in a1 We're learning about X ,;i',,'i;i;:..,,riiii!li;:: Read the text again and write true or false. lndia. The children there are from five to eleven yea Windermere is a boarding school. tra* old. 1 The students can see the lake from 2 The school n my, oroject is different. lt's on the and it's called a school. the school. 3 This is aTV programme about an expensive 2 Every week the students go out ofthe school in the UK. school for a morning or afternoon. 4 That school in the picture is for older students afrom eleven to sixteen. lt's 3 Windermere School is only for boys. .... .. 4 The school is in a national park. 5 The school has got one boat. 6 Ellie really likes her time on the lake. 40 Learning world

c*4 , {sol E asllJaxa ul lxal aqt asl 'puauJ P ol lteuo uP atlJrl p1 .1gstunS,,E,uo,:i1e,,na;S,gig1jfi:i*t,ggru!,::, .i;; ;,;]*ii W \\';;r\\' \\28r.'L4;e-. F r'r:..e);\": . .r:. \\ aur urseT 'uoos au..] lteLU: tiJ ano{ ]noqe ]eqM 'arol{ eurl 1eer6 e 6urneq lle ar,aM 'dnor6 {Lu 1o oloqd e s,aroH \"_ il sPUnos ]l - i].usl ]l 1nq 'snora6uep ,, sr {1rnr1te alunonel {6 SE Llf,ns selll^r}tre oP artn 'uoou;aue ,Lan3 L- 'aroLl punore surelunoLU aLll ,Lo soloqd elqnn r61 PUe )trelq $ eM PUe ]UaLUOLU aq] }e os I ot ltuerqll aq]/ | /06 1 sr 1'Astou 1 Aw 1 w;s + nllo;d e zL oM dqder6oloqd u1 aA(aM I spelqns ]uaro#rp op oM an,ann 7 6u1s1nar / os / ar(al / 'uexa ue 7 1ob '00'L ]e OT aH s{em1e aan pue 0t'01 ]e b l:usptl I aq / atlw /'uad e7].ue) / oslto6/aq s.oraLlI '0t'B }e 8 oM uoql 'gr'l U'l 1+0L 1e^eq pue dn 1a6 11e e11 o] / LU,l I euauo aqt 7 o6 I otul l'sLulu / os / I i{;rea s,teqt - s ]e suels {ep rng lnoqP qlun du-re: pazrs- o e s,]; leql unr / wt4t lll / os / I:ue) / sl / plo / ]ueqdola z 'oraLl E Pue . {;en U'l s.]r os L ol1] ur q6rq sr ciLue: 1 1ye 1 Aw / dlaq / rarsls I uJ I 've I poo1 L ur dure: ialrLuns e ]e ur.l aql' 8#g*f& \"qW#, #N los + e{Ss }**qfs rn0 *15'*W& ;no{ ere lnog os / aA I l,usr 1 'leJ / loorl)s / )no l\\leh\\ 'sa)ualuas aletu ol splon aql laptg :'::\":,\" Dwqwlc - f,11rr4ce oltrna^vJ uooulauv 'sralnduo; s6u;ql;er:ed5 Euruu'u'EuLqa11 aLl] asn ua]rto oM os / ]nq 'iooqls 1e g3g 6ur{pn}s ar<a6 g ']re pue / os -DutwwrnE'Eut4ulc eat1,t^t+cv ap 36 'a:uaos op oA uooulage {epr.r1 Itanl 1 eolau1C ollq \\ pL;\" 4o sV a 4el ']ueJnelsal ezzrd uel;e1; lpq] ol lJtfo-c € uc \\)ot^ - ,,t14eLootolo ob s{em;e {aq}.ro 1 os'sezz.d alr; sluared Iy1 f.qde \"tE o a A' yt e' f,qd e t0 o1o qa s1>e[qn5 '6uru.roru (rana gg'9 ]e dn ta6 o] paau I os / asne)aq Ienne re; sr looq>s (yi1 OA' . L\"?unl)^E) suossa-l 1)l 'to I os oq at \\€rrq ? a^PLl'oQ B ue | ) a)uans {qdet6oa6 ur pa}sala}ut fuan 1ou ru.; 9r'L $eJ\\sorq qxlh\\ ' oo'L {ep eq1 1o 3rey5 'uetssnu pue e+uo?nae oaz - Lunl?qu) ezls qsr;6u3 [pn1s am os l)o 'sabenOue;anolaM latnb'pS4neeq eJsq,1 'fuo1srq os / pue )Utelunaw'aavM IsLlleu 'q)uar1 are sltafqns ]lnluJtp ]soul aq] )ulLl] Z 'dtue: Jauuns p lnoqe ']oo} uo loor.l)s lreura aql a1a;duo> uaql'salou or{} peau ::..;; .:;' :,' tr- o] sao6 s{em;e aqs os / ro 'a)tq e 1o61.useq eltuoran t ']uaunrlsur lp)rsnu e 6ururea; LU,llnq ($:1snr\"u anol I bTflU E 'spJo/v\\ l)ojlo) aql asooLl) .il;i,,,:;\":-,,.,. I #s:&es*#d m#wmffiue1

pffiffiffimffiss ffiffivgmw W,',\"#.*' W' t;W, !,;1 eed,,t*- try t h is'agai n. t anr fiappy with this\" I can do this very well. '.ti*):84:t|:l:,.1;ff3':t?ffi{,,r,leg.e.,}d,rde,thishe*ter; L&ru6IJAGE FSCUS Present esffitiaErous: V#treffiffi L&ffiY Seh***B subjee&s aff I rmcat&vs e*'?d ffi cWetfi we ru Write affirmative or negative sentences using the 1 took at the photos. Complete the sentences with present continuous. school subjects or school words. 1 I / study / two langua ges y' 1 llikes--- i2 the students / wear / school ,niform 2 This is my school n - - 3 3 he / chat / to his best friend y' Weloveg---- + ,f,.1 ,rn I for ttre ;.i;;i ;; 4 She'sgoodatm----. ,5 we / have / a break from tfre lesson l,6 I / learn ,uriluf lnstrument X 5 favourite subject. 6 I can talk about things happening now. tuqY XWer\"WWg*W I' I can talk about my school and school subjects. p{tY x\\f &L*wz*Y4 Hh&EiEizu{s be*\"**&EES* *p*^rif*f*iej*{{ ef#eem U L,&,ffiY &ru m L&STfiF{ X ruG Verbs: S€N\"xdying a lamgeeage tr\" Choose the correct word. & W Listen to Jack talk about his learning 1 Our project is about a special school. It goes strategies and tick (/) the correct boxes. along the river. My learning strategies -Jack Thomp.son a private b primary c boat vocabulary in a 1' -l write notebook a2 That's school. Students live there. a boarding b private c primary 2 ,-'.epe.t new words 3 The school in the photo is a very expensive ' 3 I p..\"ti\"\" fronunciation. .. school for older students. b private c primary a boat 4 i I .h\"\"k words in a dictionary a4 This is school. Young children come here every ,:;;;:;:::;:,1;5:,;,j*;14S.,,'ry;q!fie. ail*i!n.el€iitit:.:::t..:..,, day. 6 ;- iread comics. a primary b secondary c boarding I i- \"\"\"\"\"\"i1ate at home 5 These students here are over eleven years old. lt's a . school. c secondary a primary b boat I can identify the writer's opinion. i I can listen to interviews about learning a language. r,!1 ! E\\rbl t lil 1 b, 1N\\9 l:'{\\v L',t ;|Li} k1 X* ? }. 42 Learning world

E? plroM 6urureel '\";){;#{Y\"} &i*r:wfilV&x?ts/$ .,,.r;r.r1\". j -- -- - -1\"::::::::l'-::::!:!t: 'nnou 6urop o rLU ef a.r.[aq] ]eq^ pue sourlnor Jleq] ]noqe eldoad Ise ue) 'uoos e1t-t171 ueLuraD pue qsrued5 {pn1s 1 os se6en6uel ']uauout alli ]e raLl)ea] aq] o] . e-re se6en6uel a>1r1 slre[qns /aH 'pueq srq ur auoqd srq tob seq pi^ec raqlo 'Lueql {pn1s o1 Paou aM ' 'Iep fuana urerl lq looq)s o] sqleLU pue qsr16u3 e>1r1 slra[qns oLUoS 'gV'ZL w sl ur.usel 9 qrunl PUe 0t'01 }e e e EaraLlI Ot't }e (z)lroMauoq s!Ll r pue Ot'B }e uels sXer,,n1e oroLl sassell aq , ('Luoorpoq srq ur sr sauer, s '1oo,t uo looLlrs o1 o6 I 'uMol ]xau aLl] u! sl asnoq E Iaqi']aarls rno ur uec pup Llrol t, 'l1]lal +o orlual aLll ur sr osnoq {6 'sluepn}s OOZ'L . e sr e6a1;ol q]lal qlr^^ looqls ,'])a[qns a]unoAP] fuu s.l1 )oaM lxou looL{rs rno }rsrn PUe puel}ors 'sa1,,iIto1stq noI ,[ .MOU ol oLuor ue: no,{ 1eL1} , {;en u.; 'uen; t;1 am os' r.llpxa ue io6 aA(aM z .]oq s(]l I alu^ s!r..|] os ;euorldo plo )ool Iddeq uall^ eas aqi u! uago pep {yr1 L II qstu!, fuoslndLuo: )parq 6tq ]noqe ultMS ast^al 'sp.roM Prlxa a^U arp araql'sprom aql qllm lxal aql aplduuo1 W L a^rliou uaisrllou aI!l o6 op uvt6eq3s srses &moq€ EEsura srua&trufffi 'sqran aql Jo ruro] aldurs luaserd .r c snonurluo) luaserd eql 6ursn sa)ualuas aql ale;druo_r :-:^.\"!l\"\";.,:./'\"\\i':.-:.-?-. i\\!ftr IYnTVF{X AIAJ ,\",:::1\": *u;!,,4H.}{ L I sl I MouU 6ulop / uaqou / ]eq/n 9 II'sa6en6ue; 6ur(pngs u,l uaq/vt d;aq lo11se ue: j 2eseald 'urebe 1eq],(es nol ue) O ] i / asoql7 6u o6 7 araqM / sleLu ue I d2 : 3Zqluail ur (re), {es no{ op nnog | I',q, 26urop noI are ]eq6 i L I ue I o] / ;I kLlM lOuluunr 7 no,{ iteql sll)audpsqnf o'{]_poP_a_/rv^\\9o*H_*Vu*at8i looll)s 'a)nl 'l-u-n-t-t-o-A alnt Z / salou / sr / auros / e^j l6urleu- ; b uaB '(atnlrol, s,]! 'sa1 a)nl r 2firo5 uag 2 7 ourureal / asaq] / Mau / a^ / are / spro^' : '(aJnltoA, zleJ alnl z.tlluau ]e L / e / \\euq7 are 7 burneq / asoll] / sluapnls poob ar.no1'salou Ll)uart (tu 6u1pea, l'suorlsanb aleur ol spJol a{} rapr ,l yl-19L'ua8 lH a^l:n:!l 'romsue q)Pa roJ (O-V)teUel e *alrJAA ra/nsue lsaq aq] asoor.{) pue an6o;erp aqr peau ffic ra Chmee s , mnd triaeP Bt*6r**LasSgls s d * av @we{3 !,r8qtrr trl8r{ r@} BE\"r!4sY Sru!HW*dS 3#* t: src q3 E\"E L,E 6B&8#3 BLE&5aB.ed 5 gj * *k'' [-l

3 ;:l;:,,':,:!i:iii:iii.iliir, Look at the pictures. Correct the words. ru Read the clues and complete the crossword. eggs vagatabla-* 1 fish 2 crisps 'Fi,,'i;'n.ird.,;.\"t1htuiei1ilie; xtra word. ww ( 1 This famous food from ltaly is very popular. 2 This is the most common drink in the world. people 3 juice 4 burgers 5 soup also wash their face in it. 3 These are vegetables. They are sometimes long and green. 4 People make sandwiches with this. 5 Children like these. But they are bad for your teeth. In the UK, people eat these with fish. They,re not ver^ healthy. They are made from potatoes. This is white. lt is very popular in countries like China and Japan. This is yellow or white. lt is on top of a pizza. 6 cheese 7 chicken 8 vegetables 8\",,,,:::l:,iiL:\\iii Complete the text with the words. apple €frsps fizzy drinks juice meat nuts pasta salad sandwiches water radf i|iiie:,iy,,iAi/r;ootdinntersso!takeay:n;6hbax to;,sa76O;,**;:,@;)A,rylyluiclboxtgttgnhave.A',t:,::,,:,: i* AUa E.a!,;;i::it,t'l;:;tO ri* p*t..:t.,.,'. t,::;ai,*ai e, r The extra word is: llri,ba a : ry {;|iifiit,lmagine you have a speciat tunch with you bgpgr1 .,,,,.,,:,.;,'t,i...,,,',,:,:,..,.,;,;,:,:.,;a-11..tthink Nhiee a1e fer,y.o,u., , ,,,..,, every day. What is in your perfect lunchbox? !,aiea;/Waya;gbme;fyyttoo-mayb.e.anicereA,,t,:,,':,,:.,,:':1,.\",, im z*y p*rf e*$ lw**kb*x tk*r* arr\" tw* *kae,*s. a*d s*l*d *a*&z*,ti**t** iviffu ffi*a br*\"ad\" l ffi makeA,il:hem,:.Ntth',vhibb,,ai,brpwn:bleAd;:sy6,:sfif,,:,: ,. ,):.'. ,,,'1,,,,Wit., :eually VuNs somea 'ln*h'em,ltke ,9 ,,:l:cKen, or perhaps eome nlce cheese, or somehealthy W#, ::3e? 5 . AL our school we can'Lhave a liVe cola. so I alway. tal e some sVp e .We can drinka Lac, -=.. : ,ie'u home every day I waeh my lunchbox.Then ii'e - ''. dinner.We always -..: a\"trcl rneal - perhaps - : ,iane .. :',,,eqelable,c cr a biq pizza 44 Food and health

sn qlleoq pue pooJ ialqe] oq] uo araLl] are 66a B 2doqs aqi ur 1o6 Iaql aneq peorq L iluup Erls saop IIILU 9 2to6 noX aneq LllrMpuPS s 2tea,(;1ensn Iaql op alu alrLlM b i6eq aqt ur araq] are ]nu € iezzrd aqt uo araLl] sr asaaqr Z ltee no,( op raornq op a:tn[2>1uup no( t [io]?t&{ si#H i)aam fuana aneq aq saop sa;dde ;{urar *aelry '(lessateu;r ;etn1d plom oql a4e61'fiuow i 'nrr{l ?tfl A6 XnB $tBA J @/\\i$u E*Jr}aA pfi6l\",tJ i{84 A oH )o Lpnw lAoH rll!/vl suollsanb aql a1e1dtuo1 ',1:.1.:;: l:ri$adp -$ds;i, 'ri.r?qt eAo!l 'sdsu0 to +frtb lss i puarrl X61 'sa1dd: ' fqn 1 ]<uale alaL_ i ernf , sdsuf 'rateM 'sa1d:. ;**- , I I 5l l,Ualp - \"-,j olqPluncl ](us! ereLlI 'lo )olD pue luow'q)nut'fiuD'awos alqeluno)un II r{l!/v\\ so)uo}uas alrrl 'puap} e pue no( to} alqe} aq} I e1alduo1', as!)taxa u! alqel aql tp l)eq \\oo1ffi g '1eau {lane Ll}!/v\\ la}e^ $lullp,(qol g raleM 's; ::. sra;ard aqS taieM '1;rttt ro e:rnf € are;-.__ 'lle tP siaaMs luup ](usaop ernel L s(aJaql 's: : _ ; 'alPlo)orl) salrl aqs'slaaMs 1ea i.usaop (qo1 9 '{ep ,(rana 1ear.u )alPA ;a+:. IseLl ernel e s(aqs']eau L Al? =\"- -_ slea (qo1 b srq qllivi sa;qelaban s(araLll alqelr - : ']arp raq ur sa;qegaban 'uerrela6an _- elqelunolun ']lnl, slea ra^au ernPl i '{ep {.lana lrnr; I 'sleau.l a^eq ](usaop [qol Z slea ernel L Jqo)]nolue{uaeuuos}oIu*qe-eau{ouse pa*cr slea Iqol 'spJo/v\\ orll r.ll!/v\\ alqe] oql alalduo) IJs +si slea ernel ' pnq6o{ 91 aS:= -, read 6 a;qe,:- = ]Paur I arrn[; ::; rabrnq 4 Q)lri,', l - l ']o tolD pue fiuotu IIaderb 9 :- 'Lpnw'luD 'awos ql!/\\A sa)ualuas aql e1a;duol ilea lool .(qo1 pue prnel op leq6'alqel aqt te g '(e;qelunorun) n ro (alqeluno)) ) alUA

ft theLook at,,:i;,;',:,11;i11;11\";:;:1:.;r:; pictures. Complete the words. t- t- 5 : ,),:.',;it: :':':\":lii!iiriii.i: Wi;,,i.6 ,', Listen to Poppy and Ben answer quiz. Write P next to Poppy's answers and B next to Ben's answers. 1I'm OK today, but my sister is Julieisverya_ _ _ _ - , ll s o hot doy ond you're ihirsty, Whot do you drink? veryt i r *, $. but her sister is l---. ,\" fi Some cold woter - ,,,,r,, A very cold frzzy drink 2 Oscar is u - - - -, but his 3 -Ollie eats h fdad is very -. It's I I o.m. ond you're hungry Whot do you eot? food, but Martin eats ), A heolthy snock - mcybe on opple u----- food. 0r 0 peor. f,i,,i;.:#, lt s 9 30 on Sofurdoy morning Whot ore you doing- ,' l'm wolking into town. l'm olwoys ctct'.. 4 Murat is w---, but his 5 Katy is h -----, but brother is i--today. Billyist--*---! & Listen,:t:.ii,.\":,;t;,','.',:|:i:riiliiiti'ffi,NpW:, again and write true or false Poppy sometimes hasfizzy drinks. lr:: f* Complete the dialogues with the words.,t:.:t',,',:::ti:::.,,.',':.::::.:i,:i;.;:1i,, 1 Ben doesn't drink much water. 2 Poppy has school dinners. aetive fit lazy healthy hungry 3 Ben can have chocolate or crisps ill thirsty tired unfit at school. 'ls your grandfather very **tt';* ?' Poppy sometimes plays basketball 'Yes, he goes out for a walk every day.' after school. 1 'Look, Paul is sitting down.\"ls he 5 Poppy is very fit. after the game of football?' 6 Ben gets up at 10.30. 2 'Can you run up this mountain with me?''No! l'm very because I never do any %\",'r,,;;:ili,r,:;);:r'r,:iit'CompIetethesentences. exercise.' When l'm ill, i*.*mgtiry*g gq fs t&g d&st*f-- becausel'm unfit 3 'Do you want a drink?\"Yes, please. l'm very { dsmlf d* any &x*r*_isq\", she4 'Fatma isn't at school.' 'ls 1 l'm fit / unfit because I ?' 5 'ls this drink ?''No, it's very bad 2 When I'm hungry,l for you.' 3 When l'm thirsty,l 6 'My brother never helps with the housework!' 'ls he always at home?' 'l'm really !''lt's OK. I can make 4 lf I'm tired, I you a sandwich.' 'ls Sifa ?\"Yes, she swims and 5 I eat healthy food like plays basketball every week.' 6 I sometimes eat unhealthy food such as 46 Food and health

Ln qlleoq pue pooJ ,,, Sr uane fuene >lro,ueuuoq.tnoA iue]lodLur fuen sr srql , sAe,u V ;t ew u p00] OAeL] Aluo ue3 no/, ssels u a]33 loor.lrs 'saLue6 ooprA I l.|',ueH pue ue6aw .r onnotul1lsc aoLll ur euoqd -lnoA lB 'saue6 oaprn , , ,,,,, , furep 9 , ]nE 3eq rnoA rr auoqd e on?r,l u?J noA q .)aulalu! aql op ol3urql peq fuaa e s srUI UO qeuueg pue ue6e6 g 3r1e1sr ']auralur 3q] uo Atng y oUS ro oL.l uoqM ror.lleal rnoA ol o sAanliv 'looqls spuo rJ rnoA ol E pue sselJ ur lernb ag * WW olel}e srels ;ooqcg'Sururoru olll ur Aep tuene 9tr.8 o] qeuueg pue ueba6l g 'I;r ea z 'looq)s o] furep 7 '(;rea ,,il 0l sq0M rn0 uo L!10]tLtn llo.]]oo oLll oos uel no/, souloll qeuueH pue uebayg I 'liili scrl.rronndlsc tlonrur 'rLlrrronlrtrurnn lronnorr .rl.los o,(nnn v d$ 6r,rl3ts$ pulral4,u$aop fue11 'sluopnls A au lno lle JoJ uolleuloJut !, iF* sauue6 oao . lueyodrur euos s! aJaH - looqcs uoldueH i ** x ourluo _: _ - salnr looqcs ,r,i _ I oot , looqlsolcl alUM lea^ p€a,[ lool ]ea ]eq) op aq 'sqra aqt lo rutoJ anllptadul anl1e6au ro alrlprurlJ;e aql6ulsn txal oql a1e;duo1 W W se&$&#,sedaex& '6*m,( a^ol = +++ 0I!l = ++ putru l(uop = + Olpg = X 'a{{ q}!/vl sa)uo}uas a}uM 'olqe} aq} }e lool ..': /r ol 'sra6lnq alll pooJ ]seJ salPq aLls ! (a;:{r) 'a)tq au Iu uo aAol ^ 1(e1d)'lleqra1seq \"4e&M*gy'*q 6lt{€4 ralerd ann gng '6uruunl pul.u l(uop a,/,, r,f4j&a $t#ai*d A*,1 St*rdgery p*ela*,1 6.*cp g 'sp*xaqaana (asrAar) 'supxa Jo, aleq r(aq1 g \"pfp Aw {.f+r.e a*gur* s-r;ad$ sq+ b+ Si,al*$ a**; 3 's;{ep\"ar:3rp r,l$ (d;aq) 'lronnasnoq re;ard alol alll aleq putru l(uop altl 1(uop aq] qrlM ,pulru ](usaop aH (l!s) '6uluana aq] u! elos aq] uo salrl(11oy1 g uosuoouraue (epun5 s(eprn1e5 uo (op) 2s{eprn1e5 uo alll nolopleqm a uo{e6 s;ea1ana5 (Lulnns) 'pas aq] ut ul$leatq looq)s aql s6ututorx Iepuoyll uo anol s;rr6 aql I s{epr;oq looq)s aLl} u! (q:lean;ipuala:r ur }es6uruana aq] {Eilirys{? spualoal aL1} 1ooq)s loue aq] ]e AI uo stulu olll no{og 'noI 'slollerq u! sqte^ alBp 1 dleq o1 spro^ oql asn 'saull lualalJtp esaql le 6urop wtoSbur- eql6u;sn sa)ualuos aqt ela;duo)W aM l(uop ro altl no( s6ulql lnoqe alu11 : ' ' .

3 ,ti':'ii,t:1:i:ililil;;ri,Read the text. Choose the correct answer. textRead the,,:1.:;'.,.i.i;l:;,,;',1';i;l;iti;, again. Write frue or false. Phoebe is making ... Phoebe ... a some chocolate sweets. is twelve years old. b a new type ofschool dinner. c a special meal. 1 is washing some bowls in water. 2 is making food for her family. 3 is in a competition for chiidren in the UK. 4 is with three other young people in the last programme. 5 makes the tastiest food of all the children. 6 doesn't speak when she becomes Junior Masterchef. Twelve-year.oldr Ph:q,ebe, Ri[ey:ris :ve ry:'busy- Sh e:s,]wash ing'''a ,i1i;'tt;!ri',,;i;;i;,,.i;:Answerthequestions.Write lot. o1 ve getab ies,,in,co I d,watbq.ShelS coo,kin$ :so m e pasta complete sentences. nn:$.shs's, prep,aring:a What is Phoebe doing with the pasta? 'rhoColatg,desseit,,,,\"',,, *h*'* **rt'*.i*g the. pa*!a '1s, 5lig::makjii g, d,in nei:for .hei,fam i ly?',Or:. is:Sh'e in a coo ki ng .tesson, at,schoot? The,.answer,'is hsrr,rPhoebe is on a TV 'l How old are the children on the TV show? How many children can go on Junior Masterchef every year? ,tluiiar,Matster.chef,iS'ra,'co:mpetitisn,rfor:rchi[dren:a$ed',.ei$lit , Why are the children working very fast? wf'.rut ao\"l pf,o.U. make forone part of her meal? to, twertve, f he,.iom p*rtio n.,ti**s'th6,,hest,,yo ung ; c o o k i n th e Utt Eveiy : r, :3,:rl61,,t1,ro rn€: p6o0le aSli: to.l€o on J-r n i$iv \" : Do you watch TV programmes like Junior Why /Why not? Vea Masterc:hiif, but,6nly *ventv'four ihildteh, cah go on rthe:TV: pr0grammes. * ], O lt's the last programme of this yeals competition. Phoebe ;; ;\", *r., t\" ;; ;; . TV prosramme tike this? and three other children are working very fast. They're making a special three-course dinner but they haven't got Why / Why not? much time - two hours! kls:now,.tlte,,la5t.fiVe mi nutes, of:the,,0i6gr'anrfie; The jud$esr,: 5t{,,7i.,.'\":,!:tiiiiiit V O C A B U L A RY P L U C o m p I e t e t h e :a re, eatihg pr ft ,,of. Phneibels ,mea t a,b6wi',of , ta.sty ve geta b te Mydaddoesalotof exercise-het r a i * * so * p,, .tE rh ei,food,,!he:' nest?, rh e aniwer, is lyes' !r rPh oe b e i s now Junior Masterchef ! LI iT,hi gr isrrd he,'6f :,th e. happ i:€si daVs,,of r fi y, lif0i, says'Phoebe.' r, every day. 1],rm r:eally excited And,pIOUd, f 'rl,vety,,ha,ppyll 1 After your pasta, you can have a delicious - - -d with fruit in it. 2 'That sandwich is very big.' A ,i,.Iiff-,\"iA*i;,f*: Read the text again. Match phrases 1-5 with 'Yes, it's e-------l' paragraphs A-F. 3 Lasagne is a popular d ---from ltaly. A lot of work but not much timel * You can find it in a lot of ltalian restaurants. 1 Junior Masterchef - a popular competition - -4 There are a lot of v - - in fruit - it's good to eat an apple every ciay. 2 Phoebe makes the best meal. 3 Phoebe isn't at school - she's on TV! - - -5 Would you like a b of rice with your food? 4 One very happy girl! 5 Phoebe does a lot of different things. 48 Food and health

rA i*:io1 qr g asp*axa 1,r4; rial a g,,16o;q,,po9; l#ff 9s e'a1lrl4rJJe,rllalrtd,:e',0i,06;,hoI;1oU!6igwj1,,*{JltiiYiYii,},7i ,eieuu&aro,naouia!wla+xoulleodtaasqo1'qqoqaa#s2,lle'4WrcdoeloqO1 'Jopjo or inoqo sossoj+roM Jno,o 3uo ol 2lou R1MiaeLll.o^eqlos loeds' 6 7llJol s .+luo#eRn n a1 o 'aa+qeLlo'Ac)oaqaca oP r o + o tilla e,11' R11e u11 iLUoell olt +o L luero#rp ueegg 1o6 aA,oM iMoputilA aql rDeLl nuoLU Erq rno oas - spossop ollt +o )ool ' r flael?ue s.+uoroJ+l? +o loleq1.lM canou)J}tto ue a\\eq 1 'l.XaN 'llrLu ro Dlol i+eetb aftl- 1l 're1om'e:tnl e oA,oA - luup plor u! ,!o eacald {1lr* e o asooql oslo puo ';eOlnq rnoA puoesT Wo q b1q ecy e o l' aeLll ral+V o6 o1 po;os ro sdrq: asooql 'lorli b ^eq q+tnec$|. ifep to1e ro++caYod - 11u7ec1 Ile er,{eqt - reBtnq ueue}epan 1{1se1 ,{rer, Rset ou)o 6 o Aeq l' 1'6Jl) uo)icrLlc'quel e o^eLl r \" lilo rl ? o o + elaselue + so ^ra s +l ?ue 'reBrnq jo ed{t or.l} osoor.{c ' z floA qalr a+ec e11,snorc7 fu) le u);pue Rep loqe s'al t ffi@ow iej€3 rno u! IeHG 0l rAorl sreraH Jat rvl!r1/ta{.,rat t1r' ' iu/v\\ol ur aceld lsaq oql aJ(oM ialef, Jno o1 aulol ffi Ir**[€;,!, *li*i:i::lii::!:il:].:::'l:]i.i ' ],',,r' iusssoP ro} rueaJf, a3r qaraq]'ile ]o ]set puv ffi$**4,roo 'leau uerlell pue se;qele8an ffiffifiliif:fii:i;.fi7:l;t;r1,.,';\"\";;,;;,.',',',\";,;.,',:,:.:,',,. ( rnol q]lm sadA ro ]xau ffffiiffffii$i6ifif*i#${$!$i :#$$.5..,rU,:0i}3,.#*o!Pd,,'eps;j'tnnorseuzpltdu srq l'ra'r rno Jo lo6 p€@+ ]srlJ (11eur; ue) lage ol\"r n r oj' u a qJ 'sprofl rffi*t:*;1,:,t;:;i;ii1:,;t;;t':tt;',t,:,,:,;,,,,:\"';.,,,t.',;.,, 'etsed 'lo dnos e>;l; $,i$itffi m*i16i1n;eqlo ar€ araqt'asaaqI uerte]l Wgtoql qlliv\\ lxal aql ele;duo3 ;:.- :-u:..)BsgluEJ Jno jo auos qrl,t,r peles uaa;8 e qlr/ur isnoDtlap \"' uruw iI ra #.ffi!1 **#:p@1ei!n[p1o: 1u;.rp lep ]oq e uo ol aurl s.I; 'dol aq1 uo ynq6o{ eurc 'lxal aql e1a;duo> uaql'ralsod aq] ppau tnd'- - - ---l?'lln4 aql uo a:;nl auos ]nd' ---l ----Vr'sfnoq lleus rnoJ u! lln4 aql lnd -'sread pue sade.r6'se;dde ur 1nd uego | -]tnrllo sa,l - iuarolJrp ur lnd ue: no ']rnr, aql 11e doq: '- - = ioLur] Jo iol p a^eLl ].uop noI;r 1e=-: s(]l 'solnuru uaauu ]noqe ur uassap srLl] aleul up) ' _ ynqEol rlllnl peles 'spJoM eql ala;duo1 ...

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