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Home Explore Networks Handbook v1

Networks Handbook v1

Published by jon.barratt, 2015-10-21 10:11:52

Description: Networks Handbook v1


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The networkshandbook

ContentsWelcome EventsBeing a volunteer - Events introduction - Planning and- Corporate strategy – an overview- Code of conduct managing events- IOSH structure - Types of events- Networks (Branches and Groups) - Event planner - Sponsorship policy committees – roles and - Exhibitor policy responsibilities - Related events- Terms of office - Promoting your event to- Other ways to get involved- Role, purpose and regulation of IOSH members networks (Branches and Groups) - Promoting your event- Regulation 15 – Branches- Regulation 16 – Groups outside of IOSH- Constitutional governance guidance for group committees Adding to- Travel and expenses policy IOSH networks- Expenses claim form- Networks and International team - Branch or district structure application form- Networks officers’ duties- IOSH networks staff - Stage 1 Groups application formAbout IOSH - Stage 2 Groups- IOSH Benevolent Fund application form application form CommunicatingFinance with your members- Managing branch and group finances- Branch finance guidelines- Branch finance process- Group finance process- Frequently asked questions Managing branches and groups - Format for three-year rolling workplan

WelcomeSarah Hamilton, Networks and This handbook gives you the Middle East, Caribbean and Singapore,International Director, and Rob and our strong online communitiesStrange OBE, Chief Executive information and resources you make it easy for members to share their views and expertise, wherever need to support your branch they are. and group activities. You don’t have to look far to see the power of IOSH networks. Each IOSH The collective voice of our branch and branch and group is working to share group networks is a versatile and good practice and to support IOSH powerful tool that helps us to lobby for members throughout its region or change, share best practice and run industry. high-profile campaigns that make a real difference in the workplace. As an Great things happen when our IOSH branch or group committee members share their know-how and member, you play a vital role in experience, and your contribution really supporting the careers and professional does make a difference to the success development of other members in your of IOSH as a whole. area or industry. Your work helps us make sure the health and safety Enjoy your role as a committee profession’s collective voice is heard member, and don’t forget we’re here across the world. to support you. Together, we can make a difference. That voice is growing, too. IOSH’s international network now includes Ireland, Hong Kong, the Isle of Man, Sarah Hamilton Rob Strange OBE Networks and International Director Chief Executive

Being avolunteerMembers like you, who give About the branches and groups Quick links Our branch and group networks are anyour time and energy, help us essential part of IOSH – they’re the vital - Corporate strategy – an overview link between IOSH and our members, - Code of conductmake sure that our members helping to attract new people, raise - IOSH structure our profile, and create a sense of - Networks (Branches and Groups)are supported and that we’re community. committees – roles andable to spread the health and It’s important that all networks have a responsibilities shared purpose and are branded as a - Terms of officesafety message. network of IOSH. Your work as a - Other ways to get involved network volunteer will help to - Role, purpose and regulation ofYour voluntary work helps IOSH to continuously identify ways of networks (Branches and Groups)maintain a high profile – keeping the improving your branch or group’s - Regulation 15 – Branchessubject current with employers, high activities and how it operates. Find out - Regulation 16 – Groupson the political agenda, and at the more about the role, purpose and - Constitutional governancecentre of the debate when it comes to regulation of IOSH networks here. guidance for group committeesinfluencing health and safety thinking. - Travel and expenses policy Regulation - Expenses claim formWorking in a volunteer role can be an As soon as you join a network - Networks and International teamenjoyable, stimulating and fulfilling committee, you must read the structureexperience that offers extensive regulations applicable to your network. - Networks officers’ dutiesopportunities for your CPD. As well as Branches are governed by Regulation - IOSH networks staffsupporting members and promoting 15 and groups by Regulation 16 andIOSH, you’ll also be able to broaden constitutional governance guidanceyour skills and build your experience. for group committees. Often these regulations can be ambiguous whenEven if you haven’t got the time to be problems arise; if you’re having troublea full committee member, you might with certain issues it’s best to contactbe able to help out by contributing to Networks staff, who will be able toone-off projects or sharing your guide you.expertise. Look at our list of otherways to get involved, or ask your A designated Networks Officerbranch or group committee if there’s supports your branch or group’sanything you can do. committee and can help induct you into your volunteer role. It’s yourPlease remember that we’re here to responsibility, and that of thehelp you in your work as a volunteer, committee Chair, to ensure you’re upso if at any time you need help, advice, to date with the structure, policies,an answer to a question or just some processes and regulations of IOSH, andgeneral information then please get in of your branch or group. A regulartouch. e-bulletin, Connect Networks, is issued to all committee members providing operational updates and guidelines, so look out for this in your inbox.

Being a volunteerSupporting our branches You’ll be supporting these goals, so it’s Branch committee members can claimand groups a good idea to read the overview of expenses through the treasurer whenIn ‘Quick links’ you’ll find links to lots our corporate strategy. You’ll find on branch business. When visitingof information about being an IOSH links to key documents signposted IOSH head office, or representing IOSHvolunteer. This includes the various throughout this guide, so you can find on corporate business, volunteers willways you can get involved, descriptions the information you need quickly. need to complete the expenses claimof the roles you could take, and how form. Please make sure you have thelong you’ll be expected to carry out Volunteer conduct form signed by the Chair beforethose duties. The IOSH Code of conduct applies to leaving your meeting or event and pass all IOSH members – it’s a condition of it onto the Networks and InternationalEach branch and group is unique, and membership, and it’s important for our staff for action.the roles on your committee might be staff and committee members to setdifferent from those at other branches the example. You need to make sure You can’t claim expenses for buyingor groups. You’ll find some general you’re familiar with the Code of alcohol.descriptions of what you can expect in conduct, so click the link to readthe links on these pages, but please through it. All expenses claims need to beask your Networks Officer or your submitted to the Accounts departmentbranch or group Chair for details of the Reimbursement for expenses at IOSH within one month of thecommittee positions they need to fill. As a branch or group volunteer, you’re expense being incurred. entitled to claim back reasonableRemember, if you do have any expenses for travel, food andquestions, get in touch with your accommodation while on IOSHNetworks Officer, who will be happy to business. Each committee is permitted ahelp. certain number of ‘funded’ volunteers.Getting started Generally speaking, IOSH will reimburseBefore you get started in a volunteer all approved business expenses that yourole, it’s important that you know what reasonably and properly incur while onto expect. Our corporate strategy gives IOSH business. These expenses caninformation on how we manage our include travel, accommodation andbusiness, make decisions and maintain refreshment – but they must beour performance. It includes an reasonable, accompanied by receiptsoverview of our strategies, values and and signed by your branch or groupvision, staff and committee structures, Chair. Read the travel and expensesand how we monitor performance and policy to find out more.allocate budgets and people. A volunteer’s view “I’ve been involved with the South Coast Branch for a while now, first as a committee member, then as Vice-Chair and now as Chair, a position I’ve held since May 2009. It’s been a great experience. I’m really enthusiastic about being able to contribute positively to the branch and I enjoy the buzz of meeting other professionals in the same field. And I love the fact that we’re doing the best we can for our members by sharing experiences, mentoring career progress and passing on new skills – that’s what it’s all about.” Helen Woodvine – Chair of the South Coast Branch

IOSH structure Nominations Council Committee Board of Trustees Research Networks and Professional Chief Executive Risk Management RemunerationCommittee International Ethics and SMT and Audit Committee Committee Committee Committee Branches IOSH departments: Groups Technical International Commercial Member advisory panels Communications Working parties Professional (excl. Professional Ethics) as needed Member advisory panels Working parties as needed

Networkscommittees– roles and responsibilitiesWhile there are differences They are responsible for minutes and are Committee members usually the main point of contact Committee members will provide generalbetween branch and group between their branch and networks staff. help with achieving the branch or group’s aims and objectives. Some branches andcommittees, there are Branch Treasurer groups rely on committee members for Branch Treasurers are responsible for advice and help with all aspects ofsimilarities in terms of roles maintaining the accounts of the branch, management, without assigning and liaising with IOSH over expenditure individual areas. Others assign individualand responsibilities. and reimbursement of expenses. committee members to certain areas, giving them responsibility for aspects ofListed below you’ll see the responsibilities Guidance for branch Treasurers can be management or projects for their branchfor volunteers in network committees. found in the finance section of the or group. Some branches, particularlyThe exact job carried out by these Networks Handbook. those covering large geographical areas,volunteers will vary between each branch will appoint committee members to lookor group, and will depend on strategy Branch Treasurers are ex-officio members after certain locations and some mayand area. Some branches or groups find of district and section committees. establish districts for this useful to write job descriptions and setkey performance indicators aligned with Branch Education Development It is up to the branch or group Chair totheir strategy. Adviser (BEDA) decide how best to use committee The role of the BEDA is to advise their members and to assign individualChair branch members on qualifications and actions.It is the ultimate responsibility of the professional development. BEDAs willChair to co-ordinate the activities of the usually need to take part annually in a Co-optionbranch or group, ensuring that IOSH’s one-day meeting at The Grange to be Your committee may want additionalaims and objectives are met. updated about qualifications and help with certain projects or agenda professional development. They can also items. In this case, you can co-optIn the event of a tied committee vote, help with providing IPD and CPD support someone onto the committee to helpthe Chair has the casting vote. to members. with a specific task.Branch Chairs are ex-officio members of Web Champion Additional responsibilities thatDistrict committees. The Web Champion is responsible for some committees find useful: maintaining the branch or groupVice-Chair microsite on the IOSH website. The Web - Communications/publicity/pressThe Vice-Chair assists the Chair in co- Champions’ microsite provides fullordinating the activities of the branch or guidance on how to do this, and IOSH’s officergroup. The Vice-Chair may be called dedicated Web team will assist if thereupon to stand in for the Chair at are any problems. - Financemeetings or events. - Administration The Web team also give training and - NetworkingOften, though not always, the Vice-Chair ongoing support to help Web Champions - Branch liaisonwill be voted in as Chair for the next carry out their duties. - Group liaisonterm. - Industry/community/professionalBranch Secretary body liaisonBranch Secretaries co-ordinate theadministration of their branch and - Expert panelsmaintain all relevant documentation, - Trainingrecords and correspondence. - Consultation documents - Newsletter/bulletins - Sector co-ordination/group representation - Programme co-ordinator - Event/speaker co-ordinator

Terms of officeBranch and group committee tenures and electionBranch committee tenures and Group committee tenures andelection electionThe principal officers (volunteers) of a Group committee members hold officebranch or district (Chair, Vice-Chair, for three years, after which they resign orTreasurer, Secretary and auditors) will seek re-election.hold office for one year, and are then Group committees elect their Chair fromeligible for re-election. Other among their members. Chairs hold officecommittee members hold office for for no more than three years.two years; half of those will retireannually and then be eligible for re- Group committee members can beelection. elected in two ways:Principal or executive volunteers, other - election by the members of thethan the Secretary or Treasurer, are noteligible to stay in the same position for groupmore than four consecutive years. - informal appointment by the group committee (co-option).Elections for branch committee roles takeplace annually at an Annual GeneralMeeting.

Other waysto get involvedThere are many ways in which - Offer to speak at events to share - Do you have a specific area ofyou can contribute to theactivities of your branch or good practice or update members expertise that you would be happygroup. If you don’t wish to to provide advice on when needed?become a full committee on topical issues Branch and group committeesmember, here are some other welcome knowing more about theirways you can get involved: - Contribute an article for your members so they can signpost enquiries from other members branch or group’s microsite pages - Are you a member of another body - Act as a Web Champion for a and wish to act as a co-opted committee by uploading their web member of the committee to help establish links and share good material and developing their pages practice? (full training and support is given) - Tell your branch or group about any interesting, topical activities you think they could link with - Contribute to one-off projects and events. If you have any ideas for these, please get in touch with your committee

Role, purpose andregulation of networksThe IOSH networks are an - engaging with branch members, - provide technical informationessential part of IOSH and act increasing attendance and through articles, advice, generating involvement of members in branch debate, publicising findings ofas an important conduit activity through face-to-face activity IOSH-funded research and e-communicationsbetween IOSH and its - contribute to consultation - linking with groups and othermembers. It’s important that all documents branchesnetworks have a shared - engage with stakeholders - supporting the IOSH corporate - stimulate dialogue and debatepurpose and are branded as a strategy and aligning their activities about sector issuesnetwork of IOSH. They should to IOSH’s current priorities - retain membershipcontinuously identify ways of - supporting and reflecting the IOSH - establish an international presence - deliver informative and engagingimproving their activities and corporate brand and aiming for high quality and professionalism events for membershow they operate. - acting as a conduit for two-way - work to the framework of theBranchesThe role and purpose of branches is to communication between members groups performance managementserve their local members and align and IOSH corporate structures system.themselves with IOSH’s aims andobjectives. In particular, branches - adapting to meet local members’ Regulationsupport their membership and IOSH You should read the regulationsby: changing needs. applicable to your network as soon as you join a network committee.- providing CPD, learning Groups Branches are governed under The role of groups is to serve their Regulation 15 and groups under opportunities and local support to sector-specific members. In particular Regulation 16 and constitutional IOSH members they should: governance guidance for group committees.- offering networking opportunities - provide CPD, learning opportunities Often these regulations can be for members and sector-specific support ambiguous when problems arise; if you’re having trouble with certain- retaining existing IOSH members by - support the IOSH corporate strategy issues it’s best to contact networks staff, who will be able to guide you. offering local services and align their activities to IOSH’s current priorities- engaging with local communities - support and reflect the IOSH and raising the profile of IOSH and the profession at a local level corporate brand and aim for high quality and professionalism- recruiting and retaining new - offer networking opportunities for members members – physical and virtual - raise IOSH’s external profile and promote its vision

Regulation 15Constitution of and rules applicable to branchesIntroduction and which involve expenditure, Districts and specialist sections1 In accordance with Byelaw 18(2), provided that the Board of Trustees executive committees has given general approval to the 8 The management of each district or these Regulations set out the particular type of activity concerned, procedures for the formation and or has given special approval for the section shall be organised by a management of branches. Unless specific activity. General approval district or section executive the context otherwise requires, covers such things as hire of committee, which shall report to words and expressions used in meeting rooms, postage and the branch executive committee. these Regulations shall have the stationery costs. Special approval is Each district or section executive meanings given to them in the required for the organisation of committee shall consist of a Charter and Byelaws of the local conferences, training activities chairman and secretary and other Institution. or exhibitions. committee members as approved by the branch executive committee.2 Districts or sections of groups that are an integral part of the branch, Membership Co-options may be formed to look after the 6 Membership of the branch, district 9 Each executive committee shall needs of members. or section is open to all categories have the power to co-opt members.3 A branch, district or section may of membership of the Institution. Co-opted members, if they are only be established with the prior Corporate Members, shall have the approval of the Board of Trustees, Branch executive committee power to vote at meetings of the as advised by the Communications 7 The management of the branch executive committee. & International Committee. All branches, districts or sections are shall be the responsibility of the Vacancies required formally to adopt these branch executive committee. The 10 Each executive committee shall, in Regulations as the constitution of branch executive committee shall and rules applicable to the branch, consist of: the event of a casual vacancy district or section, to notify the (a) principal officers (elected in occurring in its membership, Board of Trustees that they have accordance with paragraphs 14, 15, appoint another member of the done so, and to provide a copy of 16 and 28) same class of membership of the these Regulations as adopted to Institution to serve the remainder of head office for record purposes. - Chairman - corporate member the term of office of the position - Vice-chairman - corporate vacated.Aims and objectives4 The aims and objectives of the member Ex-officio members of district and section executive committees branch, district or section are to - Secretary 11 The branch chairman and branch further the aims and objectives of - Treasurer the Institution as set out in its treasurer shall be ex-officio Charter. (b) committee members - not less than members of the district and section two other members of the branch, a executive committees.Activities majority of whom shall be corporate5 Branches, districts or sections may members, elected in accordance with paragraphs 14, 15, 16 and 28. engage in activities within the general framework of the Byelaws, (c) one member from each properly constituted section or district within the branch, elected in accordance with paragraphs 17 and 28.

Regulation 15Voting 17 Districts and sections shall elect their 23 Principal officers or executive12 An executive committee resolution own officers and executive committee members other than the committee members and their secretary or treasurer, shall not hold shall be passed by a simple majority appointment must be confirmed by the same office for more than four of the votes passed by those the branch executive committee. consecutive years. present at the meeting and entitled One district member shall be elected to vote. The Chairman of each to represent each district and one Sub-committees executive committee shall have and section member shall be elected to 24 The branch executive committee exercise a second or casting vote in represent each section on the the event of an equality of votes. branch executive committee. shall have power to appoint sub- Elections shall be conducted in committees for such purposes andQuorum accordance with the procedure set with such powers as they decide.13 A quorum shall be four members of out in paragraphs 14, 15 and 16. The branch executive committee shall appoint a Corporate Member an executive committee, at least 18 Each district and section officer and of the Institution as chairman of the one of whom must be a principal executive committee member sub-committee who shall, if not officer, and at least three of whom elected in accordance with already a member of the sub- must be corporate members. paragraph 17, if not already a committee, be co-opted to it. member of the branch executiveNominations for office and committee, may also be co-opted to Financeelections it and if a corporate member shall 25 The branch financial year and the14 Nominations shall be made with the have the power to vote on the branch executive committee. financial year of any district or consent of the nominee and be section shall correspond with the properly proposed and seconded by 19 The member elected to represent financial year of the Institution. members of the branch. each section on the branch Nominations for the principal executive committee shall also 26 Each branch shall prepare budgets officers and executive committee represent the section on the relevant and keep such accounts as are members elected under paragraph district executive committee. directed by the Board of Trustees of 7(b) shall be given in writing to the the Institution. Where branches branch secretary twenty eight days Auditors have districts and sections, the before the branch Annual General 20 Two auditors shall be nominated branch budget and accounts shall Meeting. incorporate and clearly identify and elected at the branch Annual financial aspects of the operations15 In the event of insufficient General Meeting. of the district and/or section. All nominations being received twenty accounts shall be audited and eight days before the Annual Terms of office submitted in a prescribed manner General Meeting, the branch 21 Principal officers of the branch, for approval by the Board of chairman may, in his or her Trustees. discretion, accept nominations up to district or section and auditors shall the day before the meeting. If hold office for one year from the Ordinary meetings there are still insufficient relevant Annual General Meeting 27.Ordinary branch, district and section nominations received, nominations and shall be eligible for re-election. may then be accepted at the meetings shall be held at such Annual General Meeting. 22 Other executive committee places and on such dates as members shall hold office for a approved by the relevant16 The branch secretary shall verify as period of two years. One half of committee. soon as possible after receiving each those members shall retire annually nomination if the nominee is in and they shall be eligible for re- good standing with the Institution. election.

Regulation 15Annual General Meetings Extraordinary General Meetings 34 Voting shall be by secret ballot or28 The branch and where appropriate 31 Secretaries shall convene an by show of hands as may be agreed by those present. In the event that district and section Annual General Extraordinary General Meeting at those present fail to agree, the Meeting shall be held not later than the request of their relevant method of voting shall be two months after the end of the chairman, or at the written request determined by the Chairman. financial year. The business at the of ten members of the relevant meeting shall be to elect the branch, district or section. The Quorum at general meetings principal officers and committee notice of the meeting shall state the 35 A quorum shall be at least ten members in accordance with purpose of the meeting and no paragraph 7; to receive the annual other business shall be transacted at members of the branch, district or report of the relevant chairman; to the meeting. section of whom at least one shall approve the accounts; in the case of be a principal officer and at least six the branch Annual General Notice of general meetings shall be Corporate Members of the Meeting, to elect the auditors; and 32 Secretaries shall send to all members Institution. to transact any other appropriate business. entitled to receive them, notices of all general meetings. They shall be29 District and section Annual General sent through the post, or by email, Meetings shall be held before the at least twenty-one days before the branch Annual General Meeting. meeting, stating the business to be transacted at the meeting.30 The dates of Ordinary and Annual Voting at general meetings General Meetings of districts and 33 All members in good standing are sections shall be notified to the branch secretary in sufficient time allowed to vote at branch general to be included in branch meetings. A members’ resolution programmes. shall be passed by a simple majority of the votes passed by those present at the meeting and entitled to vote. The chairman shall have and exercise a second or casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.

Regulation 16Constitution of and rules applicable to groupsIntroduction Stimulate and facilitate open dialogue Membership1 In accordance with Byelaw 18(2), and debate amongst all interested 6 Membership of groups shall be parties (i.e Group members, other these Regulations set out the IOSH members, and wider available both to members of the procedures for the governance. stakeholders) about key issues Institution and to non members, Unless the context otherwise requires, relevant to the Group's sphere of subject to the conditions detailed in words and expressions used in these interest. paragraphs 7 to 9 hereunder. Regulations shall have the meanings Facilitate the provision of CPD given to them in the Charter and opportunities and technical 7 Each Member shall be entitled to join Byelaws of the Institution. knowledge/updates to all interested one Group free of charge. Members parties. may choose to join two or more2 Groups may be established by the Groups on payment of an annual fee, Board of Trustees, on the And where appropriate and working determined by the Board of Trustees recommendation of any overseeing in close partnership with the IOSH for each additional Group joined. Committee, in order to provide a corporate team: External profile: forum for those members of the support IOSH in its strategic objective 8 Members shall have the opportunity Institution sharing an interest in a to raise IOSH's profile, and influence, to register or change their particular area or specialisation. including its aim to be a 'thought membership of groups each year leader'. It is anticipated that this will when they pay their annualFormation of groups and constitution be achieved primarily through the subscription to the Institution.3 Groups shall be formed in accordance Group's activities related to its primary Payment for additional group roles. memberships shall be made at the with the formation process as same time. Members may join a approved by the Board of Trustees Technical issues: champion through group at any time during the year and detailed in the Groups advocacy within IOSH the subject to payment of the appropriate Governance Guide document. consideration of key OSH issues and, additional fee. if appropriate, champion developmentAims and objectives of technical guidance. 9 Those who are not members of the4 The agreed role of IOSH Groups is to: Institution shall be permitted to join And, thus to: groups subject to payment of an Create networking opportunities and annual fee, determined by the Board a 'sense of community' for members of Trustees, for every group joined. of the Group and all other interested stakeholders (i.e including both IOSH Retain existing members and support 10 No insertion in, addition to, or members generally and external non- their development, and ideally also amendments of these Regulations member stakeholders). Such attract new members to IOSH shall be made and any proposed networking opportunities can be through the effective performance of amendment shall not be effective either 'physical' (i.e events) or 'virtual' these roles. until approved by both the Council of (e.g discussion boards, email etc.) as Contribute to IOSH's other Strategic the Institution and the Board of appropriate. Objectives, as appropriate to the Trustees. particular Group.

Constitutionalgovernance guidancefor group committeesAll committees should 1.2 In particular, the purpose of each 2.3 Routine reporting of the overseeing committee is to thenormally follow the group is to be active in the Board of Trustees (BoT). However, following areas: groups may wish to raise issues of strategic importance whichprocedures, processes and - align with current IOSH would benefit from wider discussion and member feedbackpractices described in this corporate 3/5-year plan and before policy decisions are priorities finalised. Such items should be brought to Council, via GMC andguidance note. Where there - create networking BoT. It is anticipated that GMC might initiate a paper for Councilneeds to be deviation from it, opportunities and a sense of discussion and comment no community more than once per year.the committee must record - stimulate and facilitate open 3. Key responsibilitiesthe deviation in its own terms dialogue and debate 3.1 Groups’ Management Committee: - facilitate CPD opportunities - oversight management andof reference. This guidance is and knowledge or good monitoring of all groupssubject to the Charter and practice updates - provision of support,Byelaws and any Regulations 1.3 In addition, groups may choose mentoring and annualor Standing Orders of the to have a role in: networking opportunities for sharing of good practice - raising IOSH external profile, - regular networking betweenInstitution. building relationships groups, via face-to-face or in a - championing or making inputs virtual capacityNote 1: A committee is a continuing on technical issues, guidance - meetings, attended by groups’body, a working party (WP) has a documents and so on. chairs or deputies and alimited life. Both are covered where the 2 Reporting member of the support teamgeneric ‘committee’ is used in the - managing the process ofremainder of this document. 2.1 Groups are ultimately forming, improving, mergingNote 2: This guidance is adapted from accountable to IOSH members, and dissolving groups, and/orthe Guidance for Council, Standing and their own group members in their committees, asCommittees etc. (Corporate Manual, particular. Each group committee appropriate.section 2.1.3). must have a 3-year rolling work plan, agreed with the Groups 3.2 Group committee:1 Overall purpose Management Committee (GMC). - comply with the Groups GMC reports to its overseeing Performance Management1.1 The declared overall purpose of committee (currently the System and constitutional and IOSH is: Technical Committee). Group governance guidance “… to promote systematic and committees may have organised methods of improving subcommittees and working - liaise effectively with IOSH occupational safety and health parties reporting to them. staff and support of corporate…” Within its specific remit, all 2.2 The chair of the overseeing activities, via their Networksactivities of a group should committee is appointed by Officersupport and be consistent with Council.this purpose.

Constitutional governance guidance- plan and manage all group 3.3 Group project team: - be familiar with decisionsactivities, including any - deliver a specific element of made at previous meetings,subcommittees or working the group plan, defined by and the agenda and anyparties their project plan papers sent to them for the- set 3-year rolling plans, - report to the group committee. current meetingappropriate annual key - complete agreed actions toperformance indicators and 3.4 Groups support team: head office progress committee workterms of reference staff (Networks Officers) who between meetings- assess resource impacts when help to advise and support the - alert the committee Chair orprojects are initially planned plans, budgets and activities of Networks Officer about any- manage their group budget group committees. This includes concerns that meetings are- take account of member ensuring that both they and other ineffective, or their potentialfeedback, from events, IOSH staff communicate contributions are not beingcorporate surveys and informal effectively with group usedcontacts committees, work to agreed - normally take a lead role in an- produce, update and regularly performance standards and aspect of the committee’sreview a Group Portfolio identify and resolve problems or overall activities.(known as the ‘pink folder’) concerns.- agree roles and responsibilities 4.3 Numbers:as appropriate to ensure the 3.5 Subject to the Charter andannual and 3-year plans are Byelaws and any Regulations or 4.3.1 Group committees should besuccessfully delivered Standing Orders of the large enough to cover the- as appropriate, establish Institution, responsibility for necessary range of interests andproject teams to deliver appointments gives matching competences, and to ensurespecific elements of their plan, powers to remove appointees continuity of work plans, butworking to agreed terms of before the end of their normal small enough to ensurereference, normally included in term of office if required – eg responsibilities are acceptedthe project plan through misconduct or inability to personally, and to avoid- if there appear to be likely perform duties. becoming a ‘talking shop’. Abenefits for IOSH, establish business case is needed for IOSHand operate an advisory panel, 4. Membership of group committees to fund more than six committeesubject to agreed competence members for a small group orcriteria 4.1 The committee structure is most nine for a large group (> 3,000- report progress against their effective when member members), or a representative ofplan to GMC, fully co- volunteers and staff each an outside body.operating with the Groups contribute to the delivery ofPerformance Management completed work, with the 4.3.2 Co-option is generally an option,System. experience and resources of both for either specific agenda items parties complementing each or committee projects. If co-Each group should document other. opted for more than a year, co-their specific terms of reference optees become full committeewithout duplicating this generic 4.2 IOSH members undertake members, and should be officiallyguidance. For a group, these will committee work as volunteers, appointed via the normaltypically be part of the group’s and their personal contributions arrangements.portfolio (pink folder) and may are accepted in that light.cover: However, it is expected that 4.4 In order to progress its aims and- defined area of interest committee volunteers will make objectives, each group must form- size of committee, means of every effort to: a committee which reports to theappointment, quorum - attend meetings, or provide Groups Management Committee.- enduring roles within the input via comments to thecommittee chair or another attendee if- ‘business as usual’ activities, as they cannot attendannual targets (eg networkevents, website postings,articles).

Constitutional governance guidance4.4.1 Members of a Group committee Notes: 4.7 The group Chair is appointed or are to be appointed as follows: a by election from the members 1 Election by group members is a elected by the group committee of the group b by informal appointment (eg lengthy and relatively expensive members, taking account of the co-opted by a committee elected under paragraph process which has to be recommended competence 4.4.1a, or by the GMC). Informally appointed group covered by the group budget, criteria. For a new group, the committee members may be subject to the approval of the so is unusual. Where appointment should be endorsed GMC. appointment is used, there by the GMC. If election is used, it4.4.2 Any member of the Institution may sit on a group committee. should be an open process for is preferable for candidates to be Non-members may also sit on a group committee, but any such seeking volunteers and sought before the meeting, and appointment may be subject to approval by the GMC. For issues arrangements to ensure for the ballot to be secret. The subject to a vote, non-members may not have a controlling reasonable representation of all group Chair is normally majority. areas covered by the group’s appointed for two years, or for a4.4.3 After three years’ service, group committee members must resign terms of reference, while also period not exceeding three years. and may offer themselves for re- appointment. recognising that there may be WP chairs are normally appointed4.4.4 Each group committee or limited numbers of volunteers by the committee for the life of subcommittee must elect its chair from among its members for a with the necessary the WP. period not exceeding three years. The chair shall be a Corporate competences and Member of the Institution. commitment. 4.8 It is normal practice for4.4.5 On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the GMC and the committees to have a Vice-chair overseeing committee have the power to remove or bar a 2 A matrix which summarises the appointed or elected by the member from chairing a group committee. essential and desirable committee. It should not be4.4.6 The GMC shall ensure there are competences, including likely assumed that a Vice-chair effective arrangements for each group to be represented in its time commitment, is available automatically becomes the next consultation and decision-making processes. for the various volunteer group Chair. governance roles. Individuals should be fully aware of the 4.9 A quorum is not generally relevant competence matrix required. before being appointed to, or standing for, a group 4.10 Members unable to participate in governance role. at least 50 per cent of meetings annually should be asked to 4.5 The term of appointment is stand down. In addition to normally for three years with one meetings attended in person, third of members retiring each participation via, for example, year, and the individual is then video- or phone-conference may eligible for a second three-year be acceptable, provided term. Individuals should then effectiveness is not compromised. normally stand down for at least one year – but a group 4.11 Members of committees should committee may waive this ensure that they are aware of, requirement if they cannot understand and comply with identify replacement volunteers IOSH Networks Operational after repeated appeals to their Guidance, Code of Conduct and members. any relevant Regulations and/or Standing Orders. 4.6 Group committees may include persons representing other bodies 5. Meeting administration with similar interests. Responsibility for appointment of 5.1 Frequency: such representatives rests with the other body, but they should 5.1.1 Group Committees: typically four be encouraged not to exceed the per year, but should be driven by standard IOSH terms. the work plan.

Constitutional governance guidance5.1.3 WPs: as required to complete the 6. Delegated authorities 7. Notes of meetingstask. 6.1 Actions which comply with both 7.1 Copies of the meeting minutes5.1.4 Hubs: typically about two per the groups constitutional and should be approved by the chairyear, as well as at larger group Ggovernance and the operational and distributed within 15 days ofnetworking events. guidance are designed to achieve the meeting. the targets set out in the groups’5.2 Secretary: It is good practice for KPIs and annual plans.the group committee to 6.2 Projects which are integral to 6.1,nominate a member to and which do not requireundertake a secretarial role, with significant IOSH staff or budgetthe level of recording of meetings resources, are covered under the(for the main committee and group’s terms of reference. TheWPs) to be at the discretion of group chair and/or Networksthe group Chair. A clear and Officer should seek advice and, ifaccurate account of the meeting necessary, approval from the(including decisions and actions GMC for any project in theagreed) must be documented. following categories: - may require significant5.3 Agendas must be sent out at resources (staff or finance) forleast five working days before the successful completionmeeting, unless agreed - may adversely affect otherotherwise. IOSH activities, eg date or location clashes with a5.4 The groups’ budget comes from corporate, branch/district orthe Networks and International other group eventDirectorate, plus a percentage of - ‘good ideas’ which arise afterretained surpluses from events the approval of the group’sduring the previous year. annual work plan.

Travel andexpenses policyIt is intended that this policy Line managers are expected to ensure Taxi that private vehicles are properly insured, Taxis for employees are permitted wherecover all aspects of the maintained and that the drivers have a the use can be justified by the line full license for the vehicle they are driving. manager. Taxis for other representativesreimbursement of costs that may be permitted where they can be Company Car justified by committee administrators.IOSH staff, representatives and Company car users, and members of the SMT who take a car allowance should Flightsmembers incur during trips on use their cars where possible if public There are a number of alternatives to transport is not an option or flying, including conference calling, videoapproved IOSH business. inconvenient. Expenses of 12p per mile conferencing and webinars. Given the will be paid for company car usage and environmental consequences that flightsAs with any policy, some exceptions are those members of the SMT who take a have on our carbon footprint, pleaseexpected; however, requests for such car allowance. consider alternatives and ensure that theexceptions must be made in a full written flight is completely necessary beforeexplanation and are subject to review. Car Rental booking.Authorisation for exceptions must be If an employee does not have a companygranted in advance, where practicable, car or use of a private car, or if the Once a flight has been deemed necessaryby the Chief Executive or Finance journey is over 50 miles, it may be it should be limited to the mostDirector. necessary to hire a car. In this case economical fare available taking account approval is required by the line manager. of the cost of any necessary stop-oversGenerally speaking, IOSH will reimburse Rental cars may only be used by and, where necessary, the traveller’s needall approved business expenses employees of the Institution. for both flexibility and efficiency in thereasonably and properly incurred by choice of routes and airlines, with therepresentatives of the Institution or Employees who have a company car, or exception that the cost of business classemployees in the performance of their take car allowance, should use their cars (or equivalent) fares may be charged forduties including reasonable travelling, regardless if the journey is over 50 miles. flights of six hours or more. You shouldhotel, entertainment and other expenses also ensure:and with the approval of the line Rail/Public Transport a) reservations are made a minimum ofmanager/Senior Management Team Train travel is to be taken as standard(SMT) member, within one month of the class. Members of the Presidential Team, seven days in advance of travel date;expenditure being incurred. If expenses Chairman of the Board of Trustees and b) non-refundable tickets be used whereare returned beyond this period, the Chief Executive are entitled to first classclaimant may experience a delay in travel. Members of SMT are permitted to possible; andreimbursement. travel first class only when the total cost c) flexible fares should only be used to of the tickets is less than a standard1 Travel. return. facilitate flexible itineraries with the aim of balancing work and IOSHPrivate Car IOSH has an account with commitments.Private cars may be used by employees for booking rail tickets.on IOSH business when the destination is In order to use this service you must Flights should be normally booked byless than 50 miles from point of origin. register through the Accounts staff at The Grange, unless agreedPrivate cars may be used by other department. differently by a member of SMT.representatives on IOSH businessregardless of distance. Expenses of 40p Representatives of the Institution andper mile will be paid for private car employees choosing to travel Economyusage, falling in line with guidance from when business class (or equivalent) isHM Revenue and Customs . permitted will not be eligible to receive credit for the difference in cost between such classes of travel.

Travel and expenses policyWhen travelling abroad the Presidential Representatives travelling overseas are While in the UK, outside of GreaterTeam and Chief Executive have the also required to visit the FCO’s travel London, accommodation should come tooption to be accompanied by their advice website: no more than £80.00 per night. Ifpartner. The total cost, under these staying in Greater London,circumstances, shall not exceed the abroad/travel-advice-by-country, to accommodation should not go aboveflexible business class ticket available at ascertain any risks that you may incur £120.00 per night.the time of booking and must be within while you are on IOSH business in thatbudget. Any additional costs must be country. When travelling overseas,borne by the Presidential Team accommodation should be sensible, safe,representative or Chief Executive. Under In addition, you are expected to refer to reasonable in price, and convenientlythese circumstances the partner would the IOSH guidance “Safety in the global located in relation to the traveller’s expected to attend, on behalf of the village – keeping your staff healthy andInstitution, the various social and business safe abroad”. This document is available Day Subsistenceevents that run alongside the conference. via the IOSH website or hardcopy from IOSH will pay for all reasonable day the Policy and Technical Department. subsistence expenses if supported byInternational Visits receipts. However, IOSH does recogniseOverseas visits that have not been Emergencies that receipts will not always be availablebudgeted for need to be considered on a In the event of emergency travellers in certain circumstances and if approved,case by case basis. These fall broadly into should immediately contact: expenses may still be claimed.two categories:1) Presidential “fraternal” exchange - the nearest consular service for direct Business Meals and Entertaining Situations often arise where sensible visits to other countries; assistance; judgment and customary practice2) Presidential, SMT or other IOSH indicates the furtherance of IOSH will be - the member of management/SMT best accomplished by incurring the representative’s presentations at expense involved as host of a business international conferences. responsible for their visit. meal or entertaining.Visits that fall into these categories need Travel Insurance, Advice These instances should be paid for andto be evaluated against the International and Assistance reported by the most senior employee inDepartment’s matrix for assessing IOSH representatives and employees are attendance from the organisation hostingconferences and events and the current insured whilst on IOSH business. This is the event.IOSH events policy. If the visit meets the provided by Chubb Insurance Companynecessary requirements it needs to be of Europe S.A. It is IOSH policy that employees shouldsubmitted for funding approval by the phone: refrain from drinking alcohol during theBoT (Board of Trustees). +44 (0)208 762 8545, Card Number: normal working day. However, it is 1226889. Emergency telephones are appropriate to offer and partake of anSafety manned 24-hours a day by multi-lingual alcoholic beverage with a business guestPrior to booking overseas travel, British assistance managers that are familiar with when the situation warrants.representatives of the Institution are the procedures of hospitals and clinicsrequired to register with the Foreign & around the world. IOSH will not tolerate inappropriateCommonwealth Office (FCO) LOCATE behaviour due to excessive drinking.service. LOCATE allows you to notify the If an employee or member wishes to IOSH’s disciplinary policy will be enforcedlocal British embassy that you will be continue the visit as a private trip it is under such circumstances.coming to the country. In the event of their responsibility to provide insuranceemergency, embassy and crisis staff will for this non-work period of travel.already have your details from LOCATEand be able to offer you better 2. Subsidence.assistance. Registration is availablethrough the FCO: Should the visit fall over two days or not be conveniently commutable in a day the Institution recognises that accommodation will need to be provided. A good quality chain hotel is recommended.

Travel and expenses policyNon-Reimbursable Expenses Incidentals 3. ClaimingIOSH will not reimburse the following In certain circumstances, incidental Claiming for travel and subsistenceexpenses: expenses may be listed for should be made by filling in the relevant reimbursement. However, they must fall forms, available from the Accounts- flowers, gifts, or cards for special within the criteria listed in these department. With the exception of paragraphs or be specifically approved expenses being claimed on a credit card, occasions (Birthdays, Christmas etc). through submission of an explanation of claim forms should be returned to the The only exception is that flowers the circumstances involved. The inclusion Accounts department normally within may be bought to express of the incidental charges is subject to seven days of the expenses being condolences to members or review for reasonableness and necessity: incurred. Please make sure all receipts for employees when a sickness or death expenditure are attached to the form and occurs, if approved by a member of - reasonable laundry and dry cleaning it is signed/countersigned and coded by SMT; the relevant budget holder. expense are allowable for- excessive personal phone calls; reimbursement if an international trip Floats- excessive baggage charges; exceeds four days. It is also allowable Sometimes an advance will be provided- any items bought for personal use if the trip is extended over the subject to line manager approval. Floats anticipated number of days; should be cleared within seven working (including toiletries, etc). days of return to The Grange. A second - tips are reimbursable if services have float will not be advanced until the firstCombined Business and Personal Trips one has been cleared.If an employee, while travelling for been provided for the traveller. Suchbusiness purposes, decides to take a services include baggage handling and Paymentvacation either before or after the errand services. Tips should not Expenses will normally be paid by creditbusiness trip, or brings along family exceed 15% of the total charges; transfer. Petty cash claims will be dealtmembers, the cost of the trip must be with within one working day of receipt.split appropriately between business and - telephone expenditures are fullypersonal expenses. Only business Colin Goreexpenses will be reimbursed. reimbursable for business purposes Finance Director and allowable for personal calls on aIf the traveller has family members joining reasonable basis. If the cost of calls is Jonathan Gorvinfor the trip, the difference between single unusually high, whether for business International Officeraccommodations and multiple or for personal reasons, the travelleraccommodations will be charged to the must explain the nature of the calls; Approved by the Board of Trustees bytraveller including the proportionate tax. email vote. October 2009 - IOSH will reimburse the cost of parking fees incurred on company business; - parking fines will not be met and are the responsibility of the individual concerned. Should a hire company pass on a parking fine, which has not been paid, then the individual would be responsible for this together with any administration charge levied by the hire company.

Expenses claim form IOSH The GrangePlease see the guidance notes on the next page Highfield Drive Wigston Leicestershire LE18 1NN, UK t +44 (0)116 257 3100 f +44 (0)116 257 3101 Membership no.Address PostcodeMeetingDateVenueExpensesTravel from toCar miles at: private 40p per mile, company 12p per mile £......................... (delete as applicable)Train £.........................Hotel accommodation £.........................Meals £.........................Other expenses................................................................................................. £.........................NB. All receipts must be attached Total £ 0I declare that the expenses claimed have been incurred by me solely on IOSH business. They are in accordance withthe policy on the next page which I have read and understood.Signed DateI certify that the claimant attended on the dates shown and authorise payment of the amount claimed.Signed DateSigned (Chairman of meeting) IOSH budget holder FOR ACCOUNTS USE ONLYChecked by Allocated code Cheque/Bacs Date paid

Guidance on claiming expensesGenerally speaking, IOSH will Day subsistence Receiptsreimburse all approved IOSH will pay for all reasonable day Please attach all receipts for expenditurebusiness expenses reasonably subsistence expenses. A list of non- on accommodation, meals and travel.and properly incurred by reimbursable expenses is outlined in therepresentatives of the travel and expense policy. Send to:Institution in the performance Please send all claim forms to:of their duties including Overnight subsistencereasonable travelling, hotel, Should the visit fall over two days or not IOSHentertainment and other be conveniently commutable in a day the The Grangeexpenses. Institution recognises that Highfield Drive accommodation will need to be provided. WigstonExpenses will be reimbursed as follows: A good quality chain hotel is Leicestershire recommended. A list of incidental LE18 1NN, UKTravel expenses for overnight stays is outlined in1 Car the travel and expense policy. t +44 (0)116 257 3100 f +44 (0)116 257 3101 Private car at 40p per mile and Hotel company car (and those taking car Actual costs of overnight accommodation allowance) at 12p per mile. (bed/breakfast) can be claimed up to the (HMRC rates 2009) following limits:2 Rail/public transport Greater London £120 Standard class fare, unless noted otherwise within the travel and Elsewhere £80 expense policy. When travelling overseas,3 Taxi accommodation should be safe, Must be approved by line manager reasonable in price, and conveniently for employees or committee located in relation to the traveller’s work. administrator for members Claiming4 Internal air flights Claims for the reimbursement of Must normally booked by staff at The expenses must be made using this form. Grange, unless agreed differently with Claim forms should normally be returned a member of IOSH’s Senior to the appropriate meeting administrator Management Team in advance. within seven days of expenses being incurred. If expenses are returned beyond one month of incurrence, the claimant may experience a delay in reimbursement.

Networks andInternationalteam structure Networks and Personal International Director Assistant Sarah Hamilton Sarah Dorey Networks and Networks Ireland Development International Manager Manager Support Manager Jane Sparrow Norita Robinson Chris HayesNetworks Networks Networks International International Networks Networks Networks Networks Networks Irelande-Comms Events Events Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Administrator Officer Officer Officer Organiser Organiser Catherine Gisela Jonathan Kajal Sarah-Louise Nina Nathalie Paula DalyAnnalisa Arwen Claire Derrick Gorvin Samat Cook Price Müller RobertsonMarzotti Murphy Davis Networks Networks & International Networks Networks e-Comms International Assistant Administrator Administrator Assistant Assistant Naomi Davidson Alison Nicole Sue Kat Dilkes Harris Phillips WrightFor more details of Networks and International staff roles, contact Sarah Dorey on +44 (0)116 257 3201 or [email protected].

NetworksOfficers’ dutiesThe Networks Officers’ job is 5 To support the committees in 12 To help networks committees to preparing their budgets in line with govern themselves effectively, forto advise and support branch IOSH guidelines. example through appropriate committee constitutions, guidance,and group committees. In 6 To deliver presentations as running meetings effectively, necessary. identifying training and electingparticular, they have the committees. 7 To take ownership of networksfollowing duties: events, adhering to the events 13 To develop, deliver and evaluate processes and procedures and programmes of effective events and1 To ensure all networks committee working with colleagues as activities. members have appropriate appropriate. induction and training (this may 14 To identify and obtain appropriate involve officers developing 8 To ensure effective project resources within the Networks and members’ skills through, for management of group and branch International department, other example, coaching or delivering activities. IOSH directorates and third parties, training programmes). for example external suppliers and 9 To ensure that networks members potential sponsors.2 To efficiently and effectively manage are fully aware of IOSH change, for example by developments, for example the implementing recommendations in corporate strategy, initiatives and the branch and group reviews. priorities.3 To understand and apply IOSH’s 10 To facilitate effective relationships policies, procedures and guidance, between networks, committees, including events, communications members and IOSH head office. and brand policies, the Code of Conduct, Networks Handbook and 11 To co-ordinate the organisation of corporate style. centrally supported branch and group events in line with the IOSH4 To advise groups and branches in guidelines, including assisting producing appropriate plans with branches and groups to prepare a relevant performance targets and budget, giving advice on sourcing budgets, for example by applying venues, negotiating prices and so the groups performance on. management system.

IOSH networks staffWho does what in Networks and InternationalNetworks Officer Branches Groups Event OrganiserPaula Robertson Communications and Media Claire Davis+44 (0)116 257 3177 Edinburgh Fire Risk Management +44 (0)116 257 [email protected] North of Scotland Offshore [email protected] Tyne and WearNina Price West of Scotland Food and Drink Claire Davis+44 (0)116 257 3213 Hazardous Industries +44 (0)116 257 [email protected] East Midlands (Trent Valley) Railway [email protected] HumberKajal Samat Manchester and North West Aviation and Arwen Murphy+44 (0)116 257 3375 Districts Aerospace +44 (0)116 257 [email protected] Tees Education [email protected] Yorkshire Public ServicesNathalie Müller Arwen Murphy+44 (0)116 257 3123 Bristol and West Consultancy +44 (0)116 257 [email protected] Midland Environmental and Waste [email protected] South Coast Management Claire Davis South West Healthcare +44 (0)116 257 3373 Thames Valley [email protected] Construction Arwen Murphy Merseyside Retail and Distribution +44 (0)116 257 3137 Northern Ireland Rural Industries [email protected] North Wales South Downs International Claire Davis South Wales +44 (0)116 257 3373 [email protected] Cook Chiltern+44 (0)116 257 3374 East Anglia Arwen [email protected] Essex +44 (0)116 257 3137 London Metropolitan [email protected] South East Arwen Murphy +44 (0)116 257 3137Laurence Dufour/ Isle of Man [email protected] Derrick Hong Kong+44 (0)116 257 3183 [email protected] Gorvin Middle East+44 (0)116 257 3208 [email protected] Robinson IrelandIreland Development Manager+353 (0)1 620 [email protected] arrange Presidential visits to all networks, contact Alison Dilkes:t +44 (0)116 257 3145 [email protected] e-communications for all networks, contact Annalisa Marzotti:t +44 (0)116 257 3377 [email protected]

About IOSHAs a member of IOSH, you’re The Networks and International Quick links departmentpart of the world’s biggest Your Networks and International - IOSH benevolent fund department will support you in all your application formbody for health and safety IOSH activities. Whether you’re working to build membership, planningprofessionals. an event or developing a new project, we’re here to help – just contact yourWe’ve got more than 37,000 members designated Networks Officer.worldwide, including 13,000 CharteredSafety and Health Practitioners, and The IOSH Benevolent Fundwe’re formally recognised by the The IOSH benevolent fund offersInternational Labour Organization as an practical assistance to members whointernational non-governmental are experiencing hardship. The fundorganisation. can offer practical help during long periods of illness, aids for temporary orTogether, our staff, members and permanent disability, or help duringvolunteers work towards the vision of a unemployment, including education orworld of work which is safe, healthy training fees. The attached link givesand sustainable. As a branch or group more information about thecommittee member, you can play your benevolent fund and how it may bepart through a wide variety of strategic able to help you.and operational duties as we work tomeet that goal.

Benevolent FundApplication for financial assistanceBefore you complete the What does the IOSH Benevolent Your applicationapplication form, please read Fund do? Please complete the application form asthese notes carefully. When As a membership body, one of our great fully as you can and return it in theyou’ve completed the form, strengths lies in the networking and peer envelope provided. Your application willdetach the notes and keep support opportunities that we provide. be processed as soon as possible. If it’sthem for your information. However, support of a more tangible incomplete, this may cause a delay.If you have any questions nature is sometimes needed.about the Fund, phone Return your completed form to:Sue Carabott on Our Benevolent Fund offers practical help+44 (0)116 257 3180 or email to those suffering from extended ill IOSH Benevolent [email protected]. health or disability, or experiencing Corporate Services hardship during a prolonged period of The GrangeWho can apply? unemployment. Highfield Drive Wigston- Current and previous IOSH members In general, we offer: Leicestershire LE18 1NN with at least three years’ membership - practical help during a period of illness - aids to help with temporary or We may contact you if we need more- Previous IOSH employees information. permanent disability - help during unemployment – including education and training fees. We try to be as flexible as possible when deciding whether and how we can help. Unfortunately, we can’t give help simply to top up a reduced income.

Benevolent Fund – Application forfinancial assistanceThe information you give will be kept confidential by the Trustees of the IOSH Benevolent Fund.1 Personal details First name Last name TitleDate of birth Home address PostcodePhone numberMarital status: Single Married/partner Separated Divorced WidowedNumber of dependants (including ages) Date you became an IOSH employeeDate you became an IOSH member2 Career Please give details of your career3 IOSH membership Please give details of your IOSH membership4 Employment status Are you currently employed/unemployed/retired? (delete as appropriate) Please give details If you’re unemployed, please give the reason for leaving your last employment If you’re retired please give the date of your retirement

Benevolent Fund – Application forfinancial assistance5 Reason for your application6 How can the IOSH Benevolent Fund help you?

Benevolent Fund – Application forfinancial assistance7 Have you applied to any other organisations for help,for example charitable trusts, government agencies, other funds?Yes NoIf yes, please give details below (continue on a seperate sheet if necessary)Organisation Date Amount awarded8 I give IOSH permission to make enquiries to these organisations on my behalf, as appropriate. I also consentto IOSH checking the information I’ve provided in this application against my membership or employmentrecord.Signature.................................................................................................. Date...............................................................For office use onlyReference numberDate receivedMembership checkDiscussed by email on (date)Response received (date)Outcome

Managing branchand group finances Quick linksOur networks are an essential in the autumn of 2010. International - Branch finance guidelines branches will start the new process - Branch finance processpart of our organisation as from 2011. Core resources such as IT - Group finance process equipment, branch banners and so on - Frequently asked questionsthey strengthen and add are funded centrally. Eventsvalue to the relationship Branch funding – the new system Event planning is considered in greater The new system is very different from detail later on in this handbook, but frombetween IOSH and its the old one. Instead of being granted a financial point of view you’ll need to funds on a per capita basis as before, think about the costs involved in runningmembers. However, branches each branch now completes a budget an event: forecast. This means you need to thinkand groups can’t function about your branch costs, your event - Factor in the number of events you income and expenditure, and whetherwithout money. you have any new or large projects want to hold during the financial year you’d like to apply for funding to and then think about the costsThis section explains all about the support. You’ll then need to complete involved for each event, such as thefinancial side of IOSH networks – from the appropriate budget forms which venue, speakers, catering, advertising,how branches and groups are funded are provided in an electronic workbook marketing the event and so the travel and expenses policy. available from your Networks Officer. - Events must break even over theWhere does the funding come The Branch finance guidelines willfrom? give you more operational guidance. financial year.Funding for branch and group activities And remember, if you have anycomes from two main sources: profits questions or need guidance, your - You should complete a separategenerated by our commercial Networks Officer will be glad to help.department, and membership budget sheet for each event.subscriptions. We need to manage Branch coststhese funds carefully, to make sure the These include the cost of such things as Estimates are acceptable at this stage asmoney is used effectively and efficiently monthly meetings, room hire, catering, costings will be detailed at the start of theto support IOSH members through speakers, stationery, postage and event planning process with the supporttheir branches and groups. committee costs for meetings. You of your Networks Events Organiser. need to budget branch running costsRead on to find out about branch and meetings separately from otherfinances, or skip to the section on activities. Where different activitiesgroup finances. happen on the same day and share a venue, you’ll need to apportion theBranch finances costs appropriately.How branches are funded A generic branch toolkit consisting of aTo ensure that our processes are fit for laptop with software, sound system,purpose, we decided in 2009 to podcast equipment and banner standschange the way IOSH branches are has been funded centrally and given tofunded. The new system was piloted all branches and districts. Any additionalduring the autumn of 2009 by seven equipment needed by a branch, egbranches. It will be rolled out to all extra microphones or display stands,branches during the financial year would need to be included in the2011–12, but the process will begin branch’s budget forecast.before then as budgets for the nextfinancial year will need to be prepared

Managing branch and group financesAfter an event, any profit or loss is won’t approve the budget for projects Each branch will then need to monitoradded to or taken from the branch if you intend to, or should, apply for and audit its own expenditure againstbank balance. Surplus from events can development funding. The Networks the approved budget.remain in the account and must be team will help you identify projects thatused for member benefit. Bank could benefit from funding. Note that Some branches may delegate funds tobalances will be taken into account applications for R&D funds are assessed districts or sections that are then heldwhen adjustments or top-ups are made separately from IOSH annual budgets temporarily in other bank the end of the financial year. and can be submitted at any time of These transactions must be audited in the year. the same way as the branch accountSpecial projects and must only support activity that wasThese are larger, more developmental- Your branch budget sheets need to be budgeted for in the budget submission.type projects rather than discrete one- completed and submitted to the You’ll need to provide full audit trailsoff expenses. They’re likely to be more Networks manager by early October. and evidence for these transactions.costly or long running. Your Networks Individual branch budgets will then goOfficer can help you decide whether to through the same approval process as Empowering branchesapply for these costs in your budget all other IOSH departmental budgets. As well as reflecting the real cost offorecast or whether it would be more The Board of Trustees will give final running a branch, the new branchappropriate to apply to the Research approval for all budgets in March, finance system enables the Networks andand Development (R&D) fund. ready for the start of the financial year. International department to see when The branch finance process events and projects are being scheduled –Some applications to the Development flowchart shows you how the process so they can see when resources arefund may involve a lot of discussion works. needed and when and how they canbefore a decision is made, so it can help you with planning and organisation.take some time to progress to the A contingency will be added to thedecision stage. You should submit your approved budget, based on theapplication as soon as possible, and be number of members each branch has.aware that your planned activity may The branch bank balance will then behave to fall into the next financial year. deducted from this total to arrive at theIOSH won’t award budgets on the top-up which your branch will receivepresumption that your branch will from head office. There’s an example atsecure R&D funding. Similarly, we the bottom of this page.Contingency CalculationsTo supplement branch costs Approved budgetMembership Factor Grant based on membership Members Members Total funds required for annual activity Over 1000 Under 1000<500 7 Less branch bank balance at 31.03.10 (1,250 ¥5) (600 ¥6) = Top up from Head Office 4,739.50501–1,000 6 4,739.50 3,600.00 6,250.001,001–1,500 5 8,339.50 10,989.50 4,000.001,501–2,500 4.75 4,000.00 4,339.502,501–3,500 4.5 6,989.50Example: 1,200 members ¥ 5= £6,000 supplement

Managing branch and group financesThe process puts IOSH branches at the Events Some applications to the Developmentheart of the decision-making process. Event planning is considered in greater fund may involve a lot of discussionYou know your branch better than detail later on in this handbook, but before a decision is made, so it cananyone. You know the events you want from a financial point of view you’ll take some time to progress to theto hold, the venues you need to hire need to think about the costs involved decision stage. You should submit yourand the overall costs involved in in running an event: application as soon as possible, and berunning your branch. So it makes sense aware that your planned activity mayto put you at the centre of the budget - Factor in the number of events you have to fall into the next financial year.planning process. But don’t feel you’re IOSH won’t award budgets on theon your own – if you have any queries want to hold during the financial presumption that your group willabout the new budgeting process, year and then think about the costs secure R&D funding. Similarly, weplease contact your designated involved for each event, such as the won’t approve the budget for projectsNetworks Officer. venue, speakers, catering, if you intend to, or should, apply for advertising, marketing the event development funding. The NetworksGroup finances and so on. team will help you identify projects that could benefit from funding. Note thatHow Groups are funded - Events should at least break even applications for R&D funds are assessedGroups’ budgets are based on a separately from IOSH annual forecast for the activities you over the financial yearexpect your group to be doing over the You need to complete your groupcoming financial year. This means you - You should complete a separate budget sheets and submit them to theneed to think about your group costs, Networks Manager by the first week ofincome, expenditure and whether you budget sheet for each event. October. Individual group budgets willhave any new or large projects you’d then go through the same approvallike to apply for funding to support. Estimates are acceptable at this stage, process as all other IOSH departmentalYou need to submit your forecast using as costings will be detailed at the start budgets. The Board of Trustees will givebudget forms which are provided in an of the event planning process with the final approval for all budgets in March,electronic workbook available from support of Networks Events Organiser. ready for the start of the financial year.your Networks Officer. The group finance process flowchart At the end of the financial year, any shows you how the process works.Group costs profit generated from events is split 75These include the cost of such things as per cent to the group and 25 per cent If you have any questions or need helpcommittee meetings, room hire, to the Networks and International with budgeting for your groupcatering, stationery, postage and Communal Group Fund. This balance is activities, contact your Networkscommittee costs. You need to budget monitored separately from the group’s Officer who will be happy to running costs and meetings main budget, and if you intend to useseparately from other activities. these funds for any activity, you need to detail this in your group’s three-year work plan. Special projects These are larger, more developmental- type projects rather than discrete one- off expenses. They’re likely to be more costly or long-running. Your Networks Officer can help you decide whether to apply for these costs in your budget forecast or whether it would be more appropriate to apply to apply to the Research and Development (R&D) fund.

Branch financeguidelinesBranch finance BRWP report However, to ensure that branches canWhat follows was submitted The current funding arrangements be innovative and dynamic and respondto the Board of Trustees in don’t adequately reflect the balance of during the financial year, it’s alsoMarch 2009 and formed part fixed and variable costs that are faced recommended that each branch have aof the recommendations from by new and small branches. If we wish contingency fund. This would be basedthe Branch Review Working the branch network to be dynamic and on membership numbers.Party (BRWP). At that growing, with a reasonable degree ofmeeting the BoT approved governance, then the issue of funding Comprehensive detail of the new‘that branch funding will be has to be considered. proposed funding arrangements andmoved to a system of finance Having consulted extensively on this precisely how the objectives would beagainst planned activities’. issue, the BRWP recommends that we achieved are provided in Appendix D. move gradually, over 12 months, to anCurrent position approach which finances branches The budgetary impact of this proposalSeveral branches are taking part in a against their planned activities (with is broadly neutral, with branch grantspilot budgeting project for 2010–11. certain basic materials being funded continuing to be approximately 10 perLessons learnt from this will then be centrally in order to give inter-branch cent of membership income.included in processes that will be rolled consistency), with an additionalout to all branches for 2011–12. contingency fund as outlined in section In 2007/08, branches had net 4.3. expenditure (total expenditure less external income ignoring grants paid to The planning process should be as them) of £223,000. Had they spent all simple as possible and should be the grant due to them, they would supported with additional staff have spent £285,000. In practice resources. £34,000 was withheld due to the capping process. This is the latest year for which figures are available.

Branch finance guidelines1 Branch funding Branches could hold funds equal to £10 4. Considerations raised during thePreviously branches were funded per per paid-up member before grants consultation exercisesmember, which tended to favour larger were capped. Capping occurred at the The costs of branch meetings may varybranches. For a branch to operate beginning of the financial year and greatly depending on geographicaleffectively, it must have a funding continued (for those branches originally location, venue costs and so on, and itmechanism that works flexibly, capped in quarter 1) until their funds is not directly linked to the membershipproviding additional resources when fall back to £10 per paid-up member. of the branch – so per capita allocationthere are key projects to deliver and of funds may not be appropriate andrecognising the different challenges 3. Consultation may penalise branches in more ‘costly’faced by branches. The main consultation exercise areas, and especially smaller branches. undertaken with branch officialsThe BRWP recommended that IOSH resulted in the following outcome: Costs of newsletters and mail shotsgradually move to an approach that should also be considered, althoughfinances branches against their planned - 51 per cent of the respondents using Connect will bring savings.activities (with certain basic materialsbeing funded centrally to give inter- agreed with the proposal IOSH recognises that branches are runbranch consistency). This approach is by volunteers whose time is limited andbeing phased in over three years. The - 50 per cent had comments on the who may not have a background inplanning process is as simple as finance. Nevertheless, we should ensurepossible and is supported with extra proposals that they’re aware of the responsibilityresources. of holding and using IOSH’s funds, and - 15 per cent wanted more of the requirements attached to this.To make sure branches have thefreedom to be innovative, dynamic and information. We’ve tried to keep it simple for allresponsive, the BRWP also recommends concerned and head office support willthat each branch have a fund for Respondents were almost equally be available to help branchesdiscretionary spending. divided on whether they agreed or understand and achieve deadlines both disagreed with the proposal. Those for the budget and also the year end.2 Current position who agreed felt the proposal was more The new system is also designed toA quarterly grant was paid to each equitable and less discriminating encourage branches to use their fundsbranch based on the number of paid- against small branches; and that branch for the benefit of their members, whichup members at the end of each activities and budgeting needed to be some appear reluctant to do.quarter. This included interest income carried out in a more business-likedue to the branch and any expenditure manner. 5. Details of the proposalpaid by head office on behalf of the There will be three specific areas whichbranch, which was deducted from the However, the contrary view was that make up the total funds transferred:grant. the system could become too 1 the approved budget – ie income bureaucratic and head office could be too controlling; bigger branches require less expenditure for the financial more funding; and that the current year method is simple and effective. 2 the grant on a sliding scale based on member numbers Further information and an opportunity 3 the opening branch bank balance. for questions was subsequently provided at the Branch Action Day in September 2009. A vote taken then gave the results shown below.Stay with the current situation Yes No Abstain 5 18 3Move towards a new system along these lines … 19 4 2subject to the proposals being worked up to takeaccount of the issues raised and caveats (particularlylooking at appeals process, incentive issue, timescalesfor budget submissions)

Branch finance guidelines5.1 Budget 5.2 Grant This will top up the branch bankEach branch is to submit their budget Branches will be grouped into bands balance to meet the total requirementsto the Networks Manager, detailing according to their membership approved, allowing for a contingencyplanned income and expenditure for numbers at the start of the financial over and above their budgetedthe following financial year. Where year, and the grant will be based on requirement. Where a branch isrelevant, district submissions should be this as shown in the first table below. responsible for one or more districts,included in those of the branch and the collective bank balances andidentified as such. The Networks and This will provide all branches with an budgets for all of the associated areasInternational team will review the allocated sum of money that depends will be used for these calculations.budget and any significant variances on their size. This in effect is the(compared to previous year-end results) branch’s minimum bank balance and Branch bank accounts must remain inwill be referred to the Branch Co- will act as a buffer during the year. credit at all times, as they do now. Inordination Committee and included in exceptional circumstances where athe Networks and International Separate arrangements apply to new branch may be in danger of goingDirectorate budget submission. The branches. overdrawn, it can apply to the thedeadline for budget submissions is the Networks and International Directoratefirst week of October, in line with 5.3 Bank balance for additional funding, detailing theIOSH’s budget timetable. The review There will be winners and losers, but reasons.and approval process will be the same the branches’ starting bank balancesas that for all IOSH budgets. will be made up to the value of the Any surplus from an event will remain approved budget plus the grant to in the branch bank account for thatBudgets should include the following: enable them to carry out all of their year, and will only be taken into planned activities. Two worked account when the next year’s grant is- basic running costs: examples are shown in the lower table calculated. - branch meetings (including below. speakers, venue, refreshments) The grant will be paid in May each year and will be calculated as follows: - committee meetings (based on Grant + approved budget less branch current costs plus price increase bank balance = grant payable if known, taking into account the number of meetings) Membership Average Factor Grant - event costs (events should break Up to 500 500 ¥ 7.0 = £3,500 501–1,000 750 ¥ 6.0 = £4,500 even over the year) 1,001–1,500 1,250 ¥ 5.0 = £6,250 1,501–2,500 2,000 ¥ 4.75 = £9,500- bids for additional activities that 2,501–3,500 3,000 ¥ 4.5 = £13,500 contribute to branch development Branch A Branch B (included in the budget submission, with supporting paperwork). Approved budget 8,000 7,500 Grant (sliding scale) 13,000 3,500The budgets should include proposedevents which fall in the financial year, Total funds required for annual activity 21,000 11,000with full costings, showing income, Less branch bank balance at start of financial year 18,000 3,000sponsorship and expenditurecalculations. Events are not required to = Top up from head office 3,000 8,000generate a surplus and can besubsidised by the branch.Where figures vary significantly fromthe previous year’s actual results, thebranch must give reasons for this, asjustification will be required as part ofthe review process.This will allow branches to provide forthe relevant number of meetingsregardless of take-up or membership.

Branch finance guidelines6. Centrally funded items At the same time Accounts will reviewBanners and other items which branches the interest income and transfer it intoare required to use by staff at head office the branch accounts.will be budgeted for by the Networks andInternational Directorate, not by individual 7. International branchesbranches. From November 2010, the international branches will be introduced to andIOSH head office will supply a set-up kit involved in the same financialto all branches, to get them started and arrangements as the UK branches.ensure consistency. Head office will alsopay for items over £500 centrally (savingbranches the VAT) and then recharge thenet amount to the individual brancheseach quarter, eg printing event brochures,mailings and large items. The procedurefor this will remain unchanged: theAccounts Department will reconcile theaccount each quarter, calculate theamount owed and ask the branches tocontact Accounts if there’s a query withthe calculation before transferring themoney out of the branch account.

Branch finance processWho What HowBranch Committee with Branch plans activity for Production of workplan, identifying key roles andsupport of Networks Officer the next financial year individuals’ actions. Member feedback, topical issues, specialists on committee and links in industry or to other IOSH Groups to be consideredBranch Committee with Budget forecast completed Electronic templates completed:support of Networks Officer - meetings/committee costs1 - events costings2 - project plan/development fund application3 - budget summary – self-populatedBranch Chair Submission to Networks Manager Email workbook – beginning of OctoberNetworks Manager, Initial review of submission and Response sent to CommitteeNetworks and International Director highlight of any queriesBranch Committee Queries answered and Final submission/response sent to Networks submission finalised ManagerNetworks and International Director, IOSH annual budgets considered Assessment meetingsHead of Finance, Chief Executive, March meeting of Board of TrusteesBoard of TrusteesNetworks and International Director Approved budget confirmed Emailed to Chair and TreasurerNetworks Officer Bank account adjustments Emailed to Chair and Treasurer confirmed - membership grant - total funds required - bank balance - top-up dueBranch Committee Monitor budget closely1 Printing and postage should only be used in exceptional situations2 Events should break even over the year3 Because of the time it can take to assess and process an application, funded activity may have to move to the next financial year.

Group finance processWho What HowGroup Committee with Group plans activity for Production of workplan, identifying key roles andsupport of Networks Officer the next financial year individuals’ actions. Member feedback, topical issues, specialists on committee and links in industry or to other IOSH Groups to be consideredGroup Committee with Budget forecast completed Electronic templates completed:support of Networks Officer - meetings/committee costs1 - events costings2 - project plan/development fund application3 - budget summary – self-populatedGroup Chair Submission to Networks Manager Email workbook – end of OctoberNetworks Manager, Initial review of submission and Response sent to CommitteeNetworks and International Director highlight of any queriesGroup Committee Queries answered and Final submission and response sent to Networks submission finalised ManagerNetworks and International Director, IOSH annual budgets considered Assessment meetingsHead of Finance, Chief Executive, March meeting of Board of TrusteesBoard of TrusteesNetworks and International Director Approved budget confirmed Emailed to Chair and TreasurerGroup Committee Monitor budget closely1 Printing and postage should only be used in exceptional situations2 Events should break even over the year3 Because of the time it can take to assess and process an application, funded activity may have to move to the next financial year.

Frequently askedquestions1 We’re concerned that new 6 Can the NEOs share case studies 12 Cheques are going to be phased committees, Chairs and and lessons learnt from various out. Will the branch bank accounts Treasurers will inherit budgets kinds of successful event (‘chalk be accessed by internet and/or be drafted by their predecessors and talk’, webinars, conferences, issued with credit cards instead? because of the timings of AGMs. site visits and so on) so that other The Accounts department will contact Unfortunately this is unavoidable. branches can use them as a model each branch about changes to their for their events? account management.2 The timings for drafting budgets We’re currently putting together some don’t sit well with the branch case studies for this purpose. 13 Will any budget cuts be across the shutdown for summer. board? Again, this is unavoidable, but each 7 Can you provide populated If an area of your budget submission branch can choose when, or whether, examples of budget sheets isn’t funded, we’ll explain why. If a they shut down. showing branch, district and blanket reduction needs to be made, section elements to all branches? this will apply to all IOSH budgets.3 When will Treasurers get the As all branches’ activities are different electronic templates? and costings vary from region to 14 Will the buffer be allocated to We’ve sent these out to Chairs and region and in different countries, we each district separately or to the Treasurers and they’re also available can’t provide a one-size-fits-all worked branch as a whole? from the Networks Officers. example that would be useful, but It will be allocated to the branch, as your Networks Officer will give you the branch is responsible for the4 Can IOSH head office provide guidance on your particular district’s activities. some benchmark costings for circumstances. venues, delegate packs, USB pens 15 Have decisions been made without and so on – ie a range of generic 8 Can you provide guidance on consultation? elements of events? what are ‘reasonable expenses’ for The presentation at the finance The Networks Events Organisers can committee members? What is sessions provided the history of help you with sourcing and pricing allowed? consultation behind the new process. these elements, including providing Please see the travel and expenses guideline and comparative costs. policy in the Networks Handbook. 16 What is the timeframe for approvals of R&D Fund5 Not all branches have had contact 9 We’re concerned that we might applications? with the Networks Events have already committed to venues When we receive an application, we’ll Organisers. Will NEOs liaise with for the next financial year without send it to the most appropriate head Networks Officers and actively knowing whether we’ve got the of department or director. They’ll contact branches to help with funding to cover the commitment. assess the application and pass their event planning and budgeting? If your budget is in line with the comments to the decision makers. If Not all branch committees have guidelines, it’s likely to be approved. the application is for less than £5,000, the NEOs on their radar or know You can use the contingency buffer to the Chief Executive and Finance what support they can offer. cover shortfalls. Director will make a decision. If the We’ve given the NEOs’ details to all application is for more than this, the branch committees, who are 10 Does the buffer roll over to the Board of Trustees will consider it and encouraged to get in touch if they next financial year? this decision may need to wait until need support. Where possible, NEOs No. their next scheduled meeting. will attend your events or meetings if you ask them to. Networks Officers 11 Why is the VAT not claimed back will hand over event details to NEOs for invoices under £500? when the planning starts. We don’t have the resources at The Grange to administer this.

Frequently asked questionsTypically, the process takes about 8–10 20 What about insurance of branch 24 Does IOSH head office take theweeks, although a number of factors can equipment? We understand that interest from branch bankaffect the timeline, including the branch toolkit equipment is accounts?following: covered by IOSH’s central policy, No. It’s paid to the branch each but what is the situation for quarter, and has been for several- If you want general advice on a draft equipment bought by the branch? years. Districts usually receive theirs Cover for these items often only in the last quarter because of the proposal, a member of the Research exceeds their value, so branches small sums involved. If the value of and Technical Services team can are unlikely to obtain separate interest for a branch is very small, it provide this. You should factor in the cover. may also be paid in one lump sum per time needed to deal with this before It’s up to the branch either to insure year. you can submit the actual proposal. equipment that isn’t covered centrally or to take the informed risk not to 25 Previously any surplus from- As part of the assessment, the head insure it. delegate fees hasn’t been transferred into branch accounts. of department or director may need 21 We’ve been encouraged to print In the past, when budgets haven’t to contact you for clarification. and post less and use Connect and been tight, this hasn’t been a our webpages more effectively. problem, but now we’re worried- If your application needs to be Can we have some guidance on that surpluses from our events what we should and shouldn’t do? won’t reach us. approved by the Board of Trustees, We’re currently reviewing this and will Once accounts for an event have been the date of their next meeting will issue guidelines in the near future. closed and all costs have been met, affect how long your application takes any profit or loss will be adjusted to to process. The trustees meet around 22 We’re reluctant to turn some of the branch bank account. six times a year. our meetings into paying events as we’ve never charged delegates 26 How are member numbers- Your application may be affected by before and feel events should be a calculated on 31 March for the benefit of the membership fee. If purposes of the top-up/buffer the availability of relevant people – we submit a forecast without any fund? What if people are in the Research and Technical Services staff, paying events, will some of our process of renewing their reviewers and decision makers. branch costs be cut? membership but haven’t yet paid? Not necessarily – it depends on the The membership numbers at 31- Some proposals need more internal level of activity in previous years and March include all members who are on the actual cost of your meetings charged a membership fee and who discussion than others. and events. are fully paid up or haven’t yet paidYou should take into account all of these but are currently in the renewalfactors when submitting your R&D Fund 23 How likely is it that events such as process. People who get freeapplication. Christmas social events or team- membership aren’t included. building activities will be approved17 Does the branch kit also cover in the budget without charging 27 Are volunteers covered by IOSH districts? delegates? These have often been public liability insurance? Yes – districts will receive the same provided free of charge in the Yes. Any committee member is equipment (banners and so on). past. covered while carrying out IOSH Budget submissions are assessed by business. However, you should also18 Can we have a small stock of IOSH your peers (the Branch Budgets and check that any venue you use for books for display or sale at Plans panel of the Networks and IOSH business also has suitable meetings and a set of books for International Committee) as well as by insurance. members to use as reference? Is it staff, so members can have a say in OK to put this in the budget? this as well as staff. But for this reason Yes, this is fine to put in the budget. we can’t predict what the decision will be in any given case.19 Is there an emergency fund to cover contingencies such as a free venue becoming unavailable, causing the costs of an event to increase significantly, when the buffer has already been spent? Possibly – this will depend on the circumstances and we’ll look at cases individually as they occur.

Managing branchesand groups Quick linksYour branch or group is Sections and districts report directly to - Format for three-year the committee of the branch they rolling workplanaccountable to IOSH belong to. The committee needs to approve and monitor all section and Managing groupsmembers, especially those district planning, budget requirements The role, purpose and regulation of and activity. It’s important for every groups is outlined here.who belong to your network. committee to have a Vice-chair to deputise and support the Chair. Groups committees operate to aHere’s some guidance on guidance framework called the IOSH Your Networks Officer can provide Groups Performance Managementmanaging branches and Information to help with monitoring System (PMS). You’ll need to have a the performance of your branch, such three-year rolling workplan whichgroups. as the viewing activity reports on your incorporates a set of Annual microsite pages and Connect, member Performance Updates (APUs) toManaging branches numbers and locations, accounts measure activity over each 12-monthThe role, purpose and regulation of information and so on. period. For an electronic copy of theIOSH branches is outlined here. workplan spreadsheet and guidance on IOSH Networks and International filling it in, please contact yourBranches are encouraged to plan well Officers provide support and guidance Networks Officer.ahead. You can use the three-year for the branches and are alsorolling workplan for groups to help responsible for monitoring branch If your group has sections – forwith this. For an electronic copy of the activity. The Networks and International example, regional groups of like-workplan spreadsheet and guidance on Managers provide oversight, minded members who carry out localfilling it in, please contact your management and monitoring for activity for the group – they mustNetworks Officer. branches and engage with the report directly to your group Networks and International Committee committee. The committee needs toYou should try to incorporate a variety (N&IC) for member input. approve and monitor each section’sof member activities into your annual activity, and incorporate it into theprogramme to benefit members, and The N&IC oversees approvals for new group workplan. Every committeeconduct member surveys when branches and districts, and reports to should have a Vice-chair to deputiseappropriate to gauge member needs the Board of Trustees and Council. and support the Chair.and obtain feedback. You also need to There are several Member Advisorykeep your members regularly informed Panels within the N&IC. One of these,about your branch activity using your the Branch Budget and Plans Panel,branch microsite and Connect. reports to the Networks Manager andSee the Communicating with your provides independent member peermembers section of this handbook. challenges to branches’ plans and annual budget submissions. Find out more about branch finances.

Managing branches and groupsYour Networks Officer can provide The N&IC oversees the approvals ofInformation to help with monitoring new groups, and reports to the Boardthe performance of your group, such of Trustees and Council. There areas the viewing activity reports on your several Member Advisory Panels withinmicrosite pages and Connect, member the N&IC. One of these, the Groupnumbers and locations, accounts Reviews Panel, reports to the Networksinformation and so on. Manager and provides independent member leadership reviews of groupsIOSH Networks and International to help them reflect on their ownOfficers provide support and guidance planning and performance.for the groups and are also responsiblefor monitoring group activity against You also need to keep your membersthe PMS. The Networks and regularly informed about your group’sInternational Managers provide activity, using your group microsite andoversight, management and monitoring Connect.for the groups and engage with theNetworks and International Committee Find out more about group finances.(N&IC) and Member Advisory Panels formember input.

Format of thethree-year work planThis is the format for all committees and work groups specified Date Work plan for period:by the IOSH Risk Management and Audit Committee Title of committee, sub-committee or working partyItem no. Task/ Reference Original Owner/ Original Progress objective to corporate date champion target date update strategyNetworking, membership and the ‘group community’Stimulating dialogue and debateCPD and technical updatesRaising external profileChampioning technical issuesGood managementNB: This plan can be a rolling one but as a minimum must cover the current financial year to 31 March.

Events introductionEvents will form a large part Events are an integral part of IOSH’s Quick linksof your branch or groupactivity and organising a strategy, as they help to achieve IOSH’s - Events introductionsuccessful event can be very - Planning andrewarding. Your Networks corporate aims, including:Events Organiser is there to managing eventshelp and support you as much - raising the profile of health and - Types of eventor as little as you like in - Event plannerrunning networking events. safety and the influence of IOSH - Sponsorship policyThe rest of this section of the - Exhibition policyNetworks Handbook will give - increasing membership - Related eventsyou an overview of the events - developing internationally - Promoting your event toprocess, but there’s more - leading occupational safety anddetail in the Networks Events IOSH membersGuide, which is available from health thought - Promoting your eventyour Networks EventsOrganiser. - growing financial security in an outside IOSH ethical and sustainable way - developing people - managing IOSH efficiently and effectively. However large or small your event is, by bringing a group of like-minded individuals together, you’ll help to: - raising the profile of health and safety and of IOSH - offer benefits to existing members and attract new members - provide education and development - share best practice - offer opportunities for continuing professional development - facilitate networking - provide a platform for debate.

Planning andmanaging eventsAs a network committee a 90-minute webinar on a hot essential that it’s well planned. We’llmember, you’ll be involved in topic. Or you might decide to work with you to make sure your eventplanning activities and events. run a seminar, a CPD event or is a success.You could be supporting an a networking event.IOSH campaign locally or in Getting startedan industry sector, or running There’s a huge range of possibilities – This table will help you to work out but whatever event you decide on, it’s what kind of event you want to run, and what’s involved:Type of event Branch or group meeting Branch or group network events IOSH corporate events (egManaged by Member, branch or group conferences, exhibitions) Networks Officer/Networks Event Organiser with branch or group Corporate Events teamType of Meeting with speaker; AGMs One day or under; several speakers One or more days; multiple sessionscontent and speakers; gala dinner and/or drinks reception; involves a working party and detailed research to develop programmeTicket price Free to attend or single ticket price, Single ticket options (but can be Multiple ticket options (including accommodation) minimal cost different prices for members and non-members)Sponsorship All sponsorship must be approved by the Events Manager or the Networks Manager. Corporate events have structured sponsorship packages, contra deals and income targets. See the Sponsorship policyMarketing Connect/Connect Diary; IOSH Connect/Connect Diary; IOSH Targeted marketing – website; printed branch website; printed branch Connect/Connect Diary; IOSH programmes programmes; printed event website; advertising; printed programmes; partner marketing, brochures; partner marketing, egTarget Members/non-members eg HSE website HSE website; press activitiesaudience including editorial and press releases Members/non-members Members/non-members, stakeholdersStrategic goals - Attract members - Attract members - Attract members - Member networking - Member networking - Member networking opportunities opportunities opportunities - Improve knowledge and - Improve knowledge and - Improve knowledge and opportunities for professionals opportunities for professionals opportunities for professionals - Raise the profile of health and - Raise the profile of health and safety and IOSH safety and IOSH nationally and - Stimulate dialogue on key issues internationally - Stimulate dialogue on key issuesContact Networks Officer/ Networks Officer/ IOSH Events Manager Networks Events Organiser Networks Events Organiser [email protected]

Planning and managing eventsYour Networks Officer is there to offer Some branches and groups provide Remember:any help and advice you need, so contact diaries at the beginning of the year, orthem if there’s anything you’re unsure after their AGM (in the case of branches), - don’t rely on sponsorship income toabout. detailing when they’ll hold events throughout the year. This means you can make sure the event breaks even –Key questions avoid any clashes, and it allows your the content of your event, and itsBefore you decide to run an event, ask members to keep the dates free. financial viability, must be establishedyourself these questions: before you approach any sponsors For network events, you should give a- Does the event fit within the overall lead time of at least four months – but it’s - sponsorship can be seen as an best to have diary dates set well before IOSH corporate strategy? this point, even if you’ve not yet endorsement of other organisations or confirmed your topic. Our Event planner products, and it can affect our- Does it fit within your network will help you keep your event planning on reputation – so it needs handling with track. care. strategy? Location and venue Joint events are another way of spreading- Does it clash with other events? (Your Location can make a big difference to cost, reducing risk and attracting more your event’s success. It’s wise to consult delegates. You could run your event with Networks Officer will be able to check the Networks team to find out where another professional body, commercial this.) most of your members are located, so organisation, public sector organisation or you can make sure your event is in a charity. This could include:- Has it been run before, and was it place that’s convenient for them. - hosting – where rooms or catering are successful? It’s a good idea to hold events in different locations, so all your members get a provided free of charge by another- Who is it aimed at? chance to attend them, even if your organisation- What do you want to achieve? network covers a large geographical area.- What kind of venue will you need? - enhancing an event – for example,- What is the available budget? Remember – if there’s anything you’re not- What level of support do you need sure about, contact your Networks Events when another organisation funds a Organiser, who will be happy to help. drinks reception at the event. from your Networks Events Organiser? Sponsorship and exhibitors It’s important that we protect our brandBefore you begin preparation, you should Sponsorship packages for other and reputation, so you need to notifyread the IOSH Networks Events Guide, organisations can help you get extra your Networks Officer whenever you’rewhich will take you through the whole funding for events. You’ll need to follow approached about sponsorship.process of planning and running our sponsorship policy if you decide tosuccessful meetings and events. Once do this. Topics and programmeyou’ve identified where your event sits Choosing a topic is one of the mostusing the table above, our guide to types Inviting companies to exhibit at your important aspects of event planning.of event will help you decide the format event is another way of securing Events attract more people when theof your event. additional financial support. It also offers topic is popular, current and interactive. additional networking opportunities andIt’s important that you tell us about any gives extra benefit to delegates. Our - Ask your members what they want toevents you’d like to run. You’ll need to exhibition policy covers what’s involved.complete an Event notification form see at events, and find a uniqueand send it to us for approval. Please selling point that makes your eventcontact your Network events organiser. stand out.Planning ahead - Invite your Networks Officer or EventsPlanning ahead is essential to make surepeople know about your events well in Organiser to come along and discussadvance. ideas for speakers and topics. - Run a poll on your network microsite to find out what your members want.

Planning and managing eventsIf your event will cross industry sectors or On the dayyou’re holding it in a location where a The day of the event can be stressful, butbranch operates, you may be able to get if you’ve planned things well and lefthelp with programme development from nothing to chance then it should gothe relevant branch or group. without a hitch. Put together an event management plan for the day with clearBudgeting roles, responsibilities, housekeepingTypically, for each event, you’ll need a issues, crisis management informationbudget that breaks even. However, you and contact numbers – and keep it withmay need to look at the event as part of you at all overall picture, so: Your Networks Events Organiser can- it could generate revenue to add provide a feedback form for delegates to complete on the day or help with an funds, or online feedback survey – remember, this will be the best measure of the event’s- it could run at a loss to be subsidised success. by the funds. After the event After your event is over, you need to sendOverall, you’ll need to balance profit and your thank you letters, settle uploss over the financial year. Your Networks payments, invoices and refunds, collateOfficer or Networks Events Organiser will and analyse feedback and review thehelp you with this. Our budget template event.with guidance will assist you with whatcosts you need to consider.Promoting the eventTake a look at our guides to find outmore about how to promote yourevent to IOSH members or promoteyour event outside IOSH.

Types of eventMeetings Additional format options Webinars- casual events for information, Multiple tracks or sessions - web-based seminars - used for live meetings, training or debate or networking, with a single - provide an opportunity for delegates speaker presentations over the internet to choose particular topics- usually last a few hours – often - facilitate global networking, - allow presenters more time to outside working hours information and file sharing with deliver material in greater detail and attendees, regardless of where they- minimal cost for organiser and to interact with the group are in the world often free for delegates Drop-in sessions (CPD/IPD) - delegates just need a computer withSeminars - usually held in conjunction with a internet access for the visuals and either a phone line for the audio or- half-day or full-day main event the ability to listen through their- larger scale computer- several speakers - give delegates an opportunity to- careful budgeting required by Podcasts discuss their CPD or IPD and get organiser answers to their questions - audio or video files that can be- charge for delegates Breakout/brainstorming sessions downloaded to an audio player or computerConferences – organised by the - give delegates an opportunity toCorporate Events team - can be created for live online events discuss topics raised and to debate- full-day or multiple days before feeding back to the main such as webinars, live offline events- multiple speakers and sessions event such as conferences and training,- multiple ticket and charging options and specially recorded presentations- gala dinner and/or drinks reception Practical/participation events (slides and audio)- working party to help with detailed - offer the chance to ‘have a go’ research for programme - involve a different format and takeRoadshows delegates away from the ‘being talked at’ mentality- same topics across different Speed networking locations for increased member reach - can be used as an ‘ice-breaker’ and- can be altered according to offers more opportunities for delegates to network feedback – this encourages people to attend several events Joint venture events- offer opportunities for discounted - team up with other groups or rates for delegates booking onto branches or external organisations multiple events or venues to provide an enhanced programme that benefits all stakeholders- ideal opportunity to cover a wide Site visits range of current topics and spark debate - demonstrate your topic in action by arranging a tour of a local factory, site or facility

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