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Designing your brand A monogram represents a symbol, build from two or more letter and shapes, meant to showcase a personal brand. Gestalt laws, as well as semiotics apply to the de- sign. During the initial brainstorming session, a different concept was followed, more focused on sharp edges and well defined shapes. However, the design became too complex and cluttered, so following Ge- stalt’s law of simplicity, I simplified the design considerably. The brushes were choosen with a sense of cursivity and con- tinuity in mind. The law of continuity is also visible in the circle behind the letters, which crosses them as well. In terms of semiotics, the monogram itself could be considered an index as it is an in- direct reference to me. The Real and The Abstract For the design of the character I chose a more realistic approach with a few fantastic elements as to show the subtle, yet proemi- nent difference between what’s real, tangi- ble, on show, and what is abstract, hidden. Meant to be an icon, an actual represen- tation, I chose colors that I personally like, as well as my iconic colorful hair. Howev- er I used the see-through black crown as a symbol of my inner persona, someone confident, head held held high, as opposed to the stance with the head hung low. The black and white eyes showcase show how sometimes I can be “blind” to things around me and how I often overlook things. The laptop and t-shirt both showcase my pas- sions, the tired expressions pointing at the exaustion caused by certain conflicts and feelings. Page 5
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The desert has no mercy The poster is meant to showcase an event and in- terest the viewer. For this assignment I chose the movie Dune, my favor- ite book, and franchise. For the design, I chose a tri- angular formation, a sym- bol and icon for the sand dunes, although a little as- symetrical in its design. I incorporated the plan- et Arrakis, the main space of the action and its two moons, which became a symbol and an index for the famous series. For the title and slogan, “Fear is the mindkiller”, probably the most iconic line in the series, I chose a simple, yet yeye-catching font, whcih stayed consisted through- out the design. A mood board was created to help with the design and provide inspiration. The text is also placed in an S shape, drawing the eye of the reader and adding continuity to the design. Page 7
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Questions, you must have For the infographic I chose to breakdown some facts about the fa- mous series Star Wars. I chose to showcase, using a timeline, the two most popular ways to watch the franchise, as well as the box office sales and characters’ screentime. For the latter two, I chose to design graphs as they are the best approach to convey such information. I used two different types of piecharts, to showcase two aspects, as well as silhouettes to convey information. In terms of design I chose to use a minimal colour palette, consisting of yellow, red, and blue, iconic for the series. The composition is balanced, symmetrical. Page 11
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