From the Editor's Desk Greetings Delegates, Reproters, EB Members and Secretariat Members, It is our honour and privilege to present to you the newsletter for Meridian Model United Nations 2020. Our Press Team has been working tirelessly throughout the conference to provide each and every reader with an insight in MerMUN. Every single one of our reporters has made us very proud, and we hope that someday, we meet and get to work together again. We would also like to thank the delegates as well as the EB members for their lovely cooperation with us. Their is often a stigma arounf the Press, but this year, we were all able to put down those beliefs and create a wonderful experience for ourselves. This newsletter is a culmination of the efforts of five very special reporters: Sai Sri Kanda, Siddarth Rudraraju, Amrutha Kotichintala, Varun Gudapati and Lakshmi Gayatri. We hope that we see such a great level of enthusiasm and involvement from all our participants in the many years of Meridian MUN to come. It has been an absolute blast working with each and every one of you. Happy MUNning! The Press Team, Anurag Dwibhashyam, International Press Head Vandana Malhotra, Editor-In-Chief. 1
DISEC 'The Director General came in as the Delegate of China and had stated that “The United States is built on hypocrisy” which took the debate to a new level. This had increased tensions between Syria and USA, which had also divided the committee into two.' See Pg. 4 for more 'The delegate stated, “The Arms Trade Treaty has numerous flaws and has a lack of transparency, it must be scrapped, and a new treaty should be created from scratch”.' See Pg. 6 for more SCML UNHRC 'However, shortly after his release from '“The Delegate of Saudi Arabia openly Azkaban, Karkaroff sent a Howler to the accepts all members of the LGBTQ+ committee ridiculing them of their Community”. The Delegate claimed to naivete and lack of common sense but have read some ‘new articles’ which had confirmed that all the information brought about this drastic change.' the committee received was true.' See Pg. 13 for more See Pg. 24 for more 'One of such includes the United States LOK SABHA of America. Under the Presidency of Donald Trump, the community suffered A single law, applicable to all citizens of a lot of discrimination in the workplace, India in their personal matters such as in healthcare, in education, and marriage, divorce, custody, adoption and representation.' inheritance will replace multiple fragmented laws that are based on major See Pg. 12 for more religious communities. These fragmented laws encourage communalism between citizens. See Pg. 26 for more 2
The Disarmament and International Security Committee Deep Into the Dark Web Siddarth, IP A brief and critique on the discussion of the 'Dark Web' The dark web is playing a horrendous role in the trade of illicit arms. Criminals can mercilessly conduct illegal transactions all hidden behind anonymity software. The committee made an astonishing decision to talk about the Dark Web. The moderated caucus had a dramatic start when Turkey expressed major concerns and stated, “The dark web is a threat for various crises”. This statement eventually became very ‘cliché’ in the committee as the reporter eventually noticed that numerous delegates stated the same exact point rather than providing any solution or a deeper insight into the topic which made the discussion pretty inadequate. The delegate of Saudi Arabia brought an eloquent notice to the committee by informing everyone about the method of transportation of illicit weapons. The delegate informed that the vendors found in the dark web are disassembling the components of illicit weapons in an efficacious way so that it is harder to detect the process of trafficking of weapons. The delegate of Burkina Faso also managed to state a valid point. He mentioned,” The dark web’s role has grown, and it is a huge place to be tracked down and we can never know every activity happening there”. The reporter agrees with these points and believes that the anonymity of the software makes it practically impossible to track dark web users and the criminals sadly use sagacious tactics in order to transfer illicit weapons. The dark web is undoubtedly a major source of trafficking illicit arms, however, the reporter was dismayed when the delegates of Yemen and Vietnam stated that the servers must get shut down and the reporter was petrified by the thoughts of the delegates as they believed that they can stop the dark web easily, however the delegates were not able to deduce the fact that they cannot shut down any of these highly encrypted servers unless they cut the wireless fidelity of the whole world. There is no practical way of shutting down the dark web, which is why the reporter believes that the delegates must examine other factors instead in order to tackle the agenda. 3
The Disarmament and International Security Committee Success or Failure? Gayatri, IP A summary of DISEC's proceedings for the day As the illicit proliferation and misuse of small arms and light weapons ranks among today’s most pressing security threats, delegates assembled to discuss and evaluate the possible solutions. As the first day commenced, many delegates approached the issues with different perspectives. Eventually, delegates addressed various topics through moderated caucuses such as, “Impact of the dark web in the illicit arms trafficking”,“ Role of non-state actors in the Middle East” and many other topics. Due to certain moderated caucus topics such as “Discussing the proceedings of arms trade treaty” during the debate, the delegate of USA had stated that “Countries in Middle East shouldn’t be given the privilege to attain arms.” This had intensified the debate. Eventually after this, the Director General came in as the Delegate of China and had stated that “The United States is built on hypocrisy” which took the debate to a new level. This had increased tensions between Syria and USA, which had also divided the committee into two. Following this, the delegate of Syria had stated a series of statements such as “No chemical weapons have been used by Syrian government on Syrian civils.”, “USA is doing nothing wrong but the problems in Mena region due to the us the us is funding terrorist in Syria.” and this lead to a series of statements between the delegate of Syria and USA, which helped in the increment of the quality of debate. With all the delegates expressing their support it escalated the situation. Furthermore there was back-and-forth discussion on the statements stated by the delegates. Although the delegates had set forth justified and valid points, the delegates weren’t sure of possible solutions. As the committee came the last few hours, as the committee had began to accumulate its important hours, there were a set of bizarre statements made by the delegates, which had de- escalated the situation. Following this the delegate of Syria had stated that “The USA is a global threat to world peace and security .” which lead to a dispute between the Executive Board and the Delegate of Syria. However, the question still persists, can the delegates overcome this issue and evaluate a solution? 4
The Disarmament and International Security Committee I See No Future Gayatri, IP The plight of a journalist in Yemen Dear Diary, My mother was on her deathbed suffering from Cholera, my younger brother was affected by coronavirus, my dad was killed in the ongoing war. Still I was of no help to my family. It was on the morning of 9 th April, 2020. Me and my colleagues were out to cover and report, We were a group of 10 journalists, all we wanted to do was to earn a living out of the little money we used to receive. But we were detained by the rebels backed by the Iranians and were accused of collaborating with the enemy. At that moment it struck my mind that everything, My Family, My Passion, My country, Everything was being taken away by my very own brothers of a different soil, I was mistaken that we were all the sons of the same, Allah. Why is that I am being tortured and being taken away ? 24 million, homeless. 20 million, starving of food. 765 thousand, coronavirus deaths. 100 thousand, civilians dead. 50 thousand, orphaned kids. Is there an end to this? Is there a tomorrow? Six years. SIX YEARS people of my land have continued to be tortured. And today I have been sentenced death for trying to save the last few of my land. . Will there even be a land which I could call home? If only there was a future for Yemen. Has the Arms Trade Treaty been able to eradicate the proliferation of illicit arms trafficking ? It is not surprising that delegates find the Pie Chart Arms Trade Treaty remains unhelpful. Yes Delegates have mentioned in a moderated No caucus, “Discussing the proceedings of arms trade treaty,” that the Arms Trade Treaty is 5 “too weak” and has limitations. Few of the mentioned limitations are, “overriding risk they could contribute to human rights,” “only 61 percent of state parties have transparently reported on their implementation efforts,” “no transparency of countries,” “only 67 have been submitted out of 92 reports.”
The Disarmament and International Security Committee A Pro or a Con? Siddarth, IP An analysis of the flaws of the Arms Trade Treaty In the course of the moderated caucus regarding the Arms Trade Treaty, the delegates meritoriously delivered fruitful points concerning the Arms Trade Treaty. The delegates managed to point out numerous flaws present in the treaty however the statement that the delegate of Ethiopia made stood out the most. The delegate stated, “The Arms Trade Treaty has numerous flaws and has a lack of transparency, it must be scrapped, and a new treaty should be created from scratch”. The Arms Trade Treaty was established to regulate the international trade in conventional weapons, the nations that join this treaty they were required to submit an initial report and they had to update more reports over time, however, the nations failed to report updates punctually, as the delegate mentioned, the transparency of the treaty is extremely fragile. The process of reporting is crucial to make the Arms Trade Treaty function efficiently however the dereliction from the nations is making this treaty have fewer uses. The rules must become stern so that nations become less negligent. The treaty also excludes certain types of weapons such as surface to air missiles and drones, this makes countries free to transfer these destructive weapons too which might damage the safety of citizens. The treaty must restrict more types of threatening weapons so that the trafficking of illicit weapons decreases. The treaty also excludes ammunition, an important resource that can start conflicts easily as countries can ship individual components to other countries that can be assembled into illicit arms later on. This can make other nations gain more weapons. The treaty must ban ammunition. This is a major loophole present in the treaty. The Arms Trade Treaty also states that illicit weapons should not be exported if there is an overriding risk. The boundary for refusing Arms exports is soaring and it must be lowered as there is no ‘International Assessment’ that decides if anything is ‘overriding’ or not. The responsibility of studying the risk of exporting arms is completely up to the nation exporting the weapons which can easily allow the nation to transfer deadly weapons. This is the biggest loophole in this treaty as nations can bypass this rule easily and continue to transport weapons. However, the treaty already attempts to improve security and promote accountability. The Arms Trade Treaty definitely has major flaws and loopholes however there is no point of scrapping it as it already has noteworthy points. Instead, it must get amended. Strict rules should get added and numerous points must get modified to make the treaty more coherent. 6
The Disarmament and International Security Committee Mismatched Compass: a Lack of Direction Siddarth, IP An interview with the Vice- Chairperson of DISEC, Srija Reddy International Press (IP): The delegates believe that the curbing proliferation of illicit arms trafficking is a global concern. Why do you feel that this agenda is a crucial problem for the public, and what are your views on the agenda? Vice-Chair, Srija Reddy: I feel that it is essential to discuss the agenda, considering the situation in the MENA region, the discussion would be fruitful as it can help make the situation better and it can ensure the safety of citizens. The delegates’ solutions are required as illicit arms trafficking is rapidly increasing and more lives are being put at risk. I feel that world peace and security are very crucial and forming a promising resolution for tackling this agenda would make us closer to achieving it. International Press (IP): A copious amount of delegates in the committee believe that the dark web is the biggest source of illicit arms trafficking and they are willing to focus on this particular subject. Do you feel that they should focus on other factors that affect illicit arms trafficking instead? Vice-Chair: I feel that the delegates played the wrong cards and decided to focus on the dark web. We have no proof that the dark web exists other than reports claiming that it exists. The delegates were also not aware that they cannot eradicate the dark web unless they cut the internet connection of the entire world. The delegates should focus on the situation in the Northern African region instead. International Press (IP): What are your views on the intensity of the debate in the committee? Did the debate fulfil your expectations? Vice-Chair: I feel that some of the delegates were extremely well-researched and had commendable speeches, however, few delegates weren’t very active and a good number of delegates did not have much experience, however as a whole the committee did quite good. International Press (IP): Do you believe that the committee is heading towards the correct direction? Can you ensure the public that they have the potential to resolve the agenda? Vice-Chair: In the beginning, the delegates were lacking direction as they were talking about topics with less relevance. However, after getting confronted, the delegates started talking about more helpful topics. If the delegates continue to discuss relevant topics, they can easily deduce a way to solve the issue. 7
The Disarmament and International Security Committee Mismatched Compass: a Lack of Direction Siddarth, IP An interview with the Vice- Chairperson of DISEC, Srija Reddy The final day started with the delegates engrossed in a deep discussion regarding solutions to reduce illicit arms trafficking. The delegate of Vietnam stated that there must be strict law enforcement and a ceasefire agreement in order to prevent arms trafficking. The delegates also added points mentioning that firm military action is required in order to prevent arms trafficking and security is crucial. The delegate of France also stated that border security must be improved. These statements became extremely monotonous as they were repeated hroughout, however, the committee came to the conclusion that these policies must be adopted in order to decrease arms trafficking. The moderated caucus regarding the solutions to decrease arms trafficking swiftly converted into a heated debate between the delegates of Syria and the United States of America. The delegate of Syria tried convincing the committee to not support the USA as the nation has a bad history with arms trafficking, however, the USA retaliated by mocking the government’s poor regulation and security. During the course of the entire day, the debate between the nations is getting deeper and deeper and the rest of the committee went into a dilemma, they had a tough time deciding who they should support, the USA or Syria? The delegates projected their final objectives and solutions and took their sides on the agenda. They knew that they had to start working on the draft resolution. After collecting various points, they were abruptly disrupted by a staggering crisis. An anonymous report has resurfaced which shows Stephen W.Wilson and Brig.Gen. Adnan al- Ahmad at the Al- Nasiriyah Military Airbase in Damascus. There were also Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers, shoulder-fired surface-to-air-missiles found to be delivered. The committee was astonished after looking at the sudden and mysterious crisis. The committee was a stone’s throw away from decreasing Arms Trafficking however this crisis stopped them from fulfilling the objective efficiently. The delegates must think critically in order to solve this crisis and must be efficient in order to take a step ahead to achieve world peace. The delegates can easily overcome the current situation if they play the right cards. 8
The Disarmament and International Security Committee Are the Civilians Assured of Safety? Gayatri, IP With the rise of the global threat of trafficking of illicit arms is there a possibility DISEC will overcome this ? The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons occurs in all parts of the globe but is concentrated in areas affected by armed conflict, violence, and organized crime, where the demand for illicit weapons is often highest. Arms trafficking fuels civil wars and regional conflicts; stocks the arsenals of terrorists, drug cartels, and other armed groups; and contributes to violent crime and the proliferation of sensitive technology. After the discussion of possible solutions for the ongoing issue over a course of two days, the delegates of disec had made a decision to talk about the “possible solutions for the illicit trafficking of arms.” the delegate of syria had began the speech by stating “the best solution for this issue is for the us to quit this pretention that they are some sort of policemen in the middle east and that they hold monopoly over the morality in the world.” this had bought back the committee to square one, which made the discussion pretty irrelevant. Furthermore, The delegate of syria had also told the delegates to not vote to usa because he had “yelled” at them. Meanwhile, the delegate of vietnam had given few relevant solutions for the issue such as; law enforcement can be used in a innovative way to overcome the threat of dark web; the re drafting of the Arms Trade Treaty; multinational treaty must be followed between the member state united nations and the non state actors. The delegate of qatar had also made valid points, such as the amount of arms trade should be limited based on the country and the government should provide reassurance to their citizens.The speech was later carried on by Ethiopia, Afghanistan, lebanon and other delegates who had also stated many possible solutions. The reporter believes that if the delegates would come to a common consensus, there is a possibility of tackling the issue of trafficking illicit arms on cross border as well as the dark web. And work together in a diplomatic and peaceful manner. 9
The Disarmament and International Security Committee Why Me? Siddarth, IP With the rise of the global threat of trafficking of illicit arms is there a possibility DISEC will overcome this ? August 2020 Dear Diary, Finally! After one whole year filled with regression and contamination, I am astonished that I managed to reach the age of thirteen. I am officially a teenager! The level of ecstasy I had at the beginning of the day lasted in a blink of an eye as I opened my eyes and looked around the congested, claustrophobic room that guarded me, the stones are the only objects that divided me from the monsters residing outside, roaming around the streets and threatening every citizen who walks into their sight. Gunshots were dominating the environment. My stomach was groaning, it’s been a week since I ate a brown slice of an apple. I closed my eyes and took a glimpse at the agonizing event I experienced last year back when the peculiar men raided my house and fired all around as I hid behind the curtains screaming inside. This is indeed normal except for the fact that they captured my parents this time! They did not even give me a chance to bid them a faithful goodbye! My uncle always narrates the lives of the children in other nations. I heard that they go to a special place called the school where they get to learn a wide range of mind-blowing topics, children go to amusing parties and roam freely in the public. There are no groups of peculiar men who are armed with weapons, instead there is a friendly society who usually has no intentions to do harm. I am confused! Which sin did I commit which made me end up in a country like this? Is this my fault? Why do I have to be the one with no privileges? I asked my uncle “Where do the weapons even come from?” I was astounded by his staggering response. He mentioned that they get numerous guns from the other countries that usually experience no harm, exponentially increasing the violence in our country. What did my nation do wrong? Why do those nations want to hurt us? Why are they transferring weapons to my nation, knowing that it will inflict harm? 10
The Disarmament and International Security Committee USA: \"the Superior Nation\" Gayatri, IP A report on the USA's Press Release During the press conference of DISEC, the Delegate of the USA made a press release statement, aasking the committee to realize that the intervention in other countries is not bad and how countries do not realize how important the “help of USA” is to the mena region. Furthermore, adding how the USA was the only country to have ever used nuclear weapons, and how they will not refuse to use them again, “As soon as we realize that Kim Jong Un's arms have touched the tip of Pearl Harbor, the entire North Korea will be under our feet within seconds …” states the Delegate of the USA. Additionally, the delegate goes on to state, “the USA considers itself superior to every other country, however, will extend a helping hand to every country in need,” this press release statement had completely left the committee with no comments. The delegate also elaborates the importance of the USA’s intervention in shaping the world peace and how the USA, only, can tackle the issues of world politics. Do the members of united nations truly believe that the “superior nation of USA” can only promote world peace ? 11
United Nations Human Rights Council The Not- So- Surprising Twist of Events Amrutha, IP An analysis of the claims made by the delegate of the USA LGBTQIA, also known as the 'queer community', is a common abbreviation for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual, Intersexual, and the Ally community. In many countries, the LGBTQIA community is considered to be a minority, hence, giving exclusive rights and protection to ensure the safety and prosperity of the community. Ironically, the community still faces criticism, discrimination, homophobia, homosexuality, and, in extreme cases, violence, which affects the LGBTQ community mentally and physically. Even in the 21st Century, there are quite a few countries where it is entirely illegal to be a part of the community. On the contrary, there are countries where the LGBTQ community is granted equal rights and protection, but when in reality, the community faces extensive discrimination. One of such includes the United States of America. Under the Presidency of Donald Trump, the community suffered a lot of discrimination in the workplace, in healthcare, in education, and representation. On several occasions, President Trump has shown his discrimination towards the community by supporting employment discrimination, appointing anti-LGBTQ judges, banning transgender members from serving in the military, to name a few. The Delegate of USA, however, contradicted the President's actions by stating that the United States realized that people should not be discriminated against for being themselves. The delegate went on to claim under the Presidency of Trump that pro-LGBTQIA+ laws have been amended as passed, which is contradictory to the President's actions. Where there are countries such as Denmark and Austria who are pro-LGBTQ and draft policies that work for the benefit of the community, countries like the Unites States claim to support it. Still, the support the government is willing to give to the LGBTQ community is very apparent. Every single person must be accustomed to the fact that being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community is very normal and the community mustn't necessarily require 'acceptance' to survive and need to be treated as equal as everyone else. 12
United Nations Human Rights Council Some Truth and Many Lies Sai Sri, IP The unstable political stances of the delegates and the contradictory speeches made by them The first session of the Committee was off to a slow, but steady start. After speeches made by speakers in the General Speakers’ List (GSL) and the first two Moderated Caucuses, the delegates went into a Lobbying Session. Since the beginning of the committee proceedings, the Delegate of Saudi Arabia maintained a strict conservative country policy. The delegates were in the middle of heated debate, discussing possible moderated caucus motions and forming blocs. Since the beginning of the committee session, the Delegate of Saudi Arabia maintained a strict conservative country policy. The plot twist though was that the delegate of Saudi Arabia, in just a synapse, moved from the Anti Bloc to the Union Bloc., The Anti Bloc consisted of Countries working against the LGBTQIA+ Community, whereas the Union Bloc, was liberal and pro- LGBTQIA+. The Delegate said verbatim, “The Delegate of Saudi Arabia openly accepts all members of the LGBTQ+ Community”. The Delegate claimed to have read some ‘new articles’ which brought about this drastic change. It is crucial to note here that the Queer Community has zero rights or recognition in Saudi Arabia. According to Sharia law, consensual homosexual activity is an offence punishable by forms of whipping, torture and in the worst case, execution. A similar statement was made by the delegate of Qatar, who said that “Qatar welcomes members of the LGBTQIA+ Community as long as they maintain modesty and public decency.” However, when questioned by the Delegate of Belgium, the Delegate of Qatar stated that Homosexuality is illegal according to Sharia Law. Perpetrators may even face Capital punishment. When questioned upon their stances by the Delegates of India, France and Belgium, both the Delegates made no substantial comments on this shift and continued to maintain a stance that contradicted their country policy. It is particularly hypocritical, considering that fact that in the Opinion Poll asked by the Reporter, both countries believed that LGBTQIA+ legislation should be based on Religious Morals. 13
United Nations Human Rights Council Birds of passage Sai Sri, IP A comment upon the ostracism of LGBTQIA+ indivisuals on the grounds of religion, through poetry Is it a sin to have been born this way? For my ‘crime’ isn’t a choice. A mob has no right to decide my fate Neither does a state-sanctioned executioner. Shall the government tell me now, Whether I am to be true to myself or my Lord? The Lord who has brought me from dust to my feet Shall burn me to ashes if I were so wrong. Am I not at liberty to serve my Lord and be gay? Am I not at liberty to contradict myself? I contain multitudes. By all means, take my life, if God willing For this right is reserved to the Almighty- The Grand Architect of the Universe. My fate is written by Him and only Him. They cannot choose death for me, Like they have for millions of my brothers and sisters Some who are with the Almighty, And some who share my burden here on Earth. My family has no room for me. Neither does my faith or country. To belong is not something I know of; fleeting through life, like birds of passage. 14
United Nations Human Rights Council Inconsistency or Inaccuracy? Amrutha, IP An interview with the Delegate of the United States of America, UNHRC International Press (IP): Delegate, you have stated that you cannot explain the policies because you were not involved in the policymaking process. Does that mean you cannot defend any stand taken by the US unless you were in the deliberation room, an opportunity most diplomats don't get? How do you think that affects your reputation as a diplomat? Do you fear professional repercussions in light of such a careless remark? Delegate of United States of America (USA): The delegate stands with the laws that the administration makes regardless of whether she knows about it. The delegate is not worried as the government understood what the delegate meant at that moment. IP: Delegate, do you believe that your lack of understanding of the reason for these laws being approved by President Trump signal your dissent towards them in this forum? Delegate of USA: The delegate's lack of knowledge about what happened behind those close doors does not mean that she is unhappy with the decision. It just means that the president and his advisors decided that the delegate knowing about that was not needed for the committee. IP: President Trump has given statements that he would appoint conservative judges who would overturn the gay marriage ruling. Does the delegate believe this reflects negatively on the USA's record of LGBTQIA+ rights? Delegate of USA: President Trump has appointed new judges to the courts. In the tenure of these judges, they have passed multiple bills in support of the LGBTQ+ community. IP: Does the delegate think that, in the current scenario, the United States is a safe place for the LGBTQIA community considering mike pence, the Vice President, would like to hang them? Delegate of USA: The United States of America is a safe place for all. The delegate is quite sure that vice president Pence was telling an ill-advised joke. IP: Delegate you also stated that President Trump had passed policies that favoured the LGBTQ community. Can the delegate give one example of a policy adopted by President Trump administration in support of the LGBTQIA community? Delegate of USA: The Equality Act is a major win, not to mention the new interpretation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, both of which were passed during the Trump administration. 15
United Nations Human Rights Council Religious Secularism? Sai Sri, IP An opinion poll regarding LGBTQIA+ Legisalature As the Reporter anticipated, the committee was divided on the matter and a two-thirds majority was not formed. Countries like Belgium and New Zealand gave predictable answers. It was surprising and frankly, hypocritical of Greece, and Denmark to vote “No” considering that both the countries have liberal and LGBTQIA+ friendly laws that align with the UDHR. This is an integral question as it solidifies each country’s stance and highlights whether countries value Religious Beliefs over Fundamental Human Rights. This is also a common criticism against Member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), who prioritise Sharia Law over the UDHR. Another Ironic occurrence to be noted was that Saudi Arabia voted “No” in the poll but changed their stance in the Third Committee session, stating that they accept the Community. Hence, it is safe to say that most countries have solid stances regarding the influence of Religious Morals on Legal frameworks, and are more focused on preserving Religions over the citizens’ fundamental freedoms. 16
United Nations Human Rights Council In the Name of Religion Amrutha, IP Dear Diary, A description of the struggles of a transsexual woman living in India Ah, where should I begin? Today, in the metro, I waved at a little girl who was smiling at me. Her mom immediately took her far away from me. Yet, this stopped affecting me because it feels like any other typical day in my life: filled with disgusting and scary looks, assuming that we behave in a certain way that we are \"supposed\" to act and whatnot. It feels so tiring to keep doing this without a break. Most of us wish to live a normal life where we roam around without any discrimination or kids being afraid of us. Is that too much to ask? In the name of religion, all we get is hate and disgust. The homophobia never stops. Why is that everyone worships a god who was born to a trans woman? When a god who was the son of Vishnu and Lord Shiva as Mohini can be worshiped, why can't we be treated with respect? In the name of religion, they shun us, but they don't realize that the same religion teaches us to be who we are. The same religion, which is not homophobic, is made homophobic just to satisfy some heterosexuals' greed. The wages that the government gives us are the bare minimum, getting past with that little money, especially for us is hell on earth. Why is that no one can accept us for being ourselves. There is discrimination everywhere I go, getting a job is getting harder as the days pass by. The transgender bill assured us to protect us, but how will they protect us when people have such a conservative mindset? As a trans woman, I am not considered safe to be around. The male population feels offended by us, and some even think of us as sex objects. But the one thing they do not understand is that we are humans, and we all have the right to be ourselves. The discrimination doesn't surprise me at this point. I am so accustomed that I just walk away feeling dead inside by the comments and the looks from people. If only this was a place where everyone was considered equal, no matter their gender, age, likes, and dislikes. 17
United Nations Human Rights Council Talks and Solutions Amrutha, IP An analysis of the possible solutions for discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. It is well established that the LGBTQIA+ community still requires extensive recognition and to be treated as equals. Not only the community is suffering in countries where being a part of LGBTQ is illegal, but the community is also suffering in countries which are very progressive towards LGBTQIA+ initiatives. A drastic change in the mindset of people is necessary. It is essential that we all understand everyone is equal and cannot be discriminated against based on their gender, sexuality, religion, etc. The Human Rights Council believes in the same, and pertaining to the agenda, the committee recognized the need to come up with solutions against the discrimination of the LGBTQIA+ community. Language and terminology are essential for the identification of sexual and gender minorities. The words people use to describe themselves can both affirm and challenge their identity. At the same time, the absence of inclusive language can result in barriers. Hence, the Delegate of New Zealand proposed that the policies introduced should be more inclusive and celebratory to the language and terminology used by the people part of the LGBTQ community. Specific efforts need to be made to ensure that there is no discrimination against the community on the grounds of healthcare, education, housing and in the workforce. Political leaders and influencers should also speak out against this social stigma. Most importantly, educational Institutions should ensure that policies, curriculum and the teachings should be pro-LGBTQ and the school environment should be responsive to the needs of the LGBTQ community. It is also essential to teach the youth about the different sexualities and genders hence normalizing being a part of the LGBTQ community. It is crucial that states and countries should deter and prohibit the laws and policies that are harmful to the people. But, establishing laws and policies is not the only thing that will help the community. The respective governments of the states should also recognize that any form of discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community is an offense. 18
United Nations Human Rights Council Special Laws for the LGBTQ+ Community? Sai Sri, IP The parallel trajectory of the Delegates of Belgium and the United Kingdom A country’s legal framework is a defining factor in its governance and plays a pivotal role in developing a sense of equality and unity among citizens. The delegates tactfully discussed the legal frameworks related to granting equality to the LGBTQIA+ community, and countries’ discriminatory policies during the fourth moderated caucus. The Delegate of Belgium urged educational institutions to set up anti-bullying laws with emphasis on LGBTQIA+ youth to ensure their safety. The delegate also urged countries to create strong anti-discrimination LGBTQIA+ laws for workplaces and educational institutions. These statements were based on the articles in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The delegate also encouraged countries to work Non-Governmental Organisations to provide mental health counselling and other services to LGBTQIA+ youth. The Delegate of United Kingdom, on the contrary, stated that “protecting LGBTQIA+ people from violence and discrimination does not require the creation of a new set of specific rights or the establishment of a new international human rights standards for them.” These claims are extremely ignorant, keeping in mind that member-countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and have actively criminalised and banned all homosexual activity and countries like Russia have discriminatory laws like the Gay Propaganda law that limit the freedom of expression of gay individuals. Following the ideologies of the United Kingdom would leave most LGBTQIA+ individuals in a lurch, and would allow countries like America to get away with regressive and discriminatory laws such as the Transgender Military law. Although differences in opinion and policy are not peculiar sights in the Human Rights Councils, such distinction in ideology is what divides the committee into blocks, even when discussing a humanitarian issue. 19
United Nations Human Rights Council A Paradise or a Paradox? Amrutha, IP A comment on the LGBT rights in Belgium. In a world where the LGBTQIA+ community is fighting for their rights; few countries have made it their priority to ensure a safe and a progressive environment for the LGBTQIA+ community to prosper. One of such country is Belgium. The LGBTQ rights in Belgium can be considered to be one of the most progressive in the world. On 25 th February 2003, the anti- discrimination law passed offers legal protection for people on the basis of their sexual orientation. This law was backed up by the sex discrimination act 2007 which established a penalty-enhancement for crimes driven by hate towards the LGBTQ community. Same-sex marriage was legalised as early as 2003 and in 2006 the gay adoption law was passed giving the right for gay couples to adopt children. Belgium also happens to be one of the few countries where a transgender person does not require a sex option for a change of a name and identity. With all these laws in order, Belgium is now established to be one of the most gay-friendly countries in the world. The federal government has also proposed a national plan against homophobic and transphobic discrimination where the plan seeks to remove structural discrimination against the community. Various LGBTQIA+ initiatives such as the Rainbow Cops etc were established which work towards defending the LGBTQ. Additionally, Belgium also hosts a number of LGBTQ film festivals to show the support towards the community. While it is considered to be progressive, over the past few years, there have been various occasions of violence against the LGBTQIA+ community. Despite the progressive laws, there is still a significant amount of discrimination faced by the transgender community. The data released by the Institute for Equality of Women shows that 80% of the transgender community has experience violence due to their gender identity, 33% have experienced sexual violence and the data also shows that the community has also experience verbal and physical abuse. Additionally, the LGBTQ community is also subjected to homophobia and exclusion. The simple contrast from the example of Belgium shows that no matter how many laws are passed, the community is still subjected to a lot of criticism, homophobia and transphobia. As discussed, a country which is so progressive when it comes to the protection of the LGBTQ is facing such harsh backlash. It is very evident that a change in the mindset of the people is imperative for the safety of the LGBTQ. It is also imperative that people realise and accept that love is love and anyone can choose to be who they are. 20
United Nations Human Rights Council A Paradise or a Paradox? Amrutha, IP A comment on the LGBT rights in Belgium. Firstly, when deliberating upon the possible ban on any act or commodity, we must come to terms with the fact that a ban will only apply to prohibit the legal production and consumption of it, and in many circumstances does not affect the illegal counterparts. The ineffectiveness of bans can be seen in the examples of the ban on marijuana in India, and hard drugs in the United States. An outright ban does not allow for governments to regulate the distribution of commodities and hence, leaves the government out of the loop. Secondly, we must accept the undeniable fact that the tracking of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) based violence, including hate crimes and rapes becomes impossible if homosexuality is banned. Owing to the fact that in such a case, the survivors of sexual violence will also be punished for registering themselves as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and indulging in illegal sex acts. Even LGBTQIA+ rapes are not reported in states where it is illegal, since the victim may also get arrested. Criminalizing LGBTQIA+ relations, in itself, is a violation of Article 2 and Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). It denies many fundamental human rights to members of the community. These include the right to equality, to freedom of religion, to freedom of movement, to free expression and free association, the right to privacy, the right to marry and form a family and to equality in marriage. In case these violations didn’t suffice, the ban will indirectly affect criminal legislature. As mentioned, punishing the victims for their sexuality will deny them the fundamental human rights to life and safety, right to protect from violence, harassment, torture, or cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, and the right to equality before the law. Hence, the decriminalisation of homosexuality would be the first step towards granting citizens freedom and civil rights, and towards tracking and reducing SOGI based violence, including hate crimes, sexual violence and rapes. 21
Special Committee for Magical Law - The Daily Prophet The Ministry's Lack of Faith in Aurors Rita Skeeter (Varun) A beat- based article on the proceedings of committee In the Special Committee of Magical Law (SCML), multiple derogatory statements were declared by members of the committee against Aurors, specifically by Albus Dumbledore and Rufus Scrimgeour. An Auror is a highly trained wizard or witch who performs law enforcement for magical government, with there being very few capable that can be employed as one due to the extreme intensity and challenge of the training. So, it was extremely perplexing when Rufus Scrimgeour called the Aurors ineffective [at enforcing the law]. Moreover, Albus Dumbledore has even less faith in the Aurors, declaring, “Aurors should not be allowed to wield the Unforgivable Curses as they will become hungry for power”, which can be inferred that Dumbledore believes that the chance that an Auror will join the side of the Death Eaters is extremely high, when given the option of great power. The reason any Auror would be allowed to utilize the Unforgivable Curses is to combat the Death Eaters, who primarily use the same spells. One notable incident where Aurors being allowed to use the Unforgivable Curses would be essential is in the tragic incident of Frank and Alice Longbottom, where they were tortured by Death Eaters using the Cruciatus Curse. Knowing this, it is still extremely confusing as to why Dumbledore would advise against allowing Aurors the use of these powerful spells, especially since his reason is extrapolated as him questioning the loyalty of the Ministry’s enforcers of law. As for Rufus Scrimgeour, the context behind his statement was apprehending another delegate – Amelia Bones – about her statement regarding the removal of dementors from Azkaban. Scrimgeour was questioning Bones about an alternative method to guard Azkaban when he stated that Aurors would be incapable for this sort of task. Now, if Scrimgeour had mentioned the lack of quantity of Aurors as a potential reason for them not being suitable for guarding Azkaban, his reason for stating their ineffectiveness would have made sense. However, for him to question their capabilities does not. The Ministry of Magic, lately, has not been acknowledging the skill of their law enforcement unit and instead has been belittling them and their capabilities. 22
Special Committee for Magical Law - The Daily Prophet Vanishing Cabinets: Yes or No? Rita Skeeter (Varun) An opinion poll as to whether vanishing cabinets should be banned in the UK An opinion poll was conducted by the Daily Prophet for the Special Committee of Magical Law regarding the topic of vanishing cabinets – specifically, whether they should be removed from the United Kingdom. A vanishing cabinet is an item which allows the user to instantly teleport from one place to another. The only condition is that two “twin” vanishing cabinets can only transport the user from one of the twin cabinets to the other. For example, if one of the twin cabinets was in the Leaky Cauldron and the other was in Borgin and Burkes, the user could only move from the Leaky Cauldron to Borgin and Burkes and vice-versa. The votes were quite evenly divided – 10 people voted for the removal of vanishing cabinets from the UK and 12 people voted against. Vanishing cabinets were important in the Wizarding World because they allowed citizens to escape from attacks from Death Eaters, so the 12 votes against removal of Vanishing Cabinets from the UK may infer that the ministry will not dismiss Death Eaters as a threat to wizard kind, but the disadvantage of using a Vanishing Cabinet is that anyone is able to use it, including Death Eaters. So, a Death Eater can enter the Vanishing Cabinet and gain access to more places where they can torture and kill more innocent wizards, which is a potential explanation to the 10 votes for the removal of Vanishing Cabinets from the UK. Vanishing Cabinets are a very easy method of transport for humans and other objects to use in case of an attack from Death Eaters, but they also increase the vicinity of potential attacks from Death Eaters. 23
Special Committee for Magical Law - The Daily Prophet The Trial of Igor Karkaroff Rita Skeeter (Varun) and its Odd Resolution An Opinionated Editorial on the trial held in commitee The committee had taken a very peculiar stance regarding the trial of Igor Karkaroff: they were in defense of him, meaning the Ministry of Magic were willing to free Karkaroff from Azkaban due to baseless claims from Karkaroff about him taking up a position beneficial to the Ministry. Some notable names who were in defence of Igor Karkaroff were Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Bartemius Crouch Senior. Dumbledore was the founder of an organization called the Order of the Phoenix, an organization which was created with the goal of defeating Voldemort, so it is truly peculiar to see Dumbledore be in support of one of Voldemort’s most loyal followers. Minerva McGonagall is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, so her ideology about this stance would be according to the stance of the Order. However, it is not. The head of Magical Law Enforcement, Bartemius Crouch Senior, has been an outspoken adversary of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, so it is odd to see Crouch defend the Death Eater. Their reasons seem to be because he listed names of five death eaters and because, as previously mentioned, Karkaroff promised to be of assistance to the Ministry which, normally, is not sufficient evidence to release a Death Eater from Azkaban. Finally, another notable stance – or stances – taken by a delegate in the committee is Lucius Malfoy. In Karkaroff’s trial, he stated that Malfoy aided the Death Eaters by offering Malfoy Manor as a base for the Death Eaters. Despite this, Malfoy still declared to be willing to let Karkaroff free from Azkaban. These four, along with four others, allowed Igor Karkaroff to be actually set free from incarceration. The committee stated that Igor Karkaroff had given them extremely valuable information and was willing to continue aiding the committee. However, shortly after his release from Azkaban, Karkaroff sent a Howler to the committee ridiculing them of their naivete and lack of common sense but had confirmed that all the information the committee received was true. The five names of Death Eaters seemed like extremely valuable information at the time, but one of the names given by Karkaroff, Severus Snape, was confirmed by Albus Dumbledore to be a double agent working for the Order of the Phoenix. Who knows how many other names given by Karkaroff will turn out to be useless in the movement of stopping the Death Eaters? To conclude, the Ministry of Magic and, by extension, the Special Committee for Magical Law, took a stance that is seemingly contradictory to most of the member’s ideologies and allowed a guilty Death Eater to stay out of incarceration. 24
Special Committee for Magical Law - The Daily Prophet Educational Reforms by Hogwarts Rita Skeeter (Varun) to Fight Death eaters A beat- based article on the new education policy to be put in place The Special Committee of Magical Law (SCML) has acknowledged the devastation caused by the Dark Lord and his minions, the Death Eaters, and are working to prevent such a calamity from ever occurring again by reforming the education system to ensure that no students will be willing to become Death Eaters. After all, prevention is better than cure. The SCML conjectures that, in order to protect themselves against Death Eaters, students must be apt in the art of Duelling, so a Duelling club was introduced in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which is supervised by the Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) professor. Albus Dumbledore has reassured the committee that this change will occur and that the Duelling club would not be made mandatory but would be made highly recommended by the school and the Ministry of Magic. The main reasons for the induction of this club is primarily, as previously mentioned, to teach students on how to protect themselves from users of the Dark Arts but another reason for this club being added to the school is to educate students about the negative effects of utilizing the Dark Arts in a practical situation, which can disincentivise potential Death Eaters from walking that path. Another measure Dumbledore informed the committee about is the addition of mandatory classes of DADA for all years in Hogwarts school. The general policy of Hogwarts school regarding DADA is that the class itself is mandatory from years one through five and is made optional from year six onwards. The reform being made is the change to make DADA required for students of years six, seven and eight as well. The purpose of this new policy of DADA is to ensure that all students of Hogwarts learn advanced techniques, such as nonverbal spell usage, which can be useful against an attack from a Death Eater. Hogwarts school plans to help in the fight against Death Eaters by adding school policies to try and reduce the number of Hogwarts students who end up becoming Death Eaters. 25
Special Committee for Magical Law - The Daily Prophet The Removal of Dementors from Azkaban Rita Skeeter (Varun) An Opinionated Editorial highlighting an interesting demand In the Special Committee of Magical Law, Amelia Bones had expressed her desire to remove the dementors from Azkaban prison. Dementors are Dark creatures that inhabit the wizarding world. Considered to be some of the foulest Dark creatures out there, Dementors feed off the happiness that dwells inside of humans, whether they be a Muggle or wizard. The primary purpose of Dementors in the current Wizarding world is as guards to Azkaban prison, under the control of the Ministry of Magic. Dementors are highly, highly effective at guarding Azkaban prison, as the way Dementors survive is based on whether they can consume human happiness, which would be in plenty at a prison, an area with many humans. First, there has been no escape from Azkaban prison till date, so the effectiveness of the Dementors at guarding Azkaban is clearly shown with their perfect track record. Secondly, Dementors have a free source of food in Azkaban prison, so they have zero incentive to attack other humans. So, the Dementors have incentive to stay at Azkaban while the Ministry can control the Dementors while they are guarding Azkaban. Knowing this, it is unclear why Amelia Bones, a member of the Wizengamot, would suggest the removal of dementors from Azkaban, as this action may cause the release of dementors into the world, potentially causing multiple casualties in the form of the dementor’s kiss and escaped convicts (Death Eaters and other criminals alike). There is only one possible explanation as to why Bones would suggest the removal of dementors from their position as guards of Azkaban: The Dark Lord himself. He Who Must Not Be Named had taken control of many dark creatures such as giants, werewolves and – importantly – dementors. The fear of the Dark Lord rising again and him regaining the support and trust of the dementors must be what drove her to make such a statement; however, the rest of the committee did not agree with this point as the Dark Lord is presumed to be deceased and has no way at all to regain the trust of the dementors, unless the Death Eaters regain the support of the dementors instead. The Death Eaters, even after the fall of the Dark Lord, still pose a massive threat to all of wizard kind, and the reason for Bones being so adamant in the removal of dementors from Azkaban could be for this very reason. However, in expressing these concerns, Bones also expresses a fear that the Ministry would lose control of the dementors, that the Ministry is less powerful and influential than a group of dark wizards and witches with no leader. The Ministry cannot and will not accept such a fact, so instead of admitting powerlessness, they have decided not to release the dementors. 26
Lok Sabha An End to Legal Ideological Contradictions Sai Sri, IP The implementation of Unifrom CIvil Code will be a leap towards equality in India Equality and consistency in the legislature and legal framework of any country are direct indicators of the quality of life of its citizens. The introduction of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India would be a crucial step in ensuring this for Indians. Article 44 of Directive Principles of State Policy states, “States shall endeavour to provide for its citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.” This essentially means that a single law, applicable to all citizens of India in their personal matters such as marriage, divorce, custody, adoption and inheritance will replace multiple fragmented laws that are based on major religious communities. These fragmented laws encourage communalism between citizens. The UCC will allow for greater gender equality and equality before the law of every citizen in India as it would provide equal status to all citizens irrespective of their religious background. This would also accommodate polytheists, atheists, couples in inter- religious marriages and would pave way for consistency in legislature pertaining to inter-religious adoption. Personal laws of different religions are widely divergent and many argue that the UCC will deny citizens religious freedom by homogenising culture. However, the culture and legislation of any country are distinct, and the UCC would establish secularism in Indian civil legislature. It would also ensure gender equality. In many fragmented laws like the Triple Talaq law, the Hindu Succession Act and the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, men are given a superior status. The Law Commission observes in its 2018 consultation paper, “Various aspects of prevailing personal laws disprivilege women.” This has been made clear in many court rulings, including the 1985 Shah Bano case. The same suggestion reflects in the verdicts of other landmark cases such as Jordan Diengdeh vs SS Chopra and John Vallamattom vs Union of India. In the 1995 Sarla Mudgal Case, Justice Kuldip Singh reiterated the need for Parliament to frame a Uniform Civil Code, which would help the cause of national integration by removing ideological contradictions in legal matters. Therefore, the implementation of the UCC in India would play a pivotal role in making India a just, equal and united state for all its citizens and would prevent cultural and ideological contradictions from interfering with the legal framework. 27
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