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Home Explore Upcoming Producer From Miami FL

Upcoming Producer From Miami FL

Published by marcolouischarles, 2021-05-22 23:59:57

Description: Onewayycolson Article


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Upcoming producer from South Florida Onewayycolson is an upcoming creator, Producer, and entrepreneur from Miami FL. His journey in music has been a rollercoaster. He is becoming a force to reckon with for the Hip-Hop Industry. He has traveled to various countries which has influenced his music greatly and can easily be experienced in his music. He writes down his music based on real-life experience and everyday struggle that he mixed up into rap. He is a man with a proactive approach and has painted the canvas of his dream with the colors of his consistent and persistent efforts. His expertise in the field, strong and bold personality, easy-going nature make him the role model of many. He usually shares a glimpse of his lifestyle and passion over his Insta- gram.His dashing looks, unique outfits, and debonair personality are worth noticing. You will be soon seeing him in Modeling shoots. He was born in Haiti. He is 22 years old as of 2020. His Zodiac sign is Gemini. He was born on June 20th, 1998. He endorses various brands and collaborates with various other artists. B￿￿ng passionate ￿b￿ut his work ￿nd ￿lw￿￿￿ wanted t￿ carve ￿ niche f￿r himself ￿n life, w￿￿ th￿ spark th￿t ignited him to pursue his dreams and passion. He ￿￿ ￿ creative thinker, and a self-motivated individual wh￿ works w￿th focus ￿nd determination t￿ turn dreams ￿nt￿ reality. Facts • His Instagram id is Onewayycolson • He has worked alongside various amazing artists • Those who know colson will describe him as smart, dedicated, passionate, and precise in his work • His passion to deliver something new and something better has driven him over the years and is the key to his success & perseverance. • He loves to explore places • His delicate brand of Hip hop and mixed beats has made him become a very prolific and popular artist. • He is a hardcore fitness enthusiast. • His music is a catalyst for various artists performances and production. • He is passionate about making dreams come true and hopes to inspire a lot of passionate minds 1

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All in all, Onewayycolson is more than an artist, he is a brand, entrepreneur, & force to be reckoned with in the music industry. 3

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