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Home Explore OnBoarding Resources

OnBoarding Resources

Published by cborski1, 2021-06-28 19:58:04

Description: OnBoarding Resources


Read the Text Version

Moment - Sta

art RMTS 50

Moment - Ins

struction Screen 51

Moment - Res WHO Was With WHAT We WHY

sponses h You ? ere You Doing ? Y Were You Doing It ? 52

Moment - Syste Demonstration of RMTS Question: Who was with you??

em Demonstration S online system: ?? 53

Response - Dr Question: Who Was With Yo 1. Special Ed student ➢ With health Impair ➢ With physical disab ➢ With intellectual di ➢ With mental health etc.) ➢ With autism 2. Student not Special Ed 3. Student with learning disab difficulty, math difficulty, et 4. Multiple students ➢ All with either a dis ➢ Some with disabilit disability or impairm ➢ All without any disa

rop Downs ou??? rment (chronic medical condition) bility isability (IDD) h/psychological disability (emotionally disturbed, bility (dyslexia, language difficulty, reading tc.) sability or medical impairment ty or medical impairment and some with no ment ability or medical impairment 54

Response - Dr Question: Who Was W 5. Teachers, Aides, or Schoo 6. Related Service Provider 7. Parent, Guardian or Care 8. No one, alone 9. Not Working ➢ Paid time off ➢ Unpaid time off 10. Other

rop Downs With You??? ol Administrator(s) egiver 55

Response - Question: What Were

e You Doing??? 56

Response - Question: What Were Please provide a 2-4 sentence descr MOST involved in (teaching, therap reading, lunch, monitoring, testing Please keep in mind : • When providing PCS the “W your support rather than wh • You are describing exactly w moment • The person coding the mom job descriptions; tasks perfo • Don’t use acronyms in the de • Don’t use people’s names in • If not working, indicate if it w

e You Doing? (Text Box) ription of the ONE activity/service that you were py, supervision, cueing, staff meeting, prompting, g, redirection, evaluation, etc.) WHAT” is more about why the student needs hat is going on in the class. what took place only in the 60 seconds of the ment has no background or knowledge of ISD ormed or what Special Education is. escription n the responses was paid or unpaid time off 57

Response - Question: Why Were You

Performing This Activity??? 58

Response - Dr Question: Why Were Yo 1. To ensure safety for stude cannot perceive independ ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP 2. To keep the student on tas independently ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP 3. To assist the student phys ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP 4. To assist the student intell demonstration, hand over ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP

rop Downs ou Performing This Activity??? ent(s) from self, others, environment that they dently sk, in seat, awake that they cannot manage sically lectually (read or repeat instructions, r hand) 59

Response – D Question: Why were y 5. To assist the student toileting ➢ Due to disability (cognitiv ➢ Due to disability (cognitiv ➢ As part of age appropriat 6. To monitor the student that r ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP 7. To transition the student tha ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP 8. To assist the student feeding ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP

Drop Downs you performing this activity? g ve, physical, or mental health) – Per IEP ve, physical, or mental health) – Without IEP te toilet training (Pre-K and Kindergarten) requires supervision or physical assistance at requires supervision or physical assistance g/eating that requires supervision or physical assistance 60

Response – D Question: Why were 9. To monitor/intervene with beh etc.) ➢ With BIP (Behavioral Inter ➢ With BIP (Behavioral Inter ➢ Without BIP - Per IEP ➢ Without BIP - Without IEP 10. To provide classroom instructio 11. To supervise students in gener 12. To provide medication/medica ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP 13. To provide therapy (Speech, O ➢ Per IEP ➢ Without IEP

Drop Downs e you performing this activity? haviors (aggression, self stimulation, verbal interference, rvention Plan) Per IEP rvention Plan) Without IEP on ral population al care /first aide OT, PT, Sensory stimulation) 61

Response – D Question: Why were 14. To conduct assessment/evalu ➢ Full Individual Evaluation ➢ Academic Assessment ➢ Hearing/Vision Assessme ➢ Speech, OT, PT, Nursing o 15. To provide or obtain informa ➢ Regarding SHARS (Schoo ➢ Regarding all other servi 16. To determine student’s/famil 17. To determine student’s/famil 18. To upgrade professional skills ➢ Through medical/he ➢ Through educationa

Drop Downs e you performing this activity? uation n (FIE) for Special Ed determination ent or Nutritional Assessment ation to or from student’s family ol Health and Related Services) ices ly’s eligibility for Medicaid/Health benefits ly’s eligibility for other programs/benefits s through training ealth related training al training 62

Response – D Question: Why were y 18. To improve social/vocational/ 19. To improve health related se 20. To coordinate/provide transp ➢ For medical services for ➢ For social/vocational/ed 21. To coordinate/provide transla ➢ For medical services fo ➢ For social/vocational/ed 22. To provide counseling ➢ Academic Counseling ➢ Vocational Counseling ➢ Mental Health Counsel ➢ Mental Health Counsel ➢ Other

Drop Downs you performing this activity??? /educational services for the district’s students ervices for the district’s students portation a specific student ducational purposes ation or a specific student and/or student’s family ducational purposes ling per IEP ling without IEP 63

Response – D Question: Why were y 23. To participate in a meeting ➢ Staff – Academic discuss ➢ Staff – SHARS Medical ➢ IEP – Academic discuss ➢ IEP - SHARS Medical/M ➢ Other 24. Not working ➢ Paid Time Off ➢ Unpaid Time Off 25. Other **Please explain why you c

Drop Downs you performing this activity??? sion l/Medicaid discussion sion Medicaid discussion chose the answer “Other” – please specify below 64

Complete Tim Review and Submit (

me Study - (Print) 65

Complete Tim Review and Submit (

me Study (Confirmation Receipt) 66


g Questions 67

Polling Que 1. If the RMTS participant responds t Which is an incorrect answer to ques A. Paid Time Off B. To upgrade professional skills th C. To provide a direct medical serv D. To coordinate transportation 2. If no RMTS contact has completed days. The RMTS contact should: A. Open the spreadsheet “Preparers B. Call Time Study Unit to request C. Call Fairbanks to request access D. Inform Superintendent/Director

estions to question #1--Who was with you-- “No one alone.” stion #3--Why were you performing this activity? hrough training vice as defined on a student’s IEP d training for the current FFY & the PL closes in just 5 s Available for Hire” 68 t an individual training to STAIRS on-line system they cannot participate in MAC

Polling Que 3. If a selected participant is no long position, the RMTS Contact should: A. Respond to the moment as paid B. Respond to the moment as unpa C. Edit the moment & change the p D. Both B & C 4. A RMTS Contact with \"View On participant can't complete the momen A. True B. False

estions ger working at the ISD and no one has filled the leave aid leave participant name to “Vacant” nly\" access can respond to a moment when the nt in the 5 days 69

Email Messag • Types of Communication mana • RMTS moment notificatio • Participant list updates • Compliance follow-ups • MAC Financial notification • Role in Fairbanks dictates wha • It’s critical that your district au from Fairbanks. • Confirm with your IT staff to m [email protected], and @ firewalls and spam filters.

ges aged predominantly via e-mail, i.e.: ons and follow ups ns and follow-ups at messages you receive uthorize your e-mail system to accept emails make sure that e-mails with extensions pass through 70

Helpful Hints Passwords Passwords will not change If you forget your password, y Manage Contacts Delete contacts if they are no Do not back space and type o To add a contact in system use Username & Password will be The primary contact can chang secondary. A secondary conta There can be only one Primary SHARS) There is no limit to the numbe For system questions contact Fair

you can reset it at the log-in screen longer with your district 71 over the name e the “Add a new contact” e e-mailed ge primary status from themselves to a act cannot change primary contact status y contact for each role (RMTS, MAC and er of secondary contacts rbanks support line: (888) 321-1225

WRAP UP • If you are not listed in the Fairb receive credit for completing t Primary RMTS contact or Supe • There are NO certificates for tr • You will receive an email thank this does not mean that you wi • RMTS Contacts can view attend \"Training\" tab on the top far rig • A maximum of 9 days processin before the session attended wi and the \"status\" column will th • Once “Full Access” is indicated participant list • You can print this screen using corner of the screen for your re

banks system as a Contact then you cannot this training until you have been added by the erintendent raining: king you for attending today’s training, however ill receive training credit. dance information via Fairbanks by clicking the ght portion of the screen ng time is required after attending training ill be listed next to the RMTS Contact's name hen show full access d you will be able to update/certify the the printer icon located on the top right ecords 72

Contact Info Time Study • Richard Baylie- Director • Ri-Chard Thomas – Team • Alexandra Young – Rate A E-Mail Address [email protected] Website district-isd Fairbanks, LLC. [email protected]

ormation (512) 490-3194 Lead Analyst me-study/time-study-independent-school- (888) 321-1225 73

Thank yo Time Study Unit

ou 74

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