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Home Explore OnBoarding Resources

OnBoarding Resources

Published by cborski1, 2021-06-28 19:58:04

Description: OnBoarding Resources


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PL - Developm Staff chosen to participate in RMTS Fairbanks as: • Administrative Services (MAC on Only includes staff who per Medicaid. • Direct Service Administrative Eligible staff providing direc activities associated with M Administrative staff such as exec assistant principals, special educa staff are not to be included in the

ment will be categorized in one of two staff pools in nly) rform administrative activities associated with ct medical services and administrative Medicaid. cutive directors, program directors, principals, ation directors, and other managers/supervisory e time study 25

PL - Develop Vacant Positions Inconsistent implementa to district • Only the vacant position( the quarter should be inc • Should be reviewed and e • Loading the PL with vacan the selected moment to b • RMTS Contact responds t • Excess ultimately lowers

pment ation from year to year and district (s) the district anticipates filling during cluded on the PL edited each quarter before the PL closes nt positions limits the opportunity for be a reimbursable response to the moment as paid/unpaid leave the RMTS percentage across the State 26

PL - Developm Duplicate Position • Identify and Remove from PL • If more than one job function i once on the PL in the category • Email(s) will be sent to those d entries. • HHSC trained RMTS Contact w entries prior to the PL close da To remove duplicates from the PL Export your PL to Excel. Choose t that may have duplicates. Highlig formatting” option. You’ll see an It’s easy to identify and r

ment ns - What To Do??? is performed by the participant, only include it y/function performed majority of the time. districts identified as having possible duplicate will be responsible for removing duplicate ate. L do the following: the column of data (e.g. address, external ID) ght that column and choose the “conditional option there to “highlight duplicate values” remove any duplicates. 27

PL - Who’s In? Participant List includ • Staff who perform SHARS or D Regular duties on a weekly bas Regular Staff Federally funded employees • Contractors (including all posit provide services for ISD. For one position being filled by PL For multiple positions filled by o listed on PL. • Vacant positions that are antic during the quarter.

??? des: Direct Medical Services or MAC activities: sis tions) who are not employees of ISD but y multiple contractors, it should be listed as one position on one or more contractors, then each position should be cipated to be filled (with reasonably certainty) 28

PL - Category PL categories with mixe •Personal Care Service Prov •Delegated Nursing •Service Coordinator/Case •Outreach Worker •Behavioral Counselor Note: These categories must include t

y Clarification ed job functions and titles: vider Manager the functional (or working) job title on the PL 29

PL - Category Who is NOT eligible for SHAR • SBEC Certified or TEA Cer Educational Diagnostician and/or on PL for MAC if sc Note: SBEC Certified or TEA Certified still have to qualify under the Admin C allowable activities to be included in t

y Clarification RS: rtified School Counselor and n job titles unless performing PCS chool participates in MAC. School Counselors and Educational Diagnosticians Cost Pool eligible category by performing Medicaid the RMTS 30

PL - Drop Dow SHARS Direct Medical Cate Registered Nurses (RN) Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) Advanced Practical Nurses (APN) Delegated Nursing Services Physicians (MDs & DOs) Licensed Audiologist Licensed Assistant in Audiology Licensed Occupational Therapist (OT) Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) Licensed Physical Therapist (LP) Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant (LPTA Licensed Psychological Associate Licensed Psychologist Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (L

wn Options egories Licensed Psychiatrist ASHA-Equivalent Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) with Texas license and master’s degree ASHA SLPs with Texas licenses Grandfathered SLP with Texas license and no master’s degree TEA- or SBEC-Certified Speech Therapists Licensed Assistant in SLP Licensed SLP Intern Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) A) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Personal Care Service Providers **All inclusive list of SHARS providers approved by Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS ) LSSP) 31

PL - Drop Dow MAC Only Catego • Behavioral Counselor • Interpreter/Translator/Biling • Licensed Bachelor of Social • Licensed Master of Social W • Physician Assistant (PA) • Pregnancy, Education & Par • Psychology Intern • Orientation & Mobility Spec • Outreach Workers • Service Coordinator/Case M

wn Options ories gual Specialist Work (LSW) Work (LMSW) renting Program Personnel cialist Managers 32

PL - System D Demonstration of RM • Participant List Development • Managing Contacts • Designating “Willing to Hire Ou • Training Tracking • Time Study Sample • Monitoring Response Complet • Documenting non-response

Demonstration MTS online system: ut” tion 33


g Questions 34

Polling Que 1. If a participant perform your ISD they should b they perform A. True B. False 2. If Mr. Lopez a PCSP re his place you should upda Mr. Lopez name with Ms. A. True B. False

estions ms more than one job function for be listed on the PL for each function esigned and Ms. Cortez has taken ate the participant list by replacing Cortez since they are both PCSP? 35

Polling Que 3. Which of the following Moment Time Study parti A. Certify the Participa B. Have an “active” Te C. To meet the manda quarterly D. Maintain the 85% r

estion g IS NOT a requirement for Random icipation? ant List (PL) for each quarter exas Provider Identifier (TPI) atory training requirements response rate for moments 36

Educational o Educational Servic • Reading/English/Languag • Writing • Mathematics • Science • Social studies • Physical education • Electives

or Direct Medical ces include: ge Arts 37

Educational or Direct Medical Services a • Medical Services that require a Nursing Psychology Counseling OT, PT, Speech, Evaluations • Personal Care Services Activities of Daily Living (ADL) or I that require human intervention t normally do for themselves if they condition, i.e., hands on assistanc

r Direct Medical are: a licensed skilled, trained professional, such as: Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) to accomplish the task the student would y did not have a disability or chronic medical ce, monitoring, cueing, redirection. 38

Personal Ca To ensure Personal Care correctly, a list of follow- The RMTS Contact is responsib pertains to personal care servi • A personal care service is a di • A student receiving a persona specific activity and personal • When responding to a time s restricted to the one minute description/responsibilities • A response should always inc monitoring, etc.) for the ADL • When responding to a time s direct medical service as defi clearly define the personal ca • In situations where lesson pla student audience and if it is IE

are Services e Services are being documented -up questions will be asked. ble for training the time study participants as it ices, such as: irect medical service al care service should have an IEP that lists the l care service needed study moment, PCS Providers’ response should be in time. DO NOT list multiple activities or their job clude the specific human intervention (cueing, 39 L being provided study moment if the “Why” states “to provide a ined on a student IEP”, then the “What” should are service anning is being done, please indicate the specific EP related.

Personal Ca • Personal care services (PCS) disability or chronic health c school/educational services • Personal care services includ students to accomplish ADL for themselves if they did no A student may be physical independently eat in the c behavioral impairments • PCS may be provided by a w Teacher Aides Mobility Specialists Instructional Aides Bilingual Aides

are Services ) are provided to assist a student with a condition so they may benefit from s de a range of human assistance provided to Ls or IADLs the student would normally do ot have a disability lly capable of eating lunch but is unable to cafeteria because of functional, cognitive, or wide range of school personnel: 40 Bus Aides/Monitors Health Care Aides Orientation Teachers Clerks

Personal Care Included but are not limited Eating/feeding M Meal preparation R Personal hygiene C Toileting P Maintaining continence A Dressing In Grooming R Transferring A

e Services d to: Monitoring Redirection Cueing Positioning Ambulation ntervening with behaviors Respiratory assistance Assisting with self administering medication 41

Personal Care PCS are often provided in because: • The Life Skills class consist disabilities, showing limitat activities of daily living (AD • The course curriculum is dr student’s IEP • These classes may have dif needs, such as: Domestic skills Daily living skills Pre-vocational skills Vocational skills Social skills

e Services n Life Skills/Self-Contained classrooms ts of students with Moderate to Severe tions in communication, social skills and DL) riven by the student’s needs as stated in each fferent skill areas addressed based on student 42

Educational vs.  A teacher helping a student difficulty understanding.  A PCSP is assisting a student hand assistance operating a  A teacher demonstrating so  A Speech Therapist is workin  A teacher in an inclusion clas  A teacher’s aide is monitorin during a Social Studies lesso

. Direct Medical/PCS solve a math problem that they are having t solve a math problem by providing hand over a calculator. ounding out words during a reading lesson. ng with a student on an articulation exercise. ss is teaching a Social Studies lesson. ng and cueing students in an inclusion class on to stay seated. 43

Educational vs. A Licensed Specialist in School Psy student. A Licensed Specialist in School Psy therapy to a student as part of the A Nurse teaching students in a he A Delegated Nurse assisting a diab checking their blood sugar per the A PCSP in the cafeteria monitoring A PCSP in the cafeteria cueing a st

. Direct Medical/PCS ychology providing academic counseling to a ychology providing cognitive behavioral eir defined BIP. ealth class the benefits of proper hand washing. betic student in washing their hands prior to e IEP. g all students. tudent to swallow between bites during lunch. 44

What is Mon Monitoring is a Direct Medical Se •The student just received me participant is monitoring the This activity is a deleg •Student’s IEP requires that h behavior problem. This activity is a perso Monitoring is an Educational Serv •General monitoring of stude behaviors are in accordance w This activity is genera

nitoring??? ervice when: edication as indicated on his/her IEP. The student for a reaction. gated nursing service he/she receive continuous monitoring due to a onal care service (PCS) vice when: ents in a cafeteria to ensure all students’ with school policy. al supervision of students 45

RMTS Momen • Sampling and Notificati • Participant Questions • System Demonstration • Moment Completion

nt ion 46

RMTS Momen Example of E-mail se

nt - Notification ent to selected Participants 47

Moment - We

elcome Screen m 48

Moment - Log

gin Screen 49

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