Press Coverage AnParlyesssisCoverageInPdresian Army’s Operation on India-MyaMnamy 1astrtoB2o8trh d, 2e01r5 June 10th, 2015 Press Information Bureau Government of India
22-September-2015 18:30 IST PM to leave for two-nation tour; to visit Ireland, arrive in New York City tomorrow eveningThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, will leave for a two-nation tour earlytomorrow morning (September 23, 2015).The Prime Minister will arrive in Dublin, Ireland where he will hold talks withMr. Enda Kenny, the Taoiseach of Ireland. He will also have a brief interactionwith the Indian community in Ireland, before emplaning for New York City.The Prime Minister arrives in New York City tomorrow evening (local time). ***AKT/AK/HS
23-September-2015 17:51 IST PM’s gifts to the Prime Minister of IrelandThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today presented to the Prime Ministerof Ireland, Mr Enda Kenny, reproductions of a selection of manuscripts andpapers available in the National Archives of India pertaining to two Irishofficials, Thomas Oldham (1816-1878) and Sir George Abraham Grierson(1851-1941), in recognition of their contributions in India.Born in 1816 in Dublin, Thomas Oldham was appointed as geological surveyorin 1850 to conduct a geological survey in India and his services were placedwith the then Government of Bengal. He assumed charge in March 1851 andhis joining day is celebrated as the foundation day of the Geological Survey ofIndia. Apart from conducting the first systematic coal mapping of India – andlater initiating mapping of other minerals – he wrote extensively on the fossilsof India.Sir George A Grierson was an Irish civil servant and philologist who, starting1898, conducted the first Linguistic Survey of India. The Survey was laterpublished over several years during 1903-28. It was Grierson’s LinguisticSurvey of India that provided the first scientifically based taxonomy of theIndo-Aryan languages within which the linguistic status of various forms ofHindi, Urdu and other Indo-Aryan speech forms could be based. Theseparation of Hindi into Western and Eastern dialect zones is the direct resultof Grierson’s classification efforts. As a student of mathematics at TrinityCollege, Dublin, Grierson took prizes in Sanskrit and Hindi. He went to Bengalin October 1873, where, in addition to carrying out his duties in a successionof government posts until 1898, he devoted much time to language research.Two of his most important works are Seven Grammars of the Dialects and Sub-dialects of the Bihari Language (1883 - 87) and Bihar Peasant Life (1885). Thelatter work, in addition to offering much linguistic information, describes thelife, farming methods, and beliefs of the Bihar peasantry. In 1994, theGovernment of India instituted an award in his honour that is given to foreignscholars who have made significant contributions to Hindi.
In addition, the Prime Minister also presented a specially handcrafted piece ofsilver, marble and roughly hewn sandstone rock that imagines the Irish symbolof shamrock as a votive candle-stand or an aarti lamp, with a peacock perchedby the side of shamrock leaves, along with silver-tipped crystal dewdropssignifying serenity and purity. ***AKT/AK 23-September-2015 19:26 IST Text of the PM’s statement to media at Joint Press Briefing with Prime Minister of IrelandYour Excellency, Taoiseach Enda Kenny,Members of the media,It is truly a pleasure to be here in Ireland. Short this visit may be, it is historic.It has taken 59 years for an Indian Prime Minister to visit Ireland.Thank you for your very warm reception and gracious hospitality. Thank youfor your kind words of friendship for India.India and Ireland share much in common. We can compare notes on ourshared colonial history. Our Constitutions have something sacred in common.The Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian Constitution are inspiredby the Irish Constitution.Irish experts gave us institutions like the Geological Survey of India and thefirst Linguistic Survey of India. Today, sports manufacturers in India keepIreland’s passion for rugby going.From the friendship between Rabindranath Tagore and W.B. Yeats to thespiritual contribution of Sister Nivedita in India, the Irish and Indian peoplehave formed strong bonds of affinity.Today, 26,000 Indians constitute a vibrant part of the Irish community. And,the victims of the bombing of the Air India Kanishka aircraft find a restingplace here. In the 30th anniversary year of that tragedy, we thank you onceagain for the memorial that honors them.
In the pain of their unfading memory, we are also reminded of all that binds ustoday – our values and our aspirations and the challenges that we all facetoday.India and Ireland must seek closer partnership and cooperation.India and Ireland are among the fastest growing economies of Asia andEurope.We are pleased that our bilateral trade and investment ties are growing, despiteglobal and regional uncertainties. Our economic partnership can have a strongtechnology focus – information technology, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals,agriculture and clean energy.Greater sensitivity of the European Union to India’s commercial interests andchallenges will help us resume discussions on India-EU Broad-based Tradeand Investment Agreement.India and Ireland are ideally placed to form productive partnerships to takeadvantage of the opportunities in the digital age. I hope that our Joint WorkingGroup on Information Technology will meet soon to chart out the roadmap forcollaboration.I also hope that Ireland’s visa policy will be sensitive to the requirements ofIndia’s Information Technology firms. I also conveyed our interest in concludinga social security agreement, which will be of great help to professionals fromboth countries.I am glad that we will soon have direct air services by airlines of both countries.This will not only promote our business links, but also give a strong boost toour tourism ties that are already growing at 14% per year.Science and technology and education are two other areas, where we have agood history of cooperation, and where we can do much more. Ireland’s ScienceCentre in Karnataka is one example of that cooperation.I was pleased to exchange views on a broad range of international challenges,including terrorism, radicalization and the situation in Europe and Asia. Ourdiscussions underlined the importance of closer cooperation between countrieslike India and Ireland, which share democratic values and are consistentadvocates of international peace and stability.In this context, we discussed the role of the United Nations and its SecurityCouncil in meeting these challenges in the 21st century. India and Ireland havebeen partners in peacekeeping operations.
I thank Ireland for its leadership in sustainable development goals.I sought Ireland’s support for the reforms of the UN Security Council within afixed time frame – in particular, for successful conclusion of inter-governmentalnegotiations in the 70th year of the United Nations. I also sought his supportfor India’s permanent membership of the reformed Security Council.India and Ireland are peace-loving countries. We have both been at theforefront on non-proliferation. We respect Ireland’s strong and principledposition on this issue. India has also been a leading voice on universal nucleardisarmament since Independence. We remain strongly committed to that goal.Our credentials and record on non-proliferation are second to none.Ireland’s support was crucial for India-specific exemption from the NuclearSuppliers Group in 2008. With rapid growth in India’s enormous energydemand, it has opened a big option to pursue a sustainable development path.I have now sought Ireland’s support for India’s membership of the NSG andother international export control regimes. India’s membership will deepen ourbilateral cooperation and strengthen international non-proliferation efforts.Mr. Prime Minister, I leave convinced that India and Ireland must invest moreto realize the vast potential of this relationship. India was the first country withwhich you established diplomatic relations in Asia. We can now be your anchorin Asia. Similarly, for India, I see Ireland as a vital gateway to Europe and abridge across the Atlantic.Thank you once again for your hospitality. It has been a couple of decadessince you last visited India. I look forward to seeing you in India.Thank you. ***AKT/AK
23-September-2015 22:01 IST Text of PM’s address at the Indian Community Reception at Dublin, Irelandआयरलड म बसे सभी भारतीय को नम कार,मझु े सबसे पहले तो आप सबक मा मागं नी है, मा इस लए मागं नी है क मझु े आपको यादा time दने ा चा हए था। बहुत लोग क शकायत है क हम आने के लए admissionनह ं मला, वेश नह ं मला। अ छा होता म जरा यादा समय लेकर आया होता, तो यहां बसेहएु भारतीय को बहुत बड़ी सं या म मल पाता। ले कन म इतना कहगंू ा क यह शभु शु आतह।ै आप म से बहुत लोग ऐसे ह ग,े शायद बहतु कम ऐसे ह ग,े िजनको यह याद होगा क कभीभारत के धानमं ी यहां आएं थ।े य क मझु े बताया गया क कर ब 60 साल के बाद भारतके कोई धानमं ी यहां आए ह। वैसे द ल से यूयॉक तो हर बार जाना पड़ता है और आकाशम तो यह ं से गुजरते ह। तो आप लोग के यार ने मझु े खींच लया, तो ऊपर से म नीचे आगया।आज मेर यहां के धानमं ी के साथ बड़ी व तार से बात हुई ह।ै अब बहुत समय कम था,ले कन meeting बहतु ब ़ढया रह , इतने वषय पर चचा हुई है। कतनी बात पर सहम त कामाहौल है। म समझता हूं क आयरलड के साथ भारत के संबंध और अ धक गहरे होने चा हए।
अनेक वषय के साथ जड़ु े हएु होने चा हए। और 2016 म आयरलड अपनी आजाद क शता दमना रहा है, आजाद के संघष क शता द मना रहा ह।ै भारत भी उसी समय आजाद का सघं षकर रहा था और एक कार से भारत भी आजाद क लड़ाई लड़ता था, आयरलड भी आजाद कलड़ाई लड़ता था और सच म यह हमार साझं ी वरासत है। हम सोच रहे है क यह 2016 का,आयरलड का आजाद का जो सं ाम है, इस शता द म भारत भी भागीदार बन,े भारत भीआयरलड हो।आयरलड और भारत क जो वशषे ताएं ह कछु मू य बहुत कसी न कसी कारण स,े एक-दूसरेसे जड़ु े हएु ह। जसै े भारत म स य के लए जीना-मरना। यह स दय से हम सनु ते आए ह। एकआदश के लए, वचार के लए ब ल चढ़ जाना। खुद को क ट दते े हएु जीवन को समा त करदने ा। यह हम स दय से सनु ते आए ह, ले कन कहते ह 1920 म आयरलड म Hunger Strikeहुआ और यहां के नाग रक ने अपना जीवन सम पत कर दया था। या न values हमारे कतनेमलत-े जलु ते ह गे, इसका अदं ाजा लगा सकते हो आप। मानवता से जड़ु ी हुई इन बात म अपनीएक ताकत ह।ै और हमार को शश यह है उ ह ं चीज को हम बल दे।अब Irish ब चे सं कृ त म मं ो चार कर रहे ह, वागत गान गा रहे ह। और वे रटे-रटाए श दबोल रहे थे, ऐसा मझु े नह ं लगा। कस श द म उनका या भाव था, वो भी अ भ य त हो रहाथा, मतलब उ ह ने इस बात को internalise कर लया था। उनके जो भी श क इस काम कोकरते ह गे, म उनको बधाई दते ा ह।ूं ले कन ये खुशी क बात है आयरलड म तो हम ये करसकते ह, ले कन हंदु तान म कछु ऐसा करते तो पता नह ,ं secularism पर सवा लया नशानखड़ा हो जाता।ले कन इन दन बदलाव आ रहा है। आप दे खए योग, दु नया उसको योगा कहती ह।ै सारदु नया नाक पकड़ने लग गई ह।ै व व के सभी देश ने अतं ररा य योगा दवस मनाया। भारतके ये हजार साल पुराना व ान, आज holistic health care के लए, preventive healthcare के लए, एक बहतु बड़ी वीकाय, वीकृत प त के प म पूरे व व म फलै चकु ा है। औरपहले हमारे यहां क पना या थी, अगर illness नह ं है, तो आप व थ ह, अब ये वचारभारतीय चतं न का नह ं है। illness नह ं, मतलब व थ! ये हमार सोच नह ं है। हम उससे दोकदम आगे wellness क चचा करते ह। हमार क पना wellness थी और यह योगा उसwellness से जड़ु ा हुआ है। सफ रोग से मु त है, इस लए आप व थ है ऐसा नह ं है। तोभारत क मलू बात व व वीकार करने लगा है, ले कन दु नया तब वीकारती है जब भारत मदम हो। अगर भारत म दम नह ं हो, तो दु नया य पूछेगी भाई।
आज पूरे व व म भारत के वकास क चचा हो रह ह।ै 21वीं सद ‘ए शया क सद ’,यह सारदु नया ने मान लया है। ले कन 21वीं सद ‘ए शया क सद ’, फर धीरे-धीरे दखे ते ह, तो उनकोलगता है यार हो सकता है हंदु तान क हो जाए। यह दु नया मानने लगी।एक BRICS concept आया 1980s म Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa, China,BRICS श द popular होगा। ले कन कुछ वष पहले क B, R,C, S इनक तो गाड़ी पटर परह।ै आई (I) जो है वो लुढ़क गया है। ऐसी चचा थी और लोग यहां तक कहते थ,े शायद I (आई)इं डया क जगह, I (आई) इंडोने शया ले लेगा। यह चचा थी। आज World Bank हो IMF होCredit Rating Agencies ह , सब कह रहे ह क BRICS म अगर कोई ताकत वाला है, तो I(आई) ह।ै सार दु नया क rating agencies कह रह है क भारत दु नया के बड़े देश कसबसे तजे ग त से आगे बढ़ने वाल economy है, सबसे तजे , पूर दु नया म।अगर यह सल सला और आगे बढ़ा और यादा नह ं 30 साल, 30 साल अगर हम इस ऊँचाईपर चलते रहे, तो हदं ु तान म गर बी का नामो- नशान नह ं रहेगा। नौजवान को रोजगारमलगे ा, ले कन 30 साल तक इस ग त को बनाए रखना यह बहुत बड़ी चनु ौती है। ले कन यहचनु ौती हम पार कर पाएंगे, य क हम एक ऐसी ताकत के कालखंड म ह, िजसक हमने कभीक पना तक नह ं क ह।ै और वो है 65 तशत जनसं या हदं ु तान क , 35 साल से कम उक ह।ै भारत नौजवान है, भारत नौजवान का है और भारत नौजवान क ताकत पर बनने वालाहै। यह जो साम य मला है, यह next 30 years का सपना पूरा कर सकता है।देश वकास क नई ऊंचाईय को पार कर रहा ह।ै सभी े म दशे को आगे बढ़ाने के लएसफल बनाने के यास हो रहे ह। और व वभर म फैले हएु भारतीय जन भी आज सीना तानकरके , आँख म आखँ मला करके दु नया के साथ भारत क बात करने लगे ह। इससे बड़ा गव या हो सकता ह।ै अब कसी भारतीय को सर झुकाने के दन नह ं ह, सीना तानकर के खड़ेरहने का दन ह।ै और यह बड़ी ताकत होती है, यह बड़ी ताकत होती ह।ैम आप सबको मझु े मलने का मुझे अवसर मला, म आपका बहुत ह , और इस समय म भी य क मेरा काय म बहुत कम समय म बना। इतनी बड़ी सं या म आप लोग आए और मुझेआपके Ambassador कह रहे थे क, इतनी मारामार चल रह है क हम कस को रोके ,कसको लाए,ं यादा समय मला होता तो अ छा होता, ले कन फर भी मने पहले कहा है ऐसेक ये एक शुभ शु आत है, ये र ता और...और नाता जड़ु ता रहगे ा और भारत के धानमं ी कोयहां आने म अब 60 साल नह ं लगग,े ये म व वास दलाता हंू आपको।
बहुत-बहुत ध यवाद। ***अतलु कुमार तवार /अ मत कुमार /मु तक म खान/तारा 23-September-2015 07:11 IST PM’s engagements in Dublin, IrelandThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, visited Ireland on September 23rd,2015, and held bilateral talks with the Prime Minister of Ireland, Mr. EndaKenny.Shri Narendra Modi was received on arrival at Dublin Airport by Mr. LeoVaradkar, the Irish Minister for Health.He was later warmly received by the Prime Minister of Ireland, Mr. EndaKenny, at the Government Buildings in Dublin.
The Prime Minister presented to Mr. Kenny, reproductions of a selection ofmanuscripts and papers pertaining to two Irish officials, Thomas Oldham andSir George Abraham Grierson, in recognition of their contributions in India.The Irish Prime Minister presented to Shri Narendra Modi, an Ireland cricketjersey, and a “hurling” kit. Hurling is one of the major sports in Ireland. ShriModi also signed the visitors’ book at the Irish Prime Minister’s Office.In their opening remarks during the working luncheon, both leaders noted thatan Indian Prime Minister was visiting Ireland after nearly 60 years. Shri Modireferred to the common shared values between the two countries. Hementioned the friendship between Rabindranath Tagore and W.B. Yeats.Shri Narendra Modi made a strong pitch for closer partnership and cooperationbetween the two countries. The two sides exchanged views on a broad range ofinternational challenges, including terrorism, radicalization, and the situationin Europe and Asia. The Prime Minister sought Ireland’s support for thereforms of the UN Security Council within a fixed time frame. He also soughtIreland’s support for India’s membership of the NSG and other internationalexport control regimes.The Prime Minister later interacted with members of the Indian community inIreland. 20 Irish students of the John Scottus school, a local school whichteaches Sanskrit, recited Sanskrit shlokas to welcome the Prime Minister. Inhis remarks, the Prime Minister expressed profound admiration for theteachers of these students, as well as for the students, for the high quality oftheir recitation.The Prime Minister spoke of the vast shared values and common heritagebetween India and Ireland, which, he said, included the struggle for freedom.He said India would be a part of Ireland’s celebrations of the centenary of theirfreedom struggle, in 2016.The Prime Minister talked about the changes happening in India. He said Indiais the fastest growing major economy in the world. Not long ago, he mentioned,the “I” in BRICS (referring to the BRICS countries) was shaky, but today it isthe strongest element of the BRICS.Shri Narendra Modi mentioned how Yoga had been accepted the world over,with the adoption of the International Yoga Day by the United Nations. He saidthe world would pay attention to India, if India is strong. He said that the worldhad acknowledged already that the 21st century would be an Asian century. Headded that for the first time, the possibility was arising that it could also be anIndian century. The Prime Minister said that if current levels of growth couldbe sustained for 30 years, India could eliminate poverty. He said that with 65
percent of India’s population below the age of 35, he believed that the youthfulnation should be able to accomplish this goal. ***AKT/SH 24-September-2015 07:14 IST PM arrives in New York City PM to interact with CEOs on September 24thThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, arrived in New York City on theevening of September 23rd, 2015.The Prime Minister will focus on various investment opportunities in India,during his meetings with CEOs in New York City on September 24th.
He will interact with CEOs from financial sector organizations including JPMorgan and Blackstone, during a roundtable meeting. He will also interactwith top American CEOs at an event organized by Time Magazine and Fortune,in collaboration with the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. TheAmerican companies that will feature during this meeting include LockheedMartin, Ford, IBM, PepsiCo, GE, Boeing and MasterCard, among many others.The Prime Minister will also have a roundtable meeting on media, technologyand communications.The Prime Minister will hold a bilateral meeting with Mr. David A. Granger,President of Guyana. ***AKT/SH 24-September-2015 21:50 IST PM’s roundtable meeting with Financial Sector CEOsThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today chaired a roundtable meetingwith top American CEOs from the financial sector.The CEOs present included Jamie Dimon, Chairman, CEO and President, JPMorgan; Steve Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and Co-founder, Blackstone;Charles Kaye, Co-CEO, Warburg Pincus; Henry Kravis, Co-Chairman and Co-
CEO, KKR; Bill Ford, CEO, General Atlantic; Peter Hancock, President andCEO, AIG insurance; Chase Coleman, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, TigerGlobal; and Vicki Fuller, Chief Investment Officer, NY State CommonRetirement Fund.The CEOs expressed appreciation for the steps taken by the Prime Minister toimprove ease of doing business, and his various initiatives including his pushfor infrastructure development and Digital India. Many CEOs expressed keeninterest in the Indian start-up sector, and showed willingness to invest inentrepreneurial ventures and innovative start-ups. The CEOs mentionedtaxation issues and residual bureaucratic bottlenecks as some of the concernsthat still existed with regard to investment in India.Making a strong pitch for increased investment in various sectors in India, thePrime Minister outlined his vision for “Start-Up India, Stand-Up India.” He saidthat along with the public sector and private sector, he was laying emphasis toindividual start-ups and entrepreneurs – whom he referred to as the “personalsector.” He said start-ups and innovation had been at the heart of the ITrevolution.The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction that all the CEOs at the roundtablehad not only spoken about India’s possibilities, but also voiced their confidencein them. He noted that they had articulated their concerns clearly.The Prime Minister highlighted the economic successes over the last fifteenmonths. He said FDI in India had increased substantially over this period, atrend contrary to what was seen across most of the world, and this showedincreased investor confidence in India.The Prime Minister spoke of the ease of doing business rankings amongstates,that had been done by the World Bank. He said there was now a healthycompetition among states in this area. The Prime Minister spoke of the DirectBenefit Transfer scheme for LPG subsidy, which had emerged as the largestDBT scheme anywhere in the world. The Prime Minister spoke of theliberalization of the FDI regime in sectors such as insurance, railways anddefence.The Prime Minister mentioned some specific sectors where there was greatscope for innovative solutions in India, including insurance products for theagriculture sector and the health sector. He mentioned defence manufacturing,electronic goods manufacturing, renewable energy equipment, railways andmetros, Clean India and Digital India as sectors where immense potentialexisted for investment. He said 50 million new houses by 2022, broadbandconnectivity for 600,000 villages, doubling of railway capacity and 175
Gigawatts of renewable energy generation were some of the concrete targets hisGovernment had set, which created huge investment opportunities. ***AKT/AK 24-September-2015 04:29 IST PM’s roundtable meeting on media, technology and communications – growth story for India
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, today chaired a roundtable meetingwith top American CEOs from the media and entertainment sector.The CEOs present included Rupert Murdoch, Executive Chairman, News Corpand 21stCentury Fox; James Murdoch, CEO, 21st Century Fox; RobertThompson, CEO, News Corp; Uday Shankar, CEO, Star India; David Zaslav,President and CEO, Discovery Communications; Michael Lynton, CEO, SonyEntertainment; Michael Roth, CEO, Interpublic Group of Companies; ShaneSmith, CEO, Vice Media; Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP; Jeff Bewkes, CEO, TimeWarner; Nancy Dubuc, CEO, A&E Networks, Anthony Pratt, Chairman, VisyIndustries; William Duhamel, Route One Investment Company; and JeffUbben, CEO, ValueAct Capital.The CEOs appreciated the Prime Minister for energetic and dynamicleadership, and expressed optimism about the future of India. Specifically, theCEOs were enthusiastic about the digital transformation that is taking place inIndia through the Digital India initiative. They said that the current strongtrajectory of the Indian economy makes it at a unique moment to accelerategrowth in this sector.The CEOs called for speeding up of television digitization, and strengthening ofthe cellular (mobile) infrastructure.The Prime Minister and CEOs observed that the changes in technology andmedia in recent times have led to an enormous democratization of knowledge.The Prime Minister said that the world is now in a technology- driven era,where growth of digital infrastructure is as important as growth of physicalinfrastructure. He suggested to the CEOs that India represents both the biggestopportunity and the biggest challenge for them, and urged them to keepregional languages in mind, as they firm up investment plans for India. Hespoke of his Government’s vision to connect 600,000 villages throughbroadband connectivity. He asked the CEOs to visualize the citizen of the 21stcentury, and think about what values he will represent and what challenges hewill face. He also spoke of the role that digital technology can play in humanresource development. The Prime Minister emphasized that he saw a key rolefor digital technology in further strengthening democracy, and in India’sdevelopment narrative. ***AKT/HS 25-September-2015 08:49 IST
PM’s engagements in New York City – September 24th, 2015 Roundtable on financial sectorThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today chaired a roundtable meetingwith top American CEOs from the financial sector.The CEOs present included Jamie Dimon, Chairman, CEO and President, JPMorgan; Steve Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and Co-founder, Blackstone;Charles Kaye, Co-CEO, Warburg Pincus; Henry Kravis, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, KKR; Bill Ford, CEO, General Atlantic; Peter Hancock, President andCEO, AIG insurance; Chase Coleman, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, TigerGlobal; and Vicki Fuller, Chief Investment Officer, NY State CommonRetirement Fund.The CEOs expressed appreciation for the steps taken by the Prime Minister toimprove ease of doing business, and his various initiatives including his pushfor infrastructure development and Digital India. Many CEOs expressed keeninterest in the Indian start-up sector, and showed willingness to invest inentrepreneurial ventures and innovative start-ups. The CEOs mentionedtaxation issues and residual bureaucratic bottlenecks as some of the concernsthat still existed with regard to investment in India.Making a strong pitch for increased investment in various sectors in India, thePrime Minister outlined his vision for “Start-Up India, Stand-Up India.” He saidthat along with the public sector and private sector, he was laying emphasis toindividual start-ups and entrepreneurs – whom he referred to as the “personalsector.” He said start-ups and innovation had been at the heart of the ITrevolution.The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction that all the CEOs at the roundtablehad not only spoken about India’s possibilities, but also voiced their confidencein them. He noted that they had articulated their concerns clearly.The Prime Minister highlighted the economic successes over the last fifteenmonths. He said FDI in India had increased substantially over this period, atrend contrary to what was seen across most of the world, and this showedincreased investor confidence in India.Roundtable on media, technology and communications- growth story forIndiaThe Prime Minister chaired a roundtable meeting with top American CEOs fromthe media and entertainment sector.The CEOs present included Rupert Murdoch, Executive Chairman, News Corp
and 21stCentury Fox; James Murdoch, CEO, 21st Century Fox; RobertThompson, CEO, News Corp; Uday Shankar, CEO, Star India; David Zaslav,President and CEO, Discovery Communications; Michael Lynton, CEO, SonyEntertainment; Michael Roth, CEO, Interpublic Group of Companies; ShaneSmith, CEO, Vice Media; Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP; Jeff Bewkes, CEO, TimeWarner; Nancy Dubuc, CEO, A&E Networks, Anthony Pratt, Chairman, VisyIndustries; William Duhamel, Route One Investment Company; and JeffUbben, CEO, ValueAct Capital.The CEOs appreciated the Prime Minister for energetic and dynamicleadership, and expressed optimism about the future of India. Specifically, theCEOs were enthusiastic about the digital transformation that is taking place inIndia through the Digital India initiative. They said that the current strongtrajectory of the Indian economy makes it at a unique moment to accelerategrowth in this sector.The CEOs called for speeding up of television digitization, and strengthening ofthe cellular (mobile) infrastructure.The Prime Minister and CEOs observed that the changes in technology andmedia in recent times have led to an enormous democratization of knowledge.The Prime Minister said that the world is now in a technology- driven era,where growth of digital infrastructure is as important as growth of physicalinfrastructure. He suggested to the CEOs that India represents both the biggestopportunity and the biggest challenge for them, and urged them to keepregional languages in mind, as they firm up investment plans for India. Hespoke of his Government’s vision to connect 600,000 villages throughbroadband connectivity. He asked the CEOs to visualize the citizen of the 21stcentury, and think about what values he will represent and what challenges hewill face. He also spoke of the role that digital technology can play in humanresource development. The Prime Minister emphasized that he saw a key rolefor digital technology in further strengthening democracy, and in India’sdevelopment narrative.Bilateral MeetingsThe Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Ms. Sheikh Hasina.Both leaders reviewed the progress of the bilateral relationship since their lastmeeting. They expressed happiness at the progress of implementation of theLand Boundary Agreement. Discussions also focused on connectivity andinfrastructure, sustainable development goals, and reform of the UN SecurityCouncil and other institutions of global governance.The Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and theGrenadines, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves. He thanked Dr. Gonsalves for the supportextended by Saint Vincent and the Grenadines towards UNSC reform.
The Prime Minister met the President of Guyana, Mr. David Granger. ThePresident was appreciative of Indian support for capacity building in the ITsector in Guyana.Meeting with Mr. Michael BloombergDuring his meeting with Mr. Michael Bloomberg, the Prime Ministerappreciated his support in the Smart City initiative.Interaction with CEOsThe Prime Minister interacted with 42 American CEOs from the manufacturingand infrastructure sectors. The CEOs were appreciative of the Prime Minister’sdevelopment vision of economic development, and the progress made over thelast 15 months.The Prime Minister highlighted his commitment for predictable, transparentand accountable governance. The CEOs expressed support for the Make inIndia, Skill India and Smart Cities initiatives. ***AKT/MV
25-September-2015 18:42 ISTPM to address UN Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, hold bilateral meetings in New York CityThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, will deliver his address today –September 25, 2015 - at the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015development agenda.The Prime Minister will meet UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon at theUnited Nations.The Prime Minister will meet Mr. Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank.In the course of the day, the Prime Minister will hold several important bilateralmeetings, including with the King of Jordan, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, thePresident of Sri Lanka, the Prime Minister of Sweden, the President of Egypt,the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia, and the President of Cyprus. ***AKT/AK
25-September-2015 23:12 IST Text of PM’s statement at the United Nations Summit for the adoption of Post-2015 Development Agendaमाननीय,आधु नक महानायक महा मा गांधी ने कहा - ‘हम उस भावी व व के लए भी चतं ा कर िजसेहम नह ं दखे पाएंगे।‘जब-जब व व ने एक साथ आकर भ व य के त अपने दा य व को नभाया है मानवता केवकास को सह दशा और एक नया संबल मला ह।ैस तर साल पहले जब एक भयानक व व यु का अतं हआु था। तब इस संघठन के प मएक नयी आशा ने ज म लया था। आज हम फर मानवता क नई दशा तय करने के लएयहाँ एक त हुए ह। म इस मह वपूण शखर स मलने के आयोजन के लए महास चव महोदयको दय से बधाई दते ा हँू।Agenda– 2030 का वज़न मह वाकां ी है और उ े य उतने ह यापक ह। यह उन सम याओंको ाथ मकता दते ा है, जो पछले कई दशक से चल रह ह। साथ ह साथ यह सामािजक,आ थक और पयावरण के वषय म हमार प रप व होती हईु सोच को भी दशाता ह।ैयह ख़ुशी क बात है क हम सब गर बी से मु त व व का सपना दखे रहे है। हमारे नधा रतल य म गर बी उ मलू न सब से ऊपर है। आज दु नया म 1.3 billion लोग गर बी क दयनीयिजदं गी जीने के लए मजबूर ह।ैहमारे सामने न केवल यह नह ं है क गर बो क आव यकताओं को कसै े पूरा कया जाय।ेऔर न ह यह केवल गर बो के अि त व और स मान तक ह सी मत न ह।ै साथ ह यह
हमार नै तक िज मेदार मा है ऐसा मानने का भी न नह ं है। अगर हम सब का साझासकं प है क –- व व शां तपणू हो- यव था यायपूण हो- और वकास sustainable होतो गर बी के रहते यह कभी भी स भव नह ं होगा। इस लए गर बी को मटाना यह हम सब काप व दा य व है।भारत के महान वचारक पं डत द नदयाल उपा याय के वचारो का क अ योदय रहा है। UNके एजडा 2030 म भी अ योदय क महक आती ह।ै भारत द नदयाल जी के ज मसती वष कोमनाने क तयै ार कर रहा है, तब यह नि चत ह एक सुखद संयोग ह।ैभारत environmental goals के अतं गत climate change और sustainableconsumption को दए गये मह व का वागत करता ह। आज व व Island States क चंताकर रहा है और ऐसे रा के भ व य पर यान क त करता है, यह वागत यो य ह।ै औरइनके ecosystem पर अलग से ल य नधारण, म उसे एक अहम कदम मानता ह।ँूम Blue Revolution का प धर हूं, िजसम हमारे छोटे- छोटे Islands रा क र ा एवमसमृ , सामु क सपं ि त का नयो चत उपयोग और नीला आसमान, ये तीनो बात स म लत ह।ैहम भारत के लोग को लए ये सतं ोष का वषय है क भारत ने वकास का जो माग चनु ा है,उसके और UN वारा ता वत Sustainable Development Goals के बीच बहुत सारसमानताएं ह। भारत आजाद हुआ तब से गर बी से मिु त पाने का सपना हम सबने संजोया ह।ैहमने गर ब को सश त बनाकर गर बी को परािजत करने का माग चनु ा ह।ै श ा एवं SkillDevelopment, यह हमार ाथ मकता ह।ै गर ब को श ा मले और उसके हाथ म हुनर हो,यह हमारा यास है।हमने नधा रत समय सीमा म Financial Inclusion पर mission-mode म काम कया है।180 million नए बक खाते खोले गए। यह गर ब का सबसे बड़ा empowerment है। गर बको मलने वाले लाभ सीधे खाते म पहुंच रहे ह।ै गर ब को बीमा योजनाओं का सीधे लाभ मल,ेइसक मह वाकां ी योजना आगे बढ़ रह है।भारत म बहुत कम लोग के पास पशन सु वधा है। गर ब तक पशन क सु वधा पहचुं े इस लए
पशन योजनाओ के व तार का काम कया है। आज गर ब से गर ब यि त म गर बी केखलाफ लड़ाई लड़ने क उमंग जगी है। नाग रक के मन म सपने सच होने का व वास पैदाहआु ह।ैव व म आ थक वकास क चचा दो ह sector तक सी मत रह है। या तो Public sector कचचा होती है या Private sector क चचा होती है। हमने एक नए sector पर यान क तकया है और वह है personal sector. Public sector, Private sector और Personalsector. भारत के लए Personal sector का मतलब है क individual enterprise, िजसमmicro finance हो, innovation हो, start-up क तरह नया movement हो।सबके लए आवास, बजल , पानी, श ा, वा थ और व छता हमार ाथ मकता ह। ये सभीएक ग रमामय जीवन के लए अ नवाय ह। इन ल य को ा त करने के लए एक ठोस योजनाऔर एक नि चत समय सीमा तय क गई ह।ै म हला सशि तकरण हमारे वकास काय म काएक मह वपूण अगं ह।ै िजसमे हमने ‘बेट बचाओ – बेट पढाओ’ इसे घर घर का मं बना दयाह।ैहम अपने खते को अ धक उपजाऊ तथा बाजार से अ छ तरह से जड़ु ा हुआ बना रहे ह। साथह ाकृ तक अ नि चतताओं के चलते कसान के जो खम को कम करने के लए अनेक कदमउठाये जा रहे ह।हम manufacturing को revive कर रहे ह, service sector म सधु ार कर रहे ह।Infrastructure के े म हम अभतू पवू तर पर नवेश कर रहे ह और अपने शहर कोsmart, sustainable तथा जीवंत development centers के प म वक सत कर रहे ह।स क ओर जाने का हमारा माग sustainable हो, इसके लए हम क टब ह।ै इसक टब ता का मूल नि चत प से हमार पर परा और सं कृ त से जड़ु े होना है। ले कन साथह यह भ व य के त हमार तब ता को भी दखाती ह।ैमै उस सं कृ त का त न ध व करता हूँ जहां धरती को माँ कहते है और मानते ह। वेद उदघोषकरते है - \"माता भू म: पु ो अहं पृ थ या\" ये धरती हमार माता है और हम इसके पु ह।ैहमार योजनाएं मह वाकां ी और उ े यपूण ह, जसै े :
• अगले 7 वष म 175 गीगावॉट (GW) renewable energy क मता का वकास• Energy effeciency पर बल• बहतु बड़ी मा म वृ ारोपण का काय म• कोयले पर वशषे टै स• प रवहन यव था म सुधार,• शहर और न दय क सफाई।• Waste to wealth क movementमानवता के छठे ह से का sustainable development सम त व व के लए तथा हमारसंदु र वसुंधरा के लए अ यंत मह वपूण ह।ैनि चत प से यह दु नया कम चनु ौ तय और यापक उ मीद वाल दु नया होगी। जो अपनीसफलता को लेकर अ धक आ व त होगी।हम अपनी सफलता और resources दूसरो के साथ बांटग।े भारतीय पर परा म पूरे व व कोएक प रवार के प म देखा जाता ह।ै \"उदारच रतानाम तु वसुधवै कुटुंबकम \" उदार बु वाल के लए तो स पूण संसार एक प रवार होता है, कटु ुंब हैआज भारत, ए शया तथा अ का और शातं महासागर से अटलां टक महासागर म ि थत छोटेछोटे Island States के साथ development partner के प म अपने दा य व का नवहनकर रहा ह।ैSustainable development सभी देश के लए रा य उ तरदा य व का वषय है। साथ हउ ह नी त नधारण के लए वक प क आव यकता होती है।आज हम यहाँ सयं ु त रा म इस लए ह, य क हम सभी यह मानते ह क अतं ररा य
साझेदार अ नवाय प से हमारे सभी यास के क म होनी चा हए। फर चाहे यहdevelopment हो या climate change क चनु ौती हो।हमारे सामू हक यास का स ातं है – common but differentiated responsibilities.अगर हम climate change क चतं ा करते है तो कह न कह हमारे नजी सुख को सरु तकरने क बू आती ह।ै ले कन य द हम climate justice क बात करते है तो गर बो को ाक तक आपदाओ म सरु त रखने का एक सवं ेदनशील संक प उभर कर आता है।Climate change क चनु ौती से नपटने म उन समाधान पर बल दने े क आव यकता हैिजनसे हम अपने उ े य को ा त करने म सफल हो सक। हम एक वैि वक जन-भागीदार कानमाण करना होगा। िजसके बल पर technology, innovation और finance का उपयोगकरते हुए हम clean और renewable energy को सव सलु भ बना सक। नभरताहम अपनी जीवनशैल म भी बदलाव करने क आव यकता है, ता क ऊजा पर हमारकम हो और हम sustainable consumption क ओर बढ़।ेसाथ ह एक Global Education Programme शु करने क आव यकता है। जो हमारअगल पीढ़ को कृ त के र ण एवं सवं धन के लए तयै ार कर।ेम आशा करता हूँ क वक सत देश development और climate change के लए अपनीव तीय तब ताओं को पूरा करगे, without in anyway putting both under the samehead.म यह भी आशा करता हूँ क technology facilitation mechanism, technology औरinnovation को व व के क याण का मा यम बनाने म सफल होगा। यह मा नजी लाभ तकसी मत नह ं रह जायगे।जसै ा क हम दखे रहे ह, दूर के कारण चनु ौ तय से छटु कारा नह ं है। सुदरू दशे म चल रहेसघं ष और अभाव क छाया से भी वे उठ खड़ी हो सकती ह। समूचा व व एक दसु रे से जड़ु ा है,एक दसु रे पर नभर है और एक दसु रे से स बं धत ह।ै इस लए हमार अतं ररा य साझं ेदा रओंको भी पूर मानवता के क याण को अपने क म रखना होगा।सरु ा प रषद समते संयु त रा म भी सुधार अ नवाय है। ता क इसक व वसनीयता तथा
औ च य बना रहा सके। साथ ह यापक त न ध व के वारा हम अपने उ े य क ाि तअ धक भावी प से कर सकगे।हम एक ऐसे व व का नमाण कर जहां येक जीव मा सुर त महससू करे, उसे अवसरउपल ध ह और स मान मल।े हम अपनी भावी पीढ़ के लए अपने पयावरण को और भीबेहतर ि थ त म छोड़ कर जाएँ। नि चत प से इससे अ धक महान कोई और उ े य नह ं होसकता। पर तु यह भी सच है क कोई भी उ े य इससे अ धक चनु ौतीपणू भी नह ं है।आज 70 वष क आयु के संयु त रा म हम सब से अपे ा है क हम अपने ववके , अनुभव,उदारता, स दयता, कौशल एवं तकनीक के मा यम से इस चनु ौती पर वजय ा त कर।मुझे ढ व वास है क हम ऐसा कर सकग।ेअतं म मै सबके क याण क मगं ल कामना करता हूँ – सव भव तु सु खनः सव स तु नरामयाः। सव भ ा ण प य त:ु मा कि च ःु खभा भवेत ।् । सभी सखु ी ह , सभी नरोगी ह , सभी क याणकार देखे , कसी को भी कसी कार का द:ु ख न हो।इसी मगं ल कामना के साथ आप सब का बहुत बहुत ध यवाद! ***AKT/AK
25-September-2015 04:47 IST PM’s engagements in New York City – September 25th, 2015 (Pre-Lunch) PM addresses United Nations Summit for the adoption of Post-2015 Development Agenda PM outlines his Government’s development initiatives; emphasizes the importance of ‘Climate Justice’ PM meets UN Secretary General and World Bank President PM meets King of Jordan, President of Egypt, Prime Minister of Saint LuciaThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today delivered his statement at theUnited Nations Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 DevelopmentAgenda.
The Prime Minister outlined his Government’s development initiatives,including in the areas of financial inclusion, individual enterprise andrenewable energy. He said the concept of “climate justice” enables us to displayour resolve to protect the poor from natural disasters.The Prime Minister met the President of the World Bank, Mr. Jim Yong Kim,who praised the Prime Minister’s initiative of Swachh Bharat, and said thePrime Minister’s leadership has led to a positive change in the way the worldsees India. The Prime Minister spoke of his Government’s commitments in theareas of renewable energy, Ganga cleaning and construction of toilets. Thegovernance structure of the World Bank came up for discussion, with thePrime Minister saying that India should have adequate representation there.The Prime Minister met UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. UN peacekeepingoperations and reform of the United Nations Security Council came up fordiscussion. On the subject of climate change, the Prime Minister said there iscurrently a trust deficit between developed and developing countries. He alsosaid focus should be on positive goals, and not just on reducing emissions.The Prime Minister met King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, King of the HashemiteKingdom of Jordan. The danger posed by ISIS and the issue of terrorism cameup for discussion. The Prime Minister said a global response is required on theissue of terrorism.The Prime Minister met the President of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.Counter-terrorism and counter-radicalization measures came up fordiscussion.The Prime Minister also met Mr. Kenny Davis Anthony, Prime Minister of SaintLucia. ***AKT/HS
25-September-2015 18:21 IST English rendering of the text of PM’s statement at the United Nations Summit for the adoption of Post-2015 Development AgendaExcellencies,Mahatma Gandhi had once said, \"One must care about the world one will notsee”. Indeed, humanity has progressed when it has collectively risen to itsobligation to the world and responsibility to the future.Seventy years after the end of a tragic war and birth of a new hope for our age,we are meeting to chart a course for our humanity and our planet. I considerthis a very important summit and thank UN Secretary General for organizingit.
Just as our vision behind the Agenda 2030 is lofty, our goals arecomprehensive. It gives priority to the problems that have endured through thepast decades. And, it reflects our evolving understanding of the social,economic and environmental linkages that define our lives.We live in an age of unprecedented prosperity, but also unspeakabledeprivation around the world.I am pleased that elimination of poverty in all forms everywhere is at the top ofour goals. Addressing the needs of 1.3 billion poor people in the world is notmerely a question of their survival and dignity or our moral responsibility. It isa vital necessity for ensuring peaceful, sustainable and just world.A great Indian thinker, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay, placed the welfare of thepoorest at the centre of his thoughts. This is what we also see in the 2030Agenda. It is a happy coincidence that we are beginning the celebration ofPandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay’s 100th anniversary today.The goals recognize that economic growth, industrialization, infrastructure,and access to energy provide the foundations of development.We welcome the prominence given to environmental goals, especially climatechange and sustainable consumption. The distinct goal on ocean ecosystemreflects the unique character of its challenges and opportunities. Equallyimportant, it focuses our attention on the future of the island states.I speak about Blue Revolution, which includes the prosperity, sustainable useof marine wealth and blue skies.Today, much of India’s development agenda is mirrored in the SustainableDevelopment Goals.Since Independence, we have pursued the dream of eliminating poverty fromIndia. We have chosen the path of removing poverty by empowering the poor.We have placed priority on education and skill development.Our attack on poverty today includes expanded conventional schemes ofdevelopment, but we have also launched a new era of inclusion andempowerment, turning distant dreams into immediate possibilities: new bankaccounts for 180 million; direct transfer of benefits; funds to the unbanked;insurance within the reach of all; and, pension for everyone's sunset years.The world speaks of private sector and public sector. In India, we have defineda new personal sector of individual enterprise, micro enterprises and microfinance, drawing also on the strength of digital and mobile applications.
We are focusing on the basics: housing, power, water and sanitation for all –important not just for welfare, but also human dignity. These are goals with adefinite date, not just a mirage of hope. Our development is intrinsically linkedto empowerment of women and it begins with a massive programme oneducating the girl child that has become every family’s mission.We are making our farms more productive and better connected to markets;and, farmers less vulnerable to the whims of nature.We are reviving our manufacturing, improving our services sector, investing onan unprecedented scale in infrastructure; and, making our cities smart,sustainable and engines of progress.We are committed to a sustainable path to prosperity. It comes from thenatural instinct of our tradition and culture. But, it is also rooted firmly in ourcommitment to the future.We represent a culture that calls our planet Mother Earth. As our ancient textsay: \"Keep pure! For the Earth is our mother! And we are her children!\"Our national plans are ambitious and purposeful: new capacity of 175 GW ofrenewable energy over the next seven years; energy efficiency; a tax on coal; ahuge afforestation programme; reforming our transportation; and, cleaning upour cities and rivers. The energy intensity of our growth will continue todecline.Sustainable development of one-sixth of humanity will be of great consequenceto the world and our beautiful planet. It will be a world of fewer challenges andgreater hope; and, more confident of its success.Our success will give us more resources to share with our friends. As India’sancient saying goes, the wise look at the world as one family.Today, India is fulfilling its responsibilities as development partners in Asia andAfrica and with small island states from the Pacific to the Atlantic.Nations have a national responsibility for sustainable development. They alsoneed policy space.However, we are here today in the United Nations because we all believe thatinternational partnership must be at the centre of our efforts, whether it isdevelopment or combating climate change.
And, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities is the bedrockof our collective enterprise.When we speak only of climate change, there is a perception of our desire tosecure the comforts of our lifestyle. When we speak of climate justice, wedemonstrate our sensitivity and resolve to secure the future of the poor fromthe perils of natural disasters.In addressing climate change, it is important to focus on solutions that canhelp us reach our goals. We should forge a global public partnership to harnesstechnology, innovation and finance to put affordable clean and renewableenergy within the reach of all.Equally, we must look for changes in our lifestyles that would make us lessdependent on energy and more sustainable in our consumption.It is equally critical to launch a global education programme that prepares ournext generation to protect and conserve Nature.I hope that the Developed World will fulfil its financing commitments fordevelopment and climate change, without in any way putting both under thesame head!I also hope that the Technology Facilitation Mechanism will turn technologyand innovation into an effective instrument for global public good, not justprivate returns.As we see now, distance is no insulation from challenges. And, they can risefrom the shadows of conflict and privations from distant lands.So, we must transform international partnerships on the strength of solidaritywith fellow human beings and also our enlightened self-interest.And, we must also reform the United Nations, including its Security Council, sothat it carries greater credibility and legitimacy and will be more representativeand effective in achieving our goals.There is no cause greater than shaping a world, in which every life that entersit can look to a future of security, opportunity and dignity; and, where we leaveour environment in better shape for the next generation. And, no cause that ismore challenging.At 70, we are called to rise to that challenge, with our wisdom, experience,generosity, compassion, skills and technology. I am confident that we can.
In the end, let me express my hope for everyone’s well with a few lines from ourancient texts:May all be happy, may all be healthy, may all see welfare, may no onehave any sorrow.Thank you. ***AKT/AK 26-September-2015 07:45 IST
PM meets leaders of Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Cyprus in New York CityThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today (25th September 2015) met thePrime Minister of Bhutan Mr. Tshering Tobgay in New York City. Mr. Tobgaycongratulated the Prime Minister on what he described as a “visionary”statement at the United Nations Summit for the adoption of Post-2015Development Agenda. The Prime Minister expressed appreciation for theprogress being made on hydro-electric projects in Bhutan. Mr. Tobgayreiterated Bhutan’s support for India’s permanent membership of the UnitedNations Security Council.The Prime Minister met the President of Sri Lanka, Mr. Maithripala Sirisena.He complimented the Sri Lankan President for the two elections that weresuccessfully conducted in Sri Lanka this year, saying that this showed thedeep-rooted democratic traditions of that country. The reconciliation processand Indian investment in various projects in Sri Lanka also came up fordiscussion.The Prime Minister met the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr. Stefan Lofven.Satisfaction was expressed at the recent substantive and fruitful visit ofPresident Pranab Mukherjee to Sweden. India invited Sweden to participate invarious initiatives including Make in India.The Prime Minister met the President of Cyprus, Mr. Nicos Anastasiades. ThePrime Minister noted the long-standing relationship with Cyprus, and saidthough the two countries were physically far apart, they were emotionally closeto each other. The Cyprus President described India as one of the strongestfriends of Cyprus. ***AKT/MV
26-September-2015 08:26 IST PM to attend G-4 summit in New York City PM to arrive in San Jose, visit Tesla Motors, deliver an address at the Digital India and Digital Technology DinnerThe Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, will attend the G-4 summit in NewYork City on September 26, 2015. The G-4 grouping comprises Brazil,Germany and Japan, besides India. The summit will focus on reform of the UNSecurity Council.The Prime Minister will then travel to San Jose, California. He will visit TeslaMotors and will meet top officials of IT companies, including Tim Cook (AppleInc.), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Sundar Pichai (Google) and Shantanu Narayen(Adobe).The Prime Minister will deliver an address at the Digital India and DigitalTechnology Dinner. ***AKT/MV
26-September-2015 19:28 IST Text of PM’s opening remarks at the G4 Summit at New YorkYour Excellency President Dilma Rousseff,Your Excellency Chancellor Angela Merkel,Your Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,Distinguished delegation members,I am delighted to welcome you all. Thank you for attending this meeting earlyon a Saturday morning. I want to especially thank Prime Minister Abe, who hasjust arrived in New York.The subject of reforms in the United Nations Security Council has been thefocus of global attention for decades – unfortunately, without progress so far.Our Group of four countries, G-4, came together in 2004, bound by our sharedcommitment to global peace and prosperity, our faith in multilateralism andour willingness to assume our global responsibilities that the world expectsfrom us.I am delighted that we are meeting again as Heads of Government after tenyears.As I had reflected in my letter on the 70th anniversary of the United Nations,we live in a fundamentally different world from the time the UN was born. Thenumber of Member States has grown four-fold. Threats to peace and securityhave become more complex, unpredictable and undefined. In many ways, ourlives are becoming globalized, but fault-lines around our identities aregrowing.We live in a digital age. The global economy is changed, with new engines ofgrowth, more widely dispersed economic power and widening wealth gap.Trends in demography, urbanization and migrations are posing newchallenges. Climate change and terrorism are new concerns. Cyber and Spaceare entirely new frontiers of opportunities and challenges.Yet, our institutions, approaches, and often mindsets, reflect the wisdom of thecentury we have left behind, not the century we live in. This is especially true ofthe United Nations Security Council.
The reform of the Security Council within a fixed time frame has become anurgent and important task. The Security Council must include the world'slargest democracies, major locomotives of the globaleconomy, and voices from all the major continents. It will carry greatercredibility and legitimacy and will be more representative and effective inaddressing the challenges of the 21st century.After decades, we finally see some movement. The 69th Session of the GeneralAssembly has taken a significant step forward to commence text-basednegotiations. This would not have been possible but for the dynamic leadershipof H.E. Mr. Sam Kutesa and Ambassador Courtney Rattray.However, this is just the first step. We should aim to take this process to itslogical conclusion during the 70th session. I am confident that our meetingtoday will give a big impetus to our efforts in this direction. ***AKT/AK
26-September-2015 19:30 IST Joint Press Statement at the Meeting of Leaders of the G-4 countries- Brazil, Germany, India and Japan - on United Nations Security Council ReformOn 26 September 2015, H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India,invited H.E. Ms. Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, H.E. Ms. Angela Merkel,Chancellor of Germany and H.E. Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, for aG-4 meeting in New York.The G-4 leaders stressed that a more representative, legitimate and effectiveSecurity Council is needed more than ever to address the global conflicts andcrises, which had spiralled in recent years. They shared the view that this canbe achieved by reflecting the realities of the international community in the21st century, where more Member States have the capacity and willingness totake on major responsibilities with regard to maintenance of internationalpeace and security.In this context, the leaders noted with concern that no substantial progresshad been made since the 2005 World Summit where all the Heads of State andGovernment had unanimously supported the \"early reform” of the SecurityCouncil as an essential element of the overall effort to reform the UnitedNations. They strongly emphasized that the process underway in the UN tobring about the reform of the Security Council should be conducted, given itsurgency, in a fixed time frame.The leaders paid tribute to the dynamic leadership of the President of the 69thGeneral Assembly and the efforts of the Chair of the Inter-GovernmentalNegotiations (IGN) in moving the IGN process towards text-based negotiations.They welcomed the adoption by consensus of the General Assembly Decision69/560 to use the text presented by the President of the 69th GeneralAssembly in his letter dated 31 July 2015 as the basis for negotiations withinthe IGN. They also pledged to support and cooperate with the President of the70th General Assembly.
The leaders also noted with appreciation the efforts of Member States inmoving towards text-based negotiations. They welcomed, in particular, theefforts undertaken by the Member States of the African Group, CARICOM andthe L.69 Group. They supported Africa’s representation in both the permanentand non-permanent membership in the Security Council. They also noted theimportance of adequate and continuing representation of small and mediumsized Member States, including the Small Island Developing States, in anexpanded and reformed Council.The leaders emphasized that the G-4 countries are legitimate candidates forpermanent membership in an expanded and reformed Council and supportedeach other’s candidature. They also reaffirmed their resolve to continuecontributing to the fulfillment of the purposes and principles of the UNCharter. They pledged to work together with all Member States and toaccelerate outreach towards achieving an early and meaningful reform of theSecurity Council. They expressed determination to redouble their effortstowards securing concrete outcomes during the 70th session of the GeneralAssembly. ***AKT/AK
26-September-2015 09:14 IST Text of Speech by Prime Minister At the Digital India Dinner 26 September 2015, San Jose, CaliforniaThank you, Shantanu, John, Satya, Paul, Sunder, and VenkateshA big thank you!I am sure this was not pre-arranged. But, here on stage you see a perfectpicture of India-U.S. partnership in the digital economy.Good Evening, everyone!If there was ever a gathering under one roof that could claim to be shaping theworld, it is this. And, I am not talking about those in public office, here or inIndia! It’s a great pleasure to be here in California. It is one of the last places inthe world to see the sun set. But, it is here that new ideas see the first light ofthe day.It’s a great honour that you have joined us tonight. I have met many of you inDelhi and New York, and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.These are the new neighborhoods of our new world.If Facebook were a country, it would be the third most populous one and themost connected.
Google today has made teachers less awe-inspiring and grandparents moreidle. Twitter has turned everyone into a reporter. The traffic lights that need towork the best are on CISCO routers.The status that now matters is not whether you are awake or asleep, butwhether you are online or offline. The most fundamental debate for our youthis the choice between Android, iOS or Windows.From computing to communication, entertainment to education, from printingdocuments to printing products, and, now to internet of things, it's been a longjourney in a short time.From cleaner energy to better healthcare and safer transport, everything isconverging around the work you do.In Africa, it's helping people transfer money on phone. It has made reachingsmall island states no longer a journey of adventure, but a convenient click of amouse.In India, a mother in a distant hill village has a better chance to save her newborn infant. A child in a remote village has better access to education.A small farmer is more confident about his land holding and getting bettermarket price. A fisherman on the sea has a better catch. And, a youngprofessional in San Francisco can Skype daily to comfort her sick grandmotherin India.An initiative by a father in Haryana for \"Selfie with daughter\" to draw attentionto the girl child became an international movement.All this is because of the work you people are doing. Since my governmentcame to office last year, we have attacked poverty by using the power ofnetworks and mobile phones to launch a new era of empowerment andinclusion: 180 million new bank accounts in a few months; direct transfer ofbenefits to the poor; funds for the unbanked; insurance within the reach of thepoorest; and, pension for the sunset years for all.By using Space technology and internet, we have been able to identify in thelast few months 170 applications that will make governance better anddevelopment faster.When a small craftsman in a village in India brings a smile to a customerlooking at his phone on a metro ride in New York; When a heart patient in aremote hospital in Kyrgyz Republic is treated by doctors sitting in Delhi, as I
saw in Bishkek, we know we are creating something that has fundamentallychanged our lives.The pace at which people are taking to digital technology defies our stereotypesof age, education, language and income. I like recounting my meeting with agroup of unlettered tribal women in a remote part of Gujarat. They werepresent at a local milk chilling plant I was inaugurating. They were using cellphones to take photographs of the event. I asked them what they would do withthe images. The answer was a surprise for me.They said,they would go back, have the images downloaded on to a computerand take printouts. Yes, they were familiar with the language of our digitalworld.And, farmers in Maharashtra State have created a Whatsapp group to shareinformation on farming practices.Customers, more than creators, are defining the use of a product. The worldmay be driven by the same ancient impulses. We will continue to see humanstruggles and successes. We will witness human glory and tragedies.But, in this digital age, we have an opportunity to transform lives of people inways that was hard to imagine just a couple of decades ago.This is what sets us apart from the century that we have just left behind. Theremay be still some who see the digital economy as the tool of the rich, educatedand the privileged. But, ask the taxi driver or the corner vendor in India whathe has gained from his cell phone, and the debate gets settled. I see technologyas a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distance between hopeand opportunity. Social media is reducing social barriers. It connects people onthe strength of human values, not identities.Today, technology is advancing citizen empowerment and democracy that oncedrew their strength from Constitutions. Technology is forcing governments todeal with massive volume of data and generate responses, not in 24 hours butin 24 minutes.When you think of the exponential speed and scale of expansion of socialmedia or a service, you have to believe that it is equally possible to rapidlytransform the lives of those who have long stood on the margins of hope. So,friends out of this conviction was born the vision of Digital India.It is an enterprise for India's transformation on a scale that is, perhaps,unmatched in human history. Not just to touch the lives of the weakest,farthest and the poorest citizen of India, but change the way our nation will liveand work.
For nothing else will do in a country with 800 million youth under the age of 35years, impatient for change and eager to achieve it.We will transform governance, making it more transparent, accountable,accessible and participative. I spoke of E-Governance as a foundation of bettergovernance – efficient, economical and effective.I now speak of M-Governance or mobile governance. That is the way to go in acountry with one billion cell phones and use of smart phones growing at highdouble digit rates. It has the potential to make development a truly inclusiveand comprehensive mass movement. It puts governance within everyone'sreach.After, I have just launched the Narendra Modi Mobile App. They arehelping me stay in close touch with people. I learn a great deal from theirsuggestions and complaints.We want to free our citizens from the burden of excessive paper documents inevery office. We want paperless transactions. We will set up a digital locker forevery citizen to store personal documents that can be shared acrossdepartments.We have set up Ebiz portal to make approvals for businesses and citizens easyand efficient so that they concentrate their energy on their goals, not ongovernment processes.We are using technology to impart scale and speed to development.Information, education, skills, healthcare, livelihood, financial inclusion, smalland village enterprises, opportunities for women, conservation of naturalresources, distributed clean energy – entirely new possibilities have emerged tochange the development model.But for all this, we must bridge the digital divide and promote digital literacy inthe same way that we seek to ensure general literacy.We must ensure that technology is accessible, affordable, and adds value.We want our 1.25 billion citizens to be digitally connected. We already havebroadband usage across India go up by 63% last year. We need to acceleratethis further.We have launched an aggressive expansion of the National Optical FibreNetwork that will take broadband to our 600,000 villages. We will connect allschools and colleges with broadband. Building I-ways are as important as
highways.We are expanding our public Wi-Fi hotspots. For example, we want to ensurethat free Wi Fi is not only there in airport lounges, but also on our railwayplatforms. Teaming up with Google, we will cover 500 railway stations in ashort time.We are also setting up Common Service Centres in villages and towns. We willalso use information technology to build smart cities.And, we want to turn our villages into smart economic hubs and connect ourfarmers better to markets and makes them less vulnerable to the whims ofweather.For me, access also means that content should be in local languages. In acountry with 22 official languages, it is a formidable, but an important task.Affordability of products and services is critical for our success. There aremany dimensions to this. We will promote manufacture of quality andaffordable products in India. That is part of our vision of Make in India, DigitalIndia and Design in India.As our economy and our lives get more wired, we are also giving the highestimportance to data privacy and security, intellectual property rights and cybersecurity.And,I know to achieve the vision of Digital India, the government must alsostart thinking a bit like you.So, from creating infrastructure to services, from manufacture of products tohuman resource development, from support governments to enabling citizensand promoting digital literacy, Digital India is a vast cyber world ofopportunities for you.The task is huge; the challenges are many. But, we also know that we will notreach new destinations without taking new roads.Much of India that we dream of is yet to be built. So, we have the opportunityto shape its path now.And, we have the talent, enterprise and skills to succeed.We also have the strength of the partnership between India and the UnitedStates.
Indians and Americans have worked together to shape the knowledge economy.They have made us aware of the vast potential of technology.From large corporate to young professionals in this great centre of innovation,each can be part of the Digital India story.The sustainable development of one-sixth of humanity will be a major force ofgood for our world and our planet.Today, we speak of India-U.S. partnership as a defining partnership of thiscentury. It hinges on two major reasons. Both converge here in California.We all know that the dynamic Asia Pacific Region will shape the course of thiscentury. And, India and the United States, the world's two largest democracies,are located at the two ends of this region.We have the responsibility to shape a future of peace, stability and prosperityin this region.Our relationship is also defined by the power of youth, technology andinnovation. These can ignite a partnership that will advance and sustainprosperity in our two countries.Even more, in this Digital Age, we can draw on the strength of our values andpartnership to shape a better and more sustainable future for the world.Thank you. ***AKT/HS 26-September-2015 11:56 IST PM’s engagements in NYC and San Jose,California – September 26th, 2015PM attends G-4 Summit in New York CityPM arrives in San Jose, visits Tesla MotorsPM meets top IT CEOs in San JosePM delivers address at Digital India eventG-4 Summit
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today (September 26, 2015) attendedthe G-4 Summit in New York City. President of Brazil Ms. Dilma Rousseff,Chancellor of Germany Ms. Angela Merkel and Prime Minister of Japan Mr.Shinzo Abe were also present.In his opening remarks at the meeting, the Prime Minister said: “We live in adigital age. The global economy is changed, with new engines of growth, morewidely dispersed economic power and widening wealth gap. Trends indemography, urbanization and migrations are posing new challenges. Climatechange and terrorism are new concerns. Cyber and Space are entirely newfrontiers of opportunities and challenges. Yet, our institutions, approaches,and often mindsets, reflect the wisdom of the century we have left behind, notthe century we live in. This is especially true of the United Nations SecurityCouncil. The reform of the Security Council within a fixed time frame hasbecome an urgent and important task.”The Joint Statement issued at the end of the meeting stated: “The G-4 leadersstressed that a more representative, legitimate and effective Security Council isneeded more than ever to address the global conflicts and crises, which hadspiralled in recent years. They shared the view that this can be achieved byreflecting the realities of the international community in the 21st century,where more Member States have the capacity and willingness to take on majorresponsibilities with regard to maintenance of international peace andsecurity.”Arrival in San JoseThe Prime Minister later arrived in San Jose, California, to a vociferous andenthusiastic reception by the Indian American community. He met variousmembers of the Indian community.Visit to Tesla MotorsThe Prime Minister visited Tesla Motors, where he was received by the CEO,Mr. Elon Musk, who explained various innovations done by the company, tothe Prime Minister. The Prime Minister visited the factory floor. Renewableenergy, Tesla’s battery technology, and innovations in energy storage figured inthe discussions between the Prime Minister and Mr. Elon Musk. The PrimeMinister also met various employees of Indian origin who work at Tesla.Meeting with IT CEOs, Digital India AddressThe Prime Minister met Mr. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple Inc., who mentionedthat India has a special place for the company, as Steve Jobs, the co-founder of
Apple Inc., went to India for inspiration. Discussions also focused on howApple Inc. could be a partner in the Digital India initiative.The Prime Minister met Mr. Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Mr. Sundar Pichai(Google), Mr. Shantanu Narayen (Adobe), Mr. Paul Jacobs (Qualcomm), and Mr.John Chambers (CISCO), who later joined him on stage for the Digital IndiaDinner.The Prime Minister, in his address at this event, outlined his vision for DigitalIndia.During his address, he said: “… in this digital age, we have an opportunity totransform lives of people in ways that was hard to imagine just a couple ofdecades ago. This is what sets us apart from the century that we have just leftbehind. There may be still some who see the digital economy as the tool of therich, educated and the privileged. But, ask the taxi driver or the corner vendorin India what he has gained from his cell phone, and the debate gets settled. Isee technology as a means to empower and as a tool that bridges the distancebetween hope and opportunity. Social media is reducing social barriers. Itconnects people on the strength of human values, not identities. Today,technology is advancing citizen empowerment and democracy that once drewtheir strength from Constitutions. Technology is forcing governments to dealwith massive volume of data and generate responses, not in 24 hours but in 24minutes. When you think of the exponential speed and scale of expansion ofsocial media or a service, you have to believe that it is equally possible torapidly transform the lives of those who have long stood on the margins ofhope. So, friends out of this conviction was born the vision of Digital India. It isan enterprise for India's transformation on a scale that is, perhaps, unmatchedin human history. Not just to touch the lives of the weakest, farthest and thepoorest citizen of India, but change the way our nation will live and work.” *** 28-September-2015 05:03 IST Speech by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at the Startup Event (27 September 2015, San Jose, California)
Thank you, every one!Let's give a big hand to our outstanding young exhibitors today.Thank you for coming out in strength on a Sunday.Reid Hoffman, your LinkedIn is a great product. And, you are an inspiration tomany here and in India.Thank you, Mohan, Venkie, Ambassador.It is a great pleasure to be here. For me, this is a special event, because theidea of startups is close to my heart.You are likely to wonder why, because governments and national capitals aresupposed to stop or slow things down, not start them up.I know this was once the view of Washington from Silicon Valley; and, this isexactly how tech specialists in Bengaluru thought about New Delhi.And, I know that many of you think that the only problems that have not beensolved are the ones for which you have not written the apps yet.When I shifted to Delhi last year, I thought of my government as a Startup. So,I also saw some of the bumps you face on the road.I understand your challenges, but also the wonderful feeling of creatingsomething new.The course of human history and progress has been shaped by imagination,inspiration, invention and innovation.I often say, if there’s a strong wind blowing, some might want to shut thewindow. Others will want to put up a windmill or launch their sails on theseas.The difference between perception of something as a challenge or anopportunity is the difference between inertia and initiative; status quo andprogress.The idea of Start Ups is as ancient as this world. Each economic age has beendefined by disruption of the previous one, by the evolution of ideas andproducts that displace the old ones.
Start Ups have always been the engine of progress. The mega corporations oftoday were Startsup of yesterday.What is different now is that the digital age has created a fertile newenvironment for Startups.This is a world in which you don't grow by extracting resources, but byspreading an idea. More than the creator, it is the consumer, who discoversapplications.Today, the Startups defy the natural rates of growth. An idea can become aglobal name within a year. Customers can multiply at the rate of millions,employees at the rate of thousands and valuation at the rate of billions.The convergence of technology, integration across diverse fields, distributedarchitecture and people willing to back an idea, have opened a new world forenterprise.This ecosystem was born in the Silicon Valley. No community is shaping ourworld as much as the one on this Californian Coast.It isn’t just big names, but small firms that are fashioning every day new waysto enrich human life with the joy of artists and creators.That underlines America’s success and inspires the world.So, I see Startups, technology and innovation as exciting and effectiveinstruments for India’s transformation, and for creating jobs for our youth.We are a nation of 800 million youth below the age of 35 years. They are eagerfor change; have the energy and drive to pursue it; and, the confidence toachieve it.When each of the five hundred odd towns produces ten Startups and each ofour six hundred thousand villages produce six small businesses, on a regularbasis, we will create an enormous economic momentum and generate a hugenumber of jobs in our country.India’s own ecosystem of startups is evolving rapidly. It is driven by the energy,enterprise and innovation of our youth.We have a huge market with rapid growth and untapped opportunities in everysector. We now have the institutions, incentives and interest for new ventures.We have incubators, accelerators and investors willing to back an idea andassume risks.
India has woken up to the potential of Startup Ventures with great enthusiasmand energy. In the past few years, they have grown exponentially.We have here an outstanding group of Startups from India. They are applyingtechnology to transform healthcare, education, agriculture, clean energy,security, financial inclusion of the poor and access to clean water.Our Startups represent not just commercial success stories, but are powerfulexamples of social innovation.The pace at which people in India are taking to digital technology defies ourstereotypes of age, education, language and income.There are nearly a billion people with cell phones in India; smart phones andinternet users are in hundred millions, growing at high double digits.The scale of India's development needs is huge. And, the need to achieve it isurgent.We cannot simply continue on the traditional paths to development.This is the vision and the spirit behind Digital India, which I spoke about lastnight: to use technology to transform governance, empower our citizens,eliminate barriers to opportunities, deepen social change, impart scale andspeed to development, improve delivery of services, design affordable productsfor the poor, customize services for specific groups,and build a moresustainable future for our planet.Startups will have an important role in achieving our vision.From creating infrastructure to providing services, from manufacture ofproducts to human resource development, from supporting governments toenabling citizens and promoting digital literacy, Digital India is a vast cyberworld of opportunities for you.I see Startups, not as short term investments, but as long term commitments.Our application and enterprise is limited only by our imagination.We have here today our Department of Space that provides free data on itsportal. In the course of past few months, we have put together 170 applicationsof space technology in governance and development.Many of these could become the vehicles of new ventures in India.