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book 1

Published by smiya7, 2018-12-22 16:32:15

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Harry And the Sor

y Potter rcerer’s Stone

ALSO BY J. K Harry Potter and t Year One a Harry Potter and the Year Two aHarry Potter and the Year Three a Harry Potter and Year Four aHarry Potter and the Year Five at Harry Potter and th Year Six at Harry Potter and th Year Seven a

K. ROWLINGthe Sorcerer’s Stoneat Hogwarts e Chamber of Secretsat Hogwartse Prisoner of Azkaban at Hogwarts the Goblet of Fireat Hogwarts Order of the Phoenix t Hogwartshe Half-Blood Princet Hogwartshe Deathly Hallowsat Hogwarts


Pottercerer’s StoneYowlingY Mary GrandPré LEVINE BOOKS SCHOLASTIC Press.

For Jessica, wh for Anne, who land for Di, who he Text copyright © 19 Illustrations by Mary GrandPré All rights reserved. Published by Schola Publishers SCHOLASTIC, SCHOLASTIC PR are trademarks and/or registere HARRY POTTER and all related characters anNo part of this publication may be reproducedin any form or by any means, electronic, mech without written permission of the Scholastic Inc., Attention: Permissions Depa Library of Congress Catalo Rowlin Harry Potter and the Sorcer p. Summary: Rescued from the outrageous n with a great destiny proves his wort of Witchcraft a ISBN 0-59 [1. Fantasy — Fiction. 2. Witches 4. Schools — Fiction. 5. En PZ7.R79835 [Fic] — dc21 64 65 66 67 68 6 Printed in U First American edit

ho loves storiesloved them too;eard this one first. 997 by J.K. Rowling copyright © 1998 Warner Bros. astic Press, a division of Scholastic Inc., since 1920 RESS, and the LANTERN LOGO ed trademarks of Scholastic Inc. nd elements are trademarks of Warner Bros. d, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted hanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, For information regarding permissions, write artment, 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. oging-in-Publication Data ng, J.K. rer's Stone / by J.K. Rowling cm. neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy th while attending Hogwarts School and Wizardry. 90-35340-3 — Fiction. 3. Wizards — Fiction. ngland — Fiction.] I. Title. 5Har 1998 1 97-39059 69 70 71 72 05 U.S.A. 10 tion, October 1998

Cont ON The Boy Wh TW The Vanishin THR The Letters from FOU The Keeper of FIV Diagon A SI The Journey f Nine and Thre SEV The Sorting EIG The Potions ‘5

tents NE ho Lived · 1WO ng Glass · 18 REE m No One · 31 UR f the Keys · 46 VE Alley · 61IX from Platform ee-quarters · 88VEN g Hat · 113GHT Master · 131 5‘

Cont NIN The Midnigh TE Hallowe ELEV Quiddit TWE The Mirror o THIR Nicholas Fl FOURNorbert the Norweg FIFT The Forbidden SIXT Through the T SEVEN The Man with T ‘6

tents NE ht Duel · 143EN een · 163VEN tch · 180ELVE of Erised · 194RTEEN lamel · 215RTEEN gian Ridgeback · 228TEEN n Forest · 242TEEN Trapdoor · 262NTEEN Two Faces · 288 6‘

Harry And the Sorc

Pottercerer’s Stone

CHAPT THE BOY WMr. and Mrs. Dursley, o proud to say that thyou very much. They were the lavolved in anything strange or myhold with such nonsense. Mr. Dursley was the director omade drills. He was a big, beefythough he did have a very largeand blonde and had nearly twicecame in very useful as she spent sgarden fences, spying on the neigson called Dudley and in their opwhere. The Dursleys had everything tsecret, and their greatest fear was ‘1

ER ONEWHO LIVED of number four, Privet Drive, were hey were perfectly normal, thank ast people you’d expect to be in- ysterious, because they just didn’t of a firm called Grunnings, which y man with hardly any neck, al- mustache. Mrs. Dursley was thin the usual amount of neck, which so much of her time craning over ghbors. The Dursleys had a small pinion there was no finer boy any- they wanted, but they also had a that somebody would discover it. 1‘

CHAPTEThey didn’t think they could bearPotters. Mrs. Potter was Mrs. Dufor several years; in fact, Mrs. Dusister, because her sister and her gunDursleyish as it was possible tothink what the neighbors wouldstreet. The Dursleys knew that thethey had never even seen him. Tfor keeping the Potters away; theya child like that. When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley wour story starts, there was nothingsuggest that strange and mysterioing all over the country. Mr. Dursmost boring tie for work, and Mras she wrestled a screaming Dudle None of them noticed a larwindow. At half past eight, Mr. DursleyMrs. Dursley on the cheek, and tmissed, because Dudley was nowhis cereal at the walls. “Little tykethe house. He got into his car adrive. It was on the corner of the stresomething peculiar — a cat reaDursley didn’t realize what he hadaround to look again. There was a ‘2

ER ONE r it if anyone found out about theursley’s sister, but they hadn’t metursley pretended she didn’t have a good-for-nothing husband were as o be. The Dursleys shuddered to say if the Potters arrived in the e Potters had a small son, too, butThis boy was another good reason y didn’t want Dudley mixing withwoke up on the dull, gray Tuesday g about the cloudy sky outside to us things would soon be happen- sley hummed as he picked out his rs. Dursley gossiped away happilyey into his high chair. rge, tawny owl flutter past the y picked up his briefcase, pecked tried to kiss Dudley good-bye butw having a tantrum and throwinge,” chortled Mr. Dursley as he leftand backed out of number four’seet that he noticed the first sign ofading a map. For a second, Mr. d seen — then he jerked his head a tabby cat standing on the corner2‘

THE BOY Wof Privet Drive, but there wasn’thave been thinking of? It must hDursley blinked and stared at theley drove around the corner and uhis mirror. It was now reading thelooking at the sign; cats couldn’tgave himself a little shake and pudrove toward town he thought odrills he was hoping to get that da But on the edge of town, drillssomething else. As he sat in thcouldn’t help noticing that theredressed people about. People in cpeople who dressed in funny cloyoung people! He supposed this wdrummed his fingers on the steerhuddle of these weirdos standingpering excitedly together. Mr. Dcouple of them weren’t young at athan he was, and wearing an emhim! But then it struck Mr. Dursilly stunt — these people werething . . . yes, that would be it.minutes later, Mr. Dursley arrivehis mind back on drills. Mr. Dursley always sat with hison the ninth floor. If he hadn’t, hconcentrate on drills that mornin ‘3

WHO LIVED t a map in sight. What could hehave been a trick of the light. Mr. cat. It stared back. As Mr. Durs- up the road, he watched the cat in e sign that said Privet Drive — no, read maps or signs. Mr. Dursley ut the cat out of his mind. As heof nothing except a large order of ay. s were driven out of his mind byhe usual morning traffic jam, he e seemed to be a lot of strangely cloaks. Mr. Dursley couldn’t bear othes — the getups you saw on was some stupid new fashion. He ring wheel and his eyes fell on a quite close by. They were whis-Dursley was enraged to see that a all; why, that man had to be oldermerald-green cloak! The nerve of rsley that this was probably some e obviously collecting for some- The traffic moved on and a few ed in the Grunnings parking lot, s back to the window in his office he might have found it harder tong. He didn’t see the owls swoop-3‘

CHAPTEing past in broad daylight, thougthey pointed and gazed open-mouhead. Most of them had never seeDursley, however, had a perfectlyelled at five different people. Hphone calls and shouted a bit mountil lunchtime, when he thoughacross the road to buy himself a bu He’d forgotten all about the pgroup of them next to the bakepassed. He didn’t know why, bbunch were whispering excitedly,collecting tin. It was on his waydoughnut in a bag, that he caughsaying. “The Potters, that’s right, that’s “— yes, their son, Harry —” Mr. Dursley stopped dead. Feathe whisperers as if he wantedthought better of it. He dashed back across thesnapped at his secretary not to dand had almost finished dialinchanged his mind. He put the recmustache, thinking . . . no, he waan unusual name. He was sure theter who had a son called Harry. Csure his nephew was called Harry. ‘4

ER ONEgh people down in the street did; uthed as owl after owl sped over- en an owl even at nighttime. Mr. ly normal, owl-free morning. He He made several important tele- ore. He was in a very good mood ht he’d stretch his legs and walk un from the bakery.people in cloaks until he passed a er’s. He eyed them angrily as hebut they made him uneasy. This too, and he couldn’t see a single back past them, clutching a large ht a few words of what they were s what I heard —”ar flooded him. He looked back at to say something to them, but road, hurried up to his office,disturb him, seized his telephone,ng his home number when he ceiver back down and stroked hisas being stupid. Potter wasn’t such ere were lots of people called Pot-Come to think of it, he wasn’t even . He’d never even seen the boy. It4‘

THE BOY Wmight have been Harvey. Or Harrying Mrs. Dursley; she always gosister. He didn’t blame her — if hethe same, those people in cloaks . He found it a lot harder to coand when he left the building at fithat he walked straight into someo “Sorry,” he grunted, as the tinfell. It was a few seconds before Mwas wearing a violet cloak. He didmost knocked to the ground. Onwide smile and he said in a squeak“Don’t be sorry, my dear sir, for njoice, for You-Know-Who has gonself should be celebrating, this hap And the old man hugged Mr.walked off. Mr. Dursley stood rooted to thcomplete stranger. He also thougwhatever that was. He was rattled.for home, hoping he was imaginhoped before, because he didn’t ap As he pulled into the drivewaysaw — and it didn’t improve hisspotted that morning. It was nowwas sure it was the same one; it heyes. “Shoo!” said Mr. Dursley loudl ‘5

WHO LIVED rold. There was no point in wor- ot so upset at any mention of her e’d had a sister like that . . . but all ..oncentrate on drills that afternoon ive o’clock, he was still so worried one just outside the door. ny old man stumbled and almostMr. Dursley realized that the man dn’t seem at all upset at being al-n the contrary, his face split into a ky voice that made passersby stare,nothing could upset me today! Re- ne at last! Even Muggles like your- ppy, happy day!” . Dursley around the middle andhe spot. He had been hugged by aght he had been called a Muggle, . He hurried to his car and set off ning things, which he had never pprove of imagination. of number four, the first thing he mood — was the tabby cat he’d w sitting on his garden wall. He had the same markings around its ly.5‘

CHAPTE The cat didn’t move. It just gavmal cat behavior? Mr. Dursley wogether, he let himself into the houmention anything to his wife. Mrs. Dursley had had a nice, noner all about Mrs. Next Door’s proDudley had learned a new wordact normally. When Dudley had bliving room in time to catch the “And finally, bird-watchers evnation’s owls have been behavingowls normally hunt at night andthere have been hundreds of sightdirection since sunrise. Experts arhave suddenly changed their sleeplowed himself a grin. “Most myMcGuffin with the weather. Gointonight, Jim?” “Well, Ted,” said the weathermit’s not only the owls that have befar apart as Kent, Yorkshire, andtell me that instead of the rain I pdownpour of shooting stars! PerhBonfire Night early — it’s not upromise a wet night tonight.” Mr. Dursley sat frozen in hisBritain? Owls flying by daylight?over the place? And a whisper, a w ‘6

ER ONE ve him a stern look. Was this nor-ondered. Trying to pull himself to-use. He was still determined not to ormal day. She told him over din- oblems with her daughter and how (“Won’t!”). Mr. Dursley tried to been put to bed, he went into the last report on the evening news:verywhere have reported that the g very unusually today. Although are hardly ever seen in daylight, tings of these birds flying in every re unable to explain why the owls ping pattern.” The newscaster al- ysterious. And now, over to Jimng to be any more showers of owlsman, “I don’t know about that, but een acting oddly today. Viewers as Dundee have been phoning in to promised yesterday, they’ve had ahaps people have been celebrating until next week, folks! But I can armchair. Shooting stars all over ? Mysterious people in cloaks allwhisper about the Potters . . .6‘

THE BOY W Mrs. Dursley came into the litea. It was no good. He’d have tohis throat nervously. “Er — Petuniyour sister lately, have you?” As he had expected, Mrs. Durslter all, they normally pretended sh “No,” she said sharply. “Why?” “Funny stuff on the news,” Mshooting stars . . . and there weretown today . . .” “So?” snapped Mrs. Dursley. “Well, I just thought . . . mawith . . . you know . . . her crowd. Mrs. Dursley sipped her tea twondered whether he dared tell hHe decided he didn’t dare. Instea“Their son — he’d be about Dudl “I suppose so,” said Mrs. Dursl “What’s his name again? Howa “Harry. Nasty, common name, “Oh, yes,” said Mr. Dursley, hquite agree.” He didn’t say another word onto bed. While Mrs. Dursley wascrept to the bedroom window andden. The cat was still there. It wthough it were waiting for someth Was he imagining things? Co ‘7

WHO LIVED iving room carrying two cups ofo say something to her. He cleared ia, dear — you haven’t heard from ley looked shocked and angry. Af- he didn’t have a sister. ”Mr. Dursley mumbled. “Owls . . . e a lot of funny-looking people in aybe . . . it was something to do .” through pursed lips. Mr. Dursley her he’d heard the name “Potter.” ad he said, as casually as he could, ley’s age now, wouldn’t he?” ley stiffly. ard, isn’t it?” , if you ask me.” his heart sinking horribly. “Yes, I n the subject as they went upstairs s in the bathroom, Mr. Dursley d peered down into the front gar- was staring down Privet Drive as hing. uld all this have anything to do7‘

CHAPTEwith the Potters? If it did . . . if ita pair of — well, he didn’t think h The Dursleys got into bed. MrMr. Dursley lay awake, turningcomforting thought before he fellwere involved, there was no reasonMrs. Dursley. The Potters knewthought about them and their kiand Petunia could get mixed upon — he yawned and turned ove How very wrong he was. Mr. Dursley might have beenthe cat on the wall outside was shositting as still as a statue, its eyes fner of Privet Drive. It didn’t soslammed on the next street, nor wIn fact, it was nearly midnight bef A man appeared on the cornerpeared so suddenly and silentlypopped out of the ground. The carowed. Nothing like this man had evewas tall, thin, and very old, judgbeard, which were both long enouwearing long robes, a purple clohigh-heeled, buckled boots. Hissparkling behind half-moon spectand crooked, as though it had bman’s name was Albus Dumbledo ‘8

ER ONE t got out that they were related to he could bear it. rs. Dursley fell asleep quickly but it all over in his mind. His last, asleep was that even if the Potters n for them to come near him andw very well what he and Petunia ind. . . . He couldn’t see how he in anything that might be going er — it couldn’t affect them. . . . drifting into an uneasy sleep, but owing no sign of sleepiness. It was fixed unblinkingly on the far cor- much as quiver when a car doorwhen two owls swooped overhead. fore the cat moved at all. r the cat had been watching, ap- y you’d have thought he’d just at’s tail twitched and its eyes nar- er been seen on Privet Drive. Heging by the silver of his hair and ugh to tuck into his belt. He was oak that swept the ground, and blue eyes were light, bright, and tacles and his nose was very long been broken at least twice. Thisore.8‘

THE BOY W Albus Dumbledore didn’t seemin a street where everything fromcome. He was busy rummagingthing. But he did seem to realize hlooked up suddenly at the cat, whthe other end of the street. For sseemed to amuse him. He chucklknown.” He found what he was lookiseemed to be a silver cigarette lighin the air, and clicked it. The nealittle pop. He clicked it again — tness. Twelve times he clicked theleft on the whole street were twwhich were the eyes of the cat waof their window now, even beady-be able to see anything that was hDumbledore slipped the Put-Ouoff down the street toward numbewall next to the cat. He didn’t lospoke to it. “Fancy seeing you here, Profess He turned to smile at the tabbysmiling at a rather severe-lookingglasses exactly the shape of the maeyes. She, too, was wearing a cloakwas drawn into a tight bun. She lo “How did you know it was me? “My dear Professor, I’ve never s ‘9

WHO LIVEDm to realize that he had just arrived his name to his boots was unwel- in his cloak, looking for some- he was being watched, because he hich was still staring at him from some reason, the sight of the cat led and muttered, “I should have ing for in his inside pocket. Ithter. He flicked it open, held it up arest street lamp went out with a the next lamp flickered into dark- e Put-Outer, until the only lightswo tiny pinpricks in the distance, atching him. If anyone looked out -eyed Mrs. Dursley, they wouldn’thappening down on the pavement.uter back inside his cloak and set er four, where he sat down on the ook at it, but after a moment he sor McGonagall.” y, but it had gone. Instead he wasg woman who was wearing square arkings the cat had had around its k, an emerald one. Her black hair ooked distinctly ruffled. ?” she asked. seen a cat sit so stiffly.”9‘

CHAPTE “You’d be stiff if you’d been sitProfessor McGonagall. “All day? When you could hapassed a dozen feasts and parties o Professor McGonagall sniffed a “Oh yes, everyone’s celebrating“You’d think they’d be a bit moregles have noticed something’s goinjerked her head back at the Durslheard it. Flocks of owls . . . shoocompletely stupid. They were boing stars down in Kent — I’ll bnever had much sense.” “You can’t blame them,” saidprecious little to celebrate for eleve “I know that,” said Professor Mno reason to lose our heads. Peoout on the streets in broad dayliclothes, swapping rumors.” She threw a sharp, sidewaysthough hoping he was going to telshe went on. “A fine thing it woKnow-Who seems to have disappout about us all. I suppose he reall “It certainly seems so,” said Duthankful for. Would you care for a “A what?” “A lemon drop. They’re a kifond of.” ‘ 10

ER ONE tting on a brick wall all day,” saidave been celebrating? I must haveon my way here.”angrily.g, all right,” she said impatiently.e careful, but no — even the Mug- ng on. It was on their news.” She leys’ dark living-room window. “Ioting stars. . . . Well, they’re notound to notice something. Shoot-bet that was Dedalus Diggle. He Dumbledore gently. “We’ve had en years.” McGonagall irritably. “But that’sople are being downright careless,ight, not even dressed in Muggle glance at Dumbledore here, as ll her something, but he didn’t, soould be if, on the very day You-peared at last, the Muggles found ly has gone, Dumbledore?”umbledore. “We have much to be a lemon drop?”ind of Muggle sweet I’m rather0‘

THE BOY W “No, thank you,” said Professoshe didn’t think this was the momeven if You-Know-Who has gone “My dear Professor, surely a senhim by his name? All this ‘You-Knyears I have been trying to persproper name: Voldemort.” Professobledore, who was unsticking twotice. “It all gets so confusing if wehave never seen any reason to bename.” “I know you haven’t,” said Proexasperated, half admiring. “Butyou’re the only one You-Know- oened of.” “You flatter me,” said Dumbpowers I will never have.” “Only because you’re too — we “It’s lucky its dark. I haven’tPomfrey told me she liked my new Professor McGonagall shot asaid, “The owls are nothing nexaround. You know what everyonepeared? About what finally stoppe It seemed that Professor McGowas most anxious to discuss, theon a cold, hard wall all day, for neshe fixed Dumbledore with such awas plain that whatever “everyon ‘1

WHO LIVED or McGonagall coldly, as though ment for lemon drops. “As I say, —” nsible person like yourself can call now-Who’ nonsense — for eleven suade people to call him by hisor McGonagall flinched, but Dum- lemon drops, seemed not to no- e keep saying ‘You-Know-Who.’ I frightened of saying Voldemort’sofessor McGonagall, sounding half you’re different. Everyone knowsoh, all right, Voldemort, was fright- bledore calmly. “Voldemort had ell — noble to use them.” blushed so much since Madam w earmuffs.” sharp look at Dumbledore and xt to the rumors that are flying e’s saying? About why he’s disap-ed him?” onagall had reached the point she real reason she had been waiting either as a cat nor as a woman had a piercing stare as she did now. Itne” was saying, she was not going11 ‘

CHAPTEto believe it until Dumbledore tohowever, was choosing another l “What they’re saying,” she predemort turned up in Godric’s Hters. The rumor is that Lily andthey’re — dead.” Dumbledore bowed his head. P “Lily and James . . . I can’t beliit . . . Oh, Albus . . .” Dumbledore reached out andknow . . . I know . . .” he said heav Professor McGonagall’s voice tnot all. They’re saying he triedBut — he couldn’t. He couldn’t kwhy, or how, but they’re sayingPotter, Voldemort’s power somehgone.” Dumbledore nodded glumly. “It’s — it’s true?” faltered Profdone . . . all the people he’s killedIt’s just astounding . . . of all the tthe name of heaven did Harry surv “We can only guess,” said Dum Professor McGonagall pulleddabbed at her eyes beneath her spsniff as he took a golden watch frowas a very odd watch. It had twstead, little planets were moving ‘1

ER ONE old her it was true. Dumbledore, lemon drop and did not answer. essed on, “is that last night Vol-Hollow. He went to find the Pot- James Potter are — are — that Professor McGonagall gasped. ieve it . . . I didn’t want to believed patted her on the shoulder. “I vily. trembled as she went on. “That’s to kill the Potters’ son, Harry. kill that little boy. No one knows that when he couldn’t kill Harryhow broke — and that’s why he’s fessor McGonagall. “After all he’s d . . . he couldn’t kill a little boy? things to stop him . . . but how in vive?” mbledore. “We may never know.”d out a lace handkerchief andpectacles. Dumbledore gave a great om his pocket and examined it. Itwelve hands but no numbers; in- g around the edge. It must have12 ‘

THE BOY Wmade sense to Dumbledore, thoupocket and said, “Hagrid’s late. I sbe here, by the way?” “Yes,” said Professor McGonaggoing to tell me why you’re here, o “I’ve come to bring Harry toonly family he has left now.” “You don’t mean — you can’tcried Professor McGonagall, jumnumber four. “Dumbledore — yoall day. You couldn’t find two pthey’ve got this son — I saw himthe street, screaming for sweets. H “It’s the best place for him,” saand uncle will be able to explain eI’ve written them a letter.” “A letter?” repeated Professordown on the wall. “Really, Dumball this in a letter? These people wfamous — a legend — I wouldn’tas Harry Potter Day in the futurabout Harry — every child in our “Exactly,” said Dumbledore, loof his half-moon glasses. “It wouhead. Famous before he can walkhe won’t even remember! Can’t ybe, growing up away from all that Professor McGonagall opened ‘1

WHO LIVEDugh, because he put it back in his suppose it was he who told you I’d gall. “And I don’t suppose you’re of all places?” his aunt and uncle. They’re the mean the people who live here?”mping to her feet and pointing at ou can’t. I’ve been watching them people who are less like us. And kicking his mother all the way up Harry Potter come and live here!” aid Dumbledore firmly. “His aunt everything to him when he’s older. McGonagall faintly, sitting backbledore, you think you can explainwill never understand him! He’ll be t be surprised if today was known re — there will be books written r world will know his name!” ooking very seriously over the top uld be enough to turn any boy’s k and talk! Famous for something you see how much better off he’ll t until he’s ready to take it?” d her mouth, changed her mind,13 ‘

CHAPTEswallowed, and then said, “Yes —how is the boy getting here, Dumdenly as though she thought he mit. “Hagrid’s bringing him.” “You think it — wise — to truportant as this?” “I would trust Hagrid with my “I’m not saying his heart isn’tMcGonagall grudgingly, “but youHe does tend to — what was that? A low rumbling sound had brgrew steadily louder as they looksome sign of a headlight; it swelledat the sky — and a huge motorcyon the road in front of them. If the motorcycle was huge, itastride it. He was almost twice asfive times as wide. He looked simwild — long tangles of bushy blacface, he had hands the size of traleather boots were like baby dolphwas holding a bundle of blankets. “Hagrid,” said Dumbledore, swhere did you get that motorcycle “Borrowed it, Professor Dumbling carefully off the motorcycle alent it to me. I’ve got him, sir.” ‘ 14

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