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Home Explore MicroSoil Tutorial Booklet #1 - MicroSoil & How it Works

MicroSoil Tutorial Booklet #1 - MicroSoil & How it Works

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MicroSoil®Media™©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 1

Above and Beyond Organics™ ABOUT THE COVER: Photo of healthy green bean crop Grown with MicroSoil® on a large commercial farm in South Texas. Thanks to Mr. Dave Shimp, one of our USA Distributors, the grower is now using MicroSoil® on all of his commercial crops, including cabbage, carrots, and green beans. Biomassters Global, Inc. ORGANIC AFFILIATES Biomassters Global MicroSoil® Agriculture Products are approved as Organic InputMaterial (OIM) for growing food crops in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and the European Union. All of our Organic Affiliates — Oregon Tilth, CCOF, CDFA, FiBL, Organic Certifiers, and BioNutrient Food Association prohibit the intentional use of GMOs.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 2

Our Marquis Product Since 1996 MicroSoil® CLEAN/GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Helps to Enrich Soil Fertility & Increase Nutrient Values in CropsWhat is MicroSoil®?MicroSoil® is a formulation of natural occurring ingredients, polysaccharides, polypeptides and PureFulvic™ TraceElements. Its intended use and purpose is to assist in the growth and proliferation of local “native soil microorganisms”found in any soil in the world. MicroSoil®’s main objective is to enhance and optimize the natural decomposition ofanimal and plant residues and to help elevate the organic matter in the soil. It is totally natural, safe, and non-toxic.MicroSoil® is not a fertilizer or a replacement for fertilizer or any soil element, macronutrient or micronutrient.MicroSoil® is a non-plant food product, a unique and perfectly balanced synergistic catalyst developed to naturallyenhance the dynamics of any abused or natural soil system.Benefits you can expect when using MicroSoil® Products Increased quality & quantity of crop yield – up to 30% 25% to 50% reduction in use of chemical fertilizers in first year Reduced fertilizer costs by 25% to 40% Builds massive root structures & systems Overall lusher & greener foliage indicating elevated photosynthesis Accelerated plant growth Increased organic matter & soil fertility Helps to balance the pH factor of the soil Optimizes maturation of crops Increased BRIX (Nutrient uptake values) Increased number of blossoms Increased aroma in flowers & in crop blossoms Increased profits for growers Larger & thicker leaves Increased number of bees & other pollinators Commercial sorghum crop Grown with MicroSoil® (right) and without MicroSoil® (left). MicroSoil® is safe and healthy for the environment.One of the greatest by-products of using MicroSoil® is that it benefits our entire ecosystemand environment. The use of MicroSoil® helps to build dynamic soil systems which do notcontaminate our natural resources, the air, water and soils, as do the over use of syntheticchemical fertilizers and pesticides. MicroSoil® consists only of 100% natural occurringingredients. It is completely safe and poses absolutely no harm to the farmer, his family, pets,wildlife, or the environment. No GMO’s or PGR’s added.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 3

MicroSoil® A Concentrate for Natural/Organic Sustainable Agriculture ApplicationsIngredients by weight: 93.7% H2O (water) solution with a 6.3% proprietary blend of naturaloccurring ingredients, including natural occurring nutrients, natural polysaccharides andpolypeptides, PureFulvic™ Trace Elements, and less than 1% (Azotobacter vinelandii, Clostridiumpasteurianum).No GMO’s or PGR’s added. MicroSoil® is manufactured ONLY with natural occurring food gradeingredients, which are environmentally friendly, non-hazardous, non-toxic, and 100% safe for allliving plant and animal life.MicroSoil®’s intended use is to assist the growth and proliferation of beneficial “native soilmicroorganisms”, enhance and optimize the decomposition process of animal and plant residues,and aid in the building process of organic matter in the soil.PEOPLE 100% SAFE for all living things. PETS PLANTS©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 4

Our Concept “The Agriculture Industry, WORLDWIDE, can no longer keepits head in the sand.”Q: Why do so many chemical oriented growers refuse to reduce their synthetic chemical nitrogen inputs?And why do growers think they have to always test our products and farming methods on their crops, whenproven results worldwide are freely and routinely provided?A: Ignorance of nature’s proven irrefutable physics principles for all plant life is the #1 reason why somany farmers and growers continue to test our products, and refuse to reduce their chemical nitrogen inputs,just to prove to themselves what we and nature actually do know, that what we are doing is 100% valid. Reduce Chemical Fertilizers & Increase Crop ProductionToday worldwide, countries and growers are discovering that, by reducing their chemical inputs and byincreasing their usage of natural occurring nutrients and organic materials, their crop production is higherwith a higher nutrient content. And this is exactly what we have been advocating since 1996. “Above and Beyond Organics™”Ever wonder just how all of those gas, oil and coal deposits throughout the world were created? Or what could be sopowerful and so perfect that could allow the world’s abundant forests and grasslands to flourish for millions of years?(See depictions below.) In addition these processes have provided not only a home for all living animals and plants, butalso all the healthy nutrition necessary for the subsistence of all biota since the beginningof time. And guess what? It was all done WITHOUT synthetic chemical fertilizers.Biomassters Global Products and Protocols actually tap into these same natural sources, processes andrhythms with our MicroSoil® Life Enriching Agriculture Products and our TailorMade™ FertilizationPrograms by “Putting Life back into the Soils”.NATURE always follows the simplest and most efficient pathways. Biomassters Global Clean/GreenEnvironmental Technologies aligns with these natural processes, thereby creating unique formulations thatkeep the soil and all growth environments in a coherently balanced energetic state, and establishing anecosystem that produces Life Enriching Energy Fields.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 5

Understanding why our MicroSoil® Products work so well in all soils worldwide? What makes the Biomassters Global MicroSoil® Products and TailorMade™ Protocol Programs different from other “organic” companies’ products? Our unique proprietary formulas. MicroSoil® has been used worldwide since 1996 with positive proven results. MicroSoil® Products can be used with both inorganic & organic farming methods. MicroSoil® is cost effective in large commercial farming operations. MicroSoil® is made only with natural occurring ingredients, and is 100% safe for all living things. MicroSoil®’s unique formulas & protocols are synergistic with nature’s soil composition, process and rhythms.What is the main difference from other “organic/sustainable” products?Simple: Our TailorMade™ Soil Enrichment Protocols are designed for the plants, and our MicroSoil®Products are designed for aiding the proliferating process of the local native microorganisms in the soil.When you have happy bacteria, you have happy plants. Our MicroSoil® Products are meant to help buildan environment whereby the native microorganisms can thrive and proliferate. The greater theproliferation, the greater rate at which the energy in the soils is taken into the plant, and the greater theamount of chlorophyll produced by the leaves of the plant, which results in a higher quality crop and morequantity of crop to be harvested. The VERY BEST bacteria to accomplish this, are the bacteria which arealready in the local soil, in any soil and in any country in the world.How do we do this?“The higher the Organic Matter you have in your soils, the fewer problems you have; and the lower theOrganic Matter, the more problems you have.” Growers must understand that low organic matter in theirsoils means more insect damage (insects thrive on poor crops), higher runoff of water, higher erosion,smaller crop yields, etc. Our protocols are designed to help elevate the organic matter in all soils, forunless or until this can be done our MicroSoil® Products cannot do for the bacteria what needs to bedone, which is to help create a rich biomass at the root bowl of the plants.How to use the MicroSoil® TailorMade™ Fertilization Program?Using “Liebig’s Law” principle as a guide, we simply do just three things. First, we ask the grower tocomplete our Fertilizer Questionnaire to understand the grower’s current fertilizing and watering practices.Second, we ask that a soil analysis be done (local or using our lab, Waypoint). Third, once we have thisinformation we do a protocol, using the data in these two documents, to recommend a balanced inputprogram to maximize both plant growth and local soil microorganisms. Our protocols will always includethe maximum input of what currently has been used by the grower. (We always try to change as little aspossible for the grower by simply dovetailing our program into the current fertilizer program being used.)Note: Most companies promote either organic or inorganic, but why not “The Best of Both Worlds”.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 6

“Utilizing the Best of Both Worlds”Everything we do is designed to help growers make more money per acre. We do this simply by managing theirsoils more effectively with our proven MicroSoil® Products & TailorMade™ Protocols that utilize existing soilcontents and fertilizer inputs more efficiently. However, in order to do this, growers need to reduce their chemicalfertilizer inputs, since our products flourish in a more centralized pH environment (pH 5.0-6.5), whereas chemicalfertilizers are highly acidic (usually pH 4.0 or less). Soil microorganisms do not and cannot proliferate in thesehigh acid environments. Chemical farming methods using high amounts of NPK will cancel out most everythingwe recommend due to the aforementioned acid issue. However, using MicroSoil® does make profound increasesin crop performance with lesser amounts of these chemical inputs. We routinely recommend reducing chemicalinput by a minimum of 50%, even in the first year, which we have been doing for over 20 years now with amazingresults. CLICK: We get it – most modern farming in the world routinely depends on chemicals. We believe we have a better way.Modify chemical use based on MicroSoil®’s 20+ years of proven products and protocols.SIMPLY PUT:1. Synthetic chemical fertilizers are highly acidic and the natural native soil microorganisms cannot liveand function properly in this environment. Excessive amounts of chemical fertilizers are often unnecessarilyapplied to soils without any consideration of need or reason. This can be VERY costly to the owners. Routine soilanalyses should be a standard practice, which would allow growers to intelligently regulate all inputs.2. Growers and farmers of large farms are understandably quite reluctant about reducing traditionalchemical inputs, especially nitrogen, which we totally understand. However, almost 50% of synthetic nitrogenwill leach into the air, soil, and water within about three weeks after application. Why is a reduction of thechemical nitrogen inputs so important? First is the balancing of the pH, as noted herein; secondly, MicroSoil®’sProducts & TailorMade™ Protocols, when used with reduced amounts of nitrogen, cause the following:*”When inorganic nitrogen is applied to the soil, it stimulates populations of decay bacteria and promotes plantgrowth. If used judiciously, it can have a synergistic effect with organic matter to increase overall nitrogenefficiency; large populations of microbes can immobilize a significant portion of the inorganic nitrogen byconverting it to protein and stabilizing it into non-leachable, non-volatile, organic nitrogen. When thoseorganisms die, other microbes decompose them, and the organic nitrogen is slowly mineralized back into plantnutrients.”3. Farmers are the biggest gamblers in the world, as they bet virtually everything they have every yearthat they are going to get a bumper crop. WE UNDERSTAND! However, MicroSoil® works best and deliversthe largest profit increases for those growers who are willing to work with us and who will follow our completeprotocol which typically indicates some level of reduction in traditional chemical fertilizers. This means agrower needs to understand and MUST BE WILLING TO USE OUR PRODUCTS, in accordance with ourprotocols, or any testing is 100% INVALID from day one.4. Adding MicroSoil® into a chemical fertilizer program, without reducing the amount of chemicalfertilizers, will still get minimum benefits; however, it is usually a total waste of the owner’s money, which isnot what we are about. …continued on next page...©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 7

“Utilizing the Best of Both Worlds” continued... By definition farmers/growers are the biggest gamblers in the world.• Each year they literally “bet the farm” that their crops will sell for enough to stay in business and make a living.• That means dealing with one problem after another: the weather, seed and chemical costs, weeds, diseases, pests, yields, government regulations, market prices and global pricing forces, to name a few.• To generate enough profits to stay in business, they stay with what has worked and are legitimately skeptical of change.• For many generations of farmers, this has meant using an ever increasing suite of individual products – chemical fertilizers and an ever broader arsenal of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides.• In the face of this reality, everything we do is designed to increase per acre profits while recognizing the role played by chemical fertilizers. Only with modified chemical use can really significant profit increases be achieved. The action of native soil microorganisms to break down and mineralize nutrients and help drive them into plants is nature’s tried and true approach to support life on earth. Since the beginning of time, microorganisms have helped build healthy soils, increase organic matter, promote plant growth, and create energy sources like wood, coal, oil, and natural gas. Life on earth cannot exist without microorganisms.• MicroSoil®’s principal purpose is to increase the number of native soil microorganisms.• This in turn accelerates absorption of the nutrients present in the soil into the plants.• As a result, the use of MicroSoil® by itself will usually improve results.• But unlike the traditional all chemical approach, we offer more than just a product.• Using soil tests, we also provide protocols with MicroSoil® to help supply and balance all of the more than 90 nutrients required for complete plant nutrition—a far more complete approach than focusing just on a single product or a only few nutrients like NPK.We also typically recommend moderating the use of traditional chemical fertilizers—the reason is simple:  MicroSoil®’s enhanced microbial activity drives higher absorption of whatever nutrients are there; excess nutrient levels are therefore unnecessary, add cost, reduce profits, and are often washed away or tied up in the soil anyway.  It’s important to understand that synthetic chemical fertilizers are highly acidic. Acids tend to kill native soil microorganisms, and they routinely retard their growth, which reduces their ability to accelerate the absorption of nutrients into the roots of the plants.  The unfortunate result is that MicroSoil®’s step forward is therefore countered by the acidic chemical’s step back. A chemical fertilization program and an organic fertilization program are like mixing oil and water—they both work in very different ways.As indicated, the use of MicroSoil® by itself will usually improve results. But many growers, particularlyexperienced and successful large farmers, are very insecure about even the most modest decreases intraditional NPK chemicals. As a result, they fail to capture the potential profit increase because they:• Fail to add the nutrients necessary to address nutrient shortages and nutrient imbalances that hurt results,regardless of whether MicroSoil® is used or not.• Pay perfectly good money to add unneeded nutrients that are of no benefit to the plant and are often washedaway or tied up in the soil; a total waste of money.• Promote the formation of acids and salts from excessive chemical fertilizer levels that reduces and, in extremecases, all but eliminates MicroSoil®’s beneficial microbial activity.• Ignore the ability to more than offset the cost of the MicroSoil® with even the most modest of chemicalreductions. * EDAPHOS, Dynamics of a Natural Soil System by Paul D. Sachs (1999) ©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 8

MicroSoil®Worldwide Proven Results Since 1996 97% to 98% of the DNA inAll Plants on Planet Earth is Virtually the Same THE MANY USES OF MicroSoil®©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 9

ORDER: The First Law of the Universe The primary objective of MicroSoil® Products & Protocols is to balance all input nutrients for maximum plant growth andnutrition, as well as to help establish an ideal environment for local native microorganisms to proliferate. Since 1996, the guiding principle which has determined our concepts and mission is: “The Mineral Theory” Liebig’s ‘Law of the Minimum’ was developed in the 1840’s by Dr. Justus von Liebig. “The crops on a field diminish or increase in exact proportion to the diminution or increase of the mineral substance conveyed to it in manure.” (Manure, in this sense, is anything applied to the soil to serve as plant nutrient.) “Liebig’s Law” stressed the value of mineral elementsderived from the soil in plant nutrition, and the necessity of replacing them to maintain soil fertility.THE BARREL ILLUSTRATION:The yield potential of a crop is like abarrel with staves of unequallength. The capacity of the barrel islimited by the length of the shorteststave, in this case, Potassium (K),and can only be increased bylengthening that stave. When thatstave is lengthened, another onebecomes the limiting factor.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 10

THE ELEMENTS OF FERTILIZING WITH SUCCESSThe Biomassters Global Approach to Plant Nutrition Biomassters Global, Inc. provides far more than just a single product that stimulates microbial activity to help plants grow better. Biomassters Global instead supplies both a product, MicroSoil® and a process, documented in a customized, written protocol that promotes healthy soils and therefore optimal growth. The Biomassters Global Approach to Plant Nutrition involves balancing out the levels of a number of soil nutrients. Almost one hundred different nutrients should be present in the soil in adequate quantities for optimal plant growth to take place. These are typically classified as macronutrients, micronutrients and trace minerals, based on the ever decreasing amounts of nutrients required. Each nutrient plays a critical role in plant growth regardless of the amount required. Many nutrients affect the actions of other nutrients. Therefore it is critical for all levels of the various nutrients to be in balance. Excessive or out of balance levels of nutrients can affect other important indictors of soil health, such as the plant’s ability to access other nutrients, level of organic matter, pH, water retention, and microbial viability. All of Biomassters Global protocols include recommendations to use our MicroSoil® Agriculture Products which contain PureFulvic™ Trace Minerals & Elements which ensure trace mineral deficiencies are addressed. By taking all these factors into account, Biomassters Global helps customers build and sustain healthy soil with the nutrient and microbial activity levels required to optimize results for their crops in their particular soil on a sustained basis. MACRONUTRIENTS – The six nutrient elements classified as macronutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.(N) Nitrogen is a basic component of chlorophyll and is associated with the green color of a plant’s leaves. Nitrogen is the main nutrient responsible for vigorous growth, hence its higher concentration in “grow” base fertilizers. Nitrogen makes up a large percentage of our atmosphere; however, plants are unable to absorb nitrogen in that form. Instead plants rely on microbes in the soil to “fix” nitrogen into a form capable of root absorption.(P) Phosphorus stimulates root growth and, in turn, helps young plants or transplants establish more quickly. Phosphorus also plays a key part in initiating flowering, fruiting, ripening and respiration. ...continued...©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 11

THE ELEMENTS OF FERTILIZING WITH SUCCESS The Biomassters Global Approach to Plant Nutrition...continued…(K) Potassium helps the movement of sugars and other nutrients (via osmosis). Potassium is directly linked to a plant’s structural integrity and increases the overall resistance to cold, drought, and pathogens. Much like phosphorus, potassium plays an intricate role in initiating the fruiting/blooming process.(Ca) Calcium is vital to plant structure and helps build, and actually becomes part of, the plant cell walls. Calcium has been shown to promote growth of young shoots and roots. Calcium is also needed for fruit ripening and seed production.(Mg) Magnesium helps reinforce cell walls and is at the center of all chlorophyll molecules. Chlorophyll molecules are the green pigment that allows plants to use energy from light to convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into energy, in the form of sugars, which plants can use to grow. Magnesium also encourages the absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur. Like calcium, magnesium plays a vital role in the ripening of fruit and the germination of seeds.(S) Sulfur aids chlorophyll production and is a necessary component of several proteins, enzymes and vitamins. Sulfur also contributes to a plant’s absorption of potassium, calcium and magnesium. MICRONUTRIENTS – The next eight essential elements, classified as micronutrients because they are required in lesser amounts, are iron, manganese, chlorine, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and nickel.(Fe) Iron assists in biochemical processes including the manufacturing of chlorophyll. Iron also aids in the formation of some enzymes and amino acids.(Mn) Manganese plays an essential role in chlorophyll production, nitrogen assimilation and the formation of proteins. Manganese stimulates seed germination and has been linked to the speed at which a plant matures.(Cl) Chlorine is involved in the stimulation of photosynthesis.(B) Boron is essential for tissue growth within the plant. Boron helps to promote the absorption of water and regulate a plant’s metabolism. Boron also assists in the formation of fruit.(Zn) Zinc helps with the development of enzymes and growth hormones.(Cu) Copper helps activate various enzymes and plays a role in chlorophyll production.(Mo) Molybdenum is needed for the production of nitrogen-based proteins. Molybdenum is, in a way, linked to nitrogen and is essential for nitrogen assimilation by plants.(Ni) Nickel regulates mineral metabolism, enzyme activity and other metabolic processes in plants. PureFulvic™ Trace Minerals & Elements©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 12

PureFulvic™ Trace Elements™Over eighty different nutrients must be present in the soil in adequate quantities and ultimately beabsorbed by the plant for optimal plant growth to take place. • Most growers in the United States today rely on a short list of fertilizers as their primary source of plant nutrients. Many focus largely on the three primary macronutrients, NPK. Some consider 5-10 more nutrients. Very few look at eighty. • This is not a new problem. Over 80 years ago in 1936 the United States Senate produced document #264 in the 74th Congress, 2nd Session. It states the laboratory tests prove that U.S. farm and range soils are depleted of minerals, and that grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and even milk are not what they were a few generations earlier. • These problems of incomplete plant nutrition continue partially managed by including mineral supplements in diets. But de-mineralization of the soil and mineral deficiency in humans and animals continues. And even when the soil deficiencies have been partially addressed research has shown that trace elements will become depleted after 6-7 years of planting and need to be replaced for optimal plant nutrition. • As a result, MicroSoil® Agriculture Products and Protocols provide a cost effective and broad-based solution to complete and profitable plant nutrition. Part of their approach is to use Biomassters Global, Inc.'s products all of which include PureFulvic™ Trace Elements™.PureFulvic™ Trace Elements™ have a unique origin that results in physical characteristics andmineral content that are both unique and highly effective compared to “comparable products”designed to deal with soil nutrient deficiencies. • PureFulvic™ Trace Elements™ are produced by a water-based extraction process from a landlocked marsh covered seabed that has been the object of microbial decay and refinement for over 30 million years. • The result is a completely natural mix of all the relevant minerals that are ionic, molecular sized particles in fulvic acid colloids chelated in nature. • Since all minerals and elements taken up by plants must be in ionic form to be absorbed through the roots, the fulvic acid colloids are immediately absorbed through the roots, the leaf and stem walls or the stomata“Comparable products” are produced by one of two different processes neither of which producesionic, molecular sized particles in fulvic acids colloids: • Distillation of seawater to capture the dissolved minerals. These products have a fairly complete mineral mix but are agglomerated in large particles that are not of molecular ionic size and are not fulvic acids colloids. • Extraction from lignite/coal deposits with various organic solvents some of which are toxic and then are also distilled to capture the dissolved minerals. They are also agglomerated in large particles that are not of molecular ionic size and are not fulvic acids colloids.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 13

The physical characteristics of Pure Fulvic™ Trace Elements™ including the low pHis caused by fulvic acids that are colloids chelated by nature. This bond is one of thereasons that make hydrophilic fulvic colloidal trace elements so effective. Allminerals and elements are in ionic form ready to be immediately taken up by plants. PureFulvic™ Trace Elements PHYSICAL DATA MICROBIAL PROFILE Specific Gravity 1.164 Coliform Not Detected pH 1.48 E-Coli Not Detected Boiling Point 95° Centigrade Plate Count <10 ppm Color Dark Amber Liquid Salmonella Negative Sample Type Aqueous Yeast and Mold <10 ppmMINERAL ANALYTES: The table below shows the Mineral Analyte Profile of PureFulvic™ TraceElements™. All results are expressed in ppm and were completed using the ICP-MS/ICP-OESmethod except for bromine, chloride and fluoride which used the IC Method. PureFulvic™ Trace Elements – MINERAL ANALYTES—PPMMINERAL Result MINERAL Result MINERAL Result MINERAL ResultANALYTE ANALYTE ANALYTE ANALYTEAluminum 1,490 Europium 0.032 Molybdenum 1.21 Sodium 1.35Antimony 2.21 Fluoride 5.83 Neodymium 5.83 Strontium 7.81Arsenic 6.2 Gadolinium 6.11 Nickel 16.3 Sulfur 8,590Barium 0.156 Gallium 0.318 Niobium 0.028 Tantalum 0.081Beryllium 10.9 Germanium 0.059 Osmium <0.005 Tellurium 4.19Bismuth 280 Gold <0.01 Palladium <0.005 Terbium 0.062Boron 8.97 Hafnium 0.005 Phosphorous 109 Thallium 0.049Bromine 4.15 Holmium 0.082 Platinum <0.005 Thorium 0.198Cadmium 0.21 Indium 0.053 Potassium 31.0 Thulium 1.22Calcium 426 Iodine 0.96 Praseodymium 0.63 Tin 0.131Carbon 24,000 Iridium <0.01 Rhenium <0.05 Titanium 1.94Cerium 0.925 Iron 9,300 Rhodium <0.005 Tungsten 0.192Cesium 0.047 Lanthanum 17.6 Rubidium 1.47 Vanadium 10.1Chloride 97.2 Lead <0.01 Ruthenium 0.045 Ytterbium 0.968Chromium 4.21 Lithium 2.38 Samarium 1.07 Yttrium 8.25Cobalt 5.83 Lutetium 0.391 Scandium 0.533 Zinc 50.9Copper 3.81 Magnesium 1,890 Selenium 13.4 Zirconium 1.71Dysprosium 0.772 Manganese 71.7 Silicon 132Erbium 0.519 Mercury 0.005 Silver 0.044 PureFulvic™ Trace Elements™ 14 Website: ©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved

“Above and Beyond Organics™”Our Most Frequently Asked Questions: Why are crop yields higher? Why is nutrient content higher? Why is BRIX higher? Why do you get more flowering? Why are hot peppers hotter? Why is oil content higher? Why is sugar content higher? Why do tomatoes taste better? Why do the crops grow faster? Why is size of the produce larger? Why are there more bees?When an Indy 500 race car is going over 220 plus MPH, everything on it MUST be perfectly balanced. If just onetire is slightly out of balance, the entire car vibrates violently and the car must slow down and pit or face thepossibility of having a wreck. Or use the example of a fine tuned Swiss watch. It has many cogs and gears of manydifferent sizes, but, if just one of those cogs or gears is not functioning properly, the watch cannot produce accuratetime.Well, our soils and ecosystems function precisely the same way. When all of the natural occurring micro nutrients,macro nutrients, trace minerals, and trace elements are present and available in the soils, along with the properamount of water, heat, and sunlight, these conditions provide the perfect environment for root development, andproliferation of the native micro flora and micro fauna in the soils, which in turn creates the ideal conditions for allplant life to be all it was meant to be. In other words, actualize its full potential. Just like the Indy 500 race carand the Swiss watch.Most soils worldwide are in poor condition and the micro fauna (i.e., soil microorganisms) are virtually starving;and synthetic chemical fertilizers promote these conditions even more. Example: Have you ever seen earthwormslying dead all over a sidewalk after a rain? Well, this is caused when chemical fertilizers are used; then when itrains or is watered, the resulting condition creates a soil environment “TOO HOT” for the earthworms to live in,and so they scramble out of the ground to get away from these intolerable hot conditions.When you have a healthy, nutrient balanced environment in your soils, the native life will explode creating vitalusable energy and, in a very short period of time, all of the “Why's”, as noted above, will be answered.This is exactly what we strive to accomplish for all of our customers worldwide with MicroSoil®'s LifeEnriching Fertilizer Program with products that are “Above and Beyond Organics™”.Since over 97% of the DNA in all plants in the world is identical, it is reasonable to concur that regardless ofwhere you live, our proven products, farming methods, and the irrefutable natural principles we advocate help toensure a success growing season and everyone and our earth benefits greatly. Copyright© 2010©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 15

SINCE 1996 Biomassters Global, Inc. 4894 West Lone Mountain Road Suite 191 Las Vegas, Nevada 89130 USA Telephone: (+1) 702-645-1390 Fax: (+1) 702-656-2305 Email: [email protected] Website: Ethanol Website: MicroSoil® The Missing Link for Soil Bio-Recreation© EARTH REGENERATION AT ITS BEST Dr. Layan Dawud Said, PhD – Soil Physicist & Integrator Scientist Welcome to the MicroSoil® BASED BIOSPHERE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMThis treatise is intended as a guideline to solve the increasingly chronic problems of infertile soils, nutrientdeficient crops, pests and diseases, resulting from a perceived panacea of inorganic fertilizers, pesticides,herbicides and guessing, all of which fail to deal with the real cause – a poorly nourished soil.The intent of this treatise is to offer knowledge and solutions, which, when properly implemented, will recreatethe natural soil ecosystem, resulting in maximum productivity and profitability.It has been said that we are sustained by water flowing from the mountains en route to the sea. In its course, waterruns over, under and around rocks, reducing them to sand, silt and microscopic particles of clay. Rocks are soilswaiting to be born through the reactions with water, weather, microorganisms and chemistry.The carbonic acid fraction of water provides the initial chemistry which releases (frees) minerals (cations andanions) to solution from the clay and organic matter to make minerals available for root uptake – the basis ofplant nutrition.Soil and top soil are produced naturally at a rate of 1 mm in 200 – 400 years. A full soil profile develops in 2000– 10,000 years.World-wide, soil is lost at a rate of 10 – 40 times faster than its replacement. The land itself may impose thebiggest limit on food production. World-wide loss of agricultural land is 6 million hectares (ha) per year from aworld-wide total of 12 million ha (0.5% per year). At this rate, in 20 years there will be 10% less agriculturalland. If there is 3% less green space around the world, the whole earth is going to die, because of the lack ofoxygen.The earth’s population is projected to balloon to 11 billion by 2050. Additional food to feed 250%-plus increasein population will have to come from improved technology. New agricultural technology must play a key role.Within the next 60 years, depending on projected population growth, world food supply must be increased by atleast as much as was achieved during 12,000 years since the beginning of agriculture.World food supplies are at a crucial turning point, and more bad weather could completely deplete supplies andcause a food crisis of catastrophic dimensions. We are at a critical point in history, for we face both a threat andan opportunity. ©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 16

The opportunity exists in the critical analyses and understanding of the precise mechanisms involved in the soil-water-plant-animal-human matrix, which leads to more efficient methods of productivity and increasedprofitability, while at the same time, preserving and enhancing human health and the soil ecosystem and theenvironment at-large.It is primarily the microbial interactions in soil that are responsible for the biological control of plant disease,turnover of organic matter, and the release and recycling of essential plant nutrients UNDERSTANDING THE MICROBIAL CONNECTIONDue to phenomenal microbial proliferation, the soil is depleted of oxygen at numerous microsites in therhizosphere. Thus, oxygen-free anerobic microsites are formed. Anerobic microsites play an important role inensuring plant health and vigor.Ethylene, a simple gaseous compound, is produced in these anerobic microsites. Ethylene is a critical regulator ofthe activity of soil microorganisms, and as such, affects: 1. Turnover of soil organic matter (OM). 2. Recycling of plant nutrients. 3. Incidence of soil-borne diseases.Ethylene temporarily inactivates the soil microbes resulting in less demand for oxygen. Oxygen diffuses backinto microsites, reducing ethylene production. When concentrations of ethylene in the soil fall, microbial activityrecommences. Favorable conditions are then recreated for ethylene production and the cycle goes on. Some ofthe more important functions of ethylene are as follows: 1. Induces seed germination. 2. Induces root-hair growth - increasing efficiency of water and mineral absorption. 3. Provides for disease/wounding resistance. 4. Enhances fruit ripening.A dynamic equilibrium exists in the soil-water-plant-animal-human matrix. Since the human element isthe major cause for soil ecosystem degradation, only the human element can restore the balance.Biomassters Global, Inc. maintains that the global trend of soil depletion can be reversed through theuse of MicroSoil®, a natural concentrate of beneficial nitrogen-fixing microorganisms combined withnatural enzymes, polysaccharides and polypeptides in conjunction with a 100% natural balance blendof PureFulvic™ Trace Minerals and Elements. MicroSoil® assists in the growth and proliferationof nitrogen-fixing organisms and beneficial native soil microorganisms, to enhance and optimize thedecomposition of soil organic matter, thus, releasing the essential nutrients critical to soil health, plantgrowth and plant immunity.One of the ways that MicroSoil® accomplishes this is by creating favorable soil conditions forethylene production. A major reason why agricultural soils fail to produce ethylene is because of theconventional farming practices, which change the form of soil nitrogen. In virgin soils, virtually all thenitrogen present is in the ammonium form, with just a trace of nitrate nitrogen present. When the soilecosystem is altered by current farming techniques, virtually all of the nitrogen occurs in the nitrateform. Plants and microorganisms can use either form of nitrogen, however, nitrate nitrogen inhibitsethylene production in the soil, in little more than trace amounts. Ammonium nitrogen has no suchinhibitory effect on ethylene production.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 17

When all of the oxygen is consumed in the microsite, one of the most important changes that takesplace is that iron goes from the oxidized or ferric form to the reduced or ferrous form. In aerated soils,virtually all the iron exists as minute crystals of iron oxide and in this oxidized or ferric form, isimmobile in the soil. If oxygen is completely consumed in microsites, and reducing conditions exist,these crystals break down, and iron is then transformed into the highly mobile ferrous or reduced form.Ethylene production occurs in soil only when iron is in the reduced or ferrous form. In other words,ferrous iron is a specific trigger for ethylene production. If there is no oxygen in the microsite, butnitrate nitrogen is present, then the chemical changes leading to the reduction of iron from the ferricform to the ferrous form are inhibited. This is how nitrate nitrogen stops ethylene production.Ferrous iron triggers the release of soil ethylene, because this form of iron reacts with a precursor ofethylene that is already in the soil. This precursor originates from plants, accumulating to appreciableamounts only in old, senescent leaves. When the leaves fall to the ground, the precursor accumulatesin the soil. Then, when conditions become favorable for mobilization of ferrous iron, ethylene isproduced. In addition to this, ferrous iron displaces the essential plant nutrients held on the surfaces ofclay and organic matter, which results in these nutrients being released into the soil solution and madeavailable for root uptake. RECAPITULATIONSoil conditions necessary for ethylene production are as following: 1. Initially, intense aerobic microbial activity in the rhizosphere to ensure that oxygen-free anaerobic microsites form. 2. Existent conditions in microsites to sufficiently reduce ferric iron to ferrous iron to trigger ethylene release. 3. Nitrate nitrogen maintained in trace amounts, otherwise ferrous iron will not be mobilized. 4. There must be adequate reserves of the ethylene precursor in the soil(organic matter).All of the above results in the mobilization and recycling of essential plant nutrients.About the Author: Dr. Layan Dawud Said was born in Oakland and educated at the University of California with degrees inSoil Physics and Plant & Soil Sciences in International Agriculture. He has an extensive 30-year background of research andfield experience in the U.S.A., East/West Africa, Mexico and throughout the Caribbean while devising and utilizing agro-ecological farming methods. He too, was responsible for developing protein and carbohydrate production systemsappropriate for various biomes especially for use in the semi-arid tropics.©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 18

PRESENTATIONGod's way of saying, “Have a nice day!” Biomassters Global, Inc. Above and Beyond Organics™©1996–Current Year Biomassters Global, Inc. All Rights Reserved 19

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