5 M Y LIFE IN M U S IC Singer songwriter: Any advice? Hello. I’m a singer songwriter. I’m good and I’m going to make it big! Any ad vice???? Paulie asked 2 days ago Answ ers (3) A nsw er #1 answered 4 hours ago Y o u c o u l d t r y g o i n g o n t o a s h o w l i k e The X Factoror The Voice. If y o u ’ r e a s g o o d a s y o u say , th e n th e s e T V ta le n t s h o w s will g iv e y o u a c h a n c e . O f c o u rs e , th e c o m p e titio n will b e re a lly s tr o n g , a n d t h e r e c a n o n ly b e o n e w in n e r . If y o u w in it, y o u s h o u l d h a v e a t l e a s t o n e h i t a l b u m , b u t i t ’s n o g u a r a n t e e t h a t y o u w i l l b e s u c c e s s f u l f o r a l o n g t i m e . The XFactor’s 2 0 0 7 w inner, L eo n a L ew is, h a s certainly b e c o m e a big star, bu t w h o re m e m b e rs th e w in n er o f t h e f i r s t s e r i e s , S t e v e B r o o k s t e i n ? M a y b e i t ’s b e t t e r n o t t o w i n a t a l l . I n 2 0 0 9 O i l y M u r s c a m e s e c o n d to J o e M c E ld e rry a n d is n o w m u c h m o re fa m o u s . In 2 0 1 0 O n e D irection c a m e t h i r d , a n d t h e r a d i o h a s n ’t s t o p p e d p l a y i n g t h e m e v e r s i n c e . A n s w e r # 2 answ ered 10 hours ago B a n d s h a v e b e e n u s i n g t h e I n t e r n e t f o r p u b l i c i t y f o r y e a r s n o w . I t ’s c h e a p , q u i c k a n d e a s y . L o o k a t Ju s tin B ieber. In 2 0 0 7 , w h e n h e w a s ju st 1 2 , h e e n te re d a local sin g in g c o m p e titio n a n d c a m e s e c o n d . H is m u m f ilm e d h im a n d p u t it o n Y o u T u b e . T h e n s h e p u t o n s o m e m o r e v id e o s of h im sin g in g . In 2 0 0 8 a tale n t s c o u t c a lled S c o o te r B ra u n a c c id e n ta lly click ed o n o n e o f J u s t i n ’s v i d e o s . H e r e a l l y l i k e d w h a t h e s a w a n d w e n t t o m e e t t h e y o u n g B i e b e r . T h e r e s t i s h i s t o r y . A n d t h e n t h e r e ’s L i l y A l l e n . S h e h a d a c o n t r a c t w i t h a m u s i c label, but they w ere too b u sy w ith bigger artists to give h er an y attention. S o sh e posted so m e of her m usic on M ySpace. Soon, sh e had ten s of thousan ds of fans, and lots of attention from h er label. T h a n k s to th e Internet, sh e b e c a m e a star overnight. Answer #3 answered 2 days ago I’v e b e e n w r i t i n g s o n g s s i n c e I w a s a t e e n a g e r . I n e v e r r e a l l y t h o u g h t a b o u t m a k i n g a record, but w h en I started m y b an d I also started to get m ore serious about m y m usic. W e h a v e n ’t b e e n p l a y i n g t o g e t h e r v e r y l o n g , b u t p e o p l e s a y w e ’r e r e a l l y g o o d . N o w I'm really k e e n o n m a k in g a c a re e r in m u sic . I th in k th e b e s t a d v ice is to sta rt sm all a n d g r o w b i g . W e ’v e b e i n g d o i n g a l o t o f b u s k i n g i n t h e s t r e e t s a n d t h a t ’s h e l p e d u s g e t a g o o d lo cal fo llo w in g . W e ’re n o w g e ttin g in v ita tio n s fro m c lu b s in th e a r e a to c o m e a n d play sh o w s. L o ad s of fa m o u s p eo p le started ou t busking. Eric C lapton, o n e of th e g re a te s t g u itarists in th e w o rld , b u s k e d o n th e stre e ts of L o n d o n w h e n h e w as young. ■ THiNK VALUES 2 W hat should these people do to realise their dreams? Give advice. Make notes for each one. Following your dreams David / join club 1 Match these peoples with their dreams. 3 SPEA K IN G W ork in pairs. Compare your ideas. Jessie is a really good artist. □ D avid shouldjoin a football club. He should Kylie loves acting. practise for three hours every day. David is great at football. Lance has written a book. □ T want to get it published.’ 4 SPEA KIN G Discuss these questions in small groups. T want to be in a play.’ 1 W hat is your dream? T want to play professionally.1 2 W hat can you do to make it come true? ’I’d love to have an exhibition of d о >s E 49
GRAM M AR P r o n u n c ia tio n Present perfect continuous been: strong /Ы:п/ and weak /bin/ Complete the sentences with the correct form of Go to page 120. the words in brackets. Check your answers in the online forum on page 49. Work in pairs. Find out how long your partner has been doing these things. 1 I ___________________ (write) songs since I was a teenager. 1 living in their house? walking? 2 learning English? talking? 2 W e ___________________ (do) a lot of busking in 3 going to school? playing an instrument? the streets. How long haveyou been For two years. 3 W e ___________________ (not play) together playing the drums? very long. VO C A BU LA RY 2 Match the example sentences below with the Making music rules. Write the numbers 1-3. Complete the story of Dymonde with the verbs 1 I've been learning the piano for two years. in the list. 2 I've been practising the piano since 10 am, 3 I’ve been playing the piano all day and I'm tired won start entered released enter downloading writes record going playing now. R U LE The present perfect continuous is used for actions happening over a period of time. W e use it to: a emphasise how long an activity has been Alan Bolan is a musician. He 1 songs One happening. The activity may or may not be day he decided t o 2 a band, so he put an complete. □ advert in the paper. He soon found the band mates he b talk generally about situations or activities that was looking for. They practised hard and started started in the past and are still continuing now. □ 3 local gigs. A few months ago they decided c talk about situations or activities that have to 4_________a talent show. They 5_________ the stopped but have a result in the present. □ competition, and their prize was a day in a recording studio. They used it to 6_________a single called Love Me Never. They 7 the single on their website 3 Choose the correct words. two weeks ago, and loads of people have been 1 He's been talking / talked on the phone all morning. it. It's already 9________ the charts. Radio 2 I've being/been playing this game for hours now. 3 My dad hasn't/haven't been feeling well for a stations have been playing it loads, too. Next month few days. they are 10 on tour all over the country. Rock 4 They've been/being studying since 10 o'clock. 5 W e haven't/hasn't been living here for very long. critics are predicting a big future for Dymonde. 6 The dog's been barked/barking for half an hour. 4 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words and for or since. 1 We're tired because we (run) _________ hours. 2 I ___________________ (wait) for her 40 minutes! 3 H e _____ _____________ (watch) T V __________ 2 ЕЗЭЯЯШЭ Work in pairs. Ask your partner 9 am. about their favourite band. Use the expressions in Exercise 1. 4 She's red because she___________________ (lie) in the sun_________ this morning. Who writes the sonjs? 5 They___________________ (walk) in the rain Haveyou downloaded any of their sonjs? _________ an hour and they're really wet. 6 Dad’s exhausted because he (work) in the garden_____ he got up.
5 M Y LIFE IN M U S IC W R IT IN G ■ T H iN K SELF-ESTEEM W rite the story of your favourite band. Music and me Write about: 1 Do the quiz. • how they started. • how long they have been together. 2 SPEA KIN G W ork in pairs. Discuss the quiz. • how they became successful. • some of their famous hits. • Do you agree or disagree with your score? W hy? • how long you have liked them. • W hat music do you listen to when you are sad? • why you like them. • W hat songs have special memories for you? • W hat are your favourite song lyrics? LISTENIN G • How do you choose what clothes to buy? • W h a t music d o yo u r friends like? 1 Г «1ЕП Listen to the interview with Tom. W h at is he talking about? Does music rock your world? 2 СИЛЕН Listen again and (circle) Could you live the correct answers. Sometimes there without it? is more than one correct answer. Take our quiz and find 1 How does Tom feel when he hears out ju st how im portant a good new band? m usic is in your life. A really excited В worried For each question, choose the sentence that describes you C happy best. Then work out your score and find out ju st how music mad you are. 2 W here does Tom hear new music? I o n ly listen to m u s ic w h e n I’m h a p p y . A on the radio M u s ic m a k e s m e fe e l b e tte r w h e n I’m fe e lin g d o w n . В on the Internet I listen to different m u sic d ep en d in g on h o w I feel. C from his friends I have loads of m em o ries co n n ected to different songs. 3 W here does Tom get music? I n ev er listen to m u sic from w h en I w a s younger. A He downloads it. I g et b o red w ith so n g s quickly. В He borrows it from his friends. C He buys CDs. M y m usical taste influences the clothes I w ear. M usic h a s nothing to do w ith fashion. 4 W hen does he listen to music? I d o n 't really think ab o u t w h at I w ear. A before he falls asleep В when he takes a shower I have the sa m e m usical tastes as m y best friends. C when he does his homework I like differen t m u sic fro m m o s t of m y friends. I a lw a y s k n o w if I’m g o in g to b e f rie n d s w ith s o m e o n e 5 How does Tom feel when he dances? w h e n th e y tell m e th eir ta s te in m u sic. A silly В happy I a lw a y s listen to th e lyrics in so n g s. C He doesn't dance. M elo d y is m o re im p o rtan t th an lyrics. M elo d y a n d lyrics a re b o th really im p o rtan t in a so n g . 3 C frlUtl-ll Now listen to Sara answering the same questions 5-8: Music doesn’t rule your world. You like K ey and complete the sentences. it and you probably listen to it, but it’s not so Q1 A - 1 В - 2 С - 3 important. Q2 A -3 В - 2 С -1 1 Sara mostly listens to ... Q3 A -3 В -1 С -2 2 Sara hears new music ... 9-11: Music plays an important part in your Q4 A - 1 В -3 С -2 3 She downloads... life, but it isn’t the only thing that matters. Q5 A - 1 В -2 С -3 4 She always listens to music 1 2 -1 5 : Music is your world and you would 51 when ... find it difficult to live without it. You live, 5 W hen she dances she sleep and breathe music. fe e ls...
REA D IN G 1 W o rk in pairs. How important are these things if you want to 2 Read the article quickly. W hich of these things be a pop star? Put them in order 1-6. W h a t other things can you think of? doesjohn Otway have? musical talent a good manager loyal fans good looks luck good songs [II* ] J ohn Otway has been playing music has released more than ten albums. He very loyal fans. When someone asked him and making records in the UK for has played hundreds of concerts. He what he would like for his 50th birthday, more than 40 years. Over the years he has written two autobiographies. He has his reply was:‘A second hit.’ His fans went worked with some of the country’s best out and bought as many copies of the new musicians and he has even made a film single Bunsen Burner as they could. And about his life. But despite all of this, most in October 2002, Otway finally saw his people have never heard of him. wish come true. In a chart that featured international superstars like Pink, Will Otway released his first record in Young and Oasis, Bunsen Burner made 1972, but it was the punk movement a it to #9. Many high street shops refused few years later that really gave him his to sell the record, saying that Otway was big chance. Otway wasn’t the greatest too old and unattractive for the teenage musician but his songs were always fun, market. Otway didn’t care. He celebrated and his performances on stage were his success with an appearance on TV’s always entertaining - there was a good biggest music show Top of the Pops. chance he would fall off the stage at least once in each show. The punks liked him, These days John Otway continues to and in 1977 he had a small hit when his play his music around the country, and single Really Free made it to #27 in the there are always plenty of people who UK top 40 charts. Otway really enjoyed his are happy to go and watch him perform. success but unfortunately, no more came. He’s a great example for anyone who Not one of his records over the next 30 loves making music. You don’t have to years was a hit. be young, good-looking (or even very talented) to enjoy a long career in the Although he never had much music business. commercial success, Otway had a lot of 3 Read the article again. For each question, mark the correct answer А, В, C or D. •* 1 Which sentence best describesjohn Otway's 3 W h y did some shops not sell his single Bunsen popularity in the UK? Burner? A Many people do not know his name. A Because they thought it was terrible В Everyone knows his name. В Because it wasn't a very big hit C He was popular 30 years ago but he isn't popular C Becausejohn O tw ay didn’t want them to have it any more. D Because they thought no one would buy it D H e’s quite popular with a lot of old people. 4 W h at is the message of the text? A You don't have to be young to be a successful 2 W hich sentence best describesjohn O tw ay as a pop star. musician and performer? В It’s important to be successful. A H e’s a very talented song writer and guitarist. C Do what you love doing. В He enjoys performing and making music. D Musicians get better as they get older. C He's a punk. D He's good at writing hit singles. 52
5 M Y LIFE IN M U S IC GRAMMAR V O C A BU LA RY Musical instruments Present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous 1 Match the instruments with the words in the list. W rite 1-8 in the boxes. 1 Complete the sentences with the verb p lay in the correct tense. Look at the article on page 52 to 1 drums 2 bass guitar 3 saxophone 4 piano check your answers. 5 violin 6 trumpet 7 keyboard 8 guitar 1 H e __________music for more than 40 years. 2 He hundreds of concerts. 2 Complete the rules and match them with the examples sentences in Exercise 1. RULES: Use the present p e rfe c t_________________ to □ talk about an action that is not finished. Use the present p e rfe c t............._ .......... to □ stress the finished result o f a com pleted activity and the amount completed. 3 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the list. 've been having H a s... been preparing 've been watching ve eaten haven't taken 've played 've been playing ’s been writing 's written 's made 1 Sarah__________more than 200 poems. She ............... poems since she was eight. 2 I .............— piano lesson for three years. I ______ _ any piano exams yet. 3 I __________football since I was five. I _______ for three different teams. 4 W e __________films all evening. W e ________ three bags of popcorn between us. 5 M um _________ more than 100 sandwiches. __ she__________ for the party all morning? 4 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs. 1 He autographs since he was ten. 2 L!>JKIH Listen. W hich instrument is playing? He over 500. (collect) 7 bass gu itar т т .ш ш т у 2 Jade _____ ____ over 5,000 photos on her SPEAKIN G phone. She _them ever since she W ork in pairs. Answer the questions. bought it. (take) 1 Do you play an instrument? If yes, how long have 3 Mum since 6 am. She you been playing it? If no, would you like to play an .over 400 km. (drive) instrument? 4 We for an hour. W e 2 Which of the instruments in Exercises 1 and 2 do you more than 2 km! (swim) really like? Which instruments don't you like? 5 Mr Bosworth.. . _____________ more than 2,000 3 W hat famous musicians can you think of? How long have they been playing music? Have you seen them children. H e ___ since he was 22. playing live? (teach) 53 6 They _ _ apples all day. They hundreds! (pick)
PH O TO ST O RY: episode 3 Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1 W hat's Luke's problem? 2 W hat suggestions do Megan and Ryan make? Г Now read and listen to the photostory. Check your answers. MEGAN Have a look at this. There’s going to be a OLIVIA What’s up, Luke? Aren't you excited? concert in our park. LUKE Not really. Well I am, but... RYAN What? What's the matter? OLIVIA Wow - The Unwanted! I’ve just heard LUKE I’m just a bit upset. I mean, where am I going their new song. I love it. to get £20 from? I’ve run out of money. I spent RYAN And Daddy D - awesome! I’m so going to go. all my money for the month on that new video MEGAN Me, too. I can’t wait. game I told you about. MEGAN Can’t you ask your dad? LUKE Well, there’s no point in getting upset. LUKE Noway. He won’t lend me money. I can’t go and that’s that. Especially for a concert. He hates my music. RYAN Well, if you say so. OLIVIA Tell me about it. My parents can’t stand OLIVIA Come on, Luke. I’m sure we’ll sort my music, either. something out. RYAN But listen, why don’t you sell something? RYAN This cat’s been following us for ages. LUKE I haven't got anything I want to sell. OLIVIA Nothing at all? Hey, kitty! LUKE No, nothing. MEGAN She’s so cute. But you’ll have to stay here now. You can't come to school with us.
5 ! M Y LIFE IN M U SIC D EVELO PIN G SPEAKING 3 Work in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the W o rd W is e story. Write down your ideas. Phrasal verbs with out IЛ/е th in k t h a t Ryan fin d s so m e m oney in th e street an dyives it to Lake. 1 Complete each of these sentences from the unit so far with a word from the list. 4 » н а * ! Watch to find out how the story continues. come find run went started sort 5 Complete the sentences with the names in the 1 Lots of famous musicians out list. There are two extra names. Sophie Lucky Tiddles Sammy Tiger i Lucy playing on the streets of London. 1 Ryan thinks the cat's name should b e --------- 2 His fans_________ out and bought all the copies. 2 Olivia calls the cat--------- 3 Luke calls the cat_______ ___ 3 Their new single has just___ ______ out. 4 The cat's real name is--------- 4 Come on, Luke. I'm sure we’ll-------- 6 W h y do the kids choose those names? something out. 5 I've_________ out of money. 6 Listen and out how the story ends. 2 Match the phrases and the definitions. PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 1 start out a discover 2 find out b begin your working life 1 Find the expressions 1-6 in the story. W ho says 3 go out c leave your house them? How do you say them in your language? 4 come out d appear in a shop so 1 I can't wait. 4 Tell me about it. 5 runout people can buy it 2 W hat’s up? 5 There's no point in ... e find an answer or solution 3 No way. 6 If you say so. 6 sort out to a problem f use all of something Complete the conversations. Use the expressions 3 Complete the sentences with the correct in Exercise 1. form of the verbs in Exercise 2. 1 A H eyM andy.1_________ ? 1 John isn’t here. H e ______ about 20 minutes ago. В I'm tired! I had problems with the homework last night. 2 It’s a really old film. I think it about 2005. A 2_________ ! I took four hours to finish it! And I think I got some things wrong. 3 W e need to go to the supermarket - we of milk. В Me too. Oh well.3_________ worrying about it. Let’s give it to the teacher, and see. 4 The police are trying to _________ who started the trouble last night. 2 A The Cup Final’s on T V tonight.4_________ ! В I know. It's really exciting. Do you want to come 5 W e had some problems with the computer, and watch it with me, at my house? but w e _________ them__________ yesterday. A5 ! Your television's terrible. 6 She’s a famous singer now, but she_________ В W ell,6__________ But I think our T V ’s really asadan“ r- iM u m m iif good. FU N C T IO N S Helpful suggestions Asking about feelings ROLE PLAY W ork in pairs. Student A: go to page 1 Match the questions and the answers. 127. Student B: go to page 128. Look at the role cards and do the role play. 1 What's up Luke? a Not great. 2 Is something the matter? b Yes, I'm fine. 55 3 How are you feeling? c Nothing. 4 Are you OK? d I'mjust a bit upset.
OBJECTIVES MAKING A DIFFERENCE READ ING 4 IE Look at the sentences below about the 1 Match the words and phrases in the list with the environment. Read and listen to the article to pictures. W rite 1-6 in the boxes. 1 a beautiful beach 2 a dirty beach decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. 3 clean water 4 an attractive landscape 5 an endangered species 6 a polluted river If it's correct, mark it A. If it's incorrect, mark it B. W ork in pairs. Which of the above are 1 Black rhinos are far more endangbered easy / difficult / impossible to find in your town than tigers. or country? Discuss using the expressions below. 2 At the beginning of the last century there • There is /are lots of ... in ... were ten times more tigers than now. • I think 50 years ago there were more / fe w e r... • It would be good to have more ... 3 The fishing industry gets more money for fish that are in danger than for the ones Tell your partner about places you that are not. have visited. Which of the things in Exercise 1 did you see? 4 The fishing laws are very strict, and the fishing industry keeps to them. Усагв ago I visited... /saw lots of... 5 Financial interests play a big role in I was surprised / disappointed to s e e ... deforestation. 6 Sea levels rise as sea temperatures fall. 5 Rewrite the false sentences from Exercise 4 to make them true.
6 MAKING A DIFFERENCE Г * ^ .....^ 1 Endangered species 3 Deforestation The black rhino in Africa is in serious clanger of A bout 3 0 % of the world's land is still covered with becom ing extinct. This is because som e people forests. But every year, w e lose areas as big as the think rhino horn has special powers. They pay country of Panam a. Big com panies earn millions from enorm ous sums of m oney for it. So people kill producing wood, paper and cardboard from the rhinos and sell their horns. Tigers are in serious trees. Forests are also cut down to make more space danger, too. A t the beginning of the 20th century, for growing crops such as soya or creating huge there w ere about 100,000 tigers. N o w there are cattle farms. The consequences of deforestation are only about 3,000 left. In a fe w years' time, there dramatic and partly responsible for climate change. might not be any tigers left at all! These are just tw o A bout 7 0 % of the world's land animals and plants live examples. M any other animals are endangered, too. in forests. If w e lose the forests, w e will lose millions Som e of them may be gone forever very soon. of species. Alejandro Silvas, Quito Jo e Wagner, Cape Town 4 Rising levels of sea water 2 Overfishing O ve r the last 20 years or so, sea w ater tem peratures It's not looking good for the fish population. Certain have been going up. A s a consequence, the ice caps species are in danger, and there aren't many of around the poles have started to melt, and sea levels them in th e sea w here fishermen usually go. Fishing have started to rise. If this doesn't stop, the w ater ships are therefore going further and further out will rise further and may flood many islands. Then into the oceans. They try to get the rare species som e countries like the M aldives w o n 't be there because th ey can get b etter prices for them . If any more. There is also a danger that som e huge things go on like this, 40 years from now there low-lying coastal cities might end up below the sea. w on't be any fish left in th e seas. It's not too late It's hard to imagine w hat the consequences of such yet, but it may be soon. The oceans need much changes might be. Gajkaran Sanu, N ew Delhi stricter laws and a fishing industry that keeps to them. Rick Cavendish, San Diego ■ THiNKVALUESI 2 ВЗНЯШЗ W ork in pairs. Say what you think Caring for the world about the values. I think number... is an important value. 1 Read and tick ( / ) the values that are linked with the problems discussed in the article. It says... and I agree th a t.... bo you agree? 1 W e have responsibilities towards future Yes. if we don’t ..., then future generations. generations will/wont ... 2 People have a right to express their Politicians/People/Everybody should... opinions freely. /think it's good th a t... 3 All people have a right to live in peace. 4 Our behaviour can make a difference. 5 Humans have a responsibility to protect endangered species. 6 W e must change our behaviour towards our planet.
GRAMM AR V O C A BU LA RY will (not), m ay (not), might (not) for The environment prediction 1 Match the words with their definitions. 1 Complete the examples from the article on page 57. Underline other examples of will, won't, m ay extinct a official rules that say what people (not) and might (not). Then complete the rule. laws are allowed and not allowed to do waste 1 In a few years' time, there__________any tigers left. melt b to change from solid to liquid 2 Some animals _________ forever very soon. flood (for example, from ice to water) 3 If we lose the forests, w e ____ _____millions of pollution c a large amount of water covering species. an area that is usually dry RULE: Use will o r 1__________to express future J d not existing any more certainty, and 2_ ____ ___ (not) or might (not) to e things that make water, air, express future possibility.54*6213 and the ground unclean f material that people throw away because they do not want or need it any more 2 Complete the sentences. Use will or won't and the 2 SPEA K IN G W ork in pairs. Ask and answer verbs in brackets. questions. 1 I'm not exactly sure, but I think she _________ (be) home by eight o'clock at the latest. 1 Which animals do you know that are extinct or in danger of extinction? 2 I wonder if p eo p le__________(live) on other planets in the future. 2 W hat laws to protect the environment are there in your country? 3 I'm worried about him coming with us. I'm sure he (like) any of the people at the party. 3 W hat problems with waste are there where you live? 4 W hat might happen if the ice around the north 4 W h o do you think__________(win) the next World Cup? and south poles melts? 5 Are floods common in your country? 5 It's getting cloudy. Do you think it __________(start) 6 Are the air and water very polluted in your area? raining soon? W hat could your class do to help fight pollution? 6 Oh, don’t worry about my parents. I’m sure they (be) angry. 3 Л >!>1И!!И Match the words in the list with the pictures. W rite 1-4 in the boxes. Then listen, 3 Read the sentences and circle the correct words. repeat and check. 1 Don’t worry I will /might pick you up at 7. 1 smog 2 recycling 3 litter 4 rubbish 2 The weather's a real problem. W e may I may not 4 Think about the environment in your country. be able to go for a walk. Make notes. 3 She’s not feeling well at all. She might /might not som e rivers polluted have to stay at home. a ir pollution from factories 4 It may I may not be cold later so take a jumper with you. 5 It’s my dad’s birthday tomorrow. M y wife and I are going to visit him, so we definitely won't! might not be here. 6 I'd like to get up and watch the sunrise with you, but I may /won'tjust sleep instead. W ork in pairs. Think about your next weekend. Talk about: a sport you will / won’t do someone you may / may not see a film you might / might not watch 58
5 ЕЗШ ЯШ Я Work in pairs. Look at your notes 6 MAKING A DIFFERENCE from Exercise 4. Make predictions for the next 30 years. Which environmental issues concern 2 You are going to listen to a story about you the most? Then report to the class. a town named Todmorden. Use the information from the newspaper story and your imagination Some of the rivers in our country are to say what you think is special about it. Then polluted, for example... We think this will listen and check. create big problems for the fish, and... 3 L S>lfKl Listen again and answer the questions. In some parts of the country, for example in ..., the air is polluted. We think this will change. 1 What's the project 'Incredible Edible' all about? There will be stricter laws so there wont b e... 2 Who takes part in the project? 3 Who had the idea? LISTEN IN G 4 How did they get the idea? 5 How did people react? Read the headlines in the online newspaper story and look at the images. Write down six Do you think the experiment will last? Why words you might find in the article. or why not? Would you like to see a similar experiment in your town or neighbourhood? Incredible Edible FUNCTIONS Carrots in the car park Expressing surprise and enthusiasm Radishes on the roundabout The deliciously eccentric story of the town 1 L D iiH i Listen to the radio programme again. growing ALL its own vegetables. The phrases below can be used to express enthusiasm. Tick the ones that the reporter uses. What a brilliant idea! That sounds wonderful! How exciting! That's amazing! (wonderful! etc.) Wow! Oh, really? Incredible! (Cool! Fascinating! etc.) 2 Put the dialogue in order. Read it out with a partner. A He has offered me a role in his next film. A I'm only going to meet Stephen Spielberg. 7 A I'm going to California this summer. A Three hours. В Cool! В Oh, really? Only three hours. Why's that? В How exciting! What are you going to talk about? В Wow! That sounds exciting. How long are you going to stay there? 3 H « M Practise dialogues with a partner. A says something surprising, В reacts using one of the expressions from Exercise 1 and asks a question. A says something surprising again, etc. Use your own ideas, or the ones here. • go to the moon • meet Bradley Cooper • have an important meeting • see an alien • only eat white food • stay up all night 59
■ T RA IN TO TriiNK Different perspectives This morning we took part in the Incredible 1 Read these different texts. Match them with Edible project. I was so Meeting the guys who the text types in the list. W rite numbers 1-4. proud when I saw that want to plant vegetables Give your reasons. There are two text types all of the 27 children in by the football field at 5 ... you don't need to use. my class had brought Hope to CUL8R. S. vegetable plants ... note newspaper article diary entry informative leaflet Reporter Mac text message adventure story Hendon has learned th a t the council will W ork in pairs. Discuss who the ... to buy OUR vegetables. soon publish a list o f texts are for and what their purpose is. They come from local farms spare land th at can be in the neighbourhood. They used by the Incredible /think text 1is probably fo r ... Edible project. It has /think somebody wrote it in order t o ... are organic and fresh - been ... and you don’t have to pick them yourself. Prices are reasonable, the quality is high! READ ING 1 Read the text. W h a t type of text is it? Choose from the types in the exercise above. W h o might this text be for? S m a ll changes, BIG consequences 6 things you can do to help the environm ent 1 . D on't leav e your D VD player, your 2.W h e n y o u c h a r g e y o u r m o b i l e , com puter or other electrical appliances on disconnect the charger from the phone s ta n d b y . If y o u s w itc h o ff y o u r T V c o m p le te ly w h e n th e b attery is fully charged . O th erw ise w h e n y o u 'v e sto p p e d w atc h in g , it w o n 't u se you're w astin g energy. any electricity. P eople think th at a g ad g et on standby uses only th e electricity for that 3.If y o u r e u s e y o u r s h o p p i n g b a g s w h e n 'little red light'. N o t true! you g o to th e su p e rm a rk e t, you'll sa v e m o n e y . If y o u k e e p th e m a n d ta k e th e m w ith you the next tim e you go shopping, you 5. M a k e s u r e n o n e o f t h e t a p s in y o u r h o u s e w o n 't n e e d n e w bags. D on't fo rg et th at a drip. If a ta p d rip s, it w a s t e s th re e o r m o re lot of en erg y is n e e d e d to p ro d u ce plastic litres of w ate r a day. b ag s, a n d p lastic w a s te is a d a n g e r for th e environm ent. U nless people stop throw ing 6. T h in k b e f o r e y o u t h r o w t h in g s a w a y , a n d plastic aw ay , th e en v iro n m en t w ill suffer tell your fam ily to do th e sam e. T hey m ay even m ore. not w an t to use an old m obile, com puter or M P 3 player any m ore. T hat d oesn't m ean 4.D o n 't le t t h e w a t e r ru n w h i l e y o u 'r e th o s e th in g s sh o u ld e n d up in th e litter bin. b r u s h i n g y o u r t e e t h . Ify o u t u r n i t o f f a n d u s e If th e y g o to a c h a rity in ste a d , o th e r p e o p le a cu p of w a te r to rin se y o u r m o u th , you'll m ight find th e m very useful. sav e a lot of w ater! W ork in pairs. Cover up the text and try to 3 Read the tips again. Which of the complete the sentences. suggestions ... 1 A gadget on standby uses... • do you already do? 2 W hen your phone is fully charged you should ... • would be easy for you to start doing? 3 Plastic bags are a problem for the environment because ... • would be difficult for you to follow? So we should ... 4 W hen you brush your teeth it’s better to ... 5 Taps should n ever... 6 Before you throw something away, ask yourself who might... 60
6 M AKING A DIFFERENCE GRAMM AR 4 Complete the questions. Use the correct form of the verbs. First conditional; unless in first conditional sentences 0 W hat w ill you d o if they d o n 't h elp you? (do / not help) 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Look at the leaflet on page 60 1 If yo u __________, __________ y o u __________ good and check your answers. Then choose the right marks in your test? (not study / get) answers to make the rules. 2 Unless the weather__________really bad on 1 If you switch off your T V completely when you Sunday, w e __________to the beach, (be / go) have stopped watching, it_______ __ (not use) any electricity. 3 If she____ ______you to her birthday party, __________yo u __________ her a present? (invite / 2 If you reuse your shopping bags when you go to buy) the supermarket, yo u __________(save) money. 4 Sh e__________him unless h e __________ her very 3 Unless people stop throwing plastic away, the nicely, (not help / ask) environment _______ (suffer) even more.*• 5 If I __________to visit you,__________ y o u ________ R U LE: W e use the first conditional to talk about me around your town? (come / show) the consequences of a 1possible / impossible future action. W ork in pairs. Ask and answer • Condition clause: i f + present simple questions using the first conditional. Use your • Result clause: w ill/ w o n 't + main verb own ideas or the ones here. The condition clause can come before or after the result clause. 1 W hat will you do if it rains all weekend? Unless means 2only if I if not. 2 W hat will you buy if you get some extra money this month? 3 W hat will you do tonight if you don't have any homework? 2 Match the parts of the sentences. □ V O C A BU LA RY □□ Verbs to talk about energy 1 Unless someone lends me a bit of money, 2 I'll only be able to go to the concert 1 L. Match the verbs with their definitions. 3 They won’t pass the exam 4 W on’t she miss the train W rite 1-8. Listen and check. a if my dad drives me there, 1 to reuse 2 to throw away 3 to recycle b if she doesn't leave for the station now? 4 to waste 5 to charge 6 to disconnect с I won't be able to take the bus home, 7 to save 8 to leave on standby d unless they study hard. a not to switch an appliance off completely □ 3 W rite first conditional sentences. Then decide so it is ready to be used at any time □ in which of them you could use unless. b to collect and treat rubbish in order to 0 environment / suffer / if /we not recycle more produce useful materials that can be The en viron m ent w ill s u ffe r i f w e don’t used again recycle more. The environm ent w ill su ffer unless w e recycle more. c to fill up an empty battery again d to get rid of something 1 if /1 give this phone /charity /they find someone e to stop something from being wasted who needs it f to stop the connection between an electrical 2 if / this tap not stop dripping / how much water / appliance and the power source we waste in a day? g to use something again 3 situation / become worse / if they not change behaviour h to use too much of something or use it incorrectly 4 Look - battery full! / if you not disconnect charger/ you waste energy 2 SPEA KIN G W ork in pairs. Discuss these questions. 5 if she read this book / she understand situation 1 Do you waste a lot of energy? W hat could you do better to save energy? 6 if/you not stop shouting /1 not listen any more 2 W hat things do you reuse? 3 W hat things do you recycle? Do you think there is enough recycling done where you live? W hy?
1 Look at the picture. Do you know w hat this is? ш а2 Read and listen to the article. W h a t animals does it mention? STOP! BEFORE IT ’STOO L ^ *1 The Himalayas The Galapagos Islands W h y should w e care? W h y should w e care? The Himalayan mountains in South Central Asia contain The Galapagos Islands are one of the most amazing many of the world’s tallest peaks, including Mount places on Earth.These tin y islands are 1,000 km from Everest.They also contain the biggest number of Ecuador in the Pacific, and contain many species of g laciers after the North and South poles.Three of the plants and animals that are found nowhere else in the greatest rivers in the world start from these mountains: world, among them the giant tortoise, the Galapagos the Ganges, the Indus and the Yangtze.These rivers penguin and the Galapagos sea lion.They are also provide water to a billion people in Asia. famous because the scientist Charles Darwin spent time there studying the wildlife. W h a t ’s h ap p en in g ? The biggest danger to the Himalayas is global W h a t ’s h ap p en in g ? w arm in g , which is melting the glaciers fast.There is also The Galapagos Islands are very fragile.The greatest a huge problem with deforestation in the mountains. dangers to them include overfishing, pollution and Many species of animals such as the tiger, the rhino and tourism.There is also a threat of animals from other the snow leopard are in danger. parts of the world arriving on the islands and killing the local wildlife. The Amazon The Great Barrier Reef W h y should w e care? W h y should w e care? The Amazon in Brazil is the largest tropical rainforest in The Great Barrier Reef, off the eastern coast of the world. It is home to I0% of the world’s wildlife.The Australia, is over 2,000 km long. It is the only living Amazon River is the largest in the world and contains organism on the planet that you can see from space. the most freshwater fish on the planet. It is also home It is home to 1,500 different types of fish, 400 different to 350 different tribes. But perhaps most importantly, it types of coral, 2 15 different types of birds and six provides between 25 and 30% of the world’s oxygen. different types of turtle. W h a t ’s h ap p en in g ? W h a t ’s h ap p en in g ? The biggest th r e a t is deforestation.This happens to W e have already lost 10% of all the coral, but scientists make space for farm land and to have wood. As a result, fe a r that we will lose 70% more in the next 40 years. many animals are endangered, among them the golden The greatest dangers to the reef are pollution and lion tamarin and the jaguar. Since 1950 we have lost overfishing. more than 17% of the Amazon rainforest. W e can’t afford to lose any more. S P E A K IN G W o rk in pairs. Say w hat these SPEA K IN G Can you think of numbers in the article refer to. any other areas o f the world that are in danger from a 1,000,000,000 d 1,000 A billion — that's the num ber o f people environmental damage? b 350 e 2,000 in Asia th a t j e t th eir w a ter from the c 17 f 70 Qanjes, the Indus an d the Yangtze.
6 MAKING A DIFFERENCE 5 VOCABULARY Match the words in bold in the article with the definitions. W rite the words. 0 groups o f p eo p le w h o live together, usually outside towns and cities, and have the same language, culture, and history tribes 1 th e rise in te m p e ra tu re o f th e Earth's climate ___________ 2 a living thing ___________ Pronunciation 3 are afraid ___________ 4 w ea k / easy to dam age Д/, /v/, /Ь/ consonant sounds 5 large masses o f ice that m ove slow ly ___________ Go to page 120. 6 th e to ps o f m ountains ___________ 7 v e ry small ____ _____ 8 something that will p rob ab ly harm or d estroy something else WRITING The sad story of a once beautiful river An article for the school magazine T he Quiller River was once so beautiful that there 1 Read this article from a school magazine. is even a song about it. And now? Answer the questions. The situation is alarming. There are lots of factories 1 What is its purpose? along the river. Newspapers have recently reported 2 How has the river changed? that the water in the river is totally polluted. There 3 What are the main reasons for the problems? are hardly any fish left, and the water itself smells 4 What will happen if the situation doesn’t change? terrible. The situation will be even worse in a few 5 What should be done? years unless factories stop polluting the water. So I really think politicians should do something about it. 2 Put the words in the correct order to make We need stricter laws to protect our river. sentences from the article. Then go through it and underline the evidence the writer uses to And just look at the river banks. They are covered in support each of these statements. litter. It seems that there are lots of people who throw their waste into the river. This must stop! We should 1 so /the / beautiful / once / Quiller River /was all get together and help clean up the river banks. 2 situation / alarming / is /the 3 the / river / and / look at / banks /just453 If politicians wake up and we all do something, we might once again be able to enjoy the beauty of the 3 Match the sentence halves. Which of them river. Let’s hope it’s not too late. talk about possible consequences? Which are suggestions? Which are predictions? 5 Choose one of these environmental problems and make notes about what the situation is now, 1 If politicians wake up and we all do something, possible consequences and what should be done. 2 W e need stricter laws 3 In a few years' time a one of the problems mentioned in this unit, for 4 So I really think politicians example, deforestation in the Amazon 5 The situation will be even worse in a few years b an environmental issue in your town or country a to protect our river, b unless factories stop polluting, 6 W rite an article for your school magazine raising c we might once again be able to enjoy the river, awareness about the environmental issue you d should do something about it. have chosen. e all the fish may be dead. • Find a good title. 4 The article has four paragraphs. Which of them ... • Write an introduction that catches the reader's interest. • Describe what the problems are, what you think the a expresses the writer's hope that the situation will be better in the future? consequences might be and what should be done. b introduces the topic? 63 c describes problems and says what should be done? d describes problems, says what will happen if nothing is done and what should be done?
CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Preliminary ■ THiNK EXAMS READING Part 5: Four-option multiple-choice cloze 1 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter А, В, C or D. I'm an eco-counsellor at my school. It’s a job I have we 5 a plan to stop littering around the 0 ___ doing for 6 months, and it’s something I enjoy a lot. As an eco-counsellor I'm responsible school. W e put up posters6 , and I even 1 ___ making sure that our school does as much 2 ___ it can for our environment. made a small speech in a school assembly. It's Altogether there are six of us. W e have 3______ already had an amazing impact, and you 7______ meeting once every two weeks, and we discuss what we can do 4______ encourage students to ever see any rubbish on the floor in a the school. think about their behaviour and how to be more environmentally friendly. For example, last month We 8 decided to get students to think about recycling. W e have now got different bins for glass, paper and plastics in 9 ____classroom. If we all 10 the bins, our school will be a cleaner, healthier place. 0 A being В be ( c ) been D was 1 A for В of C in D by 2 A so В than C for D as 3Aa В- C an D the 4 A for В to C so D about 5 A did В made C ran D make 6 A everywhere В nowhere C anywhere D som ewhere 7 A often В sometimes C hardly D occasionally 8 A too В also C as well D else 9 A all В some C every D no 10 A using В have used C are using D use WRITING Part 1: Sentence transformations 2 Here are some sentences about music. For each question, com plete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 0 W e moved into this house two years ago. 3 If you don’t practise, you’ll never be a good drummer. You won’t be a good drummer W e ________h av e been living in this house practise. for two years. 4 They came on stage at 8 pm and they’re still playing 1 Their new CD isn’t as good as the last one. now two hours later. They ______________ ___________ on stage for two Their last CD w as__________________________ their hours now. new one. 5 There a 50% chance that I’ll go to the show on 2 Two hours ago he got into the pool and started Saturday. swimming. I __________________________ to the show on Saturday. H e __________________________ for two hours.
TEST YOURSELF U N I T S 5 8c6 VOCABULARY 1 C om plete the sentences with the words in the list. There are tw o extra words. release standby tour extinct flood record enter waste charge melt download throwaway 1 Is it O K if I _____________ my mobile phone in your room? 2 It's getting warm now, so l think the snow w ill_____________ soon. 3 Don't_____________ water. You shouldn't stay in the shower for more than four minutes! 4 Our W iFi connection is really slow. It takes a long time t o _____________ songs. 5 They've recorded a new CD, and they're going t o _____________ it next week. 6 You can't win the competition if you don't_____________ it! 7 After the band released their new record, they went o n _______ ___ ..... for three months. 8 If it carries on raining like this, there might be a _____________ tonight. 9 There aren't many of these animals left in the world. They could b e ___________ in a few years. 10 Don't switch it off completely-leave it on .... , OK? /10 GRAMMAR /12 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. IО unless if have played have been playing won’t might not 65 1 I didn't study for the test. I ___________ pass it, I’m sure! 2 Sorry, Mum. My shoes are really dirty. I ......................football in the park. 3 We won't go for a w alk___________ it rains. 4 I don't feel very well, so I . go to school tomorrow. I'm not sure. 5 I'll never finish this homework___________ you help me. Please! 6 Everyone in the team is really tired. We three games this week already! 3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 He's being working here for over ten years. 2 If it will rain, we'll stay at home. 3 I've been making fifty sandwiches for the party tonight. 4 W e might to go out tonight. 5 You won’t do well in the test unless you don't study. 6 Ouch! I’ve been cutting my finger. FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 C om p lete the sentences with the words in the list. bit doing How matter news not sounds up 1 A Hijack. What's the ? В Nothing much. I'm just a ... upset. 2 A W h at's_____________ , Maria? W h y are you crying? В I'm crying because I’m happy. I won a competition. A _____________ exciting! I'm really happy for you. 3 A How are you ? В Well, great. But I'll be OK, I think. 4 A I've got some ! We're going to get a cat. В That great! I'm sure you're really happy.
OBJECTIVES fu n c t io n s: checking information; agreeing g r a m m a r : future forms; question tags; Nor/Neither / So v o c a b u l a r y : future time expressions; arranging a party; phrases with about 22nd July 2042 TRAVEL Moon hotel to welcome first guests History will be made today when the Titan Moon Hotel finally opens its doors to welcome the first tourists to the moon. The $36 billion project, which has been delayed for three years, hopes to receive more than 50 guests a week before too long. The first tourist shuttle leaves for the moon from the London Sp ace Port later this evening. Guests on it include the Internet billionaire M ira Xin and her new husband Bob Latchford. They are spending a three-day honeymoon there. R E A D IN G 3 Look at the pictures again. What do you think the 1 Look at the pictures in the newspaper on stories are about? these pages. What do the pictures show? 4 Read and check your ideas. What is 'different' about This one sh ow s a bu ildin g in th e fu tu re. this newspaper? 2 Work in pairs. Think of a current news story for each section of the 5 Г.Й>>Ж»ГЛ Read and listen to the stories again. Decide newspaper. if the sentences are correct or incorrect. Correct the incorrect sentences. sport travel ; entertainment science and technology 1 They planned to open the Titan Moon Hotel in 2039. 2 Mira Xin has just got married. Can you think o f a science 3 There are some human actors in Star Client. an d technology story? 4 Interflix film producers think actors are too expensive. 5 Shirley Williams lost a foot in a car accident. Yes, computers attached to 6 Doctors thought Shirley's career was over. eyeglasses. They're incredible! 7 Dr Miriamjameson is a scientist. 8 People are already using 3D holograms. 66
7 FUTURE FUN ENTERTAINMENT Actors call for Star Client ban Angry actors are calling on people not to go and see the latest Interflix film Star Client because they fear it could be the end of their profession. The film features an entire cast of robots playing human roles. Interflix producers have responded saying that the enormous fees that Hollywood stars are asking for make it impossible for studios to produce films. M aybe actors need not worry too much because early reviews of the film have been terrible. The film opens in the UK on Friday. SPORT Shirley's Helsinki Happiness Doctors have told Shirley Williams that she will be able to compete in the European Championships in Helsinki next month. The 28-year-old boxer had a complete hand transplant after being involved in a car accident in July 2040. Doctors told her that her career was over. But a two-year intensive recovery programme means that she now has the chance to compete again. 'I never thought this day would arrive', she told reporters. 'After Helsinki I'm going to start training for Lima 2044,' she added. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 3D holograms a reality, scientists say Imagine sitting in a business meeting in N ew York while also sitting in your pyjamas back home in London. According to scientists at the United European University in Zurich, this will be a reality sometime in the near future. Dr Miriam Jameson, head of the science and computing department, held a press conference yesterday to announce a major breakthrough in hologram technology. She promised that two years from now it will be possible to send 3D images of yourself anywhere in the world. Full-body transportation though, she explained, is still just a dream for the future. ■ THiNKVALUESH Work in pairs. Compare your ideas with your partner. Give your reasons. Believe in a better future I think the story about robots acting in films shows 1 What kind of future do you think a negative future because I don't think that it is a these stories show? good thinj for technology to replace humans. © - a positive future Ш ЗШ ПЗ Think of a positive future. What things do you © - not positive or negative see? Think about these areas. © - a negative future technology medicine world peace poverty sport weather Robot films 3D holograms Moon hotel Miracle boxer No one is hun>in 67
GRAMM AR 3 Read the sentences. Mark them P (prediction), Future forms 1 Complete the example sentences with the verbs I (intention), A (arrangement) or F (fixed event). in the list. Check your answers with the stories 1 She won't do very well in her exams. on pages 66-67. Then match the sentences in 2 They're going to buy a new car soon. Exercise 1with the rules. Write a-d. 3 The match starts at 3 pm. 4 He’s meeting his mother for lunch on Friday. opens spending start will 5 The new zoo opens on Friday. a The film_________ in the UK on Friday. 6 One day we’ll all live under the sea. 7 I’m going to write a novel one day. b History_________ be made later today. 8 They're having a party on Tuesday. c I’m going to __________training for Lima 2044. 4 Choose the best future form to complete the d They are __________a three-day honeymoon there. dialogue. W e often use • the present simple tense to talk about fixed future A °<^reyou doing)/ Do you do anything on Friday evening? events. 1__ • b e g o in g to to talk about future plans and В Yes, 11'mworking / 'll work at the restaurant. A Oh, what time 2areyou finishing /do you finish? intentions. 21*3__ В The restaurant usually closes at 9 pm and I work • w ill/w o n 't to make predictions about the future. until then but there’s a party this Friday so I з 3won'tl don't finish until at least 10 pm. W hy? • the present continuous to talk about future A Well 14'm having / 'll have a party. Lots of people 5come / are coming and I wanted to invite you, too. arrangements. 4__ В I’d love to come. A You 6won't b e / aren't being too tired? 2 Complete the sentences. Use the present simple В No way. I t 7is being / will b e the perfect way to start form of the verbs in the list. the weekend. arrive open finish start leave V O C A BU LA RY Future time expressions ARRIVALS 1 Com plete the tim e expressions with the words in the list. m e i-i-i from later after time near next next | long Ш ТШ LUST DAY FRIDAY! 1 the week after_____ 5 the day tomorrow Shop 7am to 7pm 2 before to o ......... _ 6 ....... ...today 3 in two weeks' 7 four years now 4 ..........weekend 8 in th e _______ future 2 Com plete these sentences in your notebook with your own ideas. Think about your family, friends, school, town, country. LN.C. ARENA Predictions 1 I think in the near future. 2 l think 40 years from now. STA RTS 8PM 3 I think in 20 years'time. 22 JU N E Intentions 4 I _____ . the week after next. 0 The sale fin ish es on Friday 5 I _____ _ next Friday. 1 Flight FL098 6 I _____ _ before too long. 2 The concert_________________ 3 The train____________________ 7 I _______this weekend. 4 The shop Arrangements 8 I later today. 9I _ tomorrow morning. ■ дятании ш я^
7 FUTURE FUN LIST EN IN G 1 You are going to listen to two interviews with people from the future newspaper: boxer Shirley Williams and moon tourist Mira Xin. Compare your questions. • Student A: Write three questions to ask Shirley. • Student B: Write three questions to ask Mira. 2M Listen to the interviews. Do they ask your questions? W hat questions do they ask? 3m Listen again. Choose the correct picture and put a tick ( / ) in the box below it. * 1 What is Mira going to do on the moon? 2 What is she taking with her? 3 What is one of Shirley's plans for the year? 4 W hat is she going to do? A 2 Е2ЖЗЗШЭ Work in pairs. Compare your lists from Exercise 1. Say what things you are going ■ THiNK SELF-ESTEEM to do. I really want to finish my school project tonight. Personal goals 3 Е 2 Ш Ш З Discuss how you are going to do the 1 Complete the lists so they are true for you. things on your lists. Two things I want to do today How are you. going to finish your project tonight? 1 __________________________ 2 _____________________________ Well, I'mgoing to start it as soon as Iget home. I'm not going to watch any TV. Two things I want to do this week 69 1 __________________ 2 ____________________ Two things I want to do this year 1 _________________ 2 ___________________ Two things I want to do in my lifetime 1 ____________________ 2 2 ______________________
READ IN G 1 Imagine you are organising a party for your birthday. Put these things in order o f importance. food □ music venue (where you are going to have the party) guests publicity (letting people know about the party) S P E A K IN G W o rk in pairs. Com pare your ideas with a partner. A special venae's not very im portant. I'llju s t use my house. M usics very im portant. You c a n t have a party without good music. 3 Read the chat room posts quickly. W h a t kind of 4 Read the posts again. W h o is responsible for p arty are they arranging? Do you think Lucy is a each area in Exercise 1? good organiser? Lucy One w eek to go, Lucy OK, that’s a better Lewis No problem - see K w everyone. Ju s t checking in. idea - no need to draw up m you at about 11 then. H o w ’s the music going, Fran? a guest list and no invitations needed. Ju s t the posters. Lewis, Lucy OK, that’s everything, Fran All done. I’ve hired the yo u ’re doing that, aren’t yo u ? Don’t forget the them e w e ’ve R r I think. W e just need to D J. I paid him a deposit. chosen - superheroes. decorate the room the evening You wanted m e to do that, didn’t before and w e ’re ready. I’m really you? Lewis I thought that w as going to enjoy this party. Lucy That’s great, Fran. 3 V in ce’s job. Lewis S o am I. Food - Kev? Lucy No, I’ve got you down m Ш К е у All organised. T h ey’re R < for posters. Let m e know if Kev Lucy - is Mr O ’Brien you c a n ’t do it. delivering the drinks the day ‘uJ5 O K with it all? after tomorrow. Lewis No, that’s fine. I’ll do Lucy W hat?!!? Lucy But what about the it tomorrow. T h ey’ll be ready to put up in the afternoon. That Kev You’ve asked Mr R * fo o d ? You haven’t forgotten should be OK, shouldn’t it? about that, have yo u ? Г и д O ’Brien, haven’t yo u ? Oliver Yes, and I can help About having the party, I mean. Kev All sorted. Ja c k ie and if you want, Lewis. Lucy I’m not responsible Ш Pete are going to help me Kev S o can I. ■w for that, am I? on the day. Lewis Great. Can you both Kev Yes, you are, Lucy. Lucy That’s great. Anyone com e round to my house in I've got the ‘to-do’ list right R ' heard from Oliver? He here. C h eck with the headm aster - promised to send out invitations the morning? Lucy. I don’t think w e can have by email. Anyone know if he’s a party without getting permission done it ye t? Oliver■ ■ Sure, but I w o n ’t be from him to use the school hall. ■ ■ Oliver W hat do you mean ш Ш able to be there before 11. Lucy Neither do I. I’ll do it и Ш ‘send out invitations'? The Kev Nor will I. R * first thing tomorrow. Sorry party is open to everyone, isn’t it? about that. I thought w e agreed to put up posters around the school? 70
7 FUTURE FUN GRAMMAR R U LE; W e can use so and norlneither to agree Question tags with statements. 1 Complete the sentences. Look at the posts • W e use 1__________to agree with positive on page 70 and check your answers. Use the statements. sentences in Exercise 1 to complete the rules. • W e use 2__________to agree with negative 1 You wanted me to do that,__________you? statements. 2 The party is open to everyone,_________ it? After so and nor/neither we repeat the verb used in the statement. If the statement is in the present or 3 Lewis, you're doing that,_________ you? past simple, we use do/did to agree with it. (See rules on question tags.) 4 That should be OK, it? 5 I'm not responsible for that,__________I? 6 You haven't forgotten about that,__________you? R U LE : Question tags are short questions which 4 W rite replies to agree with the statements. we use to check facts or make conversation. 0 I love school. So do I . • With positive statements, use a 0negative 1 I didn't watch any T V last night. question tag. 2 I can’t go to the party. 3 I should do my homework. • With negative statements, use a 1__________ 4 I'm going to bed early tonight. question tag. 5 I don’t eat meat. 6 I won’t be late. • When b e is used in the statement, repeat it in the 7 I was very upset with Tim. question tag. (sentences 2, 3, 5) P r o n u n c ia tio n • With modal verbs (con, might) and most other verb forms, repeat the modal or the auxiliary verb in Intonation of question tags the question tag. (sentences 4, 6) Go to page 121. ......................................................... • With present or past simple verbs, use 2__________, don't, does,3__________(present simple) or 4_________ , didn't (past simple), (sentence 1) 2 Complete the questions with tags. VO C A BU LA RY Arranging a party 0 She sings beautifully, doesn 't sh e ? 1 You won't say anything,__________? 1 Match verbs with nouns to create a ‘to do' list. Use the posts on page 70 to help you. 2 Debbie didn't phone,__________? 3 You can come to my party,__________? 4 He'sjamie's brother, ? Verbs Nouns 5 That meal was delicious,__________? send out organise permission room get hire draw up DJ food and drinks 6 They don't live with you,_________ ? decorate invitations guest list 7 You've met Liam, ............ ? 8 You aren't going to university,__________? Get permission for the party. N o r/N e ith e r / So W ork in pairs. W h at order should you do the things on your to do list? 3 Complete the sentences. Then complete the You. should get permission first, shouldn't you? ru le s . LUCY I’m really going to enjoy this party. LEW IS So I. O L IV E R I can help if you want, Lewis. KEV So I. W R IT IN G An invitation KEV I don’t think we can have a party without LUCY You are having a party. W rite the invitations. getting permission from him. Be sure to say the theme of the party, the date, time and place of the party and also what your Neither I. guests should bring (or not bring). O L IV E R I won't be able to be there before 11. KEV Nor 1.
PH O TO ST O RY : episode 4 Look at the photos and answer the questions. What does Megan want to do on Saturday? What plans have the others got? Ф )2 .1 0 Now read and listen to the photostory. Check your answers. LUKE Friday m orning. I can 't w ait for th e weekend. RYAN I th in k it’s a great idea. OLIVIA Nor ca n I. LUKE So do I. RYAN Only one m ore day of school to go. T hank RYAN But I’m going to spend th e day w ith m y cousin. MEGAN Oh, no, th a t’s a sham e! goodness! I’m ab o u t to go crazy in th a t RYAN Hey! There's n o th in g w rong w ith m y cousin! classroom . MEGAN Oh, com e on, Ryan. You know w h at I m ean! LUKE I know w h at you m ean. RYAN A nd th e w e a th e r’s going to be nice th is weekend. I checked the forecast. MEGAN: So did I. A bit cloudy, b u t no rain . Let’s have a picnic. W hat do you reckon, Ryan? any plans, have you? MEGAN So it’s ju st you an d me, Luke. OLIVIA Well, actually, yes, I have. M um prom ised LUKE Well, M egan, th e re ’s a school football m atch to take me shopping. tom orrow m orning. And I'm in the team . MEGAN Oh. Lucky you. MEGAN In oth er w ords, you c a n ’t com e OLIVIA Yeah, sh e’s going to buy m e som e new tom orrow either. clothes. LUKE Well, sorry, no. I c a n ’t m iss th e m atch, ca n I? MEGAN Oh, well. Looks like I'm going to be on 72 th is b en ch all alone, th en . I’m glad I’ve got a good book.
7 FUTURE FUN D EV ELO PIN G SPEA K IN G 3 W ork in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the ; W o rd W is e story. W rite down your ideas. Phrases with about We think that Megan goes shopping with Olivia. Complete the sentences from the unit so far 4 i T i ra i Watch to find out how the story continues. with a phrase in the list. 5 Answer the questions. sorry about about eleven about you 1 W h y doesn't Ryan go to his cousin's house? forgotten about about to 2 W h y doesn't Luke play football? 3 W h y doesn't Olivia go shopping? 1 No problem - see y o u _________ then. 2 W hat about the food? You haven’t _________ that, have you? PHRASES FOR FLUENCY 3 I'll do it first thing tomorrow.__________that. 4 I'm __________go crazy in that classroom. 1 Find the expressions 1-6 in the story. W h o says 5 What , Olivia? them? How do you say them in your language? 1 Thank goodness. 4 There's nothing Match the questions and answers. 2 W hat do you reckon? wrong w ith... 1 How tall isJack? 3 That's a shame. 2 You haven't tidied up! 5 Lucky you. 3 I love this music. W hat about you? 6 In other w ords,... 4 Has your sister left school now? 5 W h y weren't you at the party? 2 Complete the conversations. Use the expressions in Exercise 1. a Yes. She’s about to go to university, b About 1 metre 65,1think, 1 A M y parents just won a holiday in a competition. с I forgot about it. I'm really angry with myself! В W o w !__________! d Yes, it’s not bad. A The holiday is for two people, so I can't go. e Oh, sorry about that. В Oh. Complete the sentences so they are true for 2 A How's Ben? Any news? you. Then compare with a partner. В Yes. He’s OK. His arm's not broken................. A ............... , it’s not as serious as we thought. 1 l usually get up ab o u t... 2 Once, I forgot ab o u t... 3 A Look at that guy's clothes. They're horrible! 3 I’ve got a friend who is about to ... ______ ? В Well, I don't like them much. But I don't think you should be so critical. A H e y!__________saying what you think! FU N C T IO N S 2 Complete the left-hand column with true Agreeing information about you. 1 Match the sentences and the replies from Tonight I'm going to ... and so is________ . Weekend plans. I'm not going to ... nor is________ . Yesterday 1... and so d id ________ . 1 I can't wait for the weekend. a So did I. Yesterday 1d id n 't... nor did 2 I checked the forecast. b So ami. 1really like ... and so does________ . 3 I think it’s a great idea. c Neither have I. 1don't like ... nor does________ . 4 I'm happy you're here. d Neither did I. 5 I haven’t got anything 3 W alk about the classroom and find people who e Nor can I. agree with you. Complete the chart with their to do all day. names. 6 I didn't want to spoil the f Sodol. surprise.
SCIENCE OBJECTIVES COUNTS fu n c t io n s: talking about past habits; talking about imaginary situations; talking about scientific discoveries g r a m m a r : past simple vs. past continuous (review ); used to; second conditional; /wish v o c a b u la r y : direction and movem ent; science R E A D IN G 4 Look at the pictures on page 75. 1 W h o are the people, do you think? 1 Look at the pictures. Say what each one shows. 2 W h at do you think this blog is about? Picture 3 is electricity. 5L Read and listen to the blog and check 2 SPE A K IN G W o rk in pairs. Answer the questions. your ideas. 1 W h y are the things in Exercise 1 important? . 6 Read the blog again. Answer the questions. 2 W h at was life like for people before they had 1 W h at did Newton think about when he saw the these things? apple fall to the ground? Before people h ad fire, they couldn't cook, 2 W hat did Archimedes see when he got out of the meat. And they were cold in winter. bath? W o rk in pairs or small groups. Discuss 3 W h y did he shout 'Eureka'? the questions. 4 W h y are these discoveries not complete accidents? 1 Electricity and fire are discoveries. The other things are inventions. What's the difference? 2 Which of the six things above do you think is the most important? W h y? 3 Can you think of other discoveries or inventions that changed how people live? 74
i8 S C I E N C E C O U N T S MIKE HORNBY'S V OG PAGE W hy a re n 't p eo p le m ore in terested in science? Welcome to my blog, where I write about the things EU R EK A ! that really interest me! This week I want to talk a bit about science, scientists and science stories. Let's start with Newton. We all know the story, don't we? Back in about 1666, Isaac Newton was visiting his mother one day and was walking around in her garden. He sat down under an apple tree and started thinking. (Newton was always thinking about something, that's what scientists do.) So, he was sitting and thinking when an apple fell out of the tree and hit the ground beside him. (Some people say the apple fell on his head, but who knows?) And Newton thought about why things fall down and not up or sideways. And he got the idea of gravity. Nice story, isn't it? Only it's probably not true. Or, at OK, so a Greek mathematician was sitting in his bath one least, we've got no way of knowing if it's true. It's a bit day, more than two thousand years ago, and while he like Archimedes and the bath. You don’t know that one? was getting out, he noticed that the water went down in the bath. So he got back in, and the water went back ■ T H iN K V A L U E S ^ ^ H I^ H up.'Now I understand!'shouted Archimedes - actually, he shouted 'Eureka!' because he was Greek, not English. How science helps people He saw that the level of the water in the bath was directly related to exactly how much of his body was in 1 Choose the sentence that you think best says the water, that this relationship was constant - it never w hat the blog is about. changed! Some people say that he was so happy about 1 Some important things happen by accident. his discovery that he ran out into the street without 2 You shouldn't believe everything you read about putting his clothes on. No, that probably didn't happen science. either, but he had a good reason to be happy.This was a 3 Scientists should be more famous than they are. very important moment in our understanding of maths 4 It's important to know something about science. and physics. Com pare your ideas with others in The stories are hard to believe. But the important thing the class. is that Archimedes and Newton really did exist, and they really did come up with those important ideas. Newton worked out that if the Earth's gravity has an effect on the movement of an apple, then it probably has an effect on the movement of the moon, too - and all kinds of new ideas and discoveries came from that. And you might say that these discoveries were accidents, and in a way they were - but not complete accidents. They needed people like Newton and Archimedes to do the thinking. Scientists and mathematicians do a lot of thinking and because of that, our world is the way it is. Here are four things that science has given us. W rite down three more. Then, with your partner(s), discuss the question: How do these things help us every day? the Internet the telephone medicines the fridge 75
GRAMMAR me - th e y3__________together and laughing. Then I 4__________a boy, about 16 years old. He 5__________ Past simple vs. past continuous (review) his bike down the street. He 6_________ very fast. Suddenly, he had to change direction because there Complete the sentences from the text with the was an old lady in front of him, and he 7__________ words in the list. Then complete the rules with right into the group of people. His bike 8__________ past simple, past continuous, when and while. a man and 9__________him over. And the boy 10__________. He just cycled away! fell sitting went hit I thinking getting noticed V O C A BU LA RY Direction and movement 1 Newton w as__________an d __________ when an ap p le_______ __out of the tree an d __________ 1 Complete the sentence. the ground. Newton thought about why things fa ll1 2 While Archimedes w as__________out of the bath, and n o t2__________. h e __________that the w ater__________ down. 2 Match the phrases with the pictures. W e use 1 It's coming towards her. • the 1________ for an action that happened at 2 It’s running away from her. 3 They're running around the tree. a particular moment in the past. We often use 4 She’s leaning backwards. 2________ with this tense. 5 She’s leaning forwards. • the 3________ for a background action or to 6 He's walking up and down the room. describe a situation over a period of time in the past. We often use 4________ with this tense. n Remember that some verbs can't be used in the continuous form. h 2 Complete the sentences with the correct past LL tense form of the verbs. L O O K ! Forwards and backwards are the 0 While Benjamin Franklin w as w a tching a only words here that are never followed by thunderstorm, he g o t some ideas about an object. electricity, (watch /get) The words towards and away from always have 1 W e __________an experiment at school when a an object after them. fire . (do / start) V ______ ____________________________________________ / 2 They__________for lunch because th ey_______ 3 Which way(s) can these things move? enough time, (not stop / have) 1 a car 3 a helicopter 3 The electricity_________ off at home while I 2 a plane 4 a lion in a cage __________my homework, (go / do) 4 I __________a great science site while I __________ the net. (discover / surf) 5 W h o _________ you _____ __ to when I ....... ........you in town yesterday? (talk / see) 6 W hen the scientist__________the answer to the problem, she__________very famous, (find / become) 3 Sally saw an incident in her town centre. Complete her statement to the police with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in the list. Sometimes more than one verb is possible. fetty sit | read see walk stand hit not stop do cycle ride go knock Last Saturday morning I 0bou g h t a magazine, and I 0s a t down on a bench in the town centre to read it. People 1_______ __ about and 2__________ their shopping. There was a group of four people near
8 SCIENCE COUNTS LIST EN IN G W e can use usedto +verb to talk about things that happened regularly in the past but not any more. 1 Look at the pictures. In which picture can you see • In the positive, we say1used/ use to +verb. • In the negative, we say didn't 2used/ use to +verb 1 apple seeds? 3 a plug in a socket? • For questions, we say Did [you] 3used/ use to +verb 2 the moon? 4 a hose? 2 О Н И Listen to a class discussion. You will Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of used to and the present simple. hear four stories about things children didn't understand. Number the pictures in the order 0 That shop u sed to b e (be) a book shop, but now you hear the stories. it sells (sell) clothes. 1 H e _________ (be) my friend, but we really ■_________ (not know) each other any more. 2 When we were younger, w e _________ (not listen) to country music, but now w e _________ (not listen) to anything else. 3 I really_________ (not like) pizza now, but it _ _______(be) my favourite food. 4 W e _________ (go) to Greece for our holidays, but now we (prefer) Spain. 5 My sister_________ (believe) there were monsters under her bed. 6I _(not care) about science, but now I (think) it’s really interesting. 7 When you were small,_________ you__________ (have) an imaginary friend? о н и3 Listen again. Answer the questions. Pronunciation 1 When the teacher was a girl, why did she think The /ju:/ sound she might get ill during the night? Turn to page 121. 2 W h y did Sarah use to look at the moon for hours? 3 W h y did Sarah laugh at the moon? FU N C T IO N S 4 W hy didn’t Alex’s grandfather use to step on wires? Talking about past habits 5 W hy did Martin's family eat lots of apples? 6 W h y was Martin afraid to eat apple seeds? 1 Think about life when you were much younger. W rite five things that you or others used to do GRAM M AR or believe. used to Work in small groups. Talk about the 1 Complete these sentences with the words in the things you wrote. W ho has the funniest story? list. Then choose the correct words to complete the rule. When I was little I used to think that there was a do be laugh plug eat person inside the post box who took the letters. 1 Every night I used to ....... ...... something into all My brother and I used to hide in my sister’s the electrical sockets. closet and then jump oat and scare her when she opened the door. 2 Did you really use t o _________ that, Miss? 3 I used t o ..... ......... at the moon and call it names. 4 He used to „ ..... ... ... scared of standing on a wire. 5 I didn’t use to _________ the seeds.
R EA D IN G We asked you, our readers: Think of something that doesn't ‘What scientific advance or discovery exist yet but that you would like to have or would you like to see in the near future?’ to see. Compare your ideas with a partner. Here are some of your answers. I'd like to have a motorbike that can also fly. It w o u l d b e g r e a t if t h e r e w a s s o m e k in d o f p e tr o l I'd like to see a machine that can take w e c o u ld u s e in c a r s th a t d id n 't p r o d u c e a n y p o llu tio n . you. anywhere in the world in seconds. I g u e s s th ere are scien tists right n o w trying to d o that, and I h o p e they su c c e ed , b e c a u se the w orld w ould be 2 A web forum asked readers to do the same a m u c h c l e a n e r p l a c e , w o u l d n ’t i t ? Charlie task as Exercise 1. Look at the pictures. W h a t things do you think the forum readers If I c o u l d c h o o s e a n y t h i n g , I’d g o f o r a t i m e m a c h i n e suggested? s o th a t I co u ld g o b a c k a n d d o s o m e th in g s differently. O f c o u r s e t h a t ’s i m p o s s i b l e - b u t w o u l d n ’t it b e g r e a t if 3 Read the forum. Check your answers to it w a s p o s s ib le ? I w is h I c o u ld g o b a c k in tim e to w h e n Exercise 2. I w a s a kid a n d n o t sa y s o m e of th e th in g s th a t I really d i d s a y ! Hannah 4 Read the forum again. Then write the names of the people described in these W ell, o f c o u rs e , th e b e s t th in g s a re c u re s fo r really statements. b a d d ise a se s. E v ery o n e thinks a b o u t can cer, an d 0 This person thinks about our planet. C harlie o f c o u r s e it’s t e r r i b l e , b u t a l o t o f s c i e n t i s t s a r e a l s o 1 This person might be a bit lazy. w o rk in g v ery h ard to sto p m alaria - an o th er terrible 2 This person worries about sick people. d i s e a s e th a t a ffe c ts m illio n s o f p e o p le all o v e r th e w o r l d . S o if t h e y f o u n d a c u r e f o r m a la r ia , o r a w a y o f 3 This person wants more time. c o m p l e t e l y p r e v e n ti n g it, life w o u ld b e e a s i e r in 4 This person wants to go back in time. s o m a n y p l a c e s . Bruna ■ T R A IN TO THiNK 4 I w ish th ere w a s a m ach in e that did h o m ew o rk ! W o u l d n ’t t h a t b e f a n t a s t i c ? B u t I g u e s s t e a c h e r s Using criteria w o u l d n ’t b e v e r y h a p p y . Georgina 1 Here are the five ideas from the forum. I th in k it w o u ld b e g r e a t if t h e y in v e n te d a pill o r Put them in order 1-5: 1 =the most useful, so m eth in g so th at you only h ad to sleep for o n e or 5 =the least useful. t w o h o u r s e v e r y d a y . T h e n w e ’d all h a v e m u c h m o r e tim e to d o th in g s a n d to en jo y o u rse lv e s. Life w o u ld a a fuel that doesn't pollute b e b etter, I think, a n d e v e ry o n e w o u ld d o a lot m o re w i t h t h e i r l i v e s . Morris b a time machine c a cure for malaria d a machine to do homework e a pill to sleep less 2 SPEA KIN G Compare your ideas with a partner. 3 You put the five things in order following a criterion - how useful is the idea? Here are two more criteria. Can you think of others? • How possible is it? • How important is it? • How _ is it? • How is it? 4 Choose one of the criteria in Exercise 3 and order the things in Exercise 1 again. Then compare your ideas with other students. 78
!8 :SCIENCE COUNTS GRAMMAR / wish Second conditional Read the sentences. How are they alike? Complete these sentences with the phrases in the list. Are the sentences about real or imagined 1 I wish I could go back to when I was a kid. situations? Find more examples of the second 2 I wish there was a machine that did homework. conditional in the web forum and underline them. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct verb form. would be would go for wouldn't it be was found could 0 The bus isn't here. I wish the bus w as here. 1 W e aren't a good team. I wish w e __________ 1 If they _ ______ a cure for malaria, life easier in so many places. a better team. 2 I can't go home. I wish I __________go home. 2 If I __ ___choose anything, I __________ a time 3 ITs raining. I wish it __________raining. machine. 4 They are making so much noise! I wish they 3 great if it possible? so much noise! 2 Now complete the rule. ЕЕПЕЗЗШЗ W ork in pairs. W hich person in the W e use the second conditional to talk about pictures is thinking which thing from Exercise 6? the consequences of an unreal present action or (More than one answer is possible.) 1a probable/an improbable future action. a Bb Cc • Condition clause: if+ 2___________ simple. • Result clause:3___________ /wouldn't (wouldnot) +verb. The condition clause can come before or after the result clause. Circle the correct words. K M .l.I.III.UJJg fr 0 If I(haa)/ would have a bit more time, I went/ VO CABULARY ^ ou ld g d )and see my friends tonight. Science 1 They would learn /learned more if they would listen/ 1 Match the words with the definitions. listened more carefully. 1 a cure a to study something 2 If my school would be / was a long way from home, I would have/had to take a bus. 2 to discover b someone who works in an area of science 3 He lent/would lend you his tablet if you asked/ would ask him nicely. 3 an experiment C a room for scientific work 4 If he was/would be really ill, he stay/wouldstay 4 to invent d something that makes a sick in bed. person well again 5 I gave / would give you her address if I knew/ 5 a laboratory e to find something new would know it myself. 6 a machine f a test to see if something Complete the sentences with the correct form of works or is true the verbs. 7 to do research g to make something new 0 I think it 'd b e (be) a great partv if the food w as 8 a scientist h a piece of equipment that (be) better. does a specific kind of work 1 W h o ........... y o u _____________ (talk) to if you ............... (have) a really serious problem? Look back at Reading Exercise 1 on page 78. 2 S h e __________(like) you if yo u __________ (be) nicer to her. 1 W hat do you think are the three best ideas? 2 Write them again, using either /wish ... or the 3 If his father__________(not make) him tidy his room, h e __________(not do) it. second conditional. 4 If yo u __________(can) have any present you want, Е2ИЗЕИ In class, compare everyone's ideas, w hat ............ yo u ___________(choose)? and vote for the best ones. 79
Culture 1 Look at the photos. W hat things can you see in each one? 2.15 Read and listen to the article about five scientists. Number the photos 1-5. Great scientists 1 Galileo (Italy, 1564-1642) Galileo - his full name was Galileo Galilei - is sometimes called 'the father of modern science'. He was a scientist, mathematician and astronomer (someone w ho looks at the stars and planets). W hen he was alive, telescopes were still quite basic, and he made many improvements to them. His best-known achievement was to show that the Earth moves around the sun, and not the sun around the Earth (although he was not the first man to have the idea). 2 Louis P asteur (Prance, 1822-1895) Louis Pasteur was one of the people w ho started the area of science that we now call microbiology. He did many things during his life, but he is remembered mostly because of the work that he did w ith milk. W hen milk is about tw o days old, it starts to get bacteria (very small things that carry disease), and this makes it dangerous to drink - people can get diseases. Pasteur developed a w ay to prevent this happening. The process is called 'pasteurisation'. 2 Karl Landsteiner (Austria, 1868-1943) Landsteiner worked in Vienna on many scientific things. Together with a man called Erwin Popper, he helped to identify the virus that causes a disease called polio. But even more importantly, in 1901 he discovered the three main blood groups - A, В and О - and showed that it is possible to transfer blood from one person to another person. This led to the first ever blood transfusion in 1907, in New York. 4 Francis Crick (Britain, 1916-2004) and Ja m es W atson (USA, bo rn 1928) In 1953, in Cambridge, UK, Crick and Watson told the world that they had found 'the secret of life'. The secret is the structure of DNA, the material that makes genes, the things we get from our parents that control how we grow. Their discovery meant that w e now know much, much more about the human body. And with that knowledge, there have been enormous improvements in medicine and medical research, as well as in historical research and solving crimes. 5 Jan e Goodall (Britain, born 1934) Jane Goodall is a scientist w ho has studied primates, especially chimpanzees, her w hole life. She has studied their family groups, their use of tools and their emotions. Her work has made it clear that chimpanzees and other primates (gorillas, for example) are not as different from people as w e used to think. Goodall has shown the world that w e need to treat the animals around us w ith respect and protect them.
8 SCIENCE COUNTS 3 Read the article again and write the names W R IT IN G of the scientists. A blog entry Which scientist (or scientists)... 1 Ellen wrote a blog entry with the title, 'A world 1 ... is/are still alive? without television'. Read what she wrote and 2 ... looked at stars? answer the questions. 3 ... worked with animals? 4 ... did work that helped medicine? a What did people do before they had television? 5 ... started a new science? b What does Ellen think life would be like without TV? 6 ... invented something to stop diseases? 7 ... improved a piece of equipment? 2 Look at Ellen's blog entry again. 8 ... did work that helped historians and detectives? 1 In which paragraph does Ellen use used to? In which 4 SPEAKING Discuss the questions. does she use the second conditional? a Which of the scientists do you think is the most 2 Match the paragraphs with these headings: important? W hy? Share your ideas with the class, A Imagine life without television Б Life before television b There is only one woman here. W hy do you think this is? 3 You are going to write a blog entry like Ellen's. Choose one of these pieces of technology, or Match the words in bold in the another one if you prefer: article with their meanings. Write the words. - mobile phones - tablets 0 the way that the parts of something are organized - the Internet - calculators structure 4 Make notes for your blog entry. 1 say who or what someone or something is________ 2 very, very big or important___ _ Paragraph 1: what life was like /what people did 3 simple, not complicated before the piece of technology was invented 4 something very good and difficult that you Paragraph 2: what life would be like now without the do piece of technology 5 stop, not allow 6 to behave towards people or things in a certain w a y ............. 7 things you use with your hands to do jo b s_________ 5 Write your blog entry. W rite 120-180 words altogether. A w orld w ithout television [ 1 ] It i s n ’t e a s y t o i m a g i n e life w i t h o u t t e l e v i s i o n , b u t p e o p l e o n l y s t a r t e d t o h a v e television a t h o m e a b o u t sixty y e a rs a g o . S o a lot o f p eo p le w h o a re alive to d a y liv e d w i t h o u t it in t h e p a s t. B e fo re te le v isio n , p e o p le u s e d to r e a d in t h e e v e n in g , o r listen to th e radio. I re ad o n c e th a t fam ilies u se d to g et to g e th e r a n d sin g s o n g s o r tell e a c h o th e r sto rie s. I th in k it w a s p r o b a b ly a bit b o r in g b u t p e r h a p s p e o p le e n j o y e d it. [2 ] If w e d i d n ’t h a v e t e l e v i s i o n t h e s e d a y s , I t h i n k t h i n g s w o u l d b e O K . I m e a n , w e w o u l d still h a v e f i l m s a n d t h e I n t e r n e t , w o u l d n ’t w e ? W e w o u l d g e t a ll t h e in fo rm a tio n a n d e n te rta in m e n t w e n e e d th ere, a n d in fact m a n y p eo p le a lre a d y d o . I k n o w a l o t o f p e o p l e w h o d o n ’t w a t c h t e l e v i s i o n a t a l l , t h e y w a t c h s p o r t a n d t h in g s b y s t r e a m i n g t h e m . B u t o f c o u r s e , t h e y ’re u s in g T V p r o g r a m m e s w h e n th e y d o t h a t - s o m a y b e a w o r l d w i t h o u t T V w o u l d n ’t b e s u c h a g o o d i d e a !
CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: Preliminary ■ TriiNK EXAMS R E A D IN G Part 1: Three-option multiple choice 1 Look at the text in each question. W h at does it say? Choose the correct letter A, В or C. 0г — l,—\"> A Press the red button if ......... ....... . A The sports day will now RED BUTTON you want to get on the 3 The recent rain has escalator. STOPS THE made the school fields take place on Sunday. (в) Don't press the red ESCALATOR. button unless there is a very wet and we might В The weather will be bad serious problem. need to move the this weekend. О ONLY U SE IN C ASE C Only shop staff can school sports day from C There is a chance the OF EMERGENCY press the red button. Saturday to Sunday. sports day will still take Please see this notice place on Saturday. board for further ______in_f_o_rm2_at_i_o_n_. ____ / 1 Subject: Anna Jemma - wouldit beOK Jemma can A Wahls Claudia lu pass ifyou didn’t useanyofthe A eat the soup but not Hi C lau d ia - 1w a n t to sta rt French lessons. You on a message to John 1need themto make the eggs. said Jo h n G ra y teach es Gray. В eat the soup and some French. H a v e yo u g o t his В wants to talk to John a cate when 1get back. phone num ber? Gray. from wort ThanhsJim of the eggs. best C wishes she could start C have some cake when Anna French lessons. PSWe/pyounseffto the soup -it'sdelicious. Jim gets back from work. 2 PHOTOGRAPHYFOR A The photography 5 Fin BEGINNERS course is already full. A wishes he could go to Really sorry to 5-w eek course starts В Talk to Steve if you miss your party. Ashley's party. T uesday 5 th O ct. are interested in Hope it’s fun. В is going to be late for learning howto take W ork is no fun T h e re a re still a fe w photographs. at all! the party. p la c e s . C thinks that work is as fun C The photography BOOKWITHSTEVE course finishes at the as the party. end of October. W RITIN G Part 1: Sentence transformations 2 Here are some sentences about science. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. 0 M y dad’s worked as a scientist for 20 years. . M y dad started working as a scientist 2.0y e a r s ago 1 I really don't understand physics. I would like to understand it. I wish_________________ physics. 2 I'm quite sure he doesn't like science. He really doesn't like science,___________________ ? 3 Before M r O ’Brian was our teacher, I didn't like science much. I ____________________ like science before M r O'Brian became our teacher. 4 I always fail biology tests because I don’t understand things. If I understood things, I - biology tests. 5 I don’t enjoy science fiction, and Jim doesn't enjoy science fiction. I don't enjoy science fiction, and____________________Jim. 82
TEST YOURSELF U N I T S 7 Sc8 VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are two extra words. experiment up and down away towards hire near research long cure next later draw up 1 Sorry, I can't come and see you for a couple of weeks - but how about the week after____ ________ ? 2 I got scared when the dog started running_____________me. 3 I'm going to do an _____________ to see if my idea works. 4 I think we should_____________ a list of all the things we've got to do. 5 I can't talk to you right now. Could you please phone me back___________ _today. 6 It's my brother's 18th birthday next week, and we're going t o _____ _____ a band to play at the party. 7 She's got a serious disease, and the doctor says there’s n o _______ for it. 8 I'm going to do some_____________ on the Internet before I write my essay. 9 She was very late! I got a bit nervous and started walking _ _ __ ____ __ _ outside the cinema. I BE 10 W e ’re hoping to buy a bigger flat in th e ____________ future. GRAMM AR 2 Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form or write the missing word(s) in the space. 1 I missed the bus, so I ..... ..... ......... (walk) home. 2 This computer's really fast, ? 3 I sawjack while I ___________ _ (walk) in town yesterday. 4 A I really don’t like him. В _____________ do I. 5 Your computer's got lots of memory,______ ____ _____? 6 A I hate sport. В с о I. 3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 W hen I was a kid, I used to playing with toy cars. 2 If you would work harder, you would do better at school 3 W hen you phoned me, I had dinner. 4 The world was a happier place if people smiled more. 5 James never listens to pop music, and so do I. 6 I wish this homework isn’t so difficult! FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 W rite the missing words. 1 A I can’t __________for the Rihanna concert. В ........................ can I! It's g o ing to b e fantastic. 2 A I _______________ to love that p ro g ra m m e w h e n I w as a kid. В S o _____________ 1.1 thought it was great. 3 A I _______________ it w asn't raining. В_ .... do 1.1 want to go for a walk! 4 A W h ere’s Alex? I wish he here. MY SCORE i ВИ В S o _____________ I. Parties are always better with Alex! 22-30 83 10-21 0-9
OBJECTIVES fu n c t io n s: accepting and refusing invitations g r a m m a r : the passive (present simple, past simple, present continuous, present perfect) v o c a bu la r y :jobs; work as / in / for; work vs. jo b ; time expressions with in R E A D IN G ■ THiNK VALUES 1 W h at jobs do you see in the photos on this page? W hat's important in a job? W h at other jobs can you name in English? W ith a partner, write down as many as you can. 1 W h at do you think about Harry, Ben and Roisin's 2 Which of the jobs you thought of in Exercise 1 ... jobs? Tick the boxes. 1 sometimes involves work in the evening or at night? H arry Ben Roisin 2 needs a lot of training? 1 This job is a waste of time. 3 involves work at weekends? 4 is well paid? □ □ □2 This job sounds fun. 5 gets a lot of holidays? □ □ □3 This job doesn't help anyone. 6 can be dangerous? □u □□ □□4 This job is paid too much money. □□□ Compare your ideas from Exercises 1 5 I would like to have this job. and 2 with others in the class. 2 SPEA K IN G Compare your ideas with others in 4 Look at the photographs on page 85. W h a t jobs do you think the people have? the class. 5 P F f f H I Look at the sentences below about 3 Think of a job you might like to do in the future different jobs. Read and listen to the article and and write it down. Look at values a-f below. Rank decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If each one 1-6 (1 = low, 6 = high) for your job. it is correct, mark it A. If it is incorrect, mark it B. Job: Score 1 Children all over Britain eat Swizell’s sweets. Value ' ' ' ....... 2 All the sweets that Harry tests are good. a You can make a lot of money. 3 Harry tests the sweets at the factory. b You might become famous. 4 Ben Southall had an interview for his job. c It helps people. 5 Ben lived alone in the villa. d It's fun to do. 6 Ben didn't do his job very well. e It gives you lots of free time. 7 Roisin worked for a month for £1,000. f It's creative. 8 Roisin worked for a hotel. 9 Roisin sometimes spent ten hours in a test bed. Talk to others in your class. Compare your job and values with theirs. 84
9 W H A T A JOB! •fUve you eVer irvx3 £ik\\edl +he perfectjob? W h a t would you choo$e? ■flere зге three th^t would be oh our list! The sw eetest job Swizell’s is a company in Britain th a t makes sweets. The sweets are made in the company’s factory near M anchester in the north of England, and they’re eaten by kids all over the country. Harry W illsher is one of the company’s employees, but he’s only 12 years old! His jo b is probably the best jo b in the factory - he’s the company’s officia l sweet tester. When a new sweet is invented, i t ’s made in a special departm ent in the factory - all very secret. Then, the new sweet is sent to Harry’s house for him to test. He eats it, writes a report about it and sends his report to the factory. And then a decision is made about whether to make the sweet or not. Is Harry paid fo r the job? Well, no, he isn’t paid because he’s too young to work fo r money. But he gets free sweets! Harry says: ‘When I started the job, I fe lt like I was in the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!’ Harry has got a special uniform and business cards. He’s got a really sweet job, you m ight say! D esert Island Blogger Would you like to look after an island in the Pacific Ocean? Alm ost 3 5 ,000 people applied for the job, but Ben Southall got it. How was the winner chosen? Well, after Ben showed th a t he was good at blogging and swimming, there was an interview. He was asked lots of questions to see if he had the right kind of personality for the job. And he did! So what did Ben have to do in th is job? It was hard work! He had to live on his own in a 3-bedroom villa (with a swimming pool) on Hamilton Island and spend every day swimming, exploring and relaxing. Then he had to w rite a blog to promote the area. Ben was paid $111,000 fo r six m onths’ work. Sleep in g on the job The people he worked Usually, sleeping on the job is a big problem fo r an employee - if you fa ll asleep, you’ll be fired! But fo r liked his work very g . Roisin M adigan, from Birmingham, UK, was paid to sleep on the job. She tested luxury beds. much. A fter he finished , Roisin was paid £ 1 ,0 0 0 to sleep in designer beds on Hamilton Island, I ' -i nj every day for a month. A company that makes beds he became Tourism for luxury hotels wanted to know more about what I makes ‘a good night's sleep'. Roisin was selected to spend up to eight hours a day in a bed and then Ambassador for the state J ч г щ Ш к , » - write about it. Over 600 people applied for the job, but they weren’t chosen, of course - it was only of Queensland, Australia. Roisin who got to sleep on the job! 85
GRAMMAR V O C A BU LA RY The passive: present simple Jobs and past simple 1 Read the essay. Which jobs does the writer Complete the sentences from the article on talk about? page 85. Then choose the correct options to complete the rules about the passive. M y first job w as as a waiter. I did it when I first left school, just to earn money. It w as fun, really, 1 The sweets_____ _ in the company's factory. but it w as very hard work. I had to work long 2 __ H arry__________ for the job? hours and of course I w as always on my feet! It 3 No, h e __________because he's too young. wasn't very challenging - I had to remember the 4 H o w __________the winner__________ ? customers' orders, but that w as all, really. And 5 H e __________lots of questions. I didn't get paid holidays, so that w asn't good. 6 O ver 600 people applied for the job, but they So after about five months I gave in my notice , of course. and got a job as a shop assistant in a bookstore. I really enjoyed that because I like books and I like Form the passive with the verb Чо b e / talking to people about them. I w as very good at to have + the past participle of the main verb. the job, and after a few months I w as promoted W e use the passive when to store manager. That w as great! I got on-the- • it 2/s/isn't important who does or did the action. job training about management and things, and • we 3want /don't want to focus on the action and I w as happy because I w as starting a career - well, I thought I was. After two years, the not the person doing it. bookstore closed because there wasn't enough • we 4know /don't know who does or did the action. business. 2 Complete the sentences with the present simple Now I've got a few more years' experience, passive or past simple passive form of the verbs. and I work as a management consultant. The pay is fantastic and the work is quite interesting. 0 Every year, hundreds of films a r e m a d e (make) I guess you can say I'm successful. But you in Hollywood. know w hat? Som etim es I miss being a waiter and just having jokes with the customers! 1 It was interesting work, but she_________ (not pay) very much money. 2 Match the expressions in bold with their definitions. W rite the words. 2 Tigers______ (not find) in Africa. 0 the money you get for doing a job th e pay 3 This novel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (write) a hundred years ago. 1 to get money for doing a job _________ 2 given a higher position _________ 4 Lots of new websites__________(design) especially 3 beginning ajob (or series of jobs) that you might for small children. do for life _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 W h e n __________the Mona Lisa__________ (paint)? 4 achieving a lot, and/or making a lot of money 6 In the USA, the president ______ (choose) 5 be paid for the weeks that you don’t work every four years. 6 said you didn't want a job any more __________ 7 __________yo u __________ (ask) to help with the 7 to work many hours every d a y __________ party? 8 a way of learning to do a job at the same time that 8 W h y __________permission__________ (not give) you do it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the party? 9 difficult in a way that tests your abilities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 How many passive sentences can you make? P r o n u n c ia tio n (Your sentences can be positive or negative.) /tj/ a n d l& $l c o n s o n a n t s o u n d s Millions of pizzas build fifty years ago Co to page 121. The World Cup buy every day How many emails eat last night Our house discover every day America make in 1492 This email play in China M y computer send to me by mistake How many songs use every four years This book write two years ago
9 W HAT A JOB! 3 Look at these jobs. W hich sentences 2 Here are some jobs. Do you think that can be used to describe each job? (There’s often more than one possibility.) Compare your ideas people with the disabilities in Exercise 1 can do all with others in your class. of these jobs? W h y or why not? 1 You have to work long hours. 1 teacher 4 pilot 2 The pay can be excellent. 2 actor 5 shop assistant 3 If you're good at the job, you might be promoted. 3 musician 6 taxi driver 4 It’s a very good career. 5 It’s not challenging at all. I think a person in a wheelchair can be a teacher, 6 The only reason to do this job is to earn money. bat I'm not sure if a d eaf person can be a teacher. 7 If you're successful in this job, you could be famous. 8 You can do this job with on-the-job training. 3 Г 0 Я ГС1 Listen to a programme with a woman called Marina Stuart. Choose the correct options. 1. Marina is... c in a wheelchair. a deaf. b blind. 2 Marina works a s ... a an actor, b a piano teacher, c an actor and a piano teacher. 4 l pim i-j Listen again and answer the questions. 1 W hat happened to Marina when she was 18? 2 W hat were the teachers like at her school? 3 W h y didn't she leave the job that she hated? 4 W h o did Marina meet by accident? 5 How many of the films she was in won an award? 6 W h y does Marina think she has been successful? LIST EN IN G ■ THINK SELF-ESTEEM 1 Look at the pictures of three people who are I'd rather be ... disabled. Match these words to the pictures. 1 blind 2 deaf 3 in a wheelchair 1 Think about possible jobs and the characteristics connected to them. For each group of words (1-5), tick the job you would rather have or the type of person you would rather be. I would rather be ... 1 an actor a musician a dancer 2 a waiter a cleaner a gardener 3 a teacher a firefighter a police officer 4 rich famous clever 5 successful helpful kind W ork in small groups. Compare your answers and say why you chose them. I’d rather be an actor because I don’t like music very much. I'd rather be a waiter because then you can talk to people all day.
REA D IN G S P E A K IN G Think of two jobs that you believe will not exist when you are older. 1 Look at the photographs. Which one shows... (Perhaps they are jobs you have seen in this unit.) Tell others in the class and explain why. 1 something to do with telephones? 2 something to do with books? /think there won't be any cleaners when 3 something to do with lights? I'm older. M achines will do th a t job. 4 something to do with lifts? W R IT IN G 2 Read the article. Answer the questions. Write a short essay about your ideas from 1 W h o usually operates a lift these days? Exercise 3. Describe the jobs and explain why you 2 W h e re can you still see lift operators? believe they will not exist in the future. 3 W hat did lamplighters use to light the lamps? 4 How many lamps did each lamplighter light an hour? 5 W hat did typesetters do? 6 W hat did callers have to say to switchboard operators? In the past, there were many job s that now no longer exist. M ost o f them have been replaced by m achines, but in som e cases the whole idea has disappeared. For exam ple, there used to be telegraph operators, who sent long distance m essages called telegram s. T hese were like an old kind o f text m essage, but you had to ask a telegraph operator to transmit your m essage using a special electrical m achine. So, no telegraph operators any more! Here are some otherjobs that people used to do. Lift operators worked as lamplighters: they used Switchboard operators to go around and light street lamps These days we get in a lift, push every evening with a kind of candle Can you believe, that in the past, the button and go. A lift can be on a long pole. They used to light to make a telephone call you had o p erated by anyone, bu t until 1950, about a hundred lamps an hour. to talk to an operator, say the a lift operator travelled in the lift In this photo, a gas lam p is being num ber you wanted and then the with passengers all the time. They lit by a London lamplighter. operator connected you to that were trained to operate the lifts. number? Strange but true. This Lift operators have mostly gone T y p esetters was one of the few jobs at the now, though they are still used in beginning of the 20th century some office buildings and tourist A lot of com puter software has been th at was alm ost always done by attractions, like the Eiffel Tower designed to help people produce women - m en were not patient in Paris. books an d new spapers. But how7 enough! Here are some operators was this done before computers? w;orking in th e USA in 1901. L am p ligh ters The answer - the pages were assembled by typesetters. They put Will m ore jobs be replaced in In most big cities around the m etal letters into w'ooden fram es the next few years? It seems very world at the beginning of the 20th to make the layout of each page. possible. T he world is ch an g in g century, street lamps used gas, not Here, we can see new spaper pages so fast th at new'jobs are sure to electricity. So, there were men who that are being put together. appear, and others disappear.
9 WHAT A JOB! GRAMMAR V O C A BU LA RY w ork as I in / fo r The passive: present continuous and present perfect 1 Read the sentences. Then, match the verbs with the objects. Complete the sentences from the article on page 88 with words in the list. Then complete the rule. • There were men who worked as lamplighters. • Marina Stuart got an offer to work in television. has been is being have been are being • Harry Willsher works for Swizell's. 1 M an yjo b s__________replaced by machines. a work as 1 a company 2 Newspaper pages__________put together. b work for 2 an industry 3 A gas lam p_________ lit by a lamplighter. c work in 3 a person in a job 4 A lot of computer software__________designed to 2 Complete the sentences with as, in or for. produce books and newspapers. When my mother was young, she worked The passive is formed using the verb 1 a waitress to earn some money. After that, 1_________ +the past participle of the main verb. she was a secretary. She worked 2.............. _ some • Form the present continuous passive (like sentences lawyers. Now she w orks3___ ____ the computer industry. 2________ and 3_________ above) using is/are b e in g + past participle. My friend left school tw o years ago and got ajob. She • Form the present perfect passive (like sentences worked 4________ a tour guide for about six months 4________ and5_________above) using and really liked it. So she decided she wanted to work h a s /h a v e b e e n + past participle. 5 ______the travel industry. Now she works 6 ______a travel agent in Australia. 2 Complete the sentences with the present My father w orks7________ television now. He works continuous passive or present perfect passive 8________ a cameraman. He works 9_________the form of the verbs. biggest television company in the country. 0 For the last 30 years, the Internet h as been a s e d L O O K ! job is a countable noun - we can use (use) by people all over the world. it in the plural. 1 New machines__________(design) all the time. She did fourjo b s before she became a 2 Since 1950, lifts..........._ (operate) by the people travel agent. work is an uncountable noun - we don't use it who get in them. in the plural. 3 A lot of new medicines__________(develop) in the /have a lot of w o rk to do tonight. last 50 years. w ork vs. jo b 4 At the moment, thousands of new cars............. „ 3 Com plete the sentences with work or job(s). (build) around the world. 5 From January 1st until now, billions of mobile phone 0 She left school and got a jo b 1 Sorry, I can't talk right now, I've got a lot of calls_________ (make). 6 This new p lan e _________ (test) over 200 times. _________ to do on this project. 2 W hen the factory closed, my uncle lost his Look at the pictures and make sentences about what is being done and what has been done. as a manager. 3 I’ve got a new __________in a bank. The roof is being repaired. 4 M y mother is the manager of a shop. She loves her New doors have been added. __________because it's very interesting__________ . 5 There aren't enough_________ in this town. 6 Being a street cleaner is very hard__________. 7 Sometimes I have to take__________home at the weekend. 8 Cleaning out the garage is a big__________for ° ne perSOn' UU.lJU.l.I.llU IJ J.g ^
PH O TO ST O RY: episode 5 Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1 W h a t are th e y raising m o n ey for? 2 W h a t ideas d o th e y have for raising m oney? 3 W h a t d o th e y d e c id e to d o in th e e n d ? C ■->>»*! Now read and listen to the photostory. Check your answers. RYAN Hi, Olivia. W hat h a p p e n ed to you yesterday? j OLIVIA Oh, I ju st d id n ’t feel very good. I’m all right ■ now though. By th e way, h e re ’s your book back, Ryan. LUKE We th o u g h t th e four of u s could do so m eth in g RYAN Oh, th a n k s. Well, you m issed th e new together. W ant to join us, Olivia? headm istress's announcem ent yesterday. OLIVIA Oh? W hat about? OLIVIA Well, yes, th a t'd be great. As long as w e can LUKE We’ve b ee n asked to do som eth in g for charity. have som e fun, too! MEGAN M iss D aw es w an ts to raise m oney for th e playground in the park. They really need some RYAN T hat’s n o t th e point, Olivia. It’s n o t ab o u t fun. new things. It’s ab o u t raisin g m on ey for a good cause. OLIVIA OK, OK. But w hat are we going to do? MEGAN That’s a good question. Ideas, anyone? W hat can we do to raise some money? I MEGAN A long walk? You know, overnight or MEGAN Look at th at. O ur te ac h ers’ cars are so som ething? dirty. OLIVIA H m m , could be dangerous at night. RYAN Ugh! You’re right. They could all use a trip to RYAN W hat abo u t a sponsored book read? the car wash, but the only one in town has been LUKE A w hat? closed for a while. RYAN We all try to rea d as m an y books as possible LUKE That’s it! A ca r wash! in, say, tw o days. A nd people give us m oney OLIVIA G ood idea. W e'll set ev ery th in g up right for doing it. LUKE Oh, no thanks! Surely we c a n th in k of here, and people will pay us to w ash their cars. som ething better th a n that! RYAN That so u n d s great. M egan? MEGAN Sure. L et’s tell M iss Dawes, th e n w e ca n go 90 and find buckets and sponges!
9 W H A T A JO B! D EV ELO PIN G SPEA K IN G 3 W ork in pairs. Discuss what happens next in W ordW ise the story. W rite down your ideas. Time expressions with in W e thin k they w ash lots o f cars b u t no one gives them any money. Complete the sentences from the unit so far with a phrase in the list. 4 I 1 И Я Watch to find out how the story continues. in the end in the past in the next few years Choose the correct answers. 1 __________, there were manyjobs that now no longer exist. 1 How much do they charge to wash one car? 2 W ill more jobs be replaced__________? A £5 В £8 C £10 3 W hat do they decide to d o __________? 2 How does Ryan think he scratched the car? Match the questions and answers. A There was a stone in the sponge. В He kicked a stone into the car. 1 W hen’s your birthday? C His watch hit the car. 2 Can we go out tomorrow? 3 W hen will you see your grandparents? 3 W h y is Miss Dawes not very angry? 4 Is it hot in your country? A She doesn't care about the car. 5 When's your next exam? В Ryan removes the scratch completely. C The scratch wasn't very bad. a Yes, let's meet up in the evening. Ь It's in two weeks' time. I’ll be fifteen. 4 How do the four kids feel at the end? c In the summer holidays, I hope, A They want to do it all again. d I'm not really sure but I think it's /njune. В They're tired and happy. e Yes, in the summer. C Their backs hurt. 3 W ork with a partner. Answer the PHRASES FOR FLUENCY questions in Exercise 2 so that they are true 1 Find these expressions in the story. W h o says f°ryou . Ц Щ .1.!.1!И Ш :ф . them? How do you say them in your language? 1 By the w ay,... 4 Surely... FU N C T IO N S 2 ... as long a s ... 5 ... for a while. Accepting and refusing invitations 3 That's not the point. 6 That sounds [great]. 2 Complete the conversation. Use the Complete the conversation. expressions in Exercise 1. LUKE W e thought we could do something together. A Hey. Let's have a party on Saturday. W e haven't _______ Olivia? had a party 1__________, have we? O L IV IA Well, yes___________ В 2__________great. W here? A Well, I thought perhaps... my place. 2 Put the expressions in the list in the correct columns. В Really? I thought your parents were really strict. A Yes, they are, usually. Yes, I'd love to. Sorry, no. But thanks for asking me. В 3__________they'll be O K with a small party. I'm [really] sorry, I’m afraid I can't. A Well, I think so,4__________it really is a small Yes, I'll [come along /join you / be there]. party.5__________- I'm not going to invite Alison. Accepting (Saying yes) Refusing (Saying no) W e had a big argument yesterday. В You can tell your parents that the party won't Well, yes. That'd be great. No, sorry, not this time. go on late. i 3 A 6 ______ M y parents just don't like too a lot 2 4 of noise. ROLE PLAY W ork in pairs. Student A: Go to page 127. Student B: Go to page 128. Role play the conversations. Invent more short dialogues to practise.
KEEP OBJECTIVES HEALTHY fu n c t io n s: talking about your health g r a m m a r : past perfect simple; past perfect continuous; past perfect simple vs. past perfect continuous v o c a b u l a r y : time linkers; illness: collocations 4 П Я П Look at the statements below about someone who likes birdwatching. Read and listen to the article and decide if each statement is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark it A. If it's incorrect, mark it B. R E A D IN G 1 Phoebe Snetsinger learned about her illness □ after she came back from Alaska. □ Look at the photos. W ith a partner, □ name the free-time activities. W h a t others can 2 When she got the bad news, she took some you think of?2 time to recover and then started travelling. □ □ 2 Think about the activities in Exercise 1. Answer 3 After travelling for about ten years, she had the question and take notes. won the fight against her illness forever. How might the various free-time activities be good for someone's health? 4 O nly 12 other people were as successful with their bird spotting as Phoebe. 3 S PEA K IN G Talk about your choices. 5 Phoebe liked breaking records, but she Cooking your own food can be good for у oar didn't care a lot about the environment health. You can choose fresh ingredients, so the food is better for you.. 6 W hen Phoebe finally died of cancer, she was on holiday doing what she loved most. 92 7 Just before she went on her last trip, she published her famous book Birding on Borrowed Time. 8 The book is both about birdwatching and the heroic way Phoebe got on with her life. W ith a partner, correct the statements marked B.
10 KEEP H E A L T H Y 8 ,0 0 < Birds to See Before You Die Phoebe Snetsinger spotted so many different bird species before. had just returned In fact, at that time only 12 people around the from a trip to world had seen more than 7,000 species of birds! Alaska when her doctors told her that Phoebe’s interest in birdwatching started in she had cancer. She had Minneapolis. Then she moved to Missouri with her less than a year to live. family. There, she joined a group of people who Phoebe was 50. As soon were interested in birds, insects and plants around as she heard the news, the Mississippi River. She became very worried she decided to spend about pollution and its impact on the environment. the rest of her life doing ‘We have to protect nature,’ she said. ‘If we don’t, what she loved most - future generations won’t be able to enjoy watching watching birds. these beautiful birds.’ She immediately went off to some of the world’s Sadly, when Phoebe was 68, she died in a car most amazing natural paradises. Her trips were accident on the island of Madagascar off the East extremely hard. But Phoebe surprised her doctors African coast. She was there enjoying the hobby and her family as she carried on travelling. A year that had probably saved her life. She had been came and went, and she was still alive. She was there for two weeks, and had added another five to doing something that she loved and that helped her list of over 8,400 species. Four years after she her to be healthy for another ten years. died, the American Birding Association published her memoirs, Birding on Borrowed Time. Many The cancer came back, but even then Phoebe people have enjoyed reading this moving book. It Snetsinger decided not to stop. As she continued isn’t just a story about a bird spotter’s travels, but with her trips, the cancer went away again. By a touching human document of how her hobby now she was becoming internationally famous in helped her to live much longer than expected. the birdwatching world. At the age of 61, when she had seen 7,530 species, she was named ‘the ■ THiNK VALUES world’s leading bird spotter’ by the Guinness Book of Records. Never give up Four years later, during a trip to Mexico, she 1 Tick ( / ) the sentences that show what you set a new record when she spotted species number think you can learn from this story. 8,000: the very rare Rufous-necked Wood-Rail. Snetsinger had become a legend. Nobody had Being passionate about things you like is extremely important. A hobby you really like can have a positive effect on your health. It’s important to have friends you can trust at all times. You should always think positively and never □ give up hope! It's very important to eat healthy food and take enough exercise. 2 ВЗИ И ЗЕИ Talk to a partner. Compare which sentences you have ticked. 3 н а м и н ы Which of the sentences you have ticked is the most important one for you? Give reasons. 93
GRAMMAR VO CABULARY Past perfect simple Time linkers Read the example sentences and answer the 1 Read the story. Complete it with the words in questions. Then complete the rule. the list. when as soon as then until j while Phoebe Snetsinger hadjust returned from a trip to Alaska when her doctors to ld her that she had cancer. 1 Which of the two actions came first: her returning from a trip or what the doctors told her? Fouryears later she set a new record. Nobody h a d spotted so many different bird species. 2 Which action came first? R U L E : W hen we tell a story, we often use W hen I was a child, I was never really very interested the past perfect to talk about one event that happened before another event in the past. in nature.1__________one day my aunt gave me She died in a car accident on Madagascar. a book for my birthday. It was called Birding on She h ad been there for two weeks. (She was there for two weeks before she died.) had been there died Borrowed Time by a woman called Phoebe Snetsinger. I--------- 1------------------ 1---------1 2_ she gave it me I was a little disappointed. PAST (two weeks) NOW It didn't seem very interesting, and I wanted a new Form the past perfect with had (or У) +the game for my phone. M y aunt made me promise to __________of the verb. read it. So I did, and I loved it. It was so interesting. 3 _______ I was reading the book, I completely forgot about time. In fact, I didn't do anything else 2 Complete the sentences. Use the past perfect 4 _______ I'd finished it - no TV, no gaming, nothing. form of the verbs. 5 _______I had finished the book, I went out and bought myself a pair of binoculars. And that's how my 1 W hen I tried to phone them, nobody answered. interest in birdwatching started. They__________all__________ (go) swimming. 2 H e __ ______ (change) so much that I almost didn't 2 Match the parts of the sentence. □□□□ know who he was when I saw him last night. 1 I never really liked Annie until □ 3 She couldn't phone me because she__________ 2 As soon as I sawjohn’s face (lose) her mobile. 3 When we got home after school 4 While I was riding my bike 4 Somebody (steal) John's car, so he was 5 I read the whole letter. Then very angry. a we did our homework immediately, 5 Claire had no idea I was coming to see her. Her b I saw it wasn't for me. mum__________(forget) to tell her. с I realised we have a lot in common, d I noticed something was wrong with it. 6 You arrived too late. They already e I knew he was really worried. ___ ____ (leave). 7 Her mother__________(not give) her any money, so she couldn't buy the tickets. 8 __________they already__________ (return) from 3 How many sentences can you make that are their holiday when you got to their house? meaningful for you? 3 Think about times in the past when you 1 While I was walking to school this morning ... experienced a strong emotion. Then complete 2 The first thing I did when I arrived at home these sentences with your own words. Use the past perfect. yesterday... 3 I had never eaten any ... until... 1 I was really sad because ... 4 As soon as I learnt how to (swim / play the guitar / 2 I was absolutely delighted when I found out th a t... write my nam e...),... 5 I heard my favourite singer for the first time in ... . 3 I was angry when I was told th a t... 4 I was very tired after... 1ШЛШ.|1|.|,|.Ш ^ fc \"
LISTENING 10: KEEP H E A L T H Y 1 i~ Listen to 14-year-old Sam giving a talk S&ro’s talk: at school. Which of these is she talking about? VVhafc everybody knows: exercise is good for: 1 Four things we all know about regular exercise. • strengthening muscles 2 Four things we might not know about regular • controlling 1— ----------------- exercise. 4 things not everyone might know about 3 The advantages and disadvantages of regular exercise: exercise. 1. helps with m ental health 2 rm m Listen again. A student in Sam's class is reason: there’s a, link between lack taking notes, but she hasn't managed to write o f 2 ______________ a n d depression. everything down. Complete her notes. I . strengthens your immune 3 ________________ helps you fig h t colds a n d other 4 ____ _____________ ___ 3. is good for your 5------------------------- • 4 . redu ces th e risk o f dying from n 6____________ _ a ttack . Compare your notes with a partner's. Which of the points from Sam's talk did you already know? Which were new for you? ■ TRAIN TO THiNK Most kinds of sports are good for your health. Car racing is a sport. About health Therefore car racing is good for your health, 1 Complete the sentences from Sam's valid invalid talk with therefore and you should. Then decide in which of the sentences Spending time outdoors in the fresh air is good for your health. the speaker makes a suggestion and in Birdwatching is done outdoors in the fresh air. which the speaker draws a conclusion? Therefore, birdwatching is a healthy free-time activity, a Exercise gives you a healthy heart, valid invalid so_________ exercise regularly. You reduce the risk of dying from a heart C Vitamins are good for the immune system. attack by almost a half, Fruit has got vitamins in it. b There is a clear link between lack of Therefore eating fruit is good for the immune system, movement and depression__________ regular exercise helps you to become valid invalid a happy person. ( A D Positive thinking can be good for your health. L O O K ! A conclusion is only John is a positive thinker. John will never fall ill. valid if it follows logically from the information given. If we need to valid invalid make assumptions about facts that are not part of the information, then the conclusion is invalid. The conclusion in A is invalid. It's true that most kinds of sports are good foryour health. It’s also true that car racing is a sport, 4__________ ____________ J but it's not true that all sports are aood foryour health. The first sentence talks about most kind,s of sports, not all sports. Which of these conclusions are valid? Which are invalid? Give reasons. 95
READING Work in pairs. Student A reads story A; student В reads story B. Tell your partner about the story you have read. Miracle operations Jack McNaughton’s parents were so happy yesterday r when their 4-year-old son walked through the gates of his school in Almondbank near Perth, Scotland, together with his friends. Jack had been suffering from a serious illness since he was born and was not able to walk. A few months ago, his parents heard about a new miracle operation that doctors in a clinic in the US can perform. With help from friends and the local community, Jack’s parents managed to get together the $40,000 for the operation. A team of doctors from a special clinic in Missouri operated on the young boy. After an operation of several hours the doctors said: ‘We’re optimistic that your son will be able to walk!’ For his parents, a dream had come true. They had been waiting for this moment for years. They are now hoping that Jack w ill never need to use a wheelchair again. Doctors at the Emergency Clinic in Linz, Austria, were cautiously optimistic last night after they had operated on a boy’s foot for ten hours. The boy, Jan S., had lost his foot in a skiing accident, but doctors attached the boy’s foot back onto his ankle. Dr Huber and DrThewanger, the operating doctors, told the boy’s parents there was great hope that he would be able to walk and lead a normal life again. The 9-year-old had been taking part in a skiing race. He had been skiing on his own during the break and had not stayed with the other children. He went down a very steep slope, suddenly lost control and hit a tree. His foot was completely cut off below the ankle. Some people who had seen the accident gave first aid, and a helicopter took the boy to hospital. A few teenagers were so shocked by what they had seen that they had to get medical treatment as well.65243 2 Read both stories. Mark the sentences A (story A) or В (story B). □ 1 He had suffered for a very long time. 2 People who saw what happened were really shocked. 3 His parents had been waiting for this moment all the boy's life. 4 His parents worked hard to get the money for the operation together. 5 His parents heard that there is hope he will be able to do sport again. 6 He was doing sport and had an accident.
10: KEEP H E A L T H Y GRAMMAR VOCABULARY Past perfect continuous Illness: collocations 1 Complete these examples from the stories on 1 Match the sentence halves. Then underline the page 96. Circle the correct words to complete illness collocation in each sentence. the rules. 0 M y dad hasn't taken any 1 They__________for this moment for years. 1 Our neighbour is in hospital. He had an 2 The 9-year-old__________on his own during a □2 Her doctor gave her medication and she got break and had not stayed with the other children. □3 If you have a problem with your eyes, make an 3 Jack__________from a serious illness since he □4 Are you sure it’s a cold? Maybe you should see □□5 I ate seafood for dinner. I've been feeling was born. a better immediately, R U LE : The past perfect continuous is used for b a doctor. actions happening over a period of time. W e can c appointment with a specialist soon! use it d exercise for years now. He's not very healthy, • to talk about things that started in the 1present / past e sick all night, f operation two days ago. and continued until another time in the past. • to talk about things that have stopped and had a 2 Complete the sentences with illness collocations from Exercise 1. Use the correct forms of the verbs. result in the 2present/past. • to focus on 3how long /how often an activity had been happening. 1 I was really happy I could go to your party on 2 Choose the correct verb for each sentence and Sunday. I for almost a week. write it in the past perfect continuous. 2 Her knee hurts badly, and the medication she walk climb wait not pay try takes doesn't help. The doctors say she needs to 1 I arrived late. They for 2 hours. 3 'Hello, this isJake Miller. Can I _________ with Dr Thacker, please?' 2 T hey_________for half an hour before they realised they'd left the picnic at the hotel. 4 I've got an earache, but I don’t think it's too serious. If it’s not gone in a few days I'll 3 Our teacher got very impatient with Thomas because he attention at all that day. 5 The doctor says I’m a bit overweight and I should 4 We __ to get tickets all afternoon, but the some every day. match was sold out by noon. 6 Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. 5 They looked exhausted when I saw them at the top. Hope you soon. ^ How long__________they ? Past perfect simple vs. P r o n u n c ia tio n past perfect continuous /tj/ and /// consonant sounds 3 Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs. Go to page 121. 1 I got to my friend's house at three o'clock. They ............_ ...................... ....... _ ........- J __________already__________ football for hours. (play) F U N C T IO N S Talking about your health 2 Before the match started, it _____ ____ for a long time, (rain) SPEA K IN G W ork in pairs. Ask and answer questions. 3 I looked at my laptop and saw that somebody 1 Have you ever felt sick after eating something? W hat _________ it. (break) happened? 4 She ........ ..... Spanish for years when she went to 2 W hen you have a cold, what do you do to get better? university, (study) 3 Do you believe that taking exercise is good for you 5 M y dad got home late. He told me that there personally? Give reasons. an accident on the motorway, (be) 4 W here you live, is it easy or difficult to make an appointment with a doctor? 5 W hen you have a slight temperature, do you immediately see a doctor, or do you wait a few days?
* 1 Look at the pictures. W h e re do you think these sports events take place? Read and check your ideas. Keeping healthy - stories from around the world Running for fun Running regularly helps you keep fit. T hat’s w hy millions of people run several days a w eek and regularly take part in races. So m e runners com bine the sport with doing something good for others. They collect m oney for their run and give it to a charity. So m e charity runners run a full marathon dressed in a crazy costum e to collect more m oney for their charity. Travis Sn yd er from the U S had been thinking for som e time about an idea for a fun run w here professionals and am ateurs could run together. In 2012 he organised the first ‘Colour Run - The happiest 5 K on the planet’. W hat started with 6,000 participants in Phoenix, Arizona, is now held annually in m any cities around the world, with millions of runners. The idea is simple: you start wearing something white, and at every kilometre people spray and paint you in different colours: 1К is yellow, 2 K is blue, 3 K is green, 4 K is pink, ... a ‘colour extravaganza!’ W h y do people go on a Colour R u n ? B e ca u s e ‘it's healthy, fun and colourful’ as one runner put it. A beautiful morning in the park The scen e you can see in this photo is something you will see in m any parks in China: big groups of people doing tai chi - slow, controlled m ovem ents of the arms and legs. T hese m ovem ents are very good for your health. They help to overcom e stress, and people doing tai chi say it helps them to concentrate better and to feel happy and relaxed. On w eekd ays you will often see elderly people doing tai chi, but at w eekends the parks are full of families, including children. They are all practising these elegant m ovem ents together. Ice swimming Imagine it’s m inusl 5 degrees Celsius outside on a sunny Saturday afternoon and you are som ewhere in Russia or Finland. W ould you rather see a film with a friend, go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful snow, or go for a swim in the nearby river? Not many of our readers would choose to go for a swim in such low temperatures, but in Russia, Finland and other countries, ice swimming has been popular for centuries. So m e people say it’s very healthy b ecause it improves blood circulation and strengthens the body’s immune system. Doctors say these things m ay be true, but you have to be very brave to try it - and it’s only for people w ho are already fit and healthy! 2 И Е В Е З Read and listen to the article again. Answ er the questions. 1 W h a t do ice swimmers say are the health benefits of their sport? 2 Should ice swimming be recommended to everyone? Give reasons. 3 H ow does a Colour Run work? 4 W h o came up with the idea for a Colour Run and why? 5 H ow is tai chi good for your health? 6 W h o is tai chi for? 98
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