THE BODY SYSTEMS Elizabeth Do 4B Health Science 1 Mr. Pickett
INTEGUMENTARY 1. derm/o, dermat/o skin SYSTEM 2. kerat/o hard, horn shaped tissue 3. xer/o dry FUNCTION Serves as a barrier to protect the body from 4. xanth/o yellow, yellowish 5. erythr/o red the outside world, retains body fluids, protects against 6. pedicu/o fingernail, toenail disease, regulates body temperature, and synthesizes 7. onych/o nail Vitamin D. 8. myc/o fungus 9. pil/o hair, hair follicle HEALTHCARE CAREERS Dermatologists- Specialists of 10. lip/o fat 11. rhytid/o wrinkle the skin & Plastic Surgeons- Surgeon for 12. albin/o white reconstructing/repair parts of the body by replacing tissue. VOCAB epidermis- outermost layer of skin; dermis- middle layer of skin; hypodermis- deepest layer of skin; sudoiferorous glands- sweat glands; sebaceous glands- oil glands; hair- threadlike strands growing from skin; nails- living skin cells on finger made of keratin; melanocytes- melanin producing cell; keratin- protein that is the key structual material in making up hair/nails; collagen- fibrous protein that gives skin strength/elasticity. DISEASES Basal Cell Carcinoma- benign skin cancer; Eczema- itchy red skin; Malignant Melanoma- malignant skin cancer; Acne- hair follicles become plugged, results in bumps on face
MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM FUNCTION The musculoskeletal system provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body. VOCAB Cortical Bone- hard, strong bone that houses yellow bone marrow; Cancellous Bone- porous, less dense bone that contains red bone marrow; Skeletal Muscle- voluntary muscle found attached to the skeleton; Smooth Muscle- Involuntary muscle found in organs; Cardiac Muscle- Involuntary muscle found in the heart; Tendons- connects muscle to bone; Ligaments- connects bone to bone; Diathrose Joints- freely moveable; Amphiarthrose Joints- slightly moveable; Synarthrose Joints- Immovable joints 1. my/o muscle DISEASES Ankylosis- abnormal fusion of 2 bones; Rheumatoid Arthritis- 2. myel/o bone marrow 3. oste/o bone inflammation in joiny due to autoimmune reasons; Atrophy- wasting away 4. cost/o ribs of muscle; Osteomyelitis- infection inside bone/bone marrow 5. crani/o skull 6. -pexy surgical fixation HEALTHCARE CAREERS Orthopedic Surgeons- treat disorders of the 7. chondr/o cartilage 8. arthr/o joint bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Physical Therapist- 9. -plegia paralysis movement specialists who help ill/injured people improve movement. 10. kinesi/o movement
NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. neur/o nerve 2. encephal/o brain FUNCTION Receiving information (sensory) from our external 3. myel/o spinal cord 4. ambul/o walk environment and generating responses (motor) from the information 5. -esthesia feeling; sensation recieved. 6. mening/o meninges 7. pysch/o mind VOCAB Sensory Input- electric impulse sent from sensory organs to the 8. concuss/o shaken together; violently CNS; Integration- info from Sensory is interpreted by CNS; Motor Output- agitated CNS transmits message into a response; Central Nervous System (CNS)- Brain & Spinal Cord; Periphery Nervous System- everything else outside CNS, includes 12 pairs cranial nerves/31 pairs spinal nerves; Neuron- nerve cell; Afferent- sends signals to the brain; Efferent- sends signals away from brain; Brain- coordinates all activity of the body by recieving/transmitting messages; Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)- fluid that protects spinal cord and brain. DISEASES ALS- peripheral nerves stop working; Alzhiemer’s- form of dementia resulting from atrophy of the frontal/occipital lobes of the brain; Bell’s Palsy- unilateral paralysis of the face; Epilepsy- misfiring/overfiring of neurons which causes seizures HEALTHCARE CAREERS Neurologist- specialist in the atatomy, function, and disorders of the nervous sytem. Neurosurgeon- physician who specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of central/periphery nervous system disorders.
SPECIAL SENSES 1. irid/o iris 2. -cusis hearing FUNCTION Detect environmental stimuli and transform their 3. -opia vision condition energy into electrical impulses for the brain to interpret. 4. ot/o ear 5. tympan/o tymphanic membrane VOCAB Auditory Ossicles- 3 small bones in the ear that transmit 6. opthalm/o eye sound waves of eardrum to the inner ear; Eustachian Tubes- drains 7. -metry process of measuring; to measure fluid from nose to throat; Auditory Canal- passage way from outer ear to eardrum; Auricle/Pinna- outermost portion of ear; Cerumen- ear wax; Conjunctiva- thin, protective membrane that lines the eye; Retina- portion of the eye where images are projected; Lens- focuses images on the retina; Macula- portion of the eye where vision is the most precise bc rods/cones; Optic Nerve- cranial nerve that transmits electrical impulses to the brain DISEASES Conjunctivitis (pink eye)- inflammation of conjunctiva; Cataract- clouding of the lens that results in worsened vision; Meniere’s Disease- chronic disorder of the inner ear that causes vertigo (dizzyness); Conductive Deafness- deafness from inadequate sound wave conduction from outer ear to ossicles. HEALTHCARE CAREERS Opthamologist- doctor of osteopathic medicine that specializes in eye/vision care. Can perform surgery, eye exams, diagnose/treat disease, and prescribe medicines. Otorhinolaryngologist (ENT)- doctor specializing in surgery specifically with the ear, nose, and throat.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM FUNCTION Circulates blood and oxygen. Gets rid of carbon dioxide. 1. cardi/o heart 2. angi/o blood vessel VOCAB Arteries- take blood away from the heart; Veins- bring blood 3. hem/o, hemat/o blood to heart; Epicardium- outermost layer of heart; Myocardium- 4. brady- slow muscular middle layer of heart; Endocardium- layer inside heart that 5. tachy- fast lines chambers/covers valves; Circulation- electric current in heart 6. thromb/o blood clot, coagulation that causes myocardium to contract; Pulmonary Circulation- right side 7. -emia blood condition that pumps blood from heart to lungs; Systemic Circulation- left side 8. leuk/o white of heart that pumps blood from heart to body cells; Blood Pressure- 9. erythr/o red pressure exerted by the blood against wall of artery/vein; 10. arteri/o artery Sphygamomanometer- blood pressure cuff + gauge. DISEASES Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)- plaque narrows coronary artery, results in insufficient blood flow to heart; Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)- end stage of heart disease; Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)- coronary artery completely cut off results in tissue death; Thrombus- blood clott attached to interior wall of artery or vein. HEALTHCARE CAREERS Cardiothoracic Surgeon- Specialist who operates on the heart, lungs, and other thoracic organs. Cardiologist- Doctor who specializes in the study/treatment of heart diseases and abnormalities. Do not perform surgery, primarily will diagnose heart disorders and treat with medication.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1. bronch/o bronchus; bronchial tube 2. cyan/o blue FUNCTION Gas exchange (CO2 for O2) and inhaling/exhaling. 3. laryng/o larynx; voice box 4. -oxia oxygen VOCAB Inspiration (Inhalation)- breathing in; Expiration 5. pleur/o pleura (Exhalation)- breathing out; Respiration- exhange of O2 and 6. pneum/o lung; air CO2; Ventilation- process of moving air in and out of lungs; 7. pulmon/o lung Phargynx- throat where air, liquids, and food is transported; 8. thorac/o chest Largynx- box of cartilage that contains vocal cords; Nasal 9. trache/o trachea; windpipe Cavity- filters and moistens air, contains cilia/sinuses; Epiglottis- flap of cartilage that opens to allow air in lungs, closes to keep out liquid/food; Trachea- flexible tube that carries air into chest cavity; Lungs- 2 spongy, air filled organs DISEASES Asthma- spasm of bronchial tubes characterized by wheezing and dyspnea; Bronchitis- prolonged inflammation of the bronchial tubes and their mucuous membranes; Cystic Fibrosis (CF)- inherited disease that causes chronic respiratory infections with excessive mucus in lungs; Pnuemonia- inflammation in the lungs due to infection/irritant. HEALTHCARE CAREERS Pulmonologist- Physician who specializes in respiratory system. Respiratory Therapist- Specialized healthcare practioner trained in critical care and cardio-pulmonary medicine.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 1. cholecyst/o gallbladder 2. enter/o intestines (usually small) FUNCTION Physical and chemical breakdown of food so it can 3. col/o, colon/o colon; large intestine be used by the body. 4. hepat/o liver 5. gastr/o stomach VOCAB Ingestion- intake of food/liquid; Digestion- breakdown of 6. or/o mouth food; Absorption- movement of nutrients into bloodstream; 7. -pepsia digestion Elimination- removal of waste from body; Mastication- chewing; 8. chol/e gall; bile Delgutition- swallowing; Peristalsis- slow, wavelike contractions 9. proct/o rectum; anus that moves food/liquid within digestive tract; Stomach- receives food from esophagus and where food remains for 1-4 hrs; Salivary Glands- secrete amylase that aids in chemical breakdown of starchy foods; Small Intestine- where process of digestion is completed. DISEASES Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- group of symptoms that include diarrea, bloating, cramping, and constipation assocated with stress/tension; Hepatitis- inflammation of the liver (Type A, B, and C); Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)- backward flow of stomach acids into esophagus; Ulcerative Colitis- chronic inflammation of the colon with ulcers HEALTHCARE CAREERS Gastrointerologist- medical practioner qualified to diagnose and treat disorders of gastrointestinal tract/liver. Dentist- person qualified to treat diseases/conditions that affect teeth and gums (physical part of digestive system)
URINARY SYSTEM 1. -cele hernia; swelling; protrusion 2. -lysis breakdown; separation; loosening FUNCTION Filter the blood, waste storage/excretion, hormone 3. cyst/o cyst; fluid sac; bladder production, and homeostasis maintenance. 4. nephr/o kidney 5. ren/o kidney VOCAB Kidneys- filter out metabolic waste and turn it into urine; 6. -uria urination; condition of urine Bladder- stores urine produced by kidneys; Eythroprotein- creation of 7. -pexy surgical fixation red blood cells excreted by the adrenal glands; Calcitrol- works 8. -ectasis dilation; stretching; enlargement conjunctively with parathyroid hormone to increase blood calcium 9. pyel/o renal pelvis levels; Diruesis- abnormal increase in production of urine; Dysuria- difficult/painful urination; Enuresis- involuntary discharge of urine mostly in kids; Hematuria- blood in urine; Incontinence- loss of voluntary control over discharge of urine mostly in senior citizens; Retention- inability to excrete all urine in bladder all at once DISEASES Cystolithiasis- presence of stones (calculi) in the bladder; Nephrosclerosis- hardening of the nephron where not enough blood is being cleaned; Phenylketonuria (PKU)- infants with the inability to break down the phenylalanine protein due to the lack of an enzyme genetically; Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)- infection of the urethra, bladder, ureter, kidneys (urinary tract) by external bacteria via urethra or urinary retention. HEALTHCARE CAREERS Urologist- general doctor of the entire urinary system except problems with filtering in the kidneys. Nephrologist- specialized doctor of the urinary system that solely treats problems with filtering blood in the kidneys.
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1. cervic/o cervix (neck of uterus) 2. salping/o fallopian tube FUNCTION To produce offspring (have babies) 3. ov/o ovum (egg) 4. orchid/o testis; testicle VOCAB Pregnancy- phase between conception and delivery; Gestation- 5. oophor/o ovary phase of time between implantation in the uterus and birth (40 weeks long); 6. men/o menses; menustration Dialation & Effacement- first stage of labor + delivery where the cervis is 7. mamm/o breast thinned, stretched, and widened to 10 cm; Expulsion- second stage of labor 8. gynec/o female; woman + delivery where the baby comes out and you can see the head (crowning); 9. colp/o vagina Delivery of Placenta “Afterbirth”- final stage of labor + delivery where placenta 10. prostat/o prostate gland detaches from the uterus and is pushed out; Primigravida- a women’s first pregnancy; Nulligravida- mom has not been pregnant at all; Multigravida- mom has had more than 1 pregnancy/baby; Nullipara- not given birth at all; Multipara- has given birth multiple times DISEASES Placenta Abruptio- placenta spontaneously detaches from wall of uterus and can no longer give nutrients to baby; Placenta Previa- placenta forms in the wrong place (over the cervix), results in C-Section because cervix is blocked; Eclampsia/Pre Eclampsia- high blood pressure in mom which results in headache, urinary issues, swelling and can eventually lead to renal failure, or coma (Eclampsia); Meconium Aspiration- baby breathes in poop while still inside mom. HEALTHCARE CAREERS Obstretrician Gynecologist (OB-GYN)- doctors who specialize in female reproductive system, health, pregnancy and childbirth. Midwife- trained health professional who help women during labor, delivery, and after the birth of their babies.
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