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Suffolk and the Great Rebellion, 1640-1660

Published by rb, 2020-09-21 08:52:58

Description: Suffolk and the Great Rebellion, 1640-1660


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SUFFOLK AND THE GREAT REBELLION 1640-1660 Edited by ALAN EVERITT, M.A., Ph.D. Research Fellow in Urban History Leicester University 1960 SUFFOLK RECORDS SOCIETY VOLUME III


THE COMMITTEE OF SUFFOLK Ipswich Devision per weeke per mensem per weeke per mensem £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 145.10. 0 582. 0. 0 Hoxonn hundred 388. 0. 0 145.10. 0 582. 0. 0 109. 2. 6 436.10. 0 Hartsmer 388. 0. 0 90.18. 9 363. 15. 0 54. 11. 0 218. 5. 0 Bosmer and Claidon 291. 0. 0 56. 5. 0 225. 0. 0 Samforde 242. 10. 0 Stowe 145.10. 0 Ipswidge 150. 0. 0 1605. 0. 0 601.17. 6 2407. 10. 0 Beccles Devision 485. 0. 0 181.17. 6 727. 10. 0 Blithin hundred 323. 6. 8 121. 5. 0 485. 0. 0 Waingford 107.15. 6½ 40. 8. 4 161.10. 4 Lothingland 53.17. 9½ 20. 4. 2 80.16. 8 Muttford 970. 0. 0 363. 15. 0 1455. 0. 0 Summ total [blank] 5000. 0. 0 1875. 0. 0 7500. 0. 0 [35] A comm1ss10n to the deputie liuetennents and others of the five associated Countyes, [from Lord Grey of Warke, 21 April] anno 16431 Wheras the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament have thought it a thinge most fitt and necessarye for the present state of the kingdome and did order accordingly that all lord leiuetennents, deputie liuetennts, collonells, captains, and other officers and all other well affected persons inhabitinge within the severall Countyes of Norffolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridg, Hertford, the Isle of Elye, and Countye of the Cittie of Norwich shall and maye associate themselves and mutually aide succour and assist one another in the defence and preservasion of themselves and of the peace of the said Countyes ; and whereas by commission from the Lord Gennerall the Earle of Essex, I, William Lord Graye of Warke, ame appointed and authorised aswell to command in cheife as major gennerall of all the forces to be raised in the associated Countyes aforesaid for defence of the said associacon ; I, the sayd William Lord Graye of Warke, in pursuance of the authoritye given unto me by an ordinance of Parliament, and for the better orderinge of the affayers abovemencioned committed to my care and trust concerninge the associacion, have thought fitt to nominate, appoint, and make you whose names are here under written commissioners for the said 1 Cf No. 12 and footnote. William, 1st Lord Grey of Warke (d. 1674) was son of Sir Ralph Grey of Chillingham, Northumberland. His commission as commander of the Association's forces was cancelled when he refused to serve as a parliamentary commissioner to Scotland in July 1643. He was succeeded by the Earl of Manchester. - DNB, s.v. Grey; GEC, VI, 168-9. The list of commissioners here named by Grey is similar to those nominated in the Eastern Association Ordinance of 10 August 1643. - F. & R., I, 242-3. 51

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