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Home Explore Roles of paramedic in disaster management

Roles of paramedic in disaster management

Published by noryazjehan, 2021-11-03 01:23:05

Description: Roles of paramedic in disaster management


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Pre-Hospital Care and Ambulance Services (PHCAS) pertaining to disaster management (paramedic)


Preparedness Response Recovery phase phase phase Training and education. Participation in disaster Advocate recognition of management. medical efforts. Development of Command and control. Further research into healthcare personnel strategies that foster performance. healthy coping techniques and resiliency in the medical workforce. Search and Rescue. 3

ROLES OF PARAMEDIC IN RESPONSE PHASE Malaysian Emergency Coordination Center (999) Pre Hospital Care Mass Casualty Incident / Disaster Management 4

ROLES OF PARAMEDIC IN RESPONSE PHASE 5S • Safety • Scene size up • Send Information • Setup base • START 5

ROLES OF PARAMEDIC IN RESPONSE PHASE 5S Safety Scene Size Up Send Information Setup Base START Ensure safety Assessment of the M: Major incident? Setup medical base Simple Triage and Apply PPE scene E: Exact location. in the safe area. Rapid Treatment T: Type of incident. How big? H: Hazard. A: Access routes How bad? which safe. N: Number of victim. How many victims? E: Extra resources 6

ROLES OF PARAMEDIC On-Scene Medical Search Medical Liaison Medical and Rescue Officer (MELO) Officer Commander (MESARO) (OMC) 7

ON SCENE MEDICAL COMMANDER (OMC) ▰ Manage the incident. ▰ Coordinate the members. ▰ Plan the strategies. 8

MEDICAL SEARCH AND RESCUE OFFICER (MESARO) ▰ Search and rescue. ▰ Mass-casualty triage (START). ▰ On-scene treatment. ▰ Communication with OMC. ▰ Evacuation of patient transport. ▰ Patient tracking. 9

MEDICAL LIAISON OFFICER (MELO) ▰ Communication with OMC, medical centre and others agency. ▰ Relay the information and current status of incident. ▰ Ask for help and extra resources. ▰ Coordination of patient transport. ▰ Coordination of patient tracking. 10

THANKS! Nor Yazjehan Binti Yahya 11 Penolong Pegawai Perubatan [email protected]

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