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Home Explore 《健康自煮之養生一世》養生機食譜


Published by iplushome hk, 2019-03-19 03:02:03

Description: 書中提供多達40款營養美味的健康食譜,搭配全能冷熱破壁養生機系列產品,讓每個家庭都能輕鬆享有健康美好的養生生活。



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目錄 嬰兒食譜(6-12個月) Baby's Recipes (6-12 months) Content 84 番茄魚蓉粥 Tomato and Salmon Congee 88 小棠菜蛋黃粥 Bok Choy and Egg Yolk Congee 04 序言 Preface 92 西蘭花豬肉粥 Broccoli and Pork Congee 96 雞蓉粟米粥 Chicken and Corn Congee 養生食譜 Healthy Recipes 100 蘋果薯仔糊 Apple and Potato Paste 104 燕麥香蕉糊 Oatmeal and Banana Congee 08 番茄薯仔紅衫魚湯 Potato and Tomato Fish Soup 106 菠菜牛肉糊 Spinach and Beef Paste 12 養血益氣蓮藕鱆魚豬月展湯 Lotus Root, Dried Octopus and Pork Shank Soup 110 紫薯豆腐茸 Purple Sweet Potato and Tofu Paste 16 下火節瓜鹹蛋肉片湯 Hairy Gourd, Salted Egg and Pork Soup 114 紅蘿蔔豆腐米糊 Carrot and Tofu Paste 20 補血養顏紅棗南瓜瘦肉湯 Red Date, Pumpkin and Lean Pork Soup 118 嬰兒南瓜湯 Pumpkin Soup for Baby 24 香滑法式蘑菇湯 French Mushroom Soup 28 紅菜頭栗子粟米湯 Beetroot, Chestnut and Corn Soup 特色家常菜 Home Dishes 32 滋陰瑤柱排骨粥 Dried Scallop and Pork Spare Ribs Congee 36 冬菇肉碎燕麥粥 Shiitake Mushroom and Minced Pork Oatmeal Congee 124 芝士煙肉薯蓉 Baked Mashed Potatoes with Cheese and Bacon 40 花旗參排骨有味飯 American Ginseng and Pork Spare Ribs Rice 128 自家牛肉漢堡包 Beef Burger 44 潤肺木瓜雪耳糖水 Papaya and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup 132 荷蘭醬班尼迪蛋 Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise Sauce 48 糙米芝麻糊 Brown Rice and Black Sesame Sweet Soup 136 魚湯浸菜心 Flowering Chinese Cabbage in Fish Soup 50 清心潤肺百合薏米糊 Seman Coicis and Fresh Lily Sweet Soup 140 香菇蒸滑雞 Steamed Chicken with Shiitake Mushroom 54 益腦保健合桃糊 Walnut Sweet Soup 144 消暑蔬菜湯飯 Vegetables Rice Soup 56 清熱健脾海帶綠豆沙 Green Mung Bean with Kelp Sweet Soup 148 香橙雞翼 Chicken Wings with Orange Sauce 60 雪耳椰香甘露 Snow Fungus and Coconut Milk Sweet Soup 152 低糖豆漿布丁 Low-Sugar Soy Milk Pudding 64 高鐵紅豆豆漿 Red Bean Soy Milk 156 士多啤梨蜂蜜沙冰 Strawberry and Honey Smoothie 68 高纖黃金粟米雪梨汁 Corn and Pear Juice 160 芒果冰 Mango Smoothie 70 北海道牛乳抹茶露 Matcha Hokkaido Milk Drink 74 提神紅茶豆漿 Soy Milk Tea 164 自動清洗功能 Cleaning Menu 78 美顏北海道牛奶Oreo奶昔 Hokkaido Milkshake with Oreo 165 營養師簡介 Nutritionist Profile 寶康達會員申請表 Primada Club Membership Application Form

序言 養生之道最基本可從日常飲食入手,不論春夏秋冬都應注意飲食,吸 收高營養的食物,可減輕腸胃消化系統的負擔,亦對身體相對健康。 由 2007 年開始,我正式成為 Primada 寶康達代言人,好榮幸已邁向第 往往談說容易,實行卻是艱難。都市人一向生活繁忙,可能比較少時 9 個年頭。多年來,看著 Primada 寶康達品牌成長,不斷地推出各式各 間安排好自己每天的日常餐飲;長者們是比較注重健康養生,但需要 樣的廚房家電產品,穩健地打開這個品牌在香港的知名度,多款系列 簡易烹調法去實行;一眾有初生寶寶的媽媽們,為寶寶的健康飲食總 的產品設計是為各個家庭下廚煮食所需而構思,讓大家從中享受到煮 是費煞思量。 食樂趣! 我自己身為一位烹飪愛好者,最近最常用的產品便是 Primada 寶康達 為了方便都市人的急促生活節奏,長者們及媽媽們的所需,Primada 的全能冷熱破壁養生機,不但操作簡單,方便易用,又能達致一機多 寶康達品牌的全能冷熱破壁養生機絕對是你稱心之選。不但能配合都 功能,隨時可煮出養生菜餚、新鮮健康果汁、養顏甜品、滋潤湯品等 市人及長者們的快速烹調方法,更讓媽媽們在忙碌中打理好寶寶的有 等……令我對此養生機愛不釋手,更想推介給大家。 營菜餚。 今次,多謝 Primada 寶康達品牌的團隊將所想的計劃實行了 ─ 出版 《養生一世》,除了有 40 道簡單養生滋補的菜式外,我在當中也分享了 Primada 寶康達品牌的全能冷熱破壁養生機系列,內置預設的智能菜 一些烹飪小貼士,希望大家能夠體驗 Primada 寶康達的全能冷熱破壁 單,一按即煮,只需放入相應食材入養生機內,按一個菜單程式,便 養生機的好用之處,及帶給你們輕鬆享受健康自煮的烹飪態度。 可煮出一道道美味佳餚,對都市人來說,是極方便的烹調方式。首創 聚合技術,徹底研磨各類食材,使身體更易吸收;2,200watt 攪拌功 代言人 商天娥 率,強勁破壁,令食物營養精華不致流失;耐高低溫差強化玻璃杯, 可隨個人喜好烹調熱湯品或冷飲亦可。 Primada 寶康達品牌由 2001 年創立至今,秉承「健康自煮」的理念,於 2010 年起榮獲為「香港名牌」,故此實行為消費者帶來更多優質、智能及 創意的廚房家電產品。為了讓健康跟我們走得更近,我們出版了《養生 一世》食譜,為消費者提供 40 款養生營養菜式,除結合營養師的營養貼 士外,更配合我們產品的使用心得,每個食譜均詳細列出烹調過程,簡 單跟著做,便可日日輕鬆嚐到營養高、味道好的菜餚啦!希望讀者們能 從書中尋找健康的養生飲食之道! 養生 , 從此簡單!

Chapter 1 養生食譜 Healthy Recipes

番 茄 薯 仔 紅 衫 魚 湯 Potato and Tomato Fish Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 Ingredients 材料 1 tomato (stem removed, cut into chunks) 1 potato (peeled, cut into chunks) 番茄 1 個(去蒂,切件) 2 golden threadfin breams (around 60g each) 薯仔 1 個(去皮,切件) Some water 細紅衫魚 2 條(每條約 60 克) 1 tbsp oil 水 適量 A pinch of salt 油 1 湯匙 鹽 少許 Marinade 醃料 A pinch of salt A pinch of white pepper powder 鹽 少許 胡椒粉 少許 Method 做法 1 Rinse golden threadfin bream and pat-dry. Marinate 1 紅衫魚洗淨抹乾水分,下醃料塗勻 the fishes for around 15 minutes. 魚身醃約 15 分鐘。 2 Heat a wok over medium heat. Add oil. Pan-fry 2 以中火燒熱鑊,下油把紅衫魚煎至 兩面金黃,把魚頭切去。 golden threadfin bream until both sides are golden. Cut off the head of the golden threadfin bream. 3 把番茄、薯仔和紅衫魚一同放入 PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 3 Add tomato, potato and the golden threadfin 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 安全杯蓋並扭緊鎖上。 bream into the blender cup of PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the 4 選擇「魚湯」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 indication of the maximum amount for making hot 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 drink. Cover and lock the safety lid. 中,加鹽調味即可食用。 4 Select “Fish Soup” menu. After processing and cooking, remove lid. Pour into a bowl, season with salt and serve. 健康營養小貼士 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips Nutrition Tips PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機的 2200W 攪拌功率,特強扭 紅衫魚除了能提供豐富的蛋白質外,其鈣質含量亦比其他魚類高,絕對是維持健康骨骼之選。 力,能將魚骨攪拌至溶入湯中,成為濃湯。 此外,紅衫魚當中所含的總脂肪及飽和脂肪亦頗低,加上含豐富鉀質的番茄及薯仔,有助排除身體 多餘鈉質和去水腫,特別適合減肥keep fit的朋友飲用。 The super strong power of twist generated by the 2200W motor leading power of PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor Other than providing rich protein to human body, the amount of calcium golden threadfin bream containing is can stir and mix fish bones into the soup and to make the flavor higher than other types of fish, which makes it a good choice to maintain healthy bones. Besides, its total fat of soup more intense. and saturated fat are comparatively low as well, with adding in tomato and potato which are high in potassium and good for reducing sodium and edema in body, this dish is very suitable for people who want to keep fit. 12 13

養 血 益 氣 蓮 藕 鱆 魚 豬 湯月展 Lotus Root, Dried Octopus and Pork Shank Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 蓮藕 150 克(去皮,洗淨,切厚片) 150g lotus root (peeled, rinsed, cut into thick 鱆魚 1/2 隻(浸軟,洗淨,切件) chunks) 綠豆 1 湯匙(浸洗淨) 1/2 dried octopus (soaked until tender, rinsed, cut 蜜棗 1 粒(浸洗淨) into chunks) 豬月展 100 克 1 tbsp green mung bean (soaked and rinsed) 果皮 1 角(浸軟,刮去囊) 水 適量 1 dried honey date (soaked and rinsed) 鹽 少許 100g pork shank 做法 1 piece of dried mandarin peel (soaked until tender, 1 把蓮藕、鱆魚、綠豆、蜜棗、豬月展 scraped off white pith) 和果皮,一同放入 PS800 全能冷熱 破壁養生機的杯中,加水至熱飲最 Some water 高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋。 A pinch of salt 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「中湯」菜 單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲煮 Method 後,打開杯蓋,拌入鹽調味,便可 直接注入碗中食用。 1 Add lotus root, dried octopus, green mung bean, dried honey date, pork shank and dried mandarin peel into the blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover with safety lid. 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Chinese Soup” menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove lid. Season with salt. Pour into a bowl and serve. 娥姐小貼士 Kiki Tips 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 綠豆可以中和蓮藕的熱氣,而跟據《本草綱目》 PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機,能將蓮藕、綠豆及果皮等 記載,鱆魚則有養血益氣的功效。 材料釋放其植物生化素,使水分、膳食纖維、維生素等 營養成分更易被人體吸收。 Green mung bean can balance the heat of lotus root; and according to Compendium of Materia Medica, The PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor can extract dried octopus can nourish the blood and qi. phytochemicals from the ingredients like lotus root, green mung bean and dried mandarin peel, so that the nutrients like moisture content, dietary fibre and vitamins can be easier to absorb by human body. 16 17

下 火 節 瓜 鹹 蛋 肉 片 湯 Hairy Gourd, Salted Egg and Pork Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 節瓜 半條(去皮,洗淨,切件) 1/2 hairy gourd (peeled, rinsed, cut into chunks) 鹹蛋 1 個 1 salted egg 薑 1片 豬肉片 100 克 1 slice ginger 水 適量 100g pork slices Some water 醃料 Marinade 糖 2 茶匙 2 tsp sugar 豉油 2 茶匙 2 tsp soy sauce 胡椒粉 少許 A pinch of white pepper powder 做法 Method 1 豬肉片用醃料拌勻醃 1 小時,備 1 Marinate pork slices with marinade for 1 hour. Set 用。 aside. 2 把節瓜、鹹蛋、薑和豬肉片一同放 入 PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 2 Add hairy gourd, salted egg, ginger and pork 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 安全杯蓋並扭緊鎖上。 slices into the blender cup of PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the 3 選擇「菜湯」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 indication of the maximum amount for making hot 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 drink. Cover and lock the safety lid. 中食用。 3 Select “Veg Soup” menu to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機的高硼硅強化玻璃,耐熱溫度 高達 400℃,而且可抵受 110℃溫差,可以安心放入食材 烹煮加熱使用。 The high borosilicate glass material of the Primada PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor made with can resist temperature up to 400℃ and 110℃ temperature difference, it is definitely safe to use for cooking. 20 21

補 血 養 顏 紅 棗 南 瓜 瘦 肉 湯 Red Date, Pumpkin and Lean Pork Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 紅棗 5 粒(洗淨) 5 red dates (rinsed) 南瓜 200 克(去皮及籽,洗淨,切件) 200g pumpkin (peeled, seeds removed, rinsed, cut 瘦肉 120 克(洗淨,切件) into chunks) 水 適量 120g lean pork (rinsed, cut into chunks) 鹽 少許 Some water A pinch of salt 做法 Method 1 把紅棗、南瓜和瘦肉一同放入 1 Add red dates, pumpkin and lean pork into the PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food 安全杯蓋。 Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover with 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「排骨湯」 safety lid. 菜單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲 煮後,打開杯蓋,拌入鹽調味,便 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Pork Ribs 可直接注入碗中食用。 Soup” menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove lid. Season with salt. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips Primada 養生機的不鏽鋼發熱盤底,能夠以 100℃高溫 立體循環加熱,徹底煮熟食材,即使肉類亦毋須預先煮好。 Meats are no need to be cooked first as the stainless steel base of Primada processor can circularly heat up to 100℃ and make it cooked thoroughly. 24 25

香 滑 法 式 蘑 菇 湯 French Mushroom Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 牛油 20 克 20g butter 洋葱 半個(去外衣,切幼粒) 1/2 onion (peeled, cut into small dices) 蒜頭 2 粒(去外衣,切幼粒) 2 cloves of garlic (peeled, cut into small dices) 白蘑菇 300 克(用廚紙抹淨表面,切片) 淡忌廉 100 克 300g white mushroom (wiped with paper towel, 雞湯 700 毫升 sliced) 水 適量 100g whipping cream 700ml chicken broth Some water 做法 Method 1 以中火燒熱鍋,下牛油把洋葱和蒜 1 Heat a pot over medium heat. Add butter. Stir- 頭炒香,加入白蘑菇片,繼續炒約 1 分鐘。 fry onion and garlic until fragrant. Add white mushrooms, continue to stir-fry for around 1 2 把炒好的洋葱、蒜頭和白蘑菇片, minute. 連同淡忌廉和雞湯,放入 PS700S 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水 2 Add the stir-fried onion, garlic, white mushrooms, 至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋 並扭緊鎖上。 whipping cream and chicken broth into the blender cup of PS700S All in One Hot & Cold 3 選擇「西湯」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 Food Processor. Add water to reach the maximum 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 amount for making hot drink. Cover and lock the 中食用。 safety lid. 3 Select “w. soup” menu to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 用 PS700S 全能冷熱破壁養生機來煮香濃西湯,其最新 八柱修身杯物理設計,增強聚合表現,令白蘑菇不用切去 莖部,也可徹底攪拌成粉末,做出綿細香濃的西湯效果。 Without removing the stem, white mushroom can be easily processed into powder by Primada PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. As it has a new slim design of blender cup to make the ingredients being gathered; make delicious and smooth western thick soup is just easy! 28 29

紅 菜 頭 栗 子 粟 米 湯 Beetroot, Chestnut and Corn Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 紅菜頭 250 克(去皮,切件) 250g beetroot (peeled, cut into chunks) 栗子 3 粒(去殼) 3 chestnuts (shelled) 粟米 120 克(切出粟米粒) 120g corn (cut corn kernels off) 水 適量 Some water 鹽 少許 A pinch of salt 做法 Method 1 把紅菜頭、栗子和粟米粒一同放 1 Add beetroot, chestnut and corn kernels into the 入 PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 blender cup of PS-800 All in One Hot & Cold Food 安全杯蓋。 Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover with 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「中湯」菜 safety lid. 單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲煮 後,打開杯蓋,拌入鹽調味,便可 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Chinese Soup” 直接注入碗中食用。 menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove lid. Season with salt. Pour into a bowl and serve. 娥姐小貼士 Kiki Tips 健康營養小貼士 Nutrition Tips 想營養更豐富,可用紅腰豆替代栗子作湯料。 紅腰豆屬豆類中營養價值最高的一種,它不含脂肪但纖維量 紅菜頭含豐富的天然色素「甜菜紅」,屬優質的抗氧化物, 高,有助降低膽固醇及控制血糖,也是低卡路里餐的食材。 有助延緩衰老,同時有助血管擴張,特別適合關注心臟 健康人士飲用。 For more nutritious factors, replace chestnut with red kidney bean as one of the soup ingredients. Red kidney bean has Beetroot contains a high concentration of“Batalain\", a natural pigment, which is particularly suitable for people who concerns the highest nutritional value in the kind. It doesn't about heart health as it has great antioxidant capacity to slow contain any fat but with high fibre, it helps to aging and to dilate blood vessels. reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, it is also low in calories. 33 32

滋 陰 瑤 柱 排 骨 粥 Dried Scallop and Pork Spare Ribs Congee

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 白米 70 克 70g white rice 薑 1片 1 slice ginger 排骨 150 克 150g pork spare ribs 瑤柱 2 粒(浸軟,撕成絲,水留用) 2 dried scallops (soaked, pulled, reserve the 水 適量 soaking water) 鹽 少許 Some water A pinch of salt 做法 Method 1 排骨洗淨,抹乾水分,用鹽醃過 1 Rinse and pat-dry pork. Marinate with salt 夜,備用。 overnight. Set aside. 2 把白米、薑、排骨、瑤柱和瑤柱水 一同放入 PS700S 全能冷熱破壁養 2 Add rice, ginger, pork spare ribs, dried scallops and 生機的杯中,加水至熱飲最高水位 線,蓋上安全杯蓋並扭緊鎖上。 the soaking water into the blender cup of PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water 3 選擇「綿粥」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 to reach the indication of the maximum amount for 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 making hot drink. Cover and lock the safety lid. 中食用。 3 Select “Congee” menu to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. P的能S打T7「PFh0,sS得ioe0ot果7“noSni0如gd更lr0汁全rJyrS單ePu碎id」ri能unAioc獨sgl更菜ece冷i,lne”使n細單tsgii熱ssmtn用oe微等t破trnhcO,ou。同ianp壁snebeo可攪erf養mpHf將ero拌foPnot生irruc食nmi功.e&機esms材rasCadowsalhden 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 煲粥用的排骨可以選購帶點肥的腩排,煮完 後肉質仍然嫩滑,煲出來的粥都會比較香甜。 食用時想口感更細緻,可在 PS700S 全能冷熱破 壁養生機完成煲煮「綿粥」後,加按「果汁」 菜單,使粥底更綿和香滑。 It is recommended to use pork spare ribs with some fat for making congee, as the meat will still tender after cooking and the congee would taste better as well. For a smoother texture of the congee, select “Juice”menu of Primada PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor after the“Congee”menu. 36 37

冬 菇 肉 碎 燕 麥 粥 Shiitake Mushroom and Minced Pork Oatmeal Congee

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 白米 50 克 50g white rice 燕麥 20 克 20g oatmeal 薑 1片 1 slice ginger 豬肉碎 100 克 100g minced pork 冬菇 1 隻(浸軟,切小塊,留冬菇水) 1 dried shiitake mushroom (soaked, cut into small 水 適量 pieces, reserve the soaking water) 鹽 少許 Some water A pinch of salt 做法 Method 1 豬肉碎用鹽醃過夜,備用。 1 Marinate minced pork with salt overnight. Set aside. 2 把白米、燕麥、薑、豬肉碎、冬菇 2 Add rice, oatmeal, ginger, minced pork, dried 和冬菇水一同放入 PS700S 全能冷 熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至熱飲 shiitake mushroom and the soaking water into the 最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋並扭緊 blender cup of PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food 鎖上。 Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover and 3 選擇「綿粥」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 lock the safety lid. 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 中食用。 3 Select “Congee” menu to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. P的能S打T7「PHh0,pr得coe0b果eia“tSe如rm更nf汁全a&Jfo單dp碎uira」能rCinm獨oo更c菜esP冷clerS使ed”細單a7熱sws0用sFm微h等0破oeesSi,onn。t同ndu壁iAg可orl攪rPo養nrlerf將li拌do生yniic食gn功eeu機,nss材Otsiinsontergto 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips this menu. 如果有些即食的配料想加(例如酸瓜等), 可以待程序結束後,打開杯蓋上小蓋,加入 配料,蓋上小蓋,然後按「果汁」菜單拌勻 即可。  If desire to add some ready-to-eat ingredients (e.g. pickles), remove the small lid after the process is done, add ingredients and cover again, and selec“t Juice”menu to mix. 40 41

花 旗 參 排 骨 有 味 飯 American Ginseng and Pork Spare Ribs Rice

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 花旗參 60 克 60g American ginseng 排骨 400 克 400g pork spare ribs 米 2 量杯 2 cups of rice 水 適量 Some water 醃料 Marinade 糖 2 茶匙 2 tsp sugar 生粉 2 茶匙 2 tsp potato starch 生抽 1 湯匙 1 tbsp light soy sauce 老抽 2 茶匙 2 tsp dark soy sauce 胡椒粉 少許 A pinch of white pepper powder 蠔油 1 湯匙 1 tbsp oyster sauce 做法 Method 1 把花旗參放入 PS800 全能冷熱破 1 Add American ginseng into the blender cup of 壁養生機的杯中,蓋上安全杯蓋, 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「攪拌」菜 PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. 單,按「啟動」,把花旗參乾磨成 Cover with safety lid. Select “Intelligent menu” and 粉末,備用。 select “Stir” menu, then press “Start” to process into powder. Set aside. 2 排骨用醃料醃 30 分鐘,備用。 2 Marinate pork spare ribs with marinade for 30 3 把米、水和排骨一同放入電飯煲 中,撒入 2 茶匙花旗參粉,煮熟成 minutes. Set aside. 有味飯,即可食用。 3 Add rice, water and pork spare ribs into a rice 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips cooker. Then spill 2 tsp of American ginseng powder into the rice cooker. Cook until the PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的花形玻璃杯,更易聚合食材於刀片位 ingredients are cooked. Serve. 置集中研磨,把原枝花旗參徹底磨成粉末,令身體更加容易吸收花 旗參的所有營養,絕無浪費,達到最佳的保健功能,增強免疫力。 娥姐小貼士 Kiki Tips The flower-shaped blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food 花旗參具有滋陰補氣功效,愛花旗參者, Processor can gather ingredients into the blades area and grind to make 可於飯熟後,灑適量花旗參粉在飯面上,再蓋好電飯煲焗 American ginseng into powder, human body can be therefore easier to absorb all the nutrition of American ginseng with no any waste, in order to 5-8 分鐘,使花旗參香味更濃郁。 maintain good health and improve immunity power. American ginseng has the function of yin nourishing and qi tonifying, for people who like American ginseng, sprinkle some American ginseng powder over the rice, cover the rice cooker and let stand for 5-8 minutes, and the flavor will be more intense. 44 45

潤 肺 木 瓜 雪 耳 糖 水 Papaya and Snow Fungus Sweet Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 木瓜 300 克(去皮及籽,切小塊) 300g papaya (peeled, seeds removed, cut into 雪耳 1/3 個(用水浸發,去蒂,切小塊) small chunks) 南北杏 15 克 1/3 snow fungus (soaked, stem removed and cut into small pieces) 水 適量 15g sweet and bitter almond 冰糖 40 克 Some water 做法 40g rock sugar 1 把木瓜、雪耳和南北杏一同放入 Method PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 1 Add papaya, snow fungus and sweet and bitter 安全杯蓋並扭緊鎖上。 almonds into the blender cup of PS710 All in One 2 選擇「西湯」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the 煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入冰糖, indication of the maximum amount for making hot 蓋上小蓋,按「點動」攪拌至冰糖 drink. Cover and lock the safety lid. 溶解,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 中食用。 2 Select “W. Soup” menu to process and cook. Remove small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Pulse” and stir until rock sugar dissolved. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 選購木瓜時,要注意木瓜的重量,輕身的木瓜比較成熟, 果肉會比較甘甜;而且,要留意木瓜的表皮是否夠明亮, 顏色均勻。如果木瓜本身不夠甜,冰糖可以增加到 50 克。 Beware of the weight of papaya when buying, as the more ripe ones are lighter in weight as well as having sweeter taste. Also, it is important for papaya to have light and even colour of skin. Add rock sugar up to 50g if the papaya is not sweet enough. 48 49

4人份量 Serves 4 Ingridents Brown Rice and Black Sesame Sweet Soup 糙 米 材料 100g black sesame seeds 芝 60g brown rice 麻 黑芝麻 100 克 Some water 糊 糙米 60 克 100g rock sugar 水 適量 冰糖 100 克 做法 Method 1 把黑芝麻和糙米一同放入 PS800 全 1 Add black sesame seeds and brown rice 能冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至 熱飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋。 into the blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「芝麻糊」 the indication of the maximum amount for 菜單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲 making hot drink. Cover with safety lid. 煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入冰糖, 蓋 上 小 蓋 , 按「 點 動 」菜 單 後 按 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Sesame 「啟動」攪拌至冰糖溶解,打開杯 蓋,便可直接注入碗中食用。 Paste” menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Pulse” menu then press “Start” to stir until rock sugar dissolved. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的日本不銹鋼刀片和 2,200W 攪拌功率,使芝麻徹底研磨,煮成健康美味的幼滑 芝麻糊。 The Japanese stainless steel blade and 2,200W motor loading powder of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor can grind sesame seeds finely and make a tasty smooth sweet soup. 50 51

清 心 潤 肺 百 合 薏 米 糊 Seman Coicis and Fresh Lily Sweet Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 薏米 100 克(浸洗淨) 100g seman coicis (soaked and rinsed) 鮮百合 80 克(洗淨,揭塊) 80g fresh lily bulb (rinsed, lift into pieces) 水 適量 Some water 冰糖 80 克 80g rock sugar 做法 Method 1 把薏米和鮮百合一同放入 PS710 全 1 Add seman coicis and fresh lily bulb into the 能冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至 熱飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋並 blender cup of PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food 扭緊鎖上。 Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover and 2 選擇「養生糊」菜單,完成攪拌和 lock the safety lid. 煲煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入冰 糖,蓋上小蓋,按「點動」攪拌至 2 Select “Paste” menu to process and cook. Remove 冰糖溶解,打開杯蓋,便可直接注 入碗中食用。 small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Pulse” to stir until rock sugar dissolved. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 在超市選購鮮百合時,要選肉質肥厚,顏色偏白色的 方為優質。買回家後,只需要洗淨,去頭尾便可以使用。 When buying fresh lily bulbs in supermarket, choose those with thick petals and in white colour; and you just need to rinse and cut off the head and end parts before using. 54 55

4人份量 Serves 4 Ingredients Walnut Sweet Soup 益 腦 材料 200g walnut 保 30g white rice 健 合桃 300 克 Some water 合 白米 60 克 100g rock sugar 桃 水 適量 糊 冰糖 100 克 做法 Steps 1 把合桃和白米一同放入 PS800 全能 1 Add walnut and rice into the blender cup of 冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至熱 飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋。 PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「養生糊」 maximum amount for making hot drink. 菜單後按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲 Cover with safety lid. 煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入冰糖, 蓋 上 小 蓋 , 按「 點 動 」菜 單 後 按 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Paste” 「啟動」,攪拌至糖份溶解,打開杯 蓋,便可直接注入碗中食用。 menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Pulse” menu then press “Start” to stir until rock sugar dissolved. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 健康營養小貼士 Nutrition Tips 別以為合桃補腦的說法,只是以形補形的訛傳。其實合桃含有豐富奧米加三 脂肪酸,能為腦部細胞提供重要元素,對腦部健康有益。此外,合桃還有助降低 壞膽固醇及血壓,對保護心血管健康也帶一定的功效。 People said foods resemble the body parts they are good for, and it is actually true that walnut benefits brain. Walnut contains rich Omega-3 fatty acids, which is an essential element for brain cells and so that good for the health of brain. Besides, walnut could also help decreasing bad cholesterol and blood pressure, thus it can keep your cardiovascular healthy too. 56 57

清 熱 健 脾 海 帶 綠 豆 沙 Green Mung Bean with Kelp Sweet Soup

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 綠豆 100 克(浸洗淨) 100g green mung bean (soaked, rinsed) 海帶 25 克 25g kelp 水 適量 Some water 片糖 1 片 1 piece slab sugar 做法 Method 1 海帶洗淨,浸水至軟身,切絲,備 1 Rinse kelp. Soak in water until tender. Slice and set 用。 aside. 2 把綠豆和海帶一同放入 PS800 全能 冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至熱 2 Add green mung beans and kelp into the blender 飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋。 cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food 3 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「綠豆沙」 Processor. Cover with safety lid. 菜單後按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲 煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入片糖, 3 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Mung Bean 蓋 上 小 蓋 , 按「 點 動 」菜 單 後 按 「啟動」,攪拌至冰糖溶解,打開杯 Paste” menu, then press “Start” to process and 蓋,便可直接注入碗中食用。 cook. Remove small lid. Add slab sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Pulse” menu then press “Start” to stir until slab sugar dissolved. Remove Lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 待預定程序結束後,才加入片糖,可避免糊底的情況出 現。海帶綠豆沙有清熱解毒健脾的功效,有助舒緩濕疹 和暗瘡問題。 Add slab sugar after the process is done to prevent food from sticking to the processor. Green mung bean with kelp sweet soup has function of heat clearing, detoxifying and spleen strengthening, which could help soothing eczema and pimples. 60 61

雪 耳 椰 香 甘 露 Snow Fungus and Coconut Milk Sweet Soup

2人份量 Serves 2 材料 Ingredients 雪耳 1 個(用水浸發,去蒂,切小塊) 1 snow fungus (soaked, stem removed and cut into 鮮奶 250 毫升 small pieces) 椰汁 160 毫升 250ml milk 水 500 毫升 160ml coconut milk 冰糖 80 克 500ml water 80g rock sugar 做法 Method 4 1 把雪耳、鮮奶、椰汁和水一同放 1 Add snow fungus, milk, coconut milk and water 入 PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 中,蓋上安全杯蓋。 into the blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Cover with safety lid. 2 選 擇「 自 設 程 序 」菜 單 , 按「 確 2 Select “DIY Program”, press “Confirm”. Set 認」,DIY 1 設置溫度為 100 度,時 間為 300,轉速為 0,按「確認」。 temperature to 100°C, time to 300 seconds and DIY 2 設置溫度為 0 度,時間為 10 speed to 0 for DIY 1 and press “Confirm”. Set 秒,轉速為 1,按「確認」。DIY 3 temperature to 0°C, time to 10 seconds and speed 設置溫度為 100 度,時間為 200 to 1 for DIY 2 and press “Confirm”. Set temperature 秒,轉速為 0,按「確認」,再按 to 100°C, time to 200 seconds and speed to 0 for 「啟動」。 DIY 3 and press “Confirm”. Press “Start”. 3 完成攪拌和煲煮後,打開小蓋,趁 3 Remove lid after processing and cooking. Remove 熱 放 入 冰 糖 , 蓋 上 小 蓋 , 按「 點 動」菜單後按「啟動」,攪拌至冰糖 small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. 溶解,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 Press “Pulse” menu then press “Start” to stir until 中食用。 rock sugar dissolved. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 如果想把雪耳完全粉碎,可以在 DIY 2 設置轉速為 5, 否則甘露可保留少許咬嚼感。 Set speed to 5 for DIY 2 if prefer to finely smash snow fungus; otherwise it is suggested to leave the drink with some texture. 64 65

高 鐵 紅 豆 豆 漿 Red Bean Soy Milk

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 黃豆 50 克(浸洗淨) 50g soybean (soaked, rinsed) 紅豆 50 克(浸洗淨) 50g red bean (soaked, rinsed) 水 適量 Some water 冰糖 80 克 80g rock sugar 做法 Method 1 把黃豆和紅豆一同放入 PS700S 全 1 Add soybean and red bean into the blender cup of 能冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至 熱飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋並 PS700S Mulit-function Hot & Cold Food Processor. 扭緊鎖上。 Add water to 1,000ml the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover and 2 選擇「豆漿」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 lock the safety lid. 煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入冰糖, 蓋上小蓋,按「果汁」菜單攪拌至 2 Select “Soymilk” menu to process and cook. 冰糖溶解,打開杯蓋,便可直接注 入碗中食用。 Remove small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Juice” menu to stir until rock sugar dissolved. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 娥姐小貼士 Kiki Tips P的能S打T7「PFh0,sS得ioe0ot果7“noSni0如gd更lr0汁全rJyrS單ePu碎id」ri能unAioc獨sgl更菜ece冷i,lne”使n細單tsgii熱ssmtn用oe微等t破trnhcO,ou。同ianp壁snebeo可攪erf養mpHf將ero拌foPnot生irruc食nmi功.e&機esms材rasCadowsalhden 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 豆類在夏天不宜浸泡多於 10 小時,否則會變壞發酵。 PS700S 全能冷熱破壁養生機獨有超高速 紅豆有多種膳食纖維,亦具有健美減肥功效,加上豆漿含 28,000 轉電機及配備日本不銹鋼刀片,能夠 把原粒黃豆打磨成幼滑豆漿,無需隔渣。 較高鐵質,對女士們絕對是不可多得的飲品。 待程序完成後,用篩隔法泡沫才注入碗中, 口感更佳。 Beans are not suitable to soak for more than 10 hours in summer, otherwise they will ferment and go bad. Red bean is The high-speed 28,000 rpm motor and Japanese stainless steel blades of Primada PS700S All in rich in different types of dietary fiber and has function of One Hot & Cold Food Processor can process losing weight, plus serving with soy milk whole soybeans into smooth soy milk with no any which contains quite high iron; filtering needed. After the process is done, filter it is a drink valuable for women. the soy milk before pouring into a bowl to have a smoother texture. 68 69

4人份量 Serves 4 Ingredients Corn and Pear Juice 高 纖 材料 400g corn kernel 黃 2 pears (peeled, seeds removed, cut into 金 粟米粒 400 克 chunks) 粟 雪梨 2 個(去皮和籽,切件) 100ml evaporated milk 米 淡奶 100 毫升 1 tbsp condensed milk 雪 煉奶 1 湯匙 Some water 梨 水 適量 汁 Method 做法 1 Add corn kernels, pear, evaporated milk 1 把粟米粒、雪梨件、淡奶和煉奶, 一同放入 PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生 and condensed milk into the blender cup of 機的杯中,加水至 1,200 毫升水位 PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. 線,蓋上安全杯蓋並扭緊鎖上。 Add water to 1,200ml water level. Cover and lock the safety lid. 2 選擇「果汁」菜單,完成攪拌後, 打開杯蓋,便可直接注入杯中飲 2 Select “Juice” menu to process. Remove lid. 用。 Pour into a cup and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機獨有超高速 28,000 轉電機 及配備日本不銹鋼刀片,徹底粉碎粟米和雪梨,擊破 細胞壁,釋放營養,做成養生的果汁或飲料。 The 28,000 motor and Japanese stainless steel blades of PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor can smash corn and pear completely even break down the cell wall; so that the nutrition can be released and the drink becomes good for health. 70 71

北 海 道 牛 乳 抹 茶 露 Matcha Hokkaido Milk Drink

2人份量 Serves 2 材料 Ingredients 北海道牛奶 600 克 600g Hokkaido milk 抹茶粉 1 湯匙 1 tbsp matcha powder 砂糖 1 湯匙 1 tbsp hot water 熱水 100 克 100g sugar 做法 Method 1 把熱水加入到抹茶粉和砂糖中,攪 1 Add hot water into matcha powder and sugar, stir 拌成溶液。 to mix well. 2 把所有材料一同放入 PS800 全能冷 熱破壁養生機的杯中,蓋上安全杯 2 Add all the ingredients into the blender cup of 蓋。 PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. 3 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「花茶」菜 Cover with safety lid. 單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲煮 後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入杯中 3 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Tea” menu, 飲用。 then press “Start” to process. Remove lid. Pour into a cup and serve. 娥姐小貼士 Kiki Tips 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 抹茶粉較一般綠茶粉的顏色亮綠,而抹茶調開後 程序完成後,如果發現綠茶和牛奶有分層的情況出現, 顏色亦較綠茶鮮艷,與牛乳混合極為融和。先用熱水 可以再按「點動」菜單攪拌勻。 調開抹茶粉,煮出來的抹茶牛奶口感會更為幼滑。 After processing, press“Pulse”menu to stir well if the drink The colour of matcha powder is lighter than separated to matcha and milk two layers. normal green tea powder and even sharper when 75 after mixing; it matches with milk perfectly. Mix matcha powder with hot water first to bring a smoother texture for the drink. 74

提 神 紅 茶 豆 漿 Soy Milk Tea

4人份量 Serves 4 材料 Ingredients 黃豆 50 克(浸洗淨) 50g soybean (soaked, rinsed) 紅茶茶包 2 個 1 black tea tea bag 熱水 適量 Some hot water 冰糖 80 克 80g rock sugar 做法 Method 1 紅茶茶包浸於熱水中,待約 5 分鐘 1 Soak black tea tea bag in hot water. Let stand for 後,取出茶包。 around 5 minutes. Take out tea bag. 2 把紅茶和黃豆一同放入 PS700S 全 能冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至 2 Add tea and soybean into the blender cup of 熱飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋並 扭緊鎖上。 PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum 3 選擇「豆漿」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 amount for making hot drink. Cover and lock the 煮後,打開小蓋,趁熱放入冰糖, safety lid. 蓋上小蓋,按「果汁」菜單攪拌至 冰糖溶解,打開杯蓋,便可直接注 3 Select “Soymilk” menu to process and cook. 入杯中飲用。 Remove small lid. Add rock sugar. Cover with small lid. Press “Juice” menu to stir until rock sugar dissolved. Remove Lid. Pour into a cup and serve. 健康營養小貼士 Nutrition Tips 這款飲品特別適合乳糖不耐症患者或純素者飲用,它的脂肪含量還比 牛奶或花奶低。黃豆不但含有豐富的蛋白質,其鐵質及纖維量亦比牛奶 高,更含有能強化大腦及增強記憶力的大豆卵磷,是繁忙都市人的健康 之選。 This drink is really suitable for the people who have lactose intolerance or vegan, it contains fat lower than milk or evaporated milk. Soybean not only is high in protein, but also high in iron and fiber better than milk, and it even has lecithin which can strengthen the brain and improve memory; and those make this a really healthy choice for busy urban people. 78 79

Oreo Hokkaido Milkshake with Oreo 美 顏 北 海 道 牛 奶 奶 昔

2人份量 Serves 2 材料 Ingredients 北海道牛奶 300 克 300g Hokkaido milk Oreo 原味夾心餅 10 塊 10pcs original flavour Oreo 雲呢拿味雪糕 300 克 300g vanilla ice cream 做法 Method 1 把北海道牛奶、Oreo 夾心餅和雲 1 Add Hokkaido milk, Oreo and vanilla ice cream into 呢拿味雪糕一同放入 PS800 全能冷 熱破壁養生機的杯中,蓋上安全杯 the blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold 蓋。 Food Processor. Cover with safety lid. 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「奶昔」菜 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Milk Shake” 單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌後,打 開杯蓋,便可直接注入杯中飲用。 menu, then press “Start” to process. Remove lid. Pour into a cup and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 可以隨個人喜好,加入鮮忌廉和撒上 Oreo 碎,令味道更 豐富。 Add fresh cream and crushed Oreo to make it more flavorful if preferred. 82 83

Chapter 2 嬰兒食譜 (6-12個月) Baby's Recipes (6-12 months)

番 茄 魚 蓉 粥 Tomato and Salmon Congee

材料 Ingredients 番茄 2 個(去蒂,洗淨,切粒) 2 tomatoes (stem removed, rinsed, diced) 三文魚件 125 克(洗淨,切粒) 125g salmon (rinsed, diced) 米 90 克 90g rice 水 適量 Some water 做法 Method 1 把番茄、三文魚和米,一同放入 1 Add tomato, salmon and rice into the blender cup PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. 安全杯蓋。 Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover with safety lid. 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「綿粥」菜 單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲煮 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Congee” 後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗中 食用。 menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機能夠徹底擊碎三文魚,令其 豐富的營養融入粥中,使寶寶更易吸收。 PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor can smash salmon finely and allow the rich nutrition contents incorporate with the congee, so that baby can absorb more easily. 88 89

小 棠 菜 蛋 黃 粥 Bok Choy and Egg Yolk Congee

材料 Ingredients 小棠菜 80 克(浸洗淨,切碎) 80g bok choy (soaked, rinsed, finely chopped) 雞蛋 1 個 1 egg 米 80 克 80g rice 水 適量 Some water 做法 Method 1 把雞蛋和水放入小鍋中,煲熟後取 1 Add egg and water into a saucepan. Boil egg until 出蛋黃。 cooked and take out the egg yolk. 2 把所有材料一同放入 PS700S 全能 冷熱破壁養生機的杯中,加水至熱 2 Add all the ingredients into the blender cup of 飲最高水位線,蓋上安全杯蓋並扭 緊鎖上。 PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum 3 選擇「米糊」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 amount for making hot drink. Cover and lock the 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 safety lid. 中食用。 3 Select “Paste” menu to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips PS700S 全能冷熱破壁養生機的 2,200W 攪拌功率,可以 完全打碎菜與雞蛋,放心給嬰幼兒餵食用。 The 2,200W motor loading power of Primada PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor can finely smash bok choy and egg, so that you can feed your baby safely. 92 93

西 蘭 花 豬 肉 粥 Broccoli and Pork Congee

材料 Ingredients 西蘭花 150 克(洗淨,切碎) 150g broccoli (rinsed, finely chopped) 脢頭豬肉 100 克(洗淨,切小件) 100g pork collar-butt (rinsed, chopped into small 米 80 克 pieces) 水 適量 80g rice Some water 做法 Method 1 把西蘭花、脢頭豬肉和米一同放 入 PS800 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 1 Add broccoli, pork collar-butt and rice into the 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 安全杯蓋。 blender cup of PS800 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the 2 選擇「智能菜單」,選擇「綿粥」菜 maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover with 單,按「啟動」。完成攪拌和煲煮 safety lid. 後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗中 食用。 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Congee” menu, then press “Start” to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 健康營養小貼士 Nutrition Tips 西蘭花屬於十字花科蔬菜,其營養成份高而全面,包括蛋白質、纖維素、 礦物質,含鈣量亦相當豐富。此外,西蘭花的葉酸和維他命 C 含量十分 高,再配以含有豐富鐵質的脢頭豬肉,不但可預防貧血,也可促進新陳 代謝。 Broccoli belongs to the brassicaceae family, they are packed full of nutrition e.g. protein, cellulose, minerals especially calcium. Besides, broccoli is high in folic acid and vitamin C as well, when serving with pork collar-butt which is high in iron, the dish can prevent anemia and boost metabolism. 96 97

雞 蓉 粟 米 粥 Chicken and Corn Congee

材料 Ingredients 雞柳肉 100 克(洗淨,切粒) 100g chicken fillet (rinsed, diced) 粟米粒 100 克 100g corn kernel 米 80 克 80g rice 水 適量 Some water 做法 Method 1 把雞柳肉、粟米粒和米一同放入 1 Add chicken fillet, corn kernel and rice into the PS700S 全能冷熱破壁養生機的杯 中,加水至熱飲最高水位線,蓋上 blender cup of PS700S All in One Hot & Cold Food 安全杯蓋並扭緊鎖上。 Processor. Add water to reach the indication of the maximum amount for making hot drink. Cover and 2 選擇「綿粥」菜單,完成攪拌和煲 lock the safety lid. 煮後,打開杯蓋,便可直接注入碗 中食用。 2 Select “Intelligent menu” and select “Congee” menu to process and cook. Remove lid. Pour into a bowl and serve. 娥姐小貼士 Kiki Tips 寶康達使用心得 Primada Tips 新鮮粟米除了粟米粒可食用外,粟米鬚也有 PS710 全能冷熱破壁養生機設有不銹鋼發熱底盤,烹煮 食用功效。利用粟米鬚泡水飲,有助於利尿和降血糖, 溫度高達 100℃,徹底煮熟食材,可以安心給嬰幼兒餵食 用。 但不適合嬰兒飲用。 Fresh corn, apart from its kernels, corn silk is also a nutritional The stainless steel heating base of PS710 All in One Hot & Cold Food Processor can heat up to 100℃ and cook ingredients item. Drink the boiled corn silk can reduce blood sugar and thoroughly; food made is suitable for feeding baby. helps in diuretic. However this drink is not suitable for infant. 101 100

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