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Home Explore Desert ebook

Desert ebook

Published by ANUPAM BHAT, 2021-01-15 05:57:54

Description: Desert ebook


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The Animal Species in Sahara

Introduction • Hot deserts are hot arid areas with little rainfall, extreme temperature and sparse vegetation • These deserts are found near the tropics of cancer and Capricorn • There is little biodiversity here due to harsh climate • Few species are specialised enough to survive there • Plants and animals which do survive have adapted difficult conditions • Read on to know more about these deserts !!!

Armadillo lizard The armadillo spiny- tailed lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Cordylidae. The species is endemic to desert areas along the western coast of South Africa.

Death stalker scorpion The death stalker is a species of scorpion, a member of the family Buthidae. It is also known as the Palestine yellow scorpion, Omdurman scorpion, Naqab desert scorpion

Camels that bears distinctive fatty deposits known as \"humps\" on its back. Camels have long been domesticated and, as livestock, they provide food and textiles.

Plants in Deserts • The vegetation is generally sparse with shrubs and trees • Examples • Barrel cactus, saguaro cactus, bittle bush etc.

Interesting facts about Sahara desert • Sahara desert is the largest hot desert • The temperature can increase to 58 Celcius • It covers a large number of countries such as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and many more !!! • If Sahara desert was a country it would be fifth largest country in the whole world • Although the Sahara is a desert there is a population of approx 2 million people !!

Credits • Anupam Bhat(Editor, Facts, Group Leader) • Ishaan (Introduction) • Subani (Animals) • Chirag ( PLants) •


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