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Home Explore You're Invited Magazine - Issue 11

You're Invited Magazine - Issue 11

Published by info, 2017-04-29 21:59:25

Description: Creative ideas for entertaining, parties, and celebrations.

Keywords: recipes,1776,retirement,nautical,America's Cup,Petersen Automotive Museum,peach,lighthouses,entertaining,summer


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Seas the Day Our Top 15with a Beautiful Picturesque Lighthouses Nautical Tablescape Volume 11 ♥ Summer 2017

Table of Contents 50 24WELCOME IN THE SPOTLIGHT PARTIES & CELEBRATIONS3 Letter from the Editor4 Your Hostesses 34 Petersen Automotive Museum 38 Pop’s Pit Stop5 Our Favorite Things67 Capturing Memories 50 You Are a PeachSEASONAL ENTERTAINING CONFETTI 55 Hello Retirement9 Seas the Day24 1776 6 Inspirational Photo AROUND THE WORLD 8 Nautical Words 63 America’s Cup 17 Our Top 15 Picturesque Lighthouses 32 Poem: Our Freedom 48 Car Songs On the Cover PhoStoeabsy tShaenDdayyVogel 172 Summer 2017

Letter from the Editor Seas the DayPhoto by: Camela Brennand This may come as a surprise, but I have a fear of being out in the ocean (or any large body of water for that matter). My first realization of this came in 1987, when I took my first cruise. It was a 4-day Super Bowl cruise. It was a steal of a deal, so my sister and I, along with some friends booked it. As we disembarked, they conducted the muster drill on the outside deck. As I stood there freezing cold with life-vest in hand, looking out at the dark January sky, while land continued to get smaller, anxiety began to sink in.I tried to suppress it, but it continued. Later my sister asked what was wrong. I told her I wanted to go home.She responded, “Well, that ain’t gonna happen!” She was right, I was stuck and I just had to deal with it. Ithink the ocean is absolutely beautiful, as long as I’m standing on dry land…or on the balcony of a 5-star hotelroom! However, there are many who love the ocean, so invite your friends over and with ourwonderful nautical table setting and delicious recipes.If you love the nautical look (which I do), you’ll find many that adorn our country.We’ve highlighted our top 15 from different states for your enjoyment. If you’re one who loves water sports, themost intense sailing competition takes place this year in Bermuda, as nations battle it out for the Louis VuittonQualifying Cup and the winner challenges the defender for . This race doesn’t happen every year,only when the defender is challenged, so don’t miss it! You can read all about it in our Around the World section.While some men love their boats, others love their vehicles, whether sporty, rugged, or vintage. If your dad isone of them, invite him to for an afternoon lunch this Father’s Day. Here, he can recharge hisbattery and fuel up. He won’t have to go far; just set up “shop” in your own garage and he’ll feel right at home.If you live in the Los Angeles area, then consider taking your dad to visit theWe’ve featured the museum in our In the Spotlight section.While most men feel right at home in the garage, most women feel right at home at a day spa! So consider givingyour mom a spa gift card for Mother’s Day. While she’s getting pampered, take your dad to a local car show, tothe beach or lake, or watch America’s Cup together! Whatever you do, have fun! Sheri Sheri Lamas

Meet Your HostessesLeft to right: Linda, Kathleen, Cindy, and Sheri Photo by: Camela BrennandCo-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Co-Founder / Publisher / WriterCreative Director / WriterIndependent Food Editor / Writer Independent Copy Editor / Writer You’re Invited Magazine is published quarterly. All content is produced and presented in good faith, based on information we’ve researched from different sources. No liability for their use or misuse exists. All rights reserved. © 20174 Summer 2017

Our Favorite Things Sheri Lamas Linda YonanWhat was your first car? What was your first car?A white Toyota Cressida. I was lucky enough to get my dad's sporty 1970 two-What do you love about the ocean or beach? door M ercury Cougar.I’m not a big fan of the ocean or the beach, but I What do you love about the ocean or beach?can’t take my eyes off the beautiful crystal clear How the ocean is so large and I'm so small in thisturquoise water found in certain locations. It’s world. Honestly I'm not a beach person, I don't likejust so gorgeous! the sand between my toes.What do you love most about America’s history? What do you love most about America's history?Our founding fathers’ strong faith and the fact that Even though our founding fathers werethey believed so strongly in their mission that they revolutionary men, diverse in their professions,were willing to risk it all. Wow, we owe so much to they understood American citizens should have athem! say in their government and the Declaration ofName three things you’d like to do when you Independence was approved.retire? Name three things you'd like to do when youDitch the alarm clock! Okay, that might not be retire?practical. Travel, tole paint, and attend fun Spend time with my grandchildren, travel theclasses, workshops, conferences, bible studies, world, and take classes such as cooking, art,etc. painting, etc. Cindy M. Lloyd Kathleen R. McKissickWhat was your first car? What was your first car?A 1965 powder blue Plymouth Belvedere. 1960 VW Beetle. I named it Wilbur and decoratedWhat do you love about the ocean or beach? the exterior with flower stickers. Don’t judge, IThe sound of the waves. was only 16!What do you love most about America’s history? What do you love about the ocean or beach?The strength of the people who left everything I love listening to and watching the waves crashingthey knew behind to forge a new country. Our against the shore. Not only are they beautiful tofounding fathers stood strong in their faith and watch, their sound is very soothing and bringscreated this amazing country I have the honor of calmness to my soul.calling home. What do you love most about America's history?Name three things you’d like to do when you That our founders knew governments could “goretire? rouge” (become a dictatorship) and they had theTravel to every state in our country, finish foresight to create our Republic, Constitution,scrapbooking boxes of photos, relax and enjoy my and the Bill of Rights to keep American citizensfamily. safe from a tyrannical government. Name three things you'd like to do when you retire? Travel, home improvements, and maybe volunteer work for veterans, seniors, children, or animals.

ConfettiPhotography by Sandy Vogel Who tau where to stan And who told only com And who sh where to hi Whose w can catch a Well, I know m 6 Summer 2017

ught the sun nd in the morning? the ocean you canme this far? howed the moon ide till evening? words alone a falling star? my Redeemer lives. Redeemer by Nicole C. Mullen

ConfettiShip Lifeboat HelmGangway Wind SailNavigate Lighthouse Yacht Starboard Stern Cabin Aft WavesSea Nautical Ocean Propeller Catamaran Swell PortGalley Anchor Knots8 Summer 2017

Seasonal EntertainingSeas the DayPhotography by Sandy Vogel

Seas the Day Menu Mixed Fruit Lobster Rolls Herb French Fries Mini Upside Down Cheesecakes10 Summer 2017

Lobster Rolls Herb French FriesMakes 4 servings Makes 4-6 servingsIngredients Ingredients1 1/2 pounds lobster meat (about 4 lobster 3 russet potatoestails) 3 tablespoons canola oil1/2 cup mayonnaise Salt2 tablespoons lemon juice Pepper2 celery stalks with leaves, finely chopped 3 tablespoons unsalted butter2 tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped 2 tablespoons fresh garlic, minced1/4 cup chopped green onions 1 tablespoon fresh parsleySalt 2 tablespoons fresh chives, finely choppedFresh ground black pepper 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped4 top split hot dog bunsRemove the meat from lobsters, chop into Preheat the oven to 475° F. Scrub potatoes andbite-size pieces. In a bowl combine lobster meat, cut into 1/4-inch slices. Soak potato slices in bowlmayonnaise, lemon juice, celery, parsley, green of water for 10 minutes. Drain potatoes and patonion and salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate them dry with paper towels. Layer baking sheetfor at least 30 minutes to allow flavors to blend. with 2 tablespoons oil and generously sprinkleFill buns with the lobster salad and serve. with salt and pepper. Add potatoes to pan and drizzle with remaining 1 tablespoon oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and spread evenly in single12 Summer 2017

layer. Cover tightly with foil and bakefor 5 to 10 minutes. Remove foil andbake until bottoms are goldenbrown, about 10 minutes. Flip withspatula and cook until other side isgolden brown, another 10 to 13 min-utes. In small sauté pan, melt butterwith the garlic over medium-low heatabout 5 minutes. Once potatoes arecooked, toss with garlic butter andfresh herbs.

14 Summer 2017

Mini Upside Down Cheesecakes crumbs with melted butter and sprinkle generously over cream cheese mixture toMakes 4-6 servings resemble a bucket of sand. Refrigerate until ready to serve.IngredientsFresh raspberries1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened1/2 cup sugar1 teaspoon vanilla1 cup graham cracker crumbs2 tablespoons butter, meltedMini PailsFirst check your pails to see if any of them leak;consider using cupcake liners, if necessary. Place3 raspberries in bottom of pail. In small bowlcombine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla untilsmooth. Spoon over berries. Mix graham cracker

16 Summer 2017

Confetti Our Top 15Picturesque Lighthouses By Sheri Lamas©Can Stock Photo / PiLens

Split Rock Lighthouse - Minnesota As a result of the Mataafa Storm in 1905, where twenty-nine ships were damaged or destroyed, the beautiful Split Rock Lighthouse was built and sits atop the stunning cliff on the North Shore of Lake Superior. (Photo left) © Can Stock Photo / welcomia Diamond Head Lighthouse - Hawaii On the beautiful island of Oahu, stands the 57 foot lighthouse near the Diamond Head crater. It signals vessels to stay clear of the Waikiki reefs. (Not Pictured) © Rabbitsfoot | Dreamstime.Block Island Southeast Light - Rhode Island Built in the 19th Century and located on Mohegan Bluffs, this brick constructed lighthouse was deemed the “most architecturally sophisticated lighthouse” in the US. (Photo above) Cape Hatteras Lighthouse - North Carolina With its memorable black and white swirl, this historical lighthouse opened in 1803. It is open seasonally, where visitors can take in the breathtaking views by climbing the 257 steps inside to the balcony up top. (Photo on page 17)18 Summer 2017

Eldred Rock Lighthouse - Alaska The fifty-six foot octagon shaped lighthouse sits on Eldred Rock, a small island in the Lynn Canal. It opened on June 1, 1906. (Not Pictured) © Can Stock Photo / Robhainer Biloxi Light - Mississippi Located near the Mississippi Sound, this landmark lighthouse was first lit in 1848. More female keepers have been custodians over this lighthouse than any other in the US. (Photo left)Bass Harbor Head Light - MaineAt the entrance to Bass Harbor in Acadia National Park, lies a private residencethat was once a working lighthouse. On January 21, 1988, it was listed in theNational Register of Historic Places. (Photo below) © Can Stock Photo / arburkholder

Heceta Head Lighthouse - Oregon Located along the coast, this lighthouse stands 205 feet above the ocean overlooking the spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean. This lighthouse opened in 1894 and continues to be a working lighthouse. (Not Pictured)© Can Stock Photo / paulb Tybee Island Light - Georgia Constructed in 1736, this lighthouse is located near the Savannah River entrance. The light- house was originally painted white, but over the years has gone through several paint jobs, winding-up with a black-white-black signature look. (Photo left) Point Betsie Lighthouse - Michigan Established in 1858, this lighthouse also served as a U.S. Coast Guard life-saving station. There is a Keeper’s Quarters, museum and gift shop on site.© Can Stock Photo / haveseen20 Summer 2017

New London Ledge Light - Connecticut Located on the Thames River in Groton Connecticut, this light first opened in 1909. Due to some unusual and unexplained occurrences, some say it’s haunted by a ghost named Ernie. (Not Pictured) © Can Stock Photo / Wilsilver77 Hillsboro Lighthouse - Florida Standing bright at 137 feet, this lighthouse has a very powerful light, shining vividly for 28 nautical miles (32 miles). When visiting, be sure to check out the monument and history of the barefoot mailman. (Photo above)Battery Point Lighthouse - CaliforniaLocated in Crescent City, this historical lighthouse sits on a tiny islandconnecting to Battery Point. Tours of the lighthouse are provided during low tide,when visitors can walk the peninsula that connects to the island. (Not Pictured)

Montauk Lighthouse - New YorkWith breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, Montauk was the firstlighthouse build in the state of New York. It is located on Long Island andhas a long history dating back to the second Congress. (Not Pictured) Thomas Point Shoal Light - Maryland Constructed in 1875, this hexagon shaped bungalow is located in the Chesapeake Bay. It is the most unique and well-known lighthouse in Maryland. © Can Stock Photo / ajbarr22 Summer 2017

Photography by Sandy Vogel

Photography by Sandy VogelSeasonal Entertaining 24 Summer 2017


26 Summer 2017

Rolls purchased at local bakery.Corn CobettesWe used frozen corn cobettes and cooked according to package directions.Garnished with fresh minced parsley and melted butter.

28 Summer 2017

Cornish Game Hens with White Preheat oven to 350° F. Rinse hens with coldWine Sauce water and pat dry. Place 2 garlic cloves, 2 sprigs thyme and 2 sprigs rosemary in cavity of eachMakes 6 servings hen. Tie legs with kitchen string if desired. Arrange in baking or roasting pan. Melt butter inIngredients small saucepan. Stir in wine, marjoram, garlic6 1 lb. Cornish game hens, giblets removed powder, salt and pepper. Pour over chicken.12 whole cloves garlic, peeled Roast for approximately 20 minutes per pound12 sprigs thyme until hens are golden brown and juices run clear12 sprigs rosemary when thigh is pierced at thickest part. Remove3/4 cup butter chicken to plate and cover loosely with foil to keep3/4 cup dry white wine warm. Transfer pan juices to medium saucepan.3/4 teaspoon ground marjoram Add chicken broth, water, and cornstarch to the1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder drippings. Cook over medium-high heat until mix-3/4 teaspoon salt ture thickens and begins to bubble. Arrange3/4 teaspoon pepper arugula on serving platter and place hens on top.3/4 cup low-salt chicken broth Pour sauce over hens. Spoon cranberry sauce4 tablespoons cornstarch around hens and add along with additional sprigs4 tablespoons water of rosemary for garnish. Serve immediately.Arugula2 cans whole berry cranberry sauce

Baked Apples Preheat oven to 350° F. Core each apple making a large well in the center leaving the bottom ofMakes 6 servings the apple intact. Place on rimmed baking sheet. In small bowl mix oats, brown sugar, cinnamon,Ingredients and nutmeg, cut in butter until crumbly. Spoon6 large red apples mixture into each apple. Cover with foil and bake1 1/2 cups rolled oats for 25 to 35 minutes until apples are tender.3/4 cup brown sugar Serve in bowl with vanilla ice cream.1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon1/4 teaspoon nutmeg3/4 cup butter30 Summer 2017

Confetti Our F Our flags are still flying They are Red, White, and Blue They stand for our freedom For everything we do Parades are just beginning The crowds are standing by The people march so proudly As balloons float to the sky The bands play “Old Glory” And “God Bless America,” too We gladly pledge our allegiance To the Red, White, and Blue When evening shadows fall And the sun sets in the West The fireworks light up the sky Our freedom is the best Dollie R. McKissick © March 31, 200732 Summer 2017

Freedom © Michael Turner |

In the Spotlight Petersen Automotive Museum By Kathleen R. McKissick© Coralimages2020 | Dreamstime.com34 Summer 2017

Although my high school didn’t offer Auto Shop Mr. Robert E. Petersen originally intended theto female students, I learned to do general existing building to be the headquarters formaintenance on my cars…back when the engines Petersen Publishing, but he and his wife, Margie,weren’t so high-tech! As my dad would do the oil soon realized its potential as an automotive-change, I would give my car a tune-up. Besides inspired educational institution. In order towatching sports, it was another way for my dad preserve the artifacts, they would need to be keptand I to bond. away from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Since this structure had almost no windows, theIf you or someone special in your life auto- building would make an excellent museum!mobiles in general, the specialized Petersen Automotive Museum opened on June 11, 1994 and is owned and operated by thevehicles on television or in the movies, or Petersen Automotive Museum Foundation. It is a nonprofit organization specializing inthe powerful machines of or the Indy automotive history and related educational programs, plus it’s one of the world's largest500… and head over to automotive museums! To make sure the museum didn’t have an indoor “parking lot” appearance,Petersen Automotive Museum! the automobiles exhibited are displayed with correct architectural period elements so guestsThe Petersen Automotive Museum was originally don’t view them superficially, but are immersedlocated within the Natural History Museum of into images of their respective histories.Los Angeles County. It is now located at WilshireBoulevard and Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles,California, and it anchors one end of the famed“Miracle Mile.” I find this location veryappropriate for an auto museum, as this is thethird most travelled intersection in the city ofLos Angeles!

The museum has over one-hundred vehicles on display » Ferrari 308 GTS Targa used by Tom Selleck in thein its twenty-five galleries. The ground floor focuses onautomotive artistry, showcasing an array of extravagant TV show (In order for the 6'4” Tomautomobiles. The second floor features rotation exhibitareas and is principally concerned with industrial Selleck to fit comfortably in the Ferrari, they had toengineering including design, performance, and acollection of interactive teaching exhibits. Special lower the driver seat.)displays on the industry floor cover racing, motorcycles,hot rods, and custom vehicles. The third floor chronicles » Mach 5 (fully operational example) fromthe history of the automobile with an emphasis on thecar culture of Southern California. The remaining half of » Elvis Presley’s De Tomaso Panterathe collection is kept in a vault, located on the basementlevel of the building. There are age restrictions and an » The movie's Chargeradmission premium to view the vault collection. Before the Petersens purchased the location, theSome of the cars from the entertainment industry in the building was originally designed by Welton Becket (de-Petersen exhibits include: signer of many building in the Los Angeles, California area like the Capitol Records Building, Dorothy» Lightning McQueen from Disney and Pixar movies Chandler Pavilion, and Mark Taper Forum to name just a few) and was mainly used as several different depart-and ment stores from 1962 to 1986. In 2015, the museum underwent an extensive $125 million renovation. The» The DeLorean from the movies building's new façade now features a stainless-steel ribbon assembly made of 100 tons of 14-gauge type 304» 1956 Jaguar XKSS formerly owned by Steve steel in 308 sections, 25 supports and 140,000 custom stainless-steel screws. In 2017, the Petersen AutomotiveMcQueen Museum was awarded the Chicago Athenaeum American Architecture Award, so it is itself an architectural wonder to behold!» 1964 Aston Martin DB5 from the James Bond film» 2004 Pontiac Aztek from the movie So if the Petersen Automotive Museum revs up your engine…drive over, gear-up to learn some car history» 1958 Plymouth Fury from movie facts, and feast your eyes on these amazing automobiles! VROOM! VROOM!¨ 1989 Batmobile on display at the museum. © Stephanie Starr | Dreamstime.com36 Summer 2017

Photography by Sandy Vogel You’re not OLD You’re just a CLASSIC

Photography by Sheri Lamas Parties and Celebrations Pop’s Pit Stop 38 Summer 2017

An afternoon lunch for Dads

Personalized soda POP will make sure every dad has a seat at this table. Wrap checkered duck tape around a bottle of soda. Place a name tag over it. The key next to their steering wheel will get their stomachs revved up, so be sure to have your food ready.These stick shift cake popswill go FAST, so be sure tohave some extras on hand.40 Summer 2017

Don’t get caught in the rain or mud with faulty windshield wipers. Serve black licorice for those who needs new WINDSHIELD WIPER BLADES.Time to fuel up!

Cheese and crackers are great for STARTERS. Serve some Nacho Cheese Bugle® chips, as they resemble SAFETY CONES.42 Summer 2017

Ready Set Go Set up a photo booth and have fun creating your own pit passes or “artificial” racecar driver’s licenses for all the Dads.44 Summer 2017

Use an olive oil/vinegar based salad dressing for your “Motor Oil” Dressing. Pit Crew Sandwich WrapsStop Light Salad with Motor Oil Dressing

46 Summer 2017 Water Hose


Photography by Sheri Lamas Confetti C48 Summer 2017

Car Songs By Linda Yonan♪ 65 Mustang by Five for Fighting ♪ Little Honda by The Beach Boys♪ Aston Martin Music by Rick Ross ♪ Little Red Corvette by Prince♪ Beamer, Benz or Bentley by Lloyd Banks ♪ Making Love in Subaru by Damaskas♪ Black Limousine by The Rolling Stones ♪ Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplan♪ Brand New Cadillac by The Clash ♪ Mercedes Boy by Pebbles♪ Coupe de Ville by Neil Young ♪ Mercury Blues by Alan Jackson♪ Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car by ♪ Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett ♪ Pink Cadillac by Natalie Cole Billy Ocean ♪ Pontiac Blues by Eric Clayton ♪ Red Camaro by Keith Urban♪ Hey Little Cobra by The Rip Chords ♪ Son of Mustang Ford by Swervedriver♪ Hey Porsche by Nelly ♪ Trans Am by Thomas Square♪ Hot Rod Lincoln by Cody and His Lost ♪ Two Black Cadillacs by Carrie Underwood ♪ White Cortina by Nun Attax Planet Airmen♪ Jaguar by The Who♪ Jaguar and Thunderbird by Chuck Berry♪ Little Deuce Coupe by The Beach Boys

Photography by Sandy Vogel Parties and Celebrations 50 Summer 2017