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Home Explore You're Invited Magazine - Issue 6

You're Invited Magazine - Issue 6

Published by info, 2016-01-31 10:28:51

Description: Creative ideas for entertaining, parties, and celebrations.

Keywords: You're invited,Valentine's Day,St. Patrick's Day,Easter,spring,chocolate,party,entertaining,celebrate


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Our Little Critters Lunch Your little ones are going to enjoy. Bennett’s Honey FarmVolume 6 ♥ Spring 2016

Table of Contents 28 46WELCOME IN THE SPOTLIGHT PARTIES & CELEBRATIONS3 Letter from the Editor 38 Bennett’s Honey Farm 46 Happy Hour at the4 Your Hostesses5 Our Favorite Things CONFETTI Chocolate Bar67 Capturing Memories 14 Bells of Ireland 54 Little Critters Lunch 22 The Three GardensSEASONAL ENTERTAINING 24 Poem: Easter Morning AROUND THE WORLD7 St. Patrick’s Day 26 Drawing: Hope 62 St. Patrick’s Day16 A Son-rise Breakfast 36 What a Wonderful World28 Welcome Spring Luncheon 45 Advice from a Honey Bee 65 A Mini Birdbath On the Cover Little CGrriutteenrsPLhuotnocghraphy Photo by 382 Spring 2016

Letter from the Editor Little Critters Let me tell you about the birds… One evening, as I opened the door to welcome my sister into my home, a little critter came flying in un-welcomed. I guess it thought my cute little home was a giant birdhouse. My sister and I tried hard not to scare the little birdie, so with feather duster in hand, we got the Sparrow to fly out the front door where it belonged – in the open air with the other little critters. This spring, why not gather your little darlings in the garden and serve up our complete with a kid friendly menu and delightful butterfly, dragonfly, ladybug and bumble bee cakes. Their tummies will be buzzing with delight.Photo by: Camela Brennand…and the beesWhile the bees are busy making honey, so is , a family farm operation that produces,packs, and distributes fine honey, naturally made by those busy bees. We’ve featured them in our In theSpotlight section. Learn all about this wonderful company, their award winning products, and how honey is “thesoul of a field of flowers.” …and the flowers and the treesNow that spring is upon us and the flowers are in full bloom, it’s time to enjoy an afternoon in the garden. Pullout your linens, set your table, add a colorful floral centerpiece, and invite your friends over for a , whether indoors or outside in a beautiful garden setting. We’ve got some delicious gardenrecipes you’re going to love. …and a thing called love.Ah, love…a love of chocolate that is. I know that’s what you were thinking, too! So gather your friends or lovedones, at the chocolate bar for happy hour and indulge in decadence. With our chocolate themed gathering, it’s any time of the day. Sheri Sheri Lamas

Meet Your HostessesLeft to right: Linda, Kathleen, Cindy, and Sheri Photo by: Camela BrennandCo-Founder / Editor-in-Chief / Co-Founder / Publisher / WriterCreative Director / WriterIndependent Food Editor / Writer Independent Copy Editor / Writer You’re Invited Magazine is published quarterly. All content is produced and presented in good faith, based on information we’ve researched from different sources. No liability for their use or misuse exists. All rights reserved. © 20164 Spring 2016

Our Favorite Things Sheri Lamas Linda YonanWhat is your favorite little critter? What is your favorite little critter?Ladybugs – they’re not easily seen, but when you I've always loved dragonflies, because they're so‘spot’ one, they’re so cute and petite. delicate, beautiful, and unique. Just like me!What is your favorite spot in your home and why? What is your favorite spot in your home and why?M y office/gym. I do a lot in this room. Plus, it gets M y favorite spot in my home is the kitchen. It'sthe most sun, so it’s always bright and cheerful! where everyone gathers for great conversation andWhat regional food do you enjoy the most? good food.M exican, then Italian. What regional food do you enjoy the most?What is your favorite thing to do at a party? I enjoy Italian food the most.I really enjoy planning a party and decorating the What is your favorite thing to do at a party?venue. But at the party, I love to dance even while M y favorite thing to do at a party is mingle withsitting in my chair. If there’s good music playing, the’ll always see me bobbing my head or my feet tothe beat of the tune. Cindy M. Lloyd Kathleen R. McKissick What is your favorite little critter? What is your favorite little critter? M y favorite critter is a ladybug. I love the pretty Butterflies! They are so beautiful and I love to watch red color and they are very beneficial in the them flutter by! Bees would be a close second garden especially for keeping other critters off my favorite, ‘bee-cause’ without their hard work in roses! pollination of plants and flowers, much of our food What is your favorite spot in your home and why? supply would disappear! That has to be my kitchen, I feel most at home What is your favorite spot in your home and why? there. I love spending time cooking for my family The kitchen. I love to cook and bake! Creating and friends and it’s where the family gathers to scrumptious foods and having their delicious aromas share their meals. waft throughout the house brings back so many What regional food do you enjoy the most? precious memories of my mom and dad’s cooking. I love Italian food, but M exican is a close second. I What regional food do you enjoy the most? could eat either one every day and not grow tired M exican! I grew up in a neighborhood that was of it. Of course, I love to cook either one too! predominantly M exican, as are some of my relatives. What is your favorite thing to do at a party? So M exican food was a regular in our home & it’s Actually I don’t feel comfortable at parties. I still my favorite today! usually migrate to the kitchen (go figure!) and see What is your favorite thing to do at a party? if I can help with anything. I may be the last guest I always have my camera, so photographing the there, but it’s usually because I’m helping clean event is my favorite thing to do. I also love to chat up! and catch up on other people’s news.Photography by Sandy Vogel

Photography by Sandy Vogel6 Spring 2016

Seasonal Entertaining Photography by Gruen Photography

Gather your friends for a delicious St. Patrick’s Day get-together.Friends are like four-leaf clovers, hard to find,but lucky to have. Unknown Photo by Sandy Vogel8 Spring 2016

By Linda Yonan and Sheri Lamas10 Spring 2016

Corned Beef & Cabbage Sliders Serve with a dillwith Guinness Mustard pickle slice on theMakes 8 servings side.Ingredients1 Corned Beef Brisket (prepared according topackage)1/2 cup Dijon mustard2 tablespoons honey mustard2 1/2 tablespoons Guinness Beer®1 1/2 teaspoons dark brown sugar1 cup prepared coleslaw8 Kings Hawaiian® rollsPrepare corned beef, slice and set aside. Mixtogether both mustards, Guinness and darkbrown sugar. Spread mustard mixture on eachside of rolls. Layer corned beef and coleslaw.

Chocolate Irish Whiskey Cake Preheat oven to 325°F with oven rack in the middle. Lightly spray 12-inch Bundt pan with nonMakes 8 servings stick cooking spray. Place unsweetened chocolate in small saucepan over low heat, stirringIngredients occasionally until melted and smooth. Set aside to1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted cool slightly. Sift flour, cocoa powder, baking4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, coarsely soda, and salt into large bowl; set aside. Whiskchopped together sour cream, whiskey, and coffee in a1 3/4 cups cake flour medium bowl until smooth; set aside. In a stand1/2 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder mixer, beat butter and brown sugar on medium-1/2 teaspoon baking soda high speed until light and fluffy, about 4 minutes.1/4 teaspoon salt Add eggs one at a time then add melted chocolate1/2 cup sour cream, at room temperature and beat until just combined, about 1 minute.1/2 cup Irish whiskey Reduce the mixer speed to low and add flour1/4 cup brewed coffee, at room temperature mixture and the sour cream mixture alternating2 sticks (8 ounces) unsalted butter, at room tem- each, until combined. Pour batter into preparedperature pan smoothing top. Bake for 60 to 65 minutes1 2/3 cups packed light brown sugar until the top of the cake is puffed and cracked and3 large eggs, at room temperature a toothpick inserted into the center comes outPowdered sugar clean. Allow cake to cool on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Flip cake onto platter or cake stand. Dust with powdered sugar and serve warm or at room temperature.12 Spring 2016

Irish BlessingMay your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you wherever you go.

ConfettiThe Bells of Ireland FlowersInteresting Facts of Called Moluccella laevis, Is a member but also known as the the mint family. Bells of Ireland. It’s yellow-green flower They are not from Ireland, blooms from summer but native to Syria and Turkey. to fall. Used widely throughout Attractive to bees, the floral industry. birds and butterflies. Considered a symbol of Good Luck.14 Spring 2016

Seasonal Entertaining Photography by Gruen Photography16 Spring 2016

On Easter morning, many churches offer an outside sunriseservice. This is due to the fact that Jesus rose early on Sundaymorning. This Easter, why not watch the sun rise and start yourmorning with a warm, cozy breakfast.

18 Spring 2016

20 Spring 2016

Photography by Sandy Vogel

Confetti By Sheri LamasAs Easter approaches, you probably envision bunnies, baby chicks, and little lambs as part of the spring andgarden décor, but certainly not roosters. However, roosters (and lambs) are part of the real Easter story.To understand the Easter account, let’s take a walk through three gardens.In the first garden In the second gardenIn the beautiful Garden of Eden, there lived a man In the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus was in Hisand a woman…and a crafty serpent, a troublemaker thirties He was arrested. He had been turned in byof sorts. God told the man and the woman they may one of His followers. Judas turned out to be a crookeat from any tree in the garden, but there was one and handed Him over to the authorities for thirtytree that was off limits. It was the tree of the pieces of silver. They arrested Jesus and took Himknowledge of good and evil and if they ate from it to the home of the high priest where He wasthey would die. Up to this point, death had not questioned. Two of Jesus’ disciples followed along;occurred. Unfortunately, the serpent began to one of which was Peter. It was a cold night. Peterdeceive the woman by questioning the goodness of was outside in the courtyard trying to stay warm,God, when he was accused of being associated with Jesus, the one arrested. Peter denied it. As the night Eve listened to the liar and ate the fruit from progressed, Peter was accused three times and eachthe forbidden tree. Her husband, Adam also ate of time he denied knowing Jesus. After the thirdit. They disobeyed God’s one commandment and denial, the cock crowed! Jesus heard the rooster andsinned against Him. looked at Peter off in the distance. It’s as if the alarm went off in Peter’s mind and he was remindedLike Adam and Eve, we too have partaken in things of a conversation the two had earlier.God calls forbidden. Since God is holy in nature, sinseparates us from Him. So God lovingly bridged the The old crafty serpent was at it again. Jesus hadgap by sending His one and only Son into the world warned Peter that Satan, the serpent of old,to pay the penalty for our sins. God loved us so muchthat He wanted to be in a loving relationship with us The old dusty serpent had to askand restore our union with Him, but the penalty God’s Son permission to mess with one of His own.meant death for His Son. God’s Son humbled Jesus didn’t say no, but prayed that Peter’s faithHimself and took on the form of a human being. would not fail. By all accounts it may seem like HisShortly after His birth, the King [Herod] tried to prayer didn’t work, but it did. Jesus already knewhave Jesus killed, but that didn’t stop God’s overall the outcome. In the next breath, Jesus said,plan, as it wasn’t time for Him to die yet. Jesus grewup, performed many miracles, and taught the truth. Peter’s faith was going to beHowever, not everyone was delighted to see Him. rocked to the core, but he would repent and get back22 Spring 2016

up, dust off his shortcomings, and go strengthen his sins and bring us back into a loving relationship withbrethren, which would occur later…after the cross God. A relationship that had been fractured in thewhen they needed Peter. Until then, the man who Garden of Eden. Near the cross, there was a gardenwas considered rock solid crumbled. with a new tomb that had not been used. After Jesus died, His body was wrapped and placed in the tombThe cock crowed, Jesus turned and looked at Peter. with a large stone to secure it. Three days later,Peter remembered Jesus’ warning. Shamed, he left Mary Magdelene, a follower of Jesus, came to theand wept bitterly! tomb and saw that the stone had been moved. She told Peter who ran to see for himself. Overjoyed byIn the third garden what he saw, he went to tell the others who didn’t believe at first, but shortly thereafter came toJesus was put on trial and sentenced to death. realize, the Son of God had risen from the dead!¨Remember, He was sent to pay the penalty for ourPhotography by Sandy Vogel

Confetti Easter Morning Early in the morning When dew was on the ground Everything was so quiet When Mary came around Lo! The tomb was empty The stone was rolled away The soldiers all were sleeping On this Easter day Why weep for Him, Dear Mary The angel softly said Your Lord is now alive He is not among the dead Rejoice and sing His praises The Lord has risen today Shout aloud \"HOSANNA\" On this first Easter day Written By: Dollie R. McKissick © 200324 Spring 2016

Photography by Sheri Lamas

Confetti Drawing by Jessica Lloyd26 Spring 2016

Photography by Sandy Vogel Never lose hope… The butterfly is proof that beauty can emerge from something completely falling apart. Jane Lee Logan

Seasonal Entertaining Welcome Spr28 Spring 2016

Photography by Gruen Photographyring Luncheon

Spinach Quiche ingredients together and pour in pie crust. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes until center isMakes 6 servings firm and fork inserted in center comes out clean.Ingredients Garden Bake1 deep dish pie crust shell1 pkg frozen creamed spinach Makes 6 servings1 tablespoon butter, softened1/2 cup ricotta cheese Ingredients1/4 tsp salt 1 cup chopped zucchini1/8 tsp pepper 1 large tomato, seeded and chopped (1 cup)3 eggs 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)1/2 cup milk 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese1/4 cup Jack cheese 1 teaspoon fresh parsley 1/2 cup Bisquick® mixPreheat oven to 350°F. Bake pie crust for 10 1 cup fat-free (skim) milkminutes. Defrost & cook spinach just until 2 eggswarmed throughout, not completely done. Add all30 Spring 2016

1/2 teaspoon salt Spinach Quiche 1/8 teaspoon pepper Preheat oven to 400°F. Lightly spray DRESSING: 9-inch pie plate with non-stick cooking 1 cup mayonnaise spray. Sprinkle zucchini, tomato, onion, 3 tablespoons sugar cheese and parsley into pie plate. In 3 tablespoons vinegar medium bowl stir remaining ingredients until blended. Pour over vegetables and In a large bowl, combine broccoli, raisins, stir lightly. Bake for 35 minutes or knife Craisins®, red onion, bacon and sunflower inserted in center comes out clean. seeds. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, sugar and vinegar. Add 1/4 teaspoon sugar Broccoli Salad or vinegar to make dressing sweeter or tarter to your taste. Mix dressing well and allow it Makes 6 servings to stand refrigerated for an hour or so. Just Ingredients before serving, stir dressing well and pour 2 cups broccoli florets, chopped 1 cup broccoli stems, sliced thinly into Broccoli Salad strips 1/3 cup raisins 1/3 cup Craisins® 1/4 cup chopped red onion 8 slices bacon, cooked & crumbled 1/3 cup sunflower seeds32 Spring 2016

Banana BreadUse store bought banana bread mixand follow directions.*For our banana bread, we usedTastefully Simple® Banana Bread Mix.

Garden Bake Slice fruit and/or cucumbers and34 Spring 2016 place in drink canisters. Here we served Pink Lemonade and Spring Water for our luncheon.

ConfettiWhat a Won36 Spring 2016 Photography by Sandy Vogel

nderful World

In the Spotlight Photo by Sandy Vogel Photography by Neil Gruen Photography38 Spring 2016

Bennett’s Honey Farm By Sheri LamasBees sure know how topick the sweetest ofblossoms to land on. After aswarm of bees landed in their yard, Red and AnnBennett caught the swarm and started raising bees.At first, it was just a hobby between the two of them,but in time it turned into a business and the hiring ofemployees, some who are still with the company today.Gilbert (Chip) Vannoy started working with bees whenhe was 18 years old. He began to help his neighborwho had a beehive. “I didn’t choose beekeeping, itchose me” Chip states. Since he’s allergic to bees,Chip had to work up the antibodies in his system. Intime, he began working with the Bennett’s who saw inhim a great businessman and outstanding beekeeper.Chip now runs the business.

Bennett’s Honey Farm is a family farm business that Honey and sold in grocery stores and specialty markets.produces, packs, and distributes fine honey in a variety By special request, they bottle their honey under theof flavors. They don’t blend any of the flavors, so you labels “Piru Canyon Honey” and “Heaven’s Honey”get exactly what’s on the jar. Since each floral source with the latter being bottled in the shape of an unique, each honey has its own characteristics that Red states, “We don’t sell any honey we don’t like.”comes from the environment in which the bees are Which is why you won’t find any other honey in storesplaced. In the spring, they bring the bees to the orange that taste as rich and lovely, as their honey.orchards in Ventura County. This produces theirorange flavored honey, which is an all-around favorite. Their high quality honey is completely raw and certifiedWhen the orange trees finish blooming, they’ll move organic. They are also kosher certified and may bethem to the sage and buckwheat plants through June. used for Passover by Jews. They only gravity strainSage honey is light and mild and a beekeeper’s favorite. their honey, which sets Bennett’s Honey Farm apartThe buckwheat has an earthy smell and produces a from the others. It takes a little longer to produce, butmolasses-like flavor that is not too sweet. During the is well worth it. It is not overheated, but kept at thesummer, when California is dry, they transport the temperature of the bees, so it maintains the enzymesbees in big rig trucks to North Dakota when the clover and trace pollen from the flowers. That’s why theirand alfalfa plants are in bloom. Clover honey is typical- award winning honey may not be as clear inly the flavor found in most grocery stores because it is appearance, as those found in the stores, because itmild in flavor and blends well with most food and maintains the color, flavor, and characteristics of thebeverages. Some of the other flavors Bennett’s Honey flowers from which it came. This allows them to put theFarm produces are eucalyptus, avocado, cactus, and highest quality natural honey on the market. In otherblueberry. All are packaged under the Topanga Quality40 Spring 2016

“It’s incredible to note, that each bee mayonly gather one teaspoon of honey in its entire lifetime.” Red Bennettwords, from the flower to the bee to the hive to the jar, You may sample all of their honey and purchase manytheir honey is 100% pure, natural, and delicious. of their products at their cute retail store located inIn 2005, the company installed solar panels on the roofof their processing plant. This helped them save on Fillmore, CA. In addition to their award winningtheir power bills during lean economical times. Anyadditional power received during the day was credited honey, they also sell honeycomb squares, BBQ sauce,back to the electric company, Edison, which allowedthem to use the credit to power their plant at night dish towels, candles, soaps, lotions, supplements suchwhen needed. This “green” facility now produces100% of their power and has reduced their as royal jelly and propolis capsules and other honeycarbon footprint drastically, which has helped theenvironment. related items. In June, they have a booth at the Fillmore Fair, where they have won numerous blue ribbons. If you live in the Ventura or Los Angeles area, stop by their booth and sample their wonderful products. Check out their website at for details as the date approaches. Or peruse and purchase their products online, if you don’t live in the area.¨Photography by Sheri Lamas

How honey is made As the worker bees gather nectar from the flowers they carry it back in their honey sacs where the acid from their stomachs begins to change the nectar into honey. They then deposit the liquid into the cells of a honeycomb. At this point, the honey is high in moisture about 60% when it enters the hive, so the receiving or house-keeping bees fan their wings which evaporates the moisture and thickens the mixture. It is then spun to extract the honey from the comb. Home iswhere your Honey is! A variety of products are available at their retail store in Fillmore, CA or online.42 Spring 2016

Chip’s Bees is always lookingfor locations to house theirbeehives. If interested, youcan contact Chip by callingBennett’s Honey Farm at805-521-1375 to obtain thespecific details necessary.

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 Photography by Sandy Vogel44 Spring 2016

ConfettiPhotography by Sheri Lamas

Parties and Celebrations Photography by Gruen Photography46 Spring 2016

Happy Hour BAR

Hazelnut Chocolate Brie Bites Makes 12 Bites Ingredients 1 wheel brie cheese (about 8 ounces – with rind removed) 1 package puffed pastry cups 1 egg, beaten 3 tablespoons hazelnut chocolate spread Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly spray baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Cut brie into small wedges; set aside. Arrange puff pastry cups on baking sheet and brush with egg. Place 1 wedge of brie in each cup. Bake for 20-25 minutes until cheese has melted and pastry has puffed up a bit. Remove from oven. Heat chocolate spread in microwave for 10 seconds and drizzle over brie bites. Enjoy!48 Spring 2016

Brie and Chocolate TartsMakes 12-15 mini tartsIngredients1 wheel brie cheese (about 8 ounces – with rindremoved)1 package mini phyllo dough tart shells, pre-baked1/3 cup chocolate spreadRaspberriesPreheat oven to 350°F. Lightly spray baking sheet withnon-stick cooking spray. Cut brie into small wedges; setaside. Arrange tart shells on baking sheet. Place 1wedge of brie in each shell. Bake for 5 minutes untilcheese has melted. Remove from oven. Heat chocolatespread in microwave for 10 seconds. Top each tart with1 teaspoon of chocolate spread and raspberry. Serve sweet and savory bites at your Chocolate Bar.

Pistachio Cannoli Bruschetta together ricotta cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla. Spread on toasted bread. Sprinkle withMakes 12 servings pistachios and shaved chocolate. Dust with additional powdered sugar and serve.Ingredients1 loaf of baguette bread, sliced thinly An easy way to shave4 tablespoons butter, softened chocolate is take a “roomSugar temperate” chocolate barSalt and use a potato peeler1/2 cup ricotta cheese lengthwise stoking away from1/4 cup powdered sugar1 teaspoon vanilla you to create shaved1/2 cup pistachios, chopped chocolate or chocolate curls.Shaved chocolatePreheat oven to 425°F. Arrange slices ofbaguette bread on large baking sheet. Brushwith softened butter and sprinkle with sugarand salt. Bake for 7 minutes until lightly golden.Remove from oven and cool slightly. Mix50 Spring 2016

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