DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 7, Issue 4 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 26 - 30 January, 2020 SNEAK PEEK Reminders Glimpse of this week Students to come “Republic Day ” commemorates the enforcement of the Constitution of neatly dressed in full India drafted by Dr. B R Ambedkar. To enhance the importance of the school uniform. sense of belonging to our Nation, an assembly was presented by the students of KG 2 C . The students learnt about the significance of cele- Be the part of “Dunes brating one of India’s most prestigious national festival. - Helping Hands” drive. Refer the circu- lar for more details. Send one story book everyday to read dur- ing free time. Kindly encourage your ward to partici- pate for the annual Day. Circular regard- ing the same is up- loaded on the portal. 1
Dunes Annual Sports Day The Dunes Annual Sports Day 2020 marked the pioneering achievements of the school’s motive to Innovate and Excel. The Republic Day celebration was followed by the Annual Sports Mania event, wherein the agility of the Dunites and their sporting skills were full of competitive spirits. The school was extremely privileged to have the presence of renowned personalities, adding glory to the day. The 26th of January was truly a day to cherish for the Dunes Family. 2
The Blue House bagged the champion house title. 3
Snap Shots –Kindergarten At A Glance KG2 A— Creating their own clocks and telling the KG 2 B- Finding Long Vowel ‘a’ and ‘e’ sound Time independently. words from the picture books. KG2 C - Revising the concept of Time on ICT. KG2 D - Recapitulating Jolly Phonics on ICT KG2 E - Representing a clock on their study table 4
Snap Shots –Kindergarten At A Glance KG2 F - Understanding , blending and reading words from jolly phonics. KG2 H - Days of the Week concept revised through game KG2 G - Interpreting the knowledge of creating a clock and setting the time. KG2 I - Learning the facts of Republic Day 5
Star of the week Congratulations to the Dunes Stars of the week! It is an achievement and proud moment for the child to be in the limelight. Their excellence in academics and co-scholastic activities has helped them to achieve this certificate. Keep up the hard work and continue to be a star! KG 2 A-Hruthvik KG 2 B-Amazing Sayujya Sinilal KG 2 C - Polite Jumaina KG 2 D - Amazing Kaushik 6
KG 2 E - Agastya KG 2 F-Fathima KG 2 G— Ashiq KG 2 H - Agnivesh KG 2 I - Akshay Vidhian 7
Class Mascot Class Mascot is given to the students who showcase moral values such as responsibility and caring. Children feel proud to take the mascot home. It imparts in them the sense of ownership and motivates them to maintain a positive behavior. KG 2 A-Enthusiastic Mathos KG 2 B-Cheerful Pranathi KG 2 C - Helpful Arya KG 2 D-Diligent Abbas 8
Class Mascot KG 2 E-Polite Shreya KG 2 F-Noble Akshitha KG 2 G-Friendly Dheeptha KG 2 H - Friendly Mohammed KG 2 I - Thoughtful Adhikesh 9
Literacy Various Interactive activities were incorporated to enhance the students’ ability to recap the Sight Words and Long vowel sounds “a,e,i,o,u”. 10
Literacy 11
Numeracy Students practiced telling the time on both Analog and Digital clocks with hands-on activities. They used their play skills to learn the mathematical terms and concepts of Seconds, Minutes and Hours. Revision of numbers from 1-100 was practiced using different learning strategies such as Backward and Forward counting, Skip counting and using manipulative, etc. 12
Numeracy 13
Understanding the World The days of the week are an important measure of time for children to understand. It’s essential to teach the little ones how the days of the week are divided. Students practiced learning Days of the week through fun activities and games which helped them to remember the Order of the Days. 14
Understanding the World 15
Library The Dunes kindergarten library helps the students to improve their vocabulary skills by providing a wide range of books to choose from. The students enjoy reading books which grooms them to be skillful readers. 16
Physical Education Physical fitness , Personal health and wellness is given equal importance along with Academics at Dunes. Physical Education classes helps students to boost up their self confidence and create a sense of sports- manship among themselves. 17
Swimming Swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises. Students of Dunes enjoy swimming classes to maintain a healthy body and mind. The tiny tots of Dunes were trained in various types of swimming strokes, breathing exercises and leg tapping using kicking board and dumbbells. 18
Creativity Corner Creativity is the way to express our hidden talents . In Dunes, along with academics the students are given op- portunities to showcase their emotions and display their innovative skills. KG 2 C - Bhakti Manu KG 2 E- Pranesh KG 2 H - Joanna KG 2 H—Shaikh Zuha 19
Creativity Corner Recipe shared by: Abinaya Senthil , KG2 C Sheera Ingredients: Semolina/Rava - 1 cup Ghee - 3/4th to 1 cup Water - 2 cups Cardamom Powder - 1/2tsp Kesari water/ orange or yellow food coloring (optional) Method: Heat a pan, add some ghee to it and roast a few nuts and raisins. Remove the nuts and raisins and keep aside. Now add semolina to the same pan. Roast it until it turns aromatic. Now add water to it and mix well. Once the whole water is absorbed by the semolina, add sugar cardamom powder and kesari water/ or- ange or yellow food coloring (optional). Once the moisture is absorbed by the semolina and it starts remov- ing from the sides of the pan, add the fried nuts and raisins. The sheera is ready to be served. 20
2020: Towards The Next 50 Councilor’s Desk The year 2020 will be celebrated as “2020: Encourage students learning process: Towards The Next 50”. This was announced by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Ra- Create a study-friendly environment away from dis- shid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime tractions such as T.V. computers and other siblings Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai and that may cause a distraction. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Mobile phones should be left in another room where Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE they are not a distraction. Armed Forces on Saturday, December 14th. Ensure there is a space i.e. desk to study and they The UAE Vice President said that the coun- have all the necessary equipment like pen/pencil, try will be observing the 50th year of The eraser , sharpener and other stationeries required Union in 2021. He said that the UAE will start preparing for the next 50 years in 2020 Provide a healthy diet. itself. Encourage exercise and good sleeping patterns which are also necessary to allow good study habits to develop. What’s Next….. Academic enhancement of General Knowledge: Quiz will be conducted on identification of the flag of different countries. World Cancer Day: “I will create a change!” Handwriting Day “Art of handwriting” 21
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