AUGUST 2018City ManagerMonthly Report America’s Most Livable City CITY OF GULF BREEZE | GULF BREEZE, FLORIDA
Assistant City Manager August 2018Monthly Highlights:The Assistant City Manager’s office is primarily responsible for performancemanagement. Achieving the City’s budget plan in a progressive, collaborativework environment is the top priority. Ensuring the Council’s strategic plan iseffectively communicated with the public is a primary objective key.Developing action plans, benchmarks, analysis, neighborhood surveys, andmanaging risk and liabilities are key performance indicators for this office.Public Information/Community Outreach Assisted with Splash Pad operational overview Met with East Basin Residents concerning progress of Stormwater Improvements Discussed Drainage issues with residents on Greenvista Lane Assisted with staff review of WWTP Expansion and Site LayoutRisk Control/Safety & Insursance Inventoried and revised the assets insurance list Filed claims for two Vehicle Crashes Prepared overview of open FEMA projects Completed Application for Insurance Renewal F/Y 2019 Page 2
Assistant City Manager August 2018Administration Assisted with individual Council Briefings Attended FRUS meeting(s) Reciprocal Water Usage Agreement with ECUA Assisted with F/Y 2019 Budget Assisted with documents for Shoreline Park Walking Trails Provided operational analyzation of the Transfer Station Continued Retrieval of Documents for State Auditors Page 3
City Clerks August 2018Monthly Highlights:OPERATIONAL AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Five City Council and/or committee meetings were held in August 2018 Coordinated, noticed and attended South Santa Rosa Utility System Board of Directors meeting Noticed and attended one budget workshop Noticed and attended one Stormwater workshop Noticed and attended one Architectural Review Board meeting Furnished notices of red light camera hearings to two requestors Notified hearing officer and Police Department staff of hearings, prepared proposed Administrative Final Orders for hearing officer and attended the hearing (one requestor paid prior to hearing) Coordinated individual Councilmember meetings with Public Management Resources Group, Inc. Attended 2018 Records Management Seminar Researched various vendors and met with contractors to discuss the design, price point, and installation of valences in Council Chambers, City Manager's office, Assistant City Manager's Office and conference room Removed all contents from kitchen cabinets and drawer. Coordinated installation of cabinets and countertops and installation of appliances with Project Coordinator for kitchen renovation. Once completed, placed all contents back in cabinets and drawers Maintain/organize internal records for public records requests Organize/edit Monthly Report Page 5
City Clerks August 2018 Coordinated and assisted Hearing Officer with conducting four TEFRA hearings and printed Reports of Hearing Officer for signature by Hearing Officer Continued retrieval of requested documentation for State Auditors Attended Minutes Best Practices webinar supposed by the Florida Association of City Clerks Processed various invoices for payment Organize/distribute mail Various emails/phone calls with media regarding the City’s election process and request of who has pre-filed to run for office Intake of candidate petitions and forwarded to SRC Supervisor of Elections for verification Intake of candidate qualifying forms and candidate campaign reports, provide assistance to candidates with questions regarding the election qualifying process, various emails/phone calls with Supervisor of Elections Office regarding qualifying inquirers Assisted City Manager, Assistant City Manager and department directors with various issues/tasksHUMAN RESOURCES Conducted on-boarding paperwork for newly hired employees, including processing new hire paperwork, I9 verification, insurance enrollments and pre- employment drug testing Worker's Compensation Case Management: Various emails, phone calls with carrier/ supervisor/ employee regarding new and open worker's compensation cases Page 6
City Clerks August 2018Reported medical/pharmacy bills into Worker’s Compensation MDS systemfor the StateFMLA Case Management: Process appropriate paperwork, held meetingwith employee and conducted correspondence with department directorVarious emails, phone calls in regards to new and ongoing worker'scompensation casesDOT Controlled Substance Test(s): Random review with MRO regardingtesting results; Correspondence with Director and employee regardingtesting results and CDLHealth Insurance Renewal: Various emails/phone callsCompiled and provided census spreadsheet with all eligibleemployees/dependent information to Rich & Co. to shop medical plansReceive and answer responses to Public Works Services Director applicants,maintain list of applicants; review for qualifications.Assisted employees with various benefit/personnel issues/changesProvide Benefit Information for City of ValparaisoResearch regarding part time leave accrual – military leaveVarious retirement enrollmentsVarious emails with IT regarding ADA compliance for websiteCompleted UHC and Aetna insurance application/questionnaire for medicalinsurance quotesMet with Chad Rich and City Manager to review dental/vision renewaloptions and discuss medicalAssisted with health insurance scenario spreadsheets, provided updatedhealth insurance contributions to PRM for processingUpdated and printed 2018-2019 Benefits Enrollment Guide and the 2018-2019 medical enrollment form and dental/vision/life enrollment form Page 7
City Clerks August 2018 Organized and coordinated attendance of Rich & Co, Combined Insurance, and AFLAC to the “All Hands Employee Open Enrollment Meeting Intake of over 100 health and dental enrollment forms and met with a minimum of 75 employees individually to review benefit selections and life insurance selections and rates Entered health plan changes into Benefit Solver by August 30th deadlineStatistics/Performance Data: City Council Meeting(s): 5 Budget Workshop(s): 1 Stormwater Workshop(s): 1 South Santa Rosa Utility Board of Directors Meeting(s): 1 Red Light Camera Hearing(s): 1 (1 case) Architectural Review Board Meeting(s): 1 Request for Proposal/Bid/Qualifications bid opening(s): 4 > Police Department Generator > CNG Fueling Station > Sabine Natural Gas > Local Road Resurfacing Public Records Request(s): 7 Inquiries from City website: 7 Notary Public services (offered free to residents): 5 New Hire(s): 5 Full-time/ 1 Part-time Termination(s) Processed: 1 Page 8
AUGUST 2018 Departmentof Information Technology ED H. MILLER MANAGER OF IT & INNOVATION Page 9
Department of Information Technology August 2018Monthly Highlights:IT TROUBLE TICKETSData analytics for trouble tickets averaged around 97 the month of August. Thestaff are now using ticketing system properly. Staff not in City network are beingadded by IT department for trouble tickets.Page 10
Department of Information Technology August 2018 The majority of the tickets submitted were Hardware (15), Network (15) and Printer/Scanner (10). The bar chart below lists the rest of issues reported.Page 11
Department of Information Technology August 2018JCuniety Web Site Analytics2018 Compared to 2017 August numbers last year we are up 27% compared to August 2018 for users, and 15% for pageviews. Below are the google analytics breakdown of users who visit city web site listed by pageviews, age, gender, user interests, most visited pages, customer flow interacting with main website and acquisition (how we acquire visitors) and location of users accessing our website.Page 12
Department of Information Technology August 2018 June 2018Page 13
Department of Information Technology August 2018 June 2018Social Media Analytics: For the month of August, we saw an increase in new followers ranging from Twitter 4%, Facebook 4.7% and Instagram 13.7%. Respectively listed from main social media accounts are Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Data listed are posts, increase in followers and user engagement for the month of August. Page 14
Department of Information Technology August 2018 June 2018Twitter Page 15
Department of Information Technology August 2018 June 2018Facebook Page 16
Department of Information Technology August 2018 June 2018Instagram Page 17
Department of Information Technology August 2018June2018Internet Search Usage: This data shows worldwide internet search usage for City of Gulf Breeze via google search for the months of August, September and October combined. Respectively listed data fields are search, views and interactions.Page 18
Department of Information Technology August 2018 June 2018Page 19
Finance August 2018Monthly Highlights: The Finance Director prepared materials for budget workshops andThe fundamental goals of internal attended meetings related to theservices, accounting, finance and budget on August 6th, August 15th,utility billing are to provide accurate, and August 22nd. The new costtimely, and responsive information to allocation plan was approved and thecustomers, departments, Council, changes were worked into the finalcitizens and governmental agencies in draft to be presented to Council ina cost-efficient manner. September.\" provide The Tiger Point sales tax audit beganaccurate, timely, on August 7, 2019, on-site at the golfand responsive course. The Senior Accountant andinformation to the Finance Director met with auditorscustomers, on-site, along with Troon Controller,departments, Joanie Davis. This was a greatCouncil, citizens and opportunity to meet with Joanie Davisgovernmental to discuss better ways to receiveagencies in a cost- information from Troon. On August 11,efficient manner.\" 2018, the City Manager gained agreement from Troon Management, to fund one-half of a full-time accountant/bookkeeper to split time between the City and the golf course. This staffing was already outlined in the agreement between Troon and the City, but was not in place. This Page 21
Finance August 2018position was worked into the Saltmarsh, who will be on-site untilbudget materials and presented at October 1, 2018, to do pre-auditthe August 15th budget workshop testing for the FY2018 audit.with Council. The utility department continuesThe sales tax audit will continue to work on the follow-up related tointo September for Tiger Point until outstanding closed customercompleted. On September 11, accounts, to date, the department2018, there will be a review of sales has collected $12,376.77, andtax as it relates to commercial utility continues to send follow-up letterscustomers and all City revenues. In and making phone calls. At theaddition to the sales tax audit, the beginning of February open pastCity will have a diesel fuel due balances were $15,644.45.reporting review to ensure the fuel The total YTD collections relatedusage is being reported properly to this outstanding debt totaland sales tax are being paid in $7,982.05 or approximatelyaccordance with State regulations. (51.02%). In addition, $5,206.66 has been collected on accountsThe on-site auditors with the State written-off earlier in the fiscal year.spent the month reviewingpurchasing card transactions and The utility department hired Lorrietravel voucher payments. The Talbott, as the AccountingSenior Accountant and the Finance Specialist I on 8/27/2018. LorrieDirector, have been the main had previously worked in thiscontacts regarding questions and position through Kelly Services.outstanding items as it relates to This position was previously filledthese matters. The State field work by Mildred Hudson, who retired inis slated to end on September 14, April 2018. The position has2018. The next audit will begin transitioned from 30 hours peron September 17, 2018, with week to 40 hours per week. The Page 22
Finance August 2018additional hours are being shared The utility department has alsobetween utility billing and been preparing for thefinance/accounting. Lorrie reports convenience fee transition todirectly to Joanne Oliver, Utility customers on October 1, 2018.Billing Supervisor. In addition to Notices are being sent to all utilitybringing aboard new staff, the customers with monthly billingsdepartment received a “make- during the month of September.over” with the completion of Signage is in-place, notices haverenovations to the office. been posted and staff are prepared to encourage citizens to sign-up for ACH payments at no charge. Newly renovated Utility Billing Office Page 23
Finance August 2018The following is a recap of the activity for the Utility Billing Office: Page 24
Parks & Recreation August 2018 Monthly Highlights: 2018 AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM The After-School Program started back on August 13, 2018.Page 26
Parks & Recreation August 2018Statistics/ Performance Data:SUMMER DAY CAMPMEN’S OPEN BASKETBALLMorning 6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. This group is made up of men ages 18 and up thatmeet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Approximately 40 Menparticipate in this program three days a week.NOTE:JB Spencer has a key to the building and opens the building for the players onMonday, Wednesday & Friday mornings from 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. This class doesnot have a fee structure. Page 27
Parks & Recreation August 2018BRIDGE/LADIES BRIDGEMorning 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Bridge Program is offered in the Clay Ford Roomevery Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Participants Are Charged $1.00 per class.The Bridge Director is Sid Hite (850) 934-4571.ADULT PICKLE BALLThe Adult Pickle Ball League is designed for adults age 18 and over to enjoy three tofour nights per week in a friendly match of pickle ball. Page 28
Parks & Recreation August 2018VENDING MACHINEThe Vending Machine is located in the main lobby and is stocked and operated by theRecreation Center Staff. All proceeds are collected and deposited once a week as afund-raising effort for programs and Supplies. June 2018COMMUNITY CENTER MEETINGS Page 29
Parks & Recreation August 2018 COMMUNITY CENTER RENTALSOPEN GYMOpen Gym is held every Sunday (when available) from 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. with a$2.00 Non- Resident Fee. Individuals that come to play pick- up basketball gamesmust be 16 years of age or older and present a valid picture I.D. and $2.00 toparticipate.Page 30
Parks & Recreation August 2018JAZZERCISEMeets 9 Times per week. This group pays 20% of all participation fees to the center.Instructor: Jane Smith. (850) 525-2545.The following is a class time schedule with numbers:M & W & F 8:30 a.m. Saturday’s 8:00 a.m. & 9:00 a.m.M & T & TH 6:00 p.m. Sunday’s 4:30 p.m.PILATESThese classes are 1-hour mat classes that focus on core strength, posture, flexibilityand toning. Drop in rate is $10.00 per class or $50.00 per month. (8) classes. This classmeets every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in Room 209.Instructor: Ashley KiegleyNOTEMost participants will pay the 3- month package at $120.00 for all 3 months. Page 31
Parks & Recreation August 2018FARMER’S MARKETThe Gulf Breeze Farmer’s Market re-opened on April 4, 2017 and will continue to meetevery Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. until DARK. The following is a weekly report of thenumber of Vendors and total Revenue collected with 20% of revenues going back tothe City of Gulf Breeze at the end of the month.4SHOREFITThis is a four-week fitness boot camp using indoor and outdoor activities focusing onstrength and conditioning. Instructor: Erin Zeigler (850) 501-0552 Page 32
Parks & Recreation August 2018SENJuIOnRe FIT 2018Meets T & Th 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. This class is specifically designed to meet the needs ofsenior adults, age 50 and older with an emphasis placed on stretching, low impactaerobics, muscle strengthening and toning with resistance. Instructor: Jane SmithSENIOR LINE DANCINGThis is a Line Dancing class that is offered to Senior Citizens in our community. Theymeet every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. in Room 209. Contact Gail Welsh (850) 554-6639.SENIOR LUNCHEON & BINGOThis program meets the second Thursday of every month in the Clay Ford room forSenior Citizens to eat a nice catered lunch and participate in a book swap and a fewgames of Bingo. The program is free of charge to all citizens 55 and over. The Totalnumber of participants during the August Meeting was 17. Page 33
Parks & Recreation August 2018ZUMBA GOLDMeets M, W & F. This class is designed for senior citizens (55-years and over) toparticipate in a fun and safe upbeat aerobics class. Instructor: Regina Ewing (850)554-6639.GBSA FALL SPORTSThe GBSA Fall Sports Leagues began practicing during the month of August. Thefollowing is a list of all registered teams for Football, Cheerleading, Soccer and GirlsVolleyball.FOOTBALLThe 2018 GBSA Football League began on August 18, 2018 with the first annualFootball Jamboree from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. The first home game will be onSeptember 8, 2018 and will begin at 8:00 a.m. and continue until 7:00 p.m. Thefollowing is a list of the Home Games and a list of all registered Football andCheerleading Teams.HOME GAMES: September 8, 2018 October 6, 2018 October 13, 2018 October 20, 2018 Page 34
Parks & Recreation August 2018 GIRLS VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES TENNIS LESSONS/ LEAGUES Whitney Man, Tennis Pro (850) 554–9547 LESSONS: ADULT CLINICS: 1 hour 15 minutes = $15.00 Pro – Private Lesson.5 hour - $27.50 Pro, Private Lesson 1 hour = $55.00 Pro, Private Lesson 1.5 hour = $82.50 Pros- ladies League Lesson 1 hour = $110.00 Pro’s Ladies League Lesson 1.5 hour = $160.00 $100.00 per Ladies League Team KIDS CLINICS: LEAGUES: 1 hour = $15.00 per clinic or $104.00 for 8 clinics. 1.5 hour = $20.00 per clinic or $144.00 for 8 clinics QUADS: Monday Mixed Quads = $25.00 for 6 weeks Ladies Quads= $30.00 for 6 weeks Men’s Quads = $30.00 for 6 weeksPage 36
Parks & Recreation August 2018Parks Division: SHORELINE SOUTH – PICNIC GAZEBOKIDS PARK RENTALS Page 37
Parks & Recreation August 2018 FIELD RENTALS Page 38
Parks & Recreation August 2018 BOAT RAMP PASSES Page 39
Police Department August 2018Monthly Highlights:ADMINISTRATIONThe Police Administration consists of the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief,Administrative Assistant, Records Clerk, Part-time Red-light Camera Clerk andI.T. 20 welcome letters were handed out to new residents by officers 30 contacts with Records Clerk that individuals paid for fingerprints, reports etc. (does not include phone calls) 238 Red-light Camera contacts made in regards to payments (either mailed in, in person or by phone), this does not include phone calls regarding questions about a Red Light Camera Ticket. 840 contacts with individuals at the front window or phone calls needing assistance.UNIFORM PATROLIn the Patrol Division is divided into four 12-hour shifts. There are currently 3Sergeants assigned to Patrol and 8 full time Patrol officers. The Patrol Unit issupplemented by 5 part-time officers. Page 41
Police Department August 2018 Page 42
Police Department August 2018 Page 43
Police Department August 2018 Page 44
Police Department August 2018INVESTIGATIONS There are currently 2 Investigators and 1 Sergeant assigned to the criminal investigations unit. One investigator is assigned to the DEA and is working in their HIDTA unit. During the month of August, the Investigation’s Division has participated in 1 ICAC meeting, and covertly placed 2 cameras within the city reference trespassing complaints and narcotics activity. The Investigation’s Division currently has 9 open cases it is actively working. Our Investigations Division processed into our evidence vault 191 pieces of evidence this month. Our investigators participated in a multi-jurisdictional investigation. Our narcotics HIDTA Investigator is currently assisting in several multi- jurisdictional investigations. Ongoing joint investigation with DEA and GBPD resulted in the members executing three federal search warrants resulting in the seizure of narcotics, two firearms and approximately $49,000.00 US currency. Members conducted a drug trafficking investigation as a result of a vehicle accident which resulted in one arrest, the seizure of narcotics and the seizure of approximately $9000.00 United States Currency Members conducted a controlled purchase of one half (1/2) pound of crystal methamphetamine in support of an ongoing investigation. Inv. Skelton attended a 40 hour Supervising Counter Drug Operations training course at NWFSC in Niceville, FL. Members assisted OCSO, FWBPD, CPD, ATF, FDLE, US Marshals and HIS with three search warrants in Fort Walton Beach targeting a drug/weapon trafficking organization. Members seized narcotics, weapons and made twelve arrest. Page 45
Police Department August 2018 Members executed a federal search warrant in Pensacola, FL, and seized approximately five and one half kilograms of cocaine, associated packaging materials and $3600 United States Currency. Inv. Skelton attended training and was certified in the use of NARCAN. He also attended Active Shooter Instructor training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, GA. Inv. Skelton attended a 40 hour Supervising Counter Drug Operations training course at NWFSC in Niceville, FLCOMMUNICATIONSThe Communications Division of the Gulf Breeze Police Department receivescalls for service via 3 incoming phone lines and 2 incoming 911 lines. We alsomonitor and dispatch over the radio for the Gulf Breeze Police Department, GulfBreeze Fire Rescue, and the National Park Service Law Enforcement Rangers.In addition, we handle after-hours calls for Gulf Breeze Public Works, SouthSanta Rosa Utility Service, and the Florida sections of the Gulf Islands NationalSeashore, National Park (Perdido Key, Fort Pickens, Santa Rosa, and Naval LiveOaks).In addition to the incoming phone calls, and radio traffic, Dispatchers alsomake outgoing phone calls to surrounding agencies and jurisdictions toinitiate/coordinate out of area response for additional Law Enforcement orFire/Rescue needs. Page 46
Police Department August 2018Communications Division is staffed by five Full-Time Dispatchers (whichincludes the Lead Dispatcher) and six Part-Time Dispatchers. There arestaggered shifts when possible so that there are 2 Dispatchers at all times (withthe exception of every day between the hours of 2:00 am and 10 am, whenthere is only one Dispatcher) responsible for answering all incoming regularand 911 phone lines, and dispatching the 2 Law Enforcement Agencies, 1 FireDepartment, and After Hours calls for City Hall and the National Park Service.PHONE / 911 CALLSDuring the month of August, 2018, Communications Division recorded a totalof 6376 phone calls via normal phone lines, and the 911 lines (13.46%decrease from last month).Nixle: 17,315 subscribers. 109 Increase from July. 121 Messages sent. Page 47
Police Department August 2018COMPUTER AIDED DISPATCHGulf Breeze Communications utilizes a Computer Aided Dispatch tool to trackCalls Created by either incoming phone calls from complainants, or self-generated activity by Police or Fire units. During the month of August, 2018,there were a total of 2,099 calls generated (15.02% decrease from last month). Page 48