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Home Explore Andrea Gray - Colbert County - December 2019

Andrea Gray - Colbert County - December 2019

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2019-12-04 10:45:03

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Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - December 2019 EEnntteerr OOuurr CChhrriissttmmaass CCoolloorriinngg CCoonntteesstt!! Fossils And Folklore What's It Like To Be An Archaeologist • Get Christmas Crafty Where In The World Is Greece? • Read Kiddo Read For more fun and games, visit the Kidsville News! Website at December 2019 Kidsville News! 1

Hi, Kids! “amCpkWhnfphhoyneodlAonitioaHlsllmdhnnwodnsmaedstvienlvoaooc,iilezvrdtgplyfMeeyeiihioooceyl”rodayreunasoun,rgsfl,2uatys”eoh,lhcneanirw0atriewplndmf0eeaveaid..elra0taaolacntldpMrbFshhtu’yevltooeuroeeeaastsrenldrnaluhspehssecrci“atltesahsyswaaevhdseonberoaeaadudswogtarsi,cuhOom”elfoneetswleoldiiayayellnnniriermlanktlcinmgteGntpttuhehaairimacrodhitnedeslchnoa-deieeGhrserrhKci.eadstuonieimne.mdienrs.YmastnseoaaevinTieeslnurniysdhltctyl,oeet,mriiornhenatuaomGinivhns’scyTvetrarssken.eeftumhssVtoheeeattoi.rk,-.oforvn?monhrietgeprsiehTeodem.taa’vsshohdee.“apeeredCr“loRedCnuGOrcwmeloekrtaldanhyeemurondecmerneagenoatkpisc,llnalitaecslins.scootnLawisoen.enai”rmreanatlfaiorbrsotut Until next month, is GREECE? Greece has an exceptionally long history. Ancient Greece is well-known, but there were civilizations in the area even before it. In 2000 B.C., the Minoan culture flourished on the coastal islands. They also conquered the Myceneans, who lived on the mainland in 1450 B.C. For thousands of years, the land that we now know as Greece was the combination of around 1,500 small city-states that were ruled by local leaders. The largest city-states were Athens, Sparta, Thebes and Corinth. These city-states often fought wars for land and resources. • The official name is the Hellenic Republic. • Forty percent of the Greek population lived • Made with goat’s milk, Feta is the national • The capital is Athens. in Athens. That is 3.2 million people. cheese. • The official language is Greek, and the • Greece and its almost 1,500 islands extend • The national anthem has 158 verses. money is the euro. southward from the European continent into • Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire • The area of the country is 50,949 square the Aegean, Cretan, Ionian, Mediterranean from 1453-1822. In 1822, Greece declared its miles, about the size of Florida. and Thracian seas. independence, and King Otto became the first • Approximately 28 million tourists visit • Greece is the southernmost country in King of Greece in 1932. Greece every year, and the most popular Europe and is on the Balkan Peninsula. • Abolished as a monarchy in 1924, Greece destination is the island of Rhodes. • At 8,498 miles in length, Greece has the became a republic. • All citizens are required by law to vote. third-longest coastline in Europe. • It joined the European Union in 1981 and • Greece is 80% mountainous. • Greece is the largest producer of sea adopted the euro currency in 2002. • The tallest point in Greece is Mount sponges. • Before the euro, Greece used the drachma, Olympus. It is 9,750 feet high. • Soccer is the national sport. which was one of the older currencies in the world. December 2019 2 Kidsville News!

This Page Brought To You By: Afossil is evidence of the life Fossils and that lived on earth millions of Folklore years ago. Fossils form when an animal or plant dies, and sediment covers the remains. Over time, the sediment transforms into hardened rock, and minerals replace the matter from the animal or plant. This leaves a hard rock with the form of the buried matter. Anthropologists believe that ancient humans may have found these fossils, and they could have inspired myths and legends about mythical animals like dragons or cyclops. • Belemnites were squid-like animals whose cone-shaped fossils resembled bullets. People believed that lightning strikes created the Belemnite fossils and that placing these fossils on roofs would protect a home from lightning strikes. • Sea urchins still exist today, but they also existed millions of years ago and formed fossils. They have been used to ensure that bread rises and to protect against lightning. People believed they were snake eggs with magical powers to assist against poisoning. December 2019 Kidsville News! 3

Animals in Greek mythology Greek myths and legends are full of incredible are Stheno, Euryale and Medusa. Medusa is the Centaur creatures. most famous. Her hair of writhing snakes was so Pegasus • Centaurs are half-man and half horse. They lived hideous that anyone who saw her turned to stone. in the forests of Thessaly in tribes. They were Legend has it that when the hero Perseus defeated known as incredible hunters. The most famous her, and she died, the winged horse Pegasus centaur was Chiron. He was the son of the Titan sprung from her neck. Medusas’ blood was used to Kronos and invented medicine. He also taught poison and to raise the dead. many of the Greek heroes. • Pegasus is an immortal winged horse. The hero • Cerberus was a three-headed dog who guarded Bellerophon rode him. His father was Poseidon, the gates to Hades. In some legends, he may have and his mother was Medusa. He could create a as many as 100 heads and the tail of a serpent. stream of water anywhere he struck a hoof on the His nickname was “the hound of Hades.” He is ground. These springs were said to give poets the child of Typhon and Echidna. Heroes have incredible creativity when they drank from the defeated the hound and entered Hades. They waters. accomplished this through various tricks like • Sirens were half-woman and half-bird creatures. feeding Cerberus a honey cake full of potions They were said to be the daughters of the river god that made him sleep so they could capture him in Archelous and a muse, with a talent for singing. chains. Irresistible to men, their songs lured sailors to their • The Gorgons were three monsters that were the deaths in the sea. daughters of Echidna and Typhon. Their names Days to remember in December The Badlands was established as a National • Millions of years ago, this area was full of lush Dec. 1, 1955 Rosa Parks is Monument in 1939 and redesignated as vegetation. Fossils suggest that rivers, lakes, swamps arrested for refusing to give up Badlands National Park in 1978. For thousands and forests were part of the ecosystem. her seat in the front section of of years, the American Indians used the prairie lands as a bus. hunting grounds. Today the national park protects 379 • Paleontologists unearthed fossils of three-toed Dec. 7, 1877 Thomas Edison square miles of undisturbed wilderness and the animals horses, deer-like animals, rhinoceroses, birds, exhibited the phonograph. that live within it. The black-footed ferret, one of the rodents and beavers from the Oligocene period. Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was most endangered animals in the world, lives in this area. bombed in a surprise Japanese Every year, almost 1 million tourists visit the park. The • Around 67-75 million years ago, the area was attack. It marked the U.S. entry Badlands National Park is famous for its fossils and a sea, and the many fossils of fish, ammonites, into WWII. beautiful geography. turtles and marine reptiles buried in the tan-colored Dec. 16, 1773 Boston residents • Paleontologists have found impressive fossils in sediment prove it. protesting British taxation the Badlands since the 1800s. threw tea overboard on a • The area most known for having huge amounts of • The Oligocene period provides the most fossils. British ship . The Boston fossils is the White River Badlands. • The sediments in the Badlands are tan, red Tea Party was the beginning • This area stretched from South Dakota to and white. Millions of years ago, various rivers of the American fight for northwestern Nebraska, and from eastern Wyoming left behind different colored bands of sediments. independence. to eastern Colorado, including the Badlands Geologists look at the different sediment bands to Dec. 17, 1903 The Wright National Park. learn how these areas have changed over time. Brothers made their first • This land is known for being harsh and having • Today, there are some 400 species of plant life in airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, steep gullies made of brown and the park. North Carolina. tan sediment. • There are more Eocene and Oligocene fossils here Dec. 28, 1969 William F. than anywhere else on earth. Semple patented chewing gum. • Some of the fossils are displayed on the park’s fossil exhibit trail for visitor viewing. • 4 Kidsville News! December 2019

Come Out & Play The marathon dates back to ancient Greece. In 490 B.C., a Greek soldier named Pheidippides ran from a battlefield near the town of Marathon to Athens. He ran the distance in order the spread the news that the Greeks had defeated the Persians. Pheidippides ran about 25 miles, announced the victory to the citizens of Athens, and then he fell over dead. The name marathon and the distance of the race, about 25 miles, commemorate this run. • Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the • The Boston Marathon started in 1897 and marathon by completing a marathon in under International Olympic Committee and is the world’s oldest annual marathon. two hours. The 34-year-old runner’s time the Modern Olympics, organized the first • There were only 25 runners in the first was 1 hour, 59 minutes and 40 seconds at the modern marathon at the 1896 Olympics in Boston marathon. Ineos 1:59 Challenge in Vienna, Austria. Athens. It was 24.85 miles, not yet the 26. • For decades, marathons were only open • The oldest person to finish a marathon was 2 miles it is today, and only nine runners to male athletes. The Boston Marathon first Fauja Singh. He finished the 2011 Toronto finished the race. allowed women runners in 1972. Marathon at 100 years old. He completed • The Greeks held more marathons after • Joan Benoit was the first woman to win an the marathon in 8 hours, 11 minutes and 6 1896, but they were not always the same Olympic marathon in 1984. seconds. distance. • Today there are over 500 organized • There is a marathon held on the Great Wall • In 1908, the race was extended from 25 marathons in 64 different countries. of China and in Antarctica. miles to 26.2, so that the royal family could • Kenya’s Brigid Kosgei has the record for • The Great Wall marathon includes 5,164 see the race from the Windsor Castle. the fastest female marathon runner. She steps. • In 1921, this new length was made the completed the 2019 Chicago Marathon in 2 • Most runners will take 22 weeks to train official marathon distance. hours, 14 minutes and 4 seconds, for a marathon. • Today, some 25,000 runners participate in • Eliud Kipchoge from Kenya set an • An ultramarathon is 135 miles. marathons each year. official world record for men for the fastest • Hello! Attention Kids HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! & Teachers Too! Maybe you can help him find it & This is Truman From Kidsville News! WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’ ORIGINAL ARTWORK OR Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman’s small red hat! POEMS TO BE PRINTED ON PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News! This hat will not be on Truman. Find only his red hat! Send us the s Send ItKWtipdhaserOvmeilnlReitnsNKafe,liwallts!oeLurtEistAsThduNideTsErWofEEsrosrRumsSH•eaYet2nhyd1Oe&9smKUeWinodR.dPnsTOoi!teuOTnrwErnRiweutMsehmIsbeSyGaseoint!uISeratN!g.wJWao•AuiersnkFtL.mlohtIraoaAey:wvnecaRpeynr,ToitnuAtrL 35630 *Subject to form below for a chance to win! er Age availability. Tthhee nnaemxteisosfuteheofwKinidnsevrisllwe iNllebwesi!n 35630 Last month’s hat was on page 24. 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Do you know about... Squeaking Steps If snow squeaks when you walk on it, the temperature is ten degrees Fahrenheit or less. THOMAS W. JOEL R. McCUTCHEON HAMNER CALL US 256-333-5000 2210 Helton Drive, Florence “No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” The TM View Local kids What is your favorite let us know.... holiday? Field Trips Do YOU want to be here? Ferdy Go to page 17 and fill out... Howell Graves Kindergarten The TM View Christmas Mary Martin Howell Graves Kindergarten 6 Kidsville News! December 2019

Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I want Fun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print 219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630 Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATOR Andrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Russell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna Magazzu ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Dr. David R. Curott Lee Freeman Billy Ray Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY State Zip School Merrigold Publications Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Other? MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Your Signature (This is my own work) Bill Bowman Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) NATIONAL EDITOR Stephanie Crider [email protected] CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE ILLUSTRATOR Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION [email protected] ©Copyright 2019 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by TN Valley Media Florence, AL Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-in- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th. Friends of Kidsville News! • SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES December 2019 Kidsville News! 7

What’s the Difference? There are 4 THINGS that are different in these picture A & B. 12 Answers on Page 23 3 45 Cookie M X O R Z G H K F N I W Word Find PBECATFTYNSI QIWIFEUCGZTS Find the hidden words SSELKNIRPSEB in the puzzle UBHAAOEFBMEM Bake Peanut GMBECDOPLZWU Butter Sprinkles Chips Sugar A S P H I E H C L O S R Cookie Sweet R U I E B U T T E R U C UPNIBBAAFKVR Crumbs Dough STZEHGUODASN Flour SPABUDPBTGIU Ingredients BLWEDPPWUPUU 8 Kidsville News! December 2019

Easy Christmas morning breakfast Christmas morning is an exciting and joyous time for families. Children are anxious to rush downstairs and see what Santa has left under the tree, and parents are eager to see the happy looks on their children’s faces. Having a fast and easy breakfast at the ready on Christmas morning allows families to jump right into the festivities rather than spending too much time in the kitchen. This recipe for Spiced Yogurt Muffins, courtesy of the National Dairy Council, Dannon and McCormick, can be made in advance and then enjoyed while peeking into Christmas stockings or watching holiday parades on television. This big-batch recipe is ideal for feeding a houseful of overnight holiday guests. Or it can be prepared in advance and doled out as needed throughout the week. The muffins also can be made as a treat for holiday office luncheons. Cut the recipe in half for smaller yields. SPICED YOGURT MUFFINS Start to finish time: 45 minutes • Servings: 50 When cooking, for safety, always get help from an adult first. 6 1/2 cups Dannon plain fat-free Florence • Sheffield • Killen Greek yogurt The Professor Says To Spread The Word! 4 cups water, room temperature “Shop Smarter!” 1 5 Lb. box Gold Medal Muffin If you really want to know what you’re getting, get it from someone local. No passwords, security Mix, whole grain variety risks, or outrageous shipping fees to worry about. And it’s safer, faster, more reliable, and less 3 tablespoons McCormick expensive! 219 W. Tennessee Street pumpkin pie spice Buy Local, Florence Sell Local 2 tablespoons McCormick 256-764-4268 Chipotle cinnamon Combine yogurt and water in a mixing bowl. Whisk until blended. Set aside. Add spices to dry muffin mix in a large bowl. Add yogurt and water mixture to the muffin mixture. Mix until just blended. Don’t overmix. Using a scoop, portion into greased or lined muffin pans. Bake at 350 F for 24 minutes, or 17 to 20 minutes in a convection oven, until the tops are golden brown. December 2019 Kidsville News! 9

?? ? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?? What’s it Like to Be? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? … an archaeologist David Cranford Please tell our readers a little about What is the most exciting “find” you yourself, including your name and have had in your work? occupation. I have two stories. Once when working My name is David Cranford, and I am on a large prehistoric earthen mound an assistant state archaeologist with site on the grounds of Biltmore Estate, I the North Carolina Office of State found a large clump of burned clay with Archaeology in Raleigh, the state capital. small grooves and ridges all-around it. I An outdoor enthusiast, I was active realized the grooves were finger marks in Boy Scouts as a youth and am an from where someone 2 or 3,000 years Eagle Scout. I love to camp, hike and ago had squeezed a wet ball of clay, kayak. I mainly do archaeology in the probably leftover from making a pottery southeastern region of the U.S., where bowl or pot, and then thrown it into the I focus on the late prehistoric and early fire where it hardened and preserved their historic period, with great interest in fingerprints. That was the first time that how indigenous communities like the I felt a true connection to a particular Catawba Indian Nation reacted, coped person thousands of years ago. Another and ultimately survived their interactions exciting discovery was a complete, with other groups. I help document, unbroken pipe found at an excavation manage and protect the more than 50,000 site at a large Native American village. I archaeological sites and ship wrecks we made that find on my birthday! know of in the state to educate the public What is your favorite thing about your about our state’s human history of over job? 14,000 years. The most exciting parts of my job are When did you know that you wanted to public outreach and education. I enjoy be an archaeologist? sharing the things I’ve learned about I have known I wanted to be an people in the past with people now. So archaeologist since I was about five- many people find history and archaeology years-old. I remember helping my mom fascinating, and I try to encourage that in her flower garden with my plastic rake interest and instill in folks the need to when I found this dark-colored rock with preserve this cultural heritage for future a pointy end on it. I showed my mom generations. I also enjoy the scuba diving what I had found, and she recognized it I do with our underwater archaeologists. as a prehistoric spear point. We found What do you wish everyone knew out it was a 6,000-year-old spearhead about archaeology? called a Halifax point. I was hooked on The first thing I tell everyone is that archaeology from that point on. archaeologists don’t do dinosaurs. What kind of education and training is Don’t get me wrong; I love dinosaurs, needed to become an archaeologist? but that’s paleontology. I study people Most every archaeologist has at least in the past, and I use the things they an undergraduate college degree in left behind, which are artifacts, and the anthropology or classical archaeology and places they lived and worked, which are has taken an archaeological field school archaeological sites, to tell stories about to learn basic excavation techniques. An how they lived. The other thing I try to archaeologist who directs excavations impress upon people about archaeology or manages research projects would is that we rarely, if ever, find treasure or have a graduate-level degree, while an even set out to look for it. Archaeologists archaeology professor at the university often say, “It’s not what you find, but level has a Ph. D. I have all three college what you find out.” degrees. 10 Kidsville News! December 2019

MATHTIME What number am I? During softball practice, Lakisha hits the ball on the average of two out of every four pitches. If she gets 10 I am not even. pitches during practice, how many times would you expect I am greater than 200. The sum of my digits is nine. her to hit the ball? I am a multiple of five. I am less than 300. Answers On Page 23 I am evenly divisible by nine. Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23 December 2019 Kidsville News! 11

12 Kidsville News! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? page... Send it to us. and reach all Shoals area students in We’ll print it in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers Fill Out the in this award-winning Send It form fun, family newspaper. on page 7! Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 Your Name Your Age Your City If you want to send in some holiday art, for more information. please send it at least one month ahead of time. DFeecbermuabDreeyrc2em01b9eF

eFerDFbe2rbc0uer1aum9raybrey2r02210091199 Vectors © SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 Pictures with 6 Trees of 7 Pictures with Santa, Christmas Santa, 8 Tuscumbia 10 11 Sheffield Library Exhibit Begins, Childern’s Museum Christmas Parade TN Valley Museum of the Shoals 2PM Plantation Sheffield 18 2PM of Art, Tuscumbia Whoville’s Winter Christmas, 6PM Christmas Parade Muscle Shoals Workshop, Muscle Belle Mont, Muscle Shoals Christmas Parade First Fridays 5pm Shoals Library 1PM Tuscumbia 1PM 9 6PM City Schools Early Downtown Florence 7PM 15 16 17 Dismissal for 13 14 Christmas Holidays 12 Cookies & 22 23 24 It’s a Dickens 25 Cocoa Christmas Christmas Ya’ll, Party, Florence Tuscumbia 10AM-4PM Library 5:30PM 20 21 The Night Flornce Before Christmas Parade Tuscumbia City, Christmas, Underwood Sheffield City And Petersville Community 6PM Colbert County Center 4:30PM 19 Schools Early Dismissal for 26 Christmas Holidays 27 28 Kidsville News! 13 29 30 31 Tuscumbia City And Many event listings courtesy of Colbert Co. Schools Shoals New Year’s Classes Resume Jan. 7 Eve Muscle Shoals City And Visit for a listing Sheffield City Schools of more holiday events!. Events Classes Resume Jan. 6 subject to change, so please contact the venue for the most up-to-date scheduling. Vectors ©

Greek authors and mathematicians Even though the ancient Greeks lived thousands of years ago, their art and art. The previously formed stone inventions still influence modern life. carvings looked blocky and lifeless. Greek sculptors were able to bring life • Socrates was a philosopher. He is into their marble. Their sculptures were considered to be the father of western so detailed and skilled that they look philosophy. He is most well-known for like real people about to step off their creating the Socratic Method. This is a pedestal. These sculptors often focused method of studying difficult issues by on portraying the perfect human form. asking and answering questions. He also taught other famous philosophers like • Democracy first came about in ancient Plato. Greece. In the fourth century B.C., the city of Athens decided that every citizen should • The Greeks held the first Olympic have an equal say in the government. More games in 776 B.C. They were held every than having the ability to participate in two years in Olympia to celebrate the government, all citizens were expected to gods. The most famous games were held participate. They would meet to debate at Olympia, Greece, and took place over political challenges and then vote to every four years. Winners were given decide what the government would do. olive-leaf crowns. Wrestling and chariot This process is called direct democracy. racing were two popular events. • Greek inventors also created the first • Thales of Miletus is considered to be water mill in the third century B.C. For the father of geometry. Geometry is the many years, animals were used to turn oldest math in the world, but the Greeks stones to grind or mill the grain. The revolutionized it. The rules discovered downside to this was that animals were by the Greek mathematicians Pythagoras, expensive to take care of and got tired. Euclid and Archimedes are still taught Water was a better alternative, creating in schools. a more efficient and continuous flow. • The Greeks are famous for sculpture—greek_philosophers.php Knowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Answers On Pg. 23 Attack on Pearl Harbour 4. The United States had 169 planes damaged during the attack. How many planes were lost? A. 87 B. 102 C. 159 D. 186 The attack came as a shock to the American people and led directly to the United States’ entry into World War II. 5. The Japanese used 6 aircraft carriers and 353 planes to execute the attack. The Japanese did not lose any aircraft carriers, how many did the 1. “Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date United States lose? A. 4 B. 3 C. 1 D. 0 which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire 6. World War II ended when the Japanese surrendered on August 14, 1945. What event of Japan.” Which President said this at the happened to cause them to surrender? beginning of his address to the American Congress and the Nation? USS Arizona Memorial A. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are A. Harry S. Truman Pearl Harbor, Hawaii destroyed by an atomic bomb B. The battle of Iwo Jima ends C. Mussolini is executed by B. Franklin D. Roosevelt C. Herbert Hoover the Italian resistance D. Adolf Hitler commits D. Dwight D. Eisenhower suicide in his bunker in Berlin 2. Eight American battleships were damaged 7. How many Americans were killed from the in the attack. How many were repaired and attack on Pearl Harbor? A. 1,170 B. 1,836 put back into service? C. 2,402 D. 3,521 A. 7 B. 6 C. 4 D. 2 3. Which battleship lost 1,177 members of its crew when a bomb hit the ship’s ammunition magazine? A. USS Oklahoma B. USS Maryland C. USS Tennessee D. USS Arizona (Photos) 14 Kidsville News! December 2019

Excellent Service, Expert Advice 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 Mike Randall, REALTOR® (across from Hobby Lobby) Associate Broker 256.366.9779 256-767-3337 [email protected] Cut Here CHRISTMAS Coloring Contest 2019 3 Age Groups: 2-4 • 5-7 • 8-10 Top 3 Winners in each Age Group Receive: Large 1 Topping Pizza from Domino’s And A Special Christmas Stocking Filled With Goodies! Entrant information must be completed to qualify. Child’s Name Age Address City State ZIP Phone Number Mail or Bring Entries to: Courier Journal Drawings are judged by our staff on the basis of talent of the child’s age ability. IT MUST BE COLORED BY THE CHILD. 219 W. Tennessee St. Winners are not selected at random. One entry per person. One winner per family. Florence, AL 35630 Kidsville News! 15 ENTRY DEADLINE Thursday, Dec. 19 NOON Winners will be announced in the Courier Journal Dec. 25 issue & the January Issue of Kidsville News. December 2019

Have A Merry The Romans celebrated December certainly is a time for Saturnalia celebration, and this has been true for most with too much societies and civilizations; for example, the drinking and ancient Chinese, the Romans, the Egyptians, the this was of Hebrews, even the Native Americans, celebrated with the change great concern of season at the end of December. These were peoples that lived to the early far from the equator and they all noticed that the nights started Christian getting shorter and daytime (daylight) got longer after what Church. The we now call the winter solstice (around December 21). As you birthday of know, the Earth travels around (orbits) the Sun during the year. Jesus Christ was not celebrated in the first three centuries of Christianity. In fact the date is not mentioned in the Bible Because so it is thought that Dec. 25 was chosen to give Christians the Earth is an alternative to the pagan Saturnalia. The first Christian tipped over Roman Emperor was Constantine and during his reign the first 23½°, half Christmas celebration on Dec. 25, 336 A.D. was recorded. of the year the northern The hemisphere Puritans is tipped banned toward Christmas the Sun in the 16th getting more century but sunlight (left half of drawing) and the remaining half of the year it became a we are tipped away from the Sun (right half of drawing) getting legal holiday less sunlight. Of course, less sunlight produces winter and more again in the sunlight summer. The seasons are reversed in the southern 17th century. hemisphere; they get more sun when we get less. Australia The American Pilgrims in New England likewise disapproved enjoys summer when we suffer through winter. of Christmas celebrations but Christians in other colonies like Pennsylvania and Virginia were enthusiastic celebrants. Charles Look Dickens A Christmas Carol established the holiday as a family at the first centered activity. Clement Moore’s poem which began “Twas drawing the night before Christmas”, with its emphasis on gift giving with the and Santa, gave it a secular focus which spread throughout the Earth world. orbiting. Imagine you Throughout the ages, X has been used as an abbreviation for are standing “Christ” because the X, the Greek letter chi, is the initial letter on the north in the Greek ”Christ” (Χριοιοζ). hemisphere, on the left- So Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. hand Earth, © 2019 Dr. David R. looking at the Sun. The Sun is furthest above the equator; it Curott, UNA Professor is the beginning of summer. Half a year later imagine you are Emeritus standing on the north hemisphere, on the right- hand Earth, looking at the Sun. The Sun now is furthest below the equator so it’s the beginning of winter (December 21, give or take a day). That’s called the Winter Solstice. Ancient peoples realized the nights will now get shorter and daylight longer so it was a cause for celebration. The Chinese celebrated the Dongzhi Festival with balls of rice. 16 Kidsville News! December 2019

TM The View Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name G Fraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 What is your favorite...... Author? Outdoor Activity? Book? Cartoon? CANNOT Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINT Are you a good listener? WITHOUT PHOTO Answer on Page 23 What is a vinyl record? Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? Have you ever played in the snow? What does the word talent mean to you? 12..12IWsy..fhoWIsyhfeuhoayehuectop21aared..?ultdpowoWWlrodtii?hhhtlydlg?oeayonotrdkeuyhpgoviaeosecvrorskouaepseaillyseeclcsoe’hsasaueyaehslhsgolosealauimaeiknp,ynee?phwosttho?yauhalpt,iabvyptaewodbyiunhoyabtadboy Do you speak another language? Have you done anything nice for someone lately? 3. Wyhoyu3a.rceWahbllyaidtki?derthsemtuerkaeny ?cross the What is instrumental music? 4.43Wo.. tWWhheahhrt4yamd. tirWadaodrhatoeihydd?ndbbeiodoanmotkhekeea?strmhusnabmgtooheotokabsnosc?oahyokotlso?atyheto Do you like to read aloud? theMUST HAVE oth5e. rwDmoheyanotushhkenbowoweonwtkhto?atdMinanreyr?had PERMISSION Parent/Guardian Permission 4. I have a lot of problems. TO PRINT cream and beat the eggs I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on IcBrehecaaavuemsaae231lnt...AodhntBAAseeboycpwefmaoeaertouwrpsscrr:theiyhohtlpsbeilhtttemee23415l.....AhyogeIneBETYtmsoleoegvssccwwewa.tsgareaehehryurt.nismstb:dteeopaobt.dydt.thtyheohekycebndehoiocbwnr’ksitegnhMh.taaervr.ey to pay rent. any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could had a little lamb. 3. be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO.4. Answers on Page 23 2. A pooch smooch. Date Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE 1. A merry little lamb. December 2019 Answers: Kidsville News! 17

The First Automobiles in Florence-Lauderdale By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department Everyone reading this article grew up with cars and we probably take By June of 1920 the speed limit had increased to 15 mph (10 mph them for granted. But this wasn’t always the case. Cars were once new at intersections) however speeding was apparently still a problem as technology. Mayor Eastep had authorized Florence police to arrest any driver Florence is becoming an automobile city. At all times the exceeding the 15 mph speed limit. principal streets are lined with automobiles, and you see but By August of 1910 Dr. LE Duckett had purchased an automobile: few buggies and carriages. Automobile dealers can not [sic] the night of Sunday, August 31, the Dr., his son John and a friend, out supply the demand. Farmers come to town in fine automobiles for a pleasure ride, were injured when their car collided with a horse and there is an air and buggy driven by of prosperity Mr. Arthur Haley, prevailing on all with the horse’s head sides. actually knocking Thus the Florence the Doctor out of Herald described the car! Luckily the “car craze” in the Doctor wasn’t Florence-Lauderdale seriously injured, on September 14, nor was Mr. Haley 1916. or the horse, though By 1920 Colbert the car was badly County alone damaged. Another could boast of injury resulting over 900 registered from the newfangled automobiles! And by From left, a 1916 Hudson Super Six, a Tennessee Valley Motor Co. ad from 1919, and the original Dodge automobiles came October of 1921 there Bros. Motors logo on the old Fred’s building, in the early 1920s a Dodge dealership. when Gene Graham were 1,350 registered broke his arm trying to autos in Lauderdale County! These are incredible figures considering crank his parents’ car in May of 1916. The crank kicked back breaking the relatively short time cars had been available. his arm (he had already broken his right arm at school two months Exactly who invented the automobile is a matter of opinion however ago.). the first automobiles were most likely invented in the late 19th century Other early automobile buyers were AL Philips of Lexington, who in France and Germany. At that time cars were often called “horseless bought a Dodge from the Tennessee Valley Motor Co. in February carriages” because they operated without being pulled by horses as the of 1916, and Mr. BA Rogers of Rogers Dept. Store who bought a ubiquitous carriage had to be. Early models had three wheels, one in Hudson Super Six that same February. Early that February Mr. JD front for steering and two in back. Besides gasoline-powered cars early Weeden of Sweetwater lost an automobile when his barn caught fire inventors also experimented with steam-powered and electric cars. (unfortunately also killing a horse). In May of 1916 John F. Jackson The first American battery-powered automobile was built in Des of Cloverdale sold a five passenger Chevrolet to Florence Wagon Co. Moines, Iowa around 1890, by William Morrison, and could maintain superintendent JH Hallman. a speed of a whopping 14 miles per hour. The first gas-powered car was With cars came car dealerships and garages: by February 1916 the invented in 1893 by brothers Charles Edward and Frank Duryea, who Tennessee Valley Motor Co. owned by Lee Titus and ER Koonce, also founded the first American automobile manufacturing plant. But which sold Hudsons and Dodges was in business and by September of course it was American businessman Henry Ford who made the of that year the McRae Motor Co., which sold Fords, was doing automobile a household world, as beginning in 1908 with his “Model business. By 1921 the Titus and Koonce Motor Co. had moved to T,” he mass produced sturdy, yet affordable cars for the general public. their brand new show room at 321 N Court St., what we now know as The first person to own an automobile in Florence seems to have the old Fred’s building. The symbol atop the building, often mistaken been SE Stafford. According to the Florence Herald of Friday, June for a Jewish Star of David is actually the original Dodge Bros. Motors 28, 1907: logo. In October of 1919 Mr. Shirley Harris and Mr. Clarence Watson S. E. Stafford looks quite distinguished in his handsome new opened “a first class automobile supply house,” out of the Bell automobile, the only one in town. Telephone building on Seminary Street, which by 1920 had moved to Unfortunately, the Herald didn’t bother to mention what kind of South Court St. and was bought out by Charles Miller, who reopened car Mr. Stafford had. However by April of 1911 the Herald noted that the business as the Miller Buick Co. By 1923 FA Hill was operating “The honk of the automobile is beginning to be heard more and more the Hill Auto Supply Co. in East Florence and by 1923 SH Coleman in our city and Wood avenue [sic] seems to be their favorite route.” ran the Willard Battery Service Station at 108 Tombigbee. The Watson The Herald editor hoped that motorists wouldn’t turn Wood Tire Co. owned by Clarence Watson sold vulcanized tires out of their Avenue into their “speedway,” as that was the favorite “driveway” of shop, also located in the Bell Telephone Building on Seminary St. many women and children in buggies, whose horses weren’t used to Indeed, so popular were cars becoming that by 1923 the Florence cars yet, thus the editor warned “all chauffeurs” to keep their speed Herald had added an “Automobile Section” to its paper. In 1917 down. Apparently speeding was such a problem that the paper had to Florence’s Fourth of July Parade featured a “car parade” and local car continually remind people to slow down, as in this notice from May enthusiasts had already founded the Lauderdale County Automobile of 1916: Club in June of 1914, with Mr. Henry Bradshaw, namesake of the The automobiles don’t seem to slack their speed while down in Bradshaw High School, as president. Hiram Kennedy-Douglass, who town. We have noticed a lot of cars running up and down Tennessee, went on to become a minister in the Episcopalian Church, was the Walnut, and Poplar streets at break-neck speed, as though they secretary. Interestingly, in later life Rev. Douglass was driven around wanted to know how fast their speedometer would run. This is town by a chauffeur. against the law as well as dangerous. The speed limit is 10 miles And that’s a brief history of early automobiles in Florence- per hour. Lookout somebody will get arrested for speeding. Take Lauderdale. warning! Merry Christmas! 18 Kidsville News! December 2019

Local History Written by Billy Warren natural way. Now, examine the printed program accompanying this month’s Did You Know? article. Copies of it were given to everyone in attendance at the Recital For Students Of Expressions recital of Miss Ruth McClellan’s “Expression” students on Saturday, May 14, 1927. As you can see, the recital was held It is very common today for students who take piano lessons or in the auditorium on the second floor of Wesleyan Hall (the dance lessons to participate in a recital. Perhaps you’ve done that. At auditorium is still there today) on the campus of the State such an event, every student, from the youngest who has studied piano Normal School, now the University of North Alabama. or dance for just a short time to the oldest and/or most talented is featured at the recital. Proud mothers and daddies and other assorted Note the variety of the pieces to be read aloud or recited from relatives sit in the audience anxiously awaiting their own young memory: a poem entitled “Castor Oil” by Edgar Guest, an essay person’s performance. For some of the performers, it is an easy thing entitled “My Financial Career” by Stephen Leacock, a scene to do; others dread it and hope it is over soon. from William Shakespeare’s play, “As You Like It,” etc. Did you know that, in the past, certain adults offered training in At the end of the evening, there were probably some what was called “Expressions”? In an Expression training, young refreshments for both the students and those in the audience. people learned to read aloud (or speak from memory) with proper inflection of the voice. The term “inflection” refers to the rise and fall SOMETHING TO DO: of a person’s voice at the appropriate places when reading aloud or 1. If you were enrolled in an ‘Expressions” class, which of the reciting from memory. following would you prefer to do: Here’s an example: it is very tempting to read the following two lines a. Recite a favorite poem? Which one is your favorite? from the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer by emphasizing the last word b. Read aloud, with proper inflection, a portion of a favorite in each line: story? Which story would you prefer? c. Perform a portion of a scene from a play? Which play would I think that I shall never SEE you choose? A poem as lovely as a TREE. An adult in the past who offered training in “Expressions” would 2. Read the names of the students who were in the “Expressions” guide the students away from the temptation to emphasize the last Recital on May 14, 1927. Choose one of the names and write an word in each line so that the lines would be read or recited in a flowing, imaginary story about that student. a. Was he/she nervous or calm? b. Did he/she like the piece that he/she was to perform or did someone else select it? c. Did he/she perform well? d. Was he/she happy or sad when the evening ended? December 2019 Kidsville News! 19

The episodes begin in Sally and Nick’s backyard, but the scene changes once the Cat shows up in his plane, The Thingamajigger. After that, who knows the places they will go? The theme song is fun and catchy and tells about By Beatrice N., KIDS all the adventures FIRST! Film Critic, age 9 they will have. The hilarious comedic It’s the Cat in the Hat! All of your favorite actor Martin Short is adventures start like that! Dr. Seuss’ most loveable the voice of The Cat cat is back with his two friends, Sally and Nick. These in the Hat. The Cat two friends are only six-years-old, so they have many in the Hat is always questions that only the Cat can answer by taking them up for an adventure to his imaginative worlds. And that’s just what he does and can’t stop making in this new 20 exciting episode-filled DVD, “The Cat in silly jokes. Sally, the Hat Knows A Lot About That!” Season 3, Vol. 2., played by Alexa available on DVD now. Torrington, is a little At the beginning of each episode, Sally and Nick are girl who is always playing with their friend Fish when they always run into ready to go as long a problem. Whenever things look their bleakest, the Cat as she has her best Photos © Portfolio Entertainment pops up and tells them about a place they can visit that friend Nick, a fun- will help them solve their problem. It may not seem loving and witty boy played by Jacob Ewaniuk, along for possible that the Cat can help these two children out of the ride. Rob Tinkler plays Fish, who is way too smart every tricky situation all on his own. That is correct. He and sassy for his own good. succeeds thanks to his two helpers: Thing One and Thing The messages of this show are imagination can help Two. The twin brothers, Thing One and Thing Two, are with some tricky situations, and be a child while you still silly and crazy, but they are always a big help to the Cat. can. In each episode of “The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot Rating this DVD 4 out of 5 stars, I recommend it for About That” teaches its viewers a lesson. By watching ages 2 to 9 years old. Parents might also enjoy watching the Cat try to help Sally and Nick solve their problem, this with their children. viewers learn problem-solving and creative thinking skills, and how to be a friend. 20 Kidsville News! December 2019

A Section Especially for Parents BEGINNER READS The Lion & the Mouse My Very First Mother Goose By Jerry Pinkney By Iona Opie For ages 2-8 Illustrated by Rosemary Wells For ages 2-6 PAGETURNERS Filling the front cover is the massive head of a lion, its eyes glancing off to While there are loads of wonderful your left. What's he looking at? Turn to Mother Goose collections out there, this the back cover and you'll see: a brown oversized book will quickly become a mouse sitting on a branch in the yellow home and classroom treasure with its grass. Notice what's missing? There's no 68 well-chosen verses and personable title or author on the front or the back entourage of typical bunnies, pigs and cover. In Pinkney's dignified \"retelling\" cats, rendered in grand and colorful of the Aesop fable about the lion that watercolors. Nursery rhymes are spares a mouse and is, in turn, saved by children's earliest introduction to the it, the story is told almost entirely in rhythms and poetic delights of the oversized watercolor illustrations. English language, so get interactive. House of Robots Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library By James Patterson By Chris Grabenstein and Chris Grabenstein For ages 8 and up Illustrated by Juliana Neufeld For ages 8-12 Kyle Keeley isn’t much of a reader. He’s more into games. Board games, video Sammy Hayes-Rodriguez has a pretty games — you name it. Especially the interesting family. His father writes brilliant world of Luigi Lemoncello’s graphic novels, and his mother is an Imagination Factory, which continuously expert in robotics. Sammy has a close puts out the best games ever. With a relationship with his sister Maddie, who wonderful combination of adventure, humor has an immunity issue and isn't able to and a hodgepodge of fun facts, “Escape attend school. Also, the Hayes-Rodriguez from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library” is meant to house is full of robots. Kids will be be enjoyed by kids and adults alike, and will eagerly awaiting the sequel to find out be for years to come. Allusions to other what great children’s books provide nice segues for books to read next. ADVANCED READS The Book Thief The Absolutely True Diary of a By Markus Zusak Part-Time Indian For ages 13 and up By Sherman Alexie For ages 13 and up How can humans be so beautiful and glorious — and so ugly and destructive? Winner of the 2007 National Book Award For teens who are ready to explore this for Young People’s Literature and the question with author Markus Zusak, 2008 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for “The Book Thief” will be an unforgettable fiction, adult author Sherman Alexie’s journey and quite a read. A warning, first young adult book, loosely though: The book takes place in autobiographical, is hard-hitting, Germany during World War II and the heart-breaking, wildly funny, sometimes Holocaust. Readers are going to meet raunchy and profane and unforgettable. some heroic characters, and some of Grown-ups will want to read this one, too, those heroes aren’t going to make it. and probably more than once. It’s hard to let them go. Kidsville News tIhnicspK.,iapdrTastrnvguieelmlretoaoNnnehtwahenislsp,dTpryaJuogamuematdenoissahncPeodlapvtJtyeaeomrrusbeodosnioPs’caksotstvReterEhrsaAobtnDok'osKikRdIsDEstADhyDaOotKuRtIDhEloeDAvkODeidR.CaEsAryOeoDMus.CulOaorrvMeeetaaporrleeeloapsvusleereae.dsteotdolotpovae.rtner on December 2019 Kidsville News! 21

STOP Did You KNOW? LITTER. The role pediatricians can play to combat bullying Your Shoals. Your Choice. Children endure bullying every can play an advocate’s role regarding day. Surveys from the United States combating bullying, advising educators government and the Canadian Institutes of and other school officials that children are Health Research indicate that as many as exhibiting signs of bullying. That can help one in three children in the United States parents immensely, especially if they have and Canada report being bullied. had difficulty conveying their concerns about bullying. There’s no simple solution to combat bullying. A collective effort from parents The website and educators can help children overcome notes that pediatricians can familiarize bullying and show children who engage in themselves with Connected Children: Safe, bullying just how much their behavior hurts Strong, Secure, which is a primary care other youngsters. Pediatricians also can violence prevention protocol developed play a unique role in combating bullying. by the American Academy of Pediatrics that aims to educate pediatricians about According to, a bullying and the role they can play in website sponsored by the U.S. Department violence prevention. of Health and Human Services that supplies information on bullying and how to prevent Bullying affects families across it, pediatricians can be invaluable resources the globe. Combating bullying is often in the fight against bullying. difficult, but parents should know that they have many resources, including their Pediatricians can recognize signs children’s pediatricians, at their disposal as of bullying during routine health one place to start. examinations, and that recognition can be especially important given that many children never report being bullied to their teachers or their parents. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Experimental Criminology found that only about 20-30% of students who are bullied notify adults about the bullying. Parents who suspect their children are being bullied can speak with their children’s pediatricians to see if the doctors feel their youngsters are exhibiting any signs of victimization. Such signs are not always physical, which can make them more difficult for parents to recognize. In addition to recognizing signs of bullying parents might not see, pediatricians ParenTown’s KidSmart The Benefits of Organic Foods Modern grocery stores are unlike ORGANIC FOODS contain fewer ORGANIC PRODUCTS cannot contain the ones many of today’s adults pesticides and toxic materials. A 2014 meta- synthetic hormones. Conventionally raised encountered when they were analysis published in the British Journal of animals are sometimes injected with synthetic children. Grocery stores are not only bigger Nutrition found that organically grown crops growth hormones so they will gain weight today than they were years ago, but they’re also were less likely than conventionally grown more quickly and produce more milk. Residue stocked with items that weren’t available until crops to contain detectable levels of pesticides. from those substances, which cannot be used relatively recently. The analysis also found that organically in the production of organic meat and dairy One stroll through the produce section reveals grown crops were 48% less likely to contain products, is believed to contribute to widespread just how different modern grocery stores are cadmium than conventionally grown crops. antibiotic resistance, according to the Biodesign from those of yesteryear. Organic fruits and Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that can Center for Environmental Security at Arizona vegetables now take up ample real estate in accumulate in the liver and kidneys, which the State University. In addition, some studies have grocery store produce sections. Many shoppers Global Healing Center says can affect blood suggested a strong connection between the may wonder if they’re better off choosing pressure, induce bone damage and affect renal hormones given to cattle and cancer in humans. organic versus traditional products, and research and dopaminergic systems in children. suggests they are. ORGANIC CROPS contain more ORGANIC DAIRY products can promote antioxidants than conventional crops. The cardiovascular health. A 2013 study from same analysis also found that organic crops researchers affiliated with the Center for had significantly higher levels of antioxidants, Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources which promote strong immune systems, found that organic milk contained 25% less than conventionally grown crops. Organic omega-6 fatty acids and 62% more omega-3 crops were found to contain 69% higher fatty acids than conventional milk. The Organic levels of flavanones and 51% higher levels Center notes that’s a considerable benefit, of anthocyanins than their conventional as higher amounts of omega-3 and lower counterparts. The National Cancer Institute amounts of omega-6 fatty acids help promote notes that antioxidants neutralize free radicals, cardiovascular health and support the immune excess levels of which can potentially lead to system. the formation of various types of cancer and other diseases. When choosing organic products at the grocery store, consumers benefit their overall health in various ways. 22 Kidsville News! December 2019

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª ANSWERS MATHTIME (5) Most students come to third grade with an intuitive understanding of ratio, proportion and probability. If they understand the relationship between two and four, they can identify the number having the same relationship with 10. (225) Students will need to know what the terms even, sum, multiple and divisible mean. They might use a number chart to eliminate numbers as they 12 consider each clue. Cookie Word Find Answers: 24351..... YTEBItoeevwscegtaraeeuynrtbsdtteeoaoddytth.yhteoekybncdheooiwbcnkrs’itegMnhh.aatevrrye. to pay rent. MXORZGHKFNIW 3 45 had a little lamb. PBECATFTYNSI QIWIFEUCGZTS KP12no.. oIWsfwwhyheolaeeuetdprdg?rdoeoygokuiscsaellsayhoaup, pwyhabtadboy he sun go to school? SSELKNIRPSEB you call it? UBHAAOEFBMEM ow what Mary had GMBECDOPLZWU A3n. sWwheyrsa:re bakers mean? went to dinner? ASPHIEHCLOSR 14..BWhat did one math book say to the RUIEBUTTERUC 2. Bother math book? Answers: e you seen that you UPNIBBAAFKVR 3. D 1. A merry little lamb. see again? STZEHGUODASN 4. C SPABUDPBTGIU 5. D 32.. BAecpaoousceh tshemyoocwhh.ip the he turkey cross the BLWEDPPWUPUU 6. Acream and beat the eggs 7. C 4. I have a lot of problems. What’s the Difference? A Candy Cane oaches like to live in ple’s homes? December 2019 Kidsville News! 23

ParenTown’s KidSmart Get Christmas Crafty With Homemade Ornaments Handmade gifts, trinkets and treats them together. Put one at the top WOODEN SNOWFLAKES Have help make the holiday season special. perpendicular to the others to serve children collect small twigs from outdoors, Although cookies and other baked as the steering rudder. Two silver- as well as holly leaves and some sprigs of goods are some of the most popular homemade painted Popsicle sticks placed on evergreen. Arrange similarly sized twigs in creations this time of year, gift-givers young their thin sides act as the blades of a the shape of snowflakes and glue together, or and old can put their talents to use with various sled. tie with twine. Embellish with stickers, glitter, craft projects. Ornaments and decorations are dried berries and more. one such idea. Here are some clever and not- POPCORN GARLAND DOUGH ORNAMENTS Anyone can have too-time-consuming craft projects to try this Garland made of popcorn is a classic fun molding their ornaments, letting them dry holiday season. handmade holiday project. For a new and then painting them. Use cookie cutters to MINI SLEIGHS Create miniatures of twist, toss the popcorn with food get perfect holiday shapes. Craft stores sell Santa’s famous sleigh. Paint several Popsicle coloring and allow it to dry before various types of modeling clays and lightweight sticks to form the body of the sleigh and glue stringing for some bright color on modeling materials. Or, make your salt dough the tree. recipe to work with at home. PHOTO ORNAMENTS Print REINDEER BOTTLE TOPPER Put to use out several different photos that you love. any wine corks you have lying around. Attach Purchase round or square thin wood pieces googly eyes and a small fuzzy nose to the front from a craft store and attach the photos with of a cork. Insert twisted, brown pipe cleaners Mod Podge©. When dry, drill a hole through to make the antlers up top. Add ribbons, small the top and thread with twine. snippets of faux fur or any other extras you ADVENT CALENDAR Make an Advent desire. calendar to count down to Christmas by SWEET SENTIMENTS Use old Scrabble© covering a foam board with fabric. Use paper letter tiles to form a favorite holiday phrase, tags or small ornaments and write a number on like “Joy to the World.” Glue the tiles together each for each day of the month. Hang these all and hang from the tree on a piece of ribbon. from the board. As each day passes, move the tag or ornament to the tree. Snow, Sleet or Freezing Rain: Which Will it Be? There are a lot of different those melted snowflakes fall through air the ground is below freezing so the types of winter weather, and that is below freezing again and the droplets liquid droplets freeze once they telling which type will happen refreeze. The melted snowflakes can’t go make contact with it. Freezing rain during a winter storm can be back to being snow, so they refreeze into tiny can be the most dangerous type of really hard. ice pellets that we call sleet. winter weather because it can make driving very dangerous; it is too If the right conditions are Freezing rain forms in a similar way slippery for a car’s wheels to grab present and there is enough to sleet. Snowflakes form up high in the onto. Freezing rain can also form moisture and cold air in place atmosphere and then fall through warm air black ice, which is ice on pavement in the upper atmosphere, and melt. Freezing rain is different from sleet that can’t be seen. The pavement snowflakes can form. Each because there isn’t enough cold air below 32 may just look wet, but is actually snowflake really is unique, F to refreeze the melted snowflakes before covered in dangerous ice! and all snowflakes have six they hit the ground. Freezing rain falls to sides. If the temperature of the ground as a very cold liquid rain, but Forecasting whether wintry the atmosphere — all the way precipitation will be snow, sleet or from where snowflakes form freezing rain can be very difficult. up high, down to the surface A meteorologist has to be able of the earth where we live — is to predict how cold the entire below freezing, 32 F, snow will fall to the atmosphere over a certain area will be, and surface. This can sometimes mean a day off if there are any pockets of warm air that from school and lots of fun. Of all the types might melt falling snowflakes. They also of winter weather, snow is best for making have to predict what the temperature at the snowmen, snow forts and skiing. earth’s surface will be in order to determine how much snow, sleet or freezing rain will The next type of winter weather that accumulate in order to forecast any dangers. can happen is sleet. Sleet happens when It may be difficult, but it’s important to get snowflakes form high up in the atmosphere, the forecast right in order to keep people but they fall through some warm air that safe. is above freezing. The snowflakes melt and become drops of liquid water again. Sleet December 2019 is special, though, because it forms when 24 Kidsville News!

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