CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Colbert County’s Fun Family Newspaper - August 2018 SSiirr IIssaaaacc NNeewwttoonn AAnndd HHiiss LLaawwss What's it Like to be a Mission Manager for NASA? Kidsville Kitchen • Read Kiddo Read Come out & Play - Finnish SkittlesFFFooorrr mmmooorrreee fffuuunnn aaannnddd gggaaammmeeesss,,, vvviiisssiiittt ttthhheee KKKiiidddsssvvviiilllllleee NNNeeewwwsss!!! WWWeeebbbsssiiittteee aaattt wwwwwwwww...KKKiiidddsssvvviiilllllleeeNNNeeewwwsss...cccooommm///cccooolllbbbeeerrrtttAugust 2018 KidsvilleAL #15059|53092 News! 1
MATHTIME On this spinner, the probability of getting How many a one is 1/2 or 1 out of 2. What is the dogs are probability of getting a 2? there? 1 2 3 Answers On Page 23Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-in- Education Sponsors for helping to provide Kidsville News! to Colbert Kids K-6th. AL #15059|53092 Friends of Kidsville News!• SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES 2 Kidsville News! August 2018 QZVFFHGX
Hi, Kids!cgspaareenn“acHodAvtpfaiirtlmoiveonyneaud.unttynhdIooodefuutemtlehyraeaseohtvtrueieanW’crvrnieeamdo!hnroe.eltrdvaheHe”rerdeaewbwxoiaosaofyumnktdSitnneihhorerewisemIndw.soanfohaoerolrcwdohNfwgiesroNwarmevktwioastn.tnyo?yRnw’eHdsoaiersdtkchwsote,vahoeseyrrioiae“eusCspoh–tnyhnsaeitcctishiotenlps”amDmiindTauhztyiiesnosgum?ckoRrnneoetawahtd’sutrht“eheW.eyilacdarvtnililceslet”asyteocutlneidoaenrrnwismataoelrlreafbaoboruotuutpwtatholrisu1s0es. I hopeready to you enjoyed your summer off and that you are get back to school – I know I am! Finnish Mythology A myth is a traditional legend or story that often recounts the actions of a hero or event. Usually these stories have no provable facts or natural explanations, but they may explain a culture’s beliefs or traditions. Many peoples have traditional myths that date back hundreds and even thousands of years. Reading myths is a great way to understand different cultures better. Often these stories are passed down through oral tradition. This means that elders tell the myths to younger generations who then memorize them and carry on the tradition. This practice has allowed people to keep stories that date back to before writing was invented. In Finland, the “Kalevala” is an important part of the national mythology. • It is the Finnish national epic. An cantos or runes. epic is a long poem about legendary • These poems discuss the creation of or historical figures. the world, gods, goddesses and the • The “Kalevala” is a collection adventures of legendary heroes. of traditional poems, songs and • Most of the stories in the “Kalevala” incantations. are much older than Lönnrot. He • Elias Lönnrot collected these was the first person to collect them individual stories for many years and write them down in one place. and then compiled them into a • “Kalevala” means “land of heroes” single book that was published in and is another name for Finland. nearly 1835. This had 32 stories. • It has been translated into 20 • In 1849, he published a larger languages. version that is still read today. It • It shows both Pagan and Christian is made of 50 poems, also called traditions in Every culture has its own story about how the world was made. This is usually a central part of mythology and can introduce some of the most important figures like gods and goddesses. The very canton in “Kalevala” tells the Finnish creation myth. The goddess Ilmatar is tossed in the sea for 700 years. Then a sea bird lays an egg on her knee. As she is tossed in the ocean, the egg breaks. The pieces of the broken egg turn into the world, the sun and the moon.August 2018 Kidsville News! 3
This Page Brought To You By:Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician. He lived from 1643 to 1727. He is famousbecause he discovered and explained manyideas that are now considered the foundationfor physics – like gravity. He also developednew kinds of telescopes and invented calculus– a kind of math. Some of the most importantdiscoveries he describes are called the threelaws of motion. He wrote about these laws inhis book “Principia.” Thinking about these lawsof motion and how things naturally move in theworld led him to his theory of gravity. Today,these laws might seem simple and obvious, butat the time they were revolutionary. During his lifetime, Newton was considereda genius, and his work made him famous acrossEurope.• The laws of motion were inspired by watching the ways that the planets and stars moved in the night sky.• The first law of motion states, “A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force.” This means that objects don’t stop, start or change directions by themselves. This force is often called inertia.• The second law focuses on the force that it takes to get an object moving. The larger the mass of an object, the more force it will take to accelerate the object. In physics this law is represented by an equation: Force = Mass x Acceleration. More force also means that an object will go faster.• The third law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. An example of this might be pushing a cart. You push the cart and at the same time, the cart pushes back against you. The third law is what allows jets to produce thrust and fly.• Thousands of experiments over hundreds of years have all proven that these three laws of motion are true.• They are also called the Newtonian laws. Statue of Sir Isaac Newton at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK4 Kidsville News! August 2018
Colbert County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I wantFun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATORAndrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERSRussell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn JonesADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name Age Judy Cox Sadonna MagazzuADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORSDr. David R. Curott Lee FreemanBilly Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address City KIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY Merrigold Publications State Zip School NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Bill Bowman NATIONAL EDITOR Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!?Stephanie Crider [email protected] Your Signature (This is my own work) ILLUSTRATOR Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature (Permission) KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE [email protected]©Copyright 2018 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is aservice mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registeredtrademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! maybe reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisheror the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers willbe responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. Thepublishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. isnot responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’ssubmissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission topublish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by The Tennessean, Nashville, TN Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23August 2018 Kidsville News! 5
The TM ViewLocal kids about their opinionslet us know.... and favorite things. YOUR answer Do YOU want to be here? to a Kidsville View question Go to page 17 and fill out... on page 17 The TM View YOUR PHOTO YOUR Name HERE School GradeDo you know about...Avoiding Lightning? During a lightning storm, if the hair on your arms Truman, It’s ba and head start to stand on end, lightning is going to Color in subjec strike in your immediate vicinity. Drop to your August 2018 knees and bend forward, putting your hands on your knees. Don’t place your hands on the ground, or you will be vulnerable to ground current if a lightning bolt hits within 50 yards.Joel ThomasMcCutcheon & Hamner, AttorneysSERIOUS INJURY, SERIOUS REPRESENTATION2210 Helton Drive, Florence 256-764-0112Free initial consultation • No fee unless we collect for you.“No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.”6 Kidsville News! Truman’swww.kidsvillenews.comT/rusmhanoals Tricky
Knowledge PowerSubmitted By Patricia J. Weaver Excellent Service, Expert Advice Rodeo Dreaming One of my favorite things to do when I was a child was 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 to go to the rodeo. I dreamed of being a real cowgirl and being the first female bull rider. Today young girls can (across from Hobby Lobby) realize that dream. Here are some rodeo questions, don’t let them throw you! 256-767-3337 1. Who tied Ty Murray’s record in 2009 by winning his 7th World All-Around Rodeo Championship? A. Joe Beaver B. Dan Mortensen C. Trevor Brazile D. Dee Pickett2. What bull is known as the rankest of all time?A. Bodacious B. Yellow Jacket C. WolfmanD. Grasshopper 3. What penalty is assessed on a Mike Randall, REALTOR® barrel racer for knocking down a barrel? Associate Broker A. 5 seconds B. 10 seconds 256.366.9779 C. 15 seconds D. 25 seconds [email protected] 4. Who won the 2009 Sr. Barrel Racing World Championship Title? Standing water is a Did You A. Chuck Tolbert riding a horse common sight at many named ‘What A Sharp Chick’ homes during summer. B. Lance Graves riding a horse KNOW?Rainstorms may not last named ‘Famous Ed’ C. Roger Bracken riding a horse as long in summer as they named ‘Positively Cash’ do during other times of D. Charlie Walker riding a horse year, but the water they named ‘Favorite Kas’ leave behind can still be5. What is the primary role of the rodeo clown? harmful. According to theA. To give the kids free balloons United States EnvironmentalB. To entertain the audience Protection Agency, standingC. To help the rider score higher water is a breeding groundD. To protect the rider for various microorganisms.6. What is the most common foul in timed roping When those microorganismsevents? become airborne, they canA. Improper roping B. Breaking the barrier be inhaled by men, womenC. Animal abuse D. Improper equipment and children, potentially7. What does balking mean? triggering allergic reactions.A. Same as bucking In addition, the CentersB. The animal kicks with their hind and front legs for Disease Control andC. That the animal refuses to come out of the chute Prevention notes that studiesD. The animal falls to the ground have indicated that female mosquitoes like to lay their check out the World records link at this website - eggs in water that collects or is stored in man-made American Junior Rodeo Association Source image © JJ Harrison ([email protected]) Answers on page 23 containers. If it rains and water covers mosquito eggs, the eggs can hatch and become adults in roughly one week. The CDC advises men and women to protect themselves from mosquitoes by walking their properties once per week and turning over, scrubbing and covering any containers that hold or may hold water. Vases, pet water bowls, flowerpot saucers, buckets and pool covers are just a handful of the items that can make attractive places for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.August 2018 Kidsville News! 7
INTRODUCING Explorer RewardsCole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. WithMember since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª! Truman Lost His Hat! Hello! Attention Kids & Teachers Too! Maybe you can help him find it & This is Truman From Kidsville News! WIN A PLUSH MINI-TRUMAN OR PUPPET!*Somewhere in this Kidsville News! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS’is Truman’s small red hat! ORIGINAL ARTWORK ORThis hat will not be on Truman. POEMS TO BE PRINTED ONFind only his red hat! Send us the PAGE 12 IN Kidsville News!form below for a chance to win! a*vSauiblajebciltittyo. Tthhee nnaemxteisosfuteheofwKinidnsevrisllwe iNllebwesi!n Send ItFLuanudfaemrdialyleNCeowusnptayp’esr YOUR ORIGINAL ARTHey Kids! Truman again. I want 20188 mKF2H1lKJiaao9PdtiriolisWedocvtJnknsoi.hcvlU:Tpyleieo,ogelnlALun.Nfe_rnLesY_ewN_usG3R_ssep5_e!w6r_eaW3o_tesS0_t!t_h eb. iennCeYATSMEhooodcnmurawhuidrlorrineiasleeolNLrsiolrasloaJomssrntuteorbnmoarkloifCiOndnfsgaftavihcielre’lsneMo2@hto1rla9fiyytWcnPowtn.hFuiTooar-lennisoneueTnorrsejrneRsobsuuenpyiwercanmcSwAgaetk.wue,l.aFgn.a4lkoe.n.irtrde2,nsd4cveillenAeFhwrehsKa.sIhchiopdthJm”aAshaurv/iSfnhsresiohld!tn,lAroetmafjMluioNsls olretnPogwuSLpustaaeE! grtndhePieldFae5na“OoSsIsfeteiRgn!thndMhaiivste, YYoouOurrHrAePNrroteaewmmoerkAugustWORK, LETTERS & POAEBMetSte!rMWikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeB2s5e!6t-t2e7r8G-2r3a4d2es!TA2hR1no9umdDRsrWkaseBrisJecAaI..EiSAalDhVNlJTDKltlDLnDeaDu.AegSRBrip.arMdvcnTIiDNhvoGod©vsRmeTntyIbroaaCbtEOwidapaeAInerseyrIdrpuodOBACngourTkCts2eeuNbprLeaRmhtbemTibalypsuMerminso5.eIRlyrPRreAsapoeiLfizoPcThasiIsrOCrgo6sfdpSohkeezPLOhHCkss.nx.rtNunoprEir-tIsusosooooPa&cihnyNciiSd2S7CarWfeenSbgsMrrNdpAIsnnd0veidisetlnikrygevbl6kets1cutCsC•AedJhIihiusileder.iaA6rAurndokdletPwThcdP•r4rtlhNoleirvoheroIskiorrFfiwpaebOeWthniLRmibevolUt-uIrdLDcUyeDitoiwohlPNic•rsalkPbdle4h&IttRgOlolrdktoahbadlfdboiausaeOtSL8eBtplreSvls2iCEetnawrwilBeJelomEpeAoePhfAii@EtrnirNbNnssnr•[email protected]!gonTeOeblurtt.eNSl,LehllSaaJ@sulncnktwhniarmee8AkpoenUiPaNclIcIardeutnEiIocimegnnXUtsdDin.epcIDSncisemiaeNiSIuiethlirt!tLtsodcpkopfer•oocniLhwklgSldsngder.osSnonsdasWraIcOdnna,fEebimetHC@ieauneEuaIscrLiltTniyi,.ergtsstmdTtsAi!oco.mPnaydardHvoSrdfNrucbahtN@gEurir.pnnistCvaoImlAApaEtaEnCaeeociRtnteadyicNRirrsrkrTnTtaarE,larnieimrceileDidnhacahegdtEuanAtvItaoSeeERpeaLhN.eac@nhTulnnteikdiia@,sULsIayssAtrdhcphAartllyhtdtcpiyatvAyoevrGpitdeBnIjnRnilir-iseearnjosReOpILsnlahiTEofr.iou3altTisodaoeeoatrTleoTckepbethOlteBTkank,esnnTbetrittecDcesUretPtuvwehduR5,rihWsmtSrsOmtuisiroaiOrienrasnesOsmesrerdE,inIr,aigiMoNtfteddLuiv6grnfiAgonsoeta.arrelnttyewiTwnvslsrsehunvthetiel,arstRRasa3ashlineRnShlatnalpuliwtiEnnbtpocwdiufEmFSdeliaswtltyatvenvOrealstrgth0FswhdnvpnaEliregtsehotReNbotmaonlehnuehisotimeerDfLirrtNsvtsvsluit.heOJrrloW-kaNdatsRlshnvsloisotiSoTtnes.teuKrni:lfetnte,i,serunliIeooeescnpvoepIuieTieeeovvooheuoeerwaUewretd.aeceTeksSedvaTrnrMiacarnhhnkenlraafooutensawslerntwceeonmomo,puhnsdul!,klkh.loswdumhyonireilse,onoTiRssbnitecdacswwtlalriDieNagrnRNdgtotiedsrd.retiepoportpttuoomcoarscscoofsaneuttsahaAphnl,.hRamdvsvAnasAxCpi.retahsfemoawlseeiiihsuoldpce:ho.uptailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedoe/orTcprakunnxiceatlwiyl.dvasiohrow/enbNa,nNiEmpmsetryaSlncepel.lyliIclehwmrgeopne.eeiealmac.eeerRsrtrOlppaqwwCrnecogcemhlctesaarUueospoekggiishonsseet&o,ebanswihartu!i!trroNirdmasopstlmhlmlsvsrtesIhmeaiTcmldmsecit.nsntitireeanwhriucioahreTigNecnCeawei.snaaeeendeef.iyhnn/iadsiyiel7rde.ginrele’idtalvlsiscnsnooNtUirg.eeniKsiasc0IhttntoareftnnecltrlAoneltssooispnblflwterayosctsgxedpdrhetso.ishxc,isdehrtoorha,mpcoe;gewviSWhlsuatsuysyetwitmuedlereororpteegtveynees.gctiepemdsleYrrehrlteiihsphdPNeesarsasashesonloe/ido.enonnlPae,inli5cctafdixAfetsi,anruutmnatlhrtrre-ynnoayNnosseernSsrexnoggeNthwasdfoAeasidrerhiseSesfrsleoednendl,.twtelrpicifestyw.oiopDalxgrdsera’lrclotsspnariyatphdmay!oeehanygracoleubtrtebyonrostrcvuuetaohcucnairaesrghueesdreGytntessebgmAsuakt,jhumoseoociducrnoNarc(Cnitfbteid.eaTsehvoErcsdrdTArdeoeWwadhppyroifEdhlfyioiesiusoNsrruSaosi…ttxpansuussolnreiteugkrdudio’am,ZnsssisiteNrnnedcy•.ieod,spmSoafOypt2inygohydT1nuoe9aorwsmwtfPenWudwARnroKrw.edwnaIidBow.TNo(isrketiPevuknieTtidn)grwltrlnseemiwvCeitWnrisiehlNlsOuslWb•cseeenIbyoiQsnseowaaToluZSieoenvtasyure!rSc)Hwl!eiv,rr?hAatie!2TsaOtcmgo.d.wmsoJhW5enec,os,ei6FodUo•ulik•iCoBkuse.rmnseAl3l,ceTloukFyetfa@N6fi/rbnoSmtaSlats6oihrOtcZOttdocmhTnrae.Uroeaa!e9nhtoedWybes:ivCHNh’r7oBskatlnnaeueieo7eecLllrGtplId•delsrloI9eryIhyeraN?NaSrTkn,NoodiuoantentsmuiEoLATddnrtiSorrDmsaLgeHen•gIlspsil-Eh3PSnr.TG!occeAo5R-vShrohNmm6ePoEHAmooE3tACAewmlgw-O0RoBLseowneTaTA.tlscwrLetOaeUtLuo.icdctbRettlSmsRuCror®-!b•uragEzriFrrrtniarucyedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosKc.atnm.ey.Piesder!e!spville News! 5
This Page Brought To You By AL #15059|53092 Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 8 things that are different in these two pictures. Di erences: 1. Background triangle color 2. one drumstick missing 3. Saxophone color 4. Cello color 5. Piano keys missing 6. No eyes on trumpet 7. Saxophone has no teeth 8. Drum has no mouthAugust 2018 Kidsville News! 9
Proud Sponsor of This Page Walruses are marine mammals that live near the Arctic Circle. They live in one of the harshest environments on Earth. The Arctic and the Arctic Ocean often reach frigid temperatures. Walruses have been recorded swimming and hunting in -31 degree Fahrenheit temperatures. They can survive in this sort of weather because of their blubber and specialized blood vessels. Blubber is a thick layer of body fat that serves as insulation to keep the internal organs warm. A walrus’ layer of blubber can be 3.9 inches to 6 inches thick and could make up 1/3 of the animal’s body mass in the winter. This extra fat also works as an energy reserve. Walruses can burn this extra fat to survive if hunting does not go well. They can also constrict their blood vessels when it is cold. This keeps the warm blood near the important organs instead of losing heat from the skin. This movement of blood is why their skin looks white when they are cold, and pink when they are warm. • They can stay underwater for up clams. to 10 minutes. They do this by • Walruses are carnivores. slowing their heart rate to use less • They can weigh around 3,000 oxygen. pounds and grow up to 11 feet long. • Male and female walruses are about • Newborn calves can weigh around the same size, and both have tusks 99-156 pounds. Kingdom: Animalia Superfamily: and moustaches made of whiskers. • Walruses usually appear reddish- Phylum: Mollusca Ostreoidea • Males use their tusks to fight. brown. Class: Bivalvia Family: Ostreidae • They can also be used to pull the • Their diet consists of clams, marine Order: Ostreoida walrus out of the ocean and onto worms, snails, sea cucumbers, the ice or to break holes to the squid and crabs. surface from underneath the ice. • One walrus can eat 6,000 clams in • The whiskers are very sensitive a single sitting. tools. They can feel around on • The average walrus lives to around the dark ocean floor for prey like 40 years old. Is it different The theory of gravity was first theorized by Sir Issac Days to at different Newton. Today, we understand it as the force that a remember places on planet exerts to draw things toward its center. Planets in August Earth? aren’t the only things that have gravity. Anything with mass has gravity. The more mass something has, the stronger the gravity The Panama Canal opened on Aug. strncooenargerer is. Most objects are too small to exert enough gravity for it to be 15, 1914, making it easier for ships noticeable in everyday life. Gravity becomes especially powerful to travel between the Atlantic and less gravity with objects as large as planets and moons. All the planets in Pacific Oceans. It took 10 years to our solar system have different masses, so the gravity of each is complete, and at the time, it was different. One hundred pounds on Earth would be 253 pounds on the most expensive project the Jupiter and 17 pounds on the moon. U.S. government had taken on at $352,000,000. • Gravity is not the same everywhere on Earth for several reasons. The 19th Amendment was ratified on Aug. 18, 1920, giving women • Earth is not a perfect circle. the right to vote. • Gravity gets weaker the farther from the center you are, On Aug. 28, 1963, Dr. Martin so gravity is weaker on top of mountains. Luther King Jr. delivered his • It is also weaker around the equator. famous “I Have a Dream” speech. • Mount Nevado Huascaran in Peru has the weakest gravity More than 200,000 people heard King as he gave the speech at the on Earth. Lincoln Memorial in Washington, • A point in the Atlantic Ocean has the strongest gravity on D.C. Earth. • Knowing the strength of gravity is important when building bridges and tunnels. • Gravity causes the tides. Gravity is what makes black holes so strange and dangerous. They have so much mass that they pull anything that gets too close into their center where it gets crushed. Not even light can escape the pull of a black hole. Scientists still have to learn a lot about black holes. They are hard to study because no information can escape them. Kidsville News! August 2018
Come Out & Play Mölkky (Finnish Skittles)Finnish skittles is a traditional • Mölkky should be played outdoors. • A Mölkky is a wooden blockgame that is still played in shaped like a cylinder. There should also be 12 woodenFinland. It was popular in remote • pins labeled from 1-12.villages. While the main goal The wooden pins are set upright in four rows.of the game was the same, each • The first row is 1-2. The second row is 3-10-4.village had its own set of rules. • The third row is 5-11-12-6. • And the last row is 7-9-8. Finnish skittles lost popularity • Players take turns throwing theafter World War I and World • Mölkky at the pins to try and knockWar II, but the Karelian Cultural them down from three to four meters (about 9 -12 feet) away.Society brought it back in 1951 • A pin is only counted as down if it lies completely on the hosting official games in The player is then awarded the points numbered on the pin.Helsinki. The society wanted The pins are reset, and the next player takes his or her appreciate and protect • The goal is to score exactly 50Finnish heritage. Now there are points. If a player scores above 50 points,groups like the Finnish Skittles • their score is knocked down to 25 and the match continues untilAssociation that work to keep • someone ends their turn with 50the tradition alive and provide points. The game can be played betweena single accepted version of • two players or by teams.the rules. A more modern and Similar games like Gorodki, Kubb and Bunnock were played in thepopular version of the game is • region.called Mölkky. This version wasinvented by the Finnish companyTuoterengas. The biggestdifference from the original • version is that strength is lessimportant, so people of all ages • play. in the World is ...Rovaniemi, FinlandF inland is one of the northernmost countries in the world. The most northern parts of the in the arctic circle? country are within the Arctic Circle. The Arctic Circle is an incredibly unique place to live. The winters are very harsh, and much of the country is still wilderness covered in thickwoodland. However, one of the most unique aspects is the midnight sun. During the summer months,from May to August, the sun barely sets in the Arctic Circle. It may dip below the horizon, butwhen it does, it is for less than an hour. On the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, the sundoesn’t dip below the horizon at all. People can enjoy the beautiful weather all day and all night long.However, this also means that during the winter, the sun barely rises above the horizon and chillynight lasts throughout the day. Helsinki, • Finland is slightly smaller than • It has 60,000 • The population is 5,518,371. • Finnish is the official language. • Most of the population lives in large cities. • The full name of the country is the Republic of Finland. • Finland is a European country. Rovaniemi is a small town in Finland that is famous for being the official hometown of Santa Claus. Santa Claus’ original home is widely known to be in Korvatunturi, but of course, the exact location is a secret. So, Santa established an office in Rovaniemi in 1985. It was named the Official Hometown of Santa Claus in 2010. Every year, 300,000 visitors come from across the globe to visit the Santa Claus village and its post office. Since 1985, Santa Claus has received 15 million letters from 198 countries. In addition to meeting the jolly man himself year-round, visitors can ride reindeer, take snowmobile tours and stay in an igloo hotel.August 2018 Kidsville News! 11
12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? and reach all Shoals Send it to us. area students in We’ll print it in K-6th grade, parents, a future issue. and their Fill Out in this award-winning the fun, family newspaper. Sarah Hill-Hart 11 Sheffield Send It Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 form on page for more information. 5!August 2018August 2 A U G U S T Welcome Back to School!
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We often take it for granted that weather satelliteswill orbit Earth and give us information we need aboutthe weather. However, launching a satellite into orbit isno easy task. Luckily, Diana Manent Calero, a missionmanager in the Launch Services Program at KennedySpace Center, is very good at her job. In November 2016, she and her team successfullylaunched the GOES-16 weather satellite into orbit. Werecently spoke with her about her work – and the pathshe took to get such a cool job!DREAMS OF SPACE “Like most kids, I dreamed of being an astronaut Diana Calero stands with TIPS ON ENTERING THIS FIELDwhen I grew up,” Calero says. While reading through the rocket carrying the Lunar “If you get the chance to take advancedher baby book as a child, she realized that she was Reconnaisance Orbiter spacecraft.born the same year as the first moon landing. “As I was Image courtesy of Diana Calero. math in middle and high school, take thereading the article, it struck me that I wanted to be the challenge and choose the tougher mathone on the moon. I wanted to work for NASA,” she A SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH class,” she says. “Don’t be afraid to ask forsays. Once Calero learns that she’ll be working help and don’t be discouraged if you come on a mission, a lot happens to ensure a upon some challenges in certain areas. In high school, Calero took her first computer successful launch. “Throughout this time, You can overcome them, and the feeling ofprogramming class, and she was hooked. She had we study all of the ways that the spacecraft satisfaction you get from that is fantastic.”found a passion – and a path to her dream job at NASA. and the rocket need to work together,” she says. “We do many analyses to make Reprinted with permission from NASA. Visit https:// “I studied hard, and I loved my engineering classes. sure that the spacecraft can withstand to learn more.In my junior year, I had the opportunity to do an everything the rocket will put it through.”internship at the NASA Kennedy Space Center, and Once the spacecraft is separated from the August 2018everything fell into place for me,” Calero says. After launch vehicle, the rocket’s job is done.graduation, she was offered a job at Kennedy Space And at that point, Calero’s job for theCenter, and she’s worked there ever since. mission is done as well.A TYPICAL DAY IN LAUNCH SERVICES “The coolest part of my job is definitely the launch – and best of all is launch day. Although Calero admits that she has a really cool job It’s very exciting, but also very nerve-– launching rockets for NASA – she says it’s also a lot racking,” she says.of hard work. Calero has to stay organized and juggle lots of responsibilities. “As a mission manager in the Launch ServicesProgram, you are usually working on about threemissions with varying launch dates. That means thateach mission is in a different stage, and you have tomanage your time well,” she says. Calero needs to understand how all the piecesof the launch – such as technical details andbudget requirements – will fit together. She sayscommunication is also a really important part of herjob. “There is a lot of communication going in alldirections all the time. I may have a day where I willtalk to people from all of the disciplines involved in amission. I send lots of emails, but we also have manyphone calls and in-person meetings to make sureeveryone in the mission is on the same page,” she says.14 Kidsville News!
Guess What It Is!By Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History - Genealogy Department 3 9 4 8 2 10 51 11 6The above photo is an aerial photo of downtown Florence from You might ask your parents or grandparents to help you guess some1965. Several buildings in the photo are numbered. Can you match of these. Most of these buildings are still standing. The answers areeach number in the photo above to the appropriate building below? on page 23. ________ Lauderdale County’s second courthouse ________ Lauderdale County’s third courthouse ________ The Lauderdale County Jail ________ The Tennessee Valley Community Church ________ The Lamar Furniture Store (now the Florence Abstract & Title Co) ________ City Hall ________ Rogers Dept. Store ________ Spalding Drugs (now AG Edwards & Son) ________ The Reeder Hotel ________ Kreisman’s Men’s and Ladies’ ShopsAugust 2018 Kidsville News! 15
Scientist Benjamin Franklin remembered for his discoveries with electricity. Before Franklin, people viewed electricity as an useless amusement; creating sparks by rubbing W e materials together. But Ben showed the true nature all have of lightning and also determined the two types of electricity which heard he named “positive” and “negative” and these names are still used that today. Flying a kite during a thunderstorm is a very dangerous thing;Benjamin fortunately, he survived and demonstrated that lightning is an electricalFranklin was a Founding phenomena. He invented the “lightning rod” and urged people to attachFather of the United States, them to steeples and roofs tobut do you know that he was prevent electrical fires duringconsidered a leading scientist storms. Ben invented a more efficient stove, now called the of his time throughout the world. Franklin “Franklin Stove”. Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, when refused to patent it saying “as the American colonies were under the we enjoy great advantages rule of the English Queen Anne. King from the inventions of Georges I, II, and III ruled England others, we should be glad during the remainder of Franklin’s life. of an opportunity to serve Benjamin learned the printing trade from others by any invention of his older brother and later established his ours, and this we should own printing company in Philadelphia, do freely and generously”. Pennsylvania. He created and became Thus he offered the design very well known for his “Poor Richard’s free for everyone to use. Almanack” which annually contained Ben got tired of using one seasonal weather forecasts, everyday hints set of glasses for reading and various amusements. He liked to write and another for viewing articles under the pen name of “Richard distant objects so he invented Saunders” and his sayings were very BIFOCAL glasses, in which popular. How many of these, pictured on the top half lens is for viewing the left, have you heard? distant things and the lower Initially Franklin was a half is for reading. true English citizen, loyal When traveling by boat to England. In fact, he back and forth to France and was appointed the Royal England, he measured the water temperatures and discovered the Gulf Postmaster for the colonies Stream which carries warm southern waters up to the northern Atlantic. and improved the postal Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790, at the age of 86. A truly service. He believed in remarkable man. compromise and expected Isn’t History COOL? the problems with England © 2018 Dr. David R. Curott, UNA Professor Emeritus to be worked out. Thecolonies were being taxed without representation and he was sentby the colonies to England to seek redress (remedy). He became acommitted revolutionary only when he found the English unwilling to seek compromise. He printed the first political cartoon when he urged the colonies to unite (join) or die separately. Franklin was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It appeared unlikely that wewould win independence without France’s help so Franklin was sentto France. After years of effort, he successfully gained their assistanceby signing a Treaty of Alliance with France. After we did defeatthe British, Franklin went to England to sign the Peace Treaty withEngland. Those years spent in Paris and London made him a worldknown character. He served in the Constitutional Convention andsigned the US Constitution in 1787. He was appointed the first UnitedStates Postmaster.Ben Franklin was a product of the “Enlightenment”. He was verycurious about the workings of the natural world. Scientifically he is most16 Kidsville News! August 2018
TM The View Student Questionnaire Mail, bring by or email us YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name GFraaxd#e 256-76 0-961S8chooElm ail: ki dsville @cour ierjourn Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 What is your favorite...... Vacation place? Holiday? Place to eat? View of a rising ash plume Cartoon? CANNOT from Halema‘uma‘u, a crater at Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINTWith the recent eruptions the summit of Kīlauea, Hawaii Can you name a famous artist? from the Kilauea volcano in May 24, 2018, as seen from WITHOUT Hawaii, concerns are mounting What is a hero? PHOTO the Caldera rim near Volcano House. USGS scientists are stationed at this vantage pointregarding the amount of volcanic ash that is to track the ongoing summitescaping into the atmosphere. Volcanic ash made of tiny fragments of jagged rock,minerals and volcanic glass. Ash is a product of explosive volcanic eruptionsand is a major hazard to aircrafts but can also become a major health hazardto the public.Aircraft encounters with ash clouds can diminish visibility for pilots, Have you ever ridden in a convertible car?damage flight control systems and cause jet engines to fail. To lessen theseeffects, air traffic controllers must be notified as soon as possible of anyvolcanic eruption to avoid volcanic ash clouds. National Weather Serviceforecasters at the Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAACs) located in Have you ever played in the snow?Washington, D.C., and Anchorage, Alaska, play a vital role in this effort.Impacts from ashfall also affect health, businesses and infrastructure.Impacts from ashfall depend on distance from the volcano, physical propertiesof the ash, the amount of ashfall and the readiness of a community to respond. What is something you have learned to do lately?Communities near volcanoes are at the greatest risk for ashfall, although itcan be a problem hundreds of miles from a volcano after a major eruption.Volcanic ash is abrasive, making it an irritant to eyes and lungs. Ashfall cancause minor to major damage to vehicles and buildings, contaminate water Do you like to drink water?supplies, disrupt sewage and electrical systems and damage or kill vegetation.After ashfall, affected airports must be closed until ash is removed becauseof its hazard to jet engines. Roads near the volcano may be impassable untilcleared. NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) collaborate with VAACs What makes a good friend?and other state and federal agencies to issue ashfall advisories and warnings.Even though volcanic eruptions and ash are dangerous, you and yourfamily can prepare so that you all can remain safe before, during and afteran event. Before an eruption, make sure that you put together an emergency What do you like to eat for breakfast?kit. These emergency kits should be located at home, at work and in the car,and each should include safety glasses and dust masks for everyone. Otherimportant items your safety kit may include are: your medications, food,water, an emergency radio, phone charger and batteries. Do you like to read aloud?During an eruption, the best thing you and your family can do is to staycalm and stay indoors. Make sure to place damp towels along the bases MUST HAVE PERMISSIONof doorways and over other vents and openings in your home. It is also TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permissionimportant to wear safety glasses and filtered dust masks as inhaling ash canbe very harmful to your health. After an eruption, make sure to stay tuned to I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion onyour local news source and listen for instructions from your local officials. any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade couldFor more information on volcanic ash and safety so you and your family be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO.can be prepared, visit: Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE DateAugust 2018 Kidsville News! 17
Fourteen years after the firstfilm was released, we finally have the continuation ofthe Pixar animated hit, and I would dare say, every year ofwaiting was worth it because this film is truly incredible.The story follows the Parr family, as it looks like beingsuper heroes (Supers) is against the law, but then anopportunity for Elastigirl to change people’s view of Supersoccurs, while Mr. Incredible stays at home with the kids.The animation in the first movie was pretty good by 2004standards. What I find interesting is that this movie looks specify what powers he has. An important plot point in the movie is about Jack-Jack’s powers. However, now I’m evenreally similar to the first. It feels as if it’s the same animation, more confused. Off the top of my head, he has 11 powers, and I may have forgotten some. The movie also has slightjust updated. That isn’t a bad thing. In fact, I actually like it. I implications that this isn’t normal, and now I’m incredibly curious. Hopefully it won’t take another 14 years for anlove how you can see small details such as the fabric textures answer. Yes, I am ready for “Incredibles 3!”on the clothes. You can see the sleep deprivation on the This movie also excels in character development. Since the typical parent roles are switched, with the mom workingcharacters’ faces and not just in bags under their eyes. I really and the dad staying at home watching the kids, it very subtly shows off both Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl’s characters andlike seeing all these details. motivations. It genuinely feels like a continuation, as it does address Mr. Incredible’s desire to be a super hero again. ItSince the main characters are all super heroes, there’s lots also shows how raising a family takes team work.of action. I feel like this movie is really creative with all the I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 18, as the movie is kind of dark at times.different powers, particularly those for Violet and Elastigirl.There’s lots of cool stuff they do with Violet’s force fieldsand Elastigirl’s stretching. They also introduce a group of newSupers who are very creative. From the design, to the powers,I think the group is a cool addition to the story.Of course, the elephant in the room is Jack-Jack. In thefirst movie, they show that Jack-Jack has powers. They never18 Kidsville News! August 2018
Local History Written by Billy Warren experience for families: less work for Mom, fewer worries for the children and lots of free time for Dad. For example, because colorsDid You Know? were baked into the enamel, the houses would never need painting. Exterior color choices from the factory were these: “Surf Blue,” “Dove Gray,” “Maize Yellow,” and “Desert Tan.” Interior walls were Lustron Houses most often gray. The cost of a house was between $8,500 and $9,500. Mr. Strandlund hoped to sell 15,000 Lustron houses in 1947 andHere’s a big word for you: PREFABRICATED. When this 30,000 in 1948; however, a total of just 2,498 were sold between 1948big word is used to describe a house or other building, it and 1950usually means that the parts of the structure are made in afactory and put together at the spot where the structure is to Now, guess what! There are three Lustron houses in Florence. Theybe located. Sometimes, as in the case of a mobile home, the are:entire structure is made in a factory and moved to its location. 1. The William Bowen House at 1145 Wildwood Park Road,Prefabricated houses have beenavailable in America since the early 2. The E.H. Darby House at 3211900’s. Companies such as Aladdin, Beverly Avenue, (pictured left) andMontgomery Ward and Searsoffered prefabricated houses to 3. The Clyde Williamson House atcustomers through their catalogue 1822 Ridge Avenuesales. There is a fine house at 425North Wood Avenue in Florence All three of these interestingthat was produced by the Aladdin houses are listed on the NationalCompany, and the two handsome Register of Historic Places. So,houses side by side at 517 and 521 Florence has a bit of architecturalNorth Seminary Street in Florence history that reflects American life inwere ordered from a Sears catalogue. the years immediately following But few people probably know E.H. Darby Lustron House on Beverly Avenue World War II.about the Lustron house. It wasdeveloped in 1947 as a way to solve the shortage of affordablehouses in America following World War II. Mr. Carl SOMETHING TO DO:Strandlund, an inventor in Chicago, received 12 million dollars 1. Ask an adult to take you to see one or more of the Lustronfrom the federal government to construct prefabricated homes Houses in Florence. Take an art pad with you and draw a sketch ofusing steel coated in enamel. Each house had approximately one of the houses.3,300 individual parts; these were gathered at the factory inColumbus, Ohio, loaded onto a trailer and delivered to the 2. While you’re on the trip to see the Lustron House (or Houses),vacant lot owned by a family. These parts were then assembled drive by 425 North Wood Avenue to see the house prefabricatedwith the help of a special manual provided by the Lustron by the Aladdin Company and the two Sears houses at 517 and 521Company. North Seminary Street.Advertisements for these unusual homes stated that theywould survive all types of weather and would not be damaged 3. Do you have an idea for a prefabricated house or building? If so,by the “wear and tear” of families who lived in them. The describe it in a paragraph or two – maybe even draw a sketch of it.advertisements further said that, because these steel housesrequired little upkeep, they would create a wonderfulBelow are other recorded surviving Lustronhomes in Alabama - Two In Colbert CountyJ.P. McKee Lustron Home in Jackson, Clarke County The E. L. Newman Lustron House is a historicDoit W. McClellan Lustron in Jackson, Clarke County residence in Sheffield, AlabamaBernice L. Wright Lustron in Birmingham, Jefferson CountyJohn D. and Katherine Gleissner Lustron, Birmingham, Jefferson CountyE.L. Newman Lustron in Sheffield, Colbert CountyPickwick Street Lustron in Sheffield, Colbert CountyMargaret Quayle Lustron in Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa CountyReferenced from: “Houses of Steel: A look at Alabama’s 10 surviv- A Lustron house in Birmingham, Alabamaing post-WWII Lustron homes” Updated Mar 26, 2018; Posted Mar 2,2015; Written By Kelly Kazek for Kidsville News! 19 Another Lustron House in Sheffield, Alabama.August 2018
A Section Especially for ParentsBEGINNER READS 1-2-3: A Child's First Counting A Couple of Boys Have the Best Book Week Ever By Alison Jay By Marla Frazee For ages 0-3 For ages 4-7 Each page represents a number and James and his friend Eamon spend a also offers delightful hidden surprises. week with Eamon's grandparents, Bill Every page is a scavenger hunt with and Pam. Each day Bill drives them to tons of little details tucked into the camp where they seem underwhelmed nooks and crannies of the illustrations by the activities. Bill, an Antarctica that reinforce that page's number. buff, wants to take the boys to the Children (and their parents) will enjoy penguin exhibit at the Natural History recognizing characters they know well. Museum, but they'd rather stay home.PAGETURNERS Not So Normal Norbert Hero By James Patterson and Joey Green By Mike Lupica For ages 8-12 For ages 8-12 James Patterson's rollicking new middle Fourteen-year-old Zach Harriman knows grade novel is a hilarious adventure into he has a pretty amazing dad. He ac- a futuristic world where different is cepts that his dad’s job as a govern- dangerous, imagination is insanity and ment agent with a high security clear- creativity is crazy! Norbert Riddle lives ance means that Zachary must be kept in the United State of Earth, where in the dark about much of what he normal means following the rules, does. When Zach’s father dies, Zach never standing out and being exactly learns just how many secrets his dad the same as everyone else, down to the had, including his super-hero powers. plain gray jumpsuits he wears every What is more surprising to Zach is that day. He's been normal his whole life — these powers are hereditary! until now! ChompADVANCED READS By Carl Hiaasen For ages 10-12 Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator By Jennifer Allison Meet the Cray family of Florida: Wahoo For ages 10 & Up Cray’s dad, Mickey, is a professional animal wrangler, and the family’s backyard is a Thirteen-year-old Gilda Joyce has been pretty wild place; it’s a real zoo! However, interested in surveillance ever since over the years, his dad’s unpredictable be- reading Harriet the Spy. Her favorite havior and terrible business sense have led possession is the old manual typewriter to a steady decline in income, and when her father gave her before he died. She Wahoo’s mom is forced to take a long-term likes to imagine that her father's spirit job in China in order to pay the bills, is inside, encouraging her to write. After Wahoo is left to help manage the animals announcing to her class that she will be AND his temperamental dad. going to San Francisco for the summer and writing a novel, Gilda must figure out a way to make that happen.Kidsville News tIhnipKcsia.d,prstTanvrgieulleremoNtanoentwhhaeissn,lpTpdrauyJgmoaeumatnodeiashsnecPdlopaJvtyateoemruresbdsooiPnsoca’ksotstveRetrEhrsobaAnotD'oksKkiRdIsEDstAhDyDaOotKuRtIDhEleDoAvkODiedR.EsCaAyrOeoDMu.sCulOoarvrMeeetaaporrleeelopasvulseereae.dsteotdolotpovae.rtner on20 Kidsville News! August 2018
When cooking, for safety, always get help from anKitchenKidsville adult first.Slow cooked pork perfect forbusy families!Slow cookers can help busy families enjoy homecookedmeals without hurrying to get those meals on the tableeach night. A surefire hit for even the pickiest of eaters,the following recipe for “Braised Pork Bunswith Quick Pickled Cucumbers & BeanSprouts” from Michelle Dudash’s“Clean Eating for Busy Families”(Fair Winds Press) can satisfy hungry families.Braised Pork Buns with Quick Pickled The Professor Says To Spread The Word!Cucumbers & Bean SproutsYields 11 servingsFOR PORK 2 1⁄2 cups thinly sliced red cabbage “Shop Smarter!” 1 small onion, sliced (about 1 cup)2 teaspoons grapeseed or canola oil 3 tablespoons molasses (or honey) If you really want to know what you’re getting,3 pounds Boston butt, cut into 2 tablespoons reduced sodium soy get it from someone local. No passwords, security3 pieces along natural muscle risks, or outrageous shipping fees to worry about.separation, trimmed of surface fat sauce And it’s safer, faster, more reliable, and less1⁄2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons minced garlic expensive!1⁄2 teaspoon freshly ground black 2 tablespoons minced ginger 219 W. Tennessee Streetpepper 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds Buy Local, Florence1⁄4 cup vermouth, rice wine or dry Sell Localsherry 256-764-4268 www.courierjournal.netTo make the pork: Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add the oil.Season the pork on all sides with salt and pepper. When oil begins to shimmer,add pork and brown on all sides, about 4 minutes per side. Add browned porkto a slow cooker. Remove the skillet from the heat, add the vermouth, and thenplace on low heat, scraping up any brown bits from the bottom of the skilletwith a wooden spoon. Add contents of the skillet to the slow cooker, along withcabbage, onion, molasses, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and sesame seeds. Coverand cook on high for 1 hour; then reduce heat to low and cook for 4 hours(alternatively, cook the pork on low for the entire duration, 6 to 7 hours).FOR CUCUMBERS 2 large cucumbers, peeled, cut in half lengthwise, seeded with a1 tablespoon honey spoon, thinly sliced1⁄8 teaspoon salt 1⁄8 teaspoon freshly ground black3 tablespoons rice vinegar pepperOne hour before serving, in a medium bowl, stir and dissolve the honey and saltinto the rice vinegar and then add the cucumbers and pepper. Chill. TO ASSEMBLE Florence • Sheffield • Killen 11 soft whole-wheat hamburger buns 2 3⁄4 cups mungbean sproutsToast the buns cut side up under a broiler or in a toaster oven. Fill the buns withpork, drained cucumbers and bean sprouts.August 2018 Kidsville News! 21
ParenTown’s KidShape ParenTown’s KidSmartPromote healthy weight starting with school lunch How Parents Can Help Although there Boost Kids’ are a variety of Financial theories behind the Literacy growing obesity problem plaguing article © Statepoint Media North American photo© jolopes/ Media adults and children, the most consistent “Even young children should learn about basic money concepts, like findings point to saving for a goal and spending only what you can afford,” says Alison caloric intake as Summerville, business administration executive and head of Corporate the culprit. Here’s Citizenship at Ally Financial. “Building an understanding of basic money a simple equation skills and good saving habits at a young age can positively impact your to get to the root of children by giving them a solid foundation that they can use to manage the problem: their finances at every phase of their lives.” Calories eaten This month and beyond, consider the following lessons: > calories spent = Money Basicsweight gain. According to National Health Examination Surveys, adult obesity Conceptualizing how money works can be challenging for kids, whotrends in the United States between 1976 and 2014 indicate the may see you using credit or debit cards, buying things online and evenpercentage of the adult population classified as obese has roughly purchasing movies on televisions and mobile devices. Since manydoubled to more than 38 percent in the last three decades. Children may consumers rarely use cash, children may not realize when you are actuallybe learning eating habits from their parents, potentially contributing to spending money.rising obesity rates in children as well. Recent findings from the Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention indicate one in five school-aged Discuss the prices of various products and services. Explain how moneychildren and young people in the United States is obese. In Canada, the can be spent only once, and that after buying something, a person needs toPublic Health Agency says roughly one in seven children is obese. earn more money in order to buy something else. To teach this concept, Teaching children healthy eating habits starts at home and can extend play “grocery store” or other games that involve buying and selling what students are given to eat while at school. The Center for Science Take turns being the cashier and the the Public Interest says schools across the country are working hardto improve school nutrition. Here’s how parents and school districts can Start Savinghelp make school lunches more nutritious and delicious and lower in An allowance can be an opportunity to teach kids how to save. Havingcalories. “give,” “save” and “spend” piggy banks is a simple but effective way to CONTROL SNACK INTAKE. The U.S. Department of illustrate the three main uses of money and teach them about giving. KidsAgriculture says that more than one-fourth of kids’ daily caloric intake can practice math skills by tracking the amount saved for future spendingcomes from snacking. Choosing smarter snacks may help reduce on the things they want.overeating. Good snacks can include grain products that contain 50 To maximize the benefits your child receives from saving money, youpercent or more whole grains by weight; snacks in which the primary may want to consider a Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (UTMA) oringredient is a fruit, a vegetable, dairy product or lean protein; snacks custodial bank account. For example, those offered by Ally Bank, Memberthat are a combination food that contain at least a 1⁄4 cup of fruits or FDIC, require no minimum balance to open, and offer competitive interestvegetables and foods that contain no more than 200 calories. rates and no monthly maintenance fees. When opening such an account, READ NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION. When selecting foods take time to discuss interest and other basic banking concepts.for school lunches, parents should read the nutritional information tomake sure they know exactly what they are feeding their children. Select Needs vs. Wantsfoods that are low in saturated fats and cholesterol and high in fiber and Help your children learn the difference between needs and wants.nutrient-rich fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes. Explain how you have to pay for needs like food, shelter and heat, before GO WITH WATER. Rethinking beverage choices can help control buying items that you want, such as toys and electronics. Help yourkids’ caloric intake. Many people don’t realize just how many calories children come up with a plan to save and spend their own money thatbeverages add to their daily intake. Even a six-ounce, 100 percent apple takes into account their needs and wants.juice can include as many as 96 calories. Sodas and other soft drinkspack a hefty caloric punch. Water, seltzer and unsweetened iced tea Helpful Resourcesare healthy beverage options. If milk is the go-to beverage, choose a Turn to free resources that your family can use to help teach kids financialreduced-fat version. concepts. For example, Ally, a digital financial services company, released INTRODUCE NEW FOODS. Children can be notoriously picky “Planet Zeee and the Money Tree,” a book for parents and educators thateaters, but with patience and perseverance, parents can introduce new, uses a fun and futuristic story line to teach kids ages 6-10 basic financialhealthy foods at lunchtime. Yogurt, hummus and salsa are healthy literacy. Parents can visit to download the book andand can add flavor to vegetables and fruit. When making sandwiches, play “What’s Zeee Answer?” an interactive game where players answerexchange refined breads for whole-grain varieties. Choose lean protein questions based on the concepts covered in the book. Additional resourcessources, and go heavy on vegetables and fruits for natural fiber, which for all ages are also available at create feelings of satiety. Take the time to plant the seeds of money mindfulness and boost your READ THE SCHOOL MENU. Let children indulge in ordering children’s financial knowledge.from the school menu when healthy options are featured. Urge them totry something unexpected, rather than sticking to chicken nuggets orpizza days. Healthy eating habits begin in childhood and can be initiatedwith school lunch.22 Kidsville News! August 2018
ESnujmoymer REBATES!Recieve up to$2,000 by replacing $7900*FOR A LIMITED TIME!your old HVAC unit Monthlyor water heater today!Every HVAC unit includes: *BAacsteudalopnaayvmeerangt em2a5y0v0arsyq.. ft. house.One After Installation Quality Inspection ANDTwo Follow-up Maintance Check-upsOffer valid thru August 24, 2018 256-648-4893 AL #15059|53092 ANSWERS MATHTIME Knowledge Power (1/4 or 1:4) This problem will help students to get a feel for probability. If a line is extended across the circle, they will see that 1 has 2 out of 4 Answers chances (2:4 or 1:2) and 2 and 3 each have a 1 out of 4 chance (1:4). 1. C 2. A 9 dogs 3. A 4. B Guess What It Is? Answers 5. D1 Lauderdale County’s second courthouse 6. B6 Lauderdale County’s third courthouse (The second one stood until 7. C the third one was finished IN 1965) Kidsville News! 233 The Lauderdale County Jail4 The Tennessee Valley Community Church11 The Lamar Furniture Store (now the Florence Abstract & Title Co) 5 City Hall 8 Rogers Dept. Store 9 Spalding Drugs (now AG Edwards & Son) 2 The Reeder Hotel 7 Kreisman’s Men’s and Ladies’ Shops What’s the Difference? SCHOOL SUPPLIES Di erences: 1. Background triangle color 2. one drumstick missing 3. Saxophone color 4. Cello color 5. Piano keys missing 6. No eyes on trumpet 7. Saxophone has no teeth 8. Drum has no mouthAugust 2018
Back to School!It’s time to head back to school, so stay healthy with these tips! Backpack Safety • Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. Always use both shoulder straps. • Pack light and use all of the backpack’s compartments to organize your items. Pack heavier items closer to the center of the back. • Adjust the backpack so that the bottom sits at the waist. Traveling To and From School • Be cautious boarding your school bus. Always wait for the bus to stop before approaching. • Always look both ways before crossing any street. Nutrition • Eat a healthy breakfast before school. Kids that eat a nutritious breakfast have better concentration and more energy. • Watch out for sugary drinks and treats. Choose healthy options. • Pack healthy snacks. Check out our Brought to you by your friends at: new websitehelenkeller.com1300 S. Montgomery Ave. • Sheffield, AL •256-386-4196 • www.helenkeller.com24 Kidsville News! August 2018
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