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Home Explore Lauderdale County - September 2017

Lauderdale County - September 2017

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2017-09-01 08:52:35

Description: Lauderdale County - September 2017


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CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TMLauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - September 2017 WWoooodd -- CCuullttuurraall CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss WWhheerree iinn tthhee WWoorrlldd iiss BBuullggaarriiaa?? FFuunn WWaayyss ttoo EEnnjjooyy MMaatthh •• PPuuzzzzlleevviillllee WWhhaatt IIss CCuullttuurree??FFoorr mmoorree ffuunn aanndd ggaammeess,, vviissiitt tthhee KKiiddssvviillllee NNeewwss!! WWeebb ssiittee aatt 2017 Kidsville News! 1

Hi, Kids!twTaehlIkehsmawadaabdyoaeuhtgaercentuaealttwlkutsrfiamrslioeedunigndfdeftstethrideenignfocftteeohsre.ekrnnCtodhwaferycoe.kmaictHhweohouatjttuh! seItr.ammTovhueesde“dChoetnroneehfcertaoiormninsgP”,oslabenucdtt.ion“lloiWvoeIkislnidnvig“niWllcesiao”ldtsvtmiolaalenrle”eyawrrpnaelarcmetea,oslrkbe—uatabfbourousouetmtftuthElh.euerTsmoehpaeeriymbtlpkoeridleCl shprsiooinvldaeee!cnaaTttnsh.i.meTsaRehlesiasu.dnciqrueea-turecCrhaWefctok‛osdoicunattre“vrCienusglttiuinsrgaalpnaCsiontnt.neercetsitoinnsg” art form with a long history. to learn more about this I hope you had a great summer and that your school year isoff to a wonderful start. Your friend,Bulgaria?Where in the World Is: • 83 percent of the population is Orthodox Christian. • 12 percent of the population is Muslim. Bulgaria is a country in Eastern Europe. It is named after • Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007. the first people that settled it, the Bulgars. They settled in • Bulgaria is one of the least-densely populated countries the area around 200 AD. Bulgaria was first united in the 600s AD. It became a kingdom in 893 AD. Bulgaria has in Europe. always been a small country, and since its beginning, it has • Bulgaria borders the Black Sea. been threatened by much stronger and larger neighbors. The • The country is famous for producing yogurt and rose first invaders came from the Byzantine Empire in 1018. The Ottoman Empire ruled for the longest period: 500 years. oil. After World War II, the area was controlled by the Soviet • It takes 1,000 roses to make 1 gram of rose oil. Union. The Bulgarians reclaimed their independence in • Rose oil is often used in perfume. 1989. • The highest point in Bulgaria is 2,925 meters above sea • Bulgaria has a population of 7,741,000. • The capital is Sofia. level at Musala. • The official language is Bulgarian, but Turkish and • The Danube is the main river. • One-third of Bulgaria is forest. Roma are also popular. • Sofia is the second oldest city in Europe; it was founded • The currency is the Lev. • The area is 42,855 square miles, slightly larger than 7,000 years ago. The European Union, or the EU, is a group of Tennessee. European countries that have all agreed to share similar • The main river is the Danube. rules. People can move freely between the countries without special passports or permission. Goods can also be transported between the countries without extra taxes. Sharing these special rules allows the countries to improve their economies together. They can trade easily, and citizens can easily move to different countries for jobs or family.For more information, visit the following sites: Kidsville News! September 2017

MATHTiME At 9 a.m. I went Take a sheet of paper. Fold it in half. Without fishing. There is a opening up the sheet of paper, fold it in half three-fish-per-hour again. If you open up your sheet now, how limit. If I need 20 fish for a cook-out many sections would there be?tomorrow, at what time FOLD & REPEAT, each time adding onewill I probably have all more fold. Do you see a pattern? 20 fish? Answers Number of Folds Number of Sections On Page 0 1 1 2 23 2 3 4 N. AL State Fair Ad 1/2 Pg Waiting on color change proof?September 2017 Kidsville News! 3

This Page Brought To You By: ee[noun] cul·ture /‘k lCH r /The characteristic features of everyday existence (such as diversions or a way of life) shared by people in a place or time African music sounds different from Finnish their environment. A person in Brazil has no need values. In some ways, that can be scary. Meetingmusic. Middle Eastern food is different from for a heavy coat most of the time, just as a person someone who looks different, speaks a languageNordic food. Traditional Brazilian clothes don’t in Russia would be very sad in a lightweight you don’t understand, wears clothes that you’velook like traditional Russian clothes. Why? Brazilian outfit during the cold Russian winters. never seen before and eats food that you don’t recognize can be intimidating. It’s scary being the A lot of it has to do with resources and culture. Just as resources shape the way people live, the person who doesn’t fit in, too.The resources in Africa and Finland are different, ways groups of people live shape their beliefs andand the people in each country use what they culture. For thousands of years, most people did But it can be a lot of fun learning about howhave to make musical instruments. Because their not travel beyond the borders of their town, much people from other cultures live and sharing withclimates are so different, things that live and grow less their native country. They lived in one place, them how you live. Exchanging food, music, ideasin the Middle East don’t usually live and grow in and most of the people around them shared their and traditions gives everyone involved a chance toNorway and vice versa. So, people use what they way of life and customs. learn something and better understand someonecan grow and catch to feed themselves. Brazil else’s perspective.and Russia have different climates. People use Today, that is not the case. It is common forthe resources they have to make clothes that suit people to travel from country to country, bringing Differences aren’t always bad. In fact, they are with them their cultural traditions, beliefs and often opportunities to make new friends.4 Kidsville News! September 2017

Dear Dear Truman the Dragon, Officer I know staying home alone can be a little scary, Parkhurst, but your mom seems to think you’re old enough for Now that that responsibility. If something happens, remember I am big what you’ve learned about staying safe. You should enough, my never open the door for strangers, and you certainly mom is letting never tell anyone that you’re home alone. Unlessme stay home all by your parents tell you otherwise, I would suggestmyself! I think I‛m that you don’t answer the phone unlessready, but I am a you recognize the number or name.little bit nervous. Remember that you can always callI‛ve never really 9-1-1 if there is an emergency such asstayed home alone a fire or an injury. If you have permissionbefore. What if to play outside, have a buddy with you. Stay awaysomething happens? from pools and ponds if there is not an adult there Your friend, to supervise you. As always, one of the best ways you can keep yourself safe is by thinking about the the Dragon consequences of your actions before you do something. Be sure to tell a trusted adult about anything that makes you uncomfortable or scared. Truman, being smart is being safe, and being safe is being responsible. Your friend, Officer Parkhurst Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I wantFun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATORAndrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERSRussell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name AgeJudy Cox Gregg Scott Joe BroadfootADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORSDr. David R. Curott Lee FreemanBilly Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address CityKIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY Merrigold Publications State Zip School NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Bill Bowman NATIONAL EDITOR Your Signature (This is my own work) Stephanie Crider [email protected] Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER ILLUSTRATOR Parent‛s or Guardian‛s Signature (Permission) Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION Kidsville News! 5 [email protected] ©Copyright 2017 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by The Tennessean, Nashville, TNSeptember 2017

The TM ViewLocal kids What is yourlet us know.... favorite song? “Viva Las Vegas” DGooYtOo Upagwea2n1t to be here? by Elvis and fill out... Holden DoWn’tefTo’Srlhglteeuut ysdoeuerynpohtoutQor!sWuienecsaKnt’iTtMiodpVrnsinvinetiwalwliteihroNeuteawphso!to. Lexington School Kindergarten “Rotten to the Core” from the Descendants Movie Caroline Shoals Christan School 2nd GradeKnowledge Power Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Get Moving! Answers on page 231. How does a Wahoo move? 9. How does a Fossa move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk2. How does an Egyptian Asp move? 10. How does an Aglais Io move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk3. How does a Loon move? 11. How does a Blue Marlin move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk4. How does a Terrapene move? 12. How does a Heron move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk5. How does an Okapi move? 13. How does a Pirate Wolf move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk6. How does a Ghol move? 14. How does a Sphinx Pinastri move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk7. How does a Banded Woolly Bear move? 15. How does a Tanager move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk8. How does a Croaker move? 16. How does a Hammerjawed Jumper move? A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk A. Fly B. Swim C. Crawl D. Walk6 Kidsville News! September 2017

Come Out & Play Kukeri is an ancient celebration that traditional still practiced in Bulgaria. The festival • Dressed in wild costumes, the charactershas been traced back to some of the first also perform plays.people who settled in the region, the • Many of the female roles are playedThracians. However, it is thought that by men dressed as women because for athe settlers may have brought the pagan long time, women were not allowed tofestival with them from Greece. There participate.are similar festivals in surrounding areas • Another ancient tradition is Thecalled the Balkans. Kukeri is thought to Survakari. Groups that look like weddingcome from the Latin word cuculla that parties go from house to house and chasemeans “hood.” To celebrate, people wear out evil spirits by performing blessings.special costumes and masks. They dance • The ritual looks like a weddingand play games to welcome the spring ceremony that takes place inside theand keep evil spirits away. house where everyone in the house is• The largest Kukeri Festival is celebrated blessed by a priest.every year in the Bulgarian town called • These wedding ceremonies/blessingsPernik. sometimes take place in public so anyone• A big part of the festival every year is a can participate and be blessed.parade that happens over two days. • Some ceremonies also include people• Thousands of people participate. jumping over bonfires to be purified.• People in the parade wear costumesmade of goat fur and brightly-colored The Kukeri tradition is an ancientclothes. one. There are large aspects that have• They also wear giant masks made of remained the same over thousandspapier-mâché (paper mixed with glue). of years, but every town has its own• These masks are supposed to scare away version of the festival. Regardless of theevil spirits that could bring bad luck differences, this is a fun way for peopleduring the year. to celebrate the new year and enjoy their• The festival was named a UNESCO site culture together.of intangible cultural heritage in 2015.• There are costume contests and For more information, visit the following sites: Thanks! Kidsville News!-In- Education Sponsorsfor helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News!• SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICESSeptember 2017 als  QKZidsVviFlleFNHewGs!X7

Proud Sponsorof This Page KINGDOM: Animalia ORDER : Carnivora PHYLUM: Chordata FAMILY: Mustelidae SUBPHYLUM: Vertebrata GENUS: Vormela CLASS: Mammalia SPECIES: Vormela pergusna The European marbled polecat is a small • The average marbled polecat is between 29 and 38 centimeters Even though the Europeanmammal and carnivore that lives in Bulgaria. Its long. marbled polecat has aname says European, but they can also be found • They weigh between 370 and 715 grams. large range, meaning it canin parts of Asia. One interesting part of the animal • They live in burrows that they dig for themselves. be found from Bulgariais its fur; the unique fur patterns on their backs • Polecats usually live in grasslands, but some can live in deserts. to China, it is rare andare what give them the name “marbled.” Their • These mammals are carnivores and eat smaller mammals, birds vulnerable. It has no naturalfaces and undersides are a dark brown, almost and reptiles. predators, but many areblack, fur. Their foreheads have a light-colored • They hunt using their extremely strong sense of smell. killed by cars and theband usually made of light yellow or white fur. • They have poor eyesight. reduction of their naturalTheir backs are a light brown or yellow fur with • Some shopkeepers have been known to keep them to kill rodents. habitat. They are especiallyirregular dark brown or red patches. It makes • Their legs are short but very strong for digging and hunting. vulnerable in Europe, whichthem look spotted, or marbled. There are other • They usually live for about eight years. is where they have lost thesimilar types of polecats in Europe, but this • They have sacs under their tail that hold a strong-smelling most habitat. The largestspecies is known for its unique and beautiful fur secretion that they will release when threatened, like skunks. populations of Europeanpatterns. • Their unique fur might be a warning to predators about this marbled polecats may be in stinky defense system. Asia now.For more information, visit the following sites: Around the Based on the astronomical season, WORLD Sept. 22 marks the first day of fall in theWe celebrate Labor Day on Sept. to the success of America. Labor Day northern hemisphere. was first celebrated in 1882 in New York Meteorologists use a4 this year. For many, Labor Day marks City. It was the Central Labor Union that different method tothe end of the summer season, but there first acknowledged this holiday. In 1887, determine seasons,is another reason we take off work on the Oregon made it an official holiday. In a method basedfirst Monday in September. It is a day 1894, it became an official on temperatures.dedicated to celebrating the U.S. worker national holiday. According to the Oldand the contributions workers have made Farmer’s Almanac, there are several8 Kidsville News! folktales and sayings about this season. A few of them include: “Trees snapping and cracking in the autumn indicate dry weather;” “If, in the fall of the leaves in October, many of them wither on the boughs and hang there, it betokens a frosty winter and much snow;” “Spring rain damps. Autumn rain soaks.” September 2017

This Page Brought To You By: a woodcarver? Please tell our readers a little bit I have my students carve in sugarabout yourself. How did you become pine because it is easy to carve for ainterested in this work? beginner who is learning new hand carving techniques. I was trained by a Germanwoodcarver named Frederick What is one thing you wish everyoneBrunner and trained at the studio knew about woodcarving?of Cascieri and diBiccari in Boston,Massachusetts. I learned both clay I would want people to know thatmodeling for bronze statuary work as woodcarving can be looked at as awell as woodcarving anything from modern art. It is often associated withornaments to fine art. antique furniture and old folk art. Like the English language, which has I got interested in woodcarving been used from early American timeswhen I was in junior high school. and to the present, woodcarvingAt that time, my best friend had a can be reinvented with a newness tosummer house and an uncle who lived represent the styles of the present ason Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I went well.down to visit them, and he said tome, “Let’s go to my uncle’s shop.” What is your favorite thing aboutHe did not tell me what his uncle did, your job?but when we walked in, I smelled thescent of pine, saw a man carving a I do a variety of things at my studio.sign and I said, “What a wonderful That’s what I like — the variety. Iway to spend the day.” I stayed there really like doing different aspects ofall afternoon. At the end of the week, woodcarving and sculpture projects inI went home, forgot about it and my studio.went through many more years ofschool. I like teaching and writing articles on the woodcarving and sharing the skill, During college, I did some given my unique training. The varietywoodcarving as a hobby while keeps me interested just like you liketaking my school classes. After I going to different classes in school.graduated college, I interviewedwith a woodcarver and became anapprentice.What does a woodcarver do? I do a variety of work, from carvedornaments for colleges and publicbuildings to wood-carved shadesfor massive pipe organs found inchurches to lettering work at collegesand private institutions. I also dofine art woodcarving and sculpturalprojects, such as carvings abovefireplaces, and statuary work.What is your favorite kind of wood towork with and why? I like to use butternut, which is a Kidsville News! 9 local wood and is air dried. It is a handsome wood, carves well with a beautiful grain and is my favorite wood. That said, I do carve a lot of different woods because I often have to match existing wood in the building I am working in when I am designing. When I teach classes,September 2017

Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23HELP! Truman Lost His Hat! Maybe you can help him find it & WIN A PLUSH MINI-TRUMAN OR PUPPET!* Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman‛s small red hat! This hat will not be on Truman. Did You Know? People who periodically experience difficulty sleeping may*Subject to Find only his red hat! Send us the benefit from spending more time outdoors. According toavailability. form below for a chance to win! researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, sleeping outside can be beneficial to the sleep-wake cycle. That’s The name of the winners will be in because spending time under the stars increases melatonin the next issue of Kidsville News! levels in the body. Melatonin is a hormone that controls Last month’s hat was on page 8. wakefulness. Higher levels help the body relax and induce sleep. The researchers found that individuals who spent aAugust Winners of a Mini-Truman weekend in the woods camping out at night fell asleep earlier and rose an hour and a half earlier in the morning. For thoseCarson Glover C.J. Richardson who don’t like to camp, increasing exposure to daylight andof Lexington of Tuscumbia then avoiding sources of artificial light (i.e., televisions and cell phones) at night can help create a similar effect.Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., Florence Mail or bring entry to us by Sept. 22Hat on pg. _________ Your Name Phonemail to: AddressKidsville News! Town219 W. Tennessee St. SchoolFlorence, AL 3563010 Kidsville News! September 2017

6723/,77(5 <RXU6KRDOV <RXU&KRLFHwoodHumans have used for thousands of years Wood is a common fuel for fire. It’s used to Cultural make paper. A long time ago, people used wood to make tools like spears, arrows, bowls, fish hooks, Connections boats and more. Later, humans started using wood to make buildings and other things — like art. • Because wood can decay and rot, it doesn’t always last as long as carved bone or stone. From decorative spoons and pipes to beautifully- carved doors to statues and more, wood is a • The oldest surviving wood sculpture was wonderful medium for artists. Because wood is so carved about 11,000 years ago. It is the Shigir Idol. plentiful, woodcarving is something many cultures have in common. • During the Middle Ages, woodcarvers in Europe made mostly religious woodcarvings, including things like statues, decorative ceilings and altars. Different trees have different grains or patterns in the wood. The grain is determined • Germany, Russia, Italy, England and France were home to many master woodcarvers during by the arrangement of wood fibers in the tree. the Middle Ages. Woodcarvers often choose a certain wood based on how hard it is and how the grain looks. Sometimes • During the Renaissance, artists moved away from making strictly religious works and started other things affect the way a piece of wood looks. making representations of other things like decorative doors, furniture and fireplace mantles. If a fungus grows on a tree, it can cause spalting, which changes the color of the wood. While bad for • Africa, Oceania, North and South America, Australia and the Middle East all have great the tree, it can leave beautiful patterns in the wood. traditions in woodcarving. Examples include African masks, ceremonial canoes, totem poles and Aboriginal Australian art. Sometimes wood-boring bugs like beetles infest trees. This is bad for the trees and often kills them. • Different types of woodcarving include chip carving, relief carving and plane carving. It can leave distinct marks in the wood, though. • Oak, mahogany, walnut, elm, lime wood, chestnut, ebony, boxwood, cedar, cypress, olive, Other times, when a tree is injured or under teak and pine are popular to use in carving wood. stress, it creates scar tissue to protect itself. This is • Woodcarvers use knives, chisels, gouges, mallets and sandpaper as tools. called a burl. This is a knot or large growth on the tree. Many woodcarvers like to use burled wood For more information, visit the following sites: because the burls can have interesting patterns in the wood. 2017 Kidsville News! 11

12 Kidsville News! Hello! Sponsor this Want Your ARTWORK page... Or Your POETRY here? Send it to us. and reach all Shoals area students in We’ll print it in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, and their teachers Katie Birdwell 5 Rogersville in this award-winning FilSflpoeOarnmugdteoIt5thn!e Addison Credille 10 Iron City fun, family newspaper. Please call Tom at 256-740-4701 for more information.September 20S1e7ptembe

er 2017September 2017 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Notes: Florence 5 6 Now - Sept. 21 1 2 City 13 8 9 3 Florence City Al Hausmann 16 10 Schools Schools Collection 4 Labor No School Prints, Paintings, Ecthings & Sculpture Day for Students Kennedy-Douglass Center for Holiday the Arts Florence FREE 12 Mon. - Fri. 9am-4pm Lauderdale County Schools Labor Day 14 15 Holiday 11 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Fall Begins 24 25 26 27 28 29 30Kidsville News! 13

Florence-Lauderdale’s Walk of Honor at River Heritage ParkBy Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History/Genealogy Department In the summer of 2006 Florence Mayor Bobby Irons for the first group of sixteen inductees in 2007 and thehad an idea to recognize Florence and Lauderdale County dedication ceremony was held Saturday, May 9, at Riverresidents who have achieved either national or international Heritage Park. Our first group of inductees consistedfame. The Mayor appointed and commissioned a Walk of of: Gen. Arthur E. Brown, Jr.; Gen. John Coffee; EzraHonor Committee. This group of fourteen people (yours Lee Culver; Ronnie Gene Flippo; Maj. Gen. Georgetruly was honored to be chosen one of them, alongside Washington Goethals; William Christopher “WC” Handy;Florence City Historian and fellow Kidsville writer Billy Caroline Lee Hentz; Harlon Hill; William D. “Buddy”Warren, who’s our committee chairman) met that summer Killen; the Hon. John A. McKinley; Dr. Ethelbert Brinkleyat the Mayor’s office to create the criteria by which Norton; Edward Asbury O’Neal III; Samuel Corneliusinductees would be chosen. After much discussion the group Phillips; James Thomas Rapier: Thomas Sigismunddecided that any person living or dead, male or female, Stribling; Lt. Col. Raymond Edward Yeilding. Each yearblack or white, who had either been born in Florence/ four more names are added, culled from submissions madeLauderdale or had lived in the city or county for three to the Mayor’s Office by the citizens of Florence andyears and achieved fame at the national or international Lauderdale County. Since that first induction many morelevel would be eligible. Categories included: the arts; music; names have been added, names such as John Thomas Bulls,religion; politics; agriculture; public service; science and William B. “Billy” Reid, Dred Scott, Henry S. “Hank”technology; the military; and sports. That first year names Klibanoff, Dr. Lynn Middleton Sibley, Gen. Hugh Pateand biographical sketches were submitted by the committee; Harris, US Congressman Oscar De Priest and Dr. Ellenthe next year the public was invited to submit names of Dorrit Hoffleit. Mr. Jangaard has designed the walk so thateligible people which the committee would select from. At more columns and plaques can be added easily wheneverfirst we thought it would be difficult to find enough people necessary so that we can continue to honor Florence andwho had achieved national or international fame however Lauderdale County residents who have achieved notorietythat first year some twenty-five people were nominated, for many years to come.from which we opted to narrow it down to sixteen, withfour being added each year. This year’s inductees will be honored at a ceremony at the Shoals Marriott Hotel later this year. Inductees and family Committee member and architect Kevin Jangaard of the members are invited to attend. Each person is invited to sayfirm Hill & Jangaard Architects, PC designed the actual a few words and a reception follows.walk itself, which is located at the Shoals Marriott RiverHeritage Park and consists of several four-sided brick We can all be proud of the men and women on the Walkcolumns. Bronze plaques with a likeness of the person and of Honor and their achievements at the national and/ora brief paragraph of their claim to fame can be mounted on international level. If you haven’t already, the next time youeach of the four sides of these columns with more columns visit the Marriott be sure to visit the wall and take a look atadded as needed. the plaques. You’ll be impressed! The Walk of Honor Committee made its final selectionsLeft, Photo, text and plaque for Dr. Ellen Dorrit Hoffleit from the 2016 induction ceremony program; Middle, plaque of Rev. Dr. Bennett Walker Smith; Right, photo of the Walk of Honor at River Heritage Park.14 Kidsville News! September 2017

Crossword PuzzleWhat’s the Difference?There are 9 things that are different in these two pictures. Di erences: 1. Rake 2. Gloves Answers 3. Hat 4. Grass 5. Belt Buckle on Page6. Shoes 7. Shirt 8. Hair 9. Pants 23September 2017 Kidsville News! 15

These she will never set foot in a pool again and gives up wonderfully her dream of swimming. But she soon realizes that animated to succeed you have to make mistakes. Sometimes episodes are you might not get accepted, but you should keep interesting and trying and not give up. This episode is a deep one teach a lot of and gets the message across very clearly. social skills. You can learn The DVD Mily Miss Questions: Season One a lot of things has great educational, animated episodes that I science-wise, plus you can learn recommend for kids ages 5 to 9. This series teaches things about being confident, a lot of valuable morals in a very interesting way. telling the truth and knowing I give this DVD 3 out of 5 stars because somethat you are beautiful and unique. There are very deep questions aren’t fully answered and the animationmessages in this series, which is awesome, but the could use improvement. I still enjoyed watching thisanimation lacks detail. DVD and you should too. You can find it on DVD . In each episode, Mily has a different question thatshe wants answered or a different problem to besolved. She travels her neighborhood, goes to herfriends, asks her family and learns as much as she can.Eventually, she understands and gets her questionsanswered. The director, Alexis Ducord impressed me by howhe developed the plotlines, the different personalitiesof the characters and the types of questions thatMily asks. The questions are appropriate questionsfor the targeted audience. I love how the questionsare answered. You get a deep understanding, mostof the time. Sometimes the question is not fullyanswered and leaves you hanging. But most of thetime the answers are great. The animation comes up short when the characterstalk; either their mouths don’t move in sync withthe words or sometimes the audio is late. I love allthe facial expressions and the body language thatindirectly portrays emotion. My favorite episode is number 3, when Mily isn’taccepted onto the swim team. She says to herself that16 Kidsville News! September 2017

Kidsville Kitchen Now is a great time to begin the habit of saving money.A Great Breakfast Bread Come to First Southern Bank and we’ll help you get Honey is a versatile ingredient that can started with an Early Saver’sbe added to both foods and beverages. Passbook Account. NoBeloved the world over, honey has been matter how old you are, it’sused in recipes for centuries. never too early to begin saving money! Such is the case with the following recipefor “Pain d’épices” from Linda Collister’s“Quick Breads” (Ryland, Peters &Small). This French honey spice loaf datesback to medieval times and makes for agreat breakfast bread, especially whenhosting overnight guests. 256-718-4200 MEMBER FDIC Excellent Service, Expert Advice Preheat the oven to 350° Pain d’épices 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630Fahrenheit. Sift both flours,baking powder, salt, and all Makes 1 medium loaf (across from Hobby Lobby)the spices into a large bowl. 11⁄2 cups unbleached 256-767-3337 Using a wooden spoon, stir all-purpose our www.ExcelAL.comin the chopped almonds andcandied peel. Make a well in 3⁄4 cup rye our Florence • Sheffield • killenthe center of the ingredients. 2 teaspoons baking powderAdd the honey (in cold 1⁄4 teaspoon sea saltweather, it is easier to measure 1⁄2 teaspoon groundand combine the honey ifyou stand the jar in a bowl of cinnamonwarm water for a few minutes 1⁄2 teaspoon ground clovesfirst), egg yolks and milk to 1⁄2 teaspoon quatre épicesthe bowl and stir well to make 2⁄3 cup almonds, nelya thick, heavy batter. chopped Scrape the mixture into the 1⁄4 cup candied peel orprepared pan and smooth thesurface. Bake for about 45 crystallized ginger, nelyminutes, until golden and a choppedskewer inserted into the center 3⁄4 cup avorful honeycomes out clean. Turn out 2 extra-large egg yolksonto a wire rack, remove the 5 tablespoons milklining paper and let cool. 1 8 x 4 x 2.5-inch loaf pan, greased and base-lined with This recipe is best eatenwithin five days, or can be parchment paperfrozen for up to one month. Kidsville News! 17September 2017

The Nearest STAR be fried to a crisp. The Solar surface is at 10,000.° Fahrenheit. Because it is so hot, it is so bright and bathes the Earth with Last life sustaining energy. But where does it get its energy? When month, on heated to over a million degrees, Hydrogen atoms combine Aug. 21, to create Helium atoms and release enormous quantities of 2017, much of energy. This process is called FUSION and is the source ofour country was focused upon the horrendous energy released in a Hydrogen bomb. Gravityour Sun briefly being covered is the attraction of atoms to each other. There is so much massup by the Moon during the (matter) in the sun that gravity“Great American Eclipse”. pulls all the atoms together in aBut what is the Sun? The Sun huge ball (sphere) and the greatprovides light, the Sun provides pressure at the center heats theenergy. The Sun “holds” our gases to well over a millionfamily of eight planets (“solar degrees; enough to cause thesystem”) together. Without the fusion of the Hydrogen atomsSun, there would be no you and the release of energy on anand no me. It is our lifeblood. unimaginable scale. The energyAncient peoples realized that slowly moves out to the solarit brought light and warmth surface heating the surfaceand plant growth. Since their to 5,500.° Celsius. There arelives depended upon it, many enough Hydrogen atoms tosocieties considered the Sun a allow the Sun to “burn” for about 9 billion years and evidencegod. The Egyptians called their indicates that it has “burned” for about half that time already. Ofsun-god Ra, who was depicted course that “burning” is not a chemical burning with which youwith a falcon head and a sun and I are familiar. It is that nuclear burning, or fusion mentioneddisk on his head. Likewise earlier.many Native Americans hadsun-gods too. Last month, on August 21st, the moon went in front of the So what is this bright ball Sun to cause a total solar eclipse which was seen by manyin the sky? It is an enormous people in the United States. We in the Shoals only saw a partialsphere of the gases Hydrogen eclipse because only part (96%) of the Sun was covered by theand Helium. To get some idea Moon. Those who were lucky to travel to the eclipse path andof its size, realize that over see the total eclipse werea million Earths could fit privileged to see the coronalinside the Sun. Notice in the gasses streaming away fromdrawing that even the largest the Sun. The Corona is like anplanet, Jupiter, is small when outer atmosphere for the Suncompared to our Sun. The Sun but we normally cannot seeappears small in the sky only it because the Sun itself is sobecause it is so far away: 92 much brighter.million miles. Back in 1969,astronauts took about 3 days to About 4 or 5 billion yearsreach the moon. At their speed, from now, when the Sunit would have taken over 3 has run out of Hydrogen inyears to reach the Sun. its core, the sun will start You may have heard that expanding (swelling up) becoming what astronomers call a “Redlight travels at the maximum Giant” As a Red Giant, the Sun would broil the Earth. Don’tspeed allowed by nature, worry: mankind has several billion years to find a more suitable186,000 miles per second. It planet for life before the Sun so expands.takes light 1-1/3 seconds toreach the Earth from the Moon, Nature is amazing!but it takes 8 minutes to reach © 2017 Dr. David from the Sun. That means, Curott, UNA Professorwhen you see the Sun, you are seeing it as it was 8 minutes Emeritusago. Thank goodness it is so very far away or else we would18 Kidsville News! September 2017

Local History Written by Billy Warren doesn’t it? Remember the opening statement of this article: a picture is worth a thousand words! Did You Know? Today, there are digital cameras and smart phones – both of The Importance Of Pictures which can produce pictures at the click of a button. Historians worry that as such technologies continue to develop, pictures It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Why made today won’t be accessible in the updated versions of today’s might this statement be true? Several possible answers come phones and cameras. Therefore, they say, at least some of the to mind. Among them are these: many pictures currently being made should be printed on paper with written documents explaining them. What do you think? 1. A written story of an event or a written description of a fine old building SOMETHING TO DO: might be filled with statements that are 1. Use a reference source to write three not accurate, but a picture is a visual sentences that identify each of these: record. a. The Unicorn Tapestries b. Rebus 2. A picture can fill in details that a c. Native American Hieroglyphs writer could easily overlook. 2. Leonardo daVinci made drawings to 3. A picture captures a moment in time illustrate how a camera obscura works. Use and preserves that moment when words a reference source to write three sentences describing that moment might be slanted about the camera obscura. to reflect the writer’s viewpoint. 3. Ask your parent or another adult to take Pictures painted on the walls of caves you to the corner of Court and Mobile Streets have been telling stories for an estimated in downtown Florence, Alabama, so you can 35,000 or 40,000 years. Even though see how it has changed since the photograph there is no written record of those years, accompanying this article was made. (You these wall pictures have been translated might want to take this copy of Kidsville into words by people who study about News! with you so you can look at the the time known as pre-history. photograph while you look at the buildings.) Early people of Egypt developed Water Wise a system of word-pictures known as hieroglyphs. In later years, through the Match the Water-Saving Tip to the Amount of Water Saved discovery of the famous Rosetta Stone, people were able to use the stone to break the code of the hieroglyphs; with this 1. Use a hose nozzle and turn break-through, they translated the hieroglyphs into actual words. If you visit the British Museum in London, you can off the water while you wash see the actual Rosetta Stone. your car or bike and save this much water. In 1066 A.D., there was a very important battle in England known as the Battle of Hastings. Afterward, an unknown 2. You’ll save this much water A. More than 50 gallons person created a record of that famous battle on what we know today as the Bayeux Tapestry. It is a piece of fabric 230 if you time your shower to a week feet long and 20 inches wide on which is a series of hand- keep it under 5 minutes. embroidered pictures that detail the Battle of Hastings. It is B. Up to 80 gallons now in a museum in France. 3. If you turn off the shower every time The modern-day camera came into existence in the early while you shampoo, how 1800’s through the efforts of various people, including many gallons will you save? Matthew Brady. Mr. Brady’s most famous photographs tell the story of the American Civil War from 1861 through 1865. 4. Turn off the water while C. 4 gallons every There are photographs of leaders on both sides of the war and photographs of actual battles, along with photographs in you brush your teeth and minute the camps of the soldiers and in the makeshift hospitals that you’ll keep this much water were set up to care for wounded soldiers. from going down the drain. D. More than 100 So, now we come to the photograph that accompanies this 5. Use a broom instead of a gallons article. It shows a small section of Court Street in downtown Florence, Alabama, in an earlier time period. Look carefully hose to wash off driveways E. Up to 1000 gallons at it and answer these questions: and sidewalks and save this much water. a month 1. Was the picture made in the 1850’s, the 1920’s or the 1940’s? How did you determine your answer? Brought to you by: 2. Do you see a fine building with columns in the front of FLORENCE WATER DEPT. it? Was this a house in which people lived or a business of some kind? How did you determine your answer? Answers On Page 23 3. Do you see a movie theater? If so, what is its name? With just these three questions, the picture says a lot,September 2017 Kidsville News! 19

A Section Especially for ParentsBEGINNER READS Harold and the Purple Crayon My Crocodile Does Not Bite By Crockett Johnson By Joe Kulka For ages 4-8 For ages 4-8 Harold decided to take a walk in the There goes Ernest walking to the bus stop moonlight. So he drew a moon, and with his pet on a leash, hoping to win the then a path to follow it. He decided to annual school pet show. Three classmates take a short cut and veered off the stand by holding their pets: goldfish, cat path that he originally drew to keep and frog. And, oh yes, Cindy Lou and her him from getting lost. \"The short cut dog are there, too, snooty and sure that led right to where Harold thought a they are going to win. But will they? forest should be.\" So Harold drew a Ernest's pet is a GIGANTIC crocodile. forest — with only one tree, so not to get lost in there, too. So You Want to be President? By Judith St. GeorgePAGETURNERS For ages 8-12 Grace for President \"There are good things about being By Kelly DiPucchio president and there are bad things For ages 6-9 about being president.\" Thus starts the 2001 Caldecott Medal winner, a riotous- Meet a spunky and determined African- ly funny, trivia and anecdote-loaded American schoolkid, Grace Campbell, picture book tribute to the number one who, upon inspecting her teacher's big job in the U.S., illustrated with grandly poster of the presidents, exclaims, humorous but affectionate watercolor \"Where are the GIRLS?\" Mrs. Barrington caricatures of our presidents in action. explains, \"The truth is, our country has There's Nixon bowling, Taft bathing and never had a woman president.\" Grace Andrew Jackson brawling. announces, \"I've been thinking it over, and I'd like to be president.\" Mrs. Bar- rington sets up a school election with Mr. Waller's class: Grace versus popular Thomas Cobb, school soccer star.ADVANCED READS Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity Etiquette & Espionage By Dave Roman By Gail Carriger For ages 9-14 For ages 10 and Up Hakata Soy leaves his past as the NaSfbatdtNtnwsbtetrrhahrobnpoiniieaaeiafnaaraptodibftitiiedih’gttnttenheusbhkhslsriaryiratpipdnieneeenonnaaiidfrgngrndfirgnedtizirainltetSnSsigagiegedasgooeiikoniatrsrsn’bihfdpwiaoshoprtohndltsihtfruiueehriigeiedned,tnnrmnnnrnihdnog—lgmboioddylsmadninlpbfsghsaeldei——cfiseayahcfiayohedni—nrhthanresnoagnmmetobnetidnwoonosofuybemdooshorlormolde,xrrsifrrhkufeneghemtiomaeosunewlniegrnndtanraaroadterod-tcascyeslawemdbcsmucnhbxnnptu.weulaioeehadtoslerTrenhomtsgtealat-nalhhentodbhistwttsnamadetesaeeei.kfibhsrtr.alrnrrloyenaySoeoaTstkid,mlkss,houlsothynays,neiewptpaaeaeneradlhtsndwsnobwsairtaifiitooaslzfnssl,ebe-n.sar-d- leader of a superhero team to attend mshoemsetnept sshinetsotetphes icnatroritahgeecwarirthiagMeadweitmhoi- Astronaut Academy, a school on a space MsealldeeGmeoriasledlilneeGaenradldfiinndesatnwdofimndosretwo more station orbiting Earth. He hopes to sscchhooooll--bboouunndd ssttuuddeennttsswwiilllliinngg ttoo eexxppllaaiinn.. make a fresh start in life, but his heroic past keeps catching up with him. All he wants to do is study for his classes in Fire Throwing and Anti-Gravity Gymnas- tics, but when a lookalike robot arrives on a mission to destroy him, Hakata Soy just can’t do as he pleases.Kidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that kids you love are sure to love.20 Kidsville News! September 2017

Mike Randall, ReaLToR® TMAssociate Broker The View256.366.9779 Student [email protected] Mail, bring by or email YOUR PHOTO & your answers! Name Grade School Fax # 256-760-9618 Email: [email protected] Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630 What is your favorite...... Season?Hey Kids Send It! Holiday?Don’t Forget To Vegetable to eat?Send us YOUR artwork, Cartoon? CANNOTor poems! Have you ever ridden a horse? PRINT If you had one wish what would it be? We will print yours WITHOUT in Kidsville News! PHOTOSee Page 5 to find out how! If you could have any color car, what color would it be? Do you know about... Have you ever ridden in a convertible car?Going Nuts Over Winter How much do you play video games? It will be a bad winter if squirrels build their nests low in the trees. Do you play on any sports team? Stick it Do you like to drink water? up... Have you ever ridden on a roller coaster? When spaghetti is done, a strand will Do you like to exercise? stick to the wall. Do you like to read aloud?Joel Thomas MUST HAVE PERMISSIONMcCutcheon & Hamner, Attorneys TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission SERIOUS INJURY, SERIOUS REPRESENTATION I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on 2210 Helton Drive, Florence 256-764-0112 any questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could Free initial consultation • No fee unless we collect for you. be printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO.“No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.” Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE DateSeptember 2017 Kidsville News! 21

ParenTown’s KidSmartFun ways Fun Ways to Get Kids to Enjoy Math For some kids, one of the toughest Free educational resources andparts of the back-to-school season activities to try on the calculator canis getting back into the swing of be found at class. You can help ease thetransition this fall and beyond by • MONEY MATH: At home, usemaking math a wholly integrated spare change to teach children simplepart of the day. addition and subtraction. Set a timer and see if they can make proper Math plays a hidden role in change in record time. Ask kids toso many aspects of daily life. By solve increasingly difficult problems,pointing out these connections in and when they answer correctly, giveways that are fun and engaging, you them the change as a reward.can help make math one of yourchild’s favorite subjects -- or at least • MAKE ITless feared. INTERDISCIPLINARY: Leverage your children’s favorite school • BAKE your lesson plan: Learning subjects and hobbies to pique theirfractions? Use pies and cookies to interest in math. If they love reading,demonstrate the concept visually.It’s a tasty and fun way to learn help them select literature thathow fractions and percentages celebrates math. If they find historywork. fascinating, have them read about famous mathematicians and scientists • CALCULATOR FUN: Get out the calculator and help who used math to make discoveries. For young athletes, there are alwayschildren explore patterns. First- to third-graders can add or ways to turn that pick-up game in the park into a math lesson. Angles,subtract the same number repeatedly. Children will observe patterns distances, times and averages all figure into sports. Using these conceptsthat emerge and get a better sense of arithmetic. Children can even make in an applied way can make math more interesting.their own “pattern puzzles,” which are number sequences where some Help kids get off to a great start this back-to-school season by makingnumbers are omitted. For example: 7,14, _, _, 35, _, 49. The activity can math fun and engaging.make addition and multiplication more comprehensible. Look for a PHOTO SOURCE: © darko64 - Fotolia.commodel that will be useful for the next several years of math class, such asthe fx-300ES from Casio, which offers 2-line display and 240 functions. ParenTown’s KidShapeReduce Kids’ Risk School-aged kids who catch colds current. Vaccinations bolster after they use the bathroom andOf Getting Colds At or the flu from their classmates kids’ immune systems. That’s before they eat, drink or touchSchool can quickly spread those colds important, as kids’ immune their mouths, noses or eyes. to their family members, who systems are naturally less mature • Keep kids home when they are22 Kidsville News! then might spread the colds than adults’, making them more sick. Parents don’t want their further when they go to work. vulnerable to germs and viruses. children to miss school, but kids Preventing the spread of colds The CDC recommends that who are suffering from colds or and flu at school is a team effort adults and children receive their flu should be kept home. This that requires the assistance of not flu vaccinations in October while prevents the spread of colds and just parents, but also teachers noting that such vaccinations flu to classmates and teachers, and students. Still, parents might can be administered as late as and time to rest at home may help be the first line of defense when it January and still prove effective. youngsters recover more quickly. comes to preventing the spread of The CDC also recommends • Teach kids to avoid common cold and flu at school. that adults and children receive germ spots. Germs can be lurking According to the U.S. Centers flu vaccinations each year. anywhere, but some spots seem for Disease Control and Additional vaccinations may not to make more welcome homes for Prevention, more than 38 million need to be administered as often, germs than others. Studies have school days are lost to the flu but parents should still ensure shown that kids were most likely each year. Those lost days can kids’ are up-to-date with their to encounter germs in schools affect students who miss lessons shots. on water fountain spigots and but also parents, who often must • Make sure kids regularly wash on plastic cafeteria trays. Teach take days off from work to tend their hands. Kids often catch colds kids to never put their mouths on to their sick children. by rubbing their hands that have fountains and to avoid eating any While there’s no way for parents been exposed to cold virus germs food that might fall onto their to guarantee their children won’t on their noses or eyes. To prevent trays in the cafeteria. catch a cold or the flu this school that, parents can teach kids to School-aged children are year, they can take various wash their hands thoroughly, susceptible to colds and flu when preventive measures to increase including scrubbing the backs of spending time in the classroom. kids’ chances of staying healthy their hands, between their fingers But parents can reduce their and achieving perfect attendance. and around their fingernails. youngsters’ cold and flu risk in • Make sure kids are immunized Kids should know to wash their various ways. and that their immunizations are hands regularly, but especially September 2017

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª ANSWERSMATHTiME 4 p.m. Creating a chart is a good way to organize the information and determine a solution.Time Catch Total9-10 3 fish 3 fish10-11 3 fish 6 fish11-12 3 fish 9 fish etc.. During 3-4 p..m.., the 20th fish will be caughtNumber of Folds Number of Sections011224 Fall Leaves Water Wise384 16With each fold, the number of sections doubles. Studentsmay state this pattern in a variety of ways. Match the Water-SavingATnipswto ethresA: mount of Water Saved 1. (D), 2.1. Use a hose nozzle and turn (E), 3. (A), 4. (C), 5. (B) off the water while you wash your car or bike and save this much water. Knowledge Power2. You’ll save this much water if you time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes. A. More than 50 gallonsFO O T B A L L Answers: a week 1. Fish ..swim3. If you turn off the showerOMA O 9. Mammal… walkB. Up to 80 gallons What’s the while you shampoo, how every time Difference? many gallons will you save? 2. Snake… crawl 10. Moth… fly Di erences: 1. Rake 2. GlovesRES T 3. Bird…fly4. Turn off the water while 11. Fish… swimC. 4 gallons every 3. Hat 4. Grass 5. Belt Buckle you brush your teeth and minute 6. Shoes 7. Shirt 8. Hair 9. PantsWI NNERS 4. Turtle…crawlyou’ll keep this much water 12. Bird… fly from going down the drain.A SM O 5. Mammal …walk 13.D. More than 100 Spider... crawl gallons 6. Fish … swim5. Use a broom instead of a 14. Moth… flyR AT hose to wash off driveways 7. Caterpillar… crawl 15. Bird... flyand sidewalks and save this much water.DD E F E N S E E. Up to 1000 gallons a month 8. Fish… swim 16. Spider… crawl Brought to you by: FLORENCE WATER DEPT. Answers On Page 23September 2017 Kidsville News! 23

September is “Fruits and Veggies-More Matters” Month! It is so important for your health that you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.Here are some tips on how to get more fruits and veggies into your diet: • Choose fruits and veggies as your snacks. Carrot sticks and ranch dip is an excellent after-school snack. • Try a salad as your side when eating at a restaurant. • Talk to a parent about trying vegetarian recipes for dinner. • Add fruit to your morning cereal. • Go shopping with a parent and choose your own fruits and vegetables. Try something new! • Freeze fruit on a skewer for a delicious snack. • Load up your pizza with veggie toppings. • Remember – you need AT LEAST 3 servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit every day! Brought to you by your friends at: 1300 S. Montgomery Ave. • Sheffield, AL •256-386-4196 • www.helenkeller.com24 Kidsville News! September 2017

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