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Home Explore Lauderdale County - August 2017

Lauderdale County - August 2017

Published by TheCoolPublisher, 2017-08-01 09:27:54

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CCoo--SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy:: Hey! This Paper Belongs To: TM Lauderdale County’s Fun Family Newspaper - August 2017GGeenneettiiccssAAnndd YYoouu WWeeaatthheerr -- WWhheenn TThhuunnddeerr RRooaarrss WWhheerree iinn tthhee WWoorrlldd iiss IIttaallyy?? WWhhaatt’’ss IItt LLiikkee TToo BBee AA GGeeoollooggiisstt??FFoorr mmoorree ffuunn aanndd ggaammeess,, vviissiitt tthhee KKiiddssvviillllee NNeewwss!! WWeebb ssiittee aatt 2017 Kidsville News! 1

ItalyWhere in the world is ... Images © Created by zhaolifang, biggorilla298 - Italy is a European country famous for many things. It is known for its Neanderthal DNAfood, history and art. Italy has a long history with some of the world’s in Italymost powerful societies. The Greeks and Etruscans emerged in Italyaround 800 BCE. For hundreds of years, Italy was made of small city- The people of Italy have played a very important role in human history.states. One of these city-states was called Rome. That single city-state grew The Greeks and Romans developed different kinds of art, government,into the Roman Empire, which conquered all the Italian Peninsula and philosophy and science. Italy was also the heart of the Renaissance andmuch more land beyond. After Rome fell in 395 A.D., Italy was divided revolutionized philosophy, science and art. A recent discovery from Italyand ruled by foreign tribes. It reunited into a single country in 1861. may change the way we think about human history again. Researchers foundOn a map, Italy looks like a boot kicking a small ball. a 130,000 to 170,000-year-old Neanderthal skeleton in a cave in Italy. The oldest Neanderthal fossil ever found is 200,000 years old, but this skeleton • The small ball is the island of Sicily. is special because scientists have been able to extract Neanderthal DNA • Italy is a peninsula, which means water surrounds it on three sides. from the right shoulder blade. The skeleton was originally found in 1993, • It is surrounded by the Adriatic Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the but technology has only recently been able to extract the DNA, making this the oldest Neanderthal DNA ever extracted. This skeleton is also one of the Mediterranean Sea. most intact ever found. • The capital is Rome. • Rome is the biggest city in Italy and has a population of 2.6 million. For more information, visit the following sites: • Rome is nicknamed “Eternal City.” • The population of the country is 61.6 million. • The money is the euro. • The language is Italian. • The area of the country is 116,324 square miles. • There are four major rivers: Po, Adige, Arno and Tiber. • The top of Italy is in the Alps mountain range. • The bottom of the boot also has mountains. They are called The Apennines. • There are three active volcanoes in Italy: Vesuvius, Etna and Stromboli. • Italy surrounds two of the world’s smallest countries. These two countries are San Marino, the oldest republic in the world, and Vatican City in Rome.The TM ViewLocal kids What is your favoritelet us know... fruit to eat? Grapes Omoro Apple Do YOU want to be here? Harlan Maryanna Kindergarten 22Go to page Riverhill Apples 1st Grade & fill out... The TM View Anastasia We’ll use it in Kidsville News! Harlan 3rd Grade Don’t forget your photo!2 Kidsville News! August 2017

Hi, Kids! torsatbohdfettrhduaoealt“oistavtrHg.CuihdeyetinusaoeeRo.relavultmdeseneswuwnsaidrnfoiarsystaoeorintohlscskfoeoususCrdfsatspioecnheiciynnaicvcsiregnneeke.eneglairaoncmscIrmttgewtstoe!elioiarodaaakwTnebnnnegadhsdodsoose”euuh.nrtrcraiaeiiehsRninpntdrboefgehaoiaoeoricwlsstrdlxtpoihhmhnlclaieaoemg.niabttrtooia,RDcrnirumnoeeeguehtdnrcanretetakiatiinlaingeinehbmgsithssenosettsuatdhutRthntesaoereicocnnsaienteacdiabtapledeaisieeclsnsegrlhrksssfeeaitai,oonnnhtunrdfdhfnecat,saaiaepoqmrr“tlanuataCmoareeinwnuonste.?dtsntdeirss.nWsAteeaIsaMvcwrthneltaeioaedlniletnorimaeynaonssanfc”idinimeeistanteohltcshfietsaitsosn.temoahrnnoYeeedSrsoceceutooiurfetadshnbf.itteforhifr“iuseeWettsngrsedrieglo,adnrsuotrvppeuielsgplcerwsii”oenoulsriipkst.ksehi.naUegbHsoHiotnumoogtmofgsiineoHnimnddaeaebtceiiloocinsff,nsaeatmChcmirtelpoyiol-.tenMhssNi,naebggtaesnhntoedwsnyceeiraeehtnnnohdtpahieslHustmtosaomaranoelresearlnearning aboutDo you know about... Now is a great time to begin the habit of saving money. Buying a hard drive? Come to First Southern Bank and we’ll help you get Expect the actual capacity of a hard started with an Early Saver’sdrive to be about 93% of its advertised Passbook Account. No matter how old you are, it’s capacity. never too early to begin For example, saving money! you’ll be able to store about 112 gigabytes of data 256-718-4200 on a 120 gigabyte MEMBER FDIC hard drive. Kidsville News! 3Joel ThomasMcCutcheon & Hamner, Attorneys SERIOUS INJURY, SERIOUS REPRESENTATION 2210 Helton Drive, Florence 256-764-0112 Free initial consultation • No fee unless we collect for you.“No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.”August 2017

Proud Sponsorof This Page Homo Habilis Homo Erectus Homo Homo Sapiens NeanderthalensisHominids Kingdom: Animalia Order: Primates Genus: Homo Phylum: Chordata Suborder: Haplorhini Species: H. sapiens Class: Mammalia Family: Hominidae Humans are scientifically classified as Homo and ancestors. Studying these fossils is important becausesapiens. This means that humans are part of the • The first Neanderthal fossil was found in 1856 it can tell scientists a lot about current humans.Hominidae family. Thousands of years ago, there in Germany. Scientists are comparing DNA from Neanderthalswere other members of the Hominidae family alive • They have thicker bones than modern-day and modern humans to determine what makes usas well. humans and were shorter. unique. Another important question is why these • They were much stronger than modern early hominids went extinct. There are many Fossils are classified into species like Homo Habilis, humans are. different theories like climate change, conflictCro-Magnon, Homo erectus and Neanderthal. These • Males were usually 5’5”, and females were with modern humans and being more vulnerableother members of the Hominidae family are often 5’1”. to famine. Even though life was very different forcalled early man; many scientists refer to members • They lived in Europe and southwestern to Neanderthals than it is for us now, their past canof this family as Hominids. These other Hominids Central Asia. help us in our future.share some similarities with us. For example, they • Their brains were larger than ours, so manyoften walked upright, survived as hunter-gatherers believe they were intelligent. For more information visit the following sites:and used tools and fire. Neanderthals, or Homo • They made tools and lived in complicated, are the closest extinct relatives to social groups. article/365903/Animals-In-Ancient-Mesopotamian-humans. They are believed to have made the first • Scientists think that they may have used Life/examples of modern human fossils ever found. language. • They also made cave art and buried their dead domestication/ • Neanderthals are named after the town where with ceremonies. the first fossils were found, Neander Valley. • Neanderthals ate mostly meat and used tools kids/ancient-iraq-mesopotamia like axes and spears to hunt large animals. • They went extinct in 30,000 BCE. • Scientists are not sure why they went extinct. • Some modern humans have Neanderthal DNA Around the WORLDHave you ever heard (a dog) was chasing the of the summer. In reality, Ferragosto is an Italian tradition of the “Dog Days of rabbit constellation known as it was not always the hottest that goes back hundreds of years. Summer?” It doesn’t Lepus. The saying refers to part of the season. This Ferragosto is technically onactually have anything to the star Sirius, which is the part of summer was also August 15. It is a Catholic celebration ofdo with dogs. It has to do dog’s nose. considered a time of bad the Assumption of Mary. But for many,with the stars — one star, luck and misfortune for the it is the kickoff of their annual vacation.specifically. In ancient In late July/early August, ancient Greeks and Romans. During this time, many Italian familiesGreece, people believed that when the dog’s nose rose leave town. Stores and restaurants arethe constellation Canis Major just before the sun, it was considered the hottest part Fclosed during this time as well. erragosto festivities that take4 Kidsville News! place on Aug. 15 include live dance performances, fireworks displays, pageants and games. August 2017

INTRODUCING Explorer Rewards Cole Now members ages 5-14 can track savings and redeem rewards online. With Member since 2013 all kinds of rewards to explore—such as zoos, ball parks, water parks, and museums—this new program makes it easier than ever for kids to save money, earn rewards, and start exploring. ª Lauderdale County’s Send It Hey Kids! Truman again. I wantFun family Newspaper YOUR ORIGINAL ART WORK, LETTERS & POEMS! We may print219 W. Tennessee St. Florence, AL 35630 them in a later issue or use them on our website! Just have your 256-764-4268 parents fill out this form and send it with your work to: EDITOR & PUBLISHER Kidsville News! • 219 W. Tennessee St. • Florence, AL 35630Thomas V. Magazzu [email protected] KIDSVILLE COORDINATORAndrea L. Gray [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNERSRussell Roden Jim Allen Gwyn Jones ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Name AgeJudy Cox Gregg Scott Joe BroadfootADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORSDr. David R. Curott Lee FreemanBilly Warren Patricia J. Weaver Address CityKIDSVILLE NEWS! PRODUCED BY Merrigold Publications State Zip School NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Where did you get your copy of Kidsville News!? School Library MERRIGOLD PUBLICATIONS Other? Bill Bowman NATIONAL EDITOR Your Signature (This is my own work) Stephanie Crider [email protected] Send your drawing in color and on UNLINED PAPER ILLUSTRATOR Parent‛s or Guardian‛s Signature (Permission) Cover & Truman - Dan Nelson CAN NOT PRINT WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE KIDSVILLENEWS LITERACY & EDUCATION FOUNDATION Kidsville News! 5 [email protected] ©Copyright 2017 Merrigold Publications, All Rights Reserved. Truman is a service mark of Kidsville News! Inc., and the Kidsville News! logo is a registered trademark of Kidsville News! Inc. No part of this issue of Kidsville News! may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without permission of the publisher or the copyright holder. Neither participating advertisers nor the publishers will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publishers reserve the right to edit any submitted material. Kidsville News! Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, or other material. Children’s submissions should include name, address, telephone number, and permission to publish signed by a parent or guardian. Product Printed by The Tennessean, Nashville, TNAugust 2017

Local History Written by Billy Warren the new Regional Care Health Center – nds the building on the corner of Enterprise Street and Central Avenue. The grounds have Did You Know? been beautifully landscaped and the exterior has received a fresh coat of paint. It really looks grand – Miss Maud Lindsay would be Maud Lindsay Free Kindergarten proud. Located just a few blocks off of Veterans Drive on SOMETHING TO DO: Enterprise Street in Florence is the historic Maud Lindsay 1. Using a reference source, write a short de nition of these Free Kindergarten, the rst free kindergarten in Alabama. words: a. Emigrate Established in 1898, its of cial name is the Florence Free Kindergarten, but it has always been known locally as the b. Immigrant Maud Lindsay Free Kindergarten in honor of its world-famous teacher who was there from c. Textile 1898 until her death in 1941. 2. Following the directions in the rst paragraph Born in Tuscumbia in 1874 and later living above, ask your parent or another adult to take you in Shef eld, Maud Lindsay was the daughter to see the Maud Lindsay Free Kindergarten. of Robert Burns Lindsay, the only foreign- born Governor of Alabama (he emigrated with 3. A mathematics project: If the Maud Lindsay his family from Scotland), and Sarah Miller Free Kindergarten building was constructed in 1898, (Winston) Lindsay. how old is it in 2017? In the late 1890’s, a group of leaders in Recycle Plastic Bottles Florence (Miss Loulie Jones, Mrs. John R. & Jugs Price, Mr. Frank Jackson and Mr. Thomas J. Phillips) recognized the need for a kindergarten Steel & Aluminum Cardboard to allow children of textile mill workers in east Cans Florence to enjoy a pre-school experience. They formed a Board and raised funds to purchase All Kinds of Paper NO FOOD a building and to pay a small salary to a teacher. Thus was born the kindergarten that still operates today – though it NO MONSTERS now serves younger children because the City of Florence, since 1972, has free kindergarten for all ve-year-olds. NO GLASS Little did the organizers know that they had found, right here in the Shoals, a teacher who was totally enchanted City of Florence Recycling Center with pre-school education and who would become known throughout the world for her books written speci cally for 256-760-6495 children. The rst was entitled Mother Stories, followed by another entitled More Mother Stories; many others were published over the years. Miss Lindsay received invitations to speak about the education of young children in various parts of the United States and often instructed college professors on the subject even though she did not have a college degree. She was even invited to accept a position with the famous Maria Montessori, but she turned it down to stay with the mill children who were so precious to her. Nominated by Dr. Pat Chandler, a Professor of English at the University of North Alabama, Maud Lindsay, a contemporary and personal friend of Helen Keller, has the distinction of being listed in the Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame. Dr. Chandler recorded this reference to Maud Lindsay by Helen Keller: [Maud is] “one of the truly progressive women of the Southland,” an example of “Alabama’s true wealth and greatness,” who “put her whole mind and will to work to bring good teaching within the reach of every child in Alabama.” Though the Maud Lindsay Free Kindergarten still operates in its original building, the building is not in its original location; in fact, it has been moved three times over the years. Each move was within a few blocks of the original site. The most recent move – to accommodate the construction of6 Kidsville News! August 2017

Cultural ConnectionsItaly is known as the birthplace of the Renaissance. The Renaissance is a started in Italy and then • Renaissance means rebirth.period that started in the spread across Europe. The • The movement started in Florence.late 14th century and lasted Renaissance started in Italy • Wealthy Italian families would support artists tountil the 17th century. This and then spread because allperiod is famous for its art. the trading that happened show off their wealth and power.Instead of only focusing in Italy. Trading made the • People supporting artists were called patrons.on religious stories and Italian people wealthy and • Painters started to capture human emotions in made it easy for ideas to gures, artists started to travel around the world. their work and made their paints brighter.focus on individual humans Some of the most famous • Being an artist was highly competitive. Theyand human emotions. The artists in human history camephilosophy that changed and from the Italian Renaissance. would compete for jobs.encouraged art was called • Many artists were also scientists, philosophers,Humanism. These ideas inventors and mathematicians. The Renaissance lasted for 500 years, but the movement • One of the most famous works of art from thiswas at its peak in the late 15th and early 16th centuries; this iscalled the High Renaissance. The most famous and popular period is Michelangelo’s “Last Judgment.”artists at the time were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and It was painted on the Sistine Chapel in theRaphael. They are still the most famous Renaissance artists, Vatican.but the genius da Vinci may be the most famous. As painter, • The Catholic Church was one of the biggesthe was famous for being able to capture light and shadows in patrons of the arts.his paintings, but he was not just an artist. He was also known • Renaissance art came in many differentfor his interest in medicine, science, math and philosophy. mediums, like paintings, sculpture, drawingsHis notebooks show that he designed, but never made, and architecture.inventions like a parachute, a diving suit and a helicopter. • Greece and Rome inspired many Renaissance artists.For more information, visit the following sites: Hidden Picture Puzzles Answers on Pg. 23August 2017 Kidsville News! 7

This Page Brought To You By:Genetics Why I have green eyes Why I’m 5’6”Why I haveacne Why my hair never behaves Source Images © by jonnyc4 and anderpup - Vecteezy.comWhat makes a rose red rather than pink? A how to genetically modify plants, not just physical traits, see if they are vulnerable todog’s tail short rather than long? A person’s track traits. In 1983, a farmer inserted an certain illnesses and see where their ancestorseyes brown rather than blue? All these antibiotic-resistant gene into a tobacco originated! Someday, we may be able to usefactors (and many more) are decided by plant. This was the beginning of genetically genetics to help keep people healthier so theygenetics. Every organism is made of cells, engineered plants. Now, it is common can live longer lives.and it is inside these cells that the genetic to do this, so crops become resistant tomaterial lives. certain pests and diseases. Some plants can While genetic engineering is a relatively be modi ed in other ways, too. In China, new science, farmers have been using genetics In the 1850s and ‘60s, Gregor Mendel used researchers have gured out a way to for tens of thousands of years. Breedingpea plants to track traits like plant height, genetically modify rice. By inserting nutrients plants and animals to bring out desiredpod shape and color, seed shape and color into the developing seed, they’ve produced traits is nothing new. That’s how peopleand ower position and color. He tracked rice that could potentially decrease the risk domesticated animals. There is evidencechanges from generation to generation. By of certain cancers as well as heart disease and dating back to 9000 BCE that suggests this isdoing this, Mendel noticed that certain traits other illnesses. when people domesticated sheep, cows, pigswere dominant and others were recessive. and goats. It’s how people developed cropsMendel is now considered the founder of the Scientists are applying this knowledge to thousands of years ago, too. Around 10,500science of genetics. human genetics, too. With a ake of skin, BCE, villages in Southwest Asia appear to be a drop of blood, a piece of hair or a sample the rst to have planned and harvested plants The study of genetics has come a long of saliva, they can explain why someone has that were previously found only in the wild.way since then. Scientists have gured out8 Kidsville News! August 2017

Mike Randall, REALTOR® Associate Broker 256.366.9779 [email protected] Excellent Service, Expert Advice 1909 Florence Blvd., Florence, AL 35630 (across from Hobby Lobby) 256-767-3337 www.ExcelAL.comWhen Thunder 40% Soccer Lightning Fatalities When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors! 27% Golf for Outdoor Sports Did you know that if you hear thunder, you are in danger? Don’t be fooledRoars 17% Running by blue skies. If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to pose an 10% Basketball immediate threat. There are about 25 million lightning strikes in the UnitedGo Indoors! 8% Football States each year. While lightning is fascinating to watch, it’s important to remember that lightning can also be very dangerous. About 50 people You can find more ? 3% Other are killed by lightning each year in the United States, but hundreds are facts about lightning permanently injured. and lightning safety Step 1 Lightning is a giant spark of electricity that occurs either in a cloud or and play Leon’s Leave the eld immediately. between a cloud and the ground. Thunder is the sound made by lightning Lightning Safety game as it heats the air to as much as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Did you know at NOAA’s Lightning Step 2 that is ve times hotter than the surface of the sun? This makes lighting Safety Web Site www. very powerful and very hazardous. When lightning strikes a home, it Seek shelter in an can create enough heat to ignite a re. There is enough electricity in a enclosed building or car. ash of lightning to power a 100-watt light bulb for about three months.August 2017 So, even if it means you have to take a break from playing, swimming or SCHOOL working outside, play it safe. No place outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area. HOME CAR Here is how to keep yourself safe from lightning: When you hear thunder, even a distant rumble, know lightning is likely within striking distance. Lightning threats can extend 10 miles from the storm. You should go to a safe place immediately, including a house, large building or a car with a metal roof, to protect you from lightning. When you are inside, stay away from windows and doors and do not touch anything that is plugged into an electrical outlet. Do not use a corded telephone, but cell phones are safe. Stay away from sinks and do not take a shower or bath during a thunderstorm. Never go back outside until 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder. Remember, “When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors.” If you’re deaf or hard of hearing, then remember. See A Flash? Dash Inside! If you can see a ash of lightning, there is a chance you’re within striking distance and should go inside immediately. Kidsville News! 9

The Great American Eclipse dangerous. NEVER look directly at the Sun, even if partially eclipsed. The only time that the Sun Few people have ever seen a total can be viewed safely eclipse of the Sun; but, on August 21, we with the naked eye is during a total eclipse, when the Moon have a “once in a lifetime” opportunity! completely covers the Sun. Such a total eclipse will not occur The Moon in the Shoals.revolves around the Earth about For proper safety hints see: https://once a month and the Earth is moving around our htmlSun. About twice each year, the The safest and most inexpensiveMoon moves directly in front of method is by projection. A pinhole orthe Sun and, blocking its light, small opening is used to form an imagecreates a total solar eclipse. In of the Sun on a screen placed about aother words, the Moon makes a meter behind the opening.shadow on the Earth and, withinthe shadow, one experiencesdarkness. The shadow is usuallyonly a few miles wide andraces across the Earth’s surface.Most times, the shadow fallson oceans or in foreign lands but on August 21, it moves across Protect Your Eyesthe U.S. from Pacific Ocean (10:15 am PDT) to Atlantic ocean Watching the Sun(2:48 pm EDT), passing across Nashville about 1:28 pm Never look directlyCDT. The total eclipse will last less than 3 minutes but will be at the Sun without eyeremembered for a lifetime. Of course, cloudy weather would protection.ruin viewing. DO NOT use sunglasses; DO NOT use smoked glassWhat should we expect? As the shadow approaches, one DO NOT use medical X-ray film or color film.sees the dark shadow racing across the ground (1447 mph in The Sun’s UV rays can painlessly burn the retina causingNashville) faster than the speed of sound. Spectacular if one permanent damage or even blindness when exposed for justis on a hill and can see the surrounding countryside. When the a few seconds.Sun is totally eclipsed, you’ll notice a rapid darkness, usually The only safewith an eerie green glow. Animals seem to notice and birds way is to use an usually go silent. Since the approved filter air is suddenly cooled, winds or a projection often die down. With the method. Eclipse bright solar disc darkened glasses with (by the Moon) one sees the special filters solar hot gases surrounding are available the Sun called the corona. online. However, People who have you can build a seen the corona “projection box” out of cardboard. UNA invites you to its Planetarium for information about the “Great Eclipse” any weekday between Aug. 7 through Aug. 18. at 7PM. Eclipsesay it is a wonderful sight. As the Sun glasses will be given out.emerges from totality, it peaks through © 2017 Dr. David R. Curott, UNAlunar mountains producing a “Diamond Professor EmeritusRing” and then “Bailey Beads.”At the Shoals, one will not experiencethe total eclipse but Shoals people willsee a partial eclipse where 97% ofthe sun in covered leaving just a thincrescent shape.Viewing the Sun can be VERY10 Kidsville News! August 2017

Answers on Page 23 What’s the Difference? There are 9 things that are different in these two pictures.August 2017 Di erences: 1) Book color 2) Girl’s shirt Kidsville News! 11 www.kid5s)v3F)riolGlgier’sln’seeyheawsirsmt.iciesosciomnlgo/r6s4h) )BoGaacirkllsgs’reoyuencdocloorlor missing 7) Girl’s hair color 8) Grandpa’s hair color 9) Grandpa’s sweater color

12 Kidsville News! Want Your ARTWORK Hello! Sponsor this Or Your POETRY here? Send it to us. and reach all Shoals We’ll print it in area students in a future issue. K-6th grade, parents, Savannah Hanson 8 Killen FSfpioletalrnhmgOdeeuoIt5tn! and their teachers in this award-winning fun, family newspaper. Please call Tom at 256-764-4268 for more information.August 2017August 2

2017 August 2017 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 Lauderdale Co. 15 16 Florence City 18 19 Schools 1st Day Schools 1st Day for Students for Students 14 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31Kidsville News! 13 Notes: Notes:

This Page Brought To You By:a Genealogist? Please tell our readers a little bit about soldiers who are still missing from World own personal history mystery. You yourself. War I, World Ware II, Korea and Vietnam, know that feeling you get when and since I’m an Army brat, this work is your favorite show leaves you with My name is Megan Smolenyak. I’m a very meaningful to me. They’re American a cliffhanger and you can’t stand self-employed professional genealogist, heroes and deserve to be remembered. waiting for the next season to find out or as I sometimes say, a “genie.” I mostly what happened? Genealogy pulls you work out of my home in Florida but also How did you become interested in this in the same way. You find one clue, love any excuse to travel. And I’m a geek. work? then another, and before you know it, Libraries and archives are heaven to me! you can’t stop. On the flip side, it’s It was a sixth-grade homework not quite as easy as the TV shows and What does a genealogist do? assignment that got me started with commercials make it look. I’ve worked genealogy. Our teacher, Mrs. Berkowitz, on all the celebrity roots shows, and Many genealogists specialize, but I told us to ask our parents where our many are surprised to learn that a dabble in a lot of areas, so I research, write surnames were from. When we came back typical episode involves 300-1,000 books and articles, work on TV shows the next day, she had a map of the world hours of research. Getting it right takes and speak at events. The research — or on the wall and instructed us to put our a lot of effort, but that’s fine because sleuthing — is at the heart of it all. It’s names on slips of paper and tack them it’s so fun! mostly what you might call micro-history up in our country of origin. I remember — that is, I dig into the past, but usually feeling sorry for my classmates because What is your favorite thing focus on just one person or family. I also most of them were crowded around the about your job? emphasize story-telling and especially British Isles, but I (slightly misinformed enjoy sharing the tales of those who by my dad) had all of Russia to myself. I get to wake up and solve mysteries have been overlooked or forgotten. For That was the first time I realized that there for a living every day. How cool is instance, while working on a documentary, was something a little different about my that? I absolutely love what I do and I became enchanted with Annie Moore, roots, so that sparked my curiosity and got consider myself beyond fortunate. an Irish teenager who was the first person me started. And it wasn’t long before I to ever arrive at Ellis Island. I discovered was obsessed! Source Image © Created by/inspired by twilightmoon - that experts had latched on to another girl named Annie Moore, so had her life story Why is this work important? August 2017 completely wrong. It took me years, but I tracked down the real Annie and found out I think we owe it to our ancestors to what happened to her. Another example learn their stories. Frankly, compared to is my work with the Army. I help with the them, most of us today are wimps. What “no man left behind efforts” to identify they endured to give us, their descendants, the opportunities we have today is14 Kidsville News! amazing, and there’s no such thing as a boring family. So if you dig, you will find something fascinating! What is one thing you wish everyone knew about genealogy and/or history? Can I make it two things? First, genealogy is addicting because it’s your

Kidsville Kitchen Florence • Sheffield • killenA “knuckle sandwich” worth eating The Professor Says To Spread The Word! Dessert means different things to different “Shop Smarter!”people. Some may prefer a piece of cake,while others consider a cup of coffee to be the If you really want to know what you’re getting,ideal capper to a delicious meal. get it from someone local. No passwords, security Sandwiches may not be the rst thing to risks, or outrageous shipping fees to worry about.come to mind when the dessert tray And it’s safer, faster, more reliable, and lessis rolled out, but this delicious recipe expensive!for a “Knuckle Sandwich” from Bob 219 W. Tennessee StreetBlumer’s “Surreal Gourmet Bites” is s Buy Local, Florencesure to please dessert lovers who Sell Localwant to expand their horizons. 256-764-4268 Knuckle Sandwich Yields 12 bites 1/2 cup whole hazelnuts, ideally blanched (skinned) 2 tablespoons butter 2 pears, skin on, cut into 1⁄8-inch-thick slices, then cored 1 store-bought pound cake 6 tablespoons Nutella or other chocolate-hazelnut spreadPreheat oven to 350° F. Put hazelnuts on a baking sheet and bake for 12 minutes or untilthey begin to brown. If hazelnuts are still in their skins, bake untilskins begin to darken, or for blanched nuts, until they turn golden.Remove from oven and let cool. If hazelnuts are still in their skins,place nuts in the center of a clean dish towel, fold the towel around thenuts and rub vigorously between both hands for 15 seconds to releasethe skins. Discard skins and reserve the nuts. In a sauté pan over medium heat (err on the low side of medium),melt butter and sauté pear slices for approximately 5 minutes per sideor until they begin to brown. Reserve. Cut six slices of pound cake, 1⁄4-inch thick. Toast the pound cake ina toaster oven or on a baking sheet in a 300° F oven. (It will fall apartin an upright toaster.) Smear three cake slices with Nutella or chocolate-hazelnut spread.Cover entire Nutella/spread surface with hazelnuts, and then pressthem into the Nutella/spread. Top with a layer of pear slices and coverwith second slice of pound cake. Secure each knuckle sandwich withfour toothpicks, and cut into four pieces.August 2017 Kidsville News! 15

Rev. Hiram Kennedy Douglass, Namesake of the Kennedy-Douglass Art CenterBy Lee Freeman, Florence-Lauderdale Public Library, Local History/Genealogy DepartmentOne of the most eccentric and interesting figures in the history of Trinity in Florence and was ordained a priest at St. Luke’s ChurchFlorence would undoubtedly be the Rev. Hiram Kennedy Douglass, in Atlanta. During the 1920s Douglass served at several churchesthe man who donated his home to become the Kennedy Douglass from Detroit Michigan to Columbia, Tennessee. According toArt Center. Perhaps you’ve been there on one Trinity parishioner, after he finallya school field trip. This month’s article will returned to Florence Rev. Douglass mostexamine the life of the man who founded often celebrated communion at homethe Art Center and whom it’s named for. rather than attending services at Trinity.Hiram Kennedy Douglass was born A lover of music and the arts, Rev.August 23 1893 to James J. and Mary Douglass was a fan of opera and playsSue Brooks Douglass, of Centre Star, and in the 1930s and 40s on radio stationAlabama. In 1893, the year Hiram was WNRA (later WLAY) he hosted a classicalborn, his parents moved to Florence, and music hour as well as a religious program.his father went into partnership with Mr. Interested in cars, Rev. Douglass was alsoFrank Jackson to form the dry-goods firm a charter member of the Florence Autoof Jackson & Douglass. Later this firm Club in 1913, whose president was localwas dissolved and Douglass maintained a attorney Henry Bradshaw (namesake ofmercantile firm while Jackson formed the Rev. Hiram Kennedy Douglass (1893-1975), namesake of the former Bradshaw High School, nowDouglass Shoe & Clothing Co. the Kennedy-Douglass Art Center, Florence. Florence High School). The club initiallyRev. Douglass was related to the Hiram had 56 members, though Douglass saidKennedy family of Greenhill who moved to Lauderdale County from “Florence did not take to the automobile at first.” This is interestingMoore County, North Carolina in 1820 and operated the Kennedy because Rev. Douglass normally employed a chauffeur, in his latergun factory. Their long-rifles became famous throughout the South. years a black gentleman who drove him around town.In 1899 Rebecca Jane Williams Douglass, Rev. Douglass’s Interested in genealogy Rev. Douglass hired a professionalgrandmother, bought a two-story frame house on the east side of the genealogist to help him compile a record of his ancestors howeveralley that runs between the current Kennedy-Douglass Art Center according to several local genealogists the Reverend connectedand the Southall home next door to the west. In 1918 James J. some dots that probably shouldn’t have been connected in orderDouglass replaced his frame house with a brick one. In 1936 the long to connect his family with European royalty and thus make hisnarrow house Rev. Douglass’s grandmother had lived and died in pedigree look even more impressive than it really was. His book Mywas taken down; in 1939 Rev. Douglass bought back the corner lot Southern Families was published in 1967 in a run of 200 copies. Theand house, thereby completing the property as it stands today. The Art Center has one, as does the Public Library.home, at 217 East Tuscaloosa Street, is a Georgian Revival home. Always a bit of an eccentric, Rev. Douglass required visitors toJames and Mary were active members of First Methodist Church, make an appointment first and was apparently not very close to hiswhere James served on the board of stewards and was also a trustee. Kennedy and Douglass cousins, some of whom he felt were not quiteThis is interesting considering James and Mary’s son Hiram later as cultured and refined as he was. But Rev. Douglass was also a veryconverted to the Episcopal Church (though Methodism is an off- civic-minded person. Being interested in horticulture already, heshoot of the Episcopal Church). supervised the landscaping for many local homes and churches. HeJames Josephus Douglass passed away Saturday, June 10, 1933, also produced a tape-recorded history of several historic homes andat his home on Tuscaloosa Street. The beautiful fountain in Wilson buildings in Florence, from which the Tennessee Valley HistoricalPark across from the Public Library was donated by Hiram and his Society produced pamphlets. He commissioned a set of wrought-mother in memory of James Douglass and formally dedicated on iron gates in traditional English design for Keble College, Oxford,Wednesday, December 26, 1934. The late Mr. Alfred McCroskey, dedicated to the memories of his parents, and Dr. B. J. Kidd, theSr. remembered Rev. Douglass shooing kids away who were roller- Warden of College, his mentor while at Oxford.skating in the park too close to the fountain. Rev. Douglass had the large and impressive Celtic cross markingIn 1913 Hiram graduated from Florence Normal and in 1915 his family plot in the City Cemetery copied by a Memphis firm fromwent to Columbia University in New York, intending to take over one he discovered at a church in Oxford.his father’s business however in 1917 the 24 year-old Hiram became The Reverend Hiram Kennedy Douglass died at his home ondrawn toward social work and began working in that field but Wednesday, February 5, 1975, at 81 years of age. In his notes to thedecided it was too worldly and not spiritual enough so he decided trustees of his estate, Douglass wrote: “It is my desire that the houseto enter the ministry. On the advice of friends he began attending be properly used and appreciated: that the many things left in it becommunion services at Trinity Episcopal Church in Florence and an inspiration and help to many people.” In his will, Rev. Douglasswas impressed by the ministers in that church. Though knowing willed his beautiful home and the adjacent property to the City oflittle of Episcopalianism his parents supported his decision to Florence. It was his desire that the home be used as an art center, toconvert and enter the seminary. In 1919 he graduated from the expose Florentines to the beauty and power of music, drama, danceUniversity of Sewanee and then went to Keble College in Oxford, and the visual arts.England, where the students actually had servants, which took Today people across the Shoals and abroad come to the Kennedy-Hiram some getting used to at first. He graduated from Oxford and Douglass Art Center to fulfill Rev. Hiram Kennedy Douglass’ desire.was ordained a deacon in the Anglican, or Episcopalian, Church, at16 Kidsville News! August 2017

Hello! Attention Kids & Teachers Too! This is Truman From Kidsville News! I WANT YOUR STUDENTS‛Send ItORTIOGIBNEIANPLRIKANiRdTTswvEWiDllOeORNKNeOwPsRA!GPEOE1M2 S KDindoYwou?anudfaemrdialyleNCeowusnptayp’esr YOUR ORIGINAL ARTHey Kids!Trumanagain.IwantJosie Thorn / 9 CherokeeAFhrehshhKaIhiApdthJ”asiSahurrvfnesi!,oAldtnlretmfjMuioNlsolrMetPnogwuSLpustaae!EgrtndhePieldae5Fna“oSOsIsfeteign!RthndhaMiivste, ATMPHteritaAntwCisnHhhhesacaicacoteeatrctBicrtpohweunmDhkoReosgiMreenr,aoesnitivdsqohtwTiBcUeiipeznuetnDreoosarCsone,glewsbolwtitasq2tildwnhtceetSeolu7oeio,arderieeo,vutscll8WnnllSdeiSnda0otito’otteey0tsnSoireau,nPeardodltthpsalaanrrnehodeaaaciasoTcfmArmbrPgPworeAktiaetaarorhtsnslsoniefve.nanedmrtddmessgihiAmern.caPloecbartIaanvohrovryrtf.redmeseemhetigrnthswewBaaewt,ievMnhsilGorloiwtlhitacasvdhsrsriliuornelqlieutcdgevmaareuidel’e4ldntdiedsaeoirnys0ait,s,rt2rmplged0almmpNaS1saaeejaunlt8calcsiieahsrcgldot0erwllr.kahhiastEagcot,niTtm,isiesYnptndhsPTbMi1yahotleavte4erraorchpliikes,bkeslmmie0oaaxti,lo0tynreirUieaConkcf0geAvpronMeitehasttirao.oisrnyhiirttcfaozkeekA’earsotaudcistehntnciwnh,fsmCtegehatdSey7oaale.aew4tratytinmpasslr,nruoTedps1taatgorrariei3rhiveeatilslrsikn2deeesrsstl..WORK, LETTERS & POAEBMetSte!rMWikaeyA RTBoaeBtntedetratelWlr,aGyraTdoeB2s5e!6t-t2e7r8G-2r3a4d2es!9umdDRsrWkaseBrisJecAaI..EiSAalDhVNlJTDKltlDLnDeaDu.AegSRBrip.arMdvcnTIiDNhvoGod©vsRmeTntyIbroaaCbtEOwidapaeAInerseyrIdrpuodOBACngourTkCts2eeuNbprLeaRmhtbemTibalypsuMerminso5.eIRlyrPRreAsapoeiLfizoPcThasiIsrOCrgo6sfdpSohkeezPLOhHCkss.nx.rtNunoprEir-tIsusosooooPa&cihnyNciiSd2S7CarWfeenSbgsMrrNdpAIsnnd0veidisetlnikrygevbl6kets1cutCsC•AedJhIihiusileder.iaA6rAurndokdletPwThcdP•r4rtlhNoleirvoheroIskiorrFfiwpaebOeWthniLRmibevolUt-uIrdLDcUyeDitoiwohlPNic•rsalkPbdle4h&IttRgOlolrdktoahbadlfdboiausaeOtSL8eBtplreSvls2iCEetnawrwilBeJelomEpeAoePhfAii@EtrnirNbNnssnr•[email protected]!gonTeOeblurtt.eNSl,LehllSaaJ@sulncnktwhniarmee8AkpoenUiPaNclIcIardeutnEiIocimegnnXUtsdDin.epcIDSncisemiaeNiSIuiethlirt!tLtsodcpkopfer•oocniLhwklgSldsngder.osSnonsdasWraIcOdnna,fEebimetHC@ieauneEuaIscrLiltTniyi,.ergtsstmdTtsAi!oco.mPnaydardHvoSrdfNrucbahtN@gEurir.pnnistCvaoImlAAbpaEtaEnCaeeociRtnteadyicNRirrsrkrTnTtaFarE,larnieimrceileDidnhacahegdtEuanAtvItaoSeeERpeaLhN.eac@nhTulnnteikdiia@,sULsIayssAtrdhcphAaretllyhtdtcpiyatvAyoevrGpitdeBnIjnRnilir-iseearnjosReOpILsnlahiTEofr.iou3altTisodaoeeoatrTleoTckepbethOlteBTbkank,esnnTbetrittecDcesUretPtuvwehduR5,rihWsmtSrsOmtuisiroaiOrienrasnesOsmesrerdE,inIr,aigiMoNtftedLduriv6grnfiAgonsoeta.arrelnttyewiTwnvslsrsehunvthetiel,arstRRasa3ashlineRnShlautnalpuliwtiEnnbtpocwdiufEmFSdeliaswtltyatvenvOrealstrgth0FswhdnvpnaEliregtsehotReNbotmaonlehnuehisoatimeerDfLirrtNsvtsvsluit.heOJrrloW-kaNdatsRlshnvsloisotiSoTtnes.teuKrni:lfetnte,i,serunliIeooeescnpvroepIuieTieeeovvooheuoeerwaUewretd.aeceTeksSedvaTrnrMiacarnhhnkenlraafoouytensawslerntwceeonmomo,puhnsdul!,klkh.loswdumhyonireilse,onoTiRssbnitecdacswwtlalriDieNagrnRNdgtotieds2rd.retiepoportpttuoomcoarscscoofsaneuttsahaAphnl,.hRamdvsvAnasAxCpi.retahsfemoawlseeiiihsu0oldpce:ho.uptailrslnsiAeypluarlgCfhcinsoimeoedoe/orTcprakunnxiceatlwiyl.dvasiohrow/enbNa,nN1iEmpmsetryaSlncepel.lyliIclehwmrgeopne.eeiealmac.eeerRsr6trOlppaqwwCrnecogcemhlctesaarUueospoekggiishonsseet&o,ebanswihartu!i!trroNirdmasopstlmhlmlsvsrtesIhmeaiTcmldmsecit.nsntitireeanwhriucioahreTigNecnCeawei.snaaeeendeef.iyhnn/iadsiyiel7rde.ginrele’idtalvlsiscnsnooNtUirg.eeniKsiasc0IhttntoareftnnecltrlAoneltssooispnblflwterayosctsgxedpdrhetso.ishxc,isdehrtoorha,mpcoe;gewviSWhlsuatsuysyetwitmuedlereororpteegtveynees.gctiepemdsleYrrehrlteiihsphdPNeesarsasashesonloe/ido.enonnlPae,inli5cctafdixAfetsi,anruutmnatlhrtrre-ynnoayNnosseernSsrexnoggeNthwasdfoAeasidrerhiseSesfrsleoednendl,.twtelrpicifestyw.oiopDalxgrdsera’lrclotsspnariyatphdmay!oeehanygracoleubtrtebyonrostrcvuuetaohcucnairaesrghueesdreGytntessebgmAsuakt,jhumoseoociducrnoNarc(Cnitfbteid.eaTsehvoErcsdrdTArdeoeWwadhppyroifEdhlfyioiesiusoNsrruSaosi…ttxpansuussolnreiteugkrdudio’am,ZnsssisiteNrnnedcy•.ieod,spmSoafOypt2inygohydT1nuoe9aorwsmwtfPenWudwARnroKrw.edwnaIidBow.TNo(isrketiPevuknieTtidn)grwltrlnseemiwvCeitWnrisiehlNlsOuslWb•cseeenIbyoiQsnseowaaToluZSieoenvtasyure!rSc)Hwl!eiv,rr?hAatie!2TsaOtcmgo.d.wmsoJhW5enec,os,ei6FodUo•ulik•iCoBkuse.rmnseAl3l,ceTloukFyetfa@N6fi/rbnoSmtaSlats6oihrOtcZOttdocmhTnrae.Uroeaa!e9nhtoedWybes:ivCHNh’r7oBskatlnnaeueieo7eecLllrGtplId•delsrloI9eryIhyeraN?NaSrTkn,NoodiuoantentsmuiEoLATddnrtiSorrDmsaLgeHen•gIlspsil-Eh3PSnr.TG!occeAo5R-vShrohNmm6ePoEHAmooE3tACAewmlgw-O0RoBLseowneTaTA.tlscwrLetOaeUtLuo.icdctbRettlSmsRuCror®-!b•uragEzriFrrrtniarucyedguteoelusCrmiionnn•gsjI.OSuucnAolsTtntTamYuet/6oiA-t/o0oOuCn-ror9Tnir0HnTe-eOndgosKc.atnm.ey.Piesder!e!spville News! 5 A bird has 2 wings. In your Draw the face head, determine how many wingsthat is missing are on ten birds; how many from the box wings are on twenty birds?Answers Kidsville News! 17On Page23August 2017

Cars 3 “Cars 3” is new corporate sponsor (Nathan out of objects from a school lost- a great new Fillion), and McQueen is not and-found bin. It’s an interesting chapter in going down without a fight. concept and carries an important the “Cars” message. It’s one of my favorite series. While My favorite character in “Cars Pixar shorts to date. it doesn’t 3” is Cruz Ramirez. The reveal soar to the of a new car being added to I recommend “Cars 3” for ages 5 heights of Lightning’s crew is exciting. This to 12. The scene where Lightning other Pixar character’s glowing positivity is a McQueen crashes is quite intense films, it still nice contrast to McQueen’s snarky and could scare younger children. is the best pessimism. Cristela Alonzo brings I give this film 4 out of 5 stars. “Cars” film a lot of enthusiasm, but also plays yet. the deeper sides of this character “Cars 3” sees very well and engages you inLightning McQueen (Owen the evolution of Cruz RamirezWilson) undergo a series of losses throughout the movie.and then a near fatal crash. Hisfellow racers are dropping out and The animation in “Cars 3” isbeing replaced by new, high-tech great. No other film succeeds incars like his rival Jackson Storm making everyday objects feel truly(Armie Hammer). McQueen human as well as this franchiserealizes during his recovery that does. This gives it a sense ofthe game has changed, and he’s realism and puts me more in tunenot the sharp rookie he used to with characters’ emotions andbe. He knows he needs to train makes me care more about themharder than he ever has to keep in the process. The backgroundsdoing what he loves. With the in this film are gorgeous. They’rehelp of trainer Cruz Ramirez detailed, picturesque and really(Cristela Alonzo), McQueen plans reflect the quality of Pixar’sto beat Storm at an upcoming animation. The total effect makesrace in Florida to start off the me envy the characters and wishseason. This is his last chance to I could visit them in their rich,prove his worth to his fans and his colorful world. Preceding “Cars 3” is the short film “Lou” about a creature made18 Kidsville News! August 2017

Gee Thanks! Kidsville News!-In- Education Sponsorsfor helping to provide Kidsville News! to Lauderdale Kids K-6th. FLORENCE UTILITIES Friends of Kidsville News!• SIMPSON’S AUTO GLASS & WRECKER SERVICE • MIKE RANDALL, REALTOR® • McCUTCHEON & HAMNER, P.C. • EXCEL COMPUTER SERVICES   QZVFFHGX Bocce BallCome Out & Play [bow-chay] Bocce Ball is an ancient as in bow tiegame that can be tracedback thousands of years. Here is how to play: Images © Created by insanity100 and kevenodes - Vecteezy.comIt is widely consideredthe oldest sport in world • Rules can be adjusted for different levels of Bocce Balls at the Pallina.history. There is evidence players. • The goal is to get the Bocce Balls as close toof the game recorded as early as 5200 BCE.The Greeks started playing a similar game • There should be two teams. the Pallina as possible.between 800 and 600 BCE after they learned the • Each team can have from one to four players, • The balls must be thrown from the Egyptians. The Romans learned • You can knock opponent’s balls away fromthe game from the Greeks and were the rst to but the teams must have the same number ofplay Bocce as we recognize it today. With the players. the Pallina.Romans, anyone could play the game just about • Four balls should be divided evenly between • To score, the team with the closest ball getsanywhere. It became so popular that rulers the players of a team; there should be eightacross Europe were worried that the game was balls total. one point for every ball that is closer to thedangerous because it distracted people from • There should also be one smaller ball called a Pallina than the other team’s closest ball.their work. In 1319 A.D., only the nobility could Pallina. • If no one is closer, then no points will be the game. This restriction meant that the • The balls for the two teams should be different • Repeat the game until one team has scored 16game lost popularity. Bocce ball gained and so that they can be told apart. points.lost popularity over the centuries, but it became • The game can be played in the dirt, grass or onand stayed an international sport after the 1896 a court. For more information, visit the following sites:Bocce Olympiad. The very rst Bocce clubs were • The larger the court, the harder the game will be. in Italy, and Italian immigrants brought • The first team, as decided by who wins the coin game to America. toss, should throw the Pallina on to the court. • Rules can change on how far away the Pallina must be based on the skill of the players. • Teams then take turns throwing the largeAugust 2017 Kidsville News! 19

A Section Especially for ParentsKidsville News Inc., Truman and James Patterson’s are pleased to partner on this page to help you discover books that kids you love are sure to love.20 Kidsville News! August 2017

Knowledge Power ParenTown’s KidShape Submitted By Patricia J. Weaver Native Americans How Music & Singing Bene t Children Did you know the word Alabama means tribal town in the Creek Indian language? North Alabama counties Music is everywhere: on the are rich with Native American history. I enjoyed radio, in movies and television doing the research for these questions. shows and as a backdrop 1. What was the purpose of the Ghost Dance? when shopping or celebrating A. Preparation for War milestones. B. Beginning of hunting season C. Just for fun Music is an integral part of D. A peaceful ritual remembering the old way cultures all over the world. 2. What Native American tribe made up the largest Music can express emotions number of refugees involved in the Trail of Tears? not easily conveyed otherwise. A. Shawnee It also provides a sense of B. Seneca community and belonging and C. Cherokee can help unite the divided. D. Seminole 3. What was the leading cause of death on the Trail of Playing musical instruments or Tears? singing has a number of bene ts. A. Infectious diseases From the earliest days after their B. Exhaustion birth, children can be calmed C. Snake bites by music. Music helps people D. Fighting with US troops work out their feelings and can 4. Which United States President passed the Indian be uplifting and comforting when people need a boost. While many Removal Act that lead to the Cherokee people being people are familiar with the mood-enhancing bene ts of music, they forced from their homeland? may not know that music also has developmental bene ts. A. Thomas Jefferson B. Andrew Jackson According to Don Campbell, internationally known educator C. John Quincy Adams and author of “The Mozart Effect for Children,” music enhances D. Abraham Lincoln intelligence, coordination, emotional expression, creativity 5. Which tribe was undefeated in all their battles with and socialization skills. Studies have suggested that music and the U.S. Government? movement affect all areas of development. Music can bolster A. Blackfeet listening skills, improve motor skills, assist with problem solving and B. Mohicans promote spatial-temporal reasoning. Many others say that music C. Cherokee can calm and focus the mind, which is why it is so often employed D. Seminoles by therapists. 6. Why did some Native Americans carve totem poles? A. To scare away evil spirits In the book, “The Importance of Music,” author Ellen B. To scare away enemies Judson cites a 10-year study that tracked more than 25,000 C. To honor ancestors and tell their stories middle and high school students. The study showed that D. To show power and rank in the tribe students in music classes receive higher scores on standardized 7. Why are eagles and their feathers so special to some tests than students with little to no musical involvement. tribes of Native Americans? In addition, singing and engaging in musical appreciation sharpens A. They are fierce one’s ability to communicate. Learning a piece of information B. They are beautiful attached to a tune will more readily embed that information in the C. Believed they were messengers from the spirit world brain. For example, many children learn the alphabet via song. D. They are free Pairing lessons with song can help anyone retain information more easily. Answers on page 23 Music also is fun, so much so that kids may not realize they’re actually learning while singing. Matthew Freeman, development manager of “Sing up,” a national singing project to help enhance music in children’s education, states that children don’t think of singing as work and may be more willing to participate. Song can be used to reinforce all different subjects, from language arts to mathematics. Children or adults who are apprehensive about meeting new people can use music as a means to open the door to new friendships. Joining a choral group will immediately introduce people to others who enjoy music as well. Group singing is less intimidating than singing alone, so it takes some of the pressure off of a person and can staunch performance anxiety. Music is bene cial throughout one’s life and can be an enjoyable way to make learning more fun.August 2017 Kidsville News! 21

TM 6723 /,77(5The View Student Questionnaire <RXU6KRDOV Mail, bring by or email us <RXU&KRLFH YOUR PHOTO & your answers!NameGrade School Fax # 256-760-9618 Email: [email protected] Mail: 219 W. Tennessee Street • Florence, AL 35630What is your favorite......Song?Holiday?Vegetable to eat?Cartoon? CANNOTHave you ever ridden a horse? PRINTIf you had one wish what would it be? WITHOUT PHOTOIf you could have any color car, what color HELP! Truman Lost His Hat!would it be?Have you ever ridden in a convertible car? Maybe you can help him find it &How much do you play video games? WIN A PLUSH MINI- TRUMAN OR PUPPET!*Do you play on any sports team? Somewhere in this Kidsville News! is Truman‛s small red hat!Do you like to drink water? This hat will not be on Truman.Have you ever ridden on a roller coaster? Find only his red hat! Send us the form below for a chance to win! *Subject to availability. The name of the winners will be in the next issue of Kidsville News!Do you like to exercise? Last month’s hat was on page 21. July Winners of a Mini-Truman Cooper Holt Jace Hof of Florence of Muscle ShoalsDo you like to read aloud? Pick yours up at the Courier Journal Office 219 W. Tennessee St., FlorenceMUST HAVEPERMISSION TO PRINT Parent/Guardian Permission Mail or bring entry to us by August 24I give Kidsville News! permission to print my CHILD’S PHOTO & opinion on Hat on pg. _________ Your Name mail to: Addressany questions listed above. I do realize my child’s first name, school and grade could Kidsville News! Town 219 W. Tennessee St. Schoolbe printed in this publication. I have enclosed or emailed my CHILD’S PHOTO. Florence, AL 35630Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE Date Phone22 Kidsville News! August 2017

ParenTown’s KidSmart ANSWERS Avoid back injuries T APA by choosing the right backpack R OADWAYS Finding the right backpack is essential. It is a valuable A VC T component of back-to-school shopping. Children may have their F II O own ideas of what’s in style, but parents should look for backpacks FF A L C O N U that are functional before factoring in style. Marrying form and N function together can be challenging, but it’s necessary to prevent I EG students from developing back problems. But parents must give CAR AD consideration to moreKnowledge School Bus than just thePower size of their children’s Answers backpacks. 1. D 2. C According 3. A to the U.S. 4. B Consumer 5. D Product 6. C Safety Commission, 7. C What’s the Difference? at least 14,000 children are Di erences: 1) Book color 2) Girl’s shirt treated for 3) Girl’s hair tie color 4) Girls’ eye color backpack- 5) Frog’s eyes missing 6) Background color related missing 7) Girl’s hair color 8) Grandpa’s hair injuries every year. The color 9) Grandpa’s sweater color American Academy of MATHTIME Orthopedic Students may notice the Surgeons saysTen birds, 20 wings, 20 birds, 40 pattern going across and that the weight of a backpack should not exceed 10 to 15 percentwings. Students may multiply down and from this gure of a child’s body weight. But many students pack their bags withtwo times the number or they out the missing square. much more weight than that.may count by 2’s. Students may Some students may nd the answer • Choose a streamlined model. Select a backpack that will getenjoy making up their own by looking at the empty square the job done without much added bulk. Many backpacks haveproblems similar to this problem. and nd its features by process of been designed to hold technological devices as more and more elimination. schools integrate technology into the classroom. A less bulky bag might be lighter and easy to carry. • Consider shopping at a sporting goods store. Employees at camping and sporting goods retailers understand how to t backpacks for hikers and outdoor adventurers. They can help measure a student and nd a pack that will t his or her body frame. Also, these retailers may have a wider selection of backpacks than some other stores, increasing the chances of nding the right t. • Select a pack with a waist strap. According to the American Chiropractic Association, the body is not designed to carry items hanging from shoulders. By using the waist strap in conjunction with taut shoulder straps, students can distribute the weight in their backpacks over their hip bones instead of the shoulders. The padded and adjustable shoulder straps should be at least two inches wide. All straps should be used each time the pack is worn. • Backpacks should be loaded properly. Heavy items should be near the center bottom to distribute the load, rather than placed on top. Students should only carry what is necessary, visiting lockers or desks as needed to lighten their packs.August 2017 Kidsville News! 23

Back to School!It’s time to head back to school, so stay healthy with these tips! Backpack Safety • Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. Always use both shoulder straps. • Pack light and use all of the backpack’s compartments to organize your items. Pack heavier items closer to the center of the back. • Adjust the backpack so that the bottom sits at the waist. Traveling To and From School • Be cautious boarding your school bus. Always wait for the bus to stop before approaching. • Always look both ways before crossing any street. Nutrition • Eat a healthy breakfast before school. Kids that eat a nutritious breakfast have better concentration and more energy. • Watch out for sugary drinks and treats. Choose healthy options. • Pack healthy snacks. Brought to you by your friends at:1300 S. Montgomery Ave. • Sheffield, AL •256-386-4196 • www.helenkeller.com24 Kidsville News! August 2017

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