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Published by pete, 2017-08-03 08:39:10

Description: Legendary_Adventures_Harrowing_Heights_2.0_Digital_Release


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Appendix C: Chains oF bondage Wondrous Item, uncommon Magic Items Large interlocking rings form a 15 foot chain with 3 sets of manacles spanning its length at 5 foot intervals. These chains might not seem like much at a glance, but A ppendix C presents the following new rounds them may well guess at their true purpose, as those who come to understand the magic that sur- magical items: well as the tremendous pain and anguish that they have been used to inflict. aPPendix c - magic items mAgiCAl items by rArity Slavers, conquering armies, or other oppressors might use the Chains of Bondage to subjugate those Magical Item Rarity that they enjoy dominion over; either organizing them into chain gangs and pressing them into service, or else Chains of Bondage Common just using the power of the chains to keep their prison- Gnasher's Mould Common ers docile and restrained. Hammer of Mending Common Mechanics. The Chains of Bondage can be used to restrain 3 medium or small humanoid creatures. Indestructible Driftwood Plank Common Beings shackled in this way gain the Restrained condi- Karmic Stones Common tion, however the only restriction to their movement is that they cannot move more than 5 foot away from the Lucien's Magic Dart Common creature(s) adjacent to them in the chain. Consequently, Misplaced Spectacles Common should creatures linked by the Chains of Bondage desire to move, their movement actions should be resolved Nightcap of Restful Slumber Common simultaneously, moving on the turn of the slowest participant. Plotter's Gallstone of Seething Common If a shackled creature would like to move but another Ring of Quickchange Common is actively resisting its attempts to do so, the pair Crossbow of the Vigilant Uncommon should make a contested Strength check to resolve the situation. The third chained creature, if one is present, Emperor's New Spoon Uncommon might grant advantage to either party through the Aid Gemstone of Longevity Uncommon Another action. Alternatively, you could add up the indi- vidual Strength checks of every participant involved if a Holyfist's Wraps Uncommon tug-of-war involving more than 3 creatures occurs (see Howling Shortsword Uncommon below for rules on chain gangs in excess of 3 creatures) to determine which force prevails. Movement contested Javelin of Restoration Uncommon in this way always counts as difficult terrain and a chain Javelin of Trueshot Uncommon gang can only move as fast as its slowest member. Petrified Tongue of Good Fortune Uncommon Rocbasha's Mattock Uncommon Rod of Celebrity Uncommon Chains Of Bondage Shield of (misplaced) Faith Uncommon Shillelagh Staff Uncommon Sickle of Pestilence Uncommon Slowsip Uncommon 101 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

A DC 20 Strength check is required to break any depends on whether it is a Balanced, Penetrating, or Ac- component of the Chains of Bondage, while a DC 18 celerating crossbow: Dexterity check with thieves' tools is needed to pick Balanced [type] Crossbow of the Vigilant. This the lock of a pair of its manacles. Lastly, a creature can crossbow is designed for balance and versatility. It pro- attempt to slip out his manacles without thieves' tools if vides a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. he can pass a DC 22 Dexterity check. Should a creature attempt any of the above actions and fail, every creature Penetrating [type] Crossbow of the Vigilant. This attached to the chain is electrocuted as punishment, crossbow is modified to increase its stopping power and taking 2 (1D4) lightning damage. armor penetration. It provides a +2 bonus to damage rolls. If the Chains of Bondage are broken, they can magi- cally be re-joined by touching their ends together. The Accelerating [type] Crossbow of the Vigilant. This Chains of Bondage can be extended in the same way if a crossbow fires projectiles at a much higher velocity, second set is discovered and linked with an existing set. leaving targets with little time to dodge out of the way. For every 5 foot of chain that is added, an additional set It provides a +2 bonus to attack rolls. of manacles forms. emPeror's neW sPoon Wondrous Item, uncommon CrossboW oF the vigilant Weapon (any crossbow), uncommon (requires One man's trash is another's gold. In the case of the attunement) Emperor's New Spoon, what some might perceive as aPPendix c - magic items Manufactured by a secretive order of templars, this a humble piece of wood that has been whittled and range of modified crossbows has been developed by tak- fashioned into a simple spoon, another might see as a ing common, everyday light, heavy, or hand crossbows true treasure. and customizing them into one of 3 bespoke configura- The Emperor's New Spoon is a very basic, plain item tions to suit a range of needs and purposes. Addition- that would be utterly worthless if not for the power- ally, potent magic has been woven into these crossbows ful illusory enchantments at work on it. As a result, it to further enhance their efficacy for those who know is frequently mistaken for an artifact of tremendous val- how to unlock their true potential. ue–even despite still being recognized as a mere spoon. Mechanics. Roll 2D6 the first time a Crossbow of the Mechanics. When a sentient creature first encoun- Vigilant is encountered. The first of which determines ters the Emperor's New Spoon, have him make a DC whether it is a hand crossbow, heavy crossbow, or light 13 Wisdom (insight) or Intelligence (arcana) check; crossbow; while the second is used to decide if it is a whichever presents him with a superior modifier. If he Balanced, Penetrating, or Accelerating crossbow. fails this check, he mistakes the spoon for an item of A Crossbow of the Vigilant cannot be attuned to until tremendous value, one that he believes to be of greater it has been used to deal a killing blow by the creature worth than everything he possesses combined. Depend- wielding it. It functions as a normal crossbow of its type ing on the character's disposition, he might be willing until attuned to, at which point attacks made with it to trade everything he has to obtain the spoon; or else count as magical and its additional benefit is unlocked. lie, cheat, or steal to possess it. Which additional benefit the crossbow provides Crossbow of the Vigilant Emperor's New Spoon 102 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

A creature can make another check to determine many weeks. The gemstone itself also induces a feel- that the spoon is, in fact, worthless any time that he has ing of vitality and well-being that is akin a very mild several minutes to study it closely. However, if he was euphoria. This effect can be addictive. You may wish to initially fooled by the spoon, he makes each subsequent adjust a character's bonds or flaws to account for this check with disadvantage. change in disposition if you feel it becomes important - Suggestion. For a little extra fun, should a or utilize Wisdom saving throws as a defense against party obtain the Emperor's New Spoon and one the depredations of addiction. or more of them fail their initial checks to Should a creature 'over-indulge' in use of the ascertain that the item is worthless–have gemstone of longevity by having it in their sys- those PCs change their bonds to some- tem near-constantly, they can reduce themselves aPPendix c - magic items thing akin to one of the following and all the way to infancy; usually whereupon they reward them inspiration for playing up cease dabbling with the object as they are no their new quirk: longer capable of comprehending what it is, \"A friend of mine carries an item of its power, or how it functions. great importance, I fantasize about the How long the gemstone takes to pass day I'll take it from him\" through a creature's digestive system var- ies from species to species. However, for \"The spoon is mine, I will never let it go!\" most humanoids, it is typically around 3 \"The spoon is my birthright, I will not be days. denied what is mine.\" gnasher's mold gemstone oF longevity Wondrous Item, uncommon Wondrous Item, uncommon A small blob-like globule of an Though striking and vibrant in its own right, this unknown, blue substance is held small, thumb-sized stone has a value far exceed- suspended in a greenish fluid ing that of any mere jewel. In fact, the true worth within this modest glass receptacle. of the Gemstone of Longevity lies in its restorative Gemstone of There should be little doubt that the powers - although the manner in which these are un- Longevity contents of this jar belongs in some locked is perhaps somewhat 'unconventional'. mad alchemist's collection; gath- When ingested, the stone has an unusual effect upon ering dust on a shelf filled with similarly bizarre and its imbiber, restoring to them the vigors of youth. This unnecessary objects. regenerative object might appeal to the vanity of an ag- The rear of the jar is labeled and, although the label ing beauty who longs to be timeless, an individual ap- gives no clues as to the identity of the creator of this proaching the end of their life, a youth reluctant to face synthetic material, it might make someone question the responsibilities of adulthood, or as an aphrodisiac the mental state of its inventor. The label has a series to a romantic or lover whose relationship is growing of three simple diagrams that depict a man removing stale - assuming of course they can stomach the idea of the gnasher's mold from its receptacle, placing it into swallowing a sliver of rock over and over again. his mouth, and finally grinning with a new set of pearly Mechanics. A creature that white teeth. It also clarifies that the jar contains some- ingests the gemstone of longevity thing known as Gnasher's Mold. gains 1D4 hit points for every 5 hit Mechanics. Once removed from its solution, this dice that they possess (a minimum gum-like adhesive substance molds itself over the of 1D4). These function exactly teeth of anyone who chews it. After a minute or so the as normal hit points do so long Gnasher's Mold sets hard like stone, strengthening and as the gemstone remains in the reinforcing the mouth and jaw of its current 'host' and creature's stomach or digestive granting them a natural bite attack that deals 1D4 + system, although they are lost the Strength modifier piercing damage. Any creature that moment the stone passes. already possesses a bite attack finds this upgraded, so Additionally, a creature that that a D4 becomes a D6, a D6 becomes a D8, and so on. has the gemstone of longevity in- A character benefiting from Gnasher's Mold can still Gnasher's side them should roll a D4 for each speak, although they might find it more challenging to Mold day that the stone remains in their properly pronounce complicated words and syllables. system. Their age decreases by this 103 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

In order to remove it, a character with the Gnasher's When Holyfist did finally return, he possessed three Mold in his mouth simply has to swill the solution that hundred sets of handwraps that he claimed to have is contained in its glass jar and it will return to its inert blessed personally. These enchanted objects were form. Should they be unable to gain access to the liquid, imbued with tremendous power and it was his intention they might instead try an anti-magic field, knocking to gift one pair to each of his students until the day he their teeth out, or getting used to their new smile. ran out, at which time he would close his doors and let those he trained be his legacy. And he went on to do hammer oF mending exactly that, although his legacy turned out to be far Weapon (light hammer), common grander still. This object might not look out of place in any workshop, In the years since Holyfist's death, not only was he craft hall, or foundry but a measure of hidden power elevated to sainthood, but many of his former students resides within this plain, unassuming repair hammer - went on to form monastic schools of their own. This, ready to be called upon once more. The object is neither in turn, gave rise to a period of intense rivalry between initialed nor signed, and does not feature a signature competing dojos, some of which followed Holyfist's flourish to betray the identity of its creator, however its teachings, some of which did not, and some which purpose as an instrument of mending is readily appar- claimed to fraudulently. ent to whomever wields it. Around the same time, many sets of fake wraps ap- At one time, many of these enchanted hammers were peared, each bearing the letters 'HF', even though Holy- created by artisans to allow their apprentices to quickly fist himself was known only by his full title and never aPPendix c - magic items and easily carry out minor jobs without the need for su- his initials. These were initially nothing more than pervision. Unfortunately, this led to a spate of shysters harmless duplicates or replicas, although over time a and frauds setting up shady businesses and illegitimate crop of cursed handwraps got into circulation and have guildhalls while purporting themselves to be master been making a nuisance of themselves ever since. craftsmen. In the end, a great many Hammers of Mend- Mechanics. While wearing Holyfist's wraps and ing were gathered up and destroyed by the very same attuned to them, a creature gains a +1 bonus to attack blacksmiths, welders, shipwrights, and other specialists rolls and damage rolls, and its unarmed strikes and who had commissioned them but a generation or two natural attacks are considered to be magical. earlier. Additionally, once per day a creature attuned to a set Mechanics. The hammer of mending essentially of Holyfist's Wraps can enter a kind of meditative state, functions the same as any ordinary light hammer, allowing it to remain conscious through trials that albeit with two caveats. The first of which is that it has might break it under normal circumstances. As a bonus 3 charges that can be used to cast the spell Mending. action, a creature can clench its fists and gain 2D4 + 2 These charges reset each day at dawn. One of the ham- temporary hit points for 1 minute, after which it gains 1 mer's charges can be expended by its wielder striking level of exhaustion. the object that he would like mended and uttering the command word, \"Mend!\" Additionally, if a creature casts the spell Mending while the hammer of mending is in his hand, he does so with increased potency. The spell can now repair breaks or tears up to 5 foot in any dimension. holyFist WraPs Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Though only a handful of historians still know it, the legendary nomad, wanderer, philosopher, and philanthropist known simply as Holyfist founded a school of monastic arts before he went on to achieve sainthood. Little is known about his early life but according to the history books, Holyfist vanished for a full cycle in prepara- tion for opening his dojo. Where he went Holyfist's and what he did in that time is unknown. Wraps 104 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Cursed Wraps. Although there are still many genu- violence and cries out in pain when it is brought to ine sets of Holyfist's Wraps in circulation, fakes can also bear; creating a high-pitched sound similar to a howl, easily be encountered. Roll a D20 when a pair of wraps screech, or wail that, under normal circumstances, can is first encountered. On a result of 1-5, this particular be heard out to a range of at least 300 feet. pair of wraps has the opposite effect as normal, reduc- Additionally, on an attack roll with a result of 1, ing attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes and every creature within a 20-foot radius of the blade's natural weapons by -1, although such attacks are still wielder should make a DC 8 Constitution saving throw considered to be magical. or take 1D4 thunder damage and be deafened until the A creature can only identity that they have encoun- end of their next long or short rest. The wielder of the tered a pair of cursed wraps instead of Holyfist's Wraps blade and the target of his strike both have disadvan- aPPendix c - magic items if; they know to look for the fake initials, by scoring at tage on this save. least 20 on an Intelligence (arcana) check when inspect- ing the wraps, they cast the identify spell on them, indestruCtible driFtWood Plank or when they make their first attack after attuning to Wondrous item, common them. The origins of this striking 3-foot-long plank are In order to remove a pair of cursed wraps, a PC must shrouded in mystery. Perhaps its unusual properties beat a DC 20 Strength check. He can be assisted in do- are the result of a natural occurrence, or else some kind ing so with the Aid Another action, however if he fails of unusual ritual, spell, or druidic blessing might be to remove the cursed wraps by 5 or more, he gains 1 responsible. Whatever the reason, the object possesses level of exhaustion that cannot be lifted until the wraps several surprising characteristics and does not reveal are removed and must wait at least 10 minutes before itself to be magical even under through inspection by a trying to remove them again. A creature can only gain 1 creature using the Detect Magic spell. level of exhaustion in this way. Mechanics. When placed in a moving body of water, the Indestructible Driftwood Plank drifts upstream hoWling shortsWord against the current at the same rate other objects move Weapon (shortsword), uncommon downstream. A prolific inventor once set out to make the world a saf- If small objects are placed upon the plank and left er, happier place by, oddly enough, manufacturing the to their own devices, they move to the edge of it and perfect weapon. His idea was simple, to forge a blade eventually fall to the ground as if it were vibrating at of unusual power, quality, and efficacy that could be a very high frequency, though any such movement is tempered by its own desire not to do harm or take life imperceptible to the human eye and the plank remains unnecessarily. His hope was that, despite bristling with still if touched. power, the blade itself could curtail the most murderous and violent urges of its wielder. The sword, eventually named the Howling Short- sword, was a prototype of sorts; intended to be the first of many such implements had its inventor been able to get the formula quite right. Unfortunately, in the wake of several faltering missteps and setbacks, he had to abandon his ambitions of gifting similar weapons to the warlords, generals, and conquerors of his land and ushering in a new age of peace. Technically, the Howling Shortsword meets all of its intended criteria, although most would agree that the end result is hardly something to be proud of. Mechanics. The Howling Shortsword Howling counts as a magical weapon and confers Shortsword a +1 bonus to attack rolls and dam- age rolls made with it. However, the weapon has a certain disdain for 105 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

The Indestructible Driftwood Plank also does not If the Javelin of Restoration is aimed at a fiend or an fall over when placed on the ground standing upright undead creature instead and hits, it counts as a critical unless interfered with by an extraneous force; such as a strike. Any damage resulting from this counts as force creature kicking it over. damage instead of piercing. Lastly, the plank has exceptional tensile strength and is incredibly hard wearing. It can support up to 2 tons javelin oF trueshot (4,000 lbs) of weight, requires a DC 30 Strength check to Weapon (javelin), uncommon break, and is not affected by fire. Forged by a great elven weaponsmith as a gift to a young, impetuous human king centuries ago, this long, javelin oF restoration slender javelin flies fast and true, finding its mark time Weapon (javelin), uncommon and time again with unerring accuracy. Its timely inter- At first glance, this javelin might appear ordinary, vention has the potential to both prevent, and cause, however, in truth, it brims with restorative power. In wars. addition to its ability to mend wounds, the Javelin of Curiously, the javelin has a talent for winding up in Restoration can also heal disturbed or disquieted minds just the right hands, in just the right place, and at just by driving out the unnatural spirits and malevolent the right time to irrevocably alter the outcome of semi- malingerers that trouble them - providing a welcome, if nal, defining moments in history - before disappearing fleeting, moment of respite. into obscurity again for a time, only to reappear years or Mechanics. This object functions as a normal even decades later and do the same again. aPPendix c - magic items javelin, however it also has 3 charges which reset at Mechanics. When used to make a melee or ranged dawn each day. When using the Javelin of Restoration attack, the Javelin of Trueshot scores critical hits on a to make a ranged attack, its wielder can spend a charge result of 18-20. Additionally, ranged attacks with this to will it to transform into an ethereal or incorporeal weapon are made with advantage and have an increased object as it leaves their grip. This can have one of two range of 60/240 feet. consequences depending on the target, either way the The Javelin of Trueshot can be destroyed if sufficient item reappears in the hands of the creature who hurled blunt force is applied to its shaft, such as by a creature it as a solid object after several seconds or at the end of attempting to shatter it over their knee. Doing so, re- the round. While intangible in this way, the javelin can quires a successful DC 14 Strength check. pass through walls and solid objects. Should the javelin strike a living creature while in karmiC stones its intangible form, it restores hit points equal to one Wondrous item, common of their hit die + their Constitution modifier instead A useful tool for those who hunt evil, this small leather of dealing damage. If a creature attempts to dodge the pouch filled with small white stones has had a hand in javelin for whatever reason, have the character who the demise of countless creatures of the night. Highly threw it make an attack roll as normal to determine if it attuned to the emotional cadence of creatures, the strikes. stones are sensitive to the intentions and desires of those nearby and can sense the presence of good and evil as a result. Similarly to how magnets react to positive and negative magnetic fields, these stones are drawn to- wards good creatures and repelled by Indestructible Driftwood Plank Javelin of Restoration Javelin of Trueshot 106 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

evil ones. By removing them from their pouch and plac- Nevertheless, there are still certain regions of the ing them down on a flat surface, an observer can get a world who believe it good luck to wear some form of sense of the 'lay of the land' as it were in the sense that neck guard, or quote the saying '...Certain as a Lucien...' he might be able to identify nearby threats and dangers, in reference to something being unavoidable, inevi- or potential allies. table, or otherwise guaranteed. Unfortunately, the Karmic Stones are highly inter- Mechanics. A character who possesses one of Luc- pretive in the sense that a stronger aura of good or evil ien's Magic Darts and writing tools can write a short has a more pronounced effect on them, and the sway message, no longer than several sentences, throw the that such an influence has over them is lessened by dis- dart into the air, and speak the name of the message's tance. As a result, it can be difficult to tell if the stones recipient while picturing them in aPPendix c - magic items are being driven away from evil or towards good, their mind's eye. The dart will if they're being affected by multiple creatures at then seek out that individual once, or whether these creatures are especially and imbed itself in the back powerful or simply close at hand. of their neck, dealing 1D4 Additionally, the stones can only re- piercing damage. If a creature ally be used by neutral characters, oth- sees the dart coming, they erwise the creature attempting to study can attempt to catch it with them throws off the reading altogeth- a DC 18 Dexterity check, the er. That said, when employed cleverly dart considers its mission and creatively, the Karmic Stones can complete if caught this way. also prove incredibly useful. One of these darts travels at a rate of 30 feet per second, Mechanics. If placed on a flat surface and allowed to move freely, these small Karmic which is approximately 20 miles stones roll towards good-aligned crea- Stones per hour or 480 miles per day, and tures, consecrated or hallowed ground, and continues on its journey until its holy implements; and away from evil creatures, des- mission is complete, at which time ecrated or despoiled earth, and objects of corruption. it becomes inert. The dart is not capable of interplanar travel, nor can it account for anti-magic fields. Should The more that a creature, location, or object exem- it pass through such a field, it becomes inert until given plifies its alignment towards good or evil, the more fresh instructions. If the dart is unable to reach its pronounced the effect on the stones, and this effect is target, it circles until a path becomes available. Magics magnified exponentially the closer such an influence related to warding against Scrying or similar effects can is to them. Although an individual could learn a lot by also be used to mislead or foil the dart. studying these stones, there is no 'definitive' way for an observer to determine the exact number of factors af- The note within the dart remains present until it has fecting them, what strength these factors have or their been pulled out and revealed 3 times, after which the proximity. message vanishes for good and the dart is ready for use again. luCien's magiC dart Weapon (dart), common Lucien's This small dart appears to have a pull-cord built into it which, when tugged, unspools to reveal a small con- Magic Dart cealed note. At least a hundred of these unusual darts were once manufactured, however many have been destroyed over the years. No one knows precisely how many are still in circulation as these pesky little objects are virtually impossible to keep track of. 107 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

misPlaCed sPeCtaCles Additionally, while wearing the nightcap, a sleeper Wondrous item, common is immune to spells and spell-like effects that influence his dreams. However, unless woken, the wearer sleeps Individuals have stumbled across these curious glasses for an extra hour each day and if the nightcap is worn in the most unlikely of places over the years–only to for 7 consecutive nights, its wearer falls into a deep pick them up, figure out how to use them, and take slumber and cannot be awoken until it is removed. advantage of their unusual function for a time - before they're pilfered by someone else. Elves and other creatures immune to magical sleep are equally immune to the effects of the Nightcap of Whether their original purpose was sinister, that of Restful Slumber. espionage, or for altruistic and noble reasons; in the right hands, these reading glasses can prove incredibly PetriFied tongue oF good Fortune useful for information gathering. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) Mechanics. When a creature removes the Misplaced This faintly-odd smelling pendant is fashioned from the Spectacles from their case and sets them down some- shriveled tongue of a goat, the end where it was severed where, he can picture whatever they witness in his from its original owner has been roughly sewn shut mind's eye as if looking through their lenses himself. and a short length of rough-spun cord now punctures it This effect lasts until the spectacles are disturbed, usu- in two places, forming a loop so that it can be secured ally by being picked up by another creature, at which around the neck of its wearer. time their case materializes around them and they're ready for use again. Though this amulet is a good luck charm, the bar- aPPendix c - magic items baric manner with which it was created is anything but, Though this makes the Misplaced Spectacles an ex- and few who make such trinkets do so with benevolent cellent tool for spying or information gathering, it also purposes in mind. leads to them being misplaced a lot as whoever picks them up, invariably keeps them for himself. Mechanics. Once per day, the creature attuned to this object can 'bank' the result of a D20 when making nightCaP oF restFul slumber an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw. If it does so, Wondrous item, common the result of that roll must be recorded and a replace- ment must be rolled in its place. Once spent the banked Brightly-colored and embroidered with adorable little roll is lost and only 1 can be stored at a time. If a player stars, this fluffy nightcap might appear to be noth- decides to bank a new roll on another day, it replaces ing more than a novelty item or a garment for a child, the old one. however it also possesses certain other qualities - ones which may render it a blessing or a curse. While it has a banked result, a creature can use it in place of any 1 attack roll, skill check, or saving throw it Mechanics. When worn, this magical nightcap guar- makes, as well as have it apply in place of an attack roll antees that its wearer will have pleasant dreams, a good made against it. night's sleep, and wake refreshed. Misplaced Spectacles Nightcap of Restful Slumber 108 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Plotter's gallstone oF seething In the case of a PC, it would be appropriate to have Wondrous item, common him attempt Wisdom saving throws to keep his cool any time a character, event, or other setback could prove At a glance, this tiny object could easily be mistaken for frustrating or inconvenient and then encourage him to a pearl or a pill; however the true purpose of this artifi- roleplay a temper tantrum, or, if appropriate for your cially engineered object is far more sinister and chilling group, take control of their character and do it on their than either. Used to cause discomfort and misery, as behalf. well as prompt violent outbursts and fits of rage, politi- cians have been known to use these objects to discredit An alternative way of handling this that favors the political rivals, while other schemers have simply used 'carrot' over the 'stick' is to have the PC change his flaw them to destroy enemies and bring revenge down upon to the following while the Plotter's Gallstone of Seeth- aPPendix c - magic items those that have crossed them. ing is in effect: 'I have a short fuse and fly off the handle constantly' - then encourage them to roleplay the flaw Mechanics. Usually slipped into the beverage of and reward them with inspiration for doing so. an unknowing victim, this object passes through his system until entering his gall bladder, whereupon it Due to its size and magical nature, the Plotter's swells up to many times its usual size and lodges there. Gallstone of Seething cannot be passed without magical A creature consuming a drink (or potentially a broth or intervention or surgical removal. Once it has been ex- soup) with this stone in it should be prompted to make pelled, it reverts to its usual size and can be used again a DC20 Wisdom (perception) check. If they succeed on elsewhere. this check, they notice the object before swallowing it. ring oF QuiCkChange If the plotter is particularly clever about how he goes Wondrous item, common (requires attunement) about getting the object into his victim, such as placing it in alcohol and giving it to a notorious drunkard or This simple, unassuming ring might look almost out by putting it in a particularly thick, chunky broth, you of place on the finger of an influential noble, wealthy should consider giving the creature who consumes it merchant, or wise king due to its plainness, however disadvantage on his skill check to notice it. there is much more to this unadorned golden band that meets the eye. Once a creature has ingested the Plotter's Gallstone of Seething, it starts functioning after 1D12 + 4 hours, Rings of Quickchange are prized by secretive spies, at which time the creature's behavior changes. It now agents of espionage, and those who seek to conceal has a very short fuse, becoming easily ir- themselves from prying eyes. While wearing a Ring of ritated or bothered. In the case of an Quickchange, an individual who needs to be able to NPC, it is down to the gamemaster hurriedly make himself scarce, lose himself in a crowd, how to handle this narratively at or fit in amongst foreigners has a world of opportu- the table. nities at his disposal. Mechanics. Once attuned to a Ring of Quick- change, its wearer can slip it onto any of his fingers, or his thumb, in order to have his outfit magically transform to fit a certain theme; even if he was other- wise naked before donning the ring. Which Plotter's Gallstone of Seething Ring of Quickchange Petrified Tongue of Good Fortune 109 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

costume appears depends on which digit the ring is a business of his own which, ironically, was able to buy slipped on and the ring bearer has only to change it Riches Below out of foreclosure many years later and to change his attire. It should also be noted that attire enable him to keep many of his friends in work. His conjured by a Ring of Quickchange never counts as business, Orvus' Ores continues to perform well to this light, medium, or heavy armor. Perhaps most usefully day, although Orvus' greatest tool, his mattock, was of all, the owner of the ring has only to spend a week stolen from his manor several years ago and hasn't been or so immersed in a particular region for his seen since. 'costumes' to adjust to fit local culture. Mechanics. Even without being attuned to The following digits correspond to Rocbasha's Mattock, a creature that specific outfits: uses it to make a Strength check Thumb. An especially fine or fanciful to break a door or other object example of the garb of the rich and influential; does so with advantage. something suitable for a noble attending a dinner If attuned to Rocba- party. Rocbasha's sha's Mattock, a creature Index Finger. An outfit suitable for the day-to- Mattock gains a +1 bonus to attack day activities of a middle-class citizen; something and damage rolls for attacks practical and functional that is also comfortable. made with it, and such attacks are considered to be magical. Additionally, when strik- Middle Finger. The type of attire that a ing constructs or elementals with an earth affinity, peasant might wear; such as dirty rags, lice- Rocbasha's Mattock deals an additional 1D8 bludgeon- aPPendix c - magic items infested furs, or smelly and stained clothes. ing damage on a hit. Ring Finger. An example of local work- wear that a craftsman, artisan, or other local rod oF Celebrity businessman or merchant might be adorned Rod, uncommon (requires attunement) in. This ornate scepter possesses an unusual power. When Pinky. A second example of alternative strangers meet the individual who wields it for the first local workwear; such as that worn by a time, they tend to mistake him for a local hero, folk fisherman, farmer, laborer, or courier. legend, noble, king, entertainer, or some other indi- vidual with celebrity status. As a result, the rod tends roCbasha's mattoCk to lead to mayhem and mischief and is ever-coveted by Weapon (war pick), uncommon (requires attunement) scoundrels, swindlers, and charlatans–all of whom try The surprisingly mild-mannered half-orc Orvus Rocba- to use its trickery for personal gain. sha became famous for an incident that occurred while However, although such deception has its perks, it he was in the employ of Riches Below, a mining and can also have powerful negative consequences–such extraction conglomerate. Due to plummeting tempera- as in the case of being taken for an infamous bandit, tures, everyone at the mining camp where he worked reprehensible despot, or wanted felon. Additionally, froze to death, leaving Orvus all alone one winter. once one individual has mistaken the rod's wielder for a Unwilling to let down his employers, Orvus kept this to specific person, the idea is planted in the minds of oth- himself and continued to run the entire 15-man opera- ers and catches like wildfire. Which means that a case tion on his own for almost three months before the of mistaken identity can quickly escalate in directions truth came out in early spring. never initially intended. The story created quite a stir at the time and, though Mechanics. Whenever characters who wouldn't im- he has since retired, Orvus eventually went on to found mediately recognise the person attuned to the Rod of Celebrity meet him for the first time, have them attempt a DC 8 Wisdom (perception) check. If they fail this sUggesTioN check, they immediately assume the rod's owner to be a specific celebrity or notably personality that they've This item could have tremendous sentimental value to Orvus Rocbasha, feel free to place a reward of heard of or met, albeit likely not one that they're inti- 2,000 GP on its safe return and give the party the mately familiar with. This celebrity might be someone option of traveling to the half-orc's location and the rod's owner looks like or shares a specific trait with, reuniting him with his lost love. but this is not necessarily the case. 110 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

Once one individual has mistakenly Rod of following way: Each time a creature is hit identified the owner of the Rod Of Celeb- Celebrity by an attack that would have otherwise rity as a specific famous person, anyone missed them if the shield was function- else in the immediate vicinity is likely to ing as they believe it is, have them make a DC make the same mistake through peer pressure 18 Wisdom (insight) check. On a success, they or social engineering. These individuals make start so suspect that something is amiss or notice their own initial Wisdom (perception) checks with that they've been feeling sluggish of late. After 3 disadvantage, and anyone who didn't initially mis- successes, the character realizes the truth and sees take the rod's wielder for a celebrity must make a the item for what it really is. second check (without disadvantage) to be suckered aPPendix c - magic items in by the growing mob who have. shillelagh staFF Weapon (staff), uncommon If the individual attuned to the Rod Of Celebrity attempts to pass himself off as another person then Despite looking like a fairly rudimentary object that he'll likely be required to make Charisma (deception) might have been fashioned by a tribe of barbarians or checks sooner or later. Depending on how a social savages with simple tools and using only resources interaction is developing, he might make any such from their immediate surroundings, this implement check with advantage or disadvantage. You could is far more useful than it might seem upon a cursory also rule that these checks should be contested by inspection. This is due to a potent enchantment whoever he is attempting to trick, or that a group placed upon it by its creator. check is required if there's a crowd gathering. In ei- Mechanics. The Shillelagh Staff can hold up ther instance, this other group may also be subject to 3 charges, regaining 1 charge each day at dawn. to advantage or disadvantage depending on the The wielder can activate its magic as a bonus ac- situation. tion by shouting 'Shillelagh' and striking the ground with the butt of the staff. shield oF (misPlaCed) Faith Upon casting, the staff Armor (shield), uncommon This exquisitely crafted shield has a silver or platinum appearance to it and depicts an image of a mighty throne atop a pedestal on its front with 4 blue jewels forming the throne itself. A small inscription has been etched into it on the in- side, which reads, 'May the blessed walk in her wondrous light, may their faith be unerring'. In truth, the shield is cursed. Only once its wielder comes to realize this does their perspective shift so that they can see the shield's true form. The shield is, in reality, covered in burns and cobwebs, its jewels are blood red, and the inscription inside instead reads, 'May the blessed shudder in her terrible visage, may their faith be undone'. Mechanics. This object appears to be a +1 magic shield, however instead of granting a +3 bonus to de- Shield of fense (the usual +2 shield bonus and an additional +1 as Misplaced Faith a result of its magical properties), it actually reduces a creatures defense by -3 instead by making them clumsi- er and easier to hit. So, a character whose armor class is 16 without a shield and 18 with one, might expect a new armor class of 19 when using the Shield of (Misplaced) sUggesTioN Faith, however his actual armor class drops to 13. Perceptive players are likely to notice that the shield A character can stop using this shield any time they is cursed quickly, as such we recommend you make like, however they can only identify that the shield is any rolls related to its curse in secret or behind a hindering them by casting the spell Identify on it, ben- game screen so it is not overtly obvious. efitting from something like true sight, or in the 111 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

uses all its currently stored charges to empower itself as trait which perhaps contributes to its fearsome appear- if the spell 'Shiellelagh' was cast on it, using its ance above all others; the blood spatter that covers own ability modifier in place of its wielders. it. No matter how thoroughly the blade is cleaned, it How powerful the staff is depends always dries in such away that it appears to be flecked on how many charges were expended, with blood from a recent kill. if one charge was spent the spell cast- Mechanics. Slowsip requires soaking in blood for at ing ability modifier for the spell Shillelagh least 1 minute each day. It doesn't mind being bathed is considered to be +3, this increases to +4 if in a bowl or pool of blood, or simply being left in its 2 charges were spent instead, and +5 with all 3 latest victim for a minute, and it indicates when it charges. has had its fill with an audible burping sound. Other than belching, the blade displays no other signs of siCkle oF PestilenCe sentience. Weapon (sickle), uncommon (requires attunement) Slowsip counts as a magical weapon with a +1 At a glance, this small sickle looks completely ordi- bonus to attack and damage rolls, but it loses these nary, however its understated appearance conceals magical properties if it goes 24 hours without hav- a sinister aura. While it isn't clear what the true ing its unholy thirst quenched until it drinks once purpose of the object is, it seems highly unlikely again. that its intended function is anything but dark and nefarious. aPPendix c - magic items Mechanics. While unattuned, the Sickle of Pestilence functions as an ordinary sickle except it has the finesse property, appears as an evil object if scrutinized with a Detect Evil and Good spell, and despoils foodstuffs and liquids if it comes into contact with them. In fact, even if the Sickle of Pestilence is left near food or water for an extended period of time, they spoil. If the object is left in a silo, granary, or foodstore with even a vast reserve of food, it will eventually ruin all of this, although the process may take consider- ably longer. If a PC attunes to the Sickle of Pestilence, Shillelagh once per round, when they hit a creature with Staff it, that creature must attempt a Constitu- tion saving throw equal to 8 + the wielders Strength or Dexterity modifier + their proficiency bonus. On a failed save, the target is poisoned until the end of its next round. sloWsiP Weapon (dagger), uncommon (requires attunement) The origins of this fiendish dagger are a mystery, lost to the endless annals of history. However, even without the trappings of an elaborate saga behind it, the blade itself would stand out in even the most eclectic collec- tion of exotic and rarefied weapons due to its chilling appearance. Twisted, gnarled, and edged in evil Slowsip re- sembles a quintessential sacrificial dagger. This is only reinforced by its dark, almost obsidian coloration and the vibrant red ruby set into its hilt– which creepily almost resembles an Slowsip eye. Slowsip has one more unusual 112 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

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Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Con- tributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

SOME SLIGHTS ARE NEVER FORGOTTEN When the Holgathi first set out to conquer the snowcapped highlands looming over their domain, no one expected an easy time of it. However, in place of hardship and danger, the proud, warrior people were instead blessed with decades of peace. Until, that is, the daughter of the local jarl is abducted and her entourage slaughtered, leaving everyone to reflect on the identity of her kidnappers, their intent, and just how fragile their peace really is. Legendary Adventures: Harrowing Heights Offers: • An adventure module for use with the 5th edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game for 3-5 players of 1st-level and a game master, spanning 5 full levels of gameplay. • 40 pages of appendices, providing original creatures, NPCs, and magic items, as well as new variant rules for winged kobolds, drakes with breath attacks, and magic item creation. • Numerous textboxes with advice to help GM’s get the most out of the adventure, hooks to help players ground their characters in the narrative, random encounter charts and modular content, and suggestions and guides for expanding the adventure. • Stunning full-colour artwork and cartography throughout. Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)

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