Exploring the The KeTTle CorreCTor's TrUe NATUre Tower The Kettle Corrector is, for all intents and purposes, a Hammer of Mending except once per calendar month I f the PCs are to repair the bridge to Vriska's Top, it can repair extremely large objects, including Huge and Gargantuan ones. they'll need to explore at least some of Lloyd's tower in order to acquire his Kettle Corrector. This sec- Interestingly, and unbeknownst even to the Kettle tion describes each floor of the tower and what secrets Corrector's creator Lloyd Spelloyal (he's forgotten), setbacks & mishaPs they harbor. there must be a volume of cave algae weighing the same as the object to be repaired within 10 miles of the stAirs it (including underground) for the Kettle Corrector to work. The cave algae is effectively consumed in the process as it is transported and magically reconsti- In the center of Lloyd's tower is a spiral staircase that tuted to resemble the form and function of whatever winds upwards like a corkscrew. Those ascending the it is 'repairing'. Spells can reveal the object's true stairs find a door every second revolution. Flanking nature. For example, Sense Magic will forever reveal either side of each doorway is a pair of Animated the object to be magical, True Seeing will reveal it to Armors, 16 in total, designed to defend the tower. be made of cave algae, and Fireball might blow it up However since animating them, Lloyd discovered that (cave algae burns surprisingly well). the fey spell he used gave the armors somewhat erratic quirks in their behavior, and now their purpose is purely decorative. A note affixed to one of the suits on the 8th floor reads: 'Tower Defender, Do not touch. L.S.' from the ground floor don't go anywhere, abruptly halted by bedrock. Should one of the animated armors be disturbed, roll or pick from the following chart to see what happens: The ground floor of Lloyd's tower is given over en- tirely to a large sitting room, two quiet, reflective stud- ies, and another medium-sized communal area. Mean- AnimAted Armor responses while, the floor above is filled with a kitchen, dining D6 Response area, washrooms, and a toilet. The third floor is where Lloyd's bedroom can be found, along with three double The Animated Armor attempts to activate its guest rooms. The tower has ample space for Lloyd and 1 fellow armor and defend the stairwell up to six guests to share the space comfortably, as well as several other unusual amenities. For example, if food The armor becomes enraged at the one who is left in the kitchen, an appropriate amount of this for 2 awoke it, and flails against this creature the number of individuals currently residing in the tow- er cooks and prepares itself for consumption. That said, Nothing happens, the magic animating the suit 3 whatever guiding hand sees this done tends to over- is gone season everything, possibly to hide the fact that most of the food is also somewhere between overcooked and The armor excitedly runs up and down the stairs 4 outright burnt. Additionally, the lavatory in the tower until it eventually trips and falls doesn't require cleaning or emptying as Lloyd has been dumping his waste on another plane of existence for The armor collapses to the floor in fits of 5 years. This may eventually lead to an inter-dimensional hysterical Laughter war, though Lloyd has not considered this possibility. The armor attempts to destroy itself using the Despite Lloyd believing that he left it upstairs 6 most expedient means it can find somewhere, the Kettle Corrector is actually on floor 3. Lloyd placed it within a Mimic that he's been keeping as a pet and has since forgotten all about it. The mimic f1-f3. Living spACe has disguised itself as a cupboard or wardrobe in Lloyd's bedroom or one of the three other double-bedrooms. The lowest three floors of Lloyd's Tower have been given The mimic has developed a taste for the tang of rusted over to living space. At one time the tower also had a metal. If the PCs discover it has the Kettle Corrector, modest basement but it fell out of existence due to an it will spit it out if bribed or coaxed with rusted metal experiment gone awry and now the stairs leading down objects, or if close to death in battle. 51 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
f4. the LABorAtory The door into the library is magically sealed by an Arcane Lock spell, cast by Lloyd's Spellbook. Though the book elected to place a password on the door, and only This large, well-stocked laboratory is filled to bursting with storage cupboards, steel work surfaces, and shelves having the words forming the spells within its pages to full of items both magical and mundane. It should be use as reference, decided Knock to be the most appro- clear on even a cursory inspection that to fully search priate, and so literally saying 'knock' unlocks the door. this floor for the Kettle Corrector would take a long The book also keeps a constant spell of Alarm cast upon time, however the PCs are free to attempt to do so. the door to mentally alert it should the door be inter- fered with. Although Lloyd's laboratory contains hundreds of items, at the time of the PCs arrival only a handful of Lloyd's Spellbook. Lloyd's Animated Spellbook uses these are magical in nature. There are 2D6 consumable the statistics of a Flying Sword but is Challenge 3 (700 common magic items, 2D4 non-consumable common XP), has 30 hit points, an Intelligence of 14, and is a 5th magic items, 1D4 - 2 non-consumable uncommon magic level spellcaster (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell items, and 1D4 - 3 rare magic items present in the labo- attacks). The spellbook has the following spells within ratory. Pick appropriate items for these or roll for them its pages, and all of them are considered prepared at all setbacks & mishaPs randomly. Also, feel free to use the items contained in times: 1st level (4 slots) Alarm, Burning Hands, Com- Appendix C - Magic Items in addition to other sources, prehend Languages, Detect magic, Illusory Script; 2nd especially as some of these items are more thematically level (3 slots) Arcane Lock, Enlarge/Reduce, Gust of Wind, appropriate for discovery in Lloyd's laboratory. Knock, Magic Mouth; 3rd level (2 slots) Counterspell, Glyph of Warding, Fireball. Have the PCs roll an Intelligence (investigation) check for every 10 minutes they spend searching Tactics. In the unlikely event the PCs managed to here and consult the following chart to see what they get into the library without triggering the book's alarm discover. Should they have already acquired the reward they can get the drop on the book, otherwise they find equal to their result, they receive the next result below it floating 20 foot from the door. It casts Enlarge upon it instead. Lloyd can be convinced to allow them to keep itself the moment they come into view, and is pres- the items they recover here. ently open to a page with a Glyph of Warding on it which reads 'Begone!' and is triggered the moment a PC inadvertently reads the word. The spell book releases lloyd's lAborAtory disCoveries a Gust of Wind directed at the door. Any creature who Result Discovery fails their save is sent tumbling down the flight of stairs behind them, taking 3 (1D6) bludgeoning damage. 25+ Non-consumable Rare Magic Item Both Arcane Lock and Glyph of Warding (and its spell 20+ Non-consumable Uncommon Magic Item glyph, Gust of Wind) were previously cast and do not use the book's spell slots at the start of combat, though both 15+ Non-consumable Common Magic Item Enlarge and Alarm has. The book reserves a 3rd level 12+ Consumable Common Magic Item spell slot of the spell Fireball, which it casts the moment it realizes that this is a fight it cannot win. The spell 5+ Nothing book casts Fireball on the room in an attempt to hit as 1-4 1 Mimic disguised as an object attacks many PCs, books, and bookshelves as it can. Incensed at the PCs intrusion, it carelessly includes itself in the blast as well. f5. the LiBrAry f6. storAge This floor holds Lloyd's personal collection of almanacs, books, and tomes. It has been some time since Lloyd This floor is filled with rare and priceless art pieces, last ventured inside here, though this is not because his antiques long thought to be lost, and exotic furniture love for reading has diminished in some capacity, quite from far off empires or other planes of existence. These the opposite in fact. However, during one of Lloyd's treasures are covered with cheap dust sheets and many many experiments into the arcane, he accidentally of them have been affected by damp where Lloyd has awakened his spellbook, which has since taken to living never bothered repairing a broken window here. This amongst its own kind in his library, and threatens to shattered pain causes a minor draft and allows rain to burn down the place should it be disturbed. blow into the room during heavy winds. Lloyd appears not to be concerned with the conditions present here. 52 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
f7. the oBservAtory f8. the Aerie The seventh floor of Lloyd's tower is his observatory. At the top of the tower's staircase is a large wooden This sizable chamber is mostly empty although scrawled door, held shut by a sturdy metal latch. A breeze blows notes cover much of the walls, recording the position of through a crack beneath the door, producing an audible astral bodies and stellar constellations. These observa- whistling sound. Beyond it sits Lloyd's windswept aerie, tions are punctuated with Lloyd's thoughts and musings where the walls of the tower give way to a set of four on the cosmos. This space also contains an enormous columns that run almost 15 feet high before reach- setbacks & mishaPs telescope and a pair of poles affixed to the walls on op- ing a curved roof ceiling. The view over the Holgath posing sides of the tower. These protrude a full six foot Highlands from this aerie is quite breathtaking, though into the chamber and their purposes are linked to the looking out over the ledge is somewhat dizzying. This is large telescope. exasperated by the exposed nature of the aerie and the The telescope is currently facing due west, and is strong wind that blows through here. tilted toward the stars, though the pitch of the tele- In the center of the aerie sits a clam-shaped water- scope can be lowered or raised easily. The telescope can basin that is used as a birdbath by the birds that nest also be moved 360 degrees to face another direction, here. A statue of a griffon perches on a podium at the though this is considerably more difficult. The entire basin's northern side, peering down at its own reflec- wall of this floor, to which the telescope is attached, can tion. Meanwhile, to the side of the doorway onto this be rotated by pushing on the poles in the wall. A crea- floor is a small wooden pigeonhole, with several un- ture must succeed a DC 17 Strength (athletics) check to opened pieces of correspondence inside. Amongst these do so (another creature can help with this by pushing is a sealed envelope from Skalaholt, written by Freydis against the opposing pole and taking the Aid Another Hallmundottir, asking if Lloyd can share any knowledge action). Failure on this check by 10 or more means the he might have on the whereabouts of Orm's missing telescope jams and it is locked in place until fixed, while daughter, Dalla. It seems that Lloyd rarely checks his success means the PCs could use it to get an early look mail. at Vriska's Top, Jinzirga, or check on Skalaholt in time A large nest of hippogriffs sits on the tower's western to see Orm Holmgavtsson pacing impatiently on his side, while a collection of smaller bird nests line the balcony. tower's eastern and northern ledges, encompassing The Pen Finder. A spyglass dangles on a length of several fine examples of eagles, hawks, falcons, and twine tied to the ceiling above a bowl-shaped recess in even a mated pair of kites. To keep the predatory birds the floor. The bowl has numerous arcane runes painted from tearing each other to pieces, while assuaging their onto it; a close inspection of the runes reveal that not territorial instincts, Lloyd has a permanent Sanctuary only are they indeed magical, but their placement marks spell cast upon this aerie, which considers all creatures a perfect compass. The spyglass too is enchanted, but within it to be under the spell's effect. One pleasant its usefulness is tied to that of the bowl's and between side-effect of this particular enchantment is that a them is a spell of Locate Object. tangible sense of peace and tranquility has befallen the Following a spate of incidents of Lloyd forgetting birds that nest here, granting advantage to any creature where he put something important, Lloyd created this that attempts a Wisdom (animal handling) check to device to remind himself. To activate it, the user simply befriend the birds. has to describe or speak the name of an object that Threats. The griffon statue in the birdbath is in fact resides within 1,000 feet and the spyglass will swing another of the tower's defenses, an animated statue that around and spin wildly until it comes to rest a minute will actively defend the avian residents here from those later pointed toward the requested item as writing who might harm them. Should the PCs enter any kind of describing the distance of the object from the telescope combat with the birds, this creature activates (use the etches itself inside the bowl. statistics for a Gargoyle) and fights until they retreat Though the PCs can't use this device to locate the from the aerie, or it dies. Mimic, should the PCs think to ask it where they can Should the PCs kill any of the birds on this aerie, find the Hammer of Mending, it points northwest and they are likely to incur Lloyd's wrath, who will promptly turns downward, describing it as, \"fifty-seven-and-two- invite them to depart his tower and seek another way fifths' feet downward, three-and-five-seventeenths' feet to reach Jinzirga. Though if the PCs instead think to ask west, and thirty-two-and-twenty-one-sixty-sevenths Lloyd, he has no problem with them instead attempting feet north\". to fly to Vriska's Top upon the winged beasts. 53 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
behind enemy lines H aving been able to repair and cross or those equipped with gliders, have descended into the the previously destroyed bridge with canyon and been unable to get back out, leading to the the help of Lloyd Spelloyal and his kobolds of Vriska's Top telling cautionary tales about marvelous Kettle Corrector, the PCs find themselves entering the outpost Though Vriska's Top began life as a small, barely behind enemy lines of Vriska's Top. Given the number of the great maw swallowing them up for good. relevant outpost, it has expanded rapidly into a great kobolds garrisoned here, there has never been a need citadel as Salvaschon's health has declined and his for them to erect a gate, and the PCs are able to quite influence waned. It is favored by the kobolds for its literally walk right in. That said, there are a handful of strategic location, able to keep watch over the deep sentries on watch who keep an eye out over the ravine crag adjacent whilst also casting its eyes further afield and the sudden appearance of a 200-foot bridge is to watch for threats from the Holgathi to the south. difficult to miss. These kobolds are quick to let their Equally importantly, from its lofty vantage point, the superiors know of the PCs' approach so, unless they've kobolds of Vriska's Top are also in a much better posi- pulled something unexpected, the players won't be able tion than those in Jinzirga to cast their eyes northward, to catch the kobolds unaware. to the lands that lie beyond the mountains of the Holgath Highlands. These vast wastelands are known vriskA's top: generAL to be filled with trolls and it is these monstrous beings, and the threat of their incursion into the mountains, Vriska's Top is a large wooden fortress which keeps that the kobolds fear most. Fortunately, few trolls ever a silent vigil over a gaping ravine that separates the venture this far south and those that do, usually do so plateau where both it and Jinzirga reside from the lands in isolation rather than as a larger group. more than 80 foot below. Although able to house several Thanks to the ravine, Vriska's Top is very defensible hundred kobolds at a push, the kobold's stronghold against assault and ought to be able to repel anything is essentially just an enormous lodge set over three short of an army, even without a gate or draw bridge. sprawling floors. A towering log stockade extends out While the kobolds' great fastness can be circumnavi- from Vriska's Top, following the contours of the neigh- gated in order to reach Jinzirga, doing so is a slow, boring ravine and providing the kobolds with several difficult proposition made unappealing by miles of key benefits. Firstly, it provides the kobolds with extra steep, treacherous land. A large signal fire can be lit security against arrows, ballistae, and other siege weap- from Vriska's Top at any time, warning the kobold's of ons. More than this, outlined against the clouds as they Jinzirga should such a force ever be spotted either ap- are, these high walls also carve an impressive, imposing proaching it, or attempting to skirt around it altogether. silhouette as they stand proudly over those who might attack Vriska's Top. Finally, the walls keep prying eyes Just past Vriska's Top, deeper within kobold territory, from seeing into kobold territory. lies several acres of farmland that is currently being used, somewhat chaotically, to grow every kind of herb, The ravine that falls away sharply beneath Vriska's vegetable, and berry bush that the kobolds or drakes can Top is staggeringly deep, 300 foot deep to be exact, stomach. Though it is perhaps strange to see kobolds so and almost as wide. A 200-foot wooden bridge spanned taken with arable farming, the kobolds of Vriska's Top it, allowing the brave to traverse the void, until the have come to rather favor it recently, especially as local kobolds blew it up recently (though the PCs have likely eccentric Kox Quipper has invented a plow that drakes undone this with the Kettle Corrector). A large canyon can use to till the ground. This makes the hardy work filled with alpine trees rests at the bottom of the ravine of farming much easier for kobolds who are not exactly and the only way to access this secluded valley is via a known for their stamina and physical strength. lengthy and harrowing climb. Several winged kobolds, 54 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
vriskA's top: interior out of sight for some time. Given that one of his strong- est and most outspoken critics, Zeke Rethis, also resides here, it would be fair to say that Jirgix has more oppo- The ground floor of Vriska's Top features a great hall where kobolds have thrown down bedding in clusters nents in Vriska's Top than proponents. That said, Dilzak and established themselves in smaller cliques. The Bigthwack, who is somewhat loyal to Jirgix, is officially hall is heated by a long coal fire pit that runs down in charge of Vriska's Top right now. So, while the official the center of the floor and is kept lit at all times. A stance of the keep is that Jirgix should be obeyed in raised stage sits at the far end of this hall with an at- Salvaschon's absence, exactly how many kobolds would behind enemy lines tached pulpit that leads to the upper levels. The stage disobey his orders and disregard his authority has not is used by kobold leaders to make public declarations yet been tested under fire. and speeches, by chanters to espouse their religious There are a total of one-hundred-and-sixty-three rhetoric, and where a plucky young kobold dragonsinger kobolds garrisoned in Vriska's Top at the time of the named Uladesh plays the bagpipes nearly every night. PCs' arrival. There is little doubt that a group of 4th- The stage has been more idle of late as the current 'lord' level characters would be quickly overwhelmed if they of Vriska's Top, Dilzak Bigthwack doesn't favor it. This attempted to face all of them in combat, however there is because, given the anonymity of a crowded venue, he is no chance of that occurring. Many of these kobolds tends to receive boos from his peers. lack the bravery to face up to the PCs while they remain conscious, even if the odds are overwhelmingly stacked A collection of smaller living spaces with areas set aside for the storage and preparation of food surrounds in their favor, while others haven't bought into Jirgix's the great hall, while a sizable stable resides at the rear rhetoric and don't yet see the Holgathi as the enemy. of the structure. Also note, the PCs enter Vriska's Top Most importantly, many of the kobolds are simply dis- through the ground floor. organized and not at all ready to follow Dilzak Bigth- wack's orders -especially as they despise him. Aside from using the stairs to access the upper reaches of Vriska's Top, the second floor is only fre- When the PCs first enter Vriska's Top, the kobolds quented by more prominent kobolds. It holds a number they initially meet should offer them no resistance of private bedrooms and drawing rooms, where the - skulking around them or slipping out of sight over senior kobolds live and devise plans and plots against challenging them directly or questioning their pres- one-another. Dilzak Bigthwack, Elzald Dhurmok, Gek ence. Should the players default to combat, the kobolds Crekko, and Zeke Rethis all have separate chambers on they attack should actively run away from them rather this floor. than standing their ground. That said, it doesn't take too long for the party to attract the attention of a few With a nice vantage out over the bulwark, the top braver, more enterprising kobolds. floor of Vriska's Top is where most of the fort's guarding takes place. This entire level features arrow slits every The following sections introduce the key personali- 2 foot, allowing dozens of kobold archers to mount a ties that can be found in Vriska's Top, along with their first-rate defense at once. An armory in the middle of respective roles at this juncture in the adventure: this floor holds enough weapons and armor to outfit a small army. The stockpile includes; several kegs of oil, diLzAk BigthWACk a dozen crates of pitch torches, and almost 200 bows complemented by almost 5,000 arrows. Dilzak Bigthwack is loyal to Jirgix Jackjaw but only insofar as it benefits him, after all Jirgix has essen- Kobolds Divided tially made him the lord of Vriska's Top. Unfortunately, Dilzak is something of a tyrant and is universally hated by almost every other kobold garrisoned here. Geerk T he kobolds who currently occupy Vriska's Top Gaolsst acts as Dilzak's able second-in-command and it is only through Geerk's subtle diplomacy and the other are a mixed bunch. Some of them consider themselves soldiers who stand in defense of their tribe, kobolds' fear of Dilzak that the peace has been kept so others simply prefer living here to Jinzirga, while a few far. For his part, Geerk doesn't like Dilzak any more than are outcasts and have been banished from the kobolds' anyone else, however he believes in Jirgix and, for now, main settlement. They are divided in other ways too. Dilzak is Jirgix's kobold in Vriska's Top. Geerk hopes to For example, many support Jirgix Jackjaw and his right prove himself to Jirgix so that this will change in time. to lead, while others only ever intend on swearing their Geerk. Without the use of magic, it's essentially fealty to Salvaschon himself. Interestingly, Jirgix has impossible for the PCs to pass through Vriska's Top been sending his detractors to Vriska's Top to get them without attracting attention. Kobolds are packed into 55 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
the great fortress tightly and there is scarcely a room or Vriska's Top, Zeke neither cowers away from the PCs nor corridor that isn't thick with them. attacks them. In fact, despite her diminutive stature, Within minutes of the PCs arriving in Vriska's Top, she approaches them very much as an equal - suspect- Geerk Gaolsst arrives on the scene with a small cadre of ing that they'll appreciate and respect her for it. kobolds and attacks them, declaring them to be 'invad- Zeke's Gamble. Zeke believes that, if the PCs defeat ers' and 'intruders'. Geerk uses the statistics of a Kobold Dilzak Bigthwack, she could quickly assert herself as (veteran) Dragonsinger and he is accompanied by 2 the new commander of Vriska's Top. She's betting that Kobold (veterans) when he strikes. Upon seeing a fight once it's a done deal, Jirgix will be forced to accept her break out, 3 Kobold (combatant) Skulkers are spurred new role in the tribe, rather than moving against her. to action and join the fray at the end of the first round Consequently, she urges the PCs to seek Dilzak out even of combat. Some of the kobold onlookers try to move before he does the same to them. away from the battle while most gawk and watch on or cheer for Geerk. If the PCs are clearly winning the fight, gek Crekko an additional 2 Kobold (veterans) join at the end of the 3rd round of combat, and 2 more at the end of the Gek Crekko is an infamous hunter amongst the kobolds. behind enemy lines 5th round. If the PCs' victory seems assured, Geerk at- He doesn't act as an antagonist or ally within Vriska's tempts to go on the retreat. If he's able to do so success- Top, but he's sure to seek the PCs out before they depart fully, he fights alongside Jirgix later. for Jinzirga. When he does, he's accompanied by at least Dilzak. Once the PCs have defeated Geerk and his 20 Kobold (veterans), more than enough to deter the minions, the other kobolds back down and leave them players from taking any aggressive action at this time. to their business, clutching their belongings to their Gek casually informs the PCs that when they depart chests or growling at the PCs approach. Dilzak seeks Vriska's Top, he'll give them a couple of hours out the PCs and battles them to the death the moment headstart and then he's going to bring a handful he learns of their arrival and Geerk's defeat. This is of his finest hunters and set out after them. He typically 1-2 hours later. At your discretion, you might delivers this with the flat, matter-of-fact tone allow the players or Geerk to benefit from a short rest. of a seasoned killer. Dilzak Bigthwack is accompanied by 1 Kobold (veteran) Chanter and 3 Kobold (veteran) Drag- onshields. Depending on how things go, he may also be accompanied by Geerk (if he's still alive) and Elzald Dhurmok. With the time afforded them before Dilzak comes looking for them (and also after his defeat), the PCs should have some time to meet Zeke Rethis, Elzald Dhurmok, Gek Crekko, and possibly get into other trouble. zeke rethis While it is dangerous to oppose Jirgix Jackjaw openly, most kobolds in the tribe are aware that Zeke Rethis holds him in contempt. She toils away tirelessly in Vriska's Top to gather allies in the hopes of eventually overthrowing him, planting Fazne Tussu in his place, and then overthrowing him swiftly afterwards. Zeke Word quickly reaches Zeke once the PCs have defeated Geerk and she comes to seek them out Rethis immediately. On any other day, Zeke might con- sider the PCs her sworn enemies, however she is also one of the most savvy kobolds in the entire tribe and may spy an opportunity in the PCs timely arrival. Unlike the other kobolds in 56 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
With his message imparted, Gek leaves the PCs to A Curious Offer. An unarmed, elderly kobold female their affairs. He couldn't care less about what they do named Exdurna serves up several bowls of stew from a within Vriska's Top or Jinzirga (not that they'll live to large cauldron and proffers them to the PCs, proudly ex- see it if he gets his way). Smarter, less scrupulous play- claiming that all the ingredients were grown right here ers may wisely choose to kill off Gek before they depart in Vriska's Top. Exdurna looks offended if any of the Vriska's Top. If they do, they'll have a much easier time PCs turn down her gracious offer of food and dejectedly during the next section of the adventure. returns the contents of a rejected bowl to the cauldron. Trading Tunes. If the PCs haven't been overtly behind enemy lines eLzALd dhurmok aggressive and have only fought in self-defense since arriving in Vriska's Top, the Kobold (veteran) Drag- Elzald Dhurmok is something of a wildcard in Vriska's onsinger, Uladesh, approaches them in the hopes that Top. This kobold was once close to Salvaschon before the party might engage in a cultural exchage with him. he fell out of favor with the dragon and is willing to do Uladesh has composed many songs for his people on anything to earn his position of pride amongst the tribe his trusty bagpipes, and even some utilizing percus- once more. If Elzald becomes convinced that killing the sive instruments, and would love nothing more than to players is the best way to accomplish this, he'll try to. share his original pieces with the PCs, and learn new If he decides it's instead allying with them, he'll follow songs from them. them all the way into Jinzirga and stare down Jirgix Bad News. A group of kobolds approach the PCs Jackjaw himself. His only allegiances are to himself and and ask of news of their kin to the south, such as what to Salvaschon. became of Veec Dobok, Mazenthro, Ferzen Wingwoh, Elzald's role in proceedings is entirely up to you and Virap Gazadro, or even the exiled Melzep Darlath. fully dependant on how the players are roleplaying their A Few Good Kobolds. Should the PCs begin throw- characters. ing their weight around or accosting kobolds unnec- essarily, a group of 12 Kobold (adults) start jeering Finding Trouble and using their slings to fire at the party, though their confidence quickly falters and they retreat if the PCs W hile most of the kobolds that can be found return fire. Should the PCs continue to act as bullies, a group in Vriska's Top would prefer to be left alone than to fall fighting the PCs, there are a defiant of 5 Kobold (combatant) Scrappers, led by a Kobold (veteran) step in and attempt to defend their brethren. few who would happily give try to give them a good If the PCs still throw their weight around after defeating kicking. Use the following ideas if you'd like to spring these, a 100-strong mob begins to form, determined to more combat encounters on your players during their drive the PCs out of their home. time at Vriska's Top, or if they actively go looking for trouble while here. Additionally, many other kobolds Gratitude. After the PCs have defeated Dilzak, they with distinct personalities call the fort home. The receive an outcry of gratitude from oppressed kobolds. suggestions that follow can also be used to flesh out this location further with some interesting roleplaying Moving On opportunities. Bragging Rights. A hardy Kobold (elite) named Brule strides through the throngs of lesser kobolds T he PCs are able to depart Vriska's Top for Jin- to find the PCs, challenging their hardiest champion zirga the moment they're ready to (assuming to one-on-one duel. If the PC wins, Brule offers his Dilzak Bigthwack isn't literally standing in their way). greatest possession as a prize; a stuff teddy bear that Many of the kobolds in Vriska's Top, including all the belonged to Dalla Holmgavtsson. major NPCs, can confirm that Dalla Holmgavtsson was brought this way, though none know fully what Jirgix Tricky Kobolds. A pair of Kobold (veteran) Skulk- has in store for the little girl. For her part, Zeke likely Zeke ers approach the PCs and begin barraging them with Rethis tries to convince the players that Jirgix will have killed questions about where they come from, their people, her already, and uses this to steer them towards enact- their hobbies, and really anything else the players are ing their revenge upon him. willing to answer. At some point during this exchange, a third skulker uses this distraction to try picking the Whatever the PCs learn in Vriska's Top, it's clear that pockets of one or more of the PCs, stealing their most Dalla isn't here and their mission remains the same; valuable item before disappearing back into the crowd. locating and rescuing her. 57 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
The Hunted once and for all in the PCs' arrival in Vriska's Top. Gek plans on hunting the party down between the outpost and Jinzirga, slaying them in the wilds before they reach nce the PCs depart Vriska's Top, they have an- their destination. That said, his sporting nature and O other lengthy journey ahead of them. Approx- desire for a challenge has compelled him to provide the imately 30 miles of mountainous, snow-topped crowns party with a headstart - which isn't to say that he hasn't lay between them and Cordelia's hovel (see Cordelia stacked the deck in his favor. Gek has been organizing Tenebris on page 62), whey they're likely to make a brief his 'hunt' since the PCs first arrived in Vriska's Top and detour, and Jinzirga resides another 27 miles beyond. has mobilized multiple search parties to waylay the PCs Throughout this trek, the trails have grown markedly along the way, assembled a team of his finest rang- steeper, the air has thinned due to the extreme altitude, ers, hunters, and ambushers to join in the pursuit, and and the PCs must now trudge through a layer of snow requisitioned a number of drakes from the stables at that blankets the ground. As a result, it requires much Vriska's Top to assist as well. greater effort to traverse the region and means that an Traces. While the PCs can tackle the forces threaten- ordinary day of overland travel becomes exhausting ing them head on, the PCs will have an easier time if behind enemy lines after only six hours, instead of the usual eight. Other- they're able to instead evade pursuit and avoid detec- wise, the rules governing travel during this section of tion. If the PCs leave 'Traces' of their passing, they the adventure are the same as those that can be found generate opportunities for the forces pursuing them to in the Travel Pace section on page 32. discover their location and they'll have to face much Random Encounters. Having moved onto the shelf larger threats in Cliffside Ambush and Campsite Am- where both Vriska's Top and Jinzirga reside, the PCs bush. Traces are an abstract currency used to determine have entered Kobold territory proper. If you're using how many run-ins the PCs will have with Gek Crekko the random encounter charts (see page 25), you should and his agents. They are primarily generated by how the ensure that you're using the Kobold Threats (Greater) PCs handle travel events although, should the PCs take chart, and not the Kobold Threats (Lesser) one. You little care to mask their passage through kobold terri- may also decide to create additional, even more chal- tory, they may leave additional spontaneous or ad-hoc lenging random encounters yourself using the adven- Traces at your discretion. For example, making no effort ture's appendices. to conceal a campfire would be unwise. Cordelia. Under Jirgix's strict orders, neither Gek gek's gAme nor his hunters approach Cordelia's Hovel under any circumstances. The kobolds give the place a wide berth Having been unfairly blamed for Salvaschon's sickness, and move ahead to ambush the PCs once they resume Gek Crekko has been looking for an opportunity to their journey instead. Consequently, time spent with prove his worth to the tribe once more. He believes that Cordelia serves as something of an interlude during this he's spied an opportunity to put his disgrace behind him section of the adventure. 58 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
gek's hunters Cowards. A squad of 4 Kobold (adult) Skulkers. These cowardly creatures were actually hoping to not encounter their prey and attempt to avoid a fight if pos- Depending on how the players roleplay their charac- ters and how they handle the events that follow in the sible. As a result, they try to hide from the PCs if pos- next section, there is a chance of some of Gek's agents sible and report back to Gek afterwards. They only fight discovering them. Each time the PCs leave one or more if discovered and forced to defend themselves. Traces, pick one of the following options. Should any Patroler. 1 fat, well-kept Siege Drake ridden by a of the kobolds survive and escape to report back to Gek Kobold (combatant) Handler strides down the trail. behind enemy lines or his other hunting parties, this also counts as a Trace This handler is patrolling a trail between the trees and although does not trigger another encounter. rocks, keeping a watch for the PCs. The pair attack if they see the PCs, but won't follow them far if the party Coursers. The kobolds release a group of 4 Pur- suit Drakes to chase after the PCs. Though fast, these opts to retreat. creatures are not the best trackers. The drakes attempt Net Traps. The party passes through a grove of trees three Wisdom (survival) checks, contested by an equal where a group of kobold trappers have set up net traps number of group Dexterity (stealth) or Wisdom (surviv- in case the PCs pass this way. Any players with a passive al) check by the PCs. The PCs have advantage on each of Perception score of 12 or higher notice the net traps and these checks. If the drakes fail all three attempts, they can easily avoid them. However, another, better con- give up after several hours of searching. cealed trap also awaits them. This one requires a DC 15 Wisdom (perception) or equivalent passive Perception Spotters. A group of 3 winged Kobold (adult) Sentries fly overhead, keeping an eye out for humanoid score to notice. Should any of these traps be triggered, invaders from the south. These kobolds have a pas- they are attached to a gong that rings loudly when the sive Perception of 10, and are easy to spot as they fly net falls. overhead, giving the PCs an opportunity to try hiding by Conspiring Kobolds. A group 3 Kobold (veterans) making Dexterity (stealth) checks to take cover behind with 2 Ambush Drakes. These kobolds are talking in rocks and foliage. If the PCs are in an area with excel- hushed voices in draconic, discussing where would be a lent coverage above themselves that might make flying good location to set up an ambush. These kobolds can or seeing difficult, the kobolds either automatically be heard with a passive Perception score of 15 or higher, fail to spot them, or calculate their passive Perception otherwise the PCs round the corner and almost crash scores with disadvantage. If the creatures spy the PCs, into them. they circle away to find Gek and inform him of the PCs exact position. This counts as two Traces. Travel Events Scouts. A squad of 4 Kobold (veteran) Trackers, scouring the wilds. This group engages the PCs first and attempts to escape if the battle turns against them. T he PCs have many opportunities to tip off Gek Kobold Search Party. A group of 8 Kobold (com- Crekko and his hunters as they approach the batant) Ramblers, trudging through the snow. This kobold citadel of Jinzirga. The party experiences the unit has only 1 Pseudodragon with them. The creature following events in order as they attempt to complete darts around a short distance ahead of the group, scout- their journey. ing for approaching threats and upcoming hazards. Startled Birds. Rounding a boulder, the lead PC almost ambles into a group of snowfinches. Have the Lofty Vantage. 2 Kobold (adult) Conscripts stand at the base of a tree while a Kobold (adult) Sentry player attempt a Dexterity saving throw with a target of attempts to climb it to see further afield. The sentry is 13. On a fail, the birds are startled and take flight, gen- struggling to climb the tree when the PCs approach, erating 1 Trace. If the PC succeeds, they're able to duck have him attempt DC 15 Strength (athletics) checks to back around the corner before the birds notice their do so successfully. presence and carefully bypass them altogether. Landslide. The PCs come across a slope formed of Familiar Face. A group of 7 Kobold (veterans), trampling through the hills, led by the Kobold (vet- loose, shifting gravel which they must scramble up to eran) Dragonsinger Uladesh, who the PCs likely met continue. If they attempt to ascend the rocky debris, back in Vriska's Top (see Trading Tunes on page 57). If have each of them attempt a DC 12 Strength (athletics) the PCs and Uladesh are friendly or amicable towards or Dexterity (acrobatics) check. If any of them fail this each other, he flashes them a wry smile and steers the check, they generate one Trace. Additionally, should the kobolds following him away from the party. PCs waste time attempting to circumnavigate this area, 59 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
their pursuers have plenty of time to fan the area for Meeting Cordelia. The PCs meet Cordelia Tenebris them, also generating one Trace. in the wilds (see Cordelia Tenebris' on page 62). Sudden Downpour. A heavy rainstorm rolls across Gobolds. The PCs find a herd of 30 standoffish the slopes, slowing progress but washing away any trace mountain Goats grazing. These goats stand threaten- of the party. The PCs can either call a halt to their pro- ingly but take no aggressive action toward the PCs gress, dig in, and attempt to make camp until the rain unless provoked. A Kobold (adult) is silently sleeping lets up the following morning, or else they can press on in a bush nearby (DC 16 Wisdom [perception] check to and take a level of exhaustion. Either way, remove one spot him), though he is supposed to be responsible for Trace. herding these beasts and will certainly report it for one Delivery. A group of 3 Attack Drakes are hitched up Trace if he awakes to find any of his goats injured. to a small wagon carrying supplies bound for Vriska's Mini-Avalanche. The PCs come to a ledge with an Top from Jinzirga. There are two kobolds sitting at the icy shelf, formed of compacted snow and ice, resting front of this wagon, one is a Kobold (combatant) Han- overhead. A DC 13 Wisdom (survival) check reveals that dler who spends his actions driving the wagon, while this shelf is not at all stable, and threatens to dislodge the other is a Kobold (veteran) who is ready to defend any minute, making finding another path a preferable behind enemy lines the wagon from attack with his bow. The PCs are able to option. Should the PCs go this way, the disturbance at- easily notice the wagon coming toward them down the tracts attention and they are gain one Trace. road, and have an opportunity to try to either hide or Night-time Ambush. Run or skip the event Night- set up an ambush prior to its arrival. Doing so requires a time Ambush (covered on the following page), depend- successful DC 8 Dexterity (stealth) check. ing on how many Traces the PCs have left behind. Should they be attacked, the kobolds are more in- terested in completing their mission than combat and will try to escape if able. Should the handler be unable to direct the drakes, the aggressive creatures are more likely to try breaking free of their bonds (requiring a successful D12 Strength check) and attack. Should the wagon or any of its riders escape with knowledge of the PCs presence, it generates one Trace. Volatile Vulture. As the PCs emerge from a cramped gulch, they spot a fat, leathery vulture perched on a boulder a short distance ahead of them. They need to pass it in order to continue on their Gek Crekko way. The vulture begins flapping its wings and hissing if the PCs attempt to approach it at all. Have one of the PCs attempt a DC 13 Wisdom (animal handling) check to calm the creature. This check can be made with advantage if the PCs offers the vulture meat. Should another player attempt to assist with the Aid Another action, the vulture panics and takes flight. The large bird quickly draws attention and generates one Trace. A Shortcut. The PCs are hiking up a meandering incline that loops back around higher up when they re- alize that they could climb a cliff face and shave at least a couple of hours off their trek. To notice the presence of this alternate route, a PC must have a passive Percep- tion score of 15 or higher. Climbing the sheer cliff wall requires a DC 12 Strength (athletics) group check. Tak- ing this route removes one Trace. Cliffside Ambush. Run or skip the event Cliffside Ambush (covered on the following page), depending on how many Traces the PCs have left behind. 60 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Quipper's Roost. The PCs pass Kox Quipper's home, B. Cliffs Above. A group of kobolds has set up rocks Quipper's Roost, as they approach Jinzirga proper above the trail the PCs are following and now lurk (covered on page 63). They can make a detour to pay it a amongst them. Noticing them requires a passive Per- visit if they so choose or else they ignore it and con- ception of 17. If the PCs fail to notice the kobolds, they tinue on their way instead. benefit from a surprise round against the party. The Jinzirga. The PCs finally arrive on the outskirts of kobolds use this round to spring their trap and set their Jinzirga, advance to the next section (Revelations & rocks and boulders tumbling down on the party. The Resolutions) to continue the adventure. cliffs are 30 foot high. behind enemy lines C. Landing Zone. This area is where the boulders CLiffside AmBush and rocks dislodged from the cliffs in area A land, the kobolds wait until the PCs are here before acting. Once the rocks have fallen, this area is considered difficult If he is able to track the PCs here, Gek Crekko slyly uses the natural features of this location to ambush them. terrain. If the PCs have generated 3 or more Traces by the time Hazards. Any creatures within area C when the rocks this event occurs, they must deal with Gek Crekko, fall must attempt a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, tak- 2 Kobold (veteran) Blackblades, and 1 Ambush ing 22 (4D10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or Drake. If they have left less than 3, you can either skip half on a successful one. this event altogether, or have the PCs contend with a Tactics. Once combat has been initiated, the kobolds reduced force of just 2 Kobold (veteran) Blackblades attempt to use their height advantage to attack the PCs instead. If the force is reduced in this way, also decrease with ranged weapons. They benefit from half cover and the damage that the PCs take from falling rocks by half. advantage on attack rolls against the PCs. If present, A1/A2. Mountain Trail. The PCs enter and exit this the drake attempts to climb down to engage the PCs. area via these two locations, following the indicated Should the battle go against them, Gek Crekko attempts path to advance. to retreat, abandoning the others if necessary. 61 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
CAmpsite AmBush snaps a twig, giving away the kobolds presence, around 30 foot away - the kobolds benefit from a surprise round on the party. If, however, the PCs haven't posted a Should Gek manage to ascertain the PCs position, he makes one last, final ditch attempt to defeat them here. lookout and the kobold's beat their passive Perception Gek and his forces attack the PCs at night, attempting scores (calculated with disadvantage), they are each to sneak up on their camp and strike at them while they able to walk right into the camp and score a critical hit slumber. If the PCs have generated 6 or more Traces against each player before the PCs stir. If the kobold's by the time this event occurs, they must deal with Gek fail to beat the PCs' passive Perception scores, they're Crekko, 6 Kobld (veteran) Blackblades, and an Am- either spotted a long way off by the watchman, or else bush Drake. If they have left less than 6, you can either they stir when the kobolds draw near if they're all asleep skip this event altogether, or have the PCs contend with —this means that they're Prone, but not Helpless. a reduced force of just 6 Kobold (veteran) Blackblades Tactics. Gek Crekko has no intention of failing him- instead. self again. He won't consider retreat until it's abundant- ly clear that the battle is utterly hopeless. Until then, he This is the last location at which Gek is likely to make an appearance so if the PCs manage to evade him fights with everything he has, and directs his hunters to behind enemy lines here, he should no longer be a cause of concern for the do the same. party. Cordelia Tenebris Approach. The PCs are camped in the area indicated on the below map. Gek and his team can approach from any direction, either together or you can have him split his forces and attack on two fronts if you prefer. Have T he PCs have traveled far and climbed high Gek's forces make a group Dexterity (stealth) check. If into the Holgath Highlands, facing incredible a PC is awake and keeping watch and the kobold's beat dangers along the way. And, though they may not real- their passive Perception score, one of Gek's hunters ise it yet, they've come finally come face-to-face with the mastermind behind everything, Cordelia Tenebris. 62 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
To set the scene for the PCs initial encounter with • Who are you? [answer varies (see adjacent), however Cordelia, read or paraphrase the following text aloud: Cordelia is unlikely to introduce herself as Cordelia Tenebris.] • Why do you live alone so high up in the moun- \"The mood grows somber as you draw near to Jinzirga, tains? [Cordelia says she likes the cool, crisp air, travel conditions deteriorating with each passing mile cracks a wry smile, and asks if there's any reason why due to unfavorable weather. Though you have traveled she shouldn't live in the mountains?] far and the journey has taken its toll, you're able to find a behind enemy lines measure of strength in the knowledge that your destina- • Have you ever visited Skalaholt? \"Once or twice, tion now lies but a short distance ahead - a few more but only very briefly and not in a very long time.\" days at the most. • How old are you? [Cordelia raises a eyebrow at this The soft patter of rain masks the squelching of your and inquires if the mother of the player who asked her every footfall as the incline continues to steadily steepen. taught them any manners?] Just now, you notice the outline of a human woman a • Don't the Kobolds Bother You? \"They didn't until short distance ahead. Even at this range, you can tell that recently. Since the dragon arrived they've changed she's elderly from her hunched, decrepit appearance. The though, they've become a lot more aggressive and ter- woman appears to be waiting for you and she waves as ritorial. It's best to keep out of their way these days.\" you draw close, beckoning for you to hurry up.\" • The dragon? \"Uh-uh, a great red wyrm named Sal- vaschon. Nasty blighter too.\" The elderly woman is, of course, Cordelia - though • When Did the Dragon Arrive? \"A cycle or two ago, she may introduce herself under the name Bronja not sure where from.\" Romilde or Sidonia Frye if she suspects that any of the • Do You Know Anything About Dalla Holm- PCs might know of her history with Skalaholt and with gavtsson? \"Would she be the little girl that the the Holmgavtsson's and Hallmundottir's. Cordelia at- kobolds abducted at Salvaschon's behest? If so, yes.\" tempts to pass herself off as a reclusive hermit and ec- centric spinster, hurriedly informing the PCs that it isn't • Is Dalla Okay? \"She was alive and well when she safe to be out on the slopes these days with the kobolds passed my way, though I couldn't say for certain what so riled up. She urges the PCs to accompany her back to condition she's in now.\" her home, which she says is close by, where they'll be • Where is Dalla Now? \"Oh, I'm sure she was bound safe and can rest up. for Salvaschon's lair beneath Jinzirga.\" • How Do We Get Into Salvaschon's Lair? \"Make WALking & tALking for the center of Skalaholt, there you will find a shaft that descends down into darkness.\" Assuming the PCs accept Cordelia's seemingly gracious • What Would A Dragon Want With Dalla? \"I offer, the group sets off at once with her leading the couldn't possibly imagine. Dragons are cruel, covet- party. Despite her venerable age, Cordelia is surprisingly ous things though, I'm sure he has a reason and that, strong and spry, able to ascend even the steeper, more whatever it is, it's positively foul and reprehensible.\" challenging slopes with relative ease. • What Can You Tell Us About Jinzirga? [Cordelia As the party makes for her abode, Cordelia answers can relate any of the information contained later in any questions the PCs might have, and asks a few of her the adventure.] own. She normally asks a question for every one or two • What Resistance Will We Face Between Here she answers. Given that the players know nothing of & Jinzirga? \"No doubt Kaydesh has many spies and Cordelia's history or her role in the adventure, if she is agents lurking between here and your destination.\" forthcoming with answers, they may well dismiss her as a clichéd 'cosmic oracle' - a contrived character included • Kaydesh, who's that? \"Kaydesh Kroll, Salvaschon's in the narrative just to explain the adventure's meta- cruel head priest and minister. He's as bad as the plot. She is not. If they make this mistake, great, that's wyrm itself.\" definitely the intention. • Any Suggestions On What Should We Do From What Cordelia Knows. If asked about certain Here? \"If you intend on rescuing Dalla, you'll need to things, Cordelia might provide the following answers get into the dragon's lair. If you want to ensure last- (Cordelia is rarely truthful, and many of these answers ing peace at the same time, you should kill Kaydesh.\" are deceptive): 63 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
• Why Kaydesh? \"Salvaschon might be a warmonger- ing tyrant, but he's sickly. It's his first minister who's the real problem.\" Cordelia Tenebris • Oh, really, we heard it was Jirgix Jackjaw? \"No, not at all. Jirgix is just a pawn. Kaydesh is the real mastermind behind everything.\" What Cordelia Wonders. Cordelia is very interested in Skalaholt and attempts to probe the PCs for informa- tion. She might ask the following questions of them: • \"What can you tell me about Skalaholt?\" • \"Skalaholt sounds amazing, how many people live there?\" • \"Are there a lot of other Holgathi living in the highlands besides those that can be found in behind enemy lines Skalaholt, how many?\" • \"How's Orm Holmgavtsson holding up since news of his daughter's abduction reached him?\" • \"Have you heard of the Hallmundottir's, are they still based out of Skalaholt...?\" • \"...Oh, what is Freydis' role in Skalaholt?\" • \"Do Freydis Hallmundottir and Orm Holm- gavtsson get on?\" Cordelia's Agenda. During her conversation with the PCs, Cordelia attempts to steer them to- wards attempting to kill Kaydesh Kroll while rescuing Dalla. She figures that Kaydesh is the biggest obstacle between her and Dalla right now and either the PCs will succeed and bring the young girl to her, or else they'll perish assassinating Kaydesh and Jirgix will bring Dalla to her soon anyway. Her secondary objective would be A number of large barbed plants in pots can be found getting the PCs to slay Salvaschon, as that would spark around Cordelia's Hovel. She explains that these plants the war that she's hoping for. However, she fears that have sharp spines or quills and that the PCs should even in his weakened state, the red dragon might still stay well away from them. These are actually 6 Kobold be beyond them. (combatants) on loan from Jirgix Jackjaw disguised as plants such by Cordelia's Seeming spell. Should the PCs CordeLiA's hoveL touch them, investigate them closely and see through the deception, or use a spell such as Detect Magic, they can identify that the plants are not what they seem. If The party, led by Cordelia, eventually arrives at her they do and a battle ensues, Cordelia doesn't participate home, a large, single-story cabin or hovel constructed and feigns surprise, insisting that she had no idea that from local lumber a very long time ago. Although the kobolds were here. If the PCs don't believe her, jump Cordelia's home is even more spacious internally than it ahead to 'Dealing With Cordelia' on page 70. appears from outside, she has hoarded so many belong- ings that it feels oppressively cramped within. Long, A Fine Host. True to her word, Cordelia provides the wide shelves and bookcases positive heave with objects, PCs with a warm, dry, and safe (unless they go poking and cabinets and wardrobes sag under the weight of about) place to stay. She also feeds them and nourishes their oppressive loads. them, offering the PCs tea, water, and a rabbit stew. The next morning, she bids them farewell and sets them on Cordelia pops the kettle on, has a bit of a tidy up, and their way, but not before she nudges them once more invites the PCs to lay out their bedrolls in a large side- towards assassinating Kaydesh Kroll. She also encour- room which is less overburdened than the other rooms. ages them to stop in and say cheerio on their way back 64 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
past if they manage to rescue Dalla. She'll be keeping an eye out for their Cordelia return this way anyway, but she figures Tenebris it would be easier to have the PCs return to her of their own volition. And, with that, the PCs are free to resume their journey to Skalaholt. behind enemy lines quipper's roost The PCs reach a fork in the road. The path continues on towards Jinzirga, meanwhile another trail winds off to the north, leading up higher towards the mountain's peak. The PCs can see that the trail leads to a sagging wooden hut standing precariously close to an exposed cliff face and fully exposed to the worst of the elements. This structure is around an hour of the party's way. Should the PCs elect to venture up and investi- gate this aging building first-hand for them- selves, they discover that it's timber frame and Kox Quipper wood paneling are constructed within what appears to be a large bird nest (a DC 15 Intel- ligence [nature] check reveals that this was in fact a harpy construct). This is Quipper's Roost, the pecu- liar abode of the even more peculiar, Kox Quipper. Assuming that Kox is in the mood for receiving unin- vited guests (see page 94), and the PCs are not imme- diately hostile towards him, Kox invites them in and is eager to share the wonders of the strange contraptions • \"Zeke Rethis and Fazne Tussu aren't to be trusted, he has already built with them, as well as the peculiar they'll always choose conspiring against whoever is in designs he is currently working on and the abstract charge over co-operating with them.\" schematics he has barely yet even conceptualized. • \"The little girl seems to really like the dragon, it's just Kox can be a useful tool for imparting additional a shame that she doesn't seem to be able to help him information to the PCs if they missed anything during after all.\" their conversations with Cordelia Tenebris and Lloyd Spelloyal. He keeps to himself mostly and doesn't know • \"War could be brewing for our tribe. It won't end well, much about recent events in Skalaholt or about tribe for anyone.\" politics in general - but he does know one or two things While Kox actually knows quite a lot of interesting that might poke holes in the information that Cordelia and useful things, he's also very eccentric and won't has furnished the party with. For example, he knows think to answer questions that he isn't directly asked. that Salvaschon has been a fixture of the tribe for Thus, it's very possible for a group to come away from around 80 cycles, not the handful Cordelia stated. an encounter with him without learning anything at all. One of the key things that Kox can impart is a sense Interestingly, Kox is also a close friend of Jirgix Jack- jaw so, what little Kox knows has come straight from that Jirgix Jackjaw has no desire to be an enemy of the him. This means that if the PCs ask 'obvious' questions Holgathi. Yes, his recent actions are sure to prompt about what's happening in Jinzirga, he's unlikely to a conflict, but that was never his intention and Kox know anything. If, however, they persist and ask much knows he has a good heart. more specific questions, they're more likely to learn Also note that Jirgix still regularly hikes out to pay something useful. A handful of examples are provided Kox a visit. There's a 5% chance that Jirgix is present below: here with 3 Kobold (elite) Wyrmblades and 6 Kobold (veterans) Dragonshields at the time of the party's • \"Jirgix isn't too happy, it seems like he's surrounded by enemies posing as allies. He doesn't know who to arrival. The PCs may have a chance to defeat or reason trust. Especially when it comes to the girl.\" with him right now if they meet him here. 65 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
revelations & resolutions A fter a difficult, protracted journey, the and caverns beneath Jinzirga that form Salvaschon's Salvaschon's Lair. The network of tunnels, shafts, PCs have finally reached the kobold Lair are almost as big as the settlement itself. Because tribe's capital, Jinzirga. Aside from Cord- Salvaschon has never been particularly covetous or elia, they are likely the first Holgathi to ever look upon the kobolds' large, used rather than used to house pilfered riches or stolen utilitarian settlement - though, depending on their militant, the vast majority of these are empty and dis- actions at this crucial stage of the adventure, they may treasures. The chambers that are used, around thirty or not be the last. so in total, are mostly bed chambers, meditation rooms, food storage and preparations areas, other storage Architecture. While many kobold tribes are cave- dwelling, or live in rudimentary mud huts, the kobolds spaces, and communal areas used by the kobolds who revelations & resolutions of Jinzirga live outdoors in comfortable, robust struc- live here on a permanent basis. tures of mixed construction. Around two thirds of these Ding! It's a great idea to have the PCs hit 5th-level are wide roundhouses built out of a gritty slurry which when they enter Jinzirga. After all, given some of the is mixed using local reagents and sets like cement, while threats that lay ahead, they may need the extra power. the remaining ones are yurt-like tents formed out of bone and animal skin. With the notable exception of the reCeption town's watchtower, all of the structures in Jinzirga are one story tall. Architecturally, the kobolds' town is far Unless the PCs go to great lengths to hide their ap- simpler than the buildings in Skalaholt or most other proach, such as circling around Jinzirga and entering Holgathi settlements, but it is impressive nonetheless. it from the rear, they are spotted by the kobolds in the Population. Even at a glance, it is clear that Jinzirga watchtower overlooking the settlement. Although these is a large settlement. Although only sixty buildings kobolds send a runner to inform Jirgix of the PCs' im- reside here, kobolds are more prone to cohabitation minent arrival, they make no effort to stop or stall the in larger volumes than humans and the population of party - allowing them free access to Jinzirga. Jinzirga measures six hundred. This number, although Jirgix has focused his resources and goodwill on impressive, also excludes the kobolds garrisoned at preventing the PCs from getting this far and there is Vriska's Top, the forty permanently cloistered below the no standing order anywhere in Jinzirga for any of the settlement in Salvaschon's lair, and the dozens of kob- kobolds loyal to him to confront the PCs. In short, Jirgix olds who spend their lives hunting, foraging, and aiding has sent those who'll heed his instructions out into the the tribe in other ways out in the wilds. wilds to deal with the PCs before they ever got this far. Defenses. Unlike Skalaholt, Jinzirga is a settlement The kobolds who remain in Jinzirga are 'contented' for first, and a defensible location second. Its greatest Jirgix to lead, but they're generally not passionate about defense is really that Jinzirga is situated in a difficult following his orders. to reach location where an invading force would face The reception the PCs receive in Jinzirga varies tremendous difficulty mounting any kind of attack on greatly from encounter to encounter. Some kobolds will it, and such a force would likely have to go through take it upon themselves to forcibly eject the Holgathi Vriska's Top first. interlopers from their settlement, while others will at- In terms of defensive structures, Jinzirga itself has a tempt to peddle wares to them or inquire about far-off single watchtower that stands three storeys in height news and events. Most kobolds on the streets greet the and a large barracks that is seldom used. Most kobolds PCs with lukewarm trepidation, unsure and mistrustful can fight to some degree, while few are trained enough of their intentions - while others simply hide in their to be truly considered 'soldiers'. homes to avoid encountering them altogether. 66 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
It's generally a good idea to let the PCs actions once peace. If he's been more of an antagonist, he remains a in Jinzirga, and the actions they've taken to get here, thorn in their side, spreading misinformation and fear dictate how they're received within the settlement amongst the other kobolds. moving forward - especially with regards any unfinished Combat. Uladesh uses the statistics of a Kobold business they might have. (veteran) Dragonsinger, he is accompanied by 4 Kob- old (elites). He is unlikely to fight to the death, even if Loose ends the PCs have given him reason to harbor a grudge. Ulakro Darlath. If news of Melzep's death reaches If the PCs are to rescue Dalla Holmgavtsson and return his brother Ulakro while the PCs are in Jinzirga (or even her to her father, they'll likely have to tie up a few loose after they set off back for Skalaholt), he sets off after ends in Jinzirga before they're able to do so. Depending them with revenge in his heart. Given the fact that Jirgix revelations & resolutions on their actions earlier in the adventure, the following has continued sending kobolds after Melzep, this is not familiar faces could make a reappearance here, either an unlikely scenario. actively seeking out the PCs, or stumbling across them by chance during their time in Jinzirga. Combat. Ulakro Darlath doesn't move against the PCs alone. He brings with him 2 Kobold (elite) Wyrm- Elzald Dhurmok. If Elzald didn't throw his lot in blades and the trio attempt to ambush the PCs some- with Dilzak Bigthwack back in Vriska's Top, it is possible one in Jinzirga, gaining the benefit of a surprise round. that he has returned to Jinzirga. Of course, he may also have found his place at Zeke Rethis' side and be helping to run the kobolds' fortress. Even if Elzald has made his Rescuing Dalla way back to Jinzirga, it doesn't necessarily mean that he has any quarrel with the PCs. D epending on how you're running Harrowing Combat. If Elzald Dhurmok decides to come after Heights at your table, actually rescuing Dalla the PCs, he is most likely to throw his lot in with an- could be a relatively straightforward and easy task, or it other stronger, more wilful kobold. Add him to another could be much more complicated and difficult. Ulti- encounter featured here or elsewhere in this section. mately, the final resolution of the adventure is deter- Virap Gazadro. If Virap survived his encounter with mined by you, the game master. The next few sections the PCs in the wilds after they departed Vilmark's Den, focus on presenting the obvious obstacles the PCs could or indeed if they bypassed him altogether, it's likely that face in completing their quest, as well as other possible he's made his way back to Jinzirga. If he hasn't met the threats that might affect the outcome of their mis- PCs before then he likely holds little animosity towards sion. It's up to you to decide which of these, if any, are them. However, if they defeated him in combat, he relevant to you and your players. surely harbors a grudge. • Jirgix Jackjaw. Jirgix is an obvious adversary, after Combat. If Virap Gazadro does decide to come all he is responsible for kidnapping Dalla in the after the PCs, he does so riding his prized Siege Drake first place and, with enemies mounting up around Drothma and he is accompanied by his favorite Assault him, he may feel cornered, trapped, and act ir- Drake Tailbiter - who is responsible for his missing tail. rationally. While he's not beyond reasoning with, the PCs may find themselves forced to fight Jirgix Gek Crekko. If Gek failed to slay the PCs in the wilds before they have a chance to do so. between Vriska's Top and Jinzirga and he's still alive, he likely hates and despises the PCs. However, he prefers • Fazne Tussu. Due to his extreme ideological the wilds to urban environments is unlikely to move beliefs, Fazne is far more likely to hate and despise against them while they're in a built-up settlement such the PCs than Jirgix Jackjaw or his more ambitious as Jinzirga. ally Zeke Rethis. If Fazne learns that the PCs are in Jinzirga, which he surely will, he's likely to come Combat. If Gek Crekko decides to go after the PCs again himself, he doesn't trust any of his hunters to after them as soon as possible - believing that assist. Instead, he sets off after them a few hours later spilling their blood will help restore Salvaschon to with 1 Kobold (combatant) Handler and 6 Pursuit health. Drakes in tow. • Kaydesh Kroll. Kaydesh leads the kobolds that dwell within Salvaschon's lair. This kobold is far Uladesh. If the kobold bard is still alive and kicking, the PCs may encounter him in Jinzirga. If the PCs have from unreasonable and unlikely to attempt to fight been getting on with him amicably, he may prove to be the PCs, unless they're following Cordelia's advice a useful ally in smoothing things over and keeping the and coming after either him or the dragon. 67 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
• Salvaschon. If the PCs so choose, they can at- tempt to slay the great red wyrm himself - easier Jirgix said than done. Jackjaw • Cordelia Tenebris. No matter how things play out in Jinzirga, Cordelia has no intention of allowing the PCs to leave the area with Dalla in tow. All of these possibilities are explored more fully over the coming pages. Jirgix JACkJAW Jirgix is a kobold rapidly reaching the end of his tether. Listening to Cordelia's gilded words has, thus far, ac- complished nothing and he is growing desperate. With the threat of the PCs looming, he's had to send out his staunchest allies to attempt to slow their progress (to no avail), meanwhile Zeke, Fazne, and their many allies continue to line up to take a shot at him. Worst of all, nothing he's tried to date has had any effect on Salvaschon. In short, his dominion over the tribe hasn't revelations & resolutions worked out very well for him. By the time the PCs reach Jinzirga, Jirgix fully expects to be dead within a month - likely at the hands of the wyrmblades. The question remains, however, how Jirgix will react under such extreme pressure. In truth, he is actually a fairly reasonable being, however extreme duress has a the assassination attempt and managed to kill 4 wyrm- pronounced effect on the psyche. When the PCs arrive blades alone. in Skalaholt, Jirgix might pursue one of the following Old Habits. There's also a possibility that Jirgix will courses of action: rush to Cordelia's side in response to the PCs arriving in Diplomacy. Jirgix might seek out the PCs as soon as Jinzirga. If he does, he does so alone and makes his final he learns that they've arrived in Jinzirga, with a view stand with her and her forces there. to talking things through with them. This stance could Forces. If fought in Jinzirga, Jirgix Jackjaw is ac- lead to any of the other options afterwards. companied by 4 Kobold (elites) and 1 Assault Drake. If In Defense of the Tribe. Jirgix may come after the he is encountered outside of Jinzirga, he travels alone. PCs the moment he hears that they've reached the set- tlement. Alternatively, he could move to the entrance to fAzne tussu Salvaschon's Lair and make his last stand there. Surrender. Jirgix could ultimately decide that he The idea of non-kobolds despoiling Jinzirga with their should pay for his crimes and surrender to the PCs. If he presence is poison to Fazne Tussu. The kobold is likely does, he asks to face trial in Skalaholt. Assuming every- to round up his forces the moment he learns of the PCs thing works out, Orm doesn't have it in his heart to sen- presence in the settlement and move against them. And, tence the kobold to death, and he and Freydis pardon if Jirgix hasn't done so already, he will likely decry him him. Jirgix reveals Cordelia's role in events, although he and attempt to bump him off at the same time. doesn't realize that she's been giving him bad advice. One other thing Fazne is likely to do is send word to End of the Line. Jirgix might realize that it's over Zeke Rethis at Vriska's Top, informing her of the situa- and slip out of Jinzirga alone, making for Quipper's tion. While Zeke may have presented herself as an ally Roost to say goodbye to his friend Kox Quipper. If he earlier, she likely will not the next time the PCs meet does, there's a 25% chance that he's ambushed by wyrm- her should they return via Vriska's Top. Instead, expect blades in the wilds and slain, a 25% chance that he's her to organize her forces to capture the party. If she's assassinated while alone at the roost, a 25% chance that able to do so, she might well use the fact that she was Kox Quipper walks in on the assassination and has also able to apprehend the PCs where Fazne and Jirgix failed, been slain, and a 25% chance that Jirgix has survived to cement her position at the head of the tribe. Or, she 68 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
might attempt to lure Fazne to Vriska's Top, using the Jirgix PCs as bait, and attempt to assassinate him there. Jackjaw Forces. An expert rabble-rouser, Fazne Tussu doesn't act alone. He's able to drum up the support of 8 Kobold (adults), 4 Kobold (combatants), and 2 Kobold (veterans). kAydesh kroLL Despite rarely straying far from Salvaschon's side–al- revelations & resolutions most never leaving the dragon's lair–Kaydesh Kroll, Salvaschon's head attendant, remains one of the most powerful and influential kobolds in Jinzirga due to his closeness to the slumbering dragon. As such, Kaydesh is also the kobold currently in possession of Dalla Hol- mgavtsson. Trespassers. Kaydesh is one of the calmer and more level-headed kobolds in Jinzirga. He's far more likely to reason with the PCs than strike first, even if he's aware that they've killed other kobolds (including Jirgix Jackjaw) in self-defense. This changes rapidly if the PCs prove themselves to be needlessly bloodthirsty to Kaydesh, such as by threatening the dragon, him, or the other kobolds cloistered in Salvaschon's Lair. Dalla Forces. A total of forty kobolds reside within Salvas- Holmgavtsson chon's lair and report directly to Kaydesh Kroll. These kobolds are spread out over dozens of chambers, pre- literature and she's run out of reading material of her venting them all from mobilizing at once easily - though own. That said, she's found common ground with the each would die in defense of the lair if necessary. kobolds who, like the Holgathi, believe in living history The following kobolds reside within Salvaschon's and oral tradition. She's ben quizzing the kobolds she's Lair: 3 Kobold (elite) Wyrmspeakers, 3 Kobold (elite) encountered since arriving here relentlessly and can Wyrmnointed, 8 Kobold (elites), 3 Kobold (elite) now be considered quite the expert on the tribe's ways Wyrmblades disguised as regular kobolds, 2 Kobold and history. (veteran) Dragonsingers, 2 Kobold (veteran) Chant- The Rescue. Assuming the PCs don't behave in a ers, and 19 Kobold (veterans). manner that would force Kaydesh's hand against them, when they descend into Salvaschon's Lair he simply dALLA hoLmgAvtsson asks them to be respectful while he fetches Dalla for them. This may seem like a trap to jaded players, but it Dalla can be found in the very same chamber where Sal- is not. He returns with her shortly and they're free to vaschon himself slumbers. Since arriving, she's wisely go on their way. Should the PCs linger to enquire as to made every excuse she can think of not to leave the the dragon's health, Kaydesh reveals that the dragon is dragon's side. In fact, last time her 'taking a walk to visit indeed dying and there is nothing that he, nor anyone a nice lady' was mentioned to her by Jirgix, she started else in the tribe can do to save him. crying loudly, noting that the kobolds didn't much like Saving Salvaschon. The players may ask if they can it when she made loud noises around the dragon. see Salvaschon for themselves, in case they can provide Other than mourning the loss of her attendants and some form of aid that the kobolds cannot. If they do, missing her father, Dalla is in both good health and Kaydesh allows this, so long as they haven't given him spirits and quite enjoying her time with the little reptile reason to doubt their motives. Salvaschon is asleep people. At her age, she's about the same height as when Kaydesh brings the PCs to his chamber, as he is at Kaydesh and the others, and the kobolds within Salvas- all times now. chon's Lair seem okay to her. Her only real complaint is The cause of Salvaschon's sickness is The Mistake, an that the kobolds seem to have very little interest in implement made by Lloyd Spelloyal some years ago for 69 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
another purpose. This object functions as a Sickle of sLAying sALvAsChon Pestilence and is buried deep in Salvaschon's side, wedged between two large plate-like scales. The foreign Though it may be ill-advised, there's nothing prevent- body can be discovered in several ways. Firstly, with a ing the PCs from attempting to slay Salvaschon. That successful DC 18 Wisdom (medicine) or Intelligence said, it may be very unlikely that a party of 5th-level (investigation) check to thoroughly examine Salvas- PCs could slay Salvaschon, even in his severely weak- chon. Such a check takes at least two hours to complete. ened state. Salvaschon uses the statistics of an Adult Conversely, the object can be discovered with a Detect Red Dragon except he has either three or four levels of Magic, Detect Evil and Good, or similar spell. Salvaschon exhaustion. Exactly how many levels of exhaustion Sal- can also benefit from magical healing, although if the vaschon has is up to you for one very key reason - if the source of his ailment isn't removed, he is likely to lapse dragon has three levels, the PCs will almost certainly back into a catatonic state quickly. The implications of die, if he has four they're much more likely to kill him. saving Salvaschon are explored more fully in Continu- ing or Concluding the Adventure. Additionally, because Salvaschon is asleep when the PCs enter and only awakes when he starts taking dam- Forces. A total of forty kobolds reside within Sal- age, the players should benefit from a surprise round vaschon's lair and report directly to Kaydesh Kroll. during which Salvaschon is considered Helpless. These kobolds are spread out over dozens of chambers, preventing them all from mobilizing at once easily - Slaying Salvaschon is nothing short of an act of war. though each would die in defense of the lair if neces- sary. deALing With CordeLiA The following kobolds reside within Salvaschon's revelations & resolutions Lair: 3 Kobold (elite) Wyrmspeakers, 3 Kobold (elite) Whatever happens in Jinzirga, there is no chance of Wyrmnointed, 8 Kobold (elites), 3 Kobold (elite) Cordelia allowing the PCs to return to Skalaholt with Wyrmblades disguised as regular kobolds, 2 Kobold Dalla without contesting their passage. That said, if the (veteran) Dragonsingers, 2 Kobold (veteran) Chant- PCs have figured out her involvement, they may already ers, and 19 Kobold (veterans). intend on paying Cordelia a visit and putting an end to her plotting. Cordelia's plan at this point in the adventure should be pretty simple; to secure Dalla no matter what. If she can get the PCs to incite a war with the kobolds then that's great, if she can't then she imagines killing them without explanation will inspire Orm Holmgavtsson, or Freydis Hallmundottir acting in his stead, to send a much larger force in their place. Either way, so long as she gets her hands on Dalla; she wins. There are several ways for the final showdown with Cordelia to take place. These are explored below: Visiting Cordelia. If the PCs return to Cordelia's Hovel with Dalla, whether because they suspect she is behind everything and intend on apprehending or executing her or simply because she requested they Salvaschon stop in, they quickly find themselves in hot water. In this scenario, they'll have to battle Cordelia Tenebris herself, plus the 6 Kobold (combatants) Jirgix left her. It's worth noting that Cordelia is at her strongest on her home turf because she has plenty of objects lying around to make the most of Animate Objects. Handled poorly, this fight definitely has the potential to leave one or more players dead. Tactics. Cordelia immediately drinks her potion of Witch's Broth to bolster her defenses at the start of com- bat, she also consumes a Witch's Vichyssoise any time she needs to replenish a high-level spell slot. She's 70 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
likely to have the kobolds stall the PCs while she buffs up and casts at least one spell of Animate Objects. Should the battle turn against her, Cordelia doesn't hes- itate to use Dimension Door to jump as far as possible from the PCs and then spells like Alter Self, Disguise Self, Sickle of and Major Image to attempt to slip away. Pestilence In the Wilds. If the PCs attempt to bypass visit- ing Cordelia at her home, she sets out after them the moment she learns of it. Thanks to Jirgix, Cordelia has many contacts amongst the kobolds and it doesn't take too long for word to reach her that the PCs have revelations & resolutions departed Jinzirga (merely a couple of days). Should she manage to catch up to them, she brings the kobolds along with her. Tactics. As at her hovel, Cordelia begins the fight by buffing up while she sends the wyrmblades ahead to harass the PCs. However, as she doesn't have access to very many items and utensils for casting Animate Ob- jects here, she instead prioritizes the spell Witch's Bolt, casting it at 5th-level before downing a Witch's Vichys- soise to cast it again. She repeats this until she runs out of potions. Cordelia goes on the retreat the moment it becomes apparent that her defeat is assured. origiNs of The MisTAKe Triumph. Once Cordelia Tenebris has been defeated A poor, impoverished farmer once came to visit the in the final confrontation, the PCs have overcome the wizard Lloyd Spelloyal and asked him to help put his mastermind behind the events of Harrowing Heights. If biggest competitor out of business so that he could she is able to flee then it is very likely that the PCs will gain a monopoly over local agriculture. Lloyd refused encounter her again. this request, believing that no one should have a stranglehold over what should be a free market. Continuing or However, purely as an academic exercise, the project fascinated him. Concluding the Though Lloyd never gave it to the farmer, he did Adventure indeed invent something that could have proved use- ful to him. Lloyd created a sickle with an aura of pes- tilence and sickness around it. This implement could H arrowing Heights' ultimate resolution and be used to ruin a crop’s yield as easily as harvest it. Once Lloyd completed his work on the object, he conclusion is deliberately left very open for you to make it your own. Numerous recurring charac- intended to keep it under lock and key, never allowing ters have the opportunity to make an appearance in its evil to see the light of day again so that it could Jinzirga and several new NPCs are introduced as well, never fall into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, in a all of whom can become allies just as easily as antago- moment of madness, Lloyd retrieved the instrument nists. Consequently, the adventure's ending can take several years later and cut into himself with it as his one of many forms. For example, if you prefer a hap- back was up against the wall and it was the only way pier ending, Jirgix Jackjaw can surrender and return to he could think of to make himself poorly enough, Skalaholt before being reformed, or else he can slip out quickly enough to have a good excuse to not attend alone into the wilds and perish at the hands of the same his cousin’s wedding. shadowy assassins who followed his commands mere Lloyd passed out from sickness and woke up hours earlier. several days later on the floor of his tower. Still dizzy It's also important to consider whether or not the from sickness, he couldn’t remember what he’d done end of the 'adventure' equals the end of the campaign or with the The Mistake, however he had successfully if it will continue, either with the PCs working in Skala- missed the wedding. All things considered, he chalked holt or else venturing further afield and seeing other the whole affair up to a win. parts of the world. 71 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Perhaps the most significant way in which the adven- • Kobolds. Irrespective of whether the Holgathi go ture's outcome can vary is how the Holgathi and kob- to war with the kobolds of the Holgath Highlands, old's relationship is defined moving forward. If the PCs or foster a new era of peace with them, the PCs behave responsibly and avoid unnecessary bloodshed could be expected to spearhead any such efforts in Jinzirga, the two peoples might usher in a new era of - either as soldiers or as diplomats. Additionally, peace. Whereas, if they slay Jirgix, assassinate Kaydesh they may have dealings with the new tribe that Kroll, and leave Cordelia alive - there is little doubt that split off and formed during Harrowing Heights' these events will lead to war, a war that the PCs may narrative (see Conscientious Objectors on page 43). well play a significant role in. • Regular Duties. The PCs may well resume their Two other key components in how the area might be duties as Jarl Holmgavtsson's housecarls. affected moving forward are whether or not Cordelia • Adventurers. The PCs may take up the mantle is alive at the end of the adventure, as she's deter- of adventurers and seek greater fame and glory mined not to allow peace to reign in the region, and beyond the Holgath Highlands. also whether or not Salvaschon is still alive, as he too has been a moderating force for good in the area and, • Trolls. The trolls that live beyond kobold territory should he die, the kobolds may well find reason to could begin climbing into the mountains more fre- blame the PCs and the Holgathi. quently, prompting the PCs to investigate and help defend the kobold's lands against incursion. Wrapping Things Up. If the campaign is ending with the completion of Harrowing Heights' primary • Call to War. The Holgathi are an inherently war- narrative, it's a good idea to try to give things a sense of like people and a Jarlsandr may put up the call for resolution and purpose. This means identifying if the warriors to assemble - a call the party could heed. revelations & resolutions PCs have helped prevent a war between their people • Dalla. As noted in her statblock, Dalla Holmgavts- and the kobolds, or started one, and also presenting son is destined for great things. What great things Cordelia (or whoever else the PCs fought at the end of exactly? Well, that's entirely up to you. the adventure) as the mastermind behind everything. • Healing Salvaschon. You may well rule that It's important for the players to feel like they've resolved restoring Salvaschon to health isn't a quick or the situation which prompted the adventure in the first simple task, possibly requiring the PCs to remain place and left an impact on the world. in Jinzirga for some time. Continuing the Adventure. If you're planning on • Return. The conclusion of Harrowing Heights continuing the campaign, here or elsewhere, a few sug- leaves the PCs in the kobold's town. There's still gestions of themes you might choose to explore follows: the small matter of hiking all the way back to • Cordelia Tenebris. If the witch is still alive, Orm Skalaholt, possibly with Dalla, Jirgix Jackjaw, Cord- and Freydis want her hunted down and brought elia Tenebris, and others in tow - depending how to justice. Additionally, she's unlikely to fade into things have played out. obscurity without coming after the PCs, Dalla, and • Loose Ends. Any other loose ends, most likely Skalaholt's leaders again. If the PCs learn of Cord- in the form of kobold NPCs may well resurface to elia's roots in Skalaholt, they may also investigate mess up the PCs' day. more about her origins and what she's been up to all these years. One thing's for certain, having reached 5th-level, the PCs are ready for far greater challenges than kobolds, • Lloyd Spelloyal. Lloyd could always use a few even ones as interesting and varied as the Holgath hands to help him with his experiments, plus he Highlands has to offer. might be willing to take on an apprentice. The not-so-scholarly wizard might also agree to make magic items for the PCs. If he does, that'll give them an incentive to remain in the area and visit him from time to time. • Vilmark. Once Dalla has been returned to him, Orm Holmgavtsson quickly takes back over as jarl. He might well send the PCs out to Vilmark's cave once more with gifts to thank the druid for his aid in the recovery of his daughter. 72 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
aPPendiCes L egendary Adventures: Harrowing Kobold (veteran)* 1/4 aPPendix a - bestiary Kobold (combatant) Trapper Heights' appendices are divided into three sections that present materials 1/2 necessary to run the adventure and can be easily adapted for use elsewhere. The first 2 are especially useful for campaigns which Kobold (veteran) Blackblade 1/2 feature draconic themes as a focus, while the third can Kobold (veteran) Chanter 1/2 potentially add value to any game. A brief summary of Kobold (veteran) Dragonshield 1/2 each of the three appendices follows: Kobold (veteran) Dragonsinger 1/2 Appendix A: Bestiary. This appendix presents 26 new monstrous options for game masters in the form of Kobold (veteran) Tracker 1/2 original kobolds and drakes. Ambush Drake 1 Appendix B: NPC Gallery. This appendix provides Attack Drake 1 biographical and statistical information for 17 non- player characters. Kobold (elite)* 1 Appendix C: Magic Items. This appendix expands Kobold (elite) Wyrmblade 1 on the core game with 24 new magical items. Kobold (elite) Wyrmnointed 1 Kobold (elite) Wyrmspeaker Appendix A: Pursuit Drake 1 1 BestiAry Assault Drake 2 Siege Drake 4 A ppendix A: Bestiary presents the follow- Looking at the above chart, each entry that is accom- panied by an asterisk is distinct and important. These ing new monsters: signifiers indicate that this is a parent or 'baseline' entry and owns the indented and italicized items directly monsters by CHAllenge rAting beneath it—which are subtypes that are derivative of their parent entry. Monster Challenge What does this mean in practice? Essentially, a Kobold (wyrmling) 0 derivative creature shares common characteristics, traits, and the challenge rating of its parent stat block, Kobold (adult)* 1/8 but also has certain nuances to distinguish it from the K obold (adult) Conscript 1/8 entry that spawned it; such as unique items, equipment, proficiencies, features/traits, or more besides. Kobold (adult) Lurker 1/8 To put it in simple terms, while you might choose to Kobold (adult) Sentry 1/8 use a generic or default Kobold (adult) in many situa- tions, you might instead prefer to use a Kobold (adult) Kobold (combatant)* 1/4 Skulker or Kobold (adult) Sentry if the situation calls Kobold (combatant) Handler 1/4 for a rogue-like kobold or a lookout. These additional, modular options might be best considered as 'load-outs' Kobold (combatant) Rambler 1/4 or 'sub-monsters' rather than separate creatures to the Kobold (combatant) Scrapper 1/4 stat block from which they derive, but it doesn't make any mechanical difference how you choose to perceive Kobold (combatant) Skulker 1/4 them. 73 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
We have presented this appendix in this format to Ambush Drake prevent the need to feature numerous, near-identical stat blocks when we could instead be presenting more MediuM dragon, unaligned new and original content within the same page space. If Armor Class 13 (natural armor) you have access to the digital files associated with this Hit Points 26 (4D8 + 8) product and would prefer to have each creature listed Speed 30 ft. here presented as a full, self-contained stat block, you STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA can also print off monster cards that are super quick 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) and easy to deploy. Skills Perception +4, Stealth +4 If you're running Harrowing Heights, the adventure Damage Resistance poison text will tell you how and when to make use of these Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 Languages Understands draconic but can't speak it bespoke adversaries. And, if you're running a homebrew Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 campaign, you can quickly and easily use the options presented here to create a fleshed-out kobold tribe with Ambusher. The drake has advantage on attack rolls against any little preparation or planning. This is doubly true if creature it has surprised. they're used in conjunction with the kobolds found in Surprise Attack. If the drake surprises a creature and hits it with Appendix B: NPC Gallery. its bite attack during the first round of combat, the target aPPendix a - bestiary takes an extra 14 (4D6) piercing damage from the attack. It is also worth noting that the Kobold (adult) pre- Actions sented in Harrowing Heights is identical to the Kobold Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: that can be found in System Reference Document 5.1 4 (1D6 + 1) piercing damage. On a hit, the target must roll a and so the pair can be used interchangeably. DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking an additional 7 (2D6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success- ful one. Drakes AssAuLt drAke D rakes are four-legged reptilian creatures that The most naturally ill-tempered of the drakes, the As- share a common ancestry with dragons and, like dragons, can be easily separated and identified sault Drake is a distant cousin to red dragons. This heri- by the color of their scales. Different colors indicate tage is best evidenced in the thick scales that protect its distinct sub-species, each of which presents with vastly flanks, which appear to be charcoal colored but flecked different dispositions, behaviors, and skill sets. Despite with bright crimson. their similarities to dragons, drakes do not have wings Though kobolds are excited at the prospect of rearing nor are they capable of sentient thought, rendering and training Assault Drakes, subjugating them is a dif- them baser creatures driven by instinct and training. ficult task that is arguably more trouble than its worth. Kobolds often rear drakes as pets or mounts and they Most tribes that keep these beasts have numerous sto- also assist the tribe in a variety of other ways. This can ries of breeders and handlers having lost their lives as include; hunting, carrying equipment, and defending a result of prodding or poking an uncooperative assault against attack. Though kobolds have proven effective at drake while it's in a foul mood. taming drakes, and their usefulness is evident, the pri- mary reason for their breeding is simply as an extension Assault Drake of the kobolds' fascination with all things draconic. MediuM dragon, unaligned Armor Class 13 (natural armor) AmBush drAke Hit Points 37 (5D8 + 15) Speed 30 ft. Ambush drakes are the most cunning and predatory of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the drakes, employing their natural talent for stealth to 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 9 (-1) 6 (-2) hunt. As pack predators, they are also the most sociable Saving Throws Wisdom +1 and easy to train due to their instinctual need to work Damage Resistance fire with others in order to catch their prey unaware. Sur- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 prise and teamwork are not the only weapons in their Languages Understands draconic but can't speak it arsenal either, as the bite of an ambush drake can also Challenge 2 (450 XP), proficiency bonus +2 administer a powerful poison to its victim. 74 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Uncooperative. Animal handling checks to influence or control Actions the assault drake are made with disadvantage. Multiattack. The drake attacks twice, once with its bite and Actions once with its claws. Multiattack. The drake attacks twice, once with its bite and once Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: with its tail. 4 (1D6 + 1) piercing damage. Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 Claws. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. (1D8 + 3) piercing damage. Hit: 7 (2D4 + 2) slashing damage. Tail. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1D6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. pursuit drAke aPPendix a - bestiary Bonus Actions Spiteful Spit (Recharge 5-6). The drake can spit a small fireball at Pursuit drakes are close relatives of blue dragons and it a creature within 10 ft. The target must make a DC 13 Dexteri- ty saving throw, taking 11 (2D10) fire damage on a failed save, shows in the similarities between the two species, their or half as much on a successful one. If charged, this ability can lineage granting their scales a vibrant blue hue with instead be used as a reaction when the drake is dealt damage, a distinctive yellow streak filling out their soft under- with the triggering creature as the target. belly. Their taut muscles and lithe, streamlined frame allows pursuit drakes to achieve speeds unmatched by AttACk drAke other drakes. They do have their weaknesses however, and their focus on speed and agility leaves them less- Attack drakes are savage and territorial creatures driven armored and more vulnerable to attack. by primal hunting instincts and a fast metabolism. Kobolds find pursuit drakes especially useful in chas- Their scales are an ashen grey color and their claws are ing down fleeing quarry and escaping prisoners. They more elongated than those of other drakes, allowing make fitting companions for kobold ramblers and track- them to compensate for their slender and ineffective ers, however their smaller size renders them ill-suited tails in combat. to serve their kobold masters as mounts. Attack drakes are the most common breed of drake. Wild ones live in packs, while those kobolds place in Pursuit Drake captivity tend to be separated to ease their domestica- MediuM dragon, unaligned tion. They often have a sour and uncooperative disposi- tion towards humanoids, but with time they can grow Armor Class 13 Hit Points 26 (4D8 + 8) very attached to an individual handler. Trainers and Speed 40 ft. breeders that do successfully 'break in' attack drakes often find them to be jealous creatures, liable to attack STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA other drakes, kobolds, or objects that they feel their 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 4 (-3) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) handler favors over them. Saving Throws Dexterity +5 Skills Perception +2, Athletics +3 Attack Drake Damage Resistance lightning Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 MediuM dragon, unaligned Languages Understands draconic but can't speak it Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Hit Points 32 (5D8 + 10) Pounce. If the drake moves at least 20 feet straight toward a Speed 30 ft. creature and then hits it with a bite attack on the same turn, that target must succeed a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 4 (-3) 9 (-1) 6 (-2) knocked prone. If the target is prone, the drake can make one additional bite attack against it as a bonus action. Damage Resistance cold Actions Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Languages Understands draconic but can't speak it Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1D8 + 3) piercing damage. Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Shock (1/day). Lightning arcs out from the drake to a creature Pack Tactics. The drake has advantage on attack rolls against a within 60 foot that it can see. The target must succeed a DC creature if at least one of its allies is within 5 ft. of it and the 13 Constitution saving throw or take 4 (1D8) lightning dam- ally isn't incapacitated. age and be paralyzed until the end of its next turn. Savage. When the attack drake scores a critical hit it can roll an Reactions additional D6 and add it to the extra damage of the critical Intercept. If a creature within 100 ft. of the drake that it can see hit. uses a dash action, the drake can use its reaction to immedi- ately move 20 ft. toward it. 75 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
siege drAke Ambush Drake: Poison Breath (Recharge 6). The ambush drake exhales poisonous gas in a 15-foot Towering over their smaller kin, kobolds consider siege cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 11 drakes the undisputed kings of drake-kind. Their cor- Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3D6) poison rosive saliva can burn through solid stone and they can damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on easily plow through reinforced walls due to their size. a successful one. Kobold tribes that do not have a true dragon to rule Attack Drake: Cold Breath (Recharge 6). The attack them will often seek out a wild siege drake, or a larger drake exhales an icy blast of hail in a 15-foot cone. group of kobolds with a spare one to trade, feeling that, Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Consti- in a pinch, a siege drake is 'close enough' to the genuine tution saving throw, taking 13 (3D8) cold damage on article. On occasion, ambitious kobold handlers have at- a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. tempted to use a siege drake mount as the carriage with which they might can seize control of a tribe. Pursuit Drake: Lightning Breath (Recharge 6). The pursuit drake exhales lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make Siege Drake a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 11 (2D10) large dragon, unaligned lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much aPPendix a - bestiary Armor Class 14 (natural armor) damage on a successful one. Hit Points 76 (8D10 + 32) Assault Drake: Fire Breath (Recharge 6). The as- Speed 30 ft. sault drake exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each crea- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ture in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving 19 (+4) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) throw, taking 14 (4D6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Saving Throws Strength +6, Constitution +6 Damage Resistance acid Siege Drake: Acid Breath (Recharge 6). The siege Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 drake exhales acid in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet Languages Understands draconic but can't speak it wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3D10) acid damage Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). If the drake on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc- takes 14 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it cessful one. is reduced to 1 hit point instead. Siege Monster. The drake deals double damage to objects and structures. Actions Kobolds Bite. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2D10 + 4) piercing damage. On a hit the target must make obolds are small bipedal humanoids with a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking an additional 10 K (3D6) acid damage on a failed save or half as much on a suc- features and traits that clearly identify them cessful one. as both draconic and reptilian. They are also sentient Tail Swipe. The drake spins around with its tail to smash every- creatures possessing a low-cunning that tend to clump thing within a 10-foot square. All creatures in that square together to form large tribes. While individually, ko- must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10 (3D6) bolds are frail, weakly creatures, large groups of kobolds bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage working together are a force to be reckoned with. on a successful one. Kobolds are known amongst other, more civilized cultures as pests, and this is doubly true if the kobolds rUles vAriANT: drAKes WiTh breATh ATTACKs in question follow the instructions of a draconic over- lord, as these tend to be aggressive and territorial. Many Though most common drakes do not possess the fear- humanoids consider kobolds little more than pernicious some breath attacks of true dragons, there are some weeds that need to be eradicated, however their resil- whose draconic blood manifests more keenly, grant- ience as a species often renders this an impossible task. ing them access to a weaker version of the dragons' most infamous ability. There is a unique breath attack Much more detailed information about kobolds can listed for each of the drakes presented here, though be found in 10 Fun Facts About Kobolds on pages 5 and it is worth considering the inherent dangers a drake 6, as well as elsewhere throughout this book. Addition- armed with one of these might pose to the PCs: ally, numerous depictions of kobolds feature in it, im- parting a clear sense of what typical kobolds look like. 76 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
koBoLd (WyrmLing) action, or the whims of a wicked or capricious dragon are obvious exceptions, and these kobolds might prove every bit as bloodthirsty as the force that drives them. The expression ‘wyrmlings’ is employed by kobolds to describe their young. This generic, catch-all term ap- Still, even amongst more warlike tribes, the average plies equally to recently hatched anklebiters as it does kobold isn’t particularly tough or intimidating. That adolescents and young adults. said, kobolds are adept at working together to accom- plish goals far beyond their individual limitations and, Kobolds have a shorter lifespan than humans and most other civilized humanoid races and reach maturity although only the most experienced or trained kobolds aPPendix a - bestiary after around fourteen cycles - at which time they cease pose any kind of serious threat individually, it is rare to being referred to as wyrmlings by their peers. For one encounter a kobold without several (or several dozen) of fully-developed kobold to refer to another as a wyrm- their buddies. When push comes to shove, most kobolds ling would be considered a grievous insult. prefer to fight at range, using their slings to account for their frailty in physical combat. However, as their Wyrmlings are raised communally by their tribe and numbers increase, they switch to favoring their daggers not their parents, as is common in many cultures. In in melee combat—using their Pack Tactics feature to fact, very few kobolds even know who sired them and it maximum advantage. isn’t rare for the identity of the female responsible for a particular clutch of eggs to be forgotten somewhere The Kobold (adult) represents your typical kobold. A between the time she lays them and when they hatch. weakly creature with very little formal training or field experience in combat. Consequently, they tend to prefer As juveniles, wyrmlings are not trained in the art of using simple weapons that require little expertise to combat. They are likely to avoid fighting if possible and wield effectively. fight unarmed, or use improvised weapons that they are not proficient with if forced to defend themselves. Kobold (adult) Kobold (wyrmling) SMall HuManoid (Kobold), any alignMent Armor Class 12 SMall HuManoid (Kobold), any alignMent Hit Points 5 (2D6 - 2) Armor Class 11 Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 3 (2D6 - 4) Speed 20 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 7 (-2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 7 (-2) 6 (-2) 7 (-2) Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Languages The kobold (adult) speaks, reads, and writes Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 common and draconic Languages The wyrmling speaks, reads, and writes Challenge 1/8 (25 XP), proficiency bonus +2 draconic Challenge 0 (10 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the Pack Tactics. The wyrmling has advantage on an attack roll ally isn't incapacitated. against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvan- it and the ally isn't incapacitated. tage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold (wyrmling) has that rely on sight. disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (percep- Actions tion) checks that rely on sight. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or Actions range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1D4 + 2) piercing damage. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon attack: -2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Sling. Ranged Weapon attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage. target. Hit: 4 (1D4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Equipment. None. Equipment. Dagger, sling, sling bullets (20). koBoLd (AduLt) Other types of kobolds similar to the Kobold (adult) also exist. These alternative takes on the archetypal Contrary to popular belief, most kobolds are not espe- kobold have developed differing skills and abilities, pos- cially aggressive, territorial, or militant by nature, that sess special items, and have been differently outfitted— is, unless of course, their disposition is influenced by however they are comparable to the baseline Kobold outside factors. Kobolds that follow an enigmatic leader (adult). The following varieties of Kobold (adults) with dreams of conquest, an ideal that demands violent might be encountered: 77 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
kobold (adult) ConsCriPt Changes. Sentries carry a spear in addition to their other weapons and are proficient in its use (reach 5 ft. Conscripts are kobolds that have been gangpressed into or range 20/60, +0 to hit, 3 [1D6] piercing damage if service during a crisis or time of emergency, usually in thrown, or 4 [1D8] piercing damage if used to make a defense of the tribe or in aid of their dragon overlord, melee attack). They also gain proficiency in the Percep- and possibly against their will. Consequently, their tion skill and their passive Perception score is increased loyalty to ‘the cause’ might be questionable and they're to 10. Lastly, sentries carry a bone whistle that they can more likely to flee or go into retreat if faced with over- blow on to alert anyone within 300 feet of an attack. whelming odds. Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries Changes. Conscripts have been furnished with a either: a) a pouch of tobacco, a pipe, and a tinderbox; shield and trained in its use. Give them proficiency with b) a small satchel of spell components with a value shields and increase their armor class to 14. However, totaling no more than 10 GP; c) a sack of animal feed their morale is low and they are disheartened by the or manure, a pitchfork, and a small locket worth 4 GP; state of affairs that has led to their conscription. So or d) a pull-cord bag containing a handful of marbles, a long as they remain a conscript, anything that the ko- blunt hatchet, and 1D4 pieces of stolen silverware. bold does which can be calculated ‘passively’ is done so with disadvantage. For example, their effective passive koBoLd (ComBAtAnt) aPPendix a - bestiary Perception scores becomes 3 instead of 8. Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries Combatants differ from typical adult kobolds in the either: a) a wooden holy symbol, a pair of bone dice, sense that they have either undergone some basic train- and 1D4 GP in various coinage; b) 1D4 torches and a ing on how to fight (or at least how to defend them- puzzle box; c) a bag of common spices, a hooded lan- selves if attacked), or else they might have some hands- tern, and 1D6 shards of broken pottery; or d) a water- on experience, having been placed in a combat situation skin, tongs, and a small hunting trap. or two previously. Though still not especially tough or threatening, these kobolds are less likely to shy away kobold (adult) lurker from a fight if they come under fire, understanding that Lurkers tend to be kobolds that are unusually sneaky, sometimes it is better to stand and defend themselves sly, or underhanded. Rather than volunteering in the than retreat. name of a cause or shared ideal, or being bullied into Combatants are stronger than Kobold (adults) phys- service, these kobolds think themselves secret agents ically and better equipped, usually carrying a scimitar and spies, relishing the chance to oppose other human- or other superior implements. While hardly fanatical, oid races or even others of their own kind. most combatants are also more loyal to whatever cause Changes. Lurkers gain a Sneak Attack (as per the is uniting their tribe at present, willing to fight and kill– Rogue’s class ability of the same name) but the bonus even if not necessarily die–for it. damage is reduced to 1D4. They also gain proficiency in In combat, combatants are much more likely to take the Stealth skill. on adversaries in melee range than Kobold (adults), Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries especially halflings or gnomes because of their compa- either: a) a stolen lock-box with several rings in it worth rable size. That said, this variety of kobold is also more a total of 11 GP and three additional daggers; b) a very savvy and has a basic understanding of tactics so they small, ornate wooden box which is empty but worth 7 will also hang back and behave differently when the GP, a ‘lucky’ rabbit’s ear, 2D4 GP in various coinage; c) situation calls for it. They are, for example, more likely dark face paint and thieves’ tools; or d) a ring of keys to send a couple of their number forward to present a which correspond to unknown locks, 1D6 unopened united front against an approaching threat, possibly stolen letters, and a letter-opener. making effective use of the Total Defense Action, while the rest of their unit use ranged attacks–still taking kobold (adult) sentry advantage of Pack Tactics–to whittle down their foes. Sentries are kobolds that have volunteered to act as While kobolds which reside in docile lands or that lookouts for their tribe, standing watch and keeping an belong to particularly peaceable tribes are usually Ko- eye out for trouble; or else by guarding a specific loca- bold (adults), those that can be found in more territo- tion, person, or object. Although they haven’t under- rial, aggressive, or militant ones are much more likely gone any specific training or been tested in combat, to be Kobold (combatants), or one of the other more Kobold (adult) Sentries are believers in ‘the cause’ and serious threats presented here. are vigilant in carrying out their duties. 78 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Kobold (combatant) that it applies to, so long as they are within 60 foot of a handler and can see or hear them to follow their SMall HuManoid (Kobold), any alignMent instructions. Lastly, a handler forms a special bond with Armor Class 13 one drake in particular. They can only have one such Hit Points 14 (4D6) special bond at any given time and the beast in question Speed 30 ft. must have spent at least a cycle with the handler as its STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA master to form this relationship. This drake rolls an ad- 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) ditional 1D4 and adds it to skill checks or saving throws Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 it makes while the handler is within 120 foot of it. aPPendix a - bestiary Languages The kobold (combatant) speaks, reads, and Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold car- writes common and draconic ries either: a) a satchel of 'treats' (dead rodents) and a Challenge 1/4 (50 XP), proficiency bonus +2 training whistle; b) a necklace of drake teeth and 1D4 Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a leather collars; c) a pair of muzzles built to fit a drake's creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the snout and one extra 'lucky' blow dart which features ally isn't incapacitated. colorful feathers; or d) a particularly ornate blowgun Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvan- that is exquisitely carved worth 25 GP. tage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight. kobold (Combatant) rambler Actions Scimitar. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Ramblers have a deep-rooted love for nature and a 6 (1D6 + 3) slashing damage. healthy respect for the wilderness; acting as foragers, Sling. Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one hunters, and scavengers for their tribe. In addition to target. Hit: 5 (1D4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. being unusually pragmatic, industrious, and hardwork- Equipment. Scimitar, sling, sling bullets (20). ing, especially for kobolds, ramblers also have a stron- ger sense of civic duty than most. This variety of kobold Other types of kobolds similar to the Kobold also tends to be more social and yet simultaneously (combatant) also exist. These alternative takes on the more likely to live on the outskirts of kobold society archetypal kobold have developed different skills and than others of their kind. This is simply because life abilities, possess special items, and have been differ- on the fringe requires more cooperation and a greater ently outfitted - however they are comparable to the sense of community than can be found elsewhere. baseline Kobold (combatant). The following varieties Changes. Ramblers gain proficiency in the Nature of Kobold (combatant) might be encountered: and Survival skills. Their sling is replaced with a short- bow (range 80/320 ft., +5 to hit, 6 [1D6 + 3] piercing kobold (Combatant) handler damage) and they have 20 arrows for it. Additionally, Handlers are kobolds who train and direct drakes in the rambler has a pet Pseudodragon as an animal com- the many duties that these beasts perform for the tribe. panion. This creature acts independently of the rambler These individuals shouldn't be confused with breeders but obeys their every command. who perform a distinct and separate role within kobold Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries society (no statistical information has been provided either: a) a set of bone dice (hand-carved and not at all for kobold breeders however they are usually Kobold balanced) and a dozen broken arrows in need of fletch- (adults) with proficiency in animal handling). ing; b) a scrawled map of nearby hunting trails and the Changes. Handlers have proficiency in the Animal lairs of local predators; c) a satchel containing enough Handling skill. Replace their weapons with a whip food for three days (stale bread, dried biscuits, a few (reach 10 ft., +5 to hit, 5 [1D4 + 3] slashing damage) and handfuls of mixed berries, and a wedge of spicy cheese); a blowgun (range 25/100 ft., +5 to hit, 1 piercing dam- or d) a pouch of well-dried kindling, 1D4 bird eggs, a age). Handlers have 1D4 tranquilizer darts for use with pot of honey, and a sealed pot of adhesive pinesap glue. their blowguns. Each time a medium or small creature is struck with a dart they must attempt a DC 11 Con- kobold (Combatant) sCraPPer stitution saving throw. If they fail, they gain 1 level of Scrappers are unusually tough kobolds who love noth- exhaustion. If a creature has 3 levels of exhaustion and ing more than butting heads, blowing off steam, and is affected in this way again, they pass out and cannot generally throwing their weight around. In other societ- be woken for 1D6 + 8 hours. Additionally, all drakes that ies, they might be considered ruffians, hooligans, or are allied with the handler add double their proficiency heavies but how other kobolds perceive them actually bonus to any attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks varies. Most consider scrappers 'useful' and 'plucky' if 79 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
their aggression is directed outward at enemies of the several kobolds, and directions to a nearby hiding spot tribe, and a bothersome nuisance if it isn't. where 2D10 GP worth of valuables have been hidden; Changes. Scrappers gain proficiency in the Intimi- or d) a poisoner’s kit, a blood-soaked handkerchief, a dation skill. They also replace the scimitars and slings shriveled, dehydrated ear, a small pouch containing that Kobold (combatants) carry with warhammers fingernails and toenails, and a stone rubbing sketch in (reach 5 ft., +1 to hit, 4 [1D10 - 1] bludgeoning dam- charcoal of a humanoid face with its eyes closed. age), which they wield with both hands. Additionally, each time a scrapper is dealt bludgeoning, piercing, or kobold (Combatant) traPPer slashing damage, it is reduced by 2 points and once per Trappers are unusually cunning and resourceful kobolds turn when it has taken damage, the scrapper can deal who dedicate their lives to the art of waylaying, foiling, an extra 3 (1D6) damage on its next successful attack or otherwise ensnaring others. This type of kobold de- before the end of its next turn. velops and deploys dozens of traps over the course of its Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries lifespan. Sometimes these are used for the purposes of either: a) an iron buckler coated with flecks of dried hunting wild beasts, other times to halt adventurers or blood and a single pronounced dent in it, b) a leather those intruding into kobold territory in their tracks. choker and a collection of 3D6 silver piercings worth Kobolds who go on to become trappers are as diverse 2 SP each, c) a pouch of chewing tobacco and a pair of as the traps they create but generally they share cre- aPPendix a - bestiary fingerless leather gloves that has a set of brass knuckle ative, inquisitive, and practical minds. They also usually dusters worked into them, or d) a coin purse filled with have a love for critical thinking, as well as problem and 2D6 GP worth of copper and silver coins that hangs puzzle solving. from a belt with a pronounced silver buckle worth 5 GP. Changes. Trappers have an Intelligence score of 14 and gain proficiency in the Survival skill. They also have kobold (Combatant) skulker advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks to notice Skulkers are notorious even amongst others of their 'mechanical' traps, advantage on Intelligence (investi- kind as despicable sneaks. A kobold identified as a gation) checks to determine how to disarm them, and skulker has a penchant for thievery, trouble-making, or add double their proficiency bonus to any Dexterity other roguish, anti-social behavior. Skulkers tend to be checks involving thieves' tools made to do so. selfish creatures who derive enjoyment chiefly from the Trappers are also experts in the construction of misfortune of others, even more so if they're personally traps. If they have access to a suitable environment, the responsible for causing such heartache. appropriate resources, and the tools necessary, they can Despite having a background in larceny directed at create original, bespoke traps. What form these take is their own kind, most skulkers that adventurers encoun- up to you to determine, however with 1 day of prepara- ter will likely be acting as bandits or highwaymen with tion time a trapper can create a trap with a save DC of designs on killing them and claiming their possessions, 11 or an attack bonus of +5 that deals 1D10 damage. or else extorting their goods and wares in exchange for With 3 days of preparation time, they can instead create safe passage through 'their' lands or as a toll for the use a trap with a save DC of 11 or an attack bonus of +4 that of 'their' roadway. Alternatively, many skulkers might deals 2D10 damage. Lastly, with 7 days, the trapper can be loyal to 'the cause' and apply their usual brand of create a trap with a save DC of 10 or an attack bonus of mischief and villainy to advancing it. In the case of Har- +3 that deals 4D10 damage. rowing Heights' narrative, this would mean throwing Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold car- their lot in with Jirgix Jackjaw and following his orders. ries either: a) a bundle of 4 nets each covering a 5 foot Changes. Skulkers gain a 1D6 Sneak Attack (as per square area and a sack of small animal bones; b) a small the Rogue's class ability of the same name). They also pouch of powder that itches, a shovel, a live snake, and gain proficiency in the Deception, Sleight of Hand, and a pair of bloomers; c) a bug net and a rucksack filled Stealth skills. Lastly, they are proficient with whichever with 2D8 glass jars of assorted live worms, fireflies, cen- tool or kit that they have about their person (see below). tipedes, and other insects; or d) a set of mason's tools and a folded parchment written in draconic that fea- Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries either: a) a set of thieves' tools, a pair of wedding rings, tures reminders of the locations of hidden or concealed and a small bundle of wrapped silverware and crystal- traps and instructions on how to safely navigate them. ware worth a total of 2D12 GP; b) a forgery kit, a short list of other kobolds that it was extorting, and a handful of stolen letters; c) a disguise kit, rough sketches of 80 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
koBoLd (veterAn) (veteran). The following varieties of Kobold (veteran) might be encountered: Kobold (veterans) go a step further than even Kobold kobold (veteran) blaCkblade (combatants). These kobolds have undergone extensive training and have usually proven themselves under fire. The precise role that blackblades play in kobold society Veterans will not only engage in skirmishes with adven- is rather ill-defined. They generally consider themselves turers, or anyone else who might threaten their way of partners, affiliates, or, at the very least, 'associates' of life, but they will actively seek out such encounters in wyrmblades, even though most actual wyrmblades con- order to protect their lands, tribe, and draconic overlord sider the blackblades a disorganized rabble and harbor aPPendix a - bestiary (if they have one). nothing but scorn and derision toward them. Kobold (veterans) are tougher and better outfitted While wyrmblades are generally considered by than lesser kobolds. They usually carry a shortsword kobolds to be some kind of secret police who answer and a shortbow into battle, and they also pack a shield only to the head of the tribe (though this isn't quite the too for good measure. Veterans will take life without case), the nebulous blackblades are much more disor- hesitation and will accept great risks in order to protect derly, more akin to guerila warfare experts, freedom the interests of their people. fighters, or insurgents than they are a clandestine, elite In combat, Kobold (veterans) prefer to close the dis- unit that operates exclusively from the shadows. That tance between themselves and their opponents so that said, many blackblades idolize the wyrmblades and they can make effective use of their shields and Pack what they represent and some blackblades go on to join Tactics feature in melee. Injured veterans will fall back the ranks of the more exclusive organization. and resort to using their short bows, or else will act as Blackblades are ambush experts who frequently op- runners, fetching reinforcements as swiftly as possible. erate in the wilds and work alongside Kobold (combat- ant) Trappers and Kobold (veteran) Trackers, and, Kobold (veteran) to a lesser extent, Kobold (combatant) Handlers, to waylay enemies of the tribe or nosy adventurers. Un- SMall HuManoid (Kobold), any alignMent usually, blackblades tend to be a loosely affiliated group Armor Class 13 (15 with shield) that is trusted to act in the tribe's best interests without Hit Points 21 (6D6) receiving direct instructions from a draconic overlord or Speed 30 ft. any of the usual suspects. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Changes. Blackblades do not carry a shield, and 9 (-1) 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) they possess a rapier (reach 5 ft., +5 to hit, 7 [1D8 + 3] Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 piercing damage) in place of a shortsword. They also Languages The kobold (veteran) speaks, reads, and gain proficiency in the Deception, Sleight of Hand, and writes common and draconic Stealth skills. Additionally, blackblades have advan- Challenge 1/2 (100 XP), proficiency bonus +2 tage on any Dexterity (stealth) checks made to remain Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a hidden while outdoors, so long as they have had an creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the hour to properly conceal themselves. Blackblades also ally isn't incapacitated. gain a Sneak Attack (as per the Rogue's class ability of Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvan- the same name). The bonus damage this provides is 2 tage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks (1D4), however it increases to 5 (2D4) against creatures that rely on sight. Actions that haven't acted in combat yet, and 7 (3D4) against creatures that are surprised. Shortsword. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1D6 + 3) slashing damage. Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries Shortbow. Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one either: a) an iron dagger painted black, a pot of black target. Hit: 6 (1D6 + 3) piercing damage. paint, and a paint brush; b) a rough shard of obsidian- Equipment. Shortsword, shortbow, arrows (20) colored glass fashioned into a makeshift shiv worth 50 SP, a mottled blanket, and a jar of live chirping crickets; Additional kobolds that are similar to the Kobold c) a knife with an impure onyx stone embedded in the (veteran) can also be found. These modified takes on pommel worth 10 GP; or d) a wonderfully crafted obsid- the template have different skills and abilities, possess ian dagger similar to those used in occult rituals worth special items, and have been differently outfitted - how- 30 GP, and two waterskins; one filled with water and the ever they are comparable to the baseline Kobold other blood. 81 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
kobold (veteran) Chanter Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries either: a) a square leather shield, flask of oil, and a Chanters are fervent worshipers of dragons and ardent, decorative helmet with two antler horns fixed atop it; b) unfaltering believers in the tribe's cause, whatever it a wooden tower shield that has been repeatedly patched may be. Their conviction borders on zealotry and many with leather and plate from years of abuse, a pair of of them are unwilling to accept reality when it doesn't knee-length pocketed shorts holding an assortment of quite align with their world view. semi-precious stones worth 12 GP, a pocketful of cal- Although chanters might be staunchly opposed to trops, and a handful of jerked meat; c) a shield repair kit the enemies of their ideals, they're generally too weakly containing leather strips, animal glue, nails, and a small to combat them directly. However, they make for ca- pot of paint; or d) a selection of creams and poultices pable healers and use their talents to support those who used to treat aching shield arms and a collection of are better suited to protecting, or rather enforcing, their polished, well-kept scales. ideology. Changes. Chanters carry a mace (reach 5 ft., +1 to hit, 2 [1D6 - 1] bludgeoning damage) in place of a short- rUles vAriANT: WiNged Kobolds sword. They also gain proficiency in the History, Medi- While the vast majority of kobolds do not possess cine, and Religion skills. Additionally, chanters can heal wings, a handful are exceptions. These ones hatch aPPendix a - bestiary wounded creatures. As an action, they can restore 4D4 with anything from tiny stumps or nubs, all the way + 2 hit points to a creature they touch or, alternatively, to fully-formed, leathery wings. While these are often they can roll 2D4 + 2 and split the resulting number of merely ornamental and entirely useless from a practi- hit points between any number of creatures within 30 cal perspective, such kobolds are revered amongst foot. They can do this 4 times per day. their kind. Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries Typically, only one percent of kobolds are hatched either: a) a pot of smelling salts, a portable brazier and with wings. At your discretion, you might simply a satchel of coal enriched with a powder to produce decide if, and when, the PCs meet such a creature (if a green flame; b) Several pouches of medicinal herbs they do at all), or else make a percentile roll when and poultices; c) a mace built from aging gnarled wood appropriate and let fate decide. The probability of with a collection of dragon scales affixed to it, and a winged kobolds being hatched increases by a further satchel of small painted bird bones; or d) a collection of 2% for each generation (10 cycles) that their tribe protective charms, amulets, and fetishes, some with the spends in close proximity to a dragon, to a maximum draconic word for protection painted on them. of a 10% chance of winged kobolds being created. Should the dragon to which the tribe is loyal perish kobold (veteran) dragonshield or move on, the kobolds revert to having a 1% chance of spawning winged juveniles within a cycle. It should Dragonshields are probably about as close to actual be noted that the kobold tribe described in Harrowing soldiers as a kobold tribe is likely to have at its disposal. Heights' narrative has followed Salvaschon for eight They could also be accurately described as shock troop- decades and has a 10% chance of hatching winged ers, warriors, or squaddies. Regimented and disciplined, kobolds. a large force of dragonshields certainly resembles an army and they behave like a military force too. Winged kobolds might hold special roles within the tribe, such as that of hunters or trackers. Conse- Dragonshields are more commonly found amongst quently, the chances of a group of heroic adventurers structured or hierarchical tribes than those that don't encountering them is disproportionately high. Winged have a clear leadership. Especially large or militant kobolds may work alone or with other flying kobolds. tribes may have a sizable force of dragonshields that can be deployed en masse to combat enemies. Unless you decide otherwise, you should roll a D8 when the PCs encounter a winged kobold. On a result Changes. Dragonshields can use their bonus action of 1-5, their wings are decorative only. On a 6-7, the to slam a target with their shield (reach 5 ft., +1 to hit, kobold in question can glide. On a result of 8, the 3 [1D6 - 1] bludgeoning damage). Additionally, dragon- kobold can instead fly. A kobold that can glide gains a shields modify their Pack Tactics ability so that instead 40 ft. glide speed while a kobold that can fly gains a of gaining advantage on an attack roll when an ally is 50 ft. fly speed. within 5 ft., all melee attack rolls to hit them are made with disadvantage if an ally who is also a dragonshield is adjacent the target. 82 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
kobold (veteran) dragonsinger taken from a local bard; b) a sickle (+3 to hit; 3 [1D4] slashing damage), 6 darts, a bundle of papers written in Dragonsingers, also sometimes known as chanters, draconic outlining ideas for songs, poems, and sermons, are lovers of dragons who take it upon themselves to and a chain of prayer beads; c) a whip (+3 to hit; 4 [1D4 spread a message of love and adoration for the kobolds’ + 1] slashing damage), a note in draconic that records draconic overlords and, often, dragonkind in general. secrets about several kobolds, and a dragon’s tooth; or These creatures tend to be truly evangelical and work d) a rapier (+3 to hit; 5 [1D8 + 1] piercing damage), a se- tirelessly to bring enlightenment and salvation to any ries of illustrations of dragons that have been torn from kobolds who haven’t yet ‘seen the light’. books, and a single, discarded dragon scale. aPPendix a - bestiary On occasion, dragonsingers become seduced by the power of their own rhetoric and use the fervency with kobold (veteran) traCker which their tribe or congregation follows their teach- Trackers are kobolds that possess a strong bond with ings to allow themselves to gradually slip into the role nature. This, combined with their expert knowledge of of despotic dictator. However, usually other dragonsing- their surroundings and mastery over tracking tech- ers will denounce them for mishearing, misunderstand- niques, makes them adept at hunting down enemies of ing, or misrepresenting the dragonsong and declare the tribe. Although there are many other tougher vari- them a false prophet - usually leading to their assassi- eties of kobold, trackers present a particularly trouble- nation, execution, or extradition from the tribe. some threat to those attempting to evade pursuit or Changes. Dragonsingers' Dexterity score decreases capture. to 13, while their Charisma increases to 16. They also A kobold tribe will typically only have a handful gain proficiency in the History, Performance, Persua- of trackers, as only one or two of them is more than sion, and Religion skills. Also, they don’t carry a short- enough to lead a larger group of kobolds to their quarry. sword, a shortbow, or any arrows (replacement equipped The most common kobolds that trackers have dealings is provided below). Lastly, a dragonsinger gains the with are Kobold (combatant) Handlers (with Pursuit following two actions in combat: Drakes) and Kobold (veteran) Blackblades, but they Inspiring Rhetoric. Dragonsingers are able to mag- sometimes also work with Kobold (combatant) ram- nify the devotion of those who listen to them. As an blers and Kobold (combatant) trappers. action, they make a Charisma (persuasion) check. Changes. Trackers' Dexterity score decreases to 15, On a result of 12 or above, any kobold allies within but their Wisdom score increases to 12. They also gain range that can hear them gain a +2 bonus to attack proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills, and they rolls, skill checks, and saving throws that utilize their add double their proficiency bonus to Wisdom (sur- mental attributes (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) vival) checks related to tracking. Lastly, trackers employ for an hour. If allies of the dragonsinger are not ko- barbed arrows known as Drakespit Arrows (see below) bolds, the DC to affect them in this way is 17. that are designed to discourage removal as they can aid Stirring Speech. Dragonsingers are able to inspire trackers that work with drakes in pursuing whatever those who choose to heed their words. As an action, they've wounded. Attacks made with trackers' shortbows they make a Charisma (performance) check. On a are adjusted (+4 to hit, range 80/320, 4 [1D4 + 2] pierc- result of 12 or above, any kobold allies within range ing damage), and each arrow deals a further 3 (1D6) that can hear them gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, piercing damage when removed from a wound without a skill checks, and saving throws that utilize their successful DC 12 Wisdom (medicine) check. physical attributes (Strength, Dexterity, or Constitu- Drakespit Arrows. Arrows belonging to trackers have tion) for an hour. If allies of the dragonsinger are not been coated in a sticky, tar-like substance called kobolds, the DC to affect them in this way is 17. Drakespit. Drakes can smell Drakespit from up to 2 A creature cannot be affected by Inspiring Rhetoric and miles away, gaining advantage on Wisdom (percep- Stirring Speech at the same time. However, as part of tion) checks to sniff it out. In combat, if a creature their action when performing either, dragonsingers has become the victim of a Drakespit-tipped arrow, can choose to direct each at specific targets (as many drakes are much more likely to target them and any as they wish). Either effect can be replaced at any animal handling checks made to dissuade them from time. doing so are made with disadvantage. Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries either: a) a dagger (Range 20/60, +3 to hit; 4 [1D4 + 1] either: a) a waterskin, five days' worth of trail rations piercing damage), a pair of large wooden drumsticks, a and a camouflage kit; b) 50 ft. of hempen rope attached fancy feather cap, and an initialed musical instrument to a sturdy hook and a fur-lined winter jacket of 83 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
surprising quality; c) a bundle of tangled twine, three Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvan- days' worth of berries, chewable sticks, and eggs, and tage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks a box of eighty feathers fit for making arrows; or d) a that rely on sight. hunting knife, a pair of broken spectacles, and 1D8 ar- Actions rowheads, each coated in dried blood. Multiattack. The kobold (elite) makes two melee attacks Rapier. Melee Weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1D8 + 4) piercing damage. koBoLd (eLite) Crossbow, Light. Ranged Weapon attack: +6 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1D8 + 4) piercing damage. Kobold (elites) are capable and adept warriors that Equipment. Rapier, shield, light crossbow, bolts (20). display remarkable martial prowess. Given that kobolds tend to lead short, bloody lives, few live long enough to Additional kobolds that are similar to the Kobold rise to join the enviable rank of elite. Each elite has usu- (elite) can also be found. These modified takes on ally endured extensive training, prevailed in numerous the template have different skills and abilities, pos- combat situations, and proved itself loyal and capable in sess special items, and have been differently outfitted other ways too. - however they are comparable to the baseline Kobold Very few kobold tribes have elites at their disposal. (elites). The following varieties of Kobold (elite) might aPPendix a - bestiary Those that do represent a much more serious threat to be encountered: regional peace as kobolds do not train elites unneces- sarily and only especially militant or territorial tribes kobold (elite) Wyrmblade see their value. A tribe that has elites amongst its num- Wyrmblades are arrogant and aloof creatures that ber is likely gearing up for war. belong to a special and exclusive order of kobolds. Their Kobold (elites) are amongst the toughest kobolds, role within the tribe is that of special agents and clan- and are equipped with only the finest armaments destine operatives, secret police, and masked assassins available to them. They usually carry a light crossbow who represent the interests of the tribe's current leader for ranged combat and a rapier and shield for melee. A with unwavering conviction. Wyrmblades see them- Kobold (elite) will do whatever is necessary to further selves as above the rest of the tribe and make no effort its overlord's agenda or its tribe's goals, whether this to conceal it, usually isolating themselves and shunning means killing, taking prisoners, or risking its own life. other kobolds. In combat, Kobold (elites) prefer to push their Because of the secrecy that surrounds their work, advantage, using natural terrain to ambush prey with wyrmblades are shrouded in a certain mysticism as ranged attacks before charging into melee in teams far as other kobolds are concerned. As a result, they of two and bringing down tougher opponents with are revered and feared in equal measure, a perception tag-team tactics. Injured elites typically either fall back that they're only too happy to foster. It is perhaps this and resort to using their crossbows to provide ranged untouchable status that affords wyrmblades almost support, or stand their ground and use the Total Defense total autonomy in their affairs and exemption from Action to keep their enemy off-guard while their partner tribe rules - to the extent that wyrmblades are permit- continues to gain advantage from Pack Tactics. ted to execute other kobolds within the tribe if it should become necessary to do so. Kobold (elite) Other than themselves, the only creatures wyrm- SMall HuManoid (Kobold), any alignMent blades will listen to is the leader of their order or the tribe's overlord, whose instructions they will follow un- Armor Class 14 (16 with shield) Hit Points 36 (8D6 + 8) conditionally. The only common exception to this is if Speed 30 ft. the wyrmblades decide that either leader is undeserving of their role, in which case they have occasionally made STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA said leader disappear to pave the way for a new one to 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) emerge from the tribe. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8 Changes. Wyrmblades do not carry a shield, but Languages The kobold (elite) speaks, reads, and writes common and draconic their rapiers are poisoned to deal an extra 3 (1D6) poi- Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 son damage on a hit. They also gain proficiency in the Deception, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a skills, and are trained in the use of a Poisoner's Kit. creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the ally isn't incapacitated. Wyrmblades also gain a Sneak Attack (as per the Rogue's 84 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
class ability of the same name) that deals 2 (1D4) bonus Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries damage. This increases to 5 (2d4) to any creatures that either: a) a set of vestments and a shepherd's crook haven't acted in combat yet, and 7 (3D4) damage to fashioned into a crosier, both are festooned with worth- targets who are surprised. less charms and amulets; b) a flask of anointing oil, a Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries small cloth and a book full of crudely drawn dragons; c) either: a) a pot of black paint and hand brush, which a drake skull mask, a musical instrument made of bone, has been used to coat all its other equipment in black; and a winged dress made to resemble a dragon's body; b) a waterskin filled with blood, a pewter cup, and a sil- or d) an aspergillum, an aspersorium, and one flask of ver spoon; c) 50 ft. hempen rope attached to a spike of holy water. aPPendix a - bestiary obsidian glass and a drake skull fashioned into a mask worn under a black hooded robe; or d) a vial of anti- kobold (elite) WyrmsPeaker toxin and a vial of truth serum, both vials are unlabeled Wyrmspeakers belong to a very small, very select group and carefully hidden about its person. of kobolds that have been able to unlock some of the la- tent magical power that lays dormant in their draconic kobold (elite) Wyrmnointed blood. Unlike some kobolds that are simply born with special gifts, wyrmspeakers have to attain a tremendous Armed with the backing of their overlord and bolstered by their own faith and conviction in all things draconic, amount of focus and single-mindedness to realize their the wyrmnointed are the blessed ones that are charged true potential, far more so than typical kobolds have with safeguarding their tribe's spiritual wellbeing. the capacity to achieve. Additionally, the trigger that unlocks these astounding abilities is often every bit From a young age, some wyrmlings are set aside from as psychological as it is physiological. The event that the rest of their kin, cloistered close to their dragon, usually precedes wyrmspeakers identifying their unique and taught of its divinity and glory. When released from talents often unfolds in one of two ways, either through their studies, these kobolds are appointed to important extensive meditation and training of quasi-monastic positions within the tribe, tasked with enforcing reli- traditions or, as is more commonly the case, a very gious fervor, obedience, and directing other kobolds in sudden moment of clarity and vision when the kobold their worship of dragons. They also represent the inqui- comes in close proximity to a dragon. sition of kobold tribes, tasked with seeking out heresies and dispensing justice where needed. In these roles, the Kobolds that are identified as wyrmspeakers are wyrmnointed often lead Kobold (adult) Chanters and expected to leave their present duties behind in order to Kobold (adult) Dragonsingers, and direct the actions embark upon a new life, entering the inner sanctum of of Kobold (elite) Wyrmblades. They must also work their dragon overlord and acting as personal attendants with Kobold (elite) Wyrmspeakers should they wish to it from this moment forward. These kobolds are af- to arrange an audience with the dragon they care for. forded unfettered access to the dragon's personal cham- bers (assuming it will receive them at all). Their new Changes. The wyrmnointed increase their Wisdom duties include; cleaning up after the dragon, making score to 11 and decrease their Dexterity score to 14. sure it's comfortable and that its every need is catered They also gain proficiency in the Medicine and Religion to, polish its hoard of coins and gems, and repeating its skills and are modified with the following: words and instructions to the wyrmnointed. Spellcasting. The wyrmnointed is a 2nd-level spellcast- For their part, dragons have a varied attitude toward er. Its Spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC their wyrmspeaker servants, ranging from scorn to 10, (+2 to hit with spell attacks). The wyrmnointed bemusement, dependent on the dragon in question's can cast the following Cleric spells: personality or current mood. In most cases, a dragon Cantrips (at will): Resistance, Thaumaturgy, Light. will simply shun the wyrmspeakers with cold indiffer- 1st level (3 slots): Command, Shield of Faith, Healing ence and permit them to perform their duties so long as Word. they do not disturb it in any way. Weapon of Faith The wyrmnointed carries a mace On the very rare occasions a dragon should receive (reach 5 ft., +1 to hit, 2 [1D6 - 1] bludgeoning dam- visitors it wishes to converse with, a wyrmspeaker age) in place of its shortsword and also deals an might cast Comprehend Languages on them so they can extra 3 (1D6) damage of the equivalent type to their understand the dragon's speech without it needing to favored dragon's heritage (see Draconic Heritage address its guests in anything other than its own hal- table). lowed tongue. 85 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Changes. The wyrmspeaker increases its Charisma Red Fire score to 12 and decreases its Dexterity score to 14, and gains the following actions and traits: Silver Cold Draconic Tie. Each wyrmspeaker emulates one kind of White Cold dragon, typically the one whose presence helped to unlock the kobold's abilities. Pick a color of dragon from the Draconic Heritage chart, the wyrmspeaker has resistance to the damage type associated with Appendix B: that color of dragon and all spells that the wyrm- speaker uses to deal damage, deal damage of that NPC Gallery type instead, whether the spell is normally able to deal it or not. Spellcasting. The wyrmspeaker is a 3rd-level spellcast- ppendix B presents the following new non- er. Its Spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC A player characters: 11, (+3 to hit with spell attacks). The wyrmspeaker can cast the following Sorcerer spells: aPPendix a - bestiary Cantrips (at will): Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, True Strike, npCs by CHAllenge rAting Shocking Grasp. Monster Challenge 1st level (4 slots): Chromatic Orb, Comprehend Lan- guages, Feather Fall. Dalla Holmgavtsson 0 2nd level (2 slots): Blindness/Deafness. Dilzak Bigthwack 1 Wyrmspeakers often use Comprehend Languages and Elzald Dhurmok 1 Feather Fall outside of combat, while in it they make a point of utilizing spells that cause elemental damage Fazne Tussu 1 to maximum effect. In a pinch, wyrmspeakers can cast Ferzen Wingwoh 1 Blindness/Deafness to hinder its greatest threat before making good on an escape, although they will never Virap Gazadro 1 abandon a dragon in their care or attempt to flee while Gek Crekko 2 the dragon to which they are loyal still draws breath. Kox Quipper 2 Equipment & Loot. Roll a D4. This kobold carries either: a) a box containing a portable set of jeweler's Melzep Darlath 2 tools and a supply of metal polish and cloths; b) a Zeke Rethis 2 wand or other foci, often with strange draconic symbols painted upon it; and a component pouch filled with Jirgix Jackjaw 3 weeds, lichen, and slime; c) a cloudy glass sphere, a pouch of small animal skulls on a string and cooking Kaydesh Kroll 3 salts; or d) an innocuous coin or trinket taken from a Lloyd Spelloyal 3 dragon's hoard. Orm Holmgavtsson 3 drAConiC HeritAge Ulakro Darlath 3 Dragon Damage Type Cordelia Tenebris 4 Black Acid Vilmark* 4 Blue Lightning CordeLiA teneBris Brass Fire Bronze Lightning Cordelia Tenebris is a powerful sorceress and witch with a penchant for meddling in affairs that do not concern Copper Acid her. She is also a master of deception, passing herself Gold Fire off as; a gypsy, washerwoman, fortune teller, psychic, and spiritual healer when the situation calls for it. Green Poison 86 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Keeper of Grudges. Cordelia’s actions are generally eoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical prompted by two primary motivations; her compulsion sources. This potion wears off after 2D4 hours. to meddle and, even more keenly, her desire for ven- Witch's Vichyssoise (3). When consumed, the imbiber feels a sud- geance against those she perceives to have wronged her. den surge of energy; regaining one spell slot at the highest Cordelia hangs on to her grievances in the same way level available. that a cleric might a holy symbol; jealously safeguard- Restocking. Cordelia can replenish her supplies of each of the above potions, however doing so requires her to spend 1D8 ing her misgivings and allowing them to fester into hours gathering ingredients, access to both her kitchen and hatred until they bubble over into action, usually with cooking utensils; as well as 1D4 hours to brew, cook, or other- devastating consequence. wise prepare each potion. Cordelia’s grudge against the people of Skalaholt is a Impossibly Perceptive. A master manipulator, Cordelia has advan- aPPendix b - nPc gallery central theme of Harrowing Heights’ plot. tage on Wisdom (insight) and Wisdom (perception) checks, and her passive Perception score is calculated with advantage. Eternal. Due to her ‘Despicable Practice’ (see Deceptive Nature. Lying comes naturally to Cordelia and she is below), Cordelia is unusually long-lived. In fact, it isn’t able to weave magical barbs into her words, making it incred- clear exactly just how long she has been around. That ibly difficult for those who don't already know the truth about said, the background to Harrowing Heights implies her a particular matter to perceive any version of it besides the to be at least a century old. one she champions. Any creature that doesn't know Cordelia's true nature as a liar and manipulator or the precise truth Despicable Practice. Drawing from several lifetimes about a subject on which she speaks, has disadvantage on any worth of accumulated-experience as a practicing witch, checks made against her Charisma (deception) skill to discern Cordelia knows of a great many potions and poultices, the truth. incantations and invocations, and recitals and ritu- Spellcasting. Cordelia is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting als - some of which have been lost to time and are now ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Cordelia can cast the following sorcerer spells: known only to her. Cantrips (at will): Acid splash, Dancing lights, Message, Poison spray Every five or six decades Cordelia pulls a particularly 1st level (4 slots): Color spray, Disguise self, Witch bolt reprehensible recipe from her repertoire. If she is able 2nd level (3 slots): Alter self, Spider climb, Web to harvest an intact pituitary gland from a healthy, 3rd level (3 slots): Clairvoyance, Major image, Water breathing vital, and youthful female - she can use this to make a 4th level (3 slots): Dimension door, Polymorph very special soufflé. Consuming this dish allows her to 5th level (1 slot): Animate objects, Seeming, Telekinesis sustain herself for several decades, until the next time Actions she indulges in this curious practice. Multiattack. Cordelia makes three strikes with her dagger. Cordelia’s time to feed is at hand once more in Har- Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or rowing Heights and one of her objectives during the range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (2D4 + 2) piercing damage. adventure is to feast on Dalla Holmgavtsson's pituitary gland, as well as to harvest many of her other organs for Equipment. Potion of Witch's Broth, three potions of Witch's Vichyssoise, dagger, alchemist's supplies, cook's utensils, different, equally disturbing, purposes. herbalism kit, blue sapphire amulet stolen from Bethesda Holmgavtsson, book of bizarre recipes requiring exotic and Cordelia Tenebris rarified ingredients. MediuM HuManoid (HuMan), neutral evil dALLA hoLmgAvtsson Armor Class 12 Hit Points 77 (14D8 + 14) Speed 30 ft. Dalla Holmgavtsson is the eleven-year-old daughter of Orm Holmgavtsson, the jarl of Skalaholt, and his only STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA heir. As those who come to know her quickly discover, 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) Dalla is far more shrewd and capable than her youth Saving Throws Charisma +5 would suggest. Skills Arcana +6, Deception +5, History +5, Insight +4, Medicine +4, Nature +6, Perception +4, Persuasion +5 Wise Beyond Her Years. Well-educated, born into Senses passive Perception 19 good stock, and an avid reader, Dalla has learned an aw- Languages Common, draconic, primordial, sylvan ful lot about the world for such a young girl. She’s savvy Challenge 4 (1,100 XP), proficiency bonus +2 enough to know that grown-ups don’t always have the best intentions and that they cannot always be trusted. Special Equipment. Cordelia carries the following restorative po- tions about her person: As a result of this, she trusts her own counsel above that Witch's Broth (1). When consumed, this potion toughens the skin of strangers and cannot be easily fooled or misled. of its imbiber to the point that they gain resistance to bludg- 87 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Youthful Exuberance. Although Dalla is no fool, she oppress and harass his own people as outsiders and is also neither jaded nor wearied by the world around foreigners. her. In fact, she’s as excitable, boisterous, and filled with Big And Obvious. Dilzak is unusually large for a youthful wonder and curiosity as any other child her kobold, in fact his size is medium and, sufficiently dis- age might be. She loves to play and laugh, and contin- guised, he could probably pass for a dwarf. His large size ues to do so throughout Harrowing Heights, despite the is mirrored by his lack of grace, his clumsiness, and an predicament the adventure places her in. ability to be spotted at great distances - in short, noth- Grand Designs. Though Dalla's grander destiny is ing about this kobold is very subtle. not covered within the scope of Harrowing Heights, Implausible Boasts. Dilzak’s boasts are notorious fate has big things in store for this little girl should amongst those who know him. According to Dilzak, she survive. However, without the PCs timely interven- he has sired at least eight clutches (over two-hundred tion, Cordelia Tenebris’ plans for Dalla might yet come offspring), defeated at least one dwarven barbarian in a to fruition, and, consequently, her destiny might go bare-knuckle brawl, and invented several contraptions unfulfilled. the like of which the world has never seen. This last boast in particular typically elicits sniggers from those Dalla Holmgavtsson who know Dilzak. SMall HuManoid (HuMan), lawful good Bigoted. It is no secret that Dilzak believes all other Armor Class 11 humanoid races to be genetically inferior to kobolds due Hit Points 4 (3D6 - 6) to the reptilians’ draconic heritage. He also makes no Speed 25 ft. bones about the fact that he believes kobolds should be aPPendix b - nPc gallery STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA conquerors and subjugate lesser races like dwarves or, 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) in particular, goblins. Skills Animal Handling +3, Insight +5, Stealth +3 Tactics. Dilzak is usually spoiling for a fight, and he Senses passive Perception 11 doesn’t mince his words or waste time with stealth. He Languages Common, gibberish, draconic curse words brazenly challenges anyone who opposes him, even in Challenge 0 (10 XP), proficiency bonus +2 the face of overwhelming odds, and refuses to work with other kobolds besides those who swear their loyalty Unusually Perceptive. Dalla adds double her proficiency bonus to Insight checks (already included). to him. In combat, Dilzak rushes to the front line and Fated for Greatness. It is as if fate itself has conspired to keep attacks with reckless abandon, not even bothering to Dalla alive. During the events of Harrowing Heights, should any use his shield. He also won’t realize that he’s fighting a creature decide to target her with an attack, a harmful spell or losing battle until it is too late. effect, or any kind of hazardous area-effect ability, they must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw; changing their mind and instead pursuing a different course of action if they fail. Dilzak Bigthwack Additionally, in the event of an environmental hazard, inanimate MediuM HuManoid (Kobold), neutral evil trap, or other non-sentient threat posing a risk to Dalla, the situation automatically resolves itself in the most favor- Armor Class 10 (12 with shield) able way possible; typically in a manner which leaves her Hit Points 60 (11D8 + 6) unharmed. Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA diLzAk BigthWACk 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 7 (-2) 8 (-1) Skills Athletics +4, Intimidation +1 At best, Dilzak Bigthwack might be considered a neces- Senses passive Perception 8 sary evil by those outside his own culture. At worst, he Languages Common, draconic could be viewed as a rather deplorable waste of oxygen. Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 However, there is a place for everyone in kobold society; Clumsy. Dilzak is unusually clumsy, he has disadvantage on even Dilzak. Dexterity (acrobatics), Dexterity (sleight of hand), and Dexter- ity (stealth) checks. Additionally, when fighting in a confined Dilzak acts as a low-level enforcer for kobold masters space or one that is densely populated with furniture and who despise him just as much as anyone else but have other breakables, there is a 20% chance that Dilzak will break, learned that, so long as they never threaten his fragile shatter, or damage something every time he makes an attack ego, he can be quite useful. Big, bigoted, and brash, action. Dilzak might be a handful, but his arrogance, which bor- Pack Tactics. Dilzak has advantage on an attack roll against a ders on narcissism, is a small price to pay in exchange creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the for his lack of scruples as he is every bit as willing to ally isn't incapacitated. 88 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Dilzak has disadvantage the 10 foot range on his whip to his advantage, attack- on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that ing with impunity from behind his allies. rely on sight. Actions Elzald Dhurmok Multiattack. Dilzak makes two longsword attacks. Longsword. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil Hit: 6 (1D8 + 2) slashing damage, or 7 (1D10 + 2) slashing Armor Class 12 (16 with barkskin) damage if used with two hands. Hit Points 21 (6D6) Reactions Speed 30 ft. Bully. If a Medium or smaller creature makes an attack roll STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA against Dilzak and its result is equal to his armor class, he aPPendix b - nPc gallery can spend his reaction to have that creature make a DC 12 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) Strength saving throw. If it fails this saving throw, Dilzak Senses passive Perception 10 wrenches its weapon from its hand after the attack then Languages Common, draconic decides whether to wield it or throw it away as part of his Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 reaction. Either way, Dilzak takes the damage from the attack as usual. Pack Tactics. Elzald has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the Equipment. Shield, longsword, iron helm of dwarven design, sig- ally isn't incapacitated. nal whistle, flask of alchemist's fire, potion of healing. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Elzald has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that eLzALd dhurmok rely on sight. Unusual Gifts. Elzald can cast barkskin (1/day), false life (3/day), Whip in hand, Elzald makes for an imposing figure, even and magic weapon (1/day) as 1st-level, spell-like abilities. despite his short, kobold stature. He has striking tattoos Actions of dragons all over his body, including his face. Once Multiattack. Elzald makes three whip attacks. sewn into Salvaschon’s inner circle, and determined Whip. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: to get back there once more, Elzald Dhurmok is a very 4 (1D4 + 2) slashing damage. determined, very dangerous kobold indeed. Equipment. Whip, obsidian arrowhead wrapped in a bloodied Peculiar Wyrmling. Elzald was marked as different cloth, small bloodstone statuette of a dragon worth 50 GP, from the others in his clutch, and other kobolds in gen- several days worth of trail rations, 4 GP in assorted coinage. eral, from the moment he hatched. In fact, even his egg was said to have an unusual, earthy texture to it. What fAzne tussu factors conspired to make Elzald special aren’t known but he has been gifted with special draconic powers. Fazne Tussu professes a deep love for Salvaschon and truly believes himself to be maniacally loyal to the Draconic Abilities. Drawing from some unknown reservoir of power, Elzald can focus his energy to make red dragon however, in reality, his fervency is simply a armored scales erupt from his body like a carapace, convenient carriage for his extremist ideological views bolster his vitality, or swing his signature whip, with and agenda. impossible strength and efficacy. Because of these rare While Fazne has become convinced by Jirgix Jackjaw gifts, Elzald was chosen for priestly training in order to that Salvaschon is sickly, his solution to the problem is become an attendant to the great wyrm Salvaschon. radically different to simply kidnapping a princess, in the form of Dalla Holmgavtsson, as Jirgix has proposed. Falling Out of Favor. Elzald trained to serve Sal- vaschon for just a couple of seasons before the high For his part, Fazne believes that Salvaschon will be priest had him removed from the order. No one knows made well through conquest and subjugation. exactly what Elzald did to incur Kaydesh Kroll's rancor, Bloody Zealot. Although Salvaschon has never been or whether he displeased Salvaschon himself, but ever particularly militant or territorial, according to Fazne’s since Elzald has been a kobold on a mission - deter- skewered world-view, dragons are destined to rule over mined to earn his place at Salvaschon’s side once more. lesser races. Fazne is desperately hoping that the people of Skalaholt will come to rescue Dalla, and that he can Tactics. Elzald is akin a religious zealot, refusing to back down when faced with enemies of the kobolds or take advantage of the situation and use it as an excuse their dragon overlord; even in the face of overwhelming to wage a crusade against them in the dragon’s name. odds. In combat, Elzald uses his spell-like abilities to Although Jirgix hasn’t endorsed Fazne’s extremism in buff himself up before moving in to strike. He then uses his role as the de facto leader of the kobolds in 89 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Salvaschon’s absence, he also hasn’t condemned it ferzen WingWoh either and Fazne's rhetoric is gaining traction amongst the general kobold population. The day Ferzen Wingwoh hatched was an auspicious Acolytes. The kobold’s that follow Fazne treat him occasion throughout the tribe. News quickly spread of with an adoration that approaches religious reverence. wyrmling blessed with a pair of fully-formed wings and Some of them even consider him a prophet, despite Ferzen rapidly became the pride of Jinzirga, the envy of the fact that the only thing he has prophesied is an most of the tribe, and something of a celebrity to boot. approaching war between dragons and the rest of the Revered by adult kobolds who practically worshiped world. However, the conviction with which Fazne es- the ground he walked on, Ferzen quickly found himself pouses his rhetoric, coupled with the minor miracles he ostracized by his peers, who were jealous of his status. is able to perform, is more than enough to convince the Consequently, Ferzen's early years were lonely and chal- weak-minded. lenging. The young wyrmling had difficulty interacting Tactics. Fazne doesn’t back down in the face of with adults and other wyrmlings in equal measure. superior numbers, no matter how outmatched he is - he It wasn't long before Ferzen looked to his wings to simply doesn’t believe that he can lose to non-draconic deliver him from his misery. He spent years practicing creatures. In combat, Fazne hangs back and makes ef- with them and his hard work eventually paid off. Ferzen fective use of his hand crossbow while using Inspiring found that he was uniquely able to glide and, with Leader trait and Resurgence to bolster his allies. extensive practice, soar. Once he could do so, Ferzen took to escaping Jinzirga through flight, his excursions Fazne Tussu becoming longer and longer as he ventured further and aPPendix b - nPc gallery further from home. The wannabe dragon couldn't help SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil but revel in the joy and freedom that flying afforded Armor Class 14 (leather armor) him. Hit Points 36 (8D6 + 8) Speed 30 ft. Although others remained jealous of his gift, access to such lofty heights made Ferzen ideally suited to serve STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) the tribe as a hunter. Armed with a spear and skinning knife, he would venture out alone, able to find enough Senses passive Perception 11 food for the whole tribe in a matter of hours - though Languages Common, draconic even Ferzen needed help retrieving all of it. Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Sharp-eyed Hunter. From prey as small as a squir- Pack Tactics. Fazne has advantage on an attack roll against a rel to quarry as large as a deer, Ferzen's keen eyes miss creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the little. Although he recognizes the value in larger prey, ally isn't incapacitated. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Fazne has disadvantage on that can feed many mouths and fill many bellies, Ferzen attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely prefers hunting smaller creatures to larger beasts, sim- on sight. ply because of the extra challenge inherent in spotting Inspiring Leader. Fazne can cast Bless (3/day) as a 1st level them from great height. spell-like ability. Additionally, allies of Fazne within 60 ft. of Tactics. Even when not in flight, Ferzen prefers him that can see and hear him have advantage on all saving to perch on tall structures, landmarks, or other lofty throws while he is conscious and score critical hits on rolls of 19 and 20. vantage points. In combat, he keeps to the skies, using Actions his spear to dive bomb adversaries while allies of his Shortsword. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. keep them distracted on the ground. Ferzen is likely to Hit: 6 (1D6 + 3) piercing damage. flee in the face of overwhelming odds rather than die to Crossbow, Hand. Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., protect his people. one target. Hit: 6 (1D6 + 3) piercing damage. Resurgence (1/day). Fazne can channel restorative energy to his Ferzen Wingwoh allies. As an action, he chooses 1D4 creatures within 60 ft. of him and each of these regains hit points equal to 5 (1D10) SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil plus 1 additional hit point for each hit die they possess. Armor Class 13 (15 against ranged attacks) Hit Points 27 (11D6 - 11) Equipment. Leather armor, shortsword, hand crossbow, pouch of Speed 30 ft., fly 50 ft. 'trophies' (mostly teeth) taken from those Fazne has slain in the line of duty, a satchel containing 7 colored fireworks each STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA labeled with its color in draconic. 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 90 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Skills Perception +4, Survival +4 interesting or noteworthy results–however word about Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 it did get out and this only served to add fuel to the fire Languages Common, draconic when it came to speculation about Salvaschon's health Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 and current status. Evasive Maneuvers. Ferzen's armor class is considered 2 higher A savvy political operative, Kaydesh was quick to against ranged attacks while he is flying. distance himself from Gek and the story about Salvas- Precise Hunter. Ferzen uses Dexterity in place of Strength when chon's wellbeing, giving credibility to the theory that using his spear. Gek was somehow to blame for whatever was occurring Dive Attack. If Ferzen is flying and dives at least 30 feet straight with the great red wyrm. Since then, Gek hasn't been a towards a target and hits it with a melee weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 7 (2D6) damage to the target. popular kobold and has been keeping mostly to him- aPPendix b - nPc gallery self, remaining in the wilds outside of Jinzirga while he Pack Tactics. Ferzen has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 feet of the figures out a way to earn back the trust and privileges creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated. that he's lost. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Ferzen has disadvantage Snake Handler. One unusual quirk of Gek's is his cu- on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rious practice of training snakes as aids in hunting. He rely on sight. Actions has a habit of binding snakes to arrows to increase their efficacy. These creatures are Poisonous Snakes and, Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1D6 + 3) piercing damage or 7 fastened in place, don't pose a threat to PCs beyond the (1D8 + 3) piercing damage. poison damage they add to his ranged attacks. However, should one of these snakes get free, they are loyal to Equipment. Spear, pouch of animal bones, skinning knife, Gek and obey his commands. papers showing depictions of local landmarks from above. Gek Crekko gek Crekko SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil Gek Crekko is a masterful hunter whose skill with a bow Armor Class 14 (studded leather) is second to none. In addition to being the tribe's finest Hit Points 45 (10D6 + 10) archer, he's also a talented scout and ranger and heads Speed 30 ft. up their most prolific hunting pack. Gek Crekko was STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA highly valued amongst the tribe, however he's lost some 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) of the respect that he once had and is looking for ways Saving Throws Dexterity +6 to redeem himself. Skills Nature +2, Perception +3, Stealth +6, Survival +3 Troll Killer. Several cycles ago, Gek was stalking the Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Common, draconic wilds to the north of Vriska's Top and found himself Languages 2 (450 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Challenge precariously close to troll territory. He was leading a team of six veteran kobold hunters when the party Master Marksman. Gek adds double his proficiency bonus to stumbled across a troll that was encroaching into their ranged attacks made with his shortbow. lands. Rather than falling back or fleeing, Gek bravely Pack Tactics. Gek has advantage on an attack roll against a crea- led his team against the troll and, wisely employing ture if at least one of his allies is within 5 feet of the creature both flame and cunning, was able to set it alight and and the ally isn’t incapacitated. drive it off a cliff. He lost four of his finest hunters that Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Gek has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely day but he sent a powerful message to the trolls of the on sight. north, and became a hero, in the process. Actions Tarnished Reputation. After slaying a troll, Gek Multiattack. Gek Crekko makes two attacks with his skinning garnered the attention of the tribe's higher-ups, eventu- knife. ally earning the honor of becoming Salvaschon's sole Skinning Knife. Melee Weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one provider. In this role, Gek alone was responsible for se- target. Hit: 7 (1D6 + 4) slashing damage. curing the food that would nourish the tribe's draconic Shortbow. Ranged Weapon attack: +8 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one overlord. Unfortunately for Gek, when Salvaschon took target. Hit: 14 (3D6 + 4) piercing damage and 2 (1D4) poison ill, Kaydesh Kroll discretely made inquiries into the damage. quality and content of the meat Gek was sourcing for Hunter's Mark. As an action, Gek can mark a specific target. Once he has done so, he deals an additional 4 (1D4 + 2) damage the dragon. This was never supposed to become public to this target when he hits with a ranged attack roll. If Gek's knowledge–nor did his investigation yield any marked target is reduced to 0 hit points, he can move his hunter's mark to another target as a bonus action. 91 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Equipment. Studded leather armor, skinning knife, shortbow, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA arrows (20), tooth necklace, a satchel containing five live 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) poisonous snakes, thirteen dead mice, and a selection of six snares of varying size. Saving Throws Strength +4, Constitution +5 Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +2 Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Jirgix JACkJAW Languages Common, draconic Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 In all but title, Jirgix Jackjaw is the current leader of the Compelling Rhetoric. Jirgix has advantage on any check he makes tribe of kobolds that dwell in the Holgath Highlands to convince other kobolds of something or to stir them to ac- north of Skalaholt and the other Holgathi settlements tion, and is considered proficient in the Charisma (persuasion) that can be found in the region. On the surface, Jirgix skill for these checks. is a tough, determined kobold who's firm in his convic- Draconic Heritage. Jirgix has unusually tough, scaly skin. As a tions. However, in actuality, Jirgix is anxious, self- consequence he adds his Constitution to his armor class. Ad- doubting, and suffers from the same schizophrenic lack ditionally, Jirgix has access to a breath attack. of focus that most kobolds do. That said, Jirgix has the Pack Tactics. Jirgix has advantage on an attack roll against a ability to overcome his neuroses and proceed as if he's creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the ally isn’t incapacitated. sure of himself and his course of action, even when he really isn't. This trait, possessed by revolutionaries and Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Jirgix has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely great leaders alike, makes Jirgix rather dangerous as on sight. he's liable to set a course of action for himself, proceed Actions with it, and then sweep up others in his plans as they Multiattack. Jirgix makes two attacks with his longsword. aPPendix b - nPc gallery respond to the conviction of his will. Longsword. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. A Born Leader. While not every kobold that can Hit: 15 (3D8 + 2) slashing damage, . be found in Jinzirga, Vriska's Top, or elsewhere in the Bonus Actions tribe's territory supports Jirgix, they are at least aware Breath Attack (Recharge 6). As a bonus action, Jirgix belches out a of him. This is because of the strength of his presence, thick black smog which fills a 5 ft. area of his choosing directly the significance of his interactions, and the resonance adjacent him. A creature within this area must attempt a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are blinded until of his accomplishments. Whatever their perspective or the start of Jirgix's next turn. On a success, they are blinded where their loyalties lie, there is a sense amongst all of until the start of their next turn. the kobolds that Jirgix is a creature to be followed, or feared. Equipment. Longsword, shield, ivory horn with silver filigree worth 75 GP, coin purse with 180 GP in coins, gems, and shiny Draconic Gifts. The light of dracanoic heritage curios. burns bright in Jirgix's blood. Consequently, he has an unusually bestial, savage, and muscular look about him kAydesh kroLL and is more akin a half-dragon than a typical kobold. This influence also affords him another powerful advan- Kaydesh Kroll is approaching the venerable age of fifty, tage, one that most kobolds covet; a breath attack. which makes him unusually long-lived for a kobold. He Shifting Alignments. Although Jirgix is considered holds a position of tremendous importance and influ- an evil creature at the start of Harrowing Heights' ence within the tribe as it's grand wyrmspeaker, and is narrative. Jirgix is only evil insomuch as he is under known for his discretion, sagely wisdom, and unshak- Cordelia Tenebris' thumb. He is a stubborn creature able calmness. Although Kaydesh has less to do with and difficult to dissuade from a course of action once the day-to-day running and decision-making of the his mind is set upon it, but should he be convinced that tribe than Jirgix Jackjaw, his role–and the proximity to Cordelia doesn't have Salvaschon's best interests at Salvaschon it entails–is considered the most senior of heart, he'll repent and turn on her in a heartbeat. all positions within the tribe. Fanatically Loyal. Most kobolds within the tribe Jirgix Jackjaw have various loyalties to juggle. They strive to be true to SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil themselves, to the tribe itself, and to their dragon. How- ever, Kaydesh has but one loyalty; the one he reserves Armor Class 17 (shield) Hit Points 71 (11D6 + 33) for Salvaschon. There is little doubt that Kaydesh would Speed 30 ft. die for the great red dragon, kill for it, and, even, watch the whole world burn before he'd turn his back on his sworn duty as its attendant, and its friend. 92 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
A Voice of Reason. During the events of Harrow- Spellcasting. Kaydesh is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ing Heights, Kaydesh is stalling Jirgix from handing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with spell at- Dalla over to Cordelia, urging the brash young kobold tacks). Kaydesh can cast the following sorcerer spells: to hold off from doing anything too hasty until the pair Cantrips (at will): Dancing lights, Fire bolt, Message, Minor illusion, can learn more of the curious old woman's intentions. Shocking grasp Up until now, Kaydesh has publicly supported Jirgix's 1st level (4 slots): Burning hands, Comprehend languages, Expedi- tious retreat, ascension to the role of de facto leader, however he was not included in the decision to abduct Dalla until it was 2nd level (3 slots): Gust of wind, Scorching ray too late to intervene and this has troubled and upset 3rd level (2 slots): Fly him greatly. Kaydesh is well-aware that Salvaschon is Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Kaydesh has disadvantage no enemy of the people of Skalaholt. He sees it as his on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that aPPendix b - nPc gallery rely on sight. personal responsibility to ensure that the peace is kept Actions between the two factions. Although he is unusually Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one old for a kobold, Kaydesh has never lived through such target. Hit: 2 (1D6 - 1) bludgeoning or 3 (1D8 - 1) bludgeoning uncertain times and remains uncertain how best to damage if wielded in two hands. proceed. Equipment. A mahogany staff topped with a recess to hold a Given Salvaschon's current condition, Kaydesh rarely candle, a long red gown, and a pouch of boiled sweets. strays far from his side and, as a result, the great wyrm- speaker is somewhat out of the loop with regards events kox quipper in Jinzirga and beyond. Should the players reach him, learn of his reasonableness, and convince him of theirs, they may find a powerful ally in this influential kobold. Kox Quipper is something of an eccentric. Rather than Kaydesh has both the sway to turn the tribe back from live in Jinzirga or Vriska's Top with the rest of the its ruinous path and even the persuasiveness to make tribe, he dwells in a lodge that he's built into what was Jirgix see reason. formerly a harpy eyrie high in the mountains called Quipper's Roost. An outsider and madcap inventor of Tactics. Kaydesh will readily die to protect Salvas- unusual things, Kox lives in a kind of self-imposed exile chon. However, with the dragon sickly and unable to and only returns to the kobold's primary settlement escape, he is more likely to avoid a fight against tough periodically to show off his latest inventions. opponents if possible. In combat, Kaydesh will take ad- vantage of Fly if he's in an open area, blasting foes from Due to his relative isolation, Kox doesn't really overhead. He prefers to use spells that deal fire damage keep up-to-date with events in Jinzirga. In Harrowing to maximize the potency of his magic. Heights, he isn't even aware that Salvaschon has taken poorly unless the PCs bring him news of the dragon's condition. Additionally, having spent so much time Kaydesh Kroll alone, absorbed in his work, Kox has become rather SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful neutral addled-minded and prone to odd and irreverent behav- Armor Class 11 ior. The facial tic he has developed is the most obvious Hit Points 52 (15D6) example of this, but he has other unusual mannerisms Speed 30 ft. too. Faced with adventurers or even adversaries, he’s about as likely to strike as he is to invite them in for tea STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) and biscuits while discussing his latest invention with them. Skills Medicine +4, Insight +4, Religion +3 Senses passive Perception 12 Madcap Inventor. Kox spends his days invent- Languages Common, draconic ing ever more unusual (and unnecessary) devices and Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 contraptions. These objects vary in purpose, though the prevailing ethos behind their design centers around Draconic Touch. Kaydesh can touch a creature to allow it to speak and understand draconic. This effect lasts for 10 minutes and improving the quality of life for the tribe. Kox has pio- Kaydesh can have up to 3 creatures effected by this ability at neered the use of irrigation systems in Jinzirga, made any one time. agricultural advancements near Vriska's Top, and engi- Pack Tactics. Kaydesh has advantage on an attack roll against a neered a rudimentary form of air conditioning within creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the Salvaschon's lair. Only about a third of his inventions ally isn't incapacitated. have gone on to be constructed and utilized, while the Red-Aligned. Kaydesh deals an additional 5 (1D10) fire damage rest have failed to gestate beyond early sketches, char- any time he casts a spell that deals fire damage. coal blueprints, and proof-of-concept prototypes. 93 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Obsessed With Flight. Of the manifold things that at a rate of 5 feet for every 40 feet that he travels, and he Kox takes an interest in, flight occupies him most of all. travels at a pace of 120 feet per round. This doesn't count as He’s obsessed with studying things that can fly in the movement in the conventional sense and so he cannot take hopes of artificially replicating their gift of flight. To the dash action. Additionally, as his arms are required to steer the wingsuit, Kox cannot take any other actions while in flight. this end, Kox has recently developed a prototype wing- Kox takes 3 (1D6) bludgeoning damage when he returns to suit that cannot yet fly properly, but otherwise func- the ground unless he lands in a body of water. If he impacts tions very efficiently as a glider. He's hoping to find an an object while in flight, Kox takes 42 (12D6) bludgeoning air elemental or wind spirit on the slopes somewhere, damage and likely dies. capture it, and find a way to imbue or integrate it into Incendiary Device (4 use). Kox carries 4 highly-volatile bombs. his marvelous suit but, to date, he's had no luck finding Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Kox has disadvantage on such a being. attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight. Tactics. Kox’s tactics are fluid, changing with his Antisocial. Due to his reclusive nature, Kox does not gain the mood, he's as likely to use his wing suit to escape to usual kobold trait 'Pack Tactics'. Jinzirga to get reinforcements as he is to fight the PCs Actions alone. Equally, he might just invite them in to his home Multiattack. Kox makes three dagger attacks. for a chat or to show them his latest invention instead. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or Plus, he could always use a hand should the PCs offer range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2D4 + 4) piercing damage. their services brainstorming new inventions. Roll a D6 Bomb Toss (4). Kox lights an incendiary device and hurls it at when the PCs first encounter Kox. Use the following a target or location within 40 ft. This blows up on impact, table to determine his current state of mind: dealing 9 (2D8) fire damage to every creature within a 20 ft. sphere. Creatures that are 5 ft. or less from the edge of the aPPendix b - nPc gallery blast must attempt a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. If they suc- kox's temperAment ceed on this saving throw, they can choose to spend their re- action to shift 5 ft. clear of the blast and not be affected by it. D6 Mood Additionally, any creature caught in the blast takes 2 (1D4) fire damage every round for 1D6 rounds. However, they can choose 1 Irritable, frustrated, angry to extinguish themselves early as an action on their turn. 2 Closed-minded, stubborn, belligerent Equipment. Wingsuit (which can be taken and used by any small 3 Wistful, regretful, maudlin creature if it isn’t destroyed), aviator goggles (which can be used by any small or medium creature), 4 incendiary devices, 4 Nostalgic, sentimental, misty-eyed dagger, pile of 6 odd schematics worth 10 GP each to an inventor or engineer. 5 Artistic, creative, spontaneous 6 Friendly, chatty, sociable LLoyd speLLoyAL Lloyd is a peculiar man. He is clearly not of Holgathi Kox Quipper descent, nor is he native to the highlands, however he has only a hazy recollection of where he relocated from SMall HuManoid (Kobold), CHaotiC neutral and is vague about the details if pressed on the subject. Armor Class 14 Other than for his pets, companions, and constructs, Hit Points 20 (8D6 - 8) Speed 30 ft. he lives in complete seclusion, encased in a sealed tower behind a veritable army of autonomous sentinels. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Lloyd's appearance is also unusual. He has a medium- 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) length beard of thick, coarse hair; sunken, tired eyes Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 from one too many late nights; and is rarely seen out of Languages Common, draconic his pajamas, even when he has company. Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 A Solitary Being. Though Lloyd might describe Special Equipment. Kox possesses the following special equip- himself as a bachelor with a wry chuckle, he could more ment: accurately be described as a hermit, since he seldom Aviator's Goggles. Kox has designed these goggles to reduce glare interacts with humanoids or other sentient creatures. and improve visibility while flying. While he is wearing them, Living in isolation has caused him to develop several Sunlight Sensitivity does not apply. abnormal quirks and affectations, as well as a mild Wingsuit. Kox wears a skintight, aerodynamic suit that has fragile stutter. Lloyd is liable to change the subject abruptly, wings built into it. If he moves at least ten feet before making a jump from a suitable height, he can launch himself skyward become animated, or trail off and stop speaking during and glide for long distances. In this fashion, Kox loses altitude conversation. 94 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Forgetful and Easily Distracted. Accustomed to Tactics. Lloyd will not be goaded into a fight, nor will being completely alone and having only his thoughts he resort to one unless he's backed into a corner. Should for company, Lloyd has become somewhat institutional- his hand be forced, Lloyd is likely to panic and give in to ized to a life of spontaneity and struggles to focus on either a fight or flight instinct. In the case of the former, anything for very long before allowing another thought there is a good chance that he'll pick the wrong spell in to bubble to the surface and consume him. a fluster or that he'll forget he can cast spells altogether Friendly, Just Not to Kobolds. Although the ko- and favor melee strikes with his quarterstaff over some- bolds of the Holgath Highlands have historically been thing more practical. Should he instead decide to flee, peaceable and friendly, Lloyd is not a fan of their kind Lloyd's likely to use Dancing Lights to create a distrac- in general. He has placed sentinels and wards around tion while he uses Expeditious Retreat to rush to the top aPPendix b - nPc gallery his tower to deter the kobolds from approaching. That of his tower and jump off of it, relying on Feather Fall or said, he's much more amicable with humans and other Floating Disk to make good on his escape before his ad- humanoids, especially ones he finds interesting. versaries catch up to him. Lloyd might also utilize Water Breathing to hide until danger has passed. CreATiNg MAgiC iTeMs The wizard Lloyd Spelloyal has an unusual gift for a pristine, brand-new shield forged by a renowned ar- creating magic items. Should he choose to, he can morsmith. Additionally, you might rule that a PC needs attempt to turn a mundane object into a magical one. to convert mundane weapons or armor to adamantine This can be used to recreate existing magical items before enhancing them further. as they appear in System Reference Document 5.1, in Once you know what rarity is appropriate for the Harrowing Heights' appendices, or else another source; magic item Lloyd is creating, you can use the 'Creating or it can be used to create entirely new items to suit Magic Items' chart to discover more about what goes his needs (or the PCs requests). into creating this item. The first thing to do when Lloyd sets about creat- DC. This is the difficulty class required for Lloyd ing a magic item is determine whether he's simply to successfully manufacture the item in question. He replicating an existing one (in which case you can uses his Intelligence (arcana) skill to attempt this note its rarity and skip ahead) or making something check and can only attempt one such check each day. original. Assuming that the proposed project is to cre- If Lloyd fails this check 3 times and then succeeds, he ate something unique and one-of-a-kind, you should is able to craft the desire item after 4 days. determine what effect or purpose it's intended to Downtime. This is the number of days that Lloyd have. It's a good idea to discuss with a player what must rest after creating the magic item in question they're after at this juncture if their PC is commission- before he can attempt to craft another. ing the wizard to create something for them. Exhaustion. This is the number of levels of exhaus- Once you have a good understanding of what tion that Lloyd gains immediately after successfully Lloyd is attempting to create, you'll need to deter- creating the magic item in question. He recovers from mine if it feels appropriate for it to be a common, these as usual. uncommon, rare, very rare, or legendary magic item based on existing examples; as well as whether it's a Spell Slots Expended. This is the spell slots that consumable (one time use) item or something reus- Lloyd expends the instant he successfully creates the able (like weapons or armor). If an item seems too magic item in question. He can only attempt to craft a powerful, you might consider weakening its enchant- magic item if he has all spell slots of that level avail- ments, requiring attunement, or limiting their use able to him at the time of crafting. until it feels more appropriate. Quirk. This box indicates the chance of an item that Lloyd creates possessing unexpected proper- Whether Lloyd is making something original or recreating an item that can be found elsewhere, he'll ties. Roll a D20 whenever Lloyd successfully crafts a need a suitable object to imbue magical proper- magic item. On the result shown, you should come up ties in to. This must be of extremely high quality, for with an unusual quirk, trait, or quality that the item example, we would discourage you from allowing a possesses. For example, a potion of healing might turn PC to upgrade a battered, battle-worn shield to an its imbiber purple for an hour. This is a great chance adamantine shield. Instead, a PC should seek out to have some fun, however it should be considered completely optional. 95 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Lloyd Spelloyal Equipment. Spellbook, quarterstaff, pouch of pseudodragon treats. MediuM HuManoid (HuMan), neutral good meLzep dArLAth Armor Class 10 Hit Points 36 (8D8) Speed 30 ft. Melzep is a cruel and repressible creature even by kobold standards. He was almost exiled from the tribe STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA while still a wyrmling after he was caught poisoning 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) a pursuit drake used by a hunting party. In the end, Saving Throws Intelligence +5 Kaydesh Kroll, acting as Salvaschon's mouthpiece, Skills Arcana +5 decided that Melzep was to be given another chance Senses passive Perception 9 (which turned into several), and allowed him to remain. Languages Common, draconic, dwarven, elven Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Charmed by rot, transfixed by decay, and mesmerized by death, Melzep became fascinated with the dark art of Absent-minded But Powerful. Left to his own devices, Lloyd necromancy shortly thereafter. struggles to remain focused, however he shows remarkable restraint when he needs to. He must attempt a concentration More recently, around the time Jirgix Jackjaw first check every 10 minutes to maintain a spell that requires con- encountered Cordelia Tenebris, Melzep, also believing centration. However, if he is forced to make a concentration Salvaschon to be poorly, put forward his own plan for check, he does so with advantage. treating the ailing dragon. However, Melzep's sugges- Master Crafter. Lloyd is a talented artisan who is able to create tion was so foul, so heinous, that a mob of other kobolds magic items so long as he has any necessary prerequisite set upon him, beat him to the brink of death, and drove objects and they are of sufficient quality. There are certain aPPendix b - nPc gallery special rules that govern this process and the 'Creating Magic him from Jinzirga. He's currently recovering in the Items' chart and textbox should be consulted for more infor- wilds. mation. A Student of the Black. Though still young, Melzep Spellcasting. Lloyd is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting has dedicated his life to learning about necromancy and ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell developing some measure of control over life and death, attacks). Lloyd can cast the following wizard spells: and he's achieved modest success in his studies already. Cantrips (at will): Dancing lights, Mage hand, Mending, Prestidigitation Melzep's Vision for Salvaschon. Melzep believes that if Salvaschon is truly dying, the best thing for the 1st level (4 slots): Alarm, Comprehend languages, Detect magic, Dis- guise self, Expeditious retreat, Feather fall, Find familiar, Floating tribe to do is give him a swift end and then attempt to disk, Identify, Unseen servant raise him as a dracolich - allowing them to continue 2nd level (3 slots): Arcane lock, Knock, Magic mouth, Rope trick to serve him for all time. He has little understanding 3rd level (3 slots): Dispel magic, Water breathing of what would be involved in such a complicated and 4th level (3 slots): Arcane eye, Fabricate, Locate creature demanding act, however he figures that once the ailing 5th level (1 slot): Legend lore, Scrying dragon is dead, he'll have plenty of time to figure it out. Actions Twisted Brothers. Though it is not known to the Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- wider kobold tribe, Melzep and Ulakro Darlath were get. Hit: 3 (1D6) bludgeoning damage or 4 (1D8) bludgeoning both hatched from the same clutch of eggs. Even though damage if wielded in two hands. CreAting mAgiC items Spell Slots Magic Item Type DC Downtime Exhaustion Quirk (D20) Expended Common (-) 16 3 days 1 level All 1st level slots 1 Uncommon 19 7 days 2 levels All 2nd level 1-2 (consumable) slots and below Uncommon All 3rd level (nonconsumable) 21 14 days 2 levels slots and below 1-3 Rare All 4th level (consumable) 23 30 days 3 levels slots and below 1-4 Rare 25 90 days 3 levels All 5th level 1-5 (nonconsumable) slots and below 96 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
the pair now live separately, a familial bond links them A Solemn Duty. Although the Holgath Highlands and Melzep is likely to seek vengeance against any who have proven to be peaceful and benign, it is the duty of might hurt Ulakro and vice versa - even though the Skalaholt to maintain a constant vigil, and the job of the two brood brothers would likely be the first to kill each Holmgavtssons' to ensure that the hold remains ready other if they ever came together. to answer the call to battle, should it ever sound out. An Able Combatant. While still a young man, Melzep Darlath before he was called upon to rule Skalaholt, Orm was SMall HuManoid (Kobold), CHaotiC evil lured away by the draw of the sea, of conquest, and the silvered tongue of an especially persuasive jarlsandr. He Armor Class 14 (hide armor) Hit Points 67 (15D6 + 15) sailed and fought for a decade, before returning to the aPPendix b - nPc gallery Speed 30 ft. highlands to assume his responsibilities. His time at sea has rendered Orm a seasoned, veteran combatant. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) A Family Man. Orm is a widower, his wife died giv- ing birth to his only daughter, Dalla. Where a lesser man Skills Arcana +4 might have blamed her, Orm could never find it in his Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Languages Common, draconic, abyssal heart to have anything less than unconditional love for Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 his daughter. Everything he does and every decision he makes is, ultimately, for her. Font of Unlife. Once per turn, Melzep can roll a D6. On a result of 6, Melzep regains one use of a 3rd-level spell slot. Pack Tactics. Melzep has advantage on an attack roll against a Orm Holmgavtsson creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the MediuM HuManoid (HuMan), lawful good ally isn’t incapacitated. Armor Class 16 (chain mail) Spellcasting. Melzep is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting Hit Points 38 (7D8 + 7) ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell Speed 30 ft. attacks). Melzep can cast the following wizard spells: Cantrips (at will): Chill touch, Shocking grasp STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 1st level (4 slots): False life, Find familiar, Protection from evil and good, Witch bolt Skills History +3, Insight +3, Persuasion +3 2nd level (3 slots): Crown of madness, Darkness, Ray of enfeeble- Senses passive Perception 11 ment Languages Common 3rd level (3 slots): Animate dead, Feign death, Vampiric touch Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Melzep has disadvantage Holgathi Strength. The strength of the Holgathi is infamous and on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that Orm is no exception. Orm has advantage on Strength (athlet- rely on sight. ics) checks, Strength saving throws, and deals an additional 5 Turn Living (to dead). If a creature is killed by Melzep as a result points of damage when he hits with a Strength-based melee of the use of his Vampiric Touch spell, he can use a bonus ac- attack (already included). tion to raise that target as a zombie under his control. Actions Actions Greatsword. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or Hit: 15 (2D6 + 8) slashing damage. range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1D4 + 2) piercing damage. Seax. Melee or Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1D6 + 8) piercing damage. Equipment. A set of black robes, hide armor, bonesaw, scroll of Animate Dead, an ornate vermeil snuff box worth 25 GP hold- ing several tiny bones and spell components, and a journal Equipment. Chain mail, seax, greatsword, circlet worth 80 GP, 30 detailing Melzep's necromantic discoveries. GP in assorted high-denomination coinage. orm hoLmgAvtsson uLAkro dArLAth Orm Holmgavtsson is the jarl of the hold known as Most kobolds in the tribe believe Ulakro to be a black- Skalaholt. This key location is the most fortified and blade, however he is not. Ulakro is a wyrmblade, and a heavily-defended Holgathi installation in the highlands. senior one at that. He uses this cover to gather infor- Consequently, Orm is arguably the most important man mation on the blackblades, scout out those worthy in the region and his instructions are followed without of recruitment, and gain intel from channels that are question. He is, however, a reasonable man and his rule normally closed to the wyrmblades. is both fair and honorable. 97 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Ulakro is not a popular kobold, even amongst other Actions blackblades, due to his appearance and mannerisms. Scimitar. Melee Weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.., one target. He glides stealthily about, causing others to jump at Hit: 7 (1D6 + 4) slashing damage. his unannounced presence; speaks in a low, unsettling Bonus Actions hiss; and remains perfectly still and expressionless Rondel. Melee Weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.., one target. Hit: when talking. It is said that Ulakro draws great enjoy- 6 (1D4 + 4) piercing damage. ment from unnerving others but, if this is the case, his Equipment. Leather armor, a scimitar, an ebony rondel dagger outward appearance doesn't betray it. worth 30 GP, a black cloak, a whetstone, and an ornate vermeil snuff box worth 25 GP, currently filled with a week's supply of Given Ulakro's position within the wyrmblades, he is snuff. uniquely aware that Salvaschon is sickly and has taken it upon himself to discover who, if anyone, is to blame for the situation. His assumption so far is that the great viLmArk red dragon has been poisoned. With that in mind, Ulak- ro has sewn himself into both Jirgix Jackjaw and Fazne Vilmark is a powerful druid who is as wise as he is Tussu's inner circles using a cover that is rather elegant stubborn. He makes his home in the wilds to the in its simplicity. Rather than conceal his affiliation with northwest of Skalaholt, although he is wont to wander Jirgix to Fazne, or vice versa, Ulakro has been able to and has been sighted as far as a hundred miles south convince both kobolds of his loyalty, and that he's using of his abode, which takes the form of a simple cave he his rapport with their counterpart to gather informa- keeps unfurnished. In his infrequent dealings with the tion. Ulakro intends on killing whoever he finds guilty. Holgathi, Vilmark can be anything from friendly and aPPendix b - nPc gallery Tactics. When attempting to assassinate another helpful, to belligerent and threatening. creature, Ulakro will get close to them so that he can Vilmark has been known to guide lost Holgathi catch them off-guard and benefit from Assassinate. If wanderers to safety or ward away danger at opportune they survive his opening gambit, Ulakro will usually times. However, he has also been known to appear retreat rather than going toe-to-toe with an equal or almost at a moment's notice and chase Holgathi hunters superior opponent in combat. When fighting with allies, from a kill. He has little patience for trespassers and Ulakro uses these as fodder, skirting around adversaries doesn't allow Holgathi anywhere near his home. It is and benefiting from Sneak Attack while his allies stand, said that Vilmark prefers to live as a bear than a man, and fall. although whether this is true or simply idle speculation is anyone's guess. Ulakro Darlath A Wildman. Vilmark talks to those he encounters SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil with remarkable conviction and self-assuredness, and only respects those who do the same. He values Armor Class 14 (Leather armor) Hit Points 36 (8D6 + 8) strength, whether it be the ubiquitous strength of na- Speed 30 ft. ture, the bulge of a muscle, or the sharpness of steel. It is said he can smell fear, and if he does sense hesitancy STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA or weakness in those he encounters, he quickly becomes 9 (-1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) uncooperative. Skills Stealth +5, Intimidation +3 Legendarily Stubborn. Vilmark is a difficult man to Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common, draconic persuade on just about any subject and is utterly dis- Challenge 3 (700 XP), proficiency bonus +2 interested in coin, wealth, or shiny baubles. Those who desire to change his mind on something must first win Assassinate. During his first turn, Ulakro has advantage on attack his respect. Once they've earned a seat at the table, he's rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn. Any hit Ulakro scores against a surprised creature is a critical hit. more open to hearing their thoughts and opinions. Pack Tactics. Ulakro has advantage on an attack roll against a Spies & Agents. Vilmark is a friend to critters and creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the creatures that cannot defend themselves, lending them ally isn’t incapacitated. his strength in place of their own. In return, many of Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Ulakro has disadvantage these creatures are able to bring him news and tidings. on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that Often, given a week or two lead time, Vilmark learns rely on sight. more about events, from distant lands, than those Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Ulakro deals an extra 7 (2D6) damage directly affected. when he hits a target and has advantage on the attack roll. 98 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Vilmark drake will ultimately see him to his grave, while other kobolds ruminate on the idea that perhaps he is blessed MediuM HuManoid (HuMan), CHaotiC neutral by divine patronage or immortality. Armor Class 10 in humanoid form, 13 (natural armor) in bear form Politically Oblivious. It's doubtful Virap knows that Hit Points 90 (12D8 + 36) Salvaschon is poorly, or possibly even that the tribe has Speed 30 ft. (40 ft., climb 30 ft. in bear form) a dragon of its own at all. Tribe politics and its leader- ship, the threats and challenges facing it, or anything STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) else that others might consider of great import, have little bearing on Virap. For his part, he simply continues Saving Throws Wisdom +4 to rear and domesticate drakes to the best of his ability, Skills Intimidation +3, Perception +4, Nature +2, Stealth leaving the rest to others. aPPendix b - nPc gallery +2, Survival +4 Senses passive Perception 14 Tactics. Virap is usually accompanied by several Languages Common, druidic drakes, which he usually stays behind as he blows darts Challenge 4 (1,100 XP), proficiency bonus +2 with his blowgun and whips at his foes. Virap has little Bear Shaper. Vilmark can use a bonus action to turn himself into fear of dying these days and will fight till he drops. a large bear or back into his true human form. His statistics, Should he be knocked unconscious and be unknowingly other than his size, armor class, and speed are the same in left alive, virap will return to his kobold kin to recuper- each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn't ate and organize a new team of drakes, perhaps to claim transformed, he reverts to his true form if he dies. Whilst in vengeance against his attackers. bear form, Vilmark also gains the Keen Senses trait, affording him advantage on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on smell. Virap Gazadro Fearsome. Vilmark adds double his proficiency bonus to intimi- SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil date checks (already included). Actions Armor Class 13 Multiattack. While in bear form, Vilmark makes two attacks; one Hit Points 37 (15D6 - 15) 30 ft. Speed with his bite and one with his claws. Bite (Bear Form Only). Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA one target. Hit: 13 (2D8 + 4) piercing damage. 8 (-1) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) Claw (Bear Form Only). Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Skills Animal Handling +2, Survival +2 one target. Hit: 18 (4D6 + 4) slashing damage. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Languages Common, draconic Equipment. Bear hide cloak. Challenge 1 (200 XP), proficiency bonus +2 virAp gAzAdro Countless Wounds. When he isn't moving, it is almost impossible to tell if virap is alive or dead and Wisdom (medicine) checks to determine so are made with disadvantage. Virap is, by all accounts, the kobold tribe's greatest Expert Handler. All allied drakes within 120 ft. of virap gain dou- drake handler, and so he has elected to only train its ble their proficiency bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, most dangerous and uncooperative drakes. There is and skill checks it applies to. Additionally, they add a bonus little question that many of the most useful drakes the 1D4 to any skill checks or saving throws they make. tribe has in its possession would not be alive today Pack Tactics. Virap has advantage on an attack roll against a if another, lesser hand, had steered the reins of their creature if at least one of his allies is within 5 ft. of it and the training. ally isn’t incapacitated. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, virap has disadvantage on Dozen Scars. Virap has spent years training only the attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely most ill-tempered and difficult drakes, and he has the on sight. scars to prove it, with missing scales, scratches, claw Undying. Unless killed outright, virap automatically stabilizes. marks, and impressions from horrific bites evident all Actions over his body. The most severe injuries have left him Multiattack. Virap makes two whip attacks. with a hand absent a couple of fingers, an empty eye- Whip. Melee Weapon attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: socket, a stump for a tail, and a pronounced limp on his 5 (1D4 + 3) slashing damage. right side. Blowgun. Ranged Weapon attack: +5 to hit, range 25/100 ft., one Immortal. Virap is a kobold who simply won't die, target. Hit: 1 piercing damage and the target must make a DC in fact he has had so many frequent brushes with death 13 Constitution saving throw, taking one level of exhaustion on a failure. If the target already has 3 levels of exhaustion, that the other handlers have begun betting on which they pass out and cannot be woken for 1D6 + 8 hours. 99 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
Equipment. Whip, blowgun, tranquilizer darts (4), a training avenger of sorts and is quite determined to see those whistle, and a backpack containing a potion of healing, Virap's who might undermine her faith punished for their own missing scales, fingers, tail, and a jar holding his eye. lack of it. Barren & Cursed. Although kobold's do not have zeke rethis families in the conventional sense, or at least pay no heed to such things, being an accomplished breeder is Unless the overlord of a tribe of kobolds advocates a somewhat celebrated within kobold tribes. While Zeke particularly matriarchal or patriarchal ideology for doesn't have a maternal bone in her body, at least by whatever reason, most tribes make no real distinction human standards, she is barren and this secret, which between males and females. That said, male kobolds she has never revealed to another living soul, might go tend to occupy most of the key positions within the some way towards explaining her troubled, skewered tribe because they're generally more ambitious, aggres- outlook on the world. sive, and, interestingly, quicker to both adapt to their environment and inherit the traits of their overlord Zeke Rethis than their female counterparts. Plus, the role that males take in kobold reproduction is resolved infinitely SMall HuManoid (Kobold), lawful evil quicker, and is far less physiologically and psychologi- Armor Class 12 cally demanding than that of females. Hit Points 36 (8D6 + 8) Speed 30 ft. In the case of Zeke Rethis, this determined female kobold is every bit as a capable, commanding, and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA calculating as any kobold could ever hope to be. When 8 (-1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) aPPendix b - nPc gallery she sets her mind to it, Zeke is quite able to stir other Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 kobolds to action, rally them to her cause, or use them Languages Common, draconic to bring down political rivals within the tribe. She often Challenge 2 (450 XP), proficiency bonus +2 accomplishes this with ease, although never with hesi- Pack Tactics. Zeke has advantage on an attack roll against a crea- tation or regret. ture if at least one of her allies is within 5 ft. of it and the ally Considering how undisciplined most kobolds are isn't incapacitated. when it comes to seeing their goals to fruition, Zeke Spellcasting. Zeke is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting abil- is unusually focused and driven - refusing to allow ity is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). hurdles, obstacles, or individuals to get in her way. She Zeke has the following cleric spells prepared: makes for an invaluable ally and a terrible adversary. Cantrips (at will): Light, Sacred flame, Thaumaturgy 1st level (4 slots): Bane, Detect magic, Inflict wounds, Shield of faith Great Potential. If Zeke were encountered in any 2nd level (2 slots): Continual flame, Spiritual weapon other context besides Harrowing Heights, she would be a good candidate for a tribe's head priestess, its bona Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Zeke has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely fide leader, or as the head of an order of cloistered ko- on sight. bolds that shares a lair with its draconic overlord and is Actions charged with waiting on it hand-and-foot, ensuring that Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one its every need is met. target. Hit: 5 (1D6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or 7 (1D8 + 2) if wielded in two hands. Unfaltering Faith. Zeke is a religious zealot in the purest sense of the term; she doesn't question any of Channel Dragonfire (Recharge 6). A beam of fire bursts from the her actions and fervently believes that she is merely an tip of Zeke's staff in a 15-ft. line, dealing 14 (4D6) fire dam- age to all creatures in its path, or half on a successful DC 12 instrument or conduit that channels the will of whom- Constitution saving throw. soever she worships. In Harrowing Heights, that indi- Bonus Actions vidual happens to be the dragon Salvaschon. This makes Vow of Enmity. Zeke curses a creature within 120 foot that she her exceptionally dangerous in a position of power or can see. Zeke deals an additional 10 (3D6) necrotic damage on influence because she refuses to acknowledge herself as all melee and spell attacks she makes against this target until fallible and firmly believes in everything she does, even the start of her next turn. in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Reactions Enfeeblement. When the target of Zeke's vow of enmity makes an Righteous Avenger. Unfortunately for those who attack roll, skill check, or damage roll, Zeke can use her reac- fail to share her world view, Zeke's conviction and faith tion to roll a D6 and deduct its result from the target's check. usually takes the form of intolerance and violence to- wards those she perceives, rather two-dimensionally, as Equipment. Quarterstaff topped with the skull of a ram's head, a apostates or threats. In fact, Zeke sees herself as an pair of gilded rings worth 15 GP each, and a golden armband shaped to resemble a dragon worth 200 GP 100 Pete Pinner (Order #11359293)
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