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Home Explore Revere High School Newsletter: WeMatter

Revere High School Newsletter: WeMatter

Published by yysasis, 2017-02-16 10:02:04

Description: Revere High School Newsletter: WeMatter


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WE matter LANGUAGEkey 2016, volume 1, issue 1 S ESPANOL Introduction to EducationA Letter from A true student-centered learning class I’ve is in the teaching Dominic DeVitto,our Fearless taken this year is the Introduction to Educa- environment in order 12th GradeLeader tion class taught by Ms. Borgeson. I have to grow and exceed aspirations of becoming a teacher; I want to or improve. know about the process and how to teachIt is with great Dr. Lourenço Garcia, students according to their learning styles so Ms. Borgenson and Ienthusiasm that Principal that they are always engaged. have had wonderful talks, and we’ve collabo-I welcome you to the rated to discover what true Student-Centered I enjoy doing my own research, and this learning really is. The class integrates the usefirst issue of WEmatter–a Revere High class allows me to do that. Since I’m a of technology and uses theSchool Newsletter designed to broaden kinesthetic learner, flipped learning model. We many of the activities reassess what we learned,our community of learners’ understand- help me understand apply it to the homework, the material so I can be and then submit/reviewing of Student-Centered Learning (SCL). better prepared when it answers, which are graded comes to my formative electronically.We have created a vibrant SCL environ- and summative assess- ment. Ms. Borgensonment where student voice and facilitates the learning in the class – especiallyengagement have gained momen- if we’re having trouble with a particular assignment or on what’stum to empower students to take expected in order to complete the assess- This class will definitely ment. The other students also provide a great help me with my careercharge of their destiny. Success in the deal of feedback. This enables us to work on goals. The students in Intro strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, to Education are complete-21st century requires students to be it helps us understand how crucial feedback ly focused on the students that they want to teach. This class is a greatlegitimate contributors to their own head start in becoming a public educator. Most importantly, we are gaining a new perspectivedevelopment, including ability to make and learning firsthand about what is necessary to keep students engaged in their learning.informed decisions about their lives.We facilitate learning so that studentsbecome knowledge seekers, accessinformation, and solve problems. TheWEmatter Newsletter is a powerful ve-hicle through which RHS students willcontinue to find their voice in school asthey explore the curriculum, share their Slearning experiences and build mean-ingful relations with adults. I hope thatthis first issue will ignite your pas- insidesion, inspiration, and creativity as you A product of students, parents, and teachers ofbecome an active WEmatter Newslet- REVEREter contributor with fresh stories from High Schoolthe field that depict student centered PAGE 2 Teacher Story, Dual Enrollment PAGE 3 Personal Writing, RHS PTO, What’s Newpractices in our school with fidelity and PAGE 4 Calendar of Eventsauthenticity.

WE speakup Dual EnrollmentTEACHERStory As part of Revere High School’s partnership with colleges, both Bunker Hayley Petrozzelli Hill Community College and Salem State University provide high school 12th Grade students with the opportunity to enroll in college-level courses. ClassesRevere High School are offered by the schools in fall and spring semesters and are free. Each one counts as an AP credit, which can influence a student’s Grade Pointteachers have always Average and class rank.been leaders when it Students typically choose classes that are may not be offered by RHS. At BHCC, I am currently taking Intro and Foundations of Education. The teachers I met went out of their way to helpcomes to student- me in class and to apply to college. I still talk with the students that were in my classes. Most were enrolled as actual college students, so they were between 20 and 30 years old. I saw thecentered learning. Nancy Barile, NBCT, age difference as a great benefit because it pushed me to prove myself to them.From my early days at Newsletter StudentRHS, I watched col- Advisorleagues like Biology I am learning about excellent opportunities that I can take advantage of when I start college. For example, a representative visited my education class to inform us of a practicum thatteacher, David Eatough, take his aspiring educators can take with a program called Citizen Schools. Lastly, it is cool to be the age outlier. It is exhilarating to have academic discussions and debates with actual adultsstudents out to the marsh to explore who have real-world up close and personal. I wit-nessed Cheryl Szymanski’s studentsteaching each other Calculus far into Dual enrollment allows high school students to experience college before they even start their college application process. With an additional new academic environment, studentsthe evening hours. And this year I was are able to explore interests that go beyond the walls of RHS. Revere High School offers an enriching and truly, life-altering experience for its students by partnering with these colleges.moved by the work of Ms. Terenzi’sBlack Lit Matters class, who learnedabout African-American quilts as text To register for dual enrollment courses at either BHCC or Salem State, visit Ms. Currie, the College and Career Coordinator, whose office is in the Writing Center.and then each made a patch symbol-izing their favorite African-Americanauthor. Revere High provides tremen- Sdous opportunities for its students,and I’m happy to be part of the teamthat will share those practices withthe community. Most importantly,I wanted you to hear about that learn-ing through the powerful voices ofour students. Who better to tell thestory of student-centered learningthan the students who experience itevery single day?S

Personal Writing RHS PTO News Good news! We now have a PTO at RHS. Sylbet Fuentes, 12th Grade The groundwork is done. We have aI am currently taking Personal Writing this se- of essays and do a great deal of analysis and Board, our bylaws, text-based writing. For example, for one as-mester, which is taught by Ms. Bulger. I decided signment, we picked an ad, and then analyzed and some great ideas. it using the rhetorical triangle, noting ethos,to take this class because I love to write, and I pathos, or logos. Next, we created a new ad for Now what we’d like Adrienne Maguire, is more parents who RHS PTO Presidentaspire to become an author or screenwriter as that specific company want to get involved using a different ap-my future career. Writing is such an incredible proach. For example, with us. Our mission is sometimes we focusedthing. It’s a tool that more on ethos; other threefold- to enhance and support the times we focused on pa-you can use to create thos. We also analyzed educational experience for our children a song of our choosing,your very own world, and we had to pick two at Revere High School, to develop a certain lyrics of the songand it broadens your and analyze whether closer connection between school and the author was appeal-mind. If you are an ing to ethos, pathos, or home by encouraging parental involve- logos. Then we had to identify the type, audi-aspiring writer and ence, purpose, and effectiveness of the appeal. ment, and to improve the environment Personal Writing is awesome, and students canwish to do anything learn so much if they are interested in the art at RHS through volunteer and financial of writing. I know I have. I’ve even masteredrelated with writing MLA formatting. Personal Writing is an incred- support. With everyone’s help, we can ible class, and I’m positive that all you writingas a career, this is the nerds like me will enjoy it. be successful. We are not a group thatperfect class for you S will be all about meetings and fundrais-to take. In this class, ing, but we will have a little of can satisfy your RHS Student Join us every month at RHS where wewriting needs, will discuss some of our ideas such aswhether it’s creative or personal. The goals of grants for teachers and social events.this class are to strengthen one’s writing skills, Our calendar is available if you are thinking about taking this class, Feel free to contact me atbe prepared to do lots of writing and analyz- [email protected] withing. This class will help many students improve any questions. Happy New Year!their writing and annotation skills. Each weekwe receive the “Article of the Week,” which we Sfirst annotate. We then write a one-paragraphessay on the article. In this class, we write a lotwhat’sNEW Join our RHS PTO group! A committed Inversant is The Parent group of parents and teachers meet coming to Leadership Institute every month to work together to Revere!, Inver- (PLTI) will be aviable support and improve children’s sant Facilita- for RHS parents in education. tor Rochelly 2017. A program that Araniz, will lead enables parents to a college saving become leading ad- program for vocates for children. RHS families that will empower parents More details to come! to invest in higher education. Workshops will be available in September 2017. Stay tuned!

WE haveplans UPCOMING Events Visit the Revere High School Newspaper Patriot Ga- zette to learn about individual and collective voices 4/ 6 - Mr. RHS Show of our students on issues that affect them and their 4/28-29 - Rock Ensemble presents world. ( Michael Jackson Concert (Waugh) For questions about PLTI, college saving workshops 5/18 - Portfolio Presentations and RHS PTO please call Yrlen at 781-822-2222, ext 5/19 - Senior Prom 51346 or email [email protected]. For Adult Renaissance Waterfront Boston Classes, call Fatou at 781-333-2061, ext 51424 or 6/5 - Senior BBQ visit the Revere Community School website. 6/6 - Spirit of Boston 6/8 - Graduation (tentative) 101 School St Revere, MA 02151 A product of students, phone: 781-286-8220 parents, and teachers of REVERE High School JANUARY 2017 january 2017 1/3 Back to School Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1/4 District wide PTO | 5-6:30pm | LC 123 4 56 71 /11 Early Release (all schools) 8 9 10 11 12 13 141 /16 MLK - No School 15 16 17 18 19 20 211/18 RHS PTO | 4:15-5:15pm | EWCR 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1/19 PLTI | 6-7:30pm | LC 29 30 311/30 Adult English Classes, Session III february 2017 FEBRUARY Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2/4 JROTC Competition 1 23 4 RHS Field House | 6-3pm 2/15 RHS PTO | 4:15-5:15pm | EWCR 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Early Release all (all schools) 12 13 14 15 16 17 182/20-24 February Vacation 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH march 2017 3/1 Early Release (all schools) 3/2 RHS Parent Teacher Conferences | 4pm Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3/8 The Walk For Health | RHS Field House 1 23 4 and Cafeteria3 /10 Talent Show 5 6 7 8 9 10 113 /15 RHS PTO | 4:15-5:15pm | EWCR 12 13 14 15 16 17 183/17 -19 Robotics Competition | RHS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Field House 26 27 28 29 30 313 /22 Early Release (all schools)3 /31 Junior Prom | Danversport Yacht Club | 6-10pm

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