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Home Explore the state of kuwait

the state of kuwait

Published by woxeli4437, 2021-11-08 08:31:27

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Historical Documents .9\"++p ,p ?}d\"}y9< J9f9}AF:G OIG Q(]Jy I(fO U(ZM< ?q+zMyG ,zf N+WyG )yG x<hC ?}d\"}y e9gyG Q+@QwTyG #| &F(| 1974/3/21 N*Q9A< H9Av A letter dated 21/3/1974 from the OPEC Secretary General to Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa on the invitation to attend an OPEC meeting in Vienna 101

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG 1966/11/23 N*Q9A< B*(wyG ?yhO< Otf jPyG ?*QGR(yG ?\"GzyG Y9}AF: Q*Qt@ A report on the Ministerial Committee held in the State of Kuwait dated 23/11/1966 102

Historical Documents ?}d\"}yG f9Gy J9f9}AFG OIG fzV ,p bq\"yG IQGRh {+vh )yG x<hC ?}d\"}y e9gyG Q+@QwTyG #| &F(| 1975/10/24 N*Q9A< H9Av A letter dated 24/10/1975 from the OPEC Secretary General to the Oil Undersecretary on a meeting of the OPEC Committees 103

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG .?}d\"}zy e9gyG Q+@QwTyG ,qay aQVC O+TyG )yG O}J| H9$(yGO=f O+TyG x<hC ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| #| &F(| 1966 /9/27 N*Q9A< H9Av A letter dated 27/9/1966 from the Kuwait Governor at OPEC Abdul Wahab Mohamed to Ashraf Lut®, OPEC Secretary General 104

Historical Documents 1966/2/15 N*Q9A< f9vh A9]f:G dhOyG AGQRh ,y9g| )yG &F(| ?}d\"}zy e9gyG Q+@QwTyG ,qay aQVG O+TyG H9aL Letter from OPEC Secretary General Ashraf Lut® to the ministers of member States dated 15/2/1966 105

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG bq\"yG Y9as )zf ?+y9}yG IQGRh aGQVG A9\"CG bq\"yGh ?+y9}yG IQGRh {+vh )yG 1974/8/19 N*Q9A< ?+A*(wyG ?+FQ9MyG IQGRh #| H9Av A letter from Kuwait Ministry for Foreign A€airs dated 19/8/1974 to the Undersecretary of Oil and Finance during the supervision of the Finance Ministry on the Oil sector 106

Historical Documents 1965/2/1 N*Q9A< B*(wyG ?yhO ?+y9}yG IQGRh bq\"yG fh|Wy Of9T}yG IQGR(yG {+vh Q}f O+TyG O}IG O+TyG )yG PARRA O+TyG ?*O9ZAs:G ?\"GzyG aQW| #| &F(| Q*Qt@ A report from the supervisor of the economic Mr. Parra to Ahmed Alsayed Omar, Assistant Undersecretary for Oil A€airs in the Ministry of Finance of Kuwait dated 1/2/1965 107

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG 1966/5/8 N*Q9A< bq\"yGh ?+y9}yG Q*Rh ,y9g| )yG &F(| ?}d\"}yG ,p jO9ZAs:G UzG}y9< B*(wyG {D}| #| H9aL A letter from the Kuwait Representative at the Economic Council in the OPEC to the Minister of Finance and Oil dated 8/5/1966 108

Historical Documents .1965/12/13 N*Q9A< x<h}G Y9}AF: Q]J| Minutes of an OPEC meeting dated 13/12/1965 109

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG .1965/12/13 N*Q9A< x<h}G Y9}AF: Q]J| Minutes of an OPEC meeting dated 13/12/1965 110

Historical Documents 1965/8/17 ,p Otf jPyG ?*O9ZAs:G ?\"GzyG Y9}AF: ?+F9%\"yG J9+Y(AyG H9aL A letter of ®nal recommendations of the Economic Committee meeting held on 17/8/1965 111

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG 1966/10/17 N*Q9A< x<hG ?}d\"| J9f9}AFG OI} Q]J| Minutes of an OPEC meeting dated 17/10/1966 112

Historical Documents Q+|G (}TyG >I9Y IQ]I B*(wyG ?yhO Oph SCQ@ Osh 1966 Q=}T*O Q%V #| #|9DyGh h<GQyG #+< B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG x<h}G ?}d\"}y QWf ,!9DyG Q}@|}yG #f Q*Qt@ .?+FQ9Mzy GQ*Rh cGP!B g(}S f9v E+I M9=ZyG O}I:G M9=Y N+WyG O;=yG A report on the twelfth conference of OPEC held in Kuwait on December 4-8 , 1966, when the Kuwait delegation was headed by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah as the Minister of Foreign A€airs 113

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG Q+|G (}TyG >I9Y IQ]I B*(wyG ?yhO Oph SCQ@ Osh 1966 Q=}T*O Q%V #| #|9DyGh h<GQyG #+< B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG x<h}G ?}d\"}y QWf ,!9DyG Q}@|}yG #f Q*Qt@ .?+FQ9Mzy GQ*Rh cGP!B g(}S f9v E+I M9=ZyG O}I:G M9=Y N+WyG O;=yG A report on the twelfth conference of OPEC held in Kuwait on December 4-8 , 1966, when the Kuwait delegation was headed by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah as the Minister of Foreign A€airs 114

Historical Documents Q+|G (}TyG >I9Y IQ]I B*(wyG ?yhO Oph SCQ@ Osh 1966 Q=}T*O Q%V #| #|9DyGh h<GQyG #+< B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG x<h}G ?}d\"}y QWf ,!9DyG Q}@|}yG #f Q*Qt@ .?+FQ9Mzy GQ*Rh cGP!B g(}S f9v E+I M9=ZyG O}I:G M9=Y N+WyG O;=yG A report on the twelfth conference of OPEC held in Kuwait on December 4-8 , 1966, when the Kuwait delegation was headed by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah as the Minister of Foreign A€airs 115

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG ?*O9ZAs:G fh|WyGh ?+yhOyG J9}d\"}yG IQGOG Q*O| O+TyG )yG ?+yhOyG J9}d\"}yG >sGQ| Q+a}yG #TJ}yGO=f O}IG O+TyG #| &F(| 1966/10/1 N*Q9A< H9Av .bq\"yGh ?+y9}yG IQGRh ,p ?+!(!9tyGh A letter dated 1/10/1966 from Ahmed Abdul Mohsen Al-Muteir, observer of international organizations to the director of international organizations and economic and legal a€airs in the Ministry of Finance and Oil 116

Historical Documents .x<hC ?}d\"| ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| )yG ?<9+\"y9< B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG #| &F(| 1966/10/3 N*Q9A< H9Av A letter dated 3/10/1966 from the Acting Kuwait Representative to the Kuwaiti Governor at OPEC 117

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