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the state of kuwait

Published by woxeli4437, 2021-11-08 08:31:27

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Kuwait Governors, National Representatives and Workers at the OPEC Organization .2006 e9f x<hC ?}d\"| ,p ?|9gyG J9s;gyG IQFGO - #+|C bQ9_ O+TyG Mr. Tariq Ameen, Department of Public Relations at OPEC - 2006 51

‡#ÑÇÒuÇ pÁèà ÊÇdv‚v ˆ#utÇ ‡èÏ ‡…g&ÇÅ Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait

?*QGR(yG x<hC JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE ,9%@9f9}AFG ,p ?vQ9W}yG ?}d\"}yG A9]fG dhO O(p(y ?+f9}F ?aty 1962 e9f ,qay aQVC O+TyG B*(wyG ?yhO {D}| ,|9|:G rZyG #| IQ(ZyG bSh ,p hO=*h Delegates of Member States at OPEC participating in the meeting In the center front raw the representative of Kuwait Mr. Ashraf Lut® - 1962 54

Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait x<h}G ?}d\"| Y9}AFG SCQA* ?+y9}yG Q*Rh ,t+AgyG #}IQyGO=f ,y9g| .1973 e9f A9]f:G dhOyG e;fC IQ(ZyG rzL Q%d@h His Excellency Abdul Rahman Al-Atiqi, Minister of Finance, chairing the meeting of OPEC, and behind him the ¯ags of member States - 1973 55

?*QGR(yG x<hC JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE IQ(ZyG bSh ,p ,A*(wyG ?+y9}yG Q*Rh ,t+AgyG #}IQyGO=f O+TyG .?}d\"}zy ?*QGR(yG J9f9}AF:G OIG &SCQ@ A9\"CC Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Atiqi, Kuwait Minister of Finance, chairing a meeting of OPEC 56

Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p ?s9ayG Q*Rhh Q}@|}yG U+FQ M9=ZyG O}I:G O%qyG O}IC N+WyG .2005 Q=}T*O B*(wyG f(@GQ+V ,p Otf jPyG x<hC ?}d\"}y Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, Minister of Energy and Chairman of the Ministerial Meeting of OPEC, held at the Sheraton, Kuwait December 2005 57

?*QGR(yG x<hC JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE ?y9v(y9< x<h} e9gyG Q+@QwTyGh K(J=yG Q*O| #*OyG H9%V f9!Of Q(AvOyGh M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IG N+WyG .2005 e9f B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG jQGR(yG Q}@|}yG X|9$ )zf Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Sabah and Dr. Adnan Shihab Eddin, Director of Research and Acting Secretary General of OPEC, on the sideline of ministerial meeting held in Kuwait - 2005 58

Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait QFGRGyG ep9J|h M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IG N+WyGh #*OyG H9%V f9!Of Q(AvOyG #+}+yG #| 2005 e9f x<hC Q}@|| B*(wyG ?yhO SDQ@ A9\"CG x<hG ,p From the right, Dr. Adnan Shihab Eddin and Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Sabah and Governor of Algeria during the conference chaired by Kuwait - 2005 59

?*QGR(yG x<hC JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE rZyG ,ph ,,t! S9=f O+TyGh ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyGh Oy9MyG d;_ N+WyG #+}+yG #| hO=*h 2005 B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG ?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .M9=ZyG Q<9GyG {Z+p N+WyG &=!9G<h M9=ZyG O(gS aG(! N+WyG #+}+yG #| ,qzMyG Kuwait delegation participating in the OPEC meetings held in Kuwait in 2005, from the right Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid, Seham Rezouqi, Abbas Naqqi, and back raw from the right Sheikh Nawaf Soud Al-Sabah and Sheikh Faisal Al-Jabir Al-Sabah 60

Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait rzMy9<h ,@GQ9|:G Q*R(yG >Aw| Q*O| ,\"S(JyG O}J| IQ(ZyG #+}* #|h ,,@GQ9|:G ?s9ayG Q*Rh ,z|9%yG #f9\\ #< O}J| ,y9g| h| M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IG N+WyG IQ(ZyG bSh ,p .2005 e9f B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG ?}d\"}yG Y9}AF: >I9Z}yG j(AWyG ~+M}yG ,p xyP f9vh ,jQF9%yG ,\\Q| IQ(ZyG Q9T* )ZsG ,p hO=*h jOy9MyG Q(!C In the center Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Sabah with Mohamed Al-Hamli, Energy Minister of the UAE, and his oce director Mohamed Al-Husani on the right, and on the back Anwar Al-Khaldi, in the winter camp after the OPEC meeting held in Kuwait in 2005 61

?*QGR(yG x<hC JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G M9AAp: Q(Y f(atAz* ?+}y9gyG e;f:G J:9vh #+zSGQ| .2005 e9f B*(wyG ,p Otf jPyG Reporters of international news agencies at the opening of the ministerial meeting in Kuwait 2005 62

Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait #*OyG H9%V f9!Of Q(AvOyGh M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IG N+Wzy ?+f9}F IQ(Y .B*(wyG 2005 e9f ?+=\"F:Gh ?+zJ}yG ?p9JZyG O(phh Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad Al-Sabah and Dr. Adnan Shihab Eddin with local and international media 2005 63

?*QGR(yG x<hC JGQ}@|}y B*(wyG ?yhO ?p9]ASE ;*hR\"p #| ShQ+|GQ O+TyG #+}+yG #| ,o aq\"yG h}AG}yG )\"=}y QFGRyG x<hC ?}d\"| Oph {=tAT@ h*RqyG dG(! ?T!6G ,\"_(yG B*(wyG ?yhO {D}| .2008 e9f ?*O(gTyG ?+<QgyG ?wz}}yG #| Q*GRyG OG|p O+TyG Q9T+yG #|h Miss Nawal Al-Fuzaie receiving the OPEC delegation visiting the oil complex, on the right Mr. Ramirez from Venezuela and on the left Mr. Fouad Al-Zair from Saudi Arabia - 2008 64

Hosting of OPEC Ministerial Conferences in the State of Kuwait ,aQV r+\\ jQO=yG ~y9S &zyGO=f ,y9g| bS(yG ,p hO=*h ,B*(wyG f(@GQ+V bO\"p ,p x<hC ?}d\"| e9f Q+@QwS IQ9*R aQV )zf ~+sG AGOi {qI .2008 Q=}p(! 17 - #+=!9GyG #| A9]fCh bq\"yG Q*Rh ~+zgyG O}J| SO\"%}yG ,y9g| &=!9G<h A lunch on the occasion of the visit of OPEC Secretary General, Abdullah Al-Badri, at Sheraton Kuwait with Eng. Mohamed Al-Alim, Oil Minister and other members - 2008 65

‡#ÑÇÒuÇè ‡yDž$dÇ pÁèà ʅ…v&ÄÅè rv OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s JOtf ,AyG ?Dy9DyG ?}tyG d;L x<hG ?}d\"| ,p A9]f:G dhOyG J9|(wI A9SDQh IO9s ~]@ ?*Q9vP@ ?aty ?Dy9DyG ?}tyG J9f9}AFG #}\\ B*(wyG ?yhO Oph SCQA* O}I:G M9=Y N+WyG (}TyG >I9Y .2007 Q=}p(! 16 ,p V9*QyG ,p .2007 e9f x<hC ?}d\"}y Leaders of the OPEC member states during the third Summit held in Riyadh His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed heading the Kuwait delegate on November 16, 2007 in the third OPEC Summit in 2007 S9vGQ9v ,p Otf jPyGh x<hG ?}d\"| ,p A9]f:G dhO J9|(wI A9SDQh IO9s ~]@ ,AyG ?+T+FQyG ?Z\"}yG J9|(wI A9SDQh IO9s ?}ty ?*Q9vP@ ?aty .2000 e9f ;*hR\"p ?*Q(%}F ?}Y9f 2000 e9f x<hG ?}d\"| ,p A9]f:G dhO Leaders of the OPEC member states during the third Leaders of the OPEC member Summit held in Karakas in 2000 states - 2000 68

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings A9]f:G dhO J9|(wI A9SDQh IO9s ~]@ ,AyG ?+T+FQyG ?Z\"}yG ,p ?*O(gTyG ?+<QgyG ?wz}}yG Oph #+}+yG #| ~]@h 2000 e9f S9vGQ9v ?}s ,p ?vQ9W}yG O(p(zy ?aty 2000 e9f S9vGQ9v ,p Otf jPyGh x<hG ?}d\"| ,p .IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf ?}d\"}yG ?*Q9@QwS hO=@h B*(wyG ?yhO Oph &=!9G<h IQ(ZyG bSh Leaders of the OPEC member states during the third Summit held Participating delegations in Karakas in 2000 in Karakas Summit, 2000 Q*Rh ,y9g| #+}+yG #| hO=*h ,x<hC ,p A9]f:G dhOyG A9SDQh IO9s ?}s #}\\ cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph Otf jPyG ,9+SB ,p ?s9ayG AGQRhh x<hG ?}d\"| ,p bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| ~]* jPyG IQ*OAT}yG IOF9}yG A9ty Q*Rhh AGQR(yG UzG| U+FQ >F9! M9=ZyG O}J| N+WyG Q(AvOyG &=!9G<h ,y9}WyG )qaZ| ?+y9}yG 2007 e9f V9*QyG ,p 2007 e9f ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ~+zgyG O}J| SO\"%}yG ,y9g| &=!9G<h ,?+FQ9MyG The round-table meeting of the OPEC Oil and Energy Ministers Kuwait delegate participating in the OPEC members Summit, on the right Minister of Finance, Mustafa Al- in Asia held in Riyadh, 2007 Shemali, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign A€airs, Dr. Sheikh Mohamed Al-Sabah, Oil Minister, Mohamed Al-Alim - 2007 69

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s ?+f9}F ?aty ,p x<hG AGQRh ,<hQh:G O9J@:G {D}|h x<hC ?}d\"| #f ;D}| Q}@|}yG U+FQ M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IG N+WyG #+}+yG #| .2004 e9f JhQ+< ,p Otf jPyG ,F9\"DAS:G Q}@|}yG A9\"CG .J9DI9=}yG ?yh9_ )zf 2005 e9f Uw*h O+TyG OPEC Ministers during an extraordinary meeting held Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad, Conference President and OPEC Representative, with Mr. Wicks the in Beirut in 2004 representative of EU, 2005 :(j!C ,p Otf jPyG ?}d\"}yG Y9}AFG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph 9SCQA| ?s9ayG Q*Rh M9=ZyG MGQGyG ,zf N+WyG O%qyG O}IG N+WyG IQhOyG U+FQ #+}+yG #| x<hG )\"=| ,p ?+T+FQyG ?Z\"}yG ,p Q%d*h ,qJY Q}@|| .2006 e9f ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG gQ9T* )zfh bq\"yG IQGRh {+vh ,t! S9=f O+TyG &\"+}* )zf hO=*h .2005 e9f ,<hQh:G O9J@:G {D}| h| M9=ZyG Sheilh Ali Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah, Energy Minister, heading the Kuwait delegation in the OPEC meeting held A press conference at OPEC, from the right Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahdad Al-Sabah in Angola in 2006, on his right Oil Undersecretary, Abbas Naqqi, and on the left Seham Rezouqi and the EU representative, 2005 70

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings A9]f}G dhOyG #| &FGQd! h| bq\"yG Q*Rh )&zyG &}IQ( ?=sQ O(}I Q(AvOyG h}G@ ?aty ,p hO=*h ,2006 e9f Otf jPyG jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph SCQA* M9=ZyG MGQGyG ,zf N+WyG .1991 e9f ?}d\"}yG ,p .,t@ S9=f O+TyGh ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG IQ(ZyG The late Dr. Homud Al-Requba, Oil Minister, with his counterparts Sheikh Ali Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah heading the Kuwait delegation in the Ministerial Meeting held in 2001 along of OPEC member states, 1991 with Seham Rezouqi and Abbas Naqqi &J*QZA< ,yO* ?yh9_ bSh ,p ?q+zMyG ,zf N+WyG ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| OIG X|9$ )zf ?+}y9gyG A9=!:G J:9v(y K*QZA< ,yO* ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh jQ+}gyG O+VQ Q(AvOyG .1986 e9f ,qJY Q}@|| A9\"CG 1990 e9f ?*QGR(yG J9f9}AF:G Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa, Oil Minister, in the center, giving a statement during Dr. Rasheed Al-Omeri, Oil Minister, giving a statement to international news agencies a press conference in 1986 on the sidelines of a ministerial meeting, 1990 71

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s AO< {+=s ?+}y9gyG A9=!:G J:9v(y &J*QZA< ,yO* )&zyG &}IQ( ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh &=sQ O(}I Q(AvOyG A9=!:G J:9v(y &J*QZA< ,yO* IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh HfO}yG #TJ}yGO=f Q(AvOyG 1992 e9f jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G d9}fG dhOF 1996 e9f jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G d9}fG dhOF AO< {+=s ?+}y9gyG The late Dr. Homud Al-Requba, Oil Minister, giving a statement to international news agencies before a Dr. Adul Mohsen Al-Medij, Oil Minister, giving a statement to international news agencies before a ministerial meeting, 1992 ministerial meeting, 1996 dhOF AO< {+=s ?+}y9gyG A9=!:G J:9v(y &J*QZA< ,yO* K+=ZyG dO9f Q(AvOyG ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| dhOF AO< {+=s ?+}y9gyG A9=!:G J:9v(y &J*QZA< ,yO* O%qyG O}IG N+WyG ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| .2001 e9f jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G d9}fG .2000 e9f jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G d9}fG Kuwait Oil Minister, Adel Al-Subeih, giving a statement to international news agencies before a ministerial Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad, Oil Minister, giving a statement to international news agencies before a ministerial meeting, 2001 meeting, 2000 72

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings ?+}y9gyG A9=!:G J:9v(y &J*QZA< ,yO* ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh M9=ZyG QY9\"yG O(gS N+WyG Q9T+yG #| 9T}\"yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Q+qS &=!9G<h IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf MGQGyG ,zf N+WyG ,y9g| .2000 e9f x<hC ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG &=!9G<h 2007 e9f ,qJY K*QZA< ,yO* Sheikh Soud Al-Sabah, Oil Minister, giving a statement to international Sheikh Ali Al-Jarrah, and Kuwait Ambassador to Austria, news agencies in 2000 giving a press statement in 2007 jO(gTyG fO9g}yGh dhQA=yG Q*Rhh ,!GQ*:G bq\"yG Q*Rh Q9T+yG #| x<hG ?}d\"| AGQRh ,y9g| h}G@ ?aty ?*Qh9W@ ?TzF ,p &FGQd! h| ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh jQ+}gyG O+VQ Q(AvOyG ,y9g| .1985 e9f ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ?q+zMyG ,zf N+WyGh ,@GQ9|:G bq\"yG Q*Rhh 1990 e9f jQGRh Y9}AFG X|9$ )zf OPEC Ministers, from the left Iran oil minister, Saudi minister of petroleum and mining, Sheikh Dr. Rasheed Al-Omeri, Oil Minister, with his counterparts Oil minster of UAE and Kuwait oil minister Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa, 1985 on the sideline of a ministerial meeting in 1990 73

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s )zf hO=*h ?}d\"}y9< ?Y9MyG J9f9}AF:G OIG X|9$ )zf ?g*QS J9DI9=| ?y(F ,p bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| dhQA=yG Q*Rh ,y9g| gQ+d! h| ?+=!9F J9CO9J| ,p IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf HfO}yG #TJ}yGO=f Q(AvOyG 1994 e9f ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh HfO}yG #TJ}yGO=f Q(AvOyG IQ(ZyG #+}* .1996 e9f ,}+g\"yG ,zf jO(gTyG fO9g}yGh Oil ministers on the sidelines of an OPEC meeting, Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Medij with his Saudi counterpart on the right Kuwait Oil Minister Abdul Mohsen Al-Medij, 1994 Ali Al-Naimi, 1996 Y9}AF:G d9}fG dhOF )zf hza* IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf jO*R}yG )T+f O+TyG ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| )zf ,=!9F E*OI ,p &FGQd! h| ~F9tyG QG(Jzy BZ\"* ($h IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf HfO}yG #TJ}yGO=f Q(AvOyG 1997 ,=+zyG bq\"yG Q*Rh jQO=yG &zyGO=f O+TyG gQ+d! &=!9G<h ?}d\"}zy jQGR(yG 1996 e9f ?*QGR(yG J9f9}AF:G OIG X|9$ Kuwait Oil Minister Essa Al-Mazedi during a ministerial meeting Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Medij with his counterparts on the sideline and his Libyan counterpart Abdullah Al-Badri, 1997 of a ministerial meeting in 1996 74

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings bq\"yG Q*Rh jQO=yG &zyGO=f O+TyGh jO*R}yG )T+f O+TyG ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| IQ(ZyG #+}* #| ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| hO=*h ?}d\"}yG Qt}< 1997 e9f ,p Otf jPyG jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .1997 e9f ?*QGR(yG J9f9}AF:G iOIG ,p ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG ~%aS(A@ h ,,=+zyG .B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| h 9T}\"yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Q+qS &\"+}* )zfh IQ(ZyG bSh ,p jO*R}yG )T+f O+TyG From the right Kuwait Oil Minister Essa Al-Mazedi, Seham Rezouqi and Linyan oil minister Abdullah Al- Kuwait delegation in the ministerial meeting held in 1997 at OPEC, in the center Oil Minister Essa Al- Badri in a ministerial meeting in 1997 Mazedi and Kuwait Ambassador to Austria and Governor of Kuwait jO(gTyG gQ+d! h| ~S9< E*OI ,p IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh HfO}yG #TJ}yGO=f Q(AvOyG ,zf jO(gTyG gQ+d! h| QG(I ,p jO*R}yG )T+f O+TyG ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g| IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf .1996 e9f ,}+g\"yG )zf 1997 IQ(ZyG #+}* ,p ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG hO=@h IQ(ZyG bSh ,p ,}+g\"yG Kuwait oil minister Dr. Abdul Nohsen Al-Medij with his Saudi counterpart Kuwait Oil Minister Essa Al-Mazedi with his his Saudi counterpart Ali Al-Naimi Ali Al-Naimi, 1996 and Seham Rezouqi, 1997 75

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s Q*Rh K+=ZyG dO9f Q(AvOyG 9S(zF bS(yG ,p hO=*h x<hG ?}d\"| J9f9}AFG #}\\ cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph hO=*h 1994 e9f ,y9< ?\"*O| ,p Otf jPyG jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p ?*Q9vP@ ?aty ,p bq\"yG AGQRh ,y9g| ,p hO=*h f9]|Q O}J| Q(AvOyGh ?}d\"}yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG &=!9G<h ,A*(wyG bq\"yG .IQ(ZyG bSh ,p HfO}yG #TJ}yGO=f Q(AvOyG {+%S O+TyGh ?}d\"}yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG r]}yG {FGh O+TyG Q9T+yG ?%F #| 9p(sh ,qzMyG rZyG The oil ministers during a ministerial meeting held in Bali in 1994, .2001 e9f ,|9|RyG QO< O+TyGh J(s9+yG d;_ O+TyGh jQ+a}yG in the center Dr. Abdul Mohsen Al-Medij Kuwait delegation participating in OPEC meeting, in the center oil minister Dr. Adel Al-Subeih, Seham Rezouqi, Dr. Mohamed Ramadan, the back raw from the left Wael Al-Mudaf, Kuwait representative at OPEC, Suhail Al-Muteri, Talal Al- Yaqout and Bader Al-Zamami, 2001 )zfh ?s9ayG Q*Rh M9=ZyG O%qyG O}IG N+WyG IQ(ZyG bSh ,p hO=*h jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph iOIG ,p cQ9W}yG Op(yG SCQ )zf ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG &=!9G<h ?s9ayG Q*Rh O%qyG O}IG N+WyG ,y9g| O(gS aG(! N+WyG Q9T+yG ?%F #| ,qzMyG rZyG ,ph M9=ZyG eGRf N+WyG gQ9T* )zfh ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG &\"+}* .2003 e9f x<hG ?}d\"}y ?*QGR(yG J9TzGyG 2002 e9f f9]|Q O}J| Q(AvOyG &=!9G<h ,t! S9=f &=!9G<h M9=ZyG Energy minister Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad and Seham Rezouqi, heading the delegation participating in a ministerial session of OPEC, 2003 Kuwait delegation participating in a ministerial meeting, in the center Energy Minister Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad, Seham Rezouqi and Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah, in the back raw from the left Sheikh Nawaf Al-Sabah, Abbas Naqqi and Dr. Mohamed Ramadan, 2002 76

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings )zfh IQ(ZyG bSh ,p Q*R(yG ,y9g| hO=*h ,?}d\"}yG Qt}< 2009 e9f Otf jPyG jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph {+vh f(gyG )T+f O+TyG #+}+yG ?%F #| hO=*h x<hG ?}d\"| J9f9}AFG OIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .?+A*(wyG dhQA=yG ?TS|| ,p ,!(!9tyG Q9WAT}yG M9=ZyG aG(! N+WyG gQ9T* )zfh 9T}\"yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Q+qS &\"+}* .2001 e9f ;}yG ?z+=! IQ+qTyGh K+=ZyG dO9f Q(AvOyGh bq\"yG IQGRh Kuwait delegation participating in a ministerial meeting held in 2009 at OPEC, in the center Oil Minister on his right Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the right Oil Undersecretary Essa AlOun, Dr. Kuwait Ambassador to Austria and on the left Sheikh Nawaf Al-Sabah, the legal consultant at KPC Adel Al-Subeih and Ambassador Nabila Al-Mulla, 2001 #+}+yG #| IQ(ZyG ,p Q%d*h ?}d\"}yG Qt| 9\"++p ,p Otf jPyG jQGR(yG Y9}AF:G ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph N+WyGh &zyGO=gyG O}IG N+WyG ,y9g|h ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG ,|9|}G rZyG #| #+}+yG #| Q%d*h B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .2008 e9f 9T}\"yG ,p B*(wyG Q+qSh ~+zgyG O}J| SO\"%}yG bq\"yG Q*Rh ,y9g|h ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG .2009 e9f Q}gyG ~j! IO+TyGh h*RqyG dG(! ?T!:Gh jQ+a}yG {+%S O+TyG ,qzMyG rZyG #|h ,M9=ZyG aG(! Kuwait delegation participating in a ministerial meeting at OPEC headquarters in Vienna, from the right Kuwait delegation, from the right front raw Seham Rezouqi, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Abdullah and Sheikh Nawaf Seham Rezouqi, oil minister Mohamed Al-Alim and Kuwait Ambassador to Austria, 2008 Al-Sabah, in the back Suhaih Al-Muteri, Nawal Al-Fuzae and Nagham Al-Omar, 2009 77

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s x<hG ?}d\"| J9+y9gp iOIG SCQA@ ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG 1999 x<hG Q9gVh A9]f:G dhOyG e;fG hO=*h 1996 e9f J9f9}AF:G OIC A9%A!G Og< 9%+p Q%d@ ?aty ,p Seham Rezouqi heading an activity at OPEC in 1999 Kuwait Governor Seham Rezouqi after a meeting in 1996 A9]fG OIG h| E*OI ,p ?}d\"}yG ,p B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG r]}yG {FGh O+TyG #+}+yG ?%F #| {D}}yG r]}yG {FGh O+TyG IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf hO<h ?}d\"}yG J9+y9gp iOIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .2000 e9f x<hG J9f9}AFG ,p ?vQ9W}yG O(p(yG .1997 e9f b=*QL Q\\9}@ IO+TyG &=!9G< h B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG From the right Wael Al-Mudaf with one of the delegates participating in OPEC meetings, 2000 Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC activity, on the right Kuwait representative Wael Al-Mudaf and Tumader Kharbeit, 1997 78

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings 9\"++p ?\"*O| ,p JOtf ,AyG J9TzGyG iOIG SCQA@ ,$h x<hC ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG h*RqyG dG(! ?T!6G .2009 e9f x<hC ?}d\"| Qt| .2003 e9f J9f9}AF:G IOF9| )zf x<hG ?}d\"| ,p Kwuait governor at OPEC Seham Rezouqi heading a session held Kuwait representative at OPEC Nawal Al-Fuzae at OPEC headquarters in Vienna , 2009 in a meeting in 2003 ?|(wJyG {D}| &=!9G<h IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf x<hC ?}d\"| e9f Q+@QwS jQO=yG ~y9S &zyGO=f O+TyG ;}yG ?z+=! IQ+qTyG Q9T+yG ?%F #| hO=*h ,?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG OIC e9AL ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph A9]fG 2009 e9f O*OGyG ?}d\"}yG )\"=}y d9tA!:G h+s(@ ?dJy ?*h9T}\"yG .1999 e9f f9]|Q O}J| Q(AvOyGh r]}yG {FGh O+TyGh OPEC Secretary General Abdullah Al-Badri with the representative of Austria signing for moving to the Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the left Ambassador Nabila Al-Mulla, new OPEC headquarters, 2009 Wael Al-Mudaf and Mohamed Ramadan, 1999 79

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s ,t! S9=f O+TyGh O*9f ~*QwyGO=f #+}+yG ?%F #| ?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG OIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph ?*h9T}\"yG ?|(wJyG {D}| &=!9G<h IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf x<hC ?}d\"| e9f Q+@QwS jQO=yG ~y9S &zyGO=f O+TyG .2002 e9f ,z+}GyG r_9f O+TyGh bq\"yG IQGRh {+vh 2009 e9f O*OGyG ?}d\"}yG )\"=}y d9tA!:G uF9Ch dO9=@ ?dJy Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the right Abdul Karim Ayed, Abbas Naqqi Oil OPEC Secretary General Abdullah Al-Badri with the representative of Austria at the ceremony of moving to Undersecretary and Atef Al-Jemili, 2002 the new OPEC headquarters, 2009 ,!(*Rqz@ A9ty ,p x<hC ,p K9J<:G ~Ts U+FQ OQR9=s #TI Q(AvOyG #*OyG H9%V f9!Of Q(AvOzy JG(\"tyG iOIG h| ,!(*Rqz@ A9ty 2007 e9f x<hC ?}d\"| h| 2003 e9f ?}d\"}yG Qt}< &=Aw| ,p Director of Research at OPEC Dr. Hassan Qabazard A TV interview with Dr. Adnan Shihab Eddin in his oce during a TV interview with OPEC, 2007 at the OPEC headquarters, 2003 80

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings ,9\"++p ,p ?I(Aq}yG ?+A*(wyG ?z+zy #+}d\"}yG ?|9gyG J9s;gyG A9]fC h| M9=ZyG O}I:G O%qyG O}IG N+WyG x<h:G ,p A9]f:G dhOyG #+zD}| .~!9jyG O*||h #+|C bQ9_h ,t@ M;Y Q*R(yG ,y9g| Q9T* )zfh OGQ| ,zf O+TyG &\"+}* )zf hO=*h .2005 e9f (OFID) ?+yhOyG ?+}\"Azy x<h}G bhO\"Y )\"=| {LGO Sheikh Ahmed Al-Fahad with public relations sta€ who organized a Kuwaiti open night in Vienna, on his Representatives of OPEC member states inside right Ali Murad and his left Minister Salah Taqqi, Tariq Ameen and Muaied Al-Ghanim the (OFID) in 2005 ;}yG ?z+=! IQ+qTyGh ,shRQ e9%S IO+TyG #+}+yG #| Q%d*h ?*QGR(yG J9f9}AF:G OIG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO Oph x<h:G ,p A9]f:G dhOyG #+zD}| .2003 f9]|Q O}J| Q(AvOyGh .2005 e9f (OFID) ?+yhOyG ?+}\"Azy x<h}G bhO\"Y )\"=| {LGO Kuwait delegation participating in a ministerial meeting, from the right Seham Rezouqi, Ambassador Representatives of OPEC member states Nabila Al-Mulla and Dr. Mohamed Ramadan, 2003 inside the (OFID) in 2005 81

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s J9f9}AF:G OIG A9\"CG #*OyG H9%V f9!Of Q(AvOyG A9AWyG {Zp A9\"CG ~*OtyG x<hG )\"=| .2006 e9f ?+aq\"yG bG(S~y {+y9JAyG ^g< VQgAT*h 2003 e9f ?as9TA}yG L(zDyG ?p9Dv Q%d@h Dr. Adnan Shihab Eddin during a meeting, reviewing some analyses The old OPEC headquarters on oil market, 2006 in the snowy winter, 2003 ?}d\"}zy Y9}AFG ,p Qas h 9+=+y h B*(wyG Q9T+yG #| A9]f:G dhOyG #+zD}| ~]@ ?aty jQ|9WyG &zyGO=f Q(AvOyGh OQR9=s #TI Q(AvOyG #+}+yG #| 1970 e9f ,p Otf jPyG 2006 J9f9}AF:G X|9$ )zf x<hG ?}d\"| 9%A|9sG ,AyG J:9qAI:G iOIG ,p Representatives of OPEC member States, from the left Kuwait, Libya and Qatar during an OPEC From the right Dr. Hassan Qabazard and Dr. Abdullah Al-Shameri during a celebration organized by meeting held in 1970 OPEC on the sidelines of meetings, 2006 82

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings gQ9T* )zfh M9=ZyG aG(! N+WyG Q9T+yG #| hO=*h ?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG OIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph {+%S O+TyG IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf ,qzMyG rZyG ,p hO=*h h*RqyG dG(! ?T!6G &=!9G<h ,|9|RyG QO< O+TyG .2001 e9f ,pQ+ZyG O}IG O+TyG &\"+}* )zfh jQ+a}yG Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the left Sheikh Nawaf Al-Sabah, Bader Al- Zamami, Nawal Al-Fuzae, in the back on the right Suhail Al-Muteri and Ahmed Al-Sira®, 2001 QF9_ g(zg* bq! LQ< {D}* jQ9vP@ >Z! O}J| #| {v ?+A*(wyG dhQA=yG ?TS|| #| hO=*h ?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG OIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .2006 e9f ~*OtyG x<hG )\"=| e9|G h\\h Osh e9f bq\"yG IQGRh #| ,pQ+ZyG O}IG O+TyGh M9=ZyG O(gS aG(! N+WyGh f9]|Q O}J| Q(AvOyGh ,aWyG A memorial representing the Oil Tower with a bird on top in front .2001 of the old OPEC headquarter, 2006 Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the KPC Mohamed Al-Shatti and Dr. Mohamed 83 Ramadan, Sheikh Soud Al-Sabah and Ahmed Al-Sira® from ministry of Oil, 2001

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s &=!9G<h ,pQ+ZyG O}IG O+TyG Q9T+yG #| ?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG iOIG ,p #+vQ9W}yG ,A*(wyG Op(yG A9]fG J(s9+yG d;_ O+TyG &=!9G<h ,|9|RyG QO< O+TyG #+}+yG #| .2001 e9f ,\\(gyG #@9p.Oh ,aWyG O}J| O+TyG .2001 e9f x<h:G ?}d\"| J9f9}AFG iOIG ,p Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the left, Ahmed Al-Sira®, Mohamed Al-Shatti From the right Bader Al-Zemami and Dr. Fatin Al-Awadhi, 2001 and Talal Al-Yaqout during an OPEC meeting in 2001 bq\"yG IQGR(< ?+yhOyG J9s;gyG >sGQ| O*9f ~*QwyGO=f O+TyG O+TyG 9%=!9G<h ,}GgyG I(zp ?T!6G Q9T+yG #| ~]*h ?}d\"}yG J9f9}AFG OIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .2001 x<hG ?}d\"| J9f9}AFG IOF9| )zf J9s;gyG >sGQ| O*9f ~*QwyGO=f &=!9G<h ?+A*(wyG dhQA=yG ?TS|| ,p ?+yhOyG J9s;gyG Q*O| ,z+}GyG r_9f Abdul Karim Ayed, observer of international relations in the ministry .2002 e9f bq\"yG IQGR(< ?+yhOyG of oil during and OPEC meeting, 2001 Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the left Faluah Al-Ajmi, Atif Al-Jamili, director of international relations at the KPC and Abdul Karim Ayed, observer of international relations in the ministry of oil, 2002 84

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings Q=}A=S OGOj< ?\"*O| ,p Otf jPyGh x<hG ?}d\"}y ,T+SzAyG Y9}AF:G ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph bq\"yG IQGRh {+vh O}J| H9$(yGO=f O+TyG .Q}f O+TyG O}IG O+TyGh jO*R}yG {Z+p O+TyG #+}+yG ?%F #| hO=*h 1960 .1977 e9f ?+y9}yGh Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting held in Bagdad in 1960, from the right Faisal Al- Abdul Wahab Mohamed, Undersecretary of the Ministry Mazidi and Ahmed Alsayed Omar of Oil and Finance, 1977 9\"++p ?\"*O| ,p ht* jPyG ~*OtyG x<hC ?}d\"| )\"=}y ?aty jQ: {\\9ph Q9vO\"| O}J| O+TyG #+}+yG ?%F #| hO=*h J9f9}AF:G OIG ,p cQ9W}yG B*(wyG ?yhO Oph .2000 e9f ?*h9T}\"yG ?*Q(%}GyG ?}Y9f .1999 e9f ,z+}GyG r_9fh The old OPEC headquarters in Vienna, the Capital Kuwait delegation participating in an OPEC meeting, from the right Mohamed Medekar, Fadhel Larry and of Austrian Republic, 2000 Atif Al-Jamili, 1999 85

?*QGR(yGh ?+S9FQyG x<hC J9f9}AFEh ~}s &zyGO=f &\"+}* )zfh bq\"yG IQGRh ,p ?+yhOyG J9s;gyG IQGOG Q*O| ,pQ+ZyG O}IG O+TyG IQ(ZyG #+}* )zf x<h}G ?}d\"| {D}|h ?*h9T}\"yG ?|(wJyG {D}| .1999 e9f ,|9|RyG QO< O+TyGh #+TI O}J| O+TyG rzMyG #|h ,,@(y9v .1965 e9f ~*OtyG x<h}G )\"=| h+s(@ {qI A9\"CG From the right Ahmed Al-Sira®, director of international relations in the ministry of oil Representative of Austrian Government and representative and Abdullah Kalouti, in the back Mohamed Husein and Bader Al-Zemami, 1999 of OPEC during the signing of the old OPEC headquarters, 1965 86

OPEC Presidential and Ministerial Meetings ,y9g| IQ(ZyG bSh ,ph ,A*(wyG bq\"yG Q*Rh ?q+zMyG ,zf N+WyG ,y9g| IQ(ZyG Q9T* )zf ~]@ ?aty .QY9! {+%S Q9WAT}yG rzMyG #| hO=*h bq\"yG Q*Rh ?q+zMyG ,zf N+WyG jO(gTyG fO9g}yGh dhQA=yG Q*Rh ,!9}* ,vR O}IG Oil Minister Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa From the left Sheikh Kuwait oil minister Ali Al-Khalifa and in the back Suhail Nasser and Saudi minister of petroleum and mining Ahmed Al-Yamani 87

…wyy w pÁèà ‡viw ‡y…r&ÅÇ w ˆ#utÇ ‡èÏ ‡хe Participation of the State of Kuwait in the OPEC Celebration Held in Vienna

9\"++p ,p x<hC ?}d\"| ?+y9qAIG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ?vQ9W| .?+=gWyG J9ZsQyG OIC AGOz< e(t@ ?+A*(wyG Q}I}G QZtyG ?sQp The Red Palace Band performing a folklore dance 90

Participation of the State of Kuwait in the OPEC Celebration Held in Vienna .?+y9qAI:G J9+y9gp h<9A* Q(]JyG #| h}F Audience watching the celebration activities 91

9\"++p ,p x<hC ?}d\"| ?+y9qAIG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ?vQ9W| .J9ZsQyG OIC fhO|* B*(wyG H9=V #| ?f(}G| Kuwaiti young people performing a dance 92

Participation of the State of Kuwait in the OPEC Celebration Held in Vienna .,=gWyG ,A*(wyG jRzy QLB Qd\"| jO+ztAyG ,A*(wyG jRyG jO@Q@ ,$h J9+AqyG OI} Qd\"| The traditional Kuwaiti dress A girl wearing the traditional Kuwaiti dress 93

9\"++p ,p x<hC ?}d\"| ?+y9qAIG ,p B*(wyG ?yhO ?vQ9W| Q(AvOyGh OQR9=s #TI Q(AvOyGh )#+}+yG #| ?+!9DyG( B*(wyG ?yhOy ,\"_(yG {D}}yG h*RqyG dG(! ?T!6G IQ(ZyG ,p hO=*h xo <hC ,p dhOyG A9]fCh #+zD}| h}G@ ?aty ),yG(AyG )zf Q9T+yG #| ,!9DyGh #+}+yG #| Ey9DyG( x<h}G #| jQ|9WyG &zyGO=f Representatives of OPEC member States, including Kuwait representative Nawal Al-Fuzae (second from the right) Dr. Hassan Qabazard and Dr. Abdullah Al- Shameri (third and second from the left) 94

Participation of the State of Kuwait in the OPEC Celebration Held in Vienna .A9]f}G dhOyG #+zD}}y VQg}yG #| ?+f9}F ?aty Representatives of OPEC member States in the exhibition 95

‡y0#х&Ç o$…ÃuÇ Historical Documents

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG 1966/1/5 ?*O9ZAs:G ?\"Gzy U|9MyG Q}@|}yG fzW< x<hG ?}d\"}< B*(wyG ?yhO ep9J| )yE &F(| B*(wyG ?yhO< ,\"_(yG {D}}yG H9aL Letter from the Kuwait Representative to the Kuwaiti Governor at OPEC on the ®fth conference of the Economic Committee 5/1/1966 98

Historical Documents .u=S:G ?+y9}yGh bq\"yG Q*Rh ,t+AgyG #}IQyGO=f O+TyG )yG x<hC ?}d\"}y e9gyG Q+@QwTyG #| &F(| 1973/8/9 N*Q9A< H9Av A letter dated 9/8/1973 to the OPEC Secretary General to Abdul Rahman Al-Attiqi, former Oil and Finance Minister 99

?+M*Q9AyG uF9C(yG x<hG ?}d\"}y e9gyG Q+@QwTyG A.KHENE Q(AvOyG )yE ,t+AgyG #}IQyGO=f u=S:G bq\"yGh ?+y9}yG Q*Rh ,y9g| #| ?%F(| ?+sQ< A telegram from former Minister of Finance and Oil Abdul Rahman Al-Attiqi to Dr. A. Khene, OPEC Secretary General 100

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