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Home Explore 2022-02-07 Execution guidelines booklet for Andhra Pradesh_R4 (1)

2022-02-07 Execution guidelines booklet for Andhra Pradesh_R4 (1)

Published by strawhatnaveen, 2022-02-10 09:20:39

Description: 2022-02-07 Execution guidelines booklet for Andhra Pradesh_R4 (1)


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Best Viewed in Landscape Mode Execution Guidelines Booklet Andhra Pradesh & Telangana

TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Channel 03 MSBF and 05 Strategy Green Norms Retail Outlet 02 Execution 04 Cooler Segmentation Strategy Planograms for 2022

THE COMPANY Ambient 07 RED 09 Checklist Planogram Norms for Success 06 Activation look 08 Channel 10 of Success Programs


RETAIL OUTLET SEGMENTATION 70% CHANNEL Bronze E&D 2 18% E&D 1 12% Convenience Silver Open Aisle Platinum Grocery + Gold Traditional Iron Grocery Volume Class

Traditional Grocery or Open Aisle Grocery or Convenience stores general Kiranas, stores with Modern Format stores stores, pan plus stores E.g - Bus non-packaged food items with self service stand outlet, Tea/Coffee shop E&D 1 or restaurants, fine dine E.G- E&D 2 or quick service, Bakery, restaurants with table service Food outlets E.G sweet shop


CHANNEL STRATEGY CHANNEL Traditional Aisle grocery CHANNEL Traditional Aisle grocery Grocery/ Open Grocery/ Open WHERE TO PLAY OCCASION OCCASION HOW TO WIN LEISURE AT HOME MEALS AT HOME Build Association with Meals at Home Drive availability in more no of Houses Increase HH Penetration through Increase HH Penetration through affordable FC pack affordable FC pack BRAND BRAND PACK/PRICE 1L PET@50 PORTFOLIO PACK/PRICE 1L PET@50 PORTFOLIO Multipacks of cans and SS PET

WHERE TO PLAY CHANNEL Convenience /E&D 2 CHANNEL E&D 2 / E&D 1 OCCASION OCCASION HOW TO WIN ON THE GO EATING AWAY FROM HOME Drive ON THE GO consumption frequency Build association with Meals away from home Drive recruitment and transactions Drive recruitment and transactions through IC pack through IC pack BRAND BRAND PACK/PRICE 250 ml PET @ 20 and PACK/PRICE RGB @10 and 750 ml @40 250 ml PET @ 20 Indicates lead brand for the channel


EXECUTION STRATEGY FOR 2022 Unforgivable MSBF PICOS CDE Channel SKU availability Norms Activation Norms Programs 2.0 Platinum / Gold Silver / Bronze

INTRODUCTION TO UNFORGIVABLE SKUS Approach to identification of Unforgivable SKUs for the zone / unit Unforgivable SKUs FROM TO Occasion Tracking Individual UF SKU Bundle •Single Serve SKU Availability Availability •Sharing •Multi Serve Channel 5 SKUs/State Category Grocery and 5 Target SKUs Convenience outlets •E&D 1 •CSP •Non E&D 1 + •Juice 60% 68% 25% 28% 18% Bonus 2 •Water = Total 7 SKUs E&D outlets •Above UF 5 SKUs contributing 50%+ across Segments 45% 58% 43% 36% 30% •95% of SKUs common in Non E&D1 O/Ls •Added Strategic Priority


MSBF NORMS Current P+G MSBF Norms Simplified MSBF Norms Current P+G Norms vary across P+G Norms to be same across all combinations •STATE (State, Town Class, Channel) •TOWNCLASS •CHANNEL MSBF SKUs contribute to 80% of the •SEGMENT (Platinum, Gold) total volume of P+G Segments Total combinations of P+G MSBF Norms : 340 Total Combinations of P+G MSBF Norms : 2 Different Minimum Billing Norms for Different •E&D1 Pack Occasion •Non E&D1 •Single Serve : 6 SPK SS* SPK SH SPK MS Juice SS* Juice SH Juice MS Water Total •Sharing : 4 •Multi Serve : 2 E&D1 6 0 0 2 0 0 1 9 Focus on improving In Outlet Execution in 5Non E&D1 4 3 3 1 1 1 18 Platinum and Gold outlets * For E&D, Targets are at SS+SH level Minimum Billing Norms for ALL SKUs : 0.5 Case

GREEN NORMS DRIVING RETURNS EFFECTIVENESS DISCIPLINE GREEN 2021 Parameters Total GREEN 2022 Parameters Total Strike Rate based on Orders Strike Rate with Orders Delivered 20 Delivered 10 Condition 50 Geo Code Compliance Calls 10 Must Sell Total Billing (All Channels) 30 with HERO (CORE) SKUs 10 UNFORGIVABLE SKUs* 20 All Segments except Iron Premium MSBF (Premium Ols) 10 MSBF P+G Focus Pack in Focus Channel (Non Premium Ols) Premium MSBF (Premium Ols) Outlet Level Revenue Growth Focus Brand / Pack in Focus Channel (Non Premium Ols) Cooler Productivity 10 P+G Same Store Growth % of 10 100 Outlets Growing GRAND TOTAL 10 Cooler Productivity 10 100 GRAND TOTAL * For Silver and Bronze, 50 weightage will be for UF SKUs


COOLER PLANOGRAM – TRAD. GROCERY Priority SKU to be defined by execution manager e.g., NPD/Focus Pack 2 Shelves 3 Shelves Single Single Serve Serve 1 Shelf 1 Shelf Mobile Mobile PET PET 1 Shelf Fridge 1 Shelf PET Large 1 Shelf PET Large PET 30 Case Cooler 15 Case Cooler 12 Case Cooler

COOLER PLANOGRAM OPEN AISLE GROCERY Priority SKU to be defined by execution manager e.g., NPD/Focus Pack 2 Shelves Single Serve 1 Shelf Mobile PET 1 Shelf Fridge PET 1 Shelf Large PET 30 Case Cooler 15 Case Cooler 12 Case Cooler

COOLER PLANOGRAM – CONV + E&D 2 Priority SKU to be defined by execution manager e.g., NPD/Focus Pack 2 Shelves 3 Shelves Single Single Serve Serve 1 Shelf 1 Shelf Mobile Mobile PET PET 1 Shelf Fridge 1 Shelf PET Large 1 Shelf PET Large PET 30 Case Cooler 15 Case Cooler 12 Case Cooler

COOLER PLANOGRAM – E&D 1 Priority SKU to be defined by execution manager e.g., NPD/Focus Pack 3 Shelves Single Serve 2 Shelves Mobile PET 30 Case Cooler 15 Case Cooler 12 Case Cooler


GUIDELINES FOR ACTIVATING OUTLET OWNED COOLER Block minimum 2 shelves closest Highest and above cooler door handle Impact created with Charge the 2 shelves with highest velocity KO products for the outlet 2 Shelves closest to Prioritize entry packs and Magic the door price points Rs. 10, Rs. 20 and Rs. 50 handle Ensure price communication on KO products

AMBIENT PLANOGRAM ‘Share of Visible inventory’ (SOVI) is our total share of warm facings + chilled facings in an outlet The guiding principle is SOVI > SOM ( SHARE OF MARKET) We use the following elements to maximize our Share of Visible Inventory

AMBIENT 3 - TIER RACK PLANOGRAM AMBIENT RACK FC Packs Place adjacent FC Packs Place at Store of SPK, to cooler to of SPK entrance JUICE, WATER create (preferably a continuous SPK - inside) with SPK - visual anchor Lead Cola SKU facing Lead Cola & & Lead flavor the shoppe Lead flavor Drive AH consumption Packs - Drive 1L@50 Juice - with lead CSP 1L, 2.25L portfolio Maaza FC brand communication Water - Kinley 1L/2L

AMBIENT COUNTER SPACE PLANOGRAM SHELF DISPLAY Place in Middle shelf Place on the @ Eye level counter or aerial space above the Place adjacent to counter such that fast selling categories it is not easily (E.g Staples, Salty displaced Snacks, Biscuits, Chocolate, Milk, Eggs) Brand to be placed as per Minimum Brand to be placed Minimum Calendar initiative 8 bottle as per Calendar 6 pack - IC Packs of display initiative - SPET/OTG display SPK & Juice Packs of SPK, JUICE



APPROACH ACTIVATION FRAMEWORK 1 2 PERMANENT ROTATIONAL ELEMENTS ELEMENTS To be retained To be updated as throughout the per activation year window & in line with marketing To drive overall •Dealer Sign Board •Poster calendar incidence in the •Flange •Banner To drive impulse for outlet led by •Grocery Rack •Bunting immediate priorities lead brands •Menu Board/Combo Board •Countertop in sync with the through consis- •Tetra pack PVC Pouch etc.. •Aerial Hanger etc… current messaging tent shopper (marketing cam- messaging over paign, product a longer period launch, consumer promo etc.)

GROCERY (P&G) Permanent elements Rotational elements COOLER AMBIENT COUNTER ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD ENTRANCE 6 BANNER Msg : Drinking Msg : Consumer shot of lead Promo CSP 7 POSTER 1 2 FLANGE Msg : Product Msg : Single Launch/Portfolio serve Juice /Pack Price Tetra 8 POSTER 2 3 TETRA POUCH 1 3 2 AMBIENT COUNTER 6 9 8 Msg : Product Msg : Single 10 Launch/Portfolio serve Juice 7 /Pack Price Tetra 4 5 9 COUNTERTOP 4 GROCERY RACK Msg : Product Msg : 1L Launch @Home consumption 10 SHELF DISPLAY 5 COOLER STRIP Msg: Product Launch, Consumer Msg : Promo Portfolio price

GROCERY (SILVER) Permanent elements Rotational elements 1 DEALER BOARDCOOLER AMBIENT COUNTER ENTRANCE1 6 BANNER AMBIENT COUNTER ENTRANCE Msg : Drinking Msg : shot of lead Promo/Portfolio/ CSP Pack Price 2 FLANGE 7 POSTER Msg : Single Msg : serve Juice Product Tetra Launch/Portfolio /Pack Price 3 TETRA POUCH 6 2 7 8 COUNTERTOP Msg : Single 3 serve Juice 9 4 Msg : Product Tetra Launch 8 4 GROCERY RACK 5 9 SHELF DISPLAY Msg : 1L Msg: @Home Product consumption Launch, Consumer 5 COOLER STRIP Promo Msg : Portfolio price

GROCERY (BRONZE) ENTRANCE Permanent elements ENTRANCE Rotational elements 1 FLANGE 3 POSTER Msg : Msg : Drinking Promo/ shot Portfolio of /Pack lead Price CSP 1 COUNTER 3 AMBIENT 2 TETRA POUCH 4 SHELF DISPLAY Msg : 24 Single Msg: Product serve Launch , Consumer Juice Promo Tetra

OPEN AISLE GROCERY (P&G) Permanent elements Rotational elements ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD 6 STANDEE/ BANNER Msg : Drinking shot of lead Msg : Consumer CSP Promo 2 FLANGE ENTRANCE 7 POSTER 1 Msg : Single Msg : Product serve Juice Launch/Portfolio Tetra /Pack Price 3 GROCERY RACK 1 AMBIENT Msg : 1L 7 2 8 POSTER 2 @Home 8 consumption Msg : Product 34 Launch/Portfolio /Pack Price 4 STACKING TRAY 6 9 AMBIENT 9 SHELF DISPLAY 5 WITH TALKER Msg : COOLER 1L @Home Msg: Product consumption Launch, Consumer Promo 5 COOLER STRIP Msg : Portfolio price

OPEN AISLE GROCERY (SILVER) Permanent elements Rotational elements ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD 5 STANDEE/ BANNER Msg : Drinking ENTRANCE Msg: shot of Consumer lead CSP Promo 2 FLANGE 1 6 POSTER 1 COOLER AMBIENT Msg : Msg : Product Single serve Launch/Portfolio Juice /Pack Price Tetra 2 3 GROCERY RACK 5 6 7 7 POSTER 2 Msg : 3 Msg : Product 1L @Home Launch/Portfolio consumption /Pack Price 84 AMBIENT 8 SHELF DISPLAY WITH TALKER 4 COOLER STRIP Msg: Msg : Product Launch , Portfolio Consumer price Promo

CONV (P&G) Permanent elements Rotational elements COOLER AMBIENT COUNTER ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD 1 ENTRANCE 6 BANNER Msg : Drinking Msg : Consumer shot of lead Promo CSP 7 POSTER 1 2 FLANGE Msg : Product Msg : Single Launch/Portfolio serve Juice /Pack Price Tetra 8 POSTER 2 3 TETRA POUCH 6 3 2 AMBIENT COUNTER 7 9 Msg : Product Msg : Single 5 Launch/Portfolio serve Juice 4 8 /Pack Price Tetra 10 9 AERIAL HANGER 4 3TIER RACK Msg : Product Msg :OTG Launch Communication 10 SHELF DISPLAY 5 COOLER STRIP Msg: Product Msg : Launch, Consumer Portfolio price Promo

CONV (SILVER) Permanent elements Rotational elements COOLER AMBIENT COUNTER ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD 1 COUNTER ENTRANCE 6 BANNER Msg : Drinking Msg: shot of lead Consumer CSP Promo 2 FLANGE 7 POSTER 1 Msg : Single Msg : serve Juice Product Tetra Launch/Portfolio /Pack Price 3 TETRA POUCH 6 82 8 AERIAL HANGER Msg : Single 3 7 serve Juice 9 Msg : Tetra Product Launch 5 9 SHELF DISPLAY 4 3TIER RACK 4 AMBIENT Msg: Msg : Product OTG Launch, Communication Consumer Promo 5 COOLER STRIP Msg : Portfolio price

ENTRANCE Permanent elements CONV (BRONZE) ENTRANCE Rotational elements 1 FLANGE 1 3 POSTER Msg : Msg : Drinking Promo/ shot Portfolio/ of Pack lead Price CSP COUNTER 2 TETRA POUCH 23 AMBIENT 4 SHELF 4 DISPLAY Msg : Single Msg: serve Product Juice Launch , Tetra Consumer Promo

E&D 1 (P&G) ENTRANCE Permanent elements Rotational elements 1 DEALER BOARD ON THE TABLE IN-STORE ENTRANCE 5 POSTER 1 Msg : Msg : Product Drinking Launch/Portfolio shot of /Pack Price lead CSP 6 POSTER 2 IN-STORE 2 COMBO BOARD 1 Msg : Product Msg : Launch/Portfolio Coke with /Pack Price Meals 3 MENU BOARD 7 AERIAL HANGER/ COUNTERTOP Msg : 3 Coke with 5 2 6 Msg: Meals 4 Product ON THE TABLE 7 Launch 4 TABLE MAT/ 8 8 TENT CARD TENT CARD Msg: Msg : NPD Coke with announcement Meals

E&D 1 (SILVER) IN-STORE ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD 1 ENTRANCE Rotational elements Msg : 5 POSTER 1 Drinking shot of Msg : lead Product CSP Launch/Portfolio /Pack Price 2 COMBO BOARD 3 ON THE TABLE IN-STORE 6 POSTER 2 Msg : 6 25 Coke with Msg : ON THE TABLE Meals 7 Product 4 Launch/ 3 MENU BOARD Portfolio 8 /Pack Price Msg : Coke with 7 COUNTERTOP Meals Msg: 4 TABLE MAT/ Product TENT CARD Launch Msg : 8 TENT CARD Coke with Meals Msg: NPD announcement

E&D 1 (BRONZE) ENTRANCE Permanent elements 1 FLANGE Msg : Drinking shot of lead CSP 1 IN-STORE 2 COMBO BOARD 23 ENTRANCE Msg Coke with Meals Rotational elements 3 POSTER Msg : Promo/ Portfolio /Pack Price

E&D 2 (P&G) Permanent elements Rotational elements ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD ENTRANCE 6 BANNER Msg : Drinking 1 Msg: shot of lead Consumer Promo CSP 7 POSTER 1 2 FLANGE Msg : Product Msg : Single Launch/Portfolio serve Juice /Pack Price Tetra 8 POSTER 2 AMBIENT 3 COMBO BOARD 2 Msg : Product Msg : 6 AMBIENT COUNTER Launch/Portfolio Coke with /Pack Price Meals 4 7 3 89 5 9 AERIAL HANGER 4 MENU BOARD 10 Msg : Product Msg : Coke with Launch Meals 10 SHELF DISPLAY COOLER 5 COOLER STRIP Msg: Product Msg : Launch, Consumer Portfolio price Promo

E&D 2 (SILVER) Permanent elements Rotational elements ENTRANCE 1 DEALER BOARD ENTRANCE 6 BANNER 2 FLANGE 1 Msg: Consumer Msg : Promo Single serve Juice 7 POSTER 1 Tetra Msg : IN-STORE 3 COMBO BOARD 2 Product Launch/ AMBIENT COUNTER Portfolio /Pack Price Msg : 6 84 3 Coke with Meals 8 AERIAL HANGER/ COUNTERTOP 7 4 MENU BOARD 9 Msg: Product Msg : 5 Launch Coke with COOLER Meals 5 COOLER STRIP 9 SHELF DISPLAY Msg : Msg: Product Portfolio Launch, Consumer price Promo

E&D 2 (BRONZE) ENTRANCE Permanent elements ENTRANCE Rotational elements 1 FLANGE 3 POSTER Msg : Msg : Drinking Promo/ shot Portfolio/ of Pack lead Price CSP 1 AMBIENT COUNTER 2 4 SHELF 4 DISPLAY 2 TETRA POUCH 3 5 Msg: Product Msg : Launch , Single Consumer serve Promo Juice Tetra COUNTER 5 AERIAL HANGER Msg: Product Launch/ Pack Price


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