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College News June 2013

Published by RACDS, 2017-06-08 01:22:15

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issue #02 2013 Building on our strengths Extraction to reconstruction, a history of ANZAOMS Passion outside Periodontics college news issue #02 2013 1

college information contents Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons President’s Message .................................................................................................. 1 Incorporated | ABN 97 343 369 579 CeO’s Message ................................................................................................................. 2 extractions to Reconstruction ............................................................... 3 Joint Patrons Registrars ................................................................................................................................ 4 Her excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General Collage education ....................................................................................................... 5 of the Commonwealth of Australia Membership ......................................................................................................................... 6 His excellency Lieutenant General The Right Honourable Regional Committees ........................................................................................... 6 sir Jerry Mateparae GNZM, QsO, Governor-General of New Zealand. The College Remembers .................................................................................. 7 Passion Outside Periodontics .......................................................... 8-9 Copyright Boards of studies ............................................................................................... 10-11 All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by copyright What’s On? College Calendar ........................................................ 12-13 may be reproduced or copied in any form or any means (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, Dentistry at the Centre of a recording, recording taping, or information and retrieval unique Collaboration .......................................................................................... 15 systems) without the written permission of the editor. Admissions .......................................................................................................................... 16 Disclaimer Congratulations / staff News ................................................................. 17 The Royal Australasian College of Dental surgeons inc., “the RACDs”, its officers, servants or agents will have no liability in any way arising from information or advice that foUnDation Donors is contained in the College News. Thank you the following Members and Fellows who The publication of statements, opinions, advertisements made a donation to the RACDs Foundation between or other materials in this College News carries nor For the period 1 Nov 2012 to 23 May 2013. representation by or on behalf of the RACDs express or implied of any belief in their truth or otherwise, in whole Dr Meshari AL DAMKH (saudi Arabia) or in part, unless an express statement to that effect Dr Raymond Yue Fai LAM (WA) accompanies the item in question. Dr Poppy Marcella ANAsTAssiADis (sA) Professor Peter Deane BARNARD OAM (NsW) Contact Mr Parmanand Jashandas DHANRAJANi (NsW) Dr suet Wai TsANG (NsW) Level 13, 37 York street, sydney NsW 2000 AusTRALiA Dr Hilton Collin KATZ (ViC) Telephone: +61 2 9262 6044 | Facsimile: +61 2 9262 1974 email: [email protected] | Web: Dr Fu Fai CHiK (Hong Kong) Dr Brittany Narelle sHeARN (ViC) Dr William John BesLY (ViC) Please contact the editor, susan Buchanan at Dr Ross Andrew APPLeGARTH (QLD) [email protected], if you have some personal news you would like published in the College News. Dr Christopher Brian MuiR (QLD) A/Prof Peter Michael DuCKMANTON (NsW) Dr Chung sing LO (Hong Kong) Issue 3 – 2013 Dr Patrick MeANeY (NsW) space reservation 9 August 2013 and deadline for material Dr Alexandra Brandusa BARRATT (NsW) 16 August 2013. Dr sarah Ann ORMe (ViC) Issue 1 – 2014 Dr stephen sung-Chan PAK (NsW) Dr Kwok Kei LeuNG (Hong Kong) space reservation 7 December 2013 and deadline for material Dr Ravinder Kaur KALRA (NsW) 14 December 2013. Dr Kwok Kei LeuNG (Hong Kong) Issue 2 – 2014 Dr Peter MANsOuR (NsW) space reservation 6 May 2014 and deadline for material Dr Kevin Brian TODes (NsW) 13 May 2014. Dr Nour eldin TARRAF (NsW) Dr Frederic shane FRYeR (NsW) Adj A/Prof Gerald THuRNWALD (QLD) Front cover photograph Dr Nghiem Van Trong DOAN (QLD) Dr Chris Daly and his wife Carmen aboard their Honda Dr Leander RATHsAM (NsW) sT 1300 on a recent trip to the united states of America. Dr Ka Wai YiP (Hong Kong)

WeLCOMe PresiDent’s message Meanwhile, an iT contractor will be hired to upgrade the College website so that it is more user-friendly and will better An exciting time for support new member services such as e-learning and online the College examinations. Another feature of our strategic plan is to reclaim leased This year is shaping up premises that are situated in the College’s head office in as an interesting one as sydney’s CBD. we welcome two new College executives and This will allow for an expansion of our offices and the creation introduce initiatives in iT, of meeting, examination and multi-purpose rooms so we can communications, finance accommodate the increase in staff and facilitate on-site and member services. examination activities. There have been some major changes at the A convocation for all College since our last newsletter, the most in other news, i am delighted to report that Professor Nicola notable being the West, Professor of Restorative Dentistry at the university of appointment of our new Bristol, and Dr Kathy Harley, Dean of the Dental Faculty at CeO, Mr Gary Disher. the Royal College of surgeons of england (RCs), will be the since joining us on 18 March, Gary’s transition has been very keynote speakers at the 22nd RACDs Convocation, to be held smooth and he has settled in quickly. He has had extensive on the Gold Coast from 10 April - 13 April 2014. experience working with medical colleges and health The theme of the scientific meeting, ‘from genome to nursing organisations, thereby bringing with him highly valued skills home, everything new under the sun’, supports the principle and knowledge. that health covers the full spectrum of life and that genetics Gary is already proving himself to be an inspirational leader, play a significant role in disease development. launching the College’s plans for the future in the 2013 The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Committee strategic Plan and guiding staff in the initial rollout of a series is developing a scientific programme that will encompass of changes which will introduce new opportunities to Members most disciplines of dentistry and will have ‘something for and Fellows. These opportunities include improvements to iT, everyone’. communications and member services. There will, of course, also be time for networking and other He was also involved in the recruitment of Mr Greg O’Brien social activities; the Convocation Committee has arranged a to the newly created position of Director of Professional full social programme for Members, Fellows, candidates and services. This position was identified in our strategic planning their families. discussions as being necessary to support the growth of the College. The Gold Coast is a popular holiday destination and is known for its lively atmosphere, large array of international Memberships in both in general and special field streams, and Australian restaurants and cafes, nightlife and tourist the College has grown significantly and now represents more activities. This vibrant location will provide the perfect setting than 2000 members. for our stimulating scientific programme. The role of the Director of Professional services, therefore, i take this opportunity to encourage all our Members and is to manage the College’s financial responsibilities, such Fellows, especially those who have recently been successful as preparing financial reports that satisfy legislative in passing their examinations to diarise the dates for the requirements and establishing annual budgets. Greg is also 22nd RACDs Convocation. responsible for managing various activities and issues related to memberships. i look forward to seeing you all on the Gold Coast for what promises to be another engaging, informative and valuable Convocation. Supporting growth it would be a personal honour to congratulate you on obtaining Membership or Fellowship at the opening ceremony The growth in membership, to a great extent, is also the result of Convocation. of an increase in examination activities across all disciplines: general and special field streams. Dr Francis Chau To manage these examination activities more efficiently and professionally, the College is introducing new iT services. For example, we are developing and trialling iT automation for the Member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental surgeons to see what’s on in your (MRACDs) programme in General Dental Practice (GDP), and region, please see the are hoping to launch it in time for the August examination. The iT automation will allow candidates to login and access events listings on assessments online through the College website. Once the pages 12 and 13... assessment is complete, the examiners will login, view the responses and provide feedback for candidates. iMis will automatically update candidates profiles with the assessment information. At present this work is completed manually and is costly in terms of time and management. college news issue #02 2013 1

WeLCOMe ceo’s message already hard at work. You can read more about him in our staff profile on page 17. Building on our The advent of Greg’s position frees up the offices of the strengths President / CeO and the Director of education. This enables Dr Francis Chau and i to spend more time on planning for Combining the College’s the college’s future, and allows Ms evelyn Mike to invest all strengths and areas her energies in the current and exciting new developments of expertise with a emerging in education. strategic plan for the future is the key to i’ll talk about those new developments shortly, but before i do growth and improved i’d like to express my sincere gratitude to evelyn for steering services for members. the college as Acting CeO for 6 months, at the same time as she was leading the education department. i have a sweet tooth, and am particularly evelyn’s work ethic, passion and dedication epitomises the fond of trifle. spirit that is inherent in all of the college’s staff. i mention this, not it is rare to find a group of people as collegial, supportive because of the obvious and passionate as those who form the backbone of this implications of a sweet organisation. tooth for everyone in They are as excited about the college’s future as i am, evidence this profession, but to highlight the parallel between what is of which is in their unwavering support of the direction we are needed to make the perfect trifle and what it takes to lead a taking: from backing the new look College News to welcoming great organisation such as this. and supporting Greg and me wholeheartedly. Like the chef who assembles the whole ingredients of custard, fruit, sponge cake and jelly to make the perfect fusion of flavour, it is my role to take the successful features of the Exciting developments college and consolidate them within a structural framework to promote growth and improve outcomes for our Members As i mentioned, the direction in which we are heading is truly and Fellows. exciting. The three core areas that we are strengthening further in the college are education, technology and From the moment i stepped into the CeO role in March i communication. realised what a great organisation the college already was. We are looking to current and new models of medical All of its vital divisions—education, continuing professional education delivery to ascertain how best to incorporate development, member services—are well established and contemporary practices into our own organisation. We are working efficiently. Of equal importance is the Council’s also establishing an in-house education centre. engaged and thoughtful approach to its role in the profession. information technology, meanwhile, needs to be a central The next step, then, is to introduce a strategy for the future focus for all national and global organisations, and we are no that not only preserves these strengths and qualities but exception. Ongoing upgrades to the college’s website are the enables us to better support the college’s membership so first of a raft of iT developments we are planning this year. they can continue focusing on what they do best. Finally, as an education provider, member-based organisation and peak advocacy body for dental surgeons in Australia, Strategic planning New Zealand and the Asian region, the college’s success is reliant on meaningful, two-way communication. As part of this overarching strategy, we are creating a That is why we want you, our Members and Fellows, to engage new organisational structure to allow us to better define with each other and with us. We want you to tell us what it best practice models in corporate, clinical and educational is going in your local communities and practices. We are governance while also promoting a collaborative, cohesive here to listen and to respond so we can deliver the tangible environment. and measurable benefits that arise from being a unified The cornerstones of this strategy include: profession. • The establishment of the office of President / CeO: to To that end, i invite discussion and feedback from all design and implement strategy planning with a view to Members and Fellows. We want to know what achievements growing membership and increasing service offerings to you are making in your professional and personal lives, what you, our Members and Fellows. challenges you face and how we can help you. • The creation of a new position, Director of Professional email me your tips for the College News, inspiring stories or services: to optimise organisational efficiencies by details of new research. i can be reached at my email address, streamlining practices, i.e., in financial, budgetary and [email protected], or by phone, 61 2 9262 6044. membership systems. Lastly, if you have a great recipe for trifle, please contact me • Freeing up the office of the Director of education: to allow with that too. i am always looking for new treats to satisfy my greater focus in this area. sweet tooth! Our new Director of Professional services, Mr Greg O’Brien, Mr Gary Disher brings with him a wealth of skills and knowledge gained from many years’ experience in not for profit organisations. He stepped into the role in March, just after i joined and is 2 college news issue #02 2013

PeRsPeCTiVe Professor John de Burgh Norman, who was interviewed for this history was, for many years, the Chief examiner in OMs, with Mr Rob Linn and Professor Alastair Goss in the College offices. from extractions to reconstrUction Authors to publish a book detailing the history of oral dentistry and the training developments in Australia and New & maxillofacial surgery in Australia and New Zealand. Zealand. interview by susan Buchanan, editor, College News. “it is amazing how much of the history of an organisation is The Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral & carried in people’s heads,” explains Alastair. Maxillofacial surgeons (ANZAOMs) are sponsoring the writing and publication of a book on the history and development of “The interviews have been crucial in accessing this latent the specialty in this part of the world. information. The authors are honorary archivist of ANZAOMs Professor “The reasons for individuals pursuing a career in oral & Alastair Goss and historian Mr Rob Linn. maxillofacial surgery over the years have altered as the specialty (has) developed.” Meanwhile, previous archivist Dr John Anker, now in his 90s, has gathered a great deal of the information over the years, which will help Alastair and Rob in their work. Wealth of experience Alastair has been a Member of ANZAOMs for more than 80 Uncovering history percent of the association’s history, and in the early days was mentored by some of the inaugural members. Alastair and Rob have spent the past year reviewing and He has held leadership roles at the Royal Australasian College archiving the minutes from the meetings of ANZAOMs, of Dental surgeons (RACDs), including being an inaugural regional branches and New Zealand as well as records of the member of the Board of studies for Oral & Maxillofacial ANZAOMs Research and education Foundation, the College surgery (OMs) and Censor-in-Chief on College Council. archives and documentation of maxillofacial surgery in the military. With more than 25 years’ experience in all forms of research, Another key element of the research process has been to writing, publication and project management; community gather information through interviews with members of the history; print and electronic publishing, historian Rob Linn ANZAOMs community. inaugural members of the association has written in excess of 40 books, including the history of through to recent trainees have been extremely obliging in The university of Adelaide. providing their valuable experiences. Rob is also a senior interviewer for the National Library of Alastair says the interview process has been one of the Australia. most useful, interesting and revealing parts of the process. if anyone has content or materials that would be of it has assisted with establishing the specialty within its social interest to the historians, please contact Alastair Goss on context, the reasons for the involvement of medicine and [email protected] college news issue #02 2013 3

ReGisTRARs registrar, sPecial fielD in examinations, to these links. Our discussions with Miss Kathy Harley, Dean of the Royal College of surgeons england, stream Professor Richard Welbury, Dean elect of the Faculty of Dental surgery, Royal College of Physicians and surgeons Glasgow in January, i had the opportunity and more recently with Professor Richard ibbetson, Dean Royal to meet with members of several College of surgeons edinburgh have been extremely positive, overseas colleges to discuss future however, there is much work to be done in order to progress conjoint examination arrangements these initiatives and future conjoint arrangements in our other in the special Fields. The President, disciplines. Dr Francis Chau and i met with Dr edward Lo, President of the College A/Prof Angus Cameron of Dental surgeons of Hong Kong (CDsHK) to progress the concept of a conjoint examination in Dental registrar, Public Health (DPH) between the general two colleges. several members of our Board of studies in DPH have stream been external examiners for the CDsHK and are very familiar with if their testimonials are anything to the examination and the high standard of the candidates. it go by, our newest Fellows believe is envisaged that an Memorandum of understanding (Mou) the Final examination to be a between the RACDs and CDsHK can be finalised in the near rewarding and positive experience. future in order to conduct a conjoint examination later this year. i was pleased to hear from one Readers will be aware that the RACDs already conducts a of our candidates who is getting conjoint Membership examination in Orthodontics (MOrth/ his patients much more involved MRACDs Orth) with the Royal College of surgeons of edinburgh, in his thought processes at the held in Adelaide. This has been a very successful venture and treatment planning phase. As the Registrar, it is wonderful to allows benchmarking of Australasian candidates with those in hear a candidate articulate that success at examinations is not other regions such as the uK, Hong Kong, singapore and the the sole benefit of participation. Middle east as it is a standardised examination. There have been 61 successful candidates since 2007. in 2011, this same Candidates also expressed their appreciation of the examiners examination was conducted conjointly in the uK in edinburgh and support from College staff: “the college staff made it a with two successful candidates. Associate Professor Jim very pleasant experience considering the stress involved.” Hawkins and Professor Jim McDonald represented the RACDs 39 candidates successfully completed the Final examination in as our examiners. There are ongoing discussions with RCs(edin) March, joining the College’s most prestigious members. on future diets and this year Professor Fraser McDonald and i were able to meet to further this arrangement in London. Examination preparation The structure of the specialty membership examinations earlier this month, over 60 candidates attended the Final conducted by the uK Colleges has changed recently and the examination Workshop (FeW), held at the Westmead Centre examinations in Paediatric Dentistry, special Care Dentistry for Oral Health in sydney. and Oral surgery are now conducted conjointly by all three uK colleges, namely england, edinburgh and Glasgow, rather Through this workshop, candidates develop skills such as than separately as had occurred previously. Over many years case presentation, essay writing and discussion of treatment there have been informal discussions as to the possibility of the planning options, all of which help them to become confident RACDs becoming part of this examination process, particularly in discussing diverse aspects of dentistry in an examination in Paediatric Dentistry and special Care Dentistry. A meeting setting. Candidates appreciate the opportunities to discuss was held in Melbourne last year with Dr sarah Manton from dentistry with each other and the examiners: edinburgh during the international Association for Disability and Oral Health (iADH) meeting to look into possible conjoint i went into the workshop somewhat bewildered as to the exact arrangements in special Care Dentistry (sCD). i was able to nature as to what was required to pass the exam. observe the diet held in Glasgow and meet with the examiners The course provided a valuable insight as to the manner in and coordinators in both sCD and Paediatric Dentistry. which the exam should be approached without which i would The specialty membership examinations in the uK lead to otherwise have been revising ‘blindly’. specialist recognition which ours do not. Hence there are The fact that examiners were available to answer questions in different requirements for the conduct of these examinations. person was a huge reassurance. They were a real moral boost An understanding of the operation of the National Health service and very empathetic to the candidate body. (NHs) and a large emphasis on clinical audit are two examples. Nonetheless, there are huge opportunities for all colleges in The format over the two days allowed varied interaction having standardised assessment procedures, in benchmarking amongst candidates and practitioners and gave a ‘rough pitch’ specialist training worldwide and possibly having transportable as to the knowledge required. and recognisable qualifications. For the RACDs, there are The weekend was thoroughly enjoyable and it was beneficial to benefits in developing extended educational programmes and in ‘meet and greet’ colleagues in a similar boat to share concerns the training of our own examiners. The Royal Colleges in the uK and brainstorm problems. have extensive experience in these examination processes, and in evaluation and development and the opportunity to advance The course was run very smoothly and provided a wealth of the training of our own examiners should also be encouraged. information for which i for one was most grateful i attended. The RACDs has important historical connections with the uK Meanwhile, starting next week, candidates can attend the colleges and we owe much of our college structure, particularly Orientation Course at sydney’s Moore College. This two- 4 college news issue #02 2013

eDuCATiON week intensive lecture series, held from 1–12 July, will prepare candidates for the College’s Primary examination. The lecturers, who are all renowned experts in their fields, will present sessions in the disciplines of anatomy, pathology, physiology, cell biology and biochemistry, physiology, histology and pharmacology. The feedback from Orientation Course participants is always positive. One past candidate told the College they enjoyed “meeting like-minded people and re-sparking my thirst for knowledge and learning.” Another suggested the course “directed my thinking to analyse clinical aspects in more scientific depth” whilst another found that “reignited my interest in further education and improved my knowledge base even for those participants who do not intend to present for the Primary examination, the course presents a clinical perspective and application of this basic scientific knowledge The opportunity to develop networks and enjoy collegiality with like-minded professionals is also a valuable part of the programme. sixty hours of recognised CPD hours is an added incentive! The Primary examination takes place in November and December with written papers conducted regionally depending on candidate numbers and the viva voce examinations are now being held in sydney, Hong Kong and Malaysia. For information about any College program, please feel welcome to contact the education team at the College office. A/Professor Liz Martin college eDUcation With the Final exam workshop and Orientation Course close at hand, the education area of the College is once again gearing up to support candidates preparing to undertake the Primary and Final examinations in the General stream. These programmes provide candidates with unique opportunities to meet many of the examiners and other candidates and enjoy the preparation in a collegial setting. The College will be conducting special Field Membership and Fellowship examinations in the College office in the last week of August and Membership in Orthodontics in Adelaide in November conjointly with the Royal College of surgeons, edinburgh. Fellowship examination in the special Field stream is now a peer review format, with the candidate submitting and presenting a number of cases with a panel of 2 examiners. The feedback confirms that it is a rewarding experience to have these professional discussions at such a high level. With the increasing challenges of educational rigour and growing number of examination activities available through the College, there is the need to review the education strategy of the College and governance that underpins it. The College is fortunate to have an additional resource to provide support to the education framework. Dr John Fricker OAM, previously on the Council of the College, has accepted the appointment of Assistant Registrar. Over the coming year ahead Dr Fricker will play an integral part in documenting the roles and responsibilities of the Registrars, with a view to streamlining contributions and supporting them in a review of regulation documents and examination guidelines. utilising the technology available to provide more e-learning and on-line CPD opportunities for our candidates and members is a priority for the College. We look forward to announcing developments in this area over the coming months. evelyn Mike Director of education college news issue #02 2013 5

ReGiONAL COMMiTTees time was provided for widespread multidisciplinary discussion YoUr racDs membershiP by the attending specialists and general dentists alike. coUlD saVe YoU As Chair of the Regional Committee, i have received some very positive feedback from the event, the most significant thoUsanDs of which indicated the numbers present made for conducive group interaction. Other members valued the well prepared and interesting presentations. The committee will hold its next event at the Amora Hotel in Wellington, New Zealand on 1 March 2014. i would like to encourage all New Zealand based fellows, members and candidates attend the second event next year. Hosting a College information evening for final year dental students will be Dr erin Mahoney and the Dunedin-based members of the committee. This highly informative event is also open to all local members and fellows and will take place on 30 september 2013. On behalf of the committee, i congratulate Dr Poppy Horne on being awarded the FG Christensen Memorial prize for the highest mark in the 2012 Primary examination. it is also encouraging and pleasing to note the high number of New Zealand graduates who passed the Primary examination in 2012. in addition, four New Zealand based dentists have enrolled with the MRACDs(GDP) programme following its launch at Convocation in Queenstown, New Zealand in April 2012. every day, Member Advantage assists members make great savings on a wide range of products and services: accommodation, airline lounge membership, gift cards, movie tickets and our car buying service, just to name a few. so far racDs members haVe saVeD: • More than $5,000 saved on Airline 1 Lounge memberships 2 • More than $2,000 saved on Gift Cards and Movie Tickets • More than $2,000 saved on Car Hire in Attendees at the recent study Day 3 Australia and New Zealand Dr Robin Whyman, Chair, New Zealand Regional Committee To continually deliver RACDs members with savings on these everyday services, Member Advantage has established Victoria anD tasmania various relationships with key service providers and negotiated discounts on your behalf. regional committee The find out how to reap the full rewards of your RACDs As Chair, i warmly welcome the following newly co-opted membership, contact Member Advantage on 1300 853 352 members: errol Kilov, sophia Jing, Theresa souter, Karen or visit the Member Advantage Website. Kan, Lee straddon, Michael Yoon and sirisha Penmetcha. 1. Based on members who have renewed or applied for their Qantas Club and i take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Dr John Virgin Australia Lounge membership through Member Advantage between Ladakis, our outgoing Regional Chair. John put so much time July 2011 and April 2013. and effort into organising our regional programmes. John, i 2. Approximate amount saved by members who pre-purchased their have thoroughly enjoyed our and i’ll miss our early morning gift cards and movie tickets through Member Advantage between July 2011 and April 2013. discussions about the scientific programme and events. 3. Approximate savings acquired by members who booked their car hire Please note our 2013 scientific meeting on Friday 20 through Member Advantage between July 2011 and April 2013. september, for further details see page 13. new ZealanD regional in other news, Luke Moloney is conducting his annual tutorial programme for final year dental students. Matthew Chan committee rePort is organising a programme in september and October for Primary candidates and Aovanna Timmerman is coordinating On 2 March this year, the New Zealand Regional Committee held a viva voce preparation session in October for Membership its first regional scientific meeting for some years. candidates. This multidisciplinary study day, attended by 18 Members, Fellows Dr Warren shnider and candidates showcased six concise presentations. Ample Chair, Victoria and Tasmania Regional Committee 6 college news issue #02 2013

THe COLLeGe ReMeMBeRs... Braham Pearlman RFD Dr Bruce Francis Stone B.D.s(usYD) Msc.D Perio.(Bu) FRACDs(Perio) BDsc FDsRCs FRACDs Dip.Clinical Dent. sedation. FiCD FADi FPFA 1933 - 2013 1939 – 2013 “Bruce stone passed away on 13 February 2013 “Braham was born in 1939 to Minnie and Mark and our profession lost both a great talent a Pearlman as part of a pioneering Jewish great bloke. family – one of the few Jewish families on the land in Australia. His grandfather, Abraham, arrived in After graduating with honours in Dentistry at Perth in Australia from Russia in the late nineteenth century. 1956, Bruce furthered his studies in Great Britain, where he graduated in the top 6 students as a Fellow of the Royal College Braham grew up on a farm in Boggabri, northwest New south of Dental surgeons and in recognition of his achievement, was Wales. He attended Boggabri Public school, riding to school presented to her majesty Queen elizabeth. on his horse Ginger along with his sister Mahla, who rode on in 1959 he accepted a Professorship at Northwestern university Gypsy and who later became chief justice of the NsW Land in Chicago before returning to Australia and starting a private and environment Court. Braham moved to sydney to board practice in Perth. at scots College for his secondary schooling, from where he matriculated in 1954. During the early sixties clinical dentistry in unfluoridated Braham studied Dentistry at sydney university graduating Western Australia was a losing battle against caries, in which in 1960. He joined the Royal Australian Air Force and served treatment was largely extractions and amalgam repair work from 1960 to 1962 as a dental officer at bases in Richmond, to stave off the inevitable full and partial dentures. Against Darwin and Ballarat. He remained active in the force for this background Bruce was one of only four dentists capable the remainder of his life and eventually rose to the rank of of providing sophisticated and occlusally detailed full mouth Group Captain. in 1993, he was awarded the Reserve Force reconstruction and was regarded by the profession as “The Decoration. man to see.” Not only was he a master of crown and bridgework, rarely equalled anywhere in the world even today, but he also Following his Air Force term, Braham went to London was amongst the first to practice and teach molar endodontics where he first went into private practice for a year and in WA, a treatment modality which was considered impossible then postgraduate study at the eastman Dental school. He by most at that time. married his first wife, Beattie and they went to Boston where he completed a Masters Degree in Periodontics. On returning He was ever generous to share his knowledge and served to London in 1969, Braham took up a lectureship in the as President of the WA branch of the Australian society of Periodontal Department at London Hospital Medical College endodontology 1971-1979, then as Federal President 1980-1982. Dental institute at Whitechapel. in recognition of his contribution he was subsequently elected an Honorary Life member of the WA branch of the A.s.e. Braham returned to sydney in 1974, where he established He also held office in the Australian society of Prosthodontists.” ... successful specialist practices in the city, edgecliff and Bondi Junction. At each of these locations he was respected, Dr Andrew Brockis admired, valued and loved by patients and colleagues alike. Braham and his sister Mahla, bought a farm at Alynbrooke in To read the full biography, please visit the College website the Hunter Valley, where they bred cattle, became involved in the local community and welcomed family and friends to the beautiful home on the property. Braham and his wife Beattie divorced, and he later met and married Deborah. After a term as Head of Periodontics at Westmead Centre for Oral Health, he established a periodontal practice in Adamstown, which he lost fellows maintained until his death in February. The College has lost touch with the Braham’s intellectual curiosity and love of teaching led to life- following Members/Fellows. if your name long associations with sydney and Newcastle universities. He appears on this list or you know of someone was Associate Professor at both institutions. Braham served on this list, please contact the College office in numerous roles for the Royal Australasian College of on +61 2 9262 6044 or [email protected] Dental surgeons including Registrar and President-elect until shortly before his death. Braham was inducted as President of Dr Michael Alan COOPeR (ACT) the College, an honour he had been looking forward to as the pinnacle of his distinguished career, but was forced to retire Dr Anthony LANGFORD (ViC) from the position due to illness. Throughout his time with the Dr Angela Mary Pierce (sA) College, Braham was instrumental in supporting candidates and examiners alike and was responsible for streamlining Dr susan Frances RATTRAY (ViC) many of the College educational processes. Dr Jin-seon sONG (NsW) Braham’s thoughtfulness, wisdom and humour ensured that his collegiality benefitted many in his profession. Braham Mr Donald Charles WATsON (WA) lectured widely and gave his time generously to many other Dr Hon syn Kenny WONG (singapore) institutions including a resource-poor Fiji Dental school where he became a loved and admired teacher and mentor, Dr ian Hok siu YiP (Hong Kong) as he was in so many areas of his life.” ... To read the full biography, please visit the College website college news issue #02 2013 7

Passion oUtsiDe PerioDontics At 61, Sydney periodontist Dr Chris Daly is means of cheap transport to and from university. During the at his happiest when cruising the open road summer breaks he and his friends would also travel around the country for weeks at a time. on his Honda ST 1300 with his wife Carmen. By Pamela Wilson At the end of his studies, he moved to Western Australia and bought a trail bike so he could take advantage of the south- The walls of Dr Chris Daly’s sydney surgery are bare; except west’s vast wilderness. for a single photo. it’s of a motorcycle approaching the vast “On one trip we followed the old overland telegraph line, from sandstone peaks of Monument Valley in the us. Bremer Bay to Hopetoun through the Fitzgerald Ranges,” he His patients probably don’t realise it as they lower themselves says. into the dentist’s chair, but this one image says so much about the masked man about to treat them. Fortunately for Chris, his wife, Carmen, loved riding as much as he did and she’d accompany him on these cross-country As Chris recounts the month-long motorcycle touring holiday rides. during which the photo was taken, his gaze literally dances over the image and his speech picks up pace. When the pair later moved to england, they toured the uK in much the same way, only this time from atop the leather seat “When you are in a car it’s like being at the pictures. When you of a second-hand Honda 500-4. are on a bike, you are out in it. You are aware of everything. You can smell everything. You can see everything. You “i do get excited each time i get on the bike.” are picking your lines through the corners. it’s satisfying, “We travelled around scotland, Wales and england. it was a relaxing,” he says. great way to travel; but it was cold,” recalls Chris. it is obvious by Chris’s enthusiasm that riding motorcycles is Returning to Australia to raise a family in 1978, the couple more than just a pastime for him; it’s a way of life. sold the bike and boxed up their panniers and helmets—for “i do get excited each time i get on the bike,” he says, “and 27 years. the experience complements my temperament.” it wasn’t until eight years ago, with their four children then He started riding motorcycles more than 40 years ago, as a approaching adulthood, that they revived their passion. 8 college news issue #02 2013

Now, not a weekend goes by that Chris and Carmen aren’t travelling around the state on their Honda sT 1300. “We might get up early saturday and ride to sublime Lookout, near Wollongong, and then go cross-country to Picton. We’ll have breakfast and then run up to Burragorang Lookout at Warragamba Dam. Then we are home by lunchtime,” says Chris. “That is our training; it keeps us on our game. But it’s also just nice to get away.” These weekend rides, which often include overnighters, keep the couple fit for their annual month-long motorcycle tours of the us. They are now planning their fifth trip in september. in previous years, they have travelled as far north as Crater Lake National Park—on the border of Canada—and as far south as Grand Canyon National park, just below utah. They’ve ridden to altitudes of 12,000 feet (in the Rocky Mountains), in sleet and snow in Montana and in 40 degree heat in Nevada. “A lot of people don’t understand it unless they’ve ridden a bike,” explains Chris. “They have no idea why you head off with just a couple of panniers and a tank bag and spend a month away. They often ask how we fit in enough clothes.” squeezing the essentials into every nook and cranny on the bike is an art form the pair has mastered. They hire the same motorbike in the us that they own here, so they know exactly what will and won’t fit into the bike’s storage units. When planning their holiday they select the sights they want to see and log onto to to find the best motorcycle roads to get them there. They also have bluetooth headsets so that Carmen, who rides pillion, can recite to Chris the mantra that keeps them safe: “Look left, stay right.” There are challenges—wet weather, inconsiderate car drivers, potholes—but Chris admits that even these don’t dampen his love for riding. “it’s a stimulus to get away. Plus, it’s relaxing. When i’m away i don’t do look at emails at all,” he says. “And going to the us, it’s a bit of trek, but once you have finished, there is a real sense of achievement.” college news issue #02 2013 9

BOARDs OF sTuDies existing Board of studies MRACDs(GDP) and the new Board of studies FRACDs(GDP). As Chair of the Board of studies FRACDs(GDP), i look forward FRACDs Board Chair to writing about the progress of our work in future reports. Werner Bishcof Please see the breakout box for the board’s members. i also want to acknowledge the support and input from the College’s staff, in particular, evelyn Mike and sheridan Waddell. MRACDs Board Chair For more information on the College’s by-laws, log on to the Neil Peppitt RACDs website at About_RACDs/PDFs/By_Laws.aspx Chair of the Board of studies FRACDs(GDP) A/Prof Werner Bischof OMs Board Chair Members of the Board of Studies Paul Sambrook FRACDS(GDP) A/Prof Werner Bischof (Chair) Dr Hugh Trengrove (Deputy Chair) new boarD of stUDies Dr Paul Beath Associate Professor Liz Martin (RACDs Registrar, harD at work General stream) Dr Dimitra Mersinia The College’s newest board of studies was established less than five months ago, but already its members have been Dr Catherine Prineas (RACDs Assistant Registrar, hard at work. General stream) Dr Warren shnider (RACDs, Censor-in-Chief) At its inaugural meeting in February, the Board of studies for the Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Winthrop Professor Marc Tennant surgeons (FRACDs) General Dental Practice (GDP) stream agreed its first task would be to commence a review of the Final examination. membershiP Programme The eight members then met again this month to prioritise attracts new ZealanD those areas for review in both the Primary and Final examinations. Dentists The new board of studies was formed after Council made For the first time in the College’s history, New Zealand amendments to the College’s by-laws in August 2012 in candidates are now participating in its Member of the recognition of the need for a specific group to be responsible Royal Australasian College of Dental surgeons (MRACDs) for the FRACDs(GDP) pathway. programme. Four New Zealand dentists enrolled in the first intake of 2013, taking the total number of new candidates This pathway involves the greatest volume of activities at the working towards College membership to 25. The extension College, and includes components such as the Orientation of the programme to include our colleagues from across the Course, the Primary examination, the Final examination Tasman was announced last April at the College Convocation, Workshop, web-based education and the Final examination. held in Queenstown. There is also a crossover from the Member of the Royal We are also happy to report a jump in total enrolments taking Australasian College of Dental surgeons (MRACDs) to the number of current candidates close to 90. FRACDs, where successful MRACDs candidates, who are admitted as Members of the College, elect to register for the evidence of the popularity of the programme is clear not Final examination leading to fellowship. only in the increased enrolments and consistently positive feedback we receive from candidates, but also in the selfless Prior to the formation of the Board of studies FRACDs(GDP), commitment of former candidates to become mentors. For most of the development and oversight of these processes fell example, two candidates who achieved their membership in with the Registrar, General stream, with significant support late 2012 are now continuing their support of the College by from College staff and examiners. becoming mentors in the MRACDs programme. This makes But the role of providing development, review and oversight a total 11 MRACDs graduates who are mentoring, providing of the various components of the pathway now falls with the current candidates with the best possible guidance to meet board of studies, as outlined in by-law 12. the challenges of the programme. This dedication is greatly appreciated by both the candidates and the College, as the role of a mentor is a volunteer one. New divisions Not content to rest on its laurels, the MRACDs Board of studies Another significant change accepted by Council last August is continually refining the guidelines of the programme to was the formation of the Division in General Dental Practice, ensure it remains the most contemporary and clinically as well as the Division in specialist Dental Practice (sDP). relevant course of its type. The Division of General Dental Practice is to include the Naturally, general dentists are mandated to undertake 10 college news issue #02 2013

BOARDs OF sTuDies continuing professional development (CPD) and the MRACDs Board nominations offers a means by which dentists can fulfil these obligations, while also facilitating membership to the College. This is the final year of the two-year board cycle and in August we will call for nominations for the election of three The MRACDs also offers an alternative to the Primary Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons from the membership. The examination for eligibility to present for the Final examination 12-member board is made up the directors of training from for Fellowship, FRACDs. 3 Members have already presented our six training regions, three members elected from the OMs for this examination becoming Fellows of the College. Their membership, the presidents of the RACDs and ANZAOMs and success at the Final examination for Fellowship demonstrates the OMs Assistant Registrar. the benefits of having completed the MRACDs Programme. i would also like to congratulate the 7 candidates who successfully presented for the viva voce examinations in February and May. On behalf of the Board, we warmly welcome Drs Grant O’Donnell, Mohamed elfar, Patrick Meaney, Patrick Oxborough, sara Lou, enyu Jin and Krishanti Mahadevan to membership status of the College. We invite all our successful Members to attend the induction ceremony at the 22nd College Convocation, being held on the Gold Coast from Thursday 10 April to sunday13 April 2014. Chair, Board of studies, General Dental Practice Adj A/Professor Neil Peppitt new coUrse for sst canDiDates Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons are dedicated to serving their profession through advocacy and training and are highly valued in the community and among their colleagues. That is why it’s with deep sadness that i inform our members of the passing of Professor Geoffrey McKellar. As the Head of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (OMs) at sydney’s Westmead Hospital for over 20, Geoff was well known and respected throughout the dental and medical professions. Eligibility for Surgical Training Geoff was a passionate and influential advocate for OMs trainees. He held many senior training positions at the College The selection interviews for 2014 will be held on throughout his career, including Chair of the OMs Board saturday 20 July 2013 in sydney. Applications for of studies (1999-2001) and Chair of the OMs Accreditation selection closed on 17 May 2013. Committee (1994-1997). He was also the OMs Head of Training for over 20 years. Surgical Science and Training (SST) You can read more about Geoff’s work and his legacies in Examination an obituary that will be published in upcoming september The ssT examination will be held on 9 and 10 August newsletter. 2013. The exams will be held at the Royal Brisbane Chair of the Board for Oral and Maxillofacial surgery and Women’s Hospital in Brisbane. Applications for Mr Paul sambrook this examination closed on 1 April 2013. Final Examinations Training opportunities The Final examinations will take place on 12 On 21-22 June, candidates participated in the inaugural and 13 August 2013 (written examination) and Oral & Maxillofacial surgery surgical science Training (ssT) 3 and 4 september 2013 (clinical and viva voce examination Preparation Course in Adelaide. examinations). Applications for assessment of eligibility closed on 1 May 2013, and applications to in the past, ssT candidates participated in a host of different sit the examination will close on 1 July 2013. activities to prepare them for the ssT examination, but they can now undertake many of those events in this one consolidated course. ANZAOMS Conference The annual course will be held in Adelaide over the next two The ANZAOMs Conference will be held on 19-21 years, after which it will then be rotated among the other september 2013 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth states and territories throughout Australia. and will include an afternoon session devoted to supervisor training. Further information will be it would be wonderful to hear from candidates who completed published. the course, and we can publish the comments and feedback in the next newsletter. email Claudia Arrage, education Officer at [email protected] college news issue #02 2013 11

what’s on For more information about courses, examinations and events, please visit the College website at JUlY 2013 aUgUst 2013 sePtember 2013 this month this month this month On 1 september, applications Special Field Stream Case General Stream Primary for exemption for the General reports for sFs examinations are Registrations close for overseas stream Primary examination due for submission examination venues (Hong Kong close. and Malaysia) Registrations close for the Special Field Stream – MRACDS General stream Primary 1 JUlY Registrations close for examination in sydney. examination and assessment of Registrations close for SFS OMS eligibility, under Mou Final Examination sFs MRACDs & FRACDs viva voce 3 & 4 sePtember examinations for Membership and sFs OMs Final examination from 1-12 JUlY Fellowship (except sFs OMs) (clinical and oral) take place in The Orientation Course for the General Stream Final Adelaide General stream, Primary will Registrations close for the Final take place in sydney. examination preparation: the Web based education Programme. 26 JUlY The Web based education october 2013 programme segment 1 commences Council Meeting, sydney 9 & 10 aUgUst this month sFs OMs ssT written, clinical and Registrations close for Final oral examinations take place in examinations in the General Brisbane stream The Web based education 12 & 13 aUgUst programme segment 2 commences sFs OMs Final written examination are held in various regions 16 october 30 aUgUst Registrations close for the General stream MRACDs viva voce General stream MRACDs – examination 3 Assessment Round 3 begins 12 college news issue #02 2013

noVember 2013 this month Various regions will hold examinations under Mou for special Field stream MRACDs (TBC) The special Field stream MRACDs(ORTH), M(ORTH) conjoint examination will be held in Adelaide (TBC) eVents across the regions 16 noVember “Dental Technology- the useful vs. the expensive toy - what you need to General stream MRACDs viva know from the best in the business” AND “Medical Emergencies - what’s voce examination 3 will take real, what’s possible and what you could have missed” place (details to be confirmed) The Western Australia Regional Committee presented a dental ‘double- header’ at their annual scientific meeting on 14 June, engaging with members and fellows on... 22 noVember The full day scientific programme was followed by the Annual General Meeting. Council will hold their final meetings for 2013, including the November Council meeting, the Bones, Bugs and Bites – Maintaining the right amount and type of Alveolar AGM and the Annual Meeting of Bone in the right place and the application of this to Clinical Dentistry Council The Queensland Regional Committee will host their annual scientific meeting on 2 August 2013 from 12.00 noon to 18.00 at the stamford Plaza hotel in Brisbane. The Queensland Regional Committee extends an invitation to all December 2013 Fellows, Members, Candidates of the College and General Dental Practitioners to the meeting. this month Breaking new ground in dentistry: do conventional approaches still work? From 25 November to 9 On 23 August, the New south Wales Regional Committee host their annual December, examinations for the scientific at the Hilton Hotel, sydney. After the full day scientific programme General stream Primary will take (08.30 – 18.00), the annual dinner will be held at Aqua Dining restaurant at place: written papers on 25, 26 Milson’s Point. & 27 November, viva voce from 2-4 December in sydney and on 7 and 9 December in Hong Kong Broadening our dental experiences: avoiding Cabin Fever and Malaysia Friday 20 september 2013 Hobart, Tasmania (to be followed by the Regional AGM and dinner) This scientific meeting explores possibilities that you may be interested in, JanUarY 2014 whether you are early in your career path or you are a more experienced practitioner. Our speakers will share their experiences about how they spend some of their working week doing things other than clinical dentistry. this month Written examinations for the General stream Final will be held for more information on the coming committee events on 14 and 15 January 2014, the in your region, please visit the college website: viva voce will take place from 20-22 January 2014 college news issue #02 2013 13

You’re not mainstream Nor are we Have you ever wondered why the mainstream banks seem to ignore the fact that dentists are a special breed? All you get is stock standard product, one size fits all. Yet you have highly individual and distinctive needs – at Investec, we never lose sight of that. Investec is a leading Australian specialist bank offering a full range of financial services to the medical sector. Our team knows the idiosyncrasies of your profession inside out, so you won’t have to deal with people who have no idea about your world. Nor will you have to put up with off-the-rack solutions – our financial products and services are designed by the dentists, for the dentists. Take a look at or call one of our financial specialists on 1300 131 141 to find out how we can help. Out of the O rdinar y™ Home loans | Car finance | Transactional banking and overdrafts | Savings and deposits | Credit cards | Foreign exchange Goodwill and practice purchase loans | Commercial and industrial property finance | Equipment and fit-out finance | SMSF lending and deposits Income protection and life insurance Issued by Investec Bank (Australia) Limited ABN 55 071 292 594, AFSL 234975, Australian Credit Licence 234975. The information contained in this document is general in nature and does not take into account your personal financial or investment needs or circumstances. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Insurance products are offered by Experien Insurance Services, 14 the preferred supplier of insurance products to Investec Bank. college news issue #02 2013

ReseARCH You’re not mainstream Nor are we Researchers Dr Christine Austin and Dr Manish Arora DentistrY at the centre of a UniqUe collaboration Sydney and US researchers uncover “We used teeth from monkeys with known nursing histories breastfeeding timeline in a Neanderthal tooth. and then confirmed our findings in children who had been studied for about eight years,” Dr Arora said. By Rachel Gleeson. it was after this long road of scientific discovery that the Maternal milk is fundamental to the health of newborns. But researchers were convinced that their method worked, and to how has this crucial feature of early childhood development prove it, they applied their technique to a Middle Paleolithic Have you ever wondered why the mainstream banks seem to evolved in primates? Neanderthal tooth that was unearthed in Belgium. By ignore the fact that dentists are a special breed? All you get is stock This question has perplexed researchers for decades – measuring the relative amounts of barium and calcium on the standard product, one size fits all. Yet you have highly individual the problem lies in trying to estimate what long-extinct tooth’s growth lines, the authors showed that a Neanderthal and distinctive needs – at Investec, we never lose sight of that. populations were doing thousands of years ago. infant probably switched to a solid diet relatively early. “it was the intersection of several disciplines, including Investec is a leading Australian specialist bank offering a full range in a major breakthrough, recently published in the prestigious analytical chemistry, dentistry and evolutionary biology that of financial services to the medical sector. Our team knows the scientific journal Nature, researchers from the university of made this discovery possible,” Dr Arora said. idiosyncrasies of your profession inside out, so you won’t have to deal sydney, the university of Technology (uTs), icahn school of Dr Austin said human dietary sources leave an imprint that Medicine at Mount sinai and Harvard university, usA, have with people who have no idea about your world. Nor will you have to put developed a method that can be applied to fossil samples. can be recovered after many years in tissues like tooth up with off-the-rack solutions – our financial products and services are enamel that remain stable for long periods. designed by the dentists, for the dentists. They have shown that consumption of maternal milk and then later transition to non-milk foods leaves an imprint in “identifying early life dietary shifts is essential to teeth, an imprint that can be uncovered using laser ablation- understanding life history evolution, however, reliable inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-iCP-Ms) biomarkers for both living species and fossil primates have Take a look at or call one of our financial many years after the event. An analysis of the imprint reveals been largely unavailable until now,” she said. specialists on 1300 131 141 to find out how we can help. that barium rises during breastfeeding and drops abruptly on “Dietary patterns in our early life have far reaching weaning. consequences for our health, and are also a major feature Weaning is critical to developmental and reproductive that distinguishes us from other primates. it appears that we rates; whereas later weaning can have health benefits, are what we eat, even thousands of years after the fact.” earlier weaning enables shorter inter-birth intervals, which influences population growth, evolution and success. Our About the study: The study was part of a wide-ranging understanding of the evolution of human weaning has been collaboration between Australian institutions (sydney limited by a lack of reliable markers to indicate the timing and university’s institute of Dental Research and universities of nature of dietary transitions. Technology sydney, Melbourne and southern Cross), and us institutions including Mount sinai, Harvard and the university Manish Arora from sydney university’s institute of Dental of California at Berkeley. Research and colleagues show that barium distributions in Out of the O rdinar y™ The article can be viewed at: tooth enamel accurately reflect dietary transitions from the introduction of mother’s milk through to feeding with other journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12169.html food sources. The College News editor thanks sydney university for enabling us to reproduce this interesting article. Paper senior author, Dr Manish Arora, worked with paper lead authors, Dr Christine Austin and Dr Tanya smith from the us, Home loans | Car finance | Transactional banking and overdrafts | Savings and deposits | Credit cards | Foreign exchange Goodwill and practice purchase loans | Commercial and industrial property finance | Equipment and fit-out finance | SMSF lending and deposits to test the validity of the imprint in modern samples over Income protection and life insurance several years. Issued by Investec Bank (Australia) Limited ABN 55 071 292 594, AFSL 234975, Australian Credit Licence 234975. The information contained in this document is general in nature and does not take into account your personal financial or investment needs or circumstances. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Insurance products are offered by Experien Insurance Services, the preferred supplier of insurance products to Investec Bank. college news issue #02 2013 15

ADMissiONs aDmissions to membershiP anD fellowshiP A warm College welcome and congratulations to those admitted by Council between 25 January and 1 May 2013. FRACDS(GS) suhailiza sAHARuDiN (Malaysia) MRACDS(OralMed) Norhayati ABAs (Malaysia) Waleed sALeH (ViC) suma suKuMAR (NsW) Ashim Nath ADHiKARi (ViC) Chitra Devi sATHY VeLLOO (Malaysia) Aws Hashim Ali AL KADHiM (Malaysia) Arun Vels sHAiLeNDRAN (QLD) MRACDS(Orth) Patrick Caldicock AMPOFO (Ghana) Mohamad Firdaus sHAWAL (Malaysia) Kamal AHMeD (NsW) Qian AN (NsW) Dhrupad siDDHANTA (New Zealand) Kitirat Jippy BuCK (NsW) Poppy Marcella ANAsTAssiADis (sA) Wah Lay TAN (singapore) Paul Michael DeVeR (QLD) Chun Min ANG KHAW (ViC) Jessica Jing Wei (ViC) Hannah Carolyne JACK (New Zealand) Christopher William Durban Tak shun Debbie WONG (Hong Kong) Thomas Wing Gia LO (ViC) BARKeR (QLD) Tami su-Ping YAP (ViC) serina Yok Ling MA (NsW) eva CHAi (QLD) stephen Michael MCCuLLAN (NsW) Andrew Jonathan CHAN (ViC) FRACDS(OMS) sabrina Natalie MiCHAeL (NsW) Monique Charlene CHeuNG (NsW) samuel Joseph VeRCO (ViC) Lisa Maree sAKZeWsKi (QLD) Janina CHRisTOFOROu (WA) Nathan John VuJCiCH (WA) Arthessarat siRisA-ARD (Thailand) Ajay COuTiNHO (NsW) Wee Han TAN (Malaysia) inoka Jayathree DHANAsiRi (NsW) FRACDS(Perio) Francis Xavier Chi Chun WONG (ViC) Andrew John DRAPeR (QLD) Jason YAP (ViC) Daniel eli FeLMAN (ViC) Alexandre Hermann Du BOis (sA) simon James FRANKs (QLD) siobhan Catherine GANNON (sA) MRACDS(Paed) saher HAFiZ (NsW) Amy Louise HOPe (WA) Mohamad syahrizal HALiM (Malaysia) Cindy Ngoc-Bao NGuYeN (ViC) Fu Fai CHiK (Hong Kong) Wade Hsu (QLD) Zahida OAKLeY (WA) Melissa Kate WARReN (NsW) Yana iTsKOViCH (NsW) Kirthi KOsALRAM (NsW) MRACDS(GS) MRACDS(Perio) Raymond Yue Fai LAM (WA) Mohamed eLFAR (ACT) Meshari AL DAMKH (saudi Arabia) Nigel Gordon MAHeR (QLD) Anna LAu (NsW) Duminda Bandupriya MeDAGODA Grant William O’DONNeLL (NsW) MRACDS(Pros) ARACHCHiGe (NsW) Basil AL-AMLeH (New Zealand) Mohamed Hisham MOHAMeD JALi MRACDS(DPH) David John HAR (ACT) @ YuNOs (Malaysia) Marina MuBiN (Malaysia) Nghiem Van Trong DOAN (QLD) sunny HONG (ACT) shanthi MuNiANDY (Malaysia) Adriana Margarita RAMiReZ ZAMORA (NsW) sheung Chun NG (Hong Kong) MRACDS(Endo) Ambarish sudhir WALVeKAR (Kuwait) Theodore Yeow Chon PANG (TAs) stephen Ching Wei KWANG (WA) 16 college news issue #02 2013

CONGRATuLATiONs / COLLeGe sTAFF NeWs Professor greg o’brien lakshman Director of Professional services samaranaYake Having recently joined the College, in March of this year, as the Director of Professional At the meeting of Council in November last services i am looking forward to engaging year, Professor Lakshman samaranayake was with the College community and to enhance awarded Fellowship without examination. the services the College provides to the Council made a unanimous decision based on Professor Members, Fellows and candidates. samaranayake’s outstanding contribution to dentistry. As this is a new position in the College, it enables me to draw Over many years, Professor samaranayake has contributed on my extensive experience in a number of membership based enormously to the College in his role as examiner in Not for Profit organisations in similar roles. This includes, but microbiology, travelling to both Hong Kong and Malaysia. is not limited to, strengthening the financial position of the College and employing best practice to the financial systems, mr stePhen robbins but also to improve the current information Technology systems including a revamp of the College website. This year, at the February meeting of Council, i am a qualified accountant and a current member of CPA Mr stephen Robbins was unanimously Australia. i have two young daughters who take up most of my awarded the Presidential Commendation spare time apart from my volunteer work as a surf Lifesaver. award for his outstanding contribution to the i never get tired of staring out at a body of water whether it College. During his five and a half years as is rain, hail or shine. Chief executive Officer, stephen’s influence and guidance supported the College’s i am looking forward to working with the Council and CeO Gary growth in the wider dental community. Most notable are his Disher as the College enters a new phase in its development contributions to College policy and policy, development in iT with some exciting projects in the works. and reinforcement of the College’s current relationships with dental organisations. mUfti news Tooth Mob volunteer dental program This quarter, College staff have proudly donated their gold coin “mufti day” donations to the Tooth Mob Volunteer Dental Programme. The Tooth Mob dental project was established to facilitate dental treatment in remote communities in order to close the gap in health inequity for indigenous people. in 2011 the programme was based in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory, in 2012 the programme was based in Wadeye, the largest remote Aboriginal community, in the Northern Territory. Tooth Mob coordinates volunteer dental teams, usually consisting of two dentists and two dental assistants (but Dr simone Mustac accepts the RACDs Academic Prize can also include dental hygienists and dental therapists), from Councillor, Dr Peter Gregory to spend two weeks of every month providing dental services to the community free of charge. Dentists and racDs acaDemic PriZe dental nurses work in a team to provide support to each other throughout their stay. each year, the programme The RACDs Academic Prize was established in 2003 as a operates throughout the dry season, generally from form of recognition by the College of academic endeavour by May to October. Tooth Mob covers the cost of all flights Final Year Dental students in Australasian universities. (departing major Australian cities), accommodation, insurance and registration expenses. Dr simone Mustac was presented with the RACDs Academic Prize at the university of Western Australia awards ceremony This programme is not solely about providing dental on 12 March. Councillor, Dr Peter Gregory presented the treatment. This programme provides volunteers with award to Dr Mustac. the unique opportunity to work in remote indigenous communities and contribute to improving health Congratulations to Dr samantha McKay on her achievement outcomes for indigenous Australians. it is an experience as the university of Otago’s Most Outstanding student in the which is incredibly challenging and rewarding. Clinical Dentistry BDsc Course for 2012. if you have any questions, or would like to register in sydney, Dr Hui Theng Chong and Dr Kim Wei Thea were the your interest, please contact the Trust on toothmob@ joint prize winners in recognition of their most outstanding or visit the website for further Honours project in the fourth year of the Bachelor of information Dentistry programme 2012. trust- volunteer-dental-programme.html Congratulations to all the RACDs Academic Prize winners. college news issue #02 2013 17

18 college news issue #02 2013

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