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College News March 2018

Published by RACDS, 2018-03-21 01:48:51

Description: College News March 2018


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COLLEGE NEWS March 2018 ISSUE #01 Philippines Missionary Work in Philippines Page 15 Cambodia Follow-up on Mr Eng Kheng Page 19 Adelaide 24th RACDS Convocation Page 10

CONTENTS President's Message 1 CEO's Message 2 Reports 4 Fellowship Reflections 8 Admissions 9 24th Convocation 10 Regional Reports 12 Missionary Work in the Philippines 15 What's On at the College 16 College Remembers 18 Australia Day Honours 18 Follow-up on Eng Kheng 19 Awards & Prizes 20 College Calendar 2018 24 Implant Dentistry Orientation Course 26 COLLEGE INFORMATION Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Patron ABN 97 343 369 579 Her Excellency The Rt Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy, 2 Issue 2018 Governor-General of New Zealand. nd Deadline for submission of material 2 May 2018. Copyright Contact All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by copyright may be reproduced or copied in any form or any means Level 13/37 York Street (graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Telephone: 1800 688 339 recording, taping, or information and retrieval systems) without the written permission from the College. Facsimile: +61 2 9262 1974 Email: [email protected] Web: Disclaimer The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, “the RACDS”, its officers, servants or agents will have no liability in any way arising from information or advice that is contained in the College News. The publication of statements, opinions, advertisements or other materials in this College News carries no representation by or on behalf of the RACDS express or implied of any belief in their truth or otherwise, in whole or in part, unless an express statement to that effect accompanies the item in question. Please contact the Editor, Prof Clive Wright at [email protected] or the Executive Assistant, Maryann Walsh at [email protected] if you have some news you would like published in the College News.

PRESIDENT PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE DR PATRICK RUSSO Fellows & Members Member-based organizations exist for their diligence in this important work. By Region - Total 2,312 for members. A simple concept but I would also like to thank Councillor Chris often forgotten. Last year many of you Callahan for taking on the role of Chair of participated in a membership survey, the this new Board. first for many years. An infographic of key results was sent to all College Fellows, The membership survey also brought Members and candidates in early January. home the significant geographic reach of It was gratifying to see where we were the RACDS. The charts included here show succeeding but the survey also highlighted our current membership by Region, Region areas that can be improved. (Australia) and Region (Overseas). As you will note, the RACDS is truly Australasian In addition to the membership survey, and indeed extends beyond the Asia- external stakeholders were canvassed for Pacific Region. their views during the strategic planning process. The CEO and Council have been This edition of the College News features analyzing the results and are beginning to articles and reports that highlight this action responses. global reach. You will read of the inspiring work of College Fellows in Cambodia and By Region AUS - Total 1,575 One theme that came through strongly was the Philippines, and an equally inspiring around College governance. Respondents interview with one of the 2017 Christensen made the observation that the profession is Prize winners, Dr. Matheel Alwaras, whose changing in its demographics. Age, gender, career has taken him from Baghdad to culture and equity diversity needs to be USM Malaysia to RACDS examinations. reflected in our governance structures. RACDS has for some time also had It is interesting to note that Council has involvement in Fiji. Council was pleased addressed the issue of corporate entity with therefore to award Fellowship without RACDS moving from an association to a examination to Dr Jiko Luveni. Hers is an company limited by guarantee in 2017. This extraordinary story of contribution and reflects the evolution and maturation of service to the people of Fiji. We welcome our organization. It seems logical therefore Dr Luveni to the College community. that a review of College governance be undertaken to continue to give further Since the last College News, Primary and expression to the College’s development. Final Fellowship examinations have been To that end, at its recent February meeting conducted. Congratulations to those who Council agreed to review the governance were successful. I would also like to offer my structure of the College to ensure that thanks to the College staff, Examiners and By Region Overseas - Total 737 we are equipped with the necessary skills Registrars who work diligently to ensure a to plan strategically and to ensure the smooth process and excellent standards. College’s relevance in a rapidly changing profession and environment. I look forward to welcoming our new Fellows into the College at the Opening As an education and examining body, good Ceremony of the 24th RACDS Convocation education governance is also critical to the in Adelaide, 20 - 23 September. For College fulfilling its mandate. To this end, those of you who haven’t registered a working party tasked with conducting yet for Convocation, I would encourage a review of education governance has you to make plans now. Apart from the completed its work and reported back outstanding education and social program, to Council. Acting on the working party’s Adelaide is great destination for a post- recommendations, Council has agreed to Convocation holiday! I look forward to convene a new Education Policy Board meeting you at Convocation in Adelaide. that will have overarching responsibility in education and examination matters Dr Patrick Russo throughout the College. I would like to President thank those members of the working party COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018OLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 C 11

CEO CEO'S MESSAGE DR KAREN LUXFORD Over the years, my father has received care with the Regional Committee Chairs in Framework (formerly named ‘revalidation’) from a range of dentists and I have heard all their region. Council has also approved under development by the Medical Board the stories….. I was surprised recently when the change in terminology from ‘Student of Australia. This new framework has wide- my father informed me that he had just Advisor’ to ‘Candidate Advisor’ going ranging implications for future approaches seen a dentist whom he rated very highly forward and we have formed a working to continuing professional development on many levels. Not only did my father group with regional input to develop an (CPD), with discussions to date highlighting consider that his clinical care was very information pack to support this Candidate key opportunities for Colleges as ‘CPD good but the whole experience and level Advisor role. homes’ ( of engagement clearly stood out to him as Registration/Professional-Performance- distinctly different from past interactions. Framework.aspx) The College is also “And then….at the end this dentist gave me engaged in discussions underway with the his mobile number and said call me if you In 2018, RACDS will be a Dental Board of Australia in this space. are concerned or have any questions”. My father nearly fell out of the chair! The first signatory to the new Australian Feedback from our 2017 membership question I asked was of course….“Is this Oral Health Tracker, informed by survey emphasized the importance of the dentist a Fellow of the College?” Indeed College partnering with key stakeholders to – I am proud to say – I have discovered the World Health Organization’s demonstrate leadership in key oral health that he is a Fellow of our College. Pride in areas for the community. We are pleased professionalism, delivering high quality care Global Action Plan on Non- to announce that in 2018, RACDS will be a and going that step further in this case Communicable Diseases signatory to the new Australian Oral Health is clearly what sets College Fellows and Tracker, a national report informed by the Members apart. World Health Organization’s Global Action Plan on Non-Communicable Diseases. I have been reflecting recently on the This new report card has a preventive qualities of Fellows and Members and what health focus and has been developed by it means to be ‘collegiate’ and a part of a The College has also been focussed on a the Australian Dental Association and the College community. I am particularly proud student engagement strategy to encourage Australian Health Policy Collaboration. to be signing letters welcoming new Fellows future dentists to become engaged in The Oral Health Tracker includes health and Members to their life within the College the College community. Relationships improvement targets for the oral health of and am excited about their College journey with dental student associations is central children, young people and adults and will ahead. I encourage new Fellows and to this strategy. I was pleased to meet be released on 20 March 2018. Members to consider the many different with the new leadership team of the ways that you can engage with the College Australian Dental Student Association Since the last issue of the News, the Primary and to get involved in College life. (ADSA) recently - Jeffrey Ding (President), Examinations have been held which Cindy Zhou (Vice President) as well as the included viva voce examinations in Sydney, You will noticed that a number of our former President Nicole Contemplation Hong Kong and Kota Bharu, Malaysia. The features and articles in this edition of the – to discuss organisational relations. Primary Examination saw 140 candidates College News have a focus on Asia. As we Further engagement with dental student participate including 46 from overseas. move forward, the College is keen to be associations across the Australasian region increasing strategic engagement in the will be a key platform of this strategy. The Final Examinations for Fellowship Asia Pacific region. A focus on regional in General Dental Practice were held in engagement across the College community In this period, the College has also January 2018 with a total of 69 candidates is already underway. For the 100 Members contributed to the recertification presenting, including 35 from overseas. and Fellows who expressed interest consultation being undertaken by the Written examinations occurred within the specifically in engagement with their Dental Council of New Zealand (DCNZ) allocated examination centres and the viva Regional Committees in our membership as well as participated in workshops voce examinations were held in Sydney at survey, we have connected these individuals about the new Professional Performance Westmead Hospital. 2 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

CEO The MRACDS(GDP) program and viva voce medical components, is anticipated to be and Sally Hilton, who supported the OMS examinations were held in late November released in the coming months. The OMS program. We have, however, been very 2017 where 12 candidates were successful Board of Studies and the College Education pleased to welcome new staff to the College and subsequently admitted to Membership. Team have commenced an action plan to team. Caitlin Connolly has been appointed An Orientation Day was held for the 2018 address conditions and recommendations as the Events & Communications Manager enrolled candidates on 3 February. within the draft report. and has certainly hit the ground running with management of Convocation and The 2017 Specialist Dental Practice conjoint Registrations opened for the 24th RACDS overseeing the branding and messaging of Membership examinations where held Convocation in December. The scientific external communications. In March, we will in October and November. There was program and expert speakers are a key welcome new Education Officers Philippa a 100% pass rate for the 26 candidates strength of the Convocation. We look Ryan (OMS), Zara Khan (MRACDS(GDP)) enrolled as conjoint candidates across three forward in particular to welcoming the and Nathaline Nakhoul (FRACDS(GDP)) universities. In addition, nine candidates international plenary speakers including our replacing Romina Casale and Grace Ge in were successful in the Orthodontics Joint Collegiate Scientific Meeting (JCSM) the GDP roles. conjoint examination with the Royal College colleagues, Dr Ben K.C. Chow of Hong Kong of Surgeons of Edinburgh. In total, 35 new and Dr Chng Chai Kiat of Singapore. We Our College team is greatly looking forward specialist practitioners will be admitted to are also pleased to have secured ongoing to working in collaborative partnership Membership in SDP. The prior recognition support from Colgate for the renamed with the College community to ensure the pathway for Specialist Dental Practice was ‘Emerging Lecturer Award’ for a further success of the RACDS Strategic Plan and to discontinued on 1st December 2017. 6 years and look forward to receiving this drive new initiatives forward in 2018. year’s applications. The much-awaited draft Accreditation Dr Karen Luxford Report for the OMS program was received In recent months, we were sad to farewell Chief Executive Officer by the College on 9 January 2018. The final staff members Marielle Bagus, who left joint report, incorporating both dental and the College due to a family health crisis, Cindy Zhou, Vice - President (ADSA), Jeffrey Ding - President (ADSA), Dr Karen Luxford - CEO (RACDS) and Nicole Contemplation - Past President (ADSA) COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 3

GDP REGISTRAR, FELLOWSHIP (GDP) PROF LIZ MARTIN Final Examinations. in most capital cities of Australia, USM at for each of the three elective sections, as In January this year 69 candidates Kota Bharu, Hong Kong and Singapore well as three modules representing the presented for the Final Examinations from 27-29 November and the viva voce General Section. Additionally, candidates for Fellowship representing seven component of the examinations were have benefitted from the evidence-based different countries. This examination was held at the Women’s College, University practice sessions and elective lectures conducted over two weeks in mid-January of Sydney from 4-6 December. Once the provided on the Friday prior to the Final with the written papers completed in examinations were completed in Sydney, Exam Workshop which has been in place multiple sites including four Australian and a small team of examiners travelled to since 2016; this has resulted in favourable two overseas venues on 9 and 10 January, Hong Kong and USM to conduct viva comments from examiners where they and the viva voce component conducted voce examinations on 9 and 11 December, have noted an increase in referencing and at the Westmead Centre for Oral Health in respectively. This year we welcomed Prof evidenced-based responses for both the Westmead from 15-17 January. The case- Rosemary Balleine, to the Primaries to written papers and viva voce components based presentations that were introduced observe in the discipline of Pathology. of the recent Final Examinations. I would in 2011, to replace the patient examination like to sincerely thank Dr Geoff Borlase for within this assessment, continue to be Singapore continues to be investigated his leadership and support in these areas improved each year with the help of as a potential venue for the viva voce of development. examiners and course co-ordinators. This examination due to the increasing number year we saw the return of the majority of high-level candidates presenting from In 2018 we look forward to another full of our examiners and welcomed two Asia. As the College presence in the year of courses and resources that aim to new examiners, Dr Smitha Sukumar who profession continues to gain high levels support education and foster advanced examined in the Restorative/Perio Elective of recognition, this needs to be supported learning in General Dentistry to support all and Dr Omar Ikram who examined in the by quality education programs presented candidates. General Section. through the College. Finally, I would like to thank the College Primary Examinations As reported in the December College office staff who ensured that the Primary Towards the end of last year 140 candidates News there has been continued and Final Examinations ran smoothly over from five countries presented for the development and improvement of this very busy period. Primary Examination for Fellowship which the web-based modules supporting was held during November/December candidates in preparation for the Final Prof Liz Martin 2017. The written papers were conducted Examinations. Modules are now available Registrar, Fellowship (GDP) Back row: A/Prof Phil Dickson, Prof Laurie Walsh, Prof Marc Tennant, A/Prof Norman Firth, A/Prof Mike Nordstrom and A/Prof Alex Forrest Front row: Dr Janina Christoforou, Clin A/Prof Mark Schifter, Prof Liz Martin, A/Prof Tim Cole, Prof Robin Callister and Dr Suma Sukumar 4 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

SDP REGISTRAR (SDP) CLINICAL A/PROF NEIL PEPPITT 2017 was a busy year with a spike in applications for Membership Prior Recognition Applications Received in 2017 via Prior Recognition due to its discontinuation on 1 December 2017. The Specialist Dental Practice program continues to run Speciality Total Approv. Rejected examinations for Membership and Fellowship across Australasia. Dental Public Health 9 8 1 Endodontics 19 19 0 Conjoint Membership Examination: MRACDS(Orth) in Oral Medicine 2 1 1 conjunction with MOrth(Edin) Orthodontics 15 15 0 Each year the College holds a conjoint examination in Orthodontics Paediatric Dentistry 6 6 0 with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. It is with great Periodontics 4 4 0 pleasure that I congratulate the nine RACDS candidates who sat Prosthodontics 13 11 2 the examination on their success. The successful candidates Special Needs Dentistry 1 1 0 were: Drs Adam CHEN (VIC), Christophe DUIGOU (WA), Fiona TOTAL 69 65 4 FIRTH (NZ), William LUONG (QLD), Aidan MCKEEVER (VIC), Shiva SENATHIRAJAH (WA), Prashanthan SOORIAKUMARAN (SA), I must also extend ongoing thanks to the SDP Board of Studies Annie TONG (VIC), and Lisa WONG (NSW). members who work diligently in the background consulting documents and providing invaluable advice on applications. Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) Examinations I specifically thank them for their advice on several complex The 2017 Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) examinations with applications for Membership via Prior Recognition. Australian and New Zealand Universities have been concluded with 100% of candidates successful in achieving Membership in Clinical A/Prof Neil Peppitt their specialities. I would like to thank the University of Sydney, Registrar, Specialist Dental Practice the University of Queensland, the University of Western Australia and the Otago University for their collaboration and for allowing candidates the opportunity to be awarded Membership upon graduation. Specifically, I would like to thank the RACDS nominated examiners for their contribution: Dorothy BOYD – Paediatric Dentistry, Otago Peter DENNISON - Special Needs Dentistry, Sydney Nicholas CHANDLER - Endodontics, Otago Stephen DUNCAN- Orthodontics, Sydney Alison RICH - Oral Medicine, Otago Mark GERVAIS - Prosthodontics, Sydney Patrick TSENG - Periodontics, Sydney Nigel KING - Paediatric Dentistry, Sydney Sue-Ching YEOH - Oral Medicine, Queensland A full list of our recent admissions can be found on page 9. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 5

GDP REGISTRAR, MEMBERSHIP (GDP) DR CATHERINE PRINEAS With Orientation Day behind us and the The College is currently working on The dates for 2018 are: approach of Assessment Round 1 for having SAQs accessible via the Learning • Friday 11 May (Sydney) – Infection 2018, the MRACDS(GDP) Program is in full Management System (LMS) by the end Control swing. There are currently 79 candidates of this year, which will streamline the • Saturday 12 May (Sydney) – Practice enrolled in the MRACDS (GDP) Program assessment process for candidates, Management, Law, Ethics and Risk including 26 in the 2018 cohort. examiners and College staff. Management Viva voce • Friday 3 August (Sydney) – Medical 2018 Orientation Day The first viva voce examinations for this Emergencies A successful Orientation Day was held year will be held in Sydney at the College • Saturday 4 August (Sydney)– at the College on Saturday 3 February. on Friday 6 April and 10 candidates are Diagnosis and Treatment Planning A total of 18 candidates from around expected to present. and Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain Australia and New Zealand presented and Pain Management to be welcomed for the first time to Conjoint Examinations for MGD-CDSHK • Sunday 23 September (Adelaide, the College and the program by the The next Conjoint Examination Part II, Convocation) – Clinical Exam President, Dr Patrick Russo and the Chair, will be held in Hong Kong on Sunday 18 Technique and Dental Imaging. Board of Studies MRACDS(GDP), Dr Adam March for 5 candidates. Professor Michael Keyes-Tilley. Presentations were given by Burrow will act as the College’s examiner. Watch this space for further details and the Senior Education Officer, Ms Charlotte for any enquiries please contact Ms Anneveld, the Chair of the Mentors Good luck to all candidates participating Charlotte Anneveld, Charlotte.Anneveld@ Committee, Dr Lena Zhu and Councillor in assessments in March-April. and former Chair, Examinations Committee, Professor Ian Meyers. These Upcoming CPD I would like to take this opportunity to presentations detailed for candidate’s The College is committed to the wish candidates every success in their aspects of how the program operates, candidate journey and the MRACDS studies this year and to wish examiners requirements for assessments and how (GDP) Program is supported by RACDS and mentors all the best for the busy mentor-mentee interactions best take CPD Masterclass weekends. RACDS MRACDS year ahead. place. Candidates were hopefully inspired CPD days are educational and will help to look upon the program as a pathway the candidate in preparing for their Dr Catherine Prineas to Fellowship. core module assessment rounds, as Registrar, Membership (GDP) well as helping candidates fulfil the CPD Thank you to all the presenters and to requirements of the program - an added mentor’s Dr Nick Stretton (NZ) and Dr extra. Candidates in the past have found it Dimitra Mersinia (NSW) for making the challenging to find suitable CPD externally effort to travel to Sydney to help make this in some module areas and the College a successful introduction to the College is fortunate to have many experienced and the program for new candidates. presenters who have been able to fill these gaps. MRACDS(GDP) candidates Assessment Round 1, 2018 continue to find our CPD Masterclasses The first round of Short Answer Question beneficial both from academic, and peer- (SAQ) assessments in compulsory networking perspectives. modules will run for 6 weekends, from 9 March to 15 April. 6 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

OMS OMS DR GEOFFREY FINDLAY 2018 will be a productive and busy centres are due to take place in the first meeting in early 2018 to work through year for the OMS Board of Studies, half of 2018. One training site in Western any recommendations from the with the full Reaccreditation Report Australia will also be visited in late 2018. Reaccreditation Report and to ensure becoming available. The Board and its efficiency of the CPD4OMS program. Committees will work towards fulfilling any Drs Jason Erasmus, John Harrison and requirements of the report and continue Chris Sealey are the accreditation team for Research Sub-Committee to strive for excellence in all aspects of the South Australia. Drs Robert Witherspoon, The Research sub-committee met on the training program. The Board of Studies met Paul Meara and Arun Chandu are the 6 March 2018 and were updated on the in Sydney on 9 February 2018 to consider accreditation team for Queensland. trainees completing research, considered a range of topics and welcomed its new any research proposals and reviewed members: A/Prof David Sherring (President Training Committee the process for approving research for ANZAOMS, ex officio), Drs Liam Moore The Committee is chaired by A/Prof. completing trainees. (trainee representative), Scott Borgna Shand. The Induction Day for new OMS (ANZAOMS representative), Christopher trainees was held on 10 Saturday January Annual Trainee Survey Poon (ANZAOMS representative), Jason 2018 to set commencing trainees on A trainee survey is distributed to all trainees Erasmus (ANZAOMS representative) their trajectory of training. I must extend each January. This survey is confidential, and Robert Witherspoon (ANZAOMS appreciation to A/Profs Paul Sambrook, and all trainees are encouraged to representative). David Sherring, Kai Lee, Drs Julia Dando, provide feedback to ensure any issues Liam Moore, Mr Michael Gorton, Mr Scott or suggestions for improvement can be Reaccreditation of the OMS Training Avery and Stryker for their contribution as addressed. Program presenters. A draft joint Reaccreditation Report was OMS Bulletins received in January 2018 and a response Applications for selection for accredited A bulletin for the Consultants & Supervisors was provided by the RACDS shortly training positions in 2019 are due to of Training is due to be released in March after. The final Reaccreditation Report the College by Friday 11 May 2018. The 2018 alongside a bulletin for the trainees. is expected in March 2018 and will be selection interviews will take place on publicly available. Overall, the report is Saturday 21 July 2018 in Sydney. Dr Geoffrey Findlay congruent with the preliminary findings Chair, Board of Studies - Oral & and the College will work towards any CPD Committee Maxillofacial Surgery required or recommended improvements. The Committee is chaired by A/Prof. Bruce Austin. The Committee will be Examinations The SST Examinations will take place in Sydney at the Prince of Wales Hospital on Friday 25 May and Saturday 26 May 2018. Enrolments for the SST examination are due to the College by Thurs 1 March 2018. The 2018 final written examination will be held in regional centres on Monday 13 August and Tuesday 14 August. The 2018 final clinical examination will be held in Melbourne on Friday 7 September and Saturday 8 September. A venue is to be finalized. Assessment of Eligibility for the Final Exam applications, are due to the College by Friday 27 April 2018. Accreditation Committee Victorian & Tasmanian Final Year Trainees at completion of surgical training The Committee is chaired by Dr Jason Erasmus. Five yearly accreditation visits to From L to R: Drs Omar Breik, Prakash Patel, A/Prof Jocelyn Shand (Director of South Australia and Queensland training Training), Jason Savage & Adrian DeAngelis COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 7

Fellowship Reflections Dr Farhana Pethani from NSW was The FEW, WBE and Final examinations recently admitted as a Fellow of the were extremely well run, organised College after successfully sitting for the and efficient - thank you for this. The Final Examination in January 2018. examiners were so generous with their time, their knowledge and support. Dr Pethani reflects... Having those additional tutorial sessions helped a great deal in preparation and I still remember the final day of Primary gave me an opportunity to network with Examination when I was talking to the other candidates. Senior Education Officer, Charlotte Anneveld at the College, who explained I highly recommend every general dentist the process of attaining Fellowship to to prepare for the Fellowship - it is a me! It seemed like a daunting task but challenging endeavour but an extremely I knew it was an important part of my rewarding experience both professionally professional development. and personally. I just wanted to express how grateful I I look forward to having the opportunity am to have gone through the Fellowship to continue to grow and develop with process. It has taught me a great deal not other candidates, Members and Fellows only about general dentistry and clinical of the College practice but also the skills to seek and evaluate the evidence base for providing Dr Farhanna Pethani the most up to date care for my patients. FRACDS(GDP) I am now a much more confident clinician and can use the skills I have obtained for the rest of my career. Dr Mowafaq (Mow) Amso also passed Drs Geoff Borlase and Lara Friedlander his Final Examinations in January 2018. (and all the other lecturers) laid out a very helpful core of ideas at the FEW Dr Amso reflects... and I found that also helpful in directing my study. And of course, the support of Being associated with the College is my regional coordinator, Dr Sarah Ting, a high honour, and Fellowship is the was most valuable. Her encouragement highest academic level of achievement & support were incredibly helpful. My with the Royal Australasian College of advice for anyone considering sitting the Dental Surgeons. Final Exams of the Fellowship pathway: DO IT! It sure has renewed my passion for People become Fellows to establish dentistry and has challenged me to strive themselves as practising to high for excellence every day. standards, following the latest information and technology, practising evidence- The fruit of this achievement is better based dentistry and having leadership oral health for my patients, their families roles in the community. and the wider communities I serve. I lead a group of dental clinics that belong to a The Fono, (Samoan for ‘meeting place’) Pacific non-profit health organization and where I have been working for more than it is often a challenge to provide the latest six years has supported me to study and and greatest in dental care, however, take time off to prepare for my Fellowship. my CEO, Tevita Funaki, is constantly I found the resources and study days reminding me to push harder and strive put together by the College incredibly to provide the best care I can to our helpful. I attended the FEW, did the online patients. Having my Fellowship with the modules, and attended the preparation RACDS is one powerful tool I have to do sessions in Melbourne & Wellington (in just that. person) and Sydney (via teleconference). I found networking very helpful and I Dr Mowafaq (Mow) Amso enjoyed studying with friends over Skype FRACDS(GDP) in the last weeks leading up to the exams. 8 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

Admissions to Fellowship and Membership 1 November 2017 to 28 February 2018 FELLOWSHIP MEMBERSHIP FRACDS(OMS) MRACDS(GDP) MRACDS(Paed) Omar BREIK (VIC) Ali BAKER (New Zealand) Joao Manuel CAMACHO (WA) Adrian Francis DE ANGELIS (VIC) Nirosha Ambika BALASUBRAMANIAM (ACT) Jacquelyn Maree FECHNEY (NSW) Prakash Hasvin PATEL (VIC) Kelsey Jane BARKER (VIC) William Peter FOGARTY (QLD) Jason Paul SAVAGE (VIC) Deborah ELIJAH (ACT) Timothy JOHNSTON (WA) Norman Andrew STANTON (NSW) Hannah Frances GREEN (New Zealand) Victoria Yur' Evna KASHCHUK (QLD) Kristian Paul VAN MOURIK (NSW) Andrew Howing IP (NSW) Kylie Maree PEARCE (QLD) Doreena KUCKREJA (NSW) Soni STEPHEN (NSW) FRACDS(Paed) Jonathan Yin Jun LO (WA) Giselle D'MELLO (VIC) Tafadzwa MABHEJU (SA) MRACDS(Perio) Phillip Tristan MCCLEA (New Zealand) Olivia NOVA (New Zealand) FRACDS(GDP) Nicholas TAFT (QLD) Emily Meredith OWEN (NSW) Hussain E. H. M. ALENEZI (Kuwait) Dushyanti UMAKHANTHAN (VIC) Gregory George PEAKE (ACT) Mowafaq AMSO (New Zealand) Amirhossein ANSARIMEHR (NSW) MRACDS(Endo) MRACDS(Pros) Melissa Joan BENIER (SA) Humza AHMED (NSW) Mohammed Abulrahman ALFARSI Francis CHAN (VIC) John Edward BARBAT (NSW) (Saudi Arabia) Clarence Robert DA CRUZ (NSW) David John BARNARD (NSW) Darryl Bernard BERESFORD (QLD) Darshan Neelakanta DESAI (QLD) Raymond Alan HEFFER (QLD) Per Anders Hugo BLOMBERG (QLD) Rory James DEWHURST (NSW) Quan Van HO (QLD) Alan Mark BROUGHTON (SA) Mohammed Ibrahim El-Sayed EL-HAKIM (WA) Ching Nor Shirley LAI (Hong Kong) David Peter CANTILLON (VIC) Aakriti GOEL (VIC) Michael Tongbang LEE (WA) Chang-Hee CHANG (NSW) Ryan Wei Sen GOH (QLD) Yiu Fai MAK (Hong Kong) Tak Wah CHOW (Hong Kong) Brenna Kate HOLMES (NSW) Hani Jalal Saeed NAOUM (New Zealand) Louis Chi KEI (NSW) Ji Tchung Charlie JONG (VIC) Hitesh Anil NAVANI (VIC) Sarkis NALBANDIAN (NSW) Matthew Hiu Fai KEI (NSW) Edward RUTLEY (QLD) Bradley Gordon SHEPHERD (WA) Mineaki Fung Hou Howard KUMOI SUM Gregory Lawrence TILLEY (VIC) Daniel Jun-Yen TAN (NSW) (Hong Kong) Jonathan LAM (NSW) MRACDS(Orth) MRACDS(DPH) Peter LE (VIC) Adam Kyen CHEN (VIC) Rajvinder Deep Kaur DHALIWAL (VIC) Wai Jean LIM (VIC) Christophe DUIGOU (WA) Priyanka GROVER (NSW) Jiko LUVENI (Fiji) Fiona Alison FIRTH (New Zealand) Esther KRUGER (WA) Zanab Ahmad MALIK (NSW) Matthew Ted Phin FOO (NSW) Santosh Kumar TADAKAMADLA Jennifer Georgina MARTINS (WA) Robert GAN (NSW) (QLD) Nur Awanis MOHAMED ALANG (Malaysia) Howard Damian HOLMES (WA) Arun MOHAN (NSW) William LUONG (QLD) MRACDS(OralMed) Yuen On MOK (Hong Kong) Susan Clare NEEDHAM (VIC) Adil ALKHARUSI (Oman) Farhana OMAR (Malaysia) Jasprit Kaur NIRMAL SINGH (NSW) Sarah Yin Ying CHAW (QLD) Farhana PETHANI (NSW) Haitham OMAR (NSW) Annabelle Lauren Claire SHALDERS (WA) John SAMBEVSKI (NSW) MRACDS(SND) Wan Jiun TAN (Malaysia) Robbie Ezra SCHWARTZ (VIC) Teresa HAYFIELD (QLD) Arun Prabu VELUSAMY (New Zealand) Shiva Bavahni SENATHIRAJAH (WA) Jenny WANG (QLD) Annie Chen TONG (VIC) Dilanga Kushalan WEERAKKODY (NSW) Normah YACOB (Malaysia) Yin Tat Adrian YU (Hong Kong) Dr Warren Shnider Censor-in-Chief COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 9

The Era of the Virtual Patient 24th RACDS HILTON ADELAIDE Convocation 20 - 23 September 2018 Dear College Community, On behalf of the Convocation Committees and the Council, it is my great pleasure to invite you to the 24th Convocation of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons to be held at the Hilton, Adelaide from 20 – 23 September 2018. The 24th Convocation will be held in conjunction with the 3rd Joint Colleges Scientific Meeting (JCSM). We look forward to welcoming our colleagues from The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong and The College of Dental Surgeons, Singapore. This joint meeting initiative is a significant development in collaboration of dental practitioners in the Australasian region. The Scientific Programme is built on the theme ‘The Era of the Virtual Patient’ – we will explore the impact of digital data and the explosion of technology impacting the delivery of dental care across the patients’ life course. The Convocation promises an impressive series of speakers and facilitators alongside evening activities that are sure to be unforgettable. Our Opening Ceremony and President’s Reception will take place within the iconic Adelaide Town Hall, a striking location to welcome new Fellows and Members, and hear Welcome from esteemed colleagues. Our Convocation dinner will be held at the Adelaide Museum. The evening will Invitation be launched with canapés and drinks, followed by a delicious meal showcasing South Australia’s finest produce. We look forward to joining many of our Fellows, Members and Candidates at the Convocation to participate in a first-class scientific program, taste local South Australian delights and catch up with old friends and colleagues. We have carefully selected Adelaide as the destination for this year’s Convocation as not only will we be within close proximity to Victoria Square, the Adelaide Central Market and Rundle Mall shopping precinct, we also have a range of extraordinary experiences to pursue around the Convocation Programme. With destinations such as Barossa Valley, Hahndorf, and Kangaroo Island just a hop, skip and jump away – why not bring your family and make it a trip to remember. I hope to see you there. Dr Patrick Russo President, RACDS 1010 C COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018OLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS HILTON ADELAIDE 20 - 23 September 2018 Six Cutting Edge CASE BASED Masterclasses First come first served: case-based Dr German Gallucci will be sharing All in all, a positive smorgasbord of Masterclasses at the 24th RACDS experiences and ideas around the use of opportunities to discuss, debate and Convocation, 22 September 2018. implants to rehabilitate the edentulous share learnings about how to manage ridge, while Dr Bill Scarfe will use specific those real, common and challenging As we prepare ourselves for our 24th cases to demonstrate the fundamental situations that regularly present in Convocation later this year in Adelaide, concepts and mechanics of CBCT general practice. we are particularly pleased to be able to technology. respond to popular demand by repeating These six Masterclasses will run the very popular Masterclasses we From New Zealand, Dr Erin Mahoney concurrently from 2.00pm – 3.20pm on held at our last Convocation. In Hobart will share ideas on how to help our the afternoon of Saturday 22 September 2016, we introduced the concept of younger, ‘tricky’ little patients through and will be repeated again from small group interactive workshops their journey to good dental health. Dr 3.40pm – 5.00pm to allow participants facilitated by highly respected Sharon Liberali is going to focus on to experience two topics over the members of our College community common clinical challenges managing afternoon. Signing up to participate in as well as international guest speakers. special needs patients: decision making, these Masterclasses (for which there is The feedback was overwhelmingly planning and implementation tailored to no additional cost) needs to be done positive with participants taking the the individual needs of patients requiring via the website when registering for opportunity to discuss and debate more than routine delivery of care. Also the Convocation. As you proceed diagnostic, management and ethical from Adelaide, Dr Dan Farmer, who as through the registration process, you dilemmas across topics ranging from an endodontist plans to cover a number will be invited to select your preferred bleeding disorders to lumps and bumps; of case scenarios addressing the range Masterclasses to ensure your place is orthodontic technologies to complex of treatment strategies available to reserved. To optimise the interactive restorative planning. This year are manage the ‘endodontic emergency’ and intimate nature of these sessions, fortunate enough to have been able patient as effectively and efficiently as places are limited so PLEASE book to harness the expertise of both local possible. Then we have the exceptional now to ensure you are able to attend and international specialists to facilitate periodontist Dr Andre Bendyk focusing the Masterclass of your choice. I hope these case-based discussions. Both of on the decision-making challenges in to see you there, our keynote speakers have agreed to general practice when patients present step down from the lecture dias and with a compromised dentition exhibiting A/Prof Nicky Kilpatrick mingle with registrants in this small advanced periodontal bone loss. RACDS Council Convocation group interactive environment. Organising Committee C COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018OLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 1111

REGIONAL REPORTS WESTERN AUSTRALIA surgeon at Royal Perth Hospital, Princess Dr John Winters is a Fellow of the College Margaret Hospital for Children, and West and a Specialist Paediatric Dentist in Perth On behalf of the Western Australian Perth Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr dividing his time between his solo private Regional Committee of the Royal Ricciardo will be speaking on the topic: practice and Princess Margaret Hospital Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, it “The Presentation and Management of for Children where he is on the Consultant is my esteemed pleasure to report on our Facial Trauma in the Growing Population.” Staff, and is the Chairman of the Dental forthcoming regional activities for 2018. Department. He is a Clinical Associate We will be hosting our new Fellows and Dr Chris Wholley is a Fellow of the College, Professor at the University of Western Members Welcome Function on Thursday the principal orthodontist at Profile Australia and regularly lectures to Medical evening 22 March 2018 at the luxurious Orthodontics and has been a Consultant Students, Dental Students, and Dental surrounds of the Royal Freshwater Orthodontist to the Craniofacial Unit and Therapy/Hygiene students. Bay Yacht Club. The event provides an Cleft Lip Palate Unit at Perth’s Children opportunity for all to meet and greet Hospital over the past ten years. He is a supporter of the volunteer service the newest Fellows and Members to our As part of these multi-professional organisation the Kimberley Dental Team region. We particularly look forward to the teams, he has deployed a range of digital and is a passionate supporter of improving attendance of the K.J. Sutherland Medal technologies to Capture, Fuse, Analysis, access to high quality dental care for the recipient for 2018, Dr Annabelle Shalders, Report (C-FAR) the needs of children, children of Western Australia. He is a lover who was the most outstanding candidate adolescents and young adults who require of scuba diving, cycling, photography in the recent FRACDS Finals Examination correction of face, airway, bite, speech and classical music. Dr John Winters will held in January. As a region, we are (FABS). Dr Wholley will be speaking on the be speaking on the topic: “The Tortuous incredibly proud of her achievement. topic: - “Dento-Facial Growth, Trauma and Journey of a New Children’s Hospital.” Orthodontics.” Our Annual RACDS Scientific Day will be I would encourage every Fellow, Member, held on 29 June at the Pan Pacific Hotel The WA Regional Committee presents and Candidate, to reserve the 29 June in Perth, Western Australia. The program 2018 in your diary, and attend what will be is titled, “Kid's Teeth, Kid’s Trauma and the Kid's Teeth, Kid's an extraordinary day of learning and social Tortuous Journey of a New Kid's Hospital” engagement. Information and registration and features paediatric dentist Professor Trauma and can be sought through our Honorary Monty Duggal from the University of Treasurer, D. Dina Papas, via email at dina@ Singapore as the keynote speaker. He will the Tortuous A number of other events be supported by local speakers: Dr Peter are planned for the second half of the Ricciardo (Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon), Dr Journey of a New year including a Candidates information Chris Wholley (Orthodontist) and Dr John evening to assist those preparing to sit Kid's Hospital celebration. Winters (Paediatric Dentist). examinations and an end of year festive Prof Monty Duggal was a Keynote Speaker at the last ADA Congress in Perth, I would like to acknowledge the tireless and knows first-hand of his encyclopaedic efforts and unwavering commitment of knowledge of the management of the WA Regional Committee Members to dental trauma. In January 2017 he was the continued success of our region. This appointed as Professor in Faculty of group of extraordinary individuals give Dentistry, National University of Singapore. freely of their time, without expectation of Professor Duggal has published over 150 recognition or reward. Dr Peter Gregory is research papers in international journals our Federal Councillor and anyone who and is author of “Restorative Techniques has had the pleasure of working with Peter in Paediatric Dentistry, which has been knows that he is dedicated to excellence, published in 7 languages and has sold and his attention to detail is second to over 16,000 copies worldwide. Apart from SCIENTIFIC none. He is a wonderful example of a Paediatric Dentistry, his main interest is person who has devoted their entire playing and watching cricket and any time career to benefit his chosen profession. spare from work and family is devoted to MEETING this important activity. On behalf of Regional Committee, I would like to wish you and your family all the Dr Peter Ricciardo is an Oral and very best for the new year. I look forward in international masthead journals and 29 June 2018 to continue my service to you. Maxillofacial Surgeon. He has published is a member of the Western Australian Dr Sivabalan Vasudavan Regional Surgical Committee and an Pan Pacific Hotel Chair, WA Regional Committee instructor with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Peter is a consultant 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 12 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

REGIONAL REPORTS NEW SOUTH WALES/ ACT FRACDS and MRACDS programs and The NSW Regional Committee presents social events. After a busy year and positive end to 2017, the summer holidays have given We are currently in the process of ANNUAL us the opportunity to be completely finalising the details of our upcoming refreshed, letting go of the past and events: renewing ourselves for what lies • Annual Dinner ahead. • Primary and Finals exam tutorials DINNER • Scientific day 2019 The NSW Regional Committee hopes that this year we can reach and A recent survey, where almost 200 support a greater number of our people responded, has given us Fellows, Members and Candidates some excellent ideas and a better in the region. We have identified a view of expectations. Thank you to all good number of individuals who who participated in this survey, your have expressed a desire for greater feedback is extremely helpful. Please SAVE THE DATE involvement with the College at a look out for the invitations in the regional level. This is great news as coming weeks. we seek further participation in the 28 July 2018 biennial Scientific Day, mentoring to Dr Peter Mansour candidates enrolled in the RACDS Chair, NSW Regional Committee ASIA On 4 December 2017 the Chairman attended the 198th Congregation of the University of Hong Kong and presented the RACDS 2016-17 prize to Drs CHU Sin-po and KEUNG Chun-yin, for their outstanding performance in the final year of BDS study. The Committee also joined the Examiner dinner after the Primary Exams in Hong Kong on 9 December 2017. Dr. Albert Lee (left) presented a Dr. Pong SM (right) presented a certificate to Dr Michael Botelho certificate to Dr George Pelekos The conjoint Scientific Meeting with (speaker) (speaker) the Hong Kong Prosthetic Dentistry Society was successfully held on 7 January 2018. Dr Michael Botelho presented a lecture on resin bonded fixed prosthesis and Dr George Pelekos presented a lecture on peri-implantitis. Over 90 local dentists attended the meeting and their feedback was very positive. Dr Rony Cho Chair, Asia Regional Committee The Asia Regional Committee and the Examiners after the HK Primary Exams. From L to R: Drs Francis Chau, Albert Lee (Council Member), Suma Sukumar (Examiner), A/Prof Michael Nordstrom (Examiner), Profs Marc Tennant (Examiner), Elizabeth Martin (Registrar), Drs Jason Wong, Rony Cho, CK Lee, A/Prof Edmond Pow and Dr Jerome Yu COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 13

REGIONAL REPORTS SOUTH AUSTRALIA/ Bob Jones – after his long absence VICTORIA/TASMANIA NORTHERN TERRITORY while working interstate. The Vic/Tas Regional Committee had 2018 has started slowly for the usual Fellow, Dr Paul Duke gave a short its first meeting in February laying the reasons of holidays, weather and talk about a new initiative. He would groundwork for an exciting year of energy required to get back to running welcome contact from anyone social and educational events. the practice of dentistry. involved with the College who would like to do some voluntary work Our longstanding Final Year Dental Nevertheless the SA/NT Regional in Tanzania in 2019 or 2020. This Student Tutorial Program will commence on 5 March. This year’s Committee is excited by the initiatives propose trip would involve treating program includes 20 lectures on of Council to move the College the local population who require various dental topics plus case and forward in many aspects. While we urgent extractions and also teaching viva preparation. It aims at providing see this as positive and progressive, local medical persons how to extract extra educational support to final year there are some aspects that require teeth. If you might be interested to get Melbourne and Latrobe University caution and due consideration before involved, please contact RACDS office students. making final decisions. and ask them to send your details to Paul who will then contact you. Our annual dinner will be held on Friday The focus of our SA/NT Committee in 20 July at Woodward Conference 2018 is: The Committee will inform all Fellows Centre. The theme of the dinner • To work on CPD program and Members about our next 2018 presentation is 'Communication'. activities event in April. • To continue to re-establish ties The Vic/Tas Regional Committee continues FRACDS to support with existing RACDS Fellows Dr Dale Gerke candidates at various stages of their and Members. Thankfully Chair, SA Regional Committee journey. Primary Exam candidates will after the huge effort over the be invited to join our Primary Exam last few years by Committee Forum in August which they can members, it seems that locals meet, connect and share experience involved with the College are with past successful and other current starting to reappear at events candidates. The Final Exam Tutorial and we hope this will continue will be held in November to help because without local support candidates preparing for their exam. and involvement the College The committee will also organise a has little meaning or value for meet and greet session for MRACDS the majority candidates so that they can connect • To provide great value to existing Drs Iain K Waddell-Smith, Alan Mann, with other mentors and mentees. Fellows and Members Terry Yuen, Angela Schuurmans, Seerone • To make the RACDS more Anandarajah, Emilija Ports and Sarah Ng Last but not least, we will have our attractive for all dentists to get social drinks towards end of the year to connect with our regional members involved and celebrate collegiality. Our first event for 2018 was FREE Dr Claudia Yung DRINKS and NIBBLES at Melbourne Chair, Vic/Tas Regional Committee Street Wine Cellars and both food (supplied by Vietnamese Cafe 99) and wine were fantastic. Although the NEW ZEALAND weather was extremely hot (which at least allowed us to lose some short Congratulations to Neha Sood of term weight – it was like a sauna!), Auckland, New Zealand on being the social interaction between young one of the 3 winners of the 2017 F and older Fellows and Members was G Christensen Memorial Prize. It is outstanding and enjoyed by all. We wonderful to see a lot of NZ candidates also welcomed many Candidates continuing to sit and pass these tough for the Fellowship and Membership examinations. programs and we feel this was well Drs Seerone Anandarajah, Melissa Benier received and helpful. Dr Melissa (2018 Fellow GDP) and Alan Mann The annual Study Day will be in Benier from SA was successful in her Wellington on 27 October 2018 - more recent FRACDS Final Examination information to follow. and was introduced to the group and Dr Erin Mahoney welcomed. It was also a pleasure to Chair, NZ Regional Committee welcome back long time Fellow – Dr 14 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

Missionary work in Philippines Dr Peter Mansour Photo Above From L to R: Peter’s son, Ethem, Nadia Geagea (Sydney dental therapist), the Mayor of the City, John G Bongat (white shirt), Charbel Toauk (organiser), Peter (wearing head-light) and the rest of the team. Dr Peter Mansour, Chair of NSW Regional Committee travelled to Naga in the Philippines with his wife and son to work with the Missionaries of the Poor. Peter was there for a week in January where he, along with a large team of missionaries, doctors, dentists and nurses from all walks of life, treated over 500 patients a day for extractions, preventative and minor restorative work. Peter shares his story... Nothing could prepare me for this experience. Pain and suffering is all around amongst the poorest of the poor in Naga, Philippines. Thousands of people live in the nearby rubbish dump. The smell is difficult to bear and in the midst of this devastation, you wonder how the slum could possibly be called home. A group of missionaries have made this place on the margins of society, their home. They house orphans, the disabled and the elderly. Volunteers from around the world are invited to help provide food, shelter as well as essential medical and dental services. The need is so great. An endless supply of people flooded into a makeshift dental clinic. We work as hard as we can to help as many people as possible. At the end of the day I realise there is still much work to be done. Dentists from Australia. Dr Sheri Bishara (back right) Dr Matthew I am overwhelmed by their gratitude. Humbled by their El-Azzi (centre right), Dr Peter Mansour (far left) Assistants from strength and resilience. Forever grateful that through my Australia, Charbel Estephan (front right) David Fahl (centre left) practice of dentistry I have been able to have positive Lucy Nigem (left) Local assistants were the brothers from the influence on their lives. Missionaries of the Poor (white robes) COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 15

WHAT’S ON AT THE COLLEGE 2018 RACDS Masterclasses Venue: RACDS 13/37 York St, SYDNEY Friday 11 May 2018 Friday 3 August 2018 Infection Control Medical Emergencies 10:00am - 5:00pm 10:00am - 5:00pm Dr Brendan White Mr Ian Cash Saturday 12 May 2018 Saturday 4 August 2018 Practice Management, Law, Ethics and Risk Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Management 9:00am - 12:00pm 9:00am - 1:00pm Dr John Boucher A/Prof John Dale & Dr Alex Holden Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain and Pain Management 9:00am - 12:00pm TBC To register visit For more information call 1800 688 339 or email Ms Charlotte Anneveld [email protected] 1616 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

2018 Specialist Dental Practice College Examinations Apply now to sit the Membership or Fellowship examination in your speciality. DATE: 20 – 22 August 2018 LOCATION: Sydney APPLICATION: Download the MSDP02 or FSDP01 form from the RACDS website ELIGIBILITY: Refer to page 18 of the SDP Handbook CLOSING DATE: Applications for Assessment of Eligibility must be submitted by 1 April 2018 FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Rachel at [email protected] or on 02 9262 6044 “My decision to complete the MRACDS in Endodontics the year after finishing my DCD was not taken lightly. The oral examinations were amongst the most rigorous I have ever sat. That being said, I felt that preparation for and sitting the MRACDS examination supplemented and helped cement much of my specialist training knowledge. Although not required by AHPRA, I feel the rigours of the process to becoming a Member (and eventually a Fellow) of the College is an integral step in the training to become a specialist in my chosen field. Apart from the benefits of membership such as peer recognition and access to ongoing professional development, I found the examination process itself to be very fulfilling allowing me to revisit my postgraduate cases with fresh eyes. With an additional maturity I learned to discuss and justify my treatment philosophies with some of the most experienced specialists in Australia. I would highly recommend membership to any new specialists.” – Dr James Brichko, MRACDS(Endo) 2017 2018 Conjoint Membership Examinations – Universities Apply now to receive Membership in your speciality without completing a separate examination. Students in their final year of a postgraduate specialist qualifications from the University of Sydney, the University of Western Australia, Otago University or the University of Queensland are eligible to complete their final examination as a conjoint Membership examination. This means that no separate examination is required to receive Membership in a specialist discipline with RACDS. APPLICATION: Download the MSDP03 form from the RACDS website CLOSING DATE: Applications for mid-year conjoint examinations must be submitted by 1 April 2018. Applications for end-of-year examinations must be submitted by 1st September 2018 ELIGIBILITY: Refer to page 19 of the SDP Handbook FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Rachel at [email protected] or on 02 9262 6044 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 1717

THE COLLEGE REMEMBERS... Dr William (Bill) Dixon After DDS graduation, Bill joined the staff Bill joined the Faculty as a part-time lecturer in 1952. He took on the challenge of the Eastman Dental Hospital in London. Suthers Shortly afterwards, he met a student from of developing a course of lectures, the Royal College of Music, Margaret examinations and clinical teaching in the 4 March 1919 - 16 October 2017 Johnson. field of Children’s Dentistry and he formed the Department of Paedodontics, serving Bill returned to Australia in 1948 and as its driving force for 16 years. Margaret followed some six months later. They were married at St Albans church, Bill never specialised, much to the Lindfield, in December 1949 and enjoyed a appreciation of his many adult patients, happy and successful marriage for nearly who received the benefit of his compassion 68 years. They had three sons: Martin and expertise in treatment planning and studied Dentistry and joined Bill in his complex restorative dentistry. His post- practice for several years; Graeme studied graduate training and his experience at Medicine and became Head of Clinical both the Faculty and his practice resulted Genetics in South Australia Health; and in his involvement with the founding of Iain studied Marine Science and became the College. He was an Inaugural Fellow, Professor of Fisheries Oceanography at a tutor in Paediatric dentistry and an UNSW. examiner. He was a great believer in the College and its power for good – and was Bill had a passionate interest in Children’s always very grateful for the opportunity to Bill was born in Brisbane. His early life Dentistry. With a specialist anaesthetist have been a part of it. was rural and simple as his father was an colleague, he set up a facility of controlled, orchardist. The home had no electricity; outpatient general anaesthesia for children, He suffered a deterioration in sight for the he walked to the local one-teacher school, in his rooms in Macquarie Street. Critically, last ten years of Life. He withstood this with a mile each way. He later attended Glen this was with a focus on restorative dentistry his usual stoicism and humour; and died in Innes high school and won a scholarship rather than extractions. He employed his 99th year, after a short illness. to study Dentistry. He graduated with Class stainless steel crowns, pulpotomy/ 2 Honours, but he was too young to be pulpectomy techniques; and was one He is survived by his wife, three sons and granted his licence to practice – and had of the pioneers in various pulp-capping their families, 8 grandchildren and one to wait until his 21st birthday, in March 1940. procedures, with the aim of preserving a great grandson. vital pulp in immature teeth, to encourage After the war, Bill won a scholarship to complete root formation. Dr Martin Suthers (son) North Western University in Chicago, The College is also saddened to hear of joining a group of students – 24 graduates In an era of rampant caries and wholesale the passing of: from 9 countries - to participate in the DDS extraction of deciduous teeth, this was post graduate programme. It was a life- revolutionary at the time and was not changing experience both professionally always greeted kindly by the medical and Dr William Harvey and personally, and one that he always dental professions. Dr James N E Connor treasured. Dr John Reiners AUSTRALIA DAY HONOURS 2018 Appointments to the Order of Australia Professor Laurence Walsh AO confer the highest recognition for Ferny Hills, QLD outstanding achievement and service. We are proud to acknowledge the For distinguished service to dentistry, and to dental science education, as an following from the College community academic and author, to improved health and safety standards, and through who were recognised in the 2018 roles with professional associations. Prof Walsh has contributed to the College Australia Day Honours list. over many years as an Examiner for the Primary Examinations and delivering tutorials to FRACDS candidates. Professor Grant Townsend AM North Adelaide, SA For significant service to dentistry in the field of craniofacial biology, and to dental education through research, teaching and mentoring roles. Prof Townsend has also contributed to the College as an Examiner for the Primary Examinations. 18 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

Follow-up on Mr Eng Kheng the Cambodian farmer The story of Eng Cheng, a farm labourer from Cambodia was told in the August newsletter. Eng had severe Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis, which also affected his father and his brother. Eng had been brought to Australia following assessment by Dr Andrew Cheng and his team in Phnom Penh, in Review of Eng Kheng with Dr Paul Duke The picture shows a small residual February 2017. He was treated at maxillary ridge with no clinical signs of the Ashford private hospital, and gingival fibromatosis returned to Phnom Penh about three weeks later. Eng was reviewed by the same team, including Dr Paul Duke and Cathy and Louise Byrne from the “Walk on Water” fund raising group. Despite the best efforts of Dr Callum Durward, the Dean of the University of Puthisastra, Eng was unable to keep wearing his dentures. He was however, very pleased with a surgical result. He could now walk around in his village and go about his daily activity, without having people \"staring“ at him. On examination, his facial scars Back Row - Sean Ngu (Khmer sight foundation), Dr Andrew Cheng, Dr Nous Sarom were unobtrusive. He certainly [Phnom Penh Plastic Surgeon], Dr Paul Duke. Front Row - Eng Kheng and brother . would no longer attract attention if he was seen in the street. Intra- orally, his mucosa was healthy with no sign of recurrence. He had gained an impressive 5 kg, now weighing in at 42 kg (potential jockey material). It was smiles all around, as he departed, very thankful for the work of Dr Cheng, Cathy and Louise, and also the Cambodian community in Adelaide who looked after him so well. Eng Kheng and family, Louise Byrne Eng Kheng and family farewell and Cathy Byrne (Walk on Water Dr Paul Duke fundraisers) COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 19

RACDS ACADEMIC PRIZE RECIPIENTS The RACDS Academic Prize for high achievement by final year dental students was established in 2003. It is offered at the following Australasian universities: Charles Sturt University, Fiji National University, Griffith University, James Cook University, La Trobe University, National University of Singapore, The University of Adelaide, The University of Hong Kong, The University of Melbourne, The University of Queensland, The University of Sydney, The University of Western Australia and the University of Otago. Dr Mark Bechara and Dr Heather Cameron, Clinical Director, Dr Senuri Amaraweera being presented by Dr Anura School of Dentistry and Health Sciences - Charles Sturt Ariyawardana - James Cook University 2017 University 2017 Dr Chu Sin-po being presented by Dr Rony Cho - The Dr Keung Chun-yin being presented by Dr Rony Cho - The University of Hong Kong 2017 University of Hong Kong 2017 The College congratulates the 2017 academic prize-winners from the University of Otago- • Rebecca Phemister • Bradley Chin • Ariana Horsley C 20 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018OLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 20

SUTHERLAND PRIZE DR ANNABELLE SHALDERS My name is Annabelle Shalders and I completed the Final Examinations in January 2018, after completing the Primary Examinations at the end of 2016. The past two years have been both challenging and rewarding. I graduated from University of Western Australia in 2011 with Honors. I then joined the Royal Australian Navy, and after Officer training for 6 months, began working at a Navy base as a Dental Officer. I gained valuable experience with a high patient load on a larger base and we were always extremely busy. I will always reflect fondly on my time in the Defence Forces, but made the decision to leave (for a short time, as I later returned to the base) and transition into private practice. I feel incredibly privileged in my practice with an excellent team and principle dentist. I was encouraged to progress both my theoretical and practical knowledge and skills by the principle dentist. I currently work private practice, as a Defence contractor and in the hospital dental department. I have always felt the need to continually learn and ask questions, which lead me to wanting to complete the Final Examinations. I opted for the pathway which included the Primary Examinations. Admittedly, the plan was to complete them a little sooner than I did. I felt the Primary Exams cemented some of the pre-clinical learning we were taught in the early stages of our degree, but found it more valuable now with the clinical application evident. Concerned I may lose my momentum, I continued on with Finals the following year. This last year was certainly one of my most challenging, juggling work and study. I am certainly extremely happy that I decided to complete it before life becomes even busier! What I gained from this experience is extensive. The program taught me how to critically evaluate the literature. As a young dentist and associate, it can be challenging to know what is evidence based, and what is opinion or commercially driven. The Finals program gave me an immense increase in my understanding of clinical protocols and management, theoretical knowledge, and emerging evidence, which made me more confident in my daily clinical decisions. Being from Western Australia has always had its challenges professionally, as there is often a requirement to travel and often there is only a small number of candidates sitting the exams. I would like to thank the RACDS-WA Committee for taking time out of their own busy schedules to practice viva voce questions with me. I was very surprised to be awarded the Kenneth J.G. Sutherland Award for 2018. I am glad I persevered and completed my Fellowship. This year, my focus is cementing everything I have learnt into my daily work and becoming an active member of the College. COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018OLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 C 2121

CHRISTENSEN PRIZE DR MATHEEL ZOHAIR YOUSIF ALRAWAS For almost 50 years, the prestigious Christensen prize has What was your motivation to undertake the RACDS been awarded to the candidate with the highest marks Primary Examinations? with outstanding proficiency at the Primary Examination. The main motivation for me was the realisation of the importance of having the highest level of academic achievement as a GDP first, in order to become a specialist one day. The Primary Exam provided me the opportunity to prepare for the Final Examination in order to become a Fellow of RACDS which I also believe is a great platform for obtaining significant depth in knowledge, expertise and up to date development in dentistry advancement and field. USM dental school has also helped me to achieve success. Do you have any tips for candidates who are studying for the RACDS Primary Examinations? It was very stressful at the beginning since the exams are all about the basic sciences. However, once I started reading, revising and working hard, I found there are many different correlations and relevance to the practice as a dentist. I started to enjoy preparing and studying and I began to appreciate filling in the gaps and applications in the basic sciences that I had studied before. In 2017, the examiners were unable to separate the top three candidates’ scores and a decision was made to subsequently Some tips that I could offer include when you study, try award all three the prize, consisting of a College medal and to think that you are not studying just to pass the exam, a monetary award. but also work hard to gain knowledge which will stay with you and guide through the future in your academic and The prize-winners were Dr John Biun of Gunnedah, NSW; professional life. Other advice is to take notes and guidance Dr Neha Sood formerly of Auckland, NZ, now of NSW; and from previous candidates (your seniors) who have passed Dr Matheel Alrawas of Kota Bharu, Malaysia. It is the first the exams before. Analyzing and studying previous years’ time, according to College records, that 3 candidates have exam papers may also help as they will give you some ideas been jointly awarded and also the first time that a candidate of the exams questions. Finally, and last tip is to study in from Malaysia has been awarded the prize. The College groups with at least two people. Best results can be achieved congratulates all of you. if you study the subjects at least once before to have an idea of what you know and what you do not know. It is good Dr Matheel Zohair Yousif Alrawas kindly granted us a to study on your own, but it is much easier to reach perfect short interview to share with our Members: understanding with long lasting memory when you or your Graduating from Baghdad University in 2010, Dr Alrawas’s friends explain it to one another. Hence, you can pass the ambition of becoming a successful dentist in his country examinations well. was thwarted due to the economic crisis and internal warfare. He was unable to take up a scholarship to study What are your plans for the future? in the United Kingdom and began looking for other The Primary Exam was just a step towards a higher opportunities abroad. After research, Dr Alrawas embarked place academically and professionally. My plans are to upon a move to Malaysia to further his studies at the improve myself further and achieve more qualifications Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) leaving behind his wife, as a Prosthodontist. I also plan to work in educational child, family and friends. Dr Alrawas then registered for the institutions, in academia settings, sharing knowledge with FRACDS examinations as part of the Master in Restorative others, especially students in guiding them to be successful Dentistry (Prosthodontics) program. future dentists. What does a typical day at work look like for you? Final words and special thanks to my dear parents and my A typical day for any dentist is working with patients and loving wife, Awrad for what I achieved in the RACDS Primary putting a big smile on their face. As a prosthodontic trainee Exam results - it was because of their support, love and in Baghdad and Ishik universities previously, I shared my caring for our sick child for 7 months. Also, many thanks to knowledge and supported both my students and my all the people who helped me to get this great Christensen colleagues. Prize. 22 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

BRAHAM PEARLMAN AWARD DR KARTIKA KAJAL About Kartika; Kartika always had the desire and Kartika now works with the Ministry determination to make her family of Health and Medical Services as a proud. Born and raised in a small Dental Intern. Kartika says that the town called Ba in the Fiji Islands, ‘RACDS Braham Pearlman Award was Kartika moved to Suva to complete an honour and a strong motivation her tertiary education. She joined the to keep striving to achieve more’. dental department at Fiji National She will continue to pursue further University to embark on a 5 year studies for the betterment of dentistry journey of learning. She says it ‘was and is hoping to see this field grow in a pleasure for the amount of support the islands. Vinaka! and motivation that the staff provided throughout the course’. DR JIKO LUVENI AWARDED FELLOWSHIP Dr Jiko Luveni was recently awarded • Managing the conduct of the In this role, she helped set up the Fellowship (without examination) 1985 Fiji National Dental Health organization, Fiji Network for People of the College for outstanding Survey Living with HIV and AIDS, that played services as a dentist to the Fijian • Organising the tooth brushing an effective role in reducing fear community. She graduated as competition in schools nation- and discrimination against people the first woman dentist from the wide to promote effective tooth living with HIV and AIDS throughout Fiji School of Medicine as well as brushing skills Fiji. Her special target groups from the University of Sydney. She • Conducting a communication reached were the Parliament, Faith served as a dentist in all Divisions in campaign to promote Knowledge, Based Organizations, Great Council Fiji for 20 years. She was also a tutor Attitude and Practice of Family 0f Chiefs, Communities at large and in Public Health Dentistry at the Fiji Planning. schools nation - wide. School of Medicine before she was In 1988, she worked as a Program transferred to the Ministry of Health management Officer for the United Dr. Luveni had a most rewarding Headquarters to represent dentistry Nations Population Fund, for 15 experience working as the Minister in the Primary and Preventative years serving various Pacific island for Health in 2008 and then as Health Services, given her special countries. She took early retirement Minister for Social Welfare, Women interest in Public Health Dentistry. to enable her to focus on providing and Poverty Alleviation prior to the Some of her notable achievements services for Fiji only. General Election in 2014 when she include: was elected as the Speaker for the • Establishing the Oral Health Subsequently, Dr. Luveni worked Parliament of Fiji. This appointment Education Unit with its as the HIV/AIDS Project Officer for marked an important event being preventative programs - 1982 the Ministry of Health for five years. the first female Speaker in Fiji. 23 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018OLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 C 23

COLLEGE CALENDAR 2018 - Education and Examinations Month Date Event 1 Thurs OMS - Closing date for registration for the SST Examination March 2 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close viva voce 9 Fri - 23 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 1 (Week 1-3) Specialist Dental Practice - Closing date for Assessment of Eligibility for Membership and Fellowship by 1 Sun Examination (Sydney) Specialist Dental Practice - Closing date for mid-year university conjoint examinations MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 1 (Week 4-5) April 6 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - viva voce Venue: Sydney 23 Mon - 27 OMS - West Week – Revision Course Fri Venue: Perth 27 Fri OMS - Closing date for Applications for Assessment of Eligibility for the Final Examination 1 Tue Specialist Dental Practice - Enrolments close for College Membership and Fellowship Examinations (Sydney) 4 Fri FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Final Examination Workshop MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Infection Control 11 Fri Venue: Sydney OMS - Closing date for Application for Eligibility for Surgical Training positions for 2019 MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Practice Management, Law, Ethics and Risk Management 12 Sat Venue: Sydney May 18 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments Close Assessment Round 2 Specialist Dental Practice - Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 21 Mon -23 Wed Conjoint M(Orth)/MRACDS(Orth) Venue: Edinburgh 25 Fri - 26 OMS - SST Examination Sat Venue: Prince of Wales Hospital (Sydney) 29 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments Close viva voce Venue: Melbourne 1 Fri - 29 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 2 (5 weeks) 1 Fri - 3 Sun FRACDS(GDP) - Final Exam Workshop (FEW) Venue: Sydney 8 Fri FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Orientation Course June 22 Fri - 29 Fri WBE - Module 1 29 Fri OMS - Closing date for registration for the Final Examination 29 Fri - RACDS - Diploma in Implant Dentistry Course 1 Sun Jul Venue: Sydney 9 Mon - 20 FRACDS(GDP) - Orientation Course - Primary Examination Fri Venue: Sydney OMS - Training program selection interviews for 2019 21 Sat July Venue: Sydney 27 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - viva voce Venue: Sydney 27 Fri - 3 Fri WBE - Module 2 24 COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018

To view the most up-to-date calendar please visit Month Date Event 1 Thurs MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Medical Emergenciesn OMS - Closing date for registration for the SST Examinatio 3 Fri Venue: Sydney March 2 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close viva voce MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 9 Fri - 23 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 1 (Week 1-3) MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Therapeutics in Dentistry, Pain and Pain Management 4 Sat Venue: Sydney August 13 Mon - 14 Specialist Dental Practice - Closing date for Assessment of Eligibility for Membership and Fellowship by OMS - Final Examination – Written Papers 1 Sun Examination (Sydney) Regionally and New Zealand Tue Specialist Dental Practice - Closing date for mid-year university conjoint examinations OMS - Final date for Six-Monthly Formative Assessment Forms and Clinical Training Assessments for be received 15 Wed MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 1 (Week 4-5) by the College for trainees occupying accredited training posts in 2018 April 6 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - viva voce Specialist Dental Practice - SDP College Examinations 20 Mon - 22 Venue: Sydney Wed Venue: Sydney 23 Mon - 27 OMS - West Week – Revision Course Fri Venue: Perth Specialist Dental Practice - Enrolments close University Conjoint Exam 27 Fri OMS - Closing date for Applications for Assessment of Eligibility for the Final Examination Specialist Dental Practice - Enrolments close for 2017 SDP Conjoint examinations including Conjoint 1 Sat M(Orth)/MRACDS(Orth) - Adelaide 1 Tue Specialist Dental Practice - Enrolments close for College Membership and Fellowship Examinations (Sydney) 7 Fri - 8 Sat OMS - Final Examination: Clinical and viva voce FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Final Examination Workshop 4 Fri Venue: Melbourne MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Infection Control September 7 Fri - 14 Fri WBE - Module 3 11 Fri Venue: Sydney FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Primary Examination in HK and USM 14 Fri OMS - Closing date for Application for Eligibility for Surgical Training positions for 2019 MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close Assessment Round 3 MRACDS(GDP) - CPD Masterclass: Practice Management, Law, Ethics and Risk Management 12 Sat 20 Thu - 23 RACDS - 24th Convocation: The Era of the Virtual Patient Venue: Sydney Sun Venue: Adelaide May 18 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments Close Assessment Round 2 28 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 2 (Week 1) Specialist Dental Practice - Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 21 Mon -23 Conjoint M(Orth)/MRACDS(Orth) 5 Fri - 26 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 3 (Weeks 2-5) Wed Venue: Edinburgh 12 Fri FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Primary Examination in Sydney 25 Fri - 26 OMS - SST Examination Sat Venue: Prince of Wales Hospital (Sydney) 19 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close viva voce 19 Fri - 26 MRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments Close viva voce October 29 Fri WBE - Module 4 Venue: Melbourne Fri Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh - Diploma in Implant Dentistry Prep Course 1 Fri - Venue: Sydney 26 Fri 29 Fri MRACDS(GDP) - Assessment Round 2 (5 weeks) Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh - Diploma in Implant Dentistry - Examinations (RACDS) 27 Sat - 28 FRACDS(GDP) - Final Exam Workshop (FEW) 1 Fri - 3 Sun Venue: Sydney Sun Venue: Sydney 8 Fri FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Orientation Course June 9 Fri FRACDS(GDP) - Enrolments close for Final Examination 22 Fri - 29 Fri WBE - Module 1 MRACDS(GDP) - viva voce 16 Fri Venue: Various 29 Fri OMS - Closing date for registration for the Final Examination 26 Mon - 28 FRACDS(GDP) - Primary Exam Written Papers 29 Fri - November Wed RACDS - Diploma in Implant Dentistry Course Venue: Various 1 Sun Jul Venue: Sydney TBC Specialist Dental Practice - Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh Conjoint – M(Orth) / MRACDS(Orth) Venue: Adelaide 9 Mon - 20 FRACDS(GDP) - Orientation Course - Primary Examination Fri Venue: Sydney Specialist Dental Practice - Enrolments Close CDSHK (DPH) Conjoint Examination TBC Venue: Hong Kong OMS - Training program selection interviews for 2019 21 Sat July Venue: Sydney 3 Mon - 5 FRACDS(GDP) - Primary Exam viva voce Venue: Sydney Wed MRACDS(GDP) - viva voce 27 Fri Venue: Sydney December 8 Sat FRACDS(GDP) - Primary Exam viva voce 27 Fri - 3 Fri WBE - Module 2 Venue: Hong Kong FRACDS(GDP) - Primary Exam viva voce 10 Mon Venue: Malaysia 7 Mon - 8 FRACDS(GDP) - Final Exam Written Paper COLLEGE NEWS ISSUE 01 2018 25 January Tues Venue: Various 2019 14 Mon - 16 FRACDS(GDP) - Final Exam viva voce Wed Venue: Sydney

How to register? Please complete the Diploma in Implant Dentistry Orientation Course registration form at and return it to the College. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE 30 April 2018 Course Outline This course will test the candidate’s range of knowledge and understanding that underpins direct patient care. Attributes to be tested include problem-solving, evaluation of evidence, critical reading, communication skills, up-to-date knowledge, understanding and management of all aspects of implant dentistry. The course is a great way to validate your knowledge and skills in implant dentistry and extend your CPD in the subject area. The Orientation course is open to anyone wishing to sit the Diploma in Implant Dentistry Examinations. The course fee is $2,970 incl GST. A 3 day Orientation Course has been developed by Adj A/Prof Richard Chan to prepare candidates to sit the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh examinations for the Diploma in Implant Dentistry. Adj A/Prof Richard W Chan BDS(Syd), MDS (Syd), FRACDS - Course Covenor Richard Chan is a graduate of the University of Sydney and has published in journals and lectured extensively on restorative and implant dentistry in Australia and internationally. For many years he was a fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine (Dental Surgery), College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong (Prosthodontics), Pierre Fauchard Academy and the International College of Dentists. Six more leading experts in the field will provide lectures over the 3 days. Submit Application to sit the RCS Edinburgh Diploma in Implant Dentistry Exam 3 Day 3 parts to be completed: Royal College of Surgeons Orientation Course 1) Application form Edinburgh Diploma in Implant 2) Preparation of log book (min 15 cases) Dentistry Examinations 29 June - 1 July, 2018 3) 4 Case presentations 27 - 28 October 2018 Application submitted by 8 August 2018 to sit the exams in October 2018 For more information visit or contact Caitlin Connolly at [email protected]

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